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Date : Time : 2 hours Full Marks : 30 No. of students : 73

Mid-Semester 2006 Mechanical Engineering Subject No. ME60085/ME60215
B.Tech(AgFe),DD(ME),M.Tech(ME,CR,AgFe) Subject: Refrigeration Systems

Answer all questions

Marks for each question is shown in the margin in parenthesis.

Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. State the assumptions clearly

1. A saturated, single stage vapour compression refrigeration system working with refrigerant R22
has a refrigeration capacity of 100 TR. The system operates between an evaporator temperature
of 7°C (saturation pressure is 621.22 kPa) and a condensing temperature of 32°C (saturation
pressure is 1255.2 kPa). The refrigeration effect under these conditions is 168.6 kJ/kg. The
values of specific volume of refrigerant at the inlet and exit of the compressor are 0.03798 m3/kg
and 0.02011 m3/kg, respectively. The system uses a 4-cylinder, reciprocating compressor that
operates at 3000 RPM. The compressor has a stroke-to-bore ratio of 0.8, a clearance factor of
0.05 and an isentropic efficiency of 0.85. If the actual volumetric efficiency of the compressor is
80% of the clearance volumetric efficiency, find a) actual COP of the system and b) stroke and
bore of the compressor cylinders. (3+3 = 6)

2. A window air conditioner with a refrigeration capacity of 1.5 TR works for 8 hours a day. The
compressor motor has an efficiency of 85%. The compressor is a 2-cylinder, reciprocating
compressor with a bore of 5 cm, stroke-to-bore ratio of 0.8 and a rotational speed of 3000 RPM.
The indicator diagram of the compressor has an area of 12 Joules, while the frictional mean
effective pressure is 0.5 bar. A separate motor, which drives the condenser and evaporator fans,
consumes 80 Watts. Find a) actual COP of the air conditioner considering power consumption of
both compressor and fan motors, b) annual running cost of the air conditioner, if the cost of
electricity is Rs. 5 per kWh.
(4+2 = 6)

3. A backward curved centrifugal compressor has an impeller radius of 0.5 m and runs at 9000
RPM. The blade angle at impeller exit is 60° and the flow coefficient (ratio of normal component of
velocity to tip speed) is 0.3. The compressor compresses water vapour that enters the compressor
at 4.5°C (saturation pressure is 0.8424 kPa). The flow area at the periphery of the impeller is 0.04
m2. Assuming ideal compression with an average isentropic index of compression of 1.322 and
neglecting tangential component of velocity at the impeller inlet, find a) pressure at the exit of the
impeller, b) temperature at the exit of the impeller, c) mass flow rate of water vapour through the
compressor, and d) Power input to the compressor. Water vapour may be assumed to behave as
an ideal gas with a molecular weight of 18 kg/kmol. (2+1+2+2 =

4. A single stage vapour compression refrigeration system working with refrigerant R22 has a
refrigeration capacity of 10 TR. The system operates between an evaporator temperature of 7°C
and a condensing temperature of 54°C. The system employs a liquid-to-suction heat exchanger
that has an effectiveness of 0.8. The isentropic efficiency of the compressor is 0.85. A counterflow,
tube-in-tube type condenser is to be designed for this system. Coolant water at a temperature of
36°C and with a mass flow rate of 0.5 kg/s, enters the condenser. The coolant water flows through
the inner tube of the condenser that has an inner diameter of 2.24 cm and an outer diameter of
2.54 cm. A constant convective heat transfer coefficient of 5000 W/m2.K may be assumed on the
waterside. The average heat transfer coefficient on the refrigerant side may be taken as 150
W/m2.K in the desuperheating zone and as 1700 W/m2.K in the condensing zone. The fouling
factor on waterside is 0.0002 m2.K/W, while it may be neglected on the refrigerant side. The
resistance offered by the tube wall may also be neglected. The state of refrigerant at the exit of
evaporator and condenser is saturated.

a) Using the refrigerant property data given below, find the required length of the condenser tube

Temperature, °C Dryness fraction Pressure (bar) Enthalpy (kJ/kg)

7 1 6.215 407.5
54 1 21.27 417.6
54 0 21.27 268.9

The gas constant of R22 is 0.09615 kJ/kg.K, average specific heat (CP) of vapour at 6.215 bar is
0.75665 kJ/kg.K and the average isentropic index of compression is 1.185. Specific heat of liquid
water is 4.18 kJ/kg.K. Assume the superheated vapour to behave as an ideal gas.

b) Everything else remaining same, what is the required tube length if integral fins that increase
the heat transfer area by a factor of 2 (Atotal with fins : Abare tube is 2:1) are added on refrigerant side?
The fin efficiency may be taken as 90%.

c) What problem do you encounter if you try to design the condenser assuming a constant
condensing temperature throughout the condenser?
(7+3+1 = 11)

End of the paper


Date : Time : 2 hours Full Marks : 30 No. of students : 70

Mid Semester, Autumn 2007 Mechanical Engineering Subject No. ME60085
DD/PG(ME2,AgFe,Cryo) Subject Name : Refrigeration Systems
Answer all questions
Instructions: Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary, but state them clearly. Marks for
each question are shown in parenthesis

1. A designer wishes to improve the performance of a vapour compression refrigeration system

based window air conditioner by replacing the refrigerant R-22 with water (R-718). In both cases,
the window air conditioner has a cooling capacity of 1.5 TR (1.0 TR = 3.517 kW) and operates
between an evaporator temperature of 7oC and a condensing temperature of 35oC. The refrigerant
at the exit of the condenser is saturated, while the suction vapour has a useful superheat of 15 K.
The following data are available for both the refrigerants.

Latent heat of Avg. liquid Avg. vapour

Fluid NBP, vaporization, hfg, sp.heat, cp,f sp.heat, cp,g Gas
C kJ/kg kJ/kg.K kJ/kg.K constant
At Pe At Pc At Pe At Pc At Pe At Pc kJ/kg.K
R-22 -40.81 199.3 172.3 1.19 1.15 0.77 0.95 0.0962
R- 99.97 2484.3 2417.9 4.2 4.18 1.90 1.93 0.4615

Where Pe and Pc are evaporator and condenser pressures. Using the above data and assuming
isentropic compression, (a) compare power consumption of the R-22 based air conditioner with
that of R-718 based air conditioner, (b) Why in practice R-22 is used as the working fluid in
window air conditioners, but not water, even though water is environment friendly, safe,
inexpensive and is easily available? (6+2 = 8)

2. (a) With suitable diagrams, explain briefly why the cooling capacity of a reciprocating
compressor decreases as the condensing temperature increases and/or the evaporator
temperature decreases? (b) In domestic refrigerators, the formation of frost on evaporator
surfaces decreases the evaporator temperature by reducing the external airflow rate and
increasing the resistance to heat transfer. Assuming a reciprocating compressor based domestic
refrigerator to operate at a constant condensing temperature of 54oC (ambient temperature is
43oC), find the evaporator temperature at which the cooling capacity of the refrigerator becomes
zero. The refrigerant used in the refrigerator (R-134a) has a coefficient of expansion/compression
of 1.20 and the compressor has a clearance ratio of 0.05. (c) Do you expect the condensing
temperature to remain constant at 54oC during frost formation? The saturation pressure of R-134a
is related to its absolute temperature by the following formula: (2+3+1 = 6)
 2094 
 14.41 − 
p sat = exp  T − 33.06  where p sat is in kPa and T is in K

3. In a refrigeration system that uses a centrifugal compressor, saturated R134a vapour is

compressed isentropically from a temperature of 4oC to a pressure corresponding to a condensing
temperature of 36oC in a single stage. Calculate the speed of the impeller blades at the tip
assuming radial blades and radial entry of refrigerant at impeller inlet. Use the saturation pressure
vs absolute temperature formula given above (problem 2) and assume the isentropic coefficient of
compression to be 1.20 and the vapour to behave as a perfect gas. The molecular weight of
R134a is 102.03 kg/kmol. (4)

4. Milk at a temperature of 7oC and a flow rate of 4 kg/s arrives at a dairy plant where it is first
pasteurized at 73oC. The pasteurized milk is then chilled to 4oC before it is sent for packing and
distribution to customers. Two options, systems (a) and (b) shown in the figure have to be

Electrical Refrigeran
Milk in, 7 C
RHX heater o
Milk in, 7 C

o o
73 C 73 C
to 32 C o
to 32 C
condenser Auxiliary
Wc Wc
evaporator evaporator

o o
Milk out, 4 C Milk out, 4 C
(a) (b)
considered for the required processes of pasteurization and chilling.
In system (a), the milk is pasteurized using an electrical heater and is chilled in the evaporator of a
single stage saturated (SSS) vapour compression refrigeration system. In system (b) the
condenser of the SSS refrigeration system is used for pasteurization, while the evaporator of the
system is used for chilling the milk. In both the systems, a regenerative heat exchanger (RHX) is
used for heat recovery from the pasteurized milk. Both the systems (a) and (b) use ammonia as
the refrigerant and operate at an evaporator temperature of 1oC. The condensing temperature of
system (a) is 35oC as it rejects heat to a heat sink that is at 32oC. Using the heat transfer in the
desuperheating region and a counterflow heat exchanger, the condensing temperature of system
(b) is maintained at 70oC. The compressors used in both (a) and (b) have an isentropic efficiency
of 0.8. The effectiveness of regenerative heat exchanger (RHX) is 0.9. The average specific heat
of milk may be taken as 3.75 kJ/kg.K. The average isentropic index of compression (k) of
ammonia may be taken as 1.28. The following saturated property data for ammonia are available:

