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Likert Scale - AD

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Sociological Methods & Research

2014, Vol 43(1) 73-97
Choosing the Number ª The Author(s) 2013
Reprints and permission:
of Categories in
DOI: 10.1177/0049124113509605
Agree–Disagree Scales

Melanie A. Revilla1,
Willem E. Saris1, and Jon A. Krosnick2

Although agree–disagree (AD) rating scales suffer from acquiescence response
bias, entail enhanced cognitive burden, and yield data of lower quality, these
scales remain popular with researchers due to practical considerations
(e.g., ease of item preparation, speed of administration, and reduced adminis-
tration costs). This article shows that if researchers want to use AD scales, they
should offer 5 answer categories rather than 7 or 11, because the latter yield
data of lower quality. This is shown using data from four multitrait-multimethod
experiments implemented in the third round of the European Social Survey. The
quality of items with different rating scale lengths were computed and

quality, MTMM, agree–disagree scales, number of response categories, mea-
surement errors

RECSM, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

Corresponding Author:
Melanie A. Revilla, Research and Expertise Center for Survey Methodology (RESCM), Uni-
versitat Pompeu Fabra, Edifici ESCI-Born, Passeig Pujades 1, 08003 Barcelona, Spain.

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74 Sociological Methods & Research 43(1)

Although agree–disagree (AD) rating scales have been extremely popular in
social science research questionnaires, they are susceptible to a host of biases
and limitations. First, they are susceptible to acquiescence response bias
(Krosnick 1991): Some respondents agree with the statement offered regard-
less of its content. For instance, if the statement is ‘‘Immigration is bad for
the economy,’’ acquiescence bias will lead to more negative opinions being
expressed than if the statement is ‘‘Immigration is good for the economy.’’
Some authors explain this tendency by people’s natural disposition to be
polite (e.g., Goldberg 1990); others believe that some respondents perceive
the researchers to be experts and assume that if they make an assertion, it
must be true (Lenski and Leggett 1960); still others attribute acquiescence
to survey satisficing, a means of avoiding expending the effort needed to
answer a question optimally by shortcutting the response process (Krosnick
1991). A recent study (Billiet and Davidov 2008) shows that acquiescence is
quite stable over time, supporting the idea that acquiescence is a personality
trait and not a circumstantial behavior.
Another drawback of AD scales is the imprecise mapping of the response
dimension onto the underlying construct of interest which leads to a more
complex cognitive response process.
This can be illustrated by breaking down the response process for AD
scales into several steps. The classic decomposition comes from Tourangeau,
Rips, and Rasinski (2000) who divide the question-answering process into
four components: ‘‘comprehension of the item, retrieval of relevant informa-
tion, use of that information to make required judgments, and selection and
reporting of an answer.’’ Other authors, however, propose a slightly different
decomposition focused on AD scales specifically (Carpenter and Just 1975;
Clark and Clark 1977; Trabasso, Rollins, and Shaughnessy 1971): compre-
hension of the item, identification of the underlying dimension, positioning
oneself on that dimension, and selecting one of the AD response options to
express that position. This last step is potentially the problematic one (Fowler
1995; Saris et al. 2010) since the translation of a respondent’s opinion into
one of the proposed response categories is not obvious. For example, if the
statement is ‘‘Immigration is bad for the economy,’’ and the respondent
thinks that it is extremely bad, he or she may disagree with the statement,
since the statement does not express his or her view. However, people may
also disagree if they believe that immigration is good or very good for the
economy or if they believe it is neither good nor bad (Saris and Gallhofer
2007). The AD scale may therefore mix people who hold very different

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Revilla et al. 75

underlying opinions into the same response category. As a result, the rela-
tionship of the response scale to the underlying construct is not monotonic
in terms of expressing beliefs about the impact of immigration on the econ-
omy.1 More generally, with AD scales, people can do the mapping in their
own way and this may create method effects (see e.g., Saris at al. 2010, for
more details).
Despite this issue, AD scales are still used quite often, probably for
practical reasons. The same scale can be used to measure a wide array
of constructs, and visual display of the scale is easy on paper question-
naires or in web surveys. Administration of the questionnaire is also eas-
ier and quicker, since the scale needs only to be explained once to the
respondent, whereas with Item-Specific (IS) scales, a new rating scale
must be presented for each item. For these reasons, AD scales may entail
lower costs (e.g., less paper needed, less work for the interviewers, less
preparation cost), which is always tempting. Furthermore, the long tradi-
tion of using AD scales in the social sciences may inspire researchers to
reuse established batteries of items using this response format, even if
they yield lower quality data.
Given the popularity of this measurement approach, researchers must
decide the number of points to offer on an AD rating scale. Likert (1932) pro-
posed that these scales should offer five points, but Dawes (2008) recently
argued that comparable results are obtained from 7- to 10-point scales, which
may yield more information than a shorter scale would. Indeed, the theory of
information states that if more response categories are proposed, more infor-
mation about the variable of interest can be obtained: For instance, a 2-point
scale only allows assessment of the direction of the attitude, whereas a 3-
point scale with a middle category allows assessment of both the direction
and the neutrality; even more categories can also allow assessment of the
intensity, and so on (Garner 1960).
Some empirical results seem to support this theory. For instance,
Alwin (1992) considers a set of hypotheses related to this theory of the
information. Testing them with panel data, he finds that except for the 2-
point scales, ‘‘the reliability is generally higher for measures involving
more response categories’’ (p. 107). Many articles have been written dis-
cussing consequences of increasing the number of categories. However,
only a limited number of studies compare the quality of scales of differ-
ent lengths, where quality refers to the strength of the relationship
between the observed variable and the underlying construct of interest
(e.g., Andrews 1984; Scherpenzeel 1995; Költringer 1993; Alwin 1997;
Alwin 2007).

