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Dereje Bogale

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A case study on Hilton and Radisson Blu international chain hotels

In Addis Ababa



ID NO. SGS/0012/2005

JUNE, 2014

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014

A case study on Hilton and Radisson Blu international chain hotels

Addis Ababa





JUNE, 2014

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014






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Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014
Table of Contents

Page No
Acknowledgements ……………………………………….……..Viii
List Of Acronyms ………………………………….…………….Ix
List Of Tables ………………………………………….…….…. X
List Of Figures ……………………………………….………… Xi
Abstract ………………………………………………..……….. Xii
Chapter One - Introduction………………………………………. 1
1.1 Background of the Study……………………………………………1
1.2 Statement of the Problem………………………………………… 3
1.2.1 Research questions………………………………………………4
1.3 Objectives of the Study……………………………………………. 5
1.3.1 General objectives……………………………………… 5
1.3.2 Specific objectives………………………………………. 5
1.4 Definitions of terms…………………….……………….. 5
1.5 Significance of the Study…………………………………….7
1.6 Scope of the study…………………………………………. 8
1.7 Organization of the Research Report…….………………. 8
Chapter Two - Review of Related Literature …………………….... 10
2.1 Introduction………………………………………………………. 10
2.2 Definition of the Hotel………………………………………………11
2.3 Importance of hotels……………………………………………….. 12
2.4 Classification of Hotels in Ethiopia……………………………….. 12
2.5 Star rating system………………………………………………….. 12
2.6 Market Study for Star Rated Hotels……………………….……… 13
2.7 Service Delivery................................................................................ 14
2.8 General Remarks………………………………………………. 14
2.9 Arrivals of tourist at national borders comparing Ethiopia with
neighbouring country………………………………………. 15

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014
2.10 Types of Hotels……………………………………………….. 17
2.11 The Hotel as a Total Market Concept........................................ 19
2.12 Demand Analysis………………………………………………..23

2.13 Empirical Studies……………………………………..........

Chapter Three- Research Design And Methodology………….…… 29
3.1 Introduction…………………………………………………. 29
3.2 Research Methodology…………………………………………….. 29
3.3 Sample Design…………………………………………………….. 30
3.4 Sources of Data and Target Population……………………………. 31
3.5 Method of Data Collection and Data Collection Tools………. 33
3.6 Sample size………………………………………………………….34
3.7 Type of Measurement Scales………………………………………..36
3.8 Method of Data Analysis Techniques……………………………… 36

3.9 Ethical Considerations………………………………………… 36

Chapter Four -Data Analysis and Interpretation…………..……

4.1 Introduction………………………………………………………… 37
Part – 1.................................................................................................. 38
4.2 Demographic and Characteristics of Respondents……..........…… 38
4.3 Gender of Room guest respondents……………………………….. 38
4.4 Age of Room Guest Respondents…………………………………. 38
4.5 Room Guest Respondents Purpose of Visits………………………. 38
4.6 Education Level of Room Guest Respondents…………………….. 38
4.7 Data Analysis on Method of Reservation……............................… 40
4.8 Data Analysis on Reasons for Choosing the Hotel………………… 41
4.9 Customers Frequency of Visiting the Hotel……………………….. 42
4.10 Guest Willingness to Revisit the Hotel………………………….43
Part – 2.................................................................................................... 44
4.11 Customer Satisfaction Factors in the Understudy Hotels Room
Guests………………………………..……………………. 44
4.12 Overall Impression of Guest experience of the hotel…………. 48
4.13 Over all guest experience with the associates of under study
hotels…………………………………………………………. 50
Part – 3..................................................................................................... 51

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014
4.14 Data Analysis on Questionnaire of Travelling Agent
Representative Experience in Under Study Hotels…………….51
4.14.1 Travel Agency General Opinion of Customer Service Agent
and Reservation Representatives………………………..…… 52

4.14.2. Travel Agency Relationship with Customer Service Agent and

Reservation…………………………………………………………….. 53
Part – 4.................................................................................................... 54
4.15 Data Analysis on Questionnaire of Company Coordinator /
Representative Experience in Under Study Hotels………………… 54
4.15.1 Company Representatives / Coordinators General Opinion…… 55
4.15.2 Company Representatives / Coordinators Relationship with
Hotels CSA and Reservation Representative………………………….. 56
Part – 5.................................................................................................... 58
4.16 Questionnaires on the Supplier Experience at the Understudy
Hotels………………………………………………………………. 58
4.16.1 Number of Years the supplier working with the understudy
hotels………………………………………………………….. 58
4.16.2 The Amount of Components or Material Types the Suppliers
Supply to the Understudy Hotels………………………………………. 58
4.16.3 Supplier Satisfaction Data In Terms of Collaboration with the
4.16.4 Responsiveness of the Understudy Hotels to the Suppliers…….. 61
4.16.5 Timely Payment of the Understudy Hotels to the Suppliers…… 62
Chapter – Five Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations……. 64
5.1 Summary of Findings…………………………………………… 64
5.2 Conclusions………………………………………………………… 67
5.3 Recommendations…………………………………………………. 68
References……………………………………………………………… 70
Appendix I
Appendix II

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014

First and foremost I thank the Almighty GOD who makes all things possible by granting me the
strength, health, courage and inspiration for all my achievements.
I know that this project was not my individual achievement, but the result of many people to
whom I will be forever grateful. Of those, it is with much appreciation that I thank my thesis
advisor Dr.Abdulerasak Mohamed for his commitment and devotion while providing me
timely responses and academic guidance throughout the completion of this project.
I also wish to thank my lovely Children YaredandFreselam, because it was not always easy
sacrificing your weekends and holidays while I was busy with the study. Thanks to both of you
for your endless love and support while I chase my dream. You may think that this
accomplishment was a result of my hard work, but in reality it is the result of our hard work. I
love you and thank you so much.
My sincere gratitude also goes to my best friend Dr.MelakuGirmaI cannot thank you enough
for the unwavering support and encouragement you have provided to me. The successful
completion of this thesis would not have been possible without the support and cooperation of
you. I am indebted to all the People who, in spite of being busy, were generous with their time
and enthusiasm regarding the research, and who participated in the questionnaires and
interviews supplied very valuable information.

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014

GSTS – Guest Satisfaction Tracking System

SALT – Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking

NGO – Non Governmental Organization

UNWTO – United Nation World Tourism Organization

MOCT – Ministry of Culture and Tourism

SPSS – Statistical Package Social Science

FO – Front Office

CSA – Customer Service Agent

INSEE - National institute of statistics and economic studies

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014
List of Tables
Table 2.2 Existing Hotel Capacity Projected and Unsatisfied Demand 13
Table 2.2 Arrivals of tourist at national borders………………………………..…….. 15
Table: 3.1 Distribution of questionnaires …………………………………………… 34
Table: 3.2 Likert scale………………………………………………………………. 36

Table: 4.1 Frequency of total guest room respondents……………………….……. 37

Table: 4.2 Gender of the respondents……………………………………………….. 38
Table: 4.3 Ages of Room Guest Respondents……………………………………….. 39
Table: 4.4 Frequency of Room Guest Respondent‟s Purpose of Visits……………... 39
Table: 4.5 Education level of the respondents………………………………………. 40
Table: 4.6 Method of reservation……………………………………………………. 41
Table: 4.7 Reasons for choosing the hotel…………………………………………… 41
Table: 4.8 Frequency of visiting the hotel…………………………………………… 42
Table: 4.9 Guest Willingness to Revisit the Hotel…………………………………... 43
Table: 4.10 Guest satisfaction factors……………………………………………........ 44
Table: 4.11 Overall Impression of Guest Experience of the Hotel…………………… 48
Table: 4.12 Guest Experience with Associates of the Hotels………………………… 50
Table: 4.13 Travel Agency general opinion about under study hotels……………….. 52
Table: 4.14 Travel agency relationship with customer service agent and reservation…. 53
Table: 4.15 Company representatives / coordinators general opinion ……………….. 55
Table: 4.16 56
Company representatives / coordinators general opinion………………...
Table: 4.17 Suppliers service year with the hotels……………………………………. 58
Table: 4.18 The amount of supplied items to the hotels………………………………. 58
Table: 4.19 Supplier satisfaction data in terms of collaboration …………………….. 60
Table: 4.20 Responsiveness of the understudy Hotels………………….………….. 61

Table: 4.21 Timely payment of the understudy hotels to the suppliers……….……… 62

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014
List of Figures

Figure: 2.1 Display The Elements Which Constitute The Total Hotel Concept……. 20
Figure 2.2 Shows Why Do Guests Select The Hotel……………………………… 24

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014

The primary objective of this research is to perform comparative analysis on opportunities and
challenges of international chain hotels in Addis Ababa. Among three international chain
hotels in Addis Ababa my research takes two of them Addis Ababa Hilton and Radisson Blu
international chain hotels rated as star 5 with a room capacity of 372 and 202 consecutively.
The reason of my choice was Hilton hotel is the first international chain hotel in Ethiopia
started in 1969 GC and Radisson Blu hotel is the recent international chain hotel in Ethiopia in
2011 GC this 42 years gap between them helps to make comparative analysis in the
development of service delivery of hotel industry. For the purpose of this study data was
collected from 105 room Guests’, 5 travel agency, 9 company representatives and 5 suppliers
of Hilton and 54 Room Guests’ 5 travel agency, 7 company representatives and 5 suppliers of
Radisson blu hotel, through self-administered questionnaire using non-probabilistic purposive
sampling design. And semi- structured interview performed with ten different department heads
of both hotels and government officials. The research result shows that Hilton international
chain hotel of Addis Ababa was mentioned the hotel rooms are in need of renovations and the
customer service agents and Reservation representative’s service quality is poor so that needs
improvement. The main important comment about Radisson blu international chain hotel of
Addis Ababa was that there is need for extending parking because there are no enough parking
lots. Even though the hotel was constructed lately according to accreditation of international
standard adopted by Ethiopia ministry of culture and tourism does not incorporate some of the
amenities such as children ply ground, enough parking lots, swimming pool, shops and ground
tennis. According to the analysis of findings when the government allocate location for
establishments of new hotels they must consider the hotels star rating and the area required to
fulfil facilities and amenities to meet customer expectations.

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014
Chapter One


1.1 Background of the Study

Evidence of hotels and hospitality industry has been recorded as far back as biblical times
when Marry and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem during the census. As the bible depicts, Mary
and Joseph were refused accommodations because there was no room at the inn. Since the
beginning of time, people have travelled for commerce, Religion, family visit, health,
immigration, education, and recreation. As cited by Texas Tech University in 2008 the
word “hospitality” came from the Latin root meaning host. The university further noted
that the first hotels were nothing more than private homes opened to the public. Most
unfortunately, they had poor reputations. Under the influence of the Roman Empire, inns
and hotels began catering to the pleasure traveller in an effort to encourage visitors.
The first inn located in America was recorded in the year 1607 and lead the way with many
other first in the hospitality industry. The publicity held hotels (the city hotel) opened in
New York in 1792. The first modern hotel (The Tremont) opened in Boston in 1809 and
the first business hotel (The Buffalo Statler) opened in 1908. From there a surge of hotels
flooded America and the rest of the world with prominent names such as Radisson, Marriot
and Hilton Hotels (Texas Tech University, 2008).
As far as the Ethiopian case is concerned, Ethiopians have a culture to well-come and
entertain their guests free of charge. As their guests came into their homes, they will tell
him to feels as if he is at home. They have a habit of sharing what they have free of charge.
Hotel development started at the reign of Imperil Minilik the Second. During the time the
feudal lords and church leaders who came to Imperil Minilik for different administrative
issues were given a guest house called „‟ye-ingdamarefia‟‟ where he was allowed to stay
for a week and has to leave the place for the other after a week. If the guest was from
abroad he was handed over a letter written from Imperil Minilik to anyone in the nation so
that the guest has to be provided all the necessary food requirements for himself, his
servants and cattle freely, which was latter ordered to be on changed and to be purchased
Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
by his own money. Upon the expansion of Imperil Minilik‟s reign and increased foreign
relation, it became difficult for EtageTaitu (Minilik‟s wife, political, economic and social
advisor), to welcome all the guests under the usual circumstances. As the political,
economic, and social significance of Addis Ababa increased, EtageTaitu built the first
modern hotel namely EtageTaitu Hotel in Addis Ababa in 1907 E.C.

The hotel actually faced different problems due to lack of strong and experienced
administration, colonial expansion, and poor culture of the people where eating outside of
own home was assumed as if it is shameful act and the hotel is still struggling for survival.
But Imperil Minilik, the ruler of the time, one day invited feudal lords and his political
appointees that he was inviting them a dinner in EtageTaitu‟s hotel and they accepted the
invitation. On the second day he told them that in the developed world if one invites today,
the other party will invite on the next day and if not it is the shameful act and the feudal
lords responded that they were willing to invite their king, but they were afraid that he may
refuse their invitation and there on they used to invite each other and the act was even
considered as the mode of modernization. The increased relation of Imperil Minilik with
the external world and the opening of Addis –Djibuti rail road put a significant role on
hotel development in Ethiopia. Later on as Addis Ababa became a center for economic,
social, and political significant city, the situation demanded the significance of other
competitive hotels during the regime of emperor Hailsellase many hotels are established as
Ethiopia Hotel,Ras hotel, Gion hotel, Hilton Hotel, and WabiShebele hotel. Following
these during the socialist revolution of the Derge regime all private investments are owned
by the government and collapse investment needs in Ethiopia. Because of this there are no
establishments of new hotels until 1976 E.C. and the end of 1976 E.C the government
announces mixed economy to attract investments in the country and following this many
hotels are established such as Yordanos, Ibex, Central Shewa, Ararat, Eyerusalem, Axsum,
Atlas, Debredamo, Plaza, Central Venu and Emperial hotels. After the fall of the Derge
regime because of the economic police change to free economy in the federal republic of
Ethiopian government administration many other star rated hotels and basic level hotels are
established such as:- Sheraton, Intercontinental, Harmony, Jupiter, Elele, Ambassador,

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
Radisson Blu etc. Hotels subsequently established (Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 2009
& 2013).
Hotel and tourism business is one of the focal areas of Ethiopian government from the
intension of maximizing national income from hotel accommodations and tourist fees. The
primary causes of attractions are the historic heritages, natural attraction sites of northern
and southern regions of the country with their unique characteristics are abundantly found
in the country. Besides these the capital of the country Addis Ababa is the seat of most
international organizations and some others are still opening their offices in the city.
Because of this the institutions conduct local and international meetings, symposiums, and
forums which created a huge demand for accommodations that meet international standard.
Since the hotel industry can create job opportunities for so-called blue collar workers, the
development of the hotel industry‟s benefit is not only the tourism sector but also poverty
reduction. The international hotel classification system is adopted in Ethiopia and hotels
are classified into categories with stars from one to five and hotels without stars. Hotels
without star are the largest category which includes all hotels below the international
standards and Eco-tourism lodges. Hotels which are below the star category, but
nevertheless, provide acceptable service will be classified as “Basic Level Hotels.” In order
to make comparative analysis on the international chain hotels with the aim of examining
star rated accreditation standards available in the Hilton and Radisson Blu hotels (Ministry
of Culture and Tourism, 2013).

1.2 Statement of The Problem

There is untapped tourism potential in Ethiopia with investment opportunities in hotel. The
capital city Addis Ababa is a diplomatic capital of Africa as it hosts AU, UNECA, UNDP,
more than 100 embassies and other diplomatic missions, major African transportation hub,
hub of the Ethiopian economy , transport systems and different region cultural heritages are
the opportunities for hotel business. The comparative advantage of tourism can often aid

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
developing nations in earning foreign exchange more rapidly and with less difficulty than
would be true for products (Debbage 1998).

