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Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80

Q.1] Multiple choose Question [1 Marks each = 12]

(1) What is the sum of binary numbers 111 + 100?
(a) 1001 (b) 1010 (c) 1011 (d) 1010
(2) What is difference of two binary numbers 1011 – 101?
(a) 0110 (b) 0111 (c) 1110 (d) 0100
(3) What is the value of 11011 + 10101?
(a) 110011 (b) 111000 (c) 110010 (d) 110000
(4) Find decimal equivalent of Binary Number (1011.011)2?
(a) (9.375)10 (b) (10.375)10 (c) (11.375)10 (d) (11.2)10

In a library 25 students are reading books. It was found that 15 students are reading
Mathematics, 12 reading Physics, and 11 students are reading Chemistry. If 5 students are
reading both Mathematics and Chemistry, 9 students reading Physics and Mathematics and
4 students reading Physics and Chemistry and 3 students are reading all three subjects.
On the basis of the above information answer the following question:
(5) The number of students reading only chemistry book?
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 8
(6) The number of students reading only one subject?
(a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 9
(7) The number of students reading at least one subject?
(a) 23 (b) 32 (c) 20 (d) 21
(8) If the total time taken to read chemistry book is 14 hrs, then how many hours were devoted to
read only chemistry book by those students who are reading only chemistry book?
(a) 84 (b) 90 (c) 70 (d) 75

In a class of few students, teacher give students few code and ask them question related to
those codes. Codes are # $ @: Dust is harmful; @!%: harmful object kill; #*%: Dust can
kill; 123: DOG; 59:For; 547:Lungs
On the basis of this information, teacher ask following questions:
(9) What is the code for Dust in this language?
(a) # (b) $ (c) ! (d) @
(10) What is the code for kill in this code language?
(a) # (b) % (c) ! (d) @
(11) What is the code for Dust kill DOG?
(a) # @123 (b) # % 123 (c) $% 123 (d) #$ 123
(12) What is the code for “Dust is harmful For Lungs”
(a) #$ @ 59 547 (b) # $ 59 @ 547 (c) # $ ! 59 547 (d) # ! @ 59 547

Q.2] Short Question Answer [1 Marks each = 12]

(1) Find the value of

(2) Simplify: ya – b × yb – c × yc – a × y-a-b

(3) Simplify: (xa y-b)3 (x3 y2)-a

(4) Find the value of

(5) Of the three numbers, second is twice the first and is also thrice the third. If the average of the
three numbers is 44, find the largest number.
(6) The average of five consecutive odd number is 61. What is the difference between the highest
and lowest number?
(7) Today is Monday, then what is the day after 61 days.
(8) In 8th Feb., 2005 it was Tuesday. What was the day of the week on 8th Feb, 2004?
(9) Which term of the sequence 3, 10, 17 ……. Is 136?

(10) If in an A.P. 7th term is 9 and 9th term is 7, then find 16th term.
(11) The first terms of G.P is 2 and sum to infinity is 6, find common ratio.

(12) Write the value of

Q.3] Answer the following Question [2 Marks each =20]

(1) If log x + log y = log (x+y), then find the reation between x and y.
(2) Find the value of log 5, if biven log 2 = 0.3010.
(3) xa-b × xb-c × xc-a is equal to …………
(4) In a survey of 450 people, it was found that 110 play cricket, 160 play tennis and 70 play both
cricket as well tennis. How many play neither cricket nor tennis?

(5) up to infinity is …………. .

(6) Introducing A, B said “His brother’s father is only son of my grandfather”. How B is related to A?
(7) Construct the truth tables for the following statements:
(i) ~ (p  q) (ii) ~ (p  q)
(8) In a certain code language ‘She is mother’ means ‘Rahul told father’, ‘She teaches Chemistry’
means ‘Rahul plays football’ and ‘Mother teaches Science’ means ‘Father plays cricket’. Which
word is coded as Science?
In the following questions, which of the two conclusions is/are true on the basis of
given statements:
(9) Statements I: All pens are pencils
II: Some books are pens
Conclusions I: Some pencils are books
II: Some pencils are pens
(10) Statements I: Some cats are pets
II: No pet is lion
Conclusions I: No lion is cat
II: No pet is cat

Q.4] Answer the following Question [3 Marks each =21]

1. Convert the following numbers to their binary representation.

2. , then find the value of 3x3 – 9x.

3. Average salary of all the 50 employees including 5 officers of a company is Rs.850. If the average
salary of the officer is Rs.2500. Find the average salary of the remaining staff of company.

4. On what dates of March 2005 did Friday fall?

5. A and B can do a piece of work in 45 days and 40 days respectively. They began to do the work
together but A leaves after some days and then B complete the remaining work in 23 days. Find
the number of days after which A left the work.
6. Out of 25 members in a family, 12 like to take tea, 15 like to take coffee and 7 like to take coffee
and tea both. How many like (i) at least one of the two drinks (ii) only tea but not coffee (iii) only
coffee but not tea (iv) neither tea nor coffee.

7. Let A = {1,2,3,4}, B = {1,4,9,16,25} and R be a relation defined from A and B as, R = {(x,y) : x  A, y 
B and y = x2}
(i) Depict this relation using arrow diagram.
(ii) Find domain of R.
(iii) Find range of R.
(iv) Write co-domain of R.
Q.5] Answer the following Question [5 Marks each =15]
1. (i) A rectangular grassy plot is 112m by 78m. It has a gravel path 2.5m wide all around it on the
inside. Find the area of the path and the cost of constructing it at 2 per square metre?

(ii) Semi-circular lawn are attached to all the edges of a rectangular field measuring 42 m x 35
m. Find the total area of fields.
2. In a group of 500 persons, 300 take tea, 150 take coffee, 250 take cold drink, 90 take tea and
coffee, 110 take tea and cold drink, 80 take coffee and cold drink and 50 take all the three
(i) Find the number of persons who take none of the three drinks.
(ii) Find the number of persons who take only tea.
(iii) Find the number of persons who take coffee and cold drink but not tea.

3. Find the sum of integers from 1 to 100 that are divisible by 2 or 5.


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