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International Roaming Guide

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International Roaming


International Roaming Guide

Document Status: Released.

Document Version: 1.4

Issue Date: October 2003.

This International Roaming Guide is informational in nature. It provides
guidance to service providers regarding issues related to, and aspects of,
International Roaming implementation. The information contained here
should not be construed as implementation mandates. Service Providers
should adapt the information to suit their unique telecommunications

The International Forum on ANSI-41 Standards Technology (IFAST), as

the authoring entity, disclaims any legal responsibility for the implemen-
tation of the information contained in the Guide.

Revision History
Revision Description Date
1.0 Initial Draft Release. 01/08/1999

2.0 Enhanced Draft Release. 06/15/1999

3.0 Enhanced Draft Release. 01/24/2001

4.0 Enhanced Draft Release. 04/01/2001

4.1 Additional edits by Syed Zaeem Hosain of and David Crowe of Cellu - 05/02/2001
lar Networking Perspectives.

1.0 New version. Initial Release. 08/08/2001

1.1 Revision by Watson Zan of Rogers AT&T Wireless. 11/30/2001

1.2 Addition s by Watson Zan of Rogers AT&T Wireless.

1.3 Format revision and additional editing by Syed Zaeem Hosain of 03/25/2003

1.4 Editing by Syed Zaeem Hosain of based on feedback from IFAST 10/21/2003



Table of Contents

Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................... 3
1 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 International Roaming...................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Issue Categories .............................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Issue Subsections ............................................................................................................ 7
2 Numbering Issues.................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 International Roaming MIN (IRM) Assignment ................................................................ 8
2.1.1 Description...................................................................................................................8
2.1.2 Resolution ....................................................................................................................8
2.1.3 Recommendation .........................................................................................................9
2.2 MIN/MDN Separation ....................................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Description...................................................................................................................9
2.2.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 10
2.2.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 10
2.3 SID Assignment...............................................................................................................11
2.3.1 Description................................................................................................................. 11
2.3.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 11
2.3.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 11
2.4 International TLDN ..........................................................................................................11
2.4.1 Description................................................................................................................. 11
2.4.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 12
2.4.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 12
2.5 IMSI Implementation ...................................................................................................... 13
2.5.1 Description................................................................................................................. 13
2.5.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 13
2.5.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 13
2.6 MSC Identity................................................................................................................... 14
2.6.1 Description................................................................................................................. 14
2.6.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 14
2.6.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 14
2.7 DPC Assignment............................................................................................................ 15
2.7.1 Description................................................................................................................. 15
2.7.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 15
2.7.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 16
3 Dialing Issues....................................................................................................................... 18
3.1 Uniform Dialing Plan ...................................................................................................... 18
3.1.1 Description................................................................................................................. 18
3.1.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 18



3.1.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 18

3.2 Emergency Number Dialing........................................................................................... 18
3.2.1 Description................................................................................................................. 18
3.2.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 19
3.2.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 19
3.3 Optimal Routing.............................................................................................................. 19
3.3.1 Description................................................................................................................. 19
3.3.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 19
3.3.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 20
4 Signaling Issues.................................................................................................................. 21
4.1 ANSI-41/IS-41 Backward Compatibility ......................................................................... 21
4.1.1 Description................................................................................................................. 21
4.1.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 21
4.1.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 21
4.2 SS7 Related Roaming Issue .......................................................................................... 21
4.2.1 Description................................................................................................................. 21
4.2.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 21
4.2.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 21
4.3 ANI Compatibility............................................................................................................ 22
4.3.1 Description................................................................................................................. 22
4.3.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 22
4.3.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 22
5 Fraud Issues......................................................................................................................... 23
5.1 Fraud In International Roaming ..................................................................................... 23
5.1.1 Description................................................................................................................. 23
5.1.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 24
5.1.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 25
6 Billing Issues........................................................................................................................ 26
6.1 International Roaming Billing Issues.............................................................................. 26
6.1.1 Description................................................................................................................. 26
6.1.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 26
6.1.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 26
6.2 Billing Standards............................................................................................................. 26
6.2.1 Record Conversion ..................................................................................................... 28
6.2.2 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 29
6.3 Authorized Receipt Point, Rating and Conversion ........................................................ 29
6.3.1 Validating or Editing................................ ................................ ................................ .... 30
6.3. 2 Reporting ................................................................................................................... 30
7 Services Issues.................................................................................................................... 32
7.1 Support of Supplementary Services .............................................................................. 32
7.1.1 Description................................................................................................................. 32
7.1.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 33
7.1.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 33
7.2 Deployment of Wireless Intelligent Network (WIN) Services ........................................ 34
7.2.1 Description................................................................................................................. 34
7.2.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 36



7.2.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 39

8 Miscellaneous Issues.......................................................................................................... 42
8.1 Tandem Free Operation ................................................................................................. 42
8.1.1 Description................................................................................................................. 42
8.1.2 Resolution .................................................................................................................. 42
8.1.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 42
8.2 Inter-standard Roaming Commercial Issues ................................................................. 42
8.2.1 European and Asian GSM Carriers Roaming Into ANSI-41 markets ............................... 42
8.2.2 Engineering issues ..................................................................................................... 44
8.2.3 Fraud management..................................................................................................... 45
8.2.4 Other Issues ............................................................................................................... 46
9 Glossary................................................................................................................................ 48
10 Contact Information ......................................................................................................... 54
11 Appendix........................................................................................................................... 55
11.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 55
11.2 Roaming Agreement Model ........................................................................................ 55
12 Notes ................................................................................................................................. 76



1 Introduction

1.1 International Roaming

The definition of International Roaming in an ANSI-41 (TIA/EIA-41)

network is complicated because roaming between countries that adopt
the North American Numbering Plan 1 (NANP) is generally not a prob-
lem. However, unlike the Global System for Mobile Communications
(GSM) standard, the ANSI-41 standard was not originally intended to
support International Roaming, and did not take into account conflicts
with numbering plans and/or routing schemes in other countries that
utilize ANSI-41 protocols (particularly those in South America and the
Asia/Pacific Rim region.)

In the past, most of the problems associated with International Roaming

were due to numbering assignments and different dialing plans. Re-
cently, other issues affecting International Roaming have surfaced.

The International Forum on ANSI-41 Standa rds Technology (IFAST) ac-

tively tries to resolve such International Roaming conflicts. IFAST mem-
bers work to facilitate ways of supporting International Roaming and re-
solve many related issues on a consensus basis. An example of this effort
is the assignment of International Roaming MINs (IRMs) and System
Identifiers (SIDs) that enables carriers to realize the benefits of Interna-
tional Roaming and motivates others to find efficien t and reliable ways to
enhance International Roaming.

At the IFAST-9 meeting, IFAST members recognized the need for a set of
recommendations and guidelines to help carriers—who were interested
in providing International Roaming to their subscribers—become more
knowledgeable about the issues/problems and the resolutions. The pri-
mary purpose of this document, the International Roaming Guide (IRG),
is therefore to provide, to all carriers using the ANSI-41 standard world-
wide, a description of some of the issues relating to International Roam-
ing. The lessons learned, along with input from carriers who have dealt
with these issues, may help other carriers benefit from the experiences,
and find common approaches or solutions to the challenges facing Inter-
national Roaming implementation.

1 For example, roaming between Canada and the United States of America.



1.2 Scope

This document describes some of the issues, challenges and concerns re-
lated to International Roaming and, where possible, suggest how carriers
can deal with them effectively. However, it is not intended to serve as a
standard or to provide a process for implementing International Roa m-
ing. Ideally, the need for this document will diminish as standards for
supporting International Roaming evolve and carriers implement them.

1.3 Issue Categories

The issues covered in this IRG are classified into the following catego-
ries—new issues may be included in these categories, or new categories
may be created if deemed necessary:

l Numbering Issues.

l Dialing Issues.
l Fraud Issues.

l Billing Issues.

l Signaling Issues.
l Services Issues.

l Miscellaneous Issues.

1.4 Issue Subsections

Each issue associated with International Roaming has subsections:

l Description – This subsection identifies the issue associated with In-
ternational Roaming.
l Resolution – This subsection details the specific concerns and alter-
natives that have been tried by service operator s to resolve the issue.
l Recommendation – This subsection provides the recommended so-
lution—if it exists—for the issue, as recommended by IFAST mem-



2 Numbering Issues

2.1 International Roaming MIN (IRM) Assignment

2.1.1 Description

The Mobile Identification Number (MIN) is a number to identify a wire-

less subscriber or mobile terminal. These numbers are assigned to every
mobile in a network or to newly programmed mobiles. However, there
are International Roaming networks that may have a MIN range conflict
with the MIN assigned to the roaming subscribers.
For example, a MIN 2022441234, assigned to a subscriber in Washington,
DC in the US, may look like a MIN assigned to a Brazilian subscriber.
When the US subscriber roams into Brazil, he/she will not be able to reg-
ister with this MIN on the Brazil network due to the MIN conflict. To
overcome this problem, a unique MIN, which is not in conflict with an-
other MIN range, must be assigned to the international roamer. This MIN
may be stored in a separate NAM in the mobile terminal and used only
for roaming, or may be assigned as the primary MIN for the mobile ter-

2.1.2 Resolution

An International Roaming MIN (IRM) is a unique MIN using the format

of 0XX-X+6D or 1XX-X+6D, where X is a digit between 0 and 9, inclusive.
IFAST is responsible for assigning the 4-digit IRM Network Identifier pre-
fixes (0XX-X or 1XX-X) to a carrier and the assigned carrier allocates the
last six digits based on their requirements.
Thus, an IRM Network Identifier contains one million unique numbers.
Each IRM Network Identifier is uniquely assigned to identify each carrier
interested in providing International Roaming, and these unique identifi-
ers can be each assigned to a carrier anywhere in the world.

When assigning IRM Network Identifiers, IFAST tries to ensure that these
numbers are not used by any other entity or applications that may con-
flict with International Roaming, and posts the latest assignments on its
Web site ( for public access. However, IFAST does not
have the intent to enforce compliance; rather, it encourages carriers and
other interested entities to follow its guidelines with full cooperation, and



to solicit their governments to ensure that MINs assigned locally or inter-

nationally do not conflict with the IRMs assigned by IFAST.

2.1.3 Recommendation

More than half of the IRM Network Identifiers have been assigned—at a
rate much faster than expected—and some numbering conflicts are al-
ready beginning to appear (although many have been resolved.) Carriers
must recognize that IRMs are a short-term solution to a long-term prob-
lem, and should try to define and implement other global standards—
such as International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) and Global Title
Translation (GTT)—for International Roaming.

2.2 MIN/MDN Separation

2.2.1 Description

The Mobile Identification Number (MIN) and Mobile Directory Number

(MDN) are often programmed with the same value, or two closely related
values. This simplifies the management of MIN codes. However, because
of an FCC mandate, all the wireless carriers in the US A must implement
Wireless Number Portability (WNP) by November 24, 2003. The greatest
impact of WNP is the separation of the MDN from the MIN.

The separation of the MDN and MIN has been chosen as the method to
retain the ability to identify the home service provider of a wireless sub-
scriber while still enabling the MDN to be portable. All the wireless carri-
ers who roam must do MIN/MDN separation for WNP. Even non-
porting wireless service providers, whether they are outside the top 100
MSAs within the US or international, may have to separate the MIN and
the MDN to support roaming for porting wireless service providers in-
side the top 100 MSAs.
The potential roaming impacts are:

l Delivery of calling number/calling name, automatic callback, and

callback number on E911 calls; and
l Generation of correct calling party number for toll billing by the in-
ter-exchange carriers, billing records and various operator services.

MIN/MDN Separation has a number of benefits for the MIN resource:

l More efficient use of numbering resources.

l Allocation of larger sized blocks of numbers.



l Removal of constraints imposed by numbering plan.

l Avoidance of MIN reprogramming when numbering changes occur.

l Smaller roamer agreement tables.

2.2.2 Resolution

MIN/MDN separation a requires wireless carrier to:

l Update the billing systems to ensure that they consistently and cor-
rectly use either the MIN or MDN.

l Identify mobiles via the MDN and not the MIN to emergency ser-
vices or long distance companies.
l Allow roamer ports to use the MDN and not the MIN.

l Upgrade the databases and switches to support both the MDN and
the MIN.
The US wireless industry is currently implementing MIN/MDN separa-
tion through the creation of an MBI assignment authority.

2.2.3 Recommendation

An Operations Team should be formed to implement the necessary up-

grades and/or modifications to the network elements, message-
processing system, billing records and customer care facilities as recom-
mended by the industry, and perform the internal testing upon comple-
tion of the implementation. This Team should also coordinate with roam-
ing partners to conduct the inter -carrier testing in accordance with a mu-
tually agreeable test plan.

It should be noted that the use of the IRM does not force MIN/MDN
separation, as it may still be possible to derive one number from the other
by deleting and prefixing digits. However, the use of the IRM may allow
an opportunity to introduce this separation while network changes are
being made. The advantages of implementing MIN/MDN separation are
important enough that IFAST recommends it highly.

RELEASE 1.4 10 O CTOBER 2003


2.3 SID Assignment

2.3.1 Description

A System ID (SID) is a 15 bit (0 through 32,767) number that is transmit-

ted by a base station to identify a wireless license. The upper 16-bit range
(32,768 through 65,535) is reserved to be used on the network for different
purposes—such as a Billing ID (BID)—and is therefore not available for
use on the radio interface.

