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Kuis Imun Seluler 2

1. Match the following innate immune system cell types with their function: Macrophages
a. Phagocytosis and bacteriocidal mechanisms, antigen presentation
b. Lysis of some virally infected cells
c. Killing parasites
d. Release of histamine and other mediators
e. Phagocytosis and bacteriocidal mechanisms
2. Which of the following types of antigen presenting cells (APCs) has immunoglobulin that
functions as a receptor, then the antigen is internalized, degraded, and presented to T cells?
a. Macrophage
b. Dendritic cell
c. B cell
3. Which of the following is a glycoprotein expressed on the surface of T helper cells, regulatory
T cells, monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells?
a. Cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4+)
b. Cluster of differentiation 8 (CD8+)
c. Plasma cells (activated B cells)
4. An individual is bitten by a dog with rabies and begins to develop antibodies against the
rabies. These antibodies are harvested and transferred to unimmunized individuals to confer
protection more rapidly for these individuals. This is an example of:
a. Active immunity
b. Passive immunity
c. Feedback
5. Match the following innate immune system cell types with their function: Natural killer cells
a. Phagocytosis and bacteriocidal mechanisms, antigen presentation
b. Lysis of some virally infected cells
c. Killing parasites
d. Release of histamine and other mediators
e. Phagocytosis and bacteriocidal mechanisms
6. Match the following innate immune system cell types with their function: Tissue mast cells
a. Phagocytosis and bacteriocidal mechanisms, antigen presentation
b. Lysis of some virally infected cells
c. Killing parasites
d. Release of histamine and other mediators
e. Phagocytosis and bacteriocidal mechanisms
7. Antigen presenting cells (APCs) include macrophages and dendritic cells, which are found in
lymphoid tissues and the____. These are critical in the uptake and presentation of antigen to T
a. Liver
b. Kidney
c. Skin
d. Feedback
8. Match the following innate immune system cell types with their function: Eosinophils
a. Phagocytosis and bacteriocidal mechanisms, antigen presentation
b. Lysis of some virally infected cells
c. Killing parasites
d. Release of histamine and other mediators
e. Phagocytosis and bacteriocidal mechanisms
9. Match the following innate immune system cell types with their function: Neutrophils
a. Phagocytosis and bacteriocidal mechanisms, antigen presentation
b. Lysis of some virally infected cells
c. Killing parasites
d. Release of histamine and other mediators
e. Phagocytosis and bacteriocidal mechanisms
10. Humoral immunity is mediated by antibodies from____ and is involved in the elimination
of____ pathogens. Cell mediated immunity is mediated by____ and is involved in the
elimination of____ pathogens.
a. B lymphocytes; Intracellular; T lymphocytes; Extracellular
b. B lymphocytes; Extracellular; T lymphocytes; Intracellular
c. T lymphocytes; Intracellular; B lymphocytes; Extracellular
d. T lymphocytes; Extracellular; B lymphocytes; Intracellular
11. Which of the following types of antigen presenting cells (APCs) is specialized for degradation
and presentation of particulate antigens to T cells?
a. Macrophage
b. Dendritic cell
c. B cell
12. Which of the following is a transmembrane glycoprotein that serves as a co-receptor for the T
cell receptor (TCR), and is also known as a cytotoxic T cell (CTL)?
a. Cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4+)
b. Cluster of differentiation 8 (CD8+)
c. Plasma cells (activated B cells)
13. Which of the following is NOT a major feature (characteristic) of the adaptive immune
a. Specificity
b. Diversity
c. Memory
d. Improvement
e. Speed
14. Which of the following types of antigen presenting cells (APCs) is critical in uptake and
presentation of antigen to T cells?
a. Macrophage
b. Dendritic cell
c. B cell
15. Which of the following produce large amounts of antibodies (IGs) and differentiate upon
stimulation from CD4+ cells?
a. Cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4+)
b. Cluster of differentiation 8 (CD8+)
c. Plasma cells (activated B cells)
16. In a resting lymphocyte, B cells and T cells can be distinguished from each other via a simple
blood smear
a. True
b. False
Kuis imunologi sel imun Natural dan Adaptif
1. Mark the correct role of cytosolic T-cells
a. Help in B-cell activation
b. Produce cytotoxin
c. Proliferate T-cell
d. Kill the target cell
2. Name the group of pattern recognition molecules which functions exclusively as a signaling
a. CRP
b. Toll-like receptor
c. MBL
d. LPS
3. Monocytes move from the systemic circulatory system into general connective tissues, where
they differentiate into what phagocytic cell type
a. Macrophage
b. T cell
c. B cell
d. Neutrophil
4. Name the major constituents of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte
a. Lysozyme
b. Lymph
c. Protein
d. Perforin and granzyme
5. Innate immunity present since birth and it has no memory
a. True
6. Which of the following cell types of the innate immune system doesnt perform phagocytosis
a. Neutrophils
b. Basophils
c. Macrophages
d. Eosinophils
7. Which of the following compounds is NOT found in tears
a. Lysozyme
b. Lactoferin
c. IgA
d. IgE
8. What is the meaning of thymus independent B-cell activation
a. Without the participation of T-cell
b. Do not mature in the thymus
c. Thymus would not take part in its activation
d. Affinity maturation takes place in the thymus
9. NK cells can kill their target even in the absence of antigen
a. True
b. False
10. Name the cell which receives antigen presented by MHC molecule
a. Nk cells
b. B-cells
c. T-cells
d. Macrophages
11. Name the molecule which constitutively expressed on the dendritic cell?
a. Class I MHC
b. Class II MHC
c. APC
d. Antigen
12. Which of the following is responsible for B-cell activation
a. Infection
b. Antibody
c. Antigen
d. Allergy
13. The ability of an organism to resist infections by the pathogens is called
a. Infection
b. Hypersensitivity
c. Immunity
d. Allergy
14. Name the cytokines which released in response to virus infection
a. Interferons
b. Monokines
c. Lymphokines
d. Interleukins
15. Name the syndrome occurs in children due to deficiency of the thymus
a. Acromegaly
b. Gigantism
c. Cushing syndrome
d. DiGeorge syndrome
16. Which of these produces and secretes antibodies in the body
a. bacteria
b. plasma cell
c. red blood cell
d. virus
e. both A and D
17. Which of the following cell is a multipotent cell
a. T-cell
b. B-cell
c. HSC
d. Monocytes
18. Which of these are non-professional antigen presenting cells?
a. Macrophages
b. Dendritic cells
c. Fibroblast
d. B lymphocytes
19. Which of these cell types can play a primary role in attacking and killing cancer cells
a. red blood cell
b. cytotoxic T cell
c. platelet
d. mast cell
20. What is the origin of B-cell -> harusnya Bone marrow
a. Pancreas, b. Liver, c. Thymus
21. Which of the following is NOT polymorphonuclear leukocytes
a. Eosinophils
b. Mast cell
c. Macrophages
d. Basophils
Kuis Kompelen
1. Several of the complement components are
a. Antibodies
b. Cytokines
c. Enzymes
d. Glycolipids
e. Hormones
2. The initial complement component that is bound by complement-fixing antibodies is
a. C1q
b. C1s
c. C3b
d. C5a
e. C9
3. One principal function of complement is to
a. Bind antibodies attached to cell surfaces and to lyse these cells
b. cross link allergens
c. inactivate perforins
d. mediate the release of histamine
e. phagocytize antigens
4. This complement is the C5 convertase of the Classical Pathway
a. C5b-9
b. C4b2aC3b
c. C4b2a
d. C3bBb
e. C5
5. A complement component which is strongly chemotactic for neutrophils is
a. C3
b. C3b
c. C5a
d. C5b
e. C9
6. The major role of the complement system is to work in conjunction with
a. antibodies to lyse cells via the C8 and C9 component
b. antibodies to lyse cells via the perforin molecules