Temp, oC Pressure, Quality Sp. enthalpy, Sp. entropy, Sp. volume,

kPa kJ/kg kJ/kg.K m3/kg
1 445.68 1.0 1606.5 6.0796 0.27925
1 445.68 0.0 347.78 1.4884 0.00160
35 1350.8 1.0 1631.5 5.6801 0.09563
35 1350.8 0.0 509.23 2.0382 0.00170
70 3313.5 1.0 1627.1 5.3131 0.03787
70 3313.5 0.0 688.2 2.5770 0.00190
Using the data given above:

a) Compare the total electrical power consumptions of systems (a) and (b)
b) Why an auxiliary condenser is required in system (b)?
c) What are the total entropy generation rates and exergetic (2nd law) efficiencies of systems (a)
and (b)? Assume isobaric conditions in all heat exchangers. (7+1+4 = 12)

End of the paper

Date : Time : 2 hours Full Marks : 30 No. of students : 60
Mid Semester, Autumn 2008 Mechanical Engineering Subject No. ME60085
UG/DD/PG(ME2,AgFe) Subject Name : Refrigeration Systems

Answer all questions

Instructions: Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary, but state them clearly
Marks for each question are shown in parenthesis
Universal Gas Constant = 8.314 kJ/kmol.K

1a. From the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, show that the COP of a vapour compression
refrigeration system (VCRS) is given by:
  tc
 
 COPc 
  COPc  
1+   Tc ∑ sgen 
  qe  total 

All the temperatures shown in the te

schematic are entropic average
temperatures. Te
In the above expression COPc is the COP of a Carnot refrigeration system operating between
external heat source and sink temperatures of Te and Tc, respectively, qe is the refrigeration effect
∑ sgen
of VCRS and total is the total entropy generated. (4 marks)

1b. A room air conditioner maintains a room at 25°C when the ambient temperature is 43°C. At
these conditions the system has a cooling capacity of 3.5 kW and its compressor consumes 1.2
kW of power. The measured refrigerant mass flow rate is 27 grams/second and the entropic
average temperatures of refrigerant in evaporator and condenser are 7°C and 55°C, respectively.
The actual isentropic efficiency of the compressor is 0.65. Assume that system irreversibility is due
to heat transfer in evaporator and condenser, non-isentropic compression and throttling only.
Contribution of all other processes (including superheat horn) to irreversibility is negligible. Using
this data find the entropy generation rate (in W/K) and irreversibility (in W) due to evaporator,
compressor, condenser and expansion valve. (6 marks)

2a. Find the stroke length and bore of a reciprocating compressor used in a domestic refrigerator
using the data given below. Also find the heat transfer (if any) from the compressor to the
surroundings, if the power input to the hermetic compressor is 100 watts.

Refrigeration capacity = 150 W; refrigeration effect = 130 kJ/kg; compressor speed = 2900 RPM,
piston speed = 1.5 m/s, actual volumetric efficiency = 0.6. The compressor inlet and discharge
conditions are:
At compressor inlet: t = 32°C, v = 0.20902 m3/kg, h = 430.26 kJ/kg, s = 1.9086 kJ/kg.K
At compressor exit: t = 119°C, h = 498.12 kJ/kg, s = 1.9086 kJ/kg.K (6 marks)

2b. In a screw compressor, R134a enters the compressor as dry saturated vapour at 7°C
(saturation pressure = 374.63 kPa). The refrigerant after being compressed in the compressor
enters a water-cooled condenser and condenses at a temperature of 36°C (saturation pressure =
911.85 kPa). The average index of compression ‘n’ is 1.18. If the screw compressor has a built-in
volume ratio of 2.5, find the built-in efficiency of the compressor. Show the compression process
on a P-V diagram. (4 marks)

2c. A single stage centrifugal compressor operates at a rotational speed of 9000 RPM and yields a
pressure ratio of 3.0 while compressing a refrigerant that has an isentropic index (γ) of 1.22. The
actual power consumption of the compressor under these conditions is 440 kW, while the motor
that drives the compressor has an efficiency of 85 percent. The actual compressor indicator
diagram has an area of 2.2 kJ. If the refrigerant enters the compressor at 7°C, find the refrigerant
temperature at the exit of the compressor, assuming the refrigerant to behave as an ideal gas.
(4 marks)

3. Due to ozone layer depletion, refrigerant R12 (critical temperature = 112°C, critical pressure =
4136.1 kPa) used in car air conditioners had to be replaced. One of the environment friendly
refrigerants suggested as replacement for R12 in car air conditioners is R744 (critical temperature
= 31°C, critical pressure = 7377.3 kPa). Using suitable system schematics and cycle diagrams,
explain how the proposed system based on R744 will be different from the one based on R12, if
the car is designed for tropical conditions such as ours. Also on a plot show qualitatively how the
COP of both the systems vary with compressor discharge pressure, when the evaporator
temperature is kept constant. Explain the variations briefly and interpret the trends in terms of
practical applications. (6 marks)

End of the paper


Date : Time : 2 hours Full Marks : 60 No. of students : 55

Mid-Semester 2009 Mechanical Engineering Subject No. ME60085
ME(DD)/ME2/ME(AgFe) Subject Name : Refrigeration Systems
Answer all questions

1. A dairy plant uses a vapour compression refrigeration system for chilling milk from 14oC to 4oC.
The cooling water used for heat extraction enters the condenser at 31oC and leaves at 36oC. If the
refrigeration system used has a refrigeration capacity of 120 kW and the compressor consumes
18 kW, find the 2nd law efficiency and total entropy generation rate of the system. What is the
water flow rate in the condenser? State the assumptions made clearly. (6)

2. Prove that under certain assumptions, the COP of an ideal reciprocating compressor remains
same with or without clearance. State the assumptions clearly. (8)

3. Show qualitatively how the power consumption of a room air conditioner which was in off
condition varies with time soon after it is switched on. Assume that the air conditioner uses a
reciprocating compressor. Justify your answer with suitable equations. (6)

4. A domestic refrigerator operates at an evaporator temperature of -25oC and a condensing

temperature of 54oC. The isentropic efficiency of the compressor under these conditions is 0.6.
The refrigerator has a cooling capacity of 100 watts, and the power input required is 120 watts.
The refrigerated space is maintained at -21oC, while the ambient air is at 43oC. Assuming a
saturated refrigeration cycle, and the internal losses to be due to non-ideal compression and
throttling only, find how much of the input power is wasted due to non-ideal compression and how
much power is wasted due to throttling. (8)

5. In a certain refrigeration system, the displacement rate of the compressor is 5 litres per
second. The power input to the shaft is 1200 watts. Find the ideal indicated mean effective
pressure (mepideal) if the mean effective pressure due to valve pressure drops is 0.2 bar and that
due to friction is 0.5 bar. Also find the ideal indicated power input and efficiency. (6)

6. A saturated, single stage vapour compression refrigeration system working with refrigerant R22
has a refrigeration capacity of 300 TR. The system operates between an evaporator temperature
of 7°C (saturation pressure is 621.22 kPa) and a condensing temperature of 32°C (saturation
pressure is 1255.2 kPa). The refrigeration effect under these conditions is 168.6 kJ/kg. The
values of specific volume of refrigerant at the inlet and exit of the compressor are 0.03798 m3/kg
and 0.02011 m3/kg, respectively. The system uses a 8-cylinder, reciprocating compressor that
operates at 3000 RPM. The compressor has a stroke-to-bore ratio of 1.0, a clearance factor of
0.05 and an isentropic efficiency of 0.8. If the actual volumetric efficiency of the compressor is
80% of the clearance volumetric efficiency, find a) actual COP of the system and b) stroke and
bore of the compressor cylinders. (10)

7. Explain with suitable justifications why there is an upper limit for the refrigeration capacity of a
reciprocating compressor. (8)

8. A screw compressor has a built-in-volume ratio of 6. Find the built-in-volume efficiency of the
compressor if the condenser-to-evaporator pressure ratio is 5 and the index of compression (n) is
1.1. Show the compression process on P-V diagram. (8)

End of the paper


Date : Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 50 No. of students : 72

End Semester, Autumn 2006 Mechanical Engineering Subject No. ME60085
DD/PG(ME,CR & AgFe) Subject Name : Refrigeration Systems
Answer all questions
Instructions: Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state them clearly

1a) Using cycle diagrams, discuss the limitations of single stage vapour compression refrigeration
systems. Explain with suitable diagrams how these limitations are overcome in large, commercial
refrigeration systems. (6)

1b) Shown below is a 100 TR, ammonia based multi-stage compression refrigeration system with
a flash chamber for intercooling. (2+5+3 = 10)

5 4
Compressor - II

chamber 2
7 Compressor - I

The system operates at an evaporator temperature of –40oC and a condensing temperature of

36oC. The flash chamber is maintained at 3.6 bar.

a) Draw the p-h diagram of the system

b) Find the required volumetric displacement rates of compressor-I and II
c) Find the required power input to compressor-I and II assuming isentropic compression and
system COP.

