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Syllabus (AI - ML BlackBelt Plus Program)

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Data Science Toolkit

Module Content Overview

• Master Microsoft Excel Data Science Toolkit comprises of the most

• Explore Important Formulas and popular tools used in the data science
Functions industry. This module will help you familiarize
with the basic and the advanced tools that
• Create Charts and Visualizations
are generally used by data scientists in the
using MS Excel
industry. These include MS Excel, SQL and
• Get Familiar with MySQL
Python. We will explore each of these tools
• Create and update reports in SQL and explore how to use them to deal with
• Perform Data Analysis using SQL real world datasets.
• Explore Python for Data Science
• Learn about Important libraries and Case Study
functions in Python • Building Excel Simulation to forecast the
• Read file and manipulate data in business for an insurance company
Python • Descriptive Analytics of FIFA 19 Players
• Work with data frames, lists, and
This module requires no past
knowledge about Data Science or any
2. Data Exploration and Statistical Inference

Module Content Overview

• Use Matplotlib and Seaborn for data Data exploration and Statistical Inference are
visualization one of the initial and important steps in the
• Create charts to visualize data and analysis process. This module will take you
generate insights through the process of exploring your data
• Univariate and Bivariate analysis with the help of interactive visualizations and
using python insight generation so that you can get the
• Perform Statistical Analysis on real- bigger picture of your data. Learn to draw
world datasets statistical conclusions to discover the
• Build and Validate Hypothesis using unknown aspects of data with the help of
statistical tests various statistical tests
• Generate useful insights from the
data Pre-requisites
This module requires knowledge of
3. Storytelling and Dashboarding

Module Content Overview

• Learn to import and work with No longer do we have to stick to static

different kinds of data in Tableau spreadsheet charts – we can now build
• Build bubble charts, geo-location interactive and beautiful visualizations and
charts, and many other charts dashboards and share them within our
• Learn to create Dashboards in organization in seconds. For this, we have
Tableau two interactive tools, Tableau and
• Master storyboarding in Tableau PowerBI, that have changed the way
• Learn to create engaging industries analyze and present data. This
presentations module will teach you the art of storytelling
• Perform feature engineering in with the help of Tableau and PowerBI.
• Become familiar with data Case Study
manipulation in Tableau • Creating business stories and building
• Load datasets and establish table dashboards to analyze superstore data
relationships in PowerBI
• Creating dashboards and storyboards to
• Work with different type of charts and analyze food forecasting
dashboards in PowerBI
• Work with Map visualizations and
other advanced charts with drill down
functionalities in PowerBI This course requires no prior knowledge of
• Work with power query for data Tableau or PowerBI
manipulation in PowerBI
• Write DAX expressions in PowerBI
4. Basic Machine Learning

Module Content Overview

• Learn Important Machine Learning Machine Learning is re-shaping and

Concepts revolutionizing the world and job functions
globally. It is no longer a buzzword – many
• Perform data cleaning and
different industries have already seen
automation of business processes and
• In-depth understanding of Basic ML disruptions from Machine Learning. In this
models age of machine learning, every aspiring data
• Linear Models, Decision Tree, k-NN scientist is expected to upskill themselves in
• Math Behind each Machine machine learning techniques & tools and
Learning Algorithm apply these skills in real-world business
• Build Classification and Regression problems.
• Hyperparameter Tuning to improve This module majorly focuses on the most
model common and must-know machine learning
algorithms such as kNN, Linear regression,
• Solve real-world business problems
decision tree, etc. It also covers
using Machine Learning
hyperparameter tuning to improve models
and solving hands-on real-world ML

Case Study
• Predicting the NYC taxi trip duration
• Customer churn prediction

This Module requires prior knowledge of
Python, Statistics and Exploratory Data
Analysis (EDA).
5. Feature Selection and Engineering

Module Content Overview

• Learn the art of Feature engineering Feature Engineering plays a crucial role in
• Feature Generation from time-series data improving the quality of your ML model. In
• Automated Feature Engineering Tool this module, you’ll go through various
• Concept of dimensionality reduction feature selection and engineering
• Feature Selection and Elimination techniques that can help you create/extract
Techniques new features from a given dataset and
select a subset of relevant features for your
• Detailed Understanding of Principal
model that can yield better results.
Component Analysis (PCA)
• Concept of Factor Analysis
This Module requires prior knowledge of
Python, EDA and Basic Machine Learning.
6. Advanced Machine Learning