SID numbers are allocated to countries in accordance with the guidelines

provided in the TIA Standard TSB-29. How ever, there are SIDs in use that
are not within the assigned block—thus creating SID conflicts—some of
which have been reported to the IFAST community.

2.3.2 Resolution

IFAST is responsible for the management of the SID resource and posts
the assignments of SIDs, and all known SID conflicts, on its web site
( It is imperative that carriers and regulatory agencies co-
operate and comply with IFAST assignments, and report conflicts.

2.3.3 Recommendation

IFAST is attempting to accumulate information on the actual usage of SID

blocks around the world. If there is information on the usage of SID codes
in any country, or by any other entity, the IFAST Secretariat (ATIS)
should be contacted immediately by using the contact information given
at the end of this document.

2.4 International TLDN

2.4.1 Description

A Temporary Local Directory Number (TLDN) is a number used to route

calls to a roamer on a visited ANSI-41 system. As the name implies, this
directory number is local (up to ten digits in the North American Dialing
Plan) in nature and is assigned only for the duration of call setup.

ANSI-41 standards were originally developed to support the North

American Dia ling Plan and only 10-digit TLDNs were allowed in the
early implementation of protocols. As currently implemented in the wire-
less network, the TLDNs do not include a country code, thereby making a

RELEASE 1.4 11 O CTOBER 2003


TLDN unable to access international numbers. However, systems that

support the International TLDN cannot successfully transmit this format
to a system that does not support it, and must use the National TLDN
format instead. Some systems have supported International Roa ming by
using the National TLDN format through regional agreements and spe-
cial conversion. These techniques have proved useful when used on a
small scale. As the number of roaming partners increases, they become
less practical.

2.4.2 Resolution

As ANSI-41 continues to grow and support calls that cross national

boundaries, the need for a TLDN that supports fifteen digits to accom-
modate the Country Code (CC) is becoming important. Revision D of
ANSI-41 calls for the implementation of an International TLDN that con-
tains a Nature of Number parameter that distinguishes between national
and international formats.
The International TLDN will provide the following benefits:

l To distinguish between a TLDN of national and international format.

l To provide an international unique TLDN between two countries

with different numbering plan administration.

l To ensure call delivery in an International Roaming environment.

The implementation of an international TLDN requires that the visited

network populate the TLDN parameter with the Nature of Number field
set to Value 1 corresponding “international.” The TLDN must be in E.164
format, while the home network must recognize also the E.164 format
and have the capability to check the Nature of Number field in order to
route the call. Hence, prior to implementing TLDN, ANSI-41D features
and capabilities must be in place.

2.4.3 Recommendation

The resolution to implement an International TLDN up to fifteen digits

by activation of the ANSI-41D parameter in the wireless networks was
agreed at the IFAST14 meeting in Lima, Peru.

It is important to note that IS-41 Revision C was published with the Na-
ture of Number parameter incorrectly specified as Value 0 for Intern a-
tional and 1 for National. Carriers must ensure that only the ANSI-41D
encoding of this parameter field is used.

RELEASE 1.4 12 O CTOBER 2003


2.5 IMSI Implementation

2.5.1 Description

The MIN to identify a mobile subscriber/station was developed with

only the North American Dialing Plan in mind and was originally in-
tended to be used in the United States and Canada. It does not have any
provisions for distinguishing between countries, nor does it conform to
any international numbering plans. Due to MIN conflicts, and the fa ct
that a 10-digit MIN cannot provide the necessary information needed to
facilitate International Roaming on a global scale, a better Mobile Identi-
fier is becoming increasingly important. The International Mobile Sub-
scriber Identity (IMSI) has been considered such a Mobile Identifier.

2.5.2 Resolution

An IMSI is a 15-digit number defined by ITU recommendation E.212. It

has a 3-digit Mobile Country Code (MCC) that is assigned to a single
country, and a 1-3 digit Mobile Network Code (MNC) that is unique to a
carrier in that country. The IMSI functionality has been used and proven
effective in the GSM world—it has always been supported by GSM stan-
dards. It is currently supported by CDMA standards from IS-95 Revision
A, TDMA standards from IS-136 Revision A and for intersystem opera-
tions, if the recommendations of IS-751 are incorporated in a TIA/EIA-41-
D system. However, IMSI is not supported in any analog standards.

In the US, a special IMSI format (310+00+MIN, where 310 is the MCC, so-
called “MIN-based IMSI”) has been defined considering backward com-
patibility. Although the concept of the MIN-based IMSI is useful in other
countries, it is not universally possible to designate “00” as the
IMSI_11_12 (first two digits of MNC) for the MIN-based IMSI for all the
MCCs since the MNC numbering plan is a national matter. If this tech-
nique is not universally supported, when a mobile terminal with the
MIN-based IMSI sends a registration request to the HLR, the HLR may
not be able to recognize the ANSI-41 IMSI parameter and the registration
may fail. A list of MIN-based IMSIs should be shared among roaming
partners and programmed in their Mobile Switching Centers (MSC) to
solve this problem.

2.5.3 Recommendation

Currently, although IMSI is considered an ideal long-term solution, be-

cause of lack of support in the analog systems and incorrect implementa-
tion in some early digital mobiles, it is unlikely that IMSI will be imple-

RELEASE 1.4 13 O CTOBER 2003


mented in the immediate future. However, as the demand for Interna-

tional Roaming increases and availability of IRMs decreases, carriers may
be forced to implement IMSI as the only viable alternative to the MIN
problem. Further, since the MNC numbering plan is a national matter, the
value of the IMSI_11_12 of the MIN-based IMSI is determined country by
country. It is recommended that the values be reported to the IFAST if the
MIN-based IMSI is used, and that the digits “00” are used for the MNC if
allowed by the national IMSI numbering plan.

2.6 MSC Identity

2.6.1 Description

The identity of the MSC/VLR is registered at the HLR during the location
registration procedure and used to send a message asking for the TLDN.
Three parameters, PC_SSN, MSCID, and MSCIN (MSCIdentification-
Number) are defined for this purpose in the ANSI-41. There were uncer-
tainty and confusion as to how these three parameters should be used
within an International Roaming environment.

2.6.2 Resolution

The PC/SSN should not be used for International Roaming because the
numbering plan of the PC/SSN is a national matter, while the MSCID in-
cludes the ma rket ID field, whose value is usually the SID, and the
MSCIN is an E.212 number (IMSI). The MSCID is a mandatory parameter
in the REGNOT and the MSCIN is optional. However, either the MSCID
or the MSCIN can be used to identify MSC for International Roaming.
Should MSCID be used, a lower layer signaling conversion function may
be required in cases where the lower layer protocol—e.g., Mobile Transfer
Point (MTP)—is different, by for example, maintaining a conversion table
between ANSI point code and ITU -T point code. This table must be de-
signed efficiently such as in the way of the cluster entry. If the MSCIN
were used, Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) GTT should also be
supported. The introduction of the SCCP GTT has a big impact on the
system, requiring extensive international coordination and therefore the
use of MSCIN should only be considered as a long-term solution.

2.6.3 Recommendation

The MSCID be used as the identity of MSC in short-term, and the MSCIN
for a long-term solution.

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2.7 DPC Assignment

2.7.1 Description

To address SS7 messages, the ANSI-41 protocol uses an ANSI formatted

Destination Point Code (DPC) for routing of the call to the final destin a-
tion. These DPCs addresses are assigned in accordance with the ANSI SS7
Point Code Assignment Guidelines, which are developed and maintained
by Committee T1. The addressing to establish mobility interconnection
between NANPA (North America Numbering Plan Area) based opera-
tors and other countries’ operators also utilizes ANSI DPCs.

2.7.2 Resolution

The proposed IFAST solution is to allow DPCs to be assigned to the non -

NANPA operators in other countries, and request that Committee T1
modify the SS7 Point Code Assignment Guidelines by allocating a block
of Point Codes for such purpose.
Another alternative is the implementation of the GTT capability in gate-
way switches. GTT is an indirect addressing method, a function pr ovided
by the SCCP specified in ANSI and ITU, where the addressing identity is
placed in a field named Global Title. A Global Title is a virtual/logical in-
direct address identifying a telecom resource and translated into a SS7
Point Code, which is a numeric direct address to the destination or other
intermediate node. GTT eliminates the need for the originating nodes to
determine where a message should be routed. Instead, the Signal Transfer
Points (STPs) determine the routing based on the type of query and some
identifying numbers like a subscriber’s MIN, a MDN, or other type of
number. The routing, based on Point Code, which is provided to the Des-
tination Point Code (DPC) field, is based on analysis of the identity pro-
vided from the user part. There may need to be several Global Titles
based on the same type of number for different purposes.

The TIA TR-45.2 subcommittee has developed a list of standards relevant

to Global Titles for ANSI SS7 systems with related information on ITU
SS7 Global Titles (Ref: IS-807 and TSB-29), and has expressed willingness
to expand this list to include information on the Global Titles provided in
other countries.

Global Title Translation provides the following tangible benefits:

l To decrease the costs of administering national/international Point


RELEASE 1.4 15 O CTOBER 2003


l Reduce the number of digits analyzed in SPs and STPs in the visited
network, thereby increasing routing analysis performance in each in-
volved node.

l To remove the administration of MIN/IMSI ranges and related in-

formation from visiting MSCs (Mobile Switching Centers) and VLRs
(Visitor Location Registers).

l To use national unique Point Codes instead of coordinating Point

Codes on international level, with each country maintaining its own
Point Code administration.

l To simplify the interoperability between ANSI and ITU SS7 net-

works, as the identity used in the Global Title field is common to
both signaling standards.

l Increase the robustness in the network, since any changes to co-

operating networks will not affect the home network.

2.7.3 Recommendation

IFAST submitted a contribution to the appropriate Subcommittee within

Committee T1 (T1S1.3) and proposed a modification of the current Point
Code assignment rules so that operators in other countries are entitled to
have unique DPCs assigned to themselves in order to provide Interna-
tional Roaming services with the NANPA based operators in a fa ir and
competitive environment. The Committee T1 agreed to this proposal and
modified the Point Code assignment rules for this purpose. A new large
network code has been designated to permit non-US operators to request
small blocks of point codes—for equipment and gateways.
In view of the long-term implication, there is a need for another feasible
alternative, particularly in view of the long-term implication and rapid
expansion of International Roaming on a global basis. Implementation of
the GTT capability in the gateway switch is the only long-term alternate
solution that should be considered.

The implementation of GTT requires that the following conditions be


l Compliance according to standards as listed below:

l ANSI-41D Cellular Radio-telecommunications Intersystem.

l IS-807 TIA/EIA-41D International.

l ANSI T1.112 Signaling System No.7, SCCP Functional Description.

RELEASE 1.4 16 O CTOBER 2003


l The signaling network nodes such as MSC/VLR, HLR (Home Loca-

tion Register), MC (Message Center) and STP/International Gate-
ways must have GTT capability.

RELEASE 1.4 17 O CTOBER 2003


3 Dialing Issues

3.1 Uniform Dialing Plan

3.1.1 Description

A uniform dialing plan is needed to support services needed by subscrib-

ers while roaming. These services include:
l Local Customer Service.

l Home Customer Service.

l Directory Assistance.
l Emergency Calling.

l Long Distance Operator.

Routing should be, if possible, to a service that can speak the preferred
language of the subscriber (as transmitted by ANSI-41).

3.1.2 Resolution

Being Revised.

3.1.3 Recommendation

Being Revised.

3.2 Emergency Number Dialing

3.2.1 Description

ANSI-41 is used in various countries w here different languages are spo-

ken, with a variety of dialing plans. International roaming subscribers are
usually not aware of the required digits to dial, or procedure to follow , to
reach an emergency operator in a foreign country. Being able to easily,
and consistently, dial the correct emergency number while roaming is
probably the most important safety feature needed in the ANSI-41 proto-

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3.2.2 Resolution

There are two possible solutions:

l Create a Global Emergency Number (probably not likely, although a

technically simple solution).

l Use the “Emergency bit” on the radio interface (e.g. TIA/EIA-136)

when either a special emergency function is selected or a sequence of
digits recognized by the phone as an emergency call is dialed. This
method works except in places where neither the home digits nor the
emergency bits are supported.

3.2.3 Recommendation

Being Revised.

3.3 Optimal Routing

3.3.1 Description

Terminating calls to roamers in foreign markets are more complicated

and expensive than necessary, which involves routing the call to the
home MSC and then to the serving MSC, since callers do not usually
know where the mobile subscribers are. For example, if a caller from Bra-
zil dials the number of a Mexican subscriber roaming in Brazil, the call
must get to the Home MSC (Mexico) and then routed to the serving mar-
ket (Brazil) even if the caller and the called roamer are standing next to
each other.

3.3.2 Resolution

Possible solutions include:

l Use of the roamer port (works only with mobile-to-mobile calls, and
requires knowledge of the local roamer port number by callers).
l Redirection via ISUP or ANSI-41 solution by means of the Release-
To-Pivot capability, in accordance with the national and international
SS7 standards
l In-band signaling, as proposed for tandem-free operation

RELEASE 1.4 19 O CTOBER 2003


3.3.3 Recommendation

Being Revised.

RELEASE 1.4 20 O CTOBER 2003


4 Signaling Issues

4.1 ANSI-41/IS-41 Backward Compatibility

4.1.1 Description

In order to ensure that operations between various levels of IS-41 are

workable, any mixture of IS-41 Rev. A (including mandatory TSB-55), IS -
41 Rev. B (including mandatory TSB-41), IS-41 Rev. C, TIA/EIA -41 Rev. D
(ANSI-41-D) and, in future, TIA/EIA-41 Rev. E and so on, backward
compatibility will be very essential to maintain service quality and cost
control. Compatibility must support partial implementations, particularly
of IS-41 Rev. C and later, since full implementations may not be possible.