Assume that the refrigerant is saturated at the exit of evaporator, flash chamber and condenser.
The actual volumetric efficiency of the compressors may be estimated using the equation:
ηv,act = 0.948 − 0.0285 rp
where rp is the pressure ratio.
Use the property data given below for ammonia:
T Dryness Pressure Sp. volume Enthalpy Entropy
( C) fraction (bar) (m3/kg) (kJ/kg) (KJ/kg.K)
-40 1.0 0.717 1.553 1408.0 6.243
-4.6 1.0 3.6 0.342 1457.0 5.683
-4.6 0.0 3.6 178.7
66.2 Superheated 3.6 1626.0 6.243
36 0.0 13.9 371.0
92.6 Superheated 13.9 1651.0

2. Find the total length of the tube required for the plate fin & tube type condenser used in the
window air conditioner of 1.5 TR cooling capacity, which has a COP of 2.7. (6)

Use the data given below:

Inner and outer diameters of the tube = 14 mm and 16 mm, respectively
Heat transfer coefficient on air side = 50 W/m2.K
Heat transfer coefficient on refrigerant side = 1000 W/m2.K
Bare tube area on air side (Ab) per m of tube = 0.045 m2/m of tube length
Ratio of fin area to bare tube area (Af/Ab) = 20
Fin efficiency = 0.8
Thermal conductivity of tube material = 385 W/m.K
Condensing temperature = 54oC
Temperature of air at condenser inlet = 32oC
Temperature of air at condenser outlet = 38oC

Assume the fouling resistance to be negligible both on the refrigerant as well as on the external
fluid sides.

3a) Explain with suitable diagrams the working principle of a thermostatic expansion valve (TEV)
with a cross-charged power element. What is the need for cross-charging? (4)

3b) A TEV is used in an R-134a based car air conditioner that operates at an evaporator
temperature of 7.2oC and a condensing temperature of 54oC. If the spring exerts a pressure of 80
kPa, find the degree of superheat. Assuming the refrigerant vapour to behave as an ideal gas with
a gas constant of 81.49 J/kg.K and a γ (=cp/cv) value of 1.1, find the COP of the system if the
compressor has an isentropic efficiency of 0.7. The refrigeration effect at the operating conditions
is 130 kJ/kg. (6)

Use the following equation for estimating the vapour pressure data of R-134a.

 2094 
 14.41 − 
p sat = exp  T − 33.06  where p sat is in kPa and T is in K

4) It is proposed to use a simple, closed air cycle refrigeration system for air conditioning a
passenger car. The system is to be designed such that minimum temperature at which heat
rejection can take place is 50oC and the maximum temperature at which heat extraction from the
conditioned space can take place is 0oC. The isentropic efficiencies of the compressor and turbine
are 0.7 and 0.9, respectively. Neglecting pressure losses in the heat exchangers, find

a) The minimum pressure ratio required to obtain the operating temperatures mentioned above

b) Minimum pressure required to obtain the operating temperatures if the system operates
reversibly (isentropic efficiencies of turbine and compressor are equal to 1.0) and the value of
COP at this condition (4+2+2 = 8)

5a) It is proposed to install a 1000 TR refrigeration system for air conditioning a large factory. Two
options are to be considered: a conventional vapour compression refrigeration system and a
natural gas driven vapour absorption refrigeration system. Out of these two systems, choose a
system based on the minimum life cycle cost using the data given below:

Evaporator temperature (Te) = 7oC, Condenser temperature (Tc) = 43oC, Generator temperature =
110oC. The actual COP of vapour compression system is given by:

 T − Te 
COPact = 0.70 COPCarnot 1 − c
 265 

The actual COP of vapour absorption system is 80 percent of the ideal COP. The cost of
electricity = Rs. 5.5 per kWh, cost of natural gas = Rs. 12 per kg, calorific value of natural gas =
50 MJ per kg.

Initial cost of compression system is Rs. 35000 per TR and that of absorption system is Rs. 42000
per TR. The expected life of both the systems is 20 years. Neglect any change in the cost of
electricity and cost of natural gas with time. (6)

5b) Write the chemical formula of the following refrigerants and state whether they come under
ozone depleting substances or not (4 X 1 = 4)

a) R123 b) R152a c) R290 d) R141b

Common data:

1 TR = 3.517 kW, Universal gas constant = 8.314 kJ/kmol.K

--- end of the paper ---


Date : Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 50 No. of students : 70
End Semester, Autumn 2007 Mechanical Engineering Subject No. ME60085
DD/PG(ME,CR & AgFe) Subject Name : Refrigeration Systems
Answer all questions
Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state them clearly
1) In a 50 TR capacity refrigeration plant, the refrigerated space is maintained at −27°C. The plant
uses an R 22 based two-stage vapour compression system that uses a flash chamber, only for
flash gas removal. The refrigerant evaporates at −30°C in the evaporator and condenses at 36°C
in a water-cooled condenser. The flash chamber is maintained at a saturation temperature of
2.4°C. The refrigerant at the exits of evaporator, flash chamber and condenser and at the inlet to
the 1st stage compressor is saturated. The compression in 1st and 2nd stage compressors is
adiabatic but irreversible with an isentropic efficiency of 0.7 and 0.75, respectively. The isentropic
indices of compression (k) for the 1st and 2nd stage compression are 1.1574 and 1.1170,
respectively, and the specific volume of refrigerant at the inlet to the 2nd stage compressor is
0.050485 m3/s. Using the property data given below.
a) Draw the system schematic and show the cycle on P-h and T-s diagrams
b) Find the total power input to the system and system COP
c) Find required cooling water flow rate in the condenser when the cooling water enters the
condenser at 28°C and leaves the condenser at 32°C.
d) Find entropy generation rate in evaporator, condenser and expansion valves and the rate of
exergy destruction (lost work) in the compressors.

T Dryness Pressure Sp. volume Enthalpy Entropy

(oC) fraction (bar) (m3/kg) (kJ/kg) (KJ/kg.K)
-30 0.0 1.639 - 165.88 0.86873
-30 1.0 1.639 0.13553 392.69 1.8015
2.4 0.0 5.380 - 202.82 1.0102
2.4 1.0 5.380 0.043698 405.92 1.7472
36 0.0 13.89 - 244.38 1.1499
36 1.0 13.89 0.01679 415.54 1.7036
(3+5+1+6 = 15)

2) A cascade refrigeration system shown below, uses CO2 as refrigerant for the low-stage and
NH3 as refrigerant for the high-stage. The system has a refrigeration capacity of 100 TR. The
refrigerant CO2 evaporates at -36°C in the evaporator and condenses at 3°C in the cascade
condenser, while NH3 condenses at 39°C in the condenser and evaporates at 0°C in the cascade
condenser. Refrigerant at the exit of evaporator and condenser is saturated and there is no
suction line superheat. The isentropic indices of compression (k) for CO2 and NH3 are 1.27 and
1.28, respectively. The actual volumetric (ηact,vol) and isentropic efficiencies (ηact,is) of both CO2
η =η = 0.95 − 0.1 r 0.65
and NH3 are given by the equation: act ,vol act ,is p , where rp is the pressure ratio
across the compressor. Using the refrigerant data given below find a) the displacement rates of
the compressor in m3/s and b) total power input and system COP.
(4+5 = 9)

Fluid T(°C) P(bar) quality v(m3/kg) h(kJ/kg) NH3 condenser

-36 11.67 0 - 121.01
-36 11.67 1 0.03318 436.07
3 37.7 0 - 207.43
3 37.7 1 - 428.97
0 4.29 0 - 343.15 Cascade condenser
0 4.29 1 0.28930 1605.4
39 15.13 0 - 528.9
39 15.13 1 0.08545 1632.8 CO2

Cascade refrigeration system (Problem 2) CO2 evaporator

3) A H2O-LiBr based vapour absorption refrigeration system has a cooling capacity of 100 TR. The
system operates at an evaporator temperature of 5°C, a condensing temperature of 36°C and a
generator temperature of 110°C. The system employs a solution heat exchanger between
absorber and generator for internal heat recovery. The strong solution leaves the solution heat
exchanger at a concentration of 0.6 and temperature of 42°C, at which the solution enthalpy is –
155 kJ/kg. The weak solution leaves the absorber at a concentration of 0.5 and a temperature of
36°C, at which the solution enthalpy is –158 kJ/kg. The specific heat of both strong and weak
solution is equal to 2.57 kJ/kg.K, while the specific enthalpies of water vapour (hv) and liquid
water (hf) can be obtained using the equations: hv = 2501 + 1.88t; hf = 4.18t , where t is temperature in
°C and hv and hf are in kJ/kg. Neglect solution pump work. Using the data given, find:

a) Mass flow rates of refrigerant, weak and strong solutions

b) Heat transfer rate and effectiveness of solution heat exchanger
c) System COP and second law efficiency (3+3+4 = 10)

