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State-of-the-art developments in light transmitting concrete

Shwan H. Said
Department of Environment and Pollution Engineering, Technical College in Kirkuk, Northern Technical University, Mosul, Iraq

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: As the population grows rapidly, many tall buildings have been established in crowded areas creating
Received 29 April 2020 huge obstacles for transmitting the natural sunlight into these buildings. After numerous experiments
Received in revised form 4 June 2020 conducted by engineers, to imbue new and modern features of concrete, an innovative, smart and novel
Accepted 6 June 2020
construction material called ‘‘light transmitting concrete” (LiTraCon) has emerged in the last decade,
Available online xxxx
manufactured by embedding optical fibers in concrete. The new material is characterized by allowing
the light to pass through itself. LiTraCon has smart properties such as energy saving, decorative and aes-
thetic appearance, and enhancing the daylight indoor quality of buildings. The latest developments
LiTraCon, optical fibers
Translucent concrete
attained by researchers are presented and discussed in this article such as the impact of optical fibers
Imperviousness on the mechanical properties, durability and the light transmittance ability of LiTraCon. Results showed
Transmittance that the mechanical strength lowered within acceptable limits. The optical fibers have an adverse effect
on the durability. Besides, increasing the optical fiber content up to 5–6%, or increasing the fiber diameter
up to 2 mm, enhanced the optical transmittance ability with acceptable mechanical properties of
LiTraCon. Finally, using regularly aligned optical fibers is better than using random fibers to obtain better
mechanical strength. However, regularly aligned optical fibers haven’t substantially shown better trans-
mittance ability as compared to random alignment of fibers.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th International Con-
ference on Key Engineering Materials 2020.

1. Introduction i.e. in ceilings, partitions and instead of windows to transmit the

light, in walls and facades of building, for illumination of tunnels
Light transmitting concrete (LiTraCon), or transparent concrete, and dark subway stations, used for speed bumps, and lane mark-
or translucent concrete (TC) is one of the most currently emerging ings in highways [3–5].
sustainable and green construction material discovered by Aron In this review study, important parameters, influencing the
Losonczi, the Hungarian architect, who produced the first LiTraCon LiTraCon mix design, are demonstrated and presented through lat-
block in 2003. The main concept is by placing optical fibers uni- est research. Also, the impact of optical fiber content and diameter
formly in horizontal form inside the mould before the casting pro- on the mechanical properties, durability and light transmittance
cess of concrete, producing basic construction units of LiTraCon, ability of LiTraCon were discussed. The research process in this
such as blocks or panels. Different types of optical fiber were used field is uninterrupted to promote the construction sustainability
in these applications such as Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) as and green building requirements. Fig. 1 illustrates some
polymer fibers [1,2] or plastic optical fiber (POF), and glass optical applications of LiTraCon.
fiber (GOF). Its function as a guide to the light wave transmits from
one end of the fiber to the other.
It was demonstrated that 50% of daylight should be transmitted 2. Mix design of light transmitting concrete (LiTraCon)
into the green buildings, according to Indian Green Building Coun-
cil, and this condition cannot be attained without the fabrication of 2.1. Components
LiTraCon [3]. The novel construction material is essential for
architectural purposes, decorating the interior design of building, The main components predominantly consisted of Portland
cement, fine aggregate (sand) with max size particles ranges 0.6–
4.75 mm, coarse aggregate (gravel) with max size particles ranges
E-mail address: 10–12 mm, optical fibers, and water. In addition, distance between
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference on Key Engineering Materials 2020.

