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Exercises For Calculus 1, Chapter 2 - Differentiation: (Friday Class)

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Exercises for Calculus 1, Chapter 2 – Differentiation (Friday class)

1. If a ball is thrown upwards on the moon with a velocity of 10 m/s, its height in meters after t seconds is
given by y = 10t – 0.83t2. a) Find the average velocity over the time interval [4, 4.4].
b) Let vh be the average velocity over the time interval [4, 4 + h]. Write down an expression for vh .
c) By evaluating lim vh , find the instantaneous velocity at t = 4.
h 0
d) Use differentiation to confirm your value for the instantaneous velocity at t = 4.
2. Figure 1 (below) shows displacement – time graphs of two moving objects, A and B. Which object is
moving faster a) at time t = 4? b) at time t = 12? c) Which object has the greater average velocity over the
period [0,14]? Explain your answers.
3. The table below shows the number of branches N of a popular coffee shop, as counted on 1 January each
year. a) Find the slope of the secant line joining (2010, 70) and (2016, 1110) on the graph of N(t), including
its units. What does this number represent? b) Estimate the value of and explain its meaning.
dt t 2014
Year, t 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
N 70 157 279 443 625 851 1110
4. Figure 2 (below) shows the graph of function g.
a) Arrange the following values in order, from least to greatest: g'(-5), g '(-3), g '(-2), g '(0), g '(3).
b) State, with reasons, the values of x at which g is i) discontinuous, ii) not differentiable.
s (m)
Fig.2 g

t (s)
d 3
5. Use the definition of the derivative (slide 18) to prove that ( x )  3x 2 .
 1
6. Given f ( x)   x sin x x  0 , determine whether or not f '(0) exists.
 0 x0
7. Given f ( x)  x 4  27 x 3 x  , evaluate f (1), f (1) and f (1).
8. Find the equations of the tangent and the normal to the curve y = x3 – 6x + 5 at the point x = 2.
9. Figure 3 shows the graphs of functions f and g. a) If u(x) = f(x)/g(x), find u(2). b) If v = f  f, find v'(4).

10. Differentiate: a) y  x 2 sin x , b) y 

cos x
x x
, c) y  x3  1 , d) y 
(1  3x) 4  
, e) y  tan 2  2 ,

f) f ( x)  1 
, (a is a constant), g)  
x 2
y  xe1 , 2 3 x
h) y  x e sin(2 x ) .

11. Find the second derivative of a) f ( x)  tan(2 x) , b) g ( x)  exp(a / x) , c) x(t )  32t .

12. Find the 43th derivative of y = sin kx where k is a constant.
13. Given f ( x)  | x 2  1| , a) find f (x), b) are there any points at which f(x) is non-differentiable? Explain.
sin( x)
14. Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y  at x = 1.
1 x
15. Find a function f and a number a such that the given limit represents f '(a), and thus evaluate the limit:
a) lim sin x  1 2 , b) lim 32  h  2 .

x 6 x   6 h0 h
Dr Janet Page 1 of 2 Semester 1, 2019/20 F
16. Suppose the cost (in dollars) to produce x pairs of jeans is C ( x)  800  2 x  0.02 x 2  0.0001x3 .
a) Find the marginal cost function. b) Find C(100). c) Show that C(100) is approximately equal to the
difference in cost between producing 100 and 101 pairs of jeans.
17. If a cylindrical tank holds 1000 m3 of water and can be drained from the bottom in twenty minutes, the

 
volume V of water (in m3) remaining in the tank after t minutes is V (t )  1000 1  t , 0  t  20.
a) What is the physical significance of V (t ) ? What are its units? b) Evaluate V (5) and V (15) .
c) On 0  t  20 , when is water draining out of the tank fastest? slowest? Explain your answers.
18. The population of a bacteria culture satisfies the equation  kp [1] where p(t) is the number of
bacteria at time t (measured in hours) and k is a constant.
a) Show that the function p(t )  p0ekt , where p0 is any constant, satisfies equation [1].
b) Suppose that after 2 hours, there are 400 bacteria and after 6 hours there are 10,000. (i) Find the initial
population p0, (ii) When will the population reach 100,000?
19. For a damped harmonic oscillator, the displacement s at time t is s(t )  Aet cos(t   ) where A,
 are constants. Find an expression for the velocity.
20. A particle moves vertically in such a way that its height at time t is h(t )  14 t 3  3t 2  9t , t  0.
a) Find the velocity and acceleration functions.
b) When is the particle moving upwards? When is it moving downwards?
c) Find the change in displacement of the particle between time t = 0 and t = 4.
d) Find the total distance travelled by the particle in the time interval 0  t  4 .
a) x3  y 2  y 4  7 x , b) xy  1  e
2 x y
21. Use implicit differentiation to find dy/dx: .
22. Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve x x  y  8  xy at the point (4, 0).
23. If x 2  y 2  1 , show that d 2y   13 .
dx y
24. Suppose g is the inverse function of the differentiable function f, and that the graph y = f(x) passes through
the point (3, 2) and has slope m = 5 there. Find the value of dg/dx at x = 2.
25. Given f(x) = 1 + x + ex, calculate (f -1)(2).
26. a) Prove that d (arctan x)  1 . b) Prove that d (cos 1 x )   1 . c) Differentiate y  x arcsin .
dx 1 x 2
dx a a2  x2 3
27. Find the second derivative of g(x) = cos x.
28. Differentiate a) y = 5 ln(2x3 +1), b) f ( x)  log10 ( x  3) , c) y  ln(ln x) .

29. Use logarithmic differentiation to find the derivative of a) y 

x e x ( x3  1)7 , x2
b) u ( x)  x .
( x2 1)( x2  2)
30. Given f ( x)  , find f (2) .
( x2 1)( x2  2)
31. a) Find the linearization of f ( x)  at a = 1. b) Use your linearization to find approximate values
(2  x)2
of f(1.1) and f(1.01). c) Find the percentage error in your answers.
32. Use a linear approximation to find the approximate value of 101 .
33. Given y  3  x2 , a) find the differential dy, b) evaluate dy for x = 1, dx = 0.1.
34. The edge of a cube is measured to have length x cm with a possible error of 1%. Use differentials to estimate
the maximum possible percentage error in calculating a) the volume of the cube, b) the surface area of the

Dr Janet Page 2 of 2 Semester 1, 2019/20 F

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