4.1.2 Resolution

Being Revised.

4.1.3 Recommendation

Being Revised.

4.2 SS7 Related Roaming Issue

Being Revised.

4.2.1 Description

Being Revised.

4.2.2 Resolution

Being Revised.

4.2.3 Recommendation

Being Revised.

RELEASE 1.4 21 O CTOBER 2003


4.3 ANI Compatibility

Being Revised.

4.3.1 Description

Being Revised.

4.3.2 Resolution

Being Revised.

4.3.3 Recommendation

Being Revised.

RELEASE 1.4 22 O CTOBER 2003


5 Fraud Issues

5.1 Fraud In International Roaming

5.1.1 Description

Fraud has been one of the major obstacles to International Roaming and is
an expanding problem in the wireless industry. It would be difficult to
grasp the full impact of fraud since operators do not consistently or uni-
formly track fraud losses. The Cellular Telecommunications Internet As-
sociation (CTIA) estimates fraud losses in North America in 1996 were
$900M, or about 3.6% of industry revenues. Although fraud losses have
been steadily declining, fraud still represents a serious threat globally.

Fraud has taken different forms and is continuously changing its nature.
There are generally three types of Fraud:

l Cloning Fraud – Changing the ESN after every call (tumbling) has
been largely replaced with cloning of the phones. Cloning fraud oc-
curs when the identity of the mobile phone is stolen. When the mo-
bile unit presents its identity to the network, a criminal scanning the
airwaves can steal the phone’s identification numbers, the ESN and
mobile number, and then program them into another phone. When
this cloned phone is used, the charges appear on the legitimate sub-
scriber’s bill.
l Subscription Fraud – Subscription Fraud is another type of wireless
fraud, which occurs when a criminal uses fraudulently obtained cus-
tomer information or a false identity to subscribe to wireless service
without any intention of paying for service. True name subscription
fraud occurs when a criminal steals a person’s identity. GSM opera-
tors in Europe have suffered significant subscription fraud losses for
years while enjoying protection against cloning fraud through the au-
thentication capabilities inherent in their digital technology. In addi-
tion to subscription fraud, operators are experiencing hacking into
their networks to obtain access to confidential information, such as
MIN/ESN combinations. Many operators are unaware of where their
weaknesses are and should perform external testing to determine
their vulnerabilities.

l Employee or Reseller Agent fraud – Employee or Reseller Agent

Fraud is another area affecting operators and the one that does not
lend itself to a technical solution. Selling MIN/ESN combinations to

RELEASE 1.4 23 O CTOBER 2003


criminals is a tempting opportunity for some employees to capitalize

on their access to valuable information. Operators can screen em-
ployees before hiring, implement access controls and increase inter-
nal security. This type of fraud is anticipated to increase, as technical
fraud becomes a more difficult and costly type of fraud to perpetrate.

5.1.2 Resolution

Three Fraud control technologies are deployed today in combating clon-

ing fraud, as described below:

l Roamer Verification – Roamer Verification and Reinstatement (RVR)

systems intercept roamers and forward them to a customer service
representative to verify their identity before allowing them to make
calls. Subscribers may be required to set up a code to enter the net-
work. The subscribers are then required to enter a Personal Identifi-
cation Number (PIN) or voice print password to use the network in
selected high fraud markets. The home operator generally pays for
this service, although the cooperation of the serving operator is re-
quired. Many operators have implemented PINs in high fraud mar-
kets as a stopgap solution until authentication is deployed. However,
cloners who capture both the MIN and the PIN from the airwaves us-
ing scanners and other devices have compromised PINs. Addition-
ally, the set up and ongoing use of PIN is rather intrusive on the cus-
tomer. Because of these issues, operators have demanded improved
fraud prevention technology, which can be deployed with limited
customer involvement.
l RF fingerprinting – RF fingerprinting is a technique in which each
phones unique signals fingerprint is matched with its MIN/ESN
combination. This match is confirmed before each call is connected.
This technology is extremely effective and transparent to the user,
but expensive to implement, as special har dware must be installed at
each cell site. The US government originally developed RF finger-
printing, and it has been primarily implemented in major U.S. mar-
kets by larger operators.

l Authentication – Authentication requires a specially equipped au-

thentication-capable phone with an activated Authentication-Key (A -
Key) and an Authentication Center (AC). When a call is made, the
network challenges both the handset and the AC to perform inde-
pendent calculations using an encrypted algorithm and shared secret
data. The results must match in order for the user to be authenticated
and service to be provided. This process is instantaneous and trans-
parent to the user. Since only the answer is broadcast over the net-
work, fraud criminals cannot steal the important authentication in-

RELEASE 1.4 24 O CTOBER 2003


formation. Most operators in the U.S. have successfully deployed this

technology in more than half the major American markets. Although
the number of authentication-capable phones is growing rapidly, the
majority of subscribers still have phones that cannot be protected by
authentication and it may take years to replace the embedded base.

5.1.3 Recommendation

Profiling systems address all types of fraud by providing visibility into

what is happening on a carrier’s network. These systems detect fraud and
act as an early warning system. They monitor information from switch
and billing systems, and compare actual usage against the parameters of
a customer’s usage profile. When usage falls outside these defined pa-
rameters, a case is flagged and assigned a severity level. A fraud analyst
then investigates the case. The skill and experience of the analysts is a fa c-
tor in the success of this method.

RELEASE 1.4 25 O CTOBER 2003


6 Billing Issues

6.1 International Roaming Billing Issues

6.1.1 Description

In order to reap the financial rewards that International Roaming can de-
liver, an operator must have an efficient process in place for the exchange
of roamer billing records, validation or editing of those records, and sys-
tems for calculating and reporting financial positions with its roaming
partners. Other elements that are essential to inter-operator relationships
include record conversion to the appropriate billing record format,
wholesale and retail rating of records and ultimately financial settlement
with the exchange of funds with roaming partners. Managing hundreds
of roaming agreements with roaming partners in different countries and
time zones that are potentially utilizing different billing record formats
and operating on different settlement cycles poses a significant adminis-
trative problem for any operator interested in International Roaming.

6.1.2 Resolution

Being Revised.

6.1.3 Recommendation

Being Revised.

6.2 Billing Standards

The Transferred Account Procedure (TAP) is the roamer billing standard

used in GSM. The equivalent in the ANSI-41 is CIBER. The Transferred
Account Data Interchange Group (TADIG) is responsible for the devel-
opment and documentation of the TAP standard, which business strategy
and direction is provided by the Billing and Accounting Rapporteur
Group (BARG).

CIBER was developed to support:

l Separate air, toll and tax fields.

RELEASE 1.4 26 O CTOBER 2003


l Multiple market identifiers for one carrier via the use of Billing Iden-
tifiers (BIDs).

l The Data Clearinghouses as the Authorized Receipt Points (ARPs)

for file and record level editing and validation, and provides certifi-
cation thus eliminating the one-to-one billing testing done between
GSM operators.

l A process that enabled the “batching” and return of invalid, unbilla-

ble records and the forwarding of “good” data.

TAP was originally designed for the European community, and later its
use was expanded to other continents, when GSM was adopted in the
United States. At that time, operators received a license for regional mar-
kets—therefore intra-country roaming was established. For a number of
years, there were, at most, two to four providers in a country, therefore
operators built or purchased their own billing systems and did not out-
source to a billing vendor. Since operators had their own billing systems,
data clearinghouses were initially used only for file validation and rout-

TAP was primarily developed to support:

l Inter-country level “international” roaming only–no market identifi-

ers were created.

l Use of a currency equivalent called the SDR (Special Drawing

Rights). Rules exist for how to apply the exchange rate of currency
type to the SDR.

l International identifiers known as Public Land Mobile Network

(PLMN) codes – comprised of a 3-character ITU customer ID. This
number is distinct and separate from the customer phone number.

l One charge field with VAT taxes calculated as a percentage.

l Voice and data utilization.

There are multiple TAP standards in use. TAP 2+ is the de facto standard
for most of the world, but some operators still use TAP 1 and TAP 2.
North American GSM operators use NA-TAP2 (North American TAP2)
which has BIDs and separate fields for air, toll and tax. Most operators
rely on the data clearinghouses for the conversion of one version of the
standard to another. Conversion ‘between’ TAP and CIBER is also done
by data clearinghouses as well as by some billing vendors and operators.
Over the last few years, the TADIG group, with approval of the BARG,
has developed and adopted a robust editing process, and just recently
completed work on a Record level reject and returns process. Lastly, they
have frozen the specification for TAP 3, which utilizes the ASN.1 stan-

RELEASE 1.4 27 O CTOBER 2003


dard and included the use of BIDs and the separation of air, toll and tax.
TAP 3 is expected to be in use industry-wide by March 31, 2000, and the
Rejects and Returns process by September 30, 2000. Although the stan-
dard for TAP 3 is frozen, not all operators will adopt it, as GSM allows for
bilateral agreement on use of a standard. Operators in countries that do
not utilize the new fields may agree to continue exchanging TAP 2 or
TAP 2+.

6.2.1 Record Conversion

One of the important challenges that carriers face is conversion of incom-

patible call data records. The TAP formats (TAP 1, TAP 2, TAP2+ and NA
TAP 2) have differences with CIBER records. The following is a brief list
of the major differences between CIBER and TAP record formats that
could cause carriers/operators problems when attempting inter-standard
roaming and record conversion. This matrix is very high level and not in-
tended to be record translation type information. It only outlines some
major differences between CIBER and TAP business functionality and
data usage. For the purpose of this document, NA TAP 2 is a hybrid of
CIBER and TAP 2. As a result, it contains enough information to be trans-
latable to both CIBER and TAP 2, and is not referenced in the matrix.

Rejects and Returns process in place. No Rejects and Returns process today.

On rejects, individual records or whole files can be If a file contains an error, the whole file is rejected.
rejected if failing edits. Individual records in the file are not rejected, a l-
though this is changing. Some operators are now
doing record-level rejecting, but there is no process
in place to return rejected records to the submitting

The industry settlement period is mid-month at the The industry settlement period is at the end of the
15th of the month. calendar month.

Uses 10-digit MIN to identify subscriber. Uses 15-digit IMSI to identify subscriber. Used
similar to an account number. MSISDN is the a c-
tual dialable number of the subscriber.

Able to separate air and toll charges and to specify Only 1 charge filed so separation of charges is not
multiple types of taxes. possible. In addition , there are not multiple tax
fields. (A new record has been defined to provide a
breakout of toll charges, but it is not currently be-
ing used and probably will not be used in the fu -

RELEASE 1.4 28 O CTOBER 2003


All charges on records indicate an actual dollar All charges are in Special Drawing Rights (SDR)
amount. and require conversion to the country’s currency.
In addition, negative charges (credits) cannot be

Time duration fields on the records are reported in Time duration fields are reported in seconds only.
minutes and seconds.

US carriers rely heavily on SID/BID information in SID/BID does not exist. The PLMN or Operator
reporting and segmenting of their markets. code is the lowest level of distinction. Although
MSCID is on records and could be used as a dis-
tinction for reporting, the MSCIDs do not necessar-
ily denote geographic areas. Some operators set up
their MSCs by criteria other than geographical loca-

Time zones are indicated by a Time Zone Indicator. Time zones are indicated by a UTC Time Offset
(difference between local time and Greenwich
Mean Time).

6.2.2 Recommendation

The integration of an operator’s own in-house expertise with services of-

fered by wireless billing vendors and data clearinghouses as described
below will provide a solution to the above issues.

6.3 Authorized Receipt Point, Rating and Conversion

Automated services offered by billing vendors and some data clearin g-

houses can often receive and convert switch data to standard billing for-
mats including CIBER and TAP 1, TAP 2, TAP 2+ and NA TAP 2. The
clearinghouse acts as the ARP for the home operator in processing the
billing records in the appropriate formats and if needed for inter-
standard roaming, converts them to a different version used by the roam-
ing partner. In the multiple clearinghouse scenarios, clearin ghouses work
closely together to exchange and reconcile data between themselves for
their member operators. Today, five or so major clearinghouses serve
wireless operators worldwide. The major clearinghouses should operate
within mutually agreed-to processes enabling them to inter-operate
smoothly on behalf of their member operators who roam together; opera-
tors do not need to have the same clearinghouse in order to have roaming
arrangements with each other.

RELEASE 1.4 29 O CTOBER 2003


6.3.1 Validating or Editing

An important element of the clearinghouse function is editing or valida-

tion of records, providing additional revenue assurance for the member
operator. The clearinghouse reviews data to ensure that it meets all CI-
BER or TAP standards and provides a “clean data stream” for further
processing and for use in reports that assist in the management and op-
eration of roamer business. Most clearinghouses perform industry stan-
dard edits; some also perform other more specific edits–an example being
roaming agreement edits. Additionally, most clearinghouses edit or vali-
date at both the record level and the file level. File level edits cause the
entire file or batch of call records to be rejected. Conversely, record level
editing allows for individual records to be edited and rejected from the
file and for the rest of the records to be processed. Records that fail the
validation process are sent back to the operator who submitted the data
for correction and re-submission. The clearinghouse will also generate r e-
ports that provide information related to any files or records that have
failed the validation and editing process for the operator to use for trou-
ble-shooting and problem resolution.