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76 Sociological Methods & Research 43(1)

In this article, we discuss the effect of the number of response categories

on the quality of AD scales. These scales may behave in a specific way,
because of the cognitive response process involved (which includes an extra
step to map the underlying opinion onto one of the offered response cate-
gories). In one other study on this issue, Alwin and Krosnick (1991) com-
pared 2-point and 5-point AD scales with respect to quality and found that
the 2-point scales had better quality than the 5-point scales.
In our study, we compared 5-point AD scales with longer scales in terms
of measurement quality. The study does not test the impact, for instance, of
having only the end points labeled versus having all points labeled, nor does
it test the impact of asking questions in battery style versus asking them sep-
arately. Another specificity of this study is that it involves data collected dur-
ing the third round (2006–2007) of the European Social Survey (ESS) on
large and representative samples in more than 20 countries.
We begin below by describing the analytical method used to assess qual-
ity. Then, we describe the ESS data analyzed using this method, the results
obtained, and their implications.

Analytical Method
Our analysis involves two steps. The first step is to compute the reliability,
validity, and quality coefficients of each item, using a Split-Ballot
Multitrait-Multimethod design (SB-MTMM) as developed by Saris, Satorra,
and Coenders (2004). The item-by-item results are then analyzed by a meta-
analytic procedure to test the hypotheses of interest.
The idea to repeat several traits, measured with different methods (i.e.,
MTMM approach), has been proposed first by Campbell and Fiske (1959).
They suggested summarizing the correlations between all the traits mea-
sured with all the methods into an MTMM matrix, which could be directly
examined for convergent and discriminant validation. About a decade later,
Werts and Linn (1970) and Jöreskog (1970, 1971) proposed to treat the
MTMM matrix as a confirmatory factor analysis model, whereas Althauser,
Heberlein, and Scott (1971) proposed a path analysis approach. Alwin
(1974) presented different approaches to analyze the MTMM matrix.
Andrews (1984) suggested applying this model to evaluate the reliability
and validity of single-survey questions. Alternative models have been sug-
gested (Browne 1984; Cudeck 1988; Marsh 1989; Saris and Andrews
1991). Corten et al. (2002) and Saris and Aalbers (2003) compared different
models and concluded that the model discussed by Alwin (1974) and the
equivalent model of Saris and Andrews (1991) fit best to several data sets.

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Revilla et al. 77

These models have been used for substantive research by many researchers
since then (Költringer 1993; Scherpenzeel 1995; Scherpenzeel and Saris
1997; Alwin 1997) and still get quite some attention (e.g., Alwin 2007;
Saris and Gallhofer 2007; Saris et al. 2010).
In the classic approach, for identification reasons, each item is usually
measured using at least three different methods (e.g., question wordings).
However, this may lead to problems if respondents remember their answer
to an earlier question when they answer a later question that measures the
same construct. This problem has been studied by Van Meurs and Saris
In the study by Van Meurs and Saris (1990), several questions were
repeated after different time intervals in the same questionnaire and after two
weeks. The authors first determined how much agreement one can expect if
there is no memory effect. This is defined as the level of agreement between
the repeated observations that remains stable even if the time lag between the
repeated questions is increased. Once this is determined, one can evaluate the
minimal time interval between the repetitions necessary to reach the amount
of agreement typical for the situation of no memory effect. Van Meurs and
Saris found that:
1. People who expressed extreme opinions in the first interview always
gave the same answer no matter the time interval between the
repeated questions. So enlarging the time interval would not alter the
apparent overtime consistency of these people’s answers.

This is not surprising: These people presumably do not give the same
answer because they remember their previous answer and repeat it. It is more
likely that they do so because they have highly stable opinions and report
them accurately.

2. If a person did not express an extreme opinion, and the questions

intervening between the repeated questions were similar to the
repeated question, then the observed relation was as follows:
C ¼ 59:0  :94T ;
where C is the percentage matching answers and T is the time in minutes
between the two repetitions. In this case, every extra minute in the time inter-
val reduced the percentage of matching answers by approximately 1 percent.
This means that after 25 minutes, the percentage of matching answers should
be about 36 percent, which Van Meurs and Saris (1990) said is the percentage
to be expected if people do not remember their previous answer.

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78 Sociological Methods & Research 43(1)

3. If a person did not express an extreme opinion, and the questions

intervening between the repeated questions were not similar to the
repeated question, then the relationship was as follows:

C ¼ 75:4  :50T :
In this case, the extra minute of delay of the repeated question reduced
memory by only half a percentage. Therefore, the level of 36 percent of
matching answers would be reached after 80 minutes.
This result has been questioned by Alwin (2011), who studied memory
effects by doing a word memory experiment wherein people were exposed
to 10 words, and memory was tested immediately after exposure and again
after 10 minutes. He concludes (Alwin 2011:282-84) that ‘‘if one looks at the
delayed task and focuses solely on those words produced in response to the
immediate recall task, the impression one gets is that within the context of
the survey, people remember what they said earlier.’’ This raises the need
to do further research on the topic, to see whether MTMM results are dis-
torted by memory.
Another way to limit the memory problem is to reduce the number of
repetitions of the same measures in different forms. This approach, called
split-ballot multitrait-multimethod approach (SB-MTMM), was developed
by Saris, Satorra, and Coenders (2004). In such a design, respondents are ran-
domly assigned to different groups, with each group receiving a different ver-
sion of the same question. For example, the versions can vary in terms of the
number of answer categories offered (e.g., one group receives a 5-point and a
7-pont scale; another receives a 7-point and a 11-point scale; and still another
receives an 11-point and a 5-point scale). This reduces the number of repeti-
tions: Each respondent answers only two versions of the question instead of
three (Saris, Satorra, and Coenders, 2004). A memory effect is still possible,
but with only two repetitions, it is less probable, also because the time
between the first and the second form can be maximized.
Using this design and structural equation modeling techniques, the relia-
bility, validity, and quality coefficients can be obtained for each question, as
long as at least three different traits are measured and two methods are used
to measure each trait in each group. Various models have been proposed; we
use the true score model for MTMM experiments developed by Saris and
Andrews (1991):
Yij ¼ rij Tij þ eij : ð1Þ

