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Practical:- 1 Date: 09-06-2021

Aim: Introduction to Python


Python is a language with a simple syntax, and a powerful set of libraries. It is an interpreted
language, with a rich programming environment, including a robust debugger and profiler.
While it is easy for beginners to learn, it is widely used in many scientific areas for data
exploration. We cover data types, control flow, object-oriented programming, and graphical
user interface-driven applications. The examples and problems used in this course are drawn
from diverse areas such as text processing, simple graphics creation and image manipulation,
HTML and web programming, and genomics.

Scope & Objective:

1. Learn basic programming constructs –data types, decision structures, control

structures in python.
2. Know how to use libraries for string manipulation and user-defined functions.
3. Learn to use in-built data structures in python – Lists, Tuples, Dictionary and File
4. Learn the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming.
5. Solve problems through application of OO concepts and using Files/database.

Use Python Shell (using command line) and IDLE

• Interactive development environment.
• To evaluate expression.
• To create a script.

Using IDLE

IDLE is the standard Python development environment. Its name is an acronym of

"Integrated DeveLopment Environment". It works well on both Unix and Windows

It has a Python shell window, which gives you access to the Python interactive mode. It also
has a file editor that lets you create and edit existing Python source files.

During the following discussion of IDLE's features, instead of passively reading along, you
should start IDLE and try to replicate the screenshots.

Interactive Python shell

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When you start up IDLE, a window with an interactive Python shell will pop up:

You can type Python code directly into this shell, at the '>>>' prompt. Whenever you enter a
complete code fragment, it will be executed. For instance, typing:

>>> print("hello world")

and pressing ENTER, will cause the following to be displayed:

hello world

Try typing an underscore ( _). Can you see it? On some operating systems, the bottoms of
hanging letters such as 'g' or 'y', as well as underscores, cannot be seen in IDLE. If this is the
case for you, go to Options -> Configure IDLE, and change the size of the default font to 9 or
11. This will fix the problem!

IDLE can also be used as a calculator:

> 4+4
> 8**3

Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), modulo (%) and power (**)
operators are built into the Python language. This means you can use them right away. If you
want to use a square root in your calculation, you can either raise something to the power of
0.5 or you can import the math module. Below are two examples of square root calculation:

>>> 16**0.5
>>> import math
>>> math.sqrt(16)

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The math module allows you to do a number of useful operations:

> math.log(16, 2)
> math.cos( 0 )

Note that you only need to execute the import command once after you start IDLE; however,
you will need to execute it again if you restart the shell, as restarting resets everything back to
how it was when you opened IDLE. Creating scripts

1. Save your program in the ~/LAB/classFolder folder.

2. Open up the terminal program. ...
3. Type cd ~/LAB/classFolder to change directory to your classFolder folder, and hit
4. Type chmod a+x to tell Linux that it is an executable program.
5. Type ./ to run your program!
Program to add two integers.

Take input from user.

number1 = input(" Please Enter the First Number: ")
number2 = input(" Please Enter the second number: ")
# Using arithmetic + Operator to add two numbers
sum = float(number1) + float(number2)
print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'.format(number1, number2, sum))

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a) Given Base and height of the triangle. Take input from user.

b) Given Three sides of a triangle (Make sure that it forms a triangle). Take input from user.

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Date: 9-6-2021
Practical No: 2

Demonstrate the
working of ‘id’
and ‘type’


The id() function

returns identity
(unique integer)
of an object.
The syntax of
id() is: id(object)

As we can see
the function
accepts a single
parameter and is
used to return
the identity of an
object. This
identity has to
be unique and
constant for
this object
during the
lifetime. Two
objects with
lifetimes may
have the same
id() value. If we
relate this to C,
then they are
actually the
memory address,

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here in Python it is the unique id. This function is generally used

internally in Python.


The output is the identity of the object passed. This is random but
when running in the same program, it generates unique and same

Output: 2698213093488
Output varies with different runs

Input :
Output: 2698213126704

# This program shows various

identities str1 = "geek"

str2 = "geek"

# This will
return True
== id(str2))

# Use in Lists

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list1 = ["aakash", "priya", "abdul"]


# This returns false


Value from id():

The id() function returns identity of the object. This is an integer which is unique for the
given object and remains constant during its lifetime.


print('id of 5 =',id(5))
print('id of a =',id(a))
print('id of b =',id(b))
c = 5.0
print('id of c =',id(c))

The ‘type’ function:

Python have a built-in method called as type which generally come in handy while figuring
out the type of variable used in the program in the runtime.

The type function returns the datatype of any arbitrary object. The possible types are listed
in the types module. This is useful for helper functions that can handle several types of

Example : Introducing type

>>> type(1)
<class 'int'>
> li = []
> type(li)
<class 'list'>
> import odbc
> type(odbc)
<class 'module'>
> import types
> type(odbc) == typesduleType

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Type takes anything -- and I mean anything -- and returns its data type. Integers, strings, lists,
dictionaries, tuples, functions, classes, modules, even types are acceptable.
• type can take a variable and return its datatype.
• type also works on modules.

You can use the constants in the types module to compare types of objects. This is what
the info function does, as you'll see shortly.


a) Write The output of following code

Review Questions:

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Practical No: 3 Date: 15-06-2021

AIM:-To find all prime numbers within a given range.


Prime numbers:

A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 and having no positive divisor other than
1 and itself.

For example: 3, 7, 11 etc are prime numbers.

Composite number:

Other natural numbers that are not prime numbers are called composite numbers.

For example: 4, 6, 9 etc. are composite numbers.

Here is source code of the Python Program to check if a number is a prime number.


1. Write a python program for composite numbers.

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Review Questions:

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Practical No: 4 Date: 16-06-2021

AIM:- To print ‘n terms of Fibonacci series using iteration.

THEORY: The Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following integer sequence. 0, 1, 1,
2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ……..
A Fibonacci sequence is the integer sequence of 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.... The first two terms are 0
and 1.

All other terms are obtained by adding the preceding two terms.

This means to say the nth term is the sum of (n-1)th and (n-2)th term. In mathematical terms,
the sequence Fn of Fibonacci numbers is defined by the recurrence relation :

Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 with initial value F0 = 0 and F1 = 1


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Review Questions:

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Practical No: 5 Date: 22/06/2021

AIM: To demonstrate use of slicing in string.

THEORY: Like other programming languages, it’s possible to access individual
characters of a string by using array-like indexing syntax. In this we can access each
and every element of string through their index number and the indexing starts from
0. Python does index out of bound checking.

So, we can obtain the required character using syntax, string_name[index_position]:

The positive index_position denotes the element from the starting(0) and the
negative index shows the index from the end(-1).


We use the slice notation on strings. In this example, we omit the first index to start at
the beginning, and then consume four characters total. We extract the first four letters.

Python program that slices string

Copy with slicing, we can copy sequences like lists. We assign a new list variable to a
slice with no specified start or stop values. So the slice copies the entire list and
returns it.

To extract substring from the whole string then we use the syntax like
string_name[beginning: end : step]

end denotes the end index of string which is not inclusive, steps denote the distance
between the two words. o beginning represents the starting index of string.

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1. Accept a string from the user and display the string with first character of each
word Capital. (Without using inbuilt function)

2. Write a program to accept a string from the user and display n characters from the
left of the string. (Accept n from the user)

3. Write a program to reverse the string using slicing.

4. Write a program to accept a string from the user and display n characters from the
right of the string. (Accept n from the user)

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5. Accept a String from the user and display first two characters of each word in
same line separated by space.

Review Questions:

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