6.3.2 Reporting

The clearinghouse is in the position to provide valuable reporting on

roaming trends and revenues for management to manage their roaming
business more effectively. In its processing cycle, the clearinghouse pro-
vides operators with important reports used for financial analysis by con-
solidating all accounts receivable, accounts payable, reject returns and
analytical report data electronically. This process allows operators to
monitor their roaming activity on a daily basis. The clearinghouse also
provides data processing reports that typically go to the billing vendor of
the operator. If properly monitored and acted upon, these daily reports
provide information that can mean the difference between an efficiently
run, profitable roamer business, and one that is at risk, victimized by op-
erational problems and fraudulent roaming. During the processing cycle,
the clearinghouse forwards records to the billing vendor for re-rating for
subscriber billing. At the end of the settlement period, the clea ringhouse
performs its monthly processing and along with the monthly financial
and analytical standard reports that are provided to the operators, it pro-
vides financial settlement information used by its own financial net set-
tlement program. The clearinghouse also provides the reports that can be
used by the operator for accounts receivable billing or that can be for-
warded onto another financial settlement program.

Today, most operators use a clearinghouse and/or billing vendor instead

of setting up the exchange, rating, conversion and reporting of billing in-
formation themselves. Roaming partners using the same billing format

RELEASE 1.4 30 O CTOBER 2003


don’t experience the same strain on resources that inter-standard roaming

can pose, but with the advent of satellite roaming and other newer tech-
nologies, the number of potential formats is increasing. Roaming agree-
ments and settling roaming revenues between operators will become
more complicated as international and inter-standard roaming grows. In
terms of technologies, for example, CDMA operators will not necessarily
restrict their roaming agreements to other CDMA operators and GSM op-
erators are growing their scope to include roaming in TDMA markets to-

RELEASE 1.4 31 O CTOBER 2003


7 Services Issues

7.1 Support of Supplementary Services

7.1.1 Description Activation and Deactivation of Supplementary Services

In general, Activation and Deactivation of Supplementary Services occurs
when a mobile subscriber originates a call and enters digits that consist of
a feature code string. The serving network receives the digits, analyzes
the digits and triggers an ANSI-41 Feature Request or Origination Re-
quest operation to the HLR in the roaming subscriber’s home network.
Since the HLR in the home network receives the feature code string re-
gardless of whether the subscriber is at home or roaming, the correspond-
ing feature activation/deactivation is not affected by the subscriber’s lo-
cation. ANSI-41 allows the home network to specify that the serving net-
work should play announcement(s) or tone(s) to the mobile subscriber
upon completion of the feature activation/deactivation call. The an-
nouncement(s) or tone(s) indicate whether the feature activa-
tion/deactivation attempt was successful. They can be either standard or
custom announcements or tones. Clearly, custom announcements should
be avoided since there is little chance that the custom announcement
specified is available in the visited network. Standard announcements or
tones are preferred over custom announcements, although in the former
case, the standard announcement played to the mobile subscriber may be
in a foreign language, leading to the possibility that the subscriber may
not know whether the activation/deactivation attempt was successful. Invocation of Supplementary Services

Invocation is generally Supplementary Service specific. The invocation
can occur in the home network or occur in the visited foreign network. A
home network example is invocation of the Call Forwarding Uncondi-
tional (CFU) feature. When a subscriber is roaming in a foreign network
and has CFU activated, mobile termination attempts to that subscriber
first arrive in the home network and are then forwarded to a previously
registered forward number. The process of forwarding the call occurs in
the home network. The visited foreign network is generally not involved
in the mobile termination attempt. A visited foreign network example is
An exception could occur if both the home and visited networks support notification (e.g., pip tone alert)
when a call has been forwarded.

RELEASE 1.4 32 O CTOBER 2003


invocation of the Call Forwarding-No Answer (CFNA) feature. Here, the

serving network needs to be aware that it should notify the home net-
work when the subscriber fails to answer an incoming call. Specifically,
the visited foreign network needs to know when to trigger an ANSI-41
Redirection Request message to the originating MSC in the home net-

7.1.2 Resolution Activation and Deactivation of Supplementary Services

A general recommendation is to use tones to signal success or failure of
feature activation/deactivation attempts, particularly while roaming in-
ternationally. A possible alternative is to use standard announcements
when the ANSI-41 PreferredLanguageIndicator capability is supported in
both the home and visited networks. Invocation of Supplementary Services

Foreign network support of ANSI-41 triggers, both originating triggers
and terminating triggers, requires consideration when assessing which
Supplementary Services to offer subscribers wishing to roam internation-
ally. Determination of whether origination and termination triggers are
supported and if supported, which triggers are supported are important
questions to ask during suc h an assessment. Some of this will depend on
which version of IS-41/ANSI-41 is supported. For example, IS-41 Revi-
sion B does not support the TerminationTrigger parameter and instead,
the serving network may need to trigger on the Calling Features Indica-
tor, which is less flexible than the termination trigger parameter.

7.1.3 Recommendation

Determining which Supplementary Services to offer to international

roamers requires careful assessment of the international serving net-
work’s services when compared to the home network’s services.

The following provides general guidelines to follow during this assess-

l Determine whether the foreign serving network supports the candi-
date Supplementary Services being offered to home subscribers that
will roam internationally.
l Determine how the foreign serving network will notify the home
HLR when a feature code string has been dialed by an international

RELEASE 1.4 33 O CTOBER 2003


l Agree on the method of notifying the international roamer of the ou t-

come of an Activation/Deactivation attempt. If an announcement
will be played, determine if the announcement will be understood by
the subscriber.
l When Supplementary Services are invoked, determine whether the
invocation takes place in the home or visited foreign network. The
Supplementary Services invoked in the visited foreign network will
require additional assessment. Differences in operation between the
home and visited foreign network need to be understood and com-
municated to the international roamers.
Activation, Deactivation and Invocation of Supplementary Services
should ideally function in the same way for subscribers served in their
home network and subscribers roaming internationally. When this is not
possible, either the Supplementary Service operational differences should
be clearly identified and communicated to the international roamers or
the Supplementary Service(s) should not be offered while subscribers are
roaming internationally.

7.2 Deployment of Wireless Intelligent Network (WIN)


7.2.1 Description

Wireless Intelligent Network (WIN) is based on an open industry stan-

dard that enables equipment from different suppliers to interoperate suc-
cessfully, and allows automatic roaming between various networks. WIN
standard is part of the ANSI-41 family of standards, that allows additions
of capabilities to any existing ANSI-41-based network within an open
vendor environment, to ensure full interoperability with third-party
products and services.
During the past several years, the wireless industry has been actively de-
veloping WIN capabilities that can be overlaid onto an existing wireless
network. Network operators will be able to add WIN capabilities to any
ANSI-41 based wireless networks by upgrading switching systems, typi-
cally with software upgrades, and installing new network elements such
as Service Control Points (SCPs), Service Nodes (SNs), or Intelligent Pe-
ripherals (IPs). Further deployment of WIN additional capabilities will al-
low operators to create and deploy value-added services and enhanced
features rapidly and at low costs.
The SCP platform in the WIN architecture reuses the hardware and soft-
ware components deployed in a building block approach to reduce WIN

RELEASE 1.4 34 O CTOBER 2003


investment requirements while measurably reducing service time to ma r-

ket. The platform is scalable to allow capacity additions and flexible
enough to provide multiple applications to meet changing subscriber and
market demands. Innovative WIN solutions can now be deployed for
networks based on AMPS, Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), or
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) technology to satisfy 800 or 1900
MHz requirements.
Most of the current Wireless services are switch-based (e.g. Call Waiting),
Home Location Register (HLR) based (e.g. Call Delivery, Call Forward-
ing), or built on specialized platforms (e.g. Short Message Service, Pre-
paid Charging). Any or all of these existing services, plus many new ser-
vices, can be built on WIN platforms, when they are migrated to SCP-
based service logic. All of the specialized resources required to support
advanced/value-added services can also be built on a stand-alone Intelli-
gent Peripheral platform that allows the resources to be shared by all
WIN services. This reduces the cost to the network operator as the costs
of the resource are spread over more applications. Some of the resources
that may be IP-based include announcement machines, speech recogni-
tion devices, store-and-forward equipment, or voice mail systems.
Essentially, the potential benefits of deploying a service based on WIN
platforms are:

l New services can be created, implemented, tested, modified quickly;

l Seamless roaming can be provided at low costs;

l “Virtual Home Environment” can be offered in such that the cu s-

tomer experiences the same user interface in any market;
l Services can be tailored to small groups if desired.

It should be emphasized, however, that although the WIN will offer

many benefits in terms of service offering, each of the service offerings
must be assessed individually to determine whether WIN platforms or
current technologies would be most suitable.

The WIN capabilities that have been developed so far are “service inde-
pendent.” The following provides a list of potential services using WIN

l Communication Management Services (CMS).

l Personal Numbering Services (a.k.a. Universal Access Numbers).

l Short Message Services (SMS).

l Traditional Intelligent Network Services.

RELEASE 1.4 35 O CTOBER 2003


l Prepaid Services.
l Wireless Group Conferencing Services.

l Mobile Virtual Private Network (VPN) Services.

l Information Messaging Services (IMS).

l Voice Recognition Services (VRS).

l Location Based Solutions Services.

7.2.2 Resolution Network Architecture

One of the most important aspects of the WIN architecture is to “map”
the functional entities to the physical entities. Once the industry has
reached consensus on this mapping, equipment designers will have more
flexibility in developing the appropriate platforms. It will be much easier
to make platforms from different suppliers to inter-operate, and to allow
service developer to specify the location of the functional entities more
precisely. The following Network Reference Model illustrates an indus-
try’s proposal of such a mapping.

RELEASE 1.4 36 O CTOBER 2003


IP SCP To SN Pi External
C2 HLR CCF Networks
SRF C3 C7 Ai

C5 C1 C6


Um Abis A CCF




IP Intelligent Peripheral MS Mobile Station

SCP Service Control Point BTS Base Transceiver Station
SN Service Node BSC Base Station Controller
PSTN Public Switched MSC Mobile Switching Centre
Telephone Network EIR Equipment Identity Register
ISDN Integrated Services AC Authentication Center
Digital network HLR Home Location Register
PSPDN Public Switched VLR Visitor Location Register
Packet Data Network Call Process

In a WIN-capable network, the switching platform uses WIN call process-
ing triggers and ANSI-41 messaging to access a range of SCPs, IPs or SNs
based intelligent network services. This switch trigger approach allows
optimum use of network resources while giving wireless subscribers ac-
cess to the services that could previously only be provided with wireline
intelligent networks.

The WIN triggers initiate an array of services based on call-related activi-

ties including billing, feature requests, origination, termination, mobile
and registration, etc. Origination and termination triggers eliminate the
need for subscribers to enter complicated feature codes and can provide
simple access to abbreviated dialing, voice dialing and other enhanced
features or advanced/value-added services. Termination triggers route

RELEASE 1.4 37 O CTOBER 2003


callers to subscriber features such as incoming call screening, group ring-

ing and distinctive ringing. Mobility-related triggers manage roaming,
and mid-call triggers detect and confirm prepaid and other enhanced fea-
tures or advanced/value-added services.
All calls are processed based on the standardized call models, called Basic
Call State Model (BCSM). Inside the BC SM, Detection Points are defined
to allow WIN service logic to control how a call is handled. Triggers are
defined in the Detection Point in certain “point in call” for control transfer
from the MSC to WIN service logic outside the MSC. Triggers can be de-
fined for a single subscriber as well as a group of subscribers. Based on
these capabilities, the WIN DFP provides distributed service control dur-
ing call processing. Each subscriber can have a different set of triggers ac-
tivated, or service logic active for each subscriber, so WIN features can be
incredibly flexible.

During call processing, when a trigger is armed and the condition is met,
the MSC will stop processing the call and launch a query to the WIN ser-
vice logic as defined in the WIN standards. The WIN service logic will
process the request and instruct the MSC to continue call processing ac-
cording to the instruction. The standards define a set of network capabili-
ties based on service drivers. Capabilities developed for these service
drivers can be used to develop other WIN services. Technical Standards

The engineering of WIN is a complex process, so the standards develop-
ment work is divided into large packages. Each package contains a set of
service independent “triggers” and/or “capabilities,” supporting a vari-
ety of services. Each network operator can then negotiate with its suppli-
ers to develop the services as demanded by its local market.

The following three standards packages have been or are being devel-
oped by the TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association) TR-45 Engi-
neering Committee:
l Package 1 (WIN Phase I): Defines the architecture, provides the first
batch of triggers and capabilities for basic call origination and call
termination, and supports services such as Calling Name Presenta-
tion, Incoming Call Screening and Voice Controlled services. The
standards documentation has been published as TIA/EIA/IS-771.
l Package 2 (WIN Phase II): Adds the second batch of triggers and ca-
pabilities, and supports Charging Services such as Prepaid,
Freephone, Premium Rate, and Advice of Charging. The standards
documentation has been recommended for publication as
TIA/EIA/IS-826 for Prepaid and 848 for other Charging Services.

RELEASE 1.4 38 O CTOBER 2003


l Package 3 (WIN Phase III): Adds the third batch of triggers and ca-
pabilities, and supports Location Based Services such as Location
Based Charging, Fleet and Asset Management, Location Based In-
formation Service, and Enhanced Calling Routing. The standard
documentation is currently being under development and is to be
published as TIA/EIA/IS-843.