Tij ¼ vij Fi þ mij Mj ; ð2Þ

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Yij is the observed variable for the ith trait and the jth method.
Tij is the systematic component of the response Yij.
eij is the random error component associated with the measurement of
Yij for the ith trait and the jth method.
Fi is the ith trait. Mj represents the variation in scores due to the jth
mij is the method effect for the ith trait and the jth method.

The model needs to be completed by some assumptions:

 The trait factors are correlated with each other.

 The random errors are not correlated with each other nor with the
independent variables in the different equations.
 The method factors are not correlated with each other nor with the trait
 The method effects for one specific method Mj* are equal for the dif-
ferent traits Tij*.
 The method effects for one specific method Mj* are equal across the
split-ballot groups; as are the correlations between the traits and the
random errors.

Figure 1 illustrates the logic of this model in the case of two traits mea-
sured with a single method.
Working with standardized variables, we have:

 rij ¼ reliability coefficient.

 rij ¼ reliability ¼ 1  var(eij).
 vij ¼ validity coefficient.
 vij ¼ validity.
 mij ¼ method effect coefficient.
 mij ¼ method effect ¼ 1  vij2.

It follows that the total quality of a measure is: qij2 ¼ (rij  vij)2. It corre-
sponds to the variance of the observed variable Yij explained by the variable
of interest Fi.
As the model in Figure 1 is not identified, it is necessary to estimate the
parameters of a slightly more complicated model (one model with more traits
and more methods). Figure 2 presents a simplified version of the model,

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80 Sociological Methods & Research 43(1)

Figure 1. Illustration of the true score model.

omitting, for the sake of clarity, the observed variables, and the random
errors associated with each true score.
We used the LISREL multigroup approach to estimate the model’s para-
meters (Jöreskog and Sörbom 1991). The input instructions are shown in the
Appendix (which can be found at
The initial model was estimated for all countries and all experiments, but
some adaptations for particular countries were made when misspecifications
were present in the models. The main adaptations were the freeing of some of
the method effects (i.e., allowing a method factor to have different impacts
on different traits), and fixing a method variance at zero when its uncon-
strained variance was not significant and negative. All the adaptations of the
initial model in the different countries and for the four different experiments
(each column corresponds to an experiment) are available on the Internet.2
In order to determine what modifications were necessary for each model,
we tested for misspecifications using the JRule software (Van der Veld,

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Revilla et al. 81

Figure 2. Illustration of an MTMM model. MTMM ¼ multitrait-multimethod.

Saris, and Satorra 2008). This testing procedure developed by Saris, Satorra,
and Van der Veld (2009) is based on an evaluation of the expected parameter
changes (EPC), the modification indices (MI), and the power. The procedure
thus takes into account both type I and type II errors as shown in Table 1,
unlike the chi-square test, which only considers type I errors. Another advan-
tage is that the test is done at the parameter level and not at the level of the
complete model, which is helpful for making corrections (for more details
about the statistical justification of our approach, see Saris, Satorra, and Van
der Veld 2009).
We tried, as much as possible, to find a model that fits in the different
countries (i.e., to make the same changes for one experiment in the different
countries, for instance, to fix the same method effect to zero each time). Nev-
ertheless, this was not always possible, resulting in several models specific to
certain countries or groups of countries. However, the differences between
the models are often limited.

The ESS Round 3 MTMM Experiments
The ESS is a biannual cross-national project designed to measure social atti-
tudes and values throughout Europe.3 Third-round interviewing, with prob-
ability samples in 25 European countries,4 was completed between
September 2006 and April 2007. The one-hour questionnaire was adminis-
tered by an interviewer in the respondent’s home using show cards for most
of the questions. The response rates varied from 46 percent to 73 percent

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82 Sociological Methods & Research 43(1)

Table 1. Testing.

Low Power High Power

Insignificant MI Inconclusive No misspecification

Significant MI Misspecification Inspect EPC

Note. EPC ¼ expected parameter changes; MI ¼ modification indices.

between countries (cf. Round 3 Final Activity Report5). Around 50,000 indi-
viduals were interviewed.
The survey administration involved a main questionnaire and a supple-
mentary questionnaire, in which items from the main questionnaire were
repeated using different methods. Four MTMM experiments, each involving
four methods and three traits, were included in the third round of the ESS.
Because of the Split-Ballot design, the respondents were randomly assigned
into three groups (gp A, gp B, and gp C). All groups received the same main
questionnaire, but each group received a different supplementary question-
naire, which included 4 experiments with a total of 12 questions (4 experi-
ments  3 traits ¼ 12 repetitions). The four experiments were:

 dngval: deals with respondents’ feelings about life and relationships,

 imbgeco: deals with respondents’ position toward immigration and its
impact on the country,
 imsmetn: deals with respondents’ opinion about immigration policies
(should the government allow more immigrants to come and live in
the country?),
 lrnnew: deals with respondents’ openness to the future.

