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Course 3030-G

Principles of
Second Edition

An Introduction to
Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics



Public Health Service
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC)
Epidemiology Program Office
Public Health Practice Program Office
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Contents at a Glance

General Instructions ................................................................................................................ iv

Lesson One: Introduction to Epidemiology ......................................................................... 1

Key features and applications of descriptive and
analytic epidemiology

Lesson Two: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology ............................................. 73

Calculation and interpretation of ratios, proportions, incidence
rates, mortality rates, prevalence, and years of potential life lost

Lesson Three: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion .................................... 145

Calculation and interpretation of mean, median, mode, ranges,
variance, standard deviation, and confidence interval

Lesson Four: Organizing Epidemiologic Data ............................................................... 205

Preparation and application of tables, graphs, and charts such
as arithmetic-scale line, scatter diagram, pie chart, and box plot

Lesson Five: Public Health Surveillance .................................................................... 289

Process, uses, and evaluation of public health surveillance in
the United States

Lesson Six: Investigating an Outbreak ...................................................................... 347

Steps of an outbreak investigation

Appendices .................................................................................................................... 426


Developed by

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Public Health Service
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Epidemiology Program Office (EPO)
Public Health Practice Program Office (PHPPO)

Project Lead, Technical Content

Richard Dicker, M.D., M.Sc., Division of Training, EPO, CDC

Project Lead, Instructional Design

Nancy C. Gathany, M.Ed., Division of Media and Training Services

Design and Development Team

Pat Anderson, Training Assistant, DMTS, PHPPO, CDC
Betty S. Segal, Instructional Editor, DMTS, PHPPO, CDC
Stephen R. Smith, M.S., Training Development Specialist, DMTS,
Philip Thompson, M.S., Editor, PHPPO, CDC

Travis Benton, DMTS, PHPPO, CDC
Mindy Cooper, DMTS, PHPPO, CDC
Lee Oakley, DMTS, PHPPO, CDC

General Directions and Course Information

Self-Study Course 3030-G

This course was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a self-
study course. In order to receive CME/CEU credit or a certificate, you must be formally enrolled
with the CDC and successfully complete the course within six months. If you intend to complete
the course, including taking the final examination, please contact the CDC at 1-800-41 TRAIN to
request the application/enrollment package.

Study Materials

The course materials consist of six lessons with Self-assessment Quizzes.

A copy of Benenson’s Control of Communicable Diseases in Man, 15 ed., will be very useful as
a reference, since it clearly describes many diseases as to clinical nature, laboratory diagnosis,
occurrence, agent, reservoir, mode of transmission, incubation period, period of
communicability, susceptibility and resistance, as well as methods of prevention and control.
This text can be obtained from the following:

American Public Health Association

1015 Fifteenth Street NW
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 789-5600

(NOTE: Current price information available from publisher.)

A calculator with square root and logarithmic functions will be useful with some of the exercises.
Cost for supplementary materials with be the enrollee’s responsibility.

Course Design

This course covers basic epidemiology principles, concepts, and procedures. This course is
designed for federal, state, and local government health professionals and private sector health
professionals who are responsible for disease surveillance or investigation. The course consists of
study of the concepts, principles, and methods generally useful in the surveillance and
investigation of health-related states or events. A basic understanding of the practices of public
health and biostatistics is recommended.


The following objectives are presented as a guide for the student as to the specific skills and/or
knowledge which should be acquired from careful reading and study of the assignments. The
objectives serve two purposes. They constitute an outline which initially conveys the major
points or target areas of the material to be studied. Then, after the lesson is completed, the
objectives serve as a review and check for the student, who can use them to determine if
sufficient gains have been made in skills and/or understanding.

It is important to note that the lesson itself should serve as an indication only of how well
concepts and terms have been grasped. It is incumbent upon the student to master as much of the
material as possible. While it is felt that the questions and objectives are comprehensive, they
cannot, because of obvious constraints, comprise an exhaustive treatment of the subjects

Students who successfully complete this course should be able to correctly:

• Describe key features and applications of descriptive and analytic epidemiology.

• Calculate and interpret ratios, proportions, incidence rates, mortality rates, prevalence,
and years of potential life lost.
• Calculate and interpret mean, median, mode, ranges, variance, standard deviation, and
confidence interval.
• Prepare and apply tables, graphs, and charts such as arithmetic-scale line, scatter
diagram, pie chart, and box plot.
• Describe the processes, uses, and evaluation of public health surveillance.
• Describe the steps of an outbreak investigation.

General Directions to the Student

Self-study courses are “self-paced.” However, we recommend that a lesson be completed within
two weeks to insure continuity of thought, retention of knowledge, and maintenance of interest.

To get the most out of this course, establish a regular time and method of study. Research has
shown that these factors greatly influence learning ability.

Each lesson in the course consists of reading, exercises, and an examination. The examination
that accompanies each lesson is open-book and does not have to be completed at one sitting.

Reading Assignments

Complete the assigned reading before attempting to answer any questions. Reading assignments
by reference and inclusive pages are found in each lesson. Some answers to questions cannot be
pinpointed in the reference, and questions can only be answered by integrating information from
an entire lesson and/or previous lessons.

A casual reading of the reference can result in missing useful information which supports main
themes. Read thoroughly and reread for understanding as necessary.

Assignments are designed to cover one or two major subject areas. However, as you progress, it
is often necessary to combine previous learning to accomplish new skills. Review previous
assignments if you find continuity of ideas or procedures is lacking.


After completing the reading assignment, answer the questions which you are certain that you
know. DO NOT GUESS. Remember, all lessons are OPEN-BOOK, so refer to the references
when you are unsure of the answer. When you consult the references, it is important that you find
not only an answer to a question, but also an understanding of the point being taught. To pass
each quiz you must answer at least 20 of the questions correctly; this indicates that you have a
sufficient level of comprehension to go to the next lesson. To correctly answer a question, you
must circle ALL of the correct choices for that question. The correct answers are provided in
Appendix J with explanations and reference page numbers. If you miss more than five questions,
you are probably not ready to continue with the next lesson. After passing all six lesson quizzes,
you should be prepared for the final examination. The completed lesson quizzes and exercises are
good study references for the final exam.


Practice exercises and review exercises are included within each lesson to help you apply the
lesson content. Some exercises may be more applicable to your workplace and background than
others. You should review the answers to all exercises since the answers are very detailed.
Answers to the exercises can be found at the end of each lesson. Your answers to these exercises
are valuable study guides for the final examination.


Self-study lesson questions are objective and emphasize the main points taught. The key to
completing multiple-choice questions is careful reading of the questions. They are designed to
instruct, not to deceive. It is, however, incumbent upon the student to follow the instructions as
stated. Answers should be reviewed.

• Read the stem carefully. Note that the question may ask, “Which is CORRECT?” as
well as “Which is NOT CORRECT?” or “Which is the EXCEPTION?”

• Read all of the choices given. One choice may be a correct statement, but another
choice may be more nearly correct or complete for the question that is asked. Unless
otherwise noted, there is only ONE CORRECT answer.

• To answer multiple-choice questions, circle letter representing the answer which you
think is most correct.

You may keep the course materials and quiz sheets. They will be valuable study guides for the
final examination.

The questions are designed so that upon successful completion of each lesson, the student will
meet the criteria for the lessons. These criteria are delineated in the performance objectives given
at the beginning of each lesson. Use these objectives as a guide to the competencies which you
should achieve.

Students should score 80 percent or higher on all lessons. It is felt that this will demonstrate
comprehension and will facilitate success on future lessons and on the final examination.

We ask that the course materials and corrected answer sheets NOT BE REPRODUCED. We ask,
also, that the course materials and corrected answer sheets NOT BE DISTRIBUTED TO OTHER

There are practical as well as ethical reasons for the above requests. Prior knowledge of answers
or lesson questions does not benefit a person taking the final examination, where knowledge and
skills must be demonstrated. Also, the lessons are revised periodically. Questions are revised,
question order is altered, and other changes are made which would make the out-of-date
materials useless or even harmful to another’s progress.

Final Examination and Course Evaluation

The final examination, evaluation, and answer sheets will be sent to you after the CDC Distance
Learning Program (DLP) receives the Request For Final Exam (RFE) Form. Students have 30
days to complete the final examination.

The final requirement for the course is an open-book examination. We recommend that you
thoroughly review the questions included with each lesson before completing the exam.

Lessons 2 and 3 in the workbook discuss applied biostatistics used in epidemiology. Some
students may not apply biostatistics in their work, and may feel that they do not need to learn all
the material on analytic statistics presented in the workbook. To accommodate these participants,
there is a new abbreviated option which reflects their need for less-intensive statistical study:

Lesson 2: Pages 73-91; 100-102; 116-117

Self-Assessment Quiz Questions 1-12 (Pages 136-138)
Lesson 3: Pages 145-163; 167-168; 173-179; 186-189
Self-Assessment Quiz Questions 1-8, 10, 12, 18-21, 23 (Pages 197-202)

The final exam will be structured so that students will select test questions relevant to the option
they selected.

For those officially enrolled in the CDC Distance Learning Program, a certificate of satisfactory
completion is awarded to each student who makes a score of at least 70% on the final

If you are taking this course under a CDC-approved Group Leader, other quiz or final
examination arrangements may be followed.

It is our sincere hope that you will find this undertaking to be a profitable and satisfying one. We
solicit your constructive criticism at all times and ask that you let us know whenever you have
problems or need assistance. We congratulate you on this endeavor, and we shall follow your
progress with keen interest.

Education Units

This course is designed in accordance with the criteria and guidelines of the International
Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). CDC is accredited by IACET to
award Continuing Education Units (CEU) to non-academic students who successfully complete
the course as follows:

Option 1: For those who complete Lessons 2 and 3 in their entirety = 4.2

Option 2: For those who complete the designated portions of Lessons 2 and 3 = 3.5

The credits provide a nationally recognized record of an individual’s continuing education

accomplishments. All students who score 70% or higher on the final examination are awarded
CDC’s certificate of successful completion; non-academic students also receive continuing
education credits.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is accredited by the Accreditation
Council for Continuing Medical Education to sponsor continuing medical education for
physicians. CDC designates this continuing medical education activity for the following credit
hours in Category 1 of the Physician’s Recognition Award of the American Medical Association:

Option 1: For those who complete Lessons 2 and 3 in their entirety = 42

Option 2: For those who complete the designated portions of Lessons 2 and 3 = 35

Lesson 1
Introduction to Epidemiology

Epidemiology is considered the basic science of public health, and with good reason.
Epidemiology is: a) a quantitative basic science built on a working knowledge of probability,
statistics, and sound research methods; b) a method of causal reasoning based on developing
and testing hypotheses pertaining to occurrence and prevention of morbidity and mortality; and
c) a tool for public health action to promote and protect the public’s health based on science,
causal reasoning, and a dose of practical common sense (2).
As a public health discipline, epidemiology is instilled with the spirit that epidemiologic
information should be used to promote and protect the public’s health. Hence, epidemiology
involves both science and public health practice. The term applied epidemiology is sometimes
used to describe the application or practice of epidemiology to address public health issues.
Examples of applied epidemiology include the following:
• the monitoring of reports of communicable diseases in the community
• the study of whether a particular dietary component influences your risk of developing
• evaluation of the effectiveness and impact of a cholesterol awareness program
• analysis of historical trends and current data to project future public health resource

After studying this lesson and answering the questions in the exercises, a student will be able
to do the following:
• Define epidemiology
• Summarize the historical evolution of epidemiology
• Describe the elements of a case definition and state the effect of changing the value of
any of the elements
• List the key features and uses of descriptive epidemiology
• List the key features and uses of analytic epidemiology
• List the three components of the epidemiologic triad
• List and describe primary applications of epidemiology in public health practice
• List and describe the different modes of transmission of communicable disease in a

Page 2 Principles of Epidemiology

The word epidemiology comes from the Greek words epi, meaning “on or upon,” demos,
meaning “people,” and logos, meaning “the study of.” Many definitions have been proposed, but
the following definition captures the underlying principles and the public health spirit of
“Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related
states or events in specified populations, and the application of this study to the control
of health problems.” (17)
This definition of epidemiology includes several terms which reflect some of the important
principles of the discipline. As you study this definition, refer to the description of these terms
Study. Epidemiology is a scientific discipline, sometimes called “the basic science of public
health.” It has, at its foundation, sound methods of scientific inquiry.
Distribution. Epidemiology is concerned with the frequency and pattern of health events in a
population. Frequency includes not only the number of such events in a population, but also the
rate or risk of disease in the population. The rate (number of events divided by size of the
population) is critical to epidemiologists because it allows valid comparisons across different
Pattern refers to the occurrence of health-related events by time, place, and personal
• Time characteristics include annual occurrence, seasonal occurrence, and daily or even
hourly occurrence during an epidemic.
• Place characteristics include geographic variation, urban-rural differences, and location
of worksites or schools.
• Personal characteristics include demographic factors such as age, race, sex, marital
status, and socioeconomic status, as well as behaviors and environmental exposures.
This characterization of the distribution of health-related states or events is one broad aspect
of epidemiology called descriptive epidemiology. Descriptive epidemiology provides the What,
Who, When, and Where of health-related events. It is discussed in more detail beginning on page
Determinants. Epidemiology is also used to search for causes and other factors that
influence the occurrence of health-related events. Analytic epidemiology attempts to provide the
Why and How of such events by comparing groups with different rates of disease occurrence and
with differences in demographic characteristics, genetic or immunologic make-up, behaviors,
environmental exposures, and other so-called potential risk factors. Under ideal circumstances,
epidemiologic findings provide sufficient evidence to direct swift and effective public health
control and prevention measures.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 3

Health-related states or events. Originally, epidemiology was concerned with epidemics of

communicable diseases. Then epidemiology was extended to endemic communicable diseases
and noncommunicable infectious diseases. More recently, epidemiologic methods have been
applied to chronic diseases, injuries, birth defects, maternal-child health, occupational health, and
environmental health. Now, even behaviors related to health and well-being (amount of exercise,
seat-belt use, etc.) are recognized as valid subjects for applying epidemiologic methods. In these
lessons we use the term “disease” to refer to the range of health-related states or events.
Specified populations. Although epidemiologists and physicians in clinical practice are both
concerned with disease and the control of disease, they differ greatly in how they view “the
patient.” Clinicians are concerned with the health of an individual; epidemiologists are
concerned with the collective health of the people in a community or other area. When faced
with a patient with diarrheal disease, for example, the clinician and the epidemiologist have
different responsibilities. Although both are interested in establishing the correct diagnosis, the
clinician usually focuses on treating and caring for the individual. The epidemiologist focuses on
the exposure (action or source that caused the illness), the number of other persons who may
have been similarly exposed, the potential for further spread in the community, and interventions
to prevent additional cases or recurrences.
Application. Epidemiology is more than “the study of.” As a discipline within public health,
epidemiology provides data for directing public health action. However, using epidemiologic
data is an art as well as a science. Consider again the medical model used above: To treat a
patient, a clinician must call upon experience and creativity as well as scientific knowledge.
Similarly, an epidemiologist uses the scientific methods of descriptive and analytic epidemiology
in “diagnosing” the health of a community, but also must call upon experience and creativity
when planning how to control and prevent disease in the community.
Page 4 Principles of Epidemiology

Although epidemiologic thinking has been traced from Hippocrates (circa 400 B.C.) through
Graunt (1662), Farr, Snow (both mid-1800’s), and others, the discipline did not blossom until the
end of the Second World War. The contributions of some of these early and more recent thinkers
are described below.
Hippocrates (circa 400 B.C.) attempted to explain disease occurrence from a rational instead
of a supernatural viewpoint. In his essay entitled “On Airs, Waters, and Places,” Hippocrates
suggested that environmental and host factors such as behaviors might influence the
development of disease.
Another early contributor to epidemiology was John Graunt, a London haberdasher who
published his landmark analysis of mortality data in 1662. He was the first to quantify patterns of
birth, death, and disease occurrence, noting male-female disparities, high infant mortality, urban-
rural differences, and seasonal variations. No one built upon Graunt’s work until the mid-1800’s,
when William Farr began to systematically collect and analyze Britain’s mortality statistics. Farr,
considered the father of modern vital statistics and surveillance, developed many of the basic
practices used today in vital statistics and disease classification. He extended the epidemiologic
analysis of morbidity and mortality data, looking at the effects of marital status, occupation, and
altitude. He also developed many epidemiologic concepts and techniques still in use today.
Meanwhile, an anesthesiologist named John Snow was conducting a series of investigations
in London that later earned him the title “the father of field epidemiology.” Twenty years before
the development of the microscope, Snow conducted studies of cholera outbreaks both to
discover the cause of disease and to prevent its recurrence. Because his work classically
illustrates the sequence from descriptive epidemiology to hypothesis generation to hypothesis
testing (analytic epidemiology) to application, we will consider two of his efforts in detail.
Snow conducted his classic study in 1854 when an epidemic of cholera developed in the
Golden Square of London. He began his investigation by determining where in this area persons
with cholera lived and worked. He then used this information to map the distribution of cases on
what epidemiologists call a spot map. His map in shown in Figure 1.1.
Because Snow believed that water was a source of infection for cholera, he marked the
location of water pumps on his spot map, and then looked for a relationship between the
distribution of cholera case households and the location of pumps. He noticed that more case
households clustered around Pump A, the Broad Street pump, than around Pump B or C, and he
concluded that the Broad Street pump was the most likely source of infection. Questioning
residents who lived near the other pumps, he found that they avoided Pump B because it was
grossly contaminated, and that Pump C was located too inconveniently for most residents of the
Golden Square area. From this information, it appeared to Snow that the Broad Street pump was
probably the primary source of water for most persons with cholera in the Golden Square area.
He realized, however, that it was too soon to draw that conclusion because the map showed no
cholera cases in a two-block area to the east of the Broad Street pump. Perhaps no one lived in
that area. Or perhaps the residents were somehow protected.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 5

Figure 1.1
Distribution of cholera cases in the Golden Square area
of London, August-September 1854

Upon investigating, Snow found that a brewery was located there and that it had a deep well
on the premises where brewery workers, who also lived in the area, got their water. In addition,
the brewery allotted workers a daily quota of malt liquor. Access to these uncontaminated rations
could explain why none of the brewery’s employees contracted cholera.
To confirm that the Broad Street pump was the source of the epidemic, Snow gathered
information on where persons with cholera had obtained their water. Consumption of water from
the Broad Street pump was the one common factor among the cholera patients. According to
legend, Snow removed the handle of that pump and aborted the outbreak.
Page 6 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 1.2
Water contaminated with deadly cholera flowed from the Broad Street pump

Figure not shown.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 7

Snow’s second major contribution involved another investigation of the same outbreak of
cholera that occurred in London in 1854. In a London epidemic in 1849, Snow had noted that
districts with the highest mortalities had water supplied by two companies: the Lambeth
Company and the Southwark and Vauxhall Company. At that time, both companies obtained
water from the Thames River, at intake points that were below London. In 1852, the Lambeth
Company moved their water works to above London, thus obtaining water that was free of
London sewage. When cholera returned to London in 1853, Snow realized the Lambeth
Company’s relocation of its intake point would allow him to compare districts that were supplied
with water from above London with districts that received water from below London. Table 1.1
shows what Snow found when he made that comparison for cholera mortality over a 7-week
period during the summer of 1854.

Table 1.1
Mortality from cholera in the districts of London
supplied by the Southwark and Vauxhall and the Lambeth Companies,
July 9-August 26, 1854
Cholera Death
Districts with Water Population Deaths from Rate per
Supplied by (1851 Census) Cholera 1,000 Population
Southwark and Vauxhall
Co. only 167,654 844 5.0
Lambeth Co. only 19,133 18 0.9
Both companies 300,149 652 2.2
Source: 27

The data in Table 1.1 show that the risk of death from cholera was more than 5 times higher
in districts served only by the Southwark and Vauxhall Company than in those served only by
the Lambeth Company. Interestingly, the mortality rate in districts supplied by both companies
fell between the rates for districts served exclusively by either company. These data were
consistent with the hypothesis that water obtained from the Thames below London was a source
of cholera. Alternatively, the populations supplied by the two companies may have differed on a
number of other factors which affected their risk of cholera.
To test his water supply hypothesis, Snow focused on the districts served by both companies,
because the households within a district were generally comparable except for water supply
company. In these districts, Snow identified the water supply company for every house in which
a death from cholera had occurred during the 7-week period. Table 1.2 shows his findings.
This further study added support to Snow’s hypothesis, and demonstrates the sequence of
steps used today to investigate outbreaks of disease. Based on a characterization of the cases and
population at risk by time, place, and person, Snow developed a testable hypothesis. He then
tested this hypothesis with a more rigorously designed study, ensuring that the groups to be
compared were comparable. After this study, efforts to control the epidemic were directed at
changing the location of the water intake of the Southwark and Vauxhall Company to avoid
sources of contamination. Thus, with no knowledge of the existence of microorganisms, Snow
demonstrated through epidemiologic studies that water could serve as a vehicle for transmitting
Page 8 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 1.2
Mortality from cholera in London related to the water supply of
individual houses in districts served by both the Southwark and Vauxhall
Company and the Lambeth Company, July 9-August 26, 1854
Water Supply of Population Deaths from Death Rate per
Individual House (1851 Census) Cholera 1,000 Population
Southwark and
Vauxhall Co. 98,862 419 4.2
Lambeth Co. 154,615 80 0.5
Source: 27

cholera and that epidemiologic information could be used to direct prompt and appropriate
public health action.
In the mid- and late-1800’s, many others in Europe and the United States began to apply
epidemiologic methods to investigate disease occurrence. At that time, most investigators
focused on acute infectious diseases. In the 1900’s, epidemiologists extended their methods to
noninfectious diseases. The period since the Second World War has seen an explosion in the
development of research methods and the theoretical underpinnings of epidemiology, and in the
application of epidemiology to the entire range of health-related outcomes, behaviors, and even
knowledge and attitudes. The studies by Doll and Hill (13) linking smoking to lung cancer and
the study of cardiovascular disease among residents of Framingham, Massachusetts (12), are two
examples of how pioneering researchers have applied epidemiologic methods to chronic disease
since World War II. Finally, during the 1960’s and early 1970’s health workers applied
epidemiologic methods to eradicate smallpox worldwide. This was an achievement in applied
epidemiology of unprecedented proportions.
Today, public health workers throughout the world accept and use epidemiology routinely.
Epidemiology is often practiced or used by non-epidemiologists to characterize the health of
their communities and to solve day-to-day problems. This landmark in the evolution of the
discipline is less dramatic than the eradication of smallpox, but it is no less important in
improving the health of people everywhere.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 9

Epidemiology and the information generated by epidemiologic methods have many uses.
These uses are categorized and described below.
Population or community health assessment. To set policy and plan programs, public
health officials must assess the health of the population or community they serve and must
determine whether health services are available, accessible, effective, and efficient. To do this,
they must find answers to many questions: What are the actual and potential health problems in
the community? Where are they? Who is at risk? Which problems are declining over time?
Which ones are increasing or have the potential to increase? How do these patterns relate to the
level and distribution of services available? The methods of descriptive and analytic
epidemiology provide ways to answer these and other questions. With answers provided through
the application of epidemiology, the officials can make informed decisions that will lead to
improved health for the population they serve.
Individual decisions. People may not realize that they use epidemiologic information in
their daily decisions. When they decide to stop smoking, take the stairs instead of the elevator,
order a salad instead of a cheeseburger with French fries, or choose one method of contraception
instead of another, they may be influenced, consciously or unconsciously, by epidemiologists’
assessment of risk. Since World War II, epidemiologists have provided information related to all
those decisions. In the 1950’s, epidemiologists documented the increased risk of lung cancer
among smokers; in the 1960’s and 1970’s, epidemiologists noted a variety of benefits and risks
associated with different methods of birth control; in the mid-1980’s, epidemiologists identified
the increased risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection associated with certain
sexual and drug-related behaviors; and, more positively, epidemiologists continue to document
the role of exercise and proper diet in reducing the risk of heart disease. These and hundreds of
other epidemiologic findings are directly relevant to the choices that people make every day,
choices that affect their health over a lifetime.
Completing the clinical picture. When studying a disease outbreak, epidemiologists depend
on clinical physicians and laboratory scientists for the proper diagnosis of individual patients.
But epidemiologists also contribute to physicians’ understanding of the clinical picture and
natural history of disease. For example, in late 1989 three patients in New Mexico were
diagnosed as having myalgias (severe muscle pains in chest or abdomen) and unexplained
eosinophilia (an increase in the number of one type of white blood cell). Their physician could
not identify the cause of their symptoms, or put a name to the disorder. Epidemiologists began
looking for other cases with similar symptoms, and within weeks had found enough additional
cases of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome to describe the illness, its complications, and its rate of
mortality. Similarly, epidemiologists have documented the course of HIV infection, from the
initial exposure to the development of a wide variety of clinical syndromes that include acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). They have also documented the numerous conditions that
are associated with cigarette smoking—from pulmonary and heart disease to lung and cervical
Page 10 Principles of Epidemiology

Search for causes. Much of epidemiologic research is devoted to a search for causes, factors
which influence one’s risk of disease. Sometimes this is an academic pursuit, but more often the
goal is to identify a cause so that appropriate public health action might be taken. It has been said
that epidemiology can never prove a causal relationship between an exposure and a disease.
Nevertheless, epidemiology often provides enough information to support effective action.
Examples include John Snow’s removal of the pump handle and the withdrawal of a specific
brand of tampon that was linked by epidemiologists to toxic shock syndrome. Just as often,
epidemiology and laboratory science converge to provide the evidence needed to establish
causation. For example, a team of epidemiologists were able to identify a variety of risk factors
during an outbreak of a pneumonia among persons attending the American Legion Convention in
Philadelphia in 1976. However, the outbreak was not “solved” until the Legionnaires’ bacillus
was identified in the laboratory almost 6 months later.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 11

Exercise 1.1

In the early 1980’s, epidemiologists recognized that AIDS occurred most frequently in men who
had sex with men and in intravenous drug users.

Describe how this information might be used for each of the following:

a. Population or community health assessment

b. Individual decisions

c. Search for causes

Answers on page 62.

Page 12 Principles of Epidemiology

The Epidemiologic Approach

Like a newspaper reporter, an epidemiologist determines What, When, Where, Who, and
Why. However, the epidemiologist is more likely to describe these concepts in slightly different
terms: case definition, time, place, person, and causes.

Case Definition
A case definition is a set of standard criteria for deciding whether a person has a particular
disease or other health-related condition. By using a standard case definition we ensure that
every case is diagnosed in the same way, regardless of when or where it occurred, or who
identified it. We can then compare the number of cases of the disease that occurred in one time
or place with the number that occurred at another time or another place. For example, with a
standard case definition, we can compare the number of cases of hepatitis A that occurred in
New York City in 1991 with the number that occurred there in 1990. Or we can compare the
number of cases that occurred in New York in 1991 with the number that occurred in San
Francisco in 1991. With a standard case definition, when we find a difference in disease
occurrence, we know it is likely to be a real difference rather than the result of differences in
how cases were diagnosed.
Appendix C shows case definitions for several diseases of public health importance. A case
definition consists of clinical criteria and, sometimes, limitations on time, place, and person. The
clinical criteria usually include confirmatory laboratory tests, if available, or combinations of
symptoms (subjective complaints), signs (objective physical findings), and other findings. For
example, on page 13 see the case definition for rabies that has been excerpted from Appendix C;
notice that it requires laboratory confirmation.
Compare this with the case definition for Kawasaki syndrome provided in Exercise 1.3 (page
15). Kawasaki syndrome is a childhood illness with fever and rash that has no known cause and
no specifically distinctive laboratory findings. Notice that its case definition is based on the
presence of fever, at least four of five specified clinical findings, and the lack of a more
reasonable explanation.
A case definition may have several sets of criteria, depending on how certain the diagnosis is.
For example, during an outbreak of measles, we might classify a person with a fever and rash as
having a suspect, probable, or confirmed case of measles, depending on what additional evidence
of measles was present. In other situations, we temporarily classify a case as suspect or probable
until laboratory results are available. When we receive the laboratory report, we then reclassify
the case as either confirmed or “not a case,” depending on the lab results. In the midst of a large
outbreak of a disease caused by a known agent, we may permanently classify some cases as
suspect or probable, because it is unnecessary and wasteful to run laboratory tests on every
patient with a consistent clinical picture and a history of exposure (e.g., chickenpox). Case
definitions should not rely on laboratory culture results alone, since organisms are sometimes
present without causing disease.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 13

Case definitions may also vary according to the purpose for classifying the occurrences of a
disease. For example, health officials need to know as soon as possible if anyone has symptoms
of plague or foodborne botulism so that they can begin planning what actions to take. For such
rare but potentially severe communicable diseases, where it is important to identify every
possible case, health officials use a sensitive, or “loose” case definition. On the other hand,
investigators of the causes of a disease outbreak want to be certain that any person included in
the investigation really had the disease. The investigator will prefer a specific or “strict” case
definition. For instance, in an outbreak of Salmonella agona, the investigators would be more
likely to identify the source of the infection if they included only persons who were confirmed to
have been infected with that organism, rather than including anyone with acute diarrhea, because
some persons may have had diarrhea from a different cause. In this setting, the only disadvantage
of a strict case definition is an underestimate of the total number of cases.

Rabies, Human
Clinical description
Rabies is an acute encephalomyelitis that almost always progresses to coma or death within 10
days of the first symptom.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Detection by direct fluorescent antibody of viral antigens in a clinical specimen (preferably the
brain or the nerves surrounding hair follicles in the nape of the neck), or
• Isolation (in cell culture or in a laboratory animal) of rabies virus from saliva, cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF), or central nervous system tissue, or
• Identification of a rabies-neutralizing antibody titer greater than or equal to 5 (complete
neutralization) in the serum or CSF of an unvaccinated person
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed
Laboratory confirmation by all of the above methods is strongly recommended.

Source: 3
Page 14 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 1.2

In the case definition for an apparent outbreak of trichinosis, investigators used the following

Clinical criteria
Confirmed case: signs and symptoms plus laboratory confirmation
Probable case: acute onset of at least three of the following four features: myalgia, fever,
facial edema, or eosinophil count greater than 500/mm3
Possible case: acute onset of two of the four features plus a physician diagnosis of trichinosis
Suspect case: unexplained eosinophilia
Not a case: failure to fulfill the criteria for a confirmed, probable, possible, or suspect case

Onset after October 26, 1991
Metropolitan Atlanta

Assign the appropriate classification to each of the persons included in the line listing below.
(All were residents of Atlanta with acute onset of symptoms in November.)

ID Last facial eosinophil Physician Lab

# name myalgia fever edema count diagnosis confirm Classification
1 Abels yes yes no 495 trichinosis yes -------------
2 Baker yes yes yes pending trichinosis ? pending -------------
3 Corey yes yes no 1,100 trichinosis pending -------------
4 Dale yes no no 2,050 EMS ? pending -------------
5 Ring yes no no 600 trichinosis not done -------------

Answers on page 62.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 15

Exercise 1.3

The following is the official case definition for Kawasaki syndrome that is recommended by

Kawasaki Syndrome
Clinical case definition
A febrile illness of greater than or equal to 5 days’ duration, with at least four of the five following
physical findings and no other more reasonable explanation for the observed clinical findings:
• Bilateral conjunctival injection
• Oral changes (erythema of lips or oropharynx, strawberry tongue, or fissuring of the lips)
• Peripheral extremity changes (edema, erythema, or generalized or periungual desquamation)
• Rash
• Cervical lymphadenopathy (at least one lymph node greater than or equal to 1.5 cm in
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification
Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition
If fever disappears after intravenous gamma globulin therapy is started, fever may be of less than
5 days’ duration, and the clinical case definition may still be met.

Source: 3

Discuss the pros and cons of this case definition for the purposes listed below. (For a brief
description of Kawasaki syndrome, see Benenson’s Control of Communicable Diseases in Man).

a. diagnosing and treating individual patients

b. tracking the occurrence of the disease for public health records

c. doing research to identify the cause of the disease

Answers on page 63.

Page 16 Principles of Epidemiology

Numbers and Rates

A basic task of a health department is counting cases in order to measure and describe
morbidity. When physicians diagnose a case of a reportable disease they send a report of the case
to their local health department. These reports are legally required to contain information on time
(when the case occurred), place (where the patient lived), and person (the age, race, and sex of
the patient). The health department combines the reports and summarizes the information by
time, place, and person. From these summaries, the health department determines the extent and
patterns of disease occurrence in the area, and identifies clusters or outbreaks of disease.
A simple count of cases, however, does not provide all the information a health department
needs. To compare the occurrence of a disease at different locations or during different times, a
health department converts the case counts into rates, which relate the number of cases to the
size of the population where they occurred.
Rates are useful in many ways. With rates, the health department can identify groups in the
community with an elevated risk of disease. These so-called high-risk groups can be further
assessed and targeted for special intervention; the groups can be studied to identify risk factors
that are related to the occurrence of disease. Individuals can use knowledge of these risk factors
to guide their decisions about behaviors that influence health. (Lesson 2 discusses rates in more

Descriptive Epidemiology
In descriptive epidemiology, we organize and summarize data according to time, place, and
person. These three characteristics are sometimes called the epidemiologic variables.
Compiling and analyzing data by time, place, and person is desirable for several reasons.
First, the investigator becomes intimately familiar with the data and with the extent of the public
health problem being investigated. Second, this provides a detailed description of the health of a
population that is easily communicated. Third, such analysis identifies the populations that are at
greatest risk of acquiring a particular disease. This information provides important clues to the
causes of the disease, and these clues can be turned into testable hypotheses.

Disease rates change over time. Some of these changes occur regularly and can be predicted.
For example, the seasonal increase of influenza cases with the onset of cold weather is a pattern
that is familiar to everyone. By knowing when flu outbreaks will occur, health departments can
time their flu shot campaigns effectively. Other disease rates make unpredictable changes. By
examining events that precede a disease rate increase or decrease, we may identify causes and
appropriate actions to control or prevent further occurrence of the disease.
We usually show time data as a graph. We put the number or rate of cases or deaths on the
vertical, y-axis; we put the time periods along the horizontal, x-axis. We often indicate on a
graph when events occurred that we believe are related to the particular health problem described
in the graph. For example, we may indicate the period of exposure or the date control measures
were implemented. Such a graph provides a simple visual depiction of the relative size of a
problem, its past trend and potential future course, as well as how other events may have affected
the problem. Studying such a graph often gives us insights into what may have caused the
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 17

Depending on what event we are describing, we may be interested in a period of years or

decades, or we may limit the period to days, weeks, or months when the number of cases
reported is greater than normal (an epidemic period). For some conditions—for many chronic
diseases, for example—we are interested in long-term changes in the number of cases or rate of
the condition. For other conditions, we may find it more revealing to look at the occurrence of
the condition by season, month, day of the week, or even time of day. For a newly recognized
problem, we need to assess the occurrence of the problem over time in a variety of ways until we
discover the most appropriate and revealing time period to use. Some of the common types of
time-related graphs are further described below.
Secular (long-term) trends. Graphing the annual cases or rate of a disease over a period of
years shows long-term or secular trends in the occurrence of the disease. We commonly use
these trends to suggest or predict the future incidence of a disease. We also use them in some
instances to evaluate programs or policy decisions, or to suggest what caused an increase or
decrease in the occurrence of a disease, particularly if the graph indicates when related events
took place, as Figure 1.3 does. (NOTE: If you have difficulty understanding the graphs in this
lesson, refer to Lesson 4 for information on Tables, Graphs, and Charts.)
Seasonality. By graphing the occurrence of a disease by week or month over the course of a
year or more we can show its seasonal pattern, if any. Some diseases are known to have
characteristic seasonal distributions; for example, as mentioned earlier, the number of reported
cases of influenza typically increases in winter. Seasonal patterns may suggest hypotheses about
how the infection is transmitted, what behavioral factors increase risk, and other possible
contributors to the disease or condition. The seasonal pattern of farm tractor fatalities is shown in
Figure 1.4. What factors might contribute to its seasonal pattern?
Notice that Figure 1.5 shows the occurrence of a disease event over the course of a year.
Before reading further, examine the pattern of cases in this graph and decide whether you can
conclude from this graph that the disease will have this same pattern every year.
From only the single year’s data in Figure 1.5, it is difficult to conclude whether the peak in
June represents a characteristic seasonal pattern that would be repeated yearly, or whether it is
simply an epidemic that occurred in the spring and summer of that particular year. You would
need more than one year’s data before you could conclude that the pattern shown there
represents the seasonal variation in this disease.
Page 18 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 1.3
Malaria by year, United States, 1930-1990
Works Progress Administration Malaria Control Drainage Program
Reported Cases per 100,000 Population
Relapses from Overseas Cases

Relapses from Korean Veterans

Returning Vietnam Veterans

Foreign Immigration


1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990
Source: 9

Figure 1.4
Fatalities associated with farm tractor injuries
by month of death, Georgia, 1971-1981

Source: 15
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 19

Figure 1.5
Cases of an unknown disease by month of onset









Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Month of Onset
Source: 14

Day of week and time of day. Displaying data by days of the week or time of day may also
be informative. Analysis at these shorter time periods is especially important for conditions that
are potentially related to occupational or environmental exposures, which may occur at regularly
scheduled intervals. In Figure 1.6, farm tractor fatalities are displayed by days of the week. Does
this analysis at shorter time periods suggest any hypothesis?
In Figure 1.6 the number of farm tractor fatalities on Sundays is about half the number on the
other days. We can only speculate why this is. One reasonable hypothesis is that farmers spend
fewer hours on their tractors on Sundays than on the other days.
Examine the pattern of fatalities associated with farm tractor injuries by hour in Figure 1.7.
How might you explain the morning peak at 11:00 AM, the dip at noon, and the afternoon peak
at 4:00 PM?
Epidemic period. To show the time course of a disease outbreak or epidemic, we use a
specialized graph called an epidemic curve. As with the other graphs you have seen in this
section, we place the number of cases on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. For
time, we use either the time of onset of symptoms or the date of diagnosis. For very acute
diseases with short incubation periods (i.e., time period between exposure and onset of
symptoms is short), we may show time as the hour of onset. For diseases with longer incubation
periods, we might show time in 1-day, 2-day, 3-day, 1-week, or other appropriate intervals.
Figure 1.8 shows an epidemic curve that uses a 3-day interval for a foodborne disease outbreak.
Notice how the cases are stacked in adjoining columns. By convention, we use this format, called
a histogram, for epidemic curves. The shape and other features of an epidemic curve can
suggest hypotheses about the time and source of exposure, the mode of transmission, and the
causative agent. Epidemic curves are discussed in more detail in Lessons 4 and 6.
Page 20 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 1.6
Fatalities associated with farm tractor injuries
by day of death, Georgia, 1971-1981







Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Day of the Week
Source: 15

Figure 1.7
Fatalities associated with farm tractor injuries
by time of day, Georgia, 1971-1981






8 am 9 am 10 am11 am Noon 1 pm 2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm
Time of Day
Source: 15
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 21

Figure 1.8
Date of onset of illness in patients with
culture-confirmed Yersinia enterocolitica infections, Atlanta,
November 1, 1988-January 10, 1989
Thanksgiving Christmas New Year’s

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 1 4 7 10
November December January
Date of Onset
Source: 18

We describe a health event by place to gain insight into the geographical extent of the
problem. For place, we may use place of residence, birthplace, place of employment, school
district, hospital unit, etc., depending on which may be related to the occurrence of the health
event. Similarly, we may use large or small geographic units: country, state, county, census tract,
street address, map coordinates, or some other standard geographical designation. Sometimes,
we may find it useful to analyze data according to place categories such as urban or rural,
domestic or foreign, and institutional or noninstitutional.
Not all analyses by place will be equally informative. For example, examine the data shown
in Table 1.3. Where were the malaria cases diagnosed? What “place” does the table break the
data down by? Would it have been more or less useful to analyze the data according to the “state
of residence” of the cases?
We believe that it provides more useful information to show the data in Table 1.3 by where
the infection was acquired than it would have to show where the case-patients lived. By
analyzing the malaria cases by place of acquisition, we can see where the risk of acquiring
malaria is high.
By analyzing data by place, we can also get an idea of where the agent that causes a disease
normally lives and multiplies, what may carry or transmit it, and how it spreads. When we find
that the occurrence of a disease is associated with a place, we can infer that factors that increase
the risk of the disease are present either in the persons living there (host factors) or in the
environment, or both. For example, diseases that are passed from one person to another spread
more rapidly in urban areas than in rural ones, mainly because the greater crowding in urban
areas provides more opportunities for susceptible people to come into contact with someone who
Page 22 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 1.3
Malaria cases by distribution of Plasmodium species and
area of acquisition, United States, 1989
Area of Acquisition Vivax Falciparum Other Total
Africa 52 382 64 498
Asia 207 44 29 280
Central America & Caribbean 107 14 9 130
North America 131 3 13 147
(United States) (5) (0) (0) (5)
South America 10 1 2 13
Oceania 19 2 5 26
Unknown 6 2 0 8
Total 532 448 122 1,102
Source: 6

is infected. On the other hand, diseases that are passed from animals to humans often occur in
greater numbers in rural and suburban areas because people in those areas are more likely to
come into contact with disease-carrying animals, ticks, and the like. For example, perhaps Lyme
disease has become more common because people have moved to wooded areas where they
come into contact with infected deer ticks.
Although we can show data by place in a table—as Table 1.3 does—it is often better to show
it pictorially in a map. On a map, we can use different shadings, color, or line patterns to indicate
how a disease or health event has different numbers or rates of occurrence in different areas, as
in Figure 1.9.
For a rare disease or outbreak, we often find it useful to prepare a spot map, like Snow’s
map of the Golden Square of London (Figure 1.1, page 5), in which we mark with a dot or an X
the relation of each case to a place that is potentially relevant to the health event being
investigated—such as where each case lived or worked. We may also label other sites on a spot
map, such as where we believe cases may have been exposed, to show the orientation of cases
within the area mapped.
Figure 1.10 is a spot map for an outbreak of mumps that occurred among employees of the
Chicago futures exchanges. Study the location of each case in relation to other cases and to the
trading pits. The four numbered areas delineated with heavy lines are the trading pits. Do the
location of cases on the spot map lead you to any hypothesis about the source of infection?
You probably observed that the cases occurred primarily among those working in trading pits
#3 and #4. This clustering of illness within trading pits provides indirect evidence that the
mumps was transmitted person-to person.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 23

Figure 1.9
AIDS cases per 100,000 population,
United States, July 1991-June 1992

Source: 4

Figure 1.10
Mumps cases in trading pits of exchange A, Chicago, Illinois,
August 18-December 25, 1987





Pit areas are numbered and delineated by heavy lines. Affected person (N= 43)
Individual trading pits within pit areas are outlined by light lines. Desk areas
Source: CDC, unpublished data, 1988
Page 24 Principles of Epidemiology

In descriptive epidemiology, when we organize or analyze data by “person” there are several
person categories available to us. We may use inherent characteristics of people (for example,
age, race, sex), their acquired characteristics (immune or marital status), their activities
(occupation, leisure activities, use of medications/tobacco/drugs), or the conditions under which
they live (socioeconomic status, access to medical care). These categories determine to a large
degree who is at greatest risk of experiencing some undesirable health condition, such as
becoming infected with a particular disease organism. We may show person data in either tables
or graphs.
In analyzing data by person, we often must try a number of different person categories before
we find which are the most useful and enlightening. Age and sex are most critical; we almost
always analyze data according to these. Depending on what health event we are studying, we
may or may not break the data down by the other attributes. Often we analyze data into more
than one category simultaneously; for example, we may look at age and sex simultaneously to
see if the sexes differ in how they develop a condition that increases with age—as they do for
heart disease.
Age. Age is probably the single most important “person” attribute, because almost every
health-related event or state varies with age. A number of factors that also vary with age are
behind this association: susceptibility, opportunity for exposure, latency or incubation period of
the disease, and physiologic response (which affects, among other things, disease development).
When we analyze data by age, we try to use age groups that are narrow enough to detect any
age-related patterns that may be present in the data. In an initial breakdown by age, we
commonly use 5-year age intervals: 0 to 4 years, 5 to 9, 10 to 14, and so on. Larger intervals,
such as 0 to 19 years, 20 to 39, etc., can conceal variations related to age which we need to know
to identify the true population at risk. Sometimes, even the commonly used 5-year age groups
can hide important differences. Take time to examine Figure 1.11a, for example, before you read
ahead. What does the information in this figure suggest health authorities should do to reduce the
number of cases of whooping cough? Where should health authorities focus their efforts?
You probably said that health authorities should focus on immunizing infants against
whooping cough during the first year of life. Now, examine Figure 1.11b. This figure shows the
same data but they are presented in the usual 5-year intervals. Based on Figure 1.11b where
would you have suggested that health authorities focus their efforts? Would this recommendation
have been as effective and efficient in reducing cases of whooping cough?
You probably said that health authorities should immunize infants and children before the
age of 5. That recommendation would be effective, but it would not be efficient. You would be
immunizing more children than actually necessary and wasting resources.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 25

Figure 1.11a
Pertussis (whooping cough) incidence by age group,
United States, 1989

Source: 9

Figure 1.11b
Pertussis (whooping cough) incidence by age group,
United States, 1989

Source: 9
Page 26 Principles of Epidemiology

Sex. In general, males have higher rates of illness and death than females do for a wide range
of diseases. For some diseases, this sex-related difference is because of genetic, hormonal,
anatomic, or other inherent differences between the sexes. These inherent differences affect their
susceptibility or physiologic responses. For example, premenopausal women have a lower risk of
heart disease than men of the same age. This difference is attributed to higher estrogen levels in
women. On the other hand, the sex-related differences in the occurrence of many diseases reflect
differences in opportunity or levels of exposure. For example, Figure 1.12 shows that hand/wrist
disorders occur almost twice as often in females than in males. What are some sex-related
differences that would cause a higher level of this disorder in females?

Figure 1.12
Prevalence of hand/wrist cumulative trauma disorder
by sex, Newspaper Company A, 1990

Source: NIOSH, unpublished data, 1991

You may have attributed the higher level of disorders in females to their higher level of
exposure to occupational activities that require repetitive hand/wrist motion such as typing or
keyboard entry. With occupationally-related illness, we usually find that sex differences reflect
the number of workers in those occupations. You may also have attributed the higher level of
disorders in females to anatomical differences; perhaps women’s wrists are more susceptible to
hand/wrist disorders.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 27

Ethnic and racial groups. In examining epidemiologic data, we are interested in any group
of people who have lived together long enough to acquire common characteristics, either
biologically or socially. Several terms are commonly used to identify such groups: race,
nationality, religion, or local reproductive or social groups, such as tribes and other
geographically or socially isolated groups.
Differences that we observe in racial, ethnic, or other groups may reflect differences in their
susceptibility or in their exposure, or they may reflect differences in other factors that bear more
directly on the risk of disease, such as socioeconomic status and access to health care. In Figure
1.13, the rates of suicide for five groups of people are displayed.

Figure 1.13
Suicide death rates for persons 15 to 24 years of age
according to race/ethnicity, United States, 1988

Source: 22

Clearly this graph displays a range of suicide death rates for the five groups of people. These
data provide direction for prevention programs and for future studies to explain the differences.
Socioeconomic status. Socioeconomic status is difficult to quantify. It is made up of many
variables such as occupation, family income, educational achievement, living conditions, and
social standing. The variables that are easiest to measure may not reflect the overall concept.
Nevertheless, we commonly use occupation, family income, and educational achievement, while
recognizing that these do not measure socioeconomic status precisely.
The frequency of many adverse health conditions increases with decreasing socioeconomic
status. For example, tuberculosis is more common among persons in lower socioeconomic strata.
Infant mortality and time lost from work due to disability are both associated with lower income.
These patterns may reflect more harmful exposures, lower resistance, and less access to health
Page 28 Principles of Epidemiology

care. Or they may in part reflect an interdependent relationship which is impossible to

untangle—does low socioeconomic status contribute to disability or does disability contribute to
lower socioeconomic status?
Some adverse health conditions are more frequent among persons of higher socioeconomic
status. These conditions include breast cancer, Kawasaki syndrome, and tennis elbow. Again,
differences in exposure account for at least some of the differences in the frequency of these
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 29

Exercise 1.4

The following series of tables show person information about cases of the unknown disease
described in Figure 1.5. Look again at Figure 1.5 (page 19), study the information in the exercise
tables, and then describe in words how the disease outbreak is distributed by time and person.
Write your description below.

Answers on page 63.

Page 30 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 1.4 — continued

Exercise 1.4, Table 1

Incidence of the disease by age and sex
in 24 villages surveyed for one year
Males Females
Age Group Population* # Cases Rate per Population* # Cases Rate per
(years) 1,000 1,000
<1 327 0 0 365 0 0
1 233 2 8.6 205 1 4.9
2 408 30 73.5 365 16 43.8
3 368 26 70.7 331 28 84.6
4 348 33 94.8 321 32 99.7

5-9 1,574 193 122.6 1,531 174 113.7

10-14 1,329 131 98.6 1,276 95 74.5
15-19 1,212 4 3.3 1,510 17 11.3
20-24 1,055 1 .9 1,280 51 39.8
25-29 882 1 1.1 997 75 75.2

30-34 779 4 5.1 720 47 65.3

35-39 639 4 6.3 646 51 78.9
40-44 469 10 21.3 485 34 70.1
45-49 372 7 18.8 343 18 52.5
50-54 263 13 49.4 263 12 45.6

55-59 200 5 25.0 228 6 26.3

60-64 164 9 53.6 153 3 19.6
65-69 106 4 37.7 105 2 19.1
≥70 80 6 75.0 114 2 17.5

Total 10,812 483 44.7 11,238 664 59.1

*As enumerated between May 1 and July 15.

Exercise 1.4, Table 2

Incidence of the disease in women
by marital status and age
Married Women Single Women
Age Group Rate per Rate per
(years) Population #Cases 1,000 Population # Cases 1,000
16-29 1,905 89 46.7 1,487 16 10.7
30-49 1,684 98 58.2 141 4 28.4
≥50 387 4 10.3 26 0 0

Total 3,976 191 48.0 1,654 20 12.1

Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 31

Exercise 1.4 — continued

Exercise 1.4, Table 3

Incidence of the disease by occupation, age, and sex
Sex Mill Worker? Age Group Ill Well Total Percent Ill
Female Yes <10 0 0 0 —
10-19 2 330 332 0.6
20-29 4 194 198 2.0
30-44 2 93 95 2.1
45-54 0 9 9 0
≥55 0 5 5 0

Female No <10 28 577 605 4.6

10-19 5 200 205 2.4
20-29 12 204 216 5.6
30-44 16 220 236 6.8
45-54 4 91 95 4.2
≥55 1 92 93 1.1

Male Yes <10 0 0 0 —

10-19 3 355 358 0.8
20-29 1 361 362 0.3
30-44 3 318 321 0.9
45-54 0 93 93 0
≥55 1 51 52 1.9

Male No <10 23 629 652 3.5

10-19 4 161 165 2.4
20-29 1 12 13 7.7
30-44 0 10 10 0
45-54 1 14 15 6.7
≥55 4 26 30 13.3

Exercise 1.4, Table 4

Incidence of the disease by socioeconomic status
in 24 villages* surveyed for one year
Family Socioeconomic Status Cases Population Rate per 1,000
Stratum 1 (Lowest) 99 796 124.4
Stratum 2 240 2,888 83.1
Stratum 3 260 4,868 53.4
Stratum 4 177 5,035 35.2
Stratum 5 132 5,549 23.8
Stratum 6 23 1,832 12.6
Stratum 7 (Highest) 2 769 2.6

Total 933 21,737 42.9

*Restricted to cases developing after 30 day’s residence.
Page 32 Principles of Epidemiology

Analytic Epidemiology
As you have seen, with descriptive epidemiology we can identify several characteristics of
persons with disease, and we may question whether these features are really unusual, but
descriptive epidemiology does not answer that question. Analytic epidemiology provides a way
to find the answer: the comparison group. Comparison groups, which provide baseline data, are a
key feature of analytic epidemiology.
For example, in one outbreak of hepatitis A, it was found that almost all of those infected ate
pastries from a particular bakery and drank city water (26). However, without knowing the habits
of persons without hepatitis, it was not possible to conclude that pastries, city water, or both were
risk factors for hepatitis. Therefore, a comparison group of healthy persons from the same
population were questioned. Among the comparison group without hepatitis, almost all drank
city water but few were exposed to the pastries. This finding indicated that pastries from the
particular bakery were a risk factor for hepatitis A.
When—as in the example above—we find that persons with a particular characteristic are
more likely than those without the characteristic to develop a certain disease, then the
characteristic is said to be associated with the disease. The characteristic may be a demographic
factor such as age, race, or sex; a constitutional factor such as blood group or immune status; a
behavior or act such as smoking or having eaten a specific food such as potato salad; or a
circumstance such as living near a toxic waste site. Identifying factors that are associated with
disease helps us identify populations at increased risk of disease; we can then target public health
prevention and control activities. Identifying risk factors also provides clues to direct research
activities into the causes of a disease.
Thus, analytic epidemiology is concerned with the search for causes and effects, or the why
and the how. We use analytic epidemiology to quantify the association between exposures and
outcomes and to test hypotheses about causal relationships. It is sometimes said that
epidemiology can never prove that a particular exposure caused a particular outcome.
Epidemiology may, however, provide sufficient evidence for us to take appropriate control and
prevention measures.
Epidemiologic studies fall into two categories: experimental and observational. In an
experimental study, we determine the exposure status for each individual (clinical trial) or
community (community trial); we then follow the individuals or communities to detect the
effects of the exposure. In an observational study, which is more common, we simply observe
the exposure and outcome status of each study participant. The study of hepatitis A cases
described above was an observational study.
Two types of observational studies are the cohort study and the case-control study. A
cohort study is similar in concept to the experimental study. We categorize subjects on the basis
of their exposure and then observe them to see if they develop the health conditions we are
studying. This differs from an experimental study in that, in a cohort study, we observe the
exposure status rather than determine it. After a period of time, we compare the disease rate in
the exposed group with the disease rate in the unexposed group. The length of follow-up varies,
ranging from a few days for acute diseases to several decades for cancer, cardiovascular disease,
and other chronic diseases. The Framingham study is a well-known cohort study which has
followed over 5,000 residents of Framingham, Massachusetts, since the early 1950’s to establish
the rates and risk factors for heart disease (12).
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 33

The case-control study—the other type of observational study—is more common than the
cohort study. In a case-control study, we enroll a group of people with disease (“cases”) and a
group without disease (“controls”) and compare their patterns of previous exposures. The study
of hepatitis A described above is an example of a case-control study. The key in a case-control
study is to identify an appropriate control, or comparison, group, because it provides our measure
of the expected amount of exposure.
In summary, the purpose of an epidemiologic study is to quantify the relationship between an
exposure and a health outcome. The hallmark of an epidemiologic study is the presence of at
least two groups, one of which serves as a comparison group. In an experimental study, the
investigator determines the exposure for the study subjects; in an observational study, the
subjects determine their own exposure. In an observational cohort study, subjects first are
enrolled on the basis of their exposure, then are followed to document occurrence of disease. In
an observational case-control study, subjects first are enrolled according to whether they have the
disease or not, then are questioned or tested to determine their prior exposure.
Page 34 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 1.5

Classify each of the following studies as experimental, observational/cohort, observational/case-

control, or not an epidemiologic study.

_____________ a. Vietnam Experience Study: Subjects were several thousand soldiers

stationed in Vietnam from 1969-1971 and several thousand soldiers
stationed in Europe from 1969-1971. In the mid-1980’s, investigators
determined and compared the death rate and prevalence of illness in both

_____________ b. Subjects were 59 patients with end-stage cancer. All were given a new
treatment. The monthly survival was charted over 2 years.

_____________ c. Subjects were persons with laboratory-confirmed trichinosis, and one

healthy friend of each. All subjects were asked about their consumption of
pork and other meat products.

_____________ d. Subjects were children enrolled in a health maintenance organization. At 18

months, each child was randomly given one of two types of vaccine against
Haemophilus influenzae. Parents were asked to record any side effects on a
card, and mail it back after 2 weeks.

Answers on page 64.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 35

Although we use analytic epidemiology to search for causes of disease, this is not a
straightforward matter. First, not all associations between exposures and disease are causal
relations. In addition, the accepted models of disease causation all require the precise interaction
of factors and conditions before a disease will occur. Finally, the concept of cause itself
continues to be debated as a philosophical matter in the scientific literature. Nonetheless, the
following models and guidelines provide a framework for considering causation at a practical
For purposes of this course, we will define a cause of disease as a factor (characteristic,
behavior, event, etc.) that influences the occurrence of disease. An increase in the factor leads to
an increase in disease. Reduction in the factor leads to a reduction in disease. If disease does not
develop without the factor being present, then we term the causative factor “necessary.” If the
disease always results from the factor, then we term the causative factor “sufficient.” Exposure
to Mycobacterium tuberculosis is necessary for tuberculosis to develop, but it is not sufficient,
because not everyone infected develops disease. On the other hand, exposure to a large inoculum
of rabies virus is a sufficient cause in a susceptible person, since clinical rabies and death will
almost inevitably occur.
A variety of models of disease causation have been proposed. Models are purposely
simplified representations. In this instance, the purpose of the model is to facilitate the
understanding of nature, which is complex. Two of these models are discussed below.

The Epidemiologic Triad:

Agent, Host, and Environment
The epidemiologic triangle or triad is the traditional model of infectious disease causation.
It has three components: an external agent, a susceptible host, and an environment that brings the
host and agent together. In this model, the environment influences the agent, the host, and the
route of transmission of the agent from a source to the host. Figure 1.14 shows two versions of
this model in diagram form.

Agent factors
Agent originally referred to an infectious microorganism—virus, bacterium, parasite, or
other microbe. Generally, these agents must be present for disease to occur. That is, they are
necessary but not always sufficient to cause disease.
As epidemiology has been applied to noninfectious conditions, the concept of agent in this
model has been broadened to include chemical and physical causes of disease. These include
chemical contaminants, such as the l-tryptophan contaminant responsible for eosinophilia-
myalgia syndrome, and physical forces, such as repetitive mechanical forces associated with
carpal tunnel syndrome. This model does not work well for some noninfectious diseases, because
it is not always clear whether a particular factor should be classified as an agent or as an
environmental factor.
Page 36 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 1.14
Epidemiologic triangle and triad (balance beam)


Agent Host

Host Environment

Host factors
Host factors are intrinsic factors that influence an individual’s exposure, susceptibility, or
response to a causative agent. Age, race, sex, socioeconomic status, and behaviors (smoking,
drug abuse, lifestyle, sexual practices and contraception, eating habits) are just some of the many
host factors which affect a person’s likelihood of exposure. Age, genetic composition, nutritional
and immunologic status, anatomic structure, presence of disease or medications, and
psychological makeup are some of the host factors which affect a person’s susceptibility and
response to an agent.

Environmental factors
Environmental factors are extrinsic factors which affect the agent and the opportunity for
exposure. Generally, environmental factors include physical factors such as geology, climate,
and physical surroundings (e.g., a nursing home, hospital); biologic factors such as insects that
transmit the agent; and socioeconomic factors such as crowding, sanitation, and the availability
of health services.
Agent, host, and environmental factors interrelate in a variety of complex ways to produce
disease in humans. Their balance and interactions are different for different diseases. When we
search for causal relationships, we must look at all three components and analyze their
interactions to find practical and effective prevention and control measures.

Component Causes and Causal Pies

Because the agent-host-environment model does not work well for some noninfectious
diseases, several other models have been proposed. One of the newer models is based on the
multifactorial nature of causation in many diseases. This model is shown in Figure 1.15. It
illustrates the factors that act to cause disease as pieces of a pie, the whole pie making up the
sufficient cause for a disease. Notice that it shows that a disease may have more than one
sufficient cause, with each sufficient cause being composed of several factors. What is the letter
of the necessary cause shown for the hypothetical disease illustrated by this model?
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 37

The factors represented by the pieces of the pie in this model are called component causes.
They include intrinsic host factors, as well as the agent and the environmental factors of the
agent-host-environment model. A single component cause is rarely a sufficient cause by itself.
For example, even exposure to a highly infectious agent such as measles virus does not
invariably result in measles disease—the host must be susceptible; other host factors may also
play a role.
At the other extreme, an agent which rarely causes disease in healthy persons may be
pathogenic when other conditions are right. Pneumocystis carinii is one such organism,
harmlessly colonizing some healthy persons but causing potentially lethal pneumonia in persons
whose immune systems have been weakened by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Presence
of Pneumocystis carinii organisms is therefore a necessary but not sufficient cause of
pneumocystis pneumonia. In Figure 1.15 it would be represented by component A in each “pie.”
If the three pies in the model represented all the sufficient causes for a particular disease,
component A would be considered a necessary cause for the disease, as P. carinii is for
pneumocystis pneumonia. Because component A is included in all sufficient causes for the
disease, it would have to be present, usually with various combinations of other factors, for
disease to occur. Infectious agents are likely to be represented by component A. Did you
recognize earlier that “A” was the necessary cause for the hypothetical disease shown in each

Figure 1.15
Rothman’s causal pies: conceptual scheme for the
causes of a hypothetical disease



Source: 25
Page 38 Principles of Epidemiology

As the model indicates, a particular disease may result from a variety of different sufficient
causes. They are different pathways leading to the same end. For example, lung cancer may
result from a sufficient cause which includes smoking as a component cause. Smoking is not a
sufficient cause by itself, however, since not all smokers develop lung cancer. Neither is
smoking a necessary cause, because lung cancer may occur in persons who never smoked. Thus
smoking may be represented by component B, which is present in sufficient causes I and II but
not in III. Asbestos exposure may be represented by component C, present in causes I and III but
not in II. Indeed, since lung cancer may develop in persons with neither smoking or asbestos
exposure, there would have to be at least one other sufficient cause pie that did not include
components B and C.
To apply this model, we do not have to identify every component of a sufficient cause before
we can take preventive action. We can prevent disease by blocking any single component of a
sufficient cause, at least through that pathway. For example, eliminating smoking (component B)
would prevent lung cancer from sufficient causes I and II, although some lung cancer would still
occur through sufficient cause III.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 39

Exercise 1.6

Use the two models (Agent-Host-Environment and Causal Pies) to describe the following:

a. Use the Agent-Host-Environment model to describe the role of the human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) in AIDS.




b. Some of the risk factors for heart disease are smoking, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, high
cholesterol, inactivity, stress, and type A personality. Are these risk factors necessary causes,
sufficient causes, or component causes?

Answers on page 64.

Page 40 Principles of Epidemiology

Epidemiology in
Public Health Practice
Epidemiology is a tool that is essential for carrying out four fundamental functions: public
health surveillance, disease investigation, analytic studies, and program evaluation. Although an
active epidemiology unit will do other things as well, these are the key areas through which
epidemiology contributes to the promotion of the public’s health.

Public Health Surveillance

Through public health surveillance, a health department systematically collects, analyzes,
interprets, and disseminates health data on an ongoing basis (28). Public health surveillance,
which has been called “information for action” (23), is how a health department takes the pulse
of its community. By knowing the ongoing pattern of disease occurrence and disease potential, a
health department can effectively and efficiently investigate, prevent, and control disease in the
At the local level, the most common source of surveillance data is reports of disease cases
received from health-care providers, who are required to report patients with certain “reportable”
diseases, such as cholera or measles or syphilis. In addition, surveillance data may come from
laboratory reports, surveys, disease registries, death certificates, and public health program data
such as immunization coverage. It may also come from investigations by the health department
of cases or clusters of cases reported to it.
Most health departments use simple surveillance systems. They monitor individual morbidity
and mortality case reports, record a limited amount of information on each case, and look for
patterns by time, place, and person. Unfortunately, with some reportable diseases, a health
department may receive reports of only 10% to 25% of the cases that actually occur (20).
Nevertheless, health departments have found that even a simple surveillance system can be
invaluable in detecting problems and guiding public health action. The principal epidemiologist
of a large county health department has said that “surveillance is the practicing epidemiologist’s
primary occupation; it pervades and keynotes all his activities” (24). We will discuss surveillance
in more detail in Lesson 5.

Disease Investigation
As noted above, surveillance is considered information for action. The first action of a health
department when it receives a report of a case or a cluster of cases of a disease is to investigate.
The investigation may be as limited as a telephone call to the health-care provider to confirm or
clarify the circumstances of the reported case, or it may be as extensive as a field investigation
coordinating the efforts of dozens of people to determine the extent and cause of a large
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 41

The objectives of such investigations vary. With a communicable disease, one objective may
be to identify additional unreported or unrecognized cases in order to control spread of the
disease. For example, one of the hallmarks of sexually transmitted disease investigations is the
identification of sexual contacts of cases. When these contacts are interviewed and tested they
are often found to have asymptomatic infections. By providing treatment that these contacts had
not realized they needed, the health department prevents them from spreading the disease further.
For other diseases, the objective of an investigation may be to identify a source or vehicle of
infection which can be controlled or eliminated. For example, the investigation of a case of
botulism usually focuses on trying to identify the vehicle contaminated with botulinum toxin,
such as a food that was improperly canned. Once they have identified the vehicle, the
investigators can establish how many other people may have been exposed and how many
continue to be at risk, and take action to prevent their exposure. In Taiwan, investigators of a
cluster of botulism cases implicated consumption of canned peanuts prepared by a single
manufacturer (10). They then initiated a nationwide recall of that product from warehouses,
stores, and homes to reduce the risk of exposure for others.
For some diseases, the objective of an investigation may be simply to learn more about the
disease itself—its natural history, clinical spectrum, descriptive epidemiology, and risk factors.
In the nationwide outbreak of toxic shock syndrome in 1980, early investigations focused on
establishing a case definition based on the clinical symptoms, and on describing the populations
at risk by time, place, and person. From the descriptive epidemiology, investigators were able to
develop hypotheses which they could test with analytic studies. They conducted a series of
increasingly specific studies which narrowed specific risk factors down from menstruating
women to tampon users to users of a specific brand of tampon. This information prompted the
withdrawal of that brand from the market, and subsequent research to identify what factors in the
composition and use of the tampon were necessary for the syndrome to develop (8).
Field investigations of the type described above are sometimes referred to as “shoe-leather
epidemiology,” conjuring images of dedicated if haggard epidemiologists beating the pavement
in search of additional cases to interview and clues to identify the source and mode of
transmission. This approach is commemorated in the symbol of the Epidemic Intelligence
Service, CDC’s cadre of disease detectives—a shoe with a hole in the sole.
We will discuss disease investigation in more detail in Lesson 6.

Figure 1.16
Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) shoe
Page 42 Principles of Epidemiology

Analytic Studies
Surveillance and case investigation sometimes are sufficient to identify causes, modes of
transmission, and appropriate control and prevention measures. Sometimes they provide clues or
hypotheses which must be assessed with appropriate analytic techniques.
Investigators initially use descriptive epidemiology to examine clusters of cases or outbreaks
of disease. They examine incidence of the disease and its distribution by time, place, and person.
They calculate rates and identify parts of the population that are at higher risk than others. When
they find a strong association between exposure and disease, the investigators may implement
control measures immediately. More often, investigators find that descriptive studies, like case
investigations, generate hypotheses which they can then test with analytic studies.
Epidemiologists must be familiar with all aspects of the analytic study, including its design,
conduct, analysis, and interpretation. In addition, the epidemiologist must be able to
communicate the findings as well.
• Study design includes determining the appropriate study design, writing justifications
and protocols, calculating sample sizes, deciding on criteria for subject selection (e.g.,
choosing controls), designing questionnaires, and numerous other tasks that are part of
the study plan.
• To conduct a study requires securing appropriate clearances and approvals, abstracting
records, tracking down and interviewing subjects, collecting and handling specimens,
and managing the data.
• Analysis begins with describing the characteristics of the subjects and progresses to
calculating rates, creating comparative tables (e.g., two-by-two tables), and computing
measures of association (e.g., risk ratios and odds ratios), tests of statistical significance
(e.g., chi-square), confidence intervals, and the like. These techniques will be discussed
in Lessons 2 and 6. Many epidemiologic studies require more advanced analytic
techniques such as stratified analysis, regression, and modeling.
• Finally, interpretation involves putting the findings of the study into perspective and
making appropriate recommendations.

Evaluation of control and prevention measures is another responsibility of epidemiologists.
Evaluation often addresses both effectiveness and efficiency. Effectiveness refers to the ability
of a program to produce the intended or expected results in the field. Effectiveness differs from
efficacy, which is the ability to produce results under ideal conditions. Finally, efficiency refers
to the ability of the program to produce the intended results with a minimum expenditure of time
and resources. Evaluation of an immunization program, for example, might compare the stated
efficacy with the field effectiveness of the program, and might assess the efficiency with which
the acceptable results are achieved.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 43

Selected Topics in
Epidemiology and Disease
Although epidemiologic approaches can be applied to all types of disease, injury, and health
conditions, the chain of infection for infectious diseases is better understood. In addition,
infectious diseases remain an important focus of state and local public health department
activities. Therefore, a description of some of the key concepts of infectious disease
epidemiology are presented below. These concepts are rooted in infectious disease, but are also
relevant to noninfectious diseases.

Natural History and Spectrum of Disease

Natural history of disease refers to the progress of a disease process in an individual over
time, in the absence of intervention. The process begins with exposure to or accumulation of
factors capable of causing disease. Without medical intervention, the process ends with recovery,
disability, or death. The stages in the natural history of disease are shown in Figure 1.17. Most
diseases have a characteristic natural history (which is poorly understood for many diseases),
although the time frame and specific manifestations of disease may vary from individual to
individual. With a particular individual, the usual course of a disease may be halted at any point
in the progression by preventive and therapeutic measures, host factors, and other influences.

Figure 1.17
Natural history of disease




As shown in Figure 1.17, the natural history begins with the appropriate exposure to or
accumulation of factors sufficient to begin the disease process in a susceptible host. For
infectious disease, the exposure usually is a microorganism. For cancers, the critical factors may
require both cancer initiators, such as asbestos fibers or components in tobacco smoke (for lung
cancer), and cancer promoters, such as estrogens (for endometrial cancer).
Usually, a period of subclinical or inapparent pathologic changes follows exposure, ending
with the onset of symptoms. For infectious diseases, this period is usually called the incubation
period; for chronic diseases, this period is usually called the latency period. This period may be
as brief as seconds for hypersensitivity and toxic reactions to as long as decades for certain
chronic diseases. Even for a single disease, the characteristic incubation period has a range. For
example, for hepatitis A, this range is about 2 to 6 weeks. For leukemia associated with exposure
to the atomic bomb blast in Hiroshima, the range was 2 to 12 years with a peak at 6 to 7 years
Page 44 Principles of Epidemiology

(11). Although disease is inapparent during the incubation period, some pathologic changes may
be detectable with laboratory, radiographic, or other screening methods. Most screening
programs attempt to identify the disease process during this phase of its natural history, since
early intervention may be more effective than treatment at a later stage of disease progression.
The onset of symptoms marks the transition from subclinical to clinical disease. Most
diagnoses are made during the stage of clinical disease. In some people, however, the disease
process may never progress to clinically apparent illness. In others, the disease process may
result in a wide spectrum of clinical illness, ranging from mild to severe or fatal.
Three terms are used to describe an infectious disease according to the various outcomes that
may occur after exposure to its causative agent.
• Infectivity refers to the proportion of exposed persons who become infected.
• Pathogenicity refers to the proportion of infected persons who develop clinical disease.
• Virulence refers to the proportion of persons with clinical disease who become severely
ill or die.
For example, hepatitis A virus in children has low pathogenicity and low virulence, since
many infected children remain asymptomatic and few develop severe illness. In persons with
good nutrition and health, measles virus has high pathogenicity but low virulence, since almost
all infected persons develop the characteristic rash illness but few develop the life-threatening
presentations of measles, pneumonia, or encephalitis. In persons with poorer nutrition and health,
measles is a more virulent disease, with mortality as high as 5-10%. Finally, rabies virus is both
highly pathogenic and virulent, since virtually 100% of all infected persons (who do not receive
treatment) progress to clinical disease and death.
The natural history and spectrum of disease presents challenges to the clinician and to the
public health worker. Because of the clinical spectrum, cases of illness diagnosed by clinicians in
the community often represent only the “tip of the iceberg.” Many additional cases may be too
early to diagnose or may remain asymptomatic. For the public health worker, the challenge is
that persons with inapparent or undiagnosed infections may nonetheless be able to transmit them
to others. Such persons who are infectious but have subclinical disease are called carriers.
Frequently, carriers are persons with incubating disease or inapparent infection. Persons with
measles, hepatitis A, and several other diseases become infectious a few days before the onset of
symptoms. On the other hand, carriers may also be persons who appear to have recovered from
their clinical illness, such as chronic carriers of hepatitis B virus.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 45

Chain of Infection
As described on page 35 of this lesson, the traditional model (epi triad) illustrates that
infectious diseases result from the interaction of agent, host, and environment. More specifically,
transmission occurs when the agent leaves its reservoir or host through a portal of exit, and is
conveyed by some mode of transmission, and enters through an appropriate portal of entry to
infect a susceptible host. This is sometimes called the chain of infection and is illustrated in
Figure 1.18.

Figure 1.18
Chain of infection







The reservoir of an agent is the habitat in which an infectious agent normally lives, grows,
and multiplies. Reservoirs include humans, animals, and the environment. The reservoir may or
may not be the source from which an agent is transferred to a host. For example, the reservoir of
Clostridium botulinum is soil, but the source of most botulism infections is improperly canned
food containing C. botulinum spores.
Human reservoirs. Many of the common infectious diseases have human reservoirs.
Diseases which are transmitted from person to person without intermediaries include the sexually
transmitted diseases, measles, mumps, streptococcal infection, most respiratory pathogens, and
many others. Smallpox was eradicated after the last human case was identified and isolated
because humans were the only reservoir for the smallpox virus. Two types of human reservoir
• persons with symptomatic illness
• carriers
Page 46 Principles of Epidemiology

A carrier is a person without apparent disease who is nonetheless capable of transmitting the
agent to others. Carriers may be asymptomatic carriers, who never show symptoms during the
time they are infected, or may be incubatory or convalescent carriers, who are capable of
transmission before or after they are clinically ill. A chronic carrier is one who continues to
harbor an agent (such as hepatitis B virus or Salmonella typhi—the agent of typhoid fever) for an
extended time (months or years) following the initial infection. Carriers commonly transmit
disease because they do not recognize they are infected and consequently take no special
precautions to prevent transmission. Symptomatic persons, on the other hand, are usually less
likely to transmit infection widely because their symptoms increase their likelihood of being
diagnosed and treated, thereby reducing their opportunity for contact with others.
Animal reservoirs. Infectious diseases that are transmissible under normal conditions from
animals to humans are called zoonoses (ZOH-uh-NOH-seez). In general, these diseases are
transmitted from animal to animal, with humans as incidental hosts. Such diseases include
brucellosis (cows and pigs), anthrax (sheep), plague (rodents), trichinosis (swine), and rabies
(bats, raccoons, dogs, and other mammals).
Another group of diseases with animal reservoirs are those caused by viruses transmitted by
insects and caused by parasites that have complex life cycles, with different reservoirs at
different stages of development. Such diseases include St. Louis encephalitis and malaria (both
requiring mosquitos) and schistosomiasis (requiring fresh water snails). Lyme disease is a
zoonotic disease of deer incidentally transmitted to humans by the deer tick.
Environmental reservoirs. Plants, soil, and water in the environment are also reservoirs for
some infectious agents. Many fungal agents, such as those causing histoplasmosis, live and
multiply in the soil. The primary reservoir of Legionnaires’ bacillus appears to be pools of water,
including those produced by cooling towers and evaporative condensers.

Portal of exit
Portal of exit is the path by which an agent leaves the source host. The portal of exit usually
corresponds to the site at which the agent is localized. Thus, tubercle bacilli and influenza
viruses exit the respiratory tract, schistosomes through urine, cholera vibrios in feces, Sarcoptes
scabiei in scabies skin lesions, and enterovirus 70, an agent of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, in
conjunctival secretions. Some bloodborne agents can exit by crossing the placenta (rubella,
syphilis, toxoplasmosis), while others exit by way of the skin (percutaneously) through cuts or
needles (hepatitis B) or blood-sucking arthropods (malaria).
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 47

Modes of transmission
After an agent exits its natural reservoir, it may be transmitted to a susceptible host in
numerous ways. These modes of transmission are classified as:
• Direct
— Direct contact
— Droplet spread
• Indirect
— Airborne
— Vehicleborne
— Vectorborne

In direct transmission, there is essentially immediate transfer of the agent from a reservoir
to a susceptible host by direct contact or droplet spread. Direct contact occurs through kissing,
skin-to-skin contact, and sexual intercourse. Direct contact refers also to contact with soil or
vegetation harboring infectious organisms. Thus, infectious mononucleosis (“kissing disease”)
and gonorrhea are spread from person-to-person by direct contact. Hookworm is spread by direct
contact with contaminated soil. Droplet spread refers to spray with relatively large, short-range
aerosols produced by sneezing, coughing, or even talking. Droplet spread is classified as direct
because transmission is by direct spray over a few feet, before the droplets fall to the ground.
In indirect transmission, an agent is carried from a reservoir to a susceptible host by
suspended air particles or by animate (vector) or inanimate (vehicle) intermediaries. Most
vectors are arthropods such as mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. These may carry the agent through
purely mechanical means. For example, flies carry Shigella on appendages; fleas carry Yersinia
pestis (agent that causes plague) in the gut and deposit the agent on the skin of a new host. In
mechanical transmission, the agent does not multiply or undergo physiologic changes in the
vector. This is in contrast to instances in which an agent undergoes part of its life cycle inside a
vector before being transmitted to a new host. When the agent undergoes changes within the
vector, the vector is serving as both an intermediate host and a mode of transmission. This type
of indirect transmission is a biologic transmission.
Guinea worm disease and many other vectorborne diseases have complex life cycles which
require an intermediate host. Follow the life cycle of Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea worm)
illustrated in Figure 1.19 on page 48. What type of transmission does this illustrate?
Since the agent undergoes part of its life cycle in the intermediate host, the agent cannot be
transmitted by the intermediate host until the agent has completed that part of its life cycle.
Therefore, this is an indirect, vectorborne, biologic transmission.
Page 48 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 1.19
The complex life cycle of Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea worm)

Infected individual enters

water. When blister (caused
by adult female worm) comes
into contact with water, it
rapidly becomes an ulcer
through which the adult Within 10 to 14 days larvae
female worm releases first- ingested by copepods
stage larvae. The larvae are develop into infective
ingested by copepods. third-stage larvae.


Susceptible individual
consumes water
containing infected
Infected individual
approaches water Infected individuals are
source containing symptom free for 10 to 14
noninfected copepods months, then ingested
("water fleas" or third-stage larvae mature
"cyclops"). into adult worms.

The adult female worm

provokes the formation
of a painful blister in
the skin of the infected

The agent, Dracunculus, develops in the intermediate host (fresh water copepod). Man acquires the
infection by ingesting infected copepods in drinking water.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 49

Vehicles that may indirectly transmit an agent include food, water, biologic products (blood),
and fomites (inanimate objects such as handkerchiefs, bedding, or surgical scalpels). As with
vectors, vehicles may passively carry an agent—as food or water may carry hepatitis A virus—or
may provide an environment in which the agent grows, multiplies, or produces toxin—as
improperly canned foods may provide an environment in which C. botulinum produces toxin.
Airborne transmission is by particles that are suspended in air. There are two types of these
particles: dust and droplet nuclei. Airborne dust includes infectious particles blown from the
soil by the wind as well as material that has settled on surfaces and become resuspended by air
currents. Droplet nuclei are the residue of dried droplets. The nuclei are less than 5 µ (microns)
in size and may remain suspended in the air for long periods, may be blown over great distances,
and are easily inhaled into the lungs and exhaled. This makes them an important means of
transmission for some diseases. Tuberculosis, for example, is believed to be transmitted more
often indirectly, through droplet nuclei, than directly, through droplet spread. Legionnaires’
disease and histoplasmosis are also spread through airborne transmission.

Portal of entry
An agent enters a susceptible host through a portal of entry. The portal of entry must provide
access to tissues in which the agent can multiply or a toxin can act. Often, organisms use the
same portal to enter a new host that they use to exit the source host. For example, influenza virus
must exit the respiratory tract of the source host and enter the respiratory tract of the new host.
The route of transmission of many enteric (intestinal) pathogenic agents is described as “fecal-
oral” because the organisms are shed in feces, carried on inadequately washed hands, and then
transferred through a vehicle (such as food, water, or cooking utensil) to the mouth of a new
host. Other portals of entry include the skin (hookworm), mucous membranes (syphilis,
trachoma), and blood (hepatitis B).

The final link in the chain of infection is a susceptible host. Susceptibility of a host depends
on genetic factors, specified acquired immunity, and other general factors which alter an
individual’s ability to resist infection or to limit pathogenicity. An individual’s genetic makeup
may either increase or decrease susceptibility. General factors which defend against infection
include the skin, mucous membranes, gastric acidity, cilia in the respiratory tract, the cough
reflex, and nonspecific immune response. General factors that may increase susceptibility are
malnutrition, alcoholism, and disease or therapy which impairs the nonspecific immune
response. Specific acquired immunity refers to protective antibodies that are directed against a
specific agent. Individuals gain protective antibodies in two ways: 1) They develop antibodies in
response to infection, vaccine, or toxoid; immunity developed in these ways is called active
immunity. 2) They acquire their mothers’ antibodies before birth through the placenta or they
receive injections of antitoxins or immune globulin; immunity that is acquired in these ways is
called passive immunity.
Page 50 Principles of Epidemiology

Note that the chain of infection may be interrupted when an agent does not find a susceptible
host. This may occur if a high proportion of individuals in a population is resistant to an agent.
These persons limit spread to the relatively few who are susceptible by reducing the probability
of contact between infected and susceptible persons. This concept is called herd immunity. The
degree of herd immunity necessary to prevent or abort an outbreak varies by disease. In theory,
herd immunity means that not everyone in a community needs to be resistant (immune) to
prevent disease spread and occurrence of an outbreak. In practice, herd immunity has not
prevented outbreaks of measles and rubella in populations with immunity levels as high as 85 to
90%. One problem is that, in highly immunized populations, the relatively few susceptible
persons are often clustered in population subgroups, usually defined by socioeconomic or
cultural factors. If the agent is introduced into one of these subgroups, an outbreak may occur.

Implications for public health

By knowing how an agent exits and enters a host, and what its modes of transmission are, we
can determine appropriate control measures. In general, we should direct control measures
against the link in the infection chain that is most susceptible to interference, unless practical
issues dictate otherwise.
For some diseases, the most appropriate intervention may be directed at controlling or
eliminating the agent at its source. In the hospital setting, patients may be treated and/or isolated,
with appropriate “enteric precautions,” “respiratory precautions,” “universal precautions,” and
the like for different exit pathways. In the community, soil may be decontaminated or covered to
prevent escape of the agent.
Sometimes, we direct interventions at the mode of transmission. For direct transmission, we
may provide treatment to the source host or educate the source host to avoid the specific type of
contact associated with transmission. In the hospital setting, since most infections are transmitted
by direct contact, handwashing is the single most important way to prevent diseases from
spreading. For vehicleborne transmission, we may decontaminate or eliminate the vehicle. For
fecal-oral transmission, we may also try to reduce the risk of contamination in the future by
rearranging the environment and educating the persons involved in better personal hygiene. For
airborne transmission, we may modify ventilation or air pressure, and filter or treat the air. For
vectorborne transmission, we usually attempt to control (i.e., reduce or eradicate) the vector
Finally, we may apply measures that protect portals of entry of a susceptible potential host or
reduce the susceptibility of the potential host. For example, a dentist’s mask and gloves are
intended to protect the dentist from a patient’s blood, secretions, and droplets, as well to protect
the patient from the dentist. Prophylactic antibiotics and vaccination are strategies to improve a
potential host’s defenses.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 51

Exercise 1.7

Information describing viral hepatitis A and yellow fever is provided on the following pages.
After you study this information, outline the chain of infection of each disease by identifying the
reservoirs, portals of exit, modes of transmission, portals of entry, and factors in host

Yellow Fever


Portals of exit:

Modes of transmission:

Portals of entry:

Factors in host susceptibility:

Answers on page 65.

Page 52 Principles of Epidemiology

Viral Hepatitis A


Portals of exit:

Modes of transmission:

Portals of entry:

Factors in host susceptibility:

Answers on page 65.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 53

1. Identification — An acute infectious viral disease of short duration and varying severity. The
mildest cases are clinically indeterminate; typical attacks are characterized by a dengue-like
illness, i.e., sudden onset, fever, chills, headache, backache, generalized muscle pain,
prostration, nausea and vomiting. As the disease progresses, the pulse slows and weakens, even
though the temperature may be elevated (Faget’s sign); albuminuria (sometimes pronounced)
and anuria may occur. A saddle-back fever curve is common. Leukopenia appears early and is
most pronounced about the fifth day. Common hemorrhagic symptoms include epistaxis, buccal
bleeding, hematemesis (coffee-ground or black), and melena. Jaundice is moderate early in the
disease and is intensified later. The case fatality rate among indigenous populations of endemic
regions is <5%, but may exceed 50% among nonindigenous groups and in epidemics.
Laboratory diagnosis is made by isolation of virus from blood by inoculation of suckling mice,
mosquitoes or cell cultures (especially those of mosquito cells); by demonstration of viral antigen
in the blood or liver tissue by ELISA or FA and in tissues by use of labeled specific antibodies;
and by demonstration of viral genome in liver tissue by hybridization probes. Serologic diagnosis
is made by demonstrating specific IgM in early sera or a rise in titer of specific antibodies in
paired acute-phase and convalescent sera. Serologic cross-reactions occur with other flaviviruses
and vaccine-derived antibodies cannot be distinguished from natural immunity. The diagnosis is
suggested but not proven by demonstration of typical lesions in the liver.
2. Infectious agent — The virus of yellow fever, a flavivirus.
* * *
4. Reservoir — In urban areas, man and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes; in forest areas, vertebrates
other than man, mainly monkeys and possibly marsupials, and forest mosquitoes. Transovarian
transmission in mosquitoes may contribute to maintenance of infection. Man has no essential role
in transmission of jungle yellow fever or in maintaining the virus.
5. Mode of transmission — In urban and certain rural areas, by the bite of infective Aedes
aegypti mosquitoes. In forests of S America, by the bite of several species of forest mosquitoes of
the genus Haemagogus. In East Africa, Ae. africanus is the vector in the monkey population,
while semidomestic Ae. bromeliae and Ae. simpsoni, and probably other Aedes species, transmit
the virus from monkey to man. In large epidemics in Ethiopia, good epidemiologic evidence
incriminated Ae. simpsoni as a person-to-person vector. In West Africa, Ae. furcifer-taylori, Ae.
luteocephalus and other species are responsible for spread between monkey and man. Ae.
albopictus has been introduced into Brazil and the USA from Asia and has the potential for
bridging the sylvatic and urban cycles of yellow fever in the Western Hemisphere. However, no
instance of involvement of this species in transmission of yellow fever has been documented.
* * *
8. Susceptibility and resistance — Recovery from yellow fever is followed by lasting immunity;
second attacks are unknown. Mild inapparent infections are common in endemic areas. Transient
passive immunity in infants born to immune mothers may persist for up to 6 months. In natural
infections, antibodies appear in the blood within the first week.

