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Modules and Features of BiznessRoots2 V2

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Web Based Distribution & Supply Chain ERP Solution

Developed by

The Databiz Software ltd

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

“Bizness Roots” is a web-based ERP Solution for Distribution and Supply Chain Management that
increases productivity dramatically with real-time data management; reduces overhead and makes your
business operation smarter, faster and better than ever before.
This solution developed in three tier architecture with front end ASP.NET/C# end & back end Microsoft
SQL server
This book is aimed for learners & users who like to understand and use basic & advanced features of
Bizness Roots, which is covering Sales and Distribution, Secondary sales/order
collection(android),Customer Relationship Management, Inventory, Procurement, Import/Export,
Production Planning, Financial Accounting, Replacement and Warranty, Credit Realization, Promotion
and Campaign, Alert and Notification, Online Web Connectivity, Communication Module, Security
Control, Personnel Management System (PMS), MIS Dashboard.

All the steps are lucidly explained to numerous illustrations explained with commented labels for quick
learning at first glance.
We are sure; this book will be helpful to first time Bizness Roots users.
We welcome your valuable suggestion to make the book more useful.

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Preface.......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Modules and Features of BiznessRoots2 ......................................................................................................... 7
Modules at a glance ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Additional Modules................................................................................................................................................ 7
Sales & Distribution ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Sales ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Delivery Module..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Invoice generation ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Pricing Module ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Target and Achievement ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Credit Management ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Dealer Management .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Customer Login Panel .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Sales Return ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Credit Note........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Product Booking ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Profitability .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Special Features ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Sales & Distribution (Multi Level) ................................................................................................................. 11
Secondary Sales ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Distribution Management System (DMS) ............................................................................................................ 11
Order to Delivery/Challan .................................................................................................................................... 11
Invoicing ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
Indent ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Customer Relationship Management ........................................................................................................... 12
Sales Lead Generation ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Meeting and Communication Management ....................................................................................................... 12
Price Quotation .................................................................................................................................................... 12
Lead to Customer ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Customer Information ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Order Collection Module for Secondary Sales (Android) ............................................................................... 14
Configuration ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Mobile Order Taking ............................................................................................................................................ 14

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Quick View ........................................................................................................................................................... 14

Inventory/Warehousing Module .................................................................................................................. 15
Store Requisition .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Transfer Material ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Stock Adjustment ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Combined Warehousing ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Product Conversion.............................................................................................................................................. 15
Project Inventory (Optional) ................................................................................................................................ 15
Purchase & Procurement ............................................................................................................................. 16
Supplier/Vendor Management ............................................................................................................................ 16
Purchase Requisition............................................................................................................................................ 16
Purchase Order .................................................................................................................................................... 16
Stock In/Material Receiving ................................................................................................................................. 16
Purchase Return................................................................................................................................................... 16
Debit Note ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
Import/Commercial ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Pro-forma Invoice ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Costing ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Others information .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Document Management ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Import Loan (LIM) or Trust Received (TR) ............................................................................................................ 18
Export/Commercial ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Buyer Information and Price Offer ...................................................................................................................... 19
Price offer to buyers ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Order sheet and Pro-forma invoice ...................................................................................................................... 19
Invoice preparation .............................................................................................................................................. 19
L/C Tracking.......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Pricing Strategy (Secured by Administrative authority) ...................................................................................... 19
Export Sales Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Production Planning .................................................................................................................................... 20
Configuration ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Raw materials ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
Work In Progress .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Finished Goods..................................................................................................................................................... 20

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Production Accounting ........................................................................................................................................ 20

Production based Salary ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Financial Accounting System ........................................................................................................................ 21
Journal/Vouchers ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Ledger .................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Trial Balance ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Financial Statements............................................................................................................................................ 21
Budgeting ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Collection ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Payment ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
Cheque Management (Both for Collection and Payment) .................................................................................. 22
Adjustment .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Project Accounting ............................................................................................................................................... 22
Fixed Asset Module .............................................................................................................................................. 22
Replacement and Warranty ......................................................................................................................... 23
Complain Received............................................................................................................................................... 23
Testing.................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Replacement Out/ Servicing ................................................................................................................................ 23
Replaced In........................................................................................................................................................... 23
Customer Delivery ............................................................................................................................................... 24
Customer Support ................................................................................................................................................ 24
Replacement Stock .............................................................................................................................................. 24
Credit Realization ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Installment Management .................................................................................................................................... 25
Credit Adjustment ................................................................................................................................................ 25
Quick Preview ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
Promotion and Campaign ............................................................................................................................ 26
Promotion Setup .................................................................................................................................................. 26
Promotion Impact and Reward ............................................................................................................................ 26
Alert Notification Module ............................................................................................................................ 26
Generic Alerts ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
Custom Alert ........................................................................................................................................................ 26
Online Web Connectivity (CMS) ................................................................................................................... 27
Preset CMS ........................................................................................................................................................... 27

