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Personal Development Grade 11 - Answer Key - Module 7

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1. What type of product or service is featured in your ad?


A Beauty Product like whitening Soap promotes the removal of dead skin cells, the
soap may gradually reduce the appearance of dark patches, lightening and whitening
your skin. 

Best Whitening Soaps in the Philippines

1. Mild-scented soap with no sting sensation: Belo Intensive Whitening Bar

2. Best soap against breakouts: Myra Whitening Beauty Soap

3. With 4x whitening power from 4 powerful ingredients: Organic Skin Japan 4x

Intensive Whitening Soap

4. 100% organic: Be Organic Kojic GOLD Premium Whitening Soap

5. Namu Life Snail White Whipp Soap

6. Love Thy Self Jeju 4x Whitening Soap

7. Formulated with Japan skin whitening technology: Tokyo White Natural

Whitening & Moisturizing Face & Body Soap

8. Seoul White Korea Whip It Whitening Whip Soap

9. Silka Green Papaya Whitening Soap

10. Palmolive Naturals White with Papaya Whitening Bar Soap

11. Dove Whitening Soap

2. What approach has the advertiser used to promote or sell this product or
service? Here are some of the methods that advertisers use to attract consumer: 

 Highest quality
 best value
 new and improved
 name brands and logos
 Health and safety

3. What message does this ad give the consumer?

BEAUTY SOAP: The advertising campaigns are usually aimed at women wishing to

improve their appearance, commonly to increase physical attractiveness and reduce the
signs of ageing. Make promises that certain product can make consumers look younger.
The message that this ad gives the consumer is the need to be attractive because
advertising tend to transform dull objects into highly desirable products, this particular
advertisement portrays what is considered the “ideal body " within this society . It also
gives the message that we could change or improve our appearances by using their
product which is their way to sell it that causes many women to try the product to
achieve those results.
4. How would you define or describe this approach to advertising?

By making it more use-able. By telling its advantages and disadvantages once we

advertise it.

The main message of the Dove campaign was that women's unique differences should
be celebrated, rather than ignored, and that physical appearance should be transformed
from a source of anxiety to a source of confidence.
5. Do you think that this approach is effective advertising for the product? Why or
why not?

Yes, because the product is proven and tested by DFA and different private and public
science laboratories inside and outside in our country. Professional like doctors they
promote this product and many people testimonials this product is effective. This
product is top of the line, millions and billions in revenue from the manufacture of this

6. In what ways, if any, could any part of this advertisement impact a person’s
body image? (E.g. you could take into consideration: the product itself, the
models selling it, the way it is being presented,


Yes, because in advertisements they show in such way that they are increase physical
attractiveness in their appearance and with good looks.

This particular advertisement could impact a person’s body image in many ways.
Starting from the models selling it and the way it was being presented , I think this
advertisement shows that in today 's society , commercials like this have the power to
dictate to the audience what is and what is not considered beautiful it surrounds us with
ideal female beauty . I think many women especially young girls ends up comparing
themselves to an image that is completely bogus that failure to achieve those results
portrayed in the media causes dissatisfaction and negative thoughts about themselves.
The Mass media’s use of such unrealistic models sends an implicit message that in
order for a woman to be considered beautiful she has to be flawless and thin. We are so
bombarded with all these ideals coming from every direction so instead of trying to
reach those impossible standards we have to learn to love ourselves and our bodies
much more.

Researchers, such as Mary Martin and James Gentry, have found that teen advertising
reduces teenagers' self-esteem by setting unrealistic expectations for them about their
physical appearances through the use of idealized models.

PORTFOLIO OUTPUT NO12: Media Influences (How Ads affected My Self-Esteem)

Name some ads that appear on TV, billboards, the internet.

1. What messages do these ads give to middle adolescents like you?

2. How have these ads affected your lifestyle, self-esteem, and values?
3. How has this lesson changed your perception about ads?

