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The Space Hack

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Written by Kirt Dankmyer

Made using The Black Hack

The Black Hack created by David Black

Cover art by “Lorc” (ThomasTamblyn@GMAIL.COM)

under CC BY 3.0 license
The Space Hack is a science fiction themed There are 3 class choices for Insiders: Soldier,
traditional role playing game, played with paper, Scoundrel, and Psychic. Your class determines how
pencils and dice, based on The Black Hack by David much damage you do, your Hit Points and your
Black, which in turn uses that Original 1970s unique abilities.
Fantasy Roleplaying Game, the one that rhymes
with “Truncheons and Flagons,” as a base. This EQUIPMENT
base was added to and subtracted from to get Every new Insider starts with 3d6 x 10 credits with
something a bit different, a bit streamlined. Some which to buy their equipment.
familiarity with the original is assumed.
They also start with a set of clothes and a one

OUTSIDERS & INSIDERS handed weapon as allowed by their class.

Anything controlled by the Game Master (GM),

whether it be creature, alien, robot, or some a
Armor provides protection by reducing all
primitive human, is called an Outsider. An
incoming damage. Each type will reduce damage by
Outsider’s relative power is determined by their
a limited amount. Armor Points are regained after
Hit Dice, or HD. Any character controlled by a
a character rests. Once an Insider or Outsider has
player is an Insider or simply “a character.” These
used armor to absorb its maximum amount, they
are all purely game-mechanical terms.
are too tired or wounded to make effective use of it

THE CORE again; they then begin taking full damage.

Everything an Insider might possibly attempt that

could result in failure is resolved by testing
attribute Stats. In order to successfully test a stat, a Flight Jacket 2
player must roll below it on a d20.
Light Armor 4
Outsiders don’t make tests; a character must avoid Medium Armor 6
their attacks by making a test. The only time an
Heavy Armor 8
Outsider would roll is for damage.
Power Armor 9
STATS Small Shield 2
Stats are generated with 3d6 in the following Riot Shield 4
order: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Phase Shield 5
Constitution (CON), Intelligence (INT), Wisdom
(WIS), Charisma (CHA). If a stat of 15+ is rolled, Outsiders have 1 point of armor for every Hit Die
the next must be rolled with 2d6 + 2, then continue above 1. To figure this out quickly subtract 1 from
with 3d6 until the end or another 15+ is rolled. their HD. They can also carry shields. All to a
Once all Stats are generated 2 may be swapped maximum of 10.

^ 1 ^
Flight Jacket 50 – 2 Armor Points
Light Armor 100 – 4 Armor Points
Medium Armor 350 – 6 Armor Points
Heavy Armor 600 – 8 Armor Points
9 Armor Points, uses one charge of Power Pack at
Power Armor 700 – start of every combat or can’t move, +1 to STR if
Power Pack isn’t out of charge
Small Shield 50 – 2 Armor Points
Riot Shield 100 – 4 Armor Points
5 Armor Points, can use a Power Pack charge to
Phase Shield 200 –
refresh AP of the shield only
Backpack 5 – Carry +2 extra
Work Tools 2 – Specify type (construction, electronics, etc.)
Lantern (Electric) 10 – Uses Power Pack for fuel.
Flashlight 5 – Electric Torch. Uses Power Pack for fuel.
Preserved Rations 15 d8
Military Rations 30 d12 MREs
Fresh Rations 5 d4
Burglar Tools 20 –
Computer Hacker Tools 20 – Cyberdeck
Canteen 1 d8
Beer 1 d6 Bottles, Cans, Micro–Kegs, etc.
Stimpak 20 d4 Heals 1d4 HP per use
One–Handed Weapon 30 – Includes pistols. Pistols use Power Pack for ammo.
Two–Handed Weapon 60 – Includes rifles. Rifles use Power Pack for ammo.
Universal battery for pistols, rifles, power armor,
Power Pack 10 d12
flashlights, etc.
Handheld Computer 50 – Use charge from Power Pack for +1 to INT or WIS
Talk to anyone on same frequency, uses one charge
Handheld Communicator 10 –
from Power Pack at the start of each conversation
+2 to hit rolls & damage (hard to hit with but more
Grenade (1) 10 –
damage), damages everyone within 5’ of impact
Can’t wear regular backpack. Treat as Power Pack
Power Backpack 50 d20
that can power multiple devices.
Rope, collapsible space suit, etc. One use nets you
Exploration Kit 3 d20
one item the GM thinks is reasonable.