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Custom CMS ......................................................................................................................................................... 27

Communication Module (SMS/Mail/FAX)..................................................................................................... 27
Configuration ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
Communication.................................................................................................................................................... 27
Warranty Based Communication ......................................................................................................................... 27
Security Module .......................................................................................................................................... 28
Generic Security ................................................................................................................................................... 28
Multi-Dimensional Security ................................................................................................................................. 28
Action Specification ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Branch/Location wise Security............................................................................................................................. 28
Ledger wise security............................................................................................................................................. 28
Personnel Management System (PMS) ......................................................................................................... 29
Setup Provision .................................................................................................................................................... 29
Employee General Information ........................................................................................................................... 29
Attendance........................................................................................................................................................... 29
Employee Leave Provision ................................................................................................................................... 30
Employee Salary/Remuneration .......................................................................................................................... 30
MIS Task ............................................................................................................................................................... 30
Service Module ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Service Receiving ................................................................................................................................................. 31
Customer Consent ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Spare Parts ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
Service Delivery.................................................................................................................................................... 31
Engineer Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................ 31
Project Management ................................................................................................................................... 32
Project Setup and configuration .......................................................................................................................... 32
Pre Tender Cost Estimator (Quick Estimation Calculator) ................................................................................... 32
Project Planning ................................................................................................................................................... 32
Time and Action Plan for Sub-events................................................................................................................... 32
Time and Action Planning (Work In Progress) ..................................................................................................... 33
Project Finance .................................................................................................................................................... 33
Resource shipment Management........................................................................................................................ 33
BOQ and BOM ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
Multi-Dimensional Presentation .......................................................................................................................... 34

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Project Accounting ............................................................................................................................................... 34

Business Intelligence ................................................................................................................................... 35
Balanced Score Cards ........................................................................................................................................... 35
Two Dimensional Analysis.................................................................................................................................... 35
Multiple Analysis .................................................................................................................................................. 35
RFID Integration .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Configuration ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
Reader Module .................................................................................................................................................... 35
Business Logic (BL) Unit ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Call Center Management ............................................................................................................................. 36
Setting & Administration ..................................................................................................................................... 36
Call Monitoring .................................................................................................................................................... 36
Automatic call distributor .................................................................................................................................... 36
Call Recording ...................................................................................................................................................... 37
Call Conferencing ................................................................................................................................................. 37
Automatic Screen pop ......................................................................................................................................... 37
Interactive voice response (IVR) .......................................................................................................................... 37
Call Queues .......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Call Control........................................................................................................................................................... 38
Voicemail.............................................................................................................................................................. 38
MIS Reporting ...................................................................................................................................................... 39
Service Contract Module.............................................................................................................................. 40
Service Contract ................................................................................................................................................... 40
Extended Warranty .............................................................................................................................................. 40
Software Subscription .......................................................................................................................................... 40
Our Contact Information.............................................................................................................................. 41

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Modules and Features of BiznessRoots2

Modules at a glance

1. Sales and Distribution

2. Sales and Distribution (Multi-Level)
3. Customer Relationship Management
4. Order Collection Module (Android)
5. Inventory/Warehousing Module
6. Purchase/Procurement
7. Import/Commercial Module
8. Export/Commercial Module
9. Production Planning
10. Financial Accounting
11. Replacement and Warranty
12. Credit Realization
13. Promotion and Campaign
14. Alert and Notification
15. Online Web Connectivity (CMS)
16. Communication Module (SMS/FAX/EMAIL)
17. Security Control
18. Personnel Management System and Payroll (PMS)

Additional Modules

1. Service Module
2. Project Management
3. Business Intelligence
4. RFID Integration
5. Basic Call Center
6. Service Contract Module



Distribution & Supply Chain ERP


Sales &Distribution

 Cash / Credit / On condition sales option

 Hire/ Installment sales
 Point of Sales (POS) system
 Distribution Sales
 Corporate Sales
 Indent for Sales tracking
 Sales order generation against Indent.
 Sales order generation by sales person
 Multiple Price type selection option from Price Module
 Sales order edit option (Price, Quantity, Accessories)
 Approval of sales order provision
 Tracking of all orders and Sales at any time
 Aging of Sales and Collection
 Payment Promise-Date keeping
 Credit limit setting for different dealers
 Facilities of using credit or debit cards
 Invoice Discount or Product Specific Discount
 Tax Provision on Sales

Delivery Module

 Delivery/Challan Option from Sales Order

 Multi-combination Delivery Processing
 Delivery Reporting
 Reconciliation of delivery with Orders
 Delivery Return

Invoice generation

 Auto invoice number generation.