Table 2 gives a summary of the variables and methods used in the differ-
ent Split-Ballot groups. The column ‘‘meaning’’ gives the statement for each
variable proposed to the respondents in the AD questions. The statement may
vary slightly in IS questions. The complete questionnaires are available on
the ESS website.6 The four last columns provide information about the meth-
ods used in each experiment. The column ‘‘main’’ refers to the method used
in the main questionnaire of the ESS (M1): It is therefore a method that all
respondents receive. The next three columns indicate the second method that
each Split-Ballot group received. Respondents were randomly assigned to
one of these Split-Ballot groups (A, B, or C) and therefore, each person
answered only one of these methods (M2 or M3, or M4). It is important to
notice, however, that the methods vary from one experiment to another: That

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Table 2. The Split-Ballot Multitrait-Multimethod Experiments.
Experiment Variable Meaning Main ¼ M1 gpA ¼ M2 gpB ¼ M3 gpC ¼ M4

Imbgeco Imbgeco – It is generally bad for [country’s] economy that people come to live 11IS 5AD 11AD 7AD
1 here from other countries end full end end
imueclt – [Country’s] cultural life is generally undermined by people coming
to live here from other countries
imwbcnt – [Country] is made a worse place to live by people coming to live
here from other countries
Imsmetn Imsmet – [Country] should allow more people of the same race or ethnic group 4IS 5AD 4IS 7AD
2 as most [country’s] people to come and live here. full full full end
imdfctn – [Country] should allow more people of a different race or ethnic group
from most [country’s] people to come and live here
impcntr – [Country] should allow more people from the poorer countries
outside Europe to come and live here
Lrnnew Lrnnew – I love learning new things 5AD 5AD 11IS 11AD
3 accdng – Most days I feel a sense of accomplishment from what I do full full end end
plprftr – I like planning and preparing for the future
Dngval Dngval – I generally feel that what I do in my life is valuable and worthwhile 5AD 5AD 5AD 7AD
4 – There are people in my life who really care about me full full full end

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ppllfcr – I feel close to the people in my local area

Note. ‘‘End’’ ¼ only the end points of the scale are labeled; ‘‘full’’ ¼ scale is fully labeled.

84 Sociological Methods & Research 43(1)

is why in each of the four experiments (which correspond to different rows in

Table 2) we can see four distinct methods (each method corresponding to a
specific scale: a 5-point AD scale, an 11-point AD scale, etc.).
In all experiments, the 5-point AD scales propose the same categories:
‘‘Agree strongly,’’ ‘‘Agree,’’ ‘‘Neither agree nor disagree,’’ ‘‘Disagree,’’
‘‘Disagree strongly.’’ All 5-point AD scales are fully labeled scales with the
categories presented vertically, except for one case. On the contrary, all 7-
and 11-point AD scales are presented as horizontal rating scales and have
only the end points labeled by: ‘‘Agree strongly’’ and ‘‘Disagree strongly.’’
The ESS questionnaire never offers the option ‘‘Don’t Know’’ as a
response. The interviewer will only code an answer as ‘‘Don’t Know’’ if a
respondent independently gives this response. Therefore, there are very few
such answers: usually less than 2 percent (insignificant enough to be ignored
in the analysis).
This design allows comparisons to be made between both repetitions of the
questions for the same respondents (e.g., using M1 and one of the three other
methods) and between Split-Ballot observations (M2 and M3, or M2 and M4, or
M3 and M4). Since the supplementary questions are asked at the end of the
interview, some time effect could play a role (positive impact on the quality
if respondents learn, or negative if they become less attentive and lose motiva-
tion) and explain differences in qualities between the different measures. Nev-
ertheless, Table 2 shows that for two of the experiments (imbgeco and
imsmetn) the variations in the lengths of the scales are present only in the sup-
plementary experiments, therefore, timing is not an issue. In the two others
(dngval and lrnnew), the 5-point AD scale in the main questionnaire is
repeated in one of the groups in the supplementary questionnaires, so once
again, we can and will focus in the analysis only on Split-Ballot comparisons
and, so, no order or time effect can explain the quality variations.
The first form of the question is presented in the beginning of the main
questionnaire and its repetition is presented in the supplementary question-
naire. The main questionnaire contained approximately 240 questions. The
repeated question is separated by at least 200 questions. If we assume that
people answer three to four questions per minute, the time between the ques-
tions is 50 and 70 minutes. Given that many of the questions in between are
rather similar and the repeated question is in general not the same in form as
the first question, a memory effect seems unlikely.
Besides that, memory effects cannot explain the differences found in the
measures in the supplementary questionnaires, since all groups receive the
same form in the main questionnaire. Therefore, if a memory effect is pres-
ent, it should be the same for all groups. The only possible difference that can

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be anticipated is between the groups with an exact repetition and groups get-
ting a different method the second time. In the case of the exact repetitions of
the same questions in the main and the supplementary questionnaire, the
quality may be higher the second time than with nonexact repetitions. This
possibility would need to be kept in mind when interpreting our results.
Finally, it is noticeable that in the experiment called ‘‘dngval,’’ a 5-point
AD scale is used both in groups A and B. However, these two scales corre-
spond to two distinct methods, because they differ at some other levels: In
group A, a battery is used, whereas in group B, each question is separated
from the others; in group A, the response categories are presented horizon-
tally, whereas in group B, they are presented vertically. These differences
may lead to different quality estimates.