In order to make these opportunities viable the government gives special attention by
stating its vision. “The long term vision of the government is to make Ethiopia one of the
top ten tourist destinations in Africa by year 2020”. (Source: - “Ethiopian ministry of
culture and tourism”, 2008). Following these recently many star rated and basic level hotels
are built in the city by adopting the international hotel classification system in Ethiopia. So
that ministry of culture and tourism sets standards of tourism services competence
accreditation for star rated hotels. Accordingly hotel industries have high impact in
achieving this target by fulfilling this accreditation of star rated standards. But the fact is
that the investors request license from investment office to build star rated hotel he wishes
where he found lands and finished construction and finally consult the tourism office to get
tax free equipment‟s to use the government policies of encouraging the investment. There
is no anyway of evaluation that checks the tourism service competence accreditation star
rated hotels until know. This gives a chance for hotel owners to rate themselves as they
wish to have stars without fulfilling the requirements. So that this comparative analysis will
be performed against the international standards of Ethiopian tourism accreditation service
competence of star rated international hotels standards in Hilton and Radisson Blu
international chain hotels. At the same time to identify the opportunities and challenges in
the service delivery of Hilton and Radisson Blu hotels in their daily business process.
Finally to compare with MOCT adopted international accreditation standards and based on
analysis give feed back to the concerned parties to take corrective measures to the
standards and to prepare ground rules for new entrants to the hotel industry and to find out
the routes to be followed before the constructions of the hotels performed.

1.2.1 Research questions

1. Are the understudy hotels fulfilling the adopted international accreditation of star
rated hotels standards by Ethiopian ministry of culture and tourism?
2. What are the opportunities and challenges in service delivery of Hilton and
Radisson Blu hotels?
Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
3. What are the understudy hotels difference and similarities?
4. Is there any outcome or experience from the under study hotels that will be used for
new entrants to the hotel business in Addis Ababa?
5. What factors are influencing service delivery of the understudy hotels?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General objectives

To perform comparative analysis in service delivery and to find out the areas of
opportunities and challenges in Addis Ababa Hilton and Radisson Blue international chain
hotels and checks according to star rated accreditation based on that to make them to
develop a recognized brand consistent to all over the world.

1.3.2 Specific objectives

To determine international star rated standards of Addis Ababa Hilton and

Radisson blue hotels.
To find out opportunities and challenges faced by the understudy hotels.
To determine the factors those are influencing service delivery of hotels.
To forward research results to hotels management and tourism service
accreditation office.

1.4 Definitions of terms

1.4.1 Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is a broad category of fields within the service industry that
includes lodging, restaurants, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, and
additional fields within the tourism industry. The hospitality industry is a several billion

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
dollar industry that mostly depends on the availability of leisure time and disposable
income. A hospitality unit such as a restaurant, hotel, or even an amusement park consists
of multiple groups such as facility maintenance, direct operations (servers, housekeepers,
porters, kitchen workers, bartenders, etc.), management, marketing, and human
resources.(Daniel G. Bieber, 2011; Ralf Meurer,2011; Thomas Surmann, and Nora Rassek,

1.4.2. Chain Hotels

Chain hotels are defined as all hotels under the ensign of a hotel group, whatever their legal
status might be (subsidiaries, franchises...). The vast majority of chain hotels have an
official tourism approval. However, some of the hotels under a given chain name may not
be approved, either because the group has not made an application or because of specific
local characteristics. (Source: INSEE: national institute of statistics and economic studies)

1.4.3. Star Rated Hotels

The star rating system for hotels and restaurants was established in the 1950s by an oil
company that also published travel guides. Other rating systems have come on the scene
since then. There are also ratings seen on the Internet today that have been done by
consumers and are based on subjective personal opinions. The original system is objective
and uses the same standards every year (Susan miller, 1990). The star ratings system is
internationally recognized as the yard stick for a hotel's overall quality. However, what one
country may regard as a 3-star venue will be a 2-star in another, and vice versa. While there
is no international standard that hotels across the world subscribe to, the stars all pertain to
a hotel's level of service, facilities, rooms, location and price.

1.4.4. Basic Level Hotels

Hotels which are below the star category, but nevertheless, provide acceptable service will
be classified as “Basic Level Hotels.” (Ministry of Culture and Tourism)

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
1.4.5. Tourism Industry

Tourism is the act of travel for the purposes of leisure, pleasure or business, and the
provision of services for this act.
There are two important components that make up tourism:
1. The practice of travelling for pleasure.
2. The business of providing tours and services

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study entitled as “Comparative Analysis on service delivery of Hilton and

Radisson Blu International Chain Hotels in Addis Ababa “is keen to contribute
scientific research to hospitality industry of our country by collecting specific data from
Room Guests and management working in Radisson Blue and Hilton international chain
hotels, Travelling agent, NGO office representative, and embassy coordinators, suppliers,
and Government administration offices such as: ministry of tourism and culture, and Addis
Ababa administration investment office.. Also, it attempts to provide empirical evidence to
the actual level of star rated international standards of Ethiopian high- ranking hotel
industry. Although star rated international standard accreditation that has been extensively
studied in developed countries, there is a severe limitation in this area in our country. Thus,
this study seeks to contribute to the hotel and tourism industry by pinpointing the most
important factors for delivering international brand service standards. Based on this
analysis it helps to facilitate the establishment of star rated hotels at different level that
meets international standards, improvement of the existing hotel accommodation and
constructing of additional hotels at critical natural and cultural tourism destinations in the
capital city and regional areas. Generally it helps to identify opportunities and challenges in
their current business processes and work for improvement on draw backs and use the
opportunities for the benefits of the company.
Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
To enable the new entrant hotel owner (investor) before they are selecting location and take
investment license from investment office they have to first consult Ethiopian ministry of
culture and tourism to have tourism services competence accreditation which makes the
owner beneficial to minimize its cost and perform construction of the hotels based on the
required standards and meet customer expectations which makes it competent in the hotel
business. For existing hotels helps to know their level of standards and to work on their
draw backs and take corrective actions and back in the competition.

 To facilitate for the new entrants to the hotel business.

 To identify opportunities and challenges in the understudy hotels.
 To make the hotels to deliver service according to international brand standards.
 To identify and forward solution for factors those are influencing service delivery
of hotels?

1.6 Scope of the study

The comparative analysis focuses on the opportunities and challenges of business

process of two international chain hotels Hilton and Radisson Blu in Addis Ababa
city and the comparative analysis will be performed based on their location,
Service delivery, amenities, and technology they have. The data collection also
centers on 5 stars rated Hilton and 4 stars rated Radisson Blu international chain
hotels established at the interval of 42years Hilton hotel in 1969 and Radisson Blu
hotel in 2011.

1.7 Organization of the Research Report

The study is presented in five Chapters.

Chapter one look in to the introduction / back ground of the study, the statement of the
problem, basic research questions, objectives of the study, and definition of terms,
significance of the study and scope /delimitations of the study.

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
Chapter two goes into the review of related literature. Here the various literatures relevant
to the study are dealt with adequate depth.
Chapter three is focused on the profile and practices of comparative analysis on the
opportunities and challenges of Hilton & Radisson Blu internationals chain hotels research
methodology and provides explanations for the data collection techniques and analytic
methods are used in the study.
Chapter four focuses on the data presentation, analysis and discussion of findings of the
Chapter five writes conclusions, summary of the research findings as well as
recommendations to be made based on the findings drawn from the study.

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
Chapter Two



In the past, tourism has been often considered as the natural outcome of environmental and
cultural resources of a specific territory. In this view, the role of hospitality enterprises
cannot influence demand levels and is merely limited to the supply of services to tourists.
Le Blanc & Nguyen (1996) suggest that marketing efforts should be directed to highlight
the environmental characteristics of the location in order to attract new customers. The
constant increase of demand of touristic services, and the request for higher standards by
the guests, has enforced the competition among hospitality suppliers and highlighted how
the attractiveness of the touristic destination is influenced by the standards of the services
provided by the local hotels (International Journal of Marketing Studies Vol. 2, No. 2;
November 2010)
In this scenario, providing high quality services and improving customer satisfaction are
widely recognized as fundamental factors boosting the performances of companies in the
hotel and tourism industry (Barsky&Labagh, 1992; Le Blanc, 1992,; Le Blanc et al., 1996;
Stevens et al., 1995, Opermann, 1998). Hotels with good service quality will ultimately
improve their profitability (Oh & Parks, 1997). In a competitive hospitality industry which
offers homogeneous services, individual hoteliers must be able to satisfy customers better
than their counterparts (Choi & Chou, 2001). To obtain loyalty and to outweigh other
competitors, hotel providers must be able to obtain high levels of customer satisfaction for
the service supplied. There are several studies that analyse the needs and the desires of
tourists. A research by Wuest et al. (1996) defined the perception of hotel attributes as the
Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
degree to which guests may find various services and facilities critical for their stay in a
hotel. Hotel's attributes such as cleanliness, price, location, and security, personal service,
physical attractiveness, opportunities for relaxation, standard of services, appealing image,
and reputation are recognized as decisive by travellers to assess the quality of the hotel
(Atkinsons, 1988; Ananth et al., 1992; Barsky&Labagh, 1992; Cadotte& Turgeon, 1988;
Knutson, 1988; McCleary et al., 1993; Rivers et al., 1991; Wilensky&Buttle, 1988).
According to a survey carried out by Barsky& Nash in 2006, regarding the main hotel
chains worldwide, between 2002 and 2005, the importance of loyalty programs for guest's
decision on where to stay increased from 32% to 34%. Although the search for new
locations is certainly the most important factor for many tourists, several studies
highlighted that there is a good portion of customers that chose to repeat their holidays'
destination, showing a certain degree of loyalty (Oppermann, 1998; Fyall et al., 2003).
These studies on tourists' loyalty indicate five main factors which affect the repetition of
the trip to the same tourist place: the desire to reduce the risk of making a mistake when
choosing an alternative destination; the chance to meet the same people again;
The emotional affection to a specific place;
The possibility to explore the place better;
The desire to show the place to other people
Hoteliers need to fully acknowledge which service attributes are most likely to influence
customers‟ choice intentions (Richard &Sundaram, 1993). Customer satisfaction practices
can help them to identify the crucial

2.2 Definition of the Hotel

At the heart of hospitality industry lies a simple idea of providing hospitality, that is
providing people with food, drink and place to sleep (Jones in, Buhalis and Costa,
2006).According to Medlik's definition “A hotel is an establishment providing for reward
accommodation, food and drink for travellers, temporary residents, usually also meals and
refreshments and sometimes other facilities for other users” (Medlik, 1994:4). “Hotels are
not only places where one can get good food and comfortable rooms; theyare also centers
of community life, with facilities for meeting, entertainment, communication, and personal
Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
services. Their stock in trade has always hospitality and service, and hotels have made
dispensing comfort, pleasing the palate, and creating an atmosphere of home for guests”
(Henkin, 2001:1).

2.3 Importance of hotels

Hospitality is defined as one of the major industries and one of the largest employers in the
world (Kotler et al, 2003). Hotels play a significant role in the development of economies
and societies, transport, distribution systems, industries and communication systems of a
country though offering facilities for recreation and entertainment, business transactions,
for corporate meetings and conferences. In many areas hotels are also important attractions
for visitors and foreign currency earners, hotels employ labour and they are product outlets
of other industries (building and modernisation are provided by construction industries,
equipment, furniture and others are supplied by various manufacturers), sources for
amenities for local residents (hotel restaurants, bars, conference halls, party halls) (Medlik

2.4 Classification of Hotels in Ethiopia

The international hotel classification system is adopted in Ethiopia and hotels are classified
into categories with stars from one to five and hotels without stars. Hotels without star are
the largest category which includes all hotels below the international standards and Eco-
tourism lodges. Hotels which are below the star category, but nevertheless, provide
acceptable service will be classified as “Basic Level Hotels.”

2.5 Star rating system

A star rating symbolizes the level of service, range of facilities and quality of guests‟ care
that you can expect. Hotels are required to meet progressively higher standards as they
move up the scale from one to five stars. A star rated property has to provide the following
before they can be considered for star rating.
Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
 High standard of cleanliness throughout the year.
 Pricing and conditions of booking system should be clear.
 Local information should be provided to help customers and to make their stays best.
 Comfortable accommodation with a range of furniture to meet customer‟s needs.
 Colour television (where signal available) at no extra charge.
 Kitchen equipment to meet all essential requirements.
According to the facilities provided star rated hotels are rated one to five star level.
The criteria of ratings to different star level are in Appendix II.


Table2.1: Existing hotel capacity, projected and unsatisfied demand

* Actual data Projection of Room Night Existing Unsatisfied

for existing Tourist Arrival Demand Hotels Demand
hotel capacity Annual
and unsatisfied Capacity
demand Year
in G.C
2011* 523,438 2,093,752 1,778,280 315,472
2012 574,212 2,296,848 1,778,280 518,568
2013 629,910 2,519,640 1,778,280 741,360
2014 691,011 2,764,044 1,778,280 985,764
2015 758,039 3,032,156 1,778,280 1,253,876
2016 831,569 3,326,276 1,778,280 1,547,996
2017 912,231 3,648,924 1,778,280 1,870,644
2018 1,000,718 4,002,872 1,778,280 2,224,592
2019 1,097,787 4,391,148 1,778,280 2,612,868
2020 1,204,273 4,817,092 1,778,280 3,038,812
2021 1,321,087 5,284,348 1,778,280 3,506,068
2022 1,449,233 5,796,932 1,778,280 4,018,652
2023 1,589,808 6,359,232 1,778,280 4,580,952
Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MOCT)

We can conclude from the above analysis that there are clear expanding demand situations
for international standard hotels. The expected increasing rate of inbound tourist arrival
will definitely create a big business opportunities for those who are planning to enter the
hotels industry.

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Addis Ababa, 2014
2.7 Service Quality

As the service sector of the global economy grows, the study of services and innovation are
becoming increasingly important. Service products distributed regionally, nationally, and
globally have become larger portions of company revenue streams; knowledge-intensive
business services aimed at enhancing performance require reliable methods of
measurement, assessment, and improvement. As a result, accurate and reliable instruments
that assess service quality are of great interest to companies whose revenues come from
service delivery. Perhaps the most popular and widely used service quality instrument is
SERVQUAL. In 1988 Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry developed a generic instrument
called SERVQUAL to measure service quality based on input from focus groups. Although
SERVQUAL was developed within the marketing sector, it also is used in a variety of
organizational settings, including libraries and information centers (Kettinger & Lee, 1994;
Nitecki, 1996). Since 1988 Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry have made numerous
changes to SERVQUAL, some in response to problems identified by other researchers. For
instance, in 1994 they reported on three different SERVQUAL formats; they recommended
that researchers use a format that separated customer expectation scores into tolerance
zones. For improving service quality, four aspects were identified: (1) service delivery, (2)
hotel front line employees, (3) guest amenities and surroundings, and (4) prestige
(Narangajavana and Hu, 2008). In every organization service and quality plays a vital role
for every customers. At the same time Customer is the main person who defines the
Quality (Brombacher, 2000).

2.8 General Remarks

The market situation of hotel business is highly depends on the tourism activity within the
country and foreign countries since hotels are believed to be as accommodation service
provider for tourists. Especially the tourists from foreign origin are the main market areas
for star rated hotels and their significance also grows with number of star level.

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However, the number of tourists visiting Ethiopia was far less than to other African
countries, such as Egypt, South Africa, Tunisia, Morocco, or Zimbabwe even if Ethiopia
possesses more World Heritage sites than Egypt. To optimize the income from this sector
and to boost the industry in the future, the government of Ethiopia currently has defined
tourism as a priority area of economic development.

