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Walks, Trails, Paths, and Cycles:, E, V, E, - . - , E, V I K, The Edge e

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Walks, trails, paths, and cycles

A walk is an alternating list v0, e1, v1, e2, . . . , ek , vk of

vertices and edges such that for 1 ≤ i ≤ k, the edge
ei has endpoints vi−1 and vi.
Remark. Listing of edges is only necessary in multi-

A trail is a walk with no repeated edge.

A path is a walk with no repeated vertex.

A u, v-walk, u, v-trail, u, v-path is a walk, trail, path,

respectively, with first vertex u and last vertex v.

If u = v then the u, v-walk and u, v-trail is closed.

A closed trail (without specifying the first vertex) is a
circuit. A circuit with no repeated vertex is called a

The length of a walk trail, path or cycle is its number

of edges.

G is connected, if there is a u, v-path for every pair

u, v ∈ V (G) of vertices.
Otherwise G is disconnected.

Vertex u is connected to vertex v in G if there is a u, v-

path. The connection relation on V (G) consists of the
ordered pairs (u, v) such that u is connected to v.

Claim. The connection relation is an equivalence re-

Lemma. Every u, v-walk contains a u, v-path.

The connected components of G are the equivalence

classes of the connection relation (i.e. its maximal connec-
ted subgraphs).

An isolated vertex is a vertex of degree 0. It is a connec-

ted component on its own.
Cutting a graph

A cut-edge or cut-vertex of G is an edge or a vertex

whose deletion increases the number of components.

If M ⊆ E(G), then G − M denotes the graph obtai-

ned from G by the deletion of the elements of M :

V (G − M ) = V (G) and E(G − M ) = E(G) \ M.

For S ⊆ V (G), G − S obtained from G by the de-

letion of S and all edges incident with a vertex from
G − S := G[V (G) \ S].

For e ∈ E(G), G − {e} is abbreviated by G − e.

For v ∈ V (G), G − {v} is abbreviated by G − v.

Proposition. An edge e is a cut-edge iff it does not

belong to a cycle.
Eulerian circuits

Example. How to draw the little house graph without

lifting the pen?
A trail of G is called Eulerian if it contains all edges.
Proposition. In an Eulerian trail every internal vertex
has even degree.
Proof. Given vertex v, pair up its incident edges.
Corollary A successful drawing of the little house graph
must start at the bottom.

A multigraph is Eulerian if it has an Eulerian circuit.

Theorem. Let G be a connected multigraph. Then

G is Eulerian iff d(v) is even for ∀v ∈ V

⇒ Follows from Proposition.
⇐ Extremality: Consider longest trail T in G and
prove that: (i) T is closed, (ii) V (T ) = V (G), (iii)
E(T ) = E(G).
Beginnings of Graph Theory

1735: Euler and the Königsberg’s bridges


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Bipartite graphs
A set of pairwise adjacent vertices in a graph is called
a clique. A set of pairwise non-adjacent vertices in a
graph is called an independent set.

A graph G is bipartite if V (G) is the union of two inde-

pendent sets of G. If these are disjoint, they are called
the partite sets of G.

Examples. Kr,s is bipartite, Kn is not bipartite for n ≥

3, Pn is bipartite for all n ≥ 1, Cn is bipartite iff n is
even (count edges leaving an independent set)

Example. The k-dimensional hypercube Qk

V (Qk ) = {0, 1}k
E(Qk ) = {xy : x and y differ in exactly one coordinate}

• v(Qk ) = 2k
• Qk is k-regular
• e(Qk ) = k2k−1
• Qk is bipartite

The beauty of being bipartite

Proposition. Let G be k-regular bipartite graph with

partite sets A and B, k > 0. Then |A| = |B|.
Proof. Double count the edges of G by summing up
degrees of vertices on each side of the bipartition.

Theorem. Every loopless multigraph G has a biparti-

te subgraph with at least e(G)
2 edges.
Proof by “extremality”. (Consider a bipartite subgraph
H with the maximum number of edges and prove that
dH (v) ≥ dG(v)/2 for every vertex v ∈ V (G) (other-
wise change H so to contradict its extremality. Finish
with the Handshaking Lemma.))

Remark The constant multiplier 21 of e(G) in the Theo-

rem is best possible.

Example: Kn. (for every bipartite H ⊆ Kn,
⌊ ⌋( ⌊ ⌋) ⌊ ⌋
n n n2
e(H) = i(n − i) ≤ n− =
2 2 4
( )
edges, which is < ( 2 + ϵ) n
2 for ∀ϵ > 0 and large n.)
Characterization of bipartite graphs

A bipartition of G is a specification of two disjoint in-

dependent sets in G whose union is V (G).

Theorem. (König, 1936) A multigraph G is bipartite iff

G does not contain an odd cycle.
⇒ Already done.
⇐ Assume G is connected.
Fix a vertex v ∈ V (G). Define sets

A := {w ∈ V (G) : ∃ an odd v, w-path }

B := {w ∈ V (G) : ∃ an even v, w-path }

Prove that A and B form a bipartition.

Lemma. Every closed odd walk contains an odd

Proof. Strong induction.

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