4a) A refrigeration system that employs a multi-row, plate-and-fin type, air cooled condenser has a
refrigeration capacity of 45 kW and a COP of 3.0. The refrigerant condenses at a temperature of
48°C, when the ambient air at a temperature of 35°C and a flow rate of 15 kg/s flows through the
condenser. The overall heat transfer coefficient based on airside is 30 W/m2.K. The bare and
finned tube areas on the airside are 0.8 m2/face area/row and 20 m2/face area/row, respectively.
Find the number of rows required in the airflow direction, if the maximum face velocity of air is to
be limited to 5 m/s. Assume the density of air to be 1.2 kg/m3 and the specific heat of air is 1.02
kJ/kg.K. (5)

4b) A thermostatic expansion valve (TEV) without an external equalizer is to be used in a

refrigeration system in which the refrigerant (R134a) enters the evaporator at a temperature of -
25°C. The spring of the TEV is set such that it exerts a constant force on the bellows that is

equivalent to a pressure of 25 kPa. a) What is the degree of superheat, if pressure drop across
evaporator is neglected? b) What is the actual degree of superheat at the exit of evaporator, if a
pressure drop of 10 kPa takes place in the evaporator. The saturation pressure (psat) of R134a can
ln (p sat ) = 14.41 −
be obtained using the equation: (T − 33.06) , where p is in kPa and T is in K.
(2+2 = 4)

5) A 3.0 TR cold storage has to be installed in a remote area where there is no electricity. Two
options that use solar radiation as shown in the figure given below are to be considered. In the 1st
option, a solar collector system (SCS) is used to generate power in an organic Rankine Cycle
(ORC), and the power generated is used to drive the compressor of a vapour compression
refrigeration system (VCRS). In the 2nd option, the solar collector system supplies the required
heat input to the generator of a vapour absorption refrigeration system (VARS). For both these
systems, the solar collector provides heat input (in the heat exchanger, HX) at an average
temperature of 120°C, while heat rejection to the surroundings takes place at a temperature of
30°C. The evaporator operates at -18°C. The solar collector system has an efficiency of 0.6 (i.e.,
only 60% of the incident solar radiation is transferred in the heat exchanger). The heat engine
cycle (ORC) has an efficiency that is 70% of Carnot efficiency, while the VCRS has a COP that is
40% of Carnot COP. The power transmission efficiency from turbine (T) to compressor (C) is 95%.
The absorption system (VARS) has an efficiency that is 45% of the ideal COP. Evaluate both
these options on the basis of total solar collector area required assuming an average incident solar
radiation of 800 W/m2 of collector area. (7)


30°C −18°C

Option 1: Solar (SCS) + Heat Engine (ORC) + Vapour Compression System (VCRS)



30°C -18°C

Option 2: Solar (SCS) + Vapour Absorption System (VARS)

Common data: 1 TR = 3.517 kW, specific heat of liquid water = 4.18 kJ/kg.K
--- end of the paper ---

Date : Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 50 No. of students : 60
End Semester, Autumn 2008 Mechanical Engineering Subject No. ME60085
DD/PG(ME,AgFe) Subject Name : Refrigeration Systems
Answer all questions
Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state them clearly
1a. A H2O-LiBr based vapor absorption refrigeration system has a refrigeration capacity of 1000
kW. The system operates at an evaporator temperature of 5°C (evaporator pressure= 0.872 kPa)
and a condensing temperature of 50°C (condenser pressure=12.33 kPa). The temperature of
weak solution leaving the absorber is 40°C, while the temperature of strong solution leaving the
generator is 110°C. The strong and weak solution mass fractions are 0.66 and 0.578, respectively.
From solution property data the following enthalpy values are available: enthalpy of refrigerant at
evaporator exit = 2510 kJ/kg, enthalpy of refrigerant at condenser inlet = 2708 kJ/kg, enthalpy of
refrigerant at condenser exit= 209 kJ/kg, enthalpy of weak solution at absorber exit= −154 kJ/kg,
enthalpy of weak solution at generator inlet= −37.5 kJ/kg and enthalpy of strong solution at
generator exit= −13 kJ/kg. The average density of the H2O-LiBr solution is 1800 kg/m3. From the
above data, find: a) COP; b) Power input to solution pump and c) Heat transfer rate in solution
heat exchanger (6)

1b. Find the total entropy generation rate and second law efficiency for the above system if the
system is used to cool external water, which enters the evaporator at a flow rate of 40 kg/s and
13°C. A separate stream of external water enters the absorber at a flow rate of 60 kg/s and 32°C,
extracts heat from absorber and then flows through the condenser to extract heat from the
condensing refrigerant. The required heat input to the generator is supplied by condensing a low-
pressure steam in the generator. The steam enters the generator as saturated vapour at 125°C
and leaves as saturated liquid. Neglect all frictional pressure drops on both refrigerant as well as
external fluid sides. (6)

2. A plate fin-and-tube air-cooled condenser with a face area of 0.3 m2 has tubes arranged in 2
rows. The tubes made of copper have an inner diameter of 10 mm and an outer diameter of 12
mm. The aluminum fins used have thickness of 0.2 mm and are placed at fin pitch of 2 mm and
the fin efficiency is 0.8. The center-to-center distance between tubes (tube pitch) in a given row
and between adjacent rows is equal to 25 mm. Air at an inlet temperature of 35°C and a flow rate
of 0.8 m3/s flows through the condenser, while the temperature of refrigerant on the condensing
side may be assumed to be equal to 54°C. The average heat transfer coefficients on air and
refrigerant side are 63 W/m2.K and 2100 W/m2.K, respectively. The heat transfer resistance
offered by the tube wall and due to fouling may be neglected. Using the data given above find the
heat transfer capacity of the condenser and temperature of air at the outlet of the condenser. The
average density and specific heat (cp) of air may be taken as 1.2 kg/m3 and 1.022 kJ/kg.K,
respectively. To simplify calculations, the log mean temperature difference (LMTD) of condenser
may be assumed to be equal to the arithmetic mean temperature difference.
3. In a 30 TR refrigeration capacity, flooded type shell-and-tube evaporator, refrigerant ammonia
(NH3) flows in the shell side and brine flows through the tubes. The evaporator operates at a
temperature of −30°C, while the brine enters the evaporator at −18°C and leaves at −26°C. The
dryness fraction of NH3 after the expansion valve (float valve) is 0.2, while the dryness fraction of
NH3 at the exit of evaporator is 0.4. Saturated vapour at −30°C enters the compressor from the
surge tank. The latent heat of vaporization of NH3 at −30°C is 1360 kJ/kg. a) Find the mass flow
rates of NH3 through the evaporator and compressor. b) Find the total number of tubes required if
the evaporator uses plain steel tubes with an outer diameter of 12 mm and an inner diameter of 10
mm. Each tube is 1.5 m long. The average heat transfer coefficients on brine and NH3 side are
3000 W/m2.K and 7000 W/m2.K, respectively. The fouling resistance on brine and NH3 sides are

0.0001 m2.K/W and 0.00018 m2.K/W, respectively. Neglect tube wall resistance.
(4+4 = 8)

4. A R134a based domestic refrigerator requires a refrigeration capacity of 120 W at −26°C for
freezer and 80 W at 2°C for fresh food compartment. Two options are to be evaluated. Option 1
uses a single stage vapour compression system with a single evaporator operating at −26°C and
provides refrigeration to both freezer and fresh food compartment. Option 2 uses two evaporators
and two independent compressors. In this option the low temperature evaporator operates at
−26°C and provides 120 W capacity for freezer, while the high temperature evaporator operates at
2°C and provides 80 W capacity to fresh food compartment. The compressed refrigerant from both
the compressors are mixed before the condenser. Both the options use a single condenser, which
operates at a condensing temperature of 54°C. The refrigeration effect at −26°C is 120 kJ/kg,
while it is 138 kJ/kg at 2°C. Assume that saturated vapour at evaporator temperature enters the
compressor for both the options, and the vapour behaves as an ideal gas with a gas constant of
0.0815 kJ/kg.K and an average γ (=cp/cv) value of 1.168. The isentropic efficiency and cost of
compressor can be expressed as functions of compressor pressure ratio (rp) and/or refrigeration
capacity (Qe in watts). The cost of other components may be assumed to be same for both the
options. The refrigerator has a life of 15 years and runs on an average 10 hours per day. The
average cost of electricity is Rs. 3 per kilowatt-hour (kWh). From suitable calculations find which
option is better from total life cycle cost (initial + running) and other practical reasons.