This material is from Control of Communicable Diseases in Man, Fifteenth Edition, Abram S. Benenson (ed), 1990.
Reprinted by permission of American Public Health Association.
Page 54 Principles of Epidemiology

(Infectious hepatitis, Epidemic hepatitis, Epidemic jaundice, Catarrhal jaundice, Type A hepatitis,
1. Identification — Onset is usually abrupt with fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea and abdominal
discomfort, followed within a few days by jaundice. The disease varies in clinical severity from a
mild illness lasting 1-2 weeks, to a severely disabling disease lasting several months (rare).
Convalescence often is prolonged. In general, severity increases with age, but complete recovery
without sequelae or recurrences is the rule. Many infections are asymptomatic; many are mild
and without jaundice, especially in children, and recognizable only by liver function tests. The
case fatality rate is low (about 0.6%); the rare death usually occurs in an older patient in whom
the disease has a fulminant course.
Diagnosis is established by the demonstration of IgM antibodies against hepatitis A virus in
the serum of acutely or recently ill patients; IgM may remain detectable for 4-6 months after
onset. Diagnosis may also be made by a fourfold or greater rise in specific antibodies in paired
sera; virus and antibody can be detected by RIA or ELISA. (Assay kits for the detection of IgM
and total antibodies to the virus are available commercially.) If laboratory tests are not available,
epidemiologic evidence can provide support for the diagnosis. However, HA cannot be
distinguished epidemiologically from hepatitis E, in areas where the latter is endemic.
2. Infectious agent — Hepatitis A virus (HAV), a 27-nm picornavirus (i.e., a positive-strand RNA
virus). It has been classified as Enterovirus type 72, a member of the family Picornaviridae.
* * *
4. Reservoir — Man, and rarely captive chimpanzees; less frequently, certain other nonhuman
primates. An enzootic focus has been identified in Malaysia, but there is no suggestion of
transmission to man.
5. Mode of transmission — Person-to-person by the fecal-oral route. The infectious agent is
found in feces, reaching peak levels the week or two before onset of symptoms, and diminishing
rapidly after liver dysfunction or symptoms appear, which is concurrent with the appearance of
circulating antibodies to HAV. Direct transmission occurs among male homosexuals. Common-
source outbreaks have been related to contaminated water; food contaminated by infected
foodhandlers, including sandwiches and salads which are not cooked or are handled after
cooking; and raw or undercooked molluscs harvested from contaminated waters. Although rare,
instances have been reported of transmission by transfusion of blood from a donor during the
incubation period.
* * *
8. Susceptibility and resistance — Susceptibility is general. Low incidence of manifest disease
in infants and preschool children suggests that mild and anicteric infections are common.
Homologous immunity after attack probably lasts for life.

This material is from Control of Communicable Diseases in Man, Fifteenth Edition, Abram S. Beneson (ed), 1990.
Reprinted by permission of American Public Health Association.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 55

Epidemic Disease Occurrence

Level of disease
The amount of a particular disease that is usually present in a community is the baseline level
of the disease. This level is not necessarily the preferred level, which should in fact be zero;
rather it is the observed level. Theoretically, if no intervention occurred and if the level is low
enough not to deplete the pool of susceptible persons, the disease occurrence should continue at
the baseline level indefinitely. Thus, the baseline level is often considered the expected level of
the disease. For example, over the past 4 years the number of reported cases of poliomyelitis has
ranged from 5 to 9. Therefore, assuming there is no change in population, we would expect to
see approximately 7 reported cases next year.
Different diseases, in different communities, show different patterns of expected occurrence:
1) a persistent level of occurrence with a low to moderate disease level is referred to as an
endemic level; 2) a persistently high level of occurrence is called a hyperendemic level; 3) an
irregular pattern of occurrence, with occasional cases occurring at irregular intervals is called
Occasionally, the level of disease rises above the expected level. When the occurrence of a
disease within an area is clearly in excess of the expected level for a given time period, it is
called an epidemic. Public health officials often use the term outbreak, which means the same
thing, because it is less provocative to the public. When an epidemic spreads over several
countries or continents, affecting a large number of people, it is called a pandemic.
Epidemics occur when an agent and susceptible hosts are present in adequate numbers, and
the agent can effectively be conveyed from a source to the susceptible hosts. More specifically,
an epidemic may result from the following:
• a recent increase in amount or virulence of the agent
• the recent introduction of the agent into a setting where it has not been before
• an enhanced mode of transmission so that more susceptibles are exposed
• some change in the susceptibility of the host response to the agent
• factors that increase host exposure or involve introduction through new portals of entry
Page 56 Principles of Epidemiology

Epidemic patterns
We sometimes classify epidemics by how they spread through a population, as shown below:
• Common source
— Point
— Intermittent
— Continuous
• Propagated
• Mixed
• Other
A common source outbreak is one in which a group of persons is exposed to a common
noxious influence, such as an infectious agent or a toxin. If the group is exposed over a relatively
brief period, so that everyone who becomes ill develops disease at the end of one incubation
period, then the common source outbreak is further classified as a point source outbreak. The
epidemic of leukemia cases in Hiroshima following the atomic bomb blast and the epidemic of
hepatitis A among college football players who unknowingly drank contaminated water after
practice one day each had a point source of exposure (11, 21). When the number of cases in a
point source epidemic is plotted over time, the resulting epidemic curve classically has a steep
upslope and a more gradual downslope (a so-called “log-normal distribution”). Figure 1.20 is an
example of the typical log-normal distribution of a point source outbreak.
In some common source outbreaks, cases may be exposed over a period of days, weeks, or
longer, with the exposure being either intermittent or continuous. Figure 1.21 is an epidemic
curve of a common source outbreak with continuous exposure. When we plot the cases of a
continuous common source outbreak over time, the range of exposures and range of incubation
periods tend to dampen and widen the peaks of the epidemic curve. Similarly, when we plot an
intermittent common source outbreak we often find an irregular pattern that reflects the
intermittent nature of the exposure.
An outbreak that does not have a common source, but instead spreads gradually from person
to person—usually growing as it spreads—is called a propagated outbreak. Usually
transmission is by direct person-to-person contact, as with syphilis. Transmission may also be
vehicleborne, as the transmission of hepatitis B or HIV by sharing needles, or vectorborne, as the
transmission of yellow fever by mosquitoes.
In a propagated epidemic, cases occur over more than one incubation period. In theory, the
epidemic curve of a propagated epidemic would have a successive series of peaks reflecting
increasing numbers of cases in each generation. The epidemic usually wanes after a few
generations, either because the number of susceptibles falls below some critical level, or because
intervention measures become effective. Figure 1.22 shows such an epidemic curve.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 57

Figure 1.20
Example of common source outbreak with point source exposure:
Hepatitis A cases by date of onset, Fayetteville, Arkansas,
November-December 1978, with log-normal curve superimposed



1 7 13 19 25 31 6 12 18 24 30 6 12 18 24
Date of Onset

Source: CDC, unpublished data, 1979

Figure 1.21
Example of common source outbreak with continuous exposure:
Diarrheal illness in city residents by date of onset and character of stool,
Cabool, Missouri, December 1989-January 1990
Nonbloody Cases
Bloody Cases
15 Boil water

10 Water main breaks Chlorination

15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Date of Onset
Source: CDC, unpublished data, 1990
Page 58 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 1.22
Example of the classic epidemic curve of a
propagated epidemic: Measles cases by date of onset,
Aberdeen, South Dakota, October 15, 1970-January 16, 1971


15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14
1970 1971
Day of Onset

Source: 7

In reality, few propagated outbreaks provide as classic a pattern as that shown in Figure 1.22.
For many diseases, the variability of time of exposure and range of incubation periods tend to
smooth out the peaks and valleys, as shown in Figure 1.23. For influenza, the incubation period
is so short and transmission is so effective that its epidemic curve can look like that of a point
source epidemic.
Some epidemics may have features of both common source epidemics and propagated
epidemics. The pattern of a common source outbreak followed by secondary person-to-person
spread is not uncommon. These are called mixed epidemics. For example, Figure 1.24 illustrates
a common source epidemic of shigellosis that occurred among a group of 3,000 women
attending a national music festival. Many developed symptoms after returning home. Over the
next few weeks, several state health departments detected subsequent generations of shigella
cases spread by person-to-person transmission from festival attendees (19).
Finally, some epidemics are neither common source in its usual sense nor propagated from
person-to-person. Outbreaks of zoonotic or vectorborne disease may result from sufficient
prevalence of infection in host species, sufficient presence of vectors, and sufficient human-
vector interaction. Examples include the epidemic of Lyme disease which affected several states
in the northeastern United States in the late 1980’s and the large epidemic of St. Louis
encephalitis in Florida in 1990.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 59

Figure 1.23
Example of a propagated epidemic that does not show
the classic pattern: Infectious hepatitis cases by week of onset,
Barren County, Kentucky, June 1970-April 1971

7 21 5 19 2 16 30 13 27 11 25 8 22 6 20 3 17 31 14 28 14 28 11 25 2
1970 1971
Week of Onset

Source: 5

Figure 1.24
Example of a mixed epidemic: Shigella cases at a
music festival by day of onset, Michigan, August 1988








2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Date of Onset
Source: 19
Page 60 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 1.8

You have just studied about three epidemic patterns:

1) point source, 2) intermittent or continuous, and 3) propagated. For each of the following
outbreak settings, choose the most likely epidemic pattern.

Pattern Outbreak Setting

_____________ a. Outbreak of salmonellosis traced to turkey cooked and held at an improper

temperature and served at a pot-luck supper.

_____________ b. Outbreak of influenza among nursing home residents, new cases occurring
over a 3-week period (Hint: incubation period for influenza is less than 5

_____________ c. Episodic cases of Legionnaires’ disease in hospitalized patients traced to

showers and the hospital’s water supply.

Answers on page 72.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 61

As a discipline within public health, epidemiology includes the study of the frequency,
patterns, and causes of health-related states or events in populations, and the application of the
information gained to public health issues. In epidemiology, our “patient” is the public at large—
the community—and in “treating” our patient we perform several tasks, including public health
surveillance, disease investigation, analytic epidemiology, and evaluation.
With surveillance, we constantly monitor the health of a community to detect any changes in
disease occurrence. This requires us to regularly collect, analyze, interpret, and disseminate data,
with the intention of taking prompt and appropriate public health action should we identify a
Epidemiology provides us with a systematic approach for determining What, Who, Where,
When, and Why/How. We rely on standard case definitions to determine What, that is, whether a
specific person has a particular disease. We use descriptive epidemiology to describe disease
occurrence by person (Who), place (Where), and time (When). We also use descriptive
epidemiology to portray the characteristics and public health of a population or community.
Two essential concepts in this systematic approach are population and rates. We identify the
populations in which cases occur, and calculate rates of disease for different populations. We use
differences in disease rates to target disease intervention activities and to generate hypotheses
about possible risk factors and causes of disease. We then use analytic epidemiology to sort out
and quantify potential risk factors and causes (Why).
As epidemiologists carrying out these tasks, we must be part of a larger team of institutions
and individuals, including health-care providers, government leaders and workers, laboratorians,
and others dedicated to promoting and protecting the public’s health.
Page 62 Principles of Epidemiology

Answers To Exercises
Answer—Exercise 1.1 (page 11)
a. Two high-risk behaviors have been identified. If either of these behaviors is common in the
community, public health officials can expect a substantial number of AIDS cases over time.
Therefore, public health officials need to ask, How common are these behaviors in our
community? (Another way of phrasing this question is, How large are the groups of persons in
our community who engage in these behaviors?) Where are they located? What types of
public health programs might be most effective in reaching these groups? Answers to these
questions should help officials develop appropriate policies and programs.
b. The individual can use this information to make individual choices regarding sexual behavior
and use of intravenous drugs. For example, the findings might convince someone who uses
intravenous drugs only occasionally to abandon them altogether.
c. The researcher asks, What specifically about these behaviors might be associated with
disease? Are people who engage in the behaviors more frequently at greater risk of the
disease? What other risk factors can we identify? What common pathway might there be?
Could AIDS be caused by some toxic agent (chemical) used by both groups? Could it be
caused by an infectious agent transmitted by exchange of blood, like hepatitis B? Could it be
caused by sheer immunologic overload? By addressing these questions and hypotheses with
epidemiologic and laboratory methods, researchers identified the modes of transmission (and
prevention strategies) and, eventually, the causative virus.

Answer—Exercise 1.2 (page 14)

ID Last facial eosinophil Physician Lab

# name myalgia fever edema count diagnosis confirm Classification
1 Abels yes yes no 495 trichinosis yes CONFIRMED
2 Baker yes yes yes pending trichinosis ? pending PROBABLE
3 Corey yes yes no 1,100 trichinosis pending PROBABLE
4 Dale yes no no 2,050 EMS ? pending SUSPECT
5 Ring yes no no 600 trichinosis not done POSSIBLE
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 63

Answer—Exercise 1.3 (page 15)

Note that the cause of Kawasaki syndrome is unknown and no definitive laboratory test is
available. Many other childhood illnesses cause fever, rash and/or swollen glands, but none
usually causes the entire constellation of findings listed under the case definition. Therefore, the
case definition is necessarily strict to exclude those other childhood diseases. However, the case
definition describes a fairly serious illness lasting at least 5 days. In all likelihood, there is a
spectrum of disease ranging from mild or even asymptomatic (certainly not captured by the
current case definition) to severe (captured by the case definition).
a. The case definition is useful in excluding other febrile rash illnesses, but it might be a little too
strict to guide therapy. Consider a child who has fever of at least 5 days’ duration, three of the
first four clinical findings, and cervical lymphadenopathy with the largest lymph node
measuring about 1.0 cm in diameter (not 1.5 cm, as required). If a safe, effective, and
convenient treatment were available for Kawasaki syndrome, would you treat the child who
misses the case definition by ½ cm (1/4 inch)? Many would, indicating that the case definition
may be too strict for treatment purposes.
b. For surveillance purposes, a case definition should be consistent over time and across space. It
should also be easy to use. By promoting a standard case definition, CDC hopes that it will be
used consistently. Unfortunately, it is a bit cumbersome, so the number of reported cases will
underrepresent the true total number of cases.
c. As noted on page 13, investigators searching for causes prefer strict case definitions. To
identify exposures associated with disease, investigators must be sure that “cases” have the
disease under study, and that “non-cases” (controls) do not have the disease. Thus this
definition is appropriate if it satisfactorily excludes the other febrile rash illnesses.

Answer—Exercise 1.4 (page 29)

• seasonal variation with spring/early summer peak

• age distribution
— no cases among infants ( less than 1-year-olds)
— increased incidence among children to 14 years of age
— increased incidence among females ages 2 to 50 years.
— low incidence among males ages 15 to 40 years
— increased incidence among males greater than 50 years of age.
• married women at greater risk than unmarried women at every age
• incidence inversely related to socioeconomic level
• mill workers at lower risk than non-mill workers
Page 64 Principles of Epidemiology

Answer—Exercise 1.5 (page 34)

a. Observational cohort study, because subjects were enrolled on the basis of their exposure
(Vietnam or Europe)
b. Not an epidemiologic study, because there is no comparison group
c. Observational case-control study, because subjects were enrolled on the basis of whether they
had trichinosis or not
d. Experimental study because the investigators rather than the subjects themselves controlled
the exposure

Answer—Exercise 1.6 (page 39)

a. Role of human immunodeficiency virus in AIDS:

human immunodeficiency virus

• behavioral factors which increase likelihood of exposure, such as intravenous drug use,
men who have sex with men, etc.
• biologic factors which determine whether an exposed person becomes infected, such as
presence of genital ulcers
• biologic factors, largely unknown at present, which determine whether (or when) an
infected person develops clinical AIDS

• biologic factors, such as infected persons to transmit the infection
• physical factors, such as inconvenient bedside position and needle design which contribute
to needlestick injuries among health care workers
• socioeconomic and societal factors, such as those that contribute to drug use

b. Classification of risk factors for heart disease

All are component causes.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 65

Answer—Exercise 1.7 (page 51)

Yellow Fever

Reservoirs: humans, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, monkeys, possibly marsupials, forest

mosquitoes, and other vertebrates
Portals of exit: by way of skin
Modes of transmission: indirect transmission to humans by mosquito vector
Portals of entry: blood
Factors in host susceptibility: lack of active immunity (1)

Viral Hepatitis A

Reservoirs: humans and certain nonhuman primates

Portals of exit: feces
Modes of transmission: indirect transmission through contaminated vector (e.g., unwashed
hands) to vehicle (e.g., food, water); direct transmission occurs among homosexuals and through
blood transfusions.
Portals of entry: mouth; blood
Factors in host susceptibility: lack of active immunity or passive immunity (1)

Answer—Exercise 1.8 (page 60)

a. point source
b. propagated
c. intermittent or continuous
Page 66 Principles of Epidemiology

Self-Assessment Quiz 1
Now that you have read Lesson 1 and have completed the exercises, you should be ready to
take the self-assessment quiz. This quiz is designed to help you assess how well you have
learned the content of this lesson. You may refer to the lesson text whenever you are unsure of
the answer, but keep in mind that the final will be a closed book examination. Circle ALL correct
choices in each question.

1. In the definition of epidemiology, the terms “distribution” and “determinants” taken

together refer to:
A. frequency, pattern, and causes of health events
B. dissemination of information to those who need to know
C. knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to health
D. public health services and resources

2. Descriptive epidemiology includes all EXCEPT:

A. what
B. who
C. when
D. where
E. why

3. The London cholera epidemic of 1848 was traced to the Broad Street pump by whom?
A. Graunt
B. Farr
C. Snow
D. Doll
E. Hill

4. The four components of a case definition are:

Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 67

5. The time course of a disease outbreak is usually displayed as a/an:

A. secular trend
B. seasonal trend
C. epidemic curve
D. endemic curve

For questions 6-12: Each week, each state health department sends to CDC a computerized line
listing of persons diagnosed with a reportable disease (for example, measles or hepatitis A). The
variables included in the line listing are shown in questions 6-12. Identify which of the following
categories (A-F) describes each variable.

A. What (clinical information)

B. When (time)
C. Where (place)
D. Who (person)
E. Why (cause or risk factor)
F. Other

6. ____ ID number
7. ____ Disease code
8. ____ Race
9. ____ County
10. ____ Date of onset
11. ____ Date of report
12. ____ Outcome (alive or dead)

13. When analyzing data by age the categories should be:

A. the same for all diseases
B. <1 year, 1 to 4 years, 5 to 9 years, 10 to 14 years, 15 to 19 years, and 20 years for
communicable diseases, but not necessarily for chronic diseases
C. appropriate for each condition and narrow enough to detect any age-related patterns
present in the data
D. 5-year age groups for all diseases unless the data suggest the need for narrower
categories to find a pattern or aberrancy
Page 68 Principles of Epidemiology

14. Because socioeconomic status is difficult to quantify, we commonly use all of the
following substitute measures EXCEPT:
A. educational achievement
B. family income
C. occupation
D. social standing

15. The Framingham study, in which a group of residents have been followed since the
1950’s to identify occurrence and risk factors for heart disease, is an example of which
type(s) of study? (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. Experimental
B. Observational
C. Cohort
D. Case-control
E. Clinical trial

16. The Cancer and Steroid Hormone (CASH) study, in which women with breast cancer and
a comparable group of women without breast cancer were asked about their prior use of
oral contraceptives (“the Pill”), is an example of which type of study? (Circle ALL that
A. Experimental
B. Observational
C. Cohort
D. Case-control
E. Clinical trial

17. The primary difference between an experimental and observational study is:
A. the investigator is “blinded” (prevented from knowing the subjects’ true exposure
status until the end of the study) in an experimental study but not in an observational
B. the investigator controls the subject’s exposure in an experimental study but not in an
observational study
C. the investigator controls the subject’s outcome in an experimental study but not in an
observational study
D. experimental studies are conducted with animals; observational studies are conducted
with humans
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 69

18. If a particular disease is caused by any of the three sufficient causes diagrammed in
Figure 1.25 (but only these three), which components, if any, are a necessary cause?
(Circle ALL that apply.)
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
F. F
G. None
Figure 1.25
Causal pies representing all sufficient causes of a particular disease


19. The functions of public health surveillance include which of the following? (Circle ALL
that apply.)
A. Collection of health data
B. Analysis of health data
C. Interpretation of health data
D. Dissemination of health data
E. Disease control actions developed from the collection, analysis, and interpretation of
health data

20. For each of the following, identify the appropriate letter from the time line in Figure 1.26
representing the natural history of disease.
____ Onset of symptoms
____ Usual time of diagnosis
____ Exposure

Figure 1.26
Natural history of disease timeline


Page 70 Principles of Epidemiology

21. Direct transmission includes which of the following modes of transmission? (Circle
ALL that apply.)
A. Droplet spread
B. Vehicleborne transmission
C. Vectorborne transmission
D. Airborne transmission

Questions 22-24 describe the case-report pattern of disease X for three communities. The
communities have the same size population. Identify which term A-D below best describes the
occurrence of disease X.

A. Endemic
B. Epidemic
C. Hyperendemic
D. Pandemic

22. ____ Community A: usually 10 cases/week; last week, 28 cases

23. ____ Community B: 50-70 cases/week; last week, 55 cases
24. ____ Community C: usually 25 cases/week; last week, 28 cases

25. An epidemic curve which follows the classic log-normal pattern of sharp rise and more
gradual decline is most consistent with which manner of spread?
A. Continuous source
B. Intermittent source
C. Point source
D. Propagated
E. Mixed

Answers are in Appendix J.

If you answered at least 20 questions correctly, you understand Lesson 1
well enough to go to Lesson 2.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology Page 71

1. Benenson AS (ed). Control of Communicable Diseases in Man, Fifteenth edition.
Washington, D.C.: American Public Health Association, 1990.
2. Cates WJ. Epidemiology: Applying principles to clinical practice. Contemp Ob/Gyn
3. Centers for Disease Control. Case definitions for public health surveillance. MMWR
1990;39(No. RR-13):4-43.
4. Centers for Disease Control. HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, July 1992:1-18.
5. Centers for Disease Control. Infectious hepatitis—Kentucky. MMWR 1971;20:137.
6. Centers for Disease Control. Malaria Surveillance Annual Summary 1989. November 1990.
7. Centers for Disease Control. Measles outbreak—Aberdeen, S.D. MMWR 1971;20:26.
8. Centers for Disease Control. Reduced incidence of menstrual toxic shock syndrome—United
States, 1980-1990. MMWR 1990;39:421-423.
9. Centers for Disease Control. Summary of notifiable diseases, United States, 1990. MMWR
10. Chou JH, Hwang PH, Malison MD. An outbreak of type A foodborne botulism in Taiwan
due to commercially preserved peanuts. Int J Epidemiol 1988;17:899-902.
11. Cobb S, Miller M, Wald N. On the estimation of the incubation period in malignant disease. J
Chron Dis 1959;9:385-393.
12. Dawber TR, Kannel WB, Lyell LP. An approach to longitudinal studies in a community: The
Framingham study. Ann NY Acad Sci 1963;107:539-556.
13. Doll R, Hill AB. Smoking and carcinoma of the lung. Br Med J 1950; 1:739-748.
14. Goldberger J, Wheeler GA, Sydenstricker E, King WI. A study of endemic pellagra in some
cotton-mill villages of South Carolina. Hyg Lab Bull 1929; 153:1-85.
15. Goodman RA, Smith JD, Sikes RK, Rogers DL, Mickey JL. Fatalities associated with farm
tractor injuries: An epidemiologic study. Public Health Rep 1985;100:329-333.
16. Kelsey JL, Thompson WD, Evans AS. Methods in observational epidemiology. New York:
Oxford U. Press, 1986:216.
17. Last JM, ed. Dictionary of Epidemiology, Second edition. New York: Oxford U. Press,
18. Lee LA, Gerber AR, Lonsway DR. Yersinia entercolitica O:3 infections in infants and
children, associated with the household preparation of chitterlings. N Engl J Med
19. Lee LA, Ostroff SM, McGee HB, et al. An outbreak of shigellosis at an outdoor music
festival. Am J Epidemiol 1991;133:608-615.
20. Marier R. The reporting of communicable diseases. Am J Epidemiol 1977;105:587-590.
Page 72 Principles of Epidemiology

21. Morse LJ, Bryan JA, Hurley JP, Murphy JF, O’Brien TF, Wacker WEC. The Holy Cross
College football team hepatitis outbreak. JAMA 1972;219:706-708.
22. National Center for Health Statistics. Health, United States, 1990. Hyattsville, MD: Public
Health Service. 1991.
23. Orenstein WA, Bernier RH. Surveillance: Information for action. Pediatr Clin North Am
24. Peterson DR. The practice of epidemiology. In: Fox JP, Hall CE, Elveback LR.
Epidemiology: Man and Disease. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1970:315-327.
25. Rothman KJ. Causes. Am J Epidemiol 1976;104:587-592.
26. Schoenbaum SC, Baker O, Jezek Z. Common source epidemic of hepatitis due to glazed and
iced pastries. Am J Epidemiol 1976;104:74-80.
27. Snow J. Snow on Cholera. London: Humphrey Milford: Oxford U. Press, 1936.
28. Thacker SB, Berkelman RL. Public health surveillance in the United States. Epidemiol Rev
Lesson 2
Frequency Measures
Used in Epidemiology

Epidemiologists use a variety of methods to summarize data. One fundamental method is the
frequency distribution. The frequency distribution is a table which displays how many people fall
into each category of a variable such as age, income level, or disease status. In later lessons you
will learn about other methods for summarizing data. In Lesson 3, for example, you will learn
how to calculate measures of central location and dispersion, and in Lesson 4 how to construct
tables, graphs, and charts. While these methods are used extensively in epidemiology, they are
not limited to epidemiology—they are appropriate for summarizing data in virtually every field.
In contrast, counting cases of disease in a population is the unique domain of
epidemiology—it is the core component of disease surveillance and a critical step in
investigating an outbreak. Case counts must be placed in proper perspective, however, by using
rates to characterize the risk of disease for a population. Calculating rates for different
subgroups of age, sex, exposure history and other characteristics may identify high-risk groups
and causal factors. Such information is vital to the development and targeting of effective control
and prevention measures.

After studying this lesson and answering the questions in the exercises, a student will be able
to do the following:
• Construct a frequency distribution
• Calculate* and interpret the following statistical measures:
— ratios
— proportions
— incidence rates, including attack rate
— mortality rates
— prevalence
— years of potential life lost
• Choose and apply the appropriate statistical measures

* A calculator with square root and logarithmic functions is recommended.

Page 74 Principles of Epidemiology

Introduction to
Frequency Distributions
Epidemiologic data come in many forms and sizes. One of the most common forms is a
rectangular database made up of rows and columns. Each row contains information about one
individual; each row is called a “record” or “observation.” Each column contains information
about one characteristic such as race or date of birth; each column is called a “variable.” The first
column of an epidemiologic database usually contains the individual’s name, initials, or
identification number which allows us to identify who is who.
The size of the database depends on the number of records and the number of variables. A
small database may fit on a single sheet of paper; larger databases with thousands of records and
hundreds of variables are best handled with a computer. When we investigate an outbreak, we
usually create a database called a “line listing.” In a line listing, each row represents a case of the
disease we are investigating. Columns contain identifying information, clinical details,
descriptive epidemiology factors, and possible etiolgic factors.
Look at the data in Table 2.1. How many of the cases are male? When a database contains
only a few records, we can easily pick out the information we need directly from the raw data.
By scanning the second column, we can see that five of the cases are male.

Table 2.1
Neonatal listeriosis, General Hospital A, Costa Rica, 1989
Culture Symptom Delivery Delivery Admitting
ID Sex Date Date DOB Type Site Outcome Symptoms
CS F 6/2 6/2 6/2 vaginal Del rm Lived dyspnea
CT M 6/8 6/2 6/2 c-section Oper rm Lived fever
WG F 6/15 6/15 6/8 vaginal Emer rm Died dyspnea
PA F 6/15 6/12 6/8 vaginal Del rm Lived fever
SA F 6/15 6/15 6/11 c-section Oper rm Lived pneumonia
HP F 6/22 6/20 6/14 c-section Oper rm Lived fever
SS M 6/22 6/21 6/14 vaginal Del rm Lived fever
JB F 6/22 6/18 6/15 c-section Oper rm Lived fever
BS M 6/22 6/20 6/15 c-section Oper rm Lived pneumonia
JG M 6/23 6/19 6/16 forceps Del rm Lived fever
NC M 7/21 7/21 7/21 vaginal Del rm Died dyspnea
Source: 11
vaginal = vaginal delivery
Del rm = delivery room
Oper rm = operating room
Emer rm = emergency room
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 75

With larger databases, it becomes more difficult to pick out the information we want at a
glance. Instead, we usually find it convenient to summarize variables into tables called
“frequency distributions.”
A frequency distribution shows the values a variable can take, and the number of people or
records with each value. For example, suppose we are studying a group of women with ovarian
cancer and have data on the parity of each woman—that is, the number of children each woman
has given birth to. To construct a frequency distribution showing these data, we first list, from
the lowest observed value to the highest, all the values that the variable parity can take. For each
parity value, we then enter the number of women who had given birth to that number of children.
Table 2.2 shows what the resulting frequency distribution would look like. Notice that we listed
all values of parity between the lowest and highest observed, even though there were no cases
for some values. Notice also that each column is properly labeled, and that the total is given in
the bottom row.
Table 2.2
Distribution of cases by parity, Ovarian Cancer Study,
Centers for Disease Control, December 1980-September 1981
Parity Number of Cases
0 45
1 25
2 43
3 32
4 22
5 8
6 2
7 0
8 1
9 0
10 1
Total 179
Source: 4
Page 76 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 2.1

Listed below are data on parity collected from 19 women who participated in a study on
reproductive health. Organize these data into a frequency distribution.
0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 8, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3, 5, 1, 7, 2

Answers on page 127.

Summarizing Different Types of Variables

Sometimes the values a variable can take are points along a numerical scale, as in Table 2.2;
sometimes they are categories, as in Table 2.3. When points on a numerical scale are used, the
scale is called an ordinal scale, because the values are ranked in a graded order. When
categories are used, the measurement scale is called a nominal scale, because it names the
classes or categories of the variable being studied. In epidemiology, we often encounter nominal
variables with only two categories: alive or dead, ill or well, did or did not eat the potato salad.
Table 2.3 shows a frequency distribution for a variable with only two possible values.

Table 2.3
Influenza vaccination status among residents of Nursing Home A
Vaccinated? Number
Yes 76
No 125
Total 201

As you can see in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, both nominal and ordinal scale data can be summarized
in frequency distributions. Nominal scale data are usually further summarized as ratios,
proportions, and rates, which are described later in this lesson. Ordinal scale data are usually
further summarized with measures of central location and measures of dispersion, which are
described in Lesson 3.
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 77

Introduction to
Frequency Measures
In epidemiology, many nominal variables have only two possible categories: alive or dead;
case or control; exposed or unexposed; and so forth. Such variables are called dichotomous
variables. The frequency measures we use with dichotomous variables are ratios, proportions,
and rates.
Before you learn about specific measures, it is important to understand the relationship
between the three types of measures and how they differ from each other. All three measures are
based on the same formula:
Ratio, proportion, rate = × 10n

In this formula, x and y are the two quantities that are being compared. The formula shows
that x is divided by y. 10n is a constant that we use to transform the result of the division into a
uniform quantity. 10n is read as “10 to the nth power.” The size of 10n may equal 1, 10, 100,
1000 and so on depending upon the value of n. For example,
100 = 1
101 = 10
102 = 10 × 10 = 100
103 = 10 × 10 × 10 = 1000
You will learn what value of 10n to use when you learn about specific ratios, proportions, and

Ratios, Proportions, and Rates Compared

In a ratio, the values of x and y may be completely independent, or x may be included in y.
For example, the sex of children attending an immunization clinic could be compared in either of
the following ways:
female female
(1) (2)
male all
In the first option, x (female) is completely independent of y (male). In the second, x (female)
is included in y (all). Both examples are ratios.
A proportion, the second type of frequency measure used with dichotomous variables, is a
ratio in which x is included in y. Of the two ratios shown above, the first is not a proportion,
because x is not a part of y. The second is a proportion, because x is part of y.
The third type of frequency measure used with dichotomous variables, rate, is often a
proportion, with an added dimension: it measures the occurrence of an event in a population over
time. The basic formula for a rate is as follows:
number of cases or events occurring during a given time period
Rate = × 10n
population at risk during the same time period
Page 78 Principles of Epidemiology

Notice three important aspects of this formula.

• The persons in the denominator must reflect the population from which the cases in the
numerator arose.
• The counts in the numerator and denominator should cover the same time period.
• In theory, the persons in the denominator must be “at risk” for the event, that is, it should
have been possible for them to experience the event.

During the first 9 months of national surveillance for eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS),
CDC received 1,068 case reports which specified sex; 893 cases were in females, 175 in males.
We will demonstrate how to calculate the female-to-male ratio for EMS (12).
1. Define x and y: x = cases in females
y = cases in males
2. Identify x and y: x = 893
y = 175
3. Set up the ratio x/y: 893/175
4. Reduce the fraction so that either
x or y equals 1: 893/175 = 5.1 to 1
Thus, there were just over 5 female EMS patients for each male EMS patient reported to

Based on the data in the example above, we will demonstrate how to calculate the proportion
of EMS cases that are male.
1. Define x and y: x = cases in males
y = all cases
2. Identify x and y: x = 175
y = 1,068
3. Set up the ratio x/y: 175/1,068
4. Reduce the fraction so that either
x or y equals 1: 175/1,068 = 0.16/1 = 1/6.10
Thus, about one out of every 6 reported EMS cases were in males.
In the first example, we calculated the female-to-male ratio. In the second, we calculated the
proportion of cases that were male. Is the female-to-male ratio a proportion?
The female-to-male ratio is not a proportion, since the numerator (females) is not included in
the denominator (males), i.e., it is a ratio, but not a proportion.
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 79

As you can see from the above discussion, ratios, proportions, and rates are not three
distinctly different kinds of frequency measures. They are all ratios: proportions are a particular
type ratio, and some rates are a particular type of proportion. In epidemiology, however, we
often shorten the terms for these measures in a way that makes it sound as though they are
completely different. When we call a measure a ratio, we usually mean a nonproportional ratio;
when we call a measure a proportion, we usually mean a proportional ratio that doesn’t measure
an event over time, and when we use the term rate, we frequently refer to a proportional ratio
that does measure an event in a population over time.

Uses of Ratios, Proportions, and Rates

In public health, we use ratios and proportions to characterize populations by age, sex, race,
exposures, and other variables. In the example of the EMS cases we characterized the population
by sex. In Exercise 2.1 you will be asked to characterize a series of cases by selected variables.
We also use ratios, proportions, and, most important rates to describe three aspects of the
human condition: morbidity (disease), mortality (death) and natality (birth). Table 2.4 shows
some of the specific ratios, proportions, and rates we use for each of these classes of events.

Table 2.4
Frequency of measures by type of event described
Condition Ratios Proportions Rates
Morbidity Risk ratio Attributable Incidence rate
(Disease) (Relative risk) proportion Attack rate
Rate ratio Point prevalence Secondary attack rate
Odds ratio Person-time rate
Period prevalence
Mortality Death-to-case ratio Proportionate Crude mortality rate
(Death) Maternal mortality rate mortality Cause-specific mortality
Proportionate mortality Case-fatality rate rate
ratio Age-specific mortality rate
Postneonatal mortality Sex-specific mortality rate
rate Race-specific mortality rate
Age-adjusted mortality rate
Neonatal mortality rate
Infant mortality rate
Years of potential life lost
Natality Low birth Crude birth rate
(Birth) weight ratio Crude fertility rate
Crude rate of natural
Page 80 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 2.2

The line listing in Table 2.1, page 74, presents some of the information collected on infants born
at General Hospital A with neonatal listeriosis.
a. What is the ratio of males to females?

b. What proportion of infants lived?

c. What proportion of infants were delivered in a delivery room?

d. What is the ratio of operating room deliveries to delivery room deliveries?

Answers on page 127.

Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 81

Morbidity Frequency Measures

To describe the presence of disease in a population, or the probability (risk) of its occurrence,
we use one of the morbidity frequency measures. In public health terms, disease includes illness,
injury, or disability. Table 2.4 shows several morbidity measures. All of these can be further
elaborated into specific measures for age, race, sex, or some other characteristic of a particular
population being described. We will describe how you calculate each of the morbidity measures
and when you would use it. Table 2.5 shows a summary of the formulas for frequently used
morbidity measures.
Table 2.5
Frequently used measures of morbidity
Expressed per
Measure Numerator (x) Denominator (y) Number at Risk(10 )
Incidence Rate # new cases of a specified average population varies:
disease reported during a during time interval 10 where
given time interval n = 2,3,4,5,6

Attack Rate # new cases of a specified population at start of varies

disease reported during an the epidemic period 10 where
epidemic period n = 2,3,4,5,6

Secondary # new cases of a specified size of contract varies:

Attack Rate disease among contacts of population at risk 10 where
known cases n = 2,3,4,5,6

Point # current cases, new and estimated population varies:

Prevalence old, of a specified disease at the same point in 10 where
at a given point in time time n = 2,3,4,5,6

Period # current cases, new and estimated population varies:

Prevalence old, of a specified disease at mid-interval 10 where
identified over a given time n = 2,3,4,5,6

Incidence Rates
Incidence rates are the most common way of measuring and comparing the frequency of
disease in populations. We use incidence rates instead of raw numbers for comparing disease
occurrence in different populations because rates adjust for differences in population sizes. The
incidence rate expresses the probability or risk of illness in a population over a period of time.
Since incidence is a measure of risk, when one population has a higher incidence of disease
than another, we say that the first population is at a higher risk of developing disease than the
second, all other factors being equal. We can also express this by saying that the first population
is a high-risk group relative to the second population.
Page 82 Principles of Epidemiology

An incidence rate (sometimes referred to simply as incidence) is a measure of the frequency

with which an event, such as a new case of illness, occurs in a population over a period of time.
The formula for calculating an incidence rate follows:
new cases ocurring during a given time period
Incidence rate = × 10n
population at risk during the same time period

In 1989, 733,151 new cases of gonorrhea were reported among the United States civilian
population (2). The 1989 mid-year U.S. civilian population was estimated to be 246,552,000. For
these data we will use a value of 105 for 10n. We will calculate the 1989 gonorrhea incidence rate
for the U.S. civilian population using these data.
1. Define x and y: x = new cases of gonorrhea in U.S. civilians during 1989
y = U.S. civilian population in 1989
2. Identify x, y, and 10n: x = 733,151
y = 246,552,000
10n = 105 = 100,000
3. Calculate (x/y) × 10n:
× 105 = .002974 × 100,000 = 297.4 per 100,000
or approximately 3 reported cases per 1,000 population in 1989.
The numerator of an incidence rate should reflect new cases of disease which occurred or
were diagnosed during the specified period. The numerator should not include cases which
occurred or were diagnosed earlier.
Notice that the denominator is the population at risk. This means that persons who are
included in the denominator should be able to develop the disease that is being described during
the time period covered. Unfortunately, unless we conduct a special study, we usually cannot
identify and eliminate persons who are not susceptible to the disease from available population
data. In practice, we usually use U.S. Census population counts or estimates for the midpoint of
the time period under consideration. If the population being studied is small and very specific,
however—such as a nursing home population—we can and should use exact denominator data.
The denominator should represent the population from which the cases in the numerator
arose. For surveillance purposes, the population is usually defined geopolitically (e.g., United
States; state of Georgia). The population, however, may be defined by affiliation or membership
(e.g., employee of Company X), common experience (underwent childhood thyroid irradiation),
or any other characteristic which defines a population appropriate for the cases in the numerator.
Notice in the example above that the numerator was limited to civilian cases. Therefore, it was
necessary for us to restrict the denominator to civilians as well.
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 83

Depending on the circumstances, the most appropriate denominator will be one of the
• average size of the population over the time period
• size of the population (either total or at risk) at the middle of the time period
• size of the population at the start of the time period
For 10n, any value of n can be used. For most nationally notifiable diseases, a value of
100,000 or 105 is used for 10n. In the example above, 105 is used since gonorrhea is a nationally
notifiable disease. Otherwise, we usually select a value for 10n so that the smallest rate calculated
in a series yields a small whole number (for example, 4.2/100, not 0.42/1,000; 9.6/100,000, not
Since any value of n is possible, the investigator should clearly indicate which value is being
used. In our example above we selected a value of 100,000; therefore, our incidence rate is
reported as “297.4 per 100,000.” In a table where a 10n value is used, the investigator could
either specify “Rate per 1,000” at the head of the column in which rates are presented, or specify
“/1,000” beside each rate shown.
Rates imply a change over time. For disease incidence rates, the change is from a healthy
state to disease. The period of time must be specified. For surveillance purposes, the period of
time most commonly used is the calendar year, but any interval may be used as long as the limits
of the interval are identified.
When the denominator is the size of the population at the start of the time period, the
measure is sometimes called cumulative incidence. This measure is a proportion, because all
persons in the numerator are also in the denominator. It is a measure of the probability or risk
of disease, i.e., what proportion of the population will develop illness during the specified time
period. In contrast, the incidence rate is like velocity or speed measured in miles per hour. It
indicates how quickly people become ill measured in people per year.

Figure 2.1 represents ten episodes of an illness in a population of 20 over a period of 16
months. Each horizontal line represents the portion of time one person spends being ill. The line
begins on the date of onset and ends on the date of death or on the date of recovery.
In this example we will calculate the incidence rate from October 1, 1990 to September 30,
1990, using the midpoint population as the denominator.
Note that the total population is 20. We will use 10n = 100.
Incidence rate, October 1, 1990 to September 30, 1991; for the denominator use the total
population at midpoint (total population minus those who have died before April 1, 1991).
Page 84 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 2.1
Ten episodes of an illness in a population of 20

Date of onset of illness

Date of death
Person # Date of recovery

Oct. 1, 1990 Apr. 1, 1991 Sep. 30, 1991

x = new cases occurring 10/1/90−9/30/91 = 4

y = total population at midpoint = 20 − 2 = 18
x 4 22
× 10n = × 100 =
y 18 100

So the one-year incidence was 22 cases per 100 population.

Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 85

Exercise 2.3

In 1990, 41,595 new cases of AIDS were reported in the United States (3). The 1990 midyear
population was estimated to be 248,710,000. Calculate the 1990 AIDS incidence rate. (Note: To
facilitate computation with a calculator, both numerator and denominator could first be divided
by 1,000.)

Answer on page 128.

Prevalence, sometimes referred to as prevalence rate, is the proportion of persons in a
population who have a particular disease or attribute at a specified point in time or over a
specified period of time. The formula for presence of disease is:
all new and pre - existing cases during a given time period
Prevalence = × 10n
population during the same time period

The formula for prevalence of an attribute is:

persons having a particular attribute during a given time period
Prevalence = × 10n
population during the same time period

The value of 10n is usually 1 or 100 for common attributes. The value of 10n may be 1,000,
100,000, or even 1,000,000 for rare traits and for most diseases.
Page 86 Principles of Epidemiology

Point vs. period prevalence

The amount of disease present in a population is constantly changing. Sometimes, we want to
know how much of a particular disease is present in a population at a single point in time—to get
a kind of “stop action” or “snapshot” look at the population with regard to that disease. We use
point prevalence for that purpose. The numerator in point prevalence is the number of persons
with a particular disease or attribute on a particular date. Point prevalence is not an incidence
rate, because the numerator includes pre-existing cases; it is a proportion, because the persons in
the numerator are also in the denominator.
At other times we want to know how much of a particular disease is present in a population
over a longer period. Then, we use period prevalence. The numerator in period prevalence is the
number of persons who had a particular disease or attribute at any time during a particular
interval. The interval can be a week, month, year, decade, or any other specified time period.

In a survey of patients at a sexually transmitted disease clinic in San Francisco, 180 of 300
patients interviewed reported use of a condom at least once during the 2 months before the
interview (1). The period prevalence of condom use in this population over the last 2 months is
calculated as:
1. Identify x and y: x = condom users = 180
y = total = 300
2. Calculate (x/y) × 10n: 180/300 × 100 = 60.0%.
Thus, the prevalence of condom use in the 2 months before the study was 60% in this
population of patients.

Comparison of prevalence and incidence

The prevalence and incidence of disease are frequently confused. They are similar, but differ
in what cases are included in the numerator.
Numerator of Incidence = new cases occurring during a given time period
Numerator of Prevalence = all cases present during a given time period
As you can see, the numerator of an incidence rate consists only of persons whose illness
began during a specified interval. The numerator for prevalence includes all persons ill from a
specified cause during a specified interval (or at a specified point in time) regardless of when
the illness began. It includes not only new cases, but also old cases representing persons who
remained ill during some portion of the specified interval. A case is counted in prevalence until
death or recovery occurs.
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 87

Two surveys were done of the same community 12 months apart. Of 5,000 people surveyed
the first time, 25 had antibodies to histoplasmosis. Twelve months later, 35 had antibodies,
including the original 25. We will calculate the prevalence at the second survey, and compare the
prevalence with the 1-year incidence.
1. Prevalence at the second survey:
x = antibody positive at second survey = 35
y = population = 5,000
x/y × 10n = 35/5,000 × 1,000 = 7 per 1,000
2. Incidence during the 12-month period:
x = number of new positives during the 12-month period = 35 − 25 = 10
y = population at risk = 5,000 − 25 = 4,975
x/y × 10n = 10/4,975 × 1,000 = 2 per 1,000
Prevalence is based on both incidence (risk) and duration of disease. High prevalence of a
disease within a population may reflect high risk, or it may reflect prolonged survival without
cure. Conversely, low prevalence may indicate low incidence, a rapidly fatal process, or rapid
We often use prevalence rather than incidence to measure the occurrence of chronic diseases
such as osteoarthritis which have long duration and dates of onset which are difficult to pinpoint.
Page 88 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 2.4

In the example on page 83 incidence rates for the data shown in Figure 2.1 were calculated.
Recall that Figure 2.1 represents ten episodes of an illness in a population of 20 over a period of
16 months. Each horizontal line represents the portion of time one person spends being ill. The
line begins on the date of onset and ends on the date of death or recovery.

Figure 2.1
Ten episodes of an illness in a population of 20, revisited

Date of onset of illness

Date of death
Person # Date of recovery

Oct. 1, 1990 Apr. 1, 1991 Sep. 30, 1991

Calculate the following rates:

a. Point prevalence on October 1, 1990

b. Period prevalence, October 1, 1990 to September 30, 1991

Answer on page 128.

Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 89

Attack Rate
An attack rate is a variant of an incidence rate, applied to a narrowly defined population
observed for a limited time, such as during an epidemic. The attack rate is usually expressed as a
percent, so 10n equals 100.
For a defined population (the population at risk), during a limited time period,
Number of new cases among the population during the period
Attack rate = × 100
Population at risk at the beginning of the period

Of 75 persons who attended a church picnic, 46 subsequently developed gastroenteritis. To
calculate the attack rate of gastroenteritis we first define the numerator and denominator:
x = Cases of gastroenteritis occurring within the incubation period for gastroenteritis among
persons who attended the picnic = 46
y = Number of persons at the picnic = 75
Then, the attack rate for gastroenteritis is × 100 = 61%
Notice that the attack rate is a proportion—the persons in the numerator are also in the
denominator. This proportion is a measure of the probability or risk of becoming a case. In the
example above, we could say that, among persons who attended the picnic, the probability of
developing gastroenteritis was 61%, or the risk of developing gastroenteritis was 61%.

Secondary Attack Rate

A secondary attack rate is a measure of the frequency of new cases of a disease among the
contacts of known cases. The formula is as follows:
Number of cases among contacts of primary cases during the period
Secondary attack rate = × 10n
total number of contacts

To calculate the total number of household contacts, we usually subtract the number of
primary cases from the total number of people residing in those households.
Seven cases of hepatitis A occurred among 70 children attending a child care center. Each
infected child came from a different family. The total number of persons in the 7 affected
families was 32. One incubation period later, 5 family members of the 7 infected children also
developed hepatitis A. We will calculate the attack rate in the child care center and the secondary
attack rate among family contacts of those cases.
1. Attack rate in child care center:
x = cases of hepatitis A among children in child care center = 7
y = number of children enrolled in the child care center = 70
x 7
Attack rate = × 100 = × 100 = 10%
y 70
Page 90 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 2.2
Secondary spread from child care center to homes
child attending child
care center
child with hepatitis A
family member
family member who
developed hepatitis A


2. Secondary attack rate:

x = cases of hepatitis A among family contacts of children with hepatitis
y = number of persons at risk in the families (total number of family members—children
already infected) = 32 − 7 = 25
x 5
Secondary attack rate = × 100 = × 100 = 20%
y 25
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 91

Exercise 2.5

In a particular community, 115 persons in a population of 4,399 became ill with a disease of
unknown etiology. The 115 cases occurred in 77 households. The total number of persons living
in these 77 households was 424.

a. Calculate the overall attack rate in the community.

b. Calculate the secondary attack rate in the affected households, assuming that only one case per
household was a primary (community-acquired) case.

c. Is the disease distributed evenly throughout the population?

Answer on page 128.

Page 92 Principles of Epidemiology

Person-time Rate
A person-time rate is a type of incidence rate that directly incorporates time into the
denominator. Typically, each person is observed from a set beginning point to an established end
point (onset of disease, death, migration out of the study, or end of the study). The numerator is
still the number of new cases, but the denominator is a little different. The denominator is the
sum of the time each person is observed, totaled for all persons.
Number of cases during observation period
Person-time rate = × 10n
Time each person was observed, totaled for all persons

For example, a person enrolled in a study who develops the disease of interest 5 years later
contributes 5 person-years to the denominator. A person who is disease-free at one year and who
is then lost to follow-up contributes just that 1 person-year to the denominator. Person-time rates
are often used in cohort (follow-up) studies of diseases with long incubation or latency periods,
such as some occupationally related diseases, AIDS, and chronic diseases.
Investigators enrolled 2,100 men in a study and followed them over 4 years to determine the
rate of heart disease. The follow-up data are provided below. We will calculate the person-time
incidence rate of disease. We assume that persons diagnosed with disease and those lost to
follow-up were disease-free for half of the year, and thus contribute ½ year to the denominator.
Initial enrollment: 2,100 men free of disease
After 1 year: 2,000 disease-free, 0 with disease, 100 lost to follow-up
After 2 years: 1,900 disease-free, 1 with disease, 99 lost to follow-up
After 3 years: 1,100 disease-free, 7 with disease, 793 lost to follow-up
After 4 years: 700 disease-free, 8 with disease, 392 lost to follow-up
1. Identify x: x = cases diagnosed = 1 + 7 + 8 = 16
2. Calculate y, the person-years of observation:
1 1 1 1 1 1
(2,000 + × 100) + (1,900 + ×1+ × 99) + (1,100 + ×7+ × 793) + (700 + ×8
2 2 2 2 2 2
+ × 392) = 6,400 person-years of observation.
A second way to calculate the person-years of observation is to turn the data around to reflect
how many people were followed for how many years, as follows:
700 men × 4.0 years = 2,800 person-years
8 + 392 = 400 men × 3.5 years = 1,400 person-years
7 + 793 = 800 men × 2.5 years = 2,000 person-years
1 + 99 = 100 men × 1.5 years = 150 person-years
0 + 100 = 100 men × 0.5 years = 50 person-years
Total = 6,400 person-years of observation
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 93

This is exactly equal to the average population at risk (1,600) times duration of follow-up (4
number of cases during 4 - year study
3. Person-time rate = × 10n
time each person was observed, totaled for all persons
= × 10n = .0025 × 10n
6 ,400

or, if 10n is set at 1,000, there were 2.5 cases per 1,000 person-years of
observation. This quantity is also commonly expressed as 2.5 cases per
1,000 persons per year.
In contrast, the attack rate comes out to 16/2,100 = 7.6 cases/1,000 population during the 4-
year period. This averages out to 1.9 cases per 1,000 persons per year. The attack rate is less
accurate because it ignores persons lost to follow-up.
The attack rate is more useful when we are interested in the proportion of a population who
becomes ill over a brief period, particularly during the course of an epidemic. The person-time
rate is more useful when we are interested in how quickly people develop illnesses, assuming a
constant rate over time.

Risk Ratio
A risk ratio, or relative risk, compares the risk of some health-related event such as disease
or death in two groups. The two groups are typically differentiated by demographic factors such
as sex (e.g., males versus females) or by exposure to a suspected risk factor (e.g., consumption of
potato salad or not). Often, you will see the group of primary interest labeled the “exposed”
group, and the comparison group labeled the “unexposed” group. We place the group that we are
primarily interested in the numerator; we place the group we are comparing them with in the
risk for group of primary interest
Risk Ratio = ×1
Risk for comparison group

The values used for the numerator and denominator should be ones that take into account the
size of the populations the two groups are drawn from. For measures of disease, the incidence
rate or attack rate of the disease in each group may be used. Notice that a value of 1 is used for
A risk ratio of 1.0 indicates identical risk in the two groups. A risk ratio greater than 1.0
indicates an increased risk for the numerator group, while a risk ratio less than 1.0 indicates a
decreased risk for the numerator group (perhaps showing a protective effect of the factor among
the “exposed” numerator group).

Using data from one of the classic studies of pellagra by Goldberger, we will calculate the
risk ratio of pellagra for females versus males. Pellagra is a disease caused by dietary deficiency
of niacin and characterized by dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia. Data from a comparative study
such as this one can be summarized in a two-by-two table. The “two-by-two” refers to the two
Page 94 Principles of Epidemiology

variables (sex and illness status), each with two categories. These tables will be discussed in
more detail in Lesson 4. Data from the pellagra study are shown in Table 2.6. The totals for
females and males are also shown.

Table 2.6
Number of cases for pellagra by sex, South Carolina, 1920’s
Yes No Total
Female a = 46 b = 1,438 1,484
Male c = 18 d = 1,401 1,419
Source: 6

To calculate the risk ratio of pellagra for females versus males, we must first calculate the
risk of illness among females and among males.
a 46
Risk of illness among females = = = .031
a+b 1,484

c 18
Risk of illness among males = = = .013
c+d 1,419

Therefore, the risk of illness among females is .031 or 3.1% and the risk of illness among males
is .013 or 1.3%. In calculating the risk ratio for females versus males, females are the group of
primary interest and males are the comparison group. The formula is:
3 .1 %
Risk ratio = = 2.4
The risk of pellagra in females appears to be 2.4 times higher than the risk in males.

In the same study, the risk of pellagra among mill workers was 0.9%. The risk among those
who did not work in the mill was 4.4%. The relative risk of pellagra for mill workers versus non-
mill workers is calculated as:
Relative risk = risk ratio = 0.9%/4.4% = 0.2
The risk of pellagra in mill workers appears to be only 0.2 or one-fifth of the risk in non-mill
workers. In other words, working in the mill appears to protect against developing pellagra.
The relative risk is called a measure of association because it quantifies the relationship
(association) between the so-called exposure (sex, mill employment) and disease (pellagra).
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 95

Rate Ratio
A rate ratio compares two groups in terms of incidence rates, person-time rates, or mortality
rates. Like the risk ratio, the two groups are typically differentiated by demographic factors or by
exposure to a suspected causative agent. The rate for the group of primary interest is divided by
the rate for the comparison group.
rate for group of primary interest
Rate ratio = ×1
rate for comparison group

The interpretation of the value of a rate ratio is similar to that of the risk ratio.

The rate ratio quantifies the relative incidence of a particular health event in two specified
populations (one exposed to a suspected causative agent, one unexposed) over a specified period.
For example, the data in Table 2.7a provide death rates from lung cancer taken from the classic
study on smoking and cancer by Doll and Hill (5). Using these data we will calculate the rate
ratio of smokers of 1-14 cigarettes per day to nonsmokers. The “exposed group” is the smokers
of 1-14 cigarettes per day. The “unexposed group” is the smokers of 0 cigarettes per day.

Table 2.7a
Death rates and rate ratios from lung cancer by daily cigarette consumption,
Doll and Hill physician follow-up study, 1951-1961
Death rates
Cigarettes per day per 1000 per year Rate ratio
0 (Nonsmokers) 0.07 —
1-14 0.57 ____________
15-24 1.39 ____________
25+ 2.27 ____________

Source: 5

Rate ratio = 0.57 / 0.07 = 8.1

The rate of lung cancer among smokers of 1-14 cigarettes is 8.1 times higher than the rate of
lung cancer in nonsmokers.
Page 96 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 2.6

Using data in Table 2.7a, calculate the following rate ratios. Enter the ratios in Table 2.7a.
Discuss what the various rate ratios show about the risk for lung cancer among cigarette

a. Smokers of 15-24 cigarettes per day compared with nonsmokers

b. Smokers of 25+ cigarettes per day compared with nonsmokers

Answer on page 129.

Odds Ratio
An odds ratio is another measure of association which quantifies the relationship between an
exposure and health outcome from a comparative study. The odds ratio is calculated as:
Odds ratio =

a = number of persons with disease and with exposure of interest

b = number of persons without disease, but with exposure of interest
c = number of persons with disease, but without exposure of interest
d = number of persons without disease and without exposure of interest
a + c = total number of persons with disease (“cases”)
b + d = total number of persons without disease (“controls”)
Note that in the two-by-two table, Table 2.6 on page 94, the same letters (a, b, c, and d) are
used to label the four cells in the table. The odds ratio is sometimes called the cross-product
ratio, because the numerator is the product of cell a and cell d, while the denominator is the
product of cell b and cell c. A line from cell a to cell d (for the numerator) and another from cell
b to cell c (for the denominator) creates an x or cross on the two-by-two table.
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 97

To quantify the relationship between pellagra and sex, the odds ratio is calculated as:
46 × 1,401
Odds ratio = = 2.5
1,438 × 18

Notice that the odds ratio of 2.5 is fairly close to the risk ratio of 2.4. That is one of the
attractive features of the odds ratio: when the health outcome is uncommon, the odds ratio
provides a good approximation of the relative risk. Another attractive feature is that we can
calculate the odds ratio if we know the values in four cells in the two-by-two table; we do not
need to know the size of the total exposed group and the total unexposed group. This feature is
particularly relevant when we analyze data from a case-control study, which has a group of cases
(distributed in cells a and c of the two-by-two table) and a group of non-cases or controls
(distributed in cells b and d). The size of the control group is arbitrary and the true size of the
population from which the cases came is usually not known, so we usually cannot calculate rates
or a relative risk. Nonetheless, we can still calculate an odds ratio, and interpret it as an
approximation of the relative risk.

Attributable Proportion
The attributable proportion, also known as the attributable risk percent, is a measure of the
public health impact of a causative factor. In calculating this measure, we assume that the
occurrence of disease in a group not exposed to the factor under study represents the baseline or
expected risk for that disease; we will attribute any risk above that level in the exposed group to
their exposure. Thus, the attributable proportion is the proportion of disease in an exposed group
attributable to the exposure. It represents the expected reduction in disease if the exposure could
be removed (or never existed).
For two specified subpopulations, identified as exposed or unexposed to a suspected risk
factor, with risk of a health event recorded over a specified period,
(risk for exposed group) − (risk for unexposed group)
Attributable Proportion = × 100%
risk for exposed group

Attributable proportion can be calculated for rates in the same way.

Page 98 Principles of Epidemiology

Using the data in Table 2.7b, we will calculate the attributable proportion for persons who
smoked 1-14 cigarettes per day.

Table 2.7b
Death rates and rate ratios from lung cancer by daily cigarette consumption
Doll and Hill physician follow-up study, 1951-1961
Death Rates Attributable
Cigarettes per day per 1,000 per Year Rate Ratio Proportion
0 (Nonsmokers) 0.07 — ____________
1-14 0.57 8.1 ____________
15-24 1.39 19.9 ____________
25+ 2.27 32.4 ____________

Source: 5

1. Identify exposed group rate: lung cancer death rate for smokers of 1-14 cigarettes per day =
0.57 per 1,000 per year
2. Identify unexposed group rate: lung cancer death rate for nonsmokers = 0.07 per 1,000 per
3. Calculate attributable proportion:
0.57 − 0.07
= × 100%

= 0.877 × 100%
= 87.7%
Thus, assuming our data are valid (for example, the groups are comparable in age and other
risk factors), then about 88% of the lung cancer in smokers of 1-14 cigarettes per day may be
attributable to their smoking. Approximately 12% of the lung cancer cases in this group would
have occurred anyway.
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 99

Exercise 2.7

Using the data in Table 2.7b, calculate the attributable proportions for the following:
a. smokers of 15-24 cigarettes per day

b. smokers of 25+ cigarettes per day

Table 2.7b, revisited

Death rates and rate ratios from lung cancer by daily cigarette consumption
Doll and Hill physician follow-up study, 1951-1961
Death Rates Attributable
Cigarettes per Day per 1,000 per Year Rate Ratio Proportion
0 (Nonsmokers) 0.07 — ___________
1-14 0.57 8.1 87.7%
15-24 1.39 19.9 ___________
25+ 2.27 32.4 ___________

Source: 5

Answer on page 129.

Page 100 Principles of Epidemiology

Mortality Frequency Measures

Mortality Rates
A mortality rate is a measure of the frequency of occurrence of death in a defined population
during a specified interval. For a defined population, over a specified period of time,
deaths occurring during a given time period
Mortality rate = × 10n
size of the population among which the deaths occurred

When mortality rates are based on vital statistics (e.g., counts of death certificates), the
denominator most commonly used is the size of the population at the middle of the time period.
In the United States, values of 1,000 and 100,000 are both used for 10n for most types of
mortality rates. Table 2.8 summarizes the formulas of frequently used mortality measures.

Table 2.8
Frequently used measures of mortality
Expressed per
Measure Numerator (x) Denominator (y) n
number at risk (10 )
Crude Death Rate total number of deaths Estimated mid-interval 1,000 or 100,000
reported during a given population
time interval

Cause-specific # deaths assigned to a Estimated mid-interval 100,000

Death Rate specific cause during a population
given time interval

Proportional Mortality # deaths assigned to a Total number of 100 or 1,000

specific cause during a deaths from all causes
given time interval during the same
Death-to-Case Ratio # deaths assigned to a # new cases of that 100
specific disease during a disease reported
given time interval during the same time
Neonatal Mortality Rate # deaths under 28 days of # live births during the 1,000
age during a given time same time interval

Postneonatal # deaths from 28 days to, # live births during the 1,000
Mortality Rate but not including, 1 year of same time interval
age, during a given time

Infant Mortality Rate # deaths under 1 year of #l live births reported 1,000
age during a given time during the same time
interval interval

Maternal Mortality Rate # deaths assigned to # live births during the 100,000
pregnancy-related causes same time interval
during a given time interval
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 101

Crude mortality rate (crude death rate)

The crude mortality rate is the mortality rate from all causes of death for a population. For
10n, we use 1,000 or 100,000.

Cause-specific mortality rate

The cause-specific mortality rate is the mortality rate from a specified cause for a population.
The numerator is the number of deaths attributed to a specific cause. The denominator remains
the size of the population at the midpoint of the time period. For 10n, we use 100,000.

Age-specific mortality rate

An age-specific mortality rate is a mortality rate limited to a particular age group. The
numerator is the number of deaths in that age group; the denominator is the number of persons in
that age group in the population. Some specific types of age-specific mortality rates are neonatal,
postneonatal, and infant mortality rates.

Infant mortality rate

The infant mortality rate is one of the most commonly used measures for comparing health
services among nations. The numerator is the number of deaths among children under 1 year of
age reported during a given time period, usually a calendar year. The denominator is the number
of live births reported during the same time period. The infant mortality rate is usually expressed
per 1,000 live births.
Is the infant mortality rate a proportion? Technically, it is a ratio but not a proportion.
Consider the U.S infant mortality rate for 1988. In 1988, 38,910 infants died and 3.9 million
children were born, for an infant mortality rate of 9.95 per 1,000 (7). Undoubtedly, some of these
deaths occurred among children born in 1987, but the denominator includes only children born in

Neonatal mortality rate

The neonatal period is defined as the period from birth up to but not including 28 days. The
numerator of the neonatal mortality rate therefore is the number of deaths among children under
28 days of age during a given time period. The denominator of the neonatal mortality rate, like
that of the infant mortality rate, is the number of live births reported during the same time period.
The neonatal mortality rate is usually expressed per 1,000 live births. In 1988, the neonatal
mortality rate in the United States was 6.3 per 1,000 live births (7).

Postneonatal mortality rate

The postneonatal period is defined as the period from 28 days of age up to but not including
1 year of age. The numerator of the postneonatal mortality rate therefore is the number of deaths
among children from 28 days up to but not including 1 year of age during a given time period.
The denominator is the number of live births reported during the same time period. The
postneonatal mortality rate is usually expressed per 1,000 live births. In 1988, the postneonatal
mortality rate in the United States was 3.6 per 1,000 live births (7).
Page 102 Principles of Epidemiology

Maternal mortality rate

The maternal mortality rate is really a ratio used to measure mortality associated with
pregnancy. The numerator is the number of deaths assigned to causes related to pregnancy
during a given time period. The denominator is the number of live births reported during the
same time period. Because maternal mortality is much less common than infant mortality, the
maternal mortality rate is usually expressed per 100,000 live births. In 1988, the maternal
mortality rate was 8.4 per 100,000 live births (7).

Sex-specific mortality rate

A sex-specific mortality rate is a mortality rate among either males or females. Both
numerator and denominator are limited to the one sex.

Race-specific mortality rate

A race-specific mortality rate is a mortality rate limited to a specified racial group. Both
numerator and denominator are limited to the specified race.

Combinations of specific mortality rates

Mortality rates can be further refined to combinations that are cause-specific, age-specific,
sex-specific, and/or race-specific. For example, the mortality rate attributed to HIV among 25- to
44-year-olds in the United States in 1987 was 9,820 deaths among 77.6 million 25- to 44-year-
olds, or 12.7 per 100,000. This is a cause- and age-specific mortality rate, because it is limited to
one cause (HIV infection) and one age group (25 to 44 years).

Age-adjusted mortality rates

Often, we want to compare the mortality experience of different populations. However, since
mortality rates increase with age, a higher mortality rate in one population than in another may
simply reflect that the first population is older than the second. Statistical techniques are used to
adjust or standardize the rates in the populations to be compared which eliminates the effect of
different age distributions in the different populations. Mortality rates computed with these
techniques are called age-adjusted or age-standardized mortality rates.
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 103

A total of 2,123,323 deaths were recorded in the United States in 1987. The mid-year
population was estimated to be 243,401,000. HIV-related mortality and population data by age
for all residents and for black males are shown in Table 2.9. We will use these data to calculate
the following four mortality rates:
a. Crude mortality rate
b. HIV-(cause)-specific mortality rate for the entire population
c. HIV-specific mortality among 35- to 44-year-olds
d. HIV-specific mortality among 35- to 44-year-old black males

a. Crude mortality rate

Number of deaths in the U.S.
= × 100,000
Total population

= × 100,000

= 872.4 deaths per 100,000 population

Table 2.9
HIV mortality and estimated population by age group
overall and for black males, United States, 1987
All Races, all ages Black Males
Age Group Population Population
(years) HIV Deaths × 1,000)
(× HIV Deaths × 1,000)

0-4 191 18,252 47 1,393
5-14 47 34,146 7 2,697
15-24 492 38,252 145 2,740
25-34 5,026 43,315 1,326 2,549
35-44 4,794 34,305 1,212 1,663
45-54 1,838 23,276 395 1,117
≥55 1,077 51,855 168 1,945
Unknown 3 1
Total 13,468 243,401 3,301 14,104
Source: 10

b. HIV (cause)-specific mortality rate for the entire population

Number of HIV deaths
= × 10n

= × 100,000

= 5.5 HIV-related deaths per 100,000 population

Page 104 Principles of Epidemiology

c. HIV-related mortality rate among 35- to 44-year-olds

(cause-specific and age-specific mortality rate)
Number of HIV deaths in 35 - to 44 - year - olds
= × 10n
Population of 35 - to 44 - year - olds

= × 100,000

= 14.0 HIV-related deaths per 100,000 35- to 44-year-olds

d. HIV-related mortality rate among 35- to 44-year-old black males
(cause-, age-, race-, and sex-specific mortality rate)
Number of HIV deaths in 35 - to 44 - year - old black males
= × 10n
Population of 35 - to 44 - year - old black males

= × 100,000

= 72.9 HIV-related deaths per 100,000 35- to 44-year-old black males

Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 105

Exercise 2.8

In 1987, a total of 12,088 HIV-related deaths occurred in males and 1,380 HIV-related deaths
occurred in females (10). The estimated 1987 midyear population for males and females was
118,531,000 and 124,869,000, respectively.

a. Calculate the HIV-related death rate for males and for females.

b. What type of mortality rates did you calculate in step a?

c. Calculate the HIV-mortality rate ratio for males versus females.

Answer on page 129.

Page 106 Principles of Epidemiology

Death-to-case ratio
The death-to-case ratio is the number of deaths attributed to a particular disease during a
specified time period divided by the number of new cases of that disease identified during the
same time period:
Number of deaths of particular diseases during specified period
Death-to-case ratio = × 10n
Number of new cases of the disease identified during same period

The figures used for the numerator and denominator must apply to the same population. The
deaths in the numerator are not necessarily included in the denominator, however, because some
of the deaths may have occurred in persons who developed the disease before the specified
For example, 22,517 new cases of tuberculosis were reported in the United States in 1987
(2). During the same year, 1,755 deaths occurred that were attributed to tuberculosis.
Presumably, many of the deaths occurred in persons who had initially contracted tuberculosis
years earlier. Thus, many of the 1,755 in the numerator are not among the 22,517 in the
denominator. Therefore, the death-to-case ratio is a ratio but not a proportion. The tuberculosis
death-to-case ratio for 1987 is:
× 10n

We can calculate the number of deaths per 100 cases by dividing the numerator by the
denominator (10n = 100 for this calculation):
1.755 ÷ 22,517 × 100 = 7.8 deaths per 100 new cases
Alternatively, we can calculate the number of cases per death by dividing the denominator by
the numerator (10n = 1 for this calculation):
22,517 ÷ 1,755 = 12.8
Therefore, there was 1 death per 12.8 new cases.
It is correct to use either expression of the ratio.
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 107

Exercise 2.9

The following table provides the number of newly reported cases of diphtheria and the number
of diphtheria-associated deaths in the United States by decade. Calculate the death-to-case ratio
by decade. Describe diphtheria’s presence in the population by interpreting the table below.

Table 2.10
Number of cases and deaths from diphtheria by decade,
United States, 1940-1989
Decade Number of new cases Number of Deaths ratio (x100)
1940-1949 143,497 11,228
1950-1959 23,750 1,710
1960-1969 3,679 390
1970-1979 1,956 90
1980-1989 27 3
Source: 2

Answer on page 130.

Page 108 Principles of Epidemiology

Case-fatality rate
The case-fatality rate is the proportion of persons with a particular condition (cases) who die
from that condition. The formula is:
Number of cause - specific deaths among the incident cases
Case-fatality rate = × 10n
Number of incident cases

Unlike the death-to-case ratio, which is simply the ratio of cause-specific deaths to cases
during a specified time, the case-fatality rate is a proportion and requires that the deaths in the
numerator be limited to the cases in the denominator.
Consider the data in Table 2.1, page 74. From the line listing we see that, of the 11 neonates
who developed listeriosis, two died. The case-fatality rate is calculated as:
2 deaths
Case-fatality rate = × 100 = 18.2%
11 cases

Proportionate mortality
Proportionate mortality describes the proportion of deaths in a specified population over a
period of time attributable to different causes. Each cause is expressed as a percentage of all
deaths, and the sum of the causes must add to 100%. These proportions are not mortality rates,
since the denominator is all deaths, not the population in which the deaths occurred.
For a specified population over a specified period,
Deaths due to a particular cause
Proportionate mortality = × 100
Deaths from all causes

Table 2.11 shows the distribution of primary causes of death in the United States in 1987.
The data are grouped into two age groups. The first group includes persons of all ages and the
second group includes only persons 25 to 44 years old. For the first group, all ages, the number
of deaths, proportionate mortality (indicated as percent), and rank value for each cause of death
are listed.
Looking at Table 2.11, we find that cerebrovascular disease was the third leading cause of
death among the population as a whole (“all ages”), with a proportionate mortality of 7.1%.
Among 25- to 44-year-olds, however, cerebrovascular disease accounted for only 2.6% of the
Sometimes we compare the proportionate mortality in one age group or occupational group
to the entire population, either for deaths from all causes or from a specific cause. The resulting
ratio is called a proportionate mortality ratio, or PMR for short.
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 109

Table 2.11
Distribution of primary causes of death,
all ages and ages 25 to 44 years, United States, 1987
All Ages Ages 25 to 44 years
Cause Number Percent Rank Number Percent Rank
Heart Disease 760,353 35.8 1 15,874 ______ ______
Cancer 476,927 22.5 2 20,305 ______ ______
149,835 7.1 3 3,377 2.6 8
95,020 4.5 4 27,484 ______ ______
adverse effects
Chronic pulmonary
78,380 3.7 5 897 0.7 <10
Pneumonia &
69,225 3.3 6 1,936 1.5 9
Diabetes mellitus 38,532 1.8 7 1,821 1.4 10
Suicide 30,796 1.5 8 11,787 ______ ______
Chronic liver
26,201 1.2 9 4,562 3.5 7
Atherosclerosis 22,474 1.1 10 53 <0.1 <10
Homicide 21,103 1.0 <10 10,268 ______ ______
HIV infection 13,468 0.6 <10 9,820 ______ ______
All other 341,009 16.1 -- 22,980 17.5 --
Total (all causes) 2,123,323 100.0 131,164 100.0
Source: 10
Page 110 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 2.10

Using the data in Table 2.11, calculate the missing proportionate mortalities and ranks for
persons with ages of 25 to 44 years. Enter percents and ranks in Table 2.11.

Answer on page 130.

Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 111

Exercise 2.11

Using the data in Table 2.11, calculate the ratio of homicide proportionate mortality among 25-
to 44-year-olds to the homicide proportionate mortality among all ages.

Answer on page 131.

Page 112 Principles of Epidemiology

Years of Potential Life Lost and YPLL Rate

Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL) is a measure of the impact of premature mortality on a
population. It is calculated as the sum of the differences between some predetermined end point
and the ages of death for those who died before that end point. The two most commonly used
end points are age 65 years and average life expectancy. Because of the way in which YPLL is
calculated, this measure gives more weight to a death the earlier it occurs.

Calculating YPLL from a line listing

1. Eliminate the records of all persons who died at or after the end point (e.g., age 65 years).
2. For each person who died before the end point, identify that individual’s YPLL by subtracting
the age at death from the end point.
3. Sum the YPLL’s.

Calculating YPLL from a frequency distribution

1. Ensure that age groups break at the end point (e.g., age 65 years). Eliminate all age groups
older than the end point.
2. For each age group younger than the end point, identify the midpoint of the age group
Age group' s youngest age in years + oldest age + 1
midpoint =
3. For each age group younger than the end point, identify that age group’s YPLL by subtracting
the midpoint from the end point.
4. Calculate age-specific YPLL by multiplying the age group’s YPLL times the number of
persons in that age group.
5. Sum the age-specific YPLL’s.

The Years of Potential Life Lost Rate represents years of potential life lost per 1,000
population below the age of 65 years (or below the average life expectancy). YPLL rates should
be used to compare premature mortality in different populations, since YPLL does not take into
account differences in population sizes.
The formula for a YPLL rate is as follows:
Years of potential life lost
YPLL rate = × 10n
Population under age 65 years

Using the motor vehicle injury (MVI) data in Table 2.12a, we will calculate the following:
a. MVI-related mortality rate, all ages
b. MVI-related mortality rate for persons under age 65 years
c. MVI-related years of potential life lost
d. MVI-related YPLL rate
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 113

Table 2.12a
Deaths attributed to motor vehicle injuries (MVI)
and to pneumonia and influenza by age group, United States, 1987
Age Group Population Pneumonia &
(years) (×1000) MVI deaths Influenza deaths
0-4 18,252 1,190 873
5-14 34,146 2,397 94
15-24 38,252 14,447 268
25-34 43,315 10,467 759
35-44 34,305 5,938 1,177
45-54 23,276 3,576 1,626
55-64 22,019 3,445 3,879
65-74 17,668 3,277 10,026
75-84 9,301 2,726 21,777
≥85 2,867 778 28,739
Unknown 49 7
Total 243,401 48,290 69,225
Source: 10

a. MVI-related mortality rate, all ages

= (48,290/243,401,000) × 100,000 = 19.8 MVI deaths per 100,000 population

b. MVI-related mortality rate for persons under age 65 years

1,190 + 2,397 + 14,447 + 10,467 + 5,938 + 3,576 + 3,445
= × 100,000
(18,252 + 34,146 + 38,252 + 43,315 + 34,305 + 23,276 + 22,019 )× 1,000
= × 100,000

= 19.4 MVI deaths per 100,000 persons under age 65 years

c. MVI-related years of potential life lost

1. Calculate the midpoint of each age interval. Using the formula given above, the
midpoint of the age group 0 to 4 years is (0 + 4 + 1)/2, or 5/2, or 2.5 years. Using the
same formula, midpoints must be determined for each age group up to and including the
age group 55 to 64 years (see column 3 of Table 2.12b).
2. Subtract the midpoint from the end point to determine the years of potential life lost for
a particular age group. For the age group 0 to 4 years, each death represents 65 minus
2.5, or 62.5 years of potential life lost (see column 4 of Table 2.12b).
3. Calculate age-specific years of potential life lost by multiplying the number of deaths in
a given age group by its years of potential life lost. For the age group 0 to 4 years, 1190
deaths × 62.5 equals 74,375.0 years of potential life lost (see column 5 of Table 2.12b).
Page 114 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 2.12b
Deaths and years of potential life lost attributed to motor vehicle injuries
by age group, United States, 1987
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Age Group (years) MVI deaths Midpoint Years to 65 YPLL
0-4 1,190 2.5 62.5 74,375
5-14 2,397 10 55 131,835
15-24 14,447 20 45 650,115
25-34 10,467 30 35 366,345
35-44 5,938 40 25 148,450
45-54 3,576 50 15 53,640
55-64 3,445 60 5 17,225
65-74 3,277 — — 0
75-84 2,726 — — 0
≥85 778 — — 0
Unknown 49 — — 0
Total 48,290 1,441,985

4. Total the age-specific years of potential life lost. The total years of potential life lost
attributed to motor vehicle injuries in the United States in 1987 was 1,441,985 years
(see Total of column 5, Table 2.12b).
d. MVI-related YPLL rate = YPLL divided by the population to age 65
= × 1,000 = 6.8 YPLL per 1,000 population under age 65.

Two end points are in common use. The first, age 65, is illustrated in the example above. The
65-year end point assumes that everyone should live at least to age 65, and any death before that
age is premature. It ignores deaths after age 65. Thus, the 65-year end point emphasizes causes
of death among younger persons.
The second end point commonly used is life expectancy remaining at the time of death.
Years of potential life lost for each death is calculated by subtracting the age at death (or age-
group midpoint) from the remaining life expectancy at that age. The remaining life expectancy is
available from an abridged life table published annually by the National Center for Health
Statistics (10). For example, in 1984, the remaining life expectancy for a 60-year-old was 20.4
years, and the remaining life expectancy for the age group 75 to 84 years was 8.2 years. Since
deaths at older ages are far more numerous, the life-expectancy method for calculating years of
potential life lost places less emphasis on deaths at early ages, and more closely resembles crude
mortality rates (14).
We use YPLL rates to compare YPLL in populations of different sizes. Because different
populations may also have different age distributions, we commonly calculate age-adjusted
YPLL rates to eliminate the effect of different age distributions in the populations to be
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 115

Exercise 2.12

Using the pneumonia and influenza (P&I) data in Table 2.12a calculate the following:

a. P&I-related mortality rate, all ages

b. P&I-related mortality rate for persons under age 65 years

c. P&I-related years of potential life lost

d. P&I-related YPLL rate

Answer on page 131.

Page 116 Principles of Epidemiology

Natality Frequency Measures

In epidemiology, natality measures are used in the area of maternal and child health and less
so in other areas. Table 2.13 shows a summary for some frequently used measures of natality.

Table 2.13
Frequently used measures of natality
Expressed per
Measure Numerator (x) Denominator (y) Number at Risk (10 )
Crude Birth Rate # live births reported during a Estimated total population 1,000
given time interval at mid interval

Crude Fertility # live births reported during a Estimated number of 1,000

Rate given time interval women age 15-44 years

Crude Rate of # live births minus estimated total population 1,000

Natural Increase # deaths during a given time at mid-interval

Low Birth # live births under 2,500 # live births reported 100
Weight Ratio grams during a given time during the same time
interval interval
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 117

Counts of disease and other health events are important in epidemiology. Counts are the basis
for disease surveillance and for allocation of resources. However, a count alone is insufficient for
describing the characteristics of a population and for determining risk. For these purposes we use
ratios, proportions, and rates as well as measures of central location and dispersion which will be
discussed in the next lesson. Ratios and proportions are useful for describing the characteristics
of populations. Proportions and rates are used for quantifying morbidity and mortality. From
these proportions we can infer risk among different groups, detect high-risk groups, and develop
hypotheses about causes—i.e., why these groups are at increased risk.
The two primary measures of morbidity are incidence rates and prevalence. Incidence rates
reflect the occurrence of new disease in a population; prevalence reflects the presence of disease
in a population. To quantify the association between disease occurrence and possible risk factors
or causes, we commonly use two measures, relative risk and odds ratio.
Mortality rates have long been the standard for measuring mortality in a population.
Recently, years of potential life lost and years of potential life lost rates have gained in
popularity because they focus on premature, and mostly preventable, mortality.
All of these measures are used when we perform the core epidemiologic task known as
descriptive epidemiology.
Page 118 Principles of Epidemiology

Review Exercises
Exercise 2.13

Answer questions a-f by analyzing the data in Table 2.14 (page 120) by time, place, and person.

a. Grouping the dates of onset into 7-day intervals, create a frequency distribution of number of
cases by week.

b. Use the line listing in Table 2.14 and the area-specific population data in Table 2.15 to
compute area-specific attack rates. Which area of the city has the most cases? Which area has the
highest attack rate?

c. Calculate the ratio of female-to-male cases.

Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 119

d. Calculate the proportion of cases who are female.

e. Use the line listing and the age- and sex-specific population data in Table 2.16 to compute
age- and sex-specific attack rates. Which age/sex groups were at greatest risk? Which age/sex
groups were at lowest risk? (Hint: Table 2.16 is limited to city residents. Whom should you
include in the numerator of your attack rates?)

f. Calculate the relative risk for persons age 40 to 59 years versus persons age 20 to 39 years.

Answers on page 132.

Page 120 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 2.14
Line listing of cases of disease X, city M
Case Area of Date of Case Area of Date of
Age Sex Age Sex
No. Residence onset No. Residence onset
1 38 M 7 2/10 51 14 F 5 2/27
2 41 M 8 2/10 52 57 F OOC 2/27
3 7 F 11 2/10 53 50 F 1 2/28
4 17 F 8 2/10 54 58 F 1 2/28
5 10 M 8 2/10 55 69 M City 2/28
6 28 M 13 2/11 56 51 F County 2/28
7 42 M 2 2/13 57 67 F County 2/28
8 57 M County** 2/14 58 40 M 9 2/28
9 16 M 11 2/15 59 57 M County 2/29
10 15 M 9 2/15 60 72 F 7 2/29
11 56 M 9 2/15 61 16 M 3 2/29
12 40 M City* 2/16 62 31 M 5 2/29
13 40 F 4 2/16 63 41 F 3 3/01
14 36 F 4 2/17 64 54 F 7 3/01
15 54 F 8 2/17 65 54 F 4 3/01
16 53 M 2 2/17 66 29 F OOC 3/01
17 15 M 4 2/17 67 44 F OOC 3/01
18 34 F 1 2/17 68 73 F OOC 3/01
19 41 M 12 2/18 69 49 F 9 3/02
20 42 F 12 2/18 70 60 M OOC 3/02
21 33 M County 2/18 71 63 M 5 3/02
22 51 M County 2/19 72 8 M 4 3/03
23 39 M County 2/19 73 66 F 2 3/03
24 46 F 2 2/19 74 65 M 7 3/03
25 34 M 2 2/19 75 17 F 3 3/04
26 67 F 12 2/20 76 16 F 3 3/04
27 46 F OOC*** 2/20 77 40 F OOC 3/05
28 48 F OOC 2/21 78 76 F 7 3/05
29 32 M 12 2/21 79 46 M County 3/05
30 73 M 3 2/21 80 44 F 1 3/06
31 51 F 8 2/21 81 55 F OOC 3/06
32 53 M County 2/21 82 37 F OOC 3/07
33 35 F County 2/22 83 35 F County 3/07
34 52 M 7 2/22 84 67 F 12 3/07
35 59 F 4 2/22 85 18 M 5 3/07
36 25 F 8 2/22 86 20 M 6 3/08
37 62 F 5 2/22 87 86 M County 3/09
38 15 F 10 2/22 88 38 M 3 3/09
39 50 F OOC 2/22 89 40 F 8 3/11
40 39 F 12 2/22 90 86 F 3 3/11
41 55 F 7 2/23 91 44 F 11 3/11
42 76 F OOC 2/23 92 67 F OOC 3/12
43 15 M County 2/24 93 30 F 7 3/13
44 36 M OOC 2/24 94 60 F 3 3/13
45 41 F County 2/24 95 49 F 6 3/24
46 71 F 6 2/24 96 16 F 11 3/29
47 54 M 1 2/25 97 57 M 5 4/04
48 17 M 8 2/26 98 42 M 9 4/05
49 75 F 8 2/26 99 29 F 2 4/09
50 27 M 11 2/26
*City = within city limits, but exact address unknown
**County = Outside of city limits but within county
***OOC = Outside of county
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 121

Table 2.15
City population* distribution
by residence area,city M
Residence Area number Population
1 4,006
2 2,441
3 3,070
4 1,893
5 3,003
6 2,258
7 2,289
8 1,692
9 3,643
10 1,265
11 1,302
12 3,408
13 441
Total 30,711
*County population outside city limits = 20,000

Table 2.16
City population distribution
by age and sex, city M
Age Group Male Female Total
0-9 3,523 3,379 6,902
10-19 2,313 2,483 4,796
20-39 3,476 3,929 7,405
40-59 3,078 3,462 6,540
≥60 2,270 2,798 5,068
Total 14,660 16,051 30,711
Page 122 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 2.14

Using the data in Tables 2.17 through 2.21, answer the following questions (a-j). All questions
refer to the United States in 1989.

a. What is the crude mortality rate?

b. What is the ratio of infant mortality rates for males versus females?

c. What is the ratio of neonatal versus postneonatal mortality?

d. What proportion of the U.S. population is ages 65 years and over? What proportion of U.S.
deaths occurred among persons ages 65 years and over? What is the mortality rate for persons
ages 65 years and over? What type of rate is this?

e. What is the mortality rate attributable to HIV infection?

Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 123

f. What is the AIDS incidence rate?

g. What is the HIV death-to-case ratio? (Use reported cases of AIDS for the denominator.)

h. What is the proportionate mortality for heart disease?

i. Calculate years of potential life lost (to age 65) for motor vehicle injuries.

j. Calculate the YPLL rate for motor vehicle injuries.

Answers on page 134.

Page 124 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 2.17
Live births by sex, United States, 1989
Sex Number
Male 2,069,490
Female 1,971,468
Total 4,040,958
Source: 9

Table 2.18
Deaths by age and sex, United States,1989
Age Group Male Female Total
<28 days 14,059 11,109 25,168
28 days−11 months 8,302 6,185 14,487
1-4 years 4,110 3,182 7,292
5-9 years 2,510 1,803 4,313
10-14 years 2,914 1,687 4,601
15-19 years 11,263 4,307 15,570
20-24 years 15,902 5,016 20,918
25-29 years 19,932 6,998 26,930
30-34 years 24,222 9,372 33,594
35-39 years 26,742 11,120 37,862
40-44 years 28,586 14,471 43,057
45-49 years 32,718 18,139 50,857
50-54 years 42,105 25,304 67,409
55-59 years 62,981 38,493 101,474
60-64 years 96,628 61,956 158,584
65-69 years 129,847 89,250 219,097
70-74 years 148,559 113,568 262,127
75-79 years 157,090 144,135 301,225
80-84 years 135,580 162,401 297,981
≥85 years 149,735 307,623 457,358
Not stated 405 157 562
All ages 1,114,190 1,036,276 2,150,466
Source: 8
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 125

Table 2.19
Deaths by age and selected causes of death, United States, 1989
Age Group Heart
P&I MVI Diabetes HIV All Other Total
(years) Disease
<1 776 636 216 6 120 37,901 39,655
1-4 281 228 1,005 15 112 5,651 7,292
5-14 295 122 2,266 32 64 6,135 8,914
15-24 938 271 12,941 136 613 21,589 36,488
25-34 3,462 881 10,269 687 7,759 37,466 60,524
35-44 11,782 1,415 6,302 1,432 8,563 51,425 80,919
45-54 30,922 1,707 3,879 2,784 3,285 75,689 118,266
55-64 81,351 3,880 3,408 6,942 1,144 163,333 260,058
65-74 165,787 10,418 3,465 13,168 327 288,059 481,224
75-84 234,318 24,022 2,909 14,160 70 323,727 599,206
≥85 203,863 32,955 877 7,470 12 212,181 457,358
Not stated 92 15 38 1 13 403 562
All ages 733,867 76,550 47,575 46,833 22,082 1,223,559 2,150,466
Source: 8

Table 2.20
Reported new cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, 1989
Disease Number
AIDS 33,722
Anthrax 0
Gonorrhea* 733,151
Hepatitis A 35,821
Hepatitis B 23,419
Legionellosis 1,190
Measles 18,193
Plague 4
Rabies, human 1
Salmonellosis 47,812
Shigellosis 25,010
Syphilis, primary and secondary* 44,540
Syphilis, congenital 859
Trichinosis 30
Tuberculosis 23,495
* Civilian cases only
Source: 2
Page 126 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 2.21
× 1,000) by age and sex,
Estimated resident population (×
United States, July 1,1989
Age Group Male Female Total
Under 1 year 2,020 1,925 3,945
1-4 years 7,578 7,229 14,807
5-9 years 9,321 8,891 18,212
10-14 years 8,689 8,260 16,949
15-19 years 9,091 8,721 17,812
20-24 years 9,368 9,334 18,702
25-29 years 10,865 10,834 21,699
30-34 years 11,078 11,058 22,136
35-39 years 9,731 9,890 19,621
40-44 years 8,294 8,588 16,882
45-49 years 6,601 6,920 13,521
50-54 years 5,509 5,866 11,375
55-59 years 5,121 5,605 10,726
60-64 years 5,079 5,788 10,867
65-69 years 4,631 5,538 10,169
70-74 years 3,464 4,549 8,013
75-79 years 2,385 3,648 6,033
80-84 years 1,306 2,422 3,728
≥85 years 850 2,192 3,042
All ages 120,981 127,258 248,239
Source: 13
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 127

Answers to Exercises

Answer — Exercise 2.1 (page 76)

Distribution of women by parity, Reproductive Health Study

Parity Frequency
0 4
1 5
2 4
3 2
4 1
5 1
6 0
7 1
8 1
Total 19

Answer—Exercise 2.2 (page 80)

a. 5 males, 6 females
male:female = 5:6
Ratio of males to females is 5 to 6; 0.83 to 1

b. 9 lived, 2 died
lived 9
proportion lived = = =0 .82
all cases 11

Proportion of infants that lived is 82%or 8.2 out of 10

c. 5 delivery room, 5 operating room, and 1 emergency room delivery

delivery room 5
proportion delivery room deliveries = = = 0.45
all cases 11

Proportion of infants delivered in delivery room is 45% or 4.5 out of 10

d. 5 delivery room and 5 operating room deliveries

delivery room:operating room = 5:5 = 1:1
Ratio of operating room deliveries to delivery room deliveries is 1 to 1.
Page 128 Principles of Epidemiology

Answer—Exercise 2.3 (page 85)

1990 AIDS incidence rate
Number of new cases
= × 100,000
1990 midyear population

= (41,595/248,710,000) × 100,000 = 16.7 per 100,000 population

Answer—Exercise 2.4 (page 88)

a. Point prevalence on October 1, 1990:
x = cases present on 10/1/90 = 6
y = population = 20
x 6
× 10n = × 100 = 30%
y 20

b. Period prevalence, October 1, 1990 to September 30, 1991

x = cases present between 10/1/90 and 9/30/91 = 10
y = population = 20
x 10
× 10n = × 100 = 50%
y 20

Answer—Exercise 2.5 (page 91)

a. Overall crude attack rate = 115/4,399 = 26/1,000 or 2.6%

b. Secondary attack rate =

# persons in affected household who develop disease after exposure to primary case
# household contacts

(115−77)/(424−77) = 38/347 = 11.0%

c. The secondary attack rate is considerably higher than the overall crude attack rate, indicating
that persons living in a household with a case were at greater risk of disease than the general
population. This feature is consistent with any etiology which causes cases to cluster within
households, including infectious, environmental, genetic, nutritional, and other etiologies.
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 129

Answer—Exercise 2.6 (page 96)

a. Rate ratio for smokers of 15-24 cigarettes per day compared with nonsmokers
= 1.39 / 0.07 = 19.9

b. Rate ratio for smokers of 25+ cigarettes per day compared with nonsmokers
= 2.27 / 0.07 = 32.4

The rate of lung cancer death was far greater for smokers than for nonsmokers, ranging from an
8-fold increase for smokers of 1-14 cigarettes per day to a 32-fold increase for smokers of 25+
cigarettes per day. These results represent a dose-response effect in which increasing exposure
to cigarettes (increasing dose) is associated with increasing rates of lung cancer death (increasing

Answer—Exercise 2.7 (page 99)

a. Attributable proportion for
1.39 − 0.07
smokers of 15-24 cigarettes per day = × 100

= 0.9496 × 100
= 95%

b. Attributable proportion for

2.27 − 0.07
smokers of 25+ cigarettes per day = × 100

= 0.9691 × 100
= 97%

Answer—Exercise 2.8 (page 105)

a. HIV-related death rate for males
= (12,088/118,531,000) × 100,000 = 10.2 per 100,000
HIV-related death rates for females
= (1,380/124,869,000) × 100,000 = 1.1 per 100,000

b. These rates are cause-specific and sex-specific mortality rates

c. HIV-mortality rate ratio for males versus females =

(10.2 per 100,000)/(1.1 per 100,000) = 9.3
The HIV-related mortality rate was 9.3 times higher for males than for females.
Page 130 Principles of Epidemiology

Answer—Exercise 2.9 (page 107)

Table 2.10 completed

Number of cases and deaths from diphtheria by decade,
United States, 1940-1989
Decade Number of cases Number of deaths
ratio (x 100)
1940-1949 143,497 11,228 7.82
1950-1959 23,750 1,710 7.20
1960-1969 3,679 390 10.60
1970-1979 1,956 90 4.60
1980-1989 27 3 11.11

Although the number of cases and number of deaths have declined dramatically over the past
50 years, the death-to-case ratio has fluctuated inconsistently. The reduction in deaths is due to
the reduction in occurrence of disease rather than any improvement in survival.

Answer—Exercise 2.10 (page 110)

Table 2.11, completed

Distribution of primary causes of death,
all ages and ages 25 to 44 years, United States, 1987
All Ages Ages 25 to 44 years
Cause Number Percent Rank Number Percent Rank
Heart disease 760,353 35.8 1 15,874 12.1 3
Cancer 476,927 22.5 2 20,305 15.5 2
disease 149,835 7.1 3 3,377 2.6 8
adverse effects 95,020 4.5 4 27,484 21.0 1
Chronic pulmonary
disease 78,380 3.7 5 897 0.7 <10
Pneumonia &
influenza 69,225 3.3 6 1,936 1.5 9
Diabetes mellitus 38,532 1.8 7 1,821 1.4 10
Suicide 30,796 1.5 8 11,787 9.0 4
Chronic liver
disease 26,201 1.2 9 4,562 3.5 7
Atherosclerosis 22,474 1.1 10 53 <0.1 <10
Homicide 21,103 1.0 <10 10,268 7.8 5
HIV infection 13,468 0.6 <10 9,820 7.5 6
All other 341,009 16.1 — 22,980 17.5 —
Total (all causes) 2,123,323 100.0 131,164 100.0
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 131

Answer—Exercise 2.11 (page 111)

Homicide proportionate mortality among 25 - to 44 - year olds
Homicide proportion mortality among all ages

Number of homicide deaths in 25 - to 44 - year olds/all deaths in 25 - to 44 - year olds

Number of homicide deaths, all ages/all deaths for all ages

10,268 / 131,164 .078

= = = 7.8 to 1
21,103 / 2,123,323 .010

So, in 1987, homicide as a cause of death was 7.8 times more likely among 25- to 44-year-olds
than in the population as a whole.

Answer—Exercise 2.12 (page 115)

a. P&I-related mortality rate, all ages
= (69,225/243,401,000) × 100,000 = 28.4 P&I deaths per 100,000 population

b. P&I-related mortality rate for persons under age 65 years

873 + 94 + 759 + 1,177 + 1,626 + 3,879
= × 100,000

= (8,676/213,565,000) × 100,000
= 4.1 P&I deaths per 100,000 persons under age 65 years

c. P&I-related years of potential life lost

Table 2.12c
Years of potential life lost attributed to pneumonia and influenza
by age group, United States, 1987
Age group (years) P& I deaths Midpoint Years to 65 YPLL
0-4 873 2.5 62.5 54,562.5
5-14 94 10 55 5,170.0
15-24 268 20 45 12,060.0
25-34 759 30 35 26,565.0
35-44 1,177 40 25 29,425.0
45-54 1,626 50 15 24,390.0
55-64 3,879 60 5 19,395.0
65-74 10,026 — — 0.0
75-84 21,777 — — 0.0
≥85 28,739 — — 0.0
Unknown 7 — — 0.0
Total 69,225 171,567.5

d. P&I-related YPLL rate

= (171,567.5/213,565,000) × 1,000
= 0.8 YPLL per 1,000 population under age 65 years
Page 132 Principles of Epidemiology

Answer—Exercise 2.13 (page 118)

a. Week of Onset
Week City Noncity Total
1 12 1 13
2 20 9 29
3 16 10 26
4 12 6 18
5 6 2 8
6 0 0 0
7 2 0 2
8 2 0 2
9 1 0 1
Total 71 28 99

b. Area-specific attack rates

Area # # Cases Population Rate per 1,000
1 5 4,006 1.248
2 6 2,441 2.458
3 8 3,070 2.606
4 6 1,893 3.170
5 6 3,003 1.998
6 3 2,258 1.329
7 8 2,289 3.495
8 9 1,692 5.319
9 5 3,643 1.372
10 1 1,265 0.791
11 5 1,302 3.840
12 6 3,408 1.761
13 1 441 2.268
Unk City 2
Total City 71 30,711 2.312
County 14 20,000 0.700
Out of county 14
Total 99

Area 8 has the most cases (9), and the highest attack rate (5.3 per 1,000).

c. 57 female cases and 42 male cases, so the female-to-male ratio is 57/42, or 1.4 to 1.

d. 57 female cases/99 total cases = 0.576, or 57.6% of the cases are in females.
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 133

e. Be careful! The numerator must match the denominator! Since we only have population data
for the city, we have to restrict our numerator to city cases.

City Cases
Age group Male Female Total
0-9 1 1 2
10-19 7 6 13
20-39 8 6 14
40-59 11 17 28
≥60 4 10 14
Total 31 40 71

City Population
Age group Male Female Total
0-9 3,523 3,379 6,902
10-19 2,313 2,483 4,796
20-39 3,476 3,929 7,405
40-59 3,078 3,462 6,540
≥60 2,270 2,798 5,068
Total 14,660 16,051 30,711

Age- and Sex-specific Attack Rates per 1,000 Population

Age group Male Female Total
0-9 0.28 0.30 0.29
10-19 3.03 2.42 2.71
20-39 2.30 1.53 1.89
40-59 3.57 4.91 4.28
≥60 1.76 3.57 2.76
Total 2.11 2.49 2.31

The highest attack rates occurred among 40- to 59- and ≥60-year-old females (4.9 and 3.6 per
1,000 respectively) and 40- to 59-year-old males (3.6 per 1,000).
Children in the 0- to 9-year age group had low rates, regardless of sex.

f. The relative risk for 40- to 59-year-olds versus 20- to 39-year-olds is calculated as 4.28/1.89,
or 2.3. Residents who were 40 to 59 years old were more than twice as likely to develop the
disease as were residents who were 20 to 39 years old.
Page 134 Principles of Epidemiology

Answer—Exercise 2.14 (page 122)

a. The 1989 crude mortality rate:
= (2,150,466/248,239,000) × 100,000 = 866.3 per 100,000 population

b. Male infant mortality rate:

= ((14,059 + 8,302)/2,069,490 × 1,000
= (22,361/2,069,490) × 1,000 = 10.805 per 1,000 live births
Female infant mortality rate:
= ((11,109 + 6,185)/1,971,468) × 1,000
= (17,294/1,971,468) × 1,000 = 8.772 per 1,000 live births
Ratio of male-to-female infant mortality rates:
= 10.805/8.772, or 1.23 to 1. More male than female infants are born, but the mortality rate for
male infants is higher than for female infants.

c. Ratio of neonatal versus postneonatal mortality:

= 25,168/14,487 = 1.7 to 1. Mortality is substantially higher during the first month than during
the next 11 months of life.

d. Proportion of population 65 years and over:

= (10,169 + 8,013 + 6,033 + 3,728 + 3,042) × 1,000/248,239,000
= 30,985,000/248,239,000
= 0.1248, or 12.5% of the U.S. population is age 65 years and over.
Proportion of deaths among persons 65 years and over:
= (219,097 + 262,127 + 301,225 + 297,981 + 457,358)/2,150,466
= 1,537,788/2,150,466
= 0.7151, or 71.5% of U.S. deaths occur among persons age 65 years and over.
Mortality rate for persons 65 years and over:
= (1,537,788/30,985,000) × 100,000
= 4,963.0 per 100,000 population (roughly 5% per year)
This is an age-specific mortality rate.
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 135

e. HIV-specific mortality rate:

= (22,082/248,239,000) × 100,000 = 8.9 HIV deaths per 100,000 population

f. AIDS incidence rate:

= (33,722/248,239,000) × 100,000
= 13.6 reported AIDS cases per 100,000 population

g. HIV death-to-(AIDS) case ratio:

= 22,082/33,722 = 0.65 to 1

h. Proportionate mortality for heart disease:

= 733,867/2,150,466 = 0.341, or 34.1% of deaths are attributed to heart disease

i. YPLL for motor vehicle injuries

Death and years of potential life lost attributed to motor vehicle injuries
by age group, United States, 1989
Age group
MVI deaths Midpoint Years to 65 YPLL
<1 216 0.5 64.5 13,932
1-4 1,005 3 62 62,310
5-14 2,266 10 55 124,630
15-24 12,941 20 45 582,345
25-34 10,269 30 35 359,415
35-44 6,302 40 25 157,550
45-54 3,879 50 15 58,185
55-64 3,408 60 5 17,040
Total 1,375,407

j. MVI-related YPLL rate = YPLL divided by the population to age 65

(see Answer d)
= (1,375,407/(248,239,000 − 30,985,000)) × 1,000
= (1,375,407/217,254,000) × 1,000 = 6.3 YPLL per 1000 population under age 65.
Page 136 Principles of Epidemiology

Self-Assessment Quiz 2
Now that you have read Lesson 2 and have completed the exercises, you should be ready to
take the self-assessment quiz. This quiz is designed to help you assess how well you have
learned the content of this lesson. You may refer to the lesson text whenever you are unsure of
the answer, but keep in mind that the final will be a closed book examination. Circle ALL correct
choices in each question.

1. A two-column table in which the left column displays all possible values a variable can
take and the right column displays the number of records in the database with each value
is called a ________________________.

2. Of the variables listed below, which would you use a nominal scale for?
A. Antibody titers against influenza A/H1N1
B. Sex
C. Height in centimeters
D. Parity
E. “Were you hospitalized in the week?”

3. Frequency distributions are appropriate for:

A. nominal scale variables only
B. ordinal scale variables only
C. both nominal scale and ordinal scale variables
D. neither nominal scale nor ordinal scale variables

4. Fraction for question 1:

# women in the U.S. who died from heart disease in 1991
# women in the U.S. who died from cancer in 1991

The fraction shown above is a: (Circle ALL that apply.)

A. ratio
B. proportion
C. attack rate
D. mortality rate
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 137

5. Fraction for question 2:

# women in the U.S. who died from heart disease in 1991
# women in the U.S. who died in 1991
The fraction shown above is a: (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. ratio
B. proportion
C. attack rate
D. mortality rate

6. Fraction for question 3:

# women in the U.S. who died from heart disease in 1991
# women in the U.S. population, midyear in 1991

The fraction shown above is a: (Circle ALL that apply.)

A. ratio
B. proportion
C. attack rate
D. mortality rate

7. Both incidence and prevalence can be represented by the formula (x/y) × 10n for a
specified time period. The primary difference between incidence and prevalence is in:
A. x
B. y
C. 10n
D. the time period of reference

8. Both point prevalence and period prevalence can be represented by the formula (x/y) × 10n
for a specified time period. The primary difference between point prevalence and period
prevalence is in:
A. x
B. y
C. 10n
D. the time period of reference
Page 138 Principles of Epidemiology

9. In a recent survey, investigators found that the prevalence of Disease A was higher than
the prevalence of Disease B. The incidence and seasonal pattern of both diseases are
similar. Explanations consistent with this observation include: (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. patients recover more quickly from Disease A than from Disease B
B. patients recover more quickly from Disease B than from Disease A
C. patients die quickly from Disease A but not from Disease B
D. patients die quickly from Disease B but not from Disease A

10. A recent train derailment exposed residents of a community to a chemical hazard. Many
residents became ill; some died. To calculate the probability or risk of illness, which
denominator would you use?
A. The size of the population at risk at the beginning of the period
B. The size of the population at risk at the midpoint of the period
C. The size of the population at risk at the end of the period
D. The average size of the population at risk during the period

11. During the second week of February, 87 persons in a small community (population 460)
attended a social event which included a meal prepared by several of the participants.
Within 3 days, 39 of the participants became ill with a condition diagnosed as
salmonellosis. The attack rate among participants was:
A. 0.45/100
B. 8.5/100
C. 18.9/100
D. 44.8/100
E. cannot be calculated from the information given

12. In a community of 800 households (population 4799), public health authorities found 120
persons with Condition D in 80 households. A total of 480 persons lived in the 80
affected households. Assuming that each household had only one primary case, the
secondary attack rate is:
A. 8.5%
B. 10.0%
C. 16.7%
D. 25.0%
E. 30.0%
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 139

13. If 10 cases of Disease C occur during a 2-year period in a stable population of 50,000
people, then the person-time rate of Disease C in that population is approximately:
A. 10 cases/5,000 person-years
B. 10 cases/25,000 person-years
C. 10 cases/49,990 person-years
D. 10 cases/50,000 person-years
E. 10 cases/100,000 person-years

14. A questionnaire was administered to the persons who attended the social event described
in the previous question. The two-by-two table shown below summarizes the relationship
between consumption of potato salad and illness.
Ill Well Total
Exposed a = 36 b = 12 48
Unexposed c=3 d = 36 39
Total 39 48 87

The best estimate of the relative risk is approximately:

A. 1.7
B. 3.7
C. 9.7
D. 36.0

15. To investigate the association between Kawasaki syndrome (KS) and carpet shampoo,
investigators conducted a case-control study with 100 cases (100 children with KS) and
100 controls (100 children without KS). Among children with KS, 50 gave a history of
recent exposure to carpet shampoo. Among those without KS, 25 gave a history of recent
exposure to carpet shampoo. For this study, the odds ratio is:
A. 1.0
B. 1.5
C. 2.0
D. 3.0
E. cannot be calculated from the information given
Page 140 Principles of Epidemiology

16. Numerator = number of children with Down syndrome who were younger than 12 years
of age in Georgia on July 1, 1991
Denominator = total number of children who were younger than 12 years of age in
Georgia on July 1, 1991
A measure using the numerator and denominator described above is an example of a/an:
A. incidence rate
B. attack rate
C. person-time rate
D. point prevalence
E. period prevalence

Choices for questions 17-20:

A. n = 0 (so 10n = 1)
B. n = 1 (so 10n = 10)
C. n = 2 (so 10n = 100)
D. n = 3 (so 10n = 1,000)
E. n = 4 (so 10n = 10,000)
F. n = 5 (so 10n = 100,000)
G. n = 6 (so 10n = 1,000,000)

17. Usual n for risk ratios ________________.

18. Usual n for attack rates ________________.

19. Usual n for rates of nationally notifiable diseases __________________.

20. Usual n for infant mortality rates _______________________.

Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 141

21. Of the following mortality rates, which two use the same denominator?
(Circle TWO.)
A. Crude mortality rate
B. Age-specific mortality rate
C. Sex-specific mortality rate
D. Race-specific mortality rate
E. Cause-specific mortality rate

22. Of the following mortality rates, which use the same denominator?
(Circle ALL that apply.)
A. Infant mortality rate
B. Neonatal mortality rate
C. Postneonatal mortality rate
D. Maternal mortality rate

23. Using only the data shown below for deaths due to diabetes and chronic liver disease,
which measure(s) can be calculated?
(Circle ALL that apply.)

Number of deaths due to diabetes and chronic liver diseases,

United States,1987
Age group (years) Diabetes Liver disease
<5 10 20
5-14 31 10
15-24 119 71
25-34 618 1,140
35-44 1,203 3,422
45-54 2,258 4,618
55-64 5,914 7,078
65-74 10,789 6,202
75-84 11,470 3,034
≥85 6,118 598
Total 38,530 26,193

A. Proportionate mortality
B. Cause-specific mortality rate
C. Age-specific mortality rate
D. Mortality rate ratio
E. Years of potential life lost
Page 142 Principles of Epidemiology

24. Based on the information in the table below, what is the neonatal mortality rate?

Number of births and deaths in a cohort of children, County X

Age # Deaths # Surviving
birth NA 100,000
up to 24 hours 400 99,600
1-6 days 300 99,300
7-27 days 300 99,000
28 days-11 months 500 98,500
1-4 years 200 98,300

A. 1.0/1,000
B. 4.0/1,000
C. 10.0/1,000
D. 11.0/1,000
E. 15.0/1,000

25. The years of potential life lost rate from all causes in State A is substantially higher than
in State B. Explanations consistent with this finding include: (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. age-specific mortality rates are similar, but the population of State A is larger than the
population of State B
B. age-specific mortality rates are similar, but the State A has many more people older
than age 65 years
C. age-specific mortality rates are similar, but the State A has many more people younger
than age 65 years
D. age-specific mortality rates are higher in State A than in State B, although the states
have similar age distributions

Answers are in Appendix J

If you answered at least 20 questions correctly, you understand

Lesson 2 well enough to go to Lesson 3.
Lesson 2: Frequency Measures Used in Epidemiology Page 143

1. Centers for Disease Control. Current trends: Heterosexual behaviors and factors that
influence condom use among patients attending a sexually transmitted disease clinic—
San Francisco. MMWR 1990;39:685-689.
2. Centers for Disease Control. Summary of notifiable diseases, United States 1989.
MMWR 1989;38:(54).
3. Centers for Disease Control. Summary of notifiable diseases, United States 1990.
MMWR 1990;39:(53).
4. Dicker RC, Webster LA, Layde PM, Wingo PA, Ory HW. Oral contraceptive use and the
risk of ovarian cancer: The Centers for Disease Control Cancer and Steroid Hormone
Study. JAMA 1983;249:1596-1599.
5. Doll R, Hill AB. Smoking and carcinoma of the lung. Br Med J 1950; 1:739-748.
6. Goldberger J, Wheeler GA, Sydenstricker E, King WI. A study of endemic pellagra in
some cotton-mill villages of South Carolina. Hyg Lab Bull 1929; 153:1-85.
7. National Center for Health Statistics. Advance report of final mortality statistics, 1988.
Monthly Vital Statistics Report; 39(7) supp. Hyattsville, MD: Public Health Service,
8. National Center for Health Statistics. Advance report of final mortality statistics, 1989.
Monthly Vital Statistics Report; 40(8) supp 2. Hyattsville, MD: Public Health Service,
9. National Center for Health Statistics. Advance report of final natality statistics, 1989.
Monthly vital statistics report; 40(8) supp. Hyattsville, MD: Public Health Service, 1992.
10. National Center for Health Statistics. Health, United States, 1990. Hyattsville, MD:
Public Health Service, 1991.
11. Schuchat A, Lizano C, Broome CV, Swaminathan B, Kim C, Winn K. Outbreak of
neonatal listeriosis associated with mineral oil. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1991;10:183-189.
12. Swygert LA, Maes EF, Sewell LE, Miller L, Falk H, Kilbourne EM. Eosinophilia-
myalgia syndrome: Results of national surveillance. JAMA 1990;264:1698-1703.
13. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Estimates of the population of the U.S. by age, sex and race,
1980-1989. Current Population Reports; Series p-25. (1057) Washington, DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 1990.
14. Wise RP, Livengood JR, Berkelman RL, Goodman RA. Methodologic alternatives for
measuring premature mortality. Am J Prev Med 1988; 4:268-273.
Lesson 3
Measures of Central Location and Dispersion

As epidemiologists, we use a variety of methods to summarize data. In Lesson 2, you learned

about frequency distributions, ratios, proportions, and rates. In this lesson, you will learn about
measures of central location and measures of dispersion. A measure of central location is the
single value that best represents a characteristic such as age or height of a group of persons. A
measure of dispersion quantifies how much persons in the group vary from each other and from
our measure of central location. Several measures of central location and dispersion are
described in this lesson. Each measure has its place in summarizing public health data.

After studying this lesson and answering the questions in the exercises, a student will be able
to do the following:
• Calculate* and interpret the following measures of central location:
— arithmetic mean
— median
— mode
— geometric mean
• Choose and apply the appropriate measure of central location
• Calculate* and interpret the following measures of dispersion:
— range
— interquartile range
— variance
— standard deviation
— confidence interval (for mean)
• Choose and apply the appropriate measure of dispersion

*You may want to use a calculator and logarithmic tables with the exercises in this lesson.

Page 146 Principles of Epidemiology

Further Discussion of Frequency Distributions

Class Intervals
In Lesson 2 you were introduced to frequency distributions, tables which list the values a
variable can take and the number of observations with each value. When the variable takes on a
limited number of values (say, less than 8 or 10), we usually list the individual values. When the
variable takes on more than 10 values, we usually group the values. These groups of values are
called class intervals. (We discuss how you decide what class intervals to use in Lesson 4.) A
frequency distribution with class intervals usually has from 4 to 8 such intervals. Table 3.1a
shows a frequency distribution of a variable, glasses of water consumed in an average week, with
8 class intervals.
Notice in Table 3.1a that the categories of water consumption do not overlap, that is, the first
class interval includes 0 and 1 glasses of water, the second interval includes 2 and 3 glasses, and
so on. When we enter data into a frequency distribution, we must always decide how to treat
fractional data. For example, where would you put someone who reported drinking 1.8 glasses of
Generally, when we record fractional data in a frequency distribution we follow conventional
rounding rules:
• if a fraction is greater than .5, round it up (e.g., round 6.6 to 7)
• if a fraction is less than .5, round it down (e.g., round 6.4 to 6)
• round .5 itself to the even value (e.g., round both 5.5 and 6.5 to 6)
By these rules, you should place someone who reported 1.8 glasses of water in the 2-3
category of Table 3.1a. Thus, the category listed as 2-3 glasses of water really covers all values
greater than or equal to 1.5 and less than 3.5 glasses of water, or 1.5-3.4999... glasses. These
limits are called the true limits of the interval. What are the true limits of the interval 15-21?
Table 3.1a
Average number of glasses of water consumed per week
by residents of X County, 1990
Average Number
Glasses of Water/Week Number of Residents
0-1 20
2-3 51
4-7 124
8-14 119
15-21 43
22-28 36
29-35 13
36-42 4
Total 410
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 147

Table 3.1b shows the true limits of the intervals used in Table 3.1a. You can see there that
the true limits of the interval 15-21 are 14.5-21.4999 . . . . We need to know the true limits of
class intervals to calculate some of the measures of central location from a frequency
Age and other variables that involve time don’t follow the standard rules for rounding. We
don’t round age. A person remains a particular age from one birthday until the next. For
example, you were 16 until you reached your 17th birthday, even on the day before. Table 3.2
shows a frequency distribution of suicide deaths by age in class intervals. Where in that table
would you record the suicide death of someone 14 years, 7 months old? The suicide death of
someone 14 years, 7 months would be recorded in the interval 5-14.

Table 3.1b
Average number of glasses of water consumed per week
by residents of X County, 1990
Average Number
Glasses of Water True Limits Number of
per Week of Class Interval Residents
0-1 0.0-1.4999… 20
2-3 1.5-3.4999… 51
4-7 3.5-7.4999… 124
8-14 7.5-14.4999… 119
15-21 14.5-21.4999… 43
22-28 21.5-28.4999… 36
29-35 28.5-35.4999… 13
36-42 35.5-42.4999… 4
Total 410

Table 3.2
Distribution of suicide deaths by age group,
United States, 1987
Age at Death (years) Number of Deaths
0-4 0
5-14 251
15-24 4,924
25-34 6,655
35-44 5,132
45-54 3,707
55-64 3,650
65-74 3,428
75-84 2,402
85+ 634
Total 30,783
Source: 3
Page 148 Principles of Epidemiology

Thus far, we have shown you frequency distributions only as tables. They can also be shown
as graphs. For example, Figure 3.1 shows the frequency distribution from Table 3.2 as a graph.
We will discuss how to graph a frequency distribution in Lesson 4. For our present purposes,
we will use graphical representations to demonstrate three properties of frequency distributions:
central location, variation or dispersion, and skewness.

Figure 3.1
Frequency distribution of suicide deaths
by age group, United States, 1987

Number of Suicide Deaths






0 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105
Age at Death (years)
Source: 3

Properties of Frequency Distributions

When we graph frequency distribution data, we often find that the graph looks something
like Figure 3.2, with a large part of the observations clustered around a central value.
This clustering is known as the central location or central tendency of a frequency
distribution. The value that a distribution centers around is an important characteristic of the
distribution. Once it is known, it can be used to characterize all of the data in the distribution.
We can calculate a central value by several methods, and each method produces a somewhat
different value. The central values that result from the various methods are known collectively as
measures of central location. Of the possible measures of central location, we commonly use
three in epidemiologic investigations: the arithmetic mean, the median, and the mode.
Measures that we use less commonly are the midrange and the geometric mean.
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 149

Figure 3.2
Graph of frequency distribution data with large part of the
Observations clustered around a central value

Number of Workers



63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
Heights of Workers in Inches

Figure 3.3 shows the graphs of three frequency distributions identical in shape but with different
central locations.
We will discuss the measures of central location in more detail after we describe the other
properties of frequency distributions. A second property of frequency distributions is variation
or dispersion, which is the spread of a distribution out from its central value. Some of the
measures of dispersion that we use in epidemiology are the range, variance, and the standard
deviation. The dispersion of a frequency distribution is independent of its central location. This
fact is illustrated by Figure 3.4 which shows the graph of three theoretical frequency
distributions that have the same central location but different amounts of dispersion.
A third property of a frequency distribution is its shape. The graphs of the theoretical
distributions in Figures 3.2 and 3.3 were completely symmetrical. Frequency distributions of
some characteristics of human populations tend to be symmetrical. On the other hand, the graph
of suicide data (Figure 3.1, page 148) was asymmetrical (the a- at the beginning of a word means
“not”). A distribution that is asymmetrical is said to be skewed.
A distribution that has the central location to the left and a tail off to the right is said to be
“positively skewed” or “skewed to the right.” In Figure 3.5, distribution A is positively
skewed. A distribution that has the central location to the right and a tail off to the left is said to
be “negatively skewed” or “skewed to the left.” In Figure 3.5, distribution C is negatively
skewed. How would you describe the shape of the distribution of suicide deaths in Figure 3.1 on
page 148?
Page 150 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 3.3
Three curves identical in shape with different central locations


x Variable

Figure 3.4
Three curves with same central location
but different dispersion

x Variable

The frequency distribution of suicide deaths graphed in Figure 3.1 is positively skewed
(skewed to the right).
The symmetrical clustering of values around a central location that is typical of many
frequency distributions is called the normal distribution. The bell-shaped curve that results
when a normal distribution is graphed, shown in Figure 3.6, is called the normal curve. This
common bell-shaped distribution is the basis of many of the tests of inference that we use to
draw conclusions or make generalizations from data. To use these tests, our data should be
normally distributed, that is, should show a normal curve if graphed.
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 151

Figure 3.5
Three curves with different skewing


x Variable

Figure 3.6
Normal Curve

x Variable
Page 152 Principles of Epidemiology

Statistical Notation
Before you go on, we suggest that you review the statistical notation used in this lesson,
which is described in Table 3.3. Throughout the lesson, we will translate the notation in formulas
in a key along the bottom of pages. Appendix B is the Formula Reference Sheet which is a
summary of all the formulas presented in this lesson.
Table 3.3
Statistical notation used in this lesson
Individual observation A letter, usually x or y, is used to represent a particular variable, such as
parity. An individual observation in a set of data is represented by xi.
Number of observations The letter n or N is used to represent the number of observations in a set of
data. The letters fi (for individual frequency) are used to represent how
often an individual value occurs in a set of data.
Multiplication Multiplication is indicated by writing two terms next to each other, for
example, xy means to multiply the value of x times the value of y.
Parentheses Parentheses are used:
• To indicate multiplication, for example, (x)(y) means to multiply the value
of x times the value of y.
• To show that what is within the parentheses should be treated as a
separate term, for example, (x + y) mean that you should add the value
of x to the value of y and then square the resulting sum.
Summation To indicate that a list of numbers should be summed, the Greek capital
sigma, ∑, is used. For example, suppose we wanted to indicate that you
should sum the individual parity values in Exercise 2.1. We could list the
individual numbers:
0 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 3 + 1+ 4 + 1+ 8 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 7 + 2
This is inefficient however, even with a short list of numbers. Instead we
use statistical notation to state the operation like this:
i = 19
∑ xi
This notation is read: “Sum of x from i = 1 through i = 19.” Even this
shorthand notation is usually further shortened to the following:
∑ xi
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 153

Measures of Central Location

We calculate a measure of central location when we need a single value to summarize a set
of epidemiological data. For example, if we were presenting the information on suicide deaths in
the United States in 1987 (the data in Table 3.2) we might say “The median age of persons in the
United States who committed suicide in 1987 was 41.9 years.” Also, we often use a measure of
central location in further calculations.
The measure that is best for our use in a particular instance depends on the characteristics of
the distribution, such as its shape, and on how we intend to use the measure. On the following
pages we describe how to select, calculate, and use several measures of central location.
In the section that follows, we will present formulas for calculating measures of central
location based on individual data.

The Arithmetic Mean

The arithmetic mean is the measure of central location you are probably most familiar with;
it is the arithmetic average and is commonly called simply “mean” or “average.” In formulas, the
arithmetic mean is usually represented as x , read as “x-bar.” The formula for calculating the
mean from individual data is:
∑ xi
Mean = x =
This formula is read as “x-bar equals the sum of the x’s divided by n.”

In an outbreak of hepatitis A, 6 persons became ill with clinical symptoms 24 to 31 days after
exposure. In this example we will demonstrate how to calculate the mean incubation period for
the hepatitis outbreak. The incubation periods for the affected persons (xi) were 29, 31, 24, 29,
30, and 25 days.
1. To calculate the numerator, sum the individual observations:
∑xi = 29 + 31 + 24 + 29 + 30 + 25 = 168
2. For the denominator, count the number of observations: n = 6
3. To calculate the mean, divide the numerator (sum of observations) by the denominator
(number of observations):
29 + 31 + 24 + 29 + 30 + 25 168
x = = = 28.0 days
6 6

Therefore, the mean incubation period for this outbreak was 28.0 days.
Page 154 Principles of Epidemiology

Below is a line listing of 5 variables for 11 persons. We will demonstrate how to calculate the
mean for each variable (A-E) in the line listing. (Note: This line listing of variables A, B, C, D,
and E will be used throughout this lesson in other examples and in exercises.)
Person # Variable A Variable B Variable C Variable D Variable E
1 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 4 1 1 6
3 1 4 2 1 7
4 1 4 3 2 7
5 1 5 4 2 7
6 5 5 5 2 8
7 9 5 6 3 8
8 9 6 7 3 8
9 9 6 8 3 9
10 10 6 9 4 9
11 10 10 10 10 10

1. To calculate the numerator, sum the individual observations:

A. ∑xi = 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 10 + 10 = 55
B. ∑xi = 0 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 10 = 55
C. ∑xi = 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 = 55
D. ∑xi = 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 10 = 31
E. ∑xi = 0 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 9 + 9 + 10 = 79

2. For the denominator, count the number of observations: n = 11 for each variable.

3. To calculate the mean, divide the numerator (sum of observations) by the denominator
(number of observations).
Mean for variable A = 55/11 = 5
Mean for variable B = 55/11 = 5
Mean for variable C = 55/11 = 5
Mean for variable D = 31/11 = 2.82
Mean for variable E = 79/11 = 7.18
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 155

Exercise 3.1

Calculate the mean parity of the following parity data:

0, 3, 0, 7, 2, 1, 0, 1, 5, 2, 4, 2, 8, 1, 3, 0, 1, 2, 1

Answer on page 193.

We use the arithmetic mean more than any other measure of central location because it has
many desirable statistical properties. One such property is the centering property of the mean.
We can demonstrate this property with the example based on an outbreak of hepatitis A (see
page 153). In the table below we have subtracted the mean incubation period from the individual
incubation periods and summed the differences. Notice that the sum equals zero. This shows that
the mean is the arithmetic center of the distribution.

Value minus Mean Difference

24 – 28.0 –4.0
25 – 28.0 –3.0
29 – 28.0 +1.0
29 – 28.0 +1.0
30 – 28.0 +2.0
31 – 28.0 +3.0
168 – 168.0 = 0 –7.0 + 7.0 = 0
Page 156 Principles of Epidemiology

Because of its centering property, the mean is sometimes called the “center of gravity” of a
frequency distribution. This means that a frequency distribution would balance on a fulcrum that
was located at the mean value, as shown in Figure 3.7, and would be “off balance” at any other
Figure 3.7
Mean is the center of gravity of the distribution

Although the mean is often an excellent summary measure of a set of data, the data must be
approximately normally distributed, because the mean is quite sensitive to extreme values that
skew a distribution. For example, if the largest value of the six listed above were 131 instead of
31, the mean would change from 28.0 to 44.7:
24 + 25 + 29 + 29 + 30 + 131
= 44.7
The mean of 44.7 is the center of gravity for these data, but for practical purposes is a poor
representative of the data. As a result of a single extremely large value, the mean is much larger
than all values in the distribution except that extreme value. Because the mean is so sensitive to
extreme values, it is a poor summary measure for data that are severely skewed in either

The Median
Another common measure of central location is the median. As you will see, it is especially
useful when data are skewed.
Median means middle, and the median is the middle of a set of data that has been put into
rank order. Specifically, it is the value that divides a set of data into two halves, with one half of
the observations being larger than the median value, and one half smaller. For example, suppose
we had the following set of systolic blood pressures (in mm/Hg):
110, 120, 122, 130, 180
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 157

In this example, 2 observations are larger than 122 and 2 observations are smaller; thus the
median is 122 mm/Hg, the value of the 3rd observation. Note that the mean (132 mm/Hg) is
larger than 4 of the 5 values.

Identifying the median from individual data

1. Arrange the observations in increasing or decreasing order.
2. Find the middle rank with the following formula:

Middle rank =
(n + 1)
a. If the number of observations (n) is odd, the middle rank falls on an observation.
b. If n is even, the middle rank falls between two observations.
3. Identify the value of the median:
a. If the middle rank falls on a specific observation (that is, if n is odd), the median is
equal to the value of that observation.
b. If the middle rank falls between two observations (that is, if n is even), the median is
equal to the average (i.e., the arithmetic mean) of the values of those observations.

Example with an odd number of observations

In this example we will demonstrate how to find the median of the following set of data with
n = 5: 13, 7, 9, 15, 11
1. Arrange the observations in increasing or decreasing order. We can arrange them as
either: 7, 9, 11, 13, 15
or: 15, 13, 11, 9, 7
2. Find the middle rank.

Middle rank =
(n + 1) = (5 + 1) = 3
2 2
Therefore, the median lies at the value of the third observation.
3. Identify the value of the median. Since the median is equal to the value of the third
observation, the median is 11.
Page 158 Principles of Epidemiology

Example with an even number of observations

In this example we will demonstrate how to find the median of the following set of data with
n = 6: 15, 7, 13, 9, 10, 11
1. Arrange the observations in increasing or decreasing order.
7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15
2. Find the middle rank.

Middle rank =
(n + 1) = (6 + 1) = 3.5
2 2
Therefore, the median lies halfway between the values of the third and fourth
3. Identify the value of the median. Since the median is equal to the average of the values of
the third and fourth observations, the median is 10.5.

Median =
(11+ 10) = 10.5

In this example we will find the median of the 5 variables A-E shown below. Recall the line
listing introduced on page 154.
A: 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 5, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10
B: 0, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 10
C: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
D: 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 10
E: 0, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10

1. Arrange the observations in increasing order (already done).

2. Find the middle rank: (11 observations + 1)/2 = 12/2 = 6
3. Identify the value of the median which is the 6th observation:
Median for variables A, B, and C is 5.
Median for variable D = 2
Median for variable E = 8
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 159

Exercise 3.2

Determine the median parity of the following parity data:

0, 3, 0, 7, 2, 1, 0, 1, 5, 2, 4, 2, 8, 1, 3, 0, 1, 2, 1

Answer on page 193.

In contrast to the mean, the median is not influenced to the same extent by extreme values.
Note that the following two sets of data are identical except for the last observation:

Set A: 24, 25, 29, 29, 30, 31 mean = 28.0, median = 29

Set B: 24, 25, 29, 29, 30, 131 mean = 44.7, median = 29

Here difference in one observation alters the mean considerably, but does not change the
median at all. Thus, the median is preferred over the mean as a measure of central location for
data skewed in one direction or another, or for data with a few extremely large or extremely
small values.

The Mode
The mode is the value that occurs most often in a set of data. For example, in the following
parity data the mode is 1, because it occurs 4 times, which is more than any other value:
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6
Page 160 Principles of Epidemiology

We usually find the mode by creating a frequency distribution in which we tally how often
each value occurs. If we find that every value occurs only once, the distribution has no mode. Or
if we find that two or more values are tied as the most common, the distribution has more than
one mode.

In this example we will demonstrate the steps you use to find the mode of the following set
of data: 29, 31, 24, 29, 30, and 25 days
1. Arrange the data into a frequency distribution, showing the values of the variable (xi) and
the frequency (fi) with which each value occurs:

xi fi
24 1
25 1
29 2
30 1
31 1

2. Identify the value that occurs most often:

Mode = 29 days

We will demonstrate how to find the mode for the following set of data:
15, 9, 19, 13, 17, 11.
1. Arrange the data into a frequency distribution as in the example above.

xi fi
9 1
11 1
13 1
15 1
17 1

2. Since all the values have the same frequency, there is no mode for this distribution of

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of xi = i-th observation (x1=1st observation,

n or N = the number of observations x4=4th observation)
fi = frequency of xi
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 161

We will demonstrate how to find the mode for the following set of data:
17, 9, 15, 9, 17, 13.
1. Arrange the data into a frequency distribution as in the example above.

xi fi
9 2
13 1
15 1
17 2

2. Since there are two values that each occur twice, the distribution has two modes, 9 and 17.
This distribution is therefore bimodal.

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of xi = i-th observation (x1=1st observation,

n or N = the number of observations x4=4th observation)
fi = frequency of xi
Page 162 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 3.3
Determine the mode of the following parity data:

0, 3, 0, 7, 2, 1, 0, 1, 5, 2, 4, 2, 8, 1, 3, 0, 1, 2, 1

Answer on page 193.

The Midrange (Midpoint of an Interval)

The midrange is the half-way point or the midpoint of a set of observations. For most types
of data, it is calculated as the smallest observation plus the largest observation, divided by two.
For age data, one is added to the numerator. The midrange is usually calculated as an
intermediate step in determining other measures.
Formula for calculating the midrange from a set of observations:
(x1 + xn )
Midrange (most types of data) =

(x1 + xn + 1)
Midrange (age data) =

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of xi = i-th observation

n or N = the number of observations x1 = lowest value in the set of observations
fi = frequency of xi xn = highest value in the set of observations
f = total number of observations in interval
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 163

In this example we demonstrate how to find the midrange of the 5 non-age variables A-E
shown below.
A: 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 5, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10
B: 0, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 10
C: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
D: 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 10
E: 0, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10

1. Rank the observations in order of increasing value (already done)

2. Identify smallest and largest values: 0 and 10 for all five distributions
3. Calculate midrange: (0 + 10)/2 = 10/2 = 5 for all five distributions
Age differs from most other variables because age does not follow the usual rules for
rounding to the nearest integer. Someone who is 17 years and 360 days old cannot claim to be 18
years old for at least 5 more days. Consider the following example.
In a particular pre-school, children are assigned to rooms on the basis of age on September 1.
Room 2 holds all of the children who were at least 2 years old but not yet 3 years old as of
September 1. In other words, every child in room 2 was 2 years old on September 1. What is the
midrange of ages of the children in room 2 on September 1?
For descriptive purposes, it would probably be adequate and appropriate to answer that the
midrange is 2. However, recall that the midrange is usually calculated as an intermediate step in
other statistical calculations. Thus, it is usually necessary to be more precise. Consider that some
of the children may have just turned 2 years old. Others may be almost but not quite 3 years old.
Ignoring seasonal trends in births, and assuming a very large room of children, birthdays will be
distributed uniformly throughout the year. The youngest child may have a birthday of September
1 and be exactly 2.000 years old. The oldest child may have a birthday of September 2 and be
2.997 years old. For statistical purposes, the mean and the midrange of this theoretical group of
2-year-olds are both 2.5 years.

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of xi = i-th observation

n or N = the number of observations x1 = lowest value in the set of observations
fi = frequency of xi xn = highest value in the set of observations
f = total number of observations in interval
Page 164 Principles of Epidemiology

The Geometric Mean

As you have seen, the mean is an excellent summary measure for data which are
approximately normally distributed. Sometimes, we collect data which are not normally
distributed, but which follow an exponential pattern (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.) or a logarithmic pattern
(½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16, etc.). For example, to determine how much antibody is present in serum, we
sequentially dilute serum samples by 50% until we can no longer detect antibody. Thus, the first
sample is full strength, then we dilute it by 50% to make the sample ½ of its original strength. As
we continue diluting the sample by 50%, the strength of the sample decreases to ¼, 1/8, 1/16,
and so on. We sometimes say that these dilutions (and similarly ordered data) are measured on a
logarithmic scale. A good summary measure for such data is the geometric mean.
The geometric mean is the mean or average of a set of data measured on a logarithmic scale.
Consider the value of 100 and a base of 10 and recall that a logarithm is the power to which a
base is raised. To what power would you need to raise the base (10) to get a value of 100? Since
10 times 10 or 102 equals 100, the log of 100 at base 10 equals 2. Similarly, the log of 16 at base
2 equals 4, since 24 = 2x2x2x2 = 16.
An antilog raises the base to the power (logarithm). For example, the antilog of 2 at base 10
is 102, or 100. The antilog of 4 at base 2 is 24, or 16. Most titers are reported as multiples of 2
(e.g., 2, 4, 8, etc.), so it is easiest to use base 2.
The geometric mean is calculated as the nth root of the product of n observations. The
geometric mean is used when the logarithms of the observations are distributed normally rather
than the observations themselves. This situation is typical in dilution assays, such as serum
antibodies described above, and in environmental sampling data.
Note: To calculate the geometric mean, you will need a scientific calculator with log and yx

Formula for calculating the mean from individual data:

Geometric mean = x geo = x1 × x 2 × l x n
In practice, the geometric mean is calculated as:
1 
Geometric mean = x geo = antilog  ∑ Log x i 
n 

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of xi = i-th observation

n or N = the number of observations x1 = lowest value in the set of observations
fi = frequency of xi xn = highest value in the set of observations
f = total number of observations in interval x = mean
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 165

In this example, we will demonstrate how to calculate the geometric mean from the
following set of data:
10, 10, 100, 100, 100, 100, 10,000, 100,000, 100,000, 1,000,000

Since these values are all multiples of 10, it makes sense to use logs of base 10.

Recall that:
100 = 1 (Anything raised to the 0 power equals 1)
101 = 10
102 = 100
103 = 1,000
104 = 10,000
105 = 100,000
106 = 1,000,000
107 = 10,000,000
and so on.

1. Take the log (in this case, to base 10) of each value.
log10(xi) = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 6

2. Calculate the mean of the log values by summing and dividing by the number of observations
(in this case, 10).
Mean of log10(xi) = (1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 6)/10 = 30/10 = 3

3. Take the antilog of the mean of the log values, which gives you the geometric mean.
Antilog10(3) = 103 = 1,000.
The geometric mean of the set of data listed above is 1,000.

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of xi = i-th observation

n or N = the number of observations x1 = lowest value in the set of observations
fi = frequency of xi xn = highest value in the set of observations
f = total number of observations in interval
Page 166 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 3.4

Using the titers given below, calculate the geometric mean titer of antibodies against respiratory
syncytial virus among the seven patients.

ID# Dilution Titer

1 1:256 256
2 1:512 512
3 1:4 4
4 1:2 2
5 1:16 16
6 1:32 32
7 1:64 64

Since these titers are multiples of 2, use the second formula and a base of 2.
Recall that: 21 = 2 24 = 16 27 = 128
22 = 4 25 = 32 28 = 256
23 = 8 26 = 64 29 = 512

Answer on page 193.

In summary, measures of central location are single values that summarize the observed
values of a continuous variable. The most common measure of central location is the arithmetic
mean, what most people call the average. The arithmetic mean is most useful when the data are
normally distributed. It represents the center of gravity of a set of data. Unfortunately, the
arithmetic mean is quite sensitive to extreme values, that is, it is pulled in the direction of
extreme values.
Fortunately, the median is not sensitive to extreme values. The median represents the
middle of the set, with half the observations below and half the observations above the median
value. When a set of data is skewed or has a few extreme values in one direction, the median is
the preferred measure of central location.
The mode is simply the most common value. While every set of data has one and only one
arithmetic mean and median, a set of data may have one mode, no mode, or multiple modes. As a
measure of central location, the mode is useful if we are interested in knowing which values are
most popular.
The geometric mean is the preferred measure when the data follow an exponential or
logarithmic pattern. The geometric mean is used most commonly with laboratory data,
particularly dilution assays and environmental sampling tests.
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 167

Measures of Dispersion
When we look at the graph of a frequency distribution, we usually notice two primary
features: 1) The graph has a peak, usually near the center, and 2) it spreads out on either side of
the peak. Just as we use a measure of central location to describe where the peak is located, we
use a measure of dispersion to describe how much spread there is in the distribution. Several
measures of dispersion are available. Usually, we use a particular measure of dispersion with a
particular measure of central location, as we will discuss below.

Range, Minimum Values, and Maximum Values

The range of a set of data is the difference between its largest (maximum) and smallest
(minimum) values. In the statistical world, the range is reported as a single number, the
difference between maximum and minimum. In the epidemiologic community, the range is often
reported as “from (the minimum) to (the maximum),” i.e., two numbers.

In this example we demonstrate how to find the minimum value, maximum value, and range
of the following data: 29, 31, 24, 29, 30, 25
1. Arrange the data from smallest to largest.
24, 25, 29, 29, 30, 31

2. Identify the minimum and maximum values:

Minimum = 24, Maximum = 31

3. Calculate the range:

Range = Maximum-Minimum = 31–24 = 7.
Thus the range is 7.

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of xi = i-th observation

n or N = the number of observations x1 = lowest value in the set of observations
fi = frequency of xi xn = highest value in the set of observations
f = total number of observations in interval
Page 168 Principles of Epidemiology

We will demonstrate how to find the range of each variable (A-E) shown in the line listing
Person # Variable A Variable B Variable C Variable D Variable E
1 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 4 1 1 6
3 1 4 2 1 7
4 1 4 3 2 7
5 1 5 4 2 7
6 5 5 5 2 8
7 9 5 6 3 8
8 9 6 7 3 8
9 9 6 8 3 9
10 10 6 9 4 9
11 10 10 10 10 10
Sum: 55 55 55 31 79
Mean: 5 5 5 2.8 7.2
Median: 5 5 5 2 8
Midrange: 5 5 5 5 5
Minimum: 0 0 0 0 0
Maximum: 10 10 10 10 10

1. Rank the observations: already done.

2. Identify the largest and smallest values, and calculate the difference:
Maximum value of each variable = 10
Minimum value of each variable = 0
Therefore range of each variable = 10 − 0 = 10.
The values of variables A, B, and C are obviously different, but the mean, median, midrange,
maximum value, minimum value, and range fail to describe the differences. For variables D and
E the midrange, minimum value, maximum value, and range also fail to describe any differences
in the variables.

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of xi = i-th observation

n or N = the number of observations x1 = lowest value in the set of observations
fi = frequency of xi xn = highest value in the set of observations
f = total number of observations in interval
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 169

Percentiles, Quartiles, and Interquartile Range

We can consider the maximum value of a distribution in another way. We can think of it as
the value in a set of data that has 100% of the observations at or below it. When we consider it in
this way, we call it the 100th percentile. From this same perspective, the median, which has 50%
of the observations at or below it, is the 50th percentile. The pth percentile of a distribution is the
value such that p percent of the observations fall at or below it.
The most commonly used percentiles other than the median are the 25th percentile and the
75 percentile. The 25th percentile demarcates the first quartile, the median or 50th percentile

demarcates the second quartile, the 75th percentile demarcates the third quartile, and the 100th
percentile demarcates the fourth quartile.
The interquartile range represents the central portion of the distribution, and is calculated as
the difference between the third quartile and the first quartile. This range includes about one-half
of the observations in the set, leaving one-quarter of the observations on each side.

How to calculate the interquartile range from individual data

To calculate the interquartile range, you must first find the first and third quartiles. As with
the median, you first put the observations in rank order, then determine the position of the
quartile. The value of the quartile is the value of the observation at that position, or if the quartile
lies between observations, its value lies between the values of the observations on either side of
that point.
1. Arrange the observations in increasing order.
2. Find the position of the 1st and 3rd quartiles with the following formulas:
Position of 1st quartile (Q1) = (n + 1)

Position of 3rd quartile (Q3) = 3(n + 1) = 3 x Q1


3. Identify the value of the 1st and 3rd quartiles

• If a quartile lies on an observation (i.e., if its position is a whole number), the value of
the quartile is the value of that observation. For example, if the position of a quartile
is 20, its value is the value of the 20th observation.
• If a quartile lies between observations, the value of the quartile is the value of the lower
observation plus the specified fraction of the difference between the observations. For
example, if the position of a quartile is 20¼, it lies between the 20th and 21st
observations, and its value is the value of the 20th observation, plus ¼ the difference
between the value of the 20th and 21st observations.
4. Calculate the interquartile range as Q3 minus Q1.
Page 170 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 3.8
The middle half of the observations in a frequency distribution
lie within the interquartile range

25% 25%
25% 25%

smallest 50th largest
value 25th percentile 75th value
(minimum) percentile percentile (maximum)

First Quartile Third Quartile 100th

(Q1) (Q 3 ) percentile

Interquartile Range = Q3 - Q1

1. Arrange the observations in increasing order.
Given these data: 13, 7, 9, 15, 11, 5, 8, 4
We arrange them like this: 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15
2. Find the position of the 1st and 3rd quartiles. Since there are 8 observations, n=8.
Position of Q1 = (n + 1) = (8 + 1) = 2.25
4 4

Position of Q3 = 3(n + 1) = 3(8 + 1) = 6.75

4 4

n or N = the number of observations

Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 171

Thus, Q1 lies one-fourth of the way between the 2nd and 3rd observations, and Q3 lies
three-fourths of the way between the 6th and 7th observations.
3. Identify the value of the 1st and 3rd quartiles.
Value of Q1: The position of Q1 was 2¼; therefore, the value of Q1 is equal to the value of
the 2nd observation plus one-fourth the difference between the values of the 3rd and 2nd
Value of the 3rd observation (see step 1): 7
Value of the 2nd observation: 5
1 2
Q1 = 5 + (7–5) =5+ = 5.5
4 4

Value of Q3: The position of Q3 was 6¾; thus the value of Q3 is equal to the value of the
6th observation plus three-fourths of the difference between the value of the 7th and 6th
Value of the 7th observation (see step 1): 13
Value of the 6th observation: 11
Q3 = 11 + 3
(13–11) = 11 + 3(2) = 11 + 6
= 12.5
4 4 4

4. Calculate the interquartile range as Q3 minus Q1.

Q3 = 12.5 (see step 3)
Q1 = 5.5
Interquartile range = 12.5–5.5 = 7
We demonstrate below how to find the 1st, 2nd (median), and 3rd quartiles, and the
interquartile range, of the hepatitis A incubation periods (page 153):
29, 31, 24, 29, 30, 25
1. Rank the observations in order of increasing value:
24, 25, 29, 29, 30, 31
2,3. Find Q1, median, and Q3:
Q1 at (6+1)/4 = 1.75, thus Q1 is three-fourths of the way between the 1st and 2nd
Q1 = 24 + ¾ of (25–24) = 24.75
Median at (n+1)/2 = 7/2 = 3.5, so median = (29+29)/2 = 29
Q3 at 3(6+1)/4 = 5.25, thus Q3 is one-fourth of the way between the 5th and 6th
Q3 = 30 + ¼ of (31–30) = 30.25

n or N = the number of observations

Page 172 Principles of Epidemiology

4. Interquartile range = 30.25–24.75 = 5.5 days

Note that the distance between Q1 and the median is 29–24.75 = 4.25. In contrast, the
distance between Q3 and the median is only 30.25–29 = 1.25. This indicates that the data are
skewed toward the smaller numbers (skewed to the left), which can be concluded by studying the
values of the six observations.
The method described above for calculating quartiles is not the only method in use. Other
methods and different software may produce somewhat different results.
Generally, we use quartiles and the interquartile range to describe variability when we use
the median as the measure of central location. We use the standard deviation, which is described
in the next section, when we use the mean.
The five-number summary of a distribution consists of the following:
(1) smallest observation (minimum)
(2) first quartile
(3) median
(4) third quartile
(5) largest observation (maximum)
Together, these values provide a very good description of the center, spread, and shape of a
distribution. These five values are used to draw a boxplot, a graphical illustration of the data.
Boxplots are discussed in Lesson 4.

n or N = the number of observations x = mean

Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 173

Exercise 3.5

Determine the first and third quartiles and interquartile range of the parity data shown below.

0, 3, 0, 7, 2, 1, 0, 1, 5, 2, 4, 2, 8, 1, 3, 0, 1, 2, 1

Answer on page 194.

Variance and Standard Deviation

We showed you earlier (page 155) that if we subtract the mean from each observation, the
sum of the differences is 0. This concept of subtracting the mean from each observation is the
basis of two further measures of dispersion, the variance and standard deviation. For these
measures we square each difference to eliminate negative numbers. We then sum the squared
differences and divide by n–1 to find an “average” squared difference. This “average” is the
variance. We convert the variance back into the units we began with by taking its square root.
The square root of the variance is called the standard deviation. Here are those calculations
carried out on the example you saw earlier.

n or N = the number of observations x = mean

Page 174 Principles of Epidemiology

Value minus Mean Difference Difference Squared

24 – 28.0 –4.0 16
25 – 28.0 –3.0 9
29 – 28.0 +1.0 1
29 – 28.0 +1.0 1
30 – 28.0 +2.0 4
31 – 28.0 +3.0 9

168 – 168.0 = 0 –7.0 + 7.0 = 0 40

sum of squared differences

Variance = = 40/5 = 8
n −1

Standard deviation = 8 = 2.83

The variance and standard deviation are measures of the deviation or dispersion of
observations around the mean of a distribution. Variance is the mean of the squared differences
of the observations from the mean. It is usually represented in formulas as s2. The standard
deviation is the square root of the variance. It is usually represented in formulas as s. The
following formulas define these measures:

∑(x i − x ) ∑( x i − x )2
Variance = s = Standard Deviation = s =
n-1 n −1

Formulas for calculating the variance and standard deviation from individual data
We can use the formulas given above to calculate variance and the standard deviation, but
they are cumbersome with large data sets. The following are more useful formulas for
calculating these measures because they do not require us to calculate the mean first. The
following formulas are the computational formulas.
n ∑ xi − (∑ xi )
2 2
Variance = s = Standard deviation = s = s2
n(n − 1)

Compare the two terms, ∑xi2 and (∑ ∑xi)2. The first indicates that you square each observation
and then find the sum of the squared values. The second indicates that you find the sum of the
observations, and then square the sum.
We will show you examples of how to use both sets of formulas—the defining formulas as
well as the computational ones.

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of xi = i-th observation (x1=1st observation,

n or N = the number of observations x4=4th observation)
fi = frequency of xi
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 175

We will use the defining formulas to calculate the variance (s2) and standard deviation (s) for
variable C on page 168: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
∑(x i − x )2
Variance = s2 = Standard deviation = s = s2
n −1

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

(x i − x )
xi xi − x 2 xi
0 0 − 5.0 = − 5 25 0
1 1 − 5.0 = − 4 16 1
2 2 − 5.0 = − 3 9 4
3 3 − 5.0 = − 2 4 9
4 4 − 5.0 = − 1 1 16
5 5 − 5.0 = 0 0 25
6 6 − 5.0 = 1 1 36
7 7 − 5.0 = 2 4 49
8 8 − 5.0 = 3 9 64
9 9 − 5.0 = 4 16 81
10 10 − 5.0 = 5 25 100

55 0 110 385

1. Calculate the mean (see the first column, xi, above).

∑ xi 55
x = = = 5.0
n 11

2. Subtract the mean from each observation to find the deviations from the mean (see the 2nd
column, xi − x , above).

3. Square the deviations from the mean (see the 3rd column, ( xi − x ) , above).

4. Sum the squared deviations (see the 3rd column, above).

∑( x i − x )2 = 110
5. Divide the sum of the squared deviations by n–1 to find the variance:
∑( xi − x )2 110 110
= = = 11.0
n −1 11 − 1 10
6. Take the square root of the variance to calculate the standard deviation:
s = s 2 = 11.0 = 3.3

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of xi = i-th observation (x1=1st observation,

n or N = the number of observations x4=4th observation)
fi = frequency of xi
Page 176 Principles of Epidemiology

We will use the computational formula to calculate the variance and standard deviation of the
data used in the last example.
n ∑ x i 2 − (∑ x i )2
Formula: Variance = s2 = Standard deviation = s = s 2
n(n − 1)

xi xi
0 0
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 16
5 25
6 36
7 49
8 64
9 81
10 100
Total 55 385

1. Calculate the term ∑xi2 in the formula by squaring each observation and finding the sum
of the squares (see the second column, xi2, in the table above).
∑xi2 = 385
2. Calculate the term (∑xi)2 in the formula by finding the sum of the observations and
squaring it (see the first column, xi).
(∑xi)2 = 552 = 3,025
3. Calculate the numerator:
n∑xi2–(∑xi)2 = (11)(385) − 3,025 = 4,235 − 3,025 = 1,210
4. Calculate the denominator by subtracting 1 from n and multiplying the result by n:
n(n − 1) = 11(10) = 110
5. Finish calculating the variance by dividing the denominator into the numerator:
s2 = = 11.000

6. Find the standard deviation by taking the square root of the variance:
s = s 2 = 11.000 = 3.317 = 3.3

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of xi = i-th observation (x1=1st observation,

n or N = the number of observations x4=4th observation)
fi = frequency of xi
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 177

To illustrate the relationships of the standard deviation and the mean to the normal curve,
consider data which are normally distributed as in Figure 3.9. 68.3% of the area under the normal
curve lies between the mean and ± 1 standard deviation, that is, from 1 standard deviation below
the mean to 1 standard deviation above the mean. Also, 95.5% of the area lies between the mean
and ± 2 standard deviations, and 99.7% of the area lies between the mean and ± 3 standard
deviations. Further, 95% of the area lies between the mean and ± 1.96 standard deviations.

Figure 3.9
Areas under the normal curve that lie between 1, 2, and 3
standard deviations on each side of the mean

68.3% of data

95.5% of data

99.7% of data

-3SD -2SD -1SD MEAN + 1SD + 2SD + 3SD

The mean and standard deviation can be presented as a sort of shorthand to describe normally
distributed data. Consider, for example, serum cholesterol levels of a representative sample of
several thousand men in their mid-30’s. We could list the serum cholesterol level for each man,
or show a frequency distribution, or simply report the mean value and standard deviation. The
frequency distribution is shown in Table 3.4. We can further summarize these data by reporting a
mean of 213 and a standard deviation of 42.

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of xi = i-th observation (x1=1st observation,

n or N = the number of observations x4=4th observation)
fi = frequency of xi
Page 178 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 3.4
Serum cholesterol levels
Cholesterol (mg/dl) Frequency
60-79 2
80-99 7
100-119 25
120-139 86
140-159 252
160-179 559
180-199 810
200-219 867
220-239 764
240-259 521
260-279 318
280-299 146
300-319 66
320-339 22
340-359 7
360-379 4
380-399 2
400-419 1
420-439 1
440-479 0
480-499 1
500-619 0
620-639 1
Total 4,462
Source: 1

Exercise 3.6

Calculate the standard deviation of the parity data shown below.

0, 3, 0, 7, 2, 1, 0, 1, 5, 2, 4, 2, 8, 1, 3, 0, 1, 2, 1

Answer on page 194.

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of xi = i-th observation (x1=1st observation,

n or N = the number of observations x4=4th observation)
fi = frequency of xi
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 179

Exercise 3.7

Look at the variables A, B, and C on page 154. Which variable appears to have the least
dispersion from the mean? In other words, which variable would you predict would have the
smallest standard deviation?

To find out, calculate the standard deviation of variable A and variable B. We have already
determined that the standard deviation of variable C is 3.3 (see page 175). Compare the means
and standard deviations of the three variables.

Variable Mean Standard Deviation

A 5 _____
B 5 _____
C 5 3.3

Answer on page 194.

In summary, measures of dispersion quantify the spread or variability of the observed values
of a continuous variable. The simplest measure of dispersion is the range from the smallest value
to the largest value. The range is obviously quite sensitive to extreme values in either or both
For data which are normally distributed, the standard deviation is used in conjunction with
the arithmetic mean. The standard deviation reflects how closely clustered the observed values
are to the mean. For normally distributed data, the range from ‘minus one standard deviation’ to
‘plus one standard deviation’ represents the middle 68.3% of the data. About 95% of the data fall
in the range from −1.96 standard deviations to +1.96 standard deviations.
For data which are skewed, the interquartile range is used in conjunction with the median.
The interquartile range represents the range from the 25th percentile (the first quartile) to the 75th
percentile (the third quartile), or roughly the middle 50% of the data.

n or N = the number of observations

Page 180 Principles of Epidemiology

Introduction to Statistical Inference

Sometimes we calculate measures of location and dispersion to describe a particular set of
data. At other times, when the data represent a sample from a larger population, we might want
to generalize from our sample to the larger population that the data came from—or, said another
way, we want to draw inferences from the data. A large body of statistical methods is available
to allow us to do this. In this section, we will look at some of the methods for drawing inferences
from data that are normally distributed.
When we draw inferences from normally distributed data, we base our conclusions on the
relationships of the standard deviation and the mean to the normal curve. We use these
relationships, which were illustrated in Figure 3.9, when we draw inferences from data. When
the graph of a frequency distribution appears normal, we assume that the population of data our
sample came from is normally distributed. We then assume that if we had all possible
observations from that population of data, we would find that 68.3%, 95.5%, and 99.7% of the
population would lie between the mean and ±1, 2, and 3 standard deviations. Also, we assume
that 95% of the population would lie between the mean and ±1.96 standard deviations.

Standard Error of the Mean

Our inferences about an entire population must be based on the observations that we have
sampled from that population. The mean of our sample may or may not be the same as the mean
of the entire population of data. In fact, if we took a large number of samples from the same
population, we would find many different values for the mean. The means themselves would be
normally distributed. We could use the various values of the mean as a new set of data and find a
mean of the means. This mean of means will be close to the true mean of the population.
We could also find the standard deviation of the distribution of means, which is called the
standard error of the mean or simply the standard error. The smaller it is, the closer the mean
of any particular sample will be to the true population mean. Fortunately, we can estimate the
standard error of the mean from a single sample, without having to take multiple samples,
calculate their means, and calculate the standard deviations of those means.
The standard deviation and standard error of the mean should not be confused. The standard
deviation is a measure of the variability or dispersion of a set of observations about the mean.
The standard error of the mean is a measure of the variability or dispersion of sample means
about the true population mean.

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of fi = frequency of xi

n or N = the number of observations (i.e., the xi = i-th observation
size of the sample) x = mean
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 181

Formula for estimating the standard error of the mean

Standard error of the mean = SE =

Note that the standard error of the mean is influenced by two components, the standard
deviation and the size of the study. The more the observations vary about the mean, the greater
the uncertainty of the mean, and the greater the standard error of the mean. The larger the size of
the study, the more confidence we have in the mean, and the smaller the standard error of the

Occupational health researchers measured the heights of a random sample of 80 male
workers at a manufacturing plant, Plant P. The mean height was 69.713 inches, with a standard
deviation of 1.870 inches. We will demonstrate how to calculate the standard error of the mean
for the height of workers at Plant P.
Standard error of the mean = = 0.209
Page 182 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 3.8

The serum cholesterol levels of 4,462 men were presented in Table 3.4 (page 178). The mean
cholesterol level was 213, with a standard deviation of 42. Calculate the standard error of the
mean for the serum cholesterol level of the men studied.

Answer on page 195.

Confidence Limits (Confidence Interval)

With a sample size of at least 30, we can use the observed mean, the standard error of the
mean, and our knowledge of areas under the normal curve to estimate the limits within which the
true population mean lies and to specify how confident we are of those limits. For example, in
the preceding example on heights of workers, the mean height of the workers was 69.713, and
we found that the standard error of the mean was 0.209. We subtract and add the standard error
of the mean from the mean height:
Subtract: 69.713−0.209 =69.504 Add: 69.713+0.209 = 69.922

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of fi = frequency of xi

n or N = the number of observations (i.e., the xi = i-th observation
size of the sample) x = mean
s = standard deviation SE = standard error of the means
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 183

The results are the heights that are ±1 standard error (SE) on each side of the observed mean.
As shown in Figure 3.10, below, the shaded area illustrates the limits that enclose 68.3% of the
area under the normal curve. This finding means that if we measured the heights of many
samples of 80 males who work at Plant P, we would expect that the means of 68.3% of the
samples would lie between 69.504 inches and 69.922 inches. We infer from this that we can be
68.3% confident that the true population mean lies within those limits. Another way of saying
this is that the true mean has a 68.3% probability of lying within those limits.
In public health, we want to be more confident than that about our descriptive statistics.
Usually, we set the confidence level at 95%. Epidemiologists usually interpret a 95% confidence
interval as the range of values consistent with the data.

Figure 3.10
Frequency distribution for population of workers in Plant P,
with the confidence limits

Number of Workers



63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
Heights of Workers in Inches

Formula for calculating the 95% confidence limits for the mean
As noted earlier, 95% of the area under the normal curve lies between ±1.96 standard
deviations on each side of the mean. We use this information to calculate the 95% confidence
Lower 95% confidence limit = x −(1.96×SE)
Upper 95% confidence limit = x +(1.96×SE)

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of fi = frequency of xi

n or N = the number of observations (i.e., the xi = i-th observation
size of the sample) x = mean
s = standard deviation SE = standard error of the means
Page 184 Principles of Epidemiology

To use these formulas, we first multiply 1.96 times the standard error of the mean to find the
distance between the mean and 1.96 standard deviations. We then subtract that distance from the
mean to find the lower limit, and add it to the mean to find the upper limit. Loosely speaking, the
true mean has a 95% probability of lying between the limits we find. Epidemiologically, we
interpret the results by saying that the data from the sample are consistent with the true mean
being between those limits. The width of the interval indicates how precise our estimates are, i.e.,
how confident we should be in drawing inferences from our sample to the population.

Below, we show how to use the formulas to calculate the 95% confidence limits of the mean
for the height of workers at Plant P.
Lower 95% confidence limit = 69.713–(1.96)(0.209)
= 69.713–0.410 = 69.303
Upper 95% confidence limit = 69.713+(1.96)(0.209)
= 69.713+0.410 = 70.123
These limits have a 95% probability of including the population mean (the true mean height
of workers at Plant P). The epidemiologic interpretation is that the data from the sample are
consistent with the true mean height being between 69.3 and 70.1 inches. Note that the 95%
confidence interval is quite narrow (less than an inch), indicating that we have quite a precise
estimate of the population’s mean height.

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of fi = frequency of xi

n or N = the number of observations (i.e., the xi = i-th observation
size of the sample) x = mean
s = standard deviation SE = standard error of the means
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 185

Exercise 3.9

Recall the study of serum cholesterol levels of men in theirmid-30’s with a mean of 213 (pages
177-178). In Exercise 3.8 you calculated the standard error of the mean as 0.629.

Calculate the 95% confidence limits for the serum cholesterol levels of the men in this study.

Answer on page 195.

The arithmetic mean is not the only measure for which we calculate confidence limits.
Confidence limits are commonly calculated for proportions, rates, risk ratios, odds ratios, and
other measures when we wish to draw inferences from a sample to the population at large. The
interpretation of the confidence interval remains the same: (1) the narrower the interval, the more
precise our estimate of the population value (and the more confidence we have in our study value
as an estimate of the population value); and (2) the range of values in the interval is the range of
population values most consistent with the data from our sample or study.

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of fi = frequency of xi

n or N = the number of observations (i.e., the xi = i-th observation
size of the sample) x = mean
s = standard deviation SE = standard error of the means
Page 186 Principles of Epidemiology

Choosing the Measures of

Central Location and Dispersion
In epidemiology, we use all of the measures of central location and dispersion to describe
sets of data and to compare two or more sets of data, but we rarely use all the measures on the
same set of data. We choose our measure of central location based on how the data are
distributed (Table 3.5). We choose our measure of dispersion based on what measure of central
location we use.
Table 3.5
Preferred measures of central location and dispersion by type of data
Type of Measure
Distribution Central Location Dispersion
normal arithmetic mean standard deviation
skewed median interquartile range
exponential geometric mean consult statistician
or logarithmic

Because the normal distribution is perfectly symmetrical, the mean, median, and mode have
the same value, as shown in Figure 3.11. In practice, however, our relatively small data sets
seldom approach this ideal shape, and the values of the mean, median, and mode usually differ.
When that is the case, we must decide which single value best represents the set of data.
A large body of statistical tests and analytic techniques are based on the arithmetic mean.
Therefore, we ordinarily prefer the mean over the median or the mode. When we use the mean,
we use the standard deviation as the measure of dispersion. As we pointed out earlier, however,
the value of the mean is affected by skewed data, being pulled in the direction of the extreme
values in the distribution as shown in Figure 3.11. We can tell the direction in which the data are
skewed by comparing the values of the mean and median. The mean is pulled away from the
median in the direction of the skew.

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of fi = frequency of xi

n or N = the number of observations (i.e., the xi = i-th observation
size of the sample) x = mean
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 187

Figure 3.11
Effect of skewness on the mean, median, and mode
Symmetric Distribution Skewed Distribution

Mean Mode
Median Median
Mode Mean
When our data are skewed, we prefer to use the median to represent the center of the data
because it is not affected by a few extremely high or low observations. When we use the median,
we usually use the interquartile range as the measure of dispersion. Unfortunately, these
measures are not as useful for analyzing data, because fewer statistical tests and analytic
techniques are based on them.
The mode is the least useful measure of the three. Some sets of data have no mode; others
may have more than one. Modes generally cannot be used in more elaborate statistical
calculations. Nonetheless, even the mode can help in describing some sets of data.
Sometimes, a combination of these measures is needed to adequately describe a set of data.
Consider the smoking histories of 200 persons presented in Table 3.6.
Analyzing the data in Table 3.6 collectively yields the following results:
Mean = 5.4
Median = 0
Mode = 0
Minimum value = 0
Maximum value = 40
Range = 0-40
Interquartile range = 8.8 (0.0−8.8)
Standard deviation = 9.5

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of fi = frequency of xi

n or N = the number of observations (i.e., the xi = i-th observation
size of the sample) x = mean
Page 188 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 3.6
Self-reported average number of cigarettes smoked per day,
survey of public health students
Number of Cigarettes Smoked per Day
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3
4 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 12 12 13 13
14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 18
18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 25 25 26 28
29 30 30 30 30 32 35 40

These results are correct, but they do not summarize the data well. Almost three-fourths of
the students, representing the mode, do not smoke at all. Separating the 58 smokers from the 142
nonsmokers would yield a more informative summarization of the data. Among the 58 (29%)
who do smoke:
Mean = 18.5
Median = 19.5
Mode = 20
Minimum value = 2
Maximum value = 40
Range = 2-40
Interquartile range = 8.5 (13.7-22.25)
Standard deviation = 8.0
Thus a more informative summary of the data might be “142 (71%) of the students do not
smoke at all. Of the 58 (29%) who do smoke, they smoke, on average, just under a pack a day
(mean = 18.5, median = 19.5). The range is from 2 to 40 cigarettes per day, with about half the
smokers smoking from 14 to 22 cigarettes per day.”

∑ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of fi = frequency of xi

n or N = the number of observations (i.e., the xi = i-th observation
size of the sample) x = mean
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 189

Frequency distributions, measures of central location, and measures of dispersion are
effective tools for summarizing numerical characteristics such as height, diastolic blood pressure,
incubation period, and number of lifetime sexual partners. Some characteristics (such as IQ)
follow a normal or symmetrically bell-shaped distribution in the population. Other characteristics
have distributions that are skewed to the right (tail toward higher values, such as parity) or
skewed to the left (tail toward lower values). Some characteristics are mostly normally
distributed, but have a few extreme values or outliers. Some characteristics, particularly
laboratory dilution assays, follow a logarithmic pattern. Finally, other characteristics may follow
other patterns (such as a uniform distribution) or appear to follow no apparent pattern at all. The
pattern of the data is the most important factor in selecting an appropriate measure of central
location and dispersion.
Measures of central location are single values that represent the center of the observed
distribution of values. The different measures of central location represent the center in different
ways. The arithmetic mean represents the center of gravity or balance point for all the data. The
median represents the middle of the data, with half the observed values below and half the
observed values above it. The mode represents the peak or most popular value. The geometric
mean is comparable to the arithmetic mean on a logarithmic scale.
Measures of dispersion describe the spread or variability of the observed distribution. The
range measures the spread from the smallest to the largest value. The standard deviation,
usually used in conjunction with the arithmetic mean, reflects how closely clustered the
observed values are to the mean. For normally distributed data, 95% of the data fall in the range
from −1.96 standard deviations to +1.96 standard deviations. The interquartile range, usually
used in conjunction with the median, represents the range from the 25th percentile to the 75th
percentile, or roughly the middle 50% of the data.
Data which are normally distributed are usually summarized with the arithmetic mean and
standard deviation. Data which are skewed or have a few extreme values are usually
summarized with the median and interquartile range. Data which follow a logarithmic scale
are usually summarized with the geometric mean. The mode and range may be reported as
supplemental measures with any type of data, but they are rarely the only measures reported.
Statistical inference is the generalization of results from a sample to the population from
which the sample came. The mean from our sample is our single best estimate of the population
mean, but we recognize that, because we have only a sample, our best estimate may not be very
precise. A confidence interval indicates how precise (or imprecise) our estimate is. The
confidence interval for the arithmetic mean is based on the standard error of the mean.
Page 190 Principles of Epidemiology

The standard error, in turn, is based on the variability in the data (the standard deviation) and the
size of the sample. In epidemiology, the 95% confidence interval is most common: 95% of the
time the population mean will fall in the range from −1.96 standard errors to +1.96 standard
errors (the lower and upper 95% confidence limits). Confidence intervals are not limited to the
arithmetic mean, but are also used in conjunction with sample proportions, rates, risk ratios, odds
ratios, and other measures of epidemiologic interest.
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 191

Review Exercise
Exercise 3.10

The data in Table 3.7 are from a sample survey of blood lead levels in Jamaica.

a. Summarize these data with a frequency distribution.

b. Calculate the arithmetic mean.
c. Determine the median and interquartile range. (Hint: In your frequency distribution total the
frequency column until you reach the middle rank).
d. Calculate 95% confidence limits for the arithmetic mean.
e. Optional: Calculate the geometric mean using the log lead levels shown in Table 3.7.

Table 3.7
Blood lead levels* of children <6 years old,
random sample survey, Jamaica, 1987
ID Lead Level* Log10 Level* ID Lead Level* Log10 Level*
1 46 1.66 30 36 1.56
2 69 1.84 31 45 1.65
3 29 1.46 32 31 1.49
4 9 0.95 33 39 1.59
5 52 1.72 34 5 0.70
6 37 1.57 35 53 1.72
7 9 0.95 36 30 1.48
8 10 1.00 37 26 1.41
9 5 0.70 38 58 1.76
10 16 1.20 39 85 1.93
11 35 1.54 40 28 1.45
12 31 1.49 41 14 1.15
13 12 1.08 42 28 1.45
14 11 1.04 43 14 1.15
15 15 1.18 44 10 1.00
16 9 0.95 45 14 1.15
17 14 1.15 46 13 1.11
18 12 1.08 47 16 1.20
19 22 1.34 48 13 1.11
20 23 1.36 49 10 1.00
21 76 1.88 50 11 1.04
22 42 1.62 51 5 0.70
23 40 1.60 52 9 0.95
24 98 1.99 53 12 1.08
25 18 1.26 54 5 0.70
26 23 1.36 55 52 1.72
27 19 1.28 56 94 1.97
28 14 1.15 57 12 1.08
29 63 1.80
*µg/dl = micrograms per deciliter
Source: 2
Page 192 Principles of Epidemiology

Work space for Review Exercise

Answer to Exercise 3.10 is on page 196.

Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 193

Answers to Exercises
Answer—Exercise 3.1 (page 155)
Mean = (0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 7 + 8)/19
= 43/19 = 2.3 births

Answer—Exercise 3.2 (page 159)

Rank observations in order of increasing value. Midpoint of 19 observations is the 10th
observation, so for 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, the median = 2 births.

