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Local and Global Learning Methods For Predicting Power of A Combined Gas & Steam Turbine

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Local and Global Learning Methods for Predicting Power of a Combined Gas &
Steam Turbine

Conference Paper · March 2012


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2 authors:

Heysem Kaya Pinar Tufekci

Namık Kemal Üniversitesi

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International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Electronics Engineering (ICETCEE'2012) March 24-25, 2012 Dubai

Local and GlobalLearning Methods for

Predicting Power of a Combined Gas & Steam
HeysemKaya 1, Pınar Tüfekci 2, andFikret S.Gürgen 3

variables is beyond the scope of this paper. However, efficient

Abstract—In pursuit of finding accurate and efficient ways of intelligent learning methods in terms of ease-of-
predicting hourly electrical energy output, this study utilizes a dataset implementation, relatively low memory and computational
collected over 6 years (2006-2011) whose data points correspond to needs are desired outputs.
average hourly sensor measurements when the plant is set to work
One of the goals of this study for the power plant is to
with full load. The input features are ambient temperature, relative
humidity and ambient pressure which are known to be major factors develop a reliablepredictor of following day’s net energy yield
in gas turbines as well as exhaust vacuum measured from steam per hour. The real life application requires the prediction of
turbine. We utilized conventional multivariate regression, additive following day’s hourly local ambient temperature values as a
regression, k-NN, feedforward ANN and K-Means clustering to form function of Meteorology Institute’s max local temperature
local and global predictive models. It is found that even with simple forecast and short-term temperature distribution over 24 hours.
regression tools such as k-NN smoother it is possible to predict net
To meet this requirement it is feasible to use monthly average
yield with less than %1 relative error on the average. Using more
sophisticated tools and proper preprocessing it is possible to temperature distributions over the day where the data to
significantly increase the performance. calculate temperature statistics is available for the last 5 years.
Recently, Fast et al. [11] conducted a similar study with a
Keywords—Local Models, Gas Turbines, Power Prediction, small scale (22MW P E ) Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
Steam Turbines plant with three aforementioned ambient variables as inputs
where the data is collected over one month. This study differs
I. INTRODUCTION& MOTIVATION from [11] in two main aspects: 1) The dataset nature 2)
Machine learning methods. First, the dataset is collected over
T O satisfy the increasing demand to electricity considering
environmental aspects along with economic concerns,
many power plants with gas turbine derivatives have been
dramatically longer period for a middle scale combined gas &
steam turbine (CGST) whose P E variance is larger than
established all around the world [1]. The reliability and 22MW. Second, both simpler and more sophisticated machine
sustainability of a gas turbine depend highly on prediction of learning methods are utilized and the results are compared
its power generation particularly when it is subject to using statistical tests.
constraints of high profitability and contractual liabilities.The The layout of the paper is as follows: section two describes
effects of ambient conditions (i.e. ambient temperature (T), the machine learning methods used, section three introduces
relative humidity (RH) and ambient pressure (AP)) are widely the dataset and experimental results and section four
known and studied [1]-[10]. There are also relatively few concludes with recommendations for future work.
studies [10]-[11] which utilize ambient conditions and
machine learning tools such as Artificial Neural Networks II. TOOLS AND METHODS
(ANNs) for prediction of gas turbine variables the most A. k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) Smoother
important of which is electrical power (P E ). Therefore the aim
k-NN is a widely used, simple and stable predictor which
of this study is not only analysis of individual factors but also
became popular after works of [12]. In machine learning, k-
finding the most appropriate ways of utilizing those factors to
NN is an example of nonparametric learningwhile in
predictnet energy yield. The thermodynamic investigation of
Artificial Intelligence it is referred as instance based
learning[13]. Nonparametric regression is called smoothing
Heysem.Kaya is pursuing his Phd degree in Bogazici University, Dept. and the prediction is a smooth[14]. Therefore we refer to
of Computer Engineering ETA 26 (Medialab) TR-34342 Bebek / Istanbul, regression using k-NN as k-NN smoothing.The idea is “similar
Turkey (corresponding author phone: +90 505 593 01 44; fax: +90 212 287
2461; e-mail: ).
inputs result in similar outputs” [15]. In fact there is no
Pınar Tüfekci is with Namık Kemal University,Dept. of Computer training process (that’s why it is classified as lazy) and when
Engineering, SilahtarMahallesi, SinanDedeMevkiiCerkezkoyYolu 3. km, an unseen input is to be tested the closest ktraining samples are
59860 Corlu / Tekirdag, Turkey (e-mail: ). retrieved and the prediction is done based on their k outputs.
Fikret S. Gürgen is with Bogazici University, Dept. of Computer
Engineering, ETA 22 TR-34342 Bebek / Istanbul, Turkey (e-mail: In a classification task, majority voting is used i.e. the new ).