Please cite this article as: S. H. Said, State-of-the-art developments in light transmitting concrete, Materials Today: Proceedings,
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Fig. 1. Applications of LiTraCoin in illumination of: (a) walls (b) partitions (c) lane markings in highways (d) stair case [2,6].

the optical fibers arranged inside mould specifies the nominal size 2.4. Translucent concrete and translucent cement mortar
of coarse aggregate [7].
Instead of optical fibers, some LiTraCons consisting of other It was shown via a comparative experimental investigation on
types of cheaper light-guiding materials such as waste glasses translucent concrete and translucent cement mortar, that the
[8,9], glass rods [10], acrylic rods [11], epoxy resin rods [12], and translucent cement mortar is around 67% more efficient than the
special plastic resins (such as in Ilight transparent cement mortar) translucent concrete [20,21], and in another experiment is around
[13]. Some authors used some types of additives among the com- 8–20% more efficient [22], in light transmission. Fig. 2 illustrates
ponents to promote the properties of LiTraCon such as superplasti- the preparation and placing of POF in the mould.
cizer, silica fume, fly ash, GGBS.
Optical fibers should be placed parallel to each other in the 3. The effectiveness of optical fibers on the mechanical
mould and should be tightened at both ends, and overstressed properties of LiTraCon
fibers should be avoided.
3.1. Optical fiber content
2.2. Optical fiber spacing
Regarding LiTraCon, most experimental work demonstrated
Due to the short distance between the optical fibers in the there is a reduction in compressive strength with increasing optical
mould, and difficulties of obtaining good compaction and homo- fiber content of LiTraCon [3,10,12,20,22–25], or a combined reduc-
geneity of mixture between optical fibers, authors prefer to pro- tion in compressive and flexural strength as optical fiber content
mote the consistency and workability of mixture by following increases [1,2,5,15,16,17,19], as indicated in Table 1. Besides, most
some mix procedures, such as excluding the gravel from the ingre- researchers revealed that the reduction in the LiTraCon compres-
dients producing a mix called ‘‘light transmitting cement mortar”, sive strength ranges between 3 and 11%, which is insignificant,
using superplasticizers, or highly fine grained binders as cement whereas other researchers have shown that the reduction is
replacement, or producing self-compacting concrete. Moreover, around 16 to 30%. Moreover, the results have shown a reduction
short distances between the installed parallel fibers lead the micro in flexural strength of around 3 to 21% whereas few results indi-
cracks to propagate considerably [14]. As a result, some authors cated a reduction of about 17–40% in flexural strength.
used 10% silica fume as partial replacement of cement in LiTraCon Other researchers revealed that there is an increase in compres-
[14–17] to enhance the strength characteristics, avoid segregation, sive strength of LiTraCon [14,26,27], or a combined increase in
to increase cohesion and, to increase adhesion at fiber/matrix compressive and flexural strength, with increasing optical fiber
interface. content [4,28,29].
Some results confirmed that the compressive strength increases
2.3. Self-compacting LiTraCon with increasing the optical fibers until 3% [5,27], or until 4% [28],
after this ratio, the compressive strength starts to decrease.
Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a good choice for the fabrica- It was also revealed that the compressive strength decreased
tion of LiTraCon to avoid the concerns of missing the optical fibers with a shorter distance between the aligned optical fibers, as this
alignment via concrete vibrators, as the SCC gets compacted under led to an excessive propagation of micro cracks [14]. Fig. 3 shows
its own weight [18]. In addition, Salih et al. (2014) [19] showed some results regarding the influence of POF content on the com-
that the fabrication of self- compacting mortar is very convenient pressive strength of LiTraCon.
to prepare a translucent concrete due to its homogeneity which
facilitates casting and finishing. On the other hand, Spiesz et al. 3.2. Optical fibers alignment
(2016) [8] and, Pagliolico et al. (2015) [9] produced translucent
concrete panels consisting of waste glass particles as a replacement A comparison study of mechanical properties between regularly
to the sand and gravel, by preparing white cement self-compacting aligned POF LiTraCon and randomly aligned POF LiTraCon is pre-
concrete by using finely grained materials such as fly ash or GGBS. sented in Table 1 through experimental work achieved by Hen-

Please cite this article as: S. H. Said, State-of-the-art developments in light transmitting concrete, Materials Today: Proceedings,
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Fig. 2. Preparation of (a) POF (b) LiTraCon cubes (c) LiTraCon prisms [19,23].