2.9 Arrivals of tourist at national borders comparing Ethiopia with

neighbouring country

Table 2.2Arrivals of tourist at national borders

Country 2009 2010 2011 2012

1 Egypt 11,914,000 14,051,000 9,497,000 11,196,000

2 Zimbabwe 2,017,000 2,239,000 2,423,000 1,794,000

3 Kenya 1,392,000 1,470,000

4 Uganda 807,000 946,000 1,151,000 1,197,000

5 Zambia 710,000 815,000 920,000 859,000

6 Tanzania 695,000 754,000 843,000 1,043,000

7 Ethiopia 427,000 468,000 523,000 596,000

8 Sudan 420,000 495,000 536,000

9 Eritrea 79,000 84,000 107,000

(Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 2012)

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Compared to other African countries, the number of hotels in Ethiopia was few in number
and less competitive to attract big international conferences. Currently, the situation is
changing because of new establishment of star rated hotels at different level that meets
international standards, improvement of the existing hotel accommodation and constructing
of additional lodging at critical natural and cultural tourism destinations in the regional
areas. The long-term vision of the government is to make Ethiopia one of the top ten tourist
destinations in Africa by the year 2020, with an emphasis on maximizing the poverty-
reducing impacts of tourism. Depending on the measures used, this means at least
quadrupling the current rates of tourist flow to the country.
It is estimated, given continued political stability, on-going Government of Ethiopia is
committed to tourism and regional security that the proposed strategic interventions will
grow tourism by a conservative 50% over a five years period, keeping pace with
projections for tourism growth in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. There is also little doubt
that if investments are not made, tourism will stagnate as the product degrades further and
nothing is done to address the image of the country. (Source: Study made by Japan
Embassy, 2005)
Tourism arrivals are the international inbound tourists who travel to a country outside their
place of residence for a period not exceeding 12 months and whose main purpose is
visiting is other than an remunerated activity in the country visited. Though the up dated
information is not available, the data is presented as shown here below simply shows the
share of Ethiopia from international tourists flow. If the position of Ethiopia is compared to
southern African countries or developed countries the share of Ethiopia is by far low
The share of Ethiopia from this sector had been low as compared to our neighbouring east
African countries like Kenya, Tanzania, and Malawi. Even though Ethiopian has
comparative advantage in tourist attraction sites than those countries. Ethiopia is a
significantly important country in east Africa for most countries and therefore, many
international meetings and conferences are held in Ethiopia. This creates a huge demand
for hotel accommodations at an international standard and even an increase in such a
demand is expected in the future because the importance of Ethiopia has been growing and
many international organizations have been continuously strengthening their institutions.
The government of Ethiopia also incorporated tourism in its strategic plan to bring
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economic growth, image rehabilitation and poverty reduction while preserving and
enhancing the social, cultural and environmental assets of Ethiopia.
The primary source of demand for star rated hotels in Ethiopia is foreign tourists and rarely
higher income group of the country. Ethiopia has cultural heritage sites, endowed with
remarkable physical features like high plateaus, long mountain ranges, lofty peaks, deep
gorges , the largest cave in Africa (SofOmar), one of the lowest depression on the Earth
(Dallol), the Great Rift Valley savannah land, tropical forests, deserts, beautiful lakes,
including Lake Tana the source of the Blue Nile, rivers, spectacular waterfalls, and
volcanic hot springs ,and much of the land has a climate tempered by high altitudes ,
Spring-like climate of most regions of the country will invite guests for tourism. The
wildlife resources of Ethiopia entitle it to share the highest pick in Africa's reputation.
Virtually all types of Africa's big games can be found in Ethiopia in their natural states and
habitats. Out of the more than 850 species of birds in the world and 260 species of
mammals are registered in Ethiopia, as high as 49 of them are endemic animals to Ethiopia.
(Source: Study made by Japan Embassy, 2005)
Ten national parks, 13 wildlife reserves and sanctuaries, and 18 controlled hunting areas
have been established in order to protect these resources of the country. All these resources
are points of attractions for tourist destinations. (Source: Study made by Japan Embassy,

2.10 Types of Hotels

The star-rating system, used generically by hotels across the world, is out-of-date,
inconsistently measured and does not reflect the needs of today‟s traveller, a study by QUO
reveals. The study concentrates on the hotel industry in Asia, and includes interviews with
experts from across the region. The research findings conclude:

The official rating system is a one-dimensional metric to communicate the hardware

facilities of the property that allows for disparity, meaning there is a lowest score to
achieve in order to reach a certain star level.
The systems include criteria that are no longer relevant, failing to address many
hotels‟ strategic needs to differentiate and serve a niche market.
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The official language is not that of the consumer, and the star rating system does not
reflect the guest experience.

“Travellers need to be able to rely on a system that is objectively measuring criteria in the same
way across the world. The star-system does not do that. That‟s why social media has replaced
the ratings and is critical to most consumer choices,” states David Keen, CEO of QUO. The
study suggests the hospitality industry needs to adapt to today‟s travellers with a more
consumer friendly language and approach. “Through this study we can see the industry
perspective has shown a shift in the right direction, signalling the agreement that the star-rating
system is out of date. Hotels are aware that the system needs to be reviewed and mirror the
global perspective,” claims Enlin Zhou, brand strategist at QUO and author of the study.
Hotels are an important component of the tourism product. They contribute in the overall
tourism experience through the standards of facilities and services offered by them. With
the aim of providing contemporary standards of facilities and services available in the
hotels, the Ministry of Tourism has formulated a voluntary scheme for classification of
operational hotels which will be applicable to the following categories: Star Category
Hotels: 5 Star Deluxe, 5 Star, 4 Star, 3 Star, 2 Star & 1 Star.

There are different types of hotels: luxury, resort, commercial, residential. The type of
hotel determines the target group as well as the location of the hotel. In this way, the hotel
will be located closer to the guests and areas which make up most of that market. The
following classification, suggested by Medlik (1994) and Page (2007), describe the main
types of hotels, dividing them according to various criteria David Robinson, 2013).

2.10.1 Scale

The hotels are distinguished according to their scale. One of the hotels grading systems is
dividing them into different scales: budget, economy, mid-scale, upscale, upper upscale
hotels. And, in most countries, either the scale or the number of stars or both are used as an
indicator of the standard of services and quality: for example, five stars and one star hotels
provide respectively the luxury services and the most basic set of services (Medlik, 1994),
(Page, 1997).

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Addis Ababa, 2014
2.10.2 Ownership and Management

The hotels can be owned by individual independent person, a hotel consortium or

cooperative, as well as can belong to hotel chain and be owned or franchised by a company
(Medlik, 1994).

2.10.3 Service Description and Application

International standard tourist hotel is high class hotel (from three to five-star level) where
services like bedroom, catering, meeting rooms, multipurpose assembly hall, swimming
pool, Spa (Hot Spring), gymnasium, sauna and massage, other sports facilities like tennis
or squash court, min-golf or badminton, bowling, table tennis and children playground,
night club with dancing to live music or discotheque or cabaret etc. In this profile study a
four star international tourist standard hotel is considered to provide local and international
tourists and guests services like bedroom, catering (traditional and international), meeting
rooms, multipurpose assembly hall, swimming pool, gymnasium, sauna/steam bath and
massage, laundry and other sports facilities like lawn tennis, badminton, bowling, table
tennis and children playground and night club.

2.11 The Hotel as Total Market Concept

According to Medlik, (1994:14) “hotel is an institution of commercial hospitality”, which

sells its services in various combinations. Hospitality is a product, which is depicted from
the main factors that affect the way this product is constructed, represented and sold to
customers (Page, 2007). In order to determine and preserve the market segments, hotels
develop some attributes, which Medlik calls the elements of the total market concept, and
includes five elements (hotel location, facilities, services, image and price) (Medlik, 1994).
Page adds to this list the ability to differentiate the product to different customers (Page,

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Location of the
Facilities Services

The accommodation

Ability to
differentiate the
Image Price
products to different

Figure: 2.1display the elements which constitute the total hotel concept.

The combination of these factors meets the demands of customers and provides them with
the accommodation they seek (Page, 2007).

2.11.1 Location

Hotels are in direct contact with their customers; they produce and provide their services
right at the point of sale. That is why these services must be offered, where the demand
exists. “Location is the part of hotel product” (Medlik 1994:8).The geographical location of
a hospitality property is an important factor. The choice of the hotel location is determined
mostly by the target group the owners of the hotel want to focus on; and vice a versa, the
target group is determined by the location of the hotel Image Price Ability to Differentiate
the Product to Different Customers and Incentives to Encourage Key Clients Location of
the Establishment Facilities Service

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2.11.2 The Accommodation Product

The strategically significant location makes the hotel more accessible and convenient for its
customers (Medlik, 1994). Go and Pine state that the location “determines the destination
and hotel‟s position within this destination” (Go and Pine, 1995:10). As a matter of fact
hotels, located in the city centers serve business travellers, and resorts cater leisure
travellers. But this distinction is blurred nowadays (Go and Pine, 1995), as, for example,
many hotels are oriented on a few segments, and holiday resorts can provide facilities for
conferences and meetings, as well as urban hotels can offer special services for families
with kids during weekends and serve the business customers during the weekdays. Ones
(Jones in: Buhalis and Costa, 2006) forecasts the location trends for future, saying that
hotels will be built in urban centers mainly for business travellers, in resort areas mainly for
leisure travellers, and alongside the major transportation networks, such as airports, train
stations, motorways. Some destination-based concepts use the location as the unique
selling offer.

2.11.3 Facilities

Most hotels provide the standard set of facilities, which include bedrooms, restaurants,
bars, function rooms, meeting rooms, as well as recreation facilities, such as swimming
pool, sauna, golf fields or tennis courts (Medlik, 1994).

2.11.4 Services

Every hotel offers a set of services (type of the hotel determines the range of services)
which are provided through hotel facilities. The quality of services is determined by a lot of
factors, such as time of service delivery, the work and behaviour of personnel (Medlik,
1994). For hospitality service production the past experience of doing things is not enough;
the workers “are continually faced with novel situations that require unique methods to

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react appropriately to the customer. The delivery of hospitality services requires a high
capacity to process information” (Bowen and Ford, in: Jayawardena, 2004:7).

2.11.5 Image

The image is the way the hotel presents itself to the customers and the way it is being
perceived by the customers (Medlik, 1994). The strong image of the hotel raises customer
confidence and trust in its accommodation and amenities. Customers‟ perceptions of the
hotel affect their expectations, their reactions to its offers. Hotel image depends not only on
functional attributes of price and convenience (Michman, 1995).
The image is created by the hotel location, by the services and facilities it provides, and it
is also affected by such elements as the hotel brand, name, appearance, atmosphere,
architecture, interior design, colours and advertising.

2.11.6 Price

Price, as a matter of fact, indicates the value and is determined mostly by the hotel scale,
location, image, the set of facilities and quality of services (Medlik, 1994).

2.11.7 Ability to differentiate the product

Ability to differentiate the product to different customers and incentives to encourage key
clients includes the development of different customer loyalty programs (Page, 2007), or
other strategies for attracting and retaining the customers. Jones (Jones in: Buhalis and
Costa, 2006) call this differentiation ability brand development. Because hospitality
markets are becoming more and more segmented and the customers have more choice
concerning the various types of accommodation and services, the hotel company creates
the brands in order to differentiate the hotel from its competitors and that can be easily
recognizable and distinct from others. Medlik (1994) does not include this element to the
hotel total market concept.

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The importance of these elements can be varied, depending on the needs and interests of
the customer. However, these elements are interrelated (Medlik, 1994).Chan and Wong
(2005) in their research mention that such intangible hotel attributes as security,
dependability, service quality, reputation and staff behaviour and tangible attributes as
price, the appearance of facilities, location, the presence of alternatives, word-of-mouth
communication, advertising, a familiar name and past experience were identified by a lot of
researches as the most desired by hotel users. But they also mention that the most
determinate factors are convenient hotel location and overall services.

2.12 Demand Analysis

As mentioned above, tourists from both domestic and foreign countries are the main market
areas for star rated hotels since tourism is defined as a mobility of people from one corner
to the other for different purposes such as business, recreation, visiting friends, etc. From
this , one can conclude that the demand of hotel services are the derived demand of tourism
activity since hotels are established targeting to serve the participant in tourism activity by
providing lodging, food, beverage, and as may be necessary, recreational facilities to the
When ascertaining tourism demand for the purposes of tourism planning or strategy
development, it is critical that the total demand figures are further segmented by “purpose
of visit” and “country of origin” as this gives a more accurate picture of tourism demand.
In terms of driving demand there is very little a country can proactively do about visitors
who come on business, to visit friends and relatives or for sport, religion or education as
these visitors tend not to have choices to make about where they take their trips. The only
category that can really be influenced is the holiday (vacation) or leisure visitor.
Furthermore, people visit countries away from their homes for various reasons. The current
categories of “purpose of visit” established by UNWTO and measured throughout the
developing world on arrival declaration cards are holidays, business, visiting friends and
relatives, education, religion, sports and transit through one country to another.
Each of these categories of visitors has different characteristics related to their
demographics, behaviour, spending, expectations and length of stay in the country visited.
Categories of tourists based on purpose of visit have significant role in determining the
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demand for star rated hotels accommodation, since there are tourists that really need hotel
accommodation, those who came to visit their relatives and do not require hotel
accommodation, and those who demand basic level hotels due to economic constraints and
some other reasons.

2.13 Empirical Studies

The method of literature review was used in order to highlight the main findings and
approaches to comparative analysis on service delivery, opportunities and challenges in the
business process of Addis Ababa Hilton and Radisson Blu international chain hotels and
their competitiveness.

2.12.1 How Guests Select Hotels around the World – Global Results

The results offer insight into current guest behaviour, and suggest ways to appeal to them.

Fig.2.2 shows why do guests select the hotel

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The study was based on results from the Market Metrix Hospitality Index (MMHI), and
includes data from 40,000 American, European, and Asian travellers during 2012. They
focused on several questions that ask guests why they selected a particular hotel on their
most recent trip.
Location still reigns as the primary factor that determines hotel choice. Location generally
matters more to leisure guests. Location also tends to be more important to older travellers
(over 50 years old), with a high income (USD $100,001 – 150,000), who prefer staying in
an upper midscale or upscale hotel.
“Price” and “Past Experience” are the next most important factors in hotel
selection. Interestingly, the importance of “Past Experience” has climbed over the past few
years while emphasis given to “Location” and “Price” has remained constant. Perhaps
guests have become more demanding with the diversity of hotel choices available,
especially at the higher end of the market.
Globally, “Past Experience” (11.9%) plays a much bigger role in hotel selection than the
influence of a friend‟s recommendation (6.8%), the brand‟s reputation (5.5%), the role of
promotions (5.0%), the power of loyalty programs (3.8%), and the impact that online
reviews have on hotel selection (2.9%).

2.12.2 Hotel Sector Investment in Ethiopia

According to the research analysis performed on” Hotel Sector Investment in Ethiopia“ by
Ebisa C. Gobena and Andualem H. Gudeta (2013).

Their study was aims at investigating the overall performance of the hotels industry in
Ethiopia. By raising the following some of basic research questions:
How are the demands for hotels/accommodations explained in Ethiopia?

Does the supply of hotels match with the current demand for hotels?

What does hotel sector investment looks like?

What factors are influencing service delivery of hotels?

The study mainly used secondary data from journals, books, newspapers, magazines, and
reports of various governmental and nongovernmental organizations. Above all, crucial

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Addis Ababa, 2014
information was obtained from Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Addis Ababa
Investment Agency. The method of analysis used in the study is descriptive statistics.
They were explaining from different perspectives especially the factors that influence the
service delivery of hotels as general and demonstrate conclusion as follows:-
The Stability of human resource development. Training staff is one thing but retaining the
trained staff is also another concern. Other tourism-based countries such as UAE attract the
trained/ skilled workers with better working conditions. Brain drain is a problem observed
in other sectors, too. Stable supply of quality agro-products is important for both
hotel/tourism. Although, the hotels would like to purchase agro-products from local
suppliers, the buying and selling does not go through due to the lack of reliability of supply
and the quality of the products.
Some business chances are missed due to the low quality of packaging. Despite their
intention to purchase from the local market, the hotels import some goods from abroad
because good quality packaging is important for the luxurious image of hotels. The process
of customs is not efficient and burdensome for hotels. The hotels have to go to 13 different
offices to get permission to import goods and the duration of the process varies from 1 day
up to 6 months depending on the personnel in charge.
The negative image of Ethiopia as a country of poverty and starvation prevents it from
being a tourism destination. Also, the hotel industry as well as the tourism industry is
affected directly by security issues. Deterioration of security can damage the industry
seriously. The situation with Somalia, Eritrea, Egypt and Sudan are the big concerns for the
industry at the moment Ebisa C. Gobena and Andualem H. Gudeta (2013).