To support the above packages for inter-systems operations, the TIA TR-
45 Engineering Committee has also completed and published the related
standards documentation as per ANSI-41 Revision D. WIN has impact to
many of the messages in IS-41D. The fields required vary depending on a
specific WIN feature.

7.2.3 Recommendation Implementation Strategy

Implementing WIN services in a wireless network requires:
l Upgrade MSCs to support WIN triggers

l Upgrade HLRs to support WIN triggers and service profiles

l Deploy WIN service logic programs

The service logic programs can be deployed on the Compaq SCPs, or on
Ericsson Jambalas, or both. Another path would be to deploy an SCP and
service logic programs from another vendor entirely such as Lucent or

There are some unique challenges to deploying WIN-based services. The

key difference between WIN services and conventional switch -based or
HLR-based services is the use of WIN triggers. Conventional services do
not employ triggers. WIN services require that the MSCs be upgraded to
support WIN triggers.
Once the WIN upgrades have been installed in the network, it will be
necessary to test the network to ensure that the new services work prop-
erly, that existing services have not been negatively impacted, and that
the existing infrastructure can handle the increased SS7 traffic. Addition-
ally, operators will have to work with their roaming partners to make
sure that roamers can access their WIN services as they roam between

The following specific issues must be carefully addressed:

l Interaction with existing services: The new WIN capabilities will be
built on the existing SS7/ANSI-41 signaling protocol; hence, many of
the existing ANSI-41 operations may have to be modified to support

RELEASE 1.4 39 O CTOBER 2003


these new WIN capabilities. As a result, the behavior of existing ser-

vices based on SS7/ANSI-41 signaling protocol may be affected
when WIN is introduced into a network. Detailed information is
provided in the appropriate TIA WIN standards.
l Signaling traffic volume: WIN will result in a higher signaling vol-
ume — more signaling to control the complex services and network
elements — that will increase as subscriber usage increases. Opera-
tors will need to test them under extreme conditions to ensure that
adding new services does not compromise reliability. It may be ap-
propriate to invest in a test platform for WIN in order to simulate the
operation of the WIN call models. A good testing platform will allow
Engineering to explore scenarios using different call scenarios or un-
usually high call volumes, signaling link failures and other network
l Interoperability while roaming with partners: The industry has de-
veloped technical standards for WIN so that the equipment designed
will be in compliance to these standards, in order to ensure interop-
erability between equipment from different vendors, and roaming
between networks. Interoperability between the different types of
equipment must be tested by network operators to ensure that they
are compatible. This should be done on test platforms prior to de-
ploying any WIN capabilities in the network.
For “partner” subscribers, automatic roaming and service consistency
will be more difficult to achieve because the partners networks may em-
ploy the types of MSCs different from those of the home system.
There are three possible service creation options based on WIN platforms:
l “Turn-key” solutions provided by infrastructure suppliers using
applications built for a particular platform. This approach will limit
deploying only those services that this infrastructure supplier has
l “Off-the -shelf” solutions offered by a variety of application devel-
opers, using applications developed for open platforms. This ap-
proach will provide as many services as are commercially available,
but need more engineerin g and testing, as the burden will shift to in-
teroperability testing between the switch and the application.
l “Do It Yourself” solutions based on the applications developed by
operators using Service Creation Environment developed by soft-
ware suppliers. This approach will allow creation of almost any ser-
vices as demanded, however, there is a substantial learning curve in-
volved for the designers, plus potential interoperability issues that
may have to be resolved.

RELEASE 1.4 40 O CTOBER 2003


WIN installation affects the following network nodes:

l Mobile Switching Centers (MSC).

l Home Location Registers (HLR).

l Service Interaction Managers (SIM).

l Service Control Point (SCP) in support of the HLR and/or the SIM.
WIN, in general, does not affect the mobile units. Some features (such as
Calling Name Presentation) may require display capabilities on the mo-
bile, but most features will not affect the handset.
MSCs and HLRs must be upgraded to allow the triggers to be
downloaded to the switch during the registration process. The HLR may
also act in the role of a SIM, so the SIM itself is optional. Flexible Service
Logic Programs (FSLP’s) will also be needed, but the interface between
the SIM and the FSLP is not standardized, and varies from vendor to
vendor. It is also possible to have several SIMs in the same network offer-
ing different services. Each company will need to determine its needs and
its engineering plans prior to installation. SIMs, or HLRs acting as SIMs,
are complicated systems in their own right, and should be studied well
before installation. Contacting vendors early for training is highly sug-

The main communications path for WIN and roaming partners is SS7.
WIN will work as long as SS7 connectivity exists, however, Global Title
Translation and use of the IMSI is highly suggested to simplify the long-
term support issues with roaming partners.
In general, WIN allows for a very quick reversal of the installation proc-
ess by simply changing the user profile in the HLR. Additionally, WIN
tends to reduce the need for new MSC and/or HLR loads since their ac-
tion is always the same. New services require only a new FSLP (and per-
haps a new SIM) to add this feature to the network.

The prerequisites required for WIN installation include GTT, ANSI-41D,

IS-771. IMSI is also suggested to assist with GTT and to simplify services.

RELEASE 1.4 41 O CTOBER 2003


8 Miscellaneous Issues

8.1 Tandem Free Operation

8.1.1 Description

Operation of mobile-to-mobile calls without intermediate voice coders is

desirable. This requires compatible voice coders in each mobile, in-band
signaling to control the voice coder modes, the ability to switch interme-
diate voice coders in and out of the call path dynamically, and the ab-
sence of intermediate network components, such as echo cancellers.

8.1.2 Resolution

Being Revised.

8.1.3 Recommendation

Being Revised.

8.2 Inter-standard Roaming Commercial Issues

8.2.1 European and Asian GSM Carriers Roaming Into ANSI-41 markets Roaming Agreements

In the GSM Association, there is a standard roaming agreement between
all carriers; Swiss law governs this roaming agreement. In the ANSI-41
world of North and South America, local law dictates the interpretation
of roaming agreements.

Noticeable differences between standard GSM roaming agreements and

standard ANSI roaming agreements are:

l The ANSI serving market may require that the GSM carrier become a
member of the CIBERNET net settlement program.
l While roaming in ANSI markets, roaming subscribers will be
charged for airtime on incoming calls.

RELEASE 1.4 42 O CTOBER 2003


l In standard ANSI roaming agreements, the home carrier is responsi-

ble for fraud on their MINs.

Each of these points may be negotiable on a carrier-by-carrier basis.

The GSMA GGRF is in the process of creating a universal inter-standard

roaming agreement with ANSI carriers. However, many competing inter-
ests are holding back completion of this standard agreement.

Details that should be specifically included in the inter-standard roaming


l Choice of Law: Spell out specifically which state and national legal
system will be used to judge and interpret the roaming agreements.
l Liability: Do not make assumptions about fraud liabilities. Spell out
fraud notification procedures, response procedures, and ultimate fi-
nancial responsibilities in the case of fraud.
l Charges: Spell out in detail exactly what charges and taxes will be
imposed on roamers.

l Technical Data distribution: There are distinct differences between

technical data requirements between the two standards. Define how
both sides will communicate technical data.

l Testing procedures and commercial acceptance should be defined

during roaming agreement negotiations.

l Customer Care Operations: What will be expected and required from

each party in the way of roaming customer care. Clearing and Settlement

The ANSI-41 carriers will probably only have the capabilities to produce
CIBER billing records (discussed earlier in this document) and send them
to their designated ARP. The se carriers will know nothing about SDRs,
and the records will be denominated in US Dollars.
The GSM carrier will either have to make arrangements enter into the CI-
BERNET clearing system and choose an ARP, or they will have to make
arrangements with a third party to settle with the CIBER partner and
convert the records to TAP records denominated in SDRs.

RELEASE 1.4 43 O CTOBER 2003


8.2.2 Engineering issues Numbering issues

The ANSI-41 based carriers operate using a MIN identification system.
For GSM subscribers to operate in the ANSI world, an IRM must be ob-
tained and assigned to the subscriber.
Currently, IFAST is responsible for assigning the 4-digit IRM prefixes
(0XX-X or 1XX-X) to carriers.

GSM carriers have the option to assume the responsibility of maintaining

the IRM to IMSI relation, or delegate it to a third party to handle mobile
application protocol translation. Protocol Translation issues

Multiple protocol translation issues must be addressed by GSM carriers
to roam with ANSI-41 carriers. The most obvious is the mobile applica-
tion protocol or MAP. Although the function (and indeed even the mes-
sages) of ANSI-41 and GSM MAP are very similar, the actual structure of
the protocol is very different.
To operate in the ANSI world, the GSM operator will be required to ob-
tain a protocol translation device (or service). The operator of this device
will be responsible for not only the translation of the mobile application
protocol; they will also be responsible for maintenance of the IRM to IMSI

Bearer protocol translation is yet another signaling issue for engineering

to resolve. The ANSI-41 carrier will use ANSI-SS7 based signaling. This is
incompatible with most GSM carriers. GSM carriers in North America
will need to arrange for ITU -TCAP/ANSI-SS7 signaling between the pro-
tocol converter and their gateway switches or HLRs. European and Asian
GSM carriers must arrange to receive ITU-C7 (or local variant) messaging
from the protocol translator to their gateway switches or HLRs.
The engineering department will also need to deal with point code based
addressing on the ANSI-SS7 network. Global title is still rare in the ANSI-
41 / ANSI-SS7 signaling network. International TLDN/MSRN Translation issues

The IRG published by IFAST recommends that ANSI-41 operators up-
grade their switch software to revision D of the standard. This revision al-
lows for the inclusion of full E.164 temporary numbers for call delivery.
Unfortunately, very few carriers have actually done this. Temporary
numbers for call delivery are usually local in nature and in some places

RELEASE 1.4 44 O CTOBER 2003


look very little like the E.164 number that would be required to reach it

Successful call delivery will depend on the ability somewhere in the pro-
tocol conversion chain to recognize exactly where the roamer is, and ma-
nipulate the temporary number that is returned in response to a PRO-
VIDE_RN (GSM MAP) or ROUTEREQ (ANSI-41) message. In certain ar-
eas of the Americas, this will be a daunting task.

8.2.3 Fraud management

There are several fraud management tools available when roaming with
ANSI-41 carriers. Unfortunately, for the GSM carrier, they are signifi-
cantly different from those currently employed in their own environ-
ments. Authentication
Authentication is available in many, but certainly not all ANSI markets.
Further complicating the issue of authentication is that the ANSI handset
being carried by the subscriber cannot be authenticated against his or her
home Authentication Center (AC). The authentication algorithms in use
in ANSI markets are not compatible.

There are methods available for the GSM carrier to authenticate handsets
roaming in ANSI markets through external ANSI authentication centers
or protocol converters that have ANSI authentication center capabilities
incorporated in to them. High Usage Reports

Although the use of High Usage Reports for fraud control is de rigueur in
GSM operations, they are rare in North American ANSI carriers. How-
ever, some South American carriers generate High Usage Reports as a
normal part of their security operations for roaming partners. These
reporting arrangements and any liability agreements must be spelled out
in roaming agreements. Call Data Record (CDR) Reporting

For GSM operators, standard TADIG procedures require fully rated re-
cords be returned to the home carrier within 36 hours. ANSI operators
working under the CIBERNET rules have 30 days to provide rated re-
cords back to their clearing receipt point. This makes the use of rated
CDR exchanges virtually useless in fraud prevention.

There are, however, alternatives available to rated CDR exchanges. There

are third-party agencies operating in the ANSI roaming world that can

RELEASE 1.4 45 O CTOBER 2003


provide unrated CDRs to the home carrier within 30 minutes of a call

transaction. PIN based fraud protection

In areas where there is a fraud risk and no other mitigation means are
available, Personal Identification Number (PIN) based roaming can pro-
vide some measure of protection. PIN-based roaming requires the sub-
scriber enter a feature code and number known only to the subscriber
into the handset. The verification of this number gives the subscriber an
open period of operation time. Default Positive vs. Default Negative markets

Another issue to confront the security department of the GSM carrier is
how the serving system reacts in the event of a loss of signaling service.
There is a difference of opinion among ANSI-41 operators over how to
operate in the event that the HLR does not reply to the VLR.
Some carriers bar roaming services unless the VLR receives a positive ac-
knowledgement from the HLR (known as default negative markets).
Some carriers allow roaming without a positive acknowledgement, but
limit the roamer to local airtime only. Finally, there are carriers that give
full rights including international long distance to roamers unless specifi-
cally forbidden by a message back from the HLR (known as default posi-
tive markets). All of these conditions have implications for security and
for the service level provided to roamers.

The conditions of operation in the event of communication failure be-

tween HLR and VLR must be spelled out in the roaming agreement.

8.2.4 Other Issues Services
GSM Subscribers are used to receiving many special services and features
while roaming in a GSM network. In an ANSI-41 network, these features
may not be available. Most basic call controls features such as call ba r-
ring, caller identification, and call forwarding should be available in most
markets, but there are no guarantees.

One expected service that may not be available is SMS. Roaming SMS
termination is only beginning to be adopted by ANSI-41 carriers and mo-
bile origination while roaming is even rarer. GSM operators should con-
tact each of their roaming partners and determine features provided to

RELEASE 1.4 46 O CTOBER 2003


GSM Carriers do not charge each other for airtime when delivering calls
to roamers. That practice is definitely not carried over into the ANSI-41
world. At a wholesale level, ANSI carriers will charge for airtime for call
delivery. GSM carriers must be prepared to include these costs in their
business operations.