 Serial no entry in the store section
 Auto Invoice Generation and Printout of Customer copy
and Company copy
 Invoice edit option

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Pricing Module

 Product Group and Customer group wise product pricing

 Multi-Level Pricing Types (Quantity Sensitive or Fixed Prices)
 Unlimited Pricing options (Like TP, DP, Retail, Corporate,
Quantity based Price Etc.)
 Price availability from a set of authorized prices (user wise)

Target and Achievement

 Target Setting Options for Sales Person

 Distribution Channel wise Target
 Customer/Dealer wise Target
 Product Group wise or SKU wise Target
 Monthly/ Quarterly/ Yearly Target
 Achievement and Rewards against target

Credit Management

 Credit Limit Setup

 Ledger Limit Option
 Conditional Credit Limit Assign
 Credit Management Log

Dealer Management

 Maintaining Specific Formula for maintaining Dealers

 Dealer Blocking and Unblocking provision for Sales/Replacement
 Controlling Cheque/ Post Dated transaction of Dealer and taking action
against that
 Calculating Specific Credit Collection Average days and Performance
tracking of Dealers
 Monitoring screen and Log
 Provision of Creating VIP Dealer

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Customer Login Panel

 Login for Individual Customer

 Indent from Login (Checking customer credit Limit)
 Product Information and Update
 Raising Support Ticket for Call Center

Sales Return

 Auto Sales Return generation

 Party/Bill wise Sales Return
 Partial or Whole Sales Return Option
 Approval of Sales return
 Ledger Impact as per sale Return.

Credit Note

 Provision of Credit Note issuing against Customer/Party

 Generic Notes or Product Specific Credit Note
 Note issuing restriction/security based on Product Group
 Product Serial Tracking option on credit Note
 Protection of Issuing duplicate note

Product Booking

 Product Booking by authorized Person

 Auto Un-Booking after expiring the booking date
 Booked/Reserved Stock Management


 Overall gross Profit

 Exact/Average gross profit
 Sales performance analysis
 Credit/ Outstanding list 

Special Features

 Reorder Point 
 Reserve Stock (No Point Sales)

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Sales &Distribution (Multi Level)

Secondary Sales

 Configure of Customer for Secondary Sales

 Individual Company Creation and Login Permission for SOs of
Selected Company
 Full Facility ERP Back Office for Distribution Point (DB
 Secondary Sales Order Taking by SO (using Android Phone) of
DB Points
 Instant Net order Generation by the Mother Company/Principal
 PJP (Permanent Journey Plan) setup and Modification

Distribution Management System (DMS)

 Product Group,Subgroup, Brand, Category, SKU Setup

 Multiple Price Setup Provision from Pricing Module
 Individual/Bulk Printing Provision of Orders
 Order Analysis
 Summary Sheet Generation by SO
 SKU Editing Option
 Buffer Ordering and Delivery

Order to Delivery/Challan

 Delivery Slip generation from Multiple/Single

 Delivery Person wise Summary Sheet
 Delivery Protection/Wrong Delivery alert
 Bulk Delivery Slip Printing option
 Delivery Analysis


 Quick Invoicing against Delivery

 Collection amount entering at the time of Invoice
 Auto Collection Sheet Preparation
 Stock Ledger Updating
 Challan Stock Provision and Auto Updating
 Auto Posting to Party Ledger
 Invoice Analysis


 Raising Indent from DB Point

 Auto/Manual Sales Order provision against Indent
 Credit Limit Checking at the time of Indent
 Order and Delivery analysis against Indents

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Customer Relationship Management

Sales Lead Generation

 Sales Lead Source

 Data Import from Excel
 Detail information of Lead
 Mail and Phone Correspondence information
 Lead Management and Reporting
 Industry information
 Lead Status generation (old, New, Serious etc.)
 Lead Monitoring
 Lead export as per Requirement

Meeting and Communication Management

 Meeting with Clients

 Meeting Agenda and Participants
 Inform participants for meeting attendance
 Mail and Phone Correspondence information
 Reporting of meeting and Meeting status
 Customer Communication Log
 Customer Communication Approval and Reporting

Price Quotation

 Price Quotation to Customer

 Corporate Quotation (Considering VAT, AIT, Commission Etc.)
 Follow-up and Amendment
 Sales from Price Quotation

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Lead to Customer

 Creating Customer from lead

 Approval Provision
 Sales Generation From Sales module

Customer Information

 Customer Basic information

 Detail Information (Personal, Business, others)
 Customer’s multiple anniversaries.
 Customer Grouping (Master Re-Seller, Re-Seller and
Individual )
 Customer Grading
 Agreement management
 Customer VAT, TIN, Trade License, Introducer, Seconder,
Reference Information along with Scanned document keeping
 Financial Information (Opening Balance, Credit Limit, Ledger
Limit, credit allowed days etc.)
 Credit Card Information (for regular/repetitive customer)

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Order Collection Module for Secondary Sales


