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Partial Imputation System in UK

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Corporate Tax


1. This section presents analyses of the direct taxes paid by companies:

mainly corporation tax and, for companies extracting oil or gas from the North Sea,
petroleum revenue tax. This chapter excludes the windfall tax on the excess profits of
privatised utilities which was introduced in the July 1997 Budget
(see the Table T1.2).


An outline and major milestones

2. Corporation tax is charged on the profits made by companies, public corporations and
unincorporated associations such as industrial and provident societies, clubs and
trade associations. The tax is charged on the profits made in each accounting period,
i.e. the period over which the company draws up its accounts. The rates of taxation
are set for the financial year April to March; where an accounting period straddles 31
March the profits are apportioned between the two financial years on a time basis.

3. Companies have been charged to corporation tax since 1965. Before that they were
liable to income tax on their total income and also to profits tax. The system
introduced in 1965 charged a uniform rate on all profits and an additional charge to
income tax was made when profits were distributed.

4. In 1973 a 'partial imputation system' was introduced to mitigate the double tax charge
when profits are distributed. This was achieved by the twin mechanisms of advance
corporation tax (ACT) and tax credits.

5. In July 1997, the new Government began a series of reforms of tax credits and
corporation tax payments. Payments of tax credits to pension schemes and UK
companies were abolished on dividends paid on or after 2 July 1997 and the
remaining payments of tax credits were cut from 6 April 1999. ACT was abolished for
dividends paid on or after 6 April 1999 as were Foreign Income Dividends which
allowed companies to pay dividends without tax credits. A system of quarterly
instalment payments of corporation tax was introduced for large companies for
accounting periods ending on or after 1 July 1999.

The partial imputation system

6. Until April 1999 a company paid ACT when it paid a dividend. This tax could be set
off, within a limit, against the corporation tax liability of the accounting period. The
remaining tax liability was called "mainstream" corporation tax. One purpose of ACT
was to finance the tax credit which the Exchequer made available to the shareholder
receiving the dividend. The tax credit could be set against the shareholder's income
tax liability on the dividend or, until the payment of tax credit was abolished for non-
taxpayers and exempt institutions, the credit would be paid to the shareholder.

7. A company which could not set off the whole of the ACT paid against the tax charged
on its profits had "surplus ACT". This could be carried back for up to 6 years (up to 2
years before 1984) to reduce tax liability in earlier accounting periods, or it could be
carried forward without time limit. In any accounting period the amount of ACT set
against tax on profits was limited to the amount which, with the distribution to which it
related, absorbed the whole of the profits of the accounting period. For example, a
company with profits of 100 would have had an ACT limit of 20 (assuming an ACT
rate of a quarter), because a distribution of 80 and ACT of 20 would have absorbed
all the profits of 100.
Tax rates
8. The rates of corporation tax from 1969 to those set in Finance Act 2005 are shown in
the Table TA.6. Rates were substantially reduced from 1983 to 1986 as part of a
range of measures which included the abolition of stock relief and major changes to
capital allowances. The rate of ACT changed in line with the basic rate of income tax
until 1992-93. From then until its abolition the rate was linked to the lower rate of
income tax of 20 per cent with a transitional rate for ACT (equivalent to 22.5 per cent)
in 1993-94.

9. Since 1973, there has been a lower rate of corporation tax for companies with small
profits. The rate applies when the profits are below a lower limit of profits (as given in
Table TA.6). Between that limit and an upper limit, a higher marginal rate is applied to
produce a smooth progression in the average tax rate from the lower rate to the main
rate which applies above the upper limit. The profit limits are restricted for companies
associated with one or more other companies according to the number of associated
companies to prevent abuse by a company fragmenting into smaller ones. In April
2000 a new starter rate of 10 per cent was introduced on profits up to £10,000 but the
benefit is withdrawn for more profitable companies by a higher marginal rate on
profits in the band £10,000 to £50,000. In his April 2002 Budget the Chancellor
reduced the starting to zero and the small companies' rate of corporation tax to 19%.
In April 2004, the Chancellor introduced a 19 per cent minimum rate of corporation
tax on distributed profits, commonly referred to as the Non Corporate Distributed Rate
(NCDR). In the 2005 Pre-Budget Report, the NCDR and zero per cent rates were
replaced with a single banding set at the small companies' rate of 19 per cent. This
rate was raised to 20 per cent from 1 April 2007 and 21 per cent from 1 April 2008.
The main rate of CT was reduced from 30 per cent to 28 per cent from 1 April 2008.