Cost of compressor (in Rs.) = 7.5 Qe + 600

Isentropic efficiency = (0.003 Qe + 0.5)(0.95 − 0.1rp )

The saturation pressure (psat) of R134a can be obtained using the equation:
ln (p sat ) = 14.41 −
(T − 33.06) , where p is in kPa and T is in K. (6)

5. Write brief but precise notes on any 4 of the following: (4 X 4 = 16)

a) Cascade refrigeration systems

b) Methods of producing refrigeration using solar energy
c) Estimation of refrigerant pressure drop in condensers & evaporators
d) Wilson’s plot
e) Vapour jet refrigeration systems
f) Aircraft air conditioning systems
g) Vapour absorption refrigeration systems based on NH3-H2O

Common data: a) 1 TR = 3.517 kW; b) Specific heat of water = 4.18 kJ/kg.K

--- end of the paper ---

Date : Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 50 No. of students : 60
End Semester, Autumn 2009 Mechanical Engineering Subject No. ME60085
DD/PG(ME,AgFe) Subject Name : Refrigeration Systems
Answer any 5 questions

1a) With the help of suitable equations, plot the variation of power input to a centrifugal
compressor with flow rate for backward, radial and forward curved blades. Neglect the tangential
component of velocity at the inlet to the impeller. (5)

1b) A cascade refrigeration system uses CO2 as refrigerant for low-stage and NH3 as refrigerant
for the high-stage. The system has to provide a refrigeration capacity of 30 kW and maintain the
refrigerated space at –36oC, when the ambient temperature (heat sink) is at 38oC. A temperature
difference of 5 K is required for heat transfer in the evaporator, condenser and the cascade
condenser. Assume the temperature lift (Tcond-Tevap) to be same for both CO2 and NH3 cycles and
find a) Total power input to the system and b) Overall COP. Use the following equation for
calculating COP of a single stage system. (5)

 T − Te 
COP 0.85 COPCarnot 1 − c
 265  , where Tc and Te are condensing and evaporating temperatures.

2a) The evaporator used in a domestic refrigerator has a UA value of 10 W/K. The average inside
temperature of the refrigerator is -15oC. The refrigerator is housed in a room which has a
temperature of 30oC. The refrigeration load on the refrigerator under these conditions is 100 W. If
the average condenser temperature (Tc) is 54oC, and the superheat at the evaporator exit is zero,
find the required UA value for the condenser and the required power input to the compressor. The
isentropic efficiency of the compressor (ηis) is 50 %. The COP of the refrigerator can be estimated
using the formula given below: (5)

 T −T 
=COP ηis .COPCarnot 1 − c e 
 265 
Where COPCarnot is the COP of the Carnot cycle operating at same Te and Tc.

2b) Find the total length of the tube required for the plate fin & tube type condenser used in the
window air conditioner of 2.0 TR cooling capacity, which has a COP of 3.0. Use the data given
below. (5)

Inner and outer diameters of the tube = 14 mm and 16 mm, respectively

Heat transfer coefficient on air side = 50 W/m2.K
Heat transfer coefficient on refrigerant side = 1200 W/m2.K
Bare tube area on air side (Ab) per m of tube = 0.045 m2/m of tube length
Ratio of fin area to bare tube area (Af/Ab) = 25
Fin efficiency = 0.9
Thermal conductivity of tube material = 385 W/m.K
Condensing temperature = 54oC
Temperature of air at condenser inlet = 35oC
Temperature of air at condenser outlet = 43oC

3a) Explain briefly the working principle of capillary tube and explain why capillary tubes are not
used on large refrigeration capacity systems. (4)

3b) A thermostatic expansion valve (TEV) is used in an R-134a based car air conditioner that
operates at an evaporator temperature of 7.2oC and a condensing temperature of 54oC. If the TEV
spring exerts a pressure of 60 kPa, find the degree of superheat at evaporator exit. Assuming the
refrigerant vapour to behave as an ideal gas with a gas constant of 81.49 J/kg.K and a γ (=cp/cv)
value of 1.1, find the COP of the system if the compressor has an isentropic efficiency of 0.7. The
refrigeration effect at the operating conditions is 130 kJ/kg. Use the following equation for
estimating the vapour pressure data of R-134a. (6)

 2094 
 14.41 − T −33.06 
psat = exp 
where psat is in kPa and T is in K.

4a) In a 300 TR capacity vapour absorption refrigeration system, chilled water enters the
evaporator at 13oC and leaves at 7oC. The absorber rejects heat to external cooling water that
enters the absorber at 32oC and leaves at 36oC. The cooling water at 36oC then enters the
condenser to extract the condenser heat. The required heat input to the generator is supplied by
condensing saturated steam at 120oC. The cycle may be assumed to be symmetric (i.e., Qe = Qc
and Qa = Qg). If the system has a COP of 0.7, find a) Total entropy generation rate in kW/K, and b)
Second law efficiency. (Assume cp of water = 4.18 kJ/kg.K and 1 TR = 3.517 kW) (6)

4b) In a H2O-LiBr system, 1 kg/s of water vapour (hv=2504 kJ/kg) enters the absorber. The water
vapour is absorbed in the absorber by the strong solution (hss=−154 kJ/kg) coming from the
generator. If the concentration of the strong solution entering the absorber is 0.66 and the
concentration of the weak solution (hws=−146 kJ/kg) leaving the absorber is 0.58, find the heat
rejection rate in absorber. (4)

5) It is proposed to use a simple, open air cycle refrigeration system for air conditioning a railway
compartment. In this system air from the exit of turbine enters the compartment directly and after
providing the required cooling is compressed in the compressor, cooled in the high temperature
heat exchanger by rejecting heat to the surroundings and then flows into the turbine to complete
the cycle. The refrigeration load on the compartment is 40 kW. The system is to be designed such
that the compartment can be maintained at 101 kPa and 25oC, the design ambient temperature is
45oC and a temperature difference of 7 K is required for heat transfer in the high temperature heat
exchanger. To avoid cold discomfort to the passengers, the temperature of air at the inlet to the
compartment should be 10oC. The isentropic efficiencies of the compressor and turbine are 0.8
and 0.9, respectively. There is a pressure drop of 0.5 bar in the high temperature heat exchanger.
From the given information, find a) the required air flow rate, b) System COP and c) Entropy
generation rate in each component and total entropy generation rate. Comment on the efficiency
of each component. Take: cp = 1.005 kJ/kg.K and cv = 0.718 kJ/kg.K. (10)

6) A vacuum cooling system based on steam jet refrigeration shown below is used to cool 100 kg
of spinach (a leafy vegetable) from 22oC to 2oC in 30 minutes by evaporating water from spinach
in the vacuum chamber maintained at 2oC. Saturated motive steam at a pressure of 800 kPa from
the boiler flows through the nozzle, entrains saturated water vapour from the vacuum chamber
and leaves the diffuser as superheated vapour at an enthalpy of 2640 kJ/kg. Saturated liquid from
the condenser is pumped to the boiler to complete the cycle. The nozzle has an efficiency of 0.8,
while the entrainment efficiency is 0.9. The specific heat of spinach is 3.94 kJ/kg.K. Assuming a
constant evaporation rate of spinach and steady state operation, find a) Motive steam required
from the boiler in kg/h, b) Heat rejection rate in the condenser in kW, c) Required diffuser
efficiency, and d) System COP. Make suitable assumptions and state them clearly. The saturated
properties of water are shown below. (10)

Psat Tsat (oC) hf (kJ/kg) hv (kJ/kg) sf (kJ/kg sv (kJ/kg K)

(kPa) K)
0.706 2 8.401 2504 0.03064 9.101
5.627 35 146.6 2564 0.505 8.351
800 170.4 721.1 2769 2.046 6.663
Boiler, 800 kPa

Jet ejector
35oC To drain
h=2640 kJ/kg X=0


Vacuum chamber


Schematic diagram of a vacuum cooling system for spinach (Problem 6)

--- end of the paper ---


Date : Time : 2 hours Full Marks : 60 No. of students : 16

Mid-Semester 2010 Mechanical Engineering Subject No. ME60085
ME(DD)/ME2 Subject Name : Refrigeration Systems

Answer all questions

1. A 300TR water chiller based on R134a operates at an evaporator temperature of 4oC and a
condensing temperature of 40oC. Water which is to be chilled enters the evaporator at 15oC and
leaves at 7oC, whereas the cooling water from a cooling tower enters the condenser at 32oC and
leaves at 36oC. The system uses a compressor that has an isentropic efficiency of 0.75. The
condition of refrigerant at the exits of condenser and evaporator is saturated. a) Using the state
point property data given in the table, calculate the COP of the water chiller b) Also calculate the
COP using the expression given below, which is obtained by applying first and second laws from
the beginning. Assume that the entropy generation ( ) is due to i) Non-isentropic compression,
ii) Heat transfer with finite temperature difference across condenser, iii) Heat transfer with finite
temperature difference across evaporator, iv) De-superheating, and iv) Throttling. c) Evaluate
various exergy losses in kW ( ) and comment on the suitable means for improving
the performance of the system. (3+10+5 = 18)

Where is the Carnot COP of a refrigeration cycle operating between entropic average
temperatures of the heat source ( ) and heat sink ( ), Qe is the refrigeration capacity (in kW) and
is the entropy generation rate (in kW/K) due to ith irreversibility.