 Configuring Android Mobile (on the basis of DB Points)

 Login Creation for Individual SO
 Auto refresh/Update of Change Information from server at the time
of Login (e.g. Price,SKU,Discount etc.)
 Getting data of Customer from preset PJP
 Additional Order taking Provision without PJP
 Route wise New Customer Setup
 Picture taking Provision of Customer and Synchronization with Server

Mobile Order Taking

 Order taking against assigned customer (route/PJP wise)

 Easy exploring of SKUs and Taking Orders
 Order Summary report at Mobiles
 Promised Payment Terms Entry Provision
 Discount Provision
 Editing Option before Finalization
 Auto Update of Orders to the server
 Low Bandwidth batch Update

Quick View

 Quick View of List of Customer (route wise)

 Quick view of Sales Analysis
 Last 3 Orders of a particular customer
 SKU wise Price Chart

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Inventory/Warehousing Module
Store Requisition

 Store Requisition Management with delivery

 Delivery against Store requisition
 Delivery Note (Challan) of materials from the store/factory

Transfer Material

 Location to location stock transferring provision.

 Transfer Requisition and Delivery against requisition
 Internal stock transfer (Current stock to bad stock, bad to
current etc.)
 Transfer Provision between RMA and Bad Stock

Stock Adjustment

 Inventory Adjustment i.e. stock adjustment

 Inventory value update to Accounting System
(Fully secured and audited)
 Stock Aging

Combined Warehousing

 Inventory update with purchase, return, sales, return etc.

 Inventory update with stock-in, transfer and delivery
 Inventory and stock value entry
 Quick Product searching options
 Warehouse wise reporting
 Multiple Go-down in a single Branch/Location
 Physical Inventory
 Previous or Back Dated Stock Position
 Project wise Previous Dated Stock Position
 Combined Stock Position
 Product Group, Brand and Category wise Stock Position
 Project wise Product Classification (Group, Brand and
 Project wise Product Ledger (Date wise)

Product Conversion

 Product Conversion Matrix Setup (Input output product)

 Batch Conversion
 Advanced searching/Tracking option of product hierarchy (after conversion)

Project Inventory (Optional)

 Project wise Current Stock (Raw Materials) Position

 Project wise Finished Goods
 Consolidate Stock Position

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Purchase & Procurement

Supplier/Vendor Management

 Supplier Setup option 

 Supplier General Information
 Order or requisition to the vendors
 Supplier or Brand wiseproduct setup.
 Supplier selection (based onComparative StatementCS)
 Supplier Ledger

Purchase Requisition
 Purchase requisition fromConcerned department forConsumable or
Salable item
 Requisition Monitoring & Merging
 Requisition Verification and Finalization

Purchase Order
 Purchase order/ Work order generation.
 Goods receiving against PO/WO
 Edit purchase Order / Work order (Password Protected)
 Confirmation/ Approval of Purchase Order (If Needed)

Stock In/MaterialReceiving
 Serial No entry (Individual, Sequence or Bulk entry)
 Bar Code tracking Provision for any product
 Bar Code create provision for any product (If any)
 Auto Serial number generation for non-serial product
 Adjustment provision of Purchase (protected by security password)
 Purchase approval (Security password protected)
 Purchase Cancel (Security password protected)
 Purchase adjustments (protected by security password)
 Provision for Manual purchase/ Direct input provision

Purchase Return

 Auto Purchase Return generation

 Party/Bill wise Purchase Return
 Partial or Whole Purchase Return Option
 Approval of Purchase return
 Ledger Impact as per Purchase Return
 Serial wise Purchase Return

Debit Note

 Provision of Debit Note issuing Supplier

 Generic Notes or Product Specific Debit Note
 Product Serial Tracking option on Debit Note

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Pro-forma Invoice

 Entering PI and Vendor Information 

 Editing options of PI 
 Person responsible for the amendment 
 Keeping figures in USD and Local
currency 
 Master Pi Option
 Official PI and Tax Invoice
 Cost-able and Non Cost-able Item
 Buffer Merchandise Costing
 Sea and Air Shipment Specific PI
 Part Shipment
 PI Amendment


 Instant costing of Import

 Cost allocation to different products
 based on the costing method provided 
 Allocation of freight charge based on
the weight/ CBM ratio 
 Allocation of other costs based on
value ratio 
 Allocation of Bank and Other
Financial Charges
 Allocation of Mark-up/Forecasted Profit

Others information

 Freight information
o Auto Calculation of Freight and BL
o AWB Status Information
 Bank Information
o Auto Bank Calculation based on the Bank Expense setup
o Provisionary Calculation of Bank Charges and editing option 
 Insurance information
o Auto Insurance charge Calculation and reconciliation with
Insurance Company
o different Insurance Perils declaration