Payment and assessment arrangements

10. ACT was payable on the 14th day of the month following the end of the quarter in
which the distribution was made and mainstream corporation tax was payable 9
months after the end of the accounting period. Before 1990-91, payment rules
allowed a longer period before mainstream tax was paid. Some companies paid
mainstream tax up to 21 months after the end of their accounting periods.

11. A further change was made for all accounting periods ending on or after 1 October
1993 when Corporation Tax Pay and File was introduced. Under this administrative
system, after nine months a company was required to pay its own estimate of its
mainstream corporation tax liability, rather than an estimate produced by the tax
inspector. After twelve months it submitted a standard return giving the basis of the
liability. Further payments and repayments could be made when a final assessment
of tax was agreed. This system also introduced some changes to accounting
methods which increased the recorded levels of both payments and repayments, but
had no effect on net receipts. For accounting periods ending on or after 1 July 1999
companies are required to assess their liabilities on broadly the same self
assessment principles that underly the collection of income tax under self

12. With the abolition of ACT in 1999, a system of quarterly instalment payments was
introduced for large companies starting with accounting periods ending on or after 1
July 1999. The first instalment became due in month 7 of the accounting period with
further instalments due in months 10, 13, and 16 with any balance to be paid 9
months after the end of the period. Transitional arrangements phase in the change
over four years. Quarterly payments were first made in January 1999 and the first
large amounts were paid in July 1999.

13. For corporation tax purposes, a company's profits comprise its income and capital
gains. Income - whether from trading or investments - is calculated in the same way
as for income tax purposes including capital allowances where appropriate. Gains are
calculated in the same way as for capital gains tax (see the capital gains tax chapter)
except that companies have no exempt amount and company gains are not affected
by the reforms made in 1998 to capital gains tax. Before 1987, gains charged to
corporation tax were reduced by a specified fraction to produce the equivalent of the
tax rate on gains by individuals.

14. Capital allowances provide relief, for corporation tax purposes, for the consumption or
depreciation of capital assets incurred for the purposes of carrying on a trade.
Different types of assets qualify for different rates of allowances (see the Table TA.5).
Capital allowances may be claimed in the year in which they accrue and any unused
capital allowances may be carried forward to set against Capital Gains in later years.
They may also be carried back in the same way as trading losses. Tax credits were
introduced in the 1999 Budget, and extended later, to provide enhanced relief for
research and development and some other types of expenditure. For some types of
expenditure non taxpayers can receive a payable tax credit.

15. A company which makes a trading loss may carry that loss back for 1 year (3 years
from 1991 to July 1997) to set against the profits of an earlier accounting period. An
unrelieved trading loss can also be carried forward without time limit to set against
income from the same trade in a future accounting period.

16. Deductions are allowed from a company's total profits for any charges (interest and
other payments) it pays and, in the case of an investment company, its management
expenses. From April 1996, new "loan relationship" rules have been in force for the
treatment of interest and similar payments. A deduction against the tax liability is
allowed for income tax deducted at source from interest received (to the extent that it
is not used to cover income tax the company itself deducts on interest payments it
makes). Double taxation relief for foreign tax is allowed as a deduction against the tax
charged on profits.

Company groups
17. Certain special rules and reliefs apply to companies which operate as a group. A
company which makes a trading loss can surrender that loss as group relief to set
against the profits of an equivalent accounting period of another group member.
Assets can be transferred between group members without giving rise to a
chargeable gain at the time of transfer. Before the abolition of ACT a subsidiary could
pay a dividend to its parent company without paying ACT and a parent could
surrender ACT it had paid to a subsidiary company.

Inter-company dividends
18. A company is not taxable on a dividend received from another company resident in
the United Kingdom (UK). Such dividend income if received with the tax credit is
called "franked investment income". When the company itself pays a dividend it
makes a "franked payment". A company only had to pay ACT on the excess of its
franked payments over its franked investment income.