2.12.3 Empirical Works Linked to Service Delivery in the Hotel Industry

The technical literature presents various empirical works linked to the quality of services in
the hotel industry. Luk (1997), on analysing the culture of marketing in travel agencies of
Hong Kong and their relation with the quality of service, affirms that the culture of
marketing must take into account the quality of service, interpersonal relations, the task of
selling, organizations, internal communication and innovation; they point out that the high

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quality in service can be obtained when a tourist company strongly promotes a culture of
marketing oriented by the service and interpersonal relations.

Kandampully (2000), in Australia, analyzes the impact of the fluctuation of the demand in
the quality of service having in sight that during the high season for hotel occupancies, with
the excess in the demand for services, the quality of those services tends to decline. This
study suggests that the companies in the sector must strongly consider the needs and
expectations of the customers in the elaboration of their strategies in the seasonal periods.
O‟Neill and Charters (2000), also in Australia, analyze the quality of the service offered by
links to attract tourists in that region. The study was done in four companies with the
objective of knowing what was the most important to the customer in evaluating the quality
of service. Atilgan, Akinci and Aksoy (2003), in Turkey, suggest a new approach for the
research of evaluation dimensions in the quality of service in hotels. The research analyzed
two groups of tourists from different countries. The results suggested that the operators
must consider, in the elaboration of their itineraries and tourist packages, the cultural
characteristics that affect the perception of the quality of service received.

Juwaheer and Ross (2003) analyzed the perceptions of hotel guests from Mauritius. They
concluded that the quality of services fell short of guests‟ expectations citing empathy as
the greatest gap. Nadire and Hussain (2005) analyzed the quality of service in Cyprus,
using SERVPERF, applying the instrument to European customers visiting the site. The
results found only two dimensions instead of the traditional five of SERVQUAL and
European visitors are very demanding with regard to improving the quality of service. The
study by Eraqui (2006), in Egypt, analyzes the tourist services from the point of view of
internal and external customers. The internal customer concludes that there is no tourism
business environment that encourages employee creativity and regarding the external
customers, there were complaints about the improvement of internal transportation and

Chen et al (2008) evaluated the quality of services in the Taiwan hotel industry. The paper
divides the hotels into three types: international commercial tourism, holiday and motels
and general hotels. The study emphasized the degree gap in service quality between the
industry and the customers. Data analysis shows that service quality gap (perceived gap) of
Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
different types of hotels exists in several quality aspects; what‟s more, the perceived gaps,
service quality aspects, and its items of different types of hotel are also different. The
analysis involved 43 different attributes.

In Brazil, Oliveira (2001) can be cited as a work that investigates the services that are
considered more important in the choice of hotels in Foz do Iguaçu and concludes that for
the guests, in this order, the factors of location, speed and efficiency in room service and in
the restaurants were considered the most important. Carvalho (2007) analyzed the factors
that influenced the satisfaction of the customers. He concluded that cleanliness, good
service, security and location were the factors that most affected customer satisfaction.
Barbosa (2007), in a study completed in hotels in São Paulo, concluded that the
authenticity in the care of the guests, based on human values, makes possible the creation
of friendly relationships and positively influences their satisfaction.

Gonzalez (2005) studies the factors that influence the satisfaction and generate the loyalty
of visitors to Natal. This study concludes that the cordiality of hotel staff, cleanliness of the
establishment, safety, restaurant service and the internet were the most important attributes
in the satisfaction of the guests. Wanderley (2004) studies the perception of the business
tourist while choosing a hotel in São Paulo. It concludes that the daily rate and the
locations are the most important attributes for business guests.

Robazzi (2006) studies the degree of hospitality in diverse graphic elements, of the
appearance of the installations, at hotels in São Paulo. The results enable the proof of the
tangibility of the hospitality, and the identification of forms and colors present in the
reading process. Ferreira (2004) evaluates the factors that affect the satisfaction and the
fidelity of northeastern tourists in Natal who take the bus or car as a means of
transportation. It concludes that cleanliness, environment, pool maintenance, bars and res-
taurant service, telephone service, service on local trips and price were the attributes that
determined satisfaction and loyalty of the guests. Duarte (2006) studies the influence of the
mood of the staff in the quality of services in a hotel chain in São Paulo. The study
concludes that internal customer satisfaction induces satisfaction for the external customer.

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Chapter Three



The purpose of the chapter is to represent and analyse the techniques which were used in
the thesis for achieving the aim and objectives of the research and clarifying the special
approaches of the study. The analysis incorporates the room guest, travel agency, company
coordinator and supplier‟s perspectives and comments on the service delivery of the Hilton
and Radisson Blu hotels. Initially, the selected methods of secondary research (literature
review, Different documents, books, magazines, journals, and newsletters) and primary
research (interviews and questioners) will be analysed. The reasons of using these
particular methods will be explained and corroborated with theory. The advantages and
limitations of these methods, as well as the research itself, will be demonstrated. The
method of interviews was the practical part of the research and helps to reveal the main
tendencies in business process and preferences of business people concerning hotels and
their facilities. Additionally in scientific studies an appropriate method shall be used to
solve each problem quicker and more carefully and easily. For this purpose, researcher was
selecting a research methodology after determining the subject of the research. In this
chapter, research methodology, method of sampling, data collection, data collection tools
and the method of data extraction from questionnaire and interviews will be studied and

3.2 Research Methodology

The result of each research largely depends on the type of research. On the other hand, the
selection of research methodology depends on the objectives, the nature of the subject of
research and the relevant implementing facilities. For this reason, one can make a decision

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for research methodology to specify the nature, objectives and the extent of research. In
other word, the purpose of the selection of research methodology is to select a method to
find the answer / answers to the question / questions of the research quicker and more
exactly and easily. The research methodology used in this research is survey type a
descriptive research method. Surveys can be useful when a researcher wants to collect data
on phenomena that cannot be directly observed. Data are usually collected through the use
of questionnaires, and interview subjects. Surveys can use qualitative (e.g. ask open-ended
questions) or quantitative (e.g. use forced-choice questions) measures (Earl R. Babbie,
2000) .

3.3 Sample Design

Since populations are of so enormous geographical size and extents that researcher cannot
refer to the all of populations they have to select a sample of a population and generalize
the relevant results to the population studied. A sample means some members of a society
with particulars similar to the particulars of the society who represent the society and are
homogenous with other members. In order to perform the analysis two hotels are selected
out of three international chain hotels Hilton and Radisson Blu hotels. The reason why
these hotels are my target of research is because of their establishments in Addis Ababa
between an interval of 42 years helps to observe hotel development in service delivery and
trip advisor hotel grading factors based on customer comments rank both hotels (Hilton
ranks from 21st-25th and Radisson Blu ranks from 2nd-4th from 69 hotels in Addis Ababa
almost throughout the year 2012 and 2013).In this research attribute Non probability
purposive sampling method has been used for the selection of the sample representing the
population. For this purpose, 180 customers (guests), 30 company and travel agency
representatives and 10 suppliers of the understudy hotels have purposefully been selected.
These populations have an experience in hotel business process so that they are familiar
with the hotel service delivery to evaluate accordingly. Non-probability sampling is a
sampling technique where the samples are gathered in a process that does not give all the
individuals in the population equal chances of being selected.
Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
Purposive sampling: - In this type of sampling, subjects are chosen to be part of the sample
with a specific purpose in mind. With this sampling, I believe that some subjects are fit for
the research compared to other individuals. This is the reason why they are purposively
chosen as subjects.

3.4 Sources of Data and Target Population

3.4.1 Secondary Research/Data

Secondary research or secondary sources are defined as “data that has already been
collected for some other purpose” (Saunders et al, 2003:188) or “those sources where the
information has already been sifted and structures by someone else” (Preece, 1994:81).
Secondary research is usually incorporated into literature review, which refers to the
concepts of research study. It is especially efficient at the early stages of research process,
as it helps to define the research problems (Preece, 1994), see what has already been found
concerning the investigated areas, different viewpoints and approaches, and reveal the
opportunities and directions for further research. The weakness of this approach, as Preece
(1994:81) ascertains, is that the information from books or other sources is “not wholly
truth”, as it can present an author‟s view point and can be subjective. In order to avoid
subjectivity, I tried to represent a few approaches of different authors to the same concepts.
In this study the general overview of the hotel concept, the business process and service
delivery strategies are outlined, which gives the context and the overall picture of the
researched area. Secondary research gave the factual ground for the primary research. Veal,
(1997) states that this method is less expensive and time-consuming, as one can use the
data, which have already been collected and tested before. The sources used in this research
analysis for the secondary research were books, journals and the data from the official
websites of municipalities, institutions and organizations.

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
3.4.2 Primary Research/Data

Alongside with the secondary research, the primary research was applied to collect the
practical data and learn about the business people‟s and room Guests experience of staying
in hotels, about the decision making processes, decision affecting factors concerning the
choice of the hotel, service delivery and the business interaction with different population.
As Preece (1994:80) singles out, “the essence of a primary source of information is that it
involves the researcher in the direct experience and observation of the real world”. The
primary research analysis performed by quantitative analysis (semi – structured
questioners) and qualitative analysis (semi- structured interviews). . In this research
semi-structured interview is used which helps the researcher to follow some structured
interview and give a chance to interviewee to explain his opinion and in semi-structured
questionnaires the respondents get a chance to write his comments or opinions(Jennings,
in: Ritchie, 2005).

3.4.3 Target Population

Hilton and Radisson Blu international chain hotels Room guests

Hilton and Radisson Blu international chain hotels different department managers,
sales executives, receiving clerk, purchasing officers, kitchen chefs, &reservation
Travelling agent, NGO office representative, and embassy coordinators, suppliers.
Government administration offices such as: ministry of tourism and culture, and
Addis Ababa administration investment office.
These target population have direct and indirect business relationships with the understudy
hotels and helps for my research analysis to get valuable data to answer the research

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
3.5 Method Of Data Collection and Data Collection Tools

Data collection tools are those tools by which the researcher can collect the necessary
information for the analysis of the phenomenon studied and discovering the truth. In this
research, the data collection tool was questionnaire and interview. Because questionnaire is
one of the most practical and easiest tool for collecting data out of the population, it should
be noted that the questionnaire selected in this research has been of semi- structured type in
which the researcher has promoted the responder to answer one of the five choices
prepared based on Likert Scale by designing some special and purposeful questions and has
got a chance to write comments without restricting the options.
This research has been done by putting four categories of principal questions for each
target groups. For this purposes several determining factors have been extracted and put
into the questions according to the present components on Servqual model, amenities,
images, locations and theoretical studies. In this way the questionnaires have been prepared
(Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry,1988). The interview part give a chance for the researcher
to find out answers to questions those cannot included in the questionnaires. So much has
the interview method dominated that we have been described as living in an “interview
society”. The interview, the question-answer interaction, both on formal and informal
levels, gives an understanding of the world values, events, tendencies.
In this research, secondary data has been collected for theory subjects. For this purpose,
books, papers and thesis in the major of Management and Hotel Management have been
used for theory subject. On the other hand, the information of questionnaire has been used
for testing the questions. For this purpose, the questioners with the necessary explanations,
have been distributed among a total of 180room guests, 10suppliers, 20company and
10travelling agency representatives of the under study hotels after determining the
sampling size.
 117, 5, 10 & 5 questioners consecutively distributed to the room guests, travelling
agent, company representative (coordinator)and suppliers of Addis Ababa Hilton
international chain hotel.

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
 63, 5, 10, & 5questioners consecutively distributed to the room guests, travelling
agent, company representative (coordinator) and suppliers of Addis Ababa
Radisson Blu international chain hotel.
 The distribution of questioners to the guest based on the under study hotels total
number of guest rooms.
3.5.1 Distribution and Response Rate of Questionnaires

Table: 3.1 Distribution of questionnaires

Target Addis Ababa Addis Ababa Total
population Hilton Radisson Blu number of
Distributed Returned Distributed Returned n
Room guests 117 105 89.74% 63 54 85.71% 180
Travelling 5 5 100% 5 5 100% 10
Company 10 9 90% 10 7 70% 20
Suppliers 5 5 100% 5 5 100% 10
Total 137 124 90.51% 83 71 85.54% n = 220

3.6 Sample size

The sample size should be appropriate for the analysis that is planned. In addition, an
adjustment in the sample size may be needed to accommodate a comparative analysis of
subgroups (e.g., such as an evaluation of program participants with nonparticipants).
Sudman (1976) suggests that a minimum of 100 elements is needed for each major group
or subgroup in the sample and for each minor subgroup, a sample of 20 to 50 elements is
necessary. Similarly, Kish (1965) says that 30 to 200 elements are sufficient when the
attribute is present 20 to 80 % of the time (i.e., the distribution approaches normality). On

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
the other hand, skewed distributions can result in serious departures from normality even
for moderate size samples (Kish, 1965:17). Then a larger sample or a census is required.
Finally, the sample size formulas provide the number of responses that need to be obtained.
Many researchers commonly add 10% to the sample size to compensate for persons that the
researcher is unable to contact. The sample size also is often increased by 30% to
compensate for non-response. Thus, the number of questioners or planned interviews can
be substantially larger than the number required for a desired level of confidence and
The sample size calculated according to the under study hotels year to date occupancy rate
which is equal to 70% occupancy rate. The population sizes at 70 % occupancy rate are as
Hilton = 372 No of rooms * 70% = 260 Guests
Radisson Blu = 202 No of rooms * 70% = 140 Guests
The total population size becomes 400 Guests.
Estimating response rate and actual sample size is required
Adjusted minimum sample size =200
Estimated the response rate = 50%
Actual sample size = na
na =( 200 * 100)/50
na =400
The population size is known and the precision level can be estimated. So that the sample
size is as follows

n= sample size n = 400/ (1+ (400*.052)

N= population size n = 200
e= level of precision +- 5%
NB. 10% is added to the sample size of room Guests of Hilton and Radisson Blu
hotels to minimize error on the non-response rate (Kish, 1965:17).
88.64% of the respondents have completed and returned 195 questionnaires.

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
3.7 Type of Measurement Scales

Likert‟s scale: - Likert Scale questions use psychometric testing to measure beliefs,
attitudes and opinion. The question uses statements and a respondent choice then indicates
how much they agree or disagree with that statement and to what extent it is excellent or
poor. The scale of 0-5 is provided with Likert Scale questions. These are:-

Table: 3.2 Likert scale

Scale Value 1st Likert Scale 2nd Likert Scale

5 Strongly Agree Excellent

4 Agree Very Good

3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree Good

2 Disagree Fair

1 Strongly Disagree Poor

3.8 Method of Data Analysis Techniques

In this research, data has been analysed using descriptive statistics and SPSS-20 Computer
systems (Statistical Package Social Science) and Microsoft EXCEL. In using descriptive
statistics, the data has been analysed using statistical indexes such as frequency, Mean,
percentage, average and standard deviation.
Descriptive statistics are used to describe the basic features of the data in a study. They
provide simple summaries about the sample and the measures. Together with simple
graphics analysis, they form the basis of virtually every quantitative analysis of data.

3.9 Ethical Considerations

The researcher sought the necessary permission from the organization for this study and
specifically for the questionnaires to be distributed to the sampled Customers. Participants
were also made aware that no information would be made public, and that the study was
for academic purposes only.

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
Chapter – Four

Data Analysis and Interpretation

4.1 Introduction

Analysis of information as a part of scientific methodology of research process is a

fundamental base in any study. In other words, in this section, the researcher will apply
different methods of analysis to answer the research questions. For the current research
analysis, at first the specification of statistical sample, its distribution, percentage and mean
average of the relevant questions are determined and discussed through descriptive
statistics and then the relevant questions are put under study and analysis by T-test
(independent t). The above-mentioned data concerning the guest‟s, travel agency, company
coordinator and suppliers opinion of under study hotels will be applied to perform
comparative analysis between Addis Ababa Hilton and Radisson Blu hotels. The
distributed questionnaires to room guests of both hotels and returned by the respondents
were as follows:

Table 4.1 Room Guest response rate in both hotels

Frequency Percent (%)
Valid Hilton 105 53.8
Radisson 54 27.7
Total 159 81.5
Missing System 36 18.5
Total 195 100.0

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
Part - 1

4.2 Demographic and Characteristics of Respondents

The first section of the questionnaire demanded personal information from respondents.
These questions include: gender, age, tenure, educational background, marital status,
frequency of visit purpose of visit and type of reservation. Moreover, respondents were
asked to choose factors that describe them. The responses of these demographic variables
and raking of variables have been presented and discussed below. Questions “Age”,
“arriving with” and “gender”, purpose and frequency of visit are giving a possibility to
build up a demographic profile of customers.