 My output:

Some of the advertisements that I encounter whenever I watch the television include the

 Ponds Facial Cleanser

 Master Facial Scrub
 Dove Whitening Soap
 Eskinol Facial Cleanser
 Maxi-Peel Exfoliant
 Myra E Capsule
 Slenda Slimming Dietary Supplement
 Olay Whitening Soap
 Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner
 Cream Silk Conditioner
 Lesofat Slimming Capsule

1. These advertisements project an image for us, adolescents, to follow. For

example, the ads of Ponds, Master, and Eskinol make it seem that having acne
or pimples is unacceptable and is something that is frowned upon. Dove and
Olay’s commercials, on the other hand, promote the beauty and wonders of
having fair skin. Maxi-Peel and Myra-E build on the fact that youth generally
brings better facial features, so they bank on their “age-defying” products. Slenda
promotes the ideal body type as slim, and Lesofat even goes as far as shaming
fat people. Lastly, Pantene and Cream Silk impose the concept of straight and
sleek hair as being more attractive than curly or frizzy hair. All of these ads set a
standard of beauty, and if we don’t follow them, we are automatically rejected.
What’s worse is that most of the commercials on TV deliberately target
teenagers, who are most susceptible to self-esteem issues, thereby making them
the perfect customer at the expense of making them feel even worse about

2. These ads made me reevaluate myself if I was really “normal”. They made my
self-esteem falter, my values change, and some products even found their way
into my lifestyle. One such product is called “Epiduo”. Before high school, my
face was devoid of any acne, whiteheads, blackheads, etc. But when puberty
struck, I began developing a lot of these nuisances. I initially didn’t care much,
but my friends and family members began noticing. My mother took exceptional
seriousness on this issue, and bought the expensive anti-acne cream “Epiduo”.
She made me apply it on my face every night. When my pimples didn’t go away,
she even scheduled a checkup with the dermatologist, who told me it was just
normal and my mother was overreacting. But because my mother fed this image
of being “pimple-free” as being handsome to me, I became self-conscious.

3. It made me realize that the media only uses these ads to target our weaknesses.
If we are gullible and weak enough, we submit to their “idea” of beauty. The truth
is that beauty is subjective. Whereas some people don’t mind a person having
pimples, some would prefer curly hair to straight hair. The media aims to disrupt
the subjectivity of beauty to do one thing, and that is to sell. They specifically
target teenagers and their problems because people at this point of their lives are
most vulnerable to low self-esteems, making them the ideal customers of their


Among the mental health challenges discussed in class, two of the most common
among middle adolescents are anxiety disorders and depression. Go to the library or
browse the internet and do a little research on either one of these.

Look for the answers to the following questions and put them in your portfolio:

1. What are anxiety disorders/depression?

2. Who gets anxiety disorders/depression and how common are they?
3. Describe some of the symptoms of anxiety disorders/depression.
4. List and briefly explain some of the main types of anxiety disorders/depression.
5. What type of treatment is available for people experiencing anxiety
6. What other kinds of support can help a person with anxiety disorders/depression

My output:
1. Anxiety disorders refer to specific psychiatric disorders that involve extreme fear
or worries, and include generalized anxiety disorders (GAD), panic disorders,
panic attacks, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorders, selective autism, separation
anxiety, and specific phobias. Depression, on the other hand, is a condition in
which a person feels discouraged, sad, hopeless, unmotivated, or disinterested
in life in general for more than two weeks and when feelings interfere with daily
activities. Major depression is a treatable illness that affects the way a person
thinks, feels, behaves, and functions. At any point in time, 3 to 5 percent of
people suffer from major depression. The lifetime risk is about 17 percent.

2. Anxiety disorders affect both men and women, though they occur more often in
women because they tend to be more emotional. Anxiety disorders are believed
to develop due to a mix of biological factors along with individual situations, much
like other health problems. According to research, many people who have
experienced depression have a history of anxiety disorders. How common are
they? They are most common in people who have experienced something
traumatic way back in their lives and they failed to overcome this fear and anxiety
of these experiences happening again.

3. Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

 Panic, fear, and uneasiness

 Sleep problems
 Not being able to stay calm and still
 Cold, sweaty, numb or tingling hands or feet
 Shortness of breath
 Heart palpitations
 Dry mouth
 Nausea
 Tense muscles
 Dizziness

Symptoms of Depression
 Trouble concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions
 Fatigue
 Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and helplessness
 Pessimism and hopelessness
 Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or sleeping too much
 Irritability
 Restlessness
 Loss of interest in things once pleasurable, including sex
 Overeating, or appetite loss
 Aches, pains, headaches, or cramps that won’t go away
 Digestive problems that don’t get better, even with treatment
 Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” feelings
 Suicidal thoughts or attempts

4. Main Types of Anxiety Disorders

 Generalized Anxiety Disorder
 Characterized by chronic anxiety, exaggerated worry and tension, even
when there is little or nothing to provoke it
 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
 Characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or
repetitive behaviors (compulsions)
 Panic Disorder
 Characterized by unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear
 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
 Develops after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave
physical harm occurred or was threatened
 Social Phobia
 Characterized by overwhelming anxiety and excessive self-consciousness
in everyday social situations

Main Types of Depression
 Major Depression
 Depressed for most days of the week
 Persistent Depressive Disorder
 Depression lasts two years of longer
 Bipolar Disorder
 Mood episodes from high energy to depressive periods
 Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
 Occurs in winter months due to lack of sunlight
 Psychotic Depression
 Major depression with hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia
 Peripartum (Postpartum) Depression
 Experienced by women after childbirth
 Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
 Experienced by women at the start of their period
 Atypical Depression
 Increased sensitivity to rejection and reactive moods

5. Treatments for anxiety disorders may include medication or therapy; both types
have been found effective. A combination of medication and therapy may also be
effective. The decision about treatment is based on your needs and preferences.
Discuss your options with a professional who is familiar with your diagnosis and
overall health. Consult a doctor or therapist to get a proper diagnosis and to learn
about treatment options, length of treatment, side effects, time commitment, and
other health issues to help you decide on the best treatment approach for you.

6. There are strategies for supporting someone with mental health concerns. The
first is to encourage a person to seek help and support from an adult. Another
one is to spend more time with the person and listen to his or her concerns. Be
hopeful; help the feel like their life will get better. Stand by them; invite your friend
to things that you do. Keeping busy and staying in touch with friends will help that
person feel better. Learn as much as you can about mental illnesses so that you
can better understand what is going on in their minds. If you are a close friend or
family member of someone with a mental health problem, make sure that you get
help as well. Talk to someone about what is happening. This will help you be a
better support person. Lastly, put the person’s life before your friendship. If the
person mentions thoughts of suicide, don’t keep it a secret, even if he or she has
asked you to.


Dear Tired at School,

I’m sorry to hear what had happened. It can be really tempting to fall asleep in class
(yes, I almost did that once) but the key to being up and about first thing in the morning
is by having a good night’s sleep.

You mentioned you can’t seem to sleep at night. Why is that? Is it because you spend
too much time in front of a screen before sleeping? Maybe it’s because something or
someone is worrying you? Perhaps you had too much of chocolate or Coca-Cola before
hitting the sack?

If so, then try to limit exposure to electronics before you go to bed. Blue light emitted by
these gadgets has been proven to disrupt our body’s circadian rhythm. If your mind is
preoccupied, breathe deeply and slowly, and let your worries fly away. Also, lessen
caffeine intake before you go to bed, as it does make the process of going to sleep a lot
more difficult. Having a light snack, drinking hot milk, and talking a warm, relaxing bath
also do wonders.

Lastly, talk to your parents. They always know what to do. If any of the above tips don’t
work, I’d suggest visiting a doctor for concrete solutions for your sleep problems.

Hope this as helps. I wish you nothing but good sleep to come!

Your sleepologist,


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