^ 2 ^
If you’re used to a system that uses saving throws, Rather than track precise numbers, The Space Hack
you should know that The Space Hack ignores saves uses 4 abstract ranges for measuring distances:
and instead asks the player to roll Stat tests when Close, Nearby, Far-Away and Distant. On their
any psionic power, trap, situation or effect would turn every character (or starship, in starship
impact them, using the table below as a guide. combat) can move somewhere Nearby as part of an
Note also the advice in the Powerful Opponents action, performing that action at any stage of the
section on the next page. move. They can forgo their action and move
somewhere Far-Away instead. Anything beyond
Far-Away can be classified as Distant and would
str dex Con take 3 moves to get to.
Physical Harm Physical Harm
Poison, Disease or For converting existing movement rates or
that cannot be that can be
Death. measures from other games (for psionic powers,
dodged. dodged.
spells, or areas of effect) use the following guide:
Int Wis cha
Deception and Charming
Psionics, Spells
Illusions. effects. Personal
and Magic. 0 – 5 ft 5 – 60 ft 60 – 120 ft

PLAYERS TURN Starship 0 – 1 light

1 – 10 ls 10 – 20 ls
During a player’s turn a character may move and Combat second (ls)
perform an action. They could attack, look for a
clue, talk with an NPC, activate a psionic power, The GM may want to adjust the distances in
dance to the funky music, and so on. Interacting Starship Combat to match how he imagines space
with the world is an action. Often they will test combat to work. See the Starship Combat section.
their Stats to determine the outcome.
TIME & TURNS When combat breaks out, everyone must be sorted
There are 2 important types of tracked time: into an order so they each get to act and react in
Moments (rounds) and Minutes (turns). Moments turn. Every character tests their DEX, those that
are used during combat and fast paced scenes of succeed, take their turn before their opponents.
danger and Minutes are used when exploring and They must then act as a group, deciding their own
adventuring. A GM may advance the clock as they order for actions. Those that fail their DEX tests, go
need, substituting Hours, Days or even Months for after their opponents.
Minutes should the adventure require it.
Hit Dice (HD) represents an Outsider's level and
the number of d8 rolled to determine their Hit
Points (HP).

^ 3 ^
When a character attacks an Outsider they must
roll below their STR Stat for a Melee Attack or DEX 1 d4 (2)
for a Ranged Attack. Likewise, when an Outsider 2 d6 (3)
attacks, the character must roll below their STR 3 2d4 (4)
against a Melee Attack and DEX against a Ranged 4 d10 (5)
Attack to avoid taking damage. A GM will often give
5 d12 (6)
the Stat required for the test.
6 d6 + d8 (8)
The damage an attack deals is based on the
7 2d8 (9)
character’s class or the number of HD an Outsider
has. To make a Melee Attack an opponent must be 8 3d6 (10)
Close. Ranged Attacks against Close opponents 9 2d10 (11)
are possible, but the attacker suffers a 10 d10 + d12 (12)
Disadvantage, as per the Advantage &
Disadvantage section. DEATH & DYING
Outsiders deal damage based on their HD. Refer to When a character is reduced to zero Hit Points
the table opposite. You can roll, or else just use the (HP) they are taken Out of Action (OofA); they are
amount of damage listed in parenthesis. If you’d unconscious and cannot make any actions. When
prefer to use the damage listed in a module or the fight is over and/or they are out of danger, an
other compatible source that you are using, you can Insider that was OofA can roll 1d8 on the table in
certainly do that instead. the Healing section to see what happens to them. If
they survive they gain 1d4 HP.
TWO HANDED WEAPONS If the characters lose the fight or are unable to
Larger, more deadly weapons, including rifles, are recover the body of the character, they are lost
handled simply by adding +2 to any dice rolled with forever to the void!
them. They deal additional damage, but are also
harder to hit with. POWERFUL OPPONENTS
For every HD above the character’s level, add +1 to
CRITICAL DAMAGE every roll the player makes for any Stat test that
If a player making an attack rolls a 1, they double would determine the outcome of a conflict between
the result of the damage dice they roll. If they roll a them and an Outsider. Frex, a level 3 character
20 when avoiding an attack, they take double defending against a HD 5 monsters attack would
damage. Armor Points are used normally. add +2 to their roll.

