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Answer Keys Grammar in Focus Student Book Build

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Answer Keys
Grammar in Focus: Student Book

Student Book ③
Unit 1 ~ 20
Discover T

p.6 Notice & Practice 1

A Subject Verb
1. she looks
2. My friends and I watched
3. The babies cried
4. The yellow sweater is
5. The diligent farmers cut

p.7 Notice & Practice 2

A Subject Verb Object
1. Mike wrote a book
2. Cats and dogs ate lunch
3. The beautiful lady has blue eyes
4. Mr. Jackson enjoys his job

p.7 Notice & Practice 3

A Subject Verb Complement
1. Your room looks very clean
2. We are tired
3. His idea sounds interesting
4. The towel feels very soft
p.8 Expanded Practice

B Subject Verb Object Complement

1. Grandpa was X a firefighter.
2. The medicine tastes X bitter.
3. Joe borrowed Amy’s bike X.
4. The girl wears a red coat. X
5. Gina plays the piano. X
6. The kid looks X sad.

p.17 Revise, Write & Say


Write The heat kills the bacteria. Also, people put the food in cans. The canned food is
fresh. It tastes good. (Answers may vary.)
Say To keep my food fresh, I food and drinks in the refrigerator.
(Answers may vary.)

p.17 Make Your Own Grammar Map

be / sound /
smell subject
Object; the violin
Complement: tired
Discover 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are all true.

p.10 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. The: article / nice: adjective
2. They; pronoun / good: adjective / students: noun
3. beautiful: adjective / girl: noun
4. She: pronoun / small: adjective / cats: noun

p.11 Notice & Practice 2

A adverb Verb Preposition
1. happily sang at
2. heavily rained at
3. quickly ran to
4. beautifully smiled at

p.11 Notice & Practice 3

A 1. Ouch! (Interjection)
2. or (Conjunction)
3. Hooray! (Interjection)
4. so (Conjunction)
p.12 Expanded Practice
A 1. airport, place
2. He, us
3. A, the
4. huge
5. learned
6. loudly
7. from
8. and
9. Hey
B Noun Julia, circus, people, park, clown, animals, balloons, magician
Pronoun I, He, I
Article the, The, a
Adjective many, funny, great
Verb went, were, was, made, saw
Adverb today, very
Preposition to, in, with,
Conjunction and
Interjection Oh, Wow

p.13 Revise, Write & Say

Revise The author finishes her story.
a publisher chooses the author
They read it many times
Write Editors can change the story a little. Then designers choose the book style and the
letter style. They also choose the paper type. Editors check the spelling and look for
mistakes. Lastly, a printing office gets ready for printing.
Wow! Now the book is waiting for you.
(Answers may vary.)
Say First, the journalist chooses the topic. (Answers may vary.)

p.13 Make Your Own Grammar Map

plays: verb
piano: noun
at: preposition
school: noun
Oh: Interjection
kind: adjective
and: conjunction
Discover T

p.14 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. a books x The books o Three books o
2. a rice o The rice o Two rices x
3. a house x The houses o Two houses O
4. a milk o The milk o One milk o

p.15 Notice & Practice 1

B 1. This is a crayon. ( )
2. There are many balls in my house. ( )
3. Oh, the cheese is delicious. ( )
4. I have one uncle. ( )
5. I have five apples and sugar. ( )
6. A: We need the air in this classroom. ( )

p.15 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. my notebook
2. its four legs
3. her hometown
4. their ten bags
5. our dreams
6. her cousin
7. our English teacher
8. your two ideas
9. Susan’s birthday party
10. my twelve classes
p.16 Expanded Practice
A 1. A: my purse / B: a purse
2. A: one friend / B: your friends
3. A: his birthday / B: His birthday
4. A: some water / B: The water
B 1. My two brothers are really handsome.
2. Their orange juice is fresh.
3. His two gods have spots on their backs.
4. His two shoes are black.
5. We’re going to make three sandwiches.
6. Her two dresses are old.
7. Our English class starts at 9 o’clock.
8. These are our expensive cars.

p.17 Revise, Write & Say

Revise a famous sports → a famous sport
Two team → Two teams
One goalkeepers and ten member → One goalkeeper and ten members
a legendary soccer players → a legendary soccer player
he 1,280 goals → his 1,280 goals
Basketball is a famous sport around the world. Two teams compete each other. Five
members play for each team.
Michael Jordan is a legendary basketball player. People were surprised at his 32,292
points. (Answers may vary.)
Say My favorite sport is baseball. (Answers may vary.)