Module Content Overview

• Explore the Advanced ML concepts and Till now, you would have developed a good
Algorithms understanding of Basics of Machine
• Use Ensemble Learning Techniques Learning and Feature Selection techniques.
(Stacking and Blending) Now, it’s time to dive deeper into the
• Understand and Implement Bagging and advanced ML concepts and algorithms. This
Boosting Algorithms module focuses on how you can further
• Learn to handle Text data and Image improve your model by using ensemble
Data learning, how to handle text and image data
• Work with structured and unstructured and then finally an introduction to
data unsupervised learning problems.
• Learn to deal with unsupervised learning
problems Case Study
• Clustering Algorithms including k-means • Web Page Classification
and Hierarchical clustering • Malaria Detection from Blood cell images

This Module requires prior knowledge of
Python, Statistics, EDA and Basic Machine
7. Problem Formulation and Communication

Module Content Overview

• Learn to Deal with ambiguous Problem Formulation and Communication

business problems are one of the most important skills data
• Structure a business problem into science managers and customers value
a data science problem today. Sadly, there aren’t many resources
• Understand the Machine Learning which help people in this area. This module
Lifecycle is created with an aim to address this need
• Key Frameworks for each stage in and provide people with frameworks and
ML Lifecycle best practices on problem formulation and
• Present analysis and business communications.
insights in an impactful manner
Case Study
• Communicate ideas and insights
Help a bank to solve the problem of high
to the stakeholders.
Credit Charge offs and losses from Credit
Card Portfolio

This Module requires prior knowledge of
Basic Machine Learning.
8. Deep Learning

Module Content Overview

• Important concepts of Deep What is deep learning? How can you get
learning started with deep learning? This
• Working of Neural Network comprehensive module will provide you with
from Scratch everything you need to know about deep
• Activation Functions and learning with Python, including a deep dive
Optimizers for Deep into neural networks! Deep learning
Learning algorithms are powered by techniques like
• Understand Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN),
architectures (MLP, CNN, RNN and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Long
more) Short Term Memory (LSTM), etc. and we will
• Explore Deep Learning cover each one of them and see how they
Frameworks like Keras and can solve real life problems.
• Learn to tune the
Case Study
hyperparameters of Neural
Networks • Predict whether the loan should be
• Build Deep Learning approved or not
models to tackle real-life
• Classify Emergency Vehicles from Non-
Emergency Vehicle
• Auto tagging Stack Overflow Queries

• Web Traffic Forecasting

• Audio Classification

This Module requires prior knowledge of
Python and Basic Machine Learning.
9. Computer Vision using PyTorch

Module Content Overview

• Get familiar with the world of Computer This module is designed to give you a taste
Vision of how the underlying techniques work in
• Transfer Learning for Computer Vision current State - of -the - Art Computer Vision
• Work with popular Deep Learning systems and walks you through a few of the
Framework - Pytorch remarkable Computer Vision applications in
• Learn State-of-the-art Algorithms like a hands - on manner so that you can create
YOLO, SSD, RCNN and more
such solutions on your own.
• Work on different types of problems
• Build Face Detection and Pose
Detection Models PyTorch has helped accelerate the research
• Advanced CV Problems like Image that goes into deep learning models by
Segmentation and Image Generation making them computationally faster and less
• Understand how GANs work expensive (a data scientist’s dream!). You
will work with PyTorch for computer vision’s
tasks like image classification, object
detection, pose detection and much more.
You will quickly find yourself leaning on
PyTorch’s flexibility and efficiency for
computer vision.

Case Study
• Classify Emergency Vehicles from
Non-Emergency Vehicles
• Identify the Location of Red Blood
• Building a model to detect faces
from images
• Lane Segmentation for self driving

This Module requires prior knowledge of
Python, Basic Machine Learning and
Fundamentals of Deep Learning.
10. Getting started with NLP

Module Content Overview

More than 80% of the data in this world is
• Handling Text Data (Cleaning and
unstructured in nature, which includes text.
You need text mining and Natural Language
• Use Spacy, Rasa and Regex for processing (NLP) to make sense out of this
exploring and processing text data data. NLP helps you extract insights from
• Information Extraction and Retrieval emails of customers, their tweets, text
from text-based data messages. This course makes you industry
• Understand Language Modelling ready for all the applications of NLP.
• Learn Advanced Feature Engineering
techniques Case Study
• Build NLP models for Text • Analyzing United Nations Debate
Classification dataset
• Understand Topic modelling • Retrieving relevant documents from
Cranfield Collection
• Work on Industry Relevant Project
• Next word recommender system
• Auto Correct model
• SMS Spam Classification
• Sentiment Analysis
• Auto tagging stack exchange questions

This Module requires prior knowledge of
Python and Basic Machine Learning
11. NLP using Deep Learning

