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Manav Bharti University

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MB101 Principle of Management
MB102 Organizational Behaviour
MB103 Accounting for Management
MB104 Quantitative Techniques
MB105 Managerial Economics
MB106 Seminar on Executive Communication
MB107 Workshop on Computers for Management
MB108 Viva-voce
MB201 Business Environment
MB202 Production and Material Management
MB203 Human Resource Management
MB204 Marketing Management
MB205 Financial Management
MB206 Research methodology
MB207 Workshop on Information Technology
MB208 Viva-Voce
MB301Operations Research
MB302 Corporate Legal Environment
MB303 Major-I
MB304 Major-II
MB305 Major-III/ Minor-I
MB306 Management Information Systems
MB307 Presentation of Training Report
MB308 Viva-Voce
MB401 Strategic Management
MB402 Evaluation & Implementation of Project
MB403 Major-IV
MB404 Major-V
MB405 Major-VI/ Minor-II
MB406 Final Research Project
MB407 Viva-Voce
MB501 Marketing Research
MB502 Consumer Behaviour
MB503 Advertising Management
MB504 Services Marketing
MB505 Product & Brand Management
MB506 Sales, Channel & Logistics Management
MB507 International Marketing
MB521 Financial Services
MB522 Advanced financial management
MB523 Management of banking &financial institutions
MB524 Direct Tax Planning
MB525 International Finance
MB526 Management Control Systems
MB541 Quality Management
MB542 Production Planning & Control
MB543 Inventory Management
MB544 Purchasing Management
MB544 Purchasing Management
MB545 Technology Management
MB546 Manufacturing Policy & Implementation
MB561 Organisation Development
MB562 Training & Development
MB563 Advanced Industrial Psychology
MB564 Industrial Relations
MB565 Social Security & Labour Laws
MB566 Performance & Compensation Management
MB567 International Human Resource Management
MB581 Programming in C/ C++
MB582 Relational Database Management System
MB583 Software Engineering
MB584 Advanced Decision Support System
MB585 Introduction to Computer Network
MB586 E-Commerce & IT Enabled Services
MB591 International finance
MB592 International marketing
MB593 International Business Environment
MB594 Export & Import Management
MB595 International Logistics & Supply Chain Management
MB596 Foreign exchange management
Note: (1) A team of two examiners will evaluate the Final Research Project. There will be
one external and one internal examiner, each evaluating out of 100 marks. The institute
will select and invite an external examiner for the evaluation.
(2) The viva-voce examination in all the four semesters will be conducted as provided for
in the ordinances for M.B.A.
There will be six to eight week training in any commercial or noncommercial
Institute after 2nd semester
Student will have option to select either :
1) Super Specialization
2) Major & Minor combination (4+2)
In III Semester
Two subjects of major specialization
One subject of minor specialization
In IV Semester
Two subjects of same major specialization
One subject of same minor specialization
Marketing Research MBA III Semester
Consumer Behaviour MBA IV Semester
Advanced financial management MBA III Semester
Management of banking & financial Institutions MBA IV Semester
Production Planning & Control MBA III Semester
Quality Management MBA IV Semester
Programming in C/ C++ MBA III Semester
E-Commerce & IT enabled services MBA IV Semester
Organisation Development MBA III Semester
Industrial Relation MBA IV Semester
International finance MBA III Semester
Export and Import Management MBA IV Semester


Introduction of management: Meaning, definition, nature, purpose and scope of

management. Level of management Functions of a manager, an overview of planning,
organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. - Comparative study: Comparative study
of main features of Japanese Management and Z Culture of American Companies.
Evolution of management thought. Contributions made by Taylor, Gantt, Gilbreth,
Fayol,Weber, Elton Mayo, Chester Bernard, Maslow, Herzberg, Likert and McGergor.
Systems Approach: Key concepts in systems - Closed system versus open
system. Subsystems, System Boundary. McKinsey's 7-S Approach..
Planning: Meaning, definition,Types of plans, steps in planning, and process of
planning. Nature of objectives, setting objectives. Concept and process of Managing by
Objectives. Nature and purpose of strategies and policies. Strategic planning process.
SWOT analysis, Portfolio matrix
Decision-Making: Meaning, definition ,Importance and steps in Decision Making;
Traditional approaches to Decision-making; Decision making under certainty -
programmed decisions; Introduction to decision-making under uncertainty, non-
programmed decisions; decision tree Meaning, definition,decisions; Brain storming;
Creativity - creative problem solving.
Organizing: Meaning, definition,Concept of organization, process of organizing, bases
of departmentation, Authority & power - concept & distinction. Line & Staff concept;
problems of use of staff & ways to avoid line-staff conflict, Delegation - concept of
delegation; elements of delegation - authority, responsibility, accountability. Reasons for
failure of delegation & how to make delegation effective. Span of Management - concept,
early ideas on span of management
Coordination- Concept and importance of coordination; factors which make
coordinationdifficult; techniques or methods to ensure effective coordination.
Control: Meaning, definition,Concept, planning-control relationship, process of control -
setting objectives, standards, measuring performance, correcting deviations. Human
response to control. Dimensions or Types of Control -(a) Feed forward control (b)
Concurrent Control (Real Time Information & Control), (c) Feedback Control
Recommended Text Books
Sr Author Books Publisher
1 Harold Koontz & Heinz Weihrich Essentials of
Management Tata McGraw Hill
2 Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert Jr. Management Prentice Hall

Introduction: Meaning of organization, Definition of OB, organization effectiveness,

,nature of OB, contributing discipline to OB. Challenges and Opportunities for OB.
Foundations of Individual behaviors-Meaning of Individual behaviors biographical
characteristics, ability, and learning. Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction ,Personality
and Emotions Perception
Motivation – Meaning, Types, Techniques, Theories of Maslow, Herzberg, McCelland,
Porter & Lawler Model, Application of Motivation concept,
Foundations of Group Behaviour-Group formation, development and structure, group
processes, Group Decision-Making techniques, work teams.
Interpersonal Skills-Transactional Analysis, Life Positions, Johari Window.
Leadership: Concept, theories, Styles and their application
Power and Politics : Power and Politics in organization
Organisational Change & Development: Meaning of OD ,Innovation, Creating
learning organization,
Emotional Intelligence –Concept
Organisational Culture,Cross-Cultural Behaviour
Conflict Management, Stress Management, Crisis Management

Recommended Text Books

Sr. Author Title Publisher
1. Robbins Organisation Behaviour Pearson Education Asia
2. Luthans Organisation Behaviour Tata McGraw Hill
3. Udai Pareek Understanding Organisation Behaviour Oxford Publishing House
Reference Books
Sr. Author Title Publisher
1 Hersey,Blanchard& Johnson,Management of Organisational
Behaviour,Prentice Hall India
2. Newstrom& Davis Organisational Behaviour: Human
Behaviour at WorkTata McGraw Hill
3 Rallinson,Broadfield& Edwards .OB & Analysis Addison Wesley
4 Aswathappa Organsiation Behaviour Himalaya

Introduction of accounting –Accounting and its function, concepts and conventions in

accounting, accounting cycle, double entry system, books of original entry, ledger
posting and balancing, cash book, sales book, purchase book
Branches of accounting: Financial, Cost and Management Accounting and their
interrelationships, trial balance and preparation of final accounts (including
manufacturing accounts) relating to sole proprietor .elementary introduction of final
accounts of a company
Depreciation:- concepts, methods of depreciation
Financial Analysis — Concepts and objectives. Tools of Financial Analysis- ratio
analysis, common size financial statements, trend analysis, fund flow and cash flow
Cost Accounting — Meaning, Scope and Classification of costs, Absorption costing,
marginal costing, break-even analysis, use of cost data in managerial decision-making.
Cost Control Techniques - Preparation of budgets and their control, Zero base
budgeting. Standard costing and variance analysis, Responsibility accounting.
Introduction to recent developments in cost management: Price level accounting,
human resource accounting, Social Accounting.
Recommended Text Books
S.No Author Title Publisher
1 Pandey Management Accounting Vikas
2 Maheshwari Financial Accounting Vikas
Reference Books
S.No Author Title Publisher
1. Horngren, Sundem Introduction to Management Prentice Hall India
& Stratton Accounting
2. R.K, Lele, Jawahar Accounting Theory Himalaya Lal Publishing House
3. L.S. Porwaa Accounting Theory Tata McGraw Hill
4. A.K.Vashisht, J.S Management Accounting Unistar Books Pasricha Pvt.Ltd.
5. S.P.Jain, K.L. Cost Accountmg Principles Kalyani PublishersNarang & Practices
6. Bhattacharyya, Costing for Management Vikas Publishing JohnDearden House

Data Analysis: Measure of Central Tendency

Measures of Dispersion: Range Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, and Standard
Skew ness and Kurtosis
Correlation Analysis: Rank Method & Karl Pearson's Coefficient of Correlation and
Properties of Correlation.
Regression Analysis: Fitting of a Regression Line and Interpretation of Results,
Properties of Regression Coefficients and Relationship between Regression and
Correlation, time Series Analysis, index Numbers ,Theory of Probability
Theoretical Distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distribution
Theory of Estimation
Testing of Hypothesis: Large Sample Tests, Small Sample test, (t, F, Z Test and Chi
Square Test
Introduction :Mathematics and statistics in Business Decisions, Theory of Sets
Logarithms: Laws of operations, Log tables, compound interest, depreciation and
Equations: Linear, Quadratic & Simultaneous Equations
Matrix Algebra ,Binomial Theorem
Principles of Mathematical Induction, Arithmetic Progression & Geometric
Recommended Text Books
S.No Author Title Publisher
1. Levins, Krehbiel & Business Statistics Pearson
Berenson "
2 Levin&Rubin Statistics for Management Prentice Hall
3. Sancheti & Kapoor Business Mathematics Sultan Chand
4. Gupta Statistical Methods Sultan Chand


Introduction to Managerial Economics: Meaning, scope and nature of Managerial

Economics, role of Managerial Economics in business decision making, business firms
and its objectives, Economic theory and Managerial Economics with basic economic
principles, Difference between Micro and macro Economics

Demand analysis: Determinates of demand, types of demand, law of demand, and

elasticity of demand, demand function, Demand forecasting, forecasting methods
Production and cost analysis: production function, . Iso-quant and iso-costs factors ,
Returns to scale factor, least cost and combination of input, Concept of cost and its types,
cost output relationship in short and long period, break even charts, law of variable

Pricing and output decisions in various markets: market structures, price

determination and firm equilibrium under perfect competition, monopolistic, oligopoly
and monopoly

Price practice: Price determination,mathods of pricing,cost plus pricing, marginal cost

pricing,average cost pricing, price determination rule ,target pricing, going rate pricing
and transfer pricing

National income accounting: Conceptual framework, problem in computation, gross

national product and welfare, computation function, saving and investment function,
determination of national income, classic and Keynesian macro economic models
Theory of multiplier: Concept of static and dynamic multiplier, balanced budget
Multiplier ,Govt expenditure multiplier ,fiscal multiplier