RELEASE 1.4 47 O CTOBER 2003


9 Glossary

Cate- Term Abb’n Definition

Billing Term

Billing Identifier BID A SID allocated for accounting purposes, and ad-
ministered by CIBERNET Corp.

Cellular Inter -carrier Billing Ex- CIBER Tape format for wireless billing records. Maintained
change Record by CIBERNET Corp.

Industry Association

Alliance for Telecommunications ATIS

Industry Solutions

Cellular Telecommunications Inter- CTIA

net Association

CIBERNET Corp A subsidiary of the CTIA responsible for facilita ting

billing aspects of roaming.

Network Element

Authentication Center AC Stores information for authenticating mobiles and

encrypting their voice and data transmissions.

Base Station BS Includes BTS and BSC.

Base Station Controller BSC The ‘brains’ of a base station, controlling the radio
equipment in the BTS.

Base Transceiver System BTS Radio portion of BS.

Equipment Identity Register EIR

Global Title GT A non-native SS7 address based on E.164 DNs, E.212

IMSI, etc.

Global Title Translation GTT A method of routing in SS7 networks based on

global titles and not Point Codes.

Home Location Register HLR

Message Center MC See “Short Message Center.”

Mobile Station MS Wireless Phone.

Mobile Switching Center MSC

RELEASE 1.4 48 O CTOBER 2003


Cate- Term Abb’n Definition

Service Node SN A combination of SCP and IP functionality.

Service Switching Point SSP An MSC or other type of switch.

Short Message Center SMC

Short Message Service SMS

Signaling Control Point SCP

Signaling Transfer Point STP An SS7 packet router.

Subscriber Identification Module SIM “Smart Card” for a GSM phone (See UIM).

User Identification Module UIM “Smart Card.” See SIM.

Visitor Location Register VLR

Numbering Term

Directory Number DN The number dialed to terminate a call to a phone.

Electronic Serial Number ESN 32 bit identifier of an AMPS mobile.

International Mobile Equipment IMEI


International Mobile Subscriber IMSI Formerly called International Mobile Station Iden-
Identity tity. Based on the ITU -T E.212 numbering plan.

International Roaming MIN IRM A MIN beginning with the digit 0/1 that uniquely
identifies a mobile that does not have a DN , to avoid
conflict with NANP MINs.

MIN Block Identifier MBI A 6-digit code used to identify a block of MIN codes
within the NANP.

Mobile Country Code MCC A 3-digit number that is assigned to a single coun-
try. The first three digits of an E.212 IMSI.

Mobile Directory Number MDN A phone number (DN) assigned to a mobile.

Mobile Identification Number MIN A 10-digit identifier of a mobile subscription. See

IRM, MNC, E.212.

Mobile Network Code MNC Identifies an individual carrier, or a portion of a car-

rier network.

Mobile Station Identifier MSID Either a MIN or an IMSI.

North American Numbering Plan NANP

RELEASE 1.4 49 O CTOBER 2003


Cate- Term Abb’n Definition

Number Assignment Module NAM Storage for a single MIN/IMSI/both with related
information to identify the subscription. A mobile
may have multiple NAMs for multiple subscrip-

Originating Point Code OPC Where an SS7 message came from.

Point Code PC A numeric SS7 address. 24 bits in the NANP, 16 bits

in Japan, and 14 bits in most other coun tries.

Sub-system Number SSN Along with PC, identifies and SS7 network applica-
tion or a virtual SS7 network entity.

System Identifier SID A 15-bit id entifier of an AMPS wireless license or


Temporary Local Directory Number TLDN A number used for routing calls from the Home

Temporary Mobile Station Identity TMSI Used as a shorter, more private, mobile identifier.
Identifies the system that assigned it and not the
mobile directly.

Standards Document

E.164 ITU-T dialing plan standard.

E.212 ITU-T Mobile Identification number standard.

IS- TIA Interim Standard.

IS-124 Wireless call detail and billing record format for

online transfer.

IS-136 Second-generation TDMA air interface standard.

IS-2000 CDMA 2000 air interface standard.

IS-41 Wireless inter-systems operation standard. Now

called TIA/EIA-41 or ANSI-41.

IS-634 A-interface standard between BS and MSC.

IS-91 Most advanced analog air interface standard (in-

cluding NAMPS).

IS-95 CDMA One CDMA air interface standard.

J-STD Joint ATIS -T1/TIA standard.

Project Number PN TIA Project Number.

RELEASE 1.4 50 O CTOBER 2003


Cate- Term Abb’n Definition

Standards Proposal Number SP- ANSI Standards Proposal Number.

Telecommunications System Bulle- TSB TIA often uses it as an addendum or erratum to a

tin published interim standard.

TIA/EIA-124 Wireless call detail and billing record format for

online transfer. Replaces IS -124.

TIA/EIA-136 Second-generation TD MA air interface standard.

Replaces IS-136.

TIA/EIA-41 Wireless intersystem operations standard. Previ-

ously called IS-41. Also known as ANSI-41.

TIA/EIA-95-B Third generation CDMA air interface standard. Re-

places IS-95.

Standards Organization

American National Standards Insti- ANSI


Committee T1 ATIS standards committee.

Electronic Industry Alliance EIA

International Telecommunications ITU


International Telecommunications ITU-R

Union-Radio Communications Divi -

International Telecommunications ITU-T

Union-Telecommunications Divi -

Standard Development Organiza- SDO The TIA and ATIS are examples of SDOs.

Telecommunications Industry Asso- TIA


TR-45 TIA Standards Committee responsible for AMPS-

based cellular and PCS standards.

TR-45.1 TIA analog cellular standards subcommittee.

TR-45.2 TIA Standards Subcommittee responsible for inter-

system protocols.

RELEASE 1.4 51 O CTOBER 2003


Cate- Term Abb’n Definition

TR-45.3 TIA DMA digital cellular/PCS standards subcom-

TR-45.4 TIA BS/MSC “A” interface standards subcommittee.

TR-45.5 TIA CDMA digital cellular/PCS standards sub-


TR-45.6 TIA CDPD standards subcommittee.

Signaling Term

Common Channel Signaling System CCS7 ITU-T version of SS7


ISDN User Part ISUP SS7 call processing signaling between switches

Message Application Part MAP Protocol that interconnects wireless telephone sys-
tems (e.g., MSCs and HLRs)

Message Transfer Part MTP SS7 transport layer

Signaling Connection Control Part SCCP SS7 enhanced routing and identification layer

Signaling Point SP

Signaling System Number 7 SS7 Common channel telecommunications packet


Transaction Capabilities Applica- TCAP Message packaging standard used by

tion Part ANSI-41/IS -41 and defined in ANSI T1.114

Technical Term

Advanced Mobile Phone Service AMPS

Calling Party Pays CPP The calling party pays for calls to mobile, not the
mobile receiving the call

Digital AMPS D- IS-54 and IS-136 TDMA


Dual Tone Multi-frequency DTMF Tone signaling used by phones

Global System for Mobile Commu- GSM


Invoke Message sent to initiate an ANSI-41/IS -41 transac-


Narrowband AMPS NAMPS

RELEASE 1.4 52 O CTOBER 2003


Cate- Term Abb’n Definition

Over-the-Air Programming OTA Uploads internal mobile tables.

Personal Communications System PCS

Public Land Mobile Network PLMN A cellular or PCS network.

Public Switched Telephone Net- PSTN Utilizing R1 MF tone interfaces.


Time Division Multiple Access TDMA Modulation technique used by D-AMPS and GSM.

Wireless Intelligent Network WIN Protocol with similar goals as IN and AIN.

RELEASE 1.4 53 O CTOBER 2003


10 Contact Information

For more information on the IFAST, please contact the IFAST Secretariat:

Megan Hayes
1200 G Street, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005, USA .
Tel: +1-202-662-8653
Fax: +1-202-393-5453
For more information on IRMs, please contact the IRM Administrator:

David Crowe
Cellular Networking Perspectives
2636 Toronto Crescent NW
Calgary, AB, T2N 3W1, CANADA.
Tel: +1-403-289-6609
Fax: +1-403-289-6658

For feedback and contributions to the IRG, please contact:

Syed Zaeem Hosain
Aeris Communications, Inc.
1245 South Winchester Blvd.
San Jose, CA 95128-3908, USA.
Tel: +1-408-557-1900
Fax: +1-408-557-1925

RELEASE 1.4 54 O CTOBER 2003


11 Appendix: Roaming Agreement


11.1 Introduction

This section is a guideline for Inter-carrier Roaming Service Agreements.

IFAST provides it primarily as an information tool and recommends that
each business entity modify this document for specific business purposes
and. The Inter-carrier Roaming Service Agreement is also available in
Spanish on the IFAST Web Site at

11.2 Roaming Agreement Model



ment”) is dated as of the ____ day of ________, 20__ by and between Car-
rier [A], on behalf of itself and its Affiliates listed in Schedule 1 hereto
(individually and collectively, “[A]”) and Carrier [B], on behalf of itself
and its Affiliates listed in Schedule 2 hereto (individually and collectively,
“[B]”). [A] and [B] are sometimes referred to, individually, as a “Party”
and together as “Parties”.

WHEREAS, each of [A] and [B] desire to make arrangements to facilitate

the provision of voice and voice-related mobile wireless radiotelephone
service to the customers of the other Party, while such customers are us-
ing the wireless radiotelephone facilities of such Party, in accordance with
the terms of this Agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises herein set

forth and intending to be legally bound hereby, the Parties do hereby
agree as follows:

1.1 As used in this Agreement, the terms below shall have the follow-
ing meanings:

RELEASE 1.4 55 O CTOBER 2003


Affiliate means, with respect to a Party, any facilities-based CMRS operat-

ing company that (a) is controlled by or under common control with the
Party, (b) is an entity in which the Party has at least fifty percent (50%)
voting interest, (c) shares switching facilities with the Party, (d) is man-
aged by the Party, or (e) is providing Service utilizing CMRS spectrum it
has acquired from a Party
Agreement means the Inter-Carrier Roamer Service Agreement, including
all schedules and exhibits attached thereto.
Approved CIBERNET Negative File Guidelines means the negative file
guidelines appearing in the CIBER Record in effect from time to time.
Authorized Receipt Point or “ARP” means the location or address of the
party designated by the Home Carrier as the delivery point for its CIBER
records and authorized agent for performing CIBER edits.
Authorized Roamer means a Roamer using equipment and an assigned
telephone number with the NPA/NXX combinations listed in accordance
with Article IV below for whom the Serving Carrier has not received a
negative notification in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
CIBER means Cellular Inter-carrier Billing Exchange Record.

CIBER Record means the publication prepared by CIBERNET Corpora-

tion, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Cellular Telecommunications In-
dustry Association, as a service to the wireless communications industry.
Unless specifically provided otherwise in this Agreement, all words and
phrases defined in the CIBER Record shall have the meaning herein that
they have therein.

Clearinghouse means that entity that provides for the exchange of CIBER
records and performs industry accepted CIBER edits, including edits to
verify Industry Negative File information.
CMRS means Commercial Mobile Radio Service.
ESN means the Electronic Serial Number that is encoded in a wireless
telephone set by the manufacturer and which is broadcast by such tele-
Home Carrier means a Party who is providing Service to its registered cus-
tomers in a geographic area where it holds a license or permit to construct
and operate a mobile wireless radiotelephone system and station.
Industry Negative File means the negative file maintained by the author-
ized Clearinghouses in accordance with approved CIBERNET Negative
File Guidelines.

RELEASE 1.4 56 O CTOBER 2003


MIN means the “Mobile Identification Number” which is assigned by a

Home Carrier to each of its registered customers.
NPA/NXX combinations means the six -digit numerical combinations as-
signed by regulatory authorities to identify the area code and telephone
number prefix for Service.

Roamer means a customer of one Party who seeks Service within a geo-
graphic area served by the other Party.
Service means telecommunications service for the transmission and recep-
tion of voice and voice-related features provided by means of radio fre-
quencies that are or may be licensed, permitted or authorized now or in
the future by the Federal Communications Commission (or any successor
agency or other equivalent governmental agency in other countries), and
in respect of which service the user equipment is capable of and intended
for usage during routine movement, including halts at unspecified points,
at more than one location throughout a wide area public or private wire-
less network. Unless otherwise specifically agreed by the Parties, Service
shall include personal base station services but, by way of example and
without limitation, does not include fixed wireless services, two-way
messaging wireless services (NBPCS), video broadcasting wireless ser-
vices, television services (whether cable, broadcast or direct broadcast
satellite), broadcast radio services, interactive informational or transa c-
tional content services such as on -line content network services, Internet
based services, and air to ground communications services.
Serving Carrier means a Party who provides Service for registered cus-
tomers of another Party while such customers are in the geographic area
where the Serving Carrier, directly or through subsidiaries, provides Ser-

2.1 Each Party shall provide, to any Authorized Roamer who so re-
quests, voice communication service and any and all other types of Ser-
vice that such Party provides to its own customers. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the Serving Carrier shall not be required to modify or supple-
ment its system in any way to address any incompatibility in the tech-
nologies used by the Serving Carrier and the Home Carrier that may pre-
clude the provision of Service to an Authorized Roamer. Service shall be
provided in accordance with the Serving Carrier’s own ordinary re-
quirements, restrictions, practices, and tariffs, if applicable, and with the
terms and conditions of this Agreement.