Table 1
A comparison study between regularly aligned and randomly aligned POF LiTraCon [16,17].

Increase in POF content% from 0 to: Decrease in compressive strength of Decrease in flexural tensile strength of Increase in capillary water absorption of
LiTraCon for POF LiTraCon for POF LiTraCon for POF
Regularly aligned Randomly aligned Regularly aligned Randomly aligned Regularly aligned Randomly aligned
% % % % % %
2 0 11.5 18 20.5 100 209
3.5 5 15 20 32 333 245
5 11 20 18 25.5 413 300

Fig. 3. Influence of POF content on LiTraCon’s compressive strength for POF (a) Regularly aligned [16] (b) Randomly aligned [17].

riques et al [16,17]. It is revealed from the results in Table 1 that

the effect of regular alignment is better than the random alignment
of POF on LiTraCon. Concerning the compressive strength, the
highest reduction was 11 and 20% for regularly aligned and ran-
domly aligned POF LiTraCon, respectively, whereas the highest
reduction in flexural strength was 20 and 32% for regularly aligned
and randomly aligned POF LiTraCon, respectively.

3.3. Optical fiber diameter

As shown in Fig. 4, Salih et al (2014) [19] found that the flexural

strength of LiTraCon decreased as POF content and diameter rose.
For POF content less than 2%, the average reduction rate in flexural
strength of LiTraCon was about 10.2% for each 1% increase in POF
content, whereas For POF content more than 2%, the average reduc-
tion rate in flexural strength was about 15.5% for each 1% increase
in POF content. Moreover, as the diameter of POF increased from
1.5 to 2 and 3 mm, the lowering in flexural strength of LiTraCon Fig. 4. Flexural strength of LiTraCon decreased as POF content and diameter rose
was about an average of 6.5 and 16.5%, respectively. [19].

3.4. Direction of loading

loading direction with the POF direction in the mould. In addition,
An experimental investigation was carried out by Halbiniak and it was found that the compressive strength of LiTraCon specimens
Sroka (2015) [24] to analyse the effectiveness of the compressive reduced by about 38% with loading parallel to the POF direction,
load direction on LiTraCon samples. Results indicated that the exis- while it reduced by about 19% for LiTraCon specimens with loading
tence of POF in LiTraCon reduced the compressive strength of perpendicular to the POF direction, as compared to the compres-
LiTraCon. The reduction amount is relevant to the relation of sive strength of specimens excluded from POF.