Adaptation of the Data for Our Study

First, we had to select only the observations that could be used for our study.
Hungary did not complete the supplementary questionnaire, so we could not
include it. Moreover, in some countries, the supplementary questionnaire was
self-completed instead of being administered by an interviewer. In that case,
some people answered it on the same day as the main questionnaire, but others
waited one, two, or many more days. A time effect may intervene in these cir-
cumstances, because the opinion of the respondent can change, so we did not
take the individuals who answered on different days into consideration
(Oberski, Saris, and Hagenaars 2007). This led us to exclude Sweden from the
data, due to the fact that no one there completed both parts of the questionnaire
on the same day. In the other countries, the number of ignored observations
(due to completion of the supplementary questionnaire on another day) was not
very high, and we still had more than 45,000 observations for our study.
We then converted these data into the correlation or covariance matrices
and means needed for each group and experiment. Because we had four
methods and three traits, the matrices contain 12 rows and 12 columns. How-
ever, these matrices are incomplete, due to Split-Ballot design: Only the
blocs (i.e., correlations or covariances) for the specific methods that each
group receives are nonzero. These matrices were obtained using ordinary
Pearson correlations and the pairwise deletion option of R for missing and
‘‘Don’t Know’’ values. Results would be different if we had corrected the
categorical character of questions in the correlations calculation as indicated
in Saris, van Wijk, and Scherpenzeel (1998). However, as demonstrated by
Coenders and Saris (1995), the measurement quality estimates would then
have meant something different. Indeed, when polychoric correlations are

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86 Sociological Methods & Research 43(1)

used,7 it is the measurement of the continuous underlying variable y* that is

assessed, whereas when covariances or Pearson correlations are used, it is the
measurement quality of the observed ordinal variable y which is assessed.
Therefore, ‘‘if the researcher is interested in measurement-quality altogether
(including the effects of categorization), or in assessing the effects of cate-
gorization on measurement quality, the Pearson correlations should be used’’
(Coenders and Saris 1995:141). This is exactly what we want to do, so fol-
lowing the authors’ advice, Pearson correlations have been used.
The matrices for the different experiments and countries were analyzed in
LISREL in order to obtain estimates for the coefficients of interest. For
details on this approach, we refer to Saris, Satorra, and Coenders (2004). The
number of 12  12 matrices was 276 (for 23 countries, four experimental
conditions, and three split-ballot groups).

We computed the reliabilities, validities, and qualities for each method (four
methods each time: M1 to M4), for each experiment (four experiments:
‘‘dngval,’’ ‘‘imbgeco,’’ ‘‘imsmetn,’’ and ‘‘lrnnew’’), each trait (three traits),
and in each country (23 countries). This provided 1,104 reliability coeffi-
cients, 1,104 validity coefficients, and 1,104 quality coefficients. In order
to obtain an overview, it was therefore necessary to reduce and summarize
this huge amount of data.
First, we focused on the quality and not on the validity and reliability sep-
arately. Second, since we were interested in the AD scales, we kept only the
observations for the AD scales when an experiment mixed methods with AD
scales and methods with IS scales (cf. note 1 for a definition). Third, because
of the possible time effect mentioned previously, and in order to isolate the
effect of the length of the scale, we decided to focus only on comparison of
the qualities of the Split-Ballot groups. Finally, we did not consider each trait
separately, but computed the mean quality of the three traits. Table 3 presents
the results obtained from this process.
Table 3 shows that in only a minority of cases (17 of the 92 ¼ 18 percent)
the mean quality does not decrease when the number of points on the scale
increases. In other words, the main trend (in 82 percent of the cases) is as fol-
lows: the more categories an AD scale contains, the worse its mean quality is.
In order to have a more general view of the number of points’ effect on
quality, we also considered the mean quality depending on the number of
categories across countries. The last row of Table 3 reflects this information.
The decline across countries is quite clear. For example, in the experiment

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Table 3. Mean Quality for the Different Traits, Countries, and Experiments.

imbgeco imsmetn lrnnew dngval

cntry 5AD 7AD 11AD 5AD 7AD 5AD 11AD 5AD 5AD 7AD

AT 0.51 0.33 0.39 0.54 0.44 0.64 0.46 0.59 0.63 0.40
BE 0.54 0.38 0.33 0.45 0.46 0.72 0.66 0.60 0.59 0.56
BG 0.31 0.28 0.17 0.66 0.53 0.67 0.36 0.54 0.41 0.30
CH 0.56 0.54 0.34 0.47 0.41 0.57 0.53 0.73 0.56 0.50
CY 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.68 0.58 0.61 0.50 0.35
DE 0.49 0.48 0.41 0.53 0.49 0.57 0.47 0.53 0.62 0.54
DK 0.60 0.45 0.49 0.59 0.47 0.61 0.47 0.67 0.66 0.36
EE 0.38 0.26 0.21 0.44 0.48 0.64 0.52 0.62 0.66 0.50
ES 0.51 0.31 0.23 0.55 0.51 0.68 0.66 0.64 0.59 0.41
FI 0.58 0.29 0.42 0.51 0.41 0.48 0.49 0.80 0.78 0.61
FR 0.60 0.37 0.44 0.48 0.44 0.57 0.49 0.67 0.73 0.53
GB 0.50 0.36 0.37 0.51 0.37 0.64 0.59 0.41 0.32 0.34
IE 0.37 0.18 0.08 0.35 0.40 0.56 0.33 0.40 0.33 0.27
LV 0.25 0.11 0.07 0.53 0.42 0.51 0.41 0.58 0.47 0.35
NL 0.40 0.28 0.26 0.28 0.27 0.67 0.63 0.56 0.45 0.36
NO 0.61 0.39 0.28 0.47 0.40 0.71 0.59 0.60 0.49 0.40
PL 0.34 0.19 0.14 0.47 0.50 0.67 0.54 0.62 0.52 0.52