p.17 Make Your Own Grammar Map

your, hers, their
Discover T

p.18 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. They
2. me
3. She / them
4. They / us

p.19 Notice & Practice 1

B 1. He
2. You
3. her
4. the house

p.19 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. That is ours.
2. The dog is his.
3. These are not mine.
4. Those bikes are theirs.
5. It is yours.
B 1. Sam’s / Sam’s
2. ours
3. theirs
4. yours
p.20 Expanded Practice
A 1. them / theirs
2. yours / mine
3. you / them / them
4. me / her
B 1. it / Vickey’s party
2. her / Kim
3. It / the house
4. He / Mr.Jackson
5. them / Jack and Sam
C David → he
Jennifer → her
David → him
David → He
David’s → his
Stanley and Chuck → them
Stanley and Chuck → They
David → He

p.21 Revise, Write & Say

Revise In the past, France colonized many countries. It ruled the people in its colonized
countries. Vietnam was one colonized country. Laos was one. Cambodia was one.
African countries were those, too. (Answers may vary.)
Write In the past, England colonized many countries. It ruled the people in its colonized
countries. India was one colonized country. Australia was one. Canada was one.
Some African countries were those, too (Answers may vary.)
Say In the past, the Netherlands colonized many countries. (Answers may vary.)

p.21 Make Your Own Grammar Map

Subjective Pronoun

Objective Pronoun
him/ her / it

Possessive Pronoun
A 1. c
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. d
6. c
7. c
8. c
B 1. me
2. it
3. hers
4. us

D 1. c good
2. b wind
3. c slowly
4. c her
E 1. Your idea sounds interesting.
2. The new student is kind and tall.
3. We bought you some gifts.
4. Those are their shoes.
F Look at the sky! People are flying Kite. The small round kite is mine (-> my) kite.
Dad and I made its (-> it) together. They (-> It) looks like a fish. Dave’s kite is big
and yellow. He (-> His) kite flies very well. Judy’s kite is beautiful. But her (->hers)
doesn’t fly well.
Discover T

p.24 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. anybody
2. nobody
3. Somebody
4. anybody
5. Nobody
6. somebody

p.25 Notice & Practice 1

B 1. Somebody is
2. Nobody was
3. is anybody
4. Somebody was

p.25 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. anything
2. Something
3. Something
4. something
5. Nothing
6. something
7. nothing
8. Nothing
p.26 Expanded Practice
A 1. nothing / something
2. anybody / Something
3. Somebody / something / Somebody
4. anybody / nobody
5. nothing / anybody / something
B 1. Is anybody / Somebody is
2. Something looks / change anything
3. do something / call somebody
4. Somebody / find anybody
5. anybody call / Somebody called
6. want anything / hear anything

p.27 Revise, Write & Say

Revise anybody → somebody
nobody → anybody
Somebody → Nobody
Anybody → Nobody
Write In early 1700s, somebody played the piano and composed at the age of five. It was
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. There wasn’t anybody like Mozart. Nobody composed like
him. He was a genius. There was nothing about him. (Answers may vary.)
Say Mozart (Answers may vary.)

p.26 Make Your Own Grammar Map

third person
singular Somebody
is Nothing was
interrogative sentences
Discover T

p.28~29 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. a little
2. a few
3. a few
4. a little
5. a few
6. a few
7. a little
8. a few
9. a little
10. a little
11. a little
12. a little
B 1. a little yogurt
2. a few sandwiches
3. a little bread
4. a few pencils
5. a few T-shirts
6. a little rice
7. a little water
8. a few mice

p.29 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. count / many cups
2. non-count / much cheese / a lot of cheese
3. non-count / much oil
4. count / a lot of houses
5. non-count / a lot of flour
p.30 Expanded Practice
A 1. a few / a lot of
2. a little / a lot of
3. a little / a lot of
4. a little / a lot of
5. a lot of / a few
6. a lot of / a little
B 1. a few / many
2. a little / a lot of
3. much / a lot of
4. many
C 1. a little
2. many
3. much
4. a few

p.31 Revise, Write & Say

Revise many → much
many → much
much → many
a few → a little
Write Many Vietnamese people ride bicycles every day. They use a little oil. They eat many
vegetables. The farmers produce much rice. Many foreigners love Vietnamese rice
noodle “Pho.”
Say (Answers may vary.)