Answer—Exercise 3.3 (page 162)

Reproductive health study

frequency distribution by parity
Parity Frequency
0 4
1 5
2 4
3 2
4 1
5 1
6 0
7 1
8 1
Total 19

Mode = 1 birth

Answer—Exercise 3.4 (page 166)

Using the second formula, we get
x geo

= antilog2 (1/7 × [log2256 + log2512 + log24 + log22 + log216 + log232 + log264])

= antilog2 (1/7 × [8 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 6])
= antilog2 (1/7×35)
= antilog2 (5)
= 32
Geometric mean titer = 32, and geometric mean dilution = 1:32.
Page 194 Principles of Epidemiology

Answer—Exercise 3.5 (page 173)

Data: 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8
Q1 at (19+1)/4 = 5, so Q1 = 1
Q3 at 3(19+1)/4 = 15, so Q3 = 3
Interquartile range = Q3 – Q1 = 3 − 1 = 2 births

Answer—Exercise 3.6 (page 178)

2 2
xi fi fixi xi fixi
0 4 0 0 0
1 5 5 1 5
2 4 8 4 16
3 2 6 9 18
4 1 4 16 16
5 1 5 25 25
6 0 0 36 0
7 1 7 49 49
8 1 8 64 64
Total 19 43 193

Variance Numerator = (19×193) − 432 = 3,667 − 1,849 = 1,818

Variance Denominator = 19×18 = 342
Variance = 1,818 / 342 = 5.316 (births)2
Standard Deviation = 5.316 = 2.3 births

Answer—Exercise 3.7 (page 179)

Based on the data on page 154, variable B looks like it would have the smallest standard
deviation because the values of B are tightly clustered around the central value (5); the values
don’t vary and are not widely dispersed. The standard deviation of variable A would be the
largest because there is only one central value (5) and all other values are at one extreme or the
other. Since the values of variable C are distributed uniformly from 0 to 10, its standard
deviation should be somewhere in-between.
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 195

Variable A Variable B
2 2
xi xi xi xi
0 0 0 0
0 0 4 16
1 1 4 16
1 1 4 16
1 1 5 25
5 25 5 25
9 81 5 25
9 81 6 36
9 81 6 36
10 100 6 36
10 100 10 100
Total 55 471 55 331

(11× 471) − 55 2 (11× 331) − 55 2
11 × 10 11 × 10
= 19.600 = 5.600
Deviation = 4.4 = 2.4

Answer—Exercise 3.8 (page 182)

Standard error of the mean = = 0.629

Answer—Exercise 3.9 (page 185)

Lower 95% confidence limit = 213−(1.96)(0.629)
= 213−1.233 = 211.767
Upper 95% confidence limit = 213+(1.96)(0.629)
= 213+1.233 = 214.233
The data from the sample are consistent with the true mean cholesterol level being between
211.8 and 214.2 cholesterol levels.
Page 196 Principles of Epidemiology

Answer—Exercise 3.10 (page 191)


Lead Level Frequency Lead Level Frequency Lead Level Frequency

5 4 23 2 45 1
9 4 26 1 46 1
10 3 28 2 52 2
11 2 29 1 53 1
12 4 30 1 58 1
13 2 31 2 63 1
14 5 35 1 69 1
15 1 36 1 76 1
16 2 37 1 85 1
18 1 39 1 94 1
19 1 40 1 98 1
22 1 42 1

b. Arithmetic mean = 1627/57 = 28.544= 28.5 µg/dl

c. Median at 29th position of sorted data set = 19

Q1 at 14.5th position of sorted data set = 12
Q3 at 43.5th position of sorted data set = (39+40)/2 = 39.5
Interquartile range = 39.5−12 = 27.5

d. Variance =
(57 )(76,399) − (1,627 2 ) = 534.967
57 × 56

Standard deviation = 534.967 = 23.129

Standard error of the mean = = 3.064

Lower 95% limit = 28.544−(1.96)(3.064) = 22.539

Upper 95% limit = 28.544+(1.96)(3.064) = 34.549

e. Geometric mea n= 10(75.50/57) = 101.32 = 21.1 µg/dl

Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 197

Self-Assessment Quiz 3
Now that you have read Lesson 3 and have completed the exercises, you should be ready to
take the self-assessment quiz. This quiz is designed to help you assess how well you have
learned the content of this lesson. You may refer to the lesson text whenever you are unsure of
the answer, but keep in mind that the final is a closed book examination. Circle ALL correct
choices in each question.

1. All of the following are measures of central location EXCEPT:

A. arithmetic mean
B. geometric mean
C. median
D. mode
E. range

2. The measure of central location that has half of the observations below it and half of the
observations above it is the:
A. arithmetic mean
B. geometric mean
C. median
D. mode
E. range

3. The most commonly used measure of central location is the:

A. arithmetic mean
B. geometric mean
C. median
D. mode
E. range
Page 198 Principles of Epidemiology

4. What unforgivable sin has been committed in the frequency distribution shown below?
A. Class intervals of different sizes
B. Inclusion of an unknown category
C. No column for percent distribution
D. Overlapping class intervals
E. Too many categories

Number of deaths from diabetes mellitus (ICD-9 code 250)

by age, United States, 1988
Age group (years) Number
<1 1
1-5 8
5-15 31
15-25 119
25-35 656
35-45 1,395
45-55 2,502
55-65 6,109
65-75 11,092
75-85 11,907
≥85 6,548
Unknown 0
Total 40,368

5. All of the following are measures of dispersion EXCEPT:

A. interquartile range
B. percentile
C. range
D. standard deviation
E. variance

6. Which of the following terms accurately describe the curve shown in Figure 3.12? (Circle
ALL that apply.)
A. Negatively skewed
B. Positively skewed
C. Skewed to the left
D. Skewed to the right
E. Normal
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 199

Figure 3.12
Normal or skewed distribution


x Variable

7. The measure of central location most affected by one extreme value is the:
A. arithmetic mean
B. geometric mean
C. median
D. mode
E. range

8. The value that occurs most frequently in a set of data is defined as the:
A. arithmetic mean
B. geometric mean
C. median
D. mode
E. range

9. The most commonly used measure of central location for antibody titers is the:
A. arithmetic mean
B. geometric mean
C. median
D. mode
E. range
Page 200 Principles of Epidemiology

10. The measure of dispersion most affected by one extreme value is the:
A. interquartile range
B. range
C. standard deviation
D. variance

11. Which range characterizes the interquartile range?

A. From 5th percentile to 95th percentile
B. From 10th percentile to 90th percentile
C. From 25th percentile to 75th percentile
D. From 1 standard deviation below the mean to 1 standard deviation above the mean
E. From 1.96 standard deviations below the mean to 1.96 standard deviations above the

12. The measure of dispersion most commonly used in conjunction with the arithmetic mean
is the:
A. interquartile range
B. range
C. standard deviation
D. variance

13. Given the area under a normal curve, which two of the following ranges are the same?
(Circle the TWO that are the same.)
A. From 2.5th percentile to 97.5th percentile
B. From 5th percentile to 95th percentile
C. From 25th percentile to 75th percentile
D. From 1 standard deviation below the mean to 1 standard deviation above the mean
E. From 1.96 standard deviations below the mean to 1.96 standard deviations above the
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 201

14. Given the area under a normal curve, rank the following ranges from narrowest to widest.
A. From 1 standard deviation below the mean to 1 standard deviation above the mean
B. From 5th percentile to 95th percentile
C. From 1.96 standard deviations below the mean to 1.96 standard deviations above the
D. Interquartile range
Rank from narrowest _____ < _____ < _____ < _____ widest

For questions 15-17, select the units from the list below in which each measure would be
expressed, if we had measured the weights in kilograms of 300 children.
A. kilograms
B. square root of kilograms
C. kilograms squared
D. no units

15. Interquartile range ________________

16. Variance ________________________

17. Standard error ____________________

Data for questions 18-21: 14, 10, 9, 11, 17, 20, 7, 90, 13, 9
18. Using the data shown above, calculate the arithmetic mean.
Arithmetic mean = ________ .

19. Using the data shown above, identify the median.

Median = ________ .

20. Using the data shown above, identify the mode(s), if any.
Mode(s) = ________ .

21. Using the data shown above, identify the range.

Range = ________ .
Page 202 Principles of Epidemiology

22. Which measures of central location and dispersion are most appropriate for the following
A. Arithmetic mean and interquartile range
B. Arithmetic mean and standard deviation
C. Median and interquartile range
D. Median and standard deviation

Number of correct responses to questionnaire

about healthy behaviors
# Correct Responses Frequency
0 12
1 19
2 23
3 17
4 28
5 18
6 12
7 5
8 3
9 2
10 11
Total 150

23. Simply by scanning the values in each distribution below, identify the distribution with
the smallest standard deviation.
A. 7, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 20, 90
B. 7, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 17, 17
C. 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11
D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
E. 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90

24. The standard error of the mean represents:

A. the difference between the sample mean and the true population mean
B. the systematic error in measuring the mean
C. the variability of a set of observations about the mean
D. the variability of a set of sample means about the true population mean
Lesson 3: Measures of Central Location and Dispersion Page 203

25. Investigators conducted a survey of nutritional status among a sample of children living
in a refugee camp. The following data were obtained:
mean nutritional index = 89.5
standard deviation = 9.9
standard error of mean = 0.7
The 95% confidence limits around the mean are approximately:
A. 70.1 and 108.9
B. 79.6 and 99.4
C. 88.1 and 90.9
D. 88.8 and 90.2

Answers are in Appendix J

If you answered at least 20 questions correctly, you understand
Lesson 3 well enough to go to Lesson 4.
Page 204 Principles of Epidemiology

1. Center for Disease Control. Health status of Vietnam veterans. Volume 3: Medical
Examination. 1989
2. Matte TD, Figuera JP, Ostrowski S, et al. Lead poisoning among household members exposed
to lead-acid battery repair shops in Kingston, Jamaica. Int J Epidemiol 1989;18:874-881.
3. National Center for Health Statistics. Advance Report of Final Mortality Statistics, 1987.
Monthly Vital Statistics Report, Vol 38 no.5 Supplement. Hyattsville, MD, PHS 1989. p.21.
Lesson 4
Organizing Epidemiologic Data

When we collect more records than we can review individually, we can use tables, graphs,
and charts to organize, summarize, and display the data clearly and effectively. With tables,
graphs, and charts we can analyze data sets of a few dozen or a few million. These tools allow us
to identify, explore, understand, and present distributions, trends, and relationships in the data.
Thus tables, graphs, and charts are critical tools not only when we perform descriptive and
analytic epidemiology, but also when we need to communicate our epidemiologic findings to

After studying this lesson and answering the questions in the exercises, a student will be able
to do the following:
• Correctly prepare tables with one, two, or three variables
• Correctly prepare the following types of graphs: arithmetic-scale line graphs,
semilogarithmic-scale line graphs, histograms, frequency polygons, and scatter diagrams
• Correctly prepare the following types of charts: bar charts, pie charts, spot maps, area
maps, and box plots
• Describe when to use each type of table, graph, and chart

Page 206 Principles of Epidemiology

Introduction to
Tables, Graphs, and Charts
Data analysis is an important component of epidemiologic practice. To analyze data
effectively, an epidemiologist must first become familiar with the data before applying analytic
techniques. The epidemiologist may begin by examining individual records such as those
contained in a line listing, but will quickly progress to summarizing the data with tables.
Sometimes, the resulting tables are the only analysis that is needed, particularly when the amount
of data is small and relationships are straightforward. When the data are more complex, graphs
and charts can help the epidemiologist visualize broader patterns and trends and identify
variations from those trends. Variations may represent important new findings or only errors in
typing or coding which need to be corrected. Thus, tables, graphs, and charts are essential to the
verification and analysis of the data.
Once an analysis is complete, tables, graphs, and charts further serve as useful visual aids for
describing the data to others. In preparing tables, graphs, and charts for others, you must keep in
mind that their primary purpose is to communicate information about the data.
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 207

A table is a set of data arranged in rows and columns. Almost any quantitative information
can be organized into a table. Tables are useful for demonstrating patterns, exceptions,
differences, and other relationships. In addition, tables usually serve as the basis for preparing
more visual displays of data, such as graphs and charts, where some of the detail may be lost.
Tables designed to present data to others should be as simple as possible. Two or three small
tables, each focusing on a different aspect of the data, are easier to understand than a single large
table that contains many details or variables.
A table should be self-explanatory. If a table is taken out of its original context, it should still
convey all the information necessary for the reader to understand the data. To create a table that
is self-explanatory, follow the guidelines below:
• Use a clear and concise title that describes the what, where, and when of the data in the
table. Precede the title with a table number (for example, Table 4.1).
• Label each row and each column clearly and concisely and include the units of
measurement for the data (for example, years, mm Hg, mg/dl, rate per 100,000).
• Show totals for rows and columns. If you show percents (%), also give their total (always
• Explain any codes, abbreviations, or symbols in a footnote. (for example, Syphilis P&S =
primary and secondary syphilis)
• Note any exclusions in a footnote (1 case and 2 controls with unknown family history
were excluded from this analysis).
• Note the source of the data in a footnote if the data are not original.

One-Variable Table
In descriptive epidemiology, the most basic table is a simple frequency distribution with only
one variable, such as Table 4.1a. (Frequency distributions are discussed in Lessons 2 and 3.) In
such a frequency distribution table, the first column shows the values or categories of the
variable represented by the data, such as age or sex. The second column shows the number of
persons or events that fall into each category.
Often, a third column lists the percentage of persons or events in each category, as in Table
4.1b. Note that the percentages in Table 4.1b add up to 100.1% rather than 100.0% due to
rounding to one decimal place. This is commonly true in tables that show percentages.
Nonetheless, the total percent should be given as 100.0%, and a footnote explaining that the
difference is due to rounding should be included.
Page 208 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 4.1a
Primary and secondary syphilis morbidiy
by age, United States, 1989
Age group (years) Number of cases
≤14 230
15-19 4,378
20-24 10,405
25-29 9,610
30-34 8,648
35-44 6,901
45-54 2,631
≥55 1,278
Total 44,081
Source: 12

Table 4.1b
Primary and secondary syphilis morbidity
by age, United States, 1989
Age group Cases
(years) Number Percent
≤14 230 0.5
15-19 4,378 10.0
20-24 10,405 23.6
25-29 9,610 21.8
30-34 8,648 19.6
35-44 6,901 15.7
45-54 2,631 6.0
≥55 1,278 2.9
Total 44,081 100.0*
*Percentages do not add to 100.0% due to rounding.
Source: 12

The one-variable table can be further modified to show either cumulative frequency or
cumulative percent, as in Table 4.1c. We now see that 75.5% of the primary and secondary
syphilis cases occurred in persons less than 35 years old.
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 209

Table 4.1c
Primary and secondary syphilis morbidity
by age, United States, 1989
Age group Cases
(years) Number Percent Cumulative %
≤14 230 0.5 0.5
15-19 4,378 10.0 10.5
20-24 10,405 23.6 34.1
25-29 9,610 21.8 55.9
30-34 8,648 19.6 75.5
35-44 6,901 15.7 91.2
45-54 2,631 6.0 97.2
≥55 1,278 2.9 100.0
Total 44,081 100.0* 100.0%
*Percentages do not add to 100.0% due to rounding.
Source: 12

Two- and Three-Variable Tables

Tables 4.1a, 4.1b, and 4.1c show case counts (frequency) by only one variable: age. Data can
also be cross-tabulated to show counts by a second variable. Table 4.2 shows the number of
syphilis cases by both age and sex of the patient.
A two-variable table with cross-tabulated data is also known as a contingency table. Table
4.3 is an example of a common type of contingency table, which is called a two-by-two table
because each of the two variables has two categories. Epidemiologists frequently use
contingency tables to display the data used in calculating measures of association and tests of
statistical significance.
Table 4.2
Newly reported cases of primary and secondary syphilis
by age and sex, United States, 1989
Age group Number of cases by sex
(years) Male Female Total
≤14 40 190 230
15-19 1,710 2,668 4,378
20-24 5,120 5,285 10,405
25-29 5,304 4,306 9,610
30-34 5,537 3,111 8,648
35-44 5,004 1,897 6,901
45-54 2,144 487 2,631
≥55 1,147 131 1,278
Total 26,006 18,075 44,081
Source: 12
Page 210 Principles of Epidemiology

Epidemiologists also use two-by-two tables to study the association between an exposure and
disease. These tables are convenient for comparing persons with and without the exposure, and
those with and without the disease. Table 4.4 shows the generic format of such a table. As shown
there, disease status (e.g., ill versus well) is usually designated along the top of the table, and
exposure status (e.g., exposed versus not exposed) is designated along the side. The letters a, b,
c, and d within the 4 cells of the two-by-two table refer to the number of persons with the disease
status indicated above and the exposure status indicated to its left. For example, in Table 4.4, c is
the number of persons in the study who have the disease, but who did not have the exposure
being studied. Note that the “H” in the row totals H1 and H2 stands for horizontal; the “V” in
the column total V1 and V2 stands for vertical. The total number of subjects included in the two-
by-two table is represented by the letter T (or N).
When displaying data to others, it is best to use one- or two-variable tables, like those on the
preceding pages. Sometimes, however, you may want to include a third variable to show a set of
data more completely. Table 4.5 shows such a three-variable table for the variables of age, race,
and sex. As you can see, a three-variable table is rather busy. It is the maximum amount of
complexity you should ever include in a single table.

Table 4.3
Follow-up status among diabetic and nondiabetic white men
NHANES follow-up study, 1982-1984
Dead Alive Total Percent dead
Diabetic 100 89 189 52.9
Nondiabetic 811 2,340 3,151 25.7
Total 911 2,429 3,340
Source: 18

Table 4.4
General format for 2 x 2 table
Ill Well Total
Exposed a b H1
Unexposed c d H2
Total V1 V2 T
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 211

Table 4.5
Primary and secondary syphilis morbidity
by age, race, and sex, United States, 1989
Age (years) Sex White Black Other Total
Male 2 31 7 40
≤14 Female 14 165 11 190
Total 16 196 18 230

Male 88 1,412 210 1,710

15-19 Female 253 2,257 158 2,668
Total 341 3,669 368 4,378

Male 407 4,059 654 5,120

20-24 Female 475 4,503 307 5,285
Total 882 8,562 961 10,405

Male 550 4,121 633 5,304

25-29 Female 433 3,590 283 4,306
Total 983 7,711 916 9,610

Male 564 4,456 520 5,537

30-34 Female 316 2,628 167 3,111
Total 880 7,081 687 8,648

Male 654 3,858 492 5,004

35-44 Female 243 1,505 149 1,897
Total 897 5,363 641 6,901

Male 323 1,619 202 2,144

45-54 Female 55 392 40 487
Total 378 2,011 242 2,631

Male 216 823 108 1,147

≥55 Female 24 92 15 131
Total 240 915 123 1,278

Total for Male 2,804 20,376 2,826 26,006

all ages Female 1,813 15,132 1,130 18,075
Total 4,617 35,508 3,956 44,081
Source: 12
Page 212 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 4.1

The data in Table 4.6 describe characteristics of the 36 residents of a nursing home during an
outbreak of diarrheal disease.

A. Construct a table of the illness (diarrhea) by menu type. Use diarrhea status as column labels
and menu types as row labels.

B. Construct a two-by-two table of the illness (diarrhea) by exposure to menu A.

Answers on page 269.

Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 213

Table 4.6
Characteristics of residents of Nursing Home A
during outbreak of diarrheal disease, January, 1989
Resident Date of
no. Age Sex Room Menu Diarrhea? onset
1 71 F 103 A Yes 1/15
2 72 F 105 A Yes 1/23
3 74 F 105 A No
4 86 F 107 B No
5 83 F 107 B No
6 68 F 109 A Yes 1/18

7 69 F 109 C No
8 64 F 111 A Yes 1/16
9 66 M 111 A Yes 1/18
10 68 M 104 A Yes 1/20
11 70 M 106 A No
12 86 M 110 A No

13 73 M 112 B No
14 82 M 219 C No
15 72 M 221 C No
16 70 M 221 B No
17 77 M 227 D No
18 80 M 227 D No

19 71 F 231 A Yes 1/14

20 68 F 231 D Yes 1/15
21 64 F 233 A No
22 73 F 235 A Yes 1/13
23 75 F 235 B No
24 78 F 222 C No

25 72 F 222 A No
26 66 M 224 B No
27 69 M 226 A Yes 1/16
28 75 M 228 E No
29 71 M 230 A Yes 1/13
30 83 M 232 F No

31 84 M 232 D No
32 79 M 234 A Yes 1/12
33 72 M 234 D Yes 1/14
34 77 M 236 A Yes 1/13
35 78 M 236 B No
36 80 M 238 D No
Page 214 Principles of Epidemiology

Tables of Other Statistical Measures

Tables 4.1 through 4.3 show case counts (frequency). The cells of a table can just as easily
contain means, rates, years of potential life lost, relative risks, and other statistical measures. As
with any table, the title and headings must clearly identify what data are presented. For example,
both the title and the top heading of Table 4.7 indicate that rates are presented.
Table 4.7
Newly reported cases of primary and secondary syphilis,
age- and race-specific rates per 100,000 (civilian) population
United States, 1989
Age group Rate (per 100,000) by race
(years) White Black Other Total
≤14 0.0 2.4 0.8 0.4
15-19 2.4 131.5 51.0 24.3
20-24 5.8 323.0 139.2 55.9
25-29 5.4 270.9 117.9 44.1
30-34 4.7 256.6 83.2 38.8
35-44 2.9 135.0 47.8 19.0
45-54 1.7 76.7 29.6 10.5
≥55 0.5 19.4 10.4 2.4
Total 2.2 115.8 45.8 17.7
Source: 12

Table Shells
Although we cannot analyze data before we have collected them, we should design our
analyses in advance to expedite the analysis once the data are collected. In fact, most protocols,
which are written before a study can be conducted, require a description of how the data will be
analyzed. As part of the analysis plan, we develop table shells which show how the data will be
organized and displayed. Table shells are tables that are complete except for the data. They show
titles, headings, and categories. In developing table shells that include continuous variables such
as age, we create more categories than we may later use, in order to disclose any interesting
patterns and quirks in the data.
The following sequence of table shells were designed before conducting a case-control study
of Kawasaki syndrome. Kawasaki syndrome is a pediatric disease of unknown etiology which
occasionally occurs in clusters. Two hypotheses to be tested by the case-control study were the
syndrome’s association with antecedent viral illness and with recent exposure to carpet shampoo.
A previously reported association with increasing household income was also to be evaluated.
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 215

Table Shell 1
Clinical features of Kawasaki syndrome cases
with onset October–December, 1984
Clinical Feature # with Feature Percent
1. Fever ≥ 5 days ____ ( )
2. Bilateral conjunctival injection ____ ( )
3. Oral changes
• injected lips ____ ( )
• injected pharynx ____ ( )
• dry, fissured lips ____ ( )
• strawberry tongue ____ ( )
4. Peripheral extremely changes
• edema ____ ( )
• erythema ____ ( )
• periungual desquamation ____ ( )
5. Rash ____ ( )
6. Cervical lymphadenopathy <1.5 cm ____ ( )
Total ____ (100)

Table Shell 2
Demographic characteristics of Kawasaki syndrome cases
with onset October–December, 1984
Demographic characteristic Number Percent
Age <1 yr ____ ( )
1 yr ____ ( )
2 yr
3 yr ____ ( )
4 yr ____ ( )
5 yr ____ ( )
≥6yr ____ ( )
Sex Male
Female ____ ( )
Race White ____ ( )
Black ____ ( )
Asian ____ ( )
Other ____ ( )
Total ____ (100)

Alternatively, Table Shell 2 could have been drawn as a 3-variable table of number of cases
by age by sex by race.
Page 216 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 4.1
Illustration of table shells designed before conducting a
case-control study of Kawasaki syndrome

Table Shell 3 Table Shell 7

County of Residence Number % Demographic Cases Controls
Characteristic Number % Number %
AGE 1 yr
Table Shell 4 1 yr
Household Income ($) Number % 2 yr
10,000 3 yr
10,001 - 15,000 4 yr
15,001 - 20,000 5 yr
20,001 - 25,000 6 yr
25,001 - 20,000 SEX Male
30,001 - 35,000 Female
35,000 RACE White

Table Shell 5 Black

Number of Days
in Hospital Number % Other
0 Total
3 Table Shell 8
4 Household Cases Controls
5 Income ($) Number % Number %
Mean = 10,000
Median =
10,001 - 15,000
Table Shell 6
15,001 - 20,000
Serious Complication Number % 20,001 - 25,000
cardiac 25,001 - 20,000
arthritis 30,001 - 35,000
death 35,000

Table Shell 3: Distribution by county of residence; Table Shell 4: Distribution by household income;
Table Shell 5: Number of days of hospitalization; Table Shell 6: Distribution by serious complications;
Table Shell 7: Demographic characteristics; and Table Shell 8: Household income.
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 217

Table Shell 9
Epidemiologic characteristics of Kawasaki syndrome cases and controls,
with onset October–December, 1984
Cases Controls
Epidemiologic characteristic Number Percent Number Percent
Antecedent Yes ____ ( ) ( )
No ____ ( ) ( )
Odds ratio = ____, 95% CI = ( , )
x = ____, p-value = ____
Carpet shampoo Yes ____ ( ) ( )
No ____ ( ) ( )
Odds ratio = ____, 95% CI = ( , )
x = ____, p-value = ____

The sequence of table shells shown above and in Figure 4.1 provides a systematic, logical
approach to the analysis. Of course, once the data are available and plugged into these tables,
additional analyses will come to mind and should be pursued.
Page 218 Principles of Epidemiology

Creating Class Intervals

Some variables such as sex or “ate potato salad?” have a limited number of possible
responses. These responses provide convenient categories for use in a table. When you study
variables with a broader range of possible responses, such as time or systolic blood pressure, you
must group the responses into a manageable number of categories (class intervals). In creating
class intervals, keep the following guidelines in mind:
• Create class intervals that are mutually exclusive and that include all of the data. For
example, if your first interval is 0-5, begin the next interval with 6, not 5. Also, consider
what the true limits are. The true upper limit of 0.5 is 5.4999... for most measures, but
5.999... for age. True limits were discussed in Lesson 3.
• Use a relatively large number of narrow class intervals for your initial analysis. You can
always combine intervals later. In general, you will wind up with 4 to 8 intervals.
• Use natural or biologically meaningful intervals when possible. Try to use age groupings
that are standard or are used most frequently in the particular field of study. If rates are to
be calculated, the intervals for the numerator must be the same as the intervals used for
the available population data.
• Create a category for unknowns. For example, in the standard age groupings shown in
Table 4.8 the categories created for unknowns are “age not stated,” “unknown,” and “not
Table 4.8 shows age groups commonly used by CDC for different purposes.
Table 4.8
Some standard groupings used at CDC
Notifiable Pneumonia & Final mortality
diseases influenza mortality statistics HIV/AIDS
<1 year <28 days <1 year <5 years
1-4 28 days-<1 year 1-4 5-12
5-9 1-14 5-14 13-19
10-14 15-24 15-24 20-24
15-19 25-44 25-34 25-29
20-24 45-64 35-44 30-34
25-29 65-74 45-54 35-39
30-39 75-84 55-64 40-44
40-49 ≥85 65-74 45-49
50-59 Unknown 75-84 50-54
≥60 ≥85 55-59
Age not stated Not stated 60-64
Total Total Total Total
Source: 3, 4, 21
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 219

Keep a natural baseline group as a separate category, even if the rest of the distribution has
no natural distinctions. For example, in creating categories for cigarette smoking in cigarettes per
day, leave nonsmokers (0 cigarettes/day) as a separate category and group smokers according to
any of the arbitrary methods described below.
If no natural or standard class intervals are apparent, several strategies are available for
creating intervals. Three strategies are described below.

Strategy 1: Divide the data into groups of similar size

Using this strategy, you set out to create a manageable number of class intervals, with about
the same number of observations in each interval. Initially, you might use 8 intervals, collapsing
them later into 4 for presenting the data to others. In effect, the 4 intervals represent the 4
quartiles of the data distribution. This method is well-suited to creating categories for area maps.
To apply this strategy, divide your total number of observations by the number of intervals
you wish to create. Next, develop a cumulative frequency column of a rank-ordered distribution
of your data to find where each interval break would fall.

Strategy 2: Base intervals on mean and standard deviation

With this strategy, you can create 3, 4, or 6 class intervals. To use this strategy, you must first
find the mean and standard deviation of your distribution. (Lesson 3 covers the calculation of
these measures.) You then use the mean plus or minus different multiples of the standard
deviation to establish the upper limits for your intervals:
Upper limit of interval 1 = mean −2 standard deviations
Upper limit of interval 2 = mean −1 standard deviation
Upper limit of interval 3 = mean
Upper limit of interval 4 = mean +1 standard deviation
Upper limit of interval 5 = mean +2 standard deviations
Upper limit of interval 6 = maximum value
For example, suppose you wanted to establish six intervals for data that had a mean of 50 and
a standard deviation of 10. The minimum value was 19; the maximum value was 82. You would
calculate the upper limits of the six intervals as follows:
Upper limit of interval 1 = 50 − 20 = 30
Upper limit of interval 2 = 50 − 10 = 40
Upper limit of interval 3 = 50
Upper limit of interval 4 = 50 + 10 = 60
Upper limit of interval 5 = 50 + 20 = 70
Upper limit of interval 6 = maximum value = 82
Page 220 Principles of Epidemiology

If you then select the obvious lower limit for each upper limit, you have your six intervals:
Interval 1 = 19 – 30
Interval 2 = 31 − 40
Interval 3 = 41 − 50
Interval 4 = 51 − 60
Interval 5 = 61 − 70
Interval 6 = 71 − 82
You can create three or four intervals by combining some of the adjacent six-interval limits:

Six Intervals Four Intervals Three Intervals

Interval 1 = 19 – 30
Interval 1 = 19 – 40 Interval 1 = 19 – 40
Interval 2 = 31 – 40
Interval 3 = 41 – 50 Interval 2 = 41 – 50
Interval 2 = 41 – 60
Interval 4 = 51 – 60 Interval 3 = 51 – 60
Interval 5 = 61 – 70
Interval 4 = 61 – 82 Interval 3 = 61 – 82
Interval 6 = 71 – 82

Strategy 3: Divide the range into equal class intervals

This method is the simplest and most commonly used, and is most readily adapted to graphs.
To apply this method, do the following:
1. Find the range of the values in your data set. That is, find the difference between the
maximum value (or some slightly larger convenient value) and zero (or the minimum
2. Decide how many class intervals (groups or categories) you want to have. For tables, we
generally use 4 to 8 class intervals. For graphs and maps, we generally use 3 to 6 class
intervals. The number will depend on what aspects of the data you want to disclose.
3. Find what size of class interval to use by dividing the range by the number of class
intervals you have decided on.
4. Begin with the minimum value as the lower limit of your first interval and specify class
intervals of whatever size you calculated until you reach the maximum value in your data.
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 221

Table 4.9
Mean annual age-adjusted cervical cancer mortality rates
per 100,000 population, in rank order by state, United States, 1984-1986
Rate per Rate per
Rank State 100,000 Rank State 100,000
1 SC 5.6 26 KS 3.6
2 WV 5.6 27 AR 3.6
3 AL 5.4 28 MD 3.5
4 LA 5.4 29 IA 3.4
5 AK 5.1 30 PA 3.4
6 TN 4.9 31 FL 3.4
7 ND 4.9 32 HI 3.4
8 KY 4.8 33 OR 3.3
9 MS 4.7 34 MI 3.3
10 NC 4.6 35 CA 3.2
11 GA 4.6 36 ID 3.1
12 ME 4.6 37 AZ 3.1
13 VT 4.3 38 MA 2.9
14 DE 4.3 39 NM 2.9
15 NH 4.3 40 WA 2.8
16 IN 4.1 41 NV 2.8
17 OK 4.1 42 CT 2.8
18 IL 4.0 43 RI 2.8
19 MT 4.0 44 WI 2.7
20 VA 3.9 45 CO 2.5
21 OH 3.8 46 NE 2.4
22 MO 3.8 47 SD 2.4
23 TX 3.7 48 MN 2.2
24 NY 3.7 49 WY 1.9
25 NJ 3.7 50 UT 1.8
Total U.S. 3.7
Source: 2

In the example, we will demonstrate each strategy for creating categories using the cervical
cancer mortality rates shown in Table 4.9. In each case, we will create four class intervals of
Page 222 Principles of Epidemiology

Strategy 1: Divide the data into groups of similar size

(Note: If Table 4.9 had been arranged alphabetically, the first step would have been to sort
the data into rank order by rate. Fortunately, this has already been done.)
1. Divide the list into four equal-sized groups of places:
50 states ÷ 4 = 12.5 states per group. Because we can’t cut a state in half, we will have to
use two groups of 12 states and two groups of 13 states. Since Vermont (#13) could go
into either the first or second group and Massachusetts (#38) could go into either third or
fourth group, we create the following groups:
a. South Carolina through Maine (1 through 12)
b. Vermont through New Jersey (13 through 25)
c. Kansas through Arizona (26 through 37)
d. Massachusetts through Utah (38 through 50)
Notice that this arrangement puts Vermont with Delaware (both have rates of 4.3), and
puts Massachusetts with New Mexico (both have rates of 1.8).
2. Identify the rate for the first and last state in each group:

States per 100,000
a. ME–SC 4.6–5.6
b. NJ–VT 3.7–4.3
c. AZ–KS 3.1–3.6
d. UT–MA 1.8–2.9

3. Adjust the limits of each interval so no gap exists between the end of one class interval and
beginning of the next (compare the intervals below with those above):

Rates Number of
States per 100,000 states
a. ME–SC 4.5–5.6 12
b. NJ–VT 3.7–4.4 13
c. AZ–KS 3.0–3.6 12
d. UT–MA 1.8–2.9 13
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 223

Strategy 2: Base intervals on mean and standard deviation

1. Calculate the mean and standard deviation (Lesson 3 describes how to calculate these
Mean = 3.70
Standard deviation = 0.96
2. Find the upper limits of 4 intervals (Note: We demonstrated creating 4 intervals by first
creating 6 intervals and then combining the upper and lower pairs of intervals. Here,
however, we will simply use the appropriate upper limit of the pairs that would be
Upper limit of interval 1: mean − 1 standard deviation = 2.74
Upper limit of interval 2: mean = 3.70
Upper limit of interval 3: mean + 1 standard deviation = 4.66
Upper limit of interval 4: maximum value = 5.6
3. Select the lower limit for each upper limit to define four full intervals. Specify the states
that fall into each interval (Note: To place the states with the highest rates first we have
reversed the order of the intervals):

Rates Number of
States per 100,000 states
a. MS–SC 4.67–5.60 9
b. MO–NC 3.71–4.66 13
c. RI–TX 2.75–3.70 21
d. UT–WI 1.80–2.74 7

Strategy 3: Divide the range into equal class intervals

1. Divide the range from zero (or the minimum value) to the maximum by 4:
(5.6 – 1.8) / 4 = 3.8 / 4 = 0.95
2. Use multiples of 0.95 to create four categories, starting with 1.8:
1.80 through (1.8 + 0.95) = 1.8 through 2.75
2.76 through (1.8 + 2 × 0.95) = 2.76 through 3.70
3.71 through (1.8 + 3 × 0.95) = 3.71 through 4.65
4.66 through (1.8 + 4 × 0.95) = 4.66 through 5.6
3. Final categories:

Rates Number of
States per 100,000 states
a. MS–SC 4.66–5.60 9
b. MO–NC 3.71–4.65 13
c. RI–TX 2.76–3.70 21
d. UT–WI 1.80–2.75 7
Page 224 Principles of Epidemiology

4. Alternatively, since 0.95 is close to 1.0, multiples of 1.0 might be used to create the four
categories. Start at the center value (5.6 + 1.8)/2 = 3.7, subtract 1.0 to determine the upper
limit of the first interval (2.7). The upper limits of the third and fourth intervals will be 3.7
+ 1.0 = 4.7, and 3.7 + 2 × 1.0 = 5.7.
Final categories:

Rates Number of
States per 100,000 states
a. KY–SC 4.71–5.70 8
b. MO–MS 3.71–4.70 14
c. RI–TX 2.71–3.70 21
d. UT–WI 1.71–2.70 7
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 225

Exercise 4.2

With the data on cervical cancer mortality rates presented in Table 4.9, use each strategy to
create three class intervals for the rates.

Answers on page 270.

Page 226 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 4.9, revisited

Mean annual age-adjusted cervical cancer mortality rates
per 100,000 population, in rank order by state, United States, 1984-1986
Rate per Rate per
Rank State 100,000 Rank State 100,000
1 SC 5.6 26 KS 3.6
2 WV 5.6 27 AR 3.6
3 AL 5.4 28 MD 3.5
4 LA 5.4 29 IA 3.4
5 AK 5.1 30 PA 3.4
6 TN 4.9 31 FL 3.4
7 ND 4.9 32 HI 3.4
8 KY 4.8 33 OR 3.3
9 MS 4.7 34 MI 3.3
10 NC 4.6 35 CA 3.2
11 GA 4.6 36 ID 3.1
12 ME 4.6 37 AZ 3.1
13 VT 4.3 38 MA 2.9
14 DE 4.3 39 NM 2.9
15 NH 4.3 40 WA 2.8
16 IN 4.1 41 NV 2.8
17 OK 4.1 42 CT 2.8
18 IL 4.0 43 RI 2.8
19 MT 4.0 44 WI 2.7
20 VA 3.9 45 CO 2.5
21 OH 3.8 46 NE 2.4
22 MO 3.8 47 SD 2.4
23 TX 3.7 48 MN 2.2
24 NY 3.7 49 WY 1.9
25 NJ 3.7 50 UT 1.8
Total U.S. 3.7
Source: 2
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 227

A graph is a way to show quantitative data visually, using a system of coordinates. It is a
kind of statistical snapshot that helps us see patterns, trends, aberrations, similarities, and
differences in the data. Also, a graph is an ideal way of presenting data to others. Your audience
will remember the important aspects of your data better from a graph than from a table.
In epidemiology, we commonly use rectangular coordinate graphs, which have two lines, one
horizontal and one vertical, that intersect at a right angle. We refer to these lines as the horizontal
axis (or x-axis), and the vertical axis (or y-axis). We usually use the horizontal axis to show the
values of the independent (or x) variable, which is the method of classification, such as time.
We use the vertical axis to show the dependent (or y) variable, which, in epidemiology, is
usually a frequency measure, such as number of cases or rate of disease. We label each axis to
show what it represents (both the name of the variable and the units in which it is measured) and
mark a scale of measurement along the line.
Table 4.10 shows the number of measles cases by year of report from 1950 to 1989. We have
used a portion of these data to create the graph shown in Figure 4.2. The independent variable,
years, is shown on the horizontal axis. The dependent variable, number of cases, is shown on the
vertical axis. A grid is included in Figure 4.2 to illustrate how points are plotted. For example, to
plot the point on the graph for the number of cases in 1953, draw a line up from 1953, then draw
a line from 449 cases to the right. The point where these lines intersect is the point for 1953 on
the graph. By using the data in Table 4.10, complete the graph in Figure 4.2 by plotting the
points for 1955 to 1959.

Arithmetic-scale Line Graphs

An arithmetic-scale line graph shows patterns or trends over some variable, usually time. In
epidemiology, we commonly use this type of graph to show a long series of data and to compare
several series. It is the method of choice for plotting rates over time.
In an arithmetic-scale line graph, a set distance along an axis represents the same quantity
anywhere on that axis. This holds true for both the x-axis and the y-axis. In Figure 4.3, for
example, the space between tick marks along the y-axis represents an increase of 100,000 (100 x
1000) cases anywhere along the axis.
Several series of data can be shown on the same arithmetic-scale line graph. In Figure 4.4,
one line represents the decline of rabies in domestic animals since 1955, while another line
represents the concurrent rise of rabies in wild animals. A third line represents the total.
What scale we use on the x-axis depends on what intervals we have used for our independent
variable in collecting the data. Usually, we plot time data with the same specificity we use to
collect them, e.g., weekly, annually, and so forth. If we have used very small intervals in
collecting the data, however, we can easily collapse those intervals into larger ones for
displaying the data graphically.
Page 228 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 4.10
Measles (rubeola) by year of report, United States, 1950-1989
Year Reported cases (x1,000) Year Reported cases (x1,000)
1950 319 1970 47
1951 530 1971 75
1952 683 1972 32
1953 449 1973 27
1954 683 1974 22
1955 555 1975 24
1956 612 1976 41
1957 487 1977 57
1958 763 1978 27
1959 406 1979 14
1960 442 1980 13
1961 424 1981 3
1962 482 1982 2
1963 385 1983 1
1964 458 1984 3
1965 262 1985 3
1966 204 1986 6
1967 63 1987 4
1968 22 1988 3
1969 26 1989 18
Source: 12

Figure 4.2
Partial graph of measles (rubeola) by year of report,
United States, 1950-1959



(e.g., number of
cases, percent, rate) 400


intervals 200


1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959
equal intervals

X-axis: Method of Classification

(e.g., time of onset of illness, in days;
year of report; age of cases, in years)
Source: 12
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 229

Figure 4.3
Example of arithmetic-scale line graph:
Measles (rubeola) by year of report, United States, 1950-1989
Reported Cases (per 1,000)

700 Vaccine
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990
Source: 12

Figure 4.4
Example of arithmetic-scale line graph:
Rabies, wild and domestic animals by year of report,
United States and Puerto Rico, 1955-1989

9,000 Total
8,000 D omestic

1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990
Source: 12
Page 230 Principles of Epidemiology

To select a scale for the y-axis, do the following:

• Make the y-axis shorter than the x-axis, so that your graph is horizontal (i.e., the
horizontal length is greater than the vertical length), and make the two axes in good
proportion: an x:y ratio of about 5:3 is often recommended.
• Always start the y-axis with 0.
• Determine the range of values you need to show on the y-axis by identifying the largest
value you need to graph on the y-axis and rounding that figure off to a number slightly
larger than that. For example, the largest y-value in Figure 4.3 is 763,094 in 1958. This
value was rounded up to 1,000,000 for determining the range of values that were shown
on the y-axis.
• Select an interval size that will give you enough intervals to show the data in enough
detail for your purposes. In Figure 4.3, 10 intervals of 100,000 each were considered
adequate to show the important details of the data.
• If the range of values to show on the y-axis includes a gap, that is, an area of the graph
that will have no data points, a scale break may be appropriate. With a scale break the y-
axis stops at the point where the gap begins and starts again where the gap ends. Scale
breaks should be used only with scale line graphs.
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 231

Exercise 4.3

In both graphs, be sure to use intervals on the y-axis that are appropriate for the range of data you
are graphing. Graph paper is provided in Appendix D.

A. Construct an arithmetic-scale line graph of the measles data in Table 4.11, showing measles
rates from 1955-1990 with a single line.

B. Construct an arithmetic-scale line graph of the measles data for 1980-1990.

Table 4.11
Measles (rubeola) rate per 100,000 population,
United States, 1955-1990
Year Rate Year Rate Year Rate
1955 336.3 1967 31.7 1979 6.2
1956 364.1 1968 11.1 1980 6.0
1957 283.4 1969 12.8 1981 1.4
1958 438.2 1970 23.2 1982 0.7
1959 229.3 1971 36.5 1983 0.6
1960 246.3 1972 15.5 1984 1.1
1961 231.6 1973 12.7 1985 1.2
1962 259.0 1974 10.5 1986 2.6
1963 204.2 1975 11.4 1987 1.5
1964 239.4 1976 19.2 1988 1.4
1965 135.1 1977 26.5 1989 7.3
1966 104.2 1978 12.3 1990 10.7
Source: 12

Answer on page 272.

Page 232 Principles of Epidemiology

Semilogarithmic-scale Line Graphs

In a semilogarithmic-scale line graph (a “semilog graph”), the divisions on the y-axis are
logarithmical, rather than arithmetical as on arithmetic-scale line graphs. The x-axis has an
arithmetic scale, as it does on arithmetic-scale line graphs.
Figure 4.5 shows an example of a semilog graph. Notice the following characteristics of the
scale on the y-axis:
• There are five cycles of tick-marks along the axis; each cycle covers equal distance on
the scale.
• Each cycle represents one order of magnitude greater than the one below it, that is, the
values in each cycle are ten times greater than those in the preceding one. Notice, for
example, that the values in the 4th cycle are 1 to 10 and in the 5th are 10 to 100 but the
distances on the scale are the same.
• Within a cycle are ten tick-marks, with the space between tick marks becoming smaller
and smaller as they move up the cycle. Thus the distance from 1 to 2 is not the same as
the distance from 2 to 3.
• The axis covers a large range of y-values, which might have been difficult to show clearly
on an arithmetic scale. Semilog graphs are useful when you must fit a wide range of
values on a single graph, as here.

Figure 4.5
Example of semilogarithmic-scale line graph:
Reported cases of paralytic poliomyelitis per 100,000 population
by year of occurrence, United States, 1951-1989
Selected coordinates can be
shown for ease in reading
100 (1953,
cycle 10.0)

Cases per 100,000

1 0.22)

0.1 (1973, (1983,

0.0028) 0.006)

1951 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990
Source: 12
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 233

Because of the logarithmic scale, equal distances on the y-axis represent an equal percentage
of change. This characteristic makes a semilog graph particularly useful for showing rates of
change in data. To interpret data in a semilog graph, you must understand the following
characteristics of the graph:
• A sloping straight line indicates a constant rate (not amount) of increase or decrease in
the values.
• A horizontal line indicates no change.
• The slope of the line indicates the rate of increase or decrease.
• Two or more lines following parallel paths show identical rates of change.
Semilog graph paper is available commercially, and most include at least three cycles. To
find how many cycles you need, do the following:
1. Find your smallest y-value and identify what order of magnitude it falls within. This
establishes what your first cycle will represent.
For example, if your smallest y-value is 47 your first cycle will begin with 10 and end
with 100; if it is 352, your first cycle will begin with 100 and end with 1,000.
2. Find your largest y-value and identify what order of magnitude it falls within. This
establishes what your last cycle will represent.
For example, if your largest y-value is 134,826, your last cycle will begin with 100,000.
Although a full cycle that begins with 100,000 ends with 1,000,000, you would not need
to show the entire cycle. It would be sufficient to show only the first few tick-marks in
your last cycle: 100,000, 200,000, and 300,000.
3. Identify how many cycles lie between your first and last cycles. You will need that number
of cycles, plus two to include the first and last cycles.
So, if your smallest y-value is 47, and your largest y-value is 134,826, you will need the
following cycles:
Thus, with y-values ranging from 47 to 134,826, you will need four cycles and part of a
Page 234 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 4.6
Possible values which could be assigned to the y-axis
of a semilogarithmic-scale line graph

Possible Values
20 2,000 20,000 200,000

10 1,000 10,000 100,000

8 800 8,000 80,000 M aximum
6 600 6,000 60,000
5 500 5,000 50,000
4 400 4,000 40,000
3 300 3,000 30,000
2 200 2,000 20,000

1.0 100 1,000 10,000

.8 80 800 8,000
.6 60 600 6,000
.5 50 500 5,000
.4 40 400 4,000
Four+ Cycles

.3 30 300 3,000
.2 20 200 2,000

.1 10 100 1,000
.08 8 80 800
.06 6 60 600
.05 5 50 500
.04 4 40 400
.03 3 30 300
.02 2 20 200 M inimum

.01 1.0 10 100

.008 .8 8 80
.006 .6 6 60
.005 .5 5 50
.004 .4 4 40
.003 .3 3 30
.002 .2 2 20

0.001 0.1 1 10

1950 1990

Figure 4.6 shows some of the ranges of values that could be shown on a four-cycle y-axis of
a semilog graph.
The type of line graph you use depends primarily on whether you want to show the actual
changes in a set of values or whether you want to emphasize rates of change. To show actual
changes, use an arithmetic scale on the y-axis (an arithmetic-scale line graph). To show rates of
change, use a logarithmic scale on the y-axis (a semilogarithmic-scale line graph). However, you
might also choose a semilog graph—even when you are interested in actual changes in the
data—when the range of the values you must show on the y-axis is awkwardly large.
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 235

Exercise 4.4

Graph the measles data in Table 4.11, page 231, with a semilogarithmic-scale line graph.
Semilog graph paper with five cycles is provided in Appendix D.

Answer on page 273.

Page 236 Principles of Epidemiology

A histogram is a graph of the frequency distribution of a continuous variable. It uses
adjoining columns to represent the number of observations for each class interval in the
distribution. The area of each column is proportional to the number of observations in that
Figures 4.7, 4.8, and 4.9 show histograms of frequency distributions with equal class
intervals. Since all class intervals are equal in these histograms, the height of each column is in
proportion to the number of observations it depicts. Histograms with unequal class intervals are
difficult to construct and interpret properly, and are not recommended. Neither should you use
scale breaks in the y-axis of histograms, because they give a deceptive picture of relative

Figure 4.7
Example of histogram: Reported cases of paralytic poliomyelitis
by month of occurrence, Oman, January 1988-March 1989

= 1 case

25 Oral polio
Area in every vaccination
square is campaigns


No spaces
10 between

Not essential to show horizontal
lines between cases

Jan M ar M ay Jul Sep Nov Jan M ar
1988 1989
M onth
Source: 24
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 237

Figure 4.8
Example of histogram: Reported cholesterol levels among 4,462 men,
Men’s Health Study, United States, 1985-1986



Number of M en






60 100 140 180 220 260 300 340 380 420 460 500 540 580 620 660
80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 600 640
Cholesterol Level (mg/dl)
Source: 13

The most common x-axis variable is time, as shown in figures 4.7, 4.9, and 4.10. However,
other continuous variables such as cholesterol level or blood pressure level may be used on the x-
axis. Figure 4.8 shows the frequency of observations by cholesterol level in class intervals.
You may show a second variable with a histogram by shading each column into the
component categories of the second variable. Suppose, for example, that we wanted to show the
number of hepatitis A cases by date of onset and residency status. In Figure 4.9 the appropriate
number of non-residents are shaded at the bottom of each column. When you show data in this
format, however, it is difficult to compare the upper component from column to column because
it does not have a flat baseline. Therefore, you should put the component that is of most interest
at the bottom of the columns. Alternatively, instead of shading columns, you can create a
separate histogram for each component of the second variable, stacking them for display, as in
Figure 4.10.
Compare Figures 4.9 and 4.10. They contain the same data, but in different formats. Which
format do you prefer for comparing the time pattern of cases among residents and non-residents?
Page 238 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 4.9
Example of histogram:
Number of reported cases of hepatitis A
by date of onset and residency status, Ogemaw County, April-May 1968

Ogemaw County resident
Adjacent county resident
8 Resident of distant county

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
April May
Date of Onset (by end of 2-day interval)
Source: 22

Figure 4.10
Example of histogram:
Number of reported cases of hepatitis A
by date of onset and residency status, Ogemaw County, April-May 1968
Ogemaw County resident
1 case


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
April May

Persons living outside Ogemaw County Adjacent county resident

Resident of distant county

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
April May
Date of Onset
(by end of 2-day interval)
Source: 22
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 239

It is sometimes helpful to include a box or rectangle to show how many values of y (usually
cases) that a given height of a column represents. We make this legend as wide as a single
column, and as high as some convenient number of values on the y-axis—1, 5, 10, . . . etc. We
note beside the square or rectangle what it represents, e.g., 1 case or 5 cases.
Epidemiologists frequently create and discuss epidemic curves. An epidemic curve isn’t a
curve at all, but a histogram that shows cases of disease during a disease outbreak or epidemic by
their date of onset. As shown in Figure 4.9, we often draw the columns as stacks of squares, with
each square representing one case. Figure 4.9 shows us that one person had the onset of
symptoms between April 27 and 28, one more person had the onset on April 29 or 30, and
between May 1 and 2 five additional individuals had the onset of symptoms. We show the
duration of the epidemic along the x-axis in equal time periods. On an epidemic curve, each
number should be centered between the tick marks of the appropriate interval. We use whatever
interval of time is appropriate for the disease in question: perhaps hours for an outbreak of C.
perfringens gastroenteritis, or 3-5 days for an outbreak of hepatitis A. As a general rule, we make
the intervals less than one-fourth of the incubation period of the disease shown. We begin the x-
axis before the first case of the outbreak, and show any cases of the same disease which occurred
during the pre-epidemic period. These cases may represent background or unrelated cases. They
may also represent the source of the outbreak!
Page 240 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 4.5

Using the data from the nursing home outbreak in Exercise 4.1 (see page 213), draw an epidemic
curve. Describe the features of this graph as if you were speaking over the telephone to someone
who cannot see the graph. Graph paper is provided in Appendix D.

Answer on page 274.

Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 241

Frequency Polygons
A frequency polygon, like a histogram, is the graph of a frequency distribution. In a
frequency polygon, we mark the number of observations within an interval with a single point
placed at the midpoint of the interval, and then connect each set of points with a straight line.
Figure 4.11 shows an example of a frequency polygon over the outline of a histogram for the
same data. Ordinarily, we wouldn’t show both on the same graph. Showing both here, however,
lets you compare their construction.
Notice how the histogram and the line of the frequency polygon—as it moves from midpoint
to midpoint—create a series of equal-sized pairs of triangles—one that lies outside the histogram
and one that lies inside it. This is a necessary aspect of frequency polygons: a frequency polygon
of a set of data must enclose the same area as a histogram of that data: for every area of
histogram that the polygon leaves out, it must import an area of equal size.

Figure 4.11
Number of reported cases of influenza-like illness by week of onset

Frequency Polygon


Midpoints of
intervals are
5 connected for a
frequency polygon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Week of Onset of Illness
First data point Last data point
connected to connected to
mid-point of mid-point of
previous interval following interval
on x-axis on x-axis
Page 242 Principles of Epidemiology

To maintain an equal total area you must pay special attention to how you “close” a
frequency polygon. Figure 4.12 shows the correct method at the left and the incorrect method at
the right—again superimposed on a corresponding segment of a histogram. In the correct
method, notice that the line of the frequency polygon begins in the interval below the first
interval that contains any observations, completely outside the histogram. It begins at the
midpoint of that interval (with a y value of 0) and connects with the midpoint of the first interval
that contains observations. This extension of the line beyond the values observed in the data
serves to create an area A′ under the polygon that equals area A that is cut out of the
corresponding histogram. Notice in Figure 4.11 that the right side of a frequency polygon is
closed in a similar way.

Figure 4.12
Correct method of closing a frequency polygon at left;
incorrect method for closing a frequency polygon at right
10 10

8 B 8

6 6

4 B 4

2 A 2 C

0 A 0
25 30 35 25 30 35
Correct Incorrect
In contrast, the incorrect but unfortunately common method of closing a frequency polygon
is shown at the right in Figure 4.12. Here, the line has been brought to the baseline at the
beginning of the first interval that contains observations, cutting off an area, C, from inside the
histogram without enclosing an equal area from outside the histogram. As a consequence, the
area under the polygon would not be in proportion to the total number of observations in the data
Frequency polygons make it easy to depict and compare two or more distributions on the
same set of axes. Figure 4.13 shows a graph in which three frequency polygons are compared
with each other and to the normal distribution.
A frequency polygon differs from an arithmetic-scale line graph in several ways. We use a
frequency polygon (or histogram) to display the entire frequency distribution (counts) of a
continuous variable. We use an arithmetic-scale line graph to plot a series of observed data
points (counts or rates), usually over time. A frequency polygon must be closed at both ends
because the area under the curve is representative of the data; an arithmetic-scale line graph
simply plots the data points.
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 243

Figure 4.13
Anthropometry of Haitian children ages 24.0 to 59.9 months compared with
CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics/World Health Organization
reference population, northern departments of Haiti, 1990
25 Reference population



Reference Z-scores
Source: 9

Cumulative Frequency and Survival Curves

As its name implies, a cumulative frequency curve plots the cumulative frequency rather than
the actual frequency for each class interval of a variable. Figure 4.14 shows a graph with four
cumulative frequency curves. This type of graph is useful for identifying medians, quartiles, and
other percentiles. The x-axis records the class intervals and the y-axis shows the cumulative
frequency either on an absolute scale (e.g., number of cases) or as proportions of 100%. We plot
each cumulative frequency at the upper limit of the interval it applies to, rather than at the
midpoint. This practice allows the graph to represent visually the number or percentage of
observations above and below the particular value.
A survival curve is used with follow-up studies to display the proportion of one or more
groups still alive at different time periods. Similar to the axes of the cumulative frequency curve,
the x-axis records the time periods and the y-axis shows percentages, from 0% to 100%, still
alive. The most striking difference is in the plotted curves themselves. Whereas a cumulative
frequency starts at zero in the lower left corner of the graph and approaches 100% in the upper
right corner, a survival curve begins at 100% in the upper left corner and proceeds toward the
lower right corner as members of the group die. The survival curve in Figure 4.15 compares the
percentage of survival by those with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) with those without PAD.
Which group has the higher survival percentage (or survival experience)? By Year 10 the
survival experience for those without PAD was substantially better than those with PAD.
Page 244 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 4.14
Cumulative incidence of hepatitis B virus infection by
duration of high-risk behavior
IV Drug Users
Percent Infected with HBV

Homosexual Men

Health Care Workers -
Frequent Blood Contact
Homosexuals -
multiple partners
0 5 10 15
Years at Risk
Source: 1, 17, 19, 23

Figure 4.15
Survival curves for a cohort of patients with
peripheral arterial disease (PAD) (n=482) and without PAD (n=262)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1977-1985

Source: 20
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 245

Scatter Diagrams
A scatter diagram (or “scattergram”) is a graph used for plotting the relationship between two
continuous variables, with the x-axis representing one variable and the y-axis representing the
other. To create a scatter diagram we must have a pair of values for every person, group, or other
entity in our data set, one value for each variable. We then plot each pair of values by placing a
point on the graph where the two values intersect. Figure 4.16 shows a scatter diagram that plots
serum tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) levels by years of exposure for a group of workers.
In interpreting a scatter diagram, we look at the overall pattern made by the plotted points. A
fairly compact pattern indicates a high degree of correlation. Widely scattered points indicate
little correlation. If we want a more exact, quantitative measure of the relationship between the
variables in a scatter diagram, we can use formal statistical methods, such as linear regression.
We will not cover those methods in this course.

Figure 4.16
Example of scattergram:
Serum levels of tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD),
as adjusted for lipids, in 253 workers, according to years
of exposure, 12 chemical plants, United States, 1987
TCDD Level (pg/g of lipid)




0.0005 0.005 0.05 0.5 1.0 5.0 50.0
Years of Exposure
Source: 16
Page 246 Principles of Epidemiology

Charts are methods of illustrating statistical information using only one coordinate. They are
most appropriate for comparing data with discrete categories other than place, but have many
other uses as well.

Bar Charts
The simplest bar chart is used to display the data from a one-variable table (see page 207).
Each value or category of the variable is represented by a bar. The length of the bar is
proportional to the number of persons or events in that category. Figure 4.17 shows the number
of infant deaths by cause in the United States. This presentation of the data makes it very easy to
compare the relative size of the different causes and to see that birth defects are the most
common cause of infant mortality.
Variables shown in bar charts are either discrete and noncontinuous (e.g., race; sex) or are
treated as though they were discrete and noncontinuous (e.g., age groups rather than age intervals
along an axis).
Bars can be presented either horizontally or vertically. The length or height of each bar is
proportional to the frequency of the event in that category. For this reason, a scale break should
not be used with a bar chart since this could lead to misinterpretation in comparing the
magnitude of different categories.

Figure 4.17
Example of horizontal bar chart:
Number of infant deaths by leading causes, United States, 1983
Birth Defects
Low Birth Weight/Prematurity/
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Sudden Infant Death
Intraurine Hypoxia/
Birth Asphyxia
Unintentional Injuries/
Adverse Effects
Perinatal Infections
Placenta/M embranes/
Cord Complications

M aternal Complications Total: 34,566

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000

Number of Infant Deaths
Source: 6
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 247

A vertical bar chart differs from a histogram in that the bars of a bar chart are separated while
the bars of a histogram are joined. This distinction follows from the type of variable used on the
x-axis. A histogram is used to show the frequency distribution of a continuous variable such as
age or serum cholesterol or dates of onset during an epidemic. A bar chart is used to show the
frequency distribution of a variable with discrete, noncontinuous categories such as sex or race
or state.

Grouped Bar Charts

A grouped bar chart is used to illustrate data from two-variable or three-variable tables, when
an outcome variable has only two categories. Bars within a group are usually adjoining. The bars
must be illustrated distinctively and described in a legend. It is best to limit the number of bars
within a group to no more than three. As you can see in Figure 4.18, it is difficult to interpret the
data when the chart contains so many bars.
The bar chart in Figure 4.19 represents three variables: age, sex, and current smoking status.
Current smoking status is the outcome variable and has two categories: yes or no. The bars
represent the 10 age-sex categories. The height of each bar is proportional to the percentage of
current smokers in each age-sex category.

Figure 4.18
Underlying cause of infant mortality among
racial/ethnic groups, United States, 1983
Birth Defects
Deaths per 1,000 Live Births

Low Birth Weight/ Prematurity/

Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Black American Hispanic Asian White Total

Source 6
Page 248 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 4.19
Example of vertical bar chart with annotation: Percentage of adults
who were current cigarette smokers (persons ≥18 years of age
who reported having smoked at least 100 cigarettes and who were
currently smoking) by sex and age, United States, 1988

Men Women

Cell separated
40 by a space
The meaning of each bar
is shown in a legend
A cell


A cell may have

more than one bar


18-24 25-44 45-64 65-74 75
Age Group (years)
Source: 10

Stacked Bar Charts

You can also show categories of a second variable as components of the bars that represent
the first variable, as in Figure 4.20. Notice that a stacked bar chart can be difficult to interpret
because, except for the bottom component, the components do not rest on a flat baseline.

Deviation Bar Charts

We can also use bar charts to show deviations in a variable, both positive and negative, from
a baseline. Figure 4.21 shows such a deviation bar chart of selected reportable diseases in the
United States. A similar chart appears weekly in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
In this chart, the number of cases reported during the past 4 weeks are compared to the number
reported during comparable periods of the past few years. The deviation to the right for rubella
indicates an increase over historical levels. The deviations to the left indicate declines in reported
cases compared to past levels. In this particular chart, the x-axis is on a logarithmic scale, so that
a 50% reduction (one-half of the cases) and a doubling (50% increase) of cases would be
represented by bars of the same length, though in opposite directions. Values beyond historical
limits (comparable to 95% confidence limits) are highlighted for special attention.
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 249

Figure 4.20
Underlying causes of infant mortality among
racial/ethnic groups, United States, 1983
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Low Birth Weight/Prematurity/
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Deaths per 1,000 Live Births

Birth Defects


Black American Hispanic Asian White Total
Source 6

Figure 4.21
Notifiable Disease Reports, comparisons of 4-week totals ending
January 26, 1991 with historical data, United States, 1991
Aseptic Meningitis 282
Encephalitis Primary 24
Hepatitis A 1,173
Hepatitis B 749
Hepatitis, Non-A, Non-B 155
Hepatitis, Unspecified 44
Legionellosis 57
Malaria 39
Measles, Total 167
Meningoccal Infections 98
Mumps 149
Pertussis 93
Rabies, Animal 178
Rubella 36
0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4
Ratio (Log Scale)*
Beyond Historical Limits
* Ratio of current 4-week total to mean of 15 4-week totals (from previous, comparable,
and subsequent 4-week periods for the past 5 years). The point where the black area
begins is based on the mean and two standard deviations of these 4-week totals.
Source 8
Page 250 Principles of Epidemiology

100% Component Bar Charts

In a variant of a stacked bar chart, we make all of the bars the same height (or length) and
show the components as percents of the total rather than as actual values. This type of chart is
useful for comparing the contribution of different components to each of the categories of the
main variable. Figure 4.22 shows a 100% component bar chart. Notice that this type of bar chart
is not useful for comparing the relative sizes of the various categories of the main variable (in
this case, race/ethnicity); only the totals given above the bars indicate that the categories differed
in size.

Figure 4.22
Underlying cause of infant mortality among
racial/ethnic groups, United States, 1983
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Low Birth Weight/Prematurity/
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Birth Defects

9,261 434 2,381 725 21,590 34,391

Proportional Distribution by Cause





Black American Hispanic Asian White Total
Source 6
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 251

How To Construct a Bar Chart

To construct a bar chart, observe the following guidelines:
• Arrange the categories that define the bars, or groups of bars, in a natural order, such as
alphabetical or by increasing age, or in an order that will produce increasing or
decreasing bar lengths
• Position the bars either vertically or horizontally as you prefer, except for deviation bar
charts, in which the bars are usually positioned horizontally
• Make all of the bars the same width (which can be whatever looks in good proportion to
• Make the length of bars in proportion to the frequency of the event. Do not use a scale
break, because it could lead to misinterpretation in comparing the size of different
• Show no more than three bars within a group of bars
• Leave a space between adjacent groups of bars, but not between bars within a group (see
Figure 4.19)
• Code different variables by differences in bar color, shading, cross-hatching, etc. and
include a legend that interprets your code
Page 252 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 4.6

Use the data in Table 4.12 to draw a stacked bar chart, a grouped bar chart, and a 100%
component bar chart to illustrate the differences in the age distribution of syphilis cases among
white males, white females, black males, and black females. What information is best conveyed
by each chart? Graph paper is provided in Appendix D.

Table 4.12
Number of primary and secondary syphilis cases
by age, sex, and race, United States, 1989
White Black
Age group (years) Males Females Males Females Total
<20 90 267 1,443 2,422 4,222
20-29 957 908 8,180 8,093 18,138
30-39 931 478 6,893 3,676 11,978
≥40 826 160 3,860 941 5,787
Total 2,804 1,813 20,376 15,132 40,125
Source: 12

Answer on pages 274-276.

Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 253

Pie Charts
A pie chart is a simple, easily understood chart in which the size of the “slices” show the
proportional contribution of each component part. Pie charts are useful for showing the
component parts of a single group or variable.
Graph paper is available commercially that has the circumference of a circle marked into 100
equal parts. This type of graph paper is called polar coordinate graph paper and an example is
provided in Appendix D. Conventionally, you begin at 12 o’clock and arrange your component
slices from largest to smallest, proceeding clockwise, although you may put the categories
“other” and “unknown” last. You may use differences in shading to distinguish between slices.
You should show somewhere on the graph what 100% represents, and because our eyes do not
accurately gauge the area of the slices, you should indicate what percentage each slice represents
either inside or near each slice.
Multiple pie charts as in Figure 4.23, are not optimal for comparing the same components in
more than one group or variables, because it is difficult to compare components between two or
more pie charts. When we want to compare the components of more than one group or variable,
we use a 100% component bar chart.

Figure 4.23
Manner of traumatic deaths for male and female workers
in the United States, 1980-1985

3.1% 3.2% 5.4%



82.1% 41.2%

Total Males = 6,573 Total Females = 427

Unintentional Injuries
Source: 11
Page 254 Principles of Epidemiology

Maps (Geographic Coordinate Charts)

Maps or geographic coordinate charts are used to show the location of events or attributes.
Spot maps and area maps are commonly used examples of this type of chart. Spot maps use dots
or other symbols to show where an event took place or a disease condition exists. Figure 4.24 is
an example of a spot map.

Figure 4.24
Example of spot map: Histoplasmosis by residence
Austin, Minnesota, October-November 1984



re e
D ob



A - Bird Roost

B - Pool Site
City of Austin, Minnesota

C - Road at Meat-packing Plant


City Limits

Rivers, Creeks
Residence of
Source: CDC, unpublished data, 1985

To make a spot map, place a dot or other symbol on the map at the site where the event
occurred or the condition exists. If events are clustered at one location, making it difficult to
distinguish between dots, you can use coded symbols (e.g., • = 1 case,  = 2 cases, ▲ = 3 cases,
etc.) that indicate the occurrence of more than one event.
A spot map is useful for showing the geographic distribution of an event, but—because it
does not take into consideration the size of the population at risk—it does not show the risk of
the event occurring in that particular place, for example, the risk of a resident acquiring a
particular disease. Even when a spot map shows a large number of dots in the same area, the risk
of acquiring the disease plotted may not be great there if that area is densely populated.
An area map uses shaded or coded areas to show either the incidence of an event in subareas,
or the distribution of some condition over a geographic area. Figure 4.25 is an example of an
area map.
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 255

Figure 4.25
Confirmed and presumptive cases of St. Louis encephalitis
by county of residence, Florida, July–October 1990

No Cases Lake
1-5 Cases
6-10 Cases Polk
> 10 Cases Hillsborough
Indian River
Manatee St. Lucie
Palm Beach
Hendry Broward

Source: 7

We can show either numbers or rates with an area map. Figure 4.25 shows the numbers of
cases of St. Louis encephalitis in different Florida counties in 1990. As with a spot map, this
does not show the risk to persons living in these counties of acquiring St. Louis encephalitis. By
showing rates in an area map, however, we can illustrate the differences in the risk of an event
occurring in different areas. When we use rates, we must calculate a specific rate for each area—
that is, we must divide the number of cases in each area by the population at risk in the same
Page 256 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 4.7

Using the cervical cancer mortality data in Table 4.9 on page 221, construct two area maps based
on the first two strategies for categorizing data into four class intervals as described on pages
219-223. Maps of the United States are provided in Appendix D.

Answer on page 277.

Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 257

Dot Plots and Box Plots

A dot plot is similar to a scatter diagram because it plots one variable against another. In a
dot plot, however, the variable on the x-axis is not continuous—it represents discrete categories
of a noncontinuous variable. As shown in Figure 4.26, we plot an observation by entering a dot
over the appropriate x category at the level of the appropriate y value; and we show as many dots
at that position as there are observations with those same values. Notice in Figure 4.26 that the
different vertical positions of the 12 dots at the intersection of “Exposed” and “40” do not
indicate their titer levels: they all have titer levels of 40. The dots are placed on different lines to
facilitate showing them as a unit. Similarly, the 25 dots at “Unexposed” all represent a titer level
of <10.
We use a dot plot to make a visual comparison of the actual data points of two noncontinuous
variables. If we instead want to compare the distributions of noncontinuous variables, we use a
box plot. In a box plot, we show the distributions of data as “box and whiskers” diagrams,
shown in Figure 4.27. The “box” represents the middle 50% or interquartile range of the data,
and the “whiskers” extend to the minimum and maximum values. We mark the position of the
median with a vertical line inside the box. Thus, with a box plot we can show (and compare) the
central location (median), dispersion (interquartile range and range), and any tendency toward
skewness, which is indicated if the median line is not centered in the box.

Figure 4.26
Example of dot plot: Results of swine influenza virus (SIV)
hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody testing among exposed
and unexposed swine exhibitors, Wisconsin, 1988

Reciprocal SIV H I Titers





< 10

Unexposed Exposed
Swine Exhibitors
Source: 26
Page 258 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 4.27
Example of box plot: Results of indirect ELISA for
IgG antibodies to parainfluenza type I virus in
convalescent phase serum specimens from cases to noncases,
Baltimore County, Maryland, January 1990
Q1 Median Q3

Cases (N= 24)

First Floor

Noncases (N= 26)

-0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5

Source: CDC, unpublished data, 1990
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 259

A Comment About
Using Computer Technology
A large number of software packages for the personal computer are available that can help us
make tables, graphs, and charts. Most of these packages are quite useful, particularly in letting us
redraw a graph with only a few keystrokes. With these packages, finding the best epidemic curve
is no longer an onerous and tedious task: We can now quickly and easily draw a number of
curves with different class intervals on the x-axis.
On the other hand, we are sometimes tempted to let the software dictate the graph. For
example, many packages can draw bar charts and pie charts that appear three-dimensional. Does
that mean we should develop three-dimensional charts? We need to keep our purpose in mind: to
communicate information to others. Will three-dimensional charts communicate the information
better than a two-dimensional chart?
Decide for yourself: Does the three-dimensional chart in Figure 4.28b provide any more
information than the two-dimensional bar chart in Figure 4.28a? Which is easier to interpret?
If we wanted to focus on the trends over time for confirmed and for reported cases, perhaps
the three-dimensional chart is preferable. However, an arithmetic-scale line graph with two lines
might be best of all. A problem common to three-dimensional bar charts is that a bar in the front

Figure 4.28a
Example of two-dimensional bar chart:
Reported and confirmed polio cases by year, the Americas, 1985-1989




1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
Source: 5
Page 260 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 4.28b
Example of three-dimensional bar chart:
Reported and confirmed polio cases by year, the Americas, 1985-1989







1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
Source: 5

row may block a bar in the back row. Suppose that we are interested in the ratio of confirmed to
reported cases each year. We see immediately from the two-dimensional bar chart that the
number of confirmed cases in 1985 is approximately two-thirds of the number of reported cases
in 1985. How long do you have to look at the three-dimensional chart to reach that same
conclusion? Now compare that ratio of confirmed to reported cases for all five years. If you need
to communicate this information with a slide in 20 seconds during a 10-minute oral presentation,
which figure would you show?
Does the three-dimensional pie chart in Figure 4.29b provide any more information than the
two-dimensional chart in Figure 4.29a? Can you judge the relative sizes of the components as
well in the three-dimensional version? Look at the three-dimensional pie and block out the
percentages for Hispanics and Asian/Pacific Islanders. Can you really tell which wedge is bigger
and by how much? We think you can’t. Can you tell from the two-dimensional pie? Remember
that size is the whole purpose of a pie chart.
The addition of gimmicky features to a figure which adds no information and which may
even promote misinterpretation has been termed chartjunk (25).
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 261

Figure 4.29a
Example of two-dimensional pie chart:
Percentage of tuberculosis cases by race and ethnicity,
United States, 1989 (n = 23,495)
Am. Ind./Alas. Nat.
Asian/Pac. Islander
Non-Hispanic Black


Non-Hispanic White
Source: 12

Figure 4.29b
Example of three-dimensional pie chart:
Percentage of tuberculosis cases by race and ethnicity,
United States, 1989 (n = 23,495)
Am. Ind./Alas. Nat.
Asian/Pac. Islander Non-Hispanic Black
11.9 37.3


Non-Hispanic White
Source: 12
Page 262 Principles of Epidemiology

Many people misuse technology in selecting color, particularly for slides that accompany
oral presentations. If you use colors at all, follow these recommendations:
• Select colors so that all components of the graph—title, axes, data plots, legends—stand
out clearly from the background, and so that each plotted series of data can be
distinguished from the others.
• Avoid contrasting red and green, because up to 10% of males in the audience may have
some degree of color blindness.
• When possible, select colors so that they communicate information. For example,
consider an area map in which states are divided into four groups according to their rates
for a particular disease. Rather than choosing colors solely for appearance, you might use
a light color or shade for the states with the lowest rates and progressively darker colors
or shades for the groups with progressively higher rates. In this way, the colors contribute
to, rather than distort or distract from the information you want to convey.
Finally, with some software packages you cannot produce some of the types of graphs
covered in this manual. In particular, some software packages cannot create a histogram; instead
they produce a bar chart. Your graphs should be dictated by your data and the relationships you
want to communicate visually, not by the technology at hand. If the software you have cannot
accommodate your data, don’t compromise the integrity of the data or its presentation. Use
different software!
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 263

Selecting and Constructing

Tables, Graphs, and Charts
To convey the messages of epidemiologic findings, you must first select the best illustration
method. But even the best method must be constructed properly or the message will be lost. The
tables in this section provide guidance in the selection of illustration methods and construction of
tables, graphs, and charts.
Table 4.13
Guide to selecting a graph or chart
to illustrate epidemiologic data
Type of Graph or Chart When to Use
Arithmetic-scale line graph Trends in numbers or rates over time
Semilogarithmic-scale 1. Emphasize rate of change over time
line graph 2. Display values ranging over more than 2 orders of magnitude
Histogram 1. Frequency distribution of continuous variable
2. Number of cases during epidemic (epidemic curve) or over time
Frequency polygon Frequency distribution of continuous variable, especially to show
Cumulative frequency Cumulative frequency for continuous variables
Scatter diagram Plot association between two variables
Simple bar chart Compare size or frequency of different categories of a single
Grouped bar chart Compare size or frequency of different categories of 2–4 series of
Stacked bar chart Compare totals and illustrate component parts of the total among
different groups
Deviation bar chart Illustrate differences, both positive and negative, from baseline
100% component bar chart Compare how components contribute to the whole in different
Pie chart Show components of a whole
Spot map Show location of cases or events
Area map Display events or rates geographically
Box plot Visualize statistical characteristics (median, range, skewness) of a
Page 264 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 4.14
Selecting a method of illustrating epidemiologic data
If Data Are: And These Conditions Apply: Then Choose:
Time series Numbers of 1 or 2 sets Histogram
cases (epidemic
or secular trend) 2 or more sets Frequency polygon

Rates Range of values Arithmetic scale

≤ 2 orders of magnitude line graph
Range of values Semilogarithmic
≤ 2 orders of magnitude scale line graph
Continuous data other Frequency distribution Histogram or
than time series frequency polygon
Data with discrete Bar chart or
categories (other pie chart
than place)
Place Number of Not readily identified on map Bar chart
Readily identified Specific site important Spot map
on map Specific site unimportant Area map
Rates Area map
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 265

Table 4.15
Checklist for construction of tables, graphs, charts, and visuals

Checklist for Tables

1. Title
• Does the table have a title?
• Does the title describe the content, including subject, person, place, and time?
• Is the title preceded by the designation “Table #”? (“Table” is used for typed text;
“Figure” for graphs, charts, and maps. Separate numerical sequences are used for
tables and figures in the same document [e.g., Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2]).
2. Rows and columns
• Is each row and each column labeled clearly and concisely?
• Are the specific units of measurement shown? (e.g., years, mm Hg, mg/dl, rate per
100,000, etc.).
• Are the categories appropriate for the data?
• Are the row and column totals provided?
3. Footnotes
• Are all codes, abbreviations, or symbols explained?
• Are all exclusions noted?
• If the data are not original, is the source provided?
Checklist for Graphs and Charts
1. Title
• Does the graph or chart have a title?
• Does the title describe the content, including subject, person, place, and time?
• Is the title preceded by the designation “Figure #”? (“Table” is used for typed text;
“Figure” for graphs, charts, and maps. Separate numerical sequences are used for
tables and figures in the same document [e.g., Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2]).
2. Axes
• Is each axis labeled clearly and concisely?
• Are the specific units of measurement included as part of the label? (e.g., years, mm
Hg, mg/dl, rate per 100,000, etc.)
• Are the scale divisions on the axes clearly indicated?
• Are the scales for each axis appropriate for the data?
• Does the y-axis start at zero?
• If a scale break is used with a scale line graph, is it clearly identified?
• Has a scale break been used with a histogram, frequency polygon, or bar chart?
(Answer should be NO!)
• Are the axes drawn heavier than the other coordinate lines?
3. Coordinate lines
• Does the figure include only as many coordinate lines as are necessary to guide the
eye? (Often, these are unnecessary.)
Page 266 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 4.15
Checklist for construction of tables, graphs, charts, and visuals – continued

4. Data plots
• Are the plots drawn clearly?
• If more than one series of data or components are shown, are they clearly
distinguishable on the graph?
• Is each series or component labeled on the graph, or in a legend or key?
• If color or shading is used on an area map, does an increase in color or shading
correspond to an increase in the variable being shown?
5. Footnotes
• Are all codes, abbreviations, or symbols explained?
• Are all exclusions noted?
• If the data are not original, is the source provided?
6. Visual Display
• Does the figure include any information that is not necessary?
• Is the figure positioned on the page for optimal readability?
• Do font sizes and colors improve readability?
Checklist for Effective Visuals (14)
1. Legibility (make sure your audience can easily read your visuals)
• Can your overhead transparencies be read easily from 6 feet when not projected?
• Can your 35mm slides be read easily from 1 foot when not projected?
• When projected, can your visuals be read from the farthest parts of the room?
2. Simplicity (keep the message simple)
• Have you used plain words?
• Is the information presented in the language of the audience?
• Have you used only “key” words?
• Have you omitted conjunctions, prepositions, etc.?
• Is each visual limited to only one major idea/concept/theme?
• Does each visual have no more than 3 colors?
• Are there no more than 35 letters and numbers on each visual?
• Are there no more than 6 lines of narration and 6 words per line?
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 267

Table 4.15
Checklist for construction of tables, graphs, charts, and visuals — continued

3. Colorfulness
• The colors you select for your visuals will have an impact on the effect of your visuals.
You should use warm/hot colors to emphasize, to highlight, to focus, or to reinforce
key concepts. You should use cool/cold colors for background or to separate items.
Use the table below to select the appropriate color for the effect you desire.

Hot Warm Cool Cold

Colors: Reds Light orange Light blue Dark blue
Bright orange Light yellow Light green Dark green
Bright yellow Light gold Light purple Dark purple
Bright gold Browns Light gray Dark gray
Effect: Exciting Mild Subdued Somber

• Are you using the best color combinations? The most important item should be in the
most important color and have the greatest contrast with its background. The most
legible color combinations are:
Black on Yellow
Black on White
Dark Green on White
Dark Blue on White
White on Dark Blue
4. Accuracy
Visuals become distractions when mistakes are spotted. Have someone who has not seen
the visual before check for typos, inaccuracies, and errors in general.
5. Durability
Transparencies and 35mm slides are the most durable of the visual aids. However, both
require some protection from scratches. A clear sheet of acetate or Mylar will protect a
transparency. Keep 35mm slides in a cool, dark place. If left in the light, colors will fade.
Page 268 Principles of Epidemiology

Tables, graphs, and charts are effective tools for summarizing and communicating data.
Tables are commonly used to display numbers, rates, proportions, and cumulative percents.
Because tables are intended to communicate information, most tables should have no more than
two variables and no more than eight categories (class intervals) of any variable. Tables are
sometimes used out of context by others, so they should be properly titled, labeled, and
Tables can be used with either nominal or continuous ordinal data. Nominal variables such as
sex and state of residence have obvious categories. Continuous variables do not; class intervals
must be created. For some diseases, standard class intervals for age have been adopted.
Otherwise a variety of methods are available for establishing reasonable class intervals. These
include class intervals with an equal number of people or observations in each; class intervals
with a constant width; and class intervals based on the mean and standard deviation.
Graphs and charts are even more effective tools for communicating data rapidly. Although
some people use the terms graph and chart interchangeably, in this Lesson graph refers to a
figure with two coordinates, a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis. In other words, both
variables are continuous. For example, the y-axis commonly features number of cases or rate of
disease; the x-axis usually represents time. In contrast, a chart refers to a figure with one
continuous and one nominal variable. For example, the chart may feature number of cases (a
continuous variable) by sex (a nominal variable).
Arithmetic-scale line graphs have traditionally been used to show trends in disease rates over
time. Semilogarithmic-scale line graphs are preferred when the disease rates vary over two or
more orders of magnitude. Histograms and frequency polygons are used to display frequency
distributions. A special type of histogram known as an epidemic curve shows the number of
cases by time of onset of illness or time of diagnosis during an epidemic period. The cases may
be represented by squares which are stacked to form the columns of the histogram; the squares
may be shaded to distinguish important characteristics of cases, such as fatal outcome.
Simple bar charts and pie charts are used to display the frequency distribution of a single
variable. Grouped and stacked bar charts can display two or even three variables.
Spot maps pinpoint the location of each case or event. An area map uses shading or coloring
to show different levels of disease numbers or rates in different areas.
When using these tools, it is important to remember their purpose: to summarize and to
communicate. Glitzy and colorful are not necessarily better; sometimes less is more!
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 269

Answers to Exercises
Answer—Exercise 4.1 (page 212)

Occurrence of diarrhea by menu,

residents of Nursing Home A, 1989
Diarrhea status
Menu Yes No Total
A 12 5 17
B 0 7 7
C 0 4 4
D 2 4 6
E 0 1 1
F 0 1 1
Total 14 22 36


Occurrence of diarrhea by exposure to menu A,

residents of Nursing Home A, 1989
Yes No Total
Yes 12 5 17
Menu A No 2 17 19
Total 14 22 36
Page 270 Principles of Epidemiology

Answer—Exercise 4.2 (page 225)

Strategy 1: Divide the data into groups of similar size
Divide the list into three equal-sized groups of states:
50 states ÷ 3 = 16.67 states per group. Thus, two groups will contain 17 states and one group
will contain 16 states.

Oklahoma (#17) could go in either group 1 or group 2, but since it has the same rate as
Indiana (#16), it makes sense to put Oklahoma in group 1. Similarly, since Michigan (#34)
could go in either group 2 or group 3 but has the same rate as Oregon (#33), Michigan should
go in group 2.

Final categories:

Range of rates Number of

States per 100,000 states
1. OK-SC 4.1-5.6 17
2. MI-IL 3.3-4.0 17
3. UT-CA 1.8-3.2 16

Strategy 2: Base categories on the mean and standard deviation

Create 3 categories based on mean (3.70) and standard deviation (0.96):
upper limit of category 1 = mean − 1 standard deviation = 3.70 − 0.96 = 2.74
upper limit of category 2 = mean + 1 standard deviation = 3.70 + 0.96 = 4.66
upper limit of category 3 = maximum value = 5.6

Final Categories:

Range of rates Number of

States per 100,000 states
1. MS-SC 4.67-5.60 9
2. RI-NC 2.75-4.66 34
3. UT-WI 1.80-2.74 7
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 271

Strategy 3: Divide the range into equal class intervals

Divide the range by 3: (5.60 − 1.80) ÷ 3 = 1.267
Use multiples of 1.27 to create three categories, starting with 1.8:
1. 1.80 through (1.80 + 1.27) = 1.80 through 3.07
2. 3.08 through (1.80 + 2 × 1.27) = 3.08 through 4.34
3. 4.35 through (1.80 + 3 × 1.27) = 4.35 through 5.61

Final categories:

Range of rates Number of

States per 100,000 states
1. ME-SC 4.35-5.61 12
2. AZ-VT 3.08-4.34 25
3. UT-MA 1.80-3.07 13

Or rounding categories:

Range of rates Number of

States per 100,000 states
1. ME-SC 4.4-5.6 12
2. AZ-VT 3.1-4.3 25
3. UT-MA 1.8-3.0 13
Page 272 Principles of Epidemiology

Answer—Exercise 4.3 (page 231)

A. and B.

Figure 4.30
Annual measles incidence rates per 100,000,
United States, 1955-1990; with inset of 1980-1990
500 Measles Incidence
1980 - 1990
Incidence Rate per 100,000


80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90


1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990

Source: 12
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 273

Answer—Exercise 4.4 (page 235)

Figure 4.31
Annual measles incidence rates per 100,000,
United States, 1955-1990
Cases per 100,000 Population



1955 1959 1963 1967 1971 1975 1979 1983 1987 1990
Source: 12
Page 274 Principles of Epidemiology

Answer—Exercise 4.5 (page 240)

Figure 4.32
Outbreak of diarrheal disease in Nursing Home A, January 1989


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Date of Onset
This outbreak appeared to last just under two weeks, from January 12 to January 23. After the initial case on January
12th, the peak occurred the following day, with three cases on January 13. The curve was relatively flat after that,
with two cases each on four of the next five days. Single cases occurred in January 20 and January 23.