When using this rule with a starship, an Insider

uses either their own level or the HD of the
starship they are in, whichever is higher.

^ 4 ^
Starships are statted like Outsiders, but with some Shield Points work exactly like Armor Points, and
additional attributes. Like an Outsider, a given are are used up before Armor Points are. The
starship has a HD rating, and from that derives its difference is the Pilot or Co–Pilot can take an
damage rating, HP, and Armor Points. In addition, action to refresh the Shield Points.
a starship has Shield Points equal to half its
Armor Points (round up, minimum 1), can carry 5 POINT DEFENSE
people (crew and/or passengers) per HD, and may As an action, someone using a Gun can switch it to
have a maximum number of Guns equal to their Point Defense mode. A Gun in Point Defense
HD. Civilian ships usually have less Guns than mode does not suffer any Disadvantage firing at
military ships, though they often have at least one Close range, but can only fire at Close range.
for dealing with space debris. Turning Point Defense off is also an action.
Starships should cost at least 1000 credits per HD
and an additional 1000 HD per Gun. The GM may
choose to give the Insiders a small starship to start. All damage is taken to the starship’s HP rather than
any person’s HP. When a starship’s HP reaches
STARSHIP COMBAT zero, it is not OofA, it is destroyed. This is deadly to
all within, unless they can reach the escape pods.
Starship combat works like personal combat, with
Reaching the pods is at the GM’s discretion and
some differences. Each starship can support one
may require a Stat test.
Pilot and one Co–Pilot. In combat, a starship
controlled by Insiders uses the DEX of either the Though the same system is used, the scale of
Pilot or Co–Pilot to dodge (player choice), and in a starship combat is different than personal combat.
given Moment, either the Pilot or Co–Pilot (not A personal weapon would have to do at least 100
both) can move the ship, as if they were moving points of damage at once to do a single point of
themselves. (That is, doing a double move for the damage to a starship, and a starship weapon could
starship means forgoing other actions.) A starship instantly kill an individual person, though most
that is Distant from all opponents can activate its starship weapons are not capable of targeting
FTL drive to escape. something that small.
As an action, the Pilot and Co–Pilot can each fire
one Gun, using their DEX. If there are more than
two Guns, one person can man each additional During a fight, anyone aboard a damaged starship
Gun, using an action and their DEX to fire it. that is not serving as Pilot or Co–Pilot can take an
Damage is as per the starship’s HD, not the action to make an INT check to make temporary
character’s damage. Each character acts as repairs. If successful, the starship is healed 1d6 HP,
appropriate for their initiative roll, which might but takes 2d4 damage after the combat is over.
mean the ship fires both before and after any
Outsider–controlled ships. There is no melee in OUTSIDER STARSHIPS
space so STR is irrelevant. If the ship needs to make A ship controlled by Outsiders is, in essence, an
a Stat check that doesn’t involve STR or DEX, either Outsider with multiple attacks, based on its Guns.
the Pilot or the Co–Pilot can roll. Do not forget the Powerful Opponents rule!

^ 5 ^
Characters can gain Hit Points several different A GM may decide that a particular course of action
ways. They can never gain more than their or task has a higher or lower chance of success. In
maximum and can never go below zero . that situation, they will ask a player to roll an
additional d20 when making a test. With
When healing a character who is OofA, just start at
Advantage the lower result is used and with
zero and count up. That character is now back on
Disadvantage, the higher.
their feet and no longer OofA.