p.31 Make Your Own Grammar Map

Discover T

p.32 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. taller
2. tallest
3. best

p.33 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. bigger, biggest
2. wiser, wisest
3. happier, happiest
4. thinner, thinnest
5. prettier, prettiest
6. easier, easiest
7. larger, largest
8. wider, widest

p.33 Notice & Practice 3

A 1. more expensive / the most expensive
2. more interesting / the most interesting
3. more important / the most important
4. more beautiful / the most beautiful
p.34 Expanded Practice
A 1. is younger than, am the youngest
2. are more expensive, is the most expensive
3. is heavier than, is the heaviest
4. is wider than, is the widest
5. is bigger than, is the biggest
6. is hotter than, is the hottest
B 1. is the most beautiful / is prettier
2. is the most dangerous / is longer
3. the funniest / smarter
C (Answers may vary.)
1. is smaller
2. is the most beautiful
3. have longer hair
4. am the smartest person

p.35 Revise, Write & Say

Revise is closest → is closer
is close → is closer
is closest → is the closest
is closest to → is closer to
is the closer → is the closest

Write Earth is heavier that Venus. Venus is heavier than Mars. Earth is lighter than Saturn.
Saturn is lighter than Jupiter. Mercury is lighter than Neptune. Jupiter is heavier than all
other planets. (Answers may vary.)
Say Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter are heavier than Earth. (Answers may vary.)

p.35 Make Your Own Grammar Map

better / thinnest
worst / easier,
easiest finer
more intelligent, most
Discover T

p.37 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. I , interested
2. interesting, event
3. tiring, job
4. They, tired
5. She, excited
6. exciting, story
7. movie, boring
8. He, bored

p.37 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. breaking, broken 6. disappointing, disappointed
2. pleasing, pleased 7. tiring, tired
3. falling, fallen 8. confusing, confused
4. shocking, shocked 9. boring, bored
5. surprising, surprised 10. exciting, excited
p.38 Expanded Practice
A 1. surprising, Past Participle
2. falling, Present Participle
3. broken, Past Participle
4. boring, Present Participle
5. exciting, Present Participle
6. interested, Past Participle
7. pleased , Past Participle
8. tired, Past Participle
B 1. was boring
2. was surprised / exciting
3. are broken
4. interesting / am interested

p.39 Revise, Write & Say

Revise surprised → surprising
exciting → excited
interested → interesting
Write My mom and dad were interested in musicals. They were really excited but I was not
interested in musicals. But the show was shocking and not boring. (Answers may vary.)

Say I saw the musical, Hairspray and it was very interesting. (Answers may vary.)

p.39 Make Your Own Grammar Map

-ing / boring
-ed / excited
A 1. a
2. b
3. b
4. d
5. c
6. b
7. d
B 1. excited
2. boring
3. fallen
4. shocking, shocked
C 1. Is there anything in the box?
2. Do we need a little fresh air?
3. Judy isn’t prettier than Susie.
4. You aren’t disappointed by him.
D 1. b somebody
2. b many
3. c most heaviest
4. b pleased
E 1. Nobody remembered my birthday this year.
2. He has a little bread and many apples.
3. She wanted to be the most famous person.
4. I was tired after class.
F I was sick yesterday. I didn’t meet anybody and stayed in my bed. Suddenly
anybody (-> somebody) was at the door and rang the bell. It was my friend Mike! I
was really surprising (->surprised.) He brought much fruit for me. Thank you Mike.
You are a kinder (->kind) friend.
Discover T

p.42 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. am
2. are
3. were
4. were
5. is
6. was
7. are
8. was

p.43 Notice & Practice 1

B Present Past
1. It is not funny. It was not funny.
2. We are at the restaurant. We were at the restaurant
3. I am proud of you. I was proud of you.
4. Grandma is sick. Grandma was sick.
5. He is interested in crafts. He was interested in crafts.

p.43 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. A: Are B: I am

2. A: Is B: he isn’t

3. A: Were B: they weren’t

4. A: Are B: they are

5. A: Was B: she wasn’t

6. A: Is B: it is
p.44 Expanded Practice
A 1. I was tired and you were sleepy.
2. She was in a good mood and wasn’t sad.
3. We were hungry but the food was not ready.
4. Katie and Sue are in the same class.
5. He is excited about the soccer game.
6. Are you proud of your family?
7. Was Mr.Jackson your science teacher?
8. Are they good neighbors?
B 1. Are / they aren’t , are
2. was / is
3. Was / he wasn’t, was
C (Answers may vary.)
1. Yes, I am. I am interested in science.
No, I’m not. But I am interested in music.
2. Yes, he is. His name is Rain.
No, she isn’t. Her name is Kim.
3. Yes, I was.
No, I wasn’t.