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

 Other charges information
o Calculation of other charges
o Multi-Dimensional Charges Setup
 Tax and Port information 
o Calculation based on the Tax Authority of Bangladesh Customs
o Instant Preview option of Tax

Document Management

 Provision of Keeping all the relevant Document

Scan copy
 Browsing and Searching of Scanned Document
 Direct Mailing of Document to specified target 

Import Loan (LIM) or Trust Received (TR)

 Provision of LIM Accounts / LTR Accounts

 Provision of LIM/ LTR Stock
 Direct import without LIM or LTR
 Principal’s Information
 LIM/LTR work sheet

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Buyer Information and Price Offer

 Setting up Different Buyers

 Buyer Detail Information with Export Policy
 Country Specific Settings of Buyer

Price offer to buyers

 Price offer generation for different Clients

 Description of items including image(If needed)
 Different price quotation facility to different buyers

Order sheet and Pro-forma invoice

 Provision of making order from an existing Price

Offer Invoice preparation
 Order Entry into the System
 Auto generation of order Sheet and Proforma  Auto Commercial Invoice preparation from
Invoice (PI) Approved PI
 Modification or revision of PI and facility to make  Packing List Preparation
a revised order sheet  Item Tracking in Sales (Group/ Order wise)
 Time tracking of revisions and the person revising
the order

L/C Tracking

 LC DocumentsPreparation
 LC Tracker
 GSP, EXP or B/L Preparation
 Bank document Preparation
 Commercial Invoice and Packing List tracking along with L/C’s
 Auto reminder/prompting of L/C expiry date

Pricing Strategy (Secured by Administrative authority)

 Fixed or user defined pricing

 Different pricing for different buyers, agents or dealers
 Price-change tracker with graphical presentation
 Markup or any other pricing integration (If needed)

Export Sales Analysis

 Sales Analysis
 A/C Receivable against Buyers/ Agents
 Order wise sales tracking
 Buyer wise sales information
 Item wise sales high to low
 Buyer and item wise sales revenue
 Budgeting from previous sales information
 Auto reminder of Expected time of delivery
 Profit trend of a particular group or item

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Production Planning

 Setup production process

 Production chain or sub chain
 Raw Materials and Finished Goods
 Ratio Assigning Option
 Production Wastage Control
 Bach wise production

Raw materials

 Requisition for Receiving Raw Materials

 Receiving raw materials and Storing it to RM Store
 Requisition for RM to the Production Floor
 Distribution of raw materials to Work in Progress/ Processing
 Costing of material

Work In Progress

 Processing in different section

 Value addition in each step (Product quantity wise overhead
 Costing at every phase: raw materials, Work in Progress etc.
 Wastage Control

Finished Goods

 Tracking of finished goods

 Tracking of Finished goods with actual costing
 Finishing and packaging tracker with additional value calculation

Production Accounting

 Balance Sheet Impact of Production

 Automated Voucher Generation to the Financial Accounting
 Management (Cost) Accounting for Production

Production based Salary

 Integration of PMS Module in Production Based Salary (Optional)

 Production Shift Control of Workers

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Financial Accounting System


 Journalizing Transaction
 Voucher entry (Debit/Credit/Journal)
 Multiple Voucher Types (Receipt, Payment and Transfer
 Voucher Splitting according to Project
 Voucher Edit Provision (Protected by password)
 Batch or individual posting facilities of vouchers
 Posting tracker (tracking of date, time or user posted)
 Auto Posting from all operational Module


 Flexible Chart of Accounts wise Ledger

 Ledger Specific Security
 Ledger entry, edit, view and update

Trial Balance

 Trial balance report for any particular date

 Accounts Trial Balance Report with different analysis
 Adjusted Trial Balance Provision

Financial Statements

 Bank Book
 Cash Book
 Day book
 Balance Sheet
 Profit & Loss Statement
 Cash/Fund Flow Statement


 Expense Budget
 Revenue Budget
 Budget and Variance

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP


 Collection by cash, cheque, credit card,

 P.O, D.D, TT, Credit Cards etc.
 Dues/Credit tracking and aging of dues if necessary
(Accounts Receivable)
 Cheque In and Out tracking
 PostdatedCheque Handling
 Customer Analysis from cheque History


 Payment Group And Process Input

 Payment Tracking Of Vendors
 Type of Payment (LC Payment/ Credit Note/Direct Payment)
 Previous Or Back Dated Payment Provision
 Approval Option For Payment (Password Protected)

Cheque Management (Both for Collection and Payment)

 Provision of Sending Cheque to Bank

 Auto reconciliation with Bank statement
 Provision of Dishonoring/Retuning cheques
 Provision of again placing of cheque for dishonored cheque
 Cheque Honoring and Receivable settlement
 Cheque Encashment


 Party Ledger Adjustment

 Approval Provision of Adjustment (Batch or Individual)