Macro economic policy: Monetary and fiscal stabilization policy, inflation and
unemployment tradeoff.
Recommended Text Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. K.K. Dewett Modern Economic Theory 21st S.Chand
2 (a) D.M. Mithani Managerial Economics: Theory &
Applications1st Himalaya
2 (b) H.L. Ahuja Macro Economics – Theory &Policy7th S. Chand
Reference Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Mote, Paul, Gupta Managerial Economics 1st Tata McGraw Hill
2. D.N. Dwivedi Managerial Economics 6th Vikas


INTERODUCTION: Meaning and important of communication in business, the

process ofcommunication, models of communication, types of information-order,
advise,suggestion, motivation, persuasion, warning and education.
Channels of communication, their effectiveness, limitations.
Media of communication, barriers of communication, approaches to effective
communication, tools of communication, Dictation, sentence, paragraph,
punctuation and report writing. Group communication through committees,
conference and other formal communication with public at large, interviews,
seminar, symposia and conferences.
Specific business communication: essentials of effective business
communicationstructure of business correspondence: inquires and replies, orders
and theirexecutions, complaints and adjustment, credit and status inquires, agency
letters and sales letters.Process for drafting Effective Business Message
Letter writing: Good news, Bad news, Informative news, Persuasive news,
Memorandum drafting E-mail writing Report writing – Short & Long Formal
ReportsStrategies to improve - reading skills, speaking skills, listening skills
Guidelines to effective public speaking ,Developing job application – Covering
letter, Resume,Interviewing: Negotiating the job offer
Recommended Text Books
S.No. Author Title Publisher
1 Lesikar, Petit & Lesikar’s Basic Business Tata McGraw
2 Flately Communication Hill
Reference Books
S.No. Author Title Publisher
1 Poe & Fruchling Basic Communication AITBS
2 Taylor English Conversion Practice Tata McGraw
3 Diwan & Aggarwal Business Communication Excel
4 Baugh, Frayer &


Introduction to Computers: Classification ,components of computer

system.Introduction to High level and low level languages.Problem
Analysis, flow charting and algorithm.
Software: system s/w, application s/w. Basic concepts of operating systems
Tally: Basics, Creating Companies, Various Accounts & Transactions,
Ledgers, Balance Sheet, Ratio Analysis
Introduction to www, Internet and intranet, difference between Internet and
intranet, sending and reading e-mails, fax.
Practical on Internet access to:
• Create E-mail address
• Perform transactions
• Send & receive messages
• Use of search engines
MS-Office 2000
Word processing: MS-Word, word basics, formatting text and documents,
working with header and footer, footnotes, endnotes, tables and sorting,
graphics, mail merge and macros.
Spreadsheets and their uses in business, Excel basics, rearranging
worksheets, excel formatting techniques, using functions, chart features and
working with graphics in excel.
Power Point: Basics, working with texts and graphics in Power Point.
Delivering information with Microsoft Mail.
Text Books:
Sr. Author Title Publisher
1 P.K.Sinha Fundamental of Computers BPB
2 Leon & Leon Internet for Everyone Leon Tech World
3 Curtin, Foley, Sen &
Information Technology Tata MCGraw Hill
4 Ron Masfield MS-Office Tech Publication


Introduction: Meaning, definition of business environment and its emergence in the 21st
Century, The concept of environment, components of environment: economic, political,
legal, social technological & international. Need to scan the business environment and
techniques of scanning the business environment.
Political Environment: Three political institutions- Legislature, Executive and Judiciary.
Fundamental rights and Directive Principles of state policy. Rationale and extent of state
Intervention, center and state relationship and others, constitutional problem related to
Economic environment: Economic systems, economic planning in India, objectives,
strategies and evaluation of current five year plan. Industrial policy and industrial
licensing. New economic policies ,financial structure of Indian economy
Legal Environment: company regulatory legislations in India, MRTP, FEMA, EXIM in
light of liberalization policies. SEBI guidelines relating to capital issues.
Public sector in India: concepts, philosophy and objectives, performance, problems and
constraints. Privatisation. Joint sector and co-operative sector in India.
Social environment: social responsibility of business, consumer movement & Consumer
Protection Act 1986, The Environment Protection Act 1986.
Technological environment: Impact of technology on business. Technological policy,
import of technology, appropriate technology, problems in technology transfer.
International environment: Emergence of globalistion. Control of foreign direct
investment, benefits and problems from MNCs. WTO, its role and functions, implications
for India. Trading blocks.
Recommended Text Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Aswathappa Essential of Business Environment 7h Himalaya
2. Sengupta Government & Business 6th vikas


Product Design & Development -Meaning ,Product Design and its Characteristics;
ProductDevelopment Process (Technical); Product Development Techniques.
Process Selection - Project, Job, Batch, Mass & Process types of Production Systems;
Product - Process Mix
Facility Location - importance; Factors in Location Analysis; Location Analysis
Techniques,Facility Layout - Objectives; Advantages; Basic Types of Layouts
Capacity Planning - Concepts; Factors Affective Capacity. Planning, capacity Planning
Decisions.Production Planning & Control (PPC) - Concepts, Objectives; Functions
Work Study - Productivity; Method Study; Work Measurement.
Materials Management - Concepts, Objectives,
Functions Purchasing Management - Objectives; Functions; Methods; Procedure
Stores Management - Types of Stores; Functions; Coding Methods
Value Analysis - Concepts
Inventory Management - Concepts; Classification; Objectives; Factors Affecting
Inventory Control Policy; Inventory Costs; Basic EOQ Model; Re-order Level; ABC
Maintenance Management - Concepts; Objectives; Functions; Types of Maintenance
Quality Management - Quality Concepts, Difference Between Inspection, Quality
Control, Quality Assurances, Total Quality Management; Control Charts; acceptance
Recommended Text Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Nair Production & Operation
1st Tata McGrawHill
2. Adam & Ebert Production & Operation
Management5th Prentice HallIndia


Introduction of human resource management: Meaning, scope, objectives functions,
policies & roles and importance of Human Resource Management, challenges in
personnel management, importance of human relation in organization, organizing the
personnel and human resources department, HRM & HRD a comparative, analysis,.
Human Resource Management practices in India.
Human Resource Planning: Definition, Objectives ,HRP process and
importance,Mathods of HRP, Approaches of HRP, Job analysis, description, specification
& job evaluation ,Recruitment, selection, placement and induction process.
Human Resource Development: Concept, Employee training development
Career Planning & development, Performance management concept & process,
performance appraisal,Potential appraisal
Job Compensation: Wage & salary administration ,Factor affecting wage and salary
policy in the organization, incentive plans & fringe Benefits ,Promotions, demotions,
transfers, separation, absenteeism & turnover.
Quality of work life (QWL): Meaning, origin, development and various
approaches to QWL, techniques for improving QWL.
Quality circles:concept, structure
Job satisfaction and morale.
Health, Safety & Employee welfare.
Human Relations: definition, objectives & approaches to human relations,
Employee grievances and discipline, participation & empowerment,
Introduction to collective bargaining
HR Audit.

Recommended Text Books

Sr. Author Title Publisher
1. V.S.P.Rao Human Resources Management Excel
2 C.B.Memoria Personnel Management Himalya
3 Edwin B.Flippo Personnel Management Tata McGraw Hill
4 Dale Yoder Personnel Management &Industrial Relation
5 Arun Monappa& Saiyadain
Personnel Management Tata Mc Graw Hill
6 V.P.Michael HRM & Human Relations Himalays
7 R.S.Dwivedi HRD in Indian Companies McMillan India


Marketing and its application: Marketing Concepts and orientations, Marketing Tasks,
Marketing in modern context.
Marketing planning and organization:Strategic Planning, Marketing System &
Marketing Environment, Marketing Planning &Marketing Process. market segmentation
Marketing Information System : Concept and Components.
Understanding consumers: Consumer Behaviour : Factors influencing consumer buying
behavior, Buying process.
Product management :Product Decisions: Product Mix, Differentiation & Positioning,
New product development, Consumer adoption process, Product Life Cycle and
strategies, Packaging,Labeling, Branding.
Pricing Decisions: Objectives, Factors affecting pricing decisions, Pricing Methods,
Pricing Strategies.
Distribution strategy: Nature and types of Marketing Channels, Channel Design and
Channel Management Decisions, Retailing, Wholesaling, Physical distribution.
Promotion strategy : Communication process, Promotion Mix, Advertising, Sales
Promotion, Public Relations, Managing the Sales force.Introduction to strategic
management.Introduction to E-Commerce.Organising for marketing, Marketing
Implementation & Control.
Recommended Text Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Kotler Marketing Management 10th Prentice Hall
Reference Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Saxena Marketing Management 1st Tata McGraw Hill
2. Stanton, Etzel &
WalkerFundamentals of Marketing 10th Tata McGrawHill
3. Ramaswamy &NamakumariMarketing Management 2nd McMillan
4. Gandhi Marketing – A ManagerialIntroductionTMH
5. Kotlar &Armstrong Principles of Marketing 8th Prentice Hall


Introduction: Evaluation of Financial-management, scope and objectives of financial
management, function of financial management.
Capital Budgeting :Definition and concept of capital budgeting ,Importance of Capital
Budgeting, process , Project formulation & Project Selection Introduction to various
capital Budgeting Techniques; Payback Period Methods, Average rate of return , Net
Present Value methods, IRR, Benefit-Cost ratio, capital Rationing .Source of Long Term
funds: Equity shares , Preference share , Debentures, public deposits, factors affecting
long term funds requirements.
Cost of Capital: A importance, definition , measurement of cost of capital
Lease financing: Concepts, types. Advantages and disadvantages of leasing
Capital structure : Determinants of Capital Structure, Capital structure theories,
oprating and financial leverage
Working capital : Concept factors affecting working capital requirements, determining
working capital requirements , Sources of working capital. working capital management
Dividend decision: Management of Retained Earnings: Retained earnings & Dividend
policy, Consideration in dividend policy (1) Relevance and irrelevance of dividend
decision, Walter model & Gordon models(2)dividend policy in practice :Dividend
payout in ratio , stability in dividends ,legal contractual and internal constraints: owner
consideration & capital market consideration types of dividends, stock dividends .
Corporate Restructuring : Reasons and factors affecting Mergers, Acquisitions,
takeover and sell-offs.
Recent Developments—Introduction to concepts of EVA, MVA and CAPM.
Recommended Text Books
S. No. Author Title Publisher
1 I.M. Pandey Financial Management Vikas publishers
2. Khan & Jain Financial Management Tata McGraw Hill
3. Prasanna Chandra Financial Management Tata McGraw Hill
( Theory & Practice)
Reference Books
S. No. Author Title Publisher
1. James C. Van Financial Management & Pearson Education Horne Policy Asia
2. james C. Van Fundamentals of Financial Pearson Education Horne & john M.
Management Asia
3. Brealy & Myres Principles of Corporate Tata McGraw Hill Finance
4. John J. Hampton Financial Decision Making Prentice Hall India Concept, Problem &
5. P.V.Kulkarni Financial Management Himalaya



Introduction to Research methodology: Meaning of Research, Definition,

Nature and scope of research methodology, Limitations, and Types,
Objectives of research, Research Process
Research Designs: Exploratory, Descriptive and experimental
Defining a research problem
Data types : Nature and measurement
nominal, ordinal, interval & ratio data
Data Collection: Secondary Data, Primary Data, and Methods of Collection.
Scaling Techniques: Concept, Types, Rating, scales & ranking Scales
Scale construction Techniques, Multi Dimensional Scaling.
Sampling Designs: Concepts, Types and Techniques
Designing Questionnaire, Interviewing.
Report writing : Contents of report
Tabulation, Coding, Editing.
Executive Summary
Bibliography format
Presentation of report and acceptance Problem
Recommended Text Books
Sr. Author Title Publisher
1 Cooper &Schindler ,Business Research Methods
Tata McGrawHill
2 Goods & Hatt Methods in SocialResearch
Tata McGraw Hill
3 Kothari Research Methodology Vishwa Prakashan


Information Technology: Introduction, New Developments, Information

Systems, Software and data, application of IT in Business & Industry, Home
Education & Training, Entertainment & Arts, Science, Engineering and

MS Access: database, adding, deleting and moving records;

Querying: creating, saving and editing; creating and using forms, creating
and printing reports.

Communication – The Electronic Web : Network Applications : Fax, voice,

Infromation Services, Person to person Communication, Group

Computer Network & Communication : Network types, Network topologiesNetwork

Communication Devices Physica Communication Media
Network Protocol (TCP/ IP)

Range of Application: Scientific, Business, educational, Weather forecasting & Remote

Sensing Decision Support System, Inventory, Railways etc
MS Access: Creating database, adding, editing and moving records
Querying: Creating, Saving and Editing; Creating and using forms; Creating
and Printing Reports; Managing Data and Files.

Internet:HTML,FTP,GOPHER,News group, Tel net. , creation of table, frame include

image in table colours
Text Books:
Sr. Author Title Publisher
1 P.K.Sinha Fundamental of Computers BPB
2 Leon & Leon Internet for Everyone Leon Tech World
3 Curtin, Foley, Sen & Martin
Information Technology Tata MCGraw Hill
4 Ron Masfield MS-Office Tech Publication


Introduction to OR: Meaning of operation research/management science, Managerial
Decision Making and OR
OR Models: Principles and Types.
Linear Programming: Definition, assumption ,Problem Formulation of LPP, Graphical
Solution of LPP ,Simplex methods.
Duality:Economic interpretation of the optional simplex solution ,Dual form of the
problem ,The primal –dual relationship in general form ,analysis of the dual form ,Dual
simplex methods sensitivity analysis:1)Right hand side values 2) Objective functions
coefficients(3 )constraints coefficients.
Transportation Models: Determination of initial solution by north-west corner/least-
cost/vovel approximation mathods. Determination of optimal solution using steeping
stone methods/Modi mathods ,Transshipment Problem, Traveling Salesman Problem,
Assignment and their solution
Inventory management: Replacement Models, determination of EOQ, writing lines
Queuing Theory : Models (M/M/1) : (FcFs/∞); (M/M/1) : (FcFs/N);
(M/Ek/1): (FcFs/∞) and (M/M/C/) : ((FcFs/N).
Game Theory: Two person ,zero sum games, Maximin and Minimax principle, Role of
dominance ,Two person, Zero sum games with mixed Strategies
PERT-CPM: Meaning of PERT-CPM, model of PERT-CPM
Decision Making: Decision making environment, decision under uncertainty-Laplace,
maximax ,maximin ,hurwies and regret criteria ,decision making under risk –expected
opportunity loss/expected value of perfection information criteria, decision tree analysis


1 J K Sharma Quantitative Techniques forManagerial Decisions. 1st Macmillan
2 N D Vohra Quantitative Techniques In Management 2nd Tata McGraw Hill
3 S.D.Sharma Operations Research 12th Kedar Nath RamNath & Co
4 V.K.Kapoor Operations Research 7th Sultan Chand
5 Lee, Moore, Taylor Management Science
6 S.M.Lee (et.Al) Management Science
Reference Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Tulsian & Pandey Quantitative Techniques 1st Pearson Edn.
2. Hillier & Lieberman Introduction to Operations
Research7th Tata McGraw Hill
3. J. K. Sharma Operations Research McMillan
4. H.A.Taha Operations Research
5. C.K.Mustafi Operations Research


Law of Contract: Definition, offer and Acceptance, Consideration, Capacity of

parties, FreeConsent, Legality of Object, Performance and Discharge of Contract and
Remedies forBreach of Contract. Introduction to the concept of agent and different
types of mercantileagents.
Sale of Goods Act: Meaning, Formation of contract, Meaning of condition and
warranties.Difference between Transfer of Property and Possession, Right of and
Unpaid Seller.
Negotiable Instrument: Bills of Exchange, Promissory Note, Cheque and Rules
Regarding the Crossing of Cheques. Dishonor of cheques and liability of banker and
Law of Insurance: Fundamentals Elements of Insurance.Basic features of law
relating to carriers (Air, Road, Rail and Shipping)
Company law: Characteristic of Company, distinction between company and
partnership.Kinds and Formation of Company, Meeting. Winding Up by court.
Taxation: Constitutional framework of taxation. Direct and indirect taxes. Basic
features ofCentral excise, Customs, Central and state sales tax.
Recommended Text Books
S.No Author Title Publisher
1, Chawla, Garg & Mercantile Law Kalyani



Introduction: What is MIS,MIS sub system ,Role of computer in MIS Definition &
Significance, Evolution, MIS Support for Programmed and
Non-Programmed Decision Making, Model of Decision Making.
Structure of MIS: Based on Management Activity & Organisational Function,
Conceptual& Physical Structure of MIS.
Systems Concept: Definition of a System, Types of Systems, Sub-System, and Systems
Concepts & Organisation.
Information Concept: Definition of Information, Information Presentation, Quality of
Decision Support Systems: Characteristics of DSS, Decision Support & Structure of
Decision Making. Decision Support & Repetitiveness of Decisions. Classes of DSS,
DSS Users, GDSS, Characteristics of GDSS.
Organisation & Information Systems : Relationship, Salient Feature of Organisation,
Effect of organisation on Information Systems and Vice Versa.
Advanced Information Systems: Knowledge Work Systems, Executive Support Systems,
Expert Systems Artificial intelligence.
ERP: An Introduction, Application Examples of Information Systems.
Introduction to CRM, Business intelligence, supply chain management, Business process
re-engineering, Business Process management.
Social and legal aspects in computerization: social dimension in computerisation
,computer virsus, computer crimes ,Legal dimension in computerisation
Recommended Text Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Laudon & Laudon Management InformationSystems: Organisation &Technology
7th Pearson
2. Goyal Management InformationSystems: Managerial PerspectivesMcMillan
Reference Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Alter Information Systems:Management Perspective3rd Pearson
2. Murdick, Ross &Claggett Information Systems for
Modern Management 3rd Prentice Hall
Introduction: Definition, nature, scope, and importance of strategy;and strategic
management (Business policy). Strategic decision-making. Process
of strategic management and levels at which strategy operates. Role
of strategists.Defining strategic intent: Vision, Mission, Business definition, Goals and

Environmental Appraisal—Concept of environment, components of

environment (Economic, legal, social, political and technological).
Environmental scanning techniques- ETOP, QUEST and SWOT

Internal Appraisal – The internal environment, organisational capabilities invarious

functional areas and Strategic Advantage Profile. Methods and
techniques used for organisational appraisal (Value chain analysis, Financial
and non financial analysis, historical analysis, Industry standards and
benchmarking, Balanced scorecard and key factor rating). Identification of
Critical Success Factors (CSF).

Corporate level strategies-- Stability, Expansion, Retrenchment and

Combination strategies. Corporate restructuring. Concept of Synergy.
Mergers & Acquisitions.Corporate Restructuring.

Business level strategies—Porter’s framework of competitive

strategies; Conditions, risks and benefits of Cost leadership,
Differentiation and Focus strategies. Location and timing tactics.
Concept, Importance, Building and use of Core Competence.

Strategic Analysis and choice—Corporate level analysis (BCG, GE Ninecell,Hofer’s product

market evolution and Shell Directional policy Matrix).
Industry level analysis ; Porters’s five forces model. Qualitative factors in
strategic choice
Strategy implementation: Resource allocation, Projects and
Procedural issues. Organistion structure and systems in strategy
implementation. Leadership and corporate culture, Values, Ethics and
Social responsibility. Operational and derived functional plans to
implement strategy. Integration of functional plans.
Strategic control and operational Control. Organistional systems
andTechniques of strategic evaluation.
Recommended Text Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Kazmi Business Policy &
Strategic Management2nd Tata McGraw Hill
2. Thomson &Strickland Strategic Management:Concept & Cases12th Tata
McGraw Hill
Reference Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Ghemawat Strategy & The BusinessLandscape1st PearsonEducation Asia
2. Ghoshal, Piramal &BudhirajaWorld Class in India 1st Penguin
3. Wheelen & Hungee Strategic Management & Business Policy6th Addison-Wesley
4. Johnson & Scholes Exploring Corporate Strategy 4th Prentice HallIndia
5. Jauch & Glueck Business Policy & StrategicManagement5th Tata McGraw
6. Pearce & Robinson Strategic Management 3rd AITBS


Introduction of Project and project management: Definition, characteristics,
importance, types, steps in identification of projects,project life-cycle ,Project
management, meaning and scope.
Project appraisal: Technical appraisal, Environmental appraisal, Economic & market
appraisal including market survey for forecasting future demand and sales.
Managerial appraisal.
Financial appraisal: project cost estimation & working capital requirements, sources of
funds, appropriate composition of funds (capital budgeting), preparation of projected
financial statements viz. Projected balance sheet, projected income statement, projected
funds & cash flow statements. Preparation of detailed project report. Project finance.
Need & techniques for ranking of projects : payback method, accounting rate of return,
internal rate of return, net present value method, net terminal value method, multiple
internal rate of return.
SCBA - meaning, rationale, approaches to SCBA SCBA by FI’s : UNIDO approach, L-
M approach, social appraisal of projects in developing countries with special reference to
Implementation of projects: Project scheduling & control, problems of project
Implementation, Role of project manager, project audit.

Recommended Text Books

S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Prasanna Chandra Projects, Preparation,Appraisal Budgeting &Implementation4th Tata
Reference Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Maylor Project Management 2nd Pearson
2. Chong & Brown Managing Project Risk 1st Pearson
3. Ghattas & McKee Practical Project Management 1st Pearson
4. Narendra Singh Project Management


Introduction:Meaning of Marketing Research & MIS, Marketing Decision Support

System,scope of market research, Research function ,Problem formulation, choice criteria
models,Research Process
Research Design: Exploratory, Descriptive, and Experimental Designs
Methods of Data Collection, Scaling Techniques and questionnaire design.
Data Preparation,Basic methods of collecting data.
Data Analysis: Discriminant Analysis, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Conjoint
Analysis, questionnaire planning and execution, Multi Dimensional Scaling, sampling
and sampling design, Basic concepts ,Steps in sampling process
Applications of Marketing Research:Sales Analysis, Market Potential Analysis, Sales
Forecasting Market Segmentation
Product Research: New Product Development Process, Test Marketing
Advertising Research: Media Research, Copy Testing
Pricing Research : Skimming and Penetration Prizing
Distribution Research : Warehouse Research, Retail Location Research
Brand Positioning,International Marketing Research,Motivation Research
Recommended Text Books
S.No Author
1. Naresh Malhotra
2. Boyd, Westfall &Stasch
3. Luck&Rubin
Title Publisher
Marketing Research: Applied Orientation.
Pearson Education.AITBS Prentice Hall India
Reference Books
S.No Author
1. TulI&Hawkins
2. Green, Tull &AlbaumG.C.Beri Research for Marketing


Introduction of Consumer behavior: Scope , importance and interdisciplinary nature.
The consumer research process , quantitative and qualitative research
rational vs emotional buying motives. Dynamic nature of motivation.
Role of personality in understanding consumer diversity. Product personality and brand
personification . Self-image , vanity and consumer behavior .
Consumer Perception : Absolute and differential threshold , subliminal perception.
Perceptual selection , organization and interpretation.
Positioning Perceived price, quality and risk . Manufacturer’s image .
Recognition and recall.
Buying process :Attitudinal and behavioral measures of brand loyalty.
Cognitive dissonance theory and attribution theory .
Influence of Design of persuasive communication .
Influence of consumer behavior:– Friendship , work, Celebrity and family. Impact of social
class, culture , subculture and cross – culture factors on consumer behavior .
The process of opinion leadership and motivation behind opinion leadership. Diffusion
and adoption process of innovations. Profile of consumer innovators.
Consumer decision making process: Routinised response , limited and extensive problem
solving behavior . Howard-Sheth, Engell, Kollat-blackwell and Nicosia models of
consumer decision-making . Consumer gifting behavior . relationship marketing .
Consumer Vis –a-Vis Industrial Buying Behaviour.
Recommended Text Books
S. No. Author Title Publisher
1. Schiffman & Consumer Behaviour Pearson Kanuk Education Asia
2. Laudon & Bitta Consumer Behaviour Tala McGraw 3.
Nair Consumer Behaviour HimalayaWilliam WellsJohn Burneff Advertising (Principles
& practices)Batra, Myers &Aaker Advertising Management PrenticeHall
Reference Books
S. No. Author Title Publisher
1. Engell, Kollat & Consumer Behaviour Dryden Press Blackwell
Chunawalla & Rathor Foundations of Advertising Himalaya


Introduction of Advertising: Meaning, definition, Objectives, Scope and Social

Implications.Advertising as a communication Process, Communication Models: AIDA
Modal,Laivdge – Stenier Model, Role of Advertising in Marketing Mix.
Danger approach: Introduction, Planning and Managing, Advertising Budget,
Marketing Strategies.
Media: Types of Media, Media Planning, Media Selection, and Multi-Media Strategies.
Creative styles. Guidelines for copywriting, Copywriting for print, Audio, TV and
outdoor media. Advertising layout.
Evaluation of Advertisements: Measuring Advertising Effectiveness.
Advertising Agencies: Structure, Functions and Client Relationship.
Laws and Ethics of Advertising in India ASCI, Consumer protection and MRTP.
Sales promotion : Tools, Impact, Advantages & Disadvantages Comparison of different
promotion tools Guidelines for selecting appropriate tool and analysis of application of
certain tools in select industries.
Personal Selling : Role, Advantages & Disadvantages over other promotion tools
Publicity : Role of publics and publicity. Publicity management
Advertisement Vs sales promotion: Synergy & Trade-off

Recommended Text Books

1Advertising (Principles & practices)Batra, Myers & Aaker
2Advertising Management Prentice Hall


Introductions :Growth of service sector economy, Service Characteristics, Service
Classification,Service Marketing Triangle, Service Marketing Mix, Quality Gaps Model.
Consumer Behaviour in Services, Customer Expectation of Service, Customer Perception
of Service. Understanding Customer expectation and Perception through Marketing
Relationship Marketing - Concept, Benefits and Strategies.Market Segmentation and
Targeting.Service recovery.
Service Development and Design: New Service Types, Supplementary Services,
Developing Positioning Strategy,Positioning Maps Servicescape Types, Servicescape
effects on behavior Importance and Strategies for effective delivery through Employees,
Intermediaries and Participation.Managing Demand, Managing Capacity, Waiting Line
Strategies Services Marketing Communication Mix, Communication Strategies
Factors related to Pricing, Pricing approaches, Pricing Strategies
Service Quality and Productivity, Quality Gaps, Prescriptions for closing Quality Gaps,
Customer Service Function.Services Management Trinity, Interactional Conflicts,
ts: Product Concept Product Mix concepts, Product Classification.
Product Planning: Marketing Plan, Portfolio Analysis, Market Potential and forecasting.
Product Market Strategies Internal Marketing
Recommended Text Books
Sr. Author Books Publisher
1. Zeithmal, Valarie A Services Marketing Tata McGraw Hill
2. Lovelock, Christopher H. Services Marketing Pearson Education
Reference Books
Sr. Author Books Publisher
1. Verma H.V. Marketing of Services
2. Payne A. The Essence of Service Marketing Prentice Hall
3. Woodruff, Helen Services Marketing
4. Kotler, Philips & Andreason Marketing of Non-Profit


Introductions of product: Product Concepts: Product Mix concepts, Product

Product Planning: Marketing Plan, Portfolio Analysis, Market Potential and forecasting.
Product Market Strate.
Product Life Cycle: Product Life Cycle Stages and corresponding Strategies, Product
Product Positioning: Concept, Product Differentiation, Positioning Strategies,
PreferenceAnalysis, Benefit Segmentation.
New Products: New Product Categories, Organization for Product Management.
New Product Development Process: Concept Generation, Concept Screening, Concept
Testing, Marketing Strategy Development, Product Development, Product Use Testing,
Test Marketing & Product Launching.
Designing the Offer: Perceptual Mapping, Conjoint Analysis, Pricing
the Offer: Price Elasticity of Demand, Costs, Pricing Strategies.
Concept of Product Testing. Test Marketing. Product Launch.
Branding Decisions: Branding Brand Name Brand Characteristics, Brand Strategy
Decisions.Brand Image, Brand Identity, Brand Personality. Brand Positioning and
Repositioning, Brand
Equity Brand Building: Brand Building Process. Brand Licensing and Franchising.
Packaging and Labeling
Recommended Texts
Sr. Author Books
1 C.Merle Crawford New Product Management
2 Donald Lehmann Product Management
3 Subroto Sengupta Brand Positioning
Suggesting Reference:
Sr. Author Books
1 William Moore Product Planning & Management
2 Ries & Trout Positioning: The Battle for your Mind
3 David A.Aaker Managing Brand Equity
4. Urban, Hauser, and Dholakia, N. Essentials of New Product Management


Introductions: Objectives of Sales Management, Selling process, Personal

Selling objectives, Determining Sales Related Marketing Policies.
Basic types of sales organization structures: Relationship of sales department
with other departments in the organization.Managing Distribution system
Motivating Sales Personnel Compensating Sales Personnel, Sales Contests.
Controlling the Sales Force: - Setting Standards, Comparing Standards to
Performance, Control, Sales Budget, Sales Quotas, Sales Territories.
Introduction to CRM & Relationship Marketing
Retailing : Location , In house branding Vs multi branding strategy;Issues
& challenges
Merchandising :Multi branding Vs exclusive stores Space management
Retail Chain management; Issues, challenges & AdvantagesRole of
Information technology & IT Decisions
Franchising : Issues, challenges, advantages & disadvantage Guidelines for
effective franchisee system Introduction, concept & significance, functions,
interface with production &marketing.
Logistics functions & cost physical distribution, transportation, inventory
control, warehousing, packaging, material handling, order processing,
location analysis.Neglect of physical distribution function in India & its cost.
Logistics information system: need, components, design, role of
information in Logistics.Transportation modes, mode choice, inter-modal
transport, containerization,routing.Logistics organization.International
Logistics.Introduction Supply chain management
Role of IT in logistics
Books Recommended
Sr Author Title Publisher
1. Manning &Reece Selling Today P e arson
2. Bowersox Close & Hat Trick: Logistics Management
3. Ballou :. Basic Business Logistics
4. Stock & Lambert : Strategic Business Logistics
5. Khanna: Physical DistributionManagement
6. Cundiff; Govoni & Still Sales Management P r e ntice Hall
7. David Jobber & Geooff Lancaster Selling & Sales


Introductions: Meaning and scope of international marketing, difference

between domestic andinternational marketing. Direction & composition of
Indian exports. International marketing tactics, reasons for entering export
marketing and organisation of an export department.
International economic environment: world trade tariff and non-tariff
restrictions, role of WTO and trading blocks, international monetary system.
SAARC ,SAPIA& Trading pattern in South Asia. Indian export and import
policy export promotion organizations, export incentives.The procedure and
practices of processing of an export order, producing for exports,export
quality control; export finance, shipment and procedures thereof.Export
documents, processing of an export order, organisation and structure of
export and import houses.The selection of export markets, planning of
export marketing strategy-product, pricing,promotion, and distribution
channel. International marketing research.
Recommended Text Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Keegan Global Marketing Management 7th Pearson Education Asia
2. Cherunilam International Trade & Export Management 7th Himalaya
Reference Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Onkvisit & Shaw International Marketing
Analysis & Strategy 3rd Prentice Hall India
2. Cherunilam International Marketing 1st Himalaya


Introduction: Financial Services Meaning, types and their importance.

Merchant Banking - Origin and development of merchant banking in India scope,
organisationalaspects and importance of merchant bankers. Latest guidelines of SEBI w.r.t
Mutual funds and AMCs- concept, origin and growth of mutual funds, constitution &
management of MFs - Sponsors, Trustees, AMCs, and custodians. Clasification of mutual
fundschemes, advantages and disadvantages in mutual fund schemes, NAV and pricing of
mutual fund units. State of mutual funds in India.
Leasing-concept and development of leasing, business difference between leasing & hire
purchase, types of leasing business, advantages to lessor and lessee.
Factoring - development of factoring types & importance, procedural aspects in factoring,
financial aspects, prospects of factoring in India.
Plastic Money — Concept and different forms of plastic money - credit and debit cards, pros
andcons. Credit process followed by credit card organisations. Factors affecting utilisation of
plastic money in India.
Credit rating - the concept and objective of credit rating, various credit rating agencies in
India and International credit rating agencies, factors affecting credit rating & procedural
Venture capital - concepts and characteristics of venture capital, venture capital in India,
guidelines for venture capital.
Call money market: introduction, meaning, participation, location, volume of call loans, call
rates, recent developments.
Treasury bill market-introduction, 91 days, 182 days treasury bill market, Commercial
Bill market - introduction, bills of exchange, size of rnarket, schemes, rates, factors
Behind imderdevelopmentr Market for CPs and CDs : introduction, interest rate
determination, Discount market and market for financial guarantees.
Depository: Introduction, Concept, depository participants, functioning of depository
systems,demat, remat, process of switching over to depository systems, benefits, depository
systems in India, SEBI regulation.
Recommended Text Books
Sr. Author Books Publishers
1 E.Gordon & K. Natarajan Financial Markets & Services Himalaya PublishingHouse
2 Lalit K.Bansal Merchant banking & FinancialServices Unistar Books Pvt.
Reference Books
Sr. Author Books Publishers
1. Edited by Ravi Puliani, Mahesh PulianiSEBI Manuals Bharat Law House
2. M.Y.Khan Financial Services Tata McGraw Hill
3. H.R.Machiraju Merchant banking – Principles& Practices
New Ag International Pvt.Ltd.
4. L.M.Bhole Financial Institutions & Markets Tata McGraw hil


Capital budgeting under risk and uncertainty, Risk concept ,measures of risk
standards an deviation ,and co-efficient of variations decisions tree
Working capital management:Meaning and definition ,theories of working
capital management ,Need of working capital, Determinats of working
capital, management of working capital, financing of working capital
Management of cash: Objectives ,Need of cash management, cash
management, cash management tools, cash budget
Mangemnt of receivable and inventory ,credit terms ,credit policies
,collection policies,objectives of inventory management, inventory
management techniques’
Lease financing: introduction, financial evaluation, lesser and lesser
accounting aspects Merger and amalgamations, take over code ,legal and
procedural aspect of merger decision
Financial current aspects: Sources of long term finance ,external and
internal sources of finance

Reference Books
JAMES C VAN HORNE: financial management and policy
Ezra soloman and pringle: introduction to financial management


Introduction of Financial Institutions: Definition, Types, and Role of Financial

Institution in Economic Development.
Commercial Banks: Evolution, Management and Organizational setup, Assets &
Liabilities, Theories of Liquidity Management,, Management of Primary &
Secondary Reserve, Management of Loans.
Reserve Bank of India: Organisation, Management, Role & functions., Credit
Development Banks in India: Types, functions, growth, structure & working of
development banks.
Mutual Funds: Evaluation, SEBI regulations, & different types of schemes. Deposit
Insurance: Concept & working of Deposit Insurance Introduction to DICGC
R,M, Srivastva : Management of financial Institution
Madhu Vij : Management of Financial Institutions in India
R.N. Aggarwal : Financial Liberalization in India
Machiraju : Indian Financial System
LM. Bhole : Financial Markets & Institution
MB 514


Introduction: Concepts of tax planning, tax evasion & tax avoidance, importance & scope of
tax planning.Basic definitions under income tax act & determination of residential status.
Individual Taxation: Computation of income under different heads of income &
clubbing provisions. Set off and carry forward of losses. Deductions out of GTI. Rates of tax
& computation of tax liability. Tax planning relating to individuals (in general) and tax
planning relating to employee's remuneration. Exempted incomes.
Corporate Taxation: Computation of income under different heads of income, Set off and
cany forward of looses, Deductions out of gross total income, Rates of tax, computation of
tax liability and MAT provisions. Introduction to TDS and payment of Advance Tax.
Tax planning relating to following areas: Ownership pattern, Location of Business, Nature
of Business, Dividend policy, issue of bonus shares, inter corporate dividends, Amalgamation
and merger of companies. Managerial decisions like make or buy, own or lease, close or
continue, export or local sales, replace or repair, Foreign collaborations and joint ventures.
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements.
Tax planning under Wealth Tax Law.
Recommended Text Books
Sr. Author Books Publishers
1 Girish Ahuja & RaviGupta
a) Corporate Tax Planning& Management
b) Systematic Guide toIncome Tax Bharat Law House Pvt. Ltd.
2 Dr. Vinod K.Singhania, KapilSinghania, MonicaSinghania
a) Direct Taxes Planning &Management
b) Students Guide to IncomeTaxTaxmann’s Publication Pvt.Ltd.


Introduction: International Finance : concept & role of international finance manager

in multinational corporations.International Financial environment: international
transactions & financial market, trade & Spatial flow, inflation Tex change control &
currency devaluation, ex-proprietary actionetc. Different types of risks: country risk
analysis Foreign direct investment & foreign institutional investment foreign
collaboration trends since liberalisation.
Financial operations of multinational corporation: sources &investment: short,
medium & long term national currency financing foreign currency
financing, regional & national development finance, private investment companies,
Multilateral financial institution : WB/IMF, ADB. Export & import financing: role
ofcommercial banks. Basic instruments, private non-bank sources of finance.
Financial innovation & risk sharing: introduction, futures markets in growing
world,financial future trading, role of financial futures, swap markets, basic swap
structure,interest rate, fixed rates currency, currency coupon, types.
International stock exchanges: New York , London, Luxemburg, third world and
Asianstock exchanges: working and their influences, the securities market, bond
market,foreign portfolio investment.
developments in international finance: country funds, ADR, GDR, EURO issues,
ECBj their process of issue, benefits, limitations & specific guidelines issued by
FIPB.International financial investment strategies and regulations for Indian
Recommended Text Books
Sr. Author Books Publishers
1. V.Sharan International Financial Ma Prentice Hall India
2 Maurice D.Levi International Finance McGraw Hill Inc
Reference Books
Sr. Author Books Publishers
1 Madhu Vij International Finance Excel Books
2 P.G.Apte International Financial
Tata McGraw Hill
3 V.K.Bhalla Management Text & Cases Anmo


Management Control System : Basic concepts, nature and scope, Control

environment Concept of goals and strategies. Behavioral considerations.
Responsibility Centers: Revenue and expense centers, Profit centers,
Investment centers.Transfer Pricing: Objectives and methods.
Budgeting: Budget preparation, Types of budgets. Behavioral aspects of
budgets. Variance analysis and reporting. Performance analysis and
measurement. Impact on management compensation.
Modern control methods :JIT, TQM and DSS. Control in service
Recommended Text Books
Sr. Author Books Publishers
1 Robert N.Anthony & Vijay Govindrajan Management Control systems
Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Books
Sr. Author Books Publishers
1 Joseph A. Maciariello/Calvin J.Kirbi Management Control Systems
Prentice hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
2. P.Saravanavel Management ControlSystems (Principles &Practice)
Himalaya PublishingHouse
3. Kenneth A.Merchant Modern ManagementSystems : Text & Cases
Pearson EducationAsia
4. Horngren, Foster, Datar Cost Accounting Prentice Hall


Introduction of Quality management - Concepts, Role of Quality in Changing

Business Conditions, Contributions of Deming, Juran Philip Crossby, Kaizen, Trade
off between Quality Costs and Schedules, Quality Costs and its Analysis, Life
Cycle Costs, Difference between Inspection, Quality Control, Quality Assurance and
Total Quality Management, Quality Problems and Causes, Pareto Analysis, Ishikawa
Cause and Effect Diagnosis.
Quality Control - Control of Quality, Statistical Process Control, Control Charts,
Acceptance Sampling. Strategic Quality Management Quality Management in
Marketing Quality Management in Designing Quality
Management in Manufacturing Quality Management in
Suppliers Quality Management System
Total Quality Management - Concepts, Organization for Quality, Developing a
Quality Culture.
Quality Certification - Quality Assurance, ISO 9000 Series Concepts and Procedure
Recommended Texts:
Sr. Author Books
1 . Juran, J.M. & Gryna, P.M. Quality Planning & Analysis
2. Logothetis, N. Total Quality Control
Sr. Author Books
1. Chandra Quality Circles
2. Bounds Total Quality Management
3. Eugene Grant Statistical Quality Control


Production Planning & Control:Meaning, Importance, Objectives, Functions
Types of Production Systems.
Production Procedure: Production Cycle, Planning & Control in the Production Procedure.
Production Organization: Organization Structure, Sections of Planning & Control Department.
Product Selection, Process Selection, Plant Location, Plant Layout, Operations Capacity
Production Order: Process Charts, Production Master Programmes, Operation & Route Sheets,
Breakdown of the Production Order & preparation of various Cards.
Production Planning: Operations Planning and Scheduling Systems, Aggregate Planning
Process,Strategies for Aggregate Planning, Disaggregation of Aggregate Plans, Master
Production Schedule (MPS), Material Requirement Planning (MRP), Rough Cut Capacity
Production Control: Machine Loading; Infinite and Finite Loading, Gatt Load Chart, Visual
Load Profiles; Detailed Scheduling: Gantt Scheduling Chart, Forward and Backward Scheduling,
Forms Schedules, Inputs of Schedule, Drawing a Job Schedule, Factors influencing Scheduling,
Procedure Scheduling, Reducing Scheduling Problems; Dispatching; Expediting; recording
Progress; Input /Output Control.
Production Control for Mass Production: Design of Production Line, Assembly Line
Balancing.Production Control for Batch production: Inventory Control for Single and Multiple
Products, Line of Balance.
Production control for Job Shop Production: Jumbled Flow in a Job Shop, Job Sequencing for
MachineLimited Scheduling Systems, Job Sequencing for Men and Machine Limited Scheduling
Recommended Texts:
Sr. Author Book
1. L.N.Aggarwal & Parag Diwan Management of Production System
2. Adam & Ebert Production & Operations Management
3. Dilworth James B. Production & Operations Management
4 Eilon Samuel Elements of Production Planning & Control
5. N.G.Nair Production and Operations Management
Suggested References:
Sr. Author Books
1. P.John Collary Jr, Robbert D. Landel, Robert Fair Production Operation Planning &
2. Bus bridge Principles & Production Control
Inventory: Concept, Inventory Classification, Functions of Inventory, Advantages and
Disadvantages of Inventory.
Inventory Control: Objectives, Factors affecting Inventory, Control Policy, Inventory
Costs, Material Requirement Planning (MRP), MRP Objectives & Methods, MRP
System Components, Limitations and Advantages of MRP. Factors affecting Stock
levels, Maximum and Minimum Level, Order Point, Re-order Level, Perpetual Inventory
System, Lead Time, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), BASIC EOQ Model, Safety or
Buffer Stock, Feedback Inventory Information System.
Selecting Inventory Control Techniques: ABC Analysis, HML Analysis VED
Analysis, SDE, GOLF,FSN SOS XYZ Classification .Just in Time (JIT)
Inventory Models: Static, Dynamic and Deterministic Models
Probabilistic Models: Determination of EOQ under various conditions of Demand and
Lead-Time Analysis.
Stores Management: Store Objectives, Receiving Procedures and Control, Identification
of Materials,Stores system and Procedures Classification and Codification,
Standardisation, Storing of Materials, Stores Location and Layout, Preservation, Issue
Control, Stores Documentation. Stock Valuation Methods and Stock Verification.
Material Handling : Choice of Equipments, Evaluation of Material Handling, Cost
Reduction Methods.
Traffic : Transportation cost, Shipping terms, Model of transportation, Loss and damage
of Freight Demurrage, Transportation Strategy and Cost Reduction.
Waste management : Sources of Surplus, Disposal of Surplus, Buying Surplus Material
Recommended Texts:
Sr. Author Books
1. Gopal Krishan & Sandelya Inventory Management
2. Narasimhan. McLeavey, Billington Production Planning & Inventory Control
3. Dobler & Burt Purchasing and Supply Management
4. Adam & Ebert Production and Operations Management
5. L.N.Aggarwal & Parag Diwan Management of Production System
Recommended References:
Sr. Author Books
1. Buffa & Taubert Production Inventory Systems : Planning & Control
2. Marge J.F. Production Planning & Inventory Control


INTERODUCTION : Role, Profit Centre Concept, ObjectivesMake or Buy Decisions
Materials Planning
Materials Codification: Evolution of Codes, Classification, Methodology, Advantages
Standardization: Definition, Specification, Advantages, Techniques
Value Analysis: Concept, Organisation for Value Analysis, Application, Techniques,
Steps for Value Analysis
Spares Part Management: Inventory Problems, Inventory Control, Categorization,
Pricing FactorsPurchasing Functions, Relationship pf Purchasing Department with other
Departments,Procurement, Supply Management Activities, Purchasing Objectives and
PoliciesOperating Procedures, Purchasing Cycles
Supply Sources: Importance of Source Selection, Vendor Development & Maintenance,
Vendor Rating, Competitive Bidding, Selecting the Source.
Pricing Principles: Economic Consideration in Determining the Right Price, Price
Cost Analysis: Elements of Affecting Costs, Sources of Cost Data, Direct & Indirect
Costs,Target Costing.
Negotiation: Objectives, Process, Techniques, Price Negotiation Contract Management.
Import Substitution Public Buying
Traffic: Transportation Cost, Shipping Terms, Modes of Transportation, Loss and
Damage ofFreight, Demurrage, Transportation Strategy and Cost reduction
Recommended Texts:
1. Dobler & Burt : Purchasing & Supply Management
2. P. Gopala Krishan : Purchasing & Materials Management
1. L.N. Aggarwal & Parag Diwan : Management & Production Systems
2. N.G. Nair : Production & Operations Management


Introduction of Management of Technology: Meaning ,Various aspects and Issues,

Strategic Considerations, Technological change and Innovation, Impact of Technological
Change on Employment and Productivity,Social consequences.
Technology Forecasting, Technology Development, Acquisition and Transfer.
TechnologyAbsorption and Diffusion, Evaluation/Assessment of competing
Technologies, Foreign Diffusion,Collaboration and Strategic Technological Alliances.
Law regarding protection of trade intellectual property rights, patents, trade marks;
TRIPS and W.T.O. - its impact on Indian Economy.
Technological environment in India - Technology policy, role of various government,
organisations such as DST, CSIR in development and dissemination of technology.
Technologydevelopment at organisation level, role of information system, quality
systems and marketfeedback.
1. Sharif Nawaz : Management of Technology Transfer APCTT Bangalore.
and Technology
2. Fredruck Betz : Managing Technology, Prentice Hall
3. Mauk Dudgson : Technology Strategy and the Firm, Longman Publications
4. UN-ESCAP : Technology for Development, ESCAP Secretariat.


Production function: Production function & the organisation, Five Ps of production,

ProductionStrategy, Planning & Controlling the Operations - Product Selection Linking
the product with marketing, Planning the Operation, Setting up Production System,
Controlling the Production.
Manufacturing System Design: Organisation of Manufacturing Operation, job batch
and flow production methods; Group Technology - coding composite component,
Product flowanalysis, Group Technology and Just-In-Time.
Just-In-Time Manufacturing: JIT manufacturing, People Involvement, total Quality
Control, Advantage of JIT Manufacturing, Elements that support JIT flow. The
KANBAN System, Optimised Production Technology (OPT).
Manufacturing & Service Strategies: Manufacturing as a competitive advantage,
Corporate Strategy & Manufacturing Strategy, Production Planning and Inventory
Control in Manufacturing Strategy.
Theory of Constraints & Synchronous Manufacturing: Introduction, Theory of
Constraints,The Goal of Performance Measures, Synchronous Manufacturing, Speed to
Market, Bench Marking, Simultaneous Engineering, Reverse Engineering. Technology
Audit, StrategicAlliances.
Technological Innovation in Manufacturing: Automated Design Support, Computer
AidedManufacturing (CAM), Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS), Computer
IntegratedManufacturing (CIM). Artificial Intelligence (AI), Automation in Services.
1.Narasimhan Mcleavey, Billington : Production Planning & Inventory Control
2. James B. Dilworth : Production & Operations Management
3. Muchbevan Dekland & Leckyer : Production & Operations Management
Introduction to OD: Definitions, Meaning & its distinguishing characteristics.
Historical background: various stages, second-generation OD and extent of application,
values,assumptions and beliefs in OD.
Foundations of OD; Models and theories of planned change, Systems theory,
Participation and empowerment, Teams and teamwork, Parallel learning structures, A
normative-reductive strategyof changing, Applied behavioral science, Action research
Managing OD Process: Diagnosis, The Six-Box Model, Third Wave Consulting, Nature
of ODintervention, Analysis of discrepancies, Phases of OD program, Model of
Managing charge,creating parallel learning structures.Action Research and OD
Action research: a process and an approach
OD Interventions: An overview, team interventions, intergroup and third party peace
making interventions, comprehensive interventions, structural interventions.
Issue in Consultant-Client Relations: Entry and contracting, defining the client system,
trust, thenature of the consultant's expertise, diagnosis and appropriate
interventions,depth of -"intervention, on being absorbed by the culture, the consultant as
a model, the consultant team as amicrocosm, the dependency issue and terminating the
relationship, ethical standards in OD,implications of OD for the client.
Power, Politics and OD: Power defined and explored, theories about the sources of
social power,Organisational politics defined and explored, the role of power and politics
in the practice of OD.
Training Experience: T-groups, Behavioral Modeling and Career anchors.
The future of OD: Fundamental strengths of OD, OD's future: Leadership & value,
Knowledgeabout OD, OD training, inter-disciplinary nature of OD, diffusion of
technique, integration practice.
OD in Indian Organisations.
Recommended Text Books
S.No Author Title
1. Richard Beckhard Organisation Development Strategies & Models
2. Wendell L. French Organisation Development
Cecil H. Bell
3. Blake, Robert & Building a Dynamic Corporate through Grid OD
4. Thomas H, Patten Organisation Development through Team Building
5 Edgar F. Huse Organisation Development & Change
6 Burke W.W. Organisation Development principles & Practices


Introduction of training and development: Meaning, definition, importance
,benfit,Training and Development Process and significance, Principles of
Learning, difference between training and development ,education
,Identification of Training Needs, Evolving Training Policy.
Training and Development Systems, Training Methods, Training Centers, Role
of External Agency in Training and Development, Training for Change,
Resistance in Training, Developing Effective Trainers, Designing training
Management development: Meaning ,Approaches to Management
Development, Methods of Development, Designing the Development
Programme, Team Building Exercises, Management Games
Evaluation of Training and Development:Criteria, Problems and Steps
involved in Evaluation.Emerging Issues in Training and Development in India.
Suggested Readings:
Autor Title Publisher
1 ArmstrongM.A.Handbook of Human Resource
Management Practice Kogan Page, London
2 Dayal, I Manpoer Training inOrganisationsPrentice Hall of India,
New Delhi
3 Craig, Robert Training and DevelopmentHandbook
McGraw Hill, New York
4 Lynton, R.Pand U.Pareek
Training and Development Irwine Doresy, Howwood


Introduction: Meaning, Deffination Nature, Scope, and Problems &

Objectives.Individual Differences and their Evaluation, Role of Heredity,
Environment, Types ofIndividual Differences.
Psychological tests: Psychological test in industries, their Utility, Reliability
and Validly
Attitudes: Meaning, Characteristics, Factors that Influence Development of
Attitudes,Implication for organization, components of attitude, sources of
Industrial Morale : Meaning, Characteristics, Factors that Influence
Morale, Measures of improving Morale.
Monotony: Fatigue and Stress: Meaning, Impact, Causative Factors.
Motivation:Meaning, Types, Applications in industry - MBO, Job design.
Work Environment: The Arousal Hypothesis - Noise, Illumination, Color,
Vibration,Miscellaneous Factors.
Human engineering: Work study, time study, motion study
Learning: Definition, theories, classical conditioning operant conditioning
Text Books
S.No Author Title Publisher
1. M.L. Blum & J.C. Industrial Psychology - Its CBS
Naylor Theoretical & Social Foundations
2. Ghosh & Ghorpade Industrial Psychology Himalaya
Reference Books
Sr Author Title Publisher
1. Miner Industrial/Organisation TataMcGraw Psychology Hill
2. Schultz & Schultz Psychology & Work Today Pearson
3. Riggio Industrial/ Organisational Prentice Hall
4. Dubrin Applying Pschology: Prentice Hall
Industrial & Organisation Effectiveness
Industrial Relations – meaning and significance of industrial relation factor
determining the industrial relation, Essential of IR ,Significance of IR,IRSs
growth of industrial relation, IR and human resource approaches to human
relation, Theories and Evolution ,Systems approach to IR-Actors, Context,
Web of Rules & Ideology.
Trade union: Definition of trade union, Labour movement and the trade
unions ,Need for trade union ,Rise and growth of trade unions, Impact of trade
unions on wages,Trade unions movement in india and other s country USA,
Germany ,England and Russia Tripartite and bipartite bodies ,Anatomy of
industrial disputes Conciliation, arbitration and adjudication. Grievance
Collective Bargaining : Concept , meaning & purpose, function of collective
bargaining, condition of the success of collective bargaining
Approaches, techniques & strategies to Collective Bargaining Process of
Collective Bargaining
Worker participation in management in India: Meaning of worker
participation ,Objective of worker participation ,Essential of worker
participation in management, Impact of CB and workers participation in
management on IR ,Industrial relations in UK & USA, Japan & Russia
Labour laws: The Trade unions Act, 1926 { with amendments }
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 { with amendments }
Factories Act { with amendments }
Sr. Author Title Publisher
1. Johan.T.Dunlop Industrial System
2. Arun Monappa Industrial Relations Tata McGraw Hill
3. Mamoria &Mamoria,Dynamic of Industrial Relations in
India,Himalaya,Publishing House
4. Blain Pane International Encyclopedia of Industrial Relations
5. Clark Kler Labour & Management in Industrial,Society


Introduction :The concept and scope of social security.
Social assistance and social insurance
Evolution of social security.
Law relating to social security: Payment of wages Act, 1936
Minimum Wages Act, 1948
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
Workman’s Compensation Act, 1923
Maternity Benefit Act 1961
Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1951
Gratuity Act, 1972
I.L.O and social security
The concept of labour welfare : definition, scope and objectives, welfare
work and social work.Evolution of labour welfare, classification of welfare
work, agencies for welfarework.Welfare activities of govt. of India; welfare
work by trade unions Labour Welfare work by voluntary social organizations.
Labour administration: agencies for administrating labour welfare laws in
Sr. Author Title Publishers
1. Hallen Dynamic of Social Security
2. A.M.Sharma Social Security & Labour Welfare Himalaya Publishing House
3. I.L.O. Social Security International Labour Office
4 T.N.Bhagoliwal Economics of Labour & Social Welfare
5. B.D.Rawat Labour Welfareism in India – Problems and Prospectus.


Introduction to Compensation Management:Compensation Philosophies,

Determination of inter and intra industry Compensation Differentials
Process of Compensation Management, Compensation and its components, Pay
Structure, Internal Equity and External Equity in Compensation Systems,
Compansation Ratio.
Performance management:Concept and Process of Performance
Management, Performance Appraisal,Potential Appraisal, Methods of
Performance Appraisal, Performance Based Pay,
Skills and Competency, Concept and Types of Incentive Systems.
Statutory Provisions governing different components of Reward System,
Institutions related to Reward System: Wage Boards, Pay Commissions.
Suggested Readings :

Author Title Publisher

1. Richard Henderson Compensation Management Prentice Hall
2.Armstrong, Micheland Murks HellenReward Management – AHandbook of
Kogan Paul, London
3. Bergess Lenard R Wage and SalaryAdministration
Charles E Merril,1984, London
4. Sud D.C. Incentives Industry Tata McGraw Hill


Meaning: Definition of IHRM ,Approaches of IHRM ,Managing Human
Resources in a foreign subsidiary, Cultural & behavioral differences in different
countries, cross cultural studies of Hofstede, Kluckhohm Stoodbeck;
Ethicalrelativity versus ethical absolutism.
IHR planning & staffing: Practice & problems
Compensation Systems: Multinational compensation systems, factors affecting
compensation systems.
Training & development: General practices, approaches & short-comings.
Appraising performance of subsidiary staff: Appraisal systems, acceptance &
Expatriates: Determination of needs, selection process, attributes contributing to success
&failure, special issue of female expatriates, expatriate re-entry.
Accommodating & training of the family members: Education & vocational guidance,
amenities & facilities.

1. Anne Will Harzing & : Industrial Human Resources Management

J. V. Ruyssevellt (editors)
2. Pieper R. : Human Resource management:
An International Comparison Watter de Cruyter New York
3. Hofstede : Cultures Consequences
4. Gesteland : Cross-cultural Business Behavior. Viva
5. Harris&Moran : Managing Cultural Differences Gulf Publishing

PROGRAMMING in C / C++ (MB-581)

Section A
Problem solving with Computers: Algorithms and Flowcharts. Data types,
constants, variables, operators, data input and output, assignment
statements, conditional statements.
Section B
Iteration, arrays, strings processing, defining function, types of functions,
function prototype, passing parameters, recursion.Storage class specifiers, pre-
processor, header files and standard functions.
Section C
Pointers: Definition and uses of pointers, pointer arithmetic, pointers and
array, pointers and functions, pointer to pointer.Structures, union, pointers to
structures, user-defined data types,
Section D
Evolution of OOP, OOP Paradigm, advantages of OOP, Comparison
between functional programming and OOP Approach, characteristics of
object oriented language – objects, classes, inheritance, reusability, user
defined data types, polymorphism, overloading.
Section E
Classes, member functions, objects, arrays of class objects, pointers and
classes, nested classes, constructors, destructors, inline member functions,
static class member, friend functions, dynamic memory allocation.
Inheritance, single inheritance, types of base classes, types of derivations,
multiple inheritance containers, member access control.
Section F
Function overloading, operator overloading, polymorphism, early binding,
polymorphism with pointers, virtual functions, late binding, pure virtual
functions, opening and closing of files, stream state member functions,
binary file operations, structures and file operations, classes and file
operations, random access file processing.
Sr. Author Books Publisher
1 Dietel & Dietel C-How to Program Pearson Education
2 Kerningham & Ritche The C ProrammingLanguage
3 Kenetkar Let us C BPB
4 Lafore, Robert C++
5 Gottfied B Theory and problems of programming i


Overview of DBMS, Basic DBMS terminology, data independence.
Architecture of DBMS, Distributed databases, structure of distributed
databases, design of distributed databases, Introduction to - data mining, data
Introduction to data models: entity relationship model, hierarchical model: from
network to hierarchical, relational model, object oriented database, object
relational database, comparison of OOD & ORD, comparison of network,
hierarchical and relational models.
Relational model: storage organizations for relations, relational algebra,
relationalcalculus, functional dependencies, multivalued dependencies, and
Relational query language: SQL, database integrity, security, concurrency,
recovery, client/ server architecture, and technical introduction to oracle.
Sr. Author Title Publisher
1. Desai An Introduction to Database System Galgotia
2. Ullman &Widom First course in Database Systems Pearson Education
3. Data Introduction in Database System
4. Korth & Silbersollatz Database System Concept
5. Bayros Commercial Application Development using ORACLE Developer
6. C.J.Data An Introduction to Database Systems Narosa publishers
7. Ullman Principles of Database Systems Galgotia
8. D.Kroenke Database Processing Galgotia
9. Henry F.korth, Abraham Database System Concepts McGraw hill
10. Navee Prakas


Software: Characteristics, Components Applications, Software Process Model:
Waterfall, Spiral, Prototyping, Fourth Generation Techniques, Concepts of
ProjectManagement, Role of Metrices And Measurement.
S/W Project Planning: Objectives, Decomposition Techniques: S/W Sizing,
Problem Based Estimation, Process Based Estimation, Cost Estimation Models:
COCOMO Model, The S/W equation, System Analysis: Principles of
StructuredAnalysis, Requirement Analysis, DFD, Entity Relationship Diagram,
S/W Design: Objectives, Principles, Concepts, Design Mythologies: Data
Design,Architecture Design, Procedural Design, Object – Oriented Concepts.
Testing Fundamentals: Objectives, Principles, Testability, Test Cases: White
Box & black box Testing, Testing Strategies: Verification & Validation, Unit
Test,Integration Testing, Validation Testing, System Testing.
Sr. Author Title Publisher
1. Roger Pressman Software Engineering“– APractitioner’s Approach McGraw
2. R.E.fairley Software Engineering Concepts McGraw Hill
3. Jalota An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering Narosa Publishing
4. Elias M.Award System Analysis and Design


Decision-making: Concept, Process, Simon's model. Programmed versus

nonprogrammed decisions, quantitative tools.
Decision models: Decision making under assumed certainty, risk & uncertainty.
Introduction to DSS: Characteristics and Objectives: Comparison with EDP/MIS.
Levels of Decision Support System: Specific, Generator and tools - Forecasting
packages,Statistical packages; Relationship.Role of Decision Support Systems and its
Components of Decision support Systems : Data Subsystem, Model Subsystem, and
Userinterface,.DBMS, Quantitative models and modeling in DSS ,Group Decision
support Systems, Expert system and its integration with DSS. Executive Support
Sys,tem.Create Applications Using EXCEL
Data Warehousing: Concepts, database structure, getting data into the data warehouse.
Mining: Automated Analysis, constructing a data warehouse system.
1. Turban & Aronson : Decision Support System & Intelligent System
2. Micheal W. Davis : Applied Decision Support
3. R. Jaya Shanker : Decision Support Systems
4. Sprague and Watson : Decision Support Systems : Theory and Practice
5. J.L. Bennett : Building Decision Support Systems
6. Efrem G. Mallach : Decision Support & Data Warehouse System

Introduction to Computer Networks (MB-585)

Section A : Network and Networking: Basic & overview; Network
protocols and standards – OSI, TCP, IP, FTP, TELENET, AIM, WAP
etc. Satellite Based Information Network.
Section B: Network Services: Electronic Mail, File Transfer,
Teleconferencing, Computer-Mediated Conferencing, Facsimile
Transmission, Tele Text, videotext, etc. ISDN and Intelligent Network
Section C: Introduction to data communication, analog Vs Digital
Communication, Band Width limitation, data rate of a channel, Error
detection and correction; nature of errors, parity check, CRC, hamming
code, Modulation; Multiplexing: SDM, FDM, TDM, STDM.
Section D: Introduction to computer networks and application; network
hardware, network software, OSI reference model, TCP/IP model, network
standardization, physical layer: circuit switching, packet switching,
message switching, terminal handling, telephone system, modems,
connections, transmission media.
Section E: Internet working, Network layer in Internet IP Protocol, IP
Address, TCP/ IP Service Model, TCP Connection management.
Sr. Author Books Publisher
1. A.S.Tannenbaum Computer Network Prentice Hall
2 D.E.Cormer Computer Networks and Internet Addison Wesley
3 D.E.Cormer & D.L Stevens Inter networking with TCP-IP
Design, Implemenation and Internals, Vol-2Prentice Hall
4 D.Bertsekas & R.Gallagar Data networks Prenntice Hall
5 W.R. Stevens UNIX Network Programming Prentice Hall


Internet Basics: What is internet. What Special About Internet?
Dial Up Connection/Direct Connection; Slip or PPP
WWW: The Client Site, Server Site, Web Pages in HTML, Environment
Variables, Difference Between HTML and DHTML, ECOM and Portals.
Internet Internals: Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP),
FTP, HTTP, WAIS (Wide Area Information Service), TELNET, Internet
Addressing, IP Address, Electronic Mail Address, URL, E-Mail Basic.
Domain Name System: Name for Machine, Flat Name Space, Hierarchical
Names Internet Domain names, Domain Name Revolution.
HTML (hypertext marking language) Basic HTML and tags, Language
description, usability, static creation of HTML web pages. Creating tables,
forms and their advantages.
ASP (Active Server Pages)
Introduction to ASP technology. How to create dynamic web pages. Under
standing ASP objects model, processing data using session variables. What is
the purpose of global asa file. Data base connectivity through ADO’s.
E-Business models, BPO, Electronic Business system, E-Business security,
Introduction to CMM
Note: A team of two examiners will evaluate the Final Research Project.
There will be one external and one internal examiner, each evaluating out of
100 marks. The institute will select and invite an external examiner for the
Reference :
Sr. Author Books Publisher
1 Ravi Kalkota Frontiers of E-Commerce, Addison Wesley
2 K.Bajaj & D.Nag E-Commerce, The Cutting Edge of Business, Tata
McGraw Tata Mc Graw
3 Green Stein Electronic Commerce Tata Mc Graw hill


Introduction: International Finance : concept & role of international finance manager

in multinational corporations.International Financial environment: international
transactions & financial market, trade & Spatial flow, inflation Tex change control &
currency devaluation, ex-proprietary actionetc. Different types of risks: country risk
analysis Foreign direct investment & foreign institutional investment foreign
collaboration trends since liberalisation.
Financial operations of multinational corporation: sources &investment: short,
medium & long term national currency financing foreign currency
financing, regional & national development finance, private investment companies,
Multilateral financial institution : WB/IMF, ADB. Export & import financing: role
ofcommercial banks. Basic instruments, private non-bank sources of finance.
Financial innovation & risk sharing: introduction, futures markets in growing
world,financial future trading, role of financial futures, swap markets, basic swap
structure,interest rate, fixed rates currency, currency coupon, types.
International stock exchanges: New York , London, Luxemburg, third world and
Asianstock exchanges: working and their influences, the securities market, bond
market,foreign portfolio investment.
developments in international finance: country funds, ADR, GDR, EURO issues,
ECBj^their process of issue, benefits, limitations & specific guidelines issued by
FIPB.International financial investment strategies and regulations for Indian
Recommended Text Books
Sr. Author Books Publishers
1. V.Sharan International Financial Ma Prentice Hall India
2 Maurice D.Levi International Finance McGraw Hill Inc
Reference Books
Sr. Author Books Publishers
1 Madhu Vij International Finance Excel Books
2 P.G.Apte International Financial Management Tata McGraw Hill
3 V.K.Bhalla Management Text & Cases


Introductions: Meaning and scope of international marketing, difference between
domestic andinternational marketing. Direction & composition of Indian exports.
International marketing tactics, reasons for entering export marketing and organisation of
an export department.
International economic environment: world trade tariff and non-tariff restrictions, role
ofWTO and trading blocks, international monetary system.SAARC,SAPIA& Trading
pattern in South Asia.Indian export and import policy export promotion organizations,
export incentives.The procedure and practices of processing of an export order,
producing for exports,export quality control; export finance, shipment and procedures
thereof.Export documents, processing of an export order, organisation and structure of
export and import houses.The selection of export markets, planning of export marketing
strategy-product, pricing,promotion, and distribution channel. International marketing
Recommended Text Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Keegan Global Marketing Management 7th Pearson
Education Asia
2. Cherunilam International Trade & Export Management
7th Himalaya
Reference Books
S.No Author Title Edition Publisher
1. Onkvisit & Shaw International Marketing Analysis & Strategy
3rd Prentice Hall India
2. Cherunilam International Marketing 1st Himalaya


1. International Business Environment - Globalization - Forces, Meaning, dimensions
and stages in Globalization - Kenchi Ohmae Model - Introduction to theories of
International Trade by Adam Smith, Ricardo and Ohlin & Heckler - Trading
Environment of International Trade - Tariff and Non-tariff Barriers - Trade Blocks -
Rise of new economies like Japan, South East Asia and China

2. Country Risk Analysis - Political, Social and Economic - Cultural and Ethical
practices - Responsibilities of International Business - Economic crisis of Brazil,
Mexico, India, South East Asia and Argentina

3. Managing Multinational Enterprises - Problems and Potential - Multinational

Service Organizations - Indian companies becoming Multinationals - Potential, Need
and Problems

4. Introduction to International Financial Management - Balance of Trade and

Balance of Payment - International Monetary Fund, Asian Development Bank and
World Bank - Financial Markets and Instruments - Introduction to Export and Import
Finance - Methods of payment in International Trade

5. Bilateral and Multilateral Trade Laws - General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs,
(GATT), World Trade Organization - Seattle and Doha round of talks - Dispute
settlement mechanism under WTO - Problems of Patent Laws - International
convention on competitiveness

6. International Marketing - Entry strategies - Market selection - Barriers

7. Global sourcing and its impact on Indian Industry - Globalization

1. The International Business Environment by Anant K. Sundaram / J.
Stewart Black-Prentice Hall
2. International Business environments and Operations John D Daniel,
Lee H Radebaugh, Daniel P Sulivan- Pearson Education, 10th ed,2004

1. International Management Managing Across Borders and Cultures
Fourth Edition by Helen Deresky – PHI
2. Dynamics of successful International Business Negotiations by
Robert T. Moran, William G. Stripp – JAICO
3. The International Environment of Business by Gerald M. Meier –
Oxford press, 2006

International Commercial Terms – Need, Groups, Ex-works, FOB, FAS, CFR, CIF.
Quality Systems – ISO 9000 series, Patenting, Project, Import and Export ( Contract,
Trunkey, Civil Construction, Services), EPZs, EOUs, TPs & SEZs.
Export Documentation- Customs Act., Ware housing, Tariffs, Refund and Recoveries
of customs, Rebates and Special facilities.
Air and Sea Shipments – Procedure, Liner Freight, Containerization, Cargo claims.
Export of software, Fruits and vegetables, Floricultural products.
Provision and restrictions for import and export in India {Starting an export
Business and Export Pricing, Location Prospective buyers and selecting overseas
agents. Developing Export Strategy Marketing Plan and Export Marketing Mix ,
IS/ISO9000 and new ISO 14000 series International standards for quality system and
role export Import (EXIM) Bank of India. General Provision of Import , Import restrictions
,Import Pricing ,Supplier Selection or Identification General Provisions form exchange
control or Exchange Control formalities ,Letter of Credit ,Import Document and
customers clearance procedure for imported goods and customers tariff act 1975 and
the customers valuation rules.}

Books Recommended
(1) Nabhi’s How to import –
(2) Ministry, Commerce and Industry, Hand Book of Procedures, Volume I & II, GOI,
New Delhi,
(3) Guide to Export Policy, Procedures and Documentation - Mahajan
4) Business Logistics Management - Ballun, R.H
(5) The New Export Marketer -Young G.
(6) Practical Guide to the Foreign Trade of India -Arora R.S.

International Logistics and Supply chain management: meaning and objectives,
importance in global economy , Characteristics of global supply chains,: Supply chain
relationship to business performance, -Key tasks of logistics and supply chain
managers, Role of Government in controlling international trade and its impact on
Logistics and supply chain
Supply chain as a competitive advantage, Global Supply chain strategy,
Structuring supply chain capabilities, Business matching supply chain design with
business strategy
Strategic importance of transport in global logistics, logistical objectives of
transport, International Ocean Transportation, International Air Transportation,
and International Land Transportation: types, characteristics and salient features,
intermodal transportation in international operations, factors influencing mode
and carrier selection decision,
Intermediaries and Alliances in Global Logistics, Meaning of 3 PL and 4 PL
service providers, role in Global logistics, types of services, considerations for
hiring 3PL and 4 PL service providers. Concept and need of outsourcing,
determinants for outsourcing decisions, role of outsourcing in global supply chain
The marketing and logistics interface, customer service and customer retention,
Service driven logistics systems, customer service priorities and standards,
customer service strategy
Planning the global supply chain, Network design for global supplychain
management, Risk management in the global context,
Measuring logistics cost and performance. Benchmarking the supply chain,
Performance measurement and evaluation in global supply chains
a. Global trade environment: various trade blocks/FTZ and their impact on
supply chain management, Customs and Regulations, Trade Documentation,
International Contracts, Terms of Trade, Term of Payment, International
Currency, INCO terms, Logistical packaging ,containerization.
Decisions in Network design-strategic importance, location of plant, warehouse,
facilities; capacity and number of warehouses: Factors influencing network design
Approaches to Inventory Management in Global Supply Chain Management;;
Distribution Resource Planning; Symptoms of poor Inventory Management,
Modeling in Supply chain: inventory models, safety stock determination for
service level, and lead time; forecasting models, routing problem


Importance of Coordination in Supply Chain, Bullwhip Effect, Effect of lack of
Coordination on performance, Obstacles to Coordination, Strategies to achieve
coordination, Building Strategic Partnership and Trust In Supply Chain
Role and Importance of IT in Supply Chain Management, IT solutions for Supply
Chain Management, Supply Chain Information Technology in Practice
Dimensions of Performance Metrics, Approaches/tools for Performance
Measurement, Measuring logistics cost and performance. Benchmarking the
supply chain, Performance measurement and evaluation in global supply chains,
Impediments to improve Performance, Trends in International supply chain

Books Recommended:-
1. Douglas Long International Logistics: Global Supply Chain Management Springer-
Verlag New York, LLC;2004
2. Philippe-Pierre Dornier, Panos Kouvelis, Michel Fender Global Operations and
Logistics: Text and Cases Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated 1998
3. Alan Branch Global Supply Chain Management in International Logistics Routledge
4. Kent N. Gourdin Global Logistics Management: A Competitive Advantage for the
New Millennium Blackwell Publishing 20065. Sridhar R. Tayur (Editor), Michael J. Magazine
(Editor), RAM Ganeshan (Editor) Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management Kluwer
Academic Publishers


Management of Foreign Exchange with special reference to India: Meaning of the
Term “Foreign Exchange”, Exchange Market, Statutory basis of Foreign Exchange,
Evolution of Exchange Control, Outline of Exchange Rate and Types, Import Export
Overview. (4)
India’s Forex Scenario: BOP crisis of 1990, LOERMS, Convertibility. (4)
Introduction to International Monetary Developments: Gold standard, Bretton
Woods system, Fixed-Flexible Exchange Rate Systems, Euro market. (4)
Finance Function: Financial Institutions in International Trade. (4)
Non resident Accounts: Repatriable and Non Repatriable, Significance for the
Economy and Bank. (2)
Methods of IN Trade Settlement: Open Account, Clean Advance, Documentary
Credit, Documentary Collection. (4)
Documentary Credits (Letter of Credit): Types of LC – Parties, Mechanism with
illustration. (4)
Documents involved in International trade: Statutory Documents, Financial Documents,
Transport Documents, Risk Bearing Documents. (4)
INCOTERMS: C.I.F., F.O.B., C.I.P. (4)
Financing of Imports by Opening of Letter of Credit: Documents required, Trade and
Exchange Control Formalities, Sanction of LC Limit. (4)
Export Finance: Financing of Export/ Deemed Export: Pre ship, and Post Ship (4)
Finance, Export Methods how to start export, E.C.G.C. and other formalities
Uniform Custom Practices of Docu Credits – 93 Revisions, I.C.C. Paris Publica 500
Clauses 1 to 49 with case studies / illustration. (4)
Uniform Rules Collection – 97 Revision: Clauses 1 to 22 with case studies/
Introduction to Exchange Rate Mechanism: Spot- Forward Rate, Exchange Arithmetic.
Deriving the Actual Exchange Rate: Forwards, Swap[s, Futures and Options. (4)
Guarantees in Trade: Performance, Bid Bond etc. (2)
External commercial Borrowings: Buyers Credit, Suppliers Credit, Forfeiting /
Factoring, Country Risk Monitoring Model.

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