Answer—Exercise 4.6 (page 252)

Figure 4.33a
Stacked bar chart: Number of primary and secondary
syphilis cases by age, sex, and race, 1989
20 > 40
19 30-39
17 20-29
16 < 20
Cases (thousands)

White Male White Female Black Male Black Female
Race ? Gender Group
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 275

Answer—Exercise 4.6 (continued)

Figure 4.33b
Grouped bar chart: Number of primary and secondary
syphilis cases by age, sex, and race, 1989

Cases (thousands)

White Male White Female Black Male Black Female
Race / Gender Group

< 20 20-29 30-39 > 40

Source: 12
Page 276 Principles of Epidemiology

Answer—Exercise 4.6 (continued)

Figure 4.33c
100% component bar chart: Number of primary and secondary
syphilis cases by age, sex, and race, 1989

2,804 1,813 20,376 15,132

100 > 40
90 30-39
Proportional Distribution by Age

80 < 20







White Male White Female Black Male Black Female
Race / Gender Group
Source: 12
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 277

Answer—Exercise 4.7 (page 256)


Figure 4.34a
Strategy 1: Mean annual age-adjusted cervical cancer mortality rates
per 100,000 population by state, United States, 1984-1986

1.8 - 2.9
3.0 - 3.6
3.7 - 4.4
4.5 - 5.6

Source: 2
Page 278 Principles of Epidemiology


Figure 4.34b
Strategy 2: Mean annual age-adjusted cervical cancer mortality rates
per 100,000 population by state, United States, 1984-1986

Source: 2
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 279

Self-Assessment Quiz 4
Now that you have read Lesson 4 and have completed the exercises, you should be ready to
take the self-assessment quiz. This quiz is designed to help you assess how well you have
learned the content of this lesson. You may refer to the lesson text whenever you are unsure of
the answer, but keep in mind that the final is a closed book examination. Circle ALL correct
choices in each question.

1. Tables, graphs, and charts are important tools for which tasks of an epidemiologist?
(Circle ALL that apply.)
A. Data collection
B. Data summarization (descriptive epidemiology)
C. Data analysis
D. Data presentation

2. Which two-by-two table is properly labeled?

Exposed a c H1
Unexposed b d H2
Total V1 V2 T

Exposed a b V1
Unexposed c d V2
H1 H2 T

Exposed a b H1
Unexposed c d H2
Total V1 V2 T

Exposed Unexposed TOTAL
ILL a c H1
WELL b d H2
V1 V2 T
Page 280 Principles of Epidemiology

Primary and secondary syphilis morbidity

by age, United States, 1989
Age group Cumulative
(years) Number Percent Percent
≤14 230 0.5% 0.5%
15-19 4,378 9.9% 10.4%
20-24 10,405 23.6% 34.0%
25-29 9,610 21.8% 55.9%
30-34 8,648 19.6% 75.5%
35-44 6,901 15.7% 91.2%
45-54 2,631 6.0% 97.2%
55+ 1,278 2.9% 100.1%
Total 44,081 100.0%* 100.0%
*Percentages do not add to 100.0% due to rounding.

3. The table shown above is an example of a/an:

A. one-variable table
B. two-variable table
C. three-variable table
D. four-variable table

4. The maximum number of variables that should be cross-tabulated in a single table is:
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

5. The best time to create table shells is:

A. just before planning the study
B. as part of planning the study
C. just after collecting the data
D. just before analyzing the data
E. as part of analyzing the data
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 281

6. Recommended methods for creating categories for continuous variables include: (Circle
ALL that apply)
A. basing the categories on the mean and standard deviation
B. dividing the data into categories with similar numbers of observations in each
C. dividing the range into equal class intervals
D. using the categories which are considered standard for the condition
E. using the same categories as your population data are grouped

7. The Lesson illustrates three strategies for creating class intervals for continuous variables.
Which of the following sets of class intervals shown in the answer list (A-D) are
consistent with any of the three recommended strategies? (Hint: Standard Deviation =
117.6) (Circle ALL that apply.)
Reported cases of desease A per 100,000 population
by census tract, City of Dixon, 1991
Cases per
Census Tract 100,000 population
1 170.5
2 0.0
3 70.0
4 40.0
5 115.0
6 42.1
7 453.5
8 0.0
9 35.1
10 50.3
11 0.0
12 0.0
13 186.4
14 49.9
15 48.9
Total 1,262.2

A. 0.0 B. 0.0- 35.1 C. 0.0- 50.0 D. 0.0-113.4

0.1- 84.1 35.2- 50.3 0.1-100.0 113.5-226.8
84.2-201.7 50.4-453.5 100.1-200.0 226.9-340.2
201.8-453.5 200.1-453.5 340.3-453.6
Page 282 Principles of Epidemiology

8. The main distinction between an arithmetic-scale line graph and a semilogarithmic-scale

line graph is that the arithmetic scale:
A. measures the rate of change between successive points on a graph
B. is preferred when the range of values to be graphed is very large
C. uses equal distances on each axis to represent equal quantities
D. is the best method of showing changes in the magnitude of numbers

9. Which type of graph is recommended for showing annual mortality rates for Disease Z, for
1940 to 1990? (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. Arithmetic-scale line graph
B. Semilogarithmic-scale line graph
C. Histogram
D. Frequency polygon

10. Which of the following sets of values would be inappropriate for identifying equidistant
intervals on the y-axis of a semilogarithmic-scale line graph?
A. 1, 10, 100, 1,000
B. 10, 20, 30, 40
C. 7, 70, 700, 7,000
D. 0.003, 0.03, 0.3, 3

11. Bar charts may be distinguished from histograms at a glance because:

A. bar charts are not used for time series data
B. histograms are used to display discrete data
C. bar charts are based on area under the curve
D. histograms do not have spaces between consecutive columns

12. Which of the following statements are true of an epidemic curve? (Circle ALL that
A. An epidemic curve is a histogram.
B. An epidemic curve shows number of cases by date of exposure.
C. An epidemic curve should begin with the first case of the outbreak.
D. An epidemic curve should use time intervals on the x-axis of about 1/2 of the
incubation period.
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 283

13. Which one of the following methods of closing a frequency polygon on the horizontal
axis is correct?

Figure 4.35
Correct and incorrect methods of closing a frequency polygon


14. Which type of graph or chart would be appropriate for graphing deaths over time for a
cohort of 100 alumni from the Class of 1907? (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. Bar chart
B. Cumulative frequency curve
C. Histogram
D. Survival curve
Page 284 Principles of Epidemiology

Choices for questions 15-20:

A. arithmetic-scale line graph
B. bar chart
C. series of box plots
D. series of dot plots
E. frequency polygon
F. scatter diagram

15. Number of cases by a continuous variable ________

16. Number of cases by a discrete (noncontinuous) variable ________
17. Mean value of one continuous variable by a second continuous variable ________
18. Median value of continuous variable by a discrete (noncontinuous) variable ________
19. Each value of one continuous variable by a second continuous variable ________
20. Each value of a continuous variable by a discrete (noncontinuous) variable ________

21. What type of graph is most appropriate for comparing rates of change of disease
occurrence over several years?
A. Arithmetic-scale line graph
B. Semilogarithmic-scale line graph
C. Histogram
D. Frequency polygon

22. What type of graph is most appropriate for comparing the magnitude of events which
have occurred in different places, but no map is available?
A. Arithmetic-scale line graph
B. Bar chart
C. Frequency polygon
D. Histogram
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 285

23. Which type of chart could be used to display the relative size of different causes of death
by sex? (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. One simple bar chart
B. One grouped bar chart
C. One stacked bar chart
D. 100% component bar chart (multiple bars)
E. One pie chart

24. The best choice for displaying years of potential life lost for different causes of death is:
A. one simple bar chart
B. one grouped bar chart
C. one stacked bar chart
D. 100% component bar chart (multiple bars)

25. Which of the following statements are true concerning an area map compared with a spot
map? (Circle ALL that apply)
A. The area map shows the location of a case or event more specifically.
B. Only the area map can portray risk or rate of disease.
C. Only the area map can portray two or more cases at the same location.
D. An area map can portray rates, but only a spot map can show numbers of cases.

Answers are in Appendix J

If you answer at least 20 questions correctly, you understand
Lesson 4 well enough to go to Lesson 5.
Page 286 Principles of Epidemiology

1. Alter MJ, Ahtone J, Weisfuse I, Starko K, Vacalis TD, Maynard JE. Hepatitis B virus
transmission between heterosexuals. JAMA 1986; 256:1307-1310.
2. Centers for Disease Control. Chronic Disease Supplement, 1987. Deaths from cervical
cancer—U.S., 1984-1986. MMWR 1989;38:38.
3. Centers for Disease Control. HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report. November 1990.
4. Centers for Disease Control. Manual of reporting procedures for national morbidity reporting
and public health surveillance activities. July 1985.
5. Centers for Disease Control. Progress toward eradicating poliomyelitis from the Americas.
MMWR 1989;39:33.
6. Centers for Disease Control. Infant mortality among racial/ethnic minority groups, 1983-
1984. MMWR 1990;39:SS-3.
7. Centers for Disease Control. St. Louis encephalitis — Florida and Texas, 1990. MMWR
8. Centers for Disease Control. MMWR 1991;40:4.
9. Centers for Disease Control. Nutritional assessment of children in drought-affected areas —
Haiti, 1990. MMWR 1991;40:13.
10. Centers for Disease Control. Cigarette smoking among adults — United States, 1988.
MMWR 1988;40:44.
11. Centers for Disease Control. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. National
Traumatic Occupational Fatalities Database.
12. Centers for Disease Control. Summary of notifiable diseases, United States, 1989. MMWR
13. Centers for Disease Control. Health status of Vietnam veterans. Volume 3: Medical
Examination. 1989.
14. Creech JW. Effective oral presentations. Epi in Action Course, Centers for Disease Control,
15. Dicker RC, Webster LA, Layde PM, Wingo PA, Ory HW. Oral contraceptive use and the
risk of ovarian cancer: The Centers for Disease Control Cancer and Steroid Hormone Study.
JAMA 1983;249:1596-1599.
16. Fingerhut MA, et al. Cancer mortality in workers exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-
dioxin. New Engl J of Med 1991; 324:212-218.
17. Hadler SC, et al. Occupational risk of hepatitis B infection in hospital workers. Infect Ctrl
1985; 6:24-31.
18. Kleinman JC, Donahue RP, Harris MI, Finucane FF, Madans JH, Brock DB. Mortality
among diabetics in a national sample. Am J Epidemiol 1988;128:389-401.
Lesson 4: Organizing Epidemiologic Data Page 287

19. Lettau LA, et al. Outbreak of severe hepatitis due to delta and hepatitis F viruses in parenteral
drug abusers and their contacts. New Engl J of Med 1987; 317:1256-1262.
20. McKenna M, Wolfson S, Kuller L. The ratio of ankle and arm arterial pressure as an
independent predictor of mortality. Athero 1991; 87:119-128.
21. National Center for Health Statistics. Advance report of final mortality statistics, 1987.
Monthly vital statistics report; vol 38, no 5 supp. Hyattsville, MD: Public Health Service.
22. Schoenbaum SC, Baker O, Jezek Z. Common source epidemic of hepatitis due to glazed and
iced pastries. Am J Epidemiol 1976;104:74-80.
23. Schreeder MT, et al. Hepatitis B in homosexual men: prevalence of infection and factors
related to transmission. J Infect Dis 1982; 146:1.
24. Sutter RW, Patriarca PA, Brogran S et al. Outbreak of paralytic poliomyelitis in Oman.
Evidence for widespread transmission among fully vaccinated childern. Lancet 1991;
25. Tufte ER. The visual display of quantitative information. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press,
26. Wells DL, Hopfensperger DJ, Arden NH, et al. Swine influenza virus infections. JAMA
1991; 265:478-481.
27. Williamson DF, Parker RA, Kendrick JS. The box plot: A simple visual method to interpret
data. Ann Intern Med 1989; 110:916-921.
Lesson 5
Public Health Surveillance

Public health surveillance is the mechanism that public health agencies use to monitor the
health of their communities. Its purpose is to provide a factual basis from which agencies can
appropriately set priorities, plan programs, and take actions to promote and protect the public’s

After studying this lesson and answering the questions in the exercises, a student will be able
to do the following:
• Define public health surveillance and its critical components
• List the main uses of surveillance data
• Describe sources for data that can be used for public health surveillance
• Describe the flow of information for reportable diseases in the United States
• List the attributes used to evaluate surveillance systems
• List the major considerations in starting a surveillance system

Page 290 Principles of Epidemiology

Introduction to
Public Health Surveillance
Public health surveillance is the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and
dissemination of health data (21). Public health agencies use surveillance data to describe and
monitor health events in their jurisdictions, set priorities, and to assist in the planning,
implementation, and evaluation of public health interventions and programs.
Surveillance systems are often considered information loops or cycles involving health care
providers, public health agencies, and the public, as illustrated in Figure 5.1. The cycle begins
when cases of disease occur and are reported by health care providers to the public health
The cycle is not completed until information about these cases is relayed to those responsible
for disease prevention and control and others “who need to know.” Because health care
Figure 5.1
Information loop involving health care providers,
public health agencies, and the public



Summaries, Health Care

Interpretations, Providers


Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 291

providers, health agencies, and the public all have some responsibility for disease prevention and
control, they all should be included among those who receive feedback of surveillance
information. Depending on the circumstances, others who need to know may include other
government agencies, potentially exposed individuals, employers, vaccine manufacturers, private
voluntary organizations, legislators on the health subcommittee, and innumerable others.
In the United States, the concept public health surveillance does not include administration
of prevention and control programs, but does include an intended link with those programs (11).
In other words, the goal of surveillance is not merely to collect data for analysis, but to guide
public health policy and action. In fact, surveillance has been defined quite succinctly as
“information for action (15).” Figure 5.2, for example, outlines some of the actions that are
based, in part at least, on information from surveillance activities.

Figure 5.2
The components of surveillance and resulting public health action

Surveillance Public Health Action

Collection Priority setting
Analysis Planning, implementing,
and evaluating disease
Interpretation investigation

The concept of public health surveillance has evolved over time and is still confused with
other uses of the term surveillance. The current concept of surveillance as the monitoring of
disease occurrence in populations was promoted by Dr. Alexander D. Langmuir as a function of
the newly created Communicable Disease Center (now the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, (CDC)) (10). Before that, surveillance had meant the close observation of persons
who had been exposed to a communicable disease in order to detect early symptoms and to
institute prompt isolation and control measures. To distinguish between these two surveillance
activities, we now use public health surveillance to describe monitoring health events in
populations, and use the term medical surveillance to describe monitoring potentially exposed
individuals to detect early symptoms.
Surveillance systems today take many forms. The oldest and most well-established systems
are those that monitor the occurrence of communicable diseases through required reporting by
such health care providers as physicians, laboratories, and hospitals. Hospital infection control
personnel serve a dual role conducting surveillance in the hospital and reporting cases of
notifiable disease to public health authorities. More recently established surveillance systems
monitor a broader variety of health conditions, including injuries, birth defects, chronic diseases,
Page 292 Principles of Epidemiology

and health behaviors. Many of these newer systems rely on secondary data analysis—that is,
analysis of data collected for other purposes. For example, some of these surveillance systems
use vital records, health care utilization records such as hospital discharge data, and various
national and local surveys that are conducted for other purposes.
Although this chapter focuses on surveillance as an activity of public health agencies,
surveillance is conducted in many other settings. For example, surveillance for nosocomial
(hospital-acquired) infections is an important activity within many hospitals. Surveillance
activities are also usually initiated in emergency situations such as refugee camps and areas that
have experienced a natural disaster such as a flood or hurricane.
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 293

Purposes and Uses of Surveillance

Ultimately, the purpose for conducting public health surveillance is to learn the ongoing
pattern of disease occurrence and the potential for disease in a population so that we can be
effective in investigating, controlling, and preventing disease in that population. Historically,
public health agencies responded to reports of communicable diseases primarily by applying
standard control measures such as quarantine. Now agencies can use surveillance data as the
basis for planning more effective disease control and prevention activities.
However, we do not limit public health surveillance to diseases for which we have effective
control measures. We can justify surveillance for two additional purposes: First, through
surveillance we can learn more about the natural history, clinical spectrum, and epidemiology of
a disease (who is at risk, when and where it occurs, the exposures or risk factors that are critical
to its occurrence). This knowledge may lead to the development of prevention and control
measures. Second, surveillance will provide us with a baseline of data which we can use to
assess prevention and control measures when they are developed and implemented.
We routinely use surveillance data in a variety of ways which are discussed below. Primarily
these are related to monitoring disease and providing linkage to prevention and control programs

Monitoring Health Events

We monitor health events for the following purposes:
• To detect sudden changes in disease occurrence and distribution
• To follow secular (long-term) trends and patterns of disease
• To identify changes in agents and host factors
• To detect changes in health care practices
Local health agencies—and to a lesser degree national ones—use surveillance data for
detecting sudden increases in disease occurrence, such as epidemics. When appropriate,
agencies may investigate and subsequently initiate control and prevention activities.
Health agencies at all levels need to be aware of the secular (long-term) trends and
patterns of disease among the populations they serve, and to explain any change in those
patterns. For example, surveillance of malaria in the United States revealed several changes in its
incidence that were of interest to public health officials. As Figure 5.3 shows, changes in malaria
occurrence could be correlated with the importation of cases from foreign wars, foreign
immigration, and increased international travel by U.S. citizens.
To target strategies and anticipate needs, public health decision-makers must know the
patterns of disease occurrence by risk group. For example, the surveillance of acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) includes the identification of the probable route of
exposure. From this information, we have been able to follow the expansion and shift in risk
groups from predominantly homosexual men to injection drug users and their sex partners.
By monitoring patterns to date we may be able to forecast the future pattern of disease
occurrence. Such forecasts are useful for planning resource needs.
Page 294 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 5.3
Malaria by year of report, United States, 1930-1990

Works Progress Administration Malaria Control Drainage Program

Reported Cases per 100,000 Population 1000
Relapses from Overseas Cases

Relapses from Korean Veterans

Returning Vietnam Veterans

Foreign Immigration


1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990
Source: 6

We monitor changes in agents and host factors to assess the potential for future disease
occurrence. For example, laboratory scientists monitor certain infectious agents for changes in
their antigenic pattern or resistance to antibiotics. The influenza viruses are among these agents.
By identifying antigenic drifts and shifts in these viruses, we can direct vaccine production and
anticipate the effect of influenza on the community.
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System is an excellent example of the surveillance
of host factors (16). This national system monitors changes in such factors as smoking, alcohol
use, obesity, and seat-belt use.
Actions have been taken at both the national level and within health care facilities as a result
of monitoring changes in health care practices. For example, when some hospitals identified a
marked increase in cesarean deliveries they established decision-making protocols. Similarly,
when surveillance of dentists in the early 1980’s showed that routine use of masks and gloves
was not rising as quickly as the incidence of AIDS, health authorities implemented intensive
educational efforts for dentists.
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 295

Link to Public Health Action

Investigation and control
When many of the notifiable diseases are reported, local, state, and even national or
international health agencies may take action. One action is to search for the source or sources
which, when found, may prompt further actions—closure of a restaurant, counseling and
treatment of an asymptomatic patient, withdrawal of a commercial product, or warnings to the
public. In addition, health agencies may act to intensify surveillance of the disease and
identification of other susceptible and potentially exposed persons who may be at risk of
developing disease. When these persons are identified, they may be offered testing, counseling,
treatment, vaccination, or prophylaxis as appropriate. For example, a TB registry is used to
monitor and followup cases. Within a workplace, surveillance may prompt similar actions within
the facility, including identification of others at risk and elimination of workplace hazards.

As noted earlier, the goal of surveillance is to provide a factual basis for rational decision
making. By monitoring changes in disease occurrence over time and place, agencies can
anticipate when and where resources will be needed, and thus will be able to plan how to allocate
them effectively.

Evaluating prevention and control measures

Surveillance data are used frequently to quantify the impact of program interventions. Figure
5.4 shows the incidence of measles in the United States over a period of 35 years. The
precipitous drop in the mid-1960’s reflects the impact of the National Measles Vaccination
Program. The resurgence in the late 1980’s led to a revision in recommendations from a 1-dose
to a 2-dose vaccination policy. Agencies can use surveillance data in a similar way to monitor
and modify educational and other risk-reduction programs.

Generating hypotheses and stimulating public health research

Because we collect and analyze surveillance data on an ongoing basis, our findings often
generate questions and hypotheses that provide direction for further research. For example, in
1980 surveillance systems documented the nationwide occurrence of a new disease which came
to be known as toxic shock syndrome (TSS) (19). From a review of the initial surveillance data,
epidemiologists realized that many of the cases occurred in menstruating women. They
conducted a series of increasingly focused case-control studies. In less than a year they found a
strong association between TSS and a particular brand of tampon, which was promptly
withdrawn from the market.
Page 296 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 5.4
Annual measles incidence rates,
United States, 1955-1990; with inset of 1980-1990
500 Measles Incidence
1980 - 1990
Incidence Rate per 100,000


80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90


1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990

Source: 6

Other Uses of Surveillance

Testing hypotheses
Surveillance data can sometimes be used to test hypotheses regarding the impact of
exposures on disease occurrence. For example, in 1973, two infants with dissimilar birth defects
were born to parents who had used spray adhesives extensively while engaged in the hobby of
“foil art.” As a result, the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the sale of these spray
adhesive compounds. The ban was lifted after birth defect surveillance data for 1970-1973
showed a slight decrease in the total number of birth defects and in the number of birth defects
in infants, despite a 5-fold increase in spray adhesive sales during the same period (5).

Archive of disease activity

While collection of data simply to provide an archive of disease activity is not one of the
primary goals of surveillance, it is a byproduct of the process. These data are often reported in
annual summaries issued by the responsible health agencies. Since surveillance data are usually
acted on locally, they become more historical as they are reported to successively higher levels.
Even archival data, however, can be put to use. For example, epidemiologists used historical
surveillance data to develop statistical models to predict the feasibility of proposed policies for
eradicating measles and polio (22).
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 297

Sources of Data
Many sources of data are available that can be used for public health surveillance. The World
Health Organization listed the following as key sources of surveillance data (23):
• Mortality reports
• Morbidity reports
• Epidemic reports
• Reports of laboratory utilization (including laboratory test results)
• Reports of individual case investigations
• Reports of epidemic investigations
• Special surveys (e.g., hospital admissions, disease registers, and
• serologic surveys)
• Information on animal reservoirs and vectors
• Demographic data
• Environmental data
In the United States, these and other sources of data have been used for public health
surveillance purposes. Some are collected as part of a surveillance system. Others are collected
for other reasons, but may be used for surveillance purposes. The most common sources of data
are described on the following pages.

Mortality Data
Vital statistics
Vital statistics include data on birth, death, marriage, and divorce. Records may be available
at the local and state level within a matter of days or weeks, but they are not always coded or
computerized. CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) collects a monthly national
sample of death certificates and publishes a report based on these sample data 3 months later.
NCHS also provides complete national mortality data within 2 to 3 years. On the other hand, 121
cities around the United States report to CDC the number of deaths by age from all causes
combined and from pneumonia or influenza within about 3 weeks of occurrence. These data are
published the following week in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). More
information on the surveillance of influenza is provided on pages 308-309.

Medical examiner data

Coroners and medical examiners can provide information on sudden or unexpected deaths.
Their reports are available at the state or county level, and include details about the cause and
nature of death that are not given on the death certificate. These reports are particularly valuable
for surveillance of intentional and unintentional injuries and of sudden deaths of unknown cause.
Page 298 Principles of Epidemiology

Morbidity Data
Notifiable disease reports
Each state government establishes what health events must be reported by health care
providers in that state. Some states require as few as 35 conditions to be reported; others require
as many as 130 conditions. Most states also require that an outbreak of any condition be
reported. Table 5.1 on page 304 lists the conditions that are reportable in many states. As that
table shows, reportable conditions are primarily acute (sudden) infectious diseases, although
some chronic and noninfectious diseases are reportable in some states. Health agencies at the
local, state, and national level routinely use the reported data for public health surveillance.

Laboratory data
Laboratory reports form the basis of surveillance for selected diseases, including many viral
illnesses and those caused by enteric pathogens such as Salmonella and Shigella. These may or
may not be part of the notifiable disease reporting system.

Hospital data
Almost all hospitals have computerized discharge records, primarily for financial purposes.
These records may be used for surveillance purposes, however, and several states now compile
hospital discharge data for public use. These records typically include demographic data,
diagnoses, operative procedures, length of stay, and costs, but exclude names, addresses, and
other information which could identify individuals.
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 299

Several sources provide hospital discharge data on a national level. For example, you can get
annual data on a national random sample of hospital records from the National Hospital
Discharge Survey conducted by NCHS. In addition, you can get complete and sampled data on
Medicare inpatient and outpatient visits from the Health Care Financing Administration for
Medicare recipients. Also, you can buy discharge data from two large private abstracting firms;
these data have been abstracted from the hospitals where these companies have contracts.
Statewide and national surveillance systems collect data from samples of hospitals for a
variety of specific health events. These include systems for surveillance of birth defects,
nosocomial infections, injuries, and drug-related emergency room visits.

Outpatient health care data

Although France has developed an extensive computerized surveillance system for outpatient
data from physicians’ offices, there is no comprehensive, timely outpatient surveillance system
in the United States. At the local or state level, you may be able to get outpatient data from some
physicians and health maintenance organizations that have computerized their medical records.
At the national level, you can get outpatient data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care
Survey, which is conducted periodically by NCHS, and from the commercial National Drug
and Therapeutic Index. Both are random samples from office-based physicians of diagnostic,
specialty, therapeutic, and disposition data. Finally, outpatient data are available from a network
of interested family practice physicians who report on a few selected health problems, including
influenza-like illness.

Specific topics
Over 30 states now have some form of cancer registry. Eleven of these registries are part of
the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) system supported by the National
Cancer Institute. Each SEER Center attempts to identify every patient diagnosed with cancer in a
designated geographic area (usually a state or large metropolitan area). For each patient, the
SEER Center collects relevant demographic data as well as details on the type, site, and
treatment of the cancer.
Post-marketing surveillance of adverse drug reactions and other adverse health events to
detect potential safety problems of marketed drugs is the responsibility of the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). Each year, over 10,000 reports of adverse events are submitted to the
FDA by health care providers and pharmaceutical manufacturers.
In recent years, injury surveillance systems have increased. A number of systems in
different jurisdictions now collect information on different types of injuries. At the national
level, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration collects information on fatal crashes
occurring on public roadways.
Occupational illness is another area of current expansion. Surveillance for occupational lead
poisoning, pneumoconioses, and other occupationally-related illnesses is conducted in a growing
number of states. Several states and CDC are also working to reestablish surveillance for
elevated blood lead levels in children.
Page 300 Principles of Epidemiology

Surveys of Health and General Populations

All surveillance systems described above collect data on the occurrence of some type of
disease or other adverse health condition. Some systems, however, have been established to
sample the health status of citizens in the community. For example, NCHS periodically
conducts the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). In this survey,
NCHS examines a random sample of the U.S. population and records clinical examination and
laboratory data, as well as demographic and medical history information. NCHS has conducted
NHANES three times since 1960.
NCHS also conducts the Health Interview Survey, which collects information on illness,
disability, health service utilization, and activity restriction from a continuous sampling of over
40,000 civilian households.
Finally, more than 40 state health departments participate in the Behavioral Risk Factor
Surveillance System in collaboration with CDC. This surveillance system uses telephone
interviewers to collect information on smoking, alcohol use, seat-belt use, hypertension, weight,
and other factors which affect health.

Surveillance Systems of Disease Indicators

Still other surveillance systems collect data on indicators of disease or of disease potential.
These systems fall into four categories: animal populations, environmental data, drug/biologic
utilization, and student and employee data. Of these categories, the animal and environmental
systems act as early-warning systems of disease potential. The other two categories collect
disease-indicator data that are more accessible than data on the particular diseases themselves.
Each of these categories is described in more detail below.

Animal populations
Monitoring animal populations is an important part of the surveillance system for certain
diseases. Animal surveillance may include detecting and measuring:
1. Animal morbidity and mortality caused by a disease that can affect humans (e.g., rabies)
2. The presence of a disease agent in wild and domestic sentinel animals (e.g., survey of
rodents for plague, of chickens for St. Louis encephalitis)
3. Changes in the size and distribution of the animal reservoirs and vectors of a disease (e.g.,
monitoring deer and ticks which are hosts for the agent that causes Lyme disease)

Environmental data
Public health agencies conduct routine environmental surveillance at the community level to
detect contamination of public water, milk, and food supplies. Agencies may also use
environmental surveillance to focus on conditions in nature that support animal populations that
may be reservoirs or vectors of disease. For example, agencies may monitor tire dumps and other
potential breeding sites for mosquitoes. Other types of environmental surveillance have become
important in recent years, such as environmental monitoring for radiation. In the workplace
“hazard surveillance,” such as monitoring potentially harmful chemical, biological, and physical
agents, guides strategies for preventing illness and injury.
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 301

Drug/biologic utilization
State health departments and CDC are the only sources for a number of biologics and drugs
(e.g., botulism antitoxin, diphtheria antitoxin, and until 1983, the anti-pneumocystis drug,
pentamidine). By monitoring requests for these controlled biologics, state health departments and
CDC have an effective surveillance system for the diseases or exposures that these materials
treat. Indeed, CDC noted an upsurge in pentamidine requests in 1981. This observation quickly
led to the recognition of a nationwide epidemic of a disease soon to be named acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Student and employee data

Public health agencies routinely use school absenteeism records to assess the pervasiveness
of influenza-like illness in a community. Employee records, workers’ compensation claims, and
other occupational data are increasingly being used for surveillance of occupational illness and
Page 302 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 5.1
Assume you are working in a state in which none of the conditions below is on the state list of
reportable diseases. For each condition, what sources of data might be available if you wished to
conduct surveillance? What factors make one source of data more appropriate than another?

A. Listeriosis (case definition in Appendix C)

B. Spinal cord injury

C. Lung cancer in non-smokers

Answers on page 335.

Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 303

Conducting Surveillance
Conducting surveillance requires the collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of
health data. Each of these activities is described below.

Collection of Surveillance Data

Diseases notifiable by law

Reporting from individual to local health department to state health department. Each
state has a morbidity reporting system that is based on state laws or regulations adopted by the
state board or department of health. In most states, state health authorities are empowered by the
state legislature to establish and modify reporting requirements. In a few states, the legislature
keeps that authority.
Typically, the regulations specify the following:
• The diseases and conditions that must be reported
• Who is responsible for reporting
• What information is required on each case of disease reported (States can modify this
requirement when circumstances require different or additional information.)
• How, to whom, and how quickly the information is to be reported
• Control measures to be taken for specified diseases
The list of notifiable diseases differs from state to state, reflecting variations in public health
priorities. In general, a state includes a disease on its list if the disease (1) causes serious
morbidity or death, (2) has the potential to affect additional people beyond the reported case, and
(3) can be controlled or prevented with proper intervention. The number of diseases on the lists
of the various states ranges from 35 to more than 100. Table 5.1 shows the notifiable diseases
that are reportable in most states, and indicates those that are notifiable at the national level as
State health departments commonly specify two other circumstances that must be reported:
any outbreak or unusually high incidence of any disease, and any occurrence of an unusual
disease of public health importance. Some states also provide for immediately adding to its
reportable disease list any disease that becomes important from a public health standpoint. In
most states, reporting known or suspected cases of a reportable disease is generally considered to
be an obligation of
• Physicians, dentists, nurses, and other health professionals
• Medical examiners
• Administrators of hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, schools, and nurseries
Some states also require or request reporting from:
• Laboratory directors
• Any individual who knows of or suspects the existence of a reportable disease
Page 304 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 5.1
Notifiable diseases and conditions, United States, 1990
Diseases and Conditions Diseases and Conditions
Reportable in Most States Reportable in Some States Only
* Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Abortion
* Amebiasis Adverse drug reaction
* Anthrax Animal bite
* Botulism (foodborne, wound, and unspecified) Asbestosis
* Brucellosis Blastomycosis
Campylobacteriosis * Botulism, infant
* Chancroid Chickenpox (varicella)
** Cholera Congenital defect
* Diphtheria Coccidioidomycosis
* Encephalitis Dengue fever
Giardiasis Diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli
* Gonorrhea / gonococcal disease Guillain-Barre syndrome
* Granuloma inguinale Herpes simplex
* Hansen’s disease (leprosy) Histoplasmosis
* Hemophilis influenzae, invasive Impetigo outbreak
* Hepatitis A Lead poisoning
* Hepatitis B Listeriosis
* Hepatitis non-A, non-B Mycobacterial infection, atypical
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection Guillain-Barre syndrome
Influenza outbreak Nonspecific urethritis
Kawasaki syndrome Nosocomial outbreak
* Legionellosis Occupational disease, any
* Leptospirosis Ophthalmia neonatorum
* Lyme disease Pesticide poisoning
* Lymphogranuloma venereum Pneumoconiosis
* Malaria Q fever
* Measles (rubeola) Rabies, animal
* Meningitis, aseptic Relapsing fever
Meningitis, bacterial * Rheumatic fever, acute
* Meningococcal disease Scarlet fever
* Mumps outbreaks Silicosis
* Pertussis Smallpox
** Plague Staphylococcal disease
* Poliomyelitis, paralytic Streptococcal disease
* Psittacosis Toxoplasmosis
* Rabies, human Trachoma
Reye syndrome Yersiniosis
* Rocky Mountain spotted fever
* Rubella
* Rubella, congenital
* Salmonellosis
* Shigellosis
* Syphilis, primary & secondary
Syphilis, congenital
* Tetanus
* Toxic shock syndrome
* Trichinosis
* Tuberculosis
* Typhoid fever
** Typhus
Yellow fever
Source: 7
*Nationally notifiable disease
**Disease covered by International Quarantine Agreement
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 305

In most states, anyone responsible for reporting diseases is required to send a case report
within a week of diagnosis, but certain special threats to the public, such as botulism,
quarantinable diseases, and epidemics, must be reported immediately by telephone.
Individual reports are usually considered confidential and are not available for public
Usually, the case report is sent to the local health department, which has primary
responsibility for taking appropriate action. The local health department then forwards a copy of
the case report to the state health department. A few states, however, have the initial case reports
sent directly to the state health department. In these states, there may be no local health
department in the area where the case occurred, or the local health department—for whatever
reason—cannot effectively respond to the reports, or the state health department has decided to
take primary responsibility for responding to case reports. This cycle of information is illustrated
in Figure 5.5.
Figure 5.5
The information cycle
Individual Case Reports

World Health
Reporter Local State Organization

Aggregate Reports and Interpretations, Recommendations

This form of data collection, in which health care providers send reports to a health
department based on a known set of rules and regulations, is called passive (provider-initiated)
surveillance. Less commonly, health department staff may call or visit health care providers to
solicit reports. This active (health-department-initiated) surveillance is usually limited to specific
diseases over a limited period of time, such as after a community exposure or during an
Most state health departments require the use of a standard form for case reports. Figure 5.6
shows the form used in Washington State. Some states, however, allow reporting by telephone in
lieu of written reports, and some are experimenting with reporting by computer
At a minimum, most case report forms ask for the patient’s name, age, sex, race, address,
telephone number, the name of the patient’s head-of-household, the date of onset of illness, the
name and telephone number of the person reporting, and the date of the report. The place and
date of hospitalization, if applicable, are also commonly requested. For many diseases, additional
information is also collected about the diagnosis, manifestations, and epidemiologic features.
Page 306 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 5.6
Washington State Health Department Form
WASHINGTON STATE (206) 361-2914


















A DAY CARE CENTER (Description of illness,
immunization history,
IS A HEALTH CARE WORKER action taken, etc.)

(MO) (DAY) (YR) (MO) (DAY) (YR)




(MO) (DAY) (YR)
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 307

While it is the intention of the laws and regulations of each state that every case of a
reportable disease be reported, the reality is otherwise. For rare, serious diseases of public health
importance such as rabies, plague, or botulism, the percentage of cases actually reported may
approach 100%. On the other hand, for some other diseases such as aseptic meningitis, reporting
has been found to be as low as 5%. Figure 5.7 illustrates the typical fall-off from infection
through disease reporting for shigellosis.

Figure 5.7
Completeness of case identification, reporting,
and investigation of shigellosis

% of Patients



Report to Follow-up
20 Sympto- Consulted Culture Culture Local Health Report Patient Cultures
Infected matic Physician Obtained Positive Department to CDC Contacted Obtained
100% 76% 28% 9% 7% 6% 5% 5% 2%

Cumulative Days Elapsed 7 10 11 29 39

From Onset of Symptoms
Source: 17

The laws and regulations often include penalties for failure to report a notifiable condition,
such as a fine or suspension of a license to practice, but these penalties are rarely enforced.
Incomplete reporting of some diseases can be attributed to lack of knowledge of what is
reportable, lack of knowledge of how to report, and the perception that reporting is not
Reporting from state health department to CDC. The Council of State and Territorial
Epidemiologists (CSTE) determines which diseases states should report to CDC, revising the list
as necessary. In 1961, they listed the 6 quarantinable diseases (cholera, plague, louse-borne
relapsing fever, smallpox, epidemic typhus fever, and yellow fever), 16 additional infectious
diseases of humans, and 1 infectious disease in animals (rabies). Since then, CSTE has revised
the list several times, adding newly recognized diseases (TSS, legionellosis, AIDS), adding
categories of disease (e.g., hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis non-A, non-B, and hepatitis,
unspecified), and dropping some diseases(e.g., streptococcal sore throat and scarlet fever,
chickenpox). Table 5.1 on page 304 indicates the diseases that were nationally notifiable in 1990.
Page 308 Principles of Epidemiology

The notifiable disease list in each state is longer than the nationally notifiable list, reflecting state
surveillance of diseases and conditions of local importance.
The procedures for reporting are published in CDC’s Manual of Procedures for National
Morbidity Reporting and Public Health Surveillance Activities (4). In general, each week
each state health department provides to CDC by computer telecommunication the case reports
of all nationally notifiable diseases that were reported in the state during the preceding 7 days.
These reports represent provisional data, since the diagnosis may not be confirmed and other
data items may be incomplete. The actual disease report forms, which contain much more
detailed information, follow by mail, though increasing use is being made of
telecommunications. Usually, these reports are stripped of names and other personal identifiers
by the state before being sent to CDC.
CDC compiles the case reports from the various states and—within a few days of their
receipt—publishes a summary of the data in the MMWR. CDC also publishes more detailed
surveillance reports on various diseases based on the case report forms and on other reports of
cases, laboratory isolates, epidemics, and investigations.
Reporting by CDC to World Health Organization. By international agreement, CDC
promptly reports to the World Health Organization any reported cases of the internationally
quarantinable diseases—plague, cholera, and yellow fever. CDC also reports influenza virus
isolates and summarizes annual morbidity for the diseases from reports received the previous
The practice of reporting morbidity data to successively higher levels of government not only
keeps each level informed of the current incidence in its jurisdiction, but also makes possible the
compilation of data for successively larger areas. These compilations provide opportunities for
identifying common factors not discernible at lower levels—especially when the incidence of a
disease is low in most local areas.

Other local-state-national surveillance systems

In addition to the reports received through the nationally notifiable diseases surveillance
system, CDC receives regular reports of a few diseases through other channels. For example, the
surveillance systems for salmonellosis and shigellosis are based on reports of isolates sent by
state laboratories to CDC.
Surveillance for influenza is particularly interesting. Since it is impractical for health care
providers to report individual cases of influenza-like illness, health authorities at all levels had to
find other sources of data.
At the state and local levels, health authorities use reports of outbreaks of influenza-like
illness, laboratory identification of influenza virus from nasopharyngeal swabs, and reports from
schools of excess absenteeism (e.g., greater than 10% of student body). In addition, some local
systems monitor death certificates for pneumonia and influenza, arrange for selected physicians
to report the number of patients they see with influenza-like illness each week, and ask selected
businesses to report excess employee absenteeism. At least one county health department
monitors the number of chest X rays a mobile radiology group does of nursing home patients;
when chest X rays are more than 50% of the total X rays ordered, an influenza epidemic is
usually in progress.
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 309

At the national level, CDC uses four different surveillance systems during the influenza
season from October through May. All four systems receive and analyze reports weekly. The
systems are described below and illustrated in Figure 5.8.
• In the laboratory-based system, approximately 60 state, city, and university hospital
laboratories report influenza virus isolates each week.
• In the 121-City Mortality Reporting System, 121 cities and counties across the country
report the total number of deaths for the week by age and the proportion of those deaths
attributed to pneumonia or influenza.
• In the sentinel physician system, a network of 150 family practice physicians report the
number of patients seen during the week with influenza-like illness.
• Finally, each state epidemiologist assesses the level of influenza activity in his/her state
each week and reports one of the following, as appropriate: “No Activity,” “Sporadic,”
“Regional,” or “Widespread.”

Figure 5.8
Four different surveillance systems for influenza

Pneumonia and Influenza Mortality

for 121 U.S. Cities

‘87 ‘88 ‘89 ‘90 ‘91

Weekly Influenza Morbidity


Clockwise from top left, laboratory-based system, 121-city mortality reporting system, sentinel physician
system, and weekly summary of influenza activity by state epidemiologists.
Page 310 Principles of Epidemiology

By using a variety of data sources at all levels—local, state, and national—we are able to
assess influenza activity reliably throughout the United States without asking all health care
providers to report individual cases.

Sentinel surveillance
The widely recognized underreporting of cases creates a problem in interpretation, since
health officials generally do not know which cases are reported and which are not. As an
alternative to the passive, all-inclusive system established by regulation, health authorities
sometimes set up a sentinel system. In a sentinel surveillance system, a pre-arranged sample of
reporting sources agree to report all cases of one or more conditions. Usually the sample is not
selected randomly, but is made up of sources (physicians, clinics, hospitals, etc.) that are likely to
see cases of the condition(s). The network of physicians reporting influenza-like illness,
described above, is an example of sentinel surveillance.
In many developing countries, where it is not feasible for health authorities to use national
population-based surveillance for HIV infection, sentinel surveillance provides a practical
alternative. Under this strategy, health officials define homogeneous population subgroups and
the regions to be sampled. They then identify institutions that serve the population subgroups of
interest, and that can and will conduct serosurveys. These institutions then conduct serosurveys
at least annually to provide statistically valid estimates of HIV prevalence.

Surveillance systems based on secondary data analysis

Health authorities are becoming more creative in using available data sets for surveillance.
These are sets of data that were created for other purposes. For example, Medicare data, state and
private national hospital discharge data, and workers’ compensation data were originally
compiled for accounting or financial management purposes. Other data sets are compiled
primarily for marketing or patient management. Because these data sets contain health
information, however, health authorities are analyzing them from a surveillance perspective. This
strategy is the primary approach for chronic disease surveillance. With increasing frequency, this
strategy is also being applied to infectious diseases that do not have established surveillance
systems (e.g., diarrheal diseases in children in the U.S.) and even to some that do (e.g., AIDS,
Surveillance with available data sets differs from traditional surveillance in several ways:
First, the level of surveillance must be at the community—not the individual—level, because
most data sets lack personal identifiers. Second, because secondary data are not available on a
timely basis but go through a long process of being collected, compiled, edited, and packaged
before they are made available to health authorities, this approach is more appropriate for
guiding long-term rather than short-term interventions. Third, because the data are often
collected for administrative reasons, more cases may be included than in passive surveillance
systems, but the quality of the data items most useful for surveillance, such as disease
information, may be low.
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 311

Analysis of Surveillance Data

Knowledge of the specific patterns of disease occurrence within a health agency’s
jurisdiction is required to identify changes in disease occurrence and disease potential, which in
turn spark public health action. This knowledge can be obtained only through a continuous,
systematic process of consolidation and analysis of available surveillance data.
As with all descriptive epidemiologic data, we first analyze surveillance data in terms of
time, place, and person. Traditionally, we use simple tabular and graphic techniques to analyze
and display these data. Recently, we have begun to assess the usefulness of more sophisticated
techniques such as cluster and time series analyses and computer mapping.
In analyzing surveillance data, we compare current data with some “expected” value, identify
how these differ, and assess the importance of the difference. Most commonly, we base the
expected value on figures for recent reporting periods or for the corresponding period of previous
years. In addition, we may compare data from one area with data from neighboring areas (e.g.,
one county with its neighboring counties), or we may compare data from an area with those from
the larger area to which it belongs (e.g., state data with national data).
Proper analysis of surveillance data includes determination of both numbers and rates. One
critical step before calculating rates is identifying appropriate denominator data. For a state or
county, denominators may be available from the U.S. Bureau of the Census or from a state
planning agency. For other settings such as a hospital, the denominator may be the total number
of patients or the number of patients on a particular floor.

We usually conduct basic analysis by time in several different ways to detect acute changes
in disease incidence. Our first analysis involves comparing the number of case reports received
for the current week with the number received in each of the preceding 4 weeks. We can
organize these data into a table or a graph or both. Simply by looking at the table or graph we
can detect an abrupt increase as well as a gradual buildup in the number of cases. This method
works well when new cases are reported promptly.
For example, examine the data in Figure 5.9 for Clark County during Week 5. Compare the 8
cases of hepatitis A reported that week with the level of hepatitis A in Clark County for the
preceding 4 weeks, and with the level of hepatitis A in other counties for Week 5. If you had
been the person in Clark County responsible for this surveillance system, this very simple
comparison would have alerted you as early as Week 5 to the subsequent outbreak of hepatitis A
in your county, and you would have called this increase to the attention of those responsible for
taking further investigation and control actions.
Page 312 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 5.9
Reported cases of hepatitis A
by county and week of report, 1989



ADAMS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2

ASOTIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

BENTON 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 3 8

CHELEN 0 0 1 1 3 1 1 1 0 1 7

CLALLAM 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 3

CLARK 0 0 0 3 8 14 13 11 6 0 55

COLUMBIA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

COWUTZ 0 2 6 6 6 6 6 4 9 0 24

DOUGLAS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0

FERRY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FRANKLIN 0 0 0 3 2 3 0 5 0 4 17

GARFIELD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

Source: CDC, unpublished data, 1991

Another way we commonly analyze surveillance data is by comparing the number of cases
during the current period (e.g., this month) with the number reported during the same period in
each of the last 3 years. For example, examine the data in Figure 5.10 for Clark County. The
eight cases in Clark County in 1991 are very high compared with 1990 (zero cases) and 1989
(three cases), but not compared with 1988 (six cases). Was there also an outbreak in 1988?
To analyze long-term (secular) trends in a disease, we usually graph the occurrence of the
disease by year, as in Figure 5.3 on page 294 and Figure 5.4 on page 296. We may note on the
graphs when any events occurred that we believe had an impact on the secular trend, such as the
implementation or cessation of an intervention program. We also note any changes in a
surveillance system that may influence the appearance of long-term trends, particularly changes
in diagnostic criteria, reporting requirements, or changes in the level of emphasis on active case
detection (e.g., case investigation and screening programs).
Although we base the analysis of many notifiable diseases on the number of case reports
received, we commonly use two variations.
First, to take into account the size of the population from which the cases arose, we analyze
disease rates. Because different geographic areas have different population sizes, and because
the population of any area changes over time, it is important that we use rates rather than case
counts when we compare different geographic areas and when we analyze secular trends.
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 313

Figure 5.10
Reported cases of hepatitis A
by county for weeks 1-4, 1988-1991


FREQUENCY 1988 1989 1990 1991 TOTAL
ADAMS 0 0 0 0 0

ASOTIN 0 0 0 0 0

BENTON 0 0 3 2 5

CHELEN 0 1 2 1 4

CLALLAM 0 1 0 0 1

CLARK 6 3 0 8 17

COLUMBIA 0 0 0 0 0

COWUTZ 0 5 0 0 5

DOUGLAS 0 0 2 0 2

Source: CDC, unpublished data, 1991

Second, when delays occur between diagnosis and reporting, we analyze data by date of
onset rather than by date of report. Under these conditions, this method is a better representation
of disease incidence over time. Unfortunately, because of the delays, this method is most
practical for analyzing secular trends rather than detecting outbreaks promptly.

If we find an increase in disease incidence when we analyze our data by time, we then
analyze the data by place to determine where the cases are occurring. On the other hand, even if
our time analysis is unrevealing, we may identify a localized outbreak if we analyze the data by
place. As a practical matter, we can analyze disease occurrence by time and place
simultaneously, as in Figure 5.9. To analyze by place, we usually organize our data into a table, a
map, or both. Although analysis by place is usually by reporting source or area, it can be helpful
to analyze data by potential sites of exposure as well. Also, analysis of both number of cases and
rates may be appropriate.

Analyzing surveillance data by characteristics of the affected persons may also be helpful.
Age and sex are usually provided on most case reports. Race is less consistently available for
analysis. Other variables, such as school or workplace, hospitalization, and risk factors for
specific diseases such as recent travel, may also be reported.
Page 314 Principles of Epidemiology

Age. Age is usually well documented, and is probably the most frequently analyzed “person”
characteristic. The first step in analyzing data by age is to create appropriate age groups or
categories. Creating categories for a continuous variable such as age was described in Lesson 4.
As described in Lesson 4, we usually rely on standard, well-accepted age groupings for
different diseases. In general, these groupings reflect the characteristic age distribution of a
disease, with narrower age categories for the ages of peak occurrence and wider categories for
the ages where the disease is less common. If the age distribution changes over time, or differs in
different parts of the world, the categories may be changed to reflect those differences.
We also want to use age categories that are compatible to those used by others. Standard age
categories for several childhood illnesses are <1 year, 1 through 4, 5 through 9, 10 through 14,
15 through 19, and ≥20 years. Conversely, for pneumonia and influenza mortality which usually
affects the elderly, the standard categories have been <1 year, 1 through 24, 25 through 44, 45
through 64, and ≥65 years. Since two-thirds of all deaths from pneumonia and influenza occur
among those aged 65 years and older, however, the last category has recently been further
divided into 65 through 74, 75 through 84, and ≥85 years. The narrower categories within the
most commonly affected age groups help to pinpoint where the problem is occurring.
The categories we use should be mutually exclusive and all inclusive. “Mutually exclusive”
means the end of one category should not overlap the beginning of the next category, e.g., 1
through 4 and 5 through 9 rather than 1 through 5 and 5 through 9. “All inclusive” means that the
categories should cover all possibilities, including the extremes of age (e.g., <1 year) and
Finally, to be able to analyze our data as rates we must use categories for the surveillance
(numerator) data that are consistent with available population/census (denominator) data. Census
data are usually published as <5 years, 5 through 9, 10 through 14, and so on in 5-year age
groups. We could not use these data if we categorized our surveillance data in the following 5-
year age groups: 1 through 5, 6 through 10, 11 through 15, and so on.
Race and ethnic group. In the United States, the following definitions, categories, and
coding rules from the Bureau of the Census are recommended for case records and surveillance
forms (13):
1. Definitions
The basic racial and ethnic categories for federal statistics and program administrative
reporting are defined as follows:
a. American Indian or Alaskan Native. A person who has origins in any of the original
peoples of North America, and who maintains cultural identification through tribal
affiliation or community recognition.
b. Asian or Pacific Islander. A person who has origins in any of the original peoples of
the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands. This area
includes, for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands, and Samoa.
c. Black. A person who has origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
d. Hispanic. A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or
other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
e. White. A person who has origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa,
or the Middle East.
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 315

2. Utilization
To provide flexibility, it is preferable to collect data on race and ethnicity separately. If
separate race and ethnic categories are used, the minimum designations should be the
a. Race American Indian or Alaskan Native
Asian or Pacific Islander
b. Ethnicity Hispanic origin
Not of Hispanic origin
If data on race and ethnicity is collected separately, we must be able to identify the number of
white and black persons who are Hispanic, and must report them in a common category
To combine race and ethnic categories, our minimum designations must be the following:
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Asian or Pacific Islander
Black, not of Hispanic origin
White, not of Hispanic origin
To categorize persons who have mixed racial and/or ethnic origins, we usually use the
category that most closely reflects the individual’s recognition in his or her community. Various
data sources, however, do use different classification methods. For example, on birth certificates,
race is based on the race of the mother.
Risk factors. For certain diseases, we routinely collect and analyze information on specific
risk factors. For example, for reported cases of hepatitis A, we would want to know whether any
patients are foodhandlers who can expose (or may have exposed) unsuspecting patrons. For
hepatitis B case reports, we would want to know whether more than one report lists the same
dentist as a potential source. We base our analysis of specific risk factors on knowledge of the
characteristics of the particular disease, but the desired information is not always asked or
provided on standard report forms.

When a surveillance system shows that the expected pattern for a disease is different than
what we expect for that disease in that population at that particular time and place, we may need
to investigate further. A local health department usually determines the amount of excess
necessary for action based on the priorities assigned to the various diseases, and the interests,
capabilities, and resources of the department. Public, political, or media attention and pressure,
however, can sometimes make it necessary to investigate minor variations in disease occurrence
that the health department might otherwise not pursue.
Page 316 Principles of Epidemiology

Not all apparent increases in disease occurrence represent true increases. For example, an
increase in population size, improved diagnostic procedures, enhanced reporting, duplicate
reporting, reporting of cases in batches, and other changes in the system could all increase the
number of case reports in one week. Nonetheless, we should consider an apparent increase real
until proven otherwise.
Sometimes a health agency may launch an investigation if two or more cases of a disease are
suspected to have a common source of infection. The suspicion might be aroused from finding an
apparent commonality among the cases, such as patients’ sex or age group, their place of
residence or occupation, their surnames, or the time of onset of their illness. Physicians or other
knowledgeable persons sometimes bring these cases to the attention of a health department by
reporting that they have observed several current or recent cases which are apparently of the
same disease and related epidemiologically.

Dissemination of Surveillance Data

Dissemination of surveillance data to those who need to know is a critical component of a
surveillance system, but, unfortunately, the one most frequently overlooked. The audience
should include those who do (or should) provide reports, e.g., health care providers and
laboratory directors, and those who need to know for administrative, program planning, and
decision-making purposes.
A surveillance report which targets both the medical and public health communities serves
two primary purposes: to inform and to motivate. A surveillance report which includes summary
information on the occurrence of disease by time, place, and person informs local physicians
about the probability of their encountering various conditions in their patients. Clear graphical
presentations tend to be more appealing and more easily understood than detailed tables. Other
useful information might include reports of antibiotic resistance patterns, revised
recommendations for vaccination and other prevention and control strategies, and summaries of
investigations and other studies.
A surveillance report can also be a strong motivational factor. It demonstrates that the health
department actually looks at the case reports that are submitted, and acts on those reports. At
least one state health department newsletter provides recognition and thanks to each individual
and institution who submitted a case report that year by publishing every reporter’s name in its
December issue (14). Such efforts are important in maintaining a spirit of collaboration among
the public health and medical communities, which, in turn, improves reporting to the surveillance
Most state and many local health departments publish a weekly or monthly newsletter which
they distribute to the local medical and public health community. These newsletters usually
provide tables of current surveillance data, such as the number of each disease reported during
the last reporting period (perhaps by area), the number of cases in a previous period, and other
relevant information. They also usually contain information of current interest about the
prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of selected diseases, and summarize current or recently
completed epidemiologic investigations.
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 317

At the national level, CDC provides similar information through its Morbidity and Mortality
Weekly Report (MMWR), MMWR Annual Summary of Notifiable Diseases, MMWR Surveillance
Summaries, and individual surveillance reports that are published either by CDC or in peer-
reviewed public health and medical journals.

Link to Public Health Action

As the phrase “information for action” implies, a surveillance system should be functionally
linked with public health programs. To ensure that the right information is collected and will be
acted on, the organization that is responsible for program action should, whenever possible, be
responsible for surveillance.
The link between problem identification and public health response is well established for
many communicable diseases. A communicable disease outbreak usually leads to an
investigation and appropriate public health action, whether it be the removal of a salmonella-
contaminated food product, exclusion from school and measles vaccination of susceptible school
children, or treatment of a hospital water supply that is contaminated with Legionella. Even the
occurrence of a single case can spur public health investigation and intervention, particularly if
the disease, such as meningococcal meningitis, rabies, plague, or cholera, is uncommon in an
area, potentially fatal, and indicative that others are potentially at risk.
On a broader basis, surveillance data may be used to target or modify education,
immunization, and other risk-reduction programs, including elimination of hazards in the
environment or workplace.
Unfortunately, the link between chronic disease surveillance systems and public health
programs is less well characterized. In part, this reflects the recency of most chronic disease
surveillance efforts. This also reflects, however, the chronic nature of the diseases under
surveillance and the time frame in which a response is appropriate. Rather than warranting an
acute response, changes in chronic disease occurrence are more likely to result in initiation of
new community intervention programs which may affect disease occurrence 10 or even 20 years
in the future.
Page 318 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 5.2

To answer the following questions, you may need to contact your local or state health

A. Identify the reporting requirements and the list of reportable diseases in your state or district.
Compare your list with that in Table 5.1, page 304.

B. How does your state or local health department disseminate surveillance information to those
who need to know? In your opinion, is this adequate and if not, what should be added?

Answers on page 335.

Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 319

Evaluation of a
Surveillance System
Every surveillance system should be evaluated periodically to ensure that it is serving a
useful public health function and is meeting its objectives. A thorough evaluation should identify
ways to improve the system’s operation and efficiency. In a thorough evaluation, the following
facets of the system should be addressed (3):
• The public health importance of the health event under surveillance
• The objectives and operation of the system
• The system’s usefulness
• Attributes or qualities of the surveillance system, including simplicity, flexibility,
acceptability, sensitivity, predictive value positive, representativeness, and timeliness
• Cost or resource requirements for system operation
Each of these five facets is described below.

The importance of a health event and the need to have that health event under surveillance
can be assessed with the following measures:
• The current impact of the health event
— total number of cases: incidence, prevalence
— severity of illness: case-fatality rate, death-to-case ratio
— mortality: overall and age-specific mortality rates, years of potential life lost
— morbidity: hospitalization, disability
— health care costs
• Its potential for spread
• Its preventability
By considering the “potential for spread,” we recognize the need to maintain surveillance for
diseases that currently may be rare or under control, but that could recur. By considering
“preventability,” we reflect the intended link between surveillance and public health
A flow chart for a surveillance system is shown in Figure 5.11.

Objectives and Operations

The objectives of a surveillance system should be clear to those who maintain and who
contribute to the system. It may be helpful to consider first what information is needed for
effective prevention and control, then to determine which objectives are most appropriate.
Objectives may include any of the uses of surveillance described earlier (see page 293). For
example, one of the objectives of a surveillance system may be to be to determine the occurrence
of a health event or to monitor a program’s progress in eradicating a disease.
Page 320 Principles of Epidemiology

To characterize the operations of a surveillance system, we must answer the following

• What is the case definition of the health event? Is it practical in this setting?
• What is the population under surveillance?
• What is the time period of data collection (weekly, monthly, annually)?
• What information is collected? Is it what programs need?
• What are the reporting sources or data sources? Who is supposed to report? Who
actually does report?
• How are the data handled? How are they routed, transferred, stored? Are there
unnecessary delays? How is confidentiality maintained?

Figure 5.11
Surveillance system flow chart





Primary Level Data Management

e.g., County Health Dept.
Initial entry
Secondary Level Editing
e.g., State Health Dept. Analysis
Report generation
Report dissemination
Tertiary Level
e.g., CDC
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 321

• How are the data analyzed? By whom? How often? How thoroughly?
• How is the information disseminated? How often are reports distributed? To whom?
Does it get to all those who need to know, including the medical and public health
communities and policymakers?
Sometimes it is helpful to sketch a flow chart of a surveillance system to portray the flow of
information visually.
Under usefulness, we address whether a surveillance system makes a difference. We may
assess usefulness by answering the following:
• What actions have been taken to date (public health, clinical, legislative, etc.) as a result
of information from the surveillance system?
• Who has used the information to make decisions and take actions?
• What other future uses might the information have?
The usefulness of a system is influenced greatly by its operation, including its feedback
mechanism to those who need to know, and by the system’s attributes, described below.

Several qualities or attributes described below affect the operation and usefulness of a
surveillance system. To evaluate a surveillance system we must assess, either qualitatively or
quantitatively, each of these.

Simplicity refers to the ease of operation of the system as a whole and each of its components
(case definition, reporting procedures, etc.). In general, a surveillance system should be as simple
as possible while still meeting its objectives. A simple system is more likely to provide timely
data with fewer resource needs than a complex system.

Flexibility refers to the ability of a surveillance system to accommodate changes in operating
conditions or information needs with little additional cost in time, personnel, or funds. Usually,
flexibility is necessary when changes occur in case definitions, or reporting forms and
procedures. Flexibility also includes the system’s ability to add new health events.
Acceptability reflects the willingness of individuals and organizations to participate in a
surveillance system. We may gauge acceptability of reporting by the proportion who report cases
(of those who should report) and by how complete their report forms are. For systems that use
interviews with subjects, acceptability may also be measured by interview completion rates. In
general, acceptability of reporting is influenced greatly by how much time the reporter must
Page 322 Principles of Epidemiology

We may also consider acceptability in terms of the intended link with programs. Are the
program managers and others responsible for action responsive to the information provided by
the surveillance system?

Sensitivity is the ability of a system to detect the cases or other health events it is intended to
detect. We may measure sensitivity by conducting a representative survey and comparing the
results with those from the surveillance system.
Sensitivity also refers to the system’s ability to detect epidemics and other changes in disease
occurrence. As noted earlier, many surveillance systems detect only a small proportion of the
cases that actually occur. We must then judge whether a system that is not 100% sensitive in
terms of individual cases is nonetheless sufficiently sensitive to identify community-wide

Predictive Value Positive

Predictive value positive is the proportion of reported cases which truly are cases or the
proportion of reported epidemics which were actual epidemics. That is, it is a measure of the
predictive value of a reported case or epidemic.
We measure predictive value positive by investigating whether the reported cases and
epidemics meet our definition for a true case or real epidemic. The more “false-positive” reports
there are in a surveillance system, the lower the predictive value of the reports. These result in
unnecessary investigations, wasteful allocation of resources, and—especially for false reports of
epidemics—unwarranted public anxiety.

Representativeness is the extent to which a surveillance system accurately portrays the
incidence of a health event in a population by person, place, and time. It includes the quality or
accuracy of the data provided and is influenced by the acceptability and sensitivity of the system.
For us to generalize or draw conclusions about a community from surveillance data, the system
must be representative.
In calculating rates from surveillance data, it is important not to assume without evaluation—
as is too often done—that the system is representative. In evaluating the representativeness of a
system, we seek to identify important subpopulations systematically excluded by the system.

Timeliness is the availability of data in time for appropriate action. Public health authorities
may not be able to initiate prompt intervention or provide timely feedback if delays occur in any
aspect of a surveillance system—whether in data collection, management, analysis,
interpretation, or dissemination.
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 323

Resource Requirements (Costs)

The direct costs of a surveillance system include the personnel and financial resources
expended to maintain all phases of the system, including collection, analysis, and dissemination.
We usually assess these direct costs against the system’s objectives and usefulness, and against
the expected costs of possible modifications or alternatives to the system.

We evaluate a surveillance system so that we can draw conclusions about its present state
and make recommendations about its future potential. In our conclusions, we should state
whether the system addresses an important public health problem, whether it is meeting its
objectives, and whether it is operating efficiently. If it is not doing these things, we should
recommend modifications in the system, or address the question of whether the system should be
continued at all.
In making recommendations for modifications, we must recognize that the various attributes
and costs are interrelated and potentially conflicting. For example, efforts to improve sensitivity
may reduce predictive value positive. For any surveillance system, some attributes are more
important than others. We must consider each attribute and balance it against the others to ensure
that the system’s objectives will be met.
Page 324 Principles of Epidemiology

Limitations of the
Notifiable Disease Reporting System
Although surveillance systems need not be perfect to be useful, such systems do suffer from
limitations that sometimes compromise their usefulness. Underreporting, lack of
representativeness, lack of timeliness, and inconsistency of case definitions are just four of the
limitations of some present surveillance systems.

For most notifiable diseases, data collection is generally based on passive reporting by
physicians and other health care providers. Studies have shown that, in most jurisdictions, only
5-60% of cases of the reportable diseases overall are ever reported (1, 12). The most obvious
result of such underreporting is that effective action is delayed, and cases occur which might
have been prevented by prompt reporting and prompt initiation of control measures.
Listed below are some of the many reasons provided by physicians and others to explain why
many cases are never reported (9). It is important that public health agencies recognize these
barriers to reporting, since many are within the agencies’ power to address or correct. Some
strategies to address the most common problems and to improve reporting are discussed in the
next section.

Lack of knowledge of the reporting requirement

• Unaware of responsibility to report
• Assume that someone else (e.g., a laboratory) would report
• Unaware of which diseases must be reported
• Unaware of how or to whom to report
Negative attitude toward reporting
• Time consuming
• Too much hassle (e.g., unwieldy report form or procedure)
• Lack of incentive
• Lack of feedback
• Distrust of government
Misconceptions that result from lack of knowledge or negative attitude
• Compromises patient-physician relationship
• Concern that report may result in a breach of confidentiality
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 325

• Disagreement with need to report

— judgment that the disease is not that serious
— belief that no effective public health measures exist
— perception that health department does not act on the reports

Lack of Representativeness of Reported Cases

Underreporting is not uniform or random. Two important biases act to distort surveillance
data. First, health care providers are more likely to report a case that results in severe illness and
hospitalization than a mild case—although a person with mild illness may be more likely to
transmit infection to others. This bias results in an inflated estimate of disease severity in
measures such as the death-to-case ratio. Second, health care providers are more likely to report
cases when the disease is receiving a flurry of publicity than they are at other times. This bias
results in an underestimate of the baseline incidence of disease.
Both biases were operating in 1981 during the national epidemic of tampon-associated TSS.
Early reports indicated a death-to-case ratio much higher than the ratio determined by subsequent
studies, and reported cases declined more than incident cases after the publicity waned.

Lack of Timeliness
Lack of timeliness can occur at each phase of a surveillance system. The reasons for the
delays vary. Some delays are disease dependent. For example, physicians cannot diagnose some
diseases until confirmatory laboratory and other tests have been completed. Some delays are
caused by the reporting procedure: If the procedure is cumbersome or inefficient, delays in
reporting will occur. Delays in analysis are common when the surveillance system is seen as a
rote function rather than one that provides information for action. Finally, delays at any step may
culminate in delays in dissemination, with the result that the medical and public health
communities do not have the information they need to take prompt action.

Inconsistency of Case Definitions

Until recently, few states had provided practitioners with case definitions for reporting (18).
Many states simply accepted the diagnosis of a physician, regardless of how the diagnosis was
made. For example, what is reported as aseptic meningitis may vary from state to state and even
from one physician to another within a state. Some surveillance systems encourage reporting of
any suspected case, then go through the sometimes tedious task of verifying the diagnosis. To
improve consistency and predictive value positive of case reporting, the Council of State and
Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) has recently developed standard case definitions. These case
definitions, listed in Appendix C, are currently being adopted by each state health department
Page 326 Principles of Epidemiology

Ways to Improve
a Surveillance System
The preceding limitations of reporting systems suggest several steps which could be taken in
a local or state health department to improve reporting.

Improve Awareness of Practitioners

Most important, all persons who have a responsibility to report must be aware of this
responsibility. The health department should actively publicize the list of reportable diseases and
the mechanisms by which to report a case.

Simplify Reporting
Reporting should be as simple and painless as possible for the reporter. Many health
departments accept telephone reports. One health department experimented with a toll-free
telephone number. If forms are used, they should be widely available, easy to complete, and ask
only relevant information.

Frequent Feedback
The role of feedback cannot be overemphasized. Feedback may be written, such as a monthly
newsletter, or oral, such as a monthly update at Grand Rounds. Ideally, the feedback should be
timely, informative, interesting, and relevant to practice. In addition to providing information,
feedback about disease patterns and control activities based on surveillance data increases
awareness and reinforces the importance of participating in a meaningful public health activity.

Widen the Net

Traditionally, the notifiable disease surveillance system has relied on reporting by
physicians. Although reporting by commercial and hospital laboratories is not required in some
states, at least one state noted that laboratories were its most important source of surveillance
data. Other health care staff such as infection control personnel and school nurses may be
appropriate but underutilized sources of surveillance reports.
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 327

Active Surveillance
Active surveillance shifts the burden for report generation from the health care provider to
the health department. Active surveillance has been shown to increase the number and proportion
of reported cases. Since health department staff contact health care providers on a regular basis,
active surveillance also promotes closer personal ties between the providers and the health
department staff. Active surveillance is relatively expensive, however, and its cost-effectiveness
is not entirely clear. In practice, active surveillance is usually limited to disease elimination
programs to short-term intensive investigation and control activities, or to seasonal problems,
such as some arbovirus diseases.
Page 328 Principles of Epidemiology

Establishing a
Surveillance System
Numerous situations arise that induce health authorities to consider establishing a new
surveillance system. For example, they may consider establishing a surveillance system in
emergency settings such as a refugee camp or when a serious new disease has been identified.
Before establishing a new system, however, they should explicitly consider its justification,
objectives, case definition, and operation.

Is a new system really needed? To answer this question, health authorities should determine
whether the system would meet one or more of the following criteria:
• The disease is important in this area, or at least potentially so. Surveillance for diseases
which cause serious illness, death, or disability is easily justified.
• Surveillance is necessary to guide, monitor, and evaluate prevention and/or control
measures. This presumes that effective prevention and/or control measures are available,
and that the public health agency will take the appropriate action.
• Surveillance is necessary to establish baseline incidence because prevention and/or
control measures are on the horizon. These measures will be evaluated on the basis of
their impact on disease occurrence compared with pre-intervention disease occurrence.
Therefore, having reliable pre-intervention incidence data is important.
• Surveillance is justified because the disease is new, and data are needed to learn more
about its patterns of occurrence, clinical spectrum, risk groups, and potential for
intervention. Serious new diseases such as TSS, Legionnaires’ disease, and eosinophilia-
myalgia syndrome are often placed under surveillance to capture as many cases as
possible as quickly as possible. These cases are studied promptly by public health
officials and researchers to learn more about the disease itself, its pattern of occurrence
and population at risk, and its causes.
• Available data and alternative sources of data will not suffice. Existing data, even if not
ideal, can sometimes be used in place of establishing a new surveillance system.
Similarly, a one-time or periodic survey will sometimes provide whatever information is
needed with less effort than would be required to establish an ongoing surveillance
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 329

If health authorities can justify a new surveillance system, their next step is to describe its
objectives. The objectives should clearly describe what information is needed, who needs it, and
how the data are to be used.
A clear statement of the objectives provides a common understanding among participants in
the surveillance system and provides a framework for its design. For example, the desire to
collect very detailed information about each case may compete with the need to determine
quickly the number of cases. If the system’s primary objective is to obtain rapid case counts, then
less information should be collected about each case to avoid delays and disincentives for

Case Definition
The condition or conditions to be included in the surveillance system must be clearly defined.
A clear case definition will ensure that the same criteria will be used in different places by
different people. Some case definitions require laboratory confirmation; others rely on a
constellation of signs or symptoms for syndromes or conditions for which no laboratory test is
readily available.
A case definition must be simple, understandable, and acceptable. It must be practical for the
setting and usable by the persons on whom the system will rely for reporting. For example, if the
case definition requires laboratory confirmation, the laboratory test must be readily available and
competently performed.
Ideally, the case definition should be sufficiently sensitive to identify most persons with the
condition under surveillance, but sufficiently specific to exclude persons who do not have the
condition. These characteristics, along with the prevalence of the condition in the community,
determine the likelihood that a case which fits the case definition is an actual case of the disease
in question. A broad (sensitive, but not very specific) case definition may be adequate in an area
with a high prevalence of disease, since most persons with illnesses that fit the case definition
will be true cases. For example, in many parts of Africa, the case definition for malaria is anyone
with fever. In low prevalence areas, a narrower (more specific) case definition is necessary to
avoid unnecessary expenditure of effort and resources. An additional consideration is whether
only confirmed cases should be reported or whether suspect cases should be reported as well.
Health authorities may be able to use a case definition from the uniform case definitions of
the CSTE that are given in Appendix C. These case definitions are for surveillance, and may
differ from the criteria used for clinical diagnosis and treatment. Persons with unusual features of
the disease may not fit the surveillance case definition, but they should be considered clinical
cases and treated accordingly. This difference should be made clear to health care providers who
report to a surveillance system.
Page 330 Principles of Epidemiology

Procedures for collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and distributing the information must all be
established in advance. As with the case definitions, the procedures should be simple and
workable. To the extent possible, new systems should piggyback on existing systems to avoid
unnecessary duplication of effort and to maintain a single reporting mechanism for reporters.
In deciding data collection and management issues, health authorities must address numerous
details. Will the system rely on active surveillance (better, more timely data, but greater agency
effort) or passive surveillance? Who is expected to report? What forms or mechanisms will be
used? Exactly what information will be collected on the forms? How will the forms be
processed? Will personal identifiers be included, and if so, how will confidentiality be assured?
Plans for a surveillance system must include how the data will be analyzed, including
designation of software (if the data are computerized), standard tables, graphs, and maps, and the
frequency of analysis.
Finally, dissemination plans should include how the data will be communicated, how
frequently, to whom, and how the data will or should be used.

Public health surveillance is a cooperative venture among those who provide reports (usually,
health care professionals and laboratory staff), those who process the reports (usually, public
health agency workers), and those who use the information for clinical uses (health care
professionals again), for public health planning and action (usually, public health program
managers and staff), and for other applications. Before implementing a surveillance system it is
essential to assure that those responsible for reporting, processing, and using the information will
support the system.
For example, given that most notifiable diseases are underreported, it is evident that passing a
law or regulation requiring the reporting of a disease is not enough. To gain the support and
cooperation of those who are expected to provide the data, the public health agency should
inform health care professionals not only of their responsibility to report, but why it is important
that they do so. In return, the agency should provide timely feedback to the medical community
(through newsletters, bulletins, seminars, or other mechanisms) that will aid prevention,
diagnosis, and treatment.
Similarly, since the primary purpose of most surveillance systems is to gather information for
action, those who are responsible for the action must be cooperative. Have the program managers
and staff been included in the decision making? Do they care if the surveillance system is
implemented? Will it provide the information they want? Will they even use the data to make
programmatic decisions?
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 331

Planning and assurance of cooperation are long term efforts that require monitoring and
continuing attention. After initial planning is complete and cooperation is assured, however, the
surveillance system should be implemented quickly. Data collection should begin as soon as the
procedures and systems are in place, while reporters are still motivated. The data should be
analyzed and disseminated promptly to maintain support. In so doing, the health agency follows
the advice to “share the data, share the responsibility, share the credit.” (8)
Page 332 Principles of Epidemiology

Review Exercises
Exercise 5.3

State funding for a childhood injury prevention program has just become available. To gather
baseline data on childhood injuries, the staff is discussing whether to conduct a survey or
establish a surveillance system. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these two

Answer on page 335.

Exercise 5.4

Discuss the relative merits of a passive surveillance system and an active surveillance system.

Answer on page 336.

Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 333

Exercise 5.5

A researcher is urging the state health department to add chlamydial infections to the state’s list
of reportable diseases. What are the arguments for and against? What alternative methods of
surveillance for chlamydial infection might you propose?

Answer on page 337.

Exercise 5.6

During the previous 6 years, 1-3 cases per year of Kawasaki syndrome had been reported a state
health department. During the past 3 months, 17 cases have been reported. All but two of these
cases have been reported from one county. The local newspaper carried an article about one of
the first reported cases, a young girl. Describe the possible causes of the increase in reported

Answer on page 337.

Page 334 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 5.7

You have recently been hired by a state health department to run surveillance activities, among
other tasks. All surveillance data are entered into a personal computer and transmitted to CDC
each week. The state, however, has never generated its own set of tables for analysis. What three
tables might you want to generate by computer each week?

Answer on page 338.

Exercise 5.8

Last week, the state public health laboratory diagnosed rabies in 4 raccoons that had been
captured in a wooded residential neighborhood. This information will be duly reported in the
tables of the monthly state health department newsletter. Is this sufficient? Who needs to know
this information?

Answer on page 338.

Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 335

Answers to Exercises
Answer—Exercise 5.1 (page 302)
A. Listeriosis: Wide spectrum of nonspecific clinical illness and, low case-fatality rate (except in
newborns). Therefore, surveillance must be based on morbidity rather than mortality; diagnosis
should be confirmed in the laboratory. Possible sources of surveillance data include laboratory
reports, hospital discharge data (although many cases are not hospitalized), or adding listeriosis
to the reportable disease list.
B. Spinal cord injury: Severe health event, substantial mortality, almost all cases brought to a
hospital. Therefore, surveillance most logically based on hospital records and mortality data
(death certificates, medical examiner data). Special efforts might be directed to regional trauma
centers. The use of data from emergency medical services and rehabilitation centers might also
be explored.
C. Lung cancer in nonsmokers: Like spinal cord injury, lung cancer is a severe health event with
high morbidity and mortality. Unfortunately, hospital discharge records and vital records do not
routinely provide smoking information. For this condition, cancer registries may provide the best
opportunity for surveillance if smoking information is routinely collected. Alternatively, you
could attempt to establish surveillance with interested internists, oncologists, and other health
care providers likely to see lung cancer patients.
Factors which influence the choice of one source of data over another include severity of
illness (hospitalization and mortality); need for laboratory confirmation of diagnosis; rarity of the
condition; specialization of the health care provider; quality, reliability, or availability of the
relevant data; timeliness of the data in terms of need for response; and others.

Answer—Exercise 5.2 (page 318)

Answers are dependent upon your local or state health department.

Answer—Exercise 5.3 (page 332)

• More control over the quality of the data
• More in-depth data can be collected on each case than is usually possible with
• Can identify spectrum of childhood injuries, including those which do not warrant
medical care
• More accurate assessment of true incidence and prevalence
• More costly to perform since survey requires development of de novo data collection
system and hiring of interviewers who require training and supervision
• Represents only single point in time (“snapshot”); may miss seasonal trends; misses rare
diseases; misses rapidly fatal diseases
Page 336 Principles of Epidemiology

• Tells little if anything about changes over time in incidence or prevalence of a behavior
or outcome
• Recall bias more likely to affect results since data collected retrospectively (surveillance
is usually prospective)
• Cheaper (for the health department)
• Can often use existing systems and health personnel for data collection.
• Allows monitoring of trends over time
• Ongoing data collection may allow collection of an adequate number of cases to study
those at risk. With surveys, an event may be too infrequent to gather enough cases for
study; with surveillance, the observation period can be extended until sufficient numbers
of cases are collected.
• May not provide a representative picture of the incidence or prevalence unless care is
taken in selecting reporting sites and assuring complete reporting
• Data that can be collected are limited by the skill, time, and good will of the data
collectors, who usually have other responsibilities.
• Quality control may be a major problem in data collection.
• The quality of data may vary between collection sites.

Answer—Exercise 5.4 (page 332)

Merits of a passive surveillance system (where health care providers and others are expected
to send reports to the health department without prompting):
• Easy (for the health department)
• Inexpensive
• Easier to institutionalize and continue

Merits of an active surveillance system (where health department staff contact persons likely
to see cases to request reports):
• More complete case ascertainment (more sensitive)
• Higher quality data
• More uniform data
• More flexible
• More opportunity for feedback, education
• Builds relationships between health department staff and reporters that may have other
benefits, such as improved reporting of other conditions and more support for public
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 337

Answer—Exercise 5.5 (page 333)

Arguments in favor:
• Surveillance will provide an estimate of the true prevalence of this important but often
overlooked condition.
• Infection is treatable, and transmission is preventable.
• Untreated, chlamydial infection is a major cause of pelvic inflammatory disease and

Arguments against:
• Clinicians are likely to ignore the addition of chlamydia to a list they feel is already too
long. They may feel they should only be required to report communicable diseases with
high morbidity and/or mortality that will lead to immediate intervention by the health
• Adding chlamydia to the list will not lead to better diagnosis and treatment, since many
infections are asymptomatic.
• As a result, surveillance will provide a rather poor estimate of the true prevalence.

Alternatives might include:

• Enroll interested and appropriate health care providers (e.g., obstetrician/gynecologists)
and clinics in a sentinel surveillance system.
• Laboratory-based surveillance.

Answer—Exercise 5.6 (page 333)

1. Change in surveillance system / policy of reporting
2. Change in case definition
3. Improved diagnosis
• new laboratory test
• increased physician awareness of the syndrome, new physician in town, etc.
• increase in publicity / public awareness may have prompted individuals or parents to seek
medical attention for compatible illness
4. Increase in reporting, i.e., improved awareness of requirement to report
5. Batch reporting (unlikely in this scenario)
6. True increase in incidence
Page 338 Principles of Epidemiology

Answer—Exercise 5.7 (page 334)

No right answer, but one sequence might be as follows:
Table 1: Number of reported cases this week, disease by county
Table 2: Number of reported cases, disease by week (going back 6-8 weeks for comparison)
Table 3: Number of reported cases for past 4 weeks, disease by year (going back 5 years for
Table 1 addresses disease occurrence by place. Tables 2 and 3 address disease occurrence by
time. Together, these tables should give an indication of whether an unusual cluster or pattern of
disease is occurring. If such a pattern is detected, person characteristics may then be explored.

Answer—Exercise 5.8 (page 334)

Many state health department newsletters do not go to “all who need to know.” Even among
those who receive the newsletter, some do not read it at all, and many others skim the articles
and ignore the tables altogether. In addition, depending on the timing of the laboratory report and
publication deadlines, the information may be delayed by up to several weeks.
This information is important for all who may be affected, and for all who may be able to
take preventive measures, including:
• Other public health agencies, e.g., neighboring local health departments, animal control
staff, etc.
• Health care providers
• Veterinarians
• The public (inform by issuing press release to the media)
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 339

Self-Assessment Quiz 5
Now that you have read Lesson 5 and have completed the exercises, you should be ready to
take the self-assessment quiz. This quiz is designed to help you assess how well you have
learned the content of this lesson. You may refer to the lesson text whenever you are unsure of
the answer, but keep in mind that the final is a closed book examination. Circle ALL correct
choices in each question.