p.45 Revise, Write & Say

Revise were → was
were → was
are → were
was → were
was → is
is → are
are → is
Write In the past, Tokyo was not a modern city. There was soil on the ground instead
of asphalt. There were horses instead of cars. Now, Tokyo is a big city. There are
many cars and busy people. Tokyo is a great place for travelers around the world.
(Answers may vary.)
Say In the past, Seoul was not a busy city. Now, Seoul is one of the busiest cities in the
world. (Answers may vary.)

p.45 Make Your Own Grammar Map

Present Past
am was
He, She We
Were you / wasn’t
Discover T

p.46 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. cleaned
2. studies
3. ate
4. rained
5. went

p.47 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. didn’t
2. don’t
3. doesn’t
4. doesn’t
5. doesn’t
6. didn’t

p.47 Notice & Practice 3

A 1. Do they study together every afternoon?, they do.
2. Did he his best at school?, he did.
3. Do I love collecting dolls?, I don’t
4. Does she understand the class well?, she does.
p.48 Expanded Practice
A 1. Does, teach / she does, enjoy
2. Does, sleep / she does, doesn’t wake up
3. Do, have / I do, don’t want

B 1. Does, speak Japanese, he doesn’t

2. Does, know Sammy, she does
3. Do, climb a mountain, they do
4. Did, take a picture at school. I didn’t
5. Did, take the cooking class, he did
6. Did, travel to the south, they didn’t
C (Answers may vary.)
1. Yes, I do.
2. No, she doesn’t.
3. Yes, I did.
4. Yes, I did.

p.49 Revise, Write & Say

Revise didn’t knew → didn’t know
Did you knew → Did you know
doesn’t → don’t
didn’t → don’t
don’t ate don’t eat
eats eat
doesn’t eats don’t eat
Write I didn’t know about Black bears a lot. Did you know? Black bears don’t eat much meat.
They eat a lot of fruits and nuts. In the winter, they don’t get out of a den. But they
don’t sleep all through the winter. They just sleep much until the spring.
(Answers may vary.)
Say Pandas don’t eat meat at all. (Answers may vary.)

p.49 Make Your Own Grammar Map

Present Past
do / He, She You, We, She / did
Does she , doesn’t
Did you, did
Discover T

p.50~51 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. is
2. was playing
3. were
4. Is he running
B 1. is reading / Is Tom, he isn’t
2. were playing / Were you playing, I was
3. are drawing / Are they drawing, they are
4. was running / Was dad running / he wasn’t

p.51 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. is She isn’t smiling at me now.
2. were They weren’t swimming yesterday afternoon.
3. was Lisa wasn’t enjoying her lunch two hours ago.
4. are We aren’t listening to music right now.
5. are You aren’t writing many e-mails these days.
6. is The baby isn’t crying now.
7. was I wasn’t taking a shower yesterday at midnight.
8. was Dad wasn’t setting the table a while ago.
p.52 Expanded Practice
A 1. is opening
2. is counting
3. Are, carrying
4. he wasn’t / was cleaning
5. is looking
6. is reading
7. Are / they aren’t / are writing
B 1. Are, eating / I am, are selling
2. Were, flying / they weren’t, were riding
3. Is, leaving / she isn’t , is coming
C 1. They were running in the park
2. The dog is swimming in the river
3. You were watering the plants
4. I am not wearing glasses
5. He is doing okay with his friends

p.53 Revise, Write & Say

Revise opening → is opening
is come → is coming
is walking → are walking
was holding → is holding
are look → is looking
A woman is playing with a dog.
Some men and women are chatting each
other. Two men are not wearing hats.
A woman is drinking something.
(Answers may vary.)
Say A man is looking over the window. (Answers may vary.)

p.53 Make Your Own Grammar Map

Present Progressive Past Progressive
am I
She, Is were
+ -ing, subject
Are you , am not
Was he, was
Discover T

p.55 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. meet, Simple Present
2. is talking, Present Progressive
3. don’t eat, Simple Present
4. is chatting, Present Progressive

p.55 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. wears
2. are brushing
3. has
4. doesn’t fall
5. are not going to
6. Are, listening
7. Does, go
8. Are, leaving
p.56 Expanded Practice
A 1. is taking a bath
2. takes a nap
3. plays with her dogs
4. draws a portrait