Temperature Quality Pressure Enthalpy Entropy

4oC 0 337.9 kPa 57.25 kJ/kg 0.2239 kJ/kg.K
4oC 1 337.9 kPa 252.8 kJ/kg 0.9293 kJ/kg.K
40oC 0 1017 kPa 108.3 kJ/kg 0.3949 kJ/kg.K
40oC 1 1017 kPa 271.3 kJ/kg 0.9154 kJ/kg.K
- - 1017 kPa 275.7 kJ/kg 0.9293 kJ/kg.K

Table 1: Properties of R134a

2a. Using suitable equations and diagrams, explain under what conditions clearance in an ideal
reciprocating compressor affects only the capacity, but not the COP. (6)

2b. From laboratory measurements at a design condensing temperature of 54oC, the refrigerant
mass flow rate (mr) and specific work input to the reciprocating compressor (wc) of a domestic
refrigerator are obtained as functions of evaporator temperature (te) as shown below:


where te is in oC, mr is in grams per second and wc is in kJ/kg.

For a design evaporator temperature of −23oC, a designer chooses an electrical motor of 160 W
capacity with an efficiency of 0.95. a) Is the chosen motor capacity adequate at design conditions?
b) If the evaporator temperature after each off-cycle is 43oC, find whether the motor will be
overloaded or not as the evaporator temperature reduces from 43oC to the design temperature of
−23oC after each off-cycle. Assume condensing temperature to remain constant at 54oC during
this pull-down period. (2+6 = 8)

3a. Show that for a single stage vapour compression refrigeration system that uses a reciprocating
compressor, the actual COP ( ) is given by the expression:

Where is the ideal volumetric efficiency of the compressor with clearance, is the actual
volumetric efficiency of the compressor, is the COP of the vapour compression
refrigeration system with an ideal, isentropic compression process, is the mean effective
pressure due to various frictional losses (solid and fluid) in compressor and is the volumic
refrigeration effect. (8)

3b. A vapour compression refrigerator uses a reciprocating compressor with a clearance ratio of
0.04. The refrigerant R134a (molecular weight = 102.03 kg/kmol) is saturated at the exit of
evaporator and condenser. The evaporator and condenser temperatures are −25oC (Pe = 106.5
kPa) and 54oC (Pc = 1456 kPa). The ideal compression process may be assumed to be isentropic
with an index of compression (k) of 1.039. However, the actual compression process involves
losses due to frictional pressure drops, heat transfer and leakage. The mean effective pressure
due to losses (meploss) is 150 kPa, the leakage loss factor (ξL) is 0.04 and the refrigerant
temperature at the beginning of compression (Tsc) is 15 K higher than the temperature at
evaporator exit due to heat transfer inside compressor. For calculation purposes, the refrigerant
vapour may be assumed to behave as an ideal gas. The saturated enthalpies at the exit of
evaporator and condenser are: hg = 235.3 kJ/kg and hf = 129.7 kJ/kg. The actual volumetric
efficiency of the compressor (ηv,act) is given by the equation:

Where Te and Tsc (both in K) are the refrigerant temperature at evaporator exit and refrigerant
temperature at the end of suction stroke, respectively and ξL is the leakage loss factor. Based on
the above information and the formula derived in part (a) of this problem, find the actual COP of
the refrigerator. (6)

4. A centrifugal compressor that uses ammonia operates between an evaporator temperature of

−30oC (Psat = 119.4 kPa) and a condensing temperature of 32oC (Psat = 1238 kPa). The
refrigeration effect is 1072 kJ/kg. The compressor uses backward curved blades with a blade
angle (β) of 30o and the speed of the impeller is 12000 RPM. If the maximum tip speed of the
impeller is limited to 360 m/s, find: a) Number of stages required, b) Diameter of the impeller, c)
Assuming equal pressure ratio for all stages, find width of the 1st stage impeller blade, if the
refrigeration system has a capacity of 1200 TR, the flow coefficient (φ) is 0.25 and the static
pressure rise across the impeller is 25% of the static pressure rise for the 1st stage, and d) State
under what conditions the assumption of equal pressure ratio for all stages is valid. Assume i)
Refrigerant vapour behaves as an ideal gas with a molecular weight of 17.03 kg/kmol, ii) The state
of refrigerant at the inlet to the compressor is saturated vapour at evaporator pressure, iii)
Compression process is reversible adiabatic with an index of compression of 1.283, iv) All the
impellers are mounted on the same shaft and all of them have same impeller diameter.
(4+2+6+2 = 14)
Given: 1 TR ≈ 3.517 kW
End of the paper


Date : Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 100 No. of students : 16

End-Semester 2010 Mechanical Engineering Subject No. ME60085
ME(DD)/ME2 /AgFe(UG) Subject Name : Refrigeration Systems

Answer all questions

Make suitable assumptions and state them clearly

1. The air conditioned compartment of a passenger train requires a design refrigeration capacity of
30 TR. The design temperatures for inside compartment and outside ambient (heat sink) are 25oC
and 43oC, respectively. Two options are considered: Option 1: A R22 based, saturated, single
stage vapour compression refrigeration system and Option 2: A simple, open type air cycle
refrigeration system based on Bell-Coleman cycle. The following information is provided:
R22 system: ∆T for heat transfer: evaporator = 18 K; condenser = 11 K, isentropic efficiency of
compressor = 0.65, isentropic index of compression (k) = 1.082, saturated enthalpy and density of
refrigerant at evaporator outlet = 407.4 kJ/kg and 26.24 kg/m3 and saturated enthalpy of
refrigerant at condenser outlet = 268.8 kJ/kg. The relation between saturation pressure and
temperature for R22 is given by the equation:

Air cycle: ∆Tminimum for heat transfer at heat exchanger(s) = 5 K, isentropic efficiencies of
compressor and turbine = 0.95, pressure ratio = 1.3 times the minimum pressure ratio required for
a finite output. For air assume, cp = 1.005 kJ/kg.K and cv = 0.718 kJ/kg.K.

Evaluate the above two options in terms of a) Operating pressures; b) Mass flow rates of working
fluids; c) Power consumption, and d) Exergy destruction rates (=Tamb.Sgen). (2+4+6+8 = 20 marks)

2. Shown here is an ammonia-based multi-stage, multi- Condenser

evaporator system with a flash tank. The evaporator-I,
which has refrigeration capacity of 20TR operates at an
evaporator temperature of −36oC, while evaporator–II with Evaporator-II
a refrigeration capacity of 40TR operates at an evaporator
temperature of 2oC. The refrigerant condenses at 38oC.
The low and high- stage compressors have isentropic
efficiencies of 0.65 and 0.8, respectively. The isentropic Flash
indices of compression for the low and high stage Tank

compression processes are: 1.301 and 1.283,

respectively. Assume saturated condition for refrigerant at
the exit of the evaporators, flash tank and condenser.
Using the saturated property data given below, find total
power input to the system and cycle efficiency (= Evaporator-I

T(oC) P (kPa) x h (kJ/kg) s d (kg/m3)

-36 88.42 0 36.88 685.3
-36 88.42 1 1414 6.169 0.7843
2 462.6 0 209.3 635.8
2 462.6 1 1464 5.595 3.711
38 1471 0 380.8 582.6
38 1471 1 1489 5.176 11.38
(10+5 = 15 marks)
3a. Show that neglecting effects of shock and refrigerant vapour velocity at the exit of evaporator
and diffuser, the ratio of mass flow rate of motive steam to the mass flow rate of refrigerant
through the evaporator (mb/mr) is given by the equation:

Where ηN, ηe and ηd are the isentropic efficiencies of nozzle, entrainment and diffuser,
respectively, h1 and h3 are the enthalpies at the inlet to the nozzle and diffuser, and h2s and h4s are
the enthalpies at the exits of the nozzle and diffuser when expansion in the nozzle and
compression in the diffuser are reversible and adiabatic.
(8 marks)
3b. A Vapour Jet Refrigeration System based on the refrigerant R134a has a refrigeration capacity
of 75 TR. The system operates at a boiler pressure of 2500 kPa, a condensing temperature of
32oC and an evaporator temperature of 7oC. Saturated refrigerant vapour from the boiler enters
the nozzle and saturated refrigerant vapour at evaporator pressure enters the diffuser. The
isentropic efficiencies of nozzle, entrainment and diffuser are 0.8, 0.9 and 0.95, respectively.
Saturated liquid leaves the condenser, a part of which is pumped to the boiler pressure and the
remaining is throttled to the evaporator pressure. Based on this information find, a) COP and b)
cycle (or 2nd law) efficiency based on internal temperatures. Use the following saturated property
data for calculations. Assume at condenser pressure a constant vapour specific heat (Cp) of 1.08
kJ/kg.K and neglect pumping work.
T(oC) P (kPa) X h (kJ/kg) s (kJ/kg.K)
77.54 2500 1 280.8 0.8923
77.54 2500 0 169.6 0.5753
32 815.9 1 267.6 0.9181
32 815.9 0 96.48 0.3573
7 374.9 1 254.5 0.9278
7 374.9 0 61.33 0.2384
(8+4 = 12 marks)
4. A single stage vapour compression refrigeration system working with refrigerant R134a has a
refrigeration capacity of 3 TR. The system operates between an evaporator temperature of −25°C
and a condensing temperature of 38°C. The isentropic efficiency of the compressor is 0.7. A
counterflow, tube-in-tube type condenser is to be designed for this system. Coolant water at a
temperature of 27oC and with a mass flow rate of 0.6 kg/s enters the condenser. The coolant
water flows through the inner tube of the condenser that has an inner diameter of 3.5 cm and an
outer diameter of 3.8 cm. A constant convective heat transfer coefficient of 3000 W/m2.K may be
assumed on the waterside. The average heat transfer coefficient on the refrigerant side may be
taken as 350 W/m2.K in the de-superheating zone and as 1700 W/m2.K in the condensing zone.
Integral fins (finned surface efficiency ≈ 0.95) are provided on the refrigerant side so that the
heat transfer area increases by 2.5 times compared to a bare tube of same diameter. The fouling
factor on waterside is 0.0002 m2.K/W, while it may be neglected on the refrigerant side. The tube
wall has a thermal conductivity of 385 W/m.K. The state of refrigerant at the exit of evaporator and
condenser is saturated. The average isentropic index of compression is 1.056. Assume the
refrigerant vapour to behave as an ideal gas with a gas constant of 0.08148 kJ/kg.K and a vapour
specific heat of 1.218 kJ/kg.K at condenser pressure. Based on the information provided, find
the required length of the condenser, a) considering de-superheating and condensing zones
separately, and b) assuming condensation throughout the condenser tube length. Use the
properties given below for calculations:
T(oC) P (kPa) x h (kJ/kg) s
-25 106.5 0 19.04 0.0789
-25 106.5 1 235.3 0.9504
38 963.7 0 105.3 0.3855
38 963.7 1 270.4 0.9161
(10+5 = 15 marks)
5. With suitable figures, assumptions and all relevant equations, explain clearly the step-wise
calculation procedure that can be used to estimate the required length of an adiabatic capillary
tube for a given inlet and outlet conditions and mass flow rate. (10 marks)

6. A frozen food cold storage has to be maintained at −18oC by using a refrigeration system. The
cold storage has a cooling load of 10TR. It is proposed to employ a hybrid cascade system that
combines a vapour compression refrigeration syetm (VCRS) with a vapour absorption refrigeration
system (VARS) as shown in the figure. The vapour absorption system is driven by condensing
saturated steam available at 125oC in the generator. The latent heat of vapourization of steam at
125oC is 2188 kJ/kg. Heat rejection from the system takes place to ambient that is at 38oC. All the
heat exchangers are designed with a ∆T of 5K for heat transfer. The COPs of VCRS and VARS
are given by the equations:

Where Tc and Te are the evaporating and condensing temperatures of the vapour compression
cycle, COPIdeal,VCRS is the ideal COP of VCRS operating between Tc and Te and ηis the isentropic
efficiency of the compressor. COPIdeal,VARS is the ideal COP of VARS operating between a
generator temperature of Tg, evaporator temperature of Te,a and a condenser/absorber
temperature of Ta. The isenstropic efficiency of the compressor (ηis) is given by the equation

All the temperatures used in the above equations are absolute temperatures. Based on this
information, find: a) Expression for overall COP (COPoverall) in terms of COPVCRS and COPVARS,
b) power input to compressor and required steam flow rate in generator in kg/h, and c) total
entropy rate of the cascade system assuming a condensing temperature of 10oC in the cascade
To ambient at
o Saturated steam at
38 C o
125 C

Condenser Generator



(6+8+6 = 20 marks) Cascade condenser

Cascade condenser
To ambient at
38 C

10TR at −18 C

Common data: 1 TR = 3.517 kW, specific heat of liquid water = 4.18 kJ/kg.K

---End of the paper ---


Date : Time : 2 hours Full Marks : 60 No. of students : 50

Mid-Semester 2011 Mechanical Engineering Subject No. ME60085
Subject name: Refrigeration Systems

Answer any 4 questions

Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state them clearly

1a) An engineer wishes to design a domestic refrigerator whose energy consumption is less than
or equal to 1 kWh per day. On an average the refrigerator compressor runs for 10 hours a day
and the average refrigeration load is 150 W. The average refrigerated space and external ambient
temperatures are −20oC and 35oC, respectively. To achieve the design goal of 1 kWh per day,
what should be the maximum allowable entropy generation rate of the refrigerator (in W/K)?

1b) Saturated liquid water at 25oC is throttled in a valve so that its pressure drops by 1 kPa. Find
the dryness fraction (quality) of water at the exit of the valve assuming an average latent heat of
vaporization of 2450 kJ/kg, average liquid specific heat of 4.19 kJ/kg.K and an average vapour
specific heat of 1.9 kJ/kg.K. The following equation relates the saturation pressure, psat (in kPa)
with temperature, T (in K) of water.

Assuming the water vapour to behave as an ideal gas, find the void fraction (volume occupied by
the vapour to the total volume) at the exit of the valve. Take the density of liquid water as 998
kg/m3. (6+4 = 10)

2a) Find the stroke length and bore of a reciprocating compressor used in a window air conditioner
of 1.5 TR cooling capacity from the following data. Evaporator pressure = 625.5 kPa, condenser
pressure = 2147 kPa, refrigeration effect=154 kJ/kg, density of vapour at compressor inlet = 23.41
kg/m3, index of compression, k = 1.101, clearance ratio = 0.04, number of cylinders = 2, RPM =
2950. Assume the actual volumetric efficiency to be 80 % of the clearance volumetric efficiency
and use a suitable stroke length-to-bore ratio. If the design frictional mean effective pressure of the
compressor is 0.5 bar, what is the indicated power input to the compressor? The shaft power input
to the compressor at design conditions is 1.75 kW. (6+4 = 10)

2b) Explain what practical reasons encourage the designers to design reciprocating compressors
that operate at high RPM? What are the advantages and disadvantages of running the
compressor at high RPM? (5)

3a) Using suitable equations and velocity diagrams, explain why compared to a backward curved
blade, a forward curved blade is more compact but less efficient and may also lead to overloading
of the compressor motor. (9)

3b) The specific work input to a single stage centrifugal compressor is 21 kJ/kg. The impeller uses
a radial curved blade (blade angle = 90o) and rotates at 6000 RPM and is designed such that the
impeller reaction is 0.3 (i.e., 30 % of the power input is used to increase the pressure inside the
impeller, while the rest is used to increase the kinetic energy of the refrigerant). Find the required
impeller diameter and absolute, tangential and normal velocities of the refrigerant at the impeller
exit. (6)

4a) Take a small element ∆L of an adiabatic capillary tube in two-phase region and write the
relevant mass, momentum and energy balance equations. Assume steady and homogeneous
flow. Explain how the length ∆L can be determined if all the relevant parameters and properties of
refrigerant at the inlet, and the temperature at the outlet of the element are given. Assume that all
saturated properties of the refrigerant are known from property data.
(5+5 = 10)

4b) With the help of suitable diagrams explain why capillary tubes are most widely used in small
capacity refrigeration and air conditioning systems but not in larger capacity systems.