OUT OF ACTION Any item listed in the equipment section that has a
KO’d – Just knocked out. Usage Die is considered a consumable, limited
item. When that item is used the next Minute
Fat Head – Disadvantage on all tests for the (turn) its Usage Die is rolled. If the roll is 1–2 then
2 next hour. the usage die is downgraded to the next lower die
in the following chain:
Cracked Bones – STR, DEX and CON are
3 temp. –2 for the next day. d20 > d12 > d10 > d8 > d6 > d4
Coma – Alive but can only be woken up at a When you roll a 1–2 on a d4 the item is expended
4 hospital, at a cost of at least 100 credits. and the character has no more of it left.

Crippled – STR or DEX is permanently ENCUMBRANCE
reduced by 2 A character can carry a number of items equal to
Disfigured – CHA reduced to 4. their STR with no issues.
Carrying over this amount means they are
Endangered – As Coma, above, but upon
7 encumbered and all Stat tests are taken with
waking, roll on this table again.
Disadvantage. An encumbered person can also
Dead – Not alive anymore. only ever move to somewhere Nearby. They simply
cannot carry more than double their STR.
RESTING A starship that is carrying more people than its
When Insiders rest for about an hour, they regain normal capacity is considered encumbered in the
the use of all their Armor Points. Also once per same way. The Disadvantage applies to everyone
day, after resting, they may roll a Hit Die associated attempting to do something on the ship, such as
with their class and regain that many HP. firing its Guns. Similarly, a starship cannot carry
more than twice its normal capacity in people.
A starship may “rest” (repair) for an hour to regain
Armor Points, but cannot roll a Hit Die once a day. On a starship, a crate of cargo takes up the same
Instead, at an appropriate repair facility, they can amount of space as a single person. For cargo
regain all HP at once in a single day. Repairs usually haulers with vast holds, additional capacity should
cost at least 100 credits per HD of the starship. cost at least 100 credits per additional person or
(See the Starships section for more on starships.) crate the ship can handle.

^ 6 ^
Adventurers learn through defeating and The GM should roll a d6 every 15 minutes of real
overcoming obstacles. Killing a Space Mafia thug world play. A result of 1–2 means the players will
won’t bring a revelation or learning to someone. encounter a randomly generated Outsider or
Surviving the exploration of an ancient facility, distraction in the following Minute (turn).
completing a mission or simply living to tell the tale
are the things that bring perspective and growth. OUTSIDER REACTIONS
For every session / quest/ mission /major event Some Outsiders will have predetermined
the character survives they gain a level. personalities and goals that will guide a GM when
choosing their actions and feelings towards the
The GM will decide which, and it’s recommended
characters. For those that do not, such as randomly
that this decision remains more or less a constant
encountered Outsiders, make a reaction roll on the
throughout the campaign, and a GM should be clear
following table:
and upfront with the players so they know where
the “goalposts” are.
GAINING LEVELS 1 Flee then roll again.
When a character levels up, their maximum Hit
Points increase by rolling the Hit Die for the class. 2 Avoid the Insiders entirely.
Also a player should roll a d20 for each Stat. If the
3 Trade with Insiders.
result is higher than the Stat, that Stat increases by
one (1). 4 Give the Insiders aid.

CLASS WEAPONS 5 Mistake the Insiders for friends.

When using a weapon not listed in their class, 6 Trick the Insiders (roll again).
combat tests have Disadvantage.
7 Call for Reinforcements.
8 Capture/Kill/Eat the Insiders.
In many science fiction media, a character being
non–human is more about being from an exotic
culture than it is about powers or physical Alternately, in a civilized setting, like a city, where
differences. Given this, so long as the player is not reactions are likely to be less extreme, the GM may
expecting any game mechanical difference, it allow one Insider to check CHA to make a favorable
should be permissible to play a non–human impression after a brief conversation.
character, and perhaps even allow the player to
design their own alien culture.

^ 7 ^
aka Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, Warrior, Fighter, etc.

Starting HP : d10 + 4

HP Per Level/Resting : 1d10

Weapons & Armor : Any and All except Power Armor

Attack Damage : 1d8 / 1d6 Unarmed or Improvising

Once per hour, whilst in combat, a Soldier can regain d8 lost

As part of their action a Soldier can make 1 attack per level.