Project Accounting

 Project wise Item Costing

 Project Ledger
 Project Transaction
 Project wise Delivery and Receive
 Project Profitability

Fixed Asset Module

 Assign Depreciation Methods (Straight Line/Double Declining

 Depreciation Calendar
 Auto Voucher posting from Depreciation Module

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Replacement and Warranty

Complain Received

 Receiving complain from clients and RMA No provision 

 Auto reminder of warranty period 
  Detail report of complain received 
 Auto complain received voucher 
 Approval of Complain received 
 Complain Received cancel 


 Testing activities of clients’ complains 

 Approval of Testing 
 Product status positioning 

Replacement Out/ Servicing

  Auto replacement out to Supplier

 Tracking warranty period 
 Approval of Replacement Out/servicing 
 Replacement out cancel option 

Replaced In

 Tracking product after replacement 

 Auto generating replaced-in Voucher 
  Approval of Replacement In 
 Replacement In cancel option
 Adjustment Provision 

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Customer Delivery

 Tracking delivery to customer 

 Auto customer delivery slip 
 Delivery from Current stock, RMA stock, Bad stock etc
 Approval of Customer Delivery 
 Customer Delivery Cancel option 

Customer Support

 Maintaining history of customer support

 Different ledger of customer payment (against RMA) or service bill 
 Different or combined RMA ledger
 Replacement Receivables Accounting and Combined/Specific
 Pending Delivery Accounting and Combined/Specific Analysis

Replacement Stock

 Separate Replacement Stock Provision

 Combined or Specific analysis of Replacement Stock
 Adjustment of Replacement Stock

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Credit Realization
Installment Management

 Auto Money Receipt Generate Option

 Collection against particular Sales Invoice or
Advance Sales
 Collection against specific Installment.
 Different Collection Type, Collected Amount Entry
 Collection Approval Option
 Prepare Collection Schedule against Invoices
 Multiple Receipt Position against installment
 Installment Reminder
 Cash Inflow from Installment
 Interest Calculation on Installment Defaulting

Credit Adjustment

 Adjustment provision of any particular Installment

 Merging or Splitting existing installment and auto-update
up to Financial Accounting
 New Installment Generation from Sales Adjustment

Quick Preview

 Quick Preview of Installment schedule

 Collection Progress against Installment(s) against a particular Customer/Invoice
 Handling of Multiple Invoice Installment of the same Customer

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Promotion and Campaign

Promotion Setup

 Declaring specific Promotion and Output
 Dealer Specific Promotion
 Promotional Prices
 Promotional Discounts
 Item Specific, Category wise, Brand wise Promotion

Promotion Impact and Reward

 Calculating Performance of
Customer/Dealer against specific
 Instant benefit in Invoice
 Periodical Benefit Calculation
 Credit Note Issuing

Alert Notification Module

Generic Alerts

 Customer Anniversary
 Due Installment
 Defaulted Installment
 Pending Approval
 Cheque Treatment Alert
 Reorder level alert
 No point of sales alert

Custom Alert

 Specific And Routine Event Alerts

 Customized Alert Setup

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Online Web Connectivity (CMS)

Preset CMS

 Connectivity of Website with Transactional

 Product Profile and Price Information
 Order taking from Website
Custom CMS

 Connectivity with Custom CMS/Website

 Middle Tier Service Generation
 Mobile Interfacing

Communication Module (SMS/Mail/FAX)


 Mail server configuration

 Letter Template
 Message Template
 Email Template


 Communication Through SMS,

Email and Surface Mail
 Template For Emails, SMS &
Surface Mails Setup
 Mass Email & SMS Options
 Email Attachment Options
 Selection Criteria: Employees,
Resellers, Clients
 Event Triggered SMS
 Event Triggered Email

Warranty Based Communication

 Item identification for Warranty

 Product warranty verification through SMS.
 Product Warranty tracking through SMS & Card No.

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Security Module
Generic Security

 Three levels of user Creation

 Preset or Customized Role Creation
Provision 

 New User Creation and Role setting
 Specific authority setting on users 
 Logon and logout information of user
 Password Management of Users 
 Unauthorized user Intention Protection

Multi-Dimensional Security

 Menu level security permission 
 Applying database and OS security
 Audit Trail on required events 

Action Specification

 Add, Edit, Delete Action Timeline Setting

 Action wise Audit

Branch/Location wise Security

 Branch/Location wise User login

 Empowering specific user

Ledger wise security

 Assigning Access of Financial ledger to specific users

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Personnel Management System (PMS)

