Com Eng Reviewer
Com Eng Reviewer
Com Eng Reviewer
Citizenship it is a legal relationship between a person and a country if you are a citizen of a country, you have
the right to live there, work, vote, and pay taxes
for this episode did you know that there is a difference between citizenship and nationality if you are not aware
of this listen carefully.
Nationality is simply the country where you came from. For example, Jesse is from the Philippines, so she is
considered as a Filipino.
it is also important to take note the other person can be a national of one country, but she could also hold
Citizenship of another country. For example, Gaffney's was born in the Philippines whether Filipino parents
Decided to live in the United States for better opportunities, from this example we can say that Japanese has a
Filipino nationality, but she is also a US citizen for she is living in the United States and a legal citizen of that
By Birth s is further subdivided into two weeks first is what we call Jus Soli it is a Latin term which means the
law of the soil, this is a rule let the citizenship of a child is determined by the place of birth.
the second one is what we call jus sanguinis it is a Latin term which means the law of blood this is a rule that
the citizenship is determined by blood relations the second form of acquiring citizenship is through
First those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adaptational this Constitution.
Second the natural-born citizen these are the citizens of the Philippines from birth without having to perform
any act of war or perfecter Philippine citizenship.
look at these examples, first Xia's mom is a Filipino and her dad is an American is she a natural-born
the answer is a very big yes!
second example let's meet kay she is an illegitimate child of her Filipino father does she be considered as
a natural-born Filipino? the answer is yes! take note of this, a child born of a Filipino father or Filipino
mother running the child is legitimate or illegitimate and still and natural-born Filipino.
for our last example, Laika she was born in America, but her parents are Filipinos is she and natural-
born Filipino? the answer is yes! if the child is born in another country but her parents are Filipinos she will
still be considered as a natural-born Filipino. In the case of Lika she is qualified for dual citizenship
The Third Kind of citizens under the 1987 Philippine Constitution are the Citizens Through
Election, these are the people weren't before January 17, 1973, all Filipino mothers who elect Philippine
citizenship upon reaching the age of majority
Under the 1935 Constitution, The Charles’s mother was married to a foreigner was born an alien and remains an
alien until he elects Philippine citizenship after reaching the age of majority, this rule was changed. Under the
1987 Philippine Constitution a Filipina does not lose her citizenship by her marriage to an alien.
Last are the Naturalized Citizens, aliens are foreigners can become Filipino citizens through naturalization or
the Process of allowing a foreigner who lives in one country to become a citizen of another country. However,
they must first renounce the original citizenship before they become naturalized Filipinos.
There are three ways for aliens to become naturalized citizens of the country
First is A Direct Naturalization this is further subdivided into three weeks administrative naturalization
Judicial naturalization and Direct Acts of The Congress
let's discuss Administrative Naturalization this applies to native-born aliens who lived in the Philippines all
their lives who never saw any country and thought they were Filipinos; this follows RA 9139 or the
administrative naturalization law of 2000.
The second way is The Judicial Naturalization if a foreigner is not qualified for administrative naturalization,
then he will have to go through judicial naturalization which follows Commonwealth act 473 or the revised
naturalization law
The last way and the direct naturalization are through a Direct Act of The Congress.
Legislative naturalization is quite rare, and this applies only for aliens who have made outstanding contributions
to the country.
The second way of becoming a naturalized citizen is through Derivative Naturalization.
The relative citizenship is defined as obtaining one's citizenship from or through another person you can be
any of the following: wife or naturalize husband, alien wife of a natural-born citizen, or a minor child of
naturalized parents.
It is also, important to take note that naturalized citizens cannot enjoy the following:
first dual citizenship
second run in any political position
First, it’s voluntarily also called as expatriation it is a process of living your country and living in a new one.
It May be through naturalization in a foreign country, renunciation of citizenship, subscribing to an oath
of allegiance to support the constitution or the laws of a foreign country.