Module Content Overview

• Understand the concept of Sequence- This module covers advanced Natural

to-Sequence Modeling Language Processing, including learning about
• Build a Deep Learning Model for how to use Transformers library by
Language translation in PyTorch Huggingface and the concept of Sequence-to-
• Learn to use Transformers library by Sequence modeling. Also, you will learn using
Huggingface deep learning for NLP tasks like language
• Use Transformers to perform transfer models, Voice assistant systems and creating
learning in NLP deep learning powered chatbots.
• Build and deploy your own chatbot
• Learn to work with audio-based data Case Study
• Build a voice assistant system using • Building an Auto-completion System (Text
Deep Learning Generation) using Neural Language
• Translating Text from Russian to English
• Sentiment Analysis using BERT
• Speech Command Identification
• Build your first Chatbot

This Module requires prior knowledge of
Python, Basic Machine Learning, and
Fundamentals of Deep Learning
12. Recommendation Systems

Module Content Overview

• Recommender Systems in industry From Amazon to Netflix, Google to Goodreads,

• Detailed Taxonomy of types of recommendation engines are everywhere and
Recommender Systems one of the most widely used applications of
machine learning techniques. This module
• Collaborative Filtering Methods
covers everything you need to know about
• Content-Based Recommender
recommendation systems including their use
cases in the industry, their types, algorithms
• Knowledge-Based & Hybrid used to build them and then finally actually
Recommender Systems building a recommender system for a real-life
• Market Basket Analysis & Association problem.
• Evaluation of Recommender Systems Case Study
• Build Book recommender System and • Building a Recommendation System for
other real-life projects Movielens Rating Dataset
• Association Rule Mining for a

This Module requires prior knowledge of
Python, Basic Machine Learning, and
Fundamentals of Deep Learning
13. Time Series using Python

Module Content Overview

• Important concepts of Time Series

Time Series is considered to be one of the
less known skills in the data science space
• Machine Learning techniques for Time
because it has this time component that
Series forecasting
makes time series problems more difficult
• Validation techniques for Time series
to handle. This module is entirely dedicated
to make Time series forecasting easier to
• Framework to evaluate Time Series
understand. Here you’ll learn the concepts
related to time series including frameworks
• Exponential Smoothing Methods for
to evaluate time series models,
exponentials smoothing methods, ARIMA,
• Reading ACF and PACF plots etc, theoretically as well as with their real-
• Tuning Parameters for ARIMA life implementation.
• ARIMA and SARIMA Model
• Deep Learning for time series
• Solve Real-world business problems Case Study
• Forecasting the count of passengers
expected to travel on jetrail
• Forecasting the sales for SimpleBuy to
optimize and plan the production

This Module requires prior knowledge of
Python, and Basic Machine Learning.
14. Career-oriented services and Data Science

Module Content Overview

• Understanding the different roles in This module will help you to know more about
Data Science different roles in data science, build your strong
• Dos and Don'ts for Resume resumes and prepare for data science
Building interviews. This module has been created based
• Tips and strategies to build the on hundreds of interviews we have taken,
perfect resume companies we have helped in data science
• Preparing for Data Science interviews and several data science experts in
Interviews the industry.
• Understanding the important skills
required Downloadable Resources
• How to build your digital Presence • This Infographic for 7 step processes
• Tips and Tricks to Ace Data to "Ace Data Science Interviews"
Science Resume • e-book containing more than 240
• List of Interview Questions for Data interview questions from interviews in
Science industry.
• Interview Questions on machine
learning, statistics, Model building,
Machine Learning production, SQL.
• Checklist for your LinkedIn and
GitHub profiles
15. Advanced Python and Software Engineering

Module Content Overview

• Overview of Python Basics Python has rapidly become the go-to

• Good Programming Practices language in the data science space and is
• Exception Handling and Assertions among the first things recruiters search for
• Python Standard Libraries in a data scientist's skill set. Over the years,
with strong community support, this
• Functional Programming
language has obtained a dedicated library
• Working with multiple files for data analysis, predictive modeling, and
• Object Oriented Programming model deployment. With this advanced
• Concept of Inheritance course on Python, polish your coding skills
• Working with Shell/Terminal and learn about the advanced concepts
Commands including classes, decorators, and
• Introduction to Version Control multithreading. Gain expertise in Python
Programming language to further your
• Introduction to Multi-Processing
career in Data Science.
• Connecting with DataBases
• Working with Github
• Building a package/library The course requires you to know Basic
16. Mastering Apache Spark with Python

Module Content Overview

• What is Big Data and its In this course on Model Deployment, In this
challenges? module, we will learn about Big Data, its
applications and its challenges. How Spark
• Introduction to Apache Hadoop
helps us in dealing with Big Data? We will
• Introduction to Apache Spark
be covering the architecture of spark, its
• Deep Dive into Spark
internal working and optimization
• RDDs in Spark
techniques. We will learn how to use the
• DataFrames in Spark
different Spark APIs like Spark SQL, Spark
• Understanding