4.3 Gender of Room guest respondents

Table 4.2 Gender of the respondents

Gender Total
Male Female
Hotel Hilton 84 21 105
Radisson 42 12 54
Total 126 33 159

According to Table 4.2, 126 of all the respondents were males, and 33 females, which
make it a total of 79% male and 21% female respondents in both hotels. As we compare
both hotels Hilton hotel respondents were 84 males and 21 females (80% to 20%), from
Radisson Blu hotel respondents were 42 males and 12 females (78% to 22%).

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
4.4 Age of Room Guest Respondents

Table 4.3 Ages of Room Guest Respondents

Age Total
18-22 23-29 Yrs. 30-45 Yrs. 46 Yrs. and above
Hotel Hilton 2 15 27 61 105
Radisson Blu 1 10 15 28 54

Total 3 25 42 89 159

Table 4.3 was about the age of the respondents; according to the respondent responses 46
and above years aged customers were dominating among other age groups. 56% of
respondents were in the 46 and above years. This segment of travellers is economically
stable, has savings and while travelling ready to spend money and have experiences of
being in the hotel. This helps to make this research analysis more realistic and reasonable.
In Hilton and Radisson Blu consecutively 61 and 28 respondents were in the age group of
64 Yrs. and above are dominating other groups in number.

4.5 Room Guest Respondents Purpose of Visits

Table 4.4 Frequency of Room Guest Respondent‟s Purpose of Visits

Data Analysis on Purpose of Visits Total

Business Conferences, Recreation Visiting Transit Not
meetings friends stated
Hotel Hilton 34 15 22 9 5 20 105
Radisson 15 13 11 5 3 7 54
Total 49 28 33 14 8 27 159

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
The result shows that as mentioned in Table 4.4 in both hotels 30% of respondents were
business travellers, 20% were travellers for recreation, and 18% were for conferences, 9%
were visiting friends and relatives, 5% were transit and 17% were not stated. Anyhow
Business travellers are the most customers of both hotels which show their international
hotel experiences contributed to the research. Comparatively respondents from Hilton hotel
were 32% business customers, 21% customers for recreation, 19% not stated, 14% for
conferences, 9% customers visiting friends and relatives, and 5% transit customers.
Respondents from Radisson Blu 28% business customer, 24% customer for conferences,
20% customer for recreation, and 13% not stated, 9% customer visiting friends and
relatives and 6% transit customers.

4.6 Education Level of Room Guest Respondents

Table 4.5 Education level of the respondents

Customer Profile Education level Total

Less than High Diploma Bachelor Master‟s Doctoral
high school school Degree Degree Degree

Hotel Hilton 7 10 53 21 8 6 105

Radisson 0 5 14 30 5 0 54
Total 7 15 67 51 13 6 159

The education level of respondents according to Table 4.5 diploma holder were 42% and
followed by bachelor degree holder 32% which helps the researcher to get the
questionnaires well answered because their understanding level well good about the

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
4.7 Data Analysis on Method of Reservation

Table 4.6 Method of reservation

Method of Reservation Total

Travel Company Yourself
Hotel Hilton 31 57 17 105
Radisson 13 32 9 54
Total 44 89 26 159

The method of reservation performed by respondents according to Table 4.6 the data figure
shows 45% of reservations performed by company of respondents, 21% by travel agency
and 16% were by the respondents in Hilton hotel and on the other side 59% reservations
performed by company of respondents, 24% by travel agency and 17% were by the
respondents in Radisson Blu international chain hotel

4.8 Data Analysis of Reasons for Choosing the Hotel

Table 4.7 Reasons for choosing the hotel

Reasons for choosing the hotel

Location Price Brand Friends Members of without
image choice loyalty/Honours preference

Hotel Hilton 46 18 9 3 23 6
Radisson 23 7 12 4 5 3
Total 69 25 21 7 28 9

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
Table 4.7 shows that reasons for choosing the hotel by the respondents according to the
response rate the data shows location of the hotel is the primary choice of the respondents
were 44% of Hilton and 43% of Radisson Blu hotels. Concerning the choice of
accommodation, business people, as a matter of fact, do have a choice, as mentioned in
question No 3 business people are giving priority for location of the hotel and 22% of
respondents in Hilton are members of customer loyalty program. As in the case of
Radisson Blu hotel 17% of respondents replay that second important factor as brand image.
The third important factor for both hotels was price 17% of Hilton and 13% of Radisson
Blu respondents as mentioned in the table 4.6.

4.9 Customers Frequency of Visiting the Hotel

Table 4.8 Frequency of visiting the hotel

Visits the Hotel Total

Once a Quarterly Once a More Don't
year month than a use
Hotel Hilton 45 20 5 13 22 105
Radisson 23 10 3 5 13 54
Total 68 30 8 18 35 159

According to the data gathered shown in the Table 4.8 43% of respondents in Hilton and
Radisson Blu hotels visits were once a year. 21% of respondents in Hilton and 24%
respondents in Radisson Blu they have no experience of visits in both hotels. 19% of
respondents in both hotels replied that they visit quarterly. This helps the researcher to get
more accurate responses about the service delivery of the understudy hotels.

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
4.10 Guest Willingness to Revisit the Hotel

Table 4.9 Guest Willingness to Revisit the Hotel

Revisit Total
Yes No
Hotel Hilton 43 62 105
Radisson 38 16 54
Total 81 78 159

The willingness of the guest to revisit the hotel as mentioned in Table 4.9 Hilton hotel
guest respondents of 41% were having an interest to revisit the hotel and 59% of
respondents are not willing to revisit the hotel. On the other side Radisson Blu hotel Guest
respondents of 70% were having an interest to revisit the hotel and 30% of respondents are
not willing to revisit the hotel. When we compare both hotels 59% of Hilton hotel room
Guests were not needs to revisit the hotels as well as 70% room Guests of Radisson Blu
hotel were having interests to revisit the hotel. This result implies that the service delivery
of Hilton hotel is very poor when compared with the Radisson Blu hotels. As interview
performed with front office manager of Hilton hotel the hotel must be renovated in order to
be competent in the market. Because the room condition is poor due to 44 years of service
and working order of the bath room is unsatisfactory according to Hilton international
brand standard. These conditions create inconvenience on the customer staying at the
Hilton hotel and make their decisions not to revisit the hotel.

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
Part - 2

4.11 Customer Satisfaction Factors in the Understudy Hotels

Room Guests

Satisfaction refers to achieving what we want. If satisfaction interprets as” not going wrong
“the hotel should decrease complaint which by its own is not sufficient. In order to satisfy
customers, the hotel should improve its service and products.

Table 4.10 Guest satisfaction factors

PARAMETER Mean Standard Deviation n
Hilton Radisson Hilton Radisson Blu Hilton Radisson
Blu Blu
Check in 3.68 4.68 1.03 0.48 105 54

Guestroom 3.07 4.85 1.09 0.4 105 54

Guest Staff 3.56 3.76 0.81 105 54
Food and 3.75 4.06 0.82 105 54
Dinning 0.863
Amenities 3.57 2.76 0.37 105 54
Checkout 3.37 4.41 0.919 0.55 105 54
Communication 3.15 3.53 0.815 105 54
Average 3.38 4.01 0.97 0.61

Customer satisfaction and their experience in Addis Ababa Hilton and Radisson Blu
international chain hotels the response of respondents were based on the data in Table 4.10,
so that the questions are organized according to Guest satisfaction factors such as: -

1. Guest room
2. Departure process
3. Pre – arrival / arrival experience
4. Hotel services
Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
5. Food and Beverages services
6. Hotel amenities and
7. Communications

According to Table 4.10 Guest room Respondents response were indicates Hilton hotel
check – in process timely and efficiency based on the accuracy of reservation record and
courteous of staff average mean = 3.68, SD = 1.03 data results were lower than the
Radisson Blu hotel check – in process mean =4.68, SD = 0.48.The standard deviation of
Hilton shows that many customers‟ responses were different as compare to the Radisson
Blu hotel. The mean result implies that Hilton hotel customer service agent and reservation
area needs improvement because the service delivery was not to the standard. According to
the interview performed with front office manager of Hilton hotel the turnover of employee
in the department is high which makes new face to the customer and lack of customer
service experience creates their result lower by decreasing guest expectations.

4.11.1 Guest room

According to table 4.10, data the guest room respondent‟s response were about the room
cleanness, bed and bedding comfortable, and furnished appropriately in the case of Hilton
hotel the average mean = 3.07, SD = 1.09. On the other hand Radisson Blu hotel average
mean = 4.85, SD = 0.4. The result shows comparatively Hilton hotel room condition is not
good as Radisson Blu hotel. The standard deviation implies that responses of Hilton room
Guests are different as compare to the Radisson Blu hotels. The interviews performed in
Hilton hotel with housekeeping and front office manager shows that due to long service
year of the hotel the room condition is not good even if it is cleaned according to the
standard the working order of the bath room is below the standard. Because of its long year
service about 44 years its room structures and bath room equipment is not changed and
renovated. This affects customer satisfaction in the hotel.

4.11.2 Guest staffs

According to Table 4.10, about the guest staffs reliability, friendly, knowledgeable,
availability of security when needed and the ability of management in solving problems the
Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
respondent‟s response for Hilton guest staffs shows that the average mean = 3.56, SD =
0.961 and for Radisson guest staffs the average mean of 3.76, SD = 0.81 both hotels were
having the same standards of guest staffs they can be categorized nearest to good guest
staffs. But it indicates that they need to work more to have very good guest staffs to exceed
customer expectations. This response supported by the results of standard deviation the
respondents of both hotels give identical choices to make their evaluations.

4.11.3 Food and Dinning

According to Table 4.10, about food quality, service delivery of correct food order with in
time and efficient way, and the courteous of dinning and food staffs. Following the
respondents response of the Hilton hotel food and dinning average mean = 3.75, SD =
0.863 on the other hand of Radisson Blu hotel food and dinning average mean = 4.06, SD =
0.82. These results show food and dining of Radisson Blu hotel is better than that of Hilton
hotel. So that Hilton hotel must work in this area. The standard deviation result shows that
the customers in both hotels almost made identical responses.

4.11.4 Amenities

A hotel amenity is something of a premium nature provided in addition to the room and its
basics when renting a room at a hotel, motel, or other place of lodging. The amenities
provided in each hotel vary. In some places of hotels, certain amenities may be standard
with all rooms. In others, they may be optional for an additional cost. (Source:

According to Table 4.10, the amenities of under study hotels are different which makes
their values of average mean = 3.57, SD = 0.883 in the case of Hilton hotel and as for
Radisson Blu amenities average mean = 2.76, SD =0.37. This result shows that Radisson
Blu hotel give more attention to outside amenities (recreation) includes squash court, tennis
court, basketball, volleyball, mini golf field, children play ground and swimming pool
which is not available currently in the hotel. The standard deviation of Radisson Blu hotel
shows that more of room guest respondent‟s response was identical. Room guests can use
this all facilities without additional payment and According to the interview performed
Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
with FO manager of Hilton hotel these amenities are very critical conditions for room

4.11.5 Check Out

The checkout process when the guest stays in the room for day use or a minimum of one
night and want to leave the room (departure) the way they clear out their bill at the front
desk. According to Table 4.10, the checkout process in terms of time, efficiency and
accuracy of bill guest evaluation is gathered under the study hotels. Based on room guest
respondents response Hilton hotel check out average mean = 3.37, SD = 0.919 and
Radisson Blu check out average mean = 4.41, SD = 0.55. According to this result Hilton
hotel check out process is needs improvement. The standard deviation of Radisson Blu
shows that most of the customer‟s response was identical as compared to Hilton hotel. The
interview performed with Hilton hotel front office manager as mentioned previously in the
check in process the problem in this department is the high turnover of staffs leads to new
staffs to face customers with inexperienced of guest contact services which affects service
delivery of the hotels.

4.11.6 Communication

Communication in the hotel is the most important factors for guests stay in the hotel and
for customer‟s visits the hotel for different purposes. According to Table 4.10,
communication based on stable internet connection and electronic information board in
lobby area of the under study hotels incorporated in the research analysis. Respondents
evaluation result of communication in the Hilton hotel average mean = 3.15, SD = 1.01and
in Radisson Blu communication average mean = 3.53, SD =0.85. According to the results
internet connection is not stable in both hotels and according to the comment written by the
respondents internet connection is very weak in both hotels. This implies that the internet
connection of the country is weak as per the response and comments of customers and
government officials report in different symposium (May 9, 2014. Information Technology
week organised by Ethiopian Telecommunication Authority) .Business center in the Hilton
hotel for internet usage fee is very expensive. At the same time wireless connection is not

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
available freely in the Hilton hotel and WIFI connection is started in the first quarter of
2014 but it is not free. If the guest wants to use this connection they need to go to the
reception desk to ask for codes. This all things affect customer satisfaction in the Hilton
hotel. In Radisson blu hotel customer comments WIFI connection is for free and electronic
connection board is available in customer friendly way.

4.12 Overall Impression of Guest experience of the hotel

Table 4.11 Overall Impression of Guest Experience of the Hotel

Hotel Overall Overall Appearan Conditi Overall Overall Locati Parki
service Physical ce of on of cleanline physical on of ng
Received condition hotel lobby ss of Conditio the area
of the Exterior and Guest n of hotel of
hotel recepti room room the
on area hotel
Mean Hilton 3.07 2.16 4.29 3.68 2.43 1.60 4.75 4.88

Radisson 4.31 4.78 4.22 4.41 4.59 4.69 4.35 1.33

N Hilton 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105
Radisson 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54
Total 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159
Std. Hilton 1.022 1.020 .616 1.181 1.055 .792 .533 .432
on Radisson .928 .538 .769 .858 .687 .609 .914 .583

Table 4.11 shows respondents response within each hotel separately as well as comparison
of two hotels. The overall impression of room Guest respondent‟s response in Hilton hotel
and Radisson Blu hotel comparatively according to the data over all service received mean
= 3.07, SD = 1.022 of Hilton hotel indicates good and mean = 4.31, SD = 0.928 of
Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
Radisson Blu shows that exceeds very good and according to the results of standard
deviation the responses of both hotels room Guests are not identical. Overall physical
conditions of the Hilton hotel mean = 2.16, SD = 1.020 in the case of Radisson Blu overall
physical conditions of the hotel mean = 4.78, SD = 0.538, overall cleanness of the guest
room of Hilton hotel Mean = 2.43, SD = 1.055 and of Radisson Blu Mean = 4.59, SD =
0.687, overall physical condition of rooms of Hilton hotel Mean = 1.6, SD = 0.792, of
Radisson Blu Mean = 4.69, SD = 0.609. These respondents response data shows Hilton
hotel must renovate the hotel soon because the status of physical condition, room cleanness
and overall physical condition of the room feedback is negative or below the average. The
standard deviation of Hilton hotel respondent‟s response was varies as compared to
Radisson Blu hotels from minimum to maximum. As the interview performed with the
engineering department chief engineer the hotel is very old due to long service year and the
technology it accommodates and equipment‟s in the room are out dated because of this
they have planned to renovate the hotel before five years but the owner of the hotel
(Government) not decided yet. But currently the government decided to renovate the hotel
in the mid of 2015 GC. In the case of Radisson Blu the building is new and the technology
and the equipment‟s in the room are up-to-date because of these factors the respondents
response rate are positive. In terms of location Hilton hotel Mean = 4.75, SD = 0.533 and
of Radisson Blu Mean = 4.35, SD = 0.914. According to these data Hilton hotel location is
excellent for respondents while for Radisson Blu hotel location rated as very good so that
both hotels result are positive. In terms of parking area of the hotel respondents response
rate of Hilton hotel Mean = 4.88, SD = 0.432 as for Radisson Blu Mean = 1.33, SD =
0.583. This result shows that Radisson blu hotel parking place is very poor. According to
the interview performed with Radisson Blu hotel human resource manager and front office
manager previously there was parking places for 13 cars under the building. But because of
terrorist attack in the neighbouring country the federal government internal affairs offices
convinced us not to use it as parking place. Following this one of the interview questions
was what was the reason not to incorporate parking place with hotel master plan (design)?
The answer of both managers were the Radisson Blu hotel is a joint venture previously the
structure of the building is constructed by Emerald hotel group and sold to the one of

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
Ethiopian partner and Radisson Blu hotel group as it is. Because of this we were not got a
chance to incorporate in the hotel master plan.