2.2 Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, a

Serving Carrier may suspend or terminate Service to an Authorized

RELEASE 1.4 57 O CTOBER 2003


Roamer in accordance with the terms of its own ordinary requirements,

restrictions, practices, and tariffs, but such suspension or termination
shall not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties for Service fur-
nished hereunder prior to such termination or suspension.
2.3 In connection with its Service to Roamers, no Serving Carrier shall
use recorded announcements or other inducements for an Authorized
Roamer to discontinue the Service of its Home Carrier or, unless other-
wise authorized herein, Roamer’s use of a Serving Carrier’s system.

2.4 In the event that an operating entity becomes an Affiliate of a

Party after the date of this Agreement, such Party may, upon thirty (30)
days prior written notice to the other Party, add such operating entity to
Schedule 1 or Schedule 2, as the case may be, at the expiration of which
thirty-day period (a) the customers of such entity shall be entitled to Ser-
vice as Roamers from the other Party on the terms and conditions of this
Agreement and (b) such operating entity shall provide Service to custom-
ers of the other Party who are Authorized Roamers, although the other
Party is not obligated to request such Service or to require its customers
to request such Service. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the other Party,
in its reasonable discretion, may reject the addition of any such Affiliate
by delivering written notice thereof prior to the expiration of the thirty-
day period.

3.1 Each Home Carrier whose customers (including the customers of

its resellers) receive Service from a Serving Carrier as Authorized Roa m-
ers under this Agreement shall pay to the Serving Carrier who provided
such Service one hundred percent (100%) of the Serving Carrier's charges
for CMRS and one hundred percent (100%) of the toll charges set forth in
Exhibit A. The amount of the charges for the use of each Serving Carrier’s
Service are set forth in Exhibit A attached to this Agreement.

4.1 Exhibit B to this Agreement is a list furnished by the respective

Parties of the valid NPA/NXX combinations used by their respective cus-
tomers. These combinations shall be accepted by the other Party. Each
NPA/NXX combination is and shall be within the entire line range
(0000-9999) or a specified portion thereof. The minimum line range to be
exchanged by the Parties shall be 1,000 line numbers. Each Party shall be
responsible for all billings otherwise properly made under this Agree-
ment to any number listed by such Party within the range or ranges
specified by it in Exhibit B. Additions, deletions, or changes to NPA/NXX
combinations and line number range(s) for the Home Carrier’s customers

RELEASE 1.4 58 O CTOBER 2003


may be made upon at least fifteen (15) days prior written notice to the
Serving Carrier. Such notice shall be in the form attached as Exhibit B to
this Agreement and shall include the requested effective date for the ad-
dition, deletion or change.
4.2 Each Party shall provide to each other Party a list of MINs (from
among those within the NPA/NXX combination(s) identified pursuant to
Section 4.1 hereof) and ESNs (of the telephones to which the other Party
is not authorized to provide Service pursuant to this Agreement), which
shall be entered into the Industry Negative File. The approved CIBER-
NET Negative File Guidelines, as amended from time to time, shall be the
governing criteria for the Parties. Thereafter, from time to time, as agreed
by the Parties, each Party shall notify each other Party of all additions to,
and deletions from, these lists for the customers of that particular Party.
Such notifications shall be made during normal business hours of the
Party being notified by facsimile or by telephone with a written confirma-
tion and shall be effective one (1) hour after receipt.
4.3 Each Party hereby agrees to indemnify each and all of the other
Parties, together with their partners and any and all of their officers, di-
rectors, employees, agents and/or affiliates, against, and hold them
harmless from, any and all claims, suits, demands, losses and expenses,
including reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements, which may result
in any way whatsoever from the indemnified Party's denial of Roamer or
local Service to any NPA/NXX and MIN combination which has been
listed by the indemnifying Party as not being authorized to receive Ser-
vice; provided that (i) the person seeking indemnification (the “Indemni-
fied Person”) provides notice of such claim promptly after its discovery to
the Party from which indemnification is sought (the “Indemnifying Per-
son”) and in any event the Indemnifying Person will be released from any
obligation hereunder to the extent it is prejudiced by any delay in the de-
livery of such notice, (ii) the Indemnifying Person shall have the right to
assume the defense of such claim, (iii) the Indemnified Person shall pro-
vide such reasonable assistance and cooperation in the defense of such
claim as is requested by the Indemnifying Person, and (iv) the Indemni-
fied Person shall not settle or compromise any such claim without the
prior written consent of the Indemnifying Person.

4.4 Each Party, due to system limitations, may purge or delete num-
bers of its customers from the lists as referred to in Section 4.2 hereof, but
in all such cases, such purging or deletion must be done in accordance
with the approved CIBERNET Negative File Guidelines. If purging or de-
letion of numbers is done prior to the time periods established by such
Guidelines, or through procedures not otherwise set forth, in the ap-
proved CIBERNET Negative File Guidelines, the Party implementing the
purge or deletion will assume financial liability for any charges incurred
by those numbers. All purges or deletions made pursuant to this Section

RELEASE 1.4 59 O CTOBER 2003


4.4 shall be given through the Parties and shall be in the form mutually
agreed upon by the Parties and effective as of the time established by the
approved CIBERNET Negative File Guidelines (unless otherwise modi-
fied by mutual agreement of the Parties.)
4.5 Upon the implementation of wireless number portability in any
portion of either Party’s system, the Pa rties shall cooperate in establishing
an alternative method for exchanging ESN, MIN, and NPA/NXX infor-
mation required to permit roaming by the other Party’s customers in their
respective systems.

5.1 The Parties will cooperate and, as necessary, supplement this

Agreement in order to minimize fraudulent or other unauthorized use of
their systems. If any Party reasonably decides that, in its sole judgment,
despite due diligence and cooperation pursuant to the preceding sen-
tence, fraudulent or other unauthorized use has reached an unacceptable
level of financial loss and is not readily remediable, such Party may sus-
pend the use of applicable NPA/NXX combinations, in whole or in part,
pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
5.2 Each Party shall take reasonable actions to control fraudulent
Roamer usage, including without limitation using either (i) a positive
validation/verification (“PV”) system provided by a mutually agreed
upon validation/verification service under which the ESN, MIN and/or
NPA/NXX used in a call in the Serving Carrier’s system is compared
against a list of Authorized Roamers or (ii) SS-7 connections through a
network of carriers. The Parties shall work together in good faith to des-
ignate and implement a mutually agreeable PV system and enhance-
ments thereto or alternative systems. The Home Carrier shall have no re-
sponsibility or liability for calls completed by a Serving Carrier without
obtaining positive validation/verification as required herein.

5.3 In addition to other procedures set forth in this Agreement, a

Home Carrier may notify a Serving Carrier by facsimile, with written
confirmation, that certain NPA/NXX combinations are not to receive Ser-
vice. Any calls completed using such NPA/NXX combinations made one
full business day or more after such notice has been given shall be the
sole responsibility of the Serving Carrier and the Home Carrier shall not
be charged any amount for such calls.
5.4 For purposes of notification under this Article V, the following
addresses and facsimile numbers shall be used:

If to [A]: Carrier [A]

RELEASE 1.4 60 O CTOBER 2003




If to [B]: Carrier [B]




Each Party may change the names, addresses and numbers set forth
above by providing notice to the other Party as provided in Article XIII

6.1 Each Home Carrier shall be responsible for billing to, and collect-
ing from, its own customers all charges that are incurred by such custom-
ers as a result of service provided to them as Authorized Roamers by the
Serving Carrier. The Home Carrier shall also be responsible for billing its
customers for, and remitting to, the Federal Government or other appli-
cable governmental authorities all federal excise tax or other applicable
taxes that may be due in connection with the service being billed by it to
its customers. While the Serving Carrier will be responsible for the com-
putation and remittance of all state and local taxes, each Home Carrier
shall be liable to the Serving Carrier for all such state and local taxes re-
mitted by the Serving Carrier, for Authorized Roamers regardless of
whether these amounts are paid to the Home Carrier by its customers.

6.2 Each Serving Carrier who provides Service to an Authorized

Roamer pursuant to this Agreement shall forward Roamer billing infor-
mation on at least a weekly basis, within thirty days of the call date in ac-
cordance with the procedures an d standards set forth in the CIBER Re-
cord, to the Home Carrier's Authorized Receipt Point. CIBER Type 70 re-
cords shall not be accepted without mutual signed agreement and if such
mutual agreement is reached it will be attached to this Agreement. Any
future revisions of the CIBER Record or additional record types must be
mutually agreed upon before implementation. In the event the parties use
the CIBERNET Net Settlement Program, or alternative settlement pro-
gram such information must be in a format in compliance with the CIBER
Record requirements or agreed upon format.

RELEASE 1.4 61 O CTOBER 2003


6.3 Where the Authorized Roamer billing information required to be

provided by the Serving Carrier in accordance with Section 6.2 above is
not in accordance with the CIBER Record, the Home Carrier may return a
record to the Serving Carrier as provided in the CIBER Record. Returning
the defective record will be in accordance with CIBER Record established
procedures. The Serving Carrier may correct the defective record and re-
turn it to the Home Ca rrier for billing, provided that the time period from
the date of the Service call at issue to the receipt of the corrected record
does not exceed sixty (60) days.

6.4 No credit for insufficient data or defective records shall be permit-

ted except as provided in Section 6.3 above, unless mutually agreed upon
by both Pa rties.

6.5 Each Home Carrier may at its discretion perform any necessary
edits at its Clearinghouse on incollect or outcollect call records to ensure
compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
7.1 Each Party will settle its accounts with the other Parties on the ba-
sis of billing information received as described in this Article VII. In the
event both Parties use a net financial settlement procedure, the Parties
shall not submit a paper invoice but will make payments in accordance
with such net financial settlement procedures provided that the Parties
may submit call records for payment that relate to calls made more than
sixty (60) days from the date of the call if such call was the subject of a
dispute or investigation regarding fraudulent or unauthorized use.

7.2 If an incorrect roaming rate is charged by the Serving Carrier to

the Home Carrier, the Serving Carrier shall refund all amounts in excess
of the contract rate back to the Home Carrier within forty-five (45) days of
notification by the Home Carrier. Each carrier shall have ninety (90) days
from the end of the settlement period to invoice for amounts in excess of
the contract rate. The Home Carrier will send a collection letter within
sixty (60) days of the invoice date, within ninety (90) days of the invoice
date, and within one hundred (120) days of the invoice date. If the invoice
remains unpaid after one hundred twenty (120) days from the original
invoice date, the Home Carrier may withhold the amounts from the CI-
BERNET Net Settlement Program or alternative settlement program.
7.3 In the event that either Party does not use a net financial settle-
ment procedure, the billing and payment for charges incurred under this
Agreement shall be as set forth below.
7.3.1 The parties shall determine amounts owed to each other
for Service provided to Roamers in one-month periods with such
period beginning on the sixteenth day of each calendar month and

RELEASE 1.4 62 O CTOBER 2003


ending on the fifteenth day of the following month in which Service

is provided. The end of this Period shall be referred to as “Close of

7.3.2 The Parties shall send each other an invoice for Services
used under this Agreement within fifteen (15) days after the Close
of Billing.

7.3.3 Each invoice shall contain the following information:

1. Billing period used by Serving Carrier

2. Batch sequence number

3. Serving and Home Carrier System Identification Number

4. Air Service charges

5. Total toll charges

6. All other charges and credits

7. Total taxes

8. Total charges

7.3.4 Payment on such invoices shall be made in the form of a

check or a wire transfer which must be received by the invoicing
party within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice. Late pay-
ments shall be charged with a late payment fee of one and one half
percent (1.5%) of the outstanding balance for each thirty-day period
(or portion thereof) that such payments are late.

7.3.5 Each Party may offset the amount owed to the other Party
under this Agreement and a single payment of the balance to the
Party entitled to receive such balance shall be made.

7.4 If the Serving Carrier provides pre-call validation of the Home

Carrier’s customers, the Home Carrier agrees to implement Negative File
Suppression at the Clearinghouse and the CIBERNET Negative File
Guidelines and procedures do not apply.

8.1 Each Party shall, as Serving Carrier, provide for automatic call de-
livery for customers of the other Party who are Roamers in the Serving
Carrier’s system. To this end, each Party shall continuously provide the
hardware, software and transmission facilities required for such call de-
livery either directly between the systems of the Parties or indirectly
through a separate network of communications carriers. The hardware,

RELEASE 1.4 63 O CTOBER 2003


software and transmission facilities provided by each Party hereunder

shall at all times be operated and maintained to provide the most efficient
level of service that is technically feasible and commercially reasonable to
minimize transmission errors and Service interruptions.

9.1 This Agreement shall commence on the date of signature by both

Parties and continuing for a period of one (1) year. Thereafter, this
Agreement shall renew automatically on a year-to-year basis. Either Party
may terminate this Agreement unilaterally and without cause at any time
upon 60 days prior written notice to the other Party. The Parties acknowl-
edge that the targeted starting date for commercial roaming in respect of
this Agreement may not be immediate. [A] shall notify [B] in writing
when it is able to commence the relevant test procedures. The Parties
agree that prior to the commencement of the test procedures, neither
Party shall incur any liability to the other under this Agreement except
for a breach of the confidentiality obligations detailed in Article XIV.

