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Content List For Mdcat

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1. Bio-diversity (acellular life/variety of life) 2. Bio-energetic 3. Biological molecules

4. Cell structure and function 5. Coordination and control/nervous & chemical
coordination 6. Diversity among animals
7. Enzymes 8. Evolution 9. Life process in animals and
plants (nutrition/gaseous exchange/ transport) 10. Prokaryotes 11. Reproduction
12. Support and movement 13. Variation and genetics/inheritance
1. Biodiversity (acellular life/variety of life)
i. Classification of viruses ii. Discovery of viruses iii. Structure of viruses
iv. Viral disease (for example AIDS)
2. Bioenergetics
i. Anaerobic respiration (respiration without oxygen) ii. Electron transport chain iii. Glycolysis/glycolytic
pathway/aerobic respiration iv. Light dependent and light independent phases/reactions
v. Oxidative phosphorylation /cyclic and non- cyclic phosphorylation, vi. Photosynthesis,
vii. Production of ATP viii. Role of light, water, CO2, /factors effecting photosynthesis
3. Biological molecules
i. Introduction to biological molecules ii. Water iii. Carbohydrates iv. Proteins v. Lipids
vi. Conjugated molecules (glycolipids, glycoproteins
4. Cell structure and function
i. Cell wall, ii. Cytoplasm and cell organelles iii. Prokaryote and eukaryote iv. Fluid mosaic model
5. Coordination and control/nervous & chemical coordination
i. Nervous system o Nerve impulse o Steps involved in nervous coordination o Neurons
ii. Transmission of action potential between cells–synapse o Electrical synapses o Chemical synapses
o Transmission of nerve impulse across synapse iii. Hormones iv. Endocrine glands v. Feedback
mechanism o Positive feedback mechanism o Negative feedback mechanism vi. Reflexes and
reflex arc vii. Levels of the spinal cord and its main functions viii. Parts of the brain with their main
6. Diversity among animals (The Kingdom Animalia)
i. Characteristics and diversity among the animals (animal phyla, characteristics
7. Enzymes
i. Introduction/characteristics of enzymes ii. Mechanism of action of enzymes iii. Factors effecting
rate of enzyme action iv. Enzyme inhibition
8. Evolution
i. Concepts of evolution ii. Inheritance of acquired characteristics iii. Darwinism’ iv. Darwin’s
theory evolution v. Neo-Darwinism’s vi. Evidence of evolution
9. Life processes in animals and plants (nutrition/gaseous exchange/transport)
i. Carnivorous plants/parasitic nutrition (pitcher plant, venus fly trap, sundew) ii. Water and mineral uptake by
roots, xylem and phloem iii. Osmotic pressure/potential iv. Cardiovascular system (including human
heart structure, blood vessels) v. Respiratory system vi. Digestive system vii. Immune system
viii. Lymphatic system
10. Prokaryotes (Kingdom Monera)
i. Cellular Structure of bacteria ii. Shape and size of bacteria iii. Importance and control of bacteria
11. Reproduction
i. Male reproductive system ii. Female reproductive system (including menstrual cycle) iii. Sexually
transmitted diseases
12. Support and movement
i. Cartilage ii. Types of muscles o Skeletal muscles o Cardiac muscles o Smooth muscles
i. Structure of skeletal muscles ii. Mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction iii. Types of joints
iv. Gout and arthritis
13. Variation and genetics/inheritance

i. Mendel’s law of inheritance o Gregor John Mendel and his work o Mendel’s experiment
o Inheritance of single trait o Mendel’s principles of inheritance o Inheritance of two traits
o Law of independent assortment o Scope of independent assortment in variation o Statistics and
probability relevant to genetics ii. Multiple alleles iii. Gene linkages and crossing over
iv. Sex linkages in drosophila v. Sex linkage in human o Genetics of hemophilia