1. As defined in this lesson, public health surveillance includes which activities? (Circle
ALL that apply.)
A. Data collection
B. Data analysis
C. Data interpretation
D. Data dissemination
E. Intervention
2. How does public health surveillance differ from medical surveillance?
A. Those who conduct public health surveillance are generally not physicians.
B. Public health surveillance refers to monitoring of populations, while medical
surveillance refers to monitoring of individuals.
C. Public health surveillance is generally based on laboratory-confirmed diagnoses
rather than clinical diagnoses.
D. Public health surveillance comes from public clinics, while medical surveillance comes
from private health care providers.
3. The primary difference between surveillance systems for communicable diseases and
most surveillance systems for chronic diseases occurs as part of which activity?
A. Data collection
B. Data analysis
C. Data interpretation
D. Data dissemination
E. Link to programs
4. Among the common uses and applications of public health surveillance are: (Circle ALL
that apply.)
A. detecting changes in an infectious agent
B. evaluating prevention and control measures
C. monitoring long-term trends
D. planning future resource needs for prevention
E. suggesting topics for further research
5. Vital statistics are important sources of data on: (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. morbidity
B. mortality
C. risk factor prevalence
D. injury and disability
E. outpatient health-care utilization
Page 340 Principles of Epidemiology

6. Important sources of morbidity data include: (Circle ALL that apply.)

A. notifiable disease reports
B. laboratory reports
C. hospital discharge data
D. vital records
E. environmental monitoring data
7. Surveillance activities focused on animal populations are not usually intended to:
A. detect changes in the size and distribution of reservoir populations
B. detect changes in the size and distribution of vector populations
C. detect disease agents which might be present
D. detect epizootics (outbreaks of disease in animals)
E. substitute for surveillance of morbidity in humans
8. Dr. Mary Smith is a physician practicing in the town of Smallville in South County.
South County has a county health department. The diseases she must report to
authorities are generally dictated by the:
A. county health department
B. state government
D. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
E. medical licensing board
9. Morbidity reporting regulations usually specify: (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. the diseases and conditions that must be reported
B. who is obligated to report cases of notifiable diseases
C. how and to whom the case reports are to be sent
D. what information is to be provided
10. The number of nationally notifiable diseases is approximately:
A. 3
B. 6
C. 17
D. 30
E. 45
F. 73
11. According to most morbidity reporting regulations, who among the following persons is
required to notify health authorities of the occurrence of a notifiable disease? (Circle
ALL that apply.)
A. Physician
B. Infection control nurse
C. Nurse practitioner
D. Hospital director
E. Dentist
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 341

12. Dr. Mary Smith is a physician practicing in the town of Smallville in South County.
South County has a county health department. Dr. Smith sees a patient with diarrhea who
has recently returned from a trip to South America. Dr. Smith suspects the patient has
cholera. Dr. Smith should notify the:
A. county health department
B. state health department
D. Pan American Health Organization, on behalf of the World Health Organization
E. U.S. Department of State
13. Active surveillance is characterized by:
A. health care providers taking the initiative to contact the health department
B. the health department taking the initiative to contact health care providers
C. the health department taking the initiative to track down contacts of case-patients
D. the health department taking the initiative to identify undetected cases through
E. the health department taking the initiative to monitor potentially exposed individuals
to detect early signs of disease
14. Routine analysis of notifiable disease surveillance data at the state level might include:
(Circle ALL that apply.)
A. the number of cases of a disease reported this week and during the previous few weeks
B. the number of cases of a disease reported this week and the number reported during
the comparable week(s) of the previous few years
C. the number of cases by age, race, and sex
D. the number of cases by county
E. the number of cases by county divided by the county’s population
15. One week, CDC received by electronic telecommunication several times more case
reports of a disease in one county than had been reported in the preceding 2 weeks. No
increase was reported in neighboring counties. Possible explanations for this increase
include: (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. epidemic
B. duplicate reports
C. batch reporting
D. increase in the county’s population
E. new physician in the county
16. The primary reason for preparing and distributing periodic surveillance reports is to:
A. document recent epidemiologic investigations
B. provide current information on disease occurrence to those who need it
C. provide reprints of MMWR articles, reports, and recommendations
D. acknowledge the contributions of those who submitted case reports
Page 342 Principles of Epidemiology

17. The minimum number of human cases necessary for a health department action such as
an investigation or control activities is:
A. one
B. two times the expected number
C. variable, depending on the disease, but at least two cases
D. variable, depending on the disease, but could be one or zero
E. variable, depending on public concern and political pressure
18. The primary purpose for evaluating a surveillance system is to ensure that the system is:
A. addressing an important public health problem
B. cost-effective
C. operating as efficiently as possible
D. serving a useful public health function
19. In evaluating a surveillance system, which measures can be used to quantify the
“importance” of a disease? (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. Death-to-case ratio
B. Number of patients hospitalized for the disease
C. Disease-specific years of potential life lost
D. Health care costs attributable to the disease
E. Infectiousness of the disease
20. The ability of a surveillance system to detect the cases it is intended to detect is referred
to as:
A. predictive value positive
B. representativeness
C. sensitivity
D. specificity
21. Public health officials have recently taken action to overcome a common limitation of the
notifiable disease reporting system. This limitation is:
A. underreporting
B. lack of representativeness of reported cases
C. lack of timeliness
D. inconsistency of case definitions
22. A health department sometimes adds a disease to the notifiable disease list even if no
effective control measures are available. This action is justifiable if:
A. the health department is well staffed and can handle the addition without
compromising its other activities
B. the disease is on the notifiable disease list of a neighboring state with a similar
C. the disease is new, and surveillance reports may shed light on its epidemiology
D. the incidence of the disease has been steadily increasing
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 343

23. The primary difference between a surveillance system and a survey is:
A. a surveillance system is population-based
B. a surveillance system is ongoing
C. a surveillance system cannot assure confidentiality
D. a survey is generally cheaper
24. A state health department decides to improve their reporting system. The ONE best step
to do this is:
A. require more disease-specific forms from local health departments
B. make sure all persons with a responsibility to report understands their role clearly
C. narrow the focus of the reporting system down to a manageable amount of health
events depending on the staff and resources
D. shift the burden for report generation from the health department to the health care
25. Public health surveillance requires the cooperation of people that are responsible for
which of the following? (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. Providing disease reports
B. Processing disease reports
C. Using the information from disease reports for clinical use
D. Applying the information from disease reports to public health planning and action

Answers are in Appendix J

If you answer at least 20 questions correctly, you understand
Lesson 5 well enough to go to Lesson 6.
Page 344 Principles of Epidemiology

1. Campos-Outcalt D, England R, Porter B. Reporting of communicable diseases by university
physicians. Public Health Rep 1991;106:579-583.
2. Centers for Disease Control. Case definitions for public health surveillance. MMWR
3. Centers for Disease Control. Guidelines for evaluating surveillance systems. MMWR
4. Centers for Disease Control. Manual of procedures for national morbidity reporting and
public health surveillance activities. 1985.
5. Centers for Disease Control. Spray adhesives, birth defects, and chromosomal damage.
MMWR 1973;22:365-366.
6. Centers for Disease Control. Summary of notifiable diseases, United States, 1990. MMWR
7. Chorba TL, Berkelman RL, Safford SK, et al. The reportable diseases. I. Mandatory
reporting of infectious diseases by clinicians. JAMA 1989;262:3018-3026.
8. Gregg MB. Surveillance (lecture notes). 1985 EIS Summer Course. Atlanta, GA: Centers for
Disease Control, 1985.
9. Konowitz PM, Petrossian GA, Rose DN. The underreporting of disease and physicians’
knowledge of reporting requirements. Public Health Rep 1984;99:31-35.
10. Langmuir AD. Evolution of the concept of surveillance in the United States. Proc Roy Soc
Med 1971;64:681-688.
11. Langmuir AD. The surveillance of communicable diseases of national importance. N Engl J
Med 1963;268:182-192.
12. Marier R. The reporting of communicable diseases. Am J Epidemiol 1977;105:587-590.
13. Office of Management and Budget. Directive 15: Race and ethnic standards for federal
statistics and administrative reporting. Statistical Policy Handbook 1978:37-38.
14. Oklahoma State Department of Health. Thanks for reporting. Communicable Disease
Bulletin 1984;84(19):1-3.
15. Orenstein WA, Bernier RH. Surveillance: Information for action. Pediatr Clin N Amer
16. Remington PL, Smith MY, Williamson DF, et al. Design, characteristics, and usefulness of
state-based behavioral risk factor surveillance. Public Health Rep 1988;103:366-375.
17. Rosenberg MJ, Gangarosa EJ, Pollard RA, et al. Shigella surveillance in the United States,
1975. J Infect Dis 1977;136:458-460.
18. Sacks JJ. Utilization of case definitions and laboratory reporting in the surveillance of
notifiable communicable diseases in the United States. Am J Public Health 1985;75:1420-
Lesson 5: Public Health Surveillance Page 345

19. Schuchat A, Broome CV. Toxic shock syndrome and tampons. Epidemiologic Reviews
20. Thacker SB, Berkelman RL. Public health surveillance in the United States. Epidemiol Rev
21. Thacker SB, Choi K, Brachman PS. The surveillance of infectious diseases. JAMA
22. Thacker SB, Millar JD. Mathematical modeling and attempts to eradicate measles: a tribute
to the late Professor George MacDonald. Am J Epidemiol 1991;133:517-525.
23. World Health Organization. The surveillance of communicable diseases. WHO Chronicle
Lesson 6
Investigating an Outbreak

One of the most exciting and challenging tasks facing an epidemiologist working in a public
health department is investigating an outbreak. Frequently, the cause and source of the outbreak
are unknown. Sometimes large numbers of people are affected. Often, the people in the
community are concerned because they fear more people, including themselves, may be stricken
unless the cause is found soon. There may be hostilities and defensiveness if an individual,
product, or company has been accused of being the cause. Into this pressure-packed situation
comes the epidemiologist, sometimes from the local health department, more often from “the
outside.” In this setting the epidemiologist must remain calm, professional, and scientifically
objective. Fortunately, epidemiology provides the scientific basis, the systematic approach, and
the population and prevention orientations that are needed.

After studying this lesson and answering the questions in the exercises, a student will be able
to do the following:

• List the reasons that health agencies investigate reported outbreaks

• List the steps in the investigation of an outbreak
• Define the terms cluster, outbreak, epidemic
• Given the initial information of a possible disease outbreak, describe how to determine
whether an epidemic exists
• State what a line listing is and what it is used for
• Given information about a community outbreak of disease, execute the initial steps of an
investigation and develop biologically plausible hypotheses
• Draw a traditional epidemic curve
• Given data in a two-by-two table, calculate the appropriate measure of association and
chi-square test

Page 348 Principles of Epidemiology

Introduction to
Investigating an Outbreak
Uncovering Outbreaks
One of the uses of surveillance--covered in Lesson 5--is the detection of outbreaks. Outbreaks
may be detected when routine, timely analysis of surveillance data reveals an increase in reported
cases or an unusual clustering of cases. In a health department, we may detect increases in or
unusual patterns of disease from the weekly tabulations of case reports by time and place or from
the examination of the exposure information on the case reports themselves. For example, health
department staff detected an outbreak of hepatitis B that was transmitted by a dentist because
they regularly reviewed and compared the dental exposures reported for hepatitis B cases (19).
Similarly, in a hospital, weekly analysis of microbiologic isolates from patients by organism and
ward may reveal an increased number of apparent nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections in
one part of the hospital.
Nonetheless, most outbreaks come to the attention of health authorities because an alert
clinician is concerned enough to call the health department. The nationwide epidemic of
eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS) was first detected when a physician in New Mexico
called a consultant in Minnesota and realized that, together, they had seen three patients with a
highly unusual clinical presentation. All three patients said they used L-tryptophan. The local
physician promptly called the New Mexico State Health and Environment Department, which set
into motion a chain of public health actions leading to the recall of L-tryptophan throughout the
country (14,23).
Members of affected groups are another important reporting source for apparent clusters of
both infectious and noninfectious disease. For example, someone may call a health department
and report that he and several co-workers came down with severe gastroenteritis after attending a
banquet several nights earlier. Similarly, a local citizen may call about several cases of cancer
diagnosed among his neighbors and express concern that these are more than coincidental. Most
health departments have routine procedures for handling calls from the public regarding potential
communicable disease outbreaks, and a few states have developed guidelines for how to respond
to noninfectious disease cluster reports (2,8,9).

Why Investigate Possible Outbreaks

Health departments investigate suspected outbreaks for a variety of reasons. These include
the need to institute control and prevention measures; the opportunity for research and training;
program considerations; and public relations, political concerns, and legal obligations.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 349

The primary public health reason to investigate an outbreak is to control and prevent further
disease. Before we can develop control strategies for an outbreak, however, we must identify
where the outbreak is in its natural course: Are cases occurring in increasing numbers or is the
outbreak just about over? Our goal will be different depending on the answers to these questions.
If cases are continuing to occur in an outbreak, our goal may be to prevent additional cases.
Therefore, the objective of our investigation would be to assess the extent of the outbreak and the
size and characteristics of the population at risk in order to design and implement appropriate
control measures.
On the other hand, if an outbreak appears to be almost over, our goal may be to prevent
outbreaks in the future. In that case, the objective of our investigation is more likely to be to
identify factors which contributed to the outbreak in order to design and implement measures that
would prevent similar outbreaks in the future.
The balance between control measures versus further investigation depends on how much is
known about the cause, the source, and the mode of transmission of the agent (11). Table 6.1
illustrates the relative emphasis as influenced by how much we know about these factors.

Table 6.1
Relative priority of investigative and control efforts during an outbreak,
based on level of knowledge of the source, mode of transmission,
and causative agent

Source/Mode of Transmission

K no w n U nk no w n

K no w n Investigation + Investigation +++

Causative Control +++ Control +
U nk no w n Investigation +++ Investigation +++
Control +++ Control +

+++ = high est priority

+ = low er priority
Source: 11

If we know little about the source and mode of transmission, as indicated in the right-hand
column of the table, we must investigate further before we can design appropriate control
measures. In contrast, if we know the source and mode of transmission, as indicated in the
left-hand column, control measures can be implemented immediately. However, if we don’t
know what the agent is, as indicated in the bottom row of the table, we must investigate further to
identify the agent.
Page 350 Principles of Epidemiology

The public health response to the outbreak of EMS described earlier illustrates this point.
Since investigators quickly determined that EMS was associated with the ingestion of
L-tryptophan, that product was immediately withdrawn from the market, and persons were
warned to avoid taking any they had on hand. However, officials continued the investigation for
quite some time until they were certain they had identified the specific contaminant and reason
that contamination occurred.
The decisions regarding whether and how extensively to investigate an outbreak are
influenced by characteristics of the problem itself: the severity of the illness, the source or mode
of transmission, and the availability of prevention and control measures. It is particularly urgent
to investigate an outbreak when the disease is severe (serious illness with high risk of
hospitalization, complications, or death) and has the potential to affect others unless prompt
control measures are taken. For example, in the United States, every case of plague and botulism
is investigated immediately to identify and eradicate the source. Cases of syphilis, tuberculosis,
and measles are investigated promptly to identify contacts and interrupt further transmission.

Research opportunities
Another important objective of outbreak investigations is, simply, to gain additional
knowledge. Each outbreak may be viewed as an experiment of nature waiting to be analyzed and
exploited. Each presents a unique opportunity to study the natural history of the disease in
question. For a newly recognized disease, field investigation provides an opportunity to define
the natural history--including agent, mode of transmission, and incubation period--and the
clinical spectrum of disease. Investigators also attempt to characterize the populations at greatest
risk and to identify specific risk factors. Acquiring such information was an important motivation
for investigators studying such newly recognized diseases as Legionnaires’ disease in
Philadelphia in 1976, toxic shock syndrome in 1980, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in
the early 1980's, and EMS in 1989.
Even for diseases that are well characterized, an outbreak may provide opportunities to gain
additional knowledge by assessing the impact of control measures and the usefulness of new
epidemiology and laboratory techniques. For example, an outbreak of measles in a highly
immunized community provides a setting for investigators to study vaccine efficacy, the effect of
age at vaccination, and the duration of vaccine-induced protection (16). An outbreak of giardiasis
was used to study the appropriateness of a new clinical case definition (15), while an outbreak of
pertussis was used to study the performance of a new culture medium (7).

Investigating an outbreak requires a combination of diplomacy, logical thinking,
problem-solving ability, quantitative skills, epidemiologic know-how, and judgment. These skills
improve with practice and experience. Thus many investigative teams pair a seasoned
epidemiologist with an epidemiologist-in-training. The latter gains valuable on-the-job training
and experience while providing assistance in the investigation and control of the outbreak.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 351

Public, political, or legal concerns

Public, political, or legal concerns sometimes override scientific concerns in the decision to
conduct an investigation. Increasingly, the public has taken an interest in disease clusters and
potential environmental exposures, and has called upon health departments to investigate. Such
investigations almost never identify a causal link between exposure and disease (4,22).
Nevertheless, many health departments have learned that it is essential to be “responsibly
responsive” to public concerns, even if the concern has little scientific basis (9,2,18). Thus
several states, recognizing their need to be responsive and an opportunity to educate the public,
have adopted protocols for investigating disease clusters reported by its citizens. Some
investigations are conducted because the law requires an agency to do so. For example, CDC’s
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is required to evaluate the risks to
health and safety in a workplace if requested to do so by three or more workers.

Program considerations
Many health departments routinely offer a variety of programs to control and prevent
illnesses such as tuberculosis, vaccine-preventable diseases, and sexually transmitted diseases.
An outbreak of a disease targeted by a public health program may reveal a weakness in that
program and an opportunity to change or strengthen the program’s efforts. Investigating the
causes of an outbreak may identify populations which have been overlooked, failures in the
intervention strategy, changes in the agent, or events beyond the scope of the program. By using
an outbreak to evaluate the program’s effectiveness, program directors can improve the
program’s future directions and strategies.
Page 352 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 6.1

During the previous year, nine residents of a community died from the same type of cancer. List
some reasons that might justify an investigation.

Answers on page 398.

Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 353

Steps of an
Outbreak Investigation
In the investigation of an ongoing outbreak, working quickly is essential. Getting the right
answer is essential, too. Under such circumstances, epidemiologists find it useful to have a
systematic approach to follow, such as the sequence listed in Table 6.2. This approach ensures
that the investigation proceeds forward without missing important steps along the way.

Table 6.2
Steps of an outbreak investigation
1. Prepare for field work
2. Establish the existence of an outbreak
3. Verify the diagnosis
4. Define and identify cases
a. establish a case definition
b. identify and count cases
5. Perform descriptive epidem iology
6. Develop hypotheses
7. Evaluate hypotheses
8. As nec ess ary, recons ider/refine hypothe ses and exe cute
additional studies
a. additional epidemiologic studies
b. othe r types of s tud ies – laboratory, enviro nm ental
9. Implem ent control and prevention measures
10. Comm unicate findings

The steps described in Table 6.2 are in conceptual order. In practice, however, several steps
may be done at the same time, or the circumstances of the outbreak may dictate that a different
order be followed. For example, control measures should be implemented as soon as the source
and mode of transmission are known, which may be early or late in any particular outbreak

Step 1: Preparing for Field Work

Anyone about to embark on an outbreak investigation should be well prepared before leaving
for the field. Preparations can be grouped into three categories: (a) investigation, (b)
administration, and (c) consultation. Good preparation in all three categories will facilitate a
smooth field experience.
(a) Investigation
First, as a field investigator, you must have the appropriate scientific knowledge,
supplies, and equipment to carry out the investigation. You should discuss the situation
with someone knowledgeable about the disease and about field investigations, and review
the applicable literature. You should assemble useful references such as journal articles
Page 354 Principles of Epidemiology

and sample questionnaires.

Before leaving for a field investigation, consult laboratory staff to ensure that you take the
proper laboratory material and know the proper collection, storage, and transportation
techniques. Arrange for a portable computer, dictaphone, camera, and other supplies.
(b) Administration
Second, as an investigator, you must pay attention to administrative procedures. In a
health agency, you must make travel and other arrangements and get them approved. You
may also need to take care of personal matters before you leave, especially if the
investigation is likely to be lengthy.
(c) Consultation
Third, as an investigator, you must know your expected role in the field. Before
departure, all parties should agree on your role, particularly if you are coming from
“outside” the local area. For example, are you expected to lead the investigation, provide
consultation to the local staff who will conduct the investigation, or simply lend a hand to
the local staff? In addition, you should know who your local contacts will be. Before
leaving, you should know when and where you are to meet with local officials and
contacts when you arrive in the field.

Step 2: Establishing the Existence of an Outbreak

An outbreak or an epidemic is the occurrence of more cases of disease than expected in a
given area or among a specific group of people over a particular period of time. In contrast, a
cluster is an aggregation of cases in a given area over a particular period without regard to
whether the number of cases is more than expected. In an outbreak or epidemic, we usually
presume that the cases are related to one another or that they have a common cause.
Many epidemiologists use the terms “outbreak” and “epidemic” interchangeably, but the
public is more likely to think that “epidemic” implies a crisis situation. Some epidemiologists
restrict the use of the term “epidemic” to situations involving larger numbers of people over a
wide geographic area.
Most outbreaks come to the attention of health departments in one of two ways. One way is
by regular analysis of surveillance data. As noted in Lesson 5, unusual rises or patterns of disease
occurrence can be detected promptly if surveillance data collection and analysis are timely. The
second, and probably more common, way is through calls from a health care provider or citizen
who knows of “several cases.” For example, a member of the public may report three infants
born with birth defects within a 1-month period in the same community. This aggregation of
cases seems to be unusual, but frequently the public does not know the denominator--e.g., the
total number of births--or the expected incidence of birth defects.
One of your first tasks as a field investigator is to verify that a purported outbreak is indeed
an outbreak. Some will turn out to be true outbreaks with a common cause, some will be sporadic
and unrelated cases of the same disease, and others will turn out to be unrelated cases of similar
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 355

but unrelated diseases. Often, you must first determine the expected number of cases before
deciding whether the observed number exceeds the expected number, i.e., whether a cluster is
indeed an outbreak.
Thus, as in other areas of epidemiology, you compare the observed with the expected. How
then, do you determine what’s expected? Usually we compare the current number of cases with
the number from the previous few weeks or months, or from a comparable period during the
previous few years.
• For a notifiable disease, you can use health department surveillance records.
• For other diseases and conditions, you can usually find existing data locally--hospital
discharge records, mortality statistics, cancer or birth defect registries.
• If local data are not available, you can apply rates from neighboring states or national
data, or, alternatively, you may conduct a telephone survey of physicians to determine
whether they have seen more cases of the disease than usual.
• Finally, you may conduct a survey of the community to establish the background or
historical level of disease.

Even if the current number of reported cases exceeds the expected number, the excess may
not necessarily indicate an outbreak. Reporting may rise because of changes in local reporting
procedures, changes in the case definition, increased interest because of local or national
awareness, or improvements in diagnostic procedures. A new physician, infection control nurse,
or health care facility may see referred cases and more consistently report cases, when in fact
there has been no change in the actual occurrence of the disease. Finally, particularly in areas
with sudden changes in population size such as resort areas, college towns, and migrant farming
areas, changes in the numerator (number of reported cases) may simply reflect changes in the
denominator (size of the population).
Whether you should investigate an apparent problem further is not strictly tied to your
verifying that an epidemic exists (observed numbers greater than expected). As noted earlier, the
severity of the illness, the potential for spread, political considerations, public relations, available
resources, and other factors all influence the decision to launch a field investigation.
Page 356 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 6.2

For the month of August, 12 new cases of tuberculosis and 12 new cases of aseptic meningitis
were reported to a county health department. Would you call either group of cases a cluster?
Would you call either group of cases an outbreak? What additional information might be helpful
in answering these questions?

Answers on page 398.

Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 357

Step 3: Verifying the Diagnosis

Closely linked to verifying the existence of an outbreak is establishing what disease is
occurring. In fact, as an investigator, you frequently will be able to address these two steps at the
same time. Your goals in verifying the diagnosis are (a) to ensure that the problem has been
properly diagnosed and (b) to rule out laboratory error as the basis for the increase in diagnosed
In verifying the diagnosis you should review the clinical findings and laboratory results. If
you have any question about the laboratory findings, i.e., if the laboratory tests are inconsistent
with the clinical and epidemiologic findings, you should have a qualified laboratorian review the
laboratory techniques being used. If you plan specialized laboratory work such as confirmation in
a reference laboratory, DNA or other chemical or biological fingerprinting, or polymerase chain
reaction, you must secure the appropriate specimens, isolates, and other laboratory material as
soon as possible, and from a sufficient number of patients.
You should always summarize the clinical findings with frequency distributions (see Lessons
2 and 3 for a discussion of frequency distributions). Such frequency distributions are useful in
characterizing the spectrum of illness, verifying the diagnosis, and developing case definitions.
Many investigators consider these clinical frequency distributions so important that they
routinely present these findings in the first table of their report or manuscript.
Finally, you should visit several patients with the disease. If you do not have the clinical
background to verify the diagnosis, a qualified clinician should do so. Nevertheless, regardless of
background, you should see and talk to some patients to gain a better understanding of the
clinical features, and to develop a mental image of the disease and the patients affected by it. In
addition, you may be able to gather critical information from these patients: What were their
exposures before becoming ill? What do they think caused their illness? Do they know anyone
else with the disease? Do they have anything in common with others who have the disease?
Conversations with patients are very helpful in generating hypotheses about disease etiology and

Step 4a: Establishing a Case Definition

Your next task as an investigator is to establish a case definition. A case definition is a
standard set of criteria for deciding whether an individual should be classified as having the
health condition of interest. A case definition includes clinical criteria and--particularly in the
setting of an outbreak investigation--restrictions by time, place, and person. You should base the
clinical criteria on simple and objective measures such as elevated antibody titers, fever $ 101°F,
three or more loose bowel movements per day, or myalgias severe enough to limit the patient’s
usual activities. You may restrict the case definition by time (for example, to persons with onset
of illness within the past 2 months), by place (for example, to residents of the nine-county area or
to employees of a particular plant) and by person (for example, to persons with no previous
history of musculo-skeletal disease, or to pre-menopausal women). Whatever your criteria, you
must apply them consistently and without bias to all persons under investigation.
Page 358 Principles of Epidemiology

Be careful that the case definition does not include an exposure or risk factor you want to
test. This is a common mistake. For example, do not define a case as “illness X among persons
who were in homeless shelter Y” if one of the goals of the investigation is to determine whether
the shelter is associated with illness.
Ideally, your case definition will include most if not all of the actual cases, but very few or
none of what are called “false-positive” cases (persons who actually do not have the disease in
question but nonetheless meet the case definition). Recognizing the uncertainty of some
diagnoses, investigators often classify cases as confirmed, probable, or possible.
To be classified as confirmed, a case usually must have laboratory verification. A case
classified as probable usually has typical clinical features of the disease without laboratory
confirmation. A case classified as possible usually has fewer of the typical clinical features. For
example, in an outbreak of bloody diarrhea and hemolytic-uremic syndrome caused by infection
with E. coli O157:H7, investigators defined cases in the following three classes:
• Definite case: E. coli O157:H7 isolated from a stool culture or development of
hemolytic-uremic syndrome in a school-age child resident of the county
with gastrointestinal symptoms beginning between November 3 and
November 8, 1990
• Probable case: Bloody diarrhea, with the same person, place, and time restrictions
• Possible case: Abdominal cramps and diarrhea (at least three stools in a 24-hour period)
in a school-age child with onset during the same period (CDC,
unpublished data, 1991).

As an investigator, you will find such classifications useful in several situations. First, they
will allow you to keep track of a case even if the diagnosis is not confirmed. For example, you
might temporarily classify a case as probable or possible while laboratory results are pending.
Alternatively, the patient’s physician or you may have decided not to order the laboratory test
required to confirm the diagnosis because the test is expensive, difficult to obtain, or
unnecessary. For example, during a community outbreak of measles, which has a characteristic
clinical picture, investigators might follow the usual practice of confirming only a few cases and
then relying on clinical features to identify the rest of the cases. Similarly, while investigating an
outbreak of diarrhea on a cruise ship, investigators usually try to identify an agent from stool
samples from a few afflicted persons. If those few cases are confirmed to be infected with the
same agent, the other persons with compatible clinical illness are all presumed to be part of the
same outbreak.
Early in an investigation, investigators often use a sensitive or “loose” case definition which
includes confirmed, probable, and even possible cases. Later on, when hypotheses have come
into sharper focus, the investigator may “tighten” the case definition by dropping the possible
category. You will find this a useful strategy in investigations that require you to travel to
different hospitals, homes, or other sites to gather information, because it is better to collect extra
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 359

data while you’re there than to have to go back. This illustrates an important axiom of field
epidemiology: “Get it while you can.”
A “loose” case definition is used early in the investigation to identify the extent of the
problem and the populations affected. Important hypotheses may arise from this process.
However, in analytic epidemiology, inclusion of false-positive cases can produce misleading
results. Therefore, to test these hypotheses using analytic epidemiology (see page 375), specific
or “tight” case definitions must be used.

Step 4b: Identifying and Counting Cases

As noted earlier, many outbreaks are brought to the attention of health authorities by
concerned health care providers or citizens. However, the cases which prompted the concern are
often only a small and nonrepresentative fraction of the total number of cases. Public health
workers must therefore “cast the net wide” to determine the geographic extent of the problem and
the populations affected by it.
When you need to identify cases, use as many sources as you can. You may have to be
creative, aggressive, and diligent in identifying these sources. Your methods for identifying cases
must be appropriate for the setting and disease in question.
First, direct your case finding at health care facilities where the diagnosis is likely to be made:
physicians’ offices, clinics, hospitals, and laboratories. If you send out a letter describing the
situation and asking for reports, that is called “stimulated or enhanced passive surveillance.”
Alternatively, if you telephone or visit the facilities to collect information on cases, that is called
“active surveillance.”
In some outbreaks, public health officials may decide to alert the public directly, usually
through the local media. For example, in outbreaks caused by a contaminated food product such
as salmonellosis caused by contaminated milk (21) or L-tryptophan-induced EMS (14),
announcements in the media alerted the public to avoid the implicated product and to see a
physician if they had symptoms compatible with the disease in question.
If an outbreak affects a restricted population, such as on a cruise ship, in a school, or at a
worksite, and if a high proportion of cases are unlikely to be diagnosed (if, for example, many
cases are mild or asymptomatic), you may want to conduct a survey of the entire population. You
could administer a questionnaire to determine the true occurrence of clinical symptoms, or you
could collect laboratory specimens to determine the number of asymptomatic cases.
Finally, you can ask case-patients if they know anyone else with the same condition.
Frequently, one person with an illness knows or hears of others with the same illness.
Page 360 Principles of Epidemiology

Regardless of the particular disease you are investigating, you should collect the following
types of information about every case:
• identifying information
• demographic information
• clinical information
• risk factor information
• reporter information

Identifying information–name, address, and telephone number–allows you and other

investigators to contact patients for additional questions, and to notify them of laboratory results
and the outcome of the investigation. Names will help you in checking for duplicate records,
while the addresses allow you to map the geographic extent of the problem.
Demographic information–age, sex, race, and occupation–provides the “person”
characteristics of descriptive epidemiology you need to characterize the populations at risk.
Clinical information allows you to verify that the case definition has been met. Date of onset
allows you to chart the time course of the outbreak. Supplementary clinical information,
including whether hospitalization or death occurred, will help you describe the spectrum of
You must tailor risk factor information to the specific disease in question. For example, in an
investigation of hepatitis A, you would ascertain exposure to food and water sources.
Finally, by identifying the person who provided the case report, you will be able to seek
additional clinical information or report back the results of your investigation.
Traditionally, we collect the information described above on a standard case report form,
questionnaire, or data abstraction form. We then abstract selected critical items on a form called a
line listing. An example of a line listing is shown in Figure 6.1.
In a line listing, each column represents an important variable, such as name or identification
number, age, sex, case classification, etc., while each row represents a different case. New cases
are added to a line listing as they are identified. Thus, a line listing contains key information on
every case, and can be scanned and updated as necessary. Even in the era of microcomputers,
many epidemiologists still maintain a hand-written line listing of key data items, and turn to their
computers for more complex manipulations, cross-tabulations, and the like.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 361

Figure 6.1
Example of line listing for an outbreak of hepatits A
Page 362 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 6.3

Review the six case report forms in Appendix G. Create a line listing based on this information.

Answers on page 399.

Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 363

Step 5: Performing Descriptive Epidemiology

Once you have collected some data, you can begin to characterize an outbreak by time, place,
and person. In fact, you may wind up performing this step several times during the course of an
outbreak. Characterizing an outbreak by these variables is called descriptive epidemiology,
because you describe what has occurred in the population under study. This step is critical for
several reasons. First, by looking at the data carefully, you become familiar with them. You can
learn what information is reliable and informative (such as if many cases report the same unusual
exposure) and learn what may not be as reliable (for example, many missing or “don’t know”
responses to a particular question). Second, you provide a comprehensive description of an
outbreak by portraying its trend over time, its geographic extent (place), and the populations
(persons) affected by the disease. You can assess your description of the outbreak in light of what
is known about the disease (usual source, mode of transmission, risk factors and populations
affected, etc.) to develop causal hypotheses. You can, in turn, test these hypotheses using the
techniques of analytic epidemiology, described under Step 7.
Note that you should begin descriptive epidemiology early, and should update it as you
collect additional data. To keep an investigation moving quickly and in the right direction, you
must discover both errors and clues in the data as early as possible.

Traditionally, we depict the time course of an epidemic by drawing a histogram of the
number of cases by their date of onset. This graph, called an epidemic curve, or epi curve for
short, gives us a simple visual display of the outbreak’s magnitude and time trend. Figure 6.2
shows a typical epidemic curve. This visual display can be understood by both epidemiologists
and non-epidemiologists alike.
An epidemic curve will provide you with a great deal of information about an epidemic. First,
you will usually be able to tell where you are in the time course of an epidemic, and what the
future course might be. Second, if you have identified the disease and know its usual incubation
period, you usually can deduce a probable time period of exposure and can develop a
questionnaire focusing on that time period. Finally, you may be able to draw inferences about the
epidemic pattern--whether it is common source or propagated, or both. For a review of epidemic
patterns see Lesson 1.
How To Draw an Epidemic Curve. To draw an epidemic curve, you first must know the
time of onset of illness for each case. For most diseases, date of onset is sufficient; for a disease
with a very short incubation period, hours of onset may be more suitable.
Next, select the unit of time on the x-axis. We usually base these units on the incubation
period of the disease (if known) and the length of time over which cases are distributed. As a rule
of thumb, select a unit that is one-eighth to one-third, i.e., roughly one-quarter as long as the
incubation period. Thus, for an outbreak of Clostridium perfringens food poisoning (usual
incubation period 10-12 hours), with cases confined to a few days, you could use an x-axis unit
of 2 or 3 hours. Unfortunately, we often need to draw an epidemic curve when we don’t know the
Page 364 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 6.2
Typical epidemic curve: Hepatitis A cases by date of onset,
Fayetteville, Arkansas, November-December 1978

Source: CDC, unpublished data, 1978

disease and/or its incubation time. In that circumstance, it is useful to draw several epidemic
curves with different units on the x-axis to find one that seems to portray the data best. For
example, Figure 6.3 shows an epidemic curve of the same data as in Figure 6.2; in Figure 6.2 the
x-axis unit is 3 days and in Figure 6.3 the x-axis unit is 6 days. Which unit seems to provide the
most useful information about the course of the epidemic?
The units used for the x-axis in Figures 6.2 and 6.3 are both useful. They both demonstrate a
point-source epidemic. The unit selected for Figure 6.2 is preferred because (1) it distributes the
cases more clearly, and (2) it separates out the presumed index case more clearly.
Finally, show the pre-epidemic period on your graph to illustrate the background or
“expected” number of cases. (Remember, an epidemic is defined as more cases than expected.)
For a disease with a human host, such as hepatitis A, one of the early cases may be a foodhandler
who is the source of the epidemic! Notice that both Figure 6.2 and 6.3 show a relatively long
pre-epidemic period.
Interpreting an Epidemic Curve. The first step in interpreting an epidemic curve is to
consider its overall shape. The shape of the epidemic curve is determined by the epidemic pattern
(common source versus propagated), the period of time over which susceptible persons are
exposed, and the minimum, average, and maximum incubation periods for the disease.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 365

Figure 6.3
Epidemic curve with different units on x-axis:
Hepatitis A cases by date of onset, Fayetteville, Arkansas,
November-December 1978

Source: CDC, unpublished data, 1978

An epidemic curve which has a steep upslope and a more gradual downslope (a log-normal
curve) indicates a point source epidemic in which persons are exposed to the same source over a
relative brief period. In fact, any sudden rise in the number of cases suggests sudden exposure to
a common source.
In a point source epidemic, all the cases occur within one incubation period. If the duration of
exposure was prolonged, the epidemic is called a continuous common source epidemic, and the
epidemic curve will have a plateau instead of a peak. Intermittent common source epidemics
produce irregularly jagged epidemic curves which reflect the intermittency and duration of
Page 366 Principles of Epidemiology

exposure, and the number of persons exposed. Person-to-person spread – a propagated epidemic
– should have a series of progressively taller peaks one incubation period apart, but in reality few
produce this classic pattern.
When you examine an epidemic curve, you should determine where you are in the epidemic.
For example, suppose you plotted an epidemic curve of the data in Figure 6.4 when you had only
data through November 26 – that is, only through point A. At that point, it should seem clear to
you that the outbreak is still on the upswing, and you could safely predict that new cases would
continue to occur. On the other hand, if you plotted an epidemic curve using the data through
point B, you should realize that the outbreak has peaked and may soon be over, although,
depending on the disease, a few late or secondary cases might still occur.
The cases that stand apart may be just as informative as the overall pattern. An early case may
represent a background or unrelated case, a source of the epidemic, or a person who was exposed
earlier than most of the cases (the cook who tasted her dish hours before bringing it to the big
picnic!). Similarly, late cases may represent unrelated cases, long-incubation-period cases,
secondary cases, or persons exposed later than most of the cases. On the other hand, these
outliers sometimes represent miscoded or erroneous data. All outliers are worth examining
carefully because if they are part of the outbreak, their unusual exposures may point directly to
the source.
In a point-source epidemic of a known disease with a known incubation period, you can use
the epidemic curve to identify a likely period of exposure. This is critical to asking the right
questions to identify the source of the epidemic.

Figure 6.4
Typical epidemic curve with point A on upslope and point B on downslope
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 367

To identify the likely period of exposure from an epidemic curve,

1. Look up the average and minimum incubation periods of the disease. This information
can be found in Control of Communicable Diseases in Man (3).
2. Identify the peak of the outbreak or the median case and count back on the x-axis one
average incubation period. Note the date.
3. Start at the earliest case of the epidemic and count back the minimum incubation period,
and note this date as well.
Ideally, the two dates are similar, and represent the probable period of exposure. This
technique is not precise, however, and you usually should widen the period of exposure by
10-20% on either side of these dates. You should then ask about exposures during the wider
period in an attempt to identify the source.
For example, consider the outbreak of hepatitis A illustrated by the epidemic curve in Figure
6.5. The incubation period for hepatitis A ranges from 15 to 50 days, with an average incubation
period of 28-30 days (roughly one month). First, is this epidemic curve consistent with a point
source? That is, do all 48 cases fall within one incubation period?

Figure 6.5
Hepatitis A cases in Colbert County, Alabama,
October-November 1972
Page 368 Principles of Epidemiology

The epidemic is consistent with a point source because the last case is within 35 days (50 -
15) of the first case. Therefore, we can use the epidemic curve to identify the likely period of
exposure by making the following determinations:
1. What is the peak of the outbreak or the median date of onset?
The peak of the outbreak occurred during the 4-day interval beginning on October 28.
The median date of onset of the 48 cases lies between the 24th and 25th case. Both of
these occurred during the same 4-day period.
2. What would be the beginning of one average incubation period prior to the peak (median
date) of the outbreak?
Since the interval containing both the peak and the median of the outbreak includes the
last four days of October, one month earlier would fall during the last few days of
3. What would be the beginning of one minimum incubation period before the first case?
The earliest case occurred on October 20. Subtracting 15 days from October 20 points us
to October 5.

Thus we would look for exposures around the end of September and the beginning of
October. This turned out to be the exact period during which there had been a temporary lapse in
chlorination of the school’s water supply (4)!
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 369

Exercise 6.4
Using the data from a hepatitis A outbreak, draw an epidemic curve. From your epidemic curve
and your knowledge of the average and minimum incubation periods for hepatitis A, identify the
likely exposure period. Work space provided on page 368.

Case # Age Sex Date of Onset Case # Age Sex Date of Onset
2 16 F 4-3 41 37 F 5-9
3 34 M 4-6 43 16 M 5-10
6 15 M 4-28 45 29 F 5-10
7 46 M 4-30 46 5 M 5-10
8 21 F 5-1 47 8 F 5-11
9 14 M 5-1 48 15 F 5-11
11 13 M 5-2 49 14 M 5-11
12 43 M 5-2 50 16 M 5-11
13 14 M 5-3 52 16 M 5-12
15 37 M 5-3 53 19 M 5-12
16 5 F 5-3 54 15 M 5-12
17 11 F 5-3 55 10 F 5-12
18 19 M 5-4 56 6 M 5-12
19 14 F 5-4 57 20 M 5-12
20 35 F 5-4 58 43 M 5-12
21 11 F 5-4 59 15 F 5-12
22 14 M 5-4 60 12 F 5-12
23 14 M 5-4 61 14 M 5-13
25 15 M 5-5 62 34 M 5-13
26 12 M 5-5 63 15 F 5-13
27 50 M 5-5 64 30 M 5-13
29 50 M 5-6 65 16 M 5-13
31 11 M 5-7 66 15 M 5-14
32 15 M 5-7 67 15 M 5-14
33 18 F 5-7 68 16 M 5-14
34 14 M 5-7 69 16 M 5-14
35 15 M 5-8 70 18 F 5-15
36 30 M 5-8 72 12 M 5-18
37 20 F 5-9 74 22 F 5-20
38 14 F 5-9 75 15 F 5-24
39 17 M 5-9 76 14 M 5-26
40 15 M 5-9

Answers on page 400.

Page 370 Principles of Epidemiology

Assessment of an outbreak by place not only provides information on the geographic extent
of a problem, but may also demonstrate clusters or patterns that provide important etiologic
clues. A spot map is a simple and useful technique for illustrating where cases live, work, or may
have been exposed.
On a spot map of a community, clusters or patterns may reflect water supplies, wind currents,
or proximity to a restaurant or grocery. In Figure 6.6, for example, the homes of patients with
Legionnaires’ disease is shown in relation to the cooling tower at plant A (1).

Figure 6.6
Residence of patients with Legionnaires’ disease,
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, 1986

Source: 1
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 371

On a spot map of a hospital, nursing home, or other such facility, clustering is consistent with
either a focal source or person-to-person spread, while scattering of cases throughout the facility
is more consistent with a widely disseminated vehicle or a source common to the residents that is
not associated with room assignment, such as a common dining hall.
Although we often use spot maps to plot location of residence, place of work is sometimes
more revealing. Certainly, place of work is important in assessing “sick building syndrome” and
other disorders related to air-flow patterns in buildings. In studying an outbreak of surgical
wound infections in a hospital, we might plot cases by operating room, recovery room, and ward
room to look for clustering. We can even use maps to plot recreational opportunities. For
example, Figure 6.7 shows persons with shigellosis plotted by where they swam in the
Mississippi River (20).
Figure 6.7
Mississippi River sites where 22 culture-positive cases swam
within three days of onset of illness

Source: 20
Page 372 Principles of Epidemiology

If the size of the population varies between the areas you are comparing, a spot map--which
shows numbers of cases–can be misleading. This is a weakness of spot maps. In such an instance,
you should show area-specific attack rates with an area map. For example, Figure 6.8 is an area
map that shows county-specific attack rates of thyrotoxicosis in 15 counties near the junction of
Minnesota, South Dakota, and Iowa (13). If we had used a spot map to plot cases rather than
rates, we might have misinterpreted the risk among Minnehaha residents. Seventeen residents of
that county were affected, exceeded only by Rock County (43) and Nobles County (20). But
because the population of Minnehaha is much larger than the population of the other counties,
the risk was actually fairly low. Since this outbreak crosses state lines, it alerts us to maintain
broad perspective and not restrict our thinking to artificial geopolitical boundaries.

Figure 6.8
Rate per 10,000 persons of thyrotoxicosis by county,
Minnesota, South Dakota, and Iowa, February 1984-August 1985

Source: 13
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 373

Characterizing an outbreak by person is how we determine what populations are at risk for
the disease. We usually define such populations by host characteristics (age, race, sex, or medical
status) or by exposures (occupation, leisure activities, use of medications, tobacco, drugs). Both
of these influence susceptibility to disease and opportunities for exposure. As described in
Lesson 2, we use rates to identify high-risk groups. In order to calculate rates, we must first have
both numerators (numbers of cases) and denominators (number of people at risk).
Usually, age and sex are the two host factors we assess first, because they are often the person
characteristics most strongly related to exposure and to the risk of disease. The categories used
for age and sex in a frequency distribution should be appropriate for the particular disease and
should match the available denominator data.
In many outbreaks, occupation is another important person characteristic. Although we like to
calculate rates, it may be difficult to get denominator data for occupation. Nonetheless, the
distribution of the cases themselves may suggest hypotheses worth pursuing.
Other person characteristics to analyze will be more specific to the disease under
investigation and the setting of the outbreak. For example, if you were investigating an outbreak
of hepatitis B, you should consider the usual high-risk exposures for that infection, such as
intravenous drug use, sexual contacts, and health care employment. You might characterize an
outbreak centered in a school by grade or classroom, and by student versus teacher or other staff.

Summarizing by Time, Place, and Person

After characterizing an outbreak by time, place, and person, it is useful to summarize what
you know. For example, during an investigation of a different outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease,
this time in Louisiana, members of the investigative team discussed what they knew based on the
descriptive epidemiology (6). Specifically, the epidemic curve indicated that the outbreak was
basically over; no new case had been reported in the last two weeks. The affected population had
a greater proportion of persons who were black, female, young, and less likely to smoke than
persons in the usual Legionnaires’ outbreak. There appeared to be no clustering by either
residence or worksite, and no connection with exposure to the town’s cooling towers. Thus the
investigators were forced to develop new hypotheses about a source of Legionnaires’ disease to
explain this outbreak.

Step 6: Developing Hypotheses

The next conceptual step in an investigation is formulating hypotheses. However, in reality
we usually begin to generate hypotheses with the first phone call. But at this point in an
investigation, after talking with some case-patients and with local public health officials, and
having characterized the outbreak by time, place, and person, our hypotheses will be sharpened
and more accurately focused. The hypotheses should address the source of the agent, the mode
(and vehicle or vector) of transmission, and the exposures that caused the disease. Also, the
Page 374 Principles of Epidemiology

hypotheses should be testable, since evaluating hypotheses is one of the goals of the next step in
an investigation.
You can generate hypotheses in a variety of ways. First, consider what you know about the
disease itself: What is the agent’s usual reservoir? How is it usually transmitted? What vehicles
are commonly implicated? What are the known risk factors? In other words, simply by becoming
familiar with the disease, you can, at the very least, “round up the usual suspects.”
Another useful way you can generate hypotheses is to talk to a few of the case-patients, as
discussed under “Step 3: Verifying the Diagnosis.” Your conversations about possible exposures
should be open-ended and wide-ranging, not necessarily confined to the known sources and
vehicles. In some difficult investigations which yielded few clues, investigators have convened a
meeting of several case-patients to search for common exposures. In addition,investigators have
sometimes found it useful to visit the homes of case-patientsand look through their refrigerators
and shelves for clues.
Just as case-patients may have important insights into causes, so too may the local health
department staff. The local staff know the people in the community and their practices, and often
have hypotheses based on their knowledge.
The descriptive epidemiology often provides some hypotheses. If the epidemic curve points
to a narrow period of exposure, what events occurred around that time? Why do the people living
in a particular area have the highest attack rates? Why are some groups with particular age, sex,
or other person characteristics, at greater risk than other groups with different person
characteristics? Such questions about the data should lead to hypotheses which can be tested by
appropriate analytic techniques.
As noted earlier, outliers also can provide important clues. In the outbreak of thyrotoxicosis
presented in Figure 6.8, most cases came from Luverne, Minnesota, and the surrounding areas.
Only one case was identified in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, 60 miles away. Did this person ever
go to Luverne? Yes. Was she a friend or acquaintance of any of the Luverne cases? Not really.
What does she do when she goes to Luverne? Visit my father and buy the locally-produced
ground beef that he sells in his store. Aha! The hypothesis that the locally-produced ground beef
was the vehicle could easily be tested by asking cases and noncases whether they ate ground beef
from the same source. Cases did, noncases didn’t (13).

Step 7: Evaluating Hypotheses

The step after developing hypotheses to explain an outbreak is evaluating the credibility of
those hypotheses. In a field investigation, you can evaluate hypotheses in one of two ways: either
by comparing the hypotheses with the established facts, or by using analytic epidemiology to
quantify relationshipsand explore the role of chance.
You would use the first method when the clinical, laboratory, environmental, and/or
epidemiologic evidence so obviously supports the hypotheses that formal hypothesis testing is
unnecessarily. For example, in an outbreak of hypervitaminosis D that occurred in Massachusetts
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 375

in 1991 it was found that all of the case-patients drank milk delivered to their homes by a local
dairy. Therefore, investigators hypothesized that the dairy was the source and the milk was the
vehicle. When they visited the dairy, they quickly recognized that the dairy was inadvertently
adding far more than the recommended dose of vitamin D to the milk. No analytic epidemiology
was really necessary to evaluate the basic hypotheses in this setting (CDC, unpublished data,
In many other settings, however, the circumstances are not as straightforward. In those
instances, you should use analytic epidemiology to test your hypotheses. The key feature of
analytic epidemiology is a comparison group. With a comparison group, you are able to quantify
relationships between exposures and disease, and to test hypotheses about causal relationships.
Careful analysis of the series of cases is insufficient for these purposes; a comparison group is
essential. You can use comparison groups in two types of studies: cohort and case-control.

Cohort studies
A cohort study is the best technique for an outbreak in a small, well-defined population. For
example, you would use a cohort study if an outbreak of gastroenteritis occurred among persons
who attended a wedding and a complete list of wedding guests was available.
In this situation, you would contact each attendee and ask a series of questions. You would
determine not only whether the attendee had become ill (and met whatever case definition you
had developed), but also what foods and drinks he/she had consumed. You might even try to
quantify how much of each item he/she had consumed.
After collecting similar information from each attendee, you would be able to calculate an
attack rate for those who ate a particular item and an attack rate for those who did not eat that
item. Generally, you should look for three characteristics:
1. The attack rate is high among those exposed to the item
2. The attack rate is low among those not exposed, so the difference or ratio between attack
rates is high
3. Most of the cases were exposed, so that the exposure could “explain” most, if not all, of
the cases
You could, in addition, compute the ratio of these attack rates. Such a ratio is called a
relative risk, and is a measure of the association between exposure (the food item) and disease.
You could also compute a chi-square or other test of statistical significance to determine the
likelihood of finding an association as large or larger on the basis of chance alone.
Table 6.3, which is based on a famous outbreak of gastroenteritis following a church supper
in Oswego, New York in 1940, illustrates the use of a cohort study in an outbreak investigation
(12). Of 80 persons who attended the supper, 75 were interviewed. Forty-six persons met the case
definition. Attack rates for those who did and did not eat each of 14 items are presented in Table
Page 376 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 6.3
Attack rates by items served at the church supper,
Oswego, New York, April 1940

Number of persons Number of persons

who ate specified item who did not eat specified item
Attack Attack
Ill We ll Total Rate (%) Ill We ll Total Rate (%)
Baked ham 29 17 46 63 17 12 29 59
Spinach 26 17 43 60 20 12 32 62
Mashed Potato* 23 14 37 62 23 14 37 62
Cabbage salad 18 10 28 64 28 19 47 60
Jello 16 7 23 70 30 22 52 58
Rolls 21 16 37 57 25 13 38 66
Brown bread 18 9 27 67 28 20 48 58
Milk 2 2 4 50 44 27 71 62
Coffee 19 12 31 61 27 17 44 61
Water 13 11 24 54 33 18 51 65
Cakes 27 13 40 67 19 16 35 54
Ice cream (van.) 43 11 54 80 3 18 21 14
Ice cream (choc.)* 25 22 47 53 20 7 27 74
Fruit salad 4 2 6 67 42 27 69 61
*Excludes 1 person with indefinite history of consumption of that food.
Source: 12

Scan the column of attack rates among those who ate the specified items. Which item shows
the highest attack rate? Were most of the 46 cases exposed to that food item? Is the attack rate
low among persons not exposed to that item?
You should have identified vanilla ice cream as the implicated vehicle. The data for an
individual item are often presented in a two-by-two table. The following two-by-two table shows
the data on vanilla ice cream.
Table 6.4
Attack rate by consumption of vanilla ice cream,
Oswego, New York, April 1940

Ill W ell Total Attack Rate (%)

Ate vanilla Yes 43 11 54 79.6
ice cream? No 3 18 21 14.3
Total 46 29 75 61.3

The relative risk is calculated as 79.6 / 14.3, or 5.6. The relative risk indicates that persons
who ate the vanilla ice cream were 5.6 times more likely to become ill than those who did not eat
the vanilla ice cream. Sometimes, attack rate tables such as Table 6.3 include an additional
column on the far right for relative risks.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 377

Statistical significance testing. We use tests of statistical significance to determine how

likely it is that our results could have occurred by chance alone, if exposure was not actually
related to disease. We are not able to cover this broad topic in detail in this course. Instead, we
will present only the key features and formulas. For more information, we suggest that you
consult one of the many statistics texts that cover the subject well.
The first step in testing for statistical significance is to assume that the exposure is not related
to disease. This assumption is known as the null hypothesis. (The alternative hypothesis,
which may be adopted if the null hypothesis proves to be implausible, is that exposure is
associated with disease.) Next, you should compute a measure of association, such as a relative
risk or odds ratio. Then, you calculate a chi-square or other statistical test. This test tells you the
probability of finding an association as strong as, or stronger than, the one you have observed if
the null hypothesis is really true. This probability is called the p-value. A very small p-value
means that you are very unlikely to observe such an association if the null hypothesis is true. If
you find a p-value smaller than some cutoff that you have decided on in advance, such as 5%,
you may discard or reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis.
Recall the notation of the two-by-two table described in Lesson 4:

Table 6.5
Standard notation of a two-by-two table

Ill W ell Total

Exposed a b H1
Unexposed c d H2
Total V1 V2 T

The most common statistical test in the outbreak setting is the chi-square test. For a two-by-two
table, the chi-square formula is:

Chi-square =
Page 378 Principles of Epidemiology

Once you have a value for chi-square, you look up its corresponding p-value in a table of
chi-squares, such as Table 6.6. Since a two-by-two table has 1 degree of freedom, a chi-square
larger than 3.84 corresponds to a p-value smaller than 0.05. This means that if you have planned
to reject the null hypothesis when the p-value is less than 0.05, you can do so if your value for
chi-square is greater than 3.84.

Table 6.6
Table of Chi Squares

Probab ility
Degree of
Freedom .50 .20 .10 .05 .02 .01 .001
1 .455 1.642 2.706 3.841 5.412 6.635 10.827
2 1.386 3.219 4.605 5.991 7.824 9.210 13.815
3 2.366 4.642 6.251 7.815 9.837 11.345 16.268
4 3.357 5.989 7.779 9.488 11.668 13.277 18.465
5 4.351 7.289 9.236 11.070 13.388 15.086 20.517
10 9.342 13.442 15.987 18.307 21.161 23.209 29.588
15 14.339 19.311 22.307 24.996 28.259 30.578 37.697
20 19.337 25.038 28.412 31.410 35.020 37.566 43.315
25 24.337 30.675 34.382 37.652 41.566 44.314 52.620
30 29.336 36.250 40.256 43.773 47.962 50.892 59.703

The chi-square test works well if the number of people in the study is greater than about 30.
For smaller studies, a test called the Fisher Exact Test may be more appropriate. Again, we refer
you to any statistics book for further discussion of this topic.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 379

Case-control studies
In many outbreak settings, the population is not well defined. Therefore, cohort studies are
not feasible. However, since cases have been identified in an earlier step of the investigation, the
case-control study is ideal. Indeed, case-control studies are more common than cohort studies in
the investigation of an outbreak.
As we discussed in Lesson 1, in a case-control study you ask both case-patients and a
comparison group of persons without disease (“controls”) about their exposures. You then
compute a measure of association–an odds ratio–to quantify the relationship between exposure
and disease. Finally, as in a cohort study, you can compute a chi-square or other test of statistical
significance to determine your likelihood of finding this relationship by chance alone.
This method, while not proving that a particular exposure caused disease, certainly has served
epidemiologists well over time in implicating sources and vehicles associated with disease, and
leading them to appropriate control and prevention measures.
Choosing controls. When you design a case-control study, your first, and perhaps most
important, decision is who the controls should be. Conceptually, the controls must not have the
disease in question, but should represent the population that the cases come from. In other words,
they should be similar to the cases except that they don’t have the disease. If the null hypothesis
were true, the controls would provide us with the level of exposure that you should expect to find
among the cases. If exposure is much higher among the cases than the controls, you might choose
to reject the null hypothesis in favor of a hypothesis that says exposure is associated with disease.
In practice, it is sometimes difficult to know who the controls should be. Precisely what is the
population that the cases came from? In addition, we must consider practical matters, such as
how to contact potential controls, gain their cooperation, ensure that they are free of disease, and
get appropriate exposure data from them. In a community outbreak, a random sample of the
healthy population may, in theory, be the best control group. In practice, however, persons in a
random sample may be difficult to contact and enroll. Nonetheless, many investigators attempt to
enroll such “population-based” controls through dialing of random telephone numbers in the
community or through a household survey.
Other common control groups consist of:
• neighbors of cases
• patients from the same physician practice or hospital who do not have the disease in
• friends of cases
Page 380 Principles of Epidemiology

While controls from these groups may be more likely to participate in the study than
randomly identified population-based controls, they may not be as representative of the
population. These biases in the control group can distort the data in either direction, masking an
association between the exposure and disease, or producing a spurious association between an
innocent exposure and disease.
In designing a case-control study, you must consider a variety of other issues about controls,
including how many to use. Sample size formulas are widely available to help you make this
decision. In general, the more subjects (cases and controls) you use in a study, the easier it will be
to find an association.
Often, the number of cases you can use will be limited by the size of the outbreak. For
example, in a hospital, 4 or 5 cases may constitute an outbreak. Fortunately, the number of
potential controls will usually be more than you need. In an outbreak of 50 or more cases, 1
control per case will usually suffice. In smaller outbreaks, you might use 2, 3, or 4 controls per
case. More than 4 controls per case will rarely be worth your effort.
As an example, consider again the outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease which occurred in
Louisiana. Twenty-seven cases were enrolled in a case-control study. The investigators enrolled 2
controls per case, or a total of 54 controls. Using descriptive epidemiology, the investigators did
not see any connection with the town’s various cooling towers. Using analytic epidemiology, the
investigators determined quantitatively that cases and controls were about equally exposed to
cooling towers. However, cases were far more likely to shop at Grocery Store A, as shown in the
following two-by-two table (6).

Table 6.7
Exposure to Grocery Store A among cases and controls,
Legionellosis outbreak, Louisiana, 1990

Cases Co ntro ls Total

Shopped at Yes 25 28 53
Grocery Store A? No 2 26 28
Total 27 54 81

In a case-control study, we are unable to calculate attack rates, since we do not know the total
number of people in the community who did and did not shop at Grocery Store A. Since we
cannot calculate attack rates, we cannot calculate a relative risk. The measure of association of
choice in a case-control study is the odds ratio. Fortunately, for a rare disease such as
legionellosis or most other diseases which cause occasional outbreaks, the odds ratio
approximately equals the relative risk we would have found if we had been able to conduct a
cohort study.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 381

The odds ratio is calculated as ad / bc. The odds ratio for Grocery Store A is thus 25 x 26 / 28
x 2, or 11.6. These data indicate that persons exposed to Grocery Store A were 11.6 times more
likely to develop Legionnaires’ disease than persons not exposed to that store!

To test the statistical significance of this finding, we can compute a chi-square test using the
following formula:

Chi-square =

For Grocery Store A, the chi-square becomes:

= 24,815,342.25 / 2,163,672
= 11.47

Referring to Table 6.6, a chi-square of 11.47 corresponds to a p-value less than 0.001. A
p-value this small indicates that the null hypothesis is highly improbable, and the investigators
rejected the null hypothesis.
Page 382 Principles of Epidemiology

Exercise 6.5

You are called to help investigate a cluster of 17 men who developed leukemia in a community.
Some of them worked as electrical repair men, and others were ham radio operators. Which study
design would you choose to investigate a possible association between exposure to
electromagnetic fields and leukemia?

Answers on page 401.

Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 383

Exercise 6.6

To study rash illness among grocery store workers, investigators conducted a cohort study. The
following table shows the data for exposure to celery. What is the appropriate measure of
association? Calculate this measure and a chi-square test of statistical significance.

Rash No rash Total Attack Rate

Exposed to Yes 25 31 56 44.64%
celery? No 5 65 70 7.14%
Total 30 96 126 23.81%

How would you interpret your results?

Answer on page 401.

Page 384 Principles of Epidemiology

Step 8: Refining Hypotheses and Executing Additional Studies

Epidemiologic studies
Unfortunately, analytic studies sometimes are unrevealing. This is particularly true if the
hypotheses were not well founded at the outset. It is an axiom of field epidemiology that if you
cannot generate good hypotheses (by talking to some cases or local staff and examining the
descriptive epidemiology and outliers), then proceeding to analytic epidemiology, such as a
case-control study, is likely to be a waste of time.
When analytic epidemiology is unrevealing, you need to reconsider your hypotheses. This is
the time to convene a meeting of the case-patients to look for common links and to visit their
homes to look at the products on their shelves. Consider new vehicles or modes of transmission.
An investigation of an outbreak of Salmonella muenchen in Ohio illustrates how a
reexamination of hypotheses can be productive. In that investigation, a case-control study failed
to implicate any plausible food source as a common vehicle. Interestingly, all case-households,
but only 41% of control households, included persons 15 to 35 years. The investigators thus
began to consider vehicles of transmission to which young adults were commonly exposed. By
asking about drug use in a second case-control study, the investigators implicated marijuana as
the likely vehicle. Laboratory analysts subsequently isolated the outbreak strain of S. muenchen
from several samples of marijuana provided by case-patients (24).
Even when your analytic study identifies an association between an exposure and disease,
you often will need to refine your hypotheses. Sometimes you will need to obtain more specific
exposure histories. For example, in the investigation of Legionnaires’ disease (page 380), what
about Grocery Store A linked it to disease? The investigators asked cases and controls how much
time they spent in the store, and where they went in the store. Using the epidemiologic data, the
investigators were able to implicate the ultrasonic mist machine that sprayed the fruits and
vegetables. This association was confirmed in the laboratory, where the outbreak subtype of the
Legionnaires’ disease bacillus was isolated from the water in the mist machine’s reservoir (6).
Sometimes you will need a more specific control group to test a more specific hypothesis. For
example, in many hospital outbreaks, investigators use an initial study to narrow their focus.
They then conduct a second study, with more closely matched controls, to identify a more
specific exposure or vehicle. In a large community outbreak of botulism in Illinois, investigators
used three sequential case-control studies to identify the vehicle. In the first study, investigators
compared exposures of cases and controls from the general public to implicate a restaurant. In a
second study they compared restaurant exposures of cases and healthy restaurant patrons to
identify a specific menu item, a meat and cheese sandwich. In a third study, investigators used
radio broadcast appeals to identify healthy restaurant patrons who had eaten the implicated
sandwich. Compared to cases who had also eaten the sandwich, controls were more likely to
have avoided the onions that came with the sandwich. Type A Clostridium botulinum was then
identified from a pan of leftover sauteed onions used only to make that particular sandwich (17).
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 385

Finally, recall that one reason to investigate outbreaks is research, that is, to expand our
knowledge. An outbreak may provide an “experiment of nature,” which would be unethical for
us to set up deliberately, but which we can learn from when it occurs naturally. For example, in
the previously described outbreak of hypervitaminosis D in Massachusetts, investigators quickly
traced the source to a dairy that was adding too much vitamin D to its milk. After they had
instituted the appropriate control measures, the investigators used the “experiment of nature” to
characterize the spectrum of health effects caused by overexposure to vitamin D (CDC,
unpublished data, 1991). Thus the investigation led to increased knowledge about an unusual
problem as well as to prompt action to remove the source.
When an outbreak occurs, whether it is routine or unusual, consider what questions remain
unanswered about that particular disease and what kind of study you might do in this setting to
answer some of those questions. The circumstances may allow you to learn more about the
disease, its modes of transmission, the characteristics of the agent, host factors, and the like. For
example, an outbreak of mumps in a highly immunized population may be an opportunity to
study vaccine efficacy and duration of protection.

Laboratory and environmental studies

While epidemiology can implicate vehicles and guide appropriate public health action,
laboratory evidence can clinch the findings. The laboratory was essential in both the outbreak of
salmonellosis linked to marijuana and in the Legionellosis outbreak traced to the grocery store
mist machine. You may recall that the investigation of Legionnaires’ disease in Philadelphia in
1976 was not considered complete until the new organism was isolated in the laboratory some 6
months later (10).
Environmental studies are equally important in some settings. They are often helpful in
explaining why an outbreak occurred. For example, in the investigation of the outbreak of
shigellosis among swimmers in the Mississippi (Figure 6.7), the local sewage plant was
identified as the cause of the outbreak (20). In the study of thyrotoxicosis described earlier, a
review of the procedures used in a slaughterhouse near Luverne, Minnesota, identified a practice
that caused pieces of the animals’ thyroid gland to be included with beef (13). Use a camera to
photograph working conditions or environmental conditions. Bring back physical evidence to be
analyzed in the laboratory, such as the slabs of beef from the slaughterhouse in the thyrotoxicosis
study or the mist machine from the grocery store in the Legionellosis outbreak investigation.

Step 9: Implementing Control and Prevention Measures

In most outbreak investigations, your primary goal will be control and prevention. Indeed,
although we are discussing them as Step 9, you should implement control measures as soon as
possible. You can usually implement control measures early if you know the source of an
outbreak. In general, you aim control measures at the weak link or links in the chain of infection.
You might aim control measures at the specific agent, source, or reservoir. For example, an
outbreak might be controlled by destroying contaminated foods, sterilizing contaminated water,
Page 386 Principles of Epidemiology

or destroying mosquito breeding sites. Or an infectious food handler could be removed from the
job and treated.
In other situations, you might direct control measures at interrupting transmission or
exposure. You could have nursing home residents with a particular infection “cohorted,” put
together in a separate area to prevent transmission to others. You could instruct persons wishing
to reduce their risk of acquiring Lyme disease to avoid wooded areas or to wear insect repellent
and protective clothing.
Finally, in some outbreaks, you would direct control measures at reducing the susceptibility
of the host. Two such examples are immunization against rubella and malaria chemoprophylaxis
for travelers.

Step 10: Communicating the Findings

Your final task in an investigation is to communicate your findings. This communication
usually takes two forms: (1) an oral briefing for local authorities and (2) a written report.
Your oral briefing should be attended by the local health authorities and persons responsible
for implementing control and prevention measures. Usually these persons are not
epidemiologists, so you must present your findings in clear and convincing fashion with
appropriate and justifiable recommendations for action. This presentation is an opportunity for
you to describe what you did, what you found, and what you think should be done about it. You
should present your findings in scientifically objective fashion, and you should be able to defend
your conclusions and recommendations.
You should also provide a written report that follows the usual scientific format of
introduction, background, methods, results, discussion, and recommendations. By formally
presenting recommendations, the report provides a blueprint for action. It also serves as a record
of performance and a document for potential legal issues. It serves as a reference if the health
department encounters a similar situation in the future. Finally, a report that finds its way into the
public health literature serves the broader purpose of contributing to the knowledge base of
epidemiology and public health.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 387

Review Exercise

Exercise 6.7

This review exercise is a case study of an outbreak of enteritis during a pilgrimage to Mecca.
After reading this case study and answering all 16 imbedded questions, a student will be able to
do the following:

• Define an epidemic, an outbreak, and a cluster

• Create and understand the uses of a case definition
• Draw an epidemic curve
• Calculate food-specific attack rates
• List the steps in investigating an acute outbreak

Figure 6.9
Illustration of the Kaaba in Mecca
Page 388 Principles of Epidemiology

An Outbreak of Enteritis
During a Pilgrimage to Mecca

Part I
On the morning of November 1, 1979, during a pilgrimage to Mecca, the epidemiologist
assigned to the Kuwaiti medical mission experienced acute onset of abdominal cramps and
diarrhea at the holy mosque before the walk around the Kaaba. He subsequently learned that
other members of the mission had developed similar symptoms. When he returned that evening
to Muna, he initiated an investigation.
Question 1. What information do you need to decide if this is an epidemic?

The epidemiologist interviewed several ill members of the mission to better characterize the
illness. On the basis of these interviews, the epidemiologist quickly prepared a questionnaire and
conducted interviews with the 112 members of the Kuwaiti medical mission.
A total of 66 cases of illness were identified; 2 had onset in Kuwait prior to the beginning of
the pilgrimage and 64 had onset of symptoms beginning late in the afternoon on October 31.
Question 2. Is this an epidemic? Explain your answer.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 389

Description of the Pilgrimage

The Kuwaiti medical mission, consisting of 112 members, traveled by automobile from
Kuwait to Mecca. On October 30 all members of the mission slept in Muna. At sunrise on
October 31 they traveled to Arafat, where at 8:00 a.m. they had tea with or without milk for
breakfast. The milk was prepared immediately before consumption by mixing powdered milk
with boiled water. The remainder of the day was devoted to religious services. At 2:00 p.m., a
lunch was served for all members of the mission who wished to partake. It was a typical Kuwaiti
meal consisting of three dishes: rice, meat, and tomato sauce. Most individuals consumed all
three dishes. The lunch had been prepared in Muna on October 30 and transported to Arafat by
truck early on October 31. At sunset on October 31 the mission members returned to Muna.

Clinical Description
The investigator identified a total of 66 cases of gastroenteritis. The onset of all cases was
acute, characterized chiefly by diarrhea and abdominal pain. Nausea, vomiting, and blood in the
stool occurred infrequently. No case-patient reported fever. All recovered within 12-24 hours.
Approximately 20 percent of the ill individuals sought medical advice. The investigator did not
obtain any fecal specimens for examination.
Question 3. Develop a preliminary case definition.

Question 4. List the broad categories of diseases that must be considered in the differential
diagnosis of an outbreak of gastrointestinal illness.
Note: These concepts have not been covered in this course. If you are not familiar with disease
agents, review the answer to this question.
Page 390 Principles of Epidemiology

Question 5. What clinical and epidemiologic information might be helpful in determining the
etiologic agent(s)?

Question 6. The Kuwaiti investigators distributed a questionnaire to all members of the mission.
What information would you solicit on this questionnaire?

Part II
Investigators determined that of the 64 cases with onset during the pilgrimage, all had eaten
lunch in Arafat at 2:00 p.m. on October 31. Fifteen members of the mission did not eat lunch;
none became ill.
Question 7. Calculate the attack rate for those who ate lunch and those who did not. What do
you conclude?

Table 6.8 (page 394-395) presents some of the information collected by the investigators. The
two members who developed illness prior to October 31 have been excluded. The 15 members of
the mission who did not eat lunch are not included in Table 6.8.

Question 8. Using appropriate time periods, draw an epidemic curve.

Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 391

Question 9. Are there any cases for which the time of onset seems inconsistent? How might they
be explained?

Question 10. Modify the graph you have drawn (Question 8) to illustrate the distribution of
incubation periods.

Question 11. Determine or calculate the minimum, maximum, mean, median, mode, range, and
standard deviation of the incubation periods.

Question 12a. Calculate the frequency of each clinical symptom among the cases.
Page 392 Principles of Epidemiology

Question 12b. How does the information on the symptoms and incubation periods help you to
narrow the differential diagnosis? (You may refer to the attached “Abbreviated Compendium of
Acute Foodborne Gastrointestinal Diseases” in Appendix E).

Question 13a. Using the food consumption histories in Table 6.8, complete item 7 of the
“Investigation of a Foodborne Outbreak” report form in Appendix F.

Question 13b. Do these calculations help you to determine which food(s) served at the lunch
may have been responsible for the outbreak?
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 393

Question 14. Outline further investigations which should be pursued. List one or more factors
that could have led to the contamination of the implicated food.
Page 394 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 6.8
Selected characteristics of Kuwaiti medical mission members
who ate lunch at Arafat, Saudi Arabia, October 31, 1979
Onset of Illness Foods Signs and Symptoms*
Id # Age Sex Date Hour Rice Meat TS* D C BS N V F
31 36 M Oct. 31 5 p.m. X X X D C BS
77 28 M Oct. 31 5 p.m. X X D C
81 33 M Oct. 31 10 p.m. X X X D C
86 29 M Oct. 31 10 p.m. X X X D C
15 38 M Oct. 31 10 p.m. X D BS N
17 48 M Oct. 31 10 p.m. X X D C
18 35 M Oct. 31 10 p.m. X X X D C
35 30 M Oct. 31 11 p.m. X X X D C
88 27 M Oct. 31 11 p.m. X X X D C
76 29 M Oct. 31 11 p.m. X X X D C BS
71 50 M Oct. 31 12 MN X X X D
1 39 F Nov. 1 1 a.m. X X X D C V
27 36 M Nov. 1 1 a.m. X X X D C N
28 44 M Nov. 1 1 a.m. X X X D C
29 48 M Nov. 1 1 a.m. X X X D C BS
30 35 M Nov. 1 2 a.m. X X X D C
50 29 M Nov. 1 2 a.m. X X X D C
59 51 M Nov. 1 2 a.m. X X X D C
67 40 M Nov. 1 2 a.m. X X D
72 58 M Nov. 1 2 a.m. X X X D C
73 28 M Nov. 1 3 a.m. X X X D C
60 31 M Nov. 1 3 a.m. X X X D C
61 38 M Nov. 1 3 a.m. X X X D BS
51 32 M Nov. 1 3 a.m. X X X D C V
52 37 M Nov. 1 3 a.m. X X D
58 30 M Nov. 1 3 a.m. X X X D C
22 35 M Nov. 1 3 a.m. X X X D C
25 30 M Nov. 1 3 a.m. X X D C
32 50 M Nov. 1 3 a.m. X X X D C
38 26 M Nov. 1 3 a.m. X X X D C
79 29 M Nov. 1 3 a.m. X X X D C
80 28 M Nov. 1 3 a.m. X X X D C
37 30 M Nov. 1 4 a.m. X X X D
65 34 M Nov. 1 4 a.m. X X D BS
66 45 M Nov. 1 4 a.m. X X D C
87 41 M Nov. 1 4 a.m. X X X D C
89 43 M Nov. 1 4 a.m. X X X D C
90 43 M Nov. 1 4 a.m. X X X D C
91 38 M Nov. 1 4 a.m. X X X D C
92 37 M Nov. 1 4 a.m. X X X D C
70 31 M Nov. 1 5 a.m. X X X D C
2 34 F Nov. 1 5 a.m. X X X D C
21 38 M Nov. 1 5 a.m. X X X D C
40 38 M Nov. 1 5 a.m. X X X D
78 27 M Nov. 1 5 a.m. X X X D C
82 39 M Nov. 1 5 a.m. X X X D C
83 40 M Nov. 1 5 a.m. X X X D C
*TS = Tomato sauce, D = diarrhea, C = cramps, BS= blood in stool, N= nausea, V= vomiting, F = fever
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 395

Table 6.8 (continued)

Selected characteristics of Kuwaiti medical mission members
who ate lunch at Arafat, Saudi Arabia, October 31, 1979
Onset of Illness Foods Signs/Symptoms
Id # Age Sex Date Hour Rice Meat TS* D C BS N V F
84 34 M Nov. 1 5 a.m. X X D C
14 52 M Nov. 1 6 a.m. X X X D
16 40 M Nov. 1 6 a.m. X X X D BS
93 30 M Nov. 1 6 a.m. X X X D C
94 39 M Nov. 1 6 a.m. X X X D C
33 55 M Nov. 1 7 a.m. X X X D C
34 28 M Nov. 1 7 a.m. X X X D C
85 38 M Nov. 1 7 a.m. X X D C
43 38 M Nov. 1 9 a.m. X X D C
69 30 M Nov. 1 9 a.m. X X X D C
4 30 F Nov. 1 10 a.m. X D C
5 45 F Nov. 1 10 a.m. X C
3 29 F Nov. 1 1 p.m. X X D C
12 22 F Nov. 1 2 p.m. X X X C
74 44 M Nov. 1 2 p.m. X X X D
75 45 M Nov. 1 5 p.m. X X X D BS
95 40 M Nov. 1 11 p.m. X X X D C
6 38 F WELL X X
7 52 F WELL X X X
8 35 F WELL X X
9 27 F WELL X X X
10 40 F WELL X X X
11 40 F WELL X X X
13 50 M WELL X X X
19 38 M WELL X X X
20 38 M WELL X X X
23 29 M WELL X X X
24 27 M WELL X X X
26 47 M WELL X X X
36 60 M WELL X
39 27 M WELL X X X
41 30 M WELL X X X
42 38 M WELL X X X
44 50 M WELL X X X
45 27 M WELL X X X
46 31 M WELL X X X
47 46 M WELL X X X
48 38 M WELL X X X
49 36 M WELL X
53 36 M WELL X X X
54 27 M WELL X X X
55 40 M WELL X X X
56 30 M WELL X X X
57 25 M WELL X X X
62 50 M WELL X
63 44 M WELL X
64 47 M WELL X X
68 31 M WELL X X X
*TS = Tomato sauce, D = diarrhea, C = cramps, BS = blood in stool, N = nausea, V = vomiting, F = fever
Page 396 Principles of Epidemiology

Part III
The lunch which was served in Arafat at 2:00 p.m. on October 31 was prepared at 10:00 p.m.
the night before in Muna. It consisted of boiled rice, chunks of lamb fried in oil, and tomato
sauce prepared from fresh tomatoes which were sectioned and stewed. The cooked rice was
placed in two large pots and the lamb was divided evenly on top. The tomato sauce was kept in a
third pot.
These pots were covered with metal tops and placed in an open spot among some rocks near
the kitchen and allowed to stand overnight. They were presumably not touched by anyone during
this period. Early in the morning on October 31, the pots were transported by truck from Muna to
Arafat where they stood in the truck until 2:00 p.m. The temperature in Arafat at noon that day
was 35 degrees Centigrade. The food was not refrigerated from the time of preparation to the
time of consumption.
Cooks and all other individuals who helped in preparing the meal were intensively
interviewed regarding any illness present before or at the time of preparation. All individuals
interviewed denied having any illness and knew of no illness among any other members of the
group responsible for meal preparation. No specimens were obtained from any of the cooks for
laboratory examination.
The following is quoted verbatim from the report prepared by the epidemiologist who
investigated the outbreak:
“This clinical picture probably suggests an infection by Clostridium perfringens. This
organism could be detected in the food elements consumed as well as in the patient’s
stool. However, no laboratory diagnostic procedures were possible in the outbreak site.
All the investigations conducted were based entirely on epidemiologic grounds.
The incubation period as well as other data extrapolated from epidemiological analysis
suggests that Clostridium perfringens is the causative agent. This organism is widely
distributed in nature especially in soil and dust. So there is ample opportunity for
contamination of the food. If cooked meat is allowed to cool slowly under suitable
anaerobic conditions, spores which might have survived cooking or have subsequently
come from dust may germinate and within a few hours produce large numbers of
vegetative bacilli. In fact, the pilgrimage camp in Muna lacks sanitary cooking facilities.
The food is usually prepared in a dusty place open to the blowing winds creating an ideal
situation for Clostridium perfringens contamination.
The type of the organism, the type of food dish it usually contaminates, its mode of
spread and the differences in the attack rates for those who consumed meat and those who
did not points to the meat as the probable source of infection in this outbreak.
Conclusion: The acute illness of enteritis in Arafat affected many persons in an epidemic
form. It was a common-source outbreak, the source being the meat consumed at the
Arafat lunch. The incubation period was about 13 hours. The illness was characterized by
colicky abdominal pain and diarrhea with no elevation of temperature. The responsible
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 397

agent for this outbreak is most probably Clostridium perfringens.

The lunch at Arafat should have been prepared in the same day of consumption, or kept
refrigerated if it had to be prepared the day before. Although kitchens could not be fully
equipped to fulfill the essential safety measures in a place like Muna, they should be
supplied by essential measures to protect food from contamination. The remaining food in
Arafat should have been condemned after the investigation, but none remained at that
The epidemiological investigations carried out in this epidemic could explore the nature
of this epidemic and answer most of the questions raised. The laboratory investigation,
although helpful to detect the causative organisms, should not replace the more efficient
epidemiological methods in the exploration of such epidemics. The lack of the necessary
laboratory facilities to detect the causative organisms in foodborne outbreaks should not
discourage the investigative epidemiologist and make him doubtful and lose confidence
in his epidemiological tools.”

Question 15. In the context of this outbreak, what control measures would you recommend?

Question 16. Was it important to work up this outbreak?

Page 398 Principles of Epidemiology

Answers to Exercises
Answer–Exercise 6.1 (page 352)

One reason to investigate is simply to determine how many cases we would expect in the
community. In a large community, nine cases of a common cancer (for example, lung, breast, or
colon cancer) would not be unusual. In a very small community, nine cases of even a common
cancer may seem unusual. If the particular cancer is a rare type, then nine cases even in a large
community may be unusual.
If the number of cancer cases turns out to be high for that community, we might pursue the
investigation further. We may have a research motive–perhaps we will identify a new risk factor
(workers exposed to a particular chemical) or predisposition (persons with a particular genetic
marker) for the cancer.
Control and prevention may be a justification. If we find a risk factor, control / prevention
measures could be developed. Alternatively, if the cancer is one which is generally treatable if
found early, and a screening test is available, then we might investigate to determine not why
these persons developed the disease, but why they died of it. If the cancer were cancer of the
cervix, detectable by Pap smear and generally treatable if caught early, we might find (1)
problems with access to health care, or (2) physicians not following the recommendations to
screen women at the appropriate intervals, or (3) laboratory error in reading or reporting the test
results. We could then develop measures to correct the problems we found (public screening
clinics, education of physicians, or laboratory quality assurance.)
If new staff need to gain experience on a cluster investigation, training may be a reason to
investigate. More commonly, cancer clusters frequently generate public concern, which, in turn,
may generate political pressure. Perhaps one of the affected persons is a member of the mayor’s
family. A health department must be responsive to such concerns, but does not usually need to
conduct a full-blown investigation. Finally, legal concerns may prompt an investigation,
especially if a particular site (manufacturer, houses built on an old dump site, etc.) is accused of
causing the cancers.

Answer–Exercise 6.2 (page 356)

Tuberculosis does not have a striking seasonal distribution. The number of cases during
August could be compared with (a) the numbers reported during the preceding several months,
and (b) the numbers reported during August of the preceding few years.
Aseptic meningitis is a highly seasonal disease which peaks during
August-September-October. As a result, the number of cases during August is expected to be
higher than the numbers reported during the preceding several months.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 399

To determine whether the number of cases reported in August is greater than expected, we
must look at the numbers reported during August of the preceding few years.

Answer–Exercise 6.3 (page 362)

Which items to include in a line listing is somewhat arbitrary.

The following categories of information are often included:

Identifying information
• Identification number or case number, usually in the leftmost column
• Names or initials as a cross-check

Information on diagnosis and clinical illness

• Physician diagnosis
• Was diagnosis confirmed? If so, how?
• Symptoms
• Laboratory results
• Was the patient hospitalized? Did the patient die?

Descriptive epidemiology–time
• Date of onset
• Time of onset

Descriptive epidemiology–person
• Age
• Sex
• Occupation, if relevant, or other seemingly relevant characteristics

Descriptive epidemiology–place
• Street, city, or county
• Worksite, school, day care center, etc., if relevant
Page 400 Principles of Epidemiology

Risk factors and possible causes

• Specific to disease and outbreak setting

An example of a line listing from the six case report forms is shown below.

Dateof How McKay
ID # Initials Onset Diagnosis Confirmed Age Sex County Physician Wedding
1 KR 7/23 Probable Not done 29 M Colum bia Goodman Yes
2 DM 7/27 Trichinosis Biopsy 33 M Colum bia Baker Yes
3 JG 8/14 Probable Not done 26 M Colum bia Gibbs Yes
4 RD 7/25 Trichinosis Serologic 45 M King Webster Yes
5 NT 8/4 Trichinosis Not done 27 F Colum bia Stanley Yes
6 AM 8/11 R/O pending 54 F Clayton Mason Yes

Answer–Exercise 6.4 (page 369)

The epidemic curve shown in Figure 6.10 suggests a common source outbreak. We can
estimate time of exposure by starting at the peak of the epidemic and going back the mean
incubation period, or by starting at the rise of the epidemic and going back the minimum
incubation period. Going back 30 days (mean incubation period for hepatitis A) from the
epidemic peak on May 9 puts the estimated exposure on April 9. Assuming the minimum
incubation period (15 days) for the April 28 case, exposure would have occurred on April 13. So,
we can estimate that exposure occurred between April 9 and April 13, give or take a few days on
either side.

Figure 6.10
Epidemic curve for Exercise 6.4: Hepatitis A by date of onset, April-May
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 401

Answer–Exercise 6.5 (page 382)

A case-control study is the design of choice, since 17 persons with the disease of interest
have already been identified. We would need to enroll these 17 persons as the case group. We
would also need to determine what group might serve as an appropriate comparison or control
group. Neighbors might be used for the control group, for example. In our case-control study we
would determine whether each case and each control was exposed to electromagnetic fields
(however we defined that exposure). Finally, we would compare the exposure experience of
cases and controls.
The alternative to a case-control study is a cohort study. For a cohort study we would have to
enroll a group of persons exposed to electromagnetic fields (however we defined that exposure),
and a comparison group of persons not exposed. We would then have to determine how many in
each group developed leukemia. Since leukemia is a relatively rare event, we would need rather
large groups in order to have enough leukemia cases to make our study valid. Therefore, a cohort
study is less practical than a case-control study in this setting.
Answer–Exercise 6.6 (page 383)

The appropriate measure of association for a cohort study is the relative risk, calculated as the
ratio of attack rates.
Relative risk = 44.64/7.14 = 6.2

Chi-square =

For the table shown above, the chi-square becomes:

= 249,435,774/11,289,600
= 22.09

A chi-square of 22.09 corresponds to a p-value of < 0.00001. A p-value this small indicates
that the null hypothesis is highly improbable, and the investigators rejected the null hypothesis.
Page 402 Principles of Epidemiology

Answer--Exercise 6.7 (page 387)

An Outbreak of Enteritis
During a Pilgrimage to Mecca
Question 1. What information do you need to decide if this is an epidemic?

Answer 1.
• Is the number of cases more than the number expected?
• Therefore, we need to know background rate.

Question 2. Is this an epidemic?

Answer 2. Yes. An epidemic can be defined as the occurrence of more cases in a place and time
than expected in the population being studied. Of the 110 members without signs and symptoms
of gastroenteritis prior to the pilgrimage, 64 (58%) developed such signs and symptoms during
this trip. This is clearly above the expected or background rate of gastroenteritis in most
populations. Gastroenteritis prevalence rates from recent surveys are approximately 5% and are
consistent with this population (2/112 had such signs and symptoms at the time of the

One could survey other groups of pilgrims originating from the same country to determine
their rates of diarrheal illness if the existence of an outbreak was uncertain. Practically speaking,
however, an attack rate of 58% is an epidemic until proven otherwise.
The term “outbreak” and “epidemic” are used interchangeably by most epidemiologists. The
term “outbreak” is sometimes preferred, particularly when talking to the press or public, because
it is not as frightening as “epidemic.” The term “cluster” may be defined as the occurrence of a
group of cases in a circumscribed place and time. In a cluster, the number of cases may or may
not be greater than expected.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 403

Question 3. Develop a preliminary case definition.

Answer 3.
Points to consider:
• As a general rule, during the initial phase of an investigation, the case definition should
be broad.
• The case definition should include four components: time, place, person, and diagnosis
(or signs, symptoms). Depending on the frequency of the symptoms observed and the
probable etiologic agent, a more precise case definition can be developed later.

Case definition:
Clinical: acute onset of abdominal cramps and/or diarrhea
Time: onset after noon on October 31 and before November 2
Place/Person: member of the Kuwaiti medical mission in route to Mecca

Note. The Kuwaiti investigators had already decided that lunch on October 31 was the
responsible meal and defined an outbreak-associated case of enteritis as a person in the Kuwaiti
mission who ate lunch at Arafat at 2:00 p.m. on October 31 and subsequently developed
abdominal pain and/or diarrhea prior to November 2, 1979.
However, at this point in your consideration of the outbreak you have not implicated the
lunch, and it would probably be premature to limit your case definition to those who ate lunch.
Page 404 Principles of Epidemiology

Question 4. List the broad categories of diseases that must be considered in the differential
diagnosis of an outbreak of gastrointestinal illness.