9.2 This Agreement may be terminated or suspended by either Party

immediately upon written notice to the other of a Default (as defined in
Section 10.1) by the other Party. In addition, either Party may suspend
this Agreement immediately upon written notice to the other Party of the
existence of a breach of this Agreement, whether or not such breach con-
stitutes a Default, which materially affects the Service being provided to
Customers of the non-breaching Party. While any suspension of this
Agreement, whether in part or in whole, is in effect, the Parties shall work
together to resolve as expeditiously as possible the difficulty that caused
the suspension. At such time as the Party originally giving notice of sus-
pension concludes that the problem causing the suspension has been re-
solved, that Party shall give to the other written notice to this effect. This
Agreement shall resume in full effect within five (5) business days after
the Parties have mutually agreed that the problem has been resolved.
9.3 The Parties shall cooperate to limit the extent and effect of any
suspension of this Agreement to what is reasonably required to address
the cause of the suspension.

9.4 In the event that a Party transfers control of an Affiliate listed in

Schedule 1 or Schedule 2, as the case may be, the Party shall provide at
least one (1) months’ prior written notice to the other Party and upon
such transfer such Affiliate shall be deleted from the appropriate Sched-

9.5 The termination or suspension of this Agreement shall not affect

the rights and liabilities of the Parties under this Agreement with respect

RELEASE 1.4 64 O CTOBER 2003


to all Authorized Roamer charges incurred prior to the effective date of

such termination or suspension.

10.1 A Party will be in “Default” under this Agreement upon the oc-
currence of any of the following events:

10.1.1 Material breach of any material term of this Agreement, if

such breach shall continue for thirty (30) days after receipt of writ-
ten notice thereof from the nonbreaching Party;

10.1.2 Voluntary liquidation or dissolution or the approval by the

management or owners of a Party of any plan or arrangement for
the voluntary liquidation or dissolution of the Party;

10.1.3 A final order by the governmental agencies or authorities

which have jurisdiction over wireless communications services re-
voking or denying renewal of CMRS licenses or permits granted to
such Party which, individually or in the aggregate, are material to
the business of such Party; or

10.1.4 Such Party (i) filing pursuant to a statute of the country,

state, or province, a petition for bankruptcy or insolvency or for re-
organization or for the appointment of a receiver or trustee for all or
a portion of such Party's property, (ii) has filed against it, pursuant
to a statute of the country, state, or province, a petition for bank-
ruptcy or insolvency or for reorganization or for the appointment of
a receiver or trustee for all or a portion of such Party's property,
provided that within sixty (60) days after the filing of any such peti-
tion such Party fails to obtain a discharge thereof, or (iii) making an
assignment for the benefit of creditors or petitioning for, or volun-
tarily entering into, an arrangement of similar nature, and provided
that such filing, petition, or appointment is still continuing.

10.2 All claims and disputes relating in any way to the performance,
interpretation, validity, or breach of this Agreement, including but not
limited to a claim based on or arising from an alleged tort, shall be re-
solved as provided in this Section 10.2. It is the intent of the Parties that
any disagreements be resolved amicably to the greatest extent possible.
10.2.1 If a disagreement cannot be resolved by the representa-
tives of the Parties with day-to-day responsibility for this Agree-
ment, such matter shall be referred to an executive officer of each of
the Parties. The executive officers shall conduct face-to-face negotia-
tions at a neutral location or such other location as shall be mutually
agreed upon. If these representatives are unable to resolve the dis-

RELEASE 1.4 65 O CTOBER 2003


pute within fifteen (15) business days after either Party requests the
involvement of the executive officers, then either Party may, but is
not required to, refer the matter to arbitration, as applicable in ac-
cordance with Sections 10.2.2.
10.2.2 If any claim, controversy or dispute of any kind or nature
whatsoever arises between the Parties and cannot be resolved in ac-
cordance with 10.2.1 then the dispute shall be resolved by arbitra-
tion. A single neutral arbitrator engaged in the practice of law, who
is knowledgeable about the matter in Dispute, shall conduct the ar-
bitration under the then current rules of the American Arbitration

10.3 Each party shall bear its own costs and attorneys' fees, and the
parties shall share equally the fees and expenses of the arbitrator. The ar-
bitrator shall not have authority to award punitive damages. The arbitra-
tor's decision and award shall be final and binding, and the parties
hereby waive all means of recourse to the courts of any other country.
The judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered
in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

10.4 The place and language of arbitration shall be mutually agreed

upon but if no agreement as to place and/or language can be reached, the
place of arbitration will be New York City, New York and the proceed-
ings shall be conducted in the English language.

11.1 Neither Party may, directly or indirectly, sell, assign, transfer, or

convey its interest in this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations
hereunder, including any assignment or transfer occurring by operation
of law, without the written consent of both Parties, except that (i) either
Party may assign or delegate this Agreement or any of its rights or obliga-
tions hereunder to an Affiliate of such Party without the consent of the
other Party, but such assignment or delegation will not relieve the Party
of any of its obligations hereunder and (ii) a Party may assign its rights
and obligations hereunder to an assignee of its Service license or permit
issued by the governmental agencies or authorities which have jurisdic-
tion over wireless communications services , or to an assignee which
holds licenses and other rights for the provision of [A] Services, to whom
a partial assignment may be made, provided that such assignee expressly
assumes, by written instrument, all of the assigned obligations of such
Party hereunder and thereby becomes a Party hereunder. In no event will
an assignment permitted under this Section 11.1 without the consent of
the other Party obligate a Serving Carrier to provide Service to any cus-
tomers of the assignee or any of its Affiliates other than customers resid-

RELEASE 1.4 66 O CTOBER 2003


ing in the area in which the assignor previously was licensed to provide

11.2 No person other than a Party to this Agreement shall acquire any
rights hereunder as a third party beneficiary or otherwise by virtue of this

12.1 Nothing contained in this Agreement shall constitute the Parties

as partners with one another or render any Party liable for any debts or
obligations of any other Party, nor shall any Party hereby be constituted
the agent of any other Party.

13.1 Unless otherwise provided herein, any notice, request, instruction

or other document to be given hereunder by any Party to the other shall
be in writing and delivered by hand delivery, certified mail (postage pre-
paid, return receipt requested), facsimile, or overnight air delivery ser-
vice, as follows:

If to [A], to: Carrier[A]



with a copy to: Carrier [A]



If to [B], to: Carrier [B]



with a copy to: Carrier [B]


RELEASE 1.4 67 O CTOBER 2003




or such other address as any Party may from time to time furnish to the
other Party by a notice given in accordance with the terms of this Section.
All such notices and communications shall be deemed to have been duly
given at the time delivered by hand, if personally delivered; ten business
days after being deposited in the mail, if mailed; subject to confirmation
of receipt, on the date of receipt if received by 3:00 p.m., local time, on
any business day and otherwise on the next business day, if by facsimile;
and the next business day, if sent by overnight air delivery service.

14.1 Each Party shall, and shall cause each of its Affiliates and each of
its and their employees, agents, and contractors, to keep confidential and
not use for any purpose, except as contemplated by this Agreement, any
and all information and know-how provided to it by the other Party
which is identified in writing as confidential (“Confidential Informa-
tion”). Identification of information as confidential shall, in the case of in-
formation delivered in tangible form, appear on at least the face or first
page of such information and, in the case of information communicated
verbally, be given verbally contemporaneously with the delivery of the
information and confirmed in writing within five business days thereaf-
ter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following information shall be
treated as Confidential Information without any further identification as
such: (i) The terms, but not including the mere existence, of this Agree-
ment; and (ii) all information exchanged pursuant to Article IV.

14.2 Notwithstanding Section 14.1, a Party shall have no obligation to

keep confidential any information that (a) was rightfully in the receiving
Party’s possession before receipt from the disclosing Party, (b) is or be-
comes a matter of public knowledge without violation of this Agreement
by the receiving Party, (c) is received by the receiving Party from a third
party in possession of and, to the best of the receiving Party’s knowledge,
with a right to make an unrestricted disclosure of such information, (d) is
disclosed by the disclosing Party to a third party without imposing a duty
of confidentiality on the third party, or (e) is independently developed by
the receiving Party without the use of any Confidential Information. In
addition, a Party may disclose any Confidential Information to the extent
required by applicable law or regulation or by order of a court or gov-
ernmental agency; provided, that prior to disclosure the Party shall use
all reasonable efforts to notify the other Party of such pending disclosure

RELEASE 1.4 68 O CTOBER 2003


and shall provide any reasonable assistance requested by the other Party
to maintain the confidentiality of the information.

14.3 The Parties agree that a Party will not have an adequate remedy at
law in the event of a disclosure or threatened disclosure of Confidential
Information in violation of this Article XIV. Accordingly, in such event, in
addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity, a Party shall
be entitled to specific enforcement of this Article XIV and to other injunc-
tive and equitable remedies against such breach without the posting of
any bond.

14.4 The obligations under this Article XIV shall survive the termina-
tion of this Agreement for a period of three years.

15.1 The Parties agree to comply with, conform to, and abide by all ap-
plicable and valid laws, regulations, rules and orders of all governmental
agencies and authorities, and agree th at this Agreement is subject to such
laws, regulations, rules and orders. All references in this Agreement to
such laws, regulations, rules and orders include any successor provision.
If any amendment to or replacement of the same materially alters the
benefits, rights, and duties of the Parties hereunder, the Parties agree to
negotiate in good faith an amendment to this Agreement to restore the re-
spective positions of the Parties to substantially the same point as existed
prior to such amendment or replacement.

15.2 The Parties agree to use their respective best, diligent, and good
faith efforts to fulfill all of their obligations under this Agreement. The
Parties recognize, however, that to effectuate all the purposes of this
Agreement, it may be necessary either to enter into future agreements or
to amend this Agreement, or both. In that event, the Parties agree to nego-
tiate with each other in good faith.

15.3 This Agreement constitutes the full and complete agreement of

the Parties. Any prior agreements among the Parties with respect to this
subject matter are hereby superseded. This Agreement may not be
amended, except by the written consent of the Parties. Waiver of any
breach of any provision of the Agreement must be in writing signed by
the Party waiving such breach or provision and such waiver shall not be
deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or succeeding breach of the same
or any other provision. The failure of a Party to insist upon strict per-
formance of any provision of this Agreement or any obligation under this
Agreement shall not be a waiver of such Party's right to demand strict
compliance therewith in the future.

RELEASE 1.4 69 O CTOBER 2003


15.4 The headings in this Agreement are inserted for convenience and
identification only and are not intended to describe, interpret, define or
limit the scope, extent or intent of this Agreement or any provision
15.5 This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which
shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one
and the same Agreement.
15.6 This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of
the state of New York, United States of America.

15.7 Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for any special, in-
direct, consequential or punitive damages.

15.8 The Parties agree that they will not use the name, service marks or
trademarks of the other party or any of its Affiliates in any advertising,
publicity releases or sales presentations, without such Party’s written con-
sent. Neither Party is licensed hereunder to conduct business under any
logo, trademark, service or trade name (or any derivative thereof) of the
other Party.

15.9 Neither of the Parties will be liable for nonperformance or defec-

tive performance of its obligations under this Agreement to the extent
and for such periods of time as such nonperformance or defective per-
formance is due to reasons outside such Party’s control, including, with-
out limitation, acts of God, war, acts of any governmental authority, riots,
revolutions, fire, floods, explosions, sabotage, nuclear incidents, light-
ning, weather, earthquakes, storms, sinkholes, epidemics, strikes, or de-
lays of suppliers or subcontractors for the same causes. Neither Party
shall be required to settle any labor dispute or other third party dispute in
any manner which is deemed by that Party to be less than totally advan-
tageous, in that Party’s sole discretion.
15.10 This Agreement is a non-exclusive arrangement between the Par-
ties. Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended or should be con-
strued to preclude or limit a Party from obtaining from or providing to a
third party Service of a type available or required to be provided under
this Agreement.

16.1 Liability between the Parties shall be circumscribed according to

the following conditions:
16.2 Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party under or in connec-
tion with the Agreement except:

RELEASE 1.4 70 O CTOBER 2003


16.2.1 In respect of charges to be paid to the Serving Carrier in

accordance with Article III.

16.2.2 To the extent of its negligence where such negligence re-

sults in proven da mage or loss to the other Party, in which event the
liability of the negligent Party shall be limited to and shall in no
event exceed one hundred thousand U.S dollars (US$100,000) with
respect to any one incident or series of incidents arising from the
same cause.

EXECUTED by both Parties:

Carrier [A] Carrier [B]

By _____________________________ By ___________________________

Date: ___________________________ Date: _________________________

Name: __________________________Name:________________________
Title: Title: _________________________

RELEASE 1.4 71 O CTOBER 2003


Affiliates of Carrier [A]

RELEASE 1.4 72 O CTOBER 2003


Affiliates of Carrier [B]

RELEASE 1.4 73 O CTOBER 2003



CHARGES for [A] Satellite airtime and toll to be determined a nd com-

municated sixty (60) days before launch of [A] Satellite Services which is
currently scheduled for Q4 2000.
Terrestrial Roaming Charges:

[A]’s rates to [B]:

Airtime Rates:

Toll Rates:

[B]’s rates to [A]:

Airtime Rates: $.40/minute

Toll Rates: 100% pass through

RELEASE 1.4 74 O CTOBER 2003


Technical Data

The following information is furnished by [A] to [B] pursuant to Section

4.1 of the Inter-carrier Roamer Service Agreement between Carrier [A]
and Carrier [B], by __________________:


Information from [A] to be supplied at a later date.

By:____ _ ____________________

Title:___ _____________________

Issue Date:___________________
The effective date shall be:

_______________________ _____

RELEASE 1.4 75 O CTOBER 2003


12 Notes

RELEASE 1.4 76 O CTOBER 2003

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