Setup Provision

 Individual Payroll Company Setup Provision

 Company’s Calendar Setup Provision
 Company’s own policy wise weekly Holiday setup
 Weekly & Half Holiday’s setup (With different Color
shows in calendar)
 Set up Provision of
o Employee Status
o Salary Scale Setup
 Employee attendance & Leave policy setup Provision
 Office Start & End Time setup Provision
 Different type of Employee leaves policy
o (Earned Leave, Sick Leave, Casual Leave &
Others Leave) setup Provision
 Company policy wise Employee Setup (Office In/out time
fix time) provision
 Employee Allowance Setup Provision
 Employee Department setup provision
 Employee ID Card Generate Provision through Software

Employee General Information

 Employee ID Information
 List of Employee (all & type wise)
 History (Name, Sex, Address, Contact etc.)
 Family background
 Spouse and dependent information
 Employee Professional Experience tracking
 Academic record Keeping provision
 Employee ID wise searching facilities
 Employee Name (First Name, Middle Name or Last
Name) wise searching provision
 Left Employee Tracking Provision


 Employee Entry and Exit Provision through

Employee Card, Biometrics or Mobile Attendance
(Through Mobile Device)
 Employee In & Out Tracking (During Office
Time(Lunch Break))
 Employee Overtime Tracking
 Manual attendance Entry (Password Protected)
 Time tracker at more than one Entrance
 Overtime Calculation

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Employee Leave Provision

 Auto Leave ID generate option

 Employee Leave Application Generate Provision
 Type of Leave (Earned Leave, Sick Leave, Casual Leave & Others Leave)
o Wise Day’s Setup Provision
 Leave Application Edit Provision
 Leave Application Confirmation Provision (Password Protected)
 Balance Forwarding Provision

Employee Salary/Remuneration

 Employee ID wise Monthly Pay slips Generate Provision

 Department wise Monthly Employee Pay Slip Printing Option
 Auto Monthly Salary/Remuneration (Including or Excluding Bonus) generate Provision
 Probation Period Employee’s Salary Generate Provision
 Salary Advance Provision (Employee wise)
 Employee Salary Adjustment Provision
 Salary Increment Provision

MIS Task

 Employee’s Promotion. Increment, Bonus Module

 Promoted Employee’s Salary’s Scale Change &
Effective date setup Provision
 Salary Increment (Amount in Tk or % Format)
 Department wise Salary Sheet (Monthly) generate

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Service Module
Service Receiving

 Receiving Service Request

 Auto reminder of warranty period 
 Detail Monitoring of Incoming Service
 Service Request Approval
 Edit/Cancellation of Service Request

Customer Consent

 Taking consent from Customer about Budget

 Updating Customer about delivery date/time 

Spare Parts

 Spare Parts Management

 Adding or removing spare into a service request
 Spare Requisition
 Spare Stock and Store Management
 Spare Parts Valuation

Service Delivery

 Tracking delivery to customer 

 Auto customer delivery slip
 Adjustment Provision of Spare parts
 Service Collection

Engineer Monitoring

 Assigning task to Engineer

 Measuring Performance against task assigned
 Setting Benchmark of each task and making performance matrix

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Project Management
Project Setup and configuration

 Project detail setup

 Task segregation
 Man Power segregation
 Task wise Material & Service pricing
 Event and Sub event Configuration
 Successor and Predecessor event
 Required days calculation of each event from Project Start Date
 Required days calculation of each event from Project End Date
 Provision for keeping Slack time

Pre Tender Cost Estimator (Quick Estimation Calculator)

 Task wise Parameter define

 Project Type wise parameter allocation Formula
 Impact on total costing (+,-,*,/ etc.)
 Pre Tender MIS

Project Planning

 Time Planning
 Gant Chart
 CP Chart
 Resource Allocation
 Cost Planning/Estimation for Material
 Cost Planning/Estimation for Labor/Resource
 Cost Planning/Estimation for Overhead

Time and Action Plan for Sub-events

 Time and Action Planning for Sub-Event

 Controlling of Sub-events Action Plan separately

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Time and Action Planning (Work In Progress)

 Defining Activities(Events) and Time plan for those

 Activity Progress Entry (with % of work Done)
 Provision for keeping Slack time
 Time and Action Graph
 Time and Action Templates (for Events and Sub-events
 Gantt Chart with Progress
 Multi-dimensional Analysis

Integration with Procurement Module

 Procurement based on Action Planning

 Controlling against Budgeted action

Project Finance

 Work event wise finance management

 Recourse wise financing
 Cross match with budget & Finance
 Budget & Finance variance analysis

Resource shipment Management

 Requisition for recourse

 Recourse allocation against the requisition
 Cross project recourse shifting requisition
 Cross project recourse allocation
 Project wise recourse effort time tracking
 Recourse management reporting

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP


 Work/event Volume wise material costing, service charge or other expense entry
 Work/event Volume wise Labor charge calculation
 Ratio and Non-Ratio product calculation
 Flexibility of assigning Budget according to Custom structure
 Templates option for first time entry
 BOQ and BOM

