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Lorenz Torque Sensors Terms and Definitions

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Obere Schloßstr.

131  07172 /93730-0

LORENZ MESSTECHNIK Gm bH 73553 Alfdorf Fax 07172 /93730-22

Torque Sensors Terms and Definitions

The definitions of the technical characteristics of all sensors largely relate to the VDI/VDE/DKD - guideline

Passive Sensor measurement characteristics up to nominal

A passive sensor is a sensor without amplifica- torque.
tion. The output signal, supplied by the sensor, is
in the range of approx. 3 mV/V (depending on the
applied strain gauge, the geometry and the mate-
rial of the measuring body).
Active Sensor
An active sensor is a device with an amplifier.
Usually the output signal of the sensor is ±10 V,
±5 V, 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA, 10 ±10 mA or 12 ±8
mA. All sensors by Lorenz Messtechnik GmbH
can be supplied with these output signals.
Measuring Range
The measuring range is the load range in which
the guaranteed error limits may not be exceeded.
Bridge Resistance
Repeatability Bridge resistance is the ohmic resistance of the
The repeatability is the maximum admissible out-
complete measuring bridge.
put signal change in relation to the output signal
(indication in %). Temperature Coefficient of the Sensitivity
The temperature coefficient of the sensitivity is the
Nominal Torque change – related to the nominal sensitivity - of the
Nominal torque is the upper limit of the measuring
actual sensitivity resulting from a temperature
range in which the specified error limits may not
change of 10 K.
be exceeded.
Temperature Coefficient of the Zero Signal
Accuracy Class The temperature coefficient of the zero point is
The maximum single error of the sensor output
the change – related to the nominal sensitivity - of
signal (indicated in %) is smaller than the value
the output signal of an unloaded sensor resulting
related to the accuracy class. Hereby, the toler-
from a temperature change of 10 K.
ance of the sensitivity is not considered.
Nominal Temperature Range
Service Torque The nominal temperature range is the range of
Service torque is the torque which the sensor may
the ambient temperature in which the sensor
be stressed with above nominal torque without
complies with the technical data and error limits.
changing its specified characteristics. The service
torque range should be used in exceptional cas- Service Temperature Range
es, only. The service temperature range is the range of the
ambient temperature in which the sensor can be
Limit Torque operated without occurrence of permanent
Limit torque is the maximum permissible load of
changes of the measurement characteristics.
the sensor in which destruction of the measuring
Within the service temperature range, specified
system is not expected. At limit torque, the specif-
error limits no longer apply.
ic error limits no longer apply.
Excitation Voltage
Signal The excitation voltage is the required supply volt-
Signal is the digital output signal of the sensor at
age to allow error-free operation of a passive sen-
angle and speed measurement. Generally, the
signal is 5 V TTL (either 5 V or 0 V).
Band Width / Max. Dynamic Load (according Sensitivity is the output signal of a passive sensor
DIN 50100) at nominal torque less the preload signal.
Band width – related to nominal torque – is the
sinusoidal varying dynamic load in the direction of Nominal Sensitivity
the measurement axis of the sensor, which is The nominal sensitivity is the theoretically prede-
tolerated by the sensor at a stress of 107 vibration termined rated value (sensitivity) of a passive
cycles without causing significant changes of the sensor.

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Obere Schloßstr.131  07172 /93730-0
LORENZ MESSTECHNIK Gm bH 73553 Alfdorf Fax 07172 /93730-22

Supply Voltage
Supply voltage is the required operating voltage to
allow error-free operation of an active sensor.
Level of Protection according to DIN EN
60529; VDE 0470
The level of protection of a housing is determined
by the letters IP and a two-digit code number. The
number indicates the contact protection, foreign
object protection and water protection for electri-
cal equipment.
Control Signal
By a control resistance, a signal, corresponding to
the sensitivity of the sensor, is generated in the
Advantages: Recalibrations are reduced. Zero
point and sensitivity can be con-
trolled before each measurement.
Function: Reading Rate / Sample Rate
By parallel switching of the resistor RK to the The reading rate or sample rate indicates the
measuring bridge R1, the measuring bridge is number of measurements per second.
electrically de-tuned, so that a measuring signal of
50 % or 100 % of the sensitivity is available at the Moment of Inertia
output. The moment of inertia is the moment which a
body opposes to the acceleration torque. The
mass moment of inertia should be as small as
possible to keep the stress of the measuring sec-
tion as low as possible during the acceleration
Limit Thrust Load
The limit thrust load is the maximum force in axial
direction (axial force) with which the sensor may
be loaded.
Twist Angle
Limit Shear Force
The twist angle occurs at the initiation of the nom-
The limit shear force is the maximum shear force
inal torque between test side and drive side of the
(radial force) with which the sensor may be load-
specimen. By a shift of the torsion angle, the natu-
ral resonance of the measuring body changes as
well. To avoid interference caused by natural res- Output Signal
onance changes, the torsion angle should be Output signal is a conditioned signal, necessary
minimized. for the error free function of an active sensor.
Ultimate Torque Limit Speed
Ultimate torque is the stress which causes per- The limit speed (in rotating devices, usually ex-
manent changes or destruction. pressed in r.p.m.) is the upper limit of the speed
range that the sensor can permanently withstand.
Control Signal Excitation
For a sensor with an analog output the control
signal can be switched on /off via a voltage signal. Explanation of Abbreviations
Two switching positions can be defined: f.s. – Full Scale
L < 2,0 V (Low- signal) and H > 3,5 V (High- sig-
The control signal of a sensor with a digital output Labels
signal can be controlled by software. Label for the compliance with the
Pulses / Revolutions safety requirements according to
Pulses / revolutions are recorded at angle / speed the CE-guidelines
measurement. By a second 90° offset encoder
track and flank evaluation, the pulses / revolutions
can be quadrupled.

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