B are having
am having
C 1. I’m going to visit my family.
2. I’m reading J.D. Salinger’s the Catcher in the Rye.
3. No, we don’t.
4. Yes, I do.
5. My best friend is painting her wall right now.
(Answers may vary.)

p.57 Revise, Write & Say

Revise are enjoying → enjoy
are staying → is staying
are make → are making
having → are having
am liking → like
In Valencia Spain, people enjoy a fun festival every year. My family is staying in
Valencia these days. People are throwing tomatoes at each other now. I and my brother
is having a tomato fight. I love this festival very much. (Answers may vary.)
Say My favorite festival is cherry blossom festival. People enjoy looking at cherry blossoms
and take pictures. (Answers may vary.)

p.57 Make Your Own Grammar Map

habits Present / right now / near future
every week next weekend
study am studying
A 1. d
2. b
3. b
4. d
5. d
6. c
7. b
8. b
B 1. were enjoying
2. are sitting
3. is losing
4. was having
C 1. Was Joan sleepy this afternoon?
2. Do we speak English?
3. Does Amy understand everything in class?
4. I’m not reading many books these days.
D 1. a is
2. a doesn’t
3. a was
4. b rises
E 1. My family was excited about my graduation.
2. They don’t listen to their teacher.
3. You were setting the table a while ago.
4. We go camping every month.
F Yesterday at noon, I were (-> was) walking down the street. There were (-> was) a
basket in front of the park. I looked into the basket. A baby was cry! (-> crying) I
took the baby to my house. Now my mom was (-> is) taking care of him. I want to
find the baby’s mother soon!
Discover T

p.61 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. won’t eat, Promise
2. will laugh, Future Prediction
3. will be, Future Prediction
4. will wait, Promise

p.61 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. are going to miss, Future Prediction
2. is going to rain, Future Prediction
3. am going to buy, Future Plan
4. are going to fall, Future Prediction
5. am going to leave, Future Plan
p.62 Expanded Practice
A 1. am going to ride
2. is going to rain / am going to get
3. will love
4. is going to be
5. won’t go
B 1. I will finish the class soon.
2. They are going to practice soccer tomorrow?
3. She will be a designer?
4. John is not going to buy the expensive watch.

p.63 Revise, Write & Say

Revise will be
will not walk
will move
Write In the future, school life will be very different. Teachers won’t come to the school.
They will teach at home. Students will watch the teachers on the screen. Students
will eat some pills for lunch. They won’t eat food. Will this really happen?
(Answers may vary.)
Say In the future, there will be many flying cars. (Answers may vary.)

p.63 Make Your Own Grammar Map

future plans
will help
is going to
Discover T

p.65 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. have visited – An experience of visiting the museum
2. have talked – An experience of talking to the principal
3. hasn’t worked – No experience of working at the bank
4. hasn’t played – No experience of playing the violin
5. have invited – Experiences of inviting Kelly a few times

p.65 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. went
2. read, read
3. been
4. brought, brought
5. saw, seen
6. put
7. taken
8. had, had
9. eaten
10. broken
11. wrote, written
12. made, made
13. taught, taught
14. met
p.66 Expanded Practice
A 1. have lost
2. has been
3. have made
4. has met
5. haven’t eaten
6. hasn’t written
7. have read
8. have seen
B 1. Yes, I have.
2. No, I haven’t.
3. Yes, I have.
4. No, we haven’t.
(Answers may vary.)
C 1. do → does on → at
2. visits → visit in → at
3. do → does on → in
4. goes → go in → on

p.67 Revise, Write & Say

Revise has visited → have visited
have saw → have seen
never have seen → have never seen
Write I like to go abroad. I have traveled to many foreign countries. I have been to Italy,
France and Spain. I have visited many historic places. I have seen the Coliseum. I have
never seen old stadium like that anywhere else. (Answers may vary.)
Say I have never seen them yet. (Answers may vary.)