Answer 4.
Broad categories: Bacterial

More specifically:

Differential Diagnosis
of Acute Foodborne Enteric Illness

Bacteria and bacterial toxins Viruses

Bacillus cereus* Norwalk-like agents
Campylobacter jejuni (i.e., 27 nm viruses)
Clostridium botulinum Rotavirus*
(initial symptoms)
Clostridium perfringens* Toxins
Escherichia coli* Heavy metals (especially
Salmonella, non-typhoid cadmium, copper, tin, zinc)
Salmonella typhi Mushrooms
Shigella Fish & shellfish
Staphylococcus aureus (e.g., scombroid, ciguatera)
Vibrio cholerae O1 Insecticides
Vibrio cholerae non-O1
Vibrio parahemolyticus Parasites
Yersinia enterocolitica Cryptosporidium
Entamoeba histolytica
Giardia lamblia
*These agents are most compatible with the following characteristics of this outbreak:
• acute onset
• lower GI signs and symptoms
• no fever
• appreciable proportion seeking medical advice
• no mention of non-enteric (dermatologic, neurologic) manifestations
However, you have not yet reached the point in your investigation to consider the most likely etiologic possibilities
for the illness.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 405

Question 5. What clinical and epidemiologic information might be helpful in determining the
etiologic agent(s)?

Answer 5.
Incubation period
Symptom complex
Duration of symptoms
Severity of symptoms
Geographic location
Biologic plausibility of pathogens

Question 6. The Kuwaiti investigators distributed a questionnaire to the persons who ate the
implicated lunch. What information would you solicit on this questionnaire?

Answer 6.
• Identifying information
• Demographics (age, sex, race)
• Clinical information
– Symptoms
– Date & time of onset of symptoms
– Duration of symptoms
– Medical intervention, if required
• Information on possible causes
– Exposure information regarding foods consumed, including amounts
– Other potential exposures
– Other factors that may modify risk of diarrhea (e.g., antacids, antibiotics)

Question 7. Calculate the attack rate for those who ate lunch and those who did not. What do
you conclude?

Answer 7.
112 members of the mission
-15 members who didn’t eat lunch
- 2 members sick before pilgrimage
95 at risk of developing illness
64 became ill among those who ate lunch
0 became ill among those who didn’t eat lunch
Page 406 Principles of Epidemiology

Attack rate for those who ate lunch:

64 ill/95 at risk = 67%
Attack rate for those not eating lunch:
0 ill/15 at risk = 0%

Conclusion: Lunch is strongly associated with disease.

Question 8. Using appropriate time periods, draw an epidemic curve.

Answer 8.
Points for consideration about epi curves:
1. The epi curve is a basic tool of epidemiologists to
a. establish existence of epidemic vs. endemic illness
b. delineate time course and magnitude of an epidemic
c. develop inferences about transmission, e.g., common source, person to person,
intermittent exposure. Note that changing the interval on the x-axis can significantly alter the
shape of an epi curve.
d. predict future course of an epidemic: when it will end, that a second wave is underway,
that secondary cases are occurring, etc.
2. With common source outbreaks, the width of the curve is determined by the incubation
period, varying doses, and host susceptibility.
3. Often a few cases don’t fit into the body of an epi curve. Such exceptions may be quite
important--as index cases or other special situations.
4. A rule of thumb: When the incubation period is known, the maximum time period on the
x-axis should not usually exceed 1/4 - 1/3 of the incubation period.
Summary of the temporal distribution (see Figure 6.11a).
a. Onsets of cases occurred over a period of 31 hours extending from 5 p.m. on October 31
to 11 p.m. on November 1.
b. Onsets of 53 (82.8%) of the cases occurred throughout the 10 hour interval from 10 p.m.
on October 31 through 7 a.m. on November 1.
c. The peak (12 cases) occurred at 3 a.m. on November 1.
d. The median hour of a.m. November 1 (actual middle rank = 32.5 which falls
between the 3 and 4 a.m. measurement intervals).
e. It is likely that the way the questionnaire was designed forced the interviewees to give a
rounded time for onset of symptoms.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 407

Figure 6.11a
Outbreak associated cases of enteritis
by hour of onset of illness, Kuwaiti Mission,
Arafat, Saudi Arabia, October 31 – November 1, 1979

Question 9. Are there any cases for which the times of onset seem inconsistent? How might they
be explained?

Answer 9.
1. The two cases (#31 and 77) with onsets at 5 p.m. on October 31
a. Illnesses unrelated to the outbreak?
b. Earlier exposures to food items? Cooks?
c. Short incubation periods? Large doses? Enhanced susceptibility?
d. Times of onset incorrect?

2. The two cases (#75 and 95) occurring late on November 1

a. Illnesses unrelated to the outbreak?
b. Foods eaten at later time?
c. Secondary cases?
d. Times of onset incorrect?
e. Long incubation periods? Small doses? Enhanced resistance?
Page 408 Principles of Epidemiology

Question 10. Modify the graph you have drawn (Question 8) to illustrate the distribution of
incubation periods.

Answer 10.
Since all meal participants were served at 2:00 p.m. the distribution of onsets and incubation
periods is the same. Therefore, to illustrate the distribution of incubation periods, you need only
to show a second label for the x-axis, as in Figure 6.11b.
Figure 6.11b
Outbreak associated cases of enteritis by hour of onset of illness
and incubation period, Kuwaiti Mission, Arafat, Saudi Arabia,
October 31 – November 1, 1979

Question 11. Determine or calculate the minimum, maximum, mean, median, mode, range, and
standard deviation of the incubation periods.

Answer 11.
Minimum = 3 hours
Maximum = 33 hours
Mean = 14 hours
Median = 13.5 hours (middle rank = 64 + 1)/2 = 32.5, which falls between the intervals for
13 and 14 hours.)
Mode = 13 hours
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 409

Range = maximum - minimum = 30 hours

Standard deviation = 5 hours
Note: The range in which roughly 95% of the observations fall = ± 1.96 (rounded to 2)
standard deviations = 4 to 24 hours (see Lesson 3 for calculation steps).

The incubation period (though not necessarily the clinical features) are about right for
Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella, Vibrio parahemolyticus, and Bacillus cereus. The
incubation period is a bit short for enterotoxigenic E. Coli and Vibrio cholerae non-O1. Too long
for staph enterotoxin, heavy metals, chemicals, and most toxins produced by fish, shellfish, and
mushrooms. Illnesses that have upper GI signs and symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, and
intoxications due to chemicals, metals, etc., usually have short incubation periods, while illnesses
with predominately lower GI signs and symptoms, such as diarrhea, have longer incubation

Question 12a. Calculate the frequency of each clinical symptom among the cases.

Answer 12a.

Frequency distribution of signs and symptoms among

outbreak-associated cases of enteritis, Kuwaiti Mission,
Arafat, Saudi Arabia, October 31 – November 1, 1979 (N = 64)

Sign or Symptom Number of Cases Percent

Diarrhea 62 96.9
Abdominal Pain 52 81.3
(Diarrhea + abdominal pain) (50) (78.1)
Blood in stool 8 12.5
(Diarrhea + blood in stool) ( 5) ( 7.8)
(Diarrhea + abdominal pain + blood in stool ( 3) ( 4.7)
Nausea 2 3.1
Vomiting 2 3.1
Fever 0 0

The distribution of signs and symptoms are given in the table above. Diarrhea occurred
among all but two of the cases, with 78.1% experiencing both diarrhea and abdominal pain.
Page 410 Principles of Epidemiology

Blood in the stool was reported by 8 (12.5%) of the cases. Symptoms of upper GI distress
occurred among 4 (6.3%) of the cases (2 persons experienced nausea while two others reported
vomiting). No temperature elevations were recorded.
Question 12b. How does the information on the symptoms and incubation period help you to
narrow the differential diagnosis? (You may refer to the attached compendium in Appendix F,
which describes a number of acute foodborne gastrointestinal diseases.)

Answer 12b.
The clinical findings, including an apparent absence of malaise, myalgias, chills, and fever,
are more consistent with an intoxication resulting from the presence of toxin in the lower GI tract
than with an invasive infectious agent. The recovery of all cases within 24 hours is also
consistent with such an intoxication. The absence of dermatologic and neurologic signs and
symptoms in conjunction with the incubation period (the median was 13.5 hours and the mean
was 14 hours) would lessen the likelihood of heavy metals, organic and inorganic chemicals, and
toxins produced by fish, shellfish and mushrooms. The incubation period and clinical features
help narrow the list to the following: Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus, Vibrio
parahemolyticus, and, less likely, Vibrio cholerae non-O1, and enterotoxin producing E. coli.

Question 13a. Using the food consumption histories in Table 6.8, complete item 7 of the
“Investigation of a Foodborne Outbreak” report form in Appendix F.

Answer 13a.

# persons who ATE specified food # who DID NOT EAT specified food
Ill We ll Total Attack R ate Ill We ll Total Attack R ate
Rice 62 31 93 66.7% 2 0 2 100.0%
Meat 63 25 88 71.6 % 1 6 7 14.3%
T.S. 50 26 76 65.8% 14 5 19 73.7%
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 411

You may analyze these data with 2 x 2 tables:


Exposed? Yes a b a+b AR1 = a/a + b RR = AR1/AR2
No c d c+d AR2 = c/c + d
a+c b+d T=a+b+c+d


Ate Yes 62 31 93 62/93 = 66.7% RR = 66.7/100
Rice No 2 0 2 2/2 = 100.0% = 0.67
64 31


Ate Yes 63 25 88 63/88 = 71.6% RR = 72.6/14.3
Meat No 1 6 7 1/7 = 14.3% = 5.0
64 31


Ate Yes 50 26 76 50/76 = 65.8% RR = 65.8/73.7
Tomato No 14 5 19 14/19 = 73.7% 0.89
Sauce 64 31

Question 13b. Do these calculations help you to determine which food(s) served at the lunch
may have been responsible for the outbreak?

Answer 13b. Attack rates were high for those who ate rice, meat, and tomato sauce. However,
meat is the likely culprit because it was the only food associated with a high attack rate among
those who ate it, but a low attack rate among those who did not. Almost all (63/64) who ate meat
also ate the other items, which probably accounts for the high attack rates for those items, too.
One of the cases did not admit to eating meat and could be explained in any number of ways:
• Unrelated illness
• Cross-contamination, e.g., common server, spoon, dish, counter, etc., or from meat to rice
• Reporting error (e.g., forgot or purposely denied eating meat)
• Transcription error (e.g., misrecorded response)
NOTE: Epidemiologic evidence shows an association between exposure and subsequent disease
but does not prove causal relationship.
Page 412 Principles of Epidemiology

Question 14. Outline further investigations which should be pursued. List one or more factors
that could have led to the contamination of the implicated food.

Answer 14.

A. Detailed review of ingredients, preparation, and storage of incriminated food. For bacterial
food poisoning need:
1) initial contamination (point of origin vs point of consumption)
2) improper time-temperature relationships with respect to preparation, cooking, serving,
and storage

B. Specific things about which one might inquire:

1) Origin of the meat – some sources may be at higher risk than others. Animal meats are
often contaminated at time of slaughter. This aspect is usually quite difficult to control.
2) Storage of meat to time of cooking (should be kept frozen or refrigerated). This usually
doesn’t pose problems and since most meat is not eaten raw, subsequent cooking would
considerably lessen the risk of disease.
3) Cooking procedures – often difficult to control both in public/private sectors.
Temperatures attained and duration of optimum cooking temperatures poorly monitored. Failure
to reach adequate cooking temperatures associated with diseases other than C. perfringens for the
most part.
4) Cross-contamination – a factor difficult to control since knives, counter space, cutting
boards, and pots or pans, are often used for both raw foods and cooked foods without interim
5) Inadequate refrigeration of cooked foods – common in C. perfringens outbreaks.
Cooked foods essentially allowed to incubate for several hours during cooling process. Not easy
to correct as may involve expenditures for additional refrigeration appliances and use of shallow
6) Inadequate reheating of cooked foods – as with 3).
7) Improper holding temperatures while serving – Here again, difficult to control, but
commonly associated with disease outbreaks including C. perfringens. The food was essentially
held at temperatures that permitted the growth of contaminating organisms rather than at 140
degrees Fahrenheit or above which would have prevented their multiplication.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 413

Question 15. In the context of this outbreak, what control measures would you recommend?

Answer 15.
1. After collecting appropriate specimens for laboratory analysis, destroy remaining foods to
prevent their consumption.
2. Prevent recurrence of similar event in the future.
a. Educate food handlers in proper techniques, stressing importance of time-temperature
b. Acquire necessary equipment for properly cooking, cooling, serving, and storing foods.
c. When applicable, eliminate sources of contaminated food.
3. Basic principles in prevention of C. perfringens.
a. Cook all foods to minimum internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
b. Serve immediately or hold at > 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
c. Any leftovers should be discarded or immediately chilled and held at < 40 degrees
Fahrenheit using shallow pans.
d. All leftovers should be reheated and held at temperatures given above for cooked foods.

Question 16. Was it important to work up this outbreak?

Answer 16.
Reasons why it was important:
1. To identify factors associated with its occurrence in order to institute the necessary
measures to prevent future recurrences.
2. To provide reassurance that a deliberate act of poisoning was not involved.
3. To demonstrate that public health officials can react promptly to a problem and identify
causative factors utilizing epidemiologic methods.
Page 414 Principles of Epidemiology

Self-Assessment Quiz 6

Now that you have read Lesson 6 and have completed the exercises, you should be ready to
take the self-assessment quiz. This quiz is designed to help you assess how well you have learned
the content of this lesson. You may refer to the lesson text whenever you are unsure of the
answer, but keep in mind that the final is a closed book examination. Circle ALL correct choices
in each question.

1. The most common way(s) that a local health department uncovers outbreaks is/are by: (Circle
ALL that apply.)
A. receiving calls from affected residents
B. receiving calls from health care providers
C. reviewing all case reports received each week to detect common features
D. performing descriptive analysis of surveillance data each week
E. performing time series analysis to detect deviations from expected values based on the
previous few weeks and comparable time periods during the previous few years

2. In an ongoing outbreak of a disease with no known source and mode of transmission, the
primary reason for an investigation relates to:
A. prevention and control
B. training of staff
C. learning more about the disease
D. being responsive to the concerns of the community
E. legal responsibility
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 415

1. Analyze data by time, place, and person

2. Conduct a case-control study
3. Generate hypotheses
4. Conduct active surveillance for additional cases
5. Verify the diagnosis
6. Confirm that the number of cases exceeds the expected number
7. Coordinate who will talk to the press about the investigation

3. For an investigation of an outbreak, what is the logical order of the activities listed above?
A. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
B. 5-6-4-1-2-3-7
C. 6-5-1-3-2-4-7
D. 7-6-5-4-1-3-2
E. 5-6-1-3-2-4-7

4. If you were a state employee, the first step in the investigation of an outbreak of
meningococcal meningitis 200 miles away might include: (Circle ALL that apply)
A. talking with someone knowledgeable about meningococcal meningitis
B. talking with someone knowledgeable about field investigations
C. talking with a couple of the initial case-patients
D. discussing the feasibility of mass vaccination
E. stopping your mail

5. The appropriate role for an epidemiologist from the CDC in the investigation of a local
outbreak of botulism (possibly foodborne):
A. is to lead the investigation in consultation with CDC experts
B. is to provide consultation to the local staff who will conduct the investigation
C. is to lend a hand to the local staff
D. is whatever is negotiated in advance with the local health department
Page 416 Principles of Epidemiology

6. As described in this lesson, the primary distinction between the terms “outbreak” and
“epidemic” is:
A. “outbreak” does not imply that the cases are all related
B. “outbreak” implies a grouping of cases but not necessarily more than expected
C. “outbreak” is limited to fewer than 20 cases, epidemic to more than 20
D. “outbreak” does not generate as much anxiety among the public

Number of cases of Disease X reported to

the state health department by Counties A-D
Week Ending
County 12/13 12/20 12/27 1/3 1/10 1/17
A 4 3 2 2 3 1
B 12 9 0 0 24 15
C 1 0 1 2 7 9
D 1 1 0 1 0 0

7. Explanations most consistent with the pattern of case reports received from County B include:
(Circle ALL that apply.)
A. changes in the case definition
B. change in the denominator
C. new physician in the county
D. change in diagnostic procedures
E. batch processing

8. Why should an investigator who has no clinical background nonetheless talk to a patient or
two as an early step in the outbreak investigation? (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. To verify the clinical findings as part of verifying the diagnosis
B. To verify the laboratory findings as part of verifying the diagnosis
C. To learn more about the clinical manifestations of the disease
D. To develop hypotheses about the cause of the outbreak
E. To advise the patient about the common risk factors and usual course of the illness, after
reviewing Control of Communicable Diseases in Man
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 417

9. A case definition during an outbreak investigation should specify: (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. clinical criteria
B. time
C. place
D. person
E. hypothesized exposure

10. A characteristic of a well conducted outbreak investigation is that:

A. every case is laboratory confirmed
B. a few cases are laboratory confirmed and the rest meet the case definition
C. a “loose” case definition is used during the analytic epidemiology phase
D. the case definition includes three categories: definite, probable, and possible

11. Common methods of identifying additional cases (expanding surveillance) as part of an

outbreak investigation include: (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. sending a letter to physicians
B. telephoning the infection control nurse at the local hospital
C. advising the public through newspapers, TV, and radio to contact the local health
D. asking case-patients who they were with at the time of exposure (if known)
E. reviewing morbidity and mortality data for the local area from the National Center for
Health Statistics

12. The ultimate purpose for characterizing an outbreak by time, place, and person is to:
A. identify errors and miscodes in the data
B. provide a comprehensive description of an outbreak by portraying its time course,
geographic extent, and populations most affected by the disease
C. ensure that all true cases are captured by the surveillance system
D. generate hypotheses
E. test hypotheses
Page 418 Principles of Epidemiology

13. For a disease of unknown etiology and incubation period, an epidemic curve can be used to
derive which of the following? (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. Peak dates of onset of the illness
B. Peak dates of reporting of the cases to the health department
C. Probable period of exposure
D. Future direction of the epidemic

14. Which of the following apply to drawing an epidemic curve? (Circle ALL that apply.)
A. The y-axis is dates of onset of the illness
B. The time interval should be less than one-eighth the minimum incubation period of the
C. The type of graph should be a histogram
D. The graph should begin with the first case of the epidemic

15. For Clostridium perfringens food poisoning, the minimum incubation period is 8 hours, and
the average incubation period is 10 to 12 hours. Based on the graph shown below, when is the
probable period of exposure?
A. October 6, periods 1-2 (12:01 A.M. to 8:00 A.M.)
B. October 6, periods 2-3 (4:01 A.M. to noon)
C. October 6, periods 3-4 (8:01 A.M. to 4 P.M.)
D. October 6, periods 4-5 (12:01 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.)
E. October 6, periods 5-6 (4:01 P.M. to midnight)

Figure 6.12
Data and time of onset (by 4 hour periods starting at 12:01 A.M. each day)
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 419

16. The geographic distribution of cases should be tabulated or mapped according to:
A. residence of each case
B. place of usual occupation, school, or other primary daytime exposure
C. health care facility where diagnosis was made
D. location where disease onset occurred
E. variable of “place” that produces a meaningful pattern

17. Reasonable ways of generating hypotheses in an outbreak investigation include: (Circle ALL
that apply.)
A. asking the local health officer what he/she thinks is the cause
B. asking the case-patients what they think is the cause
C. reviewing a textbook about the disease under investigation
D. postulating explanations for the patterns seen in the descriptive epidemiology
E. focusing on the patients who do not fit the general patterns seen in the descriptive

18. During an investigation of an outbreak of gastroenteritis on a small college campus, the

investigators confirmed the diagnosis, searched for additional cases, and characterized the cases
by time, place, and person. No obvious hypotheses regarding source or mode of transmission
came to mind. The investigators should next:
A. interview a few cases in depth
B. conduct a case-control study
C. conduct a cohort study
D. sample and test foods from the school dining hall for the incriminated agent
E. interview and test the dining hall foodhandlers for the incriminated agent
Page 420 Principles of Epidemiology

19. In an epidemiologic study, investigators enrolled 100 children with Kawasaki syndrome and
100 children without Kawasaki syndrome. Among children with Kawasaki syndrome, 50 had
been exposed to compound C in the previous 3 weeks. Among those without Kawasaki
syndrome, 25 had been exposed to compound C. In this study, the best estimate of the relative
risk of Kawasaki syndrome associated with exposure to compound C is:
A. 1.0
B. 1.5
C. 2.0
D. 3.0
E. not calculable from the information provided

20. In the epidemiologic study of Kawasaki syndrome described in the previous question, the
mean serum porcelain levels of children with Kawasaki syndrome was lower than the mean
serum porcelain levels of children without Kawasaki syndrome. The difference was statistically
significant at the 5% level (p < 0.05). This means that:
A. elevated serum porcelain causes Kawasaki syndrome
B. deficiency of serum porcelain causes Kawasaki syndrome
C. the difference between mean serum porcelain levels is unlikely to have occurred by chance
D. the difference between mean serum porcelain levels is likely to have occurred by chance

21. The report of an epidemiologic study described the association between a particular exposure
and a particular disease as “a weakly positive association, but not statistically significant at the
0.05 level.” The data most consistent with this statement is:
A. odds ratio = 10.0, p-value = 0.20
B. odds ratio = 1.5, p-value = 0.03
C. relative risk = 1.8, p-value = 0.01
D. relative risk = 10.0, p-value = 0.10
E. risk ratio = 1.8, p-value = 0.20
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 421

Use the data in this table for questions 22 and 23.

Ate specified food Did not eat specified food

Food item Ill We ll Total Ill We ll Total
Macaroni salad 25 15 40 20 39 59
Potato salad 17 38 55 28 16 44
Three-bean salad 43 47 90 2 7 9
Punch 40 52 92 5 4 7
Ice cream 20 1 21 25 53 78

22. After attending a retirement party for the agency director, many of the health department staff
developed gastroenteritis. All attendees were interviewed by the public health nurse who had
recently completed the CDC Principles of Epidemiology self study course. Calculate the
appropriate measure of association for each of the home-made food items shown in the table
above. For which food is the measure of association largest?
A. Macaroni salad
B. Potato salad
C. Three-bean salad
D. Punch
E. Ice cream

23. Which of the food items do you think is most likely to have caused this outbreak?
A. Macaroni salad
B. Potato salad
C. Three-bean salad
D. Punch
E. Ice cream

24. Control and prevention measures should be implemented:

A. as early as possible after verifying the diagnosis
B. as early as possible after performing the descriptive epidemiology
C. as early as possible after performing the analytic epidemiology (testing hypotheses)
D. as early as possible after refining the hypotheses and executing additional studies
Page 422 Principles of Epidemiology

25. For a federal investigator, which of the following communication modes should be used first
to announce the findings of an outbreak investigation?
A. Written report for local authorities
B. Written report for state newsletter
C. Written report for the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
D. Oral report for the local authorities
E. Press conference to explain findings the public

Answers in Appendix J

If you answered at least 20 questions correctly, you understand

Lesson 6 well enough to begin to prepare for the final examination.
Lesson 6: Investigating an Outbreak Page 423


1. Addiss DG, Davis JP, LaVenture M, Wand PJ, Hutchinson MA, McKinney RM.
Community-acquired Legionnaires’ disease associated with a cooling tower: evidence for
longer-distance transport of Legionella pneumophila. Am J Epidemiol 1989;130:557-568.
2. Bender AP, Williams AN, Johnson RA, Jagger HG. Appropriate public health responses to
clusters: the art of being responsibly responsive. Am J Epidemiol 1990;132:S48-S52.
3. Benenson AS (ed). Control of Communicable Diseases in Man. Fifteenth Edition.
Washington, DC: American Public Health Association, 1990.
4. Caldwell GG. Twenty-two years of cancer cluster investigations at the Centers for Disease
Control. Am J Epidemiol 1990;132:S43-S47.
5. Centers for Disease Control. Hepatitis–Alabama. MMWR 1972:21:439-444.
6. Centers for Disease Control. Legionnaires’ disease outbreak associated with a grocery store
mist machine–Louisiana, 1989. MMWR 1990;39:108-110.
7. Centers for Disease Control. Pertussis–Washington, 1984. MMWR 1985;34:390-400.
8. Devier JR, Brownson RC, Bagby JR, Carlson GM, Crellin JR. A public health response to
cancer clusters in Missouri. Am J Epidemiol 1990;132:S23-31.
9. Fiore BJ, Hanrahan LP, Anderson HA. State health department response to disease cluster
reports: a protocol for investigation. Am J Epidemiol 1990;132:S14-22.
10. Fraser DW, Tsai TF, Orenstein W, et al. Legionnaires’ disease: Description of an epidemic
of pneumonia. N Engl J Med 1977;297:1189-1197.
11. Goodman RA, Buehler JW, Koplan JP. The epidemiologic field investigation: science and
judgment in public health practice. Am J Epidemiol 1990;132:9-16.
12. Gross, M. Oswego County revisited. Public Health Rep 1976;91:168-170.
13. Hedberg CW, Fishbein DB, Janssen RS, et al. An outbreak of thyrotoxicosis caused by the
consumption of bovine thyroid gland in ground beef. N Engl J Med 1987;316:993-998.
14. Hertzman PA, Blevins WL, Mayer J, Greenfield B, Ting M, Gleich GJ. Association of the
eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome with the ingestion of tryptophan. N Engl J Med
15. Hopkins RS, Juranek DD. Acute giardiasis: an improved clinical case definition for
epidemiologic studies. Am J Epidemiol 1991;133:402-407.
16. Hutchins SS, Markowitz LE, Mead P, et al. A school-based measles outbreak: the effect of a
selective revaccination policy and risk factors for vaccine failure. Am J Epidemiol
17. MacDonald KL, Spengler RF, Hatheway CL, et al. Type A botulism from sauteed onions.
JAMA 1985;253:1275-1278.
18. Neutra RR. Counterpoint from a cluster buster. Am J Epidemiol 1990;132:1-8.
Page 424 Principles of Epidemiology

19. Rimland D, Parkin WE, Miller GB, Schrack WD. Hepatitis B outbreak traced to an oral
surgeon. N Engl J Med 1977;296:953-958.
20. Rosenberg MD, Hazlet KK, Schaefer J, Wells JG, Pruneda RC. Shigellosis from swimming.
JAMA 1976;236:1849-1852.
21. Ryan CA, Nickels MK, Hargrett-Bean NT, et al. Massive outbreak of antimicrobial-resistant
salmonellosis traced to pasteurized milk. JAMA 1987;258:3269-3274.
22. Schulte PA, Ehrenberg RL, Singal M. Investigation of occupational cancer clusters: theory
and practice. Am J Public Health 1987;77:52-56.
23. Swygert LA, Maes EF, Sewell LE, Miller L, Falk H, Kilbourne EM. Eosinophilia-myalgia
syndrome: results of national surveillance. JAMA 1990;264:1698-1703.
24. Taylor DN, Wachsmuth IK, Shangkuan Y-H, et al. Salmonellosis associated with marijuana:
a multistate outbreak traced by plasmid fingerprinting. New Engl J Med
Appendix A Page 427

Appendix A

The definitions given are valid as they are used in this publication but different definitions may
be used in other contexts. A Dictionary of Epidemiology, Second Edition, edited by J.M. Last for
the International Epidemiological Association and published by Oxford University Press, 1988,
was helpful in providing a number of the definitions.

AGE-ADJUSTED MORTALITY RATE. A mortality rate statistically modified to eliminate the
effect of different age distributions in the different populations.

AGENT. A factor, such as a microorganism, chemical substance, or form of radiation, whose

presence, excessive presence, or (in deficiency diseases) relative absence is essential for the
occurrence of a disease.

AGE-SPECIFIC MORTALITY RATE. A mortality rate limited to a particular age group. The
numerator is the number of deaths in that age group; the denominator is the number of persons
in that age group in the population.

ANALYTIC EPIDEMIOLOGY. The aspect of epidemiology concerned with the search for
health-related causes and effects. Uses comparison groups, which provide baseline data, to
quantify the association between exposures and outcomes, and test hypotheses about causal

ANALYTIC STUDY. A comparative study intended to identify and quantify associations, test
hypotheses, and identify causes. Two common types are cohort study and case-control study.

APPLIED EPIDEMIOLOGY. The application or practice of epidemiology to address public

health issues.

ASSOCIATION. Statistical relationship between two or more events, characteristics, or other


ATTACK RATE. A variant of an incident rate, applied to a narrowly defined population

observed for a limited period of time, such as during an epidemic.

ATTRIBUTABLE PROPORTION. A measure of the public health impact of a causative factor;

proportion of a disease in a group that is exposed to a particular factor which can be attributed
to their exposure to that factor.
Page 428 Principles of Epidemiology

BAR CHART. A visual display of the size of the different categories of a variable. Each
category or value of the variable is represented by a bar.

BIAS. Deviation of results or inferences from the truth, or processes leading to such systematic
deviation. Any trend in the collection, analysis, interpretation, publication, or review of data
that can lead to conclusions that are systematically different from the truth.

BIOLOGIC TRANSMISSION. The indirect vector-borne transmission of an infectious agent in

which the agent undergoes biologic changes within the vector before being transmitted to a
new host.

BOX PLOT. A visual display that summarizes data using a “box and whiskers” format to show
the minimum and maximum values (ends of the whiskers), interquartile range (length of the
box), and median (line through the box).

CARRIER. A person or animal without apparent disease who harbors a specific infectious agent
and is capable of transmitting the agent to others. The carrier state may occur in an individual
with an infection that is inapparent throughout its course (known as asymptomatic carrier), or
during the incubation period, convalescence, and postconvalescence of an individual with a
clinically recognizable disease. The carrier state may be of short or long duration (transient
carrier or chronic carrier).

CASE. In epidemiology, a countable instance in the population or study group of a particular

disease, health disorder, or condition under investigation. Sometimes, an individual with the
particular disease.

CASE-CONTROL STUDY. A type of observational analytic study. Enrollment into the study is
based on presence (“case”) or absence (“control”) of disease. Characteristics such as previous
exposure are then compared between cases and controls.

CASE DEFINITION. A set of standard criteria for deciding whether a person has a particular
disease or health-related condition, by specifying clinical criteria and limitations on time,
place, and person.

CASE-FATALITY RATE. The proportion of persons with a particular condition (cases) who die
from that condition. The denominator is the number of incident cases; the numerator is the
number of cause-specific deaths among those cases.

CAUSE OF DISEASE. A factor (characteristic, behavior, event, etc.) that directly influences the
occurrence of disease. A reduction of the factor in the population should lead to a reduction in
the occurrence of disease.
Appendix A Page 429

CAUSE-SPECIFIC MORTALITY RATE. The mortality rate from a specified cause for a
population. The numerator is the number of deaths attributed to a specific cause during a
specified time interval; the denominator is the size of the population at the midpoint of the
time interval.

CENSUS. The enumeration of an entire population, usually with details being recorded on
residence, age, sex, occupation, ethnic group, marital status, birth history, and relationship to
head of household.

CHAIN OF INFECTION. A process that begins when an agent leaves its reservoir or host
through a portal of exit, and is conveyed by some mode of transmission, then enters through
an appropriate portal of entry to infect a susceptible host.

CLASS INTERVAL. A span of values of a continuous variable which are grouped into a single
category for a frequency distribution of that variable.

CLUSTER. An aggregation of cases of a disease or other health-related condition, particularly

cancer and birth defects, which are closely grouped in time and place. The number of cases
may or may not exceed the expected number; frequently the expected number is not known.
COHORT. A well-defined group of people who have had a common experience or exposure,
who are then followed up for the incidence of new diseases or events, as in a cohort or
prospective study. A group of people born during a particular period or year is called a birth

COHORT STUDY. A type of observational analytic study. Enrollment into the study is based on
exposure characteristics or membership in a group. Disease, death, or other health-related
outcomes are then ascertained and compared.

COMMON SOURCE OUTBREAK. An outbreak that results from a group of persons being
exposed to a common noxious influence, such as an infectious agent or toxin. If the group is
exposed over a relatively brief period of time, so that all cases occur within one incubation
period, then the common source outbreak is further classified as a point source outbreak. In
some common source outbreaks, persons may be exposed over a period of days, weeks, or
longer, with the exposure being either intermittent or continuous.

CONFIDENCE INTERVAL. A range of values for a variable of interest, e.g., a rate, constructed
so that this range has a specified probability of including the true value of the variable. The
specified probability is called the confidence level, and the end points of the confidence
interval are called the confidence limits.

CONFIDENCE LIMIT. The minimum or maximum value of a confidence interval.

CONTACT. Exposure to a source of an infection, or a person so exposed.

CONTAGIOUS. Capable of being transmitted from one person to another by contact or close
Page 430 Principles of Epidemiology

CONTINGENCY TABLE. A two-variable table with cross-tabulated data.

CONTROL. In a case-control study, comparison group of persons without disease.

CRUDE MORTALITY RATE. The mortality rate from all causes of death for a population.

CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY. In a frequency distribution, the number or proportion of cases

or events with a particular value or in a particular class interval, plus the total number or
proportion of cases or events with smaller values of the variable.

CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY CURVE. A plot of the cumulative frequency rather than the
actual frequency for each class interval of a variable. This type of graph is useful for
identifying medians, quartiles, and other percentiles.

DEATH-TO-CASE RATIO. The number of deaths attributed to a particular disease during a
specified time period divided by the number of new cases of that disease identified during the
same time period.

DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION. The “person’ characteristics--age, sex, race, and

occupation--of descriptive epidemiology used to characterize the populations at risk.

DENOMINATOR. The lower portion of a fraction used to calculate a rate or ratio. In a rate, the
denominator is usually the population (or population experience, as in person-years, etc.) at

DEPENDENT VARIABLE. In a statistical analysis, the outcome variable(s) or the variable(s)

whose values are a function of other variable(s) (called independent variable(s) in the
relationship under study).

DESCRIPTIVE EPIDEMIOLOGY. The aspect of epidemiology concerned with organizing and

summarizing health-related data according to time, place, and person.

DETERMINANT. Any factor, whether event, characteristic, or other definable entity, that brings
about change in a health condition, or in other defined characteristics.

DIRECT TRANSMISSION. The immediate transfer of an agent from a reservoir to a susceptible

host by direct contact or droplet spread.

DISTRIBUTION. In epidemiology, the frequency and pattern of health-related characteristics

and events in a population. In statistics, the observed or theoretical frequency of values of a

DOT PLOT. A visual display of the actual data points of a noncontinuous variable.
Appendix A Page 431

DROPLET NUCLEI. The residue of dried droplets that may remain suspended in the air for long
periods, may be blown over great distances, and are easily inhaled into the lungs and exhaled.

DROPLET SPREAD. The direct transmission of an infectious agent from a reservoir to a

susceptible host by spray with relatively large, short-ranged aerosols produced by sneezing,
coughing, or talking.

ENDEMIC DISEASE. The constant presence of a disease or infectious agent within a given
geographic area or population group; may also refer to the usual prevalence of a given disease
within such area or group.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR. An extrinsic factor (geology, climate, insects, sanitation, health

services, etc.) which affects the agent and the opportunity for exposure.

EPIDEMIC. The occurrence of more cases of disease than expected in a given area or among a
specific group of people over a particular period of time.

EPIDEMIC CURVE. A histogram that shows the course of a disease outbreak or epidemic by
plotting the number of cases by time of onset.

EPIDEMIC PERIOD. A time period when the number of cases of disease reported is greater than

EPIDEMIOLOGIC TRIAD. The traditional model of infectious disease causation. Includes three
components: an external agent, a susceptible host, and an environment that brings the host and
agent together, so that disease occurs.

EPIDEMIOLOGY. The study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or

events in specified populations, and the application of this study to the control of health

EVALUATION. A process that attempts to determine as systematically and objectively as

possible the relevance, effectiveness, and impact of activities in the light of their objectives.

EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. A study in which the investigator specifies the exposure category
for each individual (clinical trial) or community (community trial), then follows the
individuals or community to detect the effects of the exposure.

EXPOSED (GROUP). A group whose members have been exposed to a supposed cause of
disease or health state of interest, or possess a characteristic that is a determinant of the health
outcome of interest.
Page 432 Principles of Epidemiology

FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION. A complete summary of the frequencies of the values or
categories of a variable; often displayed in a two column table: the left column lists the
individual values or categories, the right column indicates the number of observations in each

FREQUENCY POLYGON. A graph of a frequency distribution with values of the variable on

the x-axis and the number of observations on the y-axis; data points are plotted at the
midpoints of the intervals and are connected with a straight line.

GRAPH. A way to show quantitative data visually, using a system of coordinates.

HEALTH. A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity.

HEALTH INDICATOR. A measure that reflects, or indicates, the state of health of persons in a
defined population, e.g., the infant mortality rate.

HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEM. A combination of health statistics from various sources,

used to derive information about health status, health care, provision and use of services, and
impact on health.

HIGH-RISK GROUP. A group in the community with an elevated risk of disease.

HISTOGRAM. A graphic representation of the frequency distribution of a continuous variable.

Rectangles are drawn in such a way that their bases lie on a linear scale representing different
intervals, and their heights are proportional to the frequencies of the values within each of the

HOST. A person or other living organism that can be infected by an infectious agent under
natural conditions.

HOST FACTOR. An intrinsic factor (age, race, sex, behaviors, etc.) which influences an
individual's exposure, susceptibility, or response to a causative agent.

HYPERENDEMIC DISEASE. A disease that is constantly present at a high incidence and/or

prevalence rate.
Appendix A Page 433

HYPOTHESIS. A supposition, arrived at from observation or reflection, that leads to refutable

predictions. Any conjecture cast in a form that will allow it to be tested and refuted.

HYPOTHESIS, NULL. The first step in testing for statistical significance in which it is assumed
that the exposure is not related to disease.

HYPOTHESIS, ALTERNATIVE. The hypothesis, to be adopted if the null hypothesis proves

implausible, in which exposure is associated with disease.

IMMUNITY, ACTIVE. Resistance developed in response to stimulus by an antigen (infecting
agent or vaccine) and usually characterized by the presence of antibody produced by the host.

IMMUNITY, HERD. The resistance of a group to invasion and spread of an infectious agent,
based on the resistance to infection of a high proportion of individual members of the group.
The resistance is a product of the number susceptible and the probability that those who are
susceptible will come into contact with an infected person.

IMMUNITY, PASSIVE. Immunity conferred by an antibody produced in another host and

acquired naturally by an infant from its mother or artificially by administration of an antibody-
containing preparation (antiserum or immune globulin).

INCIDENCE RATE. A measure of the frequency with which an event, such as a new case of
illness, occurs in a population over a period of time. The denominator is the population at risk;
the numerator is the number of new cases occurring during a given time period.

INCUBATION PERIOD. A period of subclinical or inapparent pathologic changes following

exposure, ending with the onset of symptoms of infectious disease.

INDEPENDENT VARIABLE. An exposure, risk factor, or other characteristic being observed

or measured that is hypothesized to influence an event or manifestation (the dependent

INDIRECT TRANSMISSION. The transmission of an agent carried from a reservoir to a

susceptible host by suspended air particles or by animate (vector) or inanimate (vehicle)

INDIVIDUAL DATA. Data that have not been put into a frequency distribution or rank ordered.

INFECTIVITY. The proportion of persons exposed to a causative agent who become infected by
an infectious disease.

INFERENCE, STATISTICAL. In statistics, the development of generalizations from sample

data, usually with calculated degrees of uncertainty.
Page 434 Principles of Epidemiology

INTERQUARTILE RANGE. The central portion of a distribution, calculated as the difference

between the third quartile and the first quartile; this range includes about one-half of the
observations in the set, leaving one-quarter of the observations on each side.

LATENCY PERIOD. A period of subclinical or inapparent pathologic changes following
exposure, ending with the onset of symptoms of chronic disease.

MEAN, ARITHMETIC. The measure of central location commonly called the average. It is
calculated by adding together all the individual values in a group of measurements and
dividing by the number of values in the group.

MEAN, GEOMETRIC. The mean or average of a set of data measured on a logarithmic scale.

MEASURE OF ASSOCIATION. A quantified relationship between exposure and disease;

includes relative risk, rate ratio, odds ratio.

MEASURE OF CENTRAL LOCATION. A central value that best represents a distribution of

data. Measures of central location include the mean, median, and mode. Also called the
measure of central tendency.

MEASURE OF DISPERSION. A measure of the spread of a distribution out from its central
value. Measures of dispersion used in epidemiology include the interquartile range, variance,
and the standard deviation.

MEDIAN. The measure of central location which divides a set of data into two equal parts.

MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE. The monitoring of potentially exposed individuals to detect early

symptoms of disease.

MIDRANGE. The halfway point or midpoint in a set of observations. For most types of data, it
is calculated as the sum of the smallest observation and the largest observation, divided by
two. For age data, one is added to the numerator. The midrange is usually calculated as an
intermediate step in determining other measures.

MODE. A measure of central location, the most frequently occurring value in a set of

MORBIDITY. Any departure, subjective or objective, from a state of physiological or

psychological well-being.
Appendix A Page 435

MORTALITY RATE. A measure of the frequency of occurrence of death in a defined

population during a specified interval of time.

MORTALITY RATE, INFANT. A ratio expressing the number of deaths among children under
one year of age reported during a given time period divided by the number of births reported
during the same time period. The infant mortality rate is usually expressed per 1,000 live

MORTALITY RATE, NEONATAL. A ratio expressing the number of deaths among children
from birth up to but not including 28 days of age divided by the number of live births reported
during the same time period. The neonatal mortality rate is usually expressed per 1,000 live

MORTALITY RATE, POSTNEONATAL. A ratio expressing the number of deaths among

children from 28 days up to but not including 1 year of age during a given time period divided
by the number of lives births reported during the same time period. The postneonatal mortality
rate is usually expressed per 1,000 live births.

NATURAL HISTORY OF DISEASE. The temporal course of disease from onset (inception) to

NECESSARY CAUSE. A causal factor whose presence is required for the occurrence of the
effect (of disease).

NOMINAL SCALE. Classification into unordered qualitative categories; e.g., race, religion, and
country of birth as measurements of individual attributes are purely nominal scales, as there is
no inherent order to their categories.

NORMAL CURVE. A bell-shaped curve that results when a normal distribution is graphed.

NORMAL DISTRIBUTION. The symmetrical clustering of values around a central location.

The properties of a normal distribution include the following: (1) It is a continuous,
symmetrical distribution; both tails extend to infinity; (2) the arithmetic mean, mode, and
median are identical; and, (3) its shape is completely determined by the mean and standard

NUMERATOR. The upper portion of a fraction.

Page 436 Principles of Epidemiology

OBSERVATIONAL STUDY. Epidemiological study in situations where nature is allowed to
take its course. Changes or differences in one characteristic are studied in relation to changes
or differences in others, without the intervention of the investigator.

ODDS RATIO. A measure of association which quantifies the relationship between an exposure
and health outcome from a comparative study; also known as the cross-product ratio.

ORDINAL SCALE. Classification into ordered qualitative categories; e.g., social class (I, II, III,
etc.), where the values have a distinct order, but their categories are qualitative in that there is
no natural (numerical) distance between their positive values.

OUTBREAK. Synonymous with epidemic. Sometimes the preferred word, as it may escape
sensationalism associated with the word epidemic. Alternatively, a localized as opposed to
generalized epidemic.

PANDEMIC. An epidemic occurring over a very wide area (several countries or continents) and
usually affecting a large proportion of the population.

PATHOGENICITY. The proportion of persons infected, after exposure to a causative agent, who
then develop clinical disease.

PERCENTILE. The set of numbers from 0 to 100 that divide a distribution into 100 parts of
equal area, or divide a set of ranked data into 100 class intervals with each interval containing
1/100 of the observations. A particular percentile, say the 5th percentile, is a cut point with 5
percent of the observations below it and the remaining 95% of the observations above it.

PERIOD PREVALENCE. The amount a particular disease present in a population over a period
of time.

PERSON-TIME RATE. A measure of the incidence rate of an event, e.g., a disease or death, in a
population at risk over an observed period to time, that directly incorporates time into the

PIE CHART. A circular chart in which the size of each “slice” is proportional to the frequency of
each category of a variable.

POINT PREVALENCE. The amount of a particular disease present in a population at a single

point in time.
Appendix A Page 437

POPULATION. The total number of inhabitants of a given area or country. In sampling, the
population may refer to the units from which the sample is drawn, not necessarily the total
population of people.

PREDICTIVE VALUE POSITIVE. A measure of the predictive value of a reported case or

epidemic; the proportion of cases reported by a surveillance system or classified by a case
definition which are true cases.

PREVALENCE. The number or proportion of cases or events or conditions in a given


PREVALENCE RATE. The proportion of persons in a population who have a particular disease
or attribute at a specified point in time or over a specified period of time.

PROPAGATED OUTBREAK. An outbreak that does not have a common source, but instead
spreads from person to person.

PROPORTION. A type of ratio in which the numerator is included in the denominator. The ratio
of a part to the whole, expressed as a “decimal fraction” (e.g., 0.2), as a fraction (1/5), or,
loosely, as a percentage (20%).

PROPORTIONATE MORTALITY. The proportion of deaths in a specified population over a

period of time attributable to different causes. Each cause is expressed as a percentage of all
deaths, and the sum of the causes must add to 100%. These proportions are not mortality rates,
since the denominator is all deaths, not the population in which the deaths occurred.

PUBLIC HEALTH SURVEILLANCE. The systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and

dissemination of health data on an ongoing basis, to gain knowledge of the pattern of disease
occurrence and potential in a community, in order to control and prevent disease in the

RACE-SPECIFIC MORTALITY RATE. A mortality rate limited to a specified racial group.
Both numerator and denominator are limited to the specified group.

RANDOM SAMPLE. A sample derived by selecting individuals such that each individual has
the same probability of selection.

RANGE. In statistics, the difference between the largest and smallest values in a distribution. In
common use, the span of values from smallest to largest.

RATE. An expression of the frequency with which an event occurs in a defined population.
Page 438 Principles of Epidemiology

RATE RATIO. A comparison of two groups in terms of incidence rates, person-time rates, or
mortality rates.

RATIO. The value obtained by dividing one quantity by another.

RELATIVE RISK. A comparison of the risk of some health-related event such as disease or
death in two groups.

REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE. A sample whose characteristics correspond to those of the

original population or reference population.

RESERVOIR. The habitat in which an infectious agent normally lives, grows and multiplies;
reservoirs include human reservoirs, animals reservoirs, and environmental reservoirs.

RISK. The probability that an event will occur, e.g. that an individual will become ill or die
within a stated period of time or age.

RISK FACTOR. An aspect of personal behavior or lifestyle, an environmental exposure, or an

inborn or inherited characteristic that is associated with an increased occurrence of disease or
other health-related event or condition.

RISK RATIO. A comparison of the risk of some health-related event such as disease or death in
two groups.

SAMPLE. A selected subset of a population. A sample may be random or non-random and it
may be representative or non-representative.

SCATTER DIAGRAM. A graph in which each dot represents paired values for two continuous
variables, with the x-axis representing one variable and the y-axis representing the other; used
to display the relationship between the two variables; also called a scattergram.

SEASONALITY. Change in physiological status or in disease occurrence that conforms to a

regular seasonal pattern.

SECONDARY ATTACK RATE. A measure of the frequency of new cases of a disease among
the contacts of known cases.

SECULAR TREND. Changes over a long period of time, generally years or decades.

SENSITIVITY. The ability of a system to detect epidemics and other changes in disease
occurrence. The proportion of persons with disease who are correctly identified by a screening
test or case definition as having disease.
Appendix A Page 439

SENTINEL SURVEILLANCE. A surveillance system in which a pre-arranged sample of

reporting sources agrees to report all cases of one or more notifiable conditions.

SEX-SPECIFIC MORTALITY RATE. A mortality rate among either males or females.

SKEWED. A distribution that is asymmetrical.

SPECIFICITY. The proportion of persons without disease who are correctly identified by a
screening test or case definition as not having disease.

SPORADIC. A disease that occurs infrequently and irregularly.

SPOT MAP. A map that indicates the location of each case of a rare disease or outbreak by a
place that is potentially relevant to the health event being investigated, such as where each
case lived or worked.

STANDARD DEVIATION. The most widely used measure of dispersion of a frequency

distribution, equal to the positive square root of the variance.

STANDARD ERROR (OF THE MEAN). The standard deviation of a theoretical distribution of
sample means about the true population mean.

SUFFICIENT CAUSE. A causal factor or collection of factors whose presence is always

followed by the occurrence of the effect (of disease).


SURVIVAL CURVE. A curve that starts at 100% of the study population and shows the
percentage of the population still surviving at successive times for as long as information is
available. May be applied not only to survival as such, but also to the persistence of freedom
from a disease, or complication or some other endpoint.

TABLE. A set of data arranged in rows and columns.

TABLE SHELL. A table that is complete except for the data.

TRANSMISSION OF INFECTION. Any mode or mechanism by which an infectious agent is

spread through the environment or to another person.

TREND. A long-term movement or change in frequency, usually upwards or downwards.

Page 440 Principles of Epidemiology

UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS. Recommendations issued by CDC to minimize the risk of
transmission of bloodborne pathogens, particularly HIV and HBV, by health care and public
safety workers. Barrier precautions are to be used to prevent exposure to blood and certain
body fluids of all patients.

VALIDITY. The degree to which a measurement actually measures or detects what it is
supposed to measure.

VARIABLE. Any characteristic or attribute that can be measured.

VARIANCE. A measure of the dispersion shown by a set of observations, defined by the sum of
the squares of deviations from the mean, divided by the number of degrees of freedom in the
set of observations.

VECTOR. An animate intermediary in the indirect transmission of an agent that carries the agent
from a reservoir to a susceptible host.

VEHICLE. An inanimate intermediary in the indirect transmission of an agent that carries the
agent from a reservoir to a susceptible host.

VIRULENCE. The proportion of persons with clinical disease, who after becoming infected,
become severely ill or die.

VITAL STATISTICS. Systematically tabulated information about births, marriages, divorces,

and deaths, based on registration of these vital events.

YEARS OF POTENTIAL LIFE LOST. A measure of the impact of premature mortality on a
population, calculated as the sum of the differences between some predetermined minimum or
desired life span and the age of death for individuals who died earlier than that predetermined

ZOONOSES. An infectious disease that is transmissible under normal conditions from animals
to humans.
Appendix B Page 441

Appendix B
Formula Reference Sheet
∑ xi
Mean From individual data: x =
Geometric Mean Geometric mean is the mean of a set of data measured on a logarithmic
xgeo = antilog ( ∑ Log xi)
Median Identifying the median from individual data:
1. Arrange the observations in increasing or decreasing order
2. Find the middle rank with the following formula:

Middle rank =
(n + 1)
a. If the number of observations (n) is odd, the middle rank falls on an observation.
b. If n is even, the middle rank falls between two observations.
3. Identify the value of the median:
a. If the middle rank falls on a specific observation (that is, if n is odd), the median is equal
to the value of that observation.
b. If the middle rank falls between two observations (that is, if n is even) the median is equal
to the average (i.e., the arithmetic mean) of the values of those observations.
Identifying the median from a frequency distribution:
1. Identify the middle rank of the data as in step 2 above.
2. Starting with the first value (row), add the frequencies cumulatively. Stop when the
cumulative frequency equals or exceeds the middle rank.
3. Identify the median as the value at the middle rank.
a. If the middle rank falls within a particular value (row), the median equals that value.
b. If the middle rank falls between two values (row), the median is calculated as the average
(mean) of the two values that the middle rank lies between.
Mode 1. Arrange the data into a frequency distribution, showing the values of the variable (xi)
and the frequency (fi) with which each value occurs.
2. Identify the value that occurs most often.

Σ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of fi = frequency of xi

n = the number of observations x1 = lowest value in the set of observations
xi = i-th observation (x1=1st observation, xn = highest value in the set of observations
x4 = 4th observation)
Page 442 Principles of Epidemiology

Midrange Formula for calculating the midrange from a set of observations:

( x1 + x n )
Midrange (most types of data) =
(x1 + x n + 1)
Midrange (age data) =
1. Rank the observations in order of increasing value.
2. Identify smallest and largest values.
3. Calculate midrange with appropriate formula.
Range 1. Arrange the data into a frequency distribution.
2. Identify the minimum and maximum values.
3. Calculate the range. Range = Maximum − Minimum
Interquartile range
1. Arrange the observations in increasing order.
2. Find the position of the 1st and 3rd quartiles.
Position of 1st quartile (Q1) =
(n + 1)
3(n + 1)
Position of 3rd quartile (Q3) =
3. Identify the value of the 1st and 3rd quartiles
• If a quartile lies on an observation (i.e., if its position is a whole number), the
value of the quartile is the value of that observation.
• If a quartile lies between observations, the value of the quartile is the value of the
lower observation plus the specified fraction of the difference between the
4. Calculate the interquartile range as Q3 minus Q1.
n ∑ x i 2 − (∑ x i )2
Variance Variance from individual data = s2 =
n(n − 1)

n ∑ x i 2 − (∑ x i )2
Standard Deviation Standard deviation = s = s 2 =
n(n − 1)

Standard Error of Mean Standard error of the mean = SE =

Confidence Limits These formulas used with sample sizes of at least 30.
Lower 95% confidence limit = mean − (1.96 × SE)
Upper 95% confidence limit = mean +(1.96 × SE)

Σ = (Greek letter sigma) = sum of fi = frequency of xi

n = the number of observations x1 = lowest value in the set of observations
xi = i-th observation (x1=1st observation, xn = highest value in the set of observations
x4 = 4th observation)
Appendix C Page 443

Appendix C
Case Definitions for Public Health Surveillance

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Surveillance case definitions for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection have been previously published in:
CDC, Revision of the CDC surveillance case definition for acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome. MMWR 1987;36(no. 1S).
Case classification systems have also been published in:
CDC. Classification system for human T-lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-
associated virus infections. MMWR 1986;35:334-9.CDC.
Classification system for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in children under
13 years of age. MMWR 1987;36:225-30,235.

Clinical description
Infection of the large intestine by Entamoeba histolytica may result in an illness of variable
severity, ranging from mild, chronic diarrhea to fulminant dysentery. Infection may also be
Extraintestinal infection may also occur. The most common is hepatic abscess.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Intestinal amebiasis
• Demonstration of cysts or trophozoites of E. histolytica in stool, or
• Demonsration of trophozoites in tissue biopsy or ulcer scrapings by culture or histopathology
Extraintestinal amebiasis
• Demonstration of E. histolytica trophozoites in extraintestinal tissue
Case classification
Confirmed,intestinal amebiasis: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory
Confirmed, extraintestinal amebiasis: a parasitologically confirmed infection of exraintestinal
tissue; or among symptomatic persons with clinical and/or radiographic findings consistent with
extraintestinal infection, demonstration of specific antibody against E. histolytica as measured by
indirect hemagglutination (IHA) or other reliable immunodiagnostic test such as enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (EISA).
Asymptomatic intestinal carriage of E. histolytica should not be reported. Among asymptomatic
persons, a positive serologic test does not necessarily indicate extraintestinal amebiasis.
Page 444 Principles of Epidemiology

Clinical description
Illness with acute onset characterized by several distinct clinical forms:
• Cutaneous (a skin lesion evolving over 2 to 6 days from a papule, through a vesicular stage, to
a depressed black eschar)
• Inhalation (a brief prodrome resembling a viral respiratory illness followed by development of
hypoxia and dyspnea, with x-ray evidence of mediastinal widening)
• Intestinal (severe abdominal distress followed by fever and signs of septicemia)
• Oropharyngeal (mucosal lesion in the oral cavity or oropharynx, cervical adenopathy and
edema, and fever)
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of Bacillus anthracis from a clinical specimen, or
• Fourfold or greater rise in either the anthrax enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or
elecrophoretic immunotransblot (EIBT) titer between acute- and convalescent-phase serum
specimens obtained greater than or equal to 2 weeks apart, or
• Anthrax ELISA titer greater than or equal to 64 or an EITB reaction to the protective antigen
and/or lethal factor bands in one or more serum samples obtained after onset of symptoms, or
• Demonstration of B. anthracis in a clinical specimen by immunofluorescence
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed

Aseptic Meningitis
Clinical description
A syndrome characterized by acute onset of meningeal symptoms, fever, and cerebrospinal fluid
pleocytosis, with bacteriologically sterile cultures. (See Encephalitis, Arboviral.)
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• No evidence of bacterial or fungal meningitis
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness diagnosed by a physician as aseptic meningitis,
with no laboratory evidence of bacterial or fungal meningitis
Aseptic meningitis is a syndrome of multiple etiologies, but many cases are caused by a viral agent.

Botulism, Foodborne
Clinical description
Ingestion of botulinal toxin results in an illness of variable severity. Common symptoms are
diplopia, blurred vision, and bulbar weakness. Symmetric paralysis may progress rapidly. (See
CDC Botulism Manual.)
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Detection of botulinal toxin in serum, stool, or patient’s food, or
• Isolation of Clostridium botulinum from stool
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed or that occurs among
persons who ate the same food as persons with laboratory-confirmed botulism
Appendix C Page 445

Botulism may be diagnosed without laboratory confirmation if the clinical and epidemiologic
evidence is overwhelming.

Botulism, Infant
Clinical description
An illness of infants, characterized by constipation, poor feeding, and “failure to thrive” that may
be followed by progressive weakness, impaired respiration, and death. (See CDC Botulism
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Detection of botulinal toxin in stool, or
• Isolation of Clostridium botulinum from stool
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible, laboratory-confirmed illness occurring among children less
than 1 year of age

Botulism, Wound
Clinical description
An illness resulting from toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum that has infected a wound. (See
CDC Botulism Manual.)
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Detection of botulinal toxin in serum, or
• Isolation of Clostridium botulinum from wound
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed among patients with no
suspect food exposure and with a history of a fresh, contaminated wound in the 2 weeks before
onset of symptoms

Botulism, Other
Clinical description
See Botulism, Foodborne.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Detection of botulinal toxin in clinical specimen, or
• Isolation of Clostridium botulinum from clinical specimen
Case classification
Confirmed: an illness clinically compatible with botulism that is laboratory confirmed among
patients greater than 11 months of age, without histories of ingestion of suspect food, and without
Page 446 Principles of Epidemiology

Clinical description
An illness characterized by acute or insidious onset of fever, night sweats, undue fatigue,
anorexia, weight loss, headache and arthralgia
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of Brucella sp. from a clinical specimen, or
• Fourfold or greater rise in Brucella agglutination titer between acute- and convalescent-phase
serum specimens obtained greater than or equal to 2 weeks apart and studied at the same
laboratory, or
• Demonstration of Brucella sp. in a clinical specimen by immunofluorescence
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible case that is epidemiologically linked to a confirmed case or that
has supportive serology (i.e., Brucella agglutination titer of greater than or equal to 160 in one or
more serum specimens obtained after onset of symptoms)
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed

Campylobacter Infection
Clinical description
Infection that may result in diarrheal illness of variable severity
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of Campylobacter from any clinical specimen
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible illness that is epidemiologically linked to a confirmed case
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed
Only confirmed cases are reported to the laboratory-based surveillance system operated by the
Enteric Diseases Branch, Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC. States collecting data on
Camppylobacter infection may wish to collect reports of both probable and confirmed cases, but
the data are not currently published in the MMWR.

Clinical description
A sexually transmitted disease characterized by painful genital ulceration and inflammatory
inguinal adenopathy. The disease is cased by infection with Haemophilus ducreyi.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of H. ducreyi from a clinical specimen
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible case with one or more painful genital ulcers and both a) no
evidence of Treponema pallidum infection by darkfield examination of ulcer exudates or by a
serologic test for syphilis performed at least 7 days after onset of ulcers, and b) the clinical
presentation of the ulcer(s) is not typical of disease caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV), or HSV
culture is negative
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed
Appendix C Page 447

Chlamydia trachomatis Infection

Clinical description
Infection with Chlamydia trachomatis may result in urethritis, epididymitis, cervicitis, acute
salpingitis, or other syndromes when sexually transmitted. Perinatal infections may result in
inclusion conjunctivitis and pneumonia among newborns. Other syndromes caused by C.
trachomatis include lymphogranuloma venereum (see Lymphogranuloma Venereum Infection)
and trachoma.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of C. trachomatis by culture, or
• Demonstration of C. trachomatis in a clinical specimen by antigen detection methods
Case classification
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed

Clinical description
An illness characterized by diarrhea and/or vomiting. Severity is variable.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of toxigenic (cholera toxin-producing) Vibrio cholerae 01 from stool or vomitus, or
• Significant rise in vibriocidal antibodies in acute- and early convalescent-phase sera, or
• Significant fall in vibriocidal antibodies in early and late convalescent-phase sera among
persons not recently vaccinated
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed
When other cases are known to be occurring, a less than fourfold rise in titer between acute- and
convalescent-phase serum may be considered significant. Likewise, a less than fourfold fall
between early and late convalescent-phase sera may be important in these circumstances. Only
confirmed cases should be reported to the NNDSS. Illnesses due to strains of V. cholerae other
than toxigenic V. cholerae should not be reported as cases of cholera.

Dengue Fever
Clinical description
An acute febrile illness characterized by frontal headache, retro-ocular pain, muscle and joint pain,
and rash. The disease is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito and is confined to the tropics.
Severe manifestations (dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome) are rare, but may
be fatal.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of dengue virus from serum and/or autopsy tissue samples, or
• Demonstration of a fourfold or greater rise or fall in reciprocal IgG or IgM antibody titers in
paired serum samples to one or more dengue virus antigens, or
• Demonstration of dengue virus antigens in autopsy tissue samples by immunofluorescence or
by hybridization probe
Page 448 Principles of Epidemiology

Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible illness with supportive serology (a reciprocal IgG antibody titer
of greater than or equal to 1280 or a positive IgM antibody test on a single convalescent-phase
serum specimen to one or more dengue virus antigens)
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed
Dengue hemorrhagic fever is defined as acute onset of fever with nonspecific symptoms. This is
followed by hemorrhagic manifestations that may include a positive tourniquet test1 and/or minor
or major bleeding phenomena, thrombocytopenia (less than or equal to 100,000/mm3), and
hemoconcentration (hematocrit increased by greater than or equal to 20%), or other objective
evidence of increasing capillary permeability; or decreasing hematocrit after severe frank
hemorrhage, such as gastrointestinal bleeding. The definition for dengue shock syndrome follows
all of the above criteria for dengue hemorrhagic fever and also includes hypotension or narrow
pulse pressure (less than 20 Mm Hg).

Clinical case definition
An upper respiratory tract illness characterized by sore throat, low-grade fever, and an adherent
membrane of the tonsil(s), pharynx, and/or nose without other apparent cause (as reported by a
health professional)
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of Corynebacterium diphtheriae from a clinical specimen
Case classification
Probable: meets the clinical case definition, is not laboratory confirmed, and is not
epidemiologically linked to a laboratory-confirmed case
Confirmed: meets the clinical case definition and is either laboratory confirmed or
epidemiologically linked to a laboratory-confirmed case
Cutaneous diphtheria should not be reported

Encephalitis, Arboviral
Clinical description
Arboviral infection may result in a febrile illness of variable severity associated with neurologic symptoms
ranging from headache to aseptic meningitis or encephalitis. Arborival encephalitis cannot be
distinguished clinically from infection with other neurotropic viruses. Symptoms may include
headache, confusion or other alterations in sensorium, nausea, or vomiting. Signs may include
evidence of elevated intracranial pressure or meningeal irritation, cranial nerve palsies, paresis or
paralysis, altered reflexes, or convulsions. (See Aseptic Meningitis and Encephalitis, Primary.)
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Fourfold or greater rise in serum antibody titer, or
• Isolation of virus from or demonstration of viral antigen in tissue, blood, cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF), or other body fluid, or
• Specific IgM antibody in CSF
Appendix C Page 449

Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible illness occurring during a period when arbovirus transmission is
likely to occur, and with the following supportive serology: a stable (twofold or greater change)
elevated antibody titer to an arbovirus, e.g., greater than or equal to 320 by hemagglutination
inhibition, greater than or equal to 128 by complement fixation, greater than orequal to 256 by
immunofluorescence, greater than or equal to 160 by neutralization, or a positive serologic result
byenzyme immunoassay (EIA)
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed
The time of year in which arboviral transmission is likely to occur depends on the geographic
location of exposure, the specific cycle of virus transmission, and local climatic conditions.
Arboviruses causing encephalitis include the following:
• St. Louis encephalitis
• Western equine encephalitis
• Eastern equine encephalitis
• California encephalitis (includes infections from the following viruses: LaCrosse, Jamestown
Canyon, Snowshoe Hare, Trivittatus, and California viruses)
• Powassan encephalitis
• Other central nervous system infections transmitted by mosquitos, ticks, or midges
(Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Cache Valley encephalitis)

Encephalitis, Postinfectious (or Parainfectious)

Clinical description
Encephalitis or meningoencephalitis that follows or occurs in combination with other viral illnesses
that are not central nervous system illnesses, or after vaccine is administered. Symptoms may be
due to hypersensitivity reaction. Primary encephalitis is excluded.
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness diagnosed by a physician as postinfectious (or
parainfectious) encephalitis
Laboratory studies are important in clinical diagnosis but are not required for reporting purposes.

Encephalitis, Primary
Clinical description
An illness in which encephalitis is the major manifestation. Symptoms are due to direct invasion
and replication of the infectious agent in the central nervous system, resulting in objective clinical
evidence of cerebral or cerebellar dysfunction. Postinfectious (or parainfectious) encephalitis is
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness diagnosed by a physician as primary encephalitis
Laboratory studies are important in clinical diagnosis but are not required for reporting purposes.
Primary encephalitis is a category used for reporting to the NNDSS. This category includes
arboviral encephalitis and primary encephalitis of unspecified cause.
Page 450 Principles of Epidemiology

Foodborne Disease Outbreak

Clinical description
Symptoms of illness depend upon etiologic agent. (See Guidelines for Confirmation of Foodborne
and Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, in press.)
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Depends upon etiologic agent. (See Guidelines for Confirmation of Foodborne and Waterborne
Disease Outbreaks, in press.)
An incident in which two or more persons experience a similar illness after ingestion of a common
food, and epidemiologic analysis implicates the food as the source of the illness.
There are two exceptions: one case of botulism or chemical poisoning constitutes an outbreak.

Genital Herpes (Herpes Simplex Virus)

Clinical description
An illness characterized by visible, painful genital or anogenital lesions
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of herpes simplex virus from cervix, urethra, or anogenital lesion, or
• Demonstration of virus by antigen detection technique in clinical specimens from cervix,
urethra, or anogenital lesion, or
• Demonstration of multinucleated giant cells on a Tzanck smear of scrapings from an anogenital
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible case (in which primary and secondary syphilis have been ruled
out by serology and darkfield microscopy, when available) with either a diagnosis of genital herpes
based on clinical presentation (without laboratory confirmation) or a history of one or more
previous episodes of similar genital lesions
Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed
Herpes should be reported only one per patient. The first diagnosis for a patient with no previous
diagnosis should be reported.

Genital Warts
Clinical description
An infection characterized by the presence of visible, exophytic (raised) growths on the internal or
external genitalia, perineum, or perianal region
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Histopathologic changes characteristic of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on biopsy or
exfoliative cytology
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible case without histopathologic diagnosis and without
mircoscropic or serologic evidence that the growth is due to secondary syphilis.
Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed
Appendix C Page 451

Clinical description
An illness caused by the protozoan Giardia lamblia and characterized by diarrhea, abdominal
cramps, bloating, weight loss, or malabsorption. Infected persons may be asymptomatic.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Demonstration of G. lamblia cysts in stool, or
• Demonstration of G. lamblia trophozoites in stool, duodenal fluid, or small bowel biopsy, or
• Demonstration of G. lamblia antigen in stool by a specific immunodiagnostic test such as
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
Case classification
Confirmed, symptomatic: a laboratory-confirmed case associated with one or more of the
symptoms described above
Confirmed, asymptomatic: a laboratory-confirmed case associated with none of the above

Clinical description
A sexually transmitted infection commonly manifested by urethritis, cervicitis, or salpingitis.
Infection may be asymptomatic.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae from a clinical specimen, or
• Observation of gram-negative intracellular diplococci in a urethral smear obtained from a man
Case classification
Probable: demonstration of gram-negative intracellular diplococci in an endocervical smear
obtained from a woman, or a written (morbidity) report of gonorrhea submitted by a physician
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed

Granuloma Inguinale
Clinical description
A slowly progressive ulcerative disease of the skin and lymphatics of the genital and perianal area
caused by infection with Calymmatobacterium granulomatis. A clinically compatible case would
have one or more painless or minimally painful granulomatous lesions in the anogenital area.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Demonstration of intracytoplasmic Donovan bodies in Wright or Giemsa-stained smears or
biopsies of granulation tissue
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed
Page 452 Principles of Epidemiology

Haemophilus influenzae (Invasive Disease)

Clinical description
Invasive disease due to Haemophillus influenzae may produce any of several syndromes, including
meningitis, bacteremia, epiglottitis, or pneumonia
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of H. influenzae from a normally sterile site
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible illness with detection of H. influenzae type b antigen in
cerebrospinal fluid
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is culture confirmed
Antigen test results in urine or serum are unreliable for diagnosis of H. influenzae disease.

Hansen Disease
Clinical description
A chronic bacterial disease characterized by the involvement of mainly skin, peripheral nerves, and
the mucosa of the upper airway. Clinical forms of Hansen disease represent a spectrum reflecting
the cellular immune response to Mycobacterium leprae. Typical of the major forms of the disease
are the following characteristics:
• Tuberculoid—one or a few well-demarcated, hypopigmented, and anesthetic skin lesions,
frequently with active, spreading edges and a clearing center; peripheral nerve swelling or
thickening may also occur
• Lepromatous—a number of erythematous papules and nodules or an infiltration of the face,
hands, and feet with lesions in a bilaterial and symmetrical distribution that progress to
thickening of the skin
• Borderline (dimorphous)—skin lesions characteristic of both the tuberculoid and lepromatous
• Indeterminate—early lesions, usually hypopigmented macules, without developed tuberculoid
or lepromatous features
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Demonstration of acid-fast bacilli in skin or dermal nerve, obtained from the full-thickness skin
biopsy of a lepromatous lesion
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed.

Hepatitis, Viral
Clinical case definition
An illness with a) discrete onset of symptoms and b) jaundice or elevated serum aminotransferase
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Hepatitis A: IgM anti-HAV-positive
• Hepatitis B: IfM anti-HBc-positive (if done) or HbsAg-positive, and IgM anti-HAV-negative
(if done)
Appendix C Page 453

• Non-A, Non-B Hepatitis: 1. IgM anti-HAV-negative, and 2. IgM anti-HBc-negative (if done)
or HbsAg-negative, and 3. Serum aminotransferase levels greater than 2 ½ times the upper
limit of normal
• Delta Hepatitis: HbsAg- or IgM anti-HBc-positive and anti-HDV-positive
Case classification
Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition and is laboratory confirmed
A serologic test for IgG antibody to the recently described hepatitis C virus is available, and many
cases of non-A, non-B hepatitis may be demonstrated to be due to infection with the hepatitis C
virus. With this assay, however, a prolonged interval between onset of disease and detection of
antibody may occur. Until a more specific test for acute hepatitis C becomes available, these cases
should be reported as non-A, non-B hepatitis. Chronic carriage or chronic hepatitis should not be

Kawasaki Syndrome
Clinical case definition
A febrile illness of greater than or equal to 5 days’ duration, with at least four of the five following
physical findings and no other more reasonable explanation for the observed clinical findings:
• Bilateral conjunctival injection
• Oral changes (erythema of lips or oropharynx, strawberry tongue, or fissuring of the lips)
• Peripheral extremity changes (edema, erythema, or generalized or periungual desquamation)
• Rash
• Cervical lymphadenopathy (at least one lymph node greater than or equal to 1.5 cm in diameter
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification
Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition
If fever disappears after intravenous gamma globulin therapy is started, fever may be of less than 5
days’ duration, and the clinical case definition may still be met.

Legionellosis (Legionnaire’s Disease)

Clinical description
An illness with acute onset, commonly characterized by fever, cough, and pneumonia that is
confirmed by chest radiograph. Encephalopathy and diarrhea may also be included.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of Legionella from lung tissue, respiratory secretions, pleural fluid, blood, or other
normally sterile sites, or
• Demonstration of a fourfold or greater rise in the reciprocal immunofluorescence (IF) antibody
titer to greater than or equal to 128 against Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1, or
• Demonstration of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 in lung tissue, respiratory secretions, or pleural
fluid by direct fluorescence antibody testing, or
• Demonstration of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 antigens in urine by radioimmunoassay
Page 454 Principles of Epidemiology

Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible illness with demonstration of a reciprocal antibody titer greater
than or equal to 256 from a single convalescent-phase serum specimen
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed

Clinical description
An illness characterized by fever, headache, chills, myalgia, conjunctival suffusion, and less
frequently by meningitis, rash, jaundice, or renal insufficiency. Symptoms may be biphasic.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of Leptospira from a clinical specimen, or
• Fourfold or greater increase in Leptospira agglutination titer between acute- and convalescent-
phase serum specimens obtained greater than or equal to 2 weeks apart and studied at the same
laboratory, or
• Demonstration of Leptospira in a clinical specimen by immunofluorescence
Case classification
Probable: A clinically compatible case with supportive serology (i.e., a Leptospira agglutination
titer of greater than or equal to 200 in one or more serum specimens)
Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed

Clinical description
Infection caused by Listeria monocytogenes, which may produce any of several clinical syndromes,
including stillbirths, listeriosis of the newborn, meningitis, bacteremia, or localized infections
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of L. monocytogenes from a normally sterile site
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed

Lyme Disease
Clinical description
A systemic, tick-borne disease with protean manifestations, including dermatologic, rheumatologic,
neurologic, and cardiac abnormalities. The best clinical marker for the disease is the initial skin
lesion, erythema migrans, that occurs among 60%-80% of patients.
Clinical case definition
• Erythema migrans, or
• At least one late manifestation, as defined below, and laboratory confirmation of infection
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of Borrelia burgdoferi from clinical specimen, or
• Demonstration of diagnostic levels of IgM and IgG antibodies to the spirochete in serum or
CSP, or
• Significant change in IgM or IgG antibody response to B. burgdorferi in paired acute- and
convalescent-phase serum samples
Appendix C Page 455

Case classification
Confirmed: a case that meets one of the clinical case definitions above
This surveillance case definition was developed for national reporting of Lyme disease; it is NOT
appropriate for clinical diagnosis
Definition of terms used in the clinical description and case definition:
A. Erythema migrans (EM)
For purposes of surveillance, EM is defined as a skin lesion that typically begins as a red
macule or papule and expands over a period of days to weeks to form a large round lesion,
often with partial central clearing. A solitary lesion must reach at least 5 cm in size.
Secondary lesions may also occur. Annular erythematous lesions occurring within several
hours of a tick bite represent hypersensitivity reactions and do not quality as EM. For most
patients, the expanding EM lesion is accompanied by other acute symptoms, particularly
fatigue, fever, headache, mild stiff neck, arthralgia, or myalgia. These symptoms are typically
intermittent. The diagnosis of EM must be made by a physician. Laboratory confirmation is
recommended for persons with no known exposure.
B. Late manifestations
Late manifestations include any of the following when an alternate explanation is not
• Musculoskeletal system
Recurrent, brief attacks (weeks or months0 of objective joint swelling in one or a few
joints, sometimes followed by chronic arthritis in one or a few joints. Manifestations not
considered as criteria for diagnosis include chronic progressive arthritis not preceded by
brief attacks and chronic symmetrical polyarthritis. Additionally, arthralgia, mylgia, or
fibromyalgia syndromes alone are not criteria for musculoskeletal involvement.
• Nervous system
Any of the following, alone or in combination:
Lymphocytic meningitis; cranial neuritis, particularly facial palsy (may be bilateral);
radiculoneuropathy; or, rarely, encephalomyelitis. Encephalomyelitis must be confirmed
by showing antibody production against burgdorferi in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF),
demonstrated by a higher titer of antibody in CSF than in serum. Headache, fatigue,
paresthesia, or mild stiff neck alone are not criteria for neurologic involvement.
• Cardiovascular system
Acute onset, high-grade (2£SD or 3£SD) atrioventricular conduction defects that resolve
in days to weeks and are sometimes associated with myocarditis. Palpitations,
bradycardia, bundle branch block, or myocarditis alone are not criteria for cardiovascular
C. Exposure
Exposure is defined as having been in wooded, brushy, or grassy areas (potential tick habitats)
in a county in which Lyme disease is endemic no more than 30 days before onset of EM. A
history of tick bit is NOT required.
D. Disease endemic to county
A county in which Lyme disease is endemic is one in which at least two definite cases have
been previously acquired or in which a known tick vector has been shown to be infected with
B. burgdorferi
Page 456 Principles of Epidemiology

E. Laboratory confirmation
As noted above, laboratory confirmation of infection with B. burgdorferi is established when a
laboratory isolates the spirochete from tissue or body fluid, detects diagnostic levels of IgM or
IgG antibodies to the spirochete in serum or CSF, or detects a significant change in antibody
levels in paired acute- and convalescent-phase serum samples. States may determine the
criteria for laboratory confirmation and diagnostic levels of antibody. Syphilis and other
known causes of biologic false-positive serologic test results should be excluded when
laboratory confirmation has been based on serologic testing alone.

Lymphogranuloma Venereum Infection

Clinical description
Infection with L((1)), L((2)), or L((3)) serovars of Chlamydia trachomatis may result in a disease
characterized by genital lesions, suppurative regional lymphadenopathy, or hemorrhagic proctitis.
The infection is usually sexually transmitted.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of C. trachomatis, serotype L((1)), L((2)), or L((3)), from clinical specimen, or
• Demonstration of inclusion bodies by immunofluorescence in leukocytes of an inguinal lymph
node (bubo) aspirate, or
• Positive microimmunofluorescent serologic test for a lymphogranuloma venereum strain of C.
trachomatis (in a clinically compatible case)
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible case with one or more tender fluctuant inquinal lymph nodes or
characteristic proctogenital lesions with supportive laboratory findings of a single C. trachomatis
complement fixation (CF) titer of greater than 64
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed

Clinical description
Signs and symptoms are variable, but chills followed by fever and sweating constitute the classic
malaria paroxysm. The diagnosis should be considered for any person who has been exposed to
infection. Complications such as cerebral malaria may occur in Plasmodium falciparum infection.
Asymptomatic parasitemia may occur among immune persons.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Demonstration of malaria parasites in blood films
Case classification
Confirmed: a person’s first attack of laboratory-confirmed malaria that occurs in the United
States, regardless of whether the person has experienced previous attacks of malaria while outside
the country
Appendix C Page 457

A subsequent attack experienced by the same person but caused by a different Plasmodium species
is counted as an additional case. A repeated attack experienced by the same person and caused by
the same species in the United States is not considered an additional case. Blood smears from
doubtful cases should be referred to the National Malaria Repository, CDC, for confirmation of the
In addition, cases are classified according to the following World Health Organization categories:
Indigenous—malaria acquired by mosquito transmission in an area where malaria is a
regular occurrence
Introduced—malaria acquired by mosquito transmission from an imported case in an
area where malaria is not a regular occurrence
Imported: malaria acquired outside a specific area (the United States and its territories)
Induced: malaria acquired through artificial means (e.g., blood transfusion, common
syringes, or malariotherapy)
Relapsing: renewed manifestation (of clinical symptoms and/or parasitemia) of malarial
infection that is separated from previous manifestations of the same infection by an interval
greater than any interval due to the normal periodicity of the paroxysms
Cryptic: an isolated case of malaria not associated with secondary cases, as determined by
appropriate epidemiologic investigations

Clinical case definition
An illness characterized by all of the following clinical features:
• a generalized rash lasting greater than or equal to 3 days
• a temperature greater than or equal to 38.3C (101F)
• a cough, coryza, or conjunctivitis
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of measles virus from a clinical specimen, or
• Significant rise in measles antibody level by any standard serologic assay, or
• Positive serologic test for measles IgM antibody
Case classification
Suspect: any rash illness with fever
Probable: meets the clinical case definition, has no or noncontributory serologic or virologic
testing, and is not epidemiologically linked to a probable or confirmed case
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed or that meets the clinical case definition and is
epidemiologically linked to a confirmed or probable case. A laboratory-confirmed case does not
need to meet the clinical case definition.
Two probable cases that are epidemiologically linked would be considered confirmed, even in the
absence of laboratory confirmation. Only confirmed cases should be reported to the NNDSS.
Page 458 Principles of Epidemiology

Meningococcal Disease
Clinical description
Meningococcal disease presents most commonly as meningitis and/or meningococcemia that may
progress rapidly to purpura fulminans, shock, and death. However, other manifestations may be
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of Neisseria meningitides from a normally sterile site
Case classification
Probable: a positive antigen test in cerebrospinal fluid or clinical purpura fulminans in the
absence of a positive blood culture
Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is culture confirmed
Antigen test results in urine or serum are unreliable for diagnosing meningococcal disease.

Mucopurulent Cervicitis
Clinical description
Cervical inflammation that is not the result of infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae or
Trichomonas vaginalis. Cervical inflammation is defined by the presence of one of the following
• Mucopurulent secretion (from the endocervix) that is yellow or green when viewed on a white,
cotton-tipped swab (positive swab test)
• Induced endocervical bleeding (bleeding when the first swab is placed in the endocervix)
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• No evidence of N. gonorrhoeae infection by culture or Gram stain and no evidence of T.
vaginalis on wet mount
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible case among females for whom gonorrhea and trichomonas
infection are not found
Mucopurulent cervicitis (MPC) is a clinical diagnosis of exclusion. The syndrome may result from
infection with several agents (see Chlamydia trachomatis Infection). If gonorrhea,
trichomoniasis, and chlamydia are excluded, a clinically compatible case should be classified as
MPC. An illness among women that meets the case definition of MPC and Chlamydia trachomatis
infection should be classified as chlamydia.

Clinical case definition
An illness with acute onset of unilateral or bilateral tender, self-limited swelling of the parotid or
other salivary gland, lasting greater than or equal to 2 days, and without other apparent cause (as
reported by a health professional)
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of mumps virus from clinical specimen, or
• Significant rise in mumps antibody level by any standard serologic assay, or
• Positive serologic test for mumps IgM antibody
Appendix C Page 459

Case classification
Probable: meets the clinical case definition, has no or noncontributory serologic or virologic
testing, and is not epidemiologically linked to a confirmed or probable case
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed or that meets the clinical case definition and is
epidemiologically linked to a confirmed or probable case. A laboratory-confirmed case does not
need to meet the clinical case definition.
Two probable cases that are epidemiologically linked would be considered confirmed, even in the
absence of laboratory confirmation.

Nongonococcal Urethritis
Clinical description
Urethral inflammation that is not the result of infection with Neisseria onorrhoeae.
Urethral inflammation may be diagnosed by the presence of one of the following criteria:
• A visible abnormal urethral discharge (excludes scant amounts of clear mucus)
• A positive leukocyte esterase test from men less than 60 years of age without a history of
kidney disease or bladder infection, prostate enlargement, urogenital anatomic anomaly, or
recent urinary tract instrumentation
• Microscopic evidence of urethritis (greater than or equal to 5 WBC per high-power field) on a
Gram stain of a urethral smear
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• No evidence of N. gonorrhoeae infection by culture or Gram stain
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible case among males in whom gonorrhea is not found, either by
culture or Gram stain
Nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) is a clinical diagnosis of exclusion. The syndrome may result
from infection with several agents (see Chlamydia trachomatis Infection). A clinically
compatible case excluding gonorrhea and chlamydia should be classified as NGU. An illness
among men that meets the case definition of NGU and C. trachomatis infection should be
classified as chlamydia.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

(NOTE: The following definition is being reviewed by CSTE and CDC, and changes are
Clinical case definition
A clinical syndrome resulting from the ascending spread of microorganisms from the vagina and
endocervix to the endometrium, fallopian tubes and/or contiguous structures.
All of the following clinical criteria must be present:
• Abdominal direct tenderness
• Tenderness with motion of the cervix
• Adnexal tenderness
In addition to the above criteria, at least one of the following findings must also be present:
• Meets the surveillance case definition of Chlamydia trachomatis infection or gonorrhea
• Temperature greater than 38 C
• Leukocytosis greater than 10,000 WBC/mm3
Page 460 Principles of Epidemiology

• Purulent material in the peritoneal cavity obtained by culdocentesis or laparoscopy

• Pelvic abscess or inflammatory complex on bimanual examination or by sonography
• Patient is a sexual contact of a person known to have gonorrhea, chlamydia, or nongonococcal
Case classification
Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition
For reporting purposes, a clinician’s report of pelvic inflammatory disease should be counted as a

Clinical case definition
A cough illness lasting at least 2 weeks with one of the following: paroxysms of coughing,
inspiratory “whoop,” or post-tussive vomiting—and without other apparent cause (as reported by a
health professional)
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of Bordetella pertussis clinical specimen
Case classification
Probable: meets the clinical case definition, is not laboratory confirmed, and is not
epidemiologically linked to a laboratory-confirmed case
Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed or epidemiologically linked
to a laboratory-confirmed case
The clinical case definition above is appropriate from endemic or sporadic cases. In outbreak
settings, a case may be defined as a cough illness lasting at least 2 weeks (as reported by a health
professional). Because direct fluorescent antibody testing of nasopharyngeal secretions has been
shown in some studies to have low sensitivity and variable specificity (5,6), it should not be relied
on as a criterion for laboratory confirmation.
Both probable and confirmed cases should be reported to NNDSS.