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4. Analysis of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) alignment in the mold. Thus, by incorporating optical fibers
between 2 and 5%, the water absorption capacity raised around
Regarding the fiber/matrix zone in LiTraCon, scanning electron 2–5 times the zero fiber content in LiTraCon (Table 1). This is
microscopy (SEM) analysis has been achieved by some researchers. due to lots of pores created in a crisp, permeable and brittle matrix
SEM analysis which is conducted by Henriques et al [16,17] on surrounding the optical fibers. Conversely, other water absorption
LitRaCon and illustrated in Fig. 5, demonstrates the impairment tests on LiTraCon consisting of almost 4% optical fibers showed
of mechanical properties of LiTraCon due to lots of infinitesimal that the water absorption and sorptivity decreased of about 9
voids and gaps involved in a fragile, pervious and brittle interfacial and 0.5% corresponds to plain concrete, respectively, which is
fiber/matrix zone with a highly smoothened surface of POF which insubstantial [29].
causes weak bonding. In addition, microstructure analysis (SEM)
on LiTraCon achieved by Li et al. (2015) [1] as shown in Fig. 6, illus- 6. Transmittance ability of LiTraCon
trates numerous numbers of detrimental pores with a diame-
ter  100 nm accumulated in the fiber/matrix interface which 6.1. Optical fiber alignment
significantly harm the mechanical properties of LiTraCon. Conse-
quently, the pores with a diameter less than 100 nm are neutral By referring to Table 2 and Fig. 10, the results presented by Hen-
and not harmful to the mechanical properties of LiTraCon. Besides, riques et al. [16,17] show that the regularly aligned POFs haven’t
SEM test was achieved by Li et al (2012) [25] and revealed that significantly affected the performance of transmittance ability of
there are lots of pores existent between optical fibers and cement LiTraCon as compared to the randomly aligned POF LiTraCon. Thus,
paste with weakly bonded interfacial area, as shown in Fig. 7. The the improvement in transmittance ability of LiTraCon is almost the
cracks easily initiate and propagate among the optical fibers within same for both status of POF alignment by increasing POF content
the interfacial zone. from 2 to 3.5% in LiTraCon. Besides, an increase in POF content
On the other hand, Fig. 8 shows a Microstructure analysis done from 2 to 5% led to an improvement in light transmittance ability
by Li et al. (2015) [2] and indicated highly compacted material of regularly aligned POF LiTraCon of about 22% more than the cor-
with evenly distributed fibers in the matrix, accompanied with responding improvement for randomly aligned POF LiTraCon.
Infinitesimal pores in the fiber/matrix interface. Mixing of highly
fine grained binders as a cement replacement (such as silica fume) 6.2. Optical fiber content
is a good solution capable of enhancing the mechanical properties
of the interfacial fiber/matrix zone [15,16]. Table 2 shows numerous results reported by different authors
indicating that the transmittance ability is enhanced by increasing
5. Durability of LiTraCon the optical fiber content in LiTraCon. Furthermore, it was revealed
that 5% is the most cost-effective and the best POF content to pre-
5.1. Imperviousness sent the best quality of aesthetic appearance of LiTraCon with
acceptable mechanical properties [5,16], whereas Ahuja and Mos-
The imperviousness has been investigated by He et al. (2011) alam (2017) [30] showed that a ratio of 6% of optical fibers imbed-
[23] to evaluate the durability of LiTraCon. Results displayed that ded in concrete panels can save 50% of illumination energy and is
the increase in optical fibers content has a detrimental effect on able to reduce the energy costs by around 18%. However, volumet-
durability due to increasing the perviousness of LiTraCon. The ric fiber content higher than 5% cannot be performed due to the
authors recommended two methods to optimize the Impervious- difficulties in filling the voids between the fibers gently without
ness; the first method is coating the POFs with epoxy resin and destroying the POF. As a result, the transmittance ability of LiTra-
the second method is by using POFs having a rough external cover Con starts to diminish with fiber content higher than 5% [16].
to increase the interference between the POFs and the cement Besides, it was demonstrated that the light transmission reduced
mortar. Besides, using 10% silica fume as partial replacement of for LiTraCon of gravimetric fiber content exceeds 1.59% due to
cement optimizes the imperviousness of LiTraCon [16,17]. the short distance between the fibers which is undesirable [14].
Fig. 10 illustrates the effect of optical fibers content on light trans-
5.2. Water absorption mittance ability of LiTraCon.

Water absorption tests on LiTraCon are performed by some 6.3. Optical fiber diameter
authors [16,17,29]. As shown in Table 1 and Fig. 9, a conclusion
has been drawn that only the presence of POF has a great negative Commonly, the researchers agreed through their experimental
effect on LiTraCon which is irrelevant to the status of POF works that the larger optical fiber diameter enhances the optical

Fig. 5. SEM analysis shows lots of voids in pervious interfacial fiber/matrix zone in LiTraCon [16,17].

Please cite this article as: S. H. Said, State-of-the-art developments in light transmitting concrete, Materials Today: Proceedings,
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Fig. 6. Microstructure analysis illustrates numerous numbers of detrimental pores with a diameter  100 nm [1].