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PT 0.43 0.40 0.22 0.46 0.58 0.61 0.50 0.53 0.42 0.34
RO 0.37 0.19 0.15 0.63 0.60 0.57 0.30 0.49 0.53 0.41
RU 0.44 0.30 0.34 0.53 0.49 0.42 0.36 0.48 0.42 0.43
SI 0.37 0.18 0.11 0.50 0.41 0.66 0.57 0.46 0.41 0.28
SK 0.30 0.17 0.14 0.50 0.42 0.53 0.46 0.45 0.61 0.39
UA 0.46 0.22 0.21 0.54 0.50 0.37 0.33 0.69 0.70 0.48
All 0.45 0.31 0.27 0.50 0.46 0.60 0.49 0.58 0.54 0.42

88 Sociological Methods & Research 43(1)

called ‘‘imbgeco,’’ the 5-point scale results in a 0.45 mean quality across
countries, whereas with the 7-point scale it is only 0.31, and with an 11-
point scale only 0.27. The same trend appears in the other three experiments.
To come back to the question of potential memory effects, studying this
table, one can notice that the highest quality is found for the 5-point AD scales
in the two experiments (‘‘lrnnew’’ and ‘‘dngval’’) with exact repetitions, which
is what one would expect if memory effects lead to reduced errors. However,
the general trend is similar in the experiments using a 5-point AD scale in the
main questionnaire and those using IS scales. The same order of quality is
found for all four topics, it does not matter if there is an exact repetition or not.
In order to aggregate our findings further, we considered the mean quality
across countries, experiments, and methods. This allowed us to make a dis-
tinction between reliability and validity while maintaining a clear overview.
Table 4 confirms the trend noted above and also shows that when a 7-point
AD scale is chosen instead of a 5-point AD scale, the mean quality declines by
0.139. This is quite an important reduction in quality significant at 5 percent (a t
test for differences in means gives a p value of .000). Moving from 7 to 11 cate-
gories also leads to a decrease of mean quality, but here it is very small (.011)
and not significant at 5 percent (p value ¼ .500). Interestingly, the difference
between the 5- and 7-point scales is much larger than the difference between
7- and 11-point scales (not significant) although the difference in number of
categories is smaller (two vs. four). It seems that seven response categories are
already too many, and adding more does not produce any noticeable changes.
Looking at reliability and validity separately, one can see the robustness
of reliability in terms of variations in the number of categories (t tests
show that there are no significant differences between the three means,
with p values of .93 and .66, respectively, for the test between 5- and
7-point and 7- and 11-point scales). However, validity is quite sensitive,
as is quality, to the number of categories and changes: The difference in
means between a 5- and a 7-point scale is quite high (0.198) and signifi-
cant at 5 percent, whereas the difference between a 7- and an 11-point
scale is very small (0.024) and not significant. The reduction in total qual-
ity is clearly due to the decrease in the validity. The validity is
v2ij ¼ 1  m2ij . This means that the method effects increase, as the number
of categories increases, causing the observed quality loss.

Discussion and Further Research

The quality coefficients computed above show the same trends clearly appear at
different levels of aggregation: On an AD scale, the quality decreases as the

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Revilla et al. 89

Table 4. Mean Quality, Reliability, and Validity by Number of Response Categories.

No. of Points Mean q2 Mean r2 Mean v2

5 0.533 0.717 0.753

7 0.394 0.716 0.555
11 0.383 0.709 0.531

number of categories increases, so that the best AD scale is a 5-point one. This
contradicts the main statement of the theory of information, which as mentioned
previously, argues that more categories mean more information about the vari-
able of interest. In terms of quality of measurement, 5-point scales yield better
quality data. Our suggestion is, therefore, to use 5- and not 7-point scales.
This result is noteworthy because the choice of the number of response
categories is consequently related to correlations between variables. For
example, if we focus on two factors (e.g., the two first traits of the
‘‘imbgeco’’ experiment), as shown in Figure 1, the correlation between the
observed variables is given by:

rðY1j ;Y2j Þ ¼ r1j v1j rðF1 ; F2 Þ v2j r2j þ r1j m1j m2j r2j :

If we assume that r1j ¼ r2j ;v1j ¼ v2j and m1j ¼ m2j , and that the true cor-
relation is rðF1 ;F2 Þ ¼ 0:4, then:

rðY1j ;Y2j Þ ¼ 0:4q2 þ r2 ð1  v2 Þ:

If a survey uses a 5-point AD scale, using that scale’s mean quality given
in Table 4, it is expected that the correlation between the observed variables
will be:

rðY1;5AD ;Y2;5AD Þ ¼ 0:4  0:533 þ 0:717  ð1  0:753Þ ¼ 0:213 þ 0:177 ¼ 0:39:

The first term of the sum illustrates the decrease in the observed correlation
due to the relatively low quality. The second term shows the increase in observed
correlation due to high method effects. However, if another survey asks the same
questions but uses a 7-point AD scale, the observed correlation becomes:

rðY1;7AD ;Y2;7AD Þ ¼ 0:4  0:394 þ 0:716  ð1  0:555Þ ¼ 0:157 þ 0:318 ¼ 0:48:

Now the first term is even lower, since the quality is lower, whereas the
second term is higher, since the method effects are higher overall, this leads
to a higher observed correlation. For the 5-point scale, 0.177 of the observed

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90 Sociological Methods & Research 43(1)

correlation is due to the method and has no substantive relevance. For the
7-point scale, this is even 0.318 which is due to the method.
This example is simplistic because only the mean quality is used. Of
course, depending on the specific traits of interest and depending on the
country studied, the effects might be less, or more, than those computed.
However, it gives an idea of the chosen scale’s importance and its possible
consequences on the analysis: Depending on the method, even if the true cor-
relation is the same, the observed correlations may be different; they might
also be different from the true correlation. The decomposition of the
observed correlation also demonstrates that this correlation is really unstable,
because it depends on a combination of quality and method effects.
Because decrease in total quality is mainly due to decrease in validity,
method effects are greater when the number of response categories is higher.
This can be explained by a systematic but individual interpretation and use of
AD scales: Each person uses the scales in a different way from other persons,
but the same person uses the scale in the same way when answering different
items. Because more variations in a personal interpretation of the scale are pos-
sible with more categories, providing a scale with more categories leads to
more method effects, and hence to lower validity and lower quality.
The results are quite robust in different countries, for different experi-
ments, and for different traits. It is therefore possible to give some general
advice: Regardless of the country, regardless of the topic, and despite what
the information theory states, there is no gain in information when an AD
scale with more than five categories is used. There is, instead, a loss of qual-
ity. That is why if AD scales must be used, we recommend that they contain
no more than five response categories.
However, this study has some limits. Even if the amount of data used is huge,
the specific design of the available experiments still limits the possible analyses.
There are two specific points (impossible to test in our study because the neces-
sary data were unavailable) that we think should be examined: the first is the
interest in having other numbers of categories. In the third round of the ESS,
only 5-, 7-, and 11-point scales were present in the MTMM experiments. This
is too limited. The 8- or 9-point scales may confirm the tendency that using more
response categories does not improve the quality, but this should, nonetheless,
be tested. A test of scales containing fewer categories would also be particularly
interesting. Perhaps the tendency is not the same when there are very few cate-
gories. For instance, is a 2-point scale (‘‘Disagree’’ vs. ‘‘Agree’’) better than the
5-point scale used in the ESS round 3? As we have mentioned previously, such a
comparison was done by Alwin and Krosnick (1991), and they found that the 2-
point scale had better quality than the 5-point scale. However, in this case, one

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Revilla et al. 91

should consider as well that such a dichotomous scale, lacking a middle cate-
gory, may lead to higher nonresponse rate. We do not know what happens if
3- or 4-point scales are used. So, further research is required for AD scales to
discern what the optimal number of categories is. Since we had no data to test
this, we must qualify our statement with more precision: An AD 5-point scale
appears to be better than an AD 7- or 11-point scale, so employing more than
five categories in an AD scale is not recommended, although, perhaps, scales
with even fewer categories might result in better quality and validity.
Furthermore, in round 3 of the ESS, the 5-point scale was always completely
labeled, whereas only the end points of the 7- and 11-point scales were labeled.
The comparison of 7- and 11-point scales can therefore be made ceteris paribus,
and as mentioned previously, shows no significant difference in the measure-
ment’s total quality. However, we cannot distinguish between the effect of the
number of categories and the effect of labels in the comparison between the 5-
point scale, on one hand, and the 7- and 11-point scales, on the other.
Previous research nevertheless gives us some information about the potential
effect of labeling on the quality. Andrews (1984), using an MTMM approach
and model, finds a negative impact of labeling: The reliability is lower for fully
labeled scales compared to partially labeled ones. Alwin’s (2007:87-88)
MTMM studies comparing fully and partially labeled scales showed that the
effect of full labeling on the quality (bt) was negative. But Alwin (2007:200-
2) also reports analyses of panel studies data using a quasi-simplex model for
the estimation: There the effect of labeling is positive. Also, these analyses do
not control for other elements of question design.
Saris and Gallhofer (2007) in their meta-analysis control for many other
characteristics and found a positive impact of labels. When a completely labeled
scale is used instead of a partially labeled scale, the reliability coefficient in gen-
eral increases by 0.033, whereas the validity coefficient decreases by 0.0045.
This result is in line with findings reported by Krosnick and Berent (1993).
We used Saris and Gallhofer’s MTMM results and the reliability and validity
found in our study for a partially labeled 7-point AD scale (cf. Table 4) in order
to compute the anticipated quality for a completely labeled 7-point AD scale.
The expected value of the reliability coefficient is indeed: r7pts, all labels ¼ (mean
reliability coefficient found in our study for a 7-point scale with only the end
point labeled þ increase of the reliability coefficient expected if the scale would
have all points labeled, based on Saris and Gallhofer’s estimate). A similar for-
mula can be obtained for the validity coefficient. Finally, we have:
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
q27pts; all labels ¼ ð 0:716 þ 0:033Þ2  ð 0:555  0:0045Þ2 ¼ 0:424:

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92 Sociological Methods & Research 43(1)