5a) An R134a based refrigeration system has a design cooling capacity of 1.5 kW when operating
as a single stage saturated cycle between an evaporator temperature of 2oC and a condensing
temperature of 38oC. A hot gas bypass valve shown in the figure is used to control the capacity
while maintaining the operating conditions and mass flow rate through the compressor same.
What should be the refrigerant flow rate through the hot gas bypass valve (HGB) if the required
capacity at off-design condition is 0.6 kW? What are the dryness fraction (x) values at evaporator
inlet for design and off-design conditions? Is this method of capacity control efficient? Justify your
answer with suitable reasons. Use the refrigerant property data given below:
tc=38 C
t (oC) p (kPa) x h (kJ/kg) s (kJ/kg.K)

2 314.8 0 54.55 0.2141

2 314.8 1 251.6 0.9303 (HGB)

38 963.7 0 105.3 0.3855

- 963.7 - 274.9 0.9303 o
te=2 C

Hot gas bypass system (4+2+3 = 9)

5b) Draw the T-s and p-h diagrams of a single stage vapour compression refrigeration cycle that
uses a zeotropic mixture as refrigerant. Explain with suitable equations under what conditions a
zeotropic mixture offers better performance compared to a pure fluid. What are the problems with
zeotropic mixtures?
(2+3+1 = 6)

Common data: 1 TR ≈ 3.517 kW

Universal gas constant = 8.314 kJ/kmol.K

End of the paper

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 100 No. of students : 50
End-Semester 2011 Subject name: Refrigeration Systems Subject No. ME60085
Answer any 5 questions

1a) A R502 based, 2-stage refrigeration system with a flash chamber is shown below. As shown, the low
and high temperature evaporators which operate at evaporator temperatures of −38oC and 0oC have
refrigeration capacities of 12 kW and 30 kW, respectively. Refrigerant condenses at a temperature of 45oC.
The refrigerant at the exit of evaporators, condenser and flash chamber may be assumed to be saturated.
The compression in low and high stage compressors may be assumed to be reversible and adiabatic. In
addition, refrigerant vapour may be treated as an ideal gas with a molecular weight of 111.6 kg/kmol and an
average specific heat of 0.8 kJ/kg.K. The isentropic index of compression (k) may be taken as 1.09. Using
the property data given below, find the COP of the system.

t, oC P, kPa x h, kJ/kg s, kJ/kg

−38 141.5 0 2.273 0.008905
−38 141.5 1 171.4 0.7281
0 573 0 42.22 0.1648
0 573 1 188.9 0.7017
45 1880 0 96.94 0.3463
45 1880 1 203.5 0.6814

1b) If the above system maintains a frozen food chamber at

−32oC and a fresh food chamber at 5oC while rejecting heat to
the surroundings which is at 38oC, find the total entropy
generation rate of the system and cycle efficiency (=ratio of
actual COP to reversible cycle COP). (8)

2) A 4-pass, horizontal, shell-and-tube R22 condenser has 60 copper tubes of 14 mm inner diameter (di)
and 18 mm outer diameter (do). The thermal conductivity of copper (kcopper) is 385 W/m.K. Cooling water
flows through the tubes while the refrigerant condenses on the outside of the tubes. The outer surface of
the tubes is provided with integral fins such that the ratio of outer-to-inner heat transfer area is 1.5. The
cooling water flow rate through the condenser is 5 litres per second. The inlet and outlet temperatures of
the cooling water are 27oC and 33oC, respectively, while the refrigerant condenses at 38oC. The fouling
factor on waterside is 176 X 10−6 m2.K/W, while that on the refrigerant side is negligible. The 60 tubes are
arranged in 14 vertical columns. Find the length of the tubes required to meet the requirement. Assume
suitable temperature difference (∆t) between the refrigerant and tube wall and verify the correctness of the
assumed value at the end (you need not repeat the calculations). Use the following correlations for heat
transfer coefficients on water (hw) and refrigerant (hr) sides. The mean properties of water and refrigerant
are given below.

Refrigerant side: ; waterside:

In the above equations, N is the number of tubes per column and Red is the Reynolds number based on
inner diameter di and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2)

Refrigerant at 38oC: hfg = 168.8 kJ/kg; ρf = 1138 kg/m3, kf = 0.08 W/m.K, µf = 0.000144 kg/m.s

Water at 30oC: ρw = 996 kg/m3, kw = 0.6 W/m.K, µw = 0.0008 kg/m.s, cpw = 4.18 kJ/kg.K, Prw = 5.535
3a) Explain with the help of neat diagrams how boiling of refrigerant in a fin-and-tube type evaporator differs
from boiling in a shell-and-tube evaporator with refrigerant boiling on the shell side. (6)

3b) For the same tube dimensions and operating pressure and temperature, explain why pressure drop
during refrigerant evaporation is higher compared to that in condensation. (4)

3c) In a shell-and-tube type evaporator, refrigerant boils at 4oC outside a tube of length 3.0 m and outer
diameter 10 mm, while water flows through the tube. The tube wall which is 0.5 mm thick is made of high
thermal conductivity material such that its resistance to heat transfer is negligible. The average heat
transfer coefficient on water side is 6000 W/m2.K, while the average heat transfer coefficient on refrigerant
side (hr in W/m2.K) is given by the relation, , where ∆t is the average temperature
difference between the refrigerant and the tube surface (in K). Water enters the tube at a velocity of 1.5 m/s
and a temperature of 15oC. Find the heat transfer rate between water and refrigerant and temperature of
water at the outlet of the tube. For calculating heat transfer rate from water to refrigerant, use arithmetic
average temperature difference instead of the logarithmic average temperature difference. Assume the
density of water to be 1000 kg/m3 and its specific heat to be 4.19 kJ/kg.K. Assume a suitable initial guess
value for ∆t and carry out at least two iterations. (10)

4a) In a R134a refrigeration system the condenser is kept at ground level, whereas the expansion device
and evaporator are located at a height of 15 m from the condenser. The condenser pressure is 1450 kPa. If
the frictional pressure drop in the pipeline connecting the condenser to expansion device is 30 kPa, find the
minimum degree of subcooling required at condenser exit so that only liquid enters the expansion device.
The density of R134a liquid may be taken as 1083 kg/m3 and the acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s2.
Assume that the connecting pipeline does not exchange heat with the surroundings. Use the following
equation which relates saturation pressure of R134a with temperature.
; where psat is in kPa and T is in K

4b) The inlet pressure of an R134a evaporator is 140 kPa. A designer wishes to maintain a superheat of 5
K at the evaporator exit and selects an internally equalized thermostatic expansion valve assuming that the
refrigerant pressure drop across evaporator is negligible. What should be the spring pressure for this
condition? Readings show that there is a pressure drop of 20 kPa across the evaporator. Under these
conditions, what is the actual degree of superheat at evaporator exit? What type of TEV should be selected
to meet the requirement of 5K and what should be the correct spring pressure? Use the equation given
above for relating saturation pressure of R134a to temperature. (8)

4c) Using fundamental mass, momentum and energy balance equations show that for a given inlet
conditions, the refrigeration capacity of an expansion valve, , where c is a constant and ∆p is the
pressure drop across the valve. State the assumptions made while arriving at the above expression.

5a) A H2O-LiBr based single stage vapour absorption refrigeration operates at an evaporator temperature
of 10oC (psat = 1.23 kPa) and a condensing temperature of 40oC (psat = 7.38 kPa). The corresponding
temperatures of solution at the exit of absorber and generator are: 30oC and 100oC, respectively. The
concentration of weak and strong solutions at the exits of absorber and generator are 0.5 and 0.664,
respectively. The enthalpy of weak and strong solutions at the exits of absorber and generator are −168
kJ/kg and −52 kJ/kg, respectively. The average density and specific heat of solution are 1200 kg/m3 and
2.0 kJ/kg.K, respectively, while the effectiveness of solution heat exchanger is 0.52. If under full load
conditions, the mass flow rate of weak solution through the solution pump is 1.2 kg/s, find a) refrigeration
capacity at full load, b) COP and, c) solution pump power assuming a pumping efficiency of 70 %. The
enthalpy of water vapour (hv) and liquid water (hf) are given by: , where
enthalpy is in kJ/kg and temperature t is in oC.
5b) Find entropy generation rate in the evaporator, condenser, refrigerant expansion device and solution
circuit for the above system, if saturated steam at 120oC is condensed in the generator to provide the
necessary heat input to the system, the system rejects heat to surroundings which are at 28oC and the
evaporator maintains an air conditioned space at 25oC. Take the saturated liquid water entropy values at
10oC and 40oC as 0.1508 kJ/kg.K and 0.5729 kJ/kg.K, respectively. (8)

6a) Shown here is the schematic of an air cycle refrigeration system based on Odessa cycle. Find the COP
and net power input to the cycle
which has a refrigeration capacity of
33 TR, operates with a pressure
ratio of 1.3, turbine and compressor
isentropic efficiency values of 0.9
(ηT = ηc= 0.9) and a heat exchanger
effectiveness of 0.95 (ηHX = 0.95).
Compare these values with those of
a standard open type Bell-Coleman
cycle operating between the same
ambient and room conditions with
the same component efficiency
values and pressure ratio. Take for
air, cp = 1.005 kJ/kg.K and γ = 1.4.


6b) In a steam jet refrigeration system

shown to the left, the ejector extracts 5.0
m3/s of saturated water vapour at a
temperature of 7.2oC (saturation
pressure = 1.0285 kPa) from the flash
chamber. The return water from the
cooling coil at a temperature of 15.0oC is
sprayed into the flash chamber, while
the make-up water enters the flash
chamber at a temperature of 21oC. Find
the cooling capacity of the cooling coil
(Ql) and flow rate of liquid water through
the coil. Assume the pump work to be
negligible and water vapour to behave
as an ideal gas. The enthalpy of water
vapour (hv) and liquid water (hf) are given by: , where enthalpy is in kJ/kg and
temperature t is in oC.

Common data: 1 TR ≈ 3.517 kW; Universal gas constant = 8.314 kJ/kmol.K

End of the paper


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