International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Electronics Engineering (ICETCEE'2012) March 24-25, 2012 Dubai

instance is labeled with the majority classout of k neighbors.In networks such as Support Vector Machines and Multi-Layer
a regression task, the outputs of k neighbors are aggregated. In Perceptrons[13].
both tasks it is possible to weight the contributions manually Another approach to a multivariate regression problem is
by means of a kernel. A kernel can be seen as a smooth weight fitting higher order univariate models and aggregating the
function which takes the distance between test instance and a individual estimates [13]. This approach is called additive
neighbor as input. Later the aggregation can be normalized to model the details of which can be found in [17].
the sum of kernel coefficients so that the weights sum up to 1.
The most widely used kernel is Gaussian kernel:
C. Feedforward Error Backpropagating ANN
1 𝑑𝑑 ‖𝑢𝑢‖2
An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is simply a predictive
𝐾𝐾(𝑢𝑢) = � � 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 �− � (1) model inspired from human brain. Similar to bionic NN, it has
√2 𝜋𝜋 2
a layered architecture with neurons and connections among
where exponent d is the dimensionality of the multivariate the layers. A basic ANN has three layers: input, hidden and
dataset. Then the smoothas weighted sum of k neighbors is output layers. The number of hidden layers and the number of
attainedusing: hidden units (neurons) can be adjusted depending on problem
complexity. It has been proven that using sufficient number of
∑𝑘𝑘𝑡𝑡=1 𝐾𝐾�𝑥𝑥−𝑥𝑥 𝑡𝑡 �𝑟𝑟 𝑡𝑡 hidden units in one hidden layer has the same effect with using
𝑔𝑔�(𝑥𝑥) = ∑𝑘𝑘𝑡𝑡=1 𝐾𝐾(𝑥𝑥−𝑥𝑥 𝑡𝑡 )
(2) multiple hidden layers and such a one-hidden-layer ANN can
learn any nonlinear function[13]. A neuron sums the input
directed to it with the corresponding connection weights and
B. MultivariateLinear Regression transforms the sum using a non-linear activation function. This
Usually, polynomial regression with order higher than activation function is generally the sigmoid function.
linearis used for univariate case. For multivariate datasets,
however, it is not common to use polynomials of order higher sigmoid(x) = 1 /[1 + exp⁡
(−x)] (7)
than linear [13]. Using a linear model is more preferable due
to two reasons: 1) It is simpler in terms of complexity. 2) It is An important prerequisite for any activation function is
easier to interpret the resulting model since the coefficients differentiability. This property is used in learning process, i.e.
give direct information about the relative importance of updating weights based on the error. In a feedforward NN,
variables. In fact using a polynomial univariate regression of units take the input only from lower layers, process and pass it
an order dis a special case ofmultivariate linear regression to higher layers. The error, which is the difference between
where x 1= x, x 2 =x2,… ,x d= xd. Mathematically, if the linear expected value and ANN output, is backpropagated to
model is [13] network using partial derivatives with respect to weights.
Learning stops either when learning stabilizes, or the error is
𝑟𝑟 𝑡𝑡 = 𝑔𝑔(𝑥𝑥 𝑡𝑡 |𝑤𝑤0 , 𝑤𝑤1 , … , 𝑤𝑤𝑑𝑑 ) + 𝜖𝜖 below a threshold or validation set accuracy does not increase
= 𝑤𝑤0 + 𝑤𝑤1 𝑥𝑥1𝑡𝑡 + 𝑤𝑤2 𝑥𝑥2𝑡𝑡 + ⋯ + 𝑤𝑤𝑑𝑑 𝑥𝑥𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡 + 𝜖𝜖 (3) for a specified number of epochs. An epoch is feeding the
ANN with all training set instances in random order.
The error function can be stated as