Multi-Dimensional Presentation

 Comparative statement of Budgeted and Actual

 Forecasting of Materials and Labor/Resource based on budget
 Date/Time Range wise easy worksheet preparation

Project Accounting

 Project wise accounts opening allocation

 Project wise assets management
 Project based capital, Owners Equity and Others
 Project wise vouchering (Debit, Credit, Contra and
 Project wise ledger, cash book, bank book etc.
 Project wise financial Reporting
 Multiple project maintenance under a single SBU
and Department


 Task Monitoring
 Task Wise Progress Entry
 Progress Monitoring
 Project & task base invoicing
 Quotation/Tender Management
 Work Order Detail

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Business Intelligence
Balanced Score Cards

 Balance Score Cards and analysis

 Hyperlinking from Score Card
 Performance Indicator Indexing

Two Dimensional Analysis

 Runtime reporting
 Column and Row Drag-Dropping option
 Data Export to Excel

Multiple Analysis

 Business Growth Analysis

 Product/Item Analysis
 Expense Analysis
 Sales Analysis

RFID Integration

 Configuration of RFID Readers

 Configuration of RFID Writers
 Multi-Port/Serial RFID

Reader Module

 Inserting Data from Reader

 Validation at the preliminary Level based on some settings
 Multithreaded Reading and Processing
 Logging of Data
 Delivering Data to the Business Login (BL) Unit

Business Logic (BL) Unit

 Auto Inserting Data from Reader Module

 Multi-Threaded Operation
 Validation based on some preset settings
 Sending data to Sales and Distribution and Warehousing Module
 Data Processing Log
 Day End Process for clearing Raw Data (Data Dumping)

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Call Center Management

Setting & Administration

 Customer profile setup

 Phone No., Location, Product, Service etc. wise Customer Setup
 Brand, Category, Types, Weight, SKU etc. wise product Setup
 General information, Service, Specialize, sector, Customer etc.
wise Employee setup
 Customer’s image insert
 Product, service, agent’s etc. image insert
 Language setup

Call Monitoring

 Call Monitor by Supervisor

 Quality Monitoring
 Listen to any call by supervisor
 Supervise Live calls

Automatic call distributor

 Automatically Distribute calls

 Agent will be assigned automatically
 Expertise wise call Distribute
 Free agent gets call first
 On queue when all agents are busy

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Call Recording

 Record all calls

 Customer, Service, Product, Agent etc. wise call recording
 Inbound & Out bound both call recording
 Listen call recording any time
 Pause & Resume recording
 Maintain regulatory compliance
 MIS call recording reports generation
 Advanced searching criteria for listening call recording

Call Conferencing

 Add multiple agent

 Call conference for supervise
 Whispering advice mode of conference calls
 Call transfer by call conference
 Whisper coaching

Automatic Screen pop

 Automatically show customer information in pop up window

 Previous service record
 Contact History
 Call action select from Pop up screen

Interactive voice response (IVR)

 Configure a personalized IVR message and

 Use Prerecorded IVR Messages
 Collect Information about callers
 Automate Customer Support
 Route the caller to right agent
 Thrive with high call volumes

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Call Queues

 Call Queue status

 Queue transfer
 Voice mail option
 Queue wait limit

Call Control

 Enterprise level Functionality (Hold, Mute, Pause, cancel, answer etc.)

 Call redial, call transfer
 Call forward & Remarks
 Click to call
 Predictive Dialer
 Abandoned call history & Redial


 Custom Greetings setup

 Voice mail setting
 Voicemail transcription
 Voicemail notification
 Voicemail Assignment to agent
 Voicemail metrics

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

MIS Reporting

 Inbound Call Reporting Such as Total Calls, Answered Calls, Missed Calls, Abandoned Calls, Voicemails,
Completed Calls, Service Level, Wait Time, Average Abandonment Time and Call Duration.
 Outbound Call Reporting Such as Total Calls, Missed Calls, Abandoned While Transferring, Total Duration,

AverageDuration and Longest Duration.

 Agent Reports such as Total Calls, Total Duration, Average Speed to Answer, Total Inbound Calls, Answered Calls
and Total Outbound Calls.
 Customer wise reporting such as Total Calls, Service Level, Waiting Queue, Total Wait Time, Average Wait Time,
Longest Wait Time, Average Abandonment Time, Answered Calls and Total Duration.
 Recorded calls, volume of Recorded calls etc.

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Service Contract Module

Service Contract

 Service Contract Agreement

 Renewal and Termination
 Invoice Generation

Extended Warranty

 Extended warranty agreement

 Time of taking service
 Renewal and Termination

Software Subscription

 Periodic payment
 Renewal and Termination

Distribution & Supply Chain ERP

Our Contact Information

Corporate office:
House #163 (level 4), Road -3
Mohakhali, New DOHS
Email :
Web :
Phone : (+880) 2 9855232
Mobile : (+880) 1701292451


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