i. Introduction to fundamental concepts of chemistry ii. Atomic structure iii. Gases iv. Liquids
v. Solids vi. Chemical equilibrium vii. Reaction kinetics viii. Thermo-chemistry and
energetics of chemical reactions ix. Electrochemistry x. Chemical bonding
xi. S and p block elements xii. Transition elements xiii. Fundamental principles of
organic chemistry xiv. Chemistry of hydrocarbons xv. Alkyl halides
xvi. Alcohols and phenols xvii. Adehydes and ketones xviii. Carboxylic acids
xix. Macromolecules
1. Introduction of fundamental concepts of chemistry
i. Atomic mass ii. Empirical formula iii. Molecular formula iv. Concept of mole
v. Construction of mole ratios as conversion factors in stoichiometry calculations vi. Avogadro’s number
vii. Important assumptions of stoichiometric calculations viii. Stoichiometry ix. Limiting reactant
x. Percentage yield
2. Atomic Structure
i. Concept of orbital’s ii. Electronic configuration iii. Discovery and properties of proton (positive
rays) iv. Quantum numbers v. Shapes of orbital’s
3. Gases
i. Properties of gases ii. Gas laws iii. Boyle’s law iv. Charles’s law v. General gas equation
vi. Kinetic molecular theory of gases vii. Ideal gas equation
4. Liquids
i. Properties of liquids ii. Intermolecular forces iii. Hydrogen bonding iv. Vapor pressure
v. Boiling point and external pressure
5. Solids
i. Introduction ii. Types of solids iii. Ionic solids iv. Molecular solids v. Crystal lattice
6. Chemical Equilibrium
i. Reversible and irreversible reactions ii. State of chemical equilibrium
iii. Equilibrium constant expression for important reaction iv. Applications of equilibrium constant
v. Solubility product vi. The Le Chatelier’s principle vii. Synthesis of ammonia by Haber’s Process
viii. Common ion effect ix. Buffer solutions
x. Equilibrium of slightly soluble ionic compounds (solubility product)
7. Reaction Kinetics
i. Rate of reaction ii. Determination of the rate of a chemical reaction iii. Factors affecting rate of
reaction iv. Specific rate constant or velocity constant v. Units of rate constant
vi. Order of reaction and its determination
8. Thermochemistry and energetic of chemical reactions
i. System, surrounding and state function ii. Definitions of terms used in thermodynamics
iii. Standard states and standard enthalpy changes iv. Energy in chemical reactions v. First Law of
thermodynamics vi. Sign of ΔH vii. Enthalpy of a reaction viii. Hess’s law
of constant heat summation
9. Electrochemistry
i. Oxidation number or state ii. Explanation of electrolysis iii. Electrode potential
iv. Balancing of redox equations by ion-electron method v. Balancing redox equations by oxidation
number change method
10. Chemical Bonding
i. Energetic of bond formation ii. Atomic sizes iii. Atomic radii iv. Ionic radii v. Covalent radii
vi. Ionization energy vii. Electron affinity viii. Electro negativity ix. Bond energy x. Bond length
xi. Types of bonds xii. Electrovalent or Ionic Bond xiii. Covalent bond
xiv. Co-ordinate or dative covalent bond xv. Ionic character of covalent bond
xvi. Sigma and Pi bond xvii. Hybridization xviii. sp3-Hybridization xix. sp2-Hybridization
xx. sp-hybridization xxi. The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion theory xxii. Postulates of
VSEPR theory xxiii. Applications of VSEPR theory
11. S and p Block Elements
i. Electronic configuration ii. Chemical properties of s-block elements iii. Group1 Elements (Alkali
Metals) iv. Atomic and Physical properties v. Trends in reactivity
vi. Group2 Elements (Alkaline earth metals) vii. Trends in reactivity viii. Physical and chemical
properties ix. Goup trends: atomic radii, ionic radii, electro negativity, ionization potential,
electro-positivity or metallic character, melting and boiling points
12. Transition Elements
i. General characteristics

1. Fundamental principles of organic chemistry
i. Classification of organic compound ii. Isomerism
2. Chemistry of hydrocarbons
i. Open chain and closed chain hydrocarbons ii. Nomenclature of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes
iii. Benzene: Properties, structure, modern representation, reactions, resonance method, electrophilic
substitution, iv. The molecular orbital treatment of benzene.
3. Alkyl halides
i. Classification of alkyl halides ii. Nomenclature iii. Reactions
iv. Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reaction SN1, SN2, E1 and E2 reaction
4. Alcohols and phenols i. Alcohols: o Classification: Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols
o Nomenclature o Reactivity
ii. Phenols: o Physical properties o Nomenclature o Acidity o Reactivity
5. Aldehydes and ketones
i. Nomenclature ii. Preparation iii. Reactions
6. Carboxylic acids
i. Nomenclature ii. Classification iii. Physical properties iv. Preparations
of carboxylic acids v. Reactivity
7. Macro molecules
i. Proteins ii. Enzymes


i. Force and motion ii. Work and energy iii. Rotational and circular motion
iv. Waves v. Thermodynamics vi. Electrostatics vii. Current
electricity viii. Electromagnetism ix. Electromagnetic induction
x. Electronics xi. Dawn of modern physics xii. Atomic spectra xiii. Nuclear physics

1. Force and motion

i. Displacement ii. Velocity iii. Displacement-time graph
iv. Acceleration v. Uniform acceleration vi. Variable acceleration
vii. Graphical representation of acceleration with velocity time graph viii. Newton's laws of motion
ix. Newton's first law of motion x. Newton's second law of motion xi. Newton's third law of motion
xii. Linear Momentum xiii. Law of conservation of momentum
xiv. Collision xv. Elastic collision xvi. Elastic collision in one dimension
xvii. Elastic collision in one dimension under different cases xviii. Projectile motion
xix. Characteristics of projectile motion xx. Time off light
xxi. Maximum height xxii. Horizontal range
2. Work and energy
i. Work ii. Energy iii. Kinetic energy iv. Potential energy v. Gravitational
potential energy vi. Power
3. Rotational and circular motion
i. Angular displacement ii. Revolution iii. Degree iv. Radian
v. Angular velocity vi. Relation between linear and angular variables vii. Relation
between linear and angular displacements viii. Relation between linear and angular velocities
ix. Relation between linear and angular accelerations x. Centripetal force xi. Forces
causing centripetal acceleration
4. Waves
i. Progressive waves ii. Crest iii. Trough iv. Amplitude
v. Wavelength vi. Time period and frequency vii. Types of progressive waves
viii. Transverse waves ix. Longitudinal waves x. Periodic waves
xi. Transverse periodic waves xii. Longitudinal periodic waves xiii. Speed of sound in air
xiv. Principle of superposition/superposition of sound waves xv. Stationary waves/standing waves
xvi. Stationary waves in a stretched string/fundamental frequency and harmonics
xvii. Doppler effect xviii. Observer is moving towards a stationary source
xix. Observer is moving away from a stationary source xx. When the source is moving towards the
stationary observer xxi. When the source is moving away from the stationary observer
xxii. Simple harmonic motion (SHM) xxiii. Characteristics of simple harmonic motion xxiv. Instant
aqueous displacement xxv. Amplitude xxvi. Vibration xxvii. Time period xxviii. Frequency
5. Thermodynamics
i. First law of thermodynamics ii. Specific heat and Molar specific heat/specific heat capacity
6. Electrostatics
i. Coulomb’s law ii. Coulomb’s law in material media iii. Electric field and its intensity
iv. Electric field intensity due to an infinite sheet of charge v. Electric field intensity between two
oppositely charged parallel plates vi. Electric potential vii. Capacitor
viii. Capacitance of a capacitor and its unit ix. Capacitance of a parallel plate
capacitor x. Energy Stored in a Capacitor xi. Charging and Discharging a Capacitor
7. Current Electricity
i. Ohm’s Law ii. Electrical resistance iii. Specific resistance or resistivity
iv. Effect of temperature on resistance v. Temperature coefficient of resistance
vi. Variation of resistivity with temperature vii. Internal resistance of a supply
viii. Electric power ix. Unit of electric power x. Kilowatt-hours
8. Electromagnetism
i. Magnetic field ii. Magnetic Flux iii. Magnetic Flux Density
9. Electromagnetic induction
i. Electromagnetic induction ii. Faraday’s Law iii. Lenz’s Law
iv. Lenz’s Law and conservation of energy v. Generating electricity-Alternating Current
Generator vi. Transformers
10. Electronics
i. Rectification
11. Dawn of Modern Physics
Explain the particle model of light in terms of photons with particular energy
12. Atomic Spectra i. Atomic Spectra/Line Spectrum
13. Nuclear Physics
i. Spontaneous and random nuclear decay/the law of radioactive decay
ii. Half Life and rate of decay
iii. iii. Biological effects of radiation
iv. iv. Biological and medical uses of radiation
Learning Objectives
i. Describe as impel model for the atom to include protons, neutrons and electrons.
ii. Identify the spontaneous and random nature of nuclear decay.
iii. Describe the term half-life and solve problems using the equation
iv. Describe biological effects of radiation state and explain the different medical uses of radiation.

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