This is only slightly higher than the quality of the same scale before the
correction (q27pts, only end pts labels ¼ 0.394), and the difference in quality from
a 5-point scale remains quite large. If the estimates of the impact of labeling
are correct, the difference in labels seems to explain only a minimal differ-
ence in quality. We do believe that this is the case, but to be more exact,
we should qualify our statement with even more precision: A fully labeled
5-point AD scale is better than a 7- or 11-point AD scale with only the end
points labeled, thus, employing more than five categories with only end
points labeled in an AD scale is not recommended.
Differences between our findings and evidence elsewhere in literature about
the length of the scales may be explained by our focus on AD scales. Indeed, the
answering process is more complex with AD scales, because of the extra step
involved in translating the position on the requested judgment in the AD cate-
gories. This last step is tricky: People can interpret the meaning of each AD cate-
gory in very different ways, and when the number of categories increases, so do
the possibilities of differences in interpretation. By contrast, with IS scales, it is
easier for respondents to choose a response category that expresses their posi-
tion. IS scales behave differently and yield data of higher quality regardless
of the number of points (Saris et al. 2010). Moreover, the quality of IS scales
may increase when the number of categories increases: Previous analyses
(e.g., Alwin 1997 or Saris and Gallhofer 2007) documented this tendency even
without differentiating between AD and IS scales. Since in our study, longer AD
scales showed lower quality, the positive impact of having more response cate-
gories in IS format may be even higher than what has been found in the literature
so far if a distinction was made between AD and IS scales.
The third round of the ESS focused on AD experiments and did not allow
for testing of this hypothesis about IS scales. We were only able to find some
experiments that varied the lengths of IS scales in the first ESS round, but not
enough of them to draw conclusions. Future rounds, however, should contain
such experiments, enabling a similar study of IS scales in the near future. In
that case, determining how many categories are necessary to obtain the best
total quality will be an interesting complement to this article. Moreover, if
improved quality is substantiated by such experiments, their results will only
reinforce our belief that the difference between our findings and previous
research is explained by the fact that previous researchers did not control the
kinds of scales they employed (AD or IS), inasmuch as these scales can gen-
erate quite different results.

We are very grateful to three anonymous reviewers for their very helpful comments.

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Revilla et al. 93

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article.

The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or pub-
lication of this article.

1. For these and other reasons, AD scales are expected to yield more measurement
error than do Item-Specific (IS) rating scales. By IS scale, we mean, following
Saris et al. (2010), a scale where ‘‘the categories used to express the opinion are
exactly those answers we would like to obtain for this item.’’ For instance, we can
propose the statement ‘‘immigration is good for the economy’’ with an AD scale:
‘‘Agree–Disagree.’’ Alternatively, we can ask this question using an IS scale as
follows: ‘‘how good or bad is immigration for the economy, very good, good, nei-
ther good nor bad, bad or very bad?’’ Various studies have shown that IS scales are
more reliable (Scherpenzeel and Saris 1997). Saris et al. (2010) have shown that
the quality of IS scales over several topics and for many countries is 20 percent
higher than the quality of AD scales.
2.¼dd72mt34_164fzsc8qhr. See also note 4 for the
list of countries’ names and their abbreviations.
4. Austria ¼ AT, Belgium ¼ BE, Bulgaria ¼ BG, Switzerland ¼ CH, Cyprus ¼ CY,
Germany ¼ DE, Denmark ¼ DK, Estonia ¼ EE, Spain ¼ ES, Finland ¼ FI, France
¼ FR, United Kingdom ¼ GB, Hungary ¼ HU, Ireland ¼ IE, Latvia ¼ LV, Neth-
erlands ¼ NL, Norway ¼ NO, Poland ¼ PL, Portugal ¼ PT, Romania ¼ RO, Rus-
sia ¼ RU, Sweden ¼ SE, Slovenia ¼ SI, Slovakia ¼ SK, Ukraine ¼ UA
5. Available on the ESS website:
ticle&id¼63&Itemid¼98 for the main questionnaire and for the supplementary
questionnaires: option¼com_
7. The use of the polychoric correlations also assumes that the latent variables behind
the observed variables have a multivariate normal distribution which seems rather
unlikely for many social sciences variables, while the power of the test for this
assumption is extremely low (Quiroga 1992). Winship and Mare (1984) suggest
an alternative test but do not indicate the power of this test.

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94 Sociological Methods & Research 43(1)

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Author Biographies
Melanie A. Revilla is a postdoctoral researcher at the Research and Expertise Centre
for Survey Methodology (RECSM) and an associate professor at Universitat Pompeu
Fabra (UPF, Barcelona, Spain). She received her PhD from Universitat Pompeu
Fabra in 2012, in the areas of statistics and survey methodology, under the supervi-
sion of professors Willem Saris (UPF) and Peter Lynn (Essex University). Her disser-
tation dealt with the effects of different modes of data collection on the quality of
survey questions. She is interested in all aspects of survey methodology.

Willem E. Saris is Professor and researcher at the Research and Expertise Centre for
Survey Methodology (RECSM) since 2009. In 2005, he was laureate of the Descartes
Research Prize for the best scientific collaborative research. In 2009, he received the
Helen Dinerman award from the World Association of Public Opinion Research
(WAPOR), in recognition to his lifelong contributions to the methodology of public
opinion research. In 2011 he received the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa from the
University of Debrecen in Hungary. More recently, he was awarded the ‘‘2013 Out-
standing Service Prize’’ by the European Survey Research Association.
Jon A. Krosnick conducts research in three primary areas: (1) attitude formation,
change, and effects, (2) the psychology of political behavior, and (3) the optimal
design of questionnaires used for laboratory experiments and surveys, and survey
research methodology more generally. He is the Frederic O. Glover Professor in
Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor of Communication, Political Science, and
(by courtesy) Psychology. At Stanford, in addition to his professorships, he directs the
Political Psychology Research Group and the Summer Institute in Political Psychol-
ogy. He is the author of four books and more than 140 articles and chapters.

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