1 D.K-Means Clustering
𝐸𝐸 = ∑𝑡𝑡 (𝑟𝑟 𝑡𝑡 − 𝑤𝑤0 − 𝑤𝑤1 𝑥𝑥1𝑡𝑡 − 𝑤𝑤2 𝑥𝑥2𝑡𝑡 − ⋯ − 𝑤𝑤𝑑𝑑 𝑥𝑥𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡 )2 (4)
2 K-Means clustering is a centroid based algorithm.In
machine learning literature [13], K-Means clustering is used
Taking partial derivatives with respect to coefficients, w j , for several purposes: to label the unlabeled data, to map data
j=0, …,d, normalequations are obtained. Defining a bias into a lower dimensional space or to fit local models. This
variable x 0 =1, let the bias-padded dataset be X, the weight study utilizesK-Means for fitting local models to clusters.
vector be w and vector of outputs be r. Then d+1 normal Since clustering is stochastic due to random initialization of
equations can be written as means, it is necessary to aggregate the suitable models
attained from various clusterings for better approximation. In
𝑋𝑋 𝑇𝑇 𝑋𝑋𝑋𝑋 = 𝑋𝑋 𝑇𝑇 𝑟𝑟 (5) this approach the training set is clustered and for each cluster a
model (e.g. an ANN) is trained. Later when a test input is to
Where w can be solved using be predicted, the model(s) associated with nearest mean to this
input is/are used.
𝑤𝑤 = (𝑋𝑋 𝑇𝑇 𝑋𝑋)−1 𝑋𝑋 𝑇𝑇 𝑟𝑟 (6)

A linear regression model for a non-linear problem can be

implementedusing mappings of input to a higher dimensional
space by means ofbasis functions such as sin(x), ln(x) or
exp(x). In statistics, this scheme is known as models from
linearization[16]. This approach is commonly used in neural

International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Electronics Engineering (ICETCEE'2012) March 24-25, 2012 Dubai

Fig. 1: Plant Layout


III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS T 55.54 79.94 -22.46 -59.03 -120.59
V 161.49 -31.21 -57.92 -188.64
The ML experiments are carried out with k-NN, ANN, and AP 35.27 8.63 52.55
K-Means implementations in MATLAB® [18], its NN RH 213.17 97.13
Toolbox [19]. Reader may also utilize free ML tool which PE 291.28
implements the algorithms in [15].
A. Data Collection &Dataset Description
The dataset is composed of 9568 data points collected when T 0.84 -0.51 -0.54 -0.95
the combined cycle plant 4 (see Fig. 1 for layout)is set to work
with full load over 674 different days. The dataset spans a V -0.41 -0.31 -0.87
variety of ambient conditions over 6 years of operation. Table AP 0.10 0.52
I provides simple statistics of the dataset. The covariance and RH 0.39
correlation matrices can be found in Table II and III
respectively. The temperature is not found to be below zero, as it is found
to vary between 1 and 37. The plant generates 495MW net P E
(after deducting the internal use around 7MW)in the most
T V AP RH PE convenient conditions. The covariance statistics indicate that
min 1.81 25.36 992.89 25.56 420.26 the variables are not independent. The highest correlation
among input features is between T and V (0.84). The highest
max 37.11 81.56 1033.30 100.16 495.76
correlations with target variable are also observed with T (-
mean 19.65 54.31 1013.26 73.31 454.37 0.95) and V(-0.87).
variance 55.54 161.49 35.27 213.17 291.28
1) Effect of Ambient Temperature (T)
The effect of T on performance is the most widely studied
subject about gas turbines [1]–[7]. This can be appreciated
4 since T is the most influential factor showing a correlation
The name of donor power plant is kept confidental.