When a Soldier is using a rifle, they do not have to add +2 on

the DEX roll to hit, just the +2 to damage. Also, a Soldier has
+1 to damage with pistols.

Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for STR and DEX.
Alternately, you may forgo all attribute increases for one level
to become proficient in Power Armor.

^ 8 ^
aka Smuggler, Hacker, Burglar, Con Man, Pilot, Gambler, etc.

Starting HP : d6 + 4

HP Per Level/Resting : 1d6

Weapons & Armor : All Swords, All Bows, All Pistols, All
Rifles, Daggers, Knives, Flight Jacket, Light Armor, Medium
Armor, Small Shields, Riot Shields

Attack Damage : 1d6 / 1d4 Unarmed or Improvising

Roll with Advantage when testing DEX to avoid damage or
effects from traps or security measures, and when dodging
attacks, including when serving as Pilot or Co–Pilot on a

Rolls with Advantage repairing any sort of mechanical

device or electronics. Once per day, may repair a starship or
robot for 1d6 HP.

Rolls with Advantage when performing delicate tasks,

hearing sounds, moving silently, opening locks, computer
hacking, hiding items (smuggling), disabling security devices,
gambling, lying, and fast talking.

Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for DEX or WIS.

^ 9 ^
aka Syker, Brainer, Psion, Star Sorcerer, etc.

Starting HP : d4 + 4

HP Per Level/Resting : 1d4

Weapons & Armor : 1–handed Swords, All Staffs, All Pistols,

Flight Jackets, Light Armor, Small Shields

Attack Damage : 1d4 + 1 / 1d4 Unarmed or Improvising

Roll with Advantage when testing INT to avoid damage or
effects from psionic powers, psionic devices, spells, or any
other mind–affecting or mysterious forces.

Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for INT or WIS.

At level up, Psychics gain 1d4 powers of level(s) they can use
added to their psionic manual.

Psychics can activate a number of Psionic Powers per day, see
the Psionics section.

Conjurers start with a large manual containing a total of
1d4+2 powers from the Level 1 and 2 Psionic Powers list.

^ 10 ^
Psychics have the ability to active powers that are
– power slot level –
chosen from the list on the following page.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
They can activate any power they know by reading 1 1 – – – – – –
from their psionic manual or can memorize a
2 2 – – – – – –
number of psionic powers equal to their level and

– character level –
activate those without it. 3 3 1 – – – – –
4 3 2 – – – – –
They have a number of 'power slots' they can
activate each day, as shown in the two tables 5 4 2 1 – – – –
opposite. (The GM should choose which table the 6 4 3 2 – – – –
campaign uses.) 7 4 3 2 1 – – –

These ‘slots’ represent a Psychic's 'energy' and the 8 4 3 3 2 1 – –

taxing nature of activating powers over a long 9 4 3 3 2 2 1 –
period. When they run out of power slots, they 10 4 3 3 2 2 2 1
cannot activate any more abilities.

Once a psionic ability is activated the Psychic must

test their INT, adding the power's level to the roll. If ALTERNATE DAILY PSIONIC POWERS
they fail then they reduce the number of 'power – power slot level –
slots' corresponding to the power level just used by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
one (1). When a memorised power is used it is not 1 1 – – – – – –
2 2 – – – – – –
– character level –

After roughly 8 hours rest, the number of 'power 3 2 1 – – – – –

slots' a character has refreshes to its maximum. If a
4 3 2 – – – – –
psionic power (or spell) from a traditional OSR or
5 3 2 1 – – – –
original era game calls for a creature to make a
save, the character must test their INT to see if the 6 3 3 2 – – – –
psionic power that was activated was powerful 7 4 3 2 1 – – –
enough to overcome their defenses, taking into 8 4 3 3 2 1 – –
account the Powerful Opponents rule.
9 4 3 3 2 2 1 –
10 4 3 3 3 2 2 1