4.13 Over all guest experience with the associates of under study hotels

Table 4.12 Guest Experience with Associates of the Hotels

Hotel Responsiv Professional Professional Knowledge about
eness to , courteous Appearance hotel and Local
their Attitude area
Hilton Mean 3.39 3.01 2.70 2.60
n 105 105 105 105
Std. .893 .956 .759 .936
Radisson Mean 3.98 3.02 4.54 3.19
Blu n 54 54 54 54
Std. .858 .901 .573 .754
n 159 159 159 159

According to Table 4.12, to rate the experience of guests in the under study hotel associates
based on responsiveness to their needs, professional and courteous attitude, professional
appearance and their knowledge about the hotel and local area. According to Hilton hotel
respondents response rate responsiveness to their needs Mean = 3.39, SD = 0.893 is Good
and of Radisson Blu Mean = 3.98, SD = 0.858 is very good. Hilton hotel professional and
courteous attitude Mean = 3.01, SD = 0.956 and of Radisson Blu hotel Mean = 3.02, SD =
0.901shows that both hotels are rated the same good and the standard deviation shows that
respondents response are vary among the choices in both hotels. In terms of professional

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
appearance Hilton hotel Mean = 2.70, SD = 0.759 and of Radisson Blu Mean = 4.54, SD =
0.573 according to this the result is negative so that Hilton hotel must work on professional
appearance of his staffs or associates. The SD result show that responses in Hilton hotel are
varies in making choice as compared to Radisson Blu responses. In terms of knowledge
about hotel and local area Mean = 2.60, SD = 0.936 and of Radisson Blu Mean = 3.19, SD
= 0.754 these result shows that both hotels needs to work on their associates to increase the
level of their awareness about their hotel and surroundings based on most frequently asked
questions by the customer.

Part – 3

4.14 Data Analysis on Questionnaire of Travelling Agent

Representative Experience in Under Study Hotels

The booking experience is important and it is vital that consumers choose the right concept
for themselves. This is assisted by the fact that A Responsible travel agency should be at
the heart of any action or decision that an individuals or a company takes, to ensure that
their reservations will be at the core of the individual or company‟s business strategy and
decisions. So that Travel Agency will recognize hotel values as an industry standard and
become aware of the impacts on their customers of their travel choices and satisfaction at
the reserved hotel. Because of this travel agencies are becoming one of my target

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
4.14.1 Travel Agency General Opinion 0f Customer Service Agent and Reservation

Table 4.13 Travel Agency general opinion about under study hotels
Hilton n=5 Radisson Blu n=5
Parameter Mean SD Mean SD
It is convenient to work with this hotel. 3.80 1.30 4.60 0.55
This hotel is professional. 3.20 1.09 4.80 0.45
Compared to their competitors the service quality 3.00 1.00 4.80 0.45
of this hotel is the best.
Compared to our competitors, our prices are more 4.00 0.71 3.60 0.55
This hotel is highly responsive. 3.00 1.00 4.80 0.45
Over all, you satisfied with the employees at this 3.40 0.89 3.80 0.45
You recommend this hotel to people you know or 3.60 0.89 5.00 0.00
work with.
You acquired enough commission from the hotel. 3.00 0.71 3.00 0.71

According to Table 4.13 the general opinion of the travel agency concerning convenient to
work with the Hilton hotel Mean = 3.8, SD = 1.303 and of Radisson Blu Mean = 4.6, SD =
0.547is shows that much better to work with Radisson Blu hotel. The hotel professionalism
of Hilton hotel Mean = 3.2, SD = 1.095 and of Radisson Blu Mean = 4.8, SD = 0.447. The
service quality compared against competitors of Hilton hotel Mean = 3.0, SD = 1.0 and of
Radisson Blu Mean = 4.8, SD = 0.447. The hotel responsiveness and giving sufficient
commission for travel agency of Hilton hotel Mean = 3.0 for both parameter and SD = 1.0
and 0.707. As in the case of Radisson Blu Mean = 4.8, and 3.0, SD = 0.447 and 0.707
respectively. To evaluate from the result the Hilton hotel must be work closely with travel
agency based on common benefits. Comparatively Radisson Blu hotel are more of positive

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
to work with travel agency but it needs to be incorporate in its business plan of common
benefit such as whole room sale and so on.
4.14.2. Travel Agency Relationship with Customer Service Agent and

Table 4.14, Travel agency relationship with customer service agent and reservation
Hilton n = 5 Radisson Blu n = 5
Descriptive analysis Mean SD Mean SD
The customer service agent at this hotel answers your 3.00 1.00 4.00 0.71
question appropriately.
Your wait on hold before speaking with the hotel 3.40 0.89 4.80 0.45
CSA is very short time.
The hotel customer service representative understood 3.00 1.00 4.60 0.55
what you were saying easily.
The customer service representative at this hotel 3.40 0.89 3.80 0.45
eager to help you.
Customer service representative solved your problem 3.40 1.51 3.40 0.89
The hotel CSA are knowledgeable 2.80 1.30 3.80 0.84
The information that the CSA provided to you clear. 3.00 1.41 4.60 0.55
Many of your questions / Problems at this hotel 3.40 1.14 3.80 0.45
resolved by CSA.
Your experience with this CSA at this hotel better 3.20 0.836 4.00 0.71
than you expected.
Overall you are satisfied with the customer service 3.40 0.894 3.80 0.45
you received

According to Table 4.14, travel agent representative respondents response based on the
relationship of under study hotels customer service agent (CSA) and reservation
representative data shows that the degree of travel agent representative questions or
problems resolved by CSA Mean = 3.40, SD = 1.14 for Hilton hotel and in the case of
Radisson Blu Mean = 3.80, SD = 0.44 these result shows that Hilton hotel and Radisson
Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
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Blu hotel CSA can resolve the problems or questions of travel agent by themselves but a
little bit empowerment is needed by Hilton hotel. Generally the Radisson Blu hotels CSA
and reservation representative relationship with travel agent representative are in good
condition or positive. But when we see the Hilton hotel respondent response on the basis of
the CSA understanding level of the travel agent representative questions and their
knowledge ability and the ability of providing clear information were not adequate and
their mean consecutively shown as Mean = 3.0, SD = 1.0, Mean = 2.8, SD = 1.3, and Mean
= 3.0, SD = 1.41 . According to the interview performed with front office manager and
stated on the room guest respondents response the high turnover of the front office staffs
leads to these result it is supported with both target groups. The travel agent representative
comment was Hilton hotel must renovate the hotel soon. The challenges they face when
working with the under study hotel during high occupancy season the room is not available
at lower price and the hotel is not flexible. So this situation makes us to book to other
hotels for our customers which creates inconvenient as we promised before. The business
opportunities they experience with the hotels are one of the travel agency have office in the
Hilton hotel and at the same time participating in the transportation shuttle service for the
Hilton hotel room guests based on profit sharing agreement.

Part – 4

4.15 Data Analysis on Questionnaire of Company Coordinator /

Representative Experience in Under Study Hotels
As Ethiopia is the seat of a number of international organizations including the African
Union, the UN Economic Commission for Africa and more than 100 embassies, conference
tourism is seen as an area with great growth potential. By considering these all factors
company coordinators / representatives are one of my target groups in order to make my
research analysis more result oriented. The questionnaires content are the same with that of
travel agent representative because of similarity of business relationships with in under
study hotels.

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
4.15.1 Company Representatives / Coordinators General Opinion

Table 4.15 Company representatives / coordinators general opinion.

Parameter Hotel
Hilton n = 9 Radisson Blu n = 7
Mean SD Mean SD
It is convenient to work with this hotel. 3.3 1.41 4.4 0.79
This hotel is professional. 3.4 1.01 4.6 0.79
Compared to their competitors the service quality of this
3.1 1.26 4.1 1.07
hotel is the best.
Compared to our competitors, our prices are more
reasonable. 3.0 1.32 3.7 0.49
This hotel is highly responsive. 2.6 1.11 4.9 0.38
Over all, you satisfied with the employees at this hotel. 3.1 1.26 4.1 0.89
You recommend this hotel to people you know or work
3.8 1.09 4.4 0.54
You acquired enough commission from the hotel. 2.9 0.93 3.6 0.98

According to Table 4.15, the company representative respondent‟s response rate the data
shows that based on service quality of the hotel compared to the competitors of Hilton
hotel mean = 3.11, SD = 1.26 and for Radisson Blu hotel Mean = 4.14, SD = 1.06.
According to these result Hilton hotel service quality is low compare to its competitors. So
that the Hilton hotel have to work on the service quality given to company representatives.
The SD shows the respondents response choice variation is high in both hotels and it
implies that customer‟s degree of perceptions is different .In terms of hotel responsiveness
and the acquired commission by the coordinators Hilton hotel mean = 2.66, SD = 1.11 and
mean = 2.88, SD = 0.92 and Radisson Blu hotel Mean = 4.85, SD = 0.37 and Mean = 3.57,
SD = 0.97 respectively. The SD of acquired commission in Radisson Blu hotel response of
more of the customers is the same. To conclude from this results Hilton hotel were not
responsive and pay commission to the company coordinators so that the result is negative.
When we compare with Radisson Blu were highly responsive and moderate in handling
company representative commission. In terms of price with the competitors and
recommending the hotel it is average for both hotels with little advantage of Radisson Blu
Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
hotel. In terms of overall satisfaction with employees of the under study hotel were positive
responses by respondents.

4.15.2 Company Representatives / Coordinators Relationship with Hotels

CSA and Reservation Representative

Table 4.16 Company representatives / coordinators general opinion

Parameter Hilton n = 9 Radisson Blu n=7
Mean SD Mean SD
The customer service agent at this hotel answers 3.67 1.00 4.57 0.78
your question appropriately.

Your wait on hold before speaking with the hotel 3.56 1.13 4.29 0.76
CSA is very short time.

The hotel customer service representative 3.00 1.32 3.57 0.79

understood what you were saying easily.

The customer service representative at this hotel 3.22 1.39 4.14 0.69
eager to help you.

Customer service representative solved your 3.33 1.00 4.14 0.89

problem quickly.

The hotel CSA are knowledgeable 3.11 1.26 4.71 0.49

The information that the CSA provided to you clear. 3.22 1.39 4.86 0.38

Many of your questions / Problems at this hotel 2.56 1.01 3.14 0.89
resolved by CSA.

Your experience with this CSA at this hotel better 3.44 1.01 3.43 0.53
than you expected.

Overall you are satisfied with the customer service 3.33 1.32 4.14 0.38
you received

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
According to Table 4.16 company representative respondents response based on the
relationship of under study hotels customer service agent (CSA) and reservation
representative data shows that the degree of company representative questions or problems
resolved by CSA Mean = 2.55, SD = 1.013 for Hilton hotel and in the case of Radisson Blu
Mean = 3.14, SD = 0.899 these result shows that Hilton hotel and Radisson Blu hotel CSA
can resolve the problems or questions of company representative by themselves. Generally
the Radisson Blu hotels CSA and reservation representative relationship with company
representative are in good condition or positive. But when we see the Hilton hotel
respondent response on the basis of the CSA understanding level of the company
representative questions and their knowledge ability and the ability of providing clear
information were not adequate. The SD of all respondents of Hilton hotel responses shows
the variation is high means different perspective or ideas entertained as compared to
Radisson Blu hotel. According to the interview performed with front office manager the
high turnover of the front office staffs was the reason not to meet customer expectation.
The company representative comment was Hilton hotel must renovate the hotel soon. The
challenges they face when working with the under study hotel during high occupancy
season the room is not available at lower price and the hotel is not flexible. So this situation
makes us to book to other hotels for our customers which creates inconvenient as we
promised before. The challenge they face in the under study hotel were wrong booking and
letters heading to their company which leads them to extra time and effort to correct this
kinds of booking all the time happened in the Hilton hotel. In the Radisson blu sometimes
they face this problem but not at most.

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
Part – 5

4.16 Questionnaires on the Supplier Experience at the Understudy


4.16.1 Number of Years the supplier working with the understudy hotels

Table 4.17 Suppliers Service Year with the Hotels

Hotel Total
Hilton Radisson Blu
Years Less than 5 Yrs. 0 5 5
5 - 10 Yrs. 2 0 2
Greater than 10 3 0 3
Total 5 5 10

According to Table 4.17,Two supplier‟s respondents years of working with the Hilton hotel
were 5 – 10 years and three suppliers‟ were Greater than 10 years. In the case of Radisson
Blu all five respondents of suppliers were working less than 5 years because the operational
service of the hotel is 3 years.

4.16.2 The Amount of Components or Material Types the Suppliers

Supply to the Understudy Hotels

Table 4.18.The amount of supplied items to the hotels

Hotel Total
Hilton Radisson Blu
Compone Less than 5 items 1 3 6
nts 5 -10 items 1 2 1
Greater than 10 3 0 3
Total 5 5 10
Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
According to Table 4.18, the amount of items supplied by the supplier to Hilton hotel are
one supplier supply less than 5 items, one supplier supplies 5 – 10 items and 3 suppliers‟
supplies more than 10 items. Comparatively for Radisson Blu hotel 3 suppliers supplies
less than 5 items and 2 suppliers supplies more than 10 items. This figure shows supplier
respondents have much contact with the understudy hotels and can suggest the challenges
and opportunities in the hotel business transactions.

4.16.3 Supplier Satisfaction Data In Terms of Collaboration with the


Local Suppliers in Ethiopia are mostly dependent on foreign products to distribute among
contracted companies. Mostly there are domestic products delivered by suppliers to star
rated international hotels. The business transaction between international chain hotels and
suppliers is very huge so that all local suppliers are interested to work with. These supplier
or vender satisfaction survey classified in to three categories with the relationship of the
understudy hotels in terms of collaboration, responsiveness and timely payment. According
to Table 4.19 the collaboration average mean of Hilton hotel Mean = 3.51 and Radisson
Blu average collaboration Mean = 3.68 almost average mean of the collaboration of both
hotels are positive. But when we look into specific parameter of collaboration on three
points Hilton needs to improve such as to perform payment within or at the end of the
credit period, in the case of delay in payment the hotel communicates the same on time and
insures the next time frame shared with suppliers, and the active participation of senior
management in the supplier forums shows negative such as mean = 2.8, SD = 1.09, Mean =
2.6, and Mean = 3.0, SD = 0.70 respectively.