p.67 Make Your Own Grammar Map

He have read read
went been
Discover T

p.68~69 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. stayed, simple past
2. has lived, present perfect
3. have seen, present perfect
4. met, simple past
B 1. lost, Past
2. has visited, Present Perfect
3. studied, Past
4. has already had, Present Perfect
5. broke, Past

p.69 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. have stayed, Present Perfect
2. has lost, Present Perfect
3. went, Past
4. went, Past
5. left, Past
p.70 Expanded Practice
A 1. has read mystery novels / has taught his sister English
2. hasn’t written a letter to her grandma / hasn’t taken a bath
3. read a book in the garden / met his teacher on the street
4. didn’t go to school / didn’t help his mom

B 1. Yes, I have.
2. Yes, I have.
3. No, I haven’t.
(Answers may vary.)

p.71 Revise, Write & Say

Revise has moved → have moved
has living → has lived
haven’t get → haven’t gotten
have bought → bought
Write I have lived in Sydney for three years. My family moved to Sydney three years ago. I
haven’t met my old friends for three years. I met a good friend, Brian last year. I and
Brian traveled a lot together. We went to Canberra last week.
(Answers may vary.)
Say Yes, I have traveled with my friends and it was very fun. (Answers may vary.)

p.71 Make Your Own Grammar Map

present specific
You, They has past participle past verb
Discover T

p.73 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. was stolen 5. is visited
2. were invited 6. is called
3. was written 7. were made
4. was taught

p.73 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. The nest was not build by the sparrow.
2. The stolen car was not found by the police.
3. She was not born in this town.
4. These letters were not sent to the right addresses.
5. This book is not read by many people.
6. Portuguese is not spoken in Spain.
p.74 Expanded Practice
A 1. The lost dog was found by a police officer.
2. The sand castle was built by the kids.
3. Those beautiful pictures were pained by a young girl.
4. English is spoken by people in many countries.
5. Your shoes were not stolen by Sam.

B 1. was sold by
2. was build
3. was stolen
4. is broken
5. are (were) found by
6. is learned by
7. was not seen
8. is not cleaned

p.75 Revise, Write & Say

Revise were born → was born
was created by → was created by
was also made by he → was also made by him
is loved by → were (are) loved by
Write Bart Simpson was born in 1987. He was created by Matt Groening. Homer, Margie,
and Lisa Simpson were also created by him.
The animation was played on TV every week. It was seen by many people around the
world. (Answers may vary.)
Say My favorite animation is Kung Pu Panda, and the main character Po is my
favorite cartoon character. (Answers may vary.)

p.75 Make Your Own Grammar Map

I was written
You were is painted
A 1. d
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. c
6. d
7. c

B 1. has read
2. have not taught
3. have eaten
4. has made

C 1. Julia isn’t going to miss Billy.

2. He hasn’t written a letter in English.
3. Have we been here before?
4. The book isn’t read by many children.

D 1. d fight
2. b broken
3. c done
4. c taken
E 1. I am going to practice basketball this Friday.
2. We haven’t tried oil paintings before.
3. You are not invited to the meeting.
4. The letter was written by her.

F Has(->Have) you traveled abroad? I haven’t be(->been) abroad yet. But I’ll visit
Europe someday. My friend, Mack have(->has) been to Spain. He has visits(->visited)
Park Guell. The park is a popular place. It was design(->designed) by a famous
architect, Gaudi. The place is visited by many travelers.
Discover T

p.78 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. can play the violin / can’t play the piano
2. can speak German / can’t speak Spanish
3. can climb a tree / can’t make cookies

p.79 Notice & Practice 2

A 1. Can Mike ride a bike? Yes, he can.
2. Can those girls speak French? No, they can’t.
3. Can you play ping-pong? Yes, I can.
4. Can I run fast? No, you can’t.

p.79 Notice & Practice 3

A 1. don’t to
2. must
3. don’t to
4. mustn’t
p.80 Expanded Practice
A 1. Can / can / can
2. mustn’t / have to
3. don’t have to / Can / can
4. have to / don’t have to

B Dear boys and girls,

Tomorrow is a hiking day!
You must wear warm clothes. You don’t have
to bring water or drinks. Teachers will bring
them. You mustn’t run on the mountain.
You have to walk with your partner.
You mustn’t throw trash on the mountain.
Keep these rules. Then you can enjoy
Oh, you mustn’t be late tomorrow!
C (Answers may vary.)

p.81 Revise, Write & Say

Revise have not to → don’t have to
can to sit → can sit
have to are → have to be
don’t must → mustn’t
must to → must

Write This is the national zoo. You don’t have to buy a ticket. It’s free. You can see a lot of
animals. But you have to be quiet. You mustn’t feed animals. You mustn’t throw
anything into the cage. You have to (must) follow the rules. (Answers may vary.)
Say We have to be quiet at night. (Answers may vary.)

p.81 Make Your Own Grammar Map


don’t have to
Discover T

p.82 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. You can’t use my computer.
2. You may leave now.
3. May I see his album?
4. Can I use your phone?