International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Electronics Engineering (ICETCEE'2012) March 24-25, 2012 Dubai

around -0.95 with P E . [6]utilize only this ambient variable for

predicting gas turbine performance. 3) Effect of Relative Humidity
When other variables are kept constant, the performance is
500.00 increased with RH [1]-[4],[8],[9]. However as it can be seen
from Fig. 4, it is not self sufficient for prediction.
470.00 y = 0.455x + 420.9
440.00 R² = 0.151
y = -2.171x + 497.0 450.00
R² = 0.899 440.00
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 420.00
Fig. 2: Scatter diagram of T(˚C) vs. P E (MW) 410.00
0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00
Fig. 2 shows the scatter diagram of T vs. P E and the linear
regression model fit to data. This illustration is done using the Fig. 4: Scatter diagram of RH vs. P E (MW)
whole dataset for the purpose of preliminary investigation.
The resulting predictive model Higher relative humidity increases exhaust-gas temperature
of gas turbine which leads to an in increase in the power
𝑦𝑦 = −2.1713𝑥𝑥 + 497.03 (8) generated by the steam turbine [4].

can be interpreted as unit (˚C) increase in T accounts for a 4) Effect of Vacuum

reduction of 2.17 MW in P E . The performance reduction due As seen in Fig. 1, the plant also employs a steam turbine
to increase in temperature is known to stem from the decrease which leads to considerable increase in total electrical
in the density of inlet air. efficiency.V variable (exhaust vacuum in cmHg) is collected
from steam turbine and is found influential in its performance.
2) Effect of Ambient Pressure When all other variables are kept constant exhaust-vacuum is
Among the ambient variables, the second most influential known to have a negative influence on condensing-type
one is AP [2]-[4]. However it doesn’t have a strong correlation turbine efficiency [20].As depicted in scatter diagram (Fig. 5),
with the target variable sufficient for an individual prediction, P E is inversely proportional to V. It can also be observed that
as it can be observed from the scatter diagram shown in Fig. 3. the slope of linear regression function is greater than those of
RH and AP but less than T.
490.00 500.00
y = 1.433x - 998.7
480.00 490.00
R² = 0.263
470.00 480.00
460.00 470.00
450.00 460.00
440.00 450.00
430.00 440.00
420.00 430.00 y = -1.168x + 517.8
410.00 420.00 R² = 0.756
990.00 1000.00 1010.00 1020.00 1030.00 1040.00 410.00
0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00
Fig. 3: Scatter diagram of AP (mb) vs. P E (MW)
Fig 5. Scatter diagram of V(cmHg) vs. P E (MW)
Similar to effect mechanism of T, AP is responsible for the
density of inlet air. The slope of the linear regression function
B. Experiments
tells us that unit increase in AP corresponds to 1.4 MW
increase in P E .However this is a naïve estimation taking into
account the other factors. When other factors remain constant After collecting preliminary statistical data, predictive
it has been shown that P E increases with increasing AP [4]. models were tested. First of all simple k-NN smoother without

International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Electronics Engineering (ICETCEE'2012) March 24-25, 2012 Dubai

kernel weighting was applied with leave-one-day-out setting. and using kernel smoothing significantly increase
The data points corresponding to a specific day was used for performance. MATLAB’s ANN Toolbox uses mapminmax
validation and the rest used as training; this was applied for all function to normalize data into [-1,+1] range. This
days. Since the real life application is predicting next day’s preprocessing does not change performance of k-NN, however
hourly P E , this setting reflects the most realistic case. scaling with mean and standard deviation gives the desired
outcome. Figure 6 depicts 1-Way ANOVA results (compare
TABLE IV: PRELIMINARY K-NN TESTS WITH LEAVE-ONE-DAY-OUT means) of k-NN Mean Square Error (MSE) for datasets using
1) no preprocessing, no kernel smoothing 2) only kernel
k 5 10 15 20 25 smoothing 3) only preprocessing 4) both.
MRE(%) 0.82 0.79 0.78 0.77 0.77

The preliminary k-NN tests (Table IV), indicate less than

%1 error for all k values tested. It also implies that the mean
relative error decrease with increasing k up to 20.