The second one is involuntarily these are the following ways where you can involuntarily lose your Filipino
First cancellation of certificate of naturalization by the court, and second if you are a deserter of the Philippine
Armed Forces.
Citizenship maybe reacquired here are the several ways of reacquiring citizenship:
first Naturalization
second Direct Act of The Congress
third Repatriation or the recovery of original citizenship, this is made by making a allegiance to the republic of
the Philippines
for our last topic let's talk about Dual Citizenship versus Dual Allegiance many people are confused between
Dual Citizenship and Dual Allegiance
Dual Citizenship means you are a citizen of two countries at the same time.
For example, a child born in the United States with Filipino parents can have a dual citizenship, because United
States follows Jus soli, and his parents are also Filipinos where Jus sanguinis is following the child is legally
both a Filipino and an American
On the other hand, Dual Allegiance refers to the situation in which a person simultaneously owes loyalty to two
or more states what the Constitution prohibits is Dual Allegiance not Dual Citizenship.
Political Science
is a social science which deals with systems of governance, and the
analysis of political activities, political thoughts, and political behavior.
Social Psychology
It refers to the branch of psychology that scientifically studies
social behavior, especially the interaction and influence of
individuals and groups on each other.
Public Administration
Is the implementation of government policy and also an academic discipline that
studies this implementation and prepares civil servants for working in the public
Human Geography
The branch of geography dealing with how human activity affects
or is influenced by the earth’s surface
Is the scientific study of language. It involves analyzing language in context.
Development Studies
Is a multi-disciplinary branch of social science.
Is the social science that studies the production, distribution
and consumption of goods and services.
Refer to the academic discipline which uses a narrative to
examine and analyse a sequence of past events, and
objectively determine the patterns of cause and effect that
determine them.
Is a system of rules that are created and enforced through
social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior.
• Late Middle English
Community term
Communis • Means
(Latin Root)
Social Science Perspective
Bond formed
by individuals
Interaction Relationships with other
Below are some general definitions of community using a social science
An informally organized social entity, characterized by a sense of
A group of people living in the same defined area, sharing
common basic values, organization, and interest;
A population which is geographically focused existing as unique
social entity with a collective identity and purpose; and
A group of people with diverse characteristic, linked by social
ties, formed and consolidated by their collective aspirations ,
sharing and exchanging perspectives, and are collectively engaged
to do some concerted action in a geographical location or
Social Control
Social Participation
Mutual Support
Section 15. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended
except in cases of invasion or rebellion, when the public safety requires it.
Section 16. All persons shall have the right to a speedy disposition of their cases
before all judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative bodies.
Section 17. No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself.
Section 18.
1.No person shall be detained solely by reason of his political beliefs and aspirations.
2.No involuntary servitude in any form shall exist except as a punishment for a crime
whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.
Section 19.
1.Excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor cruel, degrading or inhuman punishment
inflicted. Neither shall death penalty be imposed, unless, for compelling reasons involving
heinous crimes, the Congress hereafter provides for it. Any death penalty already imposed
shall be reduced to reclusion perpetua.
2.The employment of physical, psychological, or degrading punishment against any
prisoner or detainee or the use of substandard or inadequate penal facilities under
subhuman conditions shall be dealt with by law.
Section 20. No person shall be imprisoned for debt or non-payment of a poll tax.
Section 21. No person shall be twice put in jeopardy of punishment for the same offense.
If an act is punished by a law and an ordinance, conviction or acquittal under either shall
constitute a bar to another prosecution for the same act.
Section 22. No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall be enacted.
Social Justice
Majid Rahnema
Community Organizing
Is the process of building power by involving a
constituency or community members in identifying the
Community Resource Management
Is the participatory process that enables communities to manage their
own resources for their benefit
Community Education and Learning
Refers to the conscious efforts of members of the community
Community Action Planning
Plays an important role in addressing community issues and solving problems