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
Table 4.19 supplier satisfaction data in terms of collaboration

Collaboration Hilton n = 5 Radisson Blu n = 5
Mean SD Mean SD
You understand the terms and conditions of the 0.55 0.55
4.60 4.60
contract with the buyer organization/hotel
You receive periodic communication of changes, if any,
0.89 0.45
from the buyer organization/hotel 3.40 3.80

Your personnel are trained, based on the need, by the

1.09 0.55
buyer organization/hotel 3.00 2.60

The purchase order and schedules are made and sent

1.30 0.84
based on your capacity to supply 3.20 3.20

You receive orders with agreed lead times to supply 0.45 0.71
4.20 4.00
0.00 0.45
In case of operational concerns, the personnel 4.00 4.20
In case of operational concerns, the personnel 1.09 1.09
2.80 3.80
You receive your payment within or by the end of the
0.89 1.09
credit period 2.60 3.80

In case of delay in payment, the buyer

organization/hotel communicates the same on time and 0.00 0.45
4.00 4.20
ensures the next time frame is shared with you

Your supplies, based on the orders are accepted and

honoured by the buyer organization/hotel every time 1.09 1.34
3.20 3.40
(except in case of defects)

Once you receive an order, it is usually not changed by

0.89 0.71
the buyer organization/hotel 3.60 4.00

The buyer organization actively pursues issues raised

0.71 0.55
with them and tries to resolve those issues 3.00 2.40

The periodic ratings you receive from the buyer

0.00 0.45
organization is fair 4.00 4.20

Your queries on ratings, if any, are amply clarified by

0.55 0.89
the buyer organization 3.60 3.40

Average Mean 3.51 3.68

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
In comparison with Radisson Blu Mean = 3.8, SD = 1.09, mean = 3.8, SD = 1.09 and Mean
= 2.4, SD = 0.55 only the active participation of managements of Radisson Blu in suppliers
forum is negative. The SD of both hotels when comparatively seen in the case of Hilton
hotel respondent‟s response variation is very high as compared to Radisson Blu hotel.
These shows the perceptions of respondents are different. As the interview performed with
purchasing department the quality of perishable items and the packing quality of products
are very poor. Because of this many items are imported. The importing process is
bureaucratic and time taking it needs a minimum of one to six months based on type and
quantity of items. The comments of suppliers challenge to supply requested items they face
many challenges such as:
1. To import requested item which is not in the stock takes from one month to six
2. Unavailability of quality products and enough quantity in the local markets.
3. Poor packaging materials which don‟t fulfil international standards supplied by
local manufacturers.

4.16.4 Responsiveness of the Understudy Hotels to the Suppliers

Table 4.20 Responsiveness of the understudy Hotels

Responsiveness Hotel
Hilton n = 5 Radisson Blu n = 5
Mean SD Mean SD
You are informed properly about the 4.20 0.45 4.60 0.55
rejections and defects
You receive orders which are well- 3.60 0.55 4.40 0.55
You find it easy to talk to the personnel 3.40 0.89 4.20 0.84
within the buyer organization/hotel

According to Table 4.20, the responsiveness of the understudy hotels evaluated by the
suppliers respondents accordingly. The way the Hilton hotel informs the supplier about the
rejects and defects of the supplied items responsiveness Mean = 4.2, SD =0.447 in the case

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
of Radisson Blu hotel responsiveness Mean = 4.6, SD = 0.547. The proper way of notifying
the supplier about rejects and defects were positive. The way prioritized order delivered to
the supplier in the Hilton hotel Mean = 3.6, SD = 0.547 and in the case of Radisson Blu
hotel Mean = 4.4, SD = 0.547. According to the data the both hotels delivering prioritized
order is positive even though Hilton hotel needs to give little emphasis to the subject to be
more perfect. How much easy for the supplier to discuss with the concerned body of Hilton
hotel Mean = 3.4, SD = 0.894 and in the Radisson hotel Mean = 4.2, SD = 0.836. This
figure shows that for the suppliers easily to discuss with the hotel concerned body is much
better in Radisson hotel than Hilton hotel concerned bodies. The differences of responses
on these issues according to the standard deviation result are comparatively identical in
both hotels.

4.16.5 Timely Payment of the Understudy Hotels to the Suppliers

Table 4.21 Timely payment of the understudy hotels to the suppliers

Timely Payment Hotel

Hilton n = 5 Radisson Blu n = 5
Mean SD Mean SD
You know whom to talk to in the buyer 3.20 1.0 3.20 0.84
organization/hotel, in case of issues or
You find the personnel at the buyer 2.20 1.0 3.00 1.00
organization/hotel responding to
queries within agreed timelines

According to Table 4.21 timely payment concerning payment issues are the supplier know
in the hotel to whom to talk to resolve payment problems timely. Based on the respondents
response of suppliers in Hilton hotel Mean = 3.2, SD = 1.095 and in the case of Radisson
Blu respondents response Mean = 3.2, SD = 0.836. Timely payment issues in both hotels
are nearest to good means they need to be friendly with the supplier to simplify business
transactions between them. The second parameters of timely payment are the supplier finds
the personnel at the buyer hotel responding to queries within agreed timelines. The
respondents response were in Hilton hotel Mean = 2.2, SD = 1.095 and in the case of
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in Addis Ababa, 2014
Radisson Blu Mean = 3.0, SD = 1.0 this result shows negative in the case of Hilton hotel so
that the hotel must work on this issue to keep the agreed timelines. In the case of Radisson
Blu hotel the result is moderate it needs some adjustments. As the SD result shows the
respondents response are more of similar in both hotels. These shows that if there is no
variance between the respondents choice or comments their perception about the service
delivery of the hotels comparatively the identical.

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
Chapter – 5

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations


In this research paper, comparative analysis performed on service delivery examined

aspects of service quality that affect customer satisfaction and results in success of hotels.
For exploring those features, travel agents, company coordinators, suppliers and customer‟s
experience were collected. Satisfied customers would lead customers to revisit hotel and
this will result in hotel success. This research in quantitative analysis targeted 220
respondents. However 195 questionnaires were returned and analysed. The gender, age,
education level and purpose of visits of respondents were observed. In gender variable, out
of 159 room Guests, 126 respondents were male and 33 were female that resulted in 79%
male and 21% female of the understudy hotels. Four categories were defined for age
description ranging from 18 years to more than 46 years. Numbers of 18-22 years
respondents is 3, 23-29 years is 25, 30-45 years is 42 and more than 46 years is 89.While
determining the education level of respondents, more percentage was observed of Diploma
holder 42% and Bachelor Degree 32% education level visiting hotels. Observation of
respondents‟ purposes of visits showed that 30% of respondents were business travellers,
20% were travellers for recreation, and 18% were for conferences, 9% were visiting friends
and relatives, 5% were transit and 17% were not stated. So, the highest percentile of
respondents was business travellers. In order to check the possibility of customer retention
in the understudy hotels 59% of Room Guests of Hilton hotel and 30% of Radisson Blu
hotels respondents‟ response shows that they aren‟t willing to revisit the hotels. This result
implies customer expectations are not meet by Hilton hotel as compared to Radisson Blu
In qualitative analysis the research targeted a total of 10 interviewees 8 from the under
study hotels, one from Ministry of culture and tourism accreditation office and from Addis

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
Ababa investment office. These target population were interviewed in their offices and
their response were used in analysing the research and substantiate the questionnaires. For
improving service quality, four aspects were identified: (1) service delivery, (2) hotel front
line employees, (3) guest amenities and surroundings, and (4) prestige (rank or other
favourable attribute)

1. According to the research objectives of the under study hotels fulfilling the
international accreditations standards adopted by ministry of culture and tourism.

Based on the response of the respondents according to Table 4.11, based on the amenities
of outdoor service average Mean = 2.76 and in Table 4.12 enough parking lots Mean =1.33
of Radisson blu international chain hotel result is negative. As international standard 5 star
hotels the Radisson Blu hotel don‟t have enough parking lots and outdoor amenities such as
swimming pool, children ply grounds, ground tennis, mini golf and shops. But Hilton hotel
results are positive Mean = 3.57 and 4.88 respectively. So that the result shows all required
amenities listed on adopted by MOCT accreditations international standard are fulfilled by
Hilton hotels as compared to Radisson Blu hotel.

2. The challenges of the understudy hotels according to interview performed and

comments given by the respondents as follows:
According to the interview performed with kitchen chefs, purchasing manager of the under
study hotels the challenges in their business process were Low packaging quality of food
items and absence of stable and quality supplier of vegetable that forces them to change
some of their food menus. This result is substantiated by the comments of the supplier
respondents to get quality products with required quantity in the local markets. The other
comments forwarded by the suppliers and purchasing manager of the under study hotels the
long process of customs to import goods is one of the challenges to meet customer

3. The factors those affecting the service delivery of the under study hotels are
analysed based on Room guests, travel agents, company coordinators, suppliers and
Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
interview target population (under study hotels department heads, MOCT
accreditation offices, and investment offices) responses.

The responses of the room Guest experience with the associates of the hotels shows that at
Hilton hotel in professional courteous attitude, professional appearance and knowledge
about hotel and local area were according to Table 4.13, mean = 3.01, 2.7 and 2.6
respectively which indicates the service delivery of the hotel is in problem. This result
substantiated by data in the Table 4.12 overall service received by room guest of Hilton
hotel mean = 3.07. The interview performed with front office manager of Hilton hotel
indicates that the staff turnover in the department is very high. Because of this
inexperienced staffs and new face to the customer makes the service delivery of the
department doesn‟t meet customer expectations. According to Table 4.12 overall physical
condition of the hotel, room and cleanness of Guest room of Hilton hotel mean = 2.16, 2.43
and1.6 respectively which indicates that the hotel needs renovation. The interview made
with the chief engineer of Hilton hotel responses the hotel needs renovation soon but the
decision is in the hands of the owner this is the crucial challenges of the Hilton hotel to
make renovation timely.

4. The opportunities of the understudy hotels analysed based on the comments of the
Room Guests. 85% of respondent‟s response shows that both hotels required
establishing new hotels outside Addis Ababa at the historic heritages. According to
the data in Table 2.1 by considering increasing rate of inbound tourists comparing
with the existing hotel capacity projected and unsatisfied demand shows that there
is a big business opportunities for the understudy hotels and for those planning to
enter the hotels industry.

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
5.2 Conclusions

This study examined the aspects of service delivery in understudy hotels that influence the
satisfaction of customers and their intention to revisit. The outcomes of this research
conclude to provide quality service is the amalgamation of different elements which are
intricately linked with each other. The findings of this study suggested that impact of
service quality affects the customer satisfaction that results in success of hotel and it is an
irrefutable fact. Moreover, sustaining the customer satisfaction level is an on-going process
that entails unremitting improvement in service quality at both hotels. This research helps
to find out opportunities and challenges they face during business process. The importance
of this findings helps for the hotel industry to use opportunities that not taken in to
consideration and to work on challenges to find solutions to meet customer expectations.
The aim of this chapter is to conclude the findings from the research regarding the aim and
objectives set for the research.
Findings indicate that

Hilton international chain hotel of Addis Ababa was mentioned that the hotel rooms
are in need of renovations.
The main important comment about Radisson blu international chain hotel of Addis
Ababa was that there is need for extending parking; there are no enough parking
The customer service agents and Reservation representatives of Hilton hotel service
quality is poor.
Radisson Blu international hotel don‟t fulfil the accreditation of international
standard adopted by ministry of culture and tourism for Ethiopia as the attached
document in appendix II.

Challenges of the hotels

1. Hilton hotel management can‟t make decision on the renovation of the hotel
because the decision is in the hands of the owner (government) because of this
factor the decision takes more than five years.
2. The high turnover of front office staffs of Hilton hotel.
3. High dependence on foreign supplies and the long process of customs to import
Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
4. Low packaging quality of food items.
5. Absence of stable and quality supplier of vegetable.

Opportunities of the hotels

6. To establish new hotels outside Addis Ababa at the historic heritages.

7. Expected increasing rate of inbound tourist arrival will create a big business
opportunities for existing those planning to enter the hotels industry.

5.3 Recommendations

The hotels all over the world are competing for the market share and develop new
strategies to leave the competitors behind. In order to improve the image of the hotel, and
accordingly increase the benefits, hotels should put more efforts to investigate the needs
and expectations of their customers. Only the deep understanding of the desires of their
customers can help the hotels keep their customers loyal. In order to meet customer
satisfaction competent employees‟ are crucial to the hospitality industry. So that:-

 Hilton hotel management must take fast action to retain front line staffs‟ by
implementing any kind of motivation methods based on the drawback of the
turnover. In the long plan in order to have sustainable working environment the
hotel must incorporates the competent hotel industry competitive advantage.
According to the research analysis performed on” Hotel Sector Investment in
Ethiopia“ by Ebisa C. Gobena and Andualem H. Gudeta (2013) and Embassy of
Japan, (2008) indicated that other tourism-based counties such as UAE attract the
trained/ skilled workers with better working conditions.
 The Hilton hotel management must take short term plan until the renovation will be
done. Such as continuous planned preventive maintenance program and replacing
the most essential items to the customers.
 My recommendations to Radisson Blu hotel about the parking place they have to
find a solution by consulting Addis Ababa Municipality Offices to extend parking
to get enough parking lots. As the interview response from accreditation office
Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
there is a free place nearby the hotel they can lease it from Addis Ababa
municipality government and work on the outdoor amenities to meet international 5
stars hotel standards.
 The Addis Ababa Hilton international chain hotel fulfils the international
accreditation standards adopted by MOCT according to the attached documents in
appendix II but in order to meet customer expectations as the brand standard all
amenities of the hotels needs renovation.
 The Addis Ababa Radisson Blu hotel is not fulfils the international accreditation
standards adopted by MOCT rated as star 5 as documented in standards of
classification of hotels. Because there is a request from respondents to fulfil
Swimming pool, ground tennis, shops, children play ground, and enough parking
places. This international accreditation standard needs further research according to
Ethiopian context.

5.4 Limitations of Study

There are few limitations of this study. For this study, research survey was conducted in
two international chain hotels in Addis Ababa capital city of Ethiopia, but some other
hotels in the city are not covered. For that matter, generalization of outcomes is not

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014

Addis Ababa Investment Agency, (2013).A Series Data on Hotels in Addis Ababa.
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Jennings, G.R., (2005). Interviewing: A Focus on Qualitative Techniques. In: Ritchie, B.W., (ed),
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Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
Appendix I

Survey Questionnaires

Questionnaire on Guest experience in the understudy hotel

Dear Guest ----------------------------

Wishing you a pleasant stay in Addis Ababa, the following questionnaire is a research
instrument on comparative analysis on opportunities and challenges of international chain
hotels in the capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. Your answers to the questions will be a
great help for me to work on post graduate program (Masters of Business Administration)
to contribute in evaluating the status quo and finding some solutions to offering better
services in Addis Ababa international chain hotels and develop competitive tourism
industry in the city in the near future.

I appreciate and thanks from bottom of my heart for your support in answering these
questions with your own time.

With Best Regards

MBA Prospective Graduate Student

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels
in Addis Ababa, 2014
Room number..........................................
1. How often do you typically visit the Hotel?
a. Once a year
b. Every 2-3 months
c. Once a month
d. More than a year
e. Do not use.
2. The purpose of your visit?
a. Business
b. Conferencing, meeting
c. Recreation
d. Visiting friends and relatives
e. Transit
f. Not stated
3. In which age group do find yourself most suited from the following
a. 18 – 22 yrs.
b. 23 – 29 yrs.
c. 30 – 45 yrs.
d. 46 yrs. and above
4. What is your gender?
a. Male
b. Female
5. What is your current marital status?
a. Single ,never married
b. Married, without children
c. Married, with children
d. Divorced
e. Separated
6. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
a. Less than high school
b. High school
c. Diploma
d. Bachelor degree
e. Master‟s degree
f. Doctoral degree
7. How do you make your reservation?
a. Travel agency
b. Company
c. Yourself
8. What is your evaluation for the choice of this hotel?
a. Location
b. Price
c. Brand image
d. Friends choice
e. Member of loyalty/honours program
f. Without preference

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
I. Please rate your experience at the understudy Hotel on the following:

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Check in
My reservation record was accurate.
The check-in process was timely and efficient.
The check-in staff was courteous.

Guest Room
My room was clean and comfortable.
My room was furnished appropriately.
My bed and bedding were comfortable.

Guest Staff
The guest staff was prompt, reliable, and friendly.
The guest staff was knowledgeable and fully
answered my questions about the area.
Security was available if needed.
Housekeeping staff was friendly and reliable.
Management was available to solve problems.

Food and Dining

The food and dining staff was courteous.
The food quality was good.
Room service was timely and efficient.
Room service delivered the correct food order.