Fig. 7. SEM test reveals lots of pores existent between optical fibers and cement paste [25].

Fig. 8. Microstructure analysis indicated infinitesimal pores in the fiber/matrix interface [2].

Fig. 9. Effect of optical fibers on water absorption capacity of LiTraCon for POF (a) Regularly aligned [16] (b) Randomly aligned [17].

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6 S.H. Said / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Influence of optical fiber content variation on light transmittance ability of LiTraCon.

Authors Increase in Type of optical Increase in light Device used in light transmittance
volumetric/gravimetric* fibers transmittance% measurement
fiber content%
From To
Henriques et al. (2018) [16] 2 3.5 POF 48 Built wooden device
Orderly arranged POF 2 5 POF 226
Henriques et al. (2020) [17] 2 3.5 POF 52 Built wooden device
Randomly arranged POF 2 5 POF 204
Li et al. (2015) [1] 1 2 POF 180 Charge-coupled Device (CCD)
1 3 POF 220
Li et al. (2015) [2] 1 2 POF 85 optical power meter
1 3 POF 160
Altlomate et al. (2016) [14] 0.36* 1.43* POF 316 electrical circuit setup
0.36* 1.59* POF 155
Singh et al. (2016) [31] 3 4 POF 243 Lux meter
Mahto et al. (2017) [3] 3 5 POF 34 Light Depending Diode (LDR)
He. et al. (2011) [23] 1 2 POF 66 Newport 835 Optical Power Meter
3 233
5 516
6 666
Mohan et al. (2018) [12] 1 2 POF 87 Lux meter testing setup
1 3 175
1 4 205
0.5 1.8 Epoxy resin rods 175
4 (POF) 0.5(epoxy rods) - 160
4 (POF) 1.8 (epoxy rods) 620
Pradheepa & Krishnamoorthi (2015) [21] 2 4 POF 8-21 digital Lux meter
Yue et al. (2012) [25] 10 20 GOF 40-50 UV765 UV-visible spectrophotometer

Fig. 10. Effect of optical fibers content on light transmittance ability of LiTraCon for POF (a) Regularly aligned [16] (b) Randomly aligned [17].

power ability of LiTraCon [1,2,14,21,25]. This is analogous to the 6.4. Distance from light source
effect of a larger cross section of tube which leads to a greater fluid
discharge. Similarly, the larger diameter of optical fiber means lar- Test results gathered by Li et al. (2015) [2] state that the light
ger cross section area which transmits greater light quantity. transmittance capacity of LiTraCon diminishes as the distance
Finally, utilizing 2 mm diameter of POF is the best diameter to pro- between the light source and specimen increases. For four-
duce LiTraCon with higher compressive and flexural strength [19]. optical fiber specimen, the light transmittance capacity diminishes
Table 3 shows some authors results of the impact of optical fiber by about 84, 95 and 98% as the distance between light source and
diameter increase. specimen increases from 0 to 5, 10 and 20 cm, respectively.

Table 3
Influence of optical fiber diameter variation on light transmittance ability of LiTraCon.

Authors Increase in optical fiber Type of optical Fiber content% Increase in optical
diameter mm fibers By volume power ability%
By weight*
From To
Li et al. (2015) [1] 0.5 1 POF 5 75
Li et al. (2015) [2] 0.5 1 POF 3 90
0.5 1 4 110
Altlomate et al. (2016) [14] 0.5 0.75 POF 0.36* 190
0.75 1.5 1.43* 300
Pradheepa & Krishnamoorthi (2015) [20] 0.25 0.75 POF 2 17-30
0.25 0.75 4 25-31
Yue et al. (2012) [24] 0.05 0.0625 GOF 10 50
GOF 20 120

Please cite this article as: S. H. Said, State-of-the-art developments in light transmitting concrete, Materials Today: Proceedings,
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Please cite this article as: S. H. Said, State-of-the-art developments in light transmitting concrete, Materials Today: Proceedings,

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