^ 11 ^
Charm : A Nearby target obeys commands. Test WIS each turn to see if the effect lasts.
Heal Simple Wounds : Heal 1d6 HP to a Nearby target.
Light : Create dim light from a Nearby spot or object – 1hr.
Psi Blast : A Nearby, Far-Away or Distant target takes 1d4 damage/level.
Psi Shield : Gain 2 Armor Points per level.
Theta Wave : Puts 3d6 HD 'worth' of beings to sleep – 8hrs.
Darkness : Creates darkness covering a Nearby area that blocks all types of vision – 1hr.
Hold : Paralyse 1d4 Nearby targets. Test INT each turn to see if the effect lasts.
Invisibility : A Nearby creature is made invisible until it attacks or dispelled.
Levitation : The Psychic floats up to 6 feet from the ground – 10mins/level.
Morale : Nearby allies gain +1 to Stats when making attacks and saves – 1hr.
Stillness : Psionic silence covering everything Nearby to a target – 1hr.
Disinfect : Cures a Nearby target of all diseases, and cleans all surface dirt.
Dispel Psionics : Test INT to cancel psionic powers and effects.
3 Morale Field : All Nearby allies defend against attacks with Advantage – 1d4 Moments.
Psi Sense : ‘See’ in absolute darkness – 10min/level.
Telekinetic Explosion : 1d4 Nearby creatures take 1d6/level damage.
Empathic Feedback : When you are hit in melee, attacker takes same damage. – 10mins
Brain Reset : 2d6 Nearby targets immediately make a Reaction roll.
4 Close Wounds : Heal 3d6 HP to a Nearby target.
Dimension Door : Teleport a target to a Distant location.
Neutralize Poison : Remove/Immunize poison from a Nearby target – 10mins.
Adapt Body : Your body automatically adapts to hostile environments. – 2d6 hrs.
Mission : Force a Nearby creature to obey an order, for as long as it takes to complete.
Feeblemind : Reduce a Nearby target's INT to 4 – 10mins/level.
Telekinetic Hands : Move Nearby objects – 1hr.
Sever Molecular Bonds : Makes one Nearby target or object turn into a fine powder.
Suspended Animation : Put self in a Coma. You seem dead. Unmolested, 1d6 days to wake.
6 Telepathy : Communicate mentally with willing creatures within 100 ft. – 1hr.
Teleport : Transports a Nearby target to any place known to the psionic.
Temporal Acceleration : Your time frame accelerates for 1 round, gaining 1d6 extra actions.
Awaken : Awaken someone in a Coma. No additional OofA rolls, even if Endangered.
Death Pulse : A Nearby target with 50 HP or fewer dies and cannot be resurrected.
Divert Teleport: Test INT to choose destination for another’s teleport.
Insanity : Nearby target makes Reaction roll every Moment for 1hr. Permanent w/ WIS test
Psi Storm : Effects the same as casting Telekinetic Explosion 4 times at once
Timestop : Stops time completely in a Nearby area – 1d4+1 Moments

^ 12 ^

FTL Shuttle 1 10 0 1500 Cheap FTL transport
Puddlejumper 1 5 1 2000 Common scout ship
Small Freighter 1 10 1 2500 Favored by smugglers
Freight Corvette 2 20 1 4000 Favored by smugglers
Police Corvette 2 10 2 4000
Private Yacht 2 10 1 3000 Also used for scouting
Light Cargo Frigate 3 30 1 5500
Police Frigate 3 15 3 6000 Or low-budget Navy
Deluxe Yacht 3 15 1 4000 Also used for scouting
Heavy Cargo Frigate 4 40 1 7000
Military Frigate 4 20 4 8000
Light Destroyer 5 25 5 10,000 Military grade
Police Destroyer 5 25 3 8000 Or low-budget Navy
Light Cargo Hauler 5 50 1 8500
Militia Destroyer 6 30 3 9000 Or low-budget Navy
Military Destroyer 6 30 6 12,000
Heavy Cargo Hauler 6 60 1 10,000
Light Battleship 7 35 7 14,000
Mega Freighter 7 200 1 24,500 Or luxury cruise ship
Heavy Battleship 8 300 8 42,000
Surplus Battleship 8 200 0 24,000 Stripped battleship
Carrier 9 400 9 53,500
Surplus Carrier 9 400 0 44,500 Stripped carrier
Planet Disintegrator 10 500 10 65,000 Feared everywhere
Surplus Disintegrator 10 500 0 55,000 Stripped and sold
Planetary Weapon Platform 10 50 1 11,000 “Light” WMD