Hotel amenities (squash court, ground tennis,
children ply ground) were clean, attractive, and
properly equipped.
Gymnasium properly equipped and attractive.
Swimming pool water is hot and clean.
Sauna & Steam bath are efficient, clean and
Locker and rest room are ventilated, clean and

Check Out
The check-out process was timely and efficient.
I received a complete and accurate bill.

There is stable internet connection
There is information board at the lobby area
Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
Overall Impression

II. Please rate your experience at Hotel Radisson Blu Addis Ababa on the

Excellent Very Good Fair Poor

(5) Good (4) (3) (2) (1)
Overall service received
Overall physical condition
of this hotel
Appearance of hotel exterior
Condition of lobby and
reception area
Overall cleanliness of guest
Overall physical condition
of room
Location of the hotel
Parking area of the hotel

III. Please rate your experience with associates at Hotel Radisson Blu Addis Ababa
on the following:

Excellent Very Good Fair Poor

(5) Good (4) (3) (2) (1)
Responsiveness to your needs
Professional, courteous attitude
Professional appearance
Knowledge about hotel and local

General questions and comments

1. Will you like to revisit this hotel?

a. Yes
b. No

2. Do you have any comment? ------------------------------------------------------------------


Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
Questionnaire on Supplier experience in the hotel

Dear Supplier ----------------------------

The following questionnaire is a research instrument on comparative analysis on

opportunities and challenges of international chain hotels in the case of Hilton and
Radisson blu hotels located in the capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. Your answers to
the questions will be a great help for me to work on post graduate program (Masters of
Business Administration) to contribute in evaluating the status quo and finding some
solutions to offering better services in Addis Ababa international chain hotels and develop
competitive tourism industry in the city in the near future.

I appreciate and thanks from bottom of my heart for your support in answering these
questions with your own time

With Best Regards

MBA Prospective Graduate Student

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
Supplier Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire or Vendor Satisfaction Survey

Parameter Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree(5) (4) (3) (2) Disagree(1)
You understand the
terms and conditions of
the contract with the Collaboration
You receive periodic
communication of
changes, if any, from the
buyer organization/hotel
Your personnel are
trained, based on the
need, by the buyer
The purchase order and
schedules are made and
sent based on your
capacity to supply
You are informed
properly about the Responsiveness
rejections and defects
You receive orders
which are well- Responsiveness
You know whom to talk
to in the buyer Timely
organization/hotel, in Payment
case of issues or concerns
You receive orders
with agreed lead times
to supply

You find the personnel at

the buyer
responding to queries Payment
within agreed timelines

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
Parameter Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree(5) (4) (3) (2) Disagree(1)
In case of operational
concerns, the personnel
at the buyer
organization/hotel is Collaboration
able to direct to the
correct person for issue
You receive your
payment within or by
the end of the credit
You find it easy to talk
to the personnel within
the buyer
In case of delay in
payment, the buyer
communicates the same Collaboration
on time and ensures the
next time frame is shared
with you
Your supplies, based on
the orders are accepted
and honoured by the
buyer organization/hotel
every time (except in
case of defects)
Once you receive an
order, it is usually not
changed by the buyer
The buyer organization
actively pursues issues
raised with them and Collaboration
tries to resolve those

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
Parameter Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree(5) (4) (3) (2) Disagree(1)
The periodic ratings
you receive from the
buyer organization is
Your queries on
ratings, if any, are
amply clarified by the
buyer organization
Senior Management
from the hotel/ buyer
organization actively Collaboration
participates in Supplier

1. How many years have you been associated with the hotel?

a. Less than 5 years

b. 5 – 10 years
c. More than 10 years

2. How many components / material types / parts do you supply to the hotel?
a. Less than 5 items
b. 5 – 10 items
c. More than 10 items
3. Please note down the challenges you face to deliver supplies requested by the hotel
4. Do you have any comments the hotel will experience in the future---------------------
5. Is there anything you may think of business opportunities hotel will use it?
6. Span of supply
a. Locally
b. Globally

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
Questionnaire on Travelling Agent Representative Experience


The Hotels

Dear Travelling Agent Representative ----------------------------

The following questionnaire is a research instrument on comparative analysis on

opportunities and challenges of international chain hotels in the capital city of Ethiopia,
Addis Ababa. Your answers to the questions will be a great help for me to work on post
graduate program (Masters of Business Administration) to contribute in evaluating the
status quo and finding some solutions to offering better services in Addis Ababa
international chain hotels and develop competitive tourism industry in the city in the near

I appreciate and thanks from bottom of my heart for your support in answering these
questions with your own time.

With Best Regards

MBA Prospective Graduate Student

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree(5) (4) (3) (2) Disagree(1)

It is convenient to work with this hotel

This Hotel is professional.
Compared to their competitors, the service
quality of this hotel is the best.
Compared to our competitors, our prices are
more reasonable
This hotel is highly responsive
The customer service representatives at this
hotel answer your questions appropriately.
Overall, you satisfied with the employees at
this hotel.
You recommend this hotel to people you
know or work with.
Your wait on hold before speaking with the
hotel customer service representative is very
short time.
The hotel customer service representative
understood what you were saying easily.
The customer service representatives at this
hotel eager to help you.
Customer service representative solved your
problem quickly
The hotel customer service representative are
The information that the customer service
representative provided to you is clear.
Many of your questions/ problems at this
hotel resolved by the customer service
The customer service representatives are
Your experience with customer service at
this hotel better than you expected it to be.

Overall, you are satisfied with the customer

service you received.
You acquired enough commission from the

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
Please can you suggest your opinion or comment?
1. Do you have any comment?

2. What challenges do you face when working with the hotel? …………………

3. What business opportunities do you experience in the hotel?


Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014
Appendix II

2.4 Star rating system

A star rating symbolizes the level of service, range of facilities and quality of guests‟ care that
you can expect. Hotels are required to meet progressively higher standards as they move up the
scale from one to five stars. A star rated property has to provide the following before they can be
considered for star rating.
 High standard of cleanliness throughout the year.
 Pricing and conditions of booking system should be clear.
 Local information should be provided to help customers and to make their stays best.
 Comfortable accommodation with a range of furniture to meet customer‟s needs.
 Colour television (where signal available) at no extra charge.
 Kitchen equipment to meet all essential requirements.
According to the facilities provided star rated hotels are rated one to five star level. The criteria
of ratings to different star level are discussed here below.

One-star hotel
A hotel to be rated as one star hotel it has to fulfil the following criteria.
Practical accommodation with a limited range of facilities and services, but a high standard
of cleanness throughout the year.
Friendly and courteous staffs to give help and information to make the stay of the customer
full of enjoy.
Restaurant/eating area open to you and your guests for breakfast and dinner.
Alcoholic drinks will be served in a bar or lounge, 75% of bed rooms will have en-suite or
private facilities.

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014
A two-star hotel

A two- star hotel will have the following facilities (in addition to what is provided at one star).
Good overnight accommodations with more comfortable bedrooms, better equipped –all with
en-suite or private facilities and colour TV.
A relatively straightforward range services of food, drink and a personal style of service.
A restaurant/drinking room for breakfast and dinner.
A lift is normally available.

A three-star hotel
It will have the following facilities (in addition to what is provided at one and two stars).
Possibly larger establishments, but all offering significantly greater quality and large
facilities and services, and usually more spacious public areas and bed rooms.
A more formal style of service with the receptionist on duty and staff responding well to your
needs and requests.
Room service of continental breakfast.
Laundry service available.
A wide selection of drinks, light lunch and snacks served in a bar or lounge.

A four-star hotel
It will have the following facilities (in addition to what is provided at one, two, and three stars).
Accommodation offering superior comfort and quality; all bed rooms with en-suite bath,
fitted overhead shower and WC.
The hotel will have spacious and very well appointed public areas and will put a strong
emphasis on food and drinks.
Staff will have very good technical and social skills, anticipating and responding to your
needs and requests.
Room service of all means and 24 hours drink, refreshments and snacks.
Dry cleaning service available.
Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014
A five-star hotel

It will have the following facilities in addition to the above star rated hotels.
A spacious, luxurious establishment offering you the highest international quality of
accommodations, facilities, and services and cuisine.
It will have striking accommodation throughout, with a range of extra facilities.
You will feel very well cared for by professional, attentive staff providing flawless guest
A hotel that fits the highest international standards for the industry, with an air of luxury,
exceptional comfort and a sophisticated ambience.

2.5 Hotels Grading Factors

Hotels grading factors are rated from 1000 and the distribution of points with the standard given
above discussed here below.

Part I: Structural features (23 points)

Confined to the building (s) , as such, external and internal structures adequacy of both
room/toilets facilities( overall) bedrooms, suites, kitchens(s) dining rooms, lounges, verandas,
function rooms, public toilets, bars, reception, office and storage facilities, staff facilities,
corridors, stair cases, lifts, and fire escapes and state of repair, of these

Part II: Furnishings, fittings, Equipment’s, and internal decorations (22 points)
Adequacy, quality, comfort, and conveniences, colour matching, decor throughout the hotel,
Including soft furnishings and linen, cutlery, crockery, glassware, chinaware, and state of
conditions ……………………………………………………………………220

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels in
Addis Ababa, 2014
Part III: Staffs and services

Availability, appearance, efficiency and courtesy of staff throughout the hotel, and all those

Part IV: Food, Quality, Variety and Deco ration

Quality, preparation, presentation and variety of food are rated under this part. Quality choice
and availability of wines, alcoholic drinks, soft and beers, hot and cold

Part V: Safety and hygiene

Cleanliness, safety device, and proper ventilations throughout the hotel over and above the
qualities marked in other features......................…...100

Part VI: Amenities

Other facilities provided by the hotel for the convenience, comfort, entertainment and recreation
of the guests...........................................…...80

Part VII. Classification grading range for hotels

Mark range Grade
875-1000 ………………………………5 star
744-874…………………………………4 star
608-743…………………………………3 star
467-607…………………………………2 star
321-466………………………………....1 star
170-320…………………………………Basic level hotel

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014
5 - Bed-Places capacity – All accommodation establishments

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Count %

TOTAL 12,236 100 16,250 100 16,848 100 17,936 100 21,937 100 24,083 100
COLLECTIVE The standard of the
TOURISM 100.0 accommodation
12,236 100.00 16,250 100.00 16,848 100.00 17,936 100.00 21,937 24,083 100
ESTABLISHMEN 0 establishments was
TS based on previous
HOTELS & classifications,
SIMILAR 100.0 which didn‟t
12,236 100.00 16,250 100.00 16,848 100.00 17,936 100.00 21,937 24,083 100 clearly segregate
according to the
services they
100.0 provide. However,
HOTELS 12,236 100.00 16,250 100.00 16,848 100.00 17,936 100.00 21,937 24,083 100
0 the ministry is in
Deluxe the process of
classifying existing
5 stars 705 5.76 705 4.34 895 5.31 1,264 7.05 1,264 5.76 1,264 5.25 hotels based on a
1,331 new criterion.
4 stars 790 6.46 1,393 8.57 7.90 1,197 6.67 1,197 5.46 1,197 4.97
Source: Ministry of
3 stars 1,352 11.05 1,558 9.59 1,872 11.11 2,314 12.90 2,314 10.55 2,314 9.60 Culture and Tourism
2 stars 1,072 8.76 1,285 7.91 2,101 12.47 1,898 10.58 1,898 8.65 1,898 7.88 (MOCT)
1 star 910 7.44 922 5.67 967 5.74 941 5.25 941 4.29 941 3.90

Unclassified Hotels 7,407 60.53 10,387 63.92 9,682 57.47 10,322 57.55 14,323 65.29 16,469 68.38

Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MOCT)

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis Ababa, 2014
1 – Arrivals of tourist at national borders, by month
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Count %
TOTAL 290,458 100 311,943 100 330,157 100 427,286 100 468,305 100 523,438 100
1st 136,442 26.07
69,529 23.94 78,934 25.30 75,240 22.79 94,566 22.13 117,368 25.06
January 26,360 9.08 37,460 12.01 24,784 7.51 36188 8.47 48173 10.29 52,243 9.98
February 21,185 7.29 20,206 6.48 24,494 7.42 27529 6.44 33701 7.20 40,567 7.75
March 21,984 7.57 21,268 6.82 25,962 7.86 30849 7.22 35494 7.58 43,632 8.34
2nd 123,351 23.57 ARRIVALS
75,179 25.88 69,061 22.14 83,677 25.34 91,183 21.34 101,735 21.72
April 24,062 8.28 23,950 7.68 29,211 8.85 34006 7.96 31263 6.68 37,315 7.13 OF ENTRY.
May 25,015 8.61 22,034 7.06 26,154 7.92 29869 6.99 36838 7.87 44,383 8.48
June 26,102 8.99 23,077 7.40 28,312 8.58 27308 6.39 33634 7.18 41,653 7.96
3rd 123,571 23.61
78,540 27.04 78,816 25.27 85,331 25.85 96,217 22.52 123,304 26.33
July 27,770 9.56 21,616 6.93 29,574 8.96 32446 7.59 42445 9.06 37,992 7.26
August 25,765 8.87 32,514 10.42 29,428 8.91 31218 7.31 40137 8.57 44,251 8.45
September 25,005 8.61 24,686 7.91 26,329 7.97 32553 7.62 40722 8.70 41,328 7.90
4th 140,074 26.76
67,210 23.14 85,132 27.29 85,909 26.02 145,320 34.01 125,898 26.88
October 24,700 8.50 22,806 7.31 28,687 8.69 36203 8.47 39991 8.54 39,702 7.58
November 22,515 7.75 27,434 8.79 28,453 8.62 58392 13.67 41549 8.87 53,971 8.87
December 19,995 6.88 34,892 11.19 28,769 8.71 50725 11.87 44358 9.47 46,401 10.31
Table: 2.3 Arrivals of Tourist at National Borders by month

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis Ababa, 2014
Summary of International Tourists Flow to Ethiopia by Purpose of Visit

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Count %

TOTAL 311,94 330,15 468,30

290,458 100 100 100 427,286 100 100 523,438 100
3 7 5
LEISURE, RECREATION 29.5 128,53 41.2 30.1 32.3 171,41
85,769 99,394 138,070 36.60 183,008 34.96
AND HOLIDAYS 3 3 0 1 1 4


28,468 9.80 26,337 8.44 25,482 7.72 35,593 8.33 28,672 6.12 37,116 7.10 ARRIVALS
BUSINESS AND 33.9 19.6 19.6 27.8 113,96
98,593 61,337 64,930 118,890 24.33 141,595 27.05 ALL PORTS OF
Business 20.1 13.9 14.9 16.7
58,593 43,455 49,209 71374 77816 16.62 91,064 17.40
7 3 0 0
Meetings, conferences, 13.7 11.1
40,000 17,882 5.73 15,721 4.76 47516 36145 7.72 50,531 9.65
congresses 7 2

OTHER 26.7 30.6 140,35 42.5 31.5 154,25

77,628 95,736 134,733 32.94 161,719 30.9
3 9 1 1 3 8
Transit 26.3 18.8 23.5 19.0
76,556 58,916 77,572 81481 84229 17.99 86,020 16.43
6 9 0 7
Not stated 11.8 19.0 12.4
1,072 0.37 36,820 62,779 53252 70029 14.95 75,699 14.46
0 1 6
Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MOCT)

Comparative Analysis of Service Delivery between Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis Ababa, 2014

I hereby declare that this work entitled: “Comparative Analysis on Opportunities and
Challenges of selected international Chain hotels in Addis Ababa”, is outcome of my
own effort and that all sources of materials used for the study, to the best of my knowledge,
have been duly acknowledged. I have produced it independently except for the guidance
and suggestion of my research advisor.
This study has not been submitted for any degree in this university or any other university.
It is offered for the partial fulfilment of Degree of Masters in Business Management.


Signature: __________________________

Date: ______________________________

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014

This thesis has been submitted to ST. Mary‟s University, School of Graduate Studies for
examination with my approval as University advisor.

Advisor: Abdurezak Mohamed (PHD)

Signature: __________________________

Date: ______________________________

Comparative Analysis on Service Delivery of Selected International Chain Hotels in Addis
Ababa, 2014

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