Clinical description
A disease characterized by fever and leukocytosis that present in one or more of the following
principal clinical forms:
• Regional lymphadenitis (bubonic plague)
• Septicemia without an evident bubo (septicemic plague)
• Plague pneumonia, resulting from hematogenous spread in bubonic or septicemic cases
(secondary plague pneumonia) or inhalation of infectious droplets (primary plague pneumonia)
• Pharyngitis and cervical lymphadenitis resulting from exposure to larger infectious droplets or
ingestion of infected tissues (pharyngeal plague)
• Plague is transmitted to humans by fleas or by direct exposure to infected tissues or respiratory
Appendix C Page 461

Laboratory criteria for diagnosis

• Isolation of Yersinia pestis from a clinical specimen, or
• Fourfold or greater change in serum antibody to Y. pestis
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible illness with supportive laboratory results (demonstration of a
single serologic test result suggestive of recent infection with no history of immunization, or
demonstration of a Fraction I antigen in blood, bubo aspirate, or tissue by antigen detection—
enzyme-linked immunosorben assay (ELISA) or fluorescent assay (FA))
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed

Poliomyelitis, Paralytic
Clinical case definition
Acute onset of a flaccid paralysis of one or more limbs with decreased or absent tendon reflexes in
the affected limbs, without other apparent cause, and without sensory or cognitive loss (as reported
by a physician)
Case classification
Probable: a case that meets the clinical case definition
Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition and in which the patient has a
neurological deficit 60 days after onset of initial symptom, has died, or has unknown follow-up
All suspected cases of paralytic poliomyelitis are reviewed by a panel of expert consultants before
final classification occurs. Only confirmed cases are included in Table 1 in the MMWR.
Suspected cases are enumerated in a footnote to the MMWR table.

Clinical description
An illness characterized by fever, chills, headache, photophobia, lower or upper respiratory disease,
and myalgia
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of Chlamydia psittaci from a clinical specimen, or
• Fourfold or greater increase in psittacosis complement-fixing (CF) antibody titer (greater than
or equal to 32) between two serum specimens obtained greater than or equal to 2 weeks apart
and studied at the same laboratory
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible illness that is epidemiologically linked to a confirmed case, or
with supportive serology (i.e., a psittacosis CF titer of greater than or equal to 32 in one or more
serum specimens obtained after onset of symptoms)
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed
The serologic findings noted above may also occur as a result of infection with Chlamydia
trachomatis or Chlamydia pneumoniae.
Page 462 Principles of Epidemiology

Rabies, Animal
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• A positive direct fluorescent antibody test (preferably performed on central nervous system
• Isolation of rabies virus (in cell culture or in a laboratory animal)
Case classification
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed

Rabies, Human
Clinical description
Rabies is an acute encephalomyelitis that almost always progresses to coma or death within 10
days of the first symptom.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Detection by direct fluorescent antibody of viral antigens in a clinical specimen (preferably the
brain or the nerves surrounding hair follicles in the nape of the neck), or
• Isolation (in cell culture or in a laboratory animal) of rabies virus from saliva, cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF), or central nervous system tissue, or
• Identification of a rabies-neutralizing antibody titer greater than or equal to 5 (complete
neutralization) in the serum or CSF of an unvaccinated person
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed
Laboratory confirmation by all of the above methods is strongly recommended.

Reye Syndrome
Clinical case definition
An illness that meets all of the following criteria:
• Acute, noninflammatry encephalopathy that is documented clinically by a) an alteration in
consciousness and, if available, b) a record of the CSF containing less than or equal to 8
leukocytes/mm3 or a histologic specimen demonstrating cerebral edema without perivascular
or meningeal inflammation
• Hepatopathy documented by either a) a liver biopsy or an autopsy considered tbe diagnostic of
Reye syndrome or b) a threefold or greater increase in the levels of the serum glutamic-
oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), or serum
• No more reasonable explanation for the cerebral and hepatic abnormalities
Case classification
Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition
Appendix C Page 463

Rheumatic Fever
Clinical description
An inflammatory illness that occurs as a delayed sequel to group A streptococcal infection
Major criteria: carditis, polyarthritis, chorea, subcutaneous nodules, and erythema marginatum
Minor criteria: a) previous rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease, b) arthralgia, c) fever, d)
elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, positive C-reactive protein, or leukocytosis , and e)
prolonged PR interval
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• No specific laboratory test exists for the diagnosis of rheumatic fever.
Case classification
Confirmed: an illness characterized by a) two major criteria or one major and two minor criteria
(as described above) and b) supporting evidence of preceding group A streptococcal infection (7)
Supporting evidence to confirm streptococcal infection includes increased antistreptolysin-O or
other streptococcal antibodies, throat culture positive for group A streptococcus, or recent scarlet
fever. The absence of supporting evidence of preceding streptococcal infection should make the
diagnosis doubtful, except in Sydenham chorea or low-grade carditis when rheumatic fever is first
discovered after a long latent period from the antecedent infection.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Clinical description
An illness most commonly characterized by acute onset and fever, usually accompanied by
myalgia, headache, and petechial rash (on the palms and soles in two-thirds of the cases)
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Fourfold or greater rise in antibody titer to the spotted fever group antigen by
immunofluorescent antibody (IFA), complement fixation (CF), latex agglutination (LA),
microagglutination (MA), or indirect hemagglutination (IHA) test, or a single titer greater than
or equal to 64 by IFA or greater than or equal to 16 by CF
• Demonstration of positive immunofluorescence of skin lesion (biopsy) or organ tissue
• Isolation of Rickettsia rickettsii from clinical specimen
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible case with supportive serology (fourfold rise in titer or a single
titer greater than or equal to 320 by Proteus OX-19 or OX-2, or a single titer greater than or equal
to 128 by LA, IHA, or MA test)
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed

Clinical case definition
An illness with all of the following characteristics:
• Acute onset of generalized maculopapular rash
• Temperature greater than 37.2C (greater than 99 F), if measured
• Arthralgia/arthritis, or lymphadenopathy, or conjunctivitis
Cases meeting the measles case definition are excluded. Also excluded are cases with serology
compatible with recent measles virus infection.
Page 464 Principles of Epidemiology

Laboratory criteria for diagnosis

• Isolation of rubella virus, or
• Significant rise in rubella antibody level by any standard serologic assay, or
• Positive serologic test for rubella IgM antibody
Case classification
Suspect: any generalized rash illness of acute onset
Probable: a case that meets the clinical case definition, has no or noncontributory serologic or
virologic testing, and is not epidemiologically linked to a laboratory-confirmed case
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed or that meets the clinical case definition and is
epidemiologically linked to a laboratory-confirmed case

Rubella Syndrome, Congenital

Clinical description
An illness of newborns resulting from rubella infection in utero and characterized by
symptoms from the following categories:
(A) Cataracts/gongenital glaucoma, congenital heart disease, loss of hearing, pigmentary
Associated symptoms may be:
(B) Purpura, splenomegaly, jaundice, microcephaly, mental retardation meningoencephalitis,
radiolucent bone disease
Case definition
Presence of any defects or laboratory data consistent with congenital rubella infection (as reported
by a health professional)
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of rubella virus, or
• Demonstration of rubella-specific IgM antibody, or
• An infant’s rubella antibody level that persists above and beyond that expected from passive
transfer of maternal antibody (i.e., rubella HI titer that does not drop at the expected rate of a
twofold dilution per month)
Case classification
Possible: a case with some compatible clinical findings but not meeting the criteria for a
compatible case
Compatible: a case that is not laboratory confirmed and that has any two complications listed in
(A) above, or one complication from (A) and one from (B)
Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed
In compatible cases, either or both of the eye-related findings (cataracts and congenital glaucoma)
count as a single complication.
Appendix C Page 465

Clinical description
An illness of variable severity commonly manifested by diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and
sometimes vomiting. Asymptomatic infections may occur, and the organism may cause
extraintestinal infections.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of Salmonella from a clinical specimen
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible illness that is epidemiologically linked to a confirmed case
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed
Both probable and confirmed cases are reported to the NNDSS, but only confirmed cases are
reported to the laboratory-based surveillance system operated by the Enteric Diseases Branch,
Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC. Both asymptomatic infections and infections at sites other
than the gastrointestinal tract, if laboratory confirmed, are considered confirmed cases.

Clinical description
An illness of variable severity characterized bydiarrhea, fever, nausea, cramps, and tenesmus.
Asymptomatic infections occur.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of Shigella from a clinical specimen
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible illness that is epidemiologically linked to a confirmed case
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed
Both probable and confirmed cases are reported to the NNDSS, but only confirmed cases are
reported to the laboratory-based surveillance system operated by the Enteric Diseases Branch,
Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC. Confirmation is based on laboratory findings, and clinical
illness is not required.

Spinal Cord Injury

Clinical case definition
An acute traumatic lesion of the neural elements in the spinal canal, resulting in temporary or
permanent sensory deficit, motor deficit, or bowel/bladder dysfunction
Case classification
Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition
Page 466 Principles of Epidemiology

Syphilis is a complex, sexually transmitted disease with a highly variable clinical course.
Classification by a clinician with expertise in syphilis may take precedence over the following case
definitions developed for surveillance purposes.

Primary Syphilis
Clinical description
The characteristic lesion of primary syphilis is the chancre, but atypical primary lesions may occur.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Demonstration of Treponema pallidum in clinical specimens by darkfield, fluorescent
antibody, or equivalent microscopic methods
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible case with one or more ulcers (chancres) consistent with primary
syphilis and a reactive serologic test
Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed

Secondary Syphilis
Clinical description
A stage of infection due to Treponema pallidum, characterized by localized or diffuse
mucocutaneous lesions and generalized lymphadenopathy. Constitutional symptoms are common,
and clinical manifestations are protean. The primary chancre may still be present.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Demonstration of T. pallidum in clinical specimens by darkfield, fluorescent antibody, or
equivalent microscropic methods
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible case with a reactive nontreponemal (VDRL, RPR) test titer of
greater than or equal to 4
Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed

Latent Syphilis
Clinical description
A stage of infection due to Treponema pallidum in which organisms persist in the body of the
infected person without causing symptom or signs. Latent syphilis is subdivided into early, late,
and unknown syphilis categories based upon the length of elapsed time from initial infection.
Case classification
Presumptive: no clinical signs or symptoms of syphilis and the presence of one of the following:
• No past diagnosis of syphilis and a reactive nontreponemal test, and a reactive treponemal
(fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorbed (FTA-ABS), microhemagglutination assay for
antibody to Treponema pallidum (MHA-TP) test
• A past history of syphilis therapy and a current nontreponemal test titer demonstrating fourfold
or greater increase from the last nontreponemal test titer
Appendix C Page 467

Early Latent Syphilis

Clinical description
A subcategory of latent syphilis. When initial infection has occurred within the previous 12
months, latent syphilis is classified as early.
Case classification
Presumptive: latent syphilis (see above) of a person who has evidence of having acquired the
infection within the previous 12 months based on one or more of the following criteria:
• A nonreactive serologic test for syphilis or a nontreponemal titer that has dropped fourfold
within the past 12 months
• A history of symptoms consistent with primary or secondary syphilis without a history of
subsequent treatment in the past 12 months
• A history of sexual exposure to a partner with confirmed or presumptive primary or secondary
syphilis, or presumptive early latent syphilis, and no history of treatment in the past 12 months
• Reactive nontreponemal and treponemal tests from an individual whose only possible exposure
occurred within the preceding 12 months

Late Latent Syphilis

Clinical description
A subcategory of latent syphilis. When initial infection has occurred greater than 1 year
previously, latent syphilis is classified as late.
Case classification
Presumptive: latent syphilis (see above) of a patient who shows no evidence of having acquired
the disease within the past 12 months (see Early Latent Syphilis) and whose age and titer do not
meet the criteria specified for unknown latent syphilis

Unknown Latent Syphilis

Clinical description
A subcategory of latent syphilis. When the date of initial infection cannot be established as
occurring within the previous year, and the patient’s age and titer meet criteria described below,
latent syphilis is classified as unknown latent.
Case classification
Presumptive: latent syphilis (see above) that does not meet the criteria for early latent syphilis,
and the patient is 13-35 years of age with a nontreponemal test serologic titer of greater than or
equal to 32

Clinical description
Evidence of CNS infection with Treponema pallidum
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• A reactive serologic test for syphilis and reactive VDRL in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Case classification
Presumptive: syphilis of any stage, a negative VDRL in CSF, and both of the following:
• Elevated CSF protein or leukocyte count in the absence of other known causes of these
Page 468 Principles of Epidemiology

• Clinical symptoms or signs consistent with neurosyphilis without other known causes for these
clinical abnormalities
Confirmed: syphilis, of any stage, that meets the laboratory criteria for neurosyphilis

Congenital Syphilis
Clinical description
A condition caused by infection in utero with Treponema pallidum. A wide spectrum of severity
exists, and only severe cases are clinically apparent at birth. An infant (less than 2 years) may have
signs such as hepatosplenomegaly, characteristic skin rash, condyloma lata , snuffles, jaundice
(non-viral hepatitis), pseudoparalysis, anemia, or edema (nephrotic syndrome and/or malnutrition).
An older child may have stigmata such as interstitial keratitis, nerve deafness, anterior bowing of
shins, frontal bossing, mulberry molars, Hutchinson teeth, saddle nose, rhagades, or Clutton joints.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Demonstration of T. pallidum by darkfield microscopy, fluorescent antibody, or other specific
stains in specimens from lesions, placenta, umbilical cord, or autopsy material
Case classification
Presumptive: the infection of an infant whose mother had untreated or inadequately treated2
syphilis at delivery, regardless of signs in the infant; or the infection of an infant or child who has a
reactive treponemal test for syphilis and any one of the following:
• Any evidence of congenital syphilis on physical examination
• Any evidence of congenital syphilis on long bone x-ray
• A reactive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) VDRL
• An elevated CSF cell count or protein (without other cause)
• A reactive test for fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed-19S-IgM antibody
Confirmed: a case (among infants) that is laboratory confirmed
Congenital and acquired syphilis may be difficult to distinguish when a child is seropositive after
infancy. Signs of congenital syphilis may not be obvious, and stigmata may not yet have
Abnormal values for CSF VDRL, cell count, and protein, as well as IgM antibodies, may be found
in either congenital or acquired syphilis. Findings on long bone x-rays may help, since x-ray
changes in the metaphysis and epiphysis are considered classic for congenitally acquired disease.
The decision may ultimately be based on maternal history and clinical judgment. The possibility of
sexual abuse should be considered.
For reporting purposes, congenital syphilis includes cases of congenitally acquired syphilis among
infants and children, as well as syphilitic stillbirths.

Syphilitic Stillbirth
Clinical case definition
A fetal death that occurs after a 20-week gestation or in which the fetus weighs greater than 500 g,
and the mother had untreated or inadequately treated2 syphilis at delivery
For reporting purposes, syphilitic stillbirths should be reported as cases of congenital syphilis.
Appendix C Page 469

Clinical case definition
Acute onset of hypertonia and/or painful muscular contractions (usually of the muscles of the jaw
and neck) and generalized muscle spasms without other apparent medical cause (as reported by a
health professional)
Case classification
Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition

Toxic Shock Syndrome

Clinical case definition
An illness with the following clinical manifestations:
• Fever—temperature greater than or equal to 38.9 C (102 F)
• Rash—diffuse macular erythroderma
• Desquamation—1-2 weeks after onset of illness, particularly palms and soles
• Hypotension—systolic blood pressure less than or equal to 90 mm Hg for adults or less than
fifth percentile by age for children less than 16 years of age; orthostatic drop in diastolic blood
pressure greater than or equal to 15 mm Hg from lying to sitting, orthostatic syncope, or
orthostatic dizziness
• Multisystem involvement—three or more of the following:
-- Gastrointestinal: vomiting or diarrhea at onset of illness
-- Muscular: severe myalgia or creatine phosphokinase level at least twice the upper limit of
normal for laboratory
-- Mucous membrane: vaginal, oropharyngeal, or conjunctival hyperemia
-- Renal: blood urea nitrogen or creatinine at least twice the upper limit of normal for
laboratory or urinary sediment with pyuria (greater than or equal to 5 leukocytes per high-
power field) in the absence of urinary tract infection
-- Hepatic: total bilirubin, serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), or serum
glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) at least twice the upper limit of normal for
-- Hematologic: platelets less than 100,000/mm3
-- Central nervous sysem: disorientation or alterations in consciousness without focal
neurologic signs when fever and hypotension are absent
• Negative results on the following tests, if obtained:
-- Blood, throat, or cerebrospinal fluid cultures (blood culture may be positive for
Staphylococcus aureus)
-- Rise in titer to Rocky Mountain spotted fever, leptospirosis, or measles
Case classification
Probable: a case with five of the six clinical findings described above
Confirmed: a case with all six of the clinical findings described above, including desquamation,
unless the patient dies before desquamation could occur

Clinical description
A disease caused by ingestion of larvae of Trichinella spiralis that has variable clinical
manifestations. Common signs and symptoms among symptomatic persons include eosinophilia,
fever, myalgia, and periorbital edema.
Page 470 Principles of Epidemiology

Laboratory criteria for diagnosis

• Demonstration of larvae of cysts of T. spiralis on muscle biopsy, or
• Positive serology for T. spiralis
Case classification
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed
In an outbreak setting, at least one case must be laboratory confirmed. Associated cases should be
reported as confirmed if the patient shared an epidemiologically implicated meal or ate an
epidemiologically implicated meat product and has either a positive serology for trichinosis or a
clinically compatible illness.

Clinical description
A chronic bacterial infection due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, characterized pathologically by
the formation of granulomas. The most common site of infection is the lung, but other organs may
be involved.
Clinical casedefinition
A case that meets the following criteria:
• A positive tuberculin skin test
• Other signs and symptoms compatible with tuberculosis, such as an abnormal, unstable
(worsening or improving) chest x-ray, or clinical evidence of current disease
• Treatment with two or more antituberculosis medications
• Completed diagnostic evaluation
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of M. tuberculosis from a clinical specimen, or
• Demonstration of M. tuberculosis from a clinical specimen by DNA probe or mycolic acid
pattern on high-pressure liquid chromatography, or
• Demonstration of acid-fast bacilli in clinical specimen when a culture has not been or cannot
be obtained
Case classification
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed or, in the absence of laboratory confirmation, a
case that meets the clinical case definition
A case should not be counted twice within any consecutive 12-month period. However, cases in
which the patients had verified disease in the past should be reported again if the patients were
discharged. Cases also should be reported again if they were lost to supervision for greater than 12
months and disease can be verified again.
Mycobacterial diseases other than those caused by M. tuberculosis should not be counted in
tuberculosis morbidity statistics unless there is concurrent tuberculosis.

Clinical description
An illness characterized by several distinct forms, including:
• Ulceroglandular—cutaneous ulcer with regional lymphadenopathy
• Glandular—regional lymphadenopathy with no ulcer
Appendix C Page 471

• Oculoglandular—conjunctivitis with preauricular lymphadenopathy

• Intestinal—pharyngitis, intestinal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea
• Pneumonic—primary pleuropolmonary disease
• Typhoidal—febrile illness without early localizing signs and symptoms
Clinical diagnosis is supported by evidence or history of a tick or deerfly bite, exposure to tissues
of a mammalian host of Francisella tularensis, or exposure to potentially contaminated water.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of F. tularensis from a clinical specimen, or
• Demonstration of F. tularensis in a clinical specimen by immunofluorescence , or
• Fourfold or greater rise in agglutination titer between acute- and convalescent-phase serum
specimens obtained greater than or equal to 2 weeks apart, analyzed at the same time, and in
the same laboratory
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible case with supportive serologic results (tularemia agglutination
titer of greater than or equal to 160 in one or more serum specimens obtained after onset of
Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed

Typhoid Fever
Clinical description
An illness caused by Salmonella typhi that is often characterized by insidious onset of sustained
fever, headache, malaise, anorexia, relative bradycardia, constipation or diarrhea, and
nonproductive cough. However, many mild and atypical infections occur. Carriage of S. typhi
may be prolonged.
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of S. typhi from blood, stool, or other clinical specimen
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible illness that is epidemiologically linked to a confirmed case in an
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed
Isolation of the organism is required for confirmation. Serologic evidence alone is not sufficient
for diagnosis. Asymptomatic carriage should NOT be reported as typhoid fever. Isolates of S.
typhi are reported to the Enteric Diseases Branch, Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC, through
laboratory-based surveillance. (See Salmonella.)

Varicella (Chickenpox)
Clinical case definition
An illness with acute onset of diffuse (generalized) papulovesicular rash without other apparent
cause (as reported by a health professional)
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Isolation of varicella virus from a clinical specimen, or
• Significant rise in varicella antibody level by any standard serologic assay
Case classification
Probable: a case that meets the clinical case definition, is not laboratory confirmed, and is not
epidemiologically linked to another probable or confirmed case
Page 472 Principles of Epidemiology

Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed or that meets the clinical case definition and is
epidemiologically linked to a confirmed or probable case
Two probable cases that are epidemiologically linked would be considered confirmed, even in the
absence of laboratory confirmation.

Waterborne Disease Outbreak

Clinical description
Symptoms of illness depend upon etiologic agent. (See Guidelines for Confirmation of Foodborne
and Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, in press.)
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Depends upon etiologic agent. (See Guidelines for Confirmation of Foodborne and Waterborne
Disease Outbreaks, in press.)
An incident in which two or more persons experience a similar illness after consumption or use of
water intended for drinking, and epidemiologic evidence implicates the water as the source of the
In addition, a single case of chemical poisoning constitutes an outbreak if laboratory studies
indicate that the water has been contaminated by the chemical. Other outbreaks that should be
reported included a) epidemiologic investigations of outbreaks of gastroenteritis (even if not
waterborne) on ocean-going passenger vessels that call on U.S. ports, and b) outbreaks of illness
associated with exposure to recreational water. Disease outbreaks associated with water used for
recreational purposes should meet the same criteria used for waterborne outbreaks associated with
drinking water. However, outbreaks associated with recreational water involve exposure to or
unintentional ingestion of fresh or marine water, excluding wound infections caused by water-
related organisms.

Yellow Fever
Clinical description
A mosquito-borne, viral illness characterized by acute onset and constitutional symptoms followed
by a brief remission and a recurrence of fever, hepatitis, albuminuria, and symptoms and, in some
cases, renal failure, shock, and generalized hemorrhages
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
• Fourfold or greater rise in yellow fever antibody titer with no history of recent yellow fever
immunization, and cross-reactions to other flaviviruses ruled out, or
• Demonstration of yellow fever virus, antigen, or genome in tissue, blood, or other body fluid
Case classification
Probable: a clinically compatible illness with supportive serology (stable elevated antibody titer
to yellow fever virus, e.g., greater than or equal to 32 by complement fixation, greater than or equal
to 256 by immunofluorescence assay, greater than or equal to 320 by hemagglutination inhibition,
greater than or equal to 160 by neutralization, or a positive serologic result by IgM-capture enzyme
immunoassay. Cross-reactive serologic reaction to other flaviviruses must be ruled out, and there
must be no history of yellow fever immunization.)
Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed
Appendix C Page 473

1. Sacks JJ. Utilization of case definitions and laboratory reporting in the surveillance of notifiable
communicable diseases in the United States. Am J Public Health 1985;75:1420-2.
2. Chorba TL, Berkelman RL, Safford SK, et al. Mandatory reporting of infectious diseases by
clinicians. JAMA 1989;262:3018-26.
3. CDC, Manual of procedures for national morbidity reporting and public health surveillance activities.
Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, 1985.
4. Kuo G, Choo Q-L, Alter HJ, et al. An assay for circulating antibodies to a major etiologic virus of
human non-A, non-B hepatitis. Science 1989;244:362-4.
5. Broome CV, Fraser DW, English WJ. Pertussis-diagnostic methods and surveillance. In: Manclark
CR, Hill JC, eds. International Symposium on Pertussis. Bethesda, Maryland: National Institutes of
Health, 1978;19-22.
6. Halperin SA, Bartolussi R, Wort AJ. Evaluation of culture, immunofluorescence and serology for the
diagnosis of pertussis. J Clin Microbiol 1989;27:752-7.
7. American Heart Association. Jones criteria (revised) for guidance in the diagnosis of rheumatic
fever. Circulation 1984;69:204A-8A.

Standard method (Wintrobe, 1967) utilizes a blood-pressure cuff to impede venous flow. A test is
considered positive if there are greater than or equal to 20 petechiae/inch((2)).
Inadequate treatment consists of any non-penicillin therapy or penicillin given less than 30 days before
Appendix D Page 475

Appendix D









Pages 477-490 not used.

Appendix E Page 491

Appendix E
Abbreviated Compendium of
Acute Foodborne Gastrointestinal Disease
Appendix E Page 493

I. Diseases typified by vomiting after a short incubation period with little or no fever

Incubation period Symptoms*

Agent Usual (and Range) (Partial list) Pathophysiology Characteristic foods Specimens
A. Staphylococcus 2-4 hours N, C, V; preformed sliced/chopped ham Food: enterotoxin
aureus (1-6 hours) D, F may be present enterotoxin and meats, custards, assay (FDA), culture
cream fillings for quantitation and
phage typing of
staph, gram stain
Handlers: culture
nares, skin, skin
lesions, and phage
type staph
Cases: culture stool
and vomitus, phage
type staph

B. Bacillus cereus 2-4 hours N, V, D ? preformed fried rice Food: culture for
(1-6 hours) enterotoxin quantitation
Cases: stool culture

C. Heavy Metals 5-15 minutes N, V, C, D foods and bever- Toxicologic analysis

1. cadmium (1-60 minutes) ages prepared/ of food container,
2. copper stored/cooked in vomitus, stomach
3. tin containers coated/ contents, urine,
4. zinc lined/contaminated blood, feces
with offending metal

*B = bloody stools, C = cramps, D = diarrhea, F = fever, H = headache, N = nausea, V = vomiting, EM = electron microscopy, ELISA = enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay
Page 494 Principles of Epidemiology

II. Diseases typified by diarrhea after a moderate to long incubation period, often with fever

Incubation period Symptoms*

Agent Usual (and Range) (Partial list) Pathophysiology Characteristic foods Specimens
A. Clostridium 12 hours C, D enterotoxin formed meat, poultry Food: enterotoxin
perfringens (8-16 hours) (V, F rare) in vivo assay done as
research procedure
by FDA, culture for
quantitation and
Cases: culture feces
for quantitation and
serotyping of C.
perfringens; test for
enterotoxin in stool
Controls: culture
feces for quantitation
and serotyping of C.

B. Salmonella 12-36 hours D, C, F, V, H tissue invasion poultry, eggs, raw Food: culture with
(non-typhoid) (6-72 hours) septicemia or enteric milk, meat (cross- serotyping
fever contamination Cases: stool culture
important) with serotyping
Handlers: stool
culture with
serotyping as a

C. Vibrio 12 hours C, D tissue invasion, seafood Food: culture on

parahaemolyticus (2-48 hours) N, V, F, H, B ? enterotoxin TCBS, serotype,
Kanagawa test
Cases: stool cultures
on TCBS, serotype,
Kanagawa test

*B = bloody stools, C = cramps, D = diarrhea, F = fever, H = headache, N = nausea, V = vomiting, EM = electron microscopy, ELISA = enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay
Appendix E Page 495

II. Diseases typified by diarrhea after a moderate to long incubation period, often with fever, continued

Incubation period Symptoms*

Agent Usual (and Range) (Partial list) Pathophysiology Characteristic foods Specimens
D. Escherichia coli 16-48 hours D, C enterotoxin uncooked Food: culture and
enterotoxigenic vegetables, salads, serotype
water, cheese Cases: stool cultures;
serotype and entero-
toxin production,
invasiveness assay
Escherichia coli 16-48 hours C, D, F, H tissue invasion same Controls: stool
enteroinvasive cultures; serotype &
enterotoxin prod-
uction. Look for
common serotype in
food & cases not
found in controls;
DNA probes
Escherichia coli 48-96 hours B, C, D, H, cytotoxin beef, raw milk, water stool cultures on
enterohemorrhagic F infrequent MacConkeys sorbitol;
(E coli O157:H7 serotype
and others)
E. Bacillus cereus 8-16 hours C, D ? enterotoxin custards, cereals, Food: culture
puddings, sauces, Cases: stool cultures
meat loaf
F. Shigella 24-48 hours C, F, D tissue invasion foods contaminated Food: culture and
B, H, N, V by infected food- serotype
handler; usually not Cases: stool culture
foodborne & serotype
Handlers: stool
culture & serotype
G. Yersinia 3 to 5 days (usual) F, D, C, V, H tissue invasion, pork products, foods Food: culture
enterocolitica range unclear ? enterotoxin contaminated by Cases: stool, blood
infected human or cultures, serology
animal Handlers: stool
*B = bloody stools, C = cramps, D = diarrhea, F = fever, H = headache, N = nausea, V = vomiting, EM = electron microscopy, ELISA = enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay
Page 496 Principles of Epidemiology

II. Diseases typified by diarrhea after a moderate to long incubation period, often with fever, continued

Incubation period Symptoms*

Agent Usual (and Range) (Partial list) Pathophysiology Characteristic foods Specimens
H. Vibrio cholerae 24-72 hours D, V enterotoxin formed shellfish, water or Food: culture on
O1 in vivo foods contaminated TCBS, serotype
by infected person or Cases: stool cultures
obtained from conta- on TCBS, serotype
minated environ- Send all isolates to
mental source CDC for confirmation
and toxin assay.

I. Vibrio cholerae 16-72 hours D, V enterotoxin formed shellfish Food: culture on

non-O1 in vivo? tissue TCBS, serotype
invasion Cases: stool cultures
on TCBS, serotype

J. Campylobacter 3-5 days C, D, B, F unknown raw milk, poultry, Food: culture on

jejuni water selective media
(5%02, 42°C)
Cases: culture on
selective media
(5%02, 42°C),

K. Parvovirus-like 16-48 hours N, V, C, D unknown shellfish, water Stool for immune EM

agents and serology by
(Norwalk, Hawaii, special arrangement
Colorado, cockle

L. Rotavirus 16-48 hours N, V, C, D unknown foodborne trans- Cases: stool

mission not well examination by EM
documented or ELISA; serology

*B = bloody stools, C = cramps, D = diarrhea, F = fever, H = headache, N = nausea, V = vomiting, EM = electron microscopy, ELISA = enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay
Appendix E Page 497

Ill. Botulism

Incubation period Symptoms*

Agent Usual (and Range) (Partial list) Pathophysiology Characteristic foods Specimens
Clostridium botulinum 12-72 hours V, D preformed toxin improperly canned Food: toxin assay
Descending or preserved foods Cases: serum and
paralysis that provide anaer- feces for toxin assay
obic conditions by CDC or State Lab;
stool culture for C.

IV. Diseases most readily diagnosed from the history of eating a particular type of food

A. Poisonous Variable Variable Wild mushrooms Food: speciation by

mushrooms mycetologist

B. Other poisonous Variable Variable Wild plant Cases: vomitus,

plants blood, urine
Food: speciation by
botanist; feces may
sometimes be helpful
in confirmation

C. Scombroid fish 5 minutes-1 hour N, C, D, H, histamine Mishandled fish (i.e., Food: Histamine
poisoning flushing, urticaria tuna) levels
Ciguatera 1-6 hours D, N, V, ciguatoxin Large ocean fish (i.e., Food: Stick test for
poisoning paresthesias, barracuda, snapper) ciguatoxin (not
reversal of widely available)

D. Other poisonous Variable Variable Variable

food sources

*B = bloody stools, C = cramps, D = diarrhea, F = fever, H = headache, N = nausea, V = vomiting, EM = electron microscopy, ELISA = enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay
Appendix F Page 499


OMB NO. 0920-0004


1. Where did the outbreak occur ? 2. Date of outbreak: (Date of onset 1st case)

State ( 5 -6 ) City or Town County MO / DA / YR (7 - 12)

3. Indicate actual (a) or estimated (e) numbers: 4. History of Exposed Persons: 5. Incubation period (hours):

No. histories obtained (32 - 35) Shortest Longest

Persons exposed (13 - 17) (80 - 83) (84 - 87)
No. persons with symptoms (36 - 39)
Approx. for majority (88 - 91)
Persons ill (18 - 22)
Nausea (40 - 43) Diarrhea (44 - 47) 6. Duration of illness (hours):

Vomiting (48 - 51) Fever (52 - 55) Shortest Longest

Hospitalized (23 - 27)
(92 - 95) (96 - 99)
Cramps (56 - 59) Other, specify
Fatal case (28 - 31) (60 - 79) Approx. for majority (101 - 104)

7. Food - specific attack rates:

Food Items Served Number of persons who ATE Number who did NOT eat
specified food specified food
Not Percent III Not Percent III
III Total III Total

8. Vehicle responsible (food item incriminated by epidemiological evidence): (105 - 106)

9. Manner in which incriminated food was marketed: (Check all Applicable) 10. Place of Preparation of 11. Place where eaten: (172)
Yes No Yes No Contaminated Item: (151)
1 2 1 2
(a) Food Industry (c) Not wrapped . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 112 ) Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . 1 Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . 1
Raw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 107 ) Ordinary Wrapping . . . . . . . ( 113 ) Dedicatessen . . . . . . . . 2 Dedicatessen . . . . . . . . 2
Processed . . . . . . . . . ( 108 ) Canned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 114 ) 3 3
Cafeteria . . . . . . . . . . . . Cafeteria . . . . . . . . . . . .
Canned - Vacuum Sealed . . ( 115 )
Home Produced Private Home . . . . . . . . 4 Private Home . . . . . . . . 4
Raw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 109 ) Other (specify) . . . . . . . . . . ( 116 )
Picnic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Picnic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Processed . . . . . . . . . ( 110 )
( 117 - 129 ) Institution: Institution:
(b) Vending Machine . . . . ( 111 ) (d) Room Temperature . . . . . . . ( 130 ) School . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 School . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Refigerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 131 ) Church . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Church . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Frozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 132 ) Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Heated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 133 ) Other, specify . . . . . . . 9 Other, specify . . . . . . . 9

If a commerical product, indicate brand name and lot number

( 134 - 150 ) ( 152 - 171 ) ( 173 - 192 )

This questionnaire is authorized by law (Public Health Service Act. 42 USC 241). Although response to the questions
asked is voluntary, cooperation of the patient is necessary for the study and control of the disease. Public reporting
burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response. Send comments regarding this
burden estimate of any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to
PHS Reports Clearance Officer: Rm 721-H, Humphrey Bg: 200 Independence Ave. SW; Washington, DC 202001; ATTN:
PRA, and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503.

CDC 52.13 REV. 9/ 88

Appendix G Page 501









COMMENTS (Clinical description, immunization theory, etc.)











COMMENTS (Clinical description, immunization theory, etc.)











COMMENTS (Clinical description, immunization theory, etc.)



Page 502 Principles of Epidemiology









COMMENTS (Clinical description, immunization theory, etc.)











COMMENTS (Clinical description, immunization theory, etc.)











COMMENTS (Clinical description, immunization theory, etc.)



Appendix H Page 503

Appendix H
List of Table Titles

Lesson One

Table 1.1 Mortality from cholera in the districts of London supplied by the Southwark and
Vauxhall and the Lambeth Companies, July 9-August 26, 1854

Table 1.2 Mortality from cholera in London related to the water supply of individual houses
in districts served by both the Southwark and Vauxhall Company and the Lambeth
Company, July 9-August 26, 1854

Table 1.3 Malaria cases by distribution of Plasmodium species and area of acquisition, United
States, 1989

Lesson Two

Table 2.1 Neonatal listeriosis, General Hospital A, Costa Rica, 1989

Table 2.2 Distribution of cases by parity, Ovarian Cancer Study, Centers for Disease Control,
December 1980-September 1981

Table 2.3 Influenza vaccination status among residents of Nursing Home A

Table 2.4 Frequency measures by type of event described

Table 2.5 Frequently used measures of morbidity

Table 2.6 Number of cases for pellagra by sex, South Carolina, 1920's

Table 2.7a Death rates and rate ratios from lung cancer by daily cigarette consumption, Doll
and Hill physician follow-up study, 1951-1961

Table 2.7b Death rates and rate ratios from lung cancer by daily cigarette consumption, Doll
and Hill physician follow-up study, 1951-1961

Table 2.8 Frequently used measures of mortality

Table 2.9 HIV mortality and estimated population by age group overall and for black males,
United States, 1987

Table 2.10 Number of cases and deaths from diphtheria by decade, United States, 1940-1989
Page 504 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 2.11 Distribution of primary causes of death, all ages and ages 25 to 44 years, United
States, 1987

Table 2.12a Deaths attributed to motor vehicle injuries (MVI) and to pneumonia and influenza
by age group, United States, 1987

Table 2.12b Deaths and years of potential life lost attributed to motor vehicle injuries by age
group, United States, 1987

Table 2.12c Years of potential life lost attributed to pneumonia and influenza by age group,
United States, 1987

Table 2.13 Frequently used measures of natality

Table 2.14 Line listing of cases of disease X, city M

Table 2.15 City Population* distribution by residence area, city M

Table 2.16 City Population distribution by age and sex, city M

Table 2.17 Live births by sex, United States, 1989

Table 2.18 Deaths by age and sex, United States, 1989

Table 2.19 Deaths by age and selected causes of death, United States, 1989

Table 2.20 Reported new cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, 1989

Table 2.21 Estimated resident population (× 1,000) by age and sex, United States, July 1, 1989

Lesson Three

Table 3.1a Average number of glasses of water consumed per week by residents of X County,

Table 3.1b Average number of glasses of water consumed per week by residents of X County,

Table 3.2 Distribution of suicide deaths by age group, United states, 1987

Table 3.3 Statistical notation used in this lesson

Table 3.4 Serum cholesterol levels

Table 3.5 Preferred measures of central of location and dispersion by type of data
Appendix H Page 505

Table 3.6 Self-reported average number of cigarettes smoked per day, survey of public health

Table 3.7 Blood lead levels* of children < 6 years old, random sample survey, Jamaica, 1987

Lesson Four

Table 4.1a Primary and secondary syphilis morbidity by age, United States, 1989

Table 4.1b Primary and secondary syphilis morbidity by age, United States, 1989

Table 4.1c Primary and secondary syphilis morbidity by age, United States, 1989

Table 4.2 Newly reported cases of primary and secondary syphilis by age and sex, United
States, 1989

Table 4.3 Follow-up status among diabetic and nondiabetic white men, NHANES follow-up
study, 1982-1984

Table 4.4 General format for 2 x 2 table

Table 4.5 Primary and secondary syphilis morbidity by age, race, and sex, United States, 1989

Table 4.6 Characteristics of residents of Nursing Home A during outbreak of diarrheal

disease, January, 1989

Table 4.7 Newly reported cases of primary and secondary syphilis, age- and race-specific
rates per 100,000 (civilian) population, United States, 1989

Table 4.8 Some standard age groupings used at CDC

Table 4.9 Mean annual age-adjusted cervical cancer mortality rates per 100,000 population, in
rank order by state, United States, 1984-1986

Table 4.10 Measles (rubeola) by year of report, United States, 1950-1989

Table 4.11 Measles (rubeola) rate per 100,000 population, United States, 1955-1990

Table 4.12 Number of primary and secondary syphilis cases by age, sex, and race, United
States, 1989

Table 4.13 Guide to selecting a graph or chart to illustrate epidemiologic data

Table 4.14 Selecting a method of illustrating epidemiologic data

Page 506 Principles of Epidemiology

Table 4.15 Checklist for construction of tables, graphs, charts, and visuals

Lesson Five

Table 5.1 Notifiable diseases and conditions, United States, 1990

Lesson Six

Table 6.1 Relative priority of investigative and control efforts during an outbreak, based on
level of knowledge of the source, mode of transmission, and causative agent

Table 6.2 Steps of an outbreak investigation

Table 6.3 Attack rates by items served at the church supper, Oswego, New York, April 1940

Table 6.4 Attack rate by consumption of vanilla ice cream, Oswego, New York, April 1940

Table 6.5 Standard notation of a two-by-two table

Table 6.6 Table of chi squares

Table 6.7 Exposure to Grocery Store A among cases and controls, Legionellosis outbreak,
Louisiana, 1990

Table 6.8 Selected characteristics of Kuwaiti medical mission members who ate lunch at
Arafat, Saudi Arabia, October 31, 1979
Appendix I Page 507

Appendix I
List of Figure Titles

Lesson One

Figure 1.1 Distribution of cholera cases in the Golden Square area of London, August-
September 1854

Figure 1.2 Water contaminated with deadly cholera flowed from the Broad Street pump

Figure 1.3 Malaria by year, United States, 1930-1990

Figure 1.4 Fatalities associated with farm tractor injuries by month of death, Georgia, 1971-

Figure 1.5 Cases of an unknown disease by month of onset

Figure 1.6 Fatalities associated with farm tractor injuries by day of death, Georgia, 1971-1981

Figure 1.7 Fatalities associated with farm tractor injuries by time of day, Georgia, 1971-1981

Figure 1.8 Date of onset of illness in patients with culture-confirmed Yersinia enterocolitica
infections, Atlanta, November 1, 1988-January 10, 1989

Figure 1.9 AIDS cases per 100,000 population, United States, July 1991-June 1992

Figure 1.10 Mumps cases in trading pits of exchange A, Chicago, Illinois, August 18-
December 25, 1987

Figure 1.11a Pertussis (whooping cough) incidence by age group, United States, 1989

Figure 1.11b Pertussis (whooping cough) incidence by age group, United States, 1989

Figure 1.12 Prevalence of hand/wrist cumulative trauma disorder by sex, Newspaper Company
A, 1990

Figure 1.13 Suicide death rates for persons 15 to 24 years of age according to race/ethnicity,
United States, 1988

Figure 1.14 Epidemiologic triangle and triad (balance beam)

Figure 1.15 Rothman's causal pies: conceptual scheme for the causes of a hypothetical disease

Figure 1.16 Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) shoe

Page 508 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 1.17 Natural history of disease

Figure 1.18 Chain of infection

Figure 1.19 The complex life cycle of Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea worm). The agent,
Dracunculus, develops in the intermediate host (fresh water copepod). Man
acquires the infection by ingesting infected copepods in drinking water.

Figure 1.20 Example of common source outbreak with point source exposure: Hepatitis A
cases by date of onset, Fayetteville, Arkansas, November-December 1978, with
log-normal curve superimposed

Figure 1.21 Example of common source outbreak with continuous exposure: Diarrheal illness
in city residents by date of onset and character of stool, Cabool, Missouri,
December 1989-January 1990

Figure 1.22 Example of the classic epidemic curve of a propagated epidemic: Measles cases by
date of onset, Aberdeen, South Dakota, October 15, 1970-January 16, 1971

Figure 1.23 Example of a propagated epidemic that does not show the classic pattern:
Infectious hepatitis cases by week of onset, Barren County, Kentucky, June 1970-
April 1971

Figure 1.24 Example of a mixed epidemic: Shigella cases at a music festival by day of onset,
Michigan, August 1988

Figure 1.25 Causal pies representing all sufficient causes of a particular disease

Figure 1.26 Natural history of disease timeline

Lesson Two

Figure 2.1 Ten episodes of an illness in a population of 20

Figure 2.2 Secondary spread from child care center to homes

Lesson Three

Figure 3.1 Frequency distribution of suicide deaths by age group, United States, 1987

Figure 3.2 Graph of frequency distribution data with large part of the observations clustered
around a central value

Figure 3.3 Three curves identical in shape with different central locations
Appendix I Page 509

Figure 3.4 Three curves with same central location but different dispersion

Figure 3.5 Three curves with different skewing

Figure 3.6 Normal curve

Figure 3.7 Mean is the center of gravity of the distribution

Figure 3.8 The middle half of the observations in a frequency distribution lie within the
interquartile range

Figure 3.9 Areas under the normal curve that lie between 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations on
each side of the mean

Figure 3.10 Frequency distribution for population of workers in Plant P, with the confidence

Figure 3.11 Effect of skewness on the mean, median, and mode

Figure 3.12 Normal or skewed distribution

Lesson Four

Figure 4.1 Illustration of table shells designed before conducting a case-control study of
Kawasaki syndrome. Table Shell 3: Distribution by county of residence; Table
Shell 4: Distribution by household income; Table Shell 5: Number of days of
hospitalization; Table Shell 6: Distribution by serious complications; Table Shell
7: Demographic characteristics; and Table Shell 8: Household income

Figure 4.2 Partial graph of measles (rubeola) by year of report, United States, 1950-1959

Figure 4.3 Example of arithmetic-scale line graph: Measles (rubeola) by year of report,
United States, 1950-1989

Figure 4.4 Example of arithmetic-scale line graph: Rabies, wild and domestic animals by year
of report, United States and Puerto Rico, 1955-1989

Figure 4.5 Example of semilogarithmic-scale line graph: Reported cases of paralytic

poliomyelitis per 100,000 population by year of occurrence, United States, 1951-

Figure 4.6 Possible values which could be assigned to the y-axis of a semilogarithmic-scale
line graph
Page 510 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 4.7 Example of histogram: Reported cases of paralytic poliomyelitis by month of

occurrence, Oman, January 1988-March 1989

Figure 4.8 Example of histogram: Reported cholesterol levels among 4,462 men, Men's
Health Study, United States, 1985-1986

Figure 4.9 Example of histogram: Number of reported cases of hepatitis A by date of onset
and residency status, Ogemaw County, April-May 1968

Figure 4.10 Example of histogram: Number of reported cases of hepatitis A by date of onset
and residency status, Ogemaw County, April-May, 1968

Figure 4.11 Number of reported cases of influenza-like illness by week of onset

Figure 4.12 Correct method of closing a frequency polygon at left; incorrect method for
closing a frequency polygon at right

Figure 4.13 Anthropometry of Haitian children ages 24.0 to 59.9 months compared with CDC's
National Center for Health Statistics/World Health Organization reference
population, northern departments of Haiti, 1990

Figure 4.14 Cumulative incidence of hepatitis B virus infection by duration of high-risk


Figure 4.15 Survival curves for a cohort of patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) (n =
482) and without PAD (n = 262), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1977-1985

Figure 4.16 Example of scattergram: Serum levels of tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), as

adjusted for lipids, in 253 workers, according to years of exposure, 12 chemical
plants, United States, 1987

Figure 4.17 Example of horizontal bar chart: Number of each infant deaths by leading causes,
United States, 1983

Figure 4.18 Underlying cause of infant mortality among racial/ethnic groups, United States,

Figure 4.19 Example of vertical bar chart with annotation: Percentage of adults who were
current cigarette smokers (persons ≥18 years of age who reported having smoked
at least 100 cigarettes and who were currently smoking) by sex and age, United
States, 1988

Figure 4.20 Underlying cause of infant mortality among racial/ethnic groups, United States,
Appendix I Page 511

Figure 4.21 Notifiable Disease Reports, comparisons of 4-week totals ending January 26, 1991
with historical data, United States, 1991

Figure 4.22 Underlying cause of infant mortality among racial/ethnic groups, United States,

Figure 4.23 Manner of traumatic deaths for male and female workers in the United States,

Figure 4.24 Example of spot map: Histoplasmosis by residence, Austin, Minnesota, October-
November 1984

Figure 4.25 Confirmed and presumptive cases of St. Louis encephalitis by county of residence,
Florida, July-October 1990

Figure 4.26 Example of dot plot: Results of swine influenza virus (SIV) hemagglutination-
inhibition (HI) antibody testing among exposed and unexposed swine exhibitors,
Wisconsin, 1988

Figure 4.27 Example of box plot: Results of indirect ELISA for IgG antibodies to
parainfluenza type 1 virus in convalescent phase serum specimens from cases to
noncases, Baltimore County, Maryland, January 1990

Figure 4.28a Example of two-dimensional bar chart: Reported and confirmed polio cases by
year, the Americas, 1985-1989

Figure 4.28b Example of three-dimensional bar chart: Reported and confirmed polio cases by
year, the Americas, 1985-1989

Figure 4.29a Example of two-dimensional pie chart: Percentage of tuberculosis cases by race
and ethnicity, United States, 1989 (n=23,495)

Figure 4.29b Example of three-dimensional pie chart: Percentage of tuberculosis cases by race
and ethnicity, United States, 1989 (n=23,495)

Figure 4.30 Annual measles incidence rates per 100,000, United States, 1955-1990; with inset
of 1980-1990

Figure 4.31 Annual measles incidence rates per 100,000, United States, 1955-1990

Figure 4.32 Outbreak of diarrheal disease in Nursing Home A, January 1989

Figure 4.33a Stacked bar chart: Number of primary and secondary syphilis cases by age, sex,
and race, 1989
Page 512 Principles of Epidemiology

Figure 4.33b Grouped bar chart: Number of primary and secondary syphilis cases by age, sex,
and race, 1989

Figure 4.33c 100% component bar chart: Number of primary and secondary syphilis cases by
age, sex, and race, 1989

Figure 4.34a Strategy 1: Mean annual age-adjusted cervical cancer mortality rates per 100,000
population by state, United States, 1984-1986

Figure 4.34b Strategy 2: Mean annual age-adjusted cervical cancer mortality rates per 100,000
population by state, United States, 1984-1986

Figure 4.35 Correct and incorrect methods of closing a frequency polygon

Lesson Five

Figure 5.1 Information loop involving health care providers, public health agencies, and the

Figure 5.2 The components of surveillance and resulting public health action

Figure 5.3 Malaria by year of report, United States, 1930-1990

Figure 5.4 Annual measles incidence rates, United States, 1955-1990; with inset of 1980-

Figure 5.5 The information cycle

Figure 5.6 Washington State Health Department Form

Figure 5.7 Completeness of case identification, reporting, and investigation of shigellosis

Figure 5.8 Four different surveillance systems for influenza. Clockwise from top left,
laboratory-based system, 121-city mortality reporting system, sentinel physician
system, and weekly summary of influenza activity by state epidemiologists

Figure 5.9 Reported cases of hepatitis A by county and week of report, United States, 1989

Figure 5.10 Reported cases of hepatitis A by county for weeks 1-4, United States, 1988-1991

Figure 5.11 Surveillance system flow chart

Appendix I Page 513

Lesson Six

Figure 6.1 Example of line listing for an outbreak of hepatitis A

Figure 6.2 Typical epidemic curve: Hepatitis A cases by date of onset, Fayetteville, Arkansas,
November-December 1978

Figure 6.3 Epidemic curve with different units on x-axis: Hepatitis A cases by date of onset,
Fayetteville, Arkansas, November-December 1978

Figure 6.4 Typical epidemic curve with point A on upslope and point B on downslope

Figure 6.5 Hepatitis A cases in Colbert County, Alabama, October-November 1972

Figure 6.6 Residence of patients with Legionnaires' disease, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, 1986

Figure 6.7 Mississippi River sites where 22 culture-positive cases swam within three days of
onset of illness

Figure 6.8 Rate per 10,000 persons of thyrotoxicosis by county, Minnesota, South Dakota,
and Iowa, February 1984-August 1985

Figure 6.9 Illustration of the Kaaba in Mecca

Figure 6.10 Epidemic curve for Exercise 6.4: Hepatitis A by date of onset, April-May

Figure 6.11a Outbreak associated cases of enteritis by hour of onset of illness, Kuwaiti Mission,
Arafat, Saudi Arabia, October 31-November 1, 1979

Figure 6.11b Outbreak associated cases of enteritis by hour of onset of illness and incubation
period, Kuwaiti Mission, Arafat, Saudi Arabia, October 31-November 1, 1979

Figure 6.12 Date and time of onset (by 4 hour periods starting at 12:01 A.M. each day)
Appendix J Page 515

Appendix J
Answers to Self-Assessment Quizzes
In grading your quiz, an answer is correct if you circle all the correct choices for that particular
question. Each correct answer is worth 4 points. If an answer to a question is covered throughout
the lesson and is not on specific pages, no page number is referenced.

Self-Assessment Quiz 1 − Answers

1. The correct answer is A. “Distribution” refers to the frequency and pattern of health events in
a population. “Determinants” refer to causes.
Reference: page 2

2. The correct answer is E. Descriptive epidemiology provides the what, who, when, and where
of health-related events. Analytic epidemiology provides the why.
Reference: page 2

3. The correct answer is C. John Snow conducted the investigation of the Golden Square cholera
outbreak. John Graunt published an analysis of mortality data in 1662. William Farr was a
contemporary of John Snow who made important contributions in the areas of vital statistics.
Richard Doll and Austin Bradford Hill conducted the seminal studies of smoking and lung
cancer in the 1950’s.
Reference: page 4

4. Clinical criteria
Reference: page 12

5. The correct answer is C. An epidemic curve is a histogram of number of cases by date of

onset traditionally used to display the course of an outbreak. Secular trend refers to the
pattern over many years. Seasonal trend refers to the characteristic seasonal pattern exhibited
by many diseases. There is no such thing as an “endemic curve.”
Reference: page 19

6. F ID number

7. A Disease code

8. D Race

9. C County
Page 516 Principles of Epidemiology

10. B Date of onset

11. B Date of report

12. A Outcome (alive or dead)

13. The correct answer is C.

Reference: page 24

14. The correct answer is D. Educational achievement, family income, and occupation are used
because they are easy to measure. Social standing is not.
Reference: page 27

15. The correct answers are B and C. The Framingham study is an observational study rather
than an experimental study or clinical trial because the investigators do not attempt to
influence the subjects’ choices; they simply observe and measure. It is a cohort study rather
than a case-control study because the Framingham subjects were enrolled, classified by
exposure, then followed for evidence of disease.
Reference: page 33

16. The correct answers are B and D. The CASH study is an observational study rather than an
experimental study or clinical trial because the investigators did not attempt to influence the
subjects’ choices; they simply asked about past use. It is a case-control study rather than a
cohort study because the CASH subjects were enrolled on the basis of whether or not they
had disease, then asked about exposure.
Reference: page 33

17. The correct answer is B. The hallmark of an experimental study is that the investigator
dictates each subject’s exposure. In an observational study, the investigator observes,
measures, or asks about the exposure, but does not dictate it.
Reference: page 32

18. The correct answers are C and D. Only components C and D are present in every causal pie.
Both components C and D are necessary causes, since disease cannot occur if either is
Reference: page 38

19. The correct answers are A, B, C, and D. Public health surveillance includes the collection,
analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of health data to be used for appropriate public
health action, but surveillance does not include the action itself.
Reference: page 40
Appendix J Page 517

20. C Onset of symptoms

D Usual time of diagnosis
A Exposure
Reference: page 43

21. The correct answer is A, droplet spread. Airborne, vehicleborne, and vectorborne
transmission are all types of indirect transmission.
Reference: page 47

22. B Community A: usually 10 cases / week; last week, 28 cases

23. C Community B: 50−70 cases / week; last week, 55 cases

24. A Community C: usually 25 cases / week; last week, 28 cases

Reference: page 55

25. The correct answer is C, point source. Only a point source consistently produces the classic
pattern described above. Other modes of spread yield epidemic curves which are more spread
out and irregular.
Reference: page 56

Self-Assessment Quiz 2 − Answers

1. The correct answer is frequency distribution.

Reference: page 75

2. The correct answers are B and E. Nominal scale refers to values which are named rather than
rank-ordered. The possible values of sex are male and female; the possible values of “Were
you hospitalized in the last week?” are yes, no, and, perhaps, “don’t know/don’t remember.”
These values are named but are not rank-ordered in a mathematical sense.
Ordinal scale refers to values along a numerical scale, with a natural rank order. Titers (with
values such as 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.), parity, and height in centimeters all take ordered, numerical
Reference: page 76

3. The correct answer is C. Frequency distributions can be used to summarize either nominal
scale or ordinal scale variables. For ordinal scale variables which can take a wide range of
values, the possible values can be grouped into a manageable number of class intervals.
Reference: page 76
Page 518 Principles of Epidemiology

4. The only correct answer is A. The numerator is not a subset of the denominator, so the
fraction is not a proportion. The denominator is not the population from which the cases in
the numerator arose, so the fraction is not a rate.
Reference: page 77

5. The correct answers are A and B. The numerator (women who died from heart disease) is a
subset of the denominator (women who died from any cause), so the fraction is a proportion.
The denominator is not the population from which the cases in the numerator arose, so the
fraction is not a rate.
Reference: page 77

6. The correct answers are A and D. The numerator (women who died from heart disease) is not
a subset of the denominator (U.S. female population), because some of women who died did
so before midyear. Therefore, the fraction is not a proportion. Since the denominator is the
population at midyear rather than at the beginning of the year, the fraction is a mortality rate
but not an attack rate.
Reference: pages 77, 89, 100

7. The correct answer is A. The primary difference between incidence and prevalence is in what
cases are included in the numerator. For incidence, the numerator is restricted to new cases.
For prevalence, the numerator includes both new and pre-existing cases.
Reference: page 86

8. The correct answer is D. The primary difference between point prevalence and period
prevalence is in the time period of reference. Point prevalence reflects the presence of an
attribute at a moment in time. A telephone interviewer might ask, “Do you currently have a
disability that limits your day-to-day activities?” Period prevalence reflects presence of an
attribute over a period in time. A telephone interviewer might ask, “At any time during the
past year, including the present, do you or did you have a disability that limited your day-to-
day activities?”
Reference: page 86

9. The correct answers are B and D. Prevalence is based on both incidence and duration. If the
incidence of the two diseases is similar, then the difference in prevalence must reflect a
difference in duration. Since Disease A is more prevalent than Disease B, the duration of
Disease A must be longer and the duration of Disease B must be shorter. Two possible
explanations for Disease B’s shorter duration are rapid recovery or rapid mortality.
Reference: page 87

10. The correct answer is A. In an epidemic setting, probability or risk is measured by an attack
rate. The denominator of an attack rate is the initial size of the population at risk.
Reference: page 89
Appendix J Page 519

11. The correct answer is D. The attack rate is calculated as (39 / 87) × 100 = 44.8% or 44.8/100.
Reference: page 89

12. The correct answer is B. Eighty affected households, so 80 primary cases, so 120 − 80 = 40
secondary cases. The population at risk for becoming a secondary case is 480 − 80 = 400.
Thus, the secondary attack rate = 40 / 400 = 10.0%.
Reference: pages 89−90

13. The correct answer is E. If 49,990 persons remained disease-free for 2 years, they would
contribute 99,980 person-years. If we assume that the 10 persons who developed Disease C
did so midway through the 2 years, they would have contributed only 1 year each of disease-
free follow-up. The denominator should then be 99,980 + 10 = 99,990, or approximately
Reference: pages 92−93

14. When investigators obtain information from (or about) all participants in an outbreak setting,
the relative risk is calculated as the ratio of the attack rates. Therefore, the attack rate is (36 /
48) / (3 / 39), or 75.0% / 7.7%, or 9.7. Note that the odds ratio is (36 × 36) / (12 × 3), or 36,
which is not close at all to the relative risk! The odds ratio approximates the relative risk only
if the disease is rare, say less than 5%. In this setting, the disease was very common,
affecting 44.8% of the participants!
Reference: pages 93−94

15. The correct answer is D. Since this is a case-control study, we calculate an odds ratio as an
estimate of the relative risk. The data from this case-control study can be arranged in the
following two-by-two table:

Case Control Total

Exposed a = 50 b = 25 75
Unexposed c = 50 d = 75 125
Total 100 100 200

The odds ratio is calculated as ad / bc, or (50 × 75) / (25 × 50), which equals 3.0.
Reference: pages 96−97

16. The correct answer is D. The numerator includes pre-existing cases, so we know we are
dealing with prevalence rather than incidence. Both numerator and denominator are
measured at a point in time (July 1, 1991), so it is point prevalence rather than period
Reference: page 86

17. The correct answer is A.

Reference: page 93
Page 520 Principles of Epidemiology

18. The correct answer is C. Attack rates are usually expressed as percentages.
Reference: page 89

19. The correct answer is F.

Reference: page 83

20. The correct answer is D.

Reference: page 101

21. The correct answers are A and E. The denominator for both the crude and the cause-specific
mortality rates is the total size of the midyear population among which the deaths occurred.
Age-specific, sex-specific, and race-specific mortality rates all use denominators which are
restricted by age group, sex, and race, respectively.
Reference: page 101

22. The correct answers are A, B, C, and D. The denominator for all of these measures is the
number of live births during the same time period as the deaths in the numerator.
Reference: pages 101−102

23. The only correct answer is E. We are not given the total number of deaths in 1987, so we
cannot calculate the proportionate mortality due to either diabetes or liver disease. We are not
given U.S. population data, so we cannot calculate any type of mortality rate or mortality rate
ratio. Since we need only the number of deaths in each age group to calculate YPLL (to age
65), we can do so with these data. Without population data, however, we cannot calculate
YPLL rates.
Reference: page 112

24. The correct answer is C. Neonatal mortality rate refers to deaths from birth through 27 days
of life. The denominator is the number of live births during the same time period. So the
neonatal mortality rate for the data shown above is:
= ((400 + 300 + 300) / 100,000) × 1,000
= (1,000 / 100,000) × 1,000
= 10.0 per 1,000 live births
Reference: page 101

25. The only correct answer is D. The YPLL rate is the years of potential life lost divided by the
population under age 65 years. Choices A and C would account for higher total YPLL, but
not a higher YPLL rate. Choice B is irrelevant, since YPLL is unaffected by those over age
65 years. If age-specific mortality rates are higher in State A than in State B, then all else
being equal, more deaths per population will occur in State A.
Reference: pages 112−114
Appendix J Page 521

Self-Assessment Quiz 3 − Answers

1. The correct answer is E. The arithmetic mean, geometric mean, median, and mode are all
measures of central location. The range is a measure of dispersion.
Reference: pages 153−166

2. The correct answer is C. The median is at the half-way point of a set of data that has been
arranged in rank order.
Reference: page 156

3. The correct answer is A. The arithmetic mean is the most commonly used measure of central
location because it has many desirable statistical properties.
Reference: page 155

4. The correct answer is D. Class intervals must not overlap. With overlapping class intervals,
the reader does not know whether a 5-year-old is counted in the 1−5 row or in the 5−15 row.
The class intervals should read:
<1 25−34 65−74
1−4 35−44 75−84
5−14 45−54 ≥85
15−24 55−64 Unknown
Reference: page 147

5. The correct answer is B. The range, interquartile range, standard deviation, and variance are
all measures of dispersion. A percentile is at a particular point in a ranked set of data. It is not
a measure of dispersion even though it is used to determine the interquartile range.
Reference: pages 169−179

6. The correct answers are A and C. The tail rather than the peak “defines” the direction of the
skew. Thus, a distribution with a tail off to the left and a central location to the right is said to
be negatively skewed or skewed to the left.
Reference: page 149

7. The correct answer is A. The arithmetic mean is the measure of central location most
sensitive to extreme values.
Reference: page 156

8. The correct answer is D. The mode is the value that occurs most often in a set of data.
Reference: page 159
Page 522 Principles of Epidemiology

9. The correct answer is B. The geometric mean is appropriate for variables which follow an
exponential or logarithmic pattern, such as titers and dilutions. The geometric mean is also
commonly used by environmental epidemiologists as a measure of central location for
environmental samples.
Reference: page 164

10. The correct answer is B. Because the range is the difference between the largest and smallest
values, it is directly affected by extreme values.
Reference: page 167

11. The correct answer is C. The interquartile range represents the difference between the 75th
percentile (third quartile) and the 25th percentile (first quartile).
Reference: page 169

12. The correct answer is C. The standard deviation is the measure of dispersion most commonly
used with the arithmetic mean.
Reference: page 179

13. The correct answers are A and E. 1.96 standard deviations below and above the mean
correspond to the central 95%, with 2.5% remaining outside in each tail.
Reference: page 177

14. The correct rank is D < A < B < C.

D. Interquartile range (25th to 75th percentile) includes 50% of data
A. Mean ± 1 s.d. (roughly 16th to 84th percentile) includes 68.3% of data
B. 5th to 95th percentile includes 90% of data
C. Mean ± 1.96 s.d. (2.5th to 97.5th percentile) includes 95% of data
Reference: page 177

15. The correct answer is A. Interquartile range has same units as the raw data.
Reference: page 167

16. The correct answer is C. Variance is based on squared differences, and has squared units.
Reference: page 179

17. The correct answer is A. Standard error has same units as the raw data.
Reference: pages 180−181
Appendix J Page 523

18. The correct answer is 20.

Arithmetic mean = (14 + 10 + 9 + 11 + 17 + 20 + 7 + 90 + 13 + 9) / 10
= 200 / 10
= 20
Reference: page 153

19. The correct answer is 11.5.

Ordered data: 7, 9, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 20, 90
Middle rank is at (N + 1) / 2, or (10 + 1) / 2, or 5.5, halfway between 5th and 6th position
Therefore, median is average of 5th and 6th values: (11 + 13) / 2 = 12
Reference: page 157

20. The correct answer is 9.

Ordered data: 7, 9, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 20, 90
The data set contains two 9s. No other value appears more than once.
Reference: page 160

21. The correct answer is 83 (or, from 7 to 90).

Ordered data: 7, 9, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 20, 90
Range = maximum − minimum = 90 − 7 = 83.
Reference: page 167

22. The correct answer is C. The most appropriate measure of central location for skewed data is
the median. When we use a median, we usually choose the interquartile range as our measure
of dispersion.

23. The correct answer is E. Since all observations have the same value, the mean = 90, the
difference between each observation and the mean = 0, and the variance and standard
deviation = 0! In other words, since there is no variability from the mean, the measures of
variability/dispersion equal 0!
Reference: page 177

24. The correct answer is D. The standard error of the mean measures the variability of the
distribution of sample means about the true population mean. It is a measure of the
uncertainty / confidence we have in our sample mean as an estimate of the population mean.
Reference: pages 180−181
Page 524 Principles of Epidemiology

25. The correct answer is C. The 95% confidence limits are calculated as the mean ± 1.96
standard errors of the mean (not standard deviations). Thus, the lower confidence limit is
89.5 − (1.96 × 0.7), or 88.1. The upper limit is 89.5 + (1.96 × 0.7), or 90.9.
Reference: pages 183−184

Self-Assessment Quiz 4 − Answers

1. The correct answers are B, C, and D. Tables, graphs, and charts are important for
summarizing, analyzing, and presenting data. While data are occasionally collected using a
table (for example, counting observations by putting tick marks in particular cells in a table),
this is not a common epidemiologic technique.
Reference: page 206

2. The correct answer is C. In choice A, cells b and c are reversed. In choice B, the row and
column totals are reversed. (Remember H for horizontal and V for vertical.) In choice D, the
row and column headings are reversed.
Reference: page 210

3. The correct answer is A. The table shows counts by only one variable: age group. Columns
three and four display the counts in percentages and cumulative percentages, but they still
refer to the same one variable.
Reference: page 208

4. The correct answer is C. The maximum number of variables that can be shown in cross-
tabular form in a single table is three. Even a three-variable table can appear busy.
Reference: page 210

5. The correct answer is B. We create table shells when we design the analysis. This step should
be part of the overall study plan or protocol. It should certainly come before questionnaire
design. (The questionnaire should gather the information you need for your analysis!)
Reference: page 214

6. The correct answers are A, B, C, D, and E. All of these methods are appropriate and
commonly used by epidemiologists.
Reference: pages 218−220

7. The correct answers are A, B, and D. A is based on the mean and standard deviation. The first
interval only includes 0.0 because the upper limit was a negative value. B is based on creating
three groups with an equal number of observations in each. D is based on creating four class
intervals of equal size. C does not match any of the recommended methods.
Reference: pages 218−220
Appendix J Page 525

8. The correct answer is C. On each axis of an arithmetic-scale line graph, equal distances
represent equal quantities. Choices A, B, and D all refer to semilogarithmic-scale line graphs.
Reference: pages 227−232

9. The correct answers are A and B. Line graphs are recommended for showing long-term
trends, particularly of rates. An arithmetic scale is adequate if the annual Disease Z mortality
rates have been fairly stable. A semilogarithmic scale may be preferred if the rates have
varied over more than one order of magnitude.

10. The correct (inappropriate) answer is B. B represents an arithmetic progression of numbers,

in which the distance between each two consecutive numbers is equal. The other choices
represent logarithmic progressions.
Reference: page 232

11. The correct answer is D. The x-axis of a histogram is used for continuous variables such as
time. Thus the columns of a histogram are continuous, i.e., without spaces. In contrast, the x-
axis of a bar chart is used for noncontinuous variables such as sex, or continuous variables
grouped into discrete categories such as ten-year age groups. Therefore, the columns are
discontinuous, i.e., with spaces between them.
Reference: page 247

12. The only correct answer is A. An epidemic curve is a histogram, with number of cases on the
y-axis and date of onset, not exposure. The curve should begin with a pre-epidemic period to
illustrate the background level of disease. The class interval on the x-axis should be about 1/4
(1/8 to 1/3) of the average incubation period for the disease under study.
Reference: page 239

13. The correct answer is A. The frequency polygon should begin and end at the midpoint of the
class intervals outside the most extreme values of the distribution being graphed.
Reference: page 242

14. The correct answers are B, C, and D. A histogram could be used to show the number of
deaths by year (or five years or ten years). A cumulative frequency curve could be used to
show the cumulative number of deaths, up to the maximum of 100 when the last alumnus
dies. A survival curve could be used to show the decline over time from 100% of the cohort
to 0% when the last alumnus dies.
Reference: pages 236, 243

15. The correct answer is E.

Reference: page 241
Page 526 Principles of Epidemiology

16. The correct answer is B.

Reference: page 246

17. The correct answer is A.

Reference: page 227

18. The correct answer is C.

Reference: page 257

19. The correct answer is F.

Reference: page 245

20. The correct answer is D.

Reference: page 257

21. The correct answer is B. A semilogarithmic-scale line graph is ideal for showing and
comparing rates of change.
Reference: page 233

22. The correct answer is B. Since we know only names of places but not their position on a
map, place is not a continuous variable. Therefore, we would simply show numbers of cases
by place with a bar chart.
Reference: page 246

23. The correct answers are B, C, and D. We need to display the frequency of two variables:
cause and sex. A grouped bar chart or stacked bar chart or 100% component bar chart (with
two bars, one for each sex) can display the relative size of the component causes of death.
Simple bar charts and pie charts are usually restricted to components of one variable.
Reference: pages 247−250

24. The correct answer is A. The measure we call “years of potential life lost” (YPLL) is a
derivative of the number of deaths. To display YPLL by cause (one variable), we can use a
simple bar chart.
Reference: page 247
Appendix J Page 527

25. The only correct answer is B. The major disadvantage of a spot map is that it does not take
into account the size of the population when it shows number of cases. In other words, a spot
map cannot portray rates, but an area map can. On the other hand, a spot map can pinpoint
location more precisely than an area map. Both spot maps and area maps can show numbers
of cases, including several cases in the same location. An area map can use different shades
to show different numbers. A spot map can use different symbols or different sizes of the
same symbol to show different numbers in one location.
Reference: pages 254−255

Self-Assessment Quiz 5 − Answers

1. The correct answers are A, B, C, and D. Public health surveillance includes data collection,
analysis, interpretation, and dissemination, so that the appropriate persons and programs can
conduct the appropriate interventions, e.g., prevention and control. Surveillance, however,
does not include the prevention and control activities themselves.
Reference: page 290

2. The correct answer is B. Public health surveillance refers to the monitoring of health events in
populations. Medical surveillance refers to the monitoring of potentially exposed individuals
to detect early symptoms.
Reference: page 291

3. The correct answer is A. Surveillance for communicable diseases tends to rely on the
notifiable disease reporting system. The reports are submitted specifically for surveillance
purposes. Surveillance for chronic diseases tends to rely on analysis of data collected for
other reasons (“secondary data analysis”).
Reference: page 292

4. The correct answers are A, B, C, D, and E. Surveillance data are used primarily for
monitoring health events and guiding public health action. Monitoring health events includes
detecting abrupt changes and long-term trends in disease, changes in agents and host factors,
and changes in health care practice. Guiding public health action includes providing direction
for investigation and control efforts, planning and resource allocation, evaluation, and
Reference: pages 293−296

5. The correct answer is B. Vital statistics include data on birth, death, marriage, and divorce. So
vital statistics are the primary source of data on mortality.
Reference: page 297
Page 528 Principles of Epidemiology

6. The correct answers are A, B, and C. Sources of morbidity (illness) data include notifiable
disease reports, laboratory data, hospital data, outpatient health care data, and surveillance
systems for specific health conditions such as cancer. Vital records are an important source of
mortality data. Environmental monitoring data are an important source of data for disease
potential or risk.
Reference: pages 298, 301

7. The correct answer is E. Surveillance of animal populations is used to assess the risk or
potential for disease in humans by detecting
• changes in the size and distribution of animal reservoirs and vectors
• morbidity and mortality in animals caused by agents that can affect humans
• prevalence in animals of agents that can infect humans, even if the animals remain
However, surveillance of animal populations is not usually intended to serve as a substitute
for surveillance of morbidity in humans.
Reference: page 300

8. The correct answer is B. The list of reportable diseases is set by the state — either the state
legislature, state board of health, state health department, state health officer, or state
Reference: page 303

9. The correct answers are A, B, C, and D. The state regulations typically specify the diseases
and conditions that must be reported, who must submit reports, how and to whom the case
reports are to be sent, and what information is to be provided. Some statutes and regulations
also specify control measures to be taken and penalties for not reporting.
Reference: page 303

10. The correct answer is E. The number of nationally notifiable diseases was 45 in 1990. The
number has grown during the past decade, with the addition of AIDS, invasive Hemophilus
influenzae infection, Legionnaires’ disease, Lyme disease, and toxic shock syndrome.
Reference: page 304

11. The correct answers are A, B, C, D, and E. In most states, statutes or regulations require
reporting by physicians, dentists, nurses, and other health care providers, as well as by
administrators of hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and schools. Some states require
reporting from laboratory directors, and some even require reporting from anyone with
knowledge of a person with a notifiable disease.
Reference: page 303
Appendix J Page 529

12. The correct answer is A. Regardless of the disease, reporting should proceed through
channels. The county health department will notify the state health department who may
notify CDC who will notify the World Health Organization. The seriousness of the disease
may influence how rapidly these communications take place, but should not influence the
Reference: page 305

13. The correct answer is B. Active surveillance refers to the health department taking the
initiative to contact health care providers to solicit case reports. The contrast is a passive
surveillance system, in which health care providers are expected to submit case reports to the
health department without ongoing stimulation.
Reference: page 305

14. The correct answers are A, B, D, and E. Analysis by time often includes comparisons with
previous weeks and previous years. Analysis by place can include analysis of both numbers
and rates. Routine analysis by person may include age and sex, or race, but the three-variable
table of age by race by sex is too much stratification for routine analysis.
Reference: pages 311−315

15. The correct answers are A, B, C, D, and E. An increase in case reports one week may
represent a true epidemic. However, the increase may also represent an increase in the
denominator (e.g., from an influx of tourists, migrant workers, students); reporting of cases in
a batch, particularly after the holiday season; duplicate reports of the same case; computer
errors; a new clinic or physician who specializes in the disease in question or simply is more
conscientious about reporting; or other sudden changes in the surveillance system.
Reference: page 316

16. The correct answer is B. The primary purpose of preparing and distributing a surveillance
report is to provide timely information about disease occurrence to those who need to know
in the community. The report may also serve to motivate and inform those in the community
about health department activities and public health issues of a more global nature.
Reference: page 316

17. The correct answer is D. The minimum number of cases necessary to spark health
department action is variable, depending on the disease. For uncommon, potentially fatal
diseases such as cholera or plague, even one case is sufficient. For diseases that are
transmitted from an animal host such as rabies, presence of rabies in animals near residences
may spark health department programs such as public warnings, even if no cases have yet
occurred in humans.
Reference: page 317
Page 530 Principles of Epidemiology

18. The correct answer is D. First and foremost, a surveillance system should serve a useful
public health function. If the system is not useful (or is not being used), it does not matter
whether it is efficient, cost-effective, or directed to an important problem.
Reference: page 319

19. The correct answers are A, B, C, D, and E. Importance of a disease includes its current
impact in the community (incidence, severity, cost, etc.), its potential for spread, and its
Reference: page 319

20. The correct answer is C. Sensitivity refers to the ability of a system to identify cases that
occur. Specificity refers to the system's ability to exclude non-cases. Predictive value positive
is the proportion of persons labeled as cases who truly have the disease. Representativeness
refers to lack of bias in the system.
Reference: pages 322

21. The correct answer is D. The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) has
developed standard case definitions, listed in Appendix C.
Reference: pages 302, 325

22. The correct answer is C. Surveillance can be justified if a disease is new and data are needed
to learn more about its pattern of occurrence, clinical spectrum, risk groups, and potential for
Reference: page 328

23. The correct answer is B. The primary distinction between a surveillance system and a survey
is that a surveillance system is ongoing; a survey is a snapshot in time. Both are commonly
population-based. Often both collect confidential data. A survey is usually more expensive to
conduct, since it requires considerably more effort over a short period of time.
Reference: pages 328

24. The correct answer is B.

Reference: page 326

25. The correct answers are A, B, C, and D.

Reference: page 330
Appendix J Page 531

Self-Assessment Quiz 6 − Answers

1. The correct answers are A and B. Most outbreaks come to the attention of health authorities
because an alert clinician or an affected patient calls. The other methods listed above
occasionally detect outbreaks, but less frequently.
Reference: page 348

2. The correct answer is C. For an outbreak with an unknown source and mode of transmission,
we must first investigate to identify the source and/or mode. Once we have learned source or
mode, we can take appropriate control and prevention actions.
Reference: page 349

3. The correct answer is D. The first step is preparing for field work, which includes discussing
what each person’s role will be. (It is usually a good idea to designate only one person as the
“official spokesperson” for the investigation.) Next we confirm the existence of an epidemic,
e.g, confirm that the number of cases exceeds the expected number. In step 3 we verify the
diagnosis. In step 4 we define and identify cases, usually by actively seeking additional cases.
In step 5 we conduct descriptive epidemiology of the cases, analyzing the data by time, place,
and person. By now we should have enough clues to generate reasonable, testable hypotheses
(step 6), which we can test with a case-control study (step 7).
Reference: page 353

4. The correct answers are A, B, D, and E. The first step of an outbreak investigation is
preparing for field work, which includes (1) becoming knowledgeable about the disease and
what you need to do, (2) attending to administrative and personal details such as stopping the
mail, and (3) making appropriate arrangements with your local contacts. On the other hand,
because control measures take precedent over all else, discussing vaccination strategies is
also appropriate. Talking to a couple of case-patients is part of Step 3.
Reference: page 354

5. The correct answer is D. Staff from CDC must be invited to participate in an outbreak
investigation. The local health department, not CDC, has responsibility for the health of the
community (and will be there long after the CDC consultant departs). The local health
department is ultimately in charge, and CDC consultants generally serve in whatever role is
requested of them (which may be any of A, B, or C.)
Reference: page 354

6. The correct answer is D. Most epidemiologists use the terms “outbreak” and “epidemic”
interchangeably. However, most epidemiologists use the term “outbreak” rather than
“epidemic” during the investigation because “outbreak” causes less anxiety or panic. Some
epidemiologists also reserve the term “epidemic” for large outbreaks.
Reference: page 354
Page 532 Principles of Epidemiology

7. The correct answers are B and E (E even more likely than B). The pattern of zero case reports
during the traditional Christmas holiday season, followed by a larger than usual number of
reports, is consistent with batch processing. In other words, it is likely that the reports sat at
the local health department during the holidays, and were forwarded in a large batch after the
holidays were over. A less likely but also plausible explanation is change in the denominator
during the holiday season. For example, if most of the cases of Disease X come from a major
university situated in County B, and all the students left during the holidays, a similar pattern
of case reports could result.
Reference: page 355

8. The correct answers are C and D. Even an investigator without a clinical background should,
if possible, see and talk to a patient or two to gain a better understanding of the clinical
features of the disease (needed for developing a case definition) and to identify possible
exposures that may be responsible for the outbreak.
Reference: page 357

9. The correct answers are A, B, C, and D. A standard case definition should specify the clinical
criteria, as well as restrictions by time, place, and person. (The case definition should NOT
include the exposure we are trying to evaluate. If we require that cases be exposed, we
guarantee that exposure will be associated with disease in our study, whether or not it is in the
community. In other words, disease status and exposure status must be determined
independently to avoid bias in our analytic studies.)
Reference: page 357

10. The correct answer is B. To use resources efficiently, we usually confirm a few cases, then
include all others who meet reasonable and compatible case definition. Rarely is it necessary
to confirm every case — for some diseases, no reliable laboratory test exists, and for others
the laboratory test is expensive or limited in availability. A “loose” case definition is
appropriate for surveillance purposes, but not for analytic purposes. Finally, while two or
three categories of a case definition may be helpful for some diseases and in some settings,
there is no requirement that you always use three categories.
Reference: pages 358−359

11. The correct answers are A, B, C, and D. Frequently, we contact (by letter or telephone)
physician's offices, clinics, hospitals, and laboratories to identify additional cases. Depending
on the affected age group, we might also contact day care centers, schools, employers, or
nursing homes. Sometime the local media outlets pick up on the story and cooperate with
public health authorities in educating or warning the public. Finally, we frequently ask case-
patients if they know any persons with the same exposure (if known) or with the same
illness. While we could review local morbidity and mortality data from the local hospital and
local health department, we could not wait the 2 or 3 years, on average, for the data to be
available from NCHS.
Reference: pages 359-360
Appendix J Page 533

12. The correct answer is D. In an outbreak investigation, the ultimate purpose of characterizing
the outbreak by time, place, and person is to generate testable hypotheses about the source,
mode of transmission, risk factors, etc. Doing the descriptive epidemiology is also useful
because you provide a comprehensive description of the outbreak and you may identify
errors in the data.
Reference: page 363

13. The correct answers are A and D. The epidemic curve is a graph of number of cases by date
of onset of disease. The shape of the curve to date helps us predict the future course of the
epidemic. A curve which is still rising indicates that we are still in the midst of the epidemic,
and more cases will occur. A curve which is falling or has returned to baseline indicates that
the peak of the outbreak is behind us. We can identify a probable period of exposure only if
we know the incubation period for the disease.
Reference: page 365

14. The only correct answer is C. The epidemic curve is a histogram, with number of cases (on
the y-axis) by date of onset of disease (on the x-axis). The time intervals on the x-axis should
be between one-eighth and one-third the average incubation period. The time frame should
begin with a pre-epidemic period, not with the first case of the epidemic.
Reference: pages 363−364

15. The correct answer is E. Eight hours (the minimum incubation period) prior to the first case
puts us in period #5. Ten to twelve hours (average incubation period) prior to the peak of the
epidemic puts us in period #6.
Reference: page 367

16. The correct answer is E. Since the goal of descriptive epidemiology is to identify patterns of
disease in order to generate hypotheses, we tabulate the data in variety of ways. Location of
residence and location of daytime activities (employment, school, etc.) are the most common,
but if they do not produce any meaningful patterns we can try alternate “place” variables.
(Recall the spot map of swimmers who developed shigellosis, page 371.)
Reference: pages 370−372

17. The correct answers are A, B, C, D, and E. The first hypotheses are usually those we
associate with the disease in general, i.e., the usual risk factors. If you don’t know them
already, you should review a text or the literature to find out. Early on, we talk to the local
health department staff and a few case-patients to find out what they think may be the cause.
Finally, the descriptive epidemiology may provide clues both by demonstrating patterns
among the majority of cases and by identifying “outliers” — persons who do not fit the
pattern. Both can provide important clues.
Reference: page 374
Page 534 Principles of Epidemiology

18. The correct answer is A. If you have no reasonable hypotheses, then proceeding to analytic
study such as a case-control or cohort study is likely to be a waste of time. Similarly, if the
investigators do not have sufficient evidence to suggest the school dining hall as a possible
source, laboratory investigation is likely to be fruitless, too. The investigators should talk to
some case-patients again, possibly as a group, to try to identify common features.
Reference: page 384

19. The correct answer is D. The study is a case-control study, because investigators enrolled
children on the basis of whether they had the disease (“cases”) or not (“controls”). The
following two-by-two table summarizes the data:

Cases Controls Total

Exposed 50 25 75
Unexposed 50 75 125
Total 100 100 200

We cannot calculate rates or a relative risk from a case-control study, but we can calculate an
odds ratio as an estimate of the relative risk. The odds ratio is (50 × 75) / (25 × 50), which
equals 3.0.
Reference: pages 375−381

20. The correct answer is C. The difference is statistically significant, meaning that the null
hypothesis (no difference in mean serum porcelain levels between the two groups) is unlikely
to be true. We cannot say anything about a cause-effect relationship just on the basis of a
statistical test.
Reference: page 377

21. The correct answer is E. An odds ratio of 1.5 or 1.8 is a “weakly positive association.” A
value of 10 is a very strong association. “Not statistically significant at the 0.05 level” means
that the p-value is larger than 0.05.
Reference: pages 375−381

22. The correct answer is E. Because all attendees participated in the study, the study is
considered a cohort study, and the appropriate measure of association is the relative risk. The
relative risks are calculated as:
Macaroni salad: 25/40 / 20/59 = 62.5% / 33.9% = 1.8
Potato salad: 17/55 / 28/44 = 30.9% / 63.6% = 0.5
Three-bean salad: 43/90 / 2/9 = 47.8% / 22.2% = 2.2
Punch: 40/92 / 5/7 = 43.5% / 71.4% = 0.6
Ice cream: 20/21 / 25/78 = 95.2% / 32.1% = 3.0
Reference: pages 376−377
Appendix J Page 535

23. The correct answer is C. Although the highest relative risk is associated with ice cream, that
food could explain only 20 of 45 cases. In contrast, three-bean salad was also associated with
an elevated relative risk, and could explain all but two of the cases. Those two cases might be
attributable to cross-contamination of a serving spoon. Other explanations such as faulty
recall are also possible.
Reference: pages 376−377

24. The correct answer is A. Control measures should be implemented as early as possible.
Usually we attempt to verify the diagnosis so we can implement the appropriate control
measures. But we can sometimes take action before confirming the specific diagnosis, if we
know the source and mode of transmission and know how to control them! Conceptually,
control and prevention measures may be Step 9, but in the real world they are our highest
Reference: page 385

25. The correct answer is D. The first responsibility is to the local authorities. Before the federal
investigator leaves town, he/she should provide an oral briefing for local health authorities
and persons responsible for implementing control and prevention measures. A written report
to local authorities should follow in timely fashion.
Reference: page 386


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