B 1. can open
2. cannot run
3. can speak
4. cannot wear
5. can ask

p.83 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. Could you help me with this homework?
2. Would you carry this box with me?
3. Could I use your pen?
4. Would you take me to the hospital?
p.84 Expanded Practice
A 1. Would you hold my cat for a minute?
2. Could I drink this juice? / You can drink it all.
3. Could I use the restroom first? / You may use first.
4. Would you excuse
me? You may leave
B 1. May I go now?
2. Could I have some pizza?
3. Would you show me the way to the museum?
4. You can take pictures of the sculptures.
5. You may do it one more time.

C (Answers may vary.)

p.85 Revise, Write & Say




Write Passengers,
- Would you sit still?
- Would you hold the bar near
you? (The cable car has arrived.)
- You may stand up. You may leave now.
(Answers may vary.)
Say Would you fasten your seat belt? (Answers may vary.)

p.85 Make Your Own Grammar Map

Could you
I’m sorry
Could I
Discover T

p.86 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. to be (Infinitive)
2. running (Gerund)
3. to go (Infinitive)
4. geography (Noun)
5. eating (Gerund)

p.87 Notice & Practice 2

A Verb Object
1. meeting delayed meeting
2. speaking avoids speaking
3. making enjoys making
4. talking kept talking

p.87 Notice & Practice 3

A Verb Object
1. to invite decide to invite
2. to have like to have
3. to do agreed to do
4. to help promised to help
p.84 Expanded Practice
A 1. playing the violin / learning Chinese
2. to playing the violin / learning Chinese
3. to playing the violin / learning Chinese
4. to read books / doing exercises
5. reading books / to do exercises
6. reading books / to do exercises

B 1. keeps playing / avoid listening

2. plans to be / enjoys taking
3. finish cleaning / want to watch
4. delay moving / don’t want to live

p.85 Revise, Write & Say

Revise avoid love → avoid loving
enjoyed to see → enjoyed seeing
want loving → want to love
kept to look → kept looking
Write Prometheus kept giving things to humans. He wanted to give fire to humans.
However, Zeus didn’t want to give things to humans. Nevertheless, Prometheus gave
fire to human. he didn’t listen to Zeus. So Zeus decided to punish Prometheus.
(Answers may vary.)
Say My favorite myth is Greek Mythology. (Answers may vary.)

p.85 Make Your Own Grammar Map

delay, avoid
want, agree, would like
Discover T

p.90 Notice & Practice 1

A 1. and
2. but
3. or
4. and (but)
5. but

B (Answers may vary. There ar several possible matches.)


p.91 Notice & Practice 2


B 1. because
2. so
3. so
4. because
5. because
p.84 Expanded Practice
A 1. but
2. because
3. and / so
4. because
5. but / or
B but / and / / so

p.85 Revise, Write & Say

Revise but → and
and → but
because → so
Write Some sharks are very big, but many sharks are not very big. Big sharks eat anything
so you can find coins, garbage, and some treasures inside them. Sharks can find food
in the dark because they use senses of hearing, smell, and sight.
(Answers may vary.)
Say My favorite animal sea lions. They have flippers so they can clap.
(Answers may vary.)

p.85 Make Your Own Grammar Map

and / but
because / so
A 1. c
2. c
3. d
4. b
5. c
6. b
7. b
8. a

B 1. enjoys drawing
2. delays doing
3. agreed to go
4. decided to visit

C 1. We mustn’t take a picture at the museum.

2. You may not eat the pizza now.
3. I didn’t keep singing in my room.
4. Kevin doesn’t plant to learn cooking.

D 1. b have
2. c wait
3. b fixing
4. b so
E 1. You must not run in the hall.
2. Would you fasten your seat belt?
3. Ms. Smith delayed going to Spain.
4. I enjoy reading books and listening to music.

F My friend, Cindy is in the hospital so(->because) she is sick. Today, other friends
and I plan visiting(-> to visit) her. We must are (->be) quiet in the hospital. We must
not run. Cindy loves roses, because (->so) we decided buying(->to buy) them. Get
well soon, Cindy!

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