c. antibodies to opsonize cells
d. the major histocompatibility complex for cell recognition
e. the T-cell receptor for production of lymphokines
7. Your patient is a 20-year-old woman who complains of swellings on her arms and legs and a
feeling of fullness in her throat that makes it difficult to breath. The swellings are not red, hot,
or tender. You suspect she may have angioedema caused by a complement abnormality. Of
the following, which one is the most likely explanation? Discuss
a. She has too little C1 inhibitor
b. She has too little C3b
c. She has too little factor B
d. She has too much C5a
e. She has too much C9
8. The classical and alternative pathways meet at complement component
a. C3
b. C4
c. C4b
d. C5
e. Factor D
9. Regarding the complement pathway, which one of the following is the most accurate
a. C3 convertase protects normal cells from lysis by complement
b. C3a is a decay-accelerating factor and causes the rapid decay and death of bacteria
c. In general, gram-positive bacteria are more likely to be killed by complement than gram-
negative bacteria
d. The membrane attack complex is formed as a result of activation of the classic pathway
but not by activation of the alternative pathway
e. The first time a person is exposed to a microorganism, the alternative pathway of
complement is more likely to be activated than the classic pathway
10. Of the following, which one is the most important function of the complex formed by
complement components C5b,6,7,8,9
a. To enhance antibody production
b. To inhibit immune complex formation
c. To opsonize viruses
d. To perforate bacterial cell membranes
e. To release histamine from mast cells
11. Of the following complement components, which one is the most important opsonin
a. C1
b. C3a
c. C3b
d. C5a
e. C5b
12. Of the following complement components, which one is the most potent in attracting
neutrophils to the site of infection (i.e., acting as a chemokine)
a. C1
b. C2
c. C3b
d. C5a
e. Mannan-binding lectin
13. A deficiency of which one of the following complement components predisposes to
bacteremia caused by members of the genus Neisseria
a. C1
b. C3b
c. C5a
d. C5b
e. C5b,6,7,8,9
14. The complement activation pathway that is activated by Antigen-antibody complexes is
a. Classical pathway
b. Alternative pathway
c. Lectin pathway
Kuis Imunologi Sistem Imun dan Organ Limfoid 2021
1. Jaringan tempat maturasi sel limfosit T adalah
a. limpa
b. timus
c. sumsum tulang
d. nodul limfe
e. peyer patch
2. Yang termasuk system imun alamiah seluler:
a. sel NK
b. antibody
c. komplemen
d. sitokin
e. sel T
3. Mana yang bukan termasuk organ limfoid sekunder
a. limpa
b. timus
c. tonsil
d. nodul limfe
e. peyer patch
4. Sel yang memusnahkan antigennya melalui enzim perforin dan granzyme adalah :
a. sel NK
b. sel makrofag
c. sel B
d. sel dendritic
e. sel neutrofil
5. Bagian antibodi tempat mengikat antigen adalah

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
6. Yang bukan termasuk sifat system imun alamiah :
a. respon cepat
b. reseptornya TLR
c. ada sel memori
d. sudah ada sejak lahir
7. Mana dari sel ini yang termasuk sel fagosit alamiah?
a. sel NK
b. basophil
c. makrofag
d. eosinophil
e. sel B
8. Yang termasuk organ limfoid primer adalah:
a. limpa
b. spleen
c. sumsum tulang
d. nodul limfe
e. peyer patch
9. Monosit dari sirkulasi darah dan kemudian berdiam dijaringan tertentu dan berdiferensiasi
menjadi sel fagosit disebut :
a. Makrofag
b. Neutrofil
c. sel B
d. sel T
e. sel dendritic
10. Yang termasuk organ limfoid sekunder dan banyak terdapat disaluran pencernaan adalah
a. limpa
b. timus
c. sumsum tulang
d. nodul limfe
e. peyer patch
11. jaringan tempat maturasi sel limfosit B adalah
a. limpa
b. timus
c. sumsum tulang
d. nodul limfe
e. peyer patch
12. Imunitas adaptif yang bersifat terlarut adalah :
a. komplemen
b. sitokin
c. antibody
d. makrofag
e. t helper

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