Formula: 1000 credits per HD, 1000 credits per Gun, Capacity HDx5, 100 credits per extra capacity

^ 13 ^
Alien Centipede 1 Bite (0) plus CON test or ‘OofA’ - only has 1-2hp.
Disadvantage on defense rolls when Honorable Warrior Alien attacks in
Honorable Warrior Alien 1
Crab-like being. Test DEX or Clinger attaches to face and lays eggs. Hours
Face Clinger 2
later, test CON or ‘OofA’ from eggs. Could get worse.
Cyborg Commando 2 Armor Points: 4. Disadvantage on STR rolls to attack them.
Star Elf 2 Cool and logical. Usually friendly. Powers as 1st level Psychic.
Space Savages 2 Bloodthirsty. Mind affecting powers or abilities do not work.
Humanoid that can change shapes in a moment. Disadvantage on psionic
Changer 3
tests against them.
“Assimilate!” or “Exterminate!” Disadvantage on using attacks, tactics, or
Horde Robots 3
powers against them that they’ve seen in last 24 hrs
Replicant 3 Difficult to tell from humans. Can Charm (as psi power) 1x day.
Greys 4 Psi Blast (as 4th level Psychic) at will. Likes probing others.
Grizzly Bear 4 2 claws (1d3) + if both hit hug for 1d8 damage.
Psychic Mutant 5 Psionics as 4th level Psychic. Huge braincase in skull.
Giant fish, dangerously radioactive. Each Minute, test CON when Nearby
Glo-Fish 5
or take 2d6 damage.
Test STR or be swallowed. 2D6 damage per Moment until STR test at
Sand Worm 6
Disadvantage to escape.
4 arms. Uses Death Ray from ruins of own civilization, 2d6 damage skips
White Ape 6
armor, explodes in human hands.
Floating Brain 7 No Armor Points. Psionics as 7th level Psychic. Megalomaniac.
Insubstantial. Disadvantage to affect with anything but psionics. A
Wraithcat 7
person killed by a Wraithcat will birth a Wraithcat in 1d6 minutes.
Friendly, but easily spooked. Lives in hard vacuum, eats energy.
Space Whale 8
Disadvantage when using energy weapons on Space Whale.
Void Lord 8 Psionics as 4th level Psychic. Energy blade does double damage.
Bites for usual damage. Breathes atomic fire on 2d4 Nearby targets for
Atomic Lizard 9
3d6 damage, 1d6 Moments before can breathe again.
Giant turtle, flies with spinning, fiery thrust. 3d6 fire damage to anyone
Spinning Turtle 9
Close or Nearby.
Asteroid Slug 10 Spit Acid - d4+2 nearby targets (1d12) test DEX for 1/2 damage.
2 Claws (1d8) + Bite (1d10), Breathes fire – d4+2 Nearby targets (3d8)
Void Dragon 10
Knows 1d6 1st level & 1d4 2nd level psi powers.

^ 14 ^
The names The Black Hack, The Space Hack, Ivanhoe Unbound, and any logos and layout are product identity. The Black Hack logos and name belong to David Black.
The Space Hack name and Ivanhoe Unbound name and logos belong to Kirt A. Dankmyer

Cover artwork is by “Lorc” (ThomasTamblyn@GMAIL.COM) under CC BY 3.0 license

DESIGNATION OF OPEN GAME CONTENT All text and tables are open game content.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.

1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means
copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension,
upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce,
license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods,
procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional
content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under
copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade
dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses,
formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments,
personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos,
symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its
products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format,
modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.

2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of
this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.

3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.

4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with
the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.

5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original
creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.

6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game
Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any
original Open Game Content you Distribute.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent
Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered
Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such
Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity.
The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy,
modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.

10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.

11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from
the Contributor to do so.

12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute,
judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.

13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of
the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.

14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.


Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

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