Since the number of input features is four and the number of

non-empty subsets is relatively small (24 -1=15), it was
computationally feasible to test all feature subsets, to see the
individual and cooperative validation set accuracies. Table V
enlists the leave-one-day-out validation set performance both
as Mean Relative Error (MRE) and Mean Absolute Error
(MAE) for all feature subsets with k=20.


Subsets T V AP RH MRE(%) MAE(MW) Fig. 6: ANOVA for k-NN MSE Performance of 4 Settings
1 1 0 0 0 0.92 4.19
It was observed that using preprocessing and kernel
2 0 1 0 0 1.61 7.38 smoothing requires no more than 5 neighbors to aggregate.
3 1 1 0 0 0.81 3.67 Later tests with MATLAB’s NN Toolbox were carried out
4 0 0 1 0 2.58 11.79 with ‘trainlm’ training algorithm, one hidden layer with 10
5 1 0 1 0 0.91 4.11 hidden units. Learning stops when either of the following is
6 0 1 1 0 1.30 5.97 reached (the default values are given in brackets):
7 1 1 1 0 0.78 3.55 • Max epochs (1000)
• Min error (1 x 10-5)
8 0 0 0 1 2.82 12.89
• Validation set accuracy does not increase (6 epochs)
9 1 0 0 1 0.84 3.80
• Max η
10 0 1 0 1 1.33 6.09
• Min gradient
11 1 1 0 1 0.78 3.53
12 0 0 1 1 2.30 10.54 Contrary to our expectation,in 5x2 CV setting the MSE
13 1 0 1 1 0.85 3.87 performanceof 5-NN was found significantly better than fine-
14 0 1 1 1 1.24 5.67 tuned ANN showing mean statistics 16.07 and 16.64,
15 1 1 1 1 0.77 3.51 respectively.
Fitting linear regression functions for T in 5x2 CV yields an
average MSE performance of 29.45 which is dramatically
Tests with subsets imply that the best accuracy is obtained
weaker than both k-NN and ANN. In the same CV setting,
when all features are used. As expected, T gives the highest
while additive regression was found to worsen predictive
individual predictive accuracy. Also collective performance
performance,a multivariate linear regression modelover all
of T and V is found significantly better than individual
features was found to reduce MSE to 21.84.
performances. If dimensionality reduction by feature selection
Lastly, local models were applied as proposed in [22]. In the
is intended, any of the remaining two ambient variables can be
same 5x2 CV setting, for each validation set instance a
used besides T and V.
specific local ANN was trained using the 100 nearest
neighbors in training set. This means 5x2xN/2=95.680 ANNs
For subsequent tests, in order to compare performance of
were constructed using 100 training instances for each. After
different learning methods, 5x2 cross-validation [21] was
this computationally complex process, the MSE performance
applied. In this scheme, the dataset is randomly shuffled 5
was found to be 19.99 which fell significantly behind global
times and each of them used in 2-fold CV. The resulting
model performance. Later, a more efficient local approach
validation set performances of size 10 are used for statistical
with K-Means clustering is used. In this model first the
significance test. The results indicated that both preprocessing
training set is clustered and K models are trained for

International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Electronics Engineering (ICETCEE'2012) March 24-25, 2012 Dubai

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As a future work on this problem, other learning models
such as K-Star, Regression Trees, Support Vector Machines
and their combinations could be used to provide a plethora for
comparing predictive accuracy and learner efficiency.


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