Petroleum revenue tax

19. Companies which earn profits from the extraction under licence of oil and gas from
the UK and its continental shelf (mainly from the North Sea) are liable to petroleum
revenue tax (PRT) as well as corporation tax on their share of the production of fields
approved for development before 15 March 1993. Revenues from fields approved
after that date are only subject to corporation tax on their profits.

20. Unlike corporation tax, PRT is not assessed on each company's profits for a 12
month accounting period. Instead, it is assessed every six months on each
company's share of the cash flow from each separate oil field. Fields are determined
on geological grounds by the Department of Trade and Industry (formerly by the
Department of Energy). The assessment also includes tariff receipts from the hire of
infrastructure, such as pipelines, and receipts from the sale of some assets. Fields
from which gas has been sold to British Gas (Centrica from early 1997) under
contracts agreed before July 1975 are generally exempt from PRT. From 1 January
2004 PRT was abolished on new tariffing business under contracts completed on or
after 9 April 2003.

21. Broadly, oil and gas sales are brought into tax at their arm's length value (with special
rules applying where the sale is not at arm's length). These are termed "gross profits".
Costs of finding, appraising, extracting and transporting the oil and gas to a place of
reasonable delivery are deducted. PRT gives immediate full relief for allowable
expenditure rather than writing down allowances and revenue deductions. There are
also deductions for royalties and other licence payments.

22. Various further deductions and reliefs are available against income assessed for PRT
• Losses when expenditure is greater than income: such losses can be carried
forward or backward indefinitely;
• Uplift: a supplement of 35 per cent is given on past capital expenditure being
carried forward to the pay-back period to compensate for interest and other
finance costs being non-deductible against PRT. The pay-back period covers the
time when the cumulative field income exceeds the cumulative costs (allowable
expenditure, including uplift, royalty, and any advance petroleum revenue tax);
• Oil Allowance: for fields approved for development up to 31 March 1982, an oil
allowance equal to the profits of the field up to the value of 0.25 million tonnes of
oil is given for each 6 month chargeable period, subject to a total of 5 million
tonnes per field. For fields given development consent after 31 March 1982 and
before 16 March 1993, a double allowance (0.5 million tonnes per chargeable
period up to a total of 10 million tonnes per field) is given for offshore fields
outside the Southern Basin of the North Sea; Southern Basin fields approved
between those dates receive an allowance of 0.125 million tonnes up to a total of
2.5 million tonnes;
• Tariff Receipts Allowance: this excludes from charge tariff income from each
'satellite' field approved for development before 16 March 1993 up to a limit of the
income from processing 0.25 million tonnes in a 6 month chargeable period;
• Exploration and Appraisal Relief: offshore expenditure on exploration and
appraisal, like other spending can, if necessary, be carried forward to be set
against revenues in the same field. However expenditure occurring between 16
March 1983 and 15 March 1993 could obtain immediate PRT relief by being set
against any profits in a developed field of the same company. This relief was
phased out in the period to 15 March 1995;
• Unrelievable Field Loss: when a field is abandoned with a net loss for PRT
purposes, this can be transferred to a productive field;
• Cross Field Allowance: companies cannot in general defer tax on profits in one
field by offsetting costs in another. However, the cross field allowance has
allowed 10 per cent of development expenditure in offshore fields outside the
Southern Basin of the North Sea and approved for development between 17
March 1987 and 15 March 1993 to be deducted from profits in other fields;
• Research Relief: since 1987, certain research expenditure not related to specific
fields has been deductible, but only after a three year delay. The first such relief
appears in assessments for the first 6 months of 1990.

23. Tax is charged on profits arising in each chargeable period and the rates at which
petroleum revenue tax has been charged are:

1975 to 1978 45 per cent

1979 60 per cent
1980 to 1982 70 per cent
1983 to June 1993 75 per cent
from July 1993 50 per cent
24. Safeguard relief may be set against the tax charge. This is available in chargeable
periods up to pay-back and for half as many periods again. If, in any of these periods,
the tax charge would otherwise reduce the return on a field for the period, before
corporation tax, to less than 15 per cent of the cumulative "upliftable" expenditure
measured on the basis of historical cost, the charge is cancelled. There is also a
tapering provision which limits the charge to a maximum of 80 per cent of the excess
if the rate of return on the field exceeds 15 per cent of the cumulative upliftable

25. PRT is paid in 6 equal monthly instalments of one eighth of the previous half yearly
chargeable periods liability with the first payment due at end of the second month of
each new chargeable period. The sixth payment is followed a month later by a
balancing payment of the outstanding liability for the half year based on companies
self assessment of its liability for the period. This payment coincides with the first
instalment payment for the next chargeable period. Assessments are issued by tax
Inspectors three months after they have received companies' self assessments. Any
repayments from the carry back of losses would be made subsequently.

Corporation tax
26. The corporation tax regime for companies which operate in the North Sea allows any
Royalty and PRT liability as a deduction against chargeable profits. There are
however special rules which prevent profits from oil and gas production being
reduced by losses transferred from other activities; North Sea profits are 'ring fenced'
for corporation tax purposes. Similarly ACT accounted for on dividends paid by
associated UK resident companies outside the ring fence could not be set off against
the tax liability of companies within the ring fence. Companies have been able to
claim a 100 per cent first year allowance for most North Sea capital expenditure
incurred on or after 17 April 2002. Since Budget 2005 North Sea companies have
been required to make three instalment payments rather than the usual four, initially
with the April 2006 instalment payment being brought forward to January 2006, but
with the three payments will be equalised in subsequent years. North Sea companies
mostly have calendar year accounting periods.

27. A new Exploration Expenditure Supplement (EES) was introduced for exploration and
appraisal expenditure on or after 1 January 2004 to enable companies with no
corporation tax liability to enhance the value of the relief by 6 per cent a year for a
maximum of 6 years. An extension of the EES to cover all ring fence expenditure
(known as the RFES) was announced in the 2005 Pre-Budget Report.

28. To accompany the increase in the supplementary charge (see 'Other charges' further
down) companies were allowed to defer their 100% first year capital allowance claims
for 2005 into 2006.

Other charges
29. In addition to PRT and corporation tax, other charges on North Sea oil and gas
production are as follows:
• Royalties: administered by the Department of Trade and Industry and, broadly,
levied at 12.5 per cent of the value of production, less the cost of initial
transportation and treatment, for fields approved before 1 April 1982. Royalties
payable are deductible against profits chargeable to PRT and corporation tax,
Royalties were abolished from 1 January 2003;
• Gas Levy: administered by the Department of Trade and Industry and levied,
since 1982-83, at 4p per therm on certain PRT exempt deliveries from fields
under contracts dating before 1975. It was paid by British Gas (now Centrica) as
a consumer and was deductible against profits for corporation tax purposes. The
gas levy was cut to zero in April 1998;
• Supplementary Petroleum Duty: was charged in 1981 and 1982 at 20 per cent on
oil and gas revenues (less an allowance of the value of 0.5 million tonnes per
field in each 6 month period). It was treated as an expense for the purpose of
computing PRT;
• Advance Petroleum Revenue Tax: was charged from 1983 to 1986 on oil and gas
revenues (less an allowance of the value of 0.5 million tonnes per field in each 6
month period). Rates of charge decreased from 20 per cent to 5 per cent over the
4 years. Credit for it was given against any liability for petroleum revenue tax. Any
amount not credited was repaid after 5 years or earlier in some circumstances;
• Ring Fence Charge: from 17 April 2002 companies that operate in the North Sea
have been subject to a supplementary charge on their profits in respect of ring
fence trades, at a rate of 10 per cent. As announced in 2005 Pre-Budget Report
the rate of supplementary charge was raised to 20% on profits earned on or after
1 January 2006. The supplementary charge is assessed on the basis of ring
fence profits as computed for corporation tax, but without any deduction for
financing costs. Any royalties or PRT payable are allowed as a deduction against
chargeable profits as they are for corporation tax.


30. Enquiries about statistics on corporate taxes should be addressed to the appropriate
statistician listed below at KAI (Direct Business Taxes), HM Revenue and Customs, 100
Parliament Street, London. SW1A 2BQ. Tel 020 7147 (Extension).

Corporation Tax receipts Alexander Chislett Ext. 3035

Assessments Derek Hull Ext. 2940
Capital Allowances Dylan Underhill Ext. 0123
North Sea taxes Alexander Chislett Ext. 3035

and by email: Chislett, Alexander

Derek Hull
Underhill, Dylan
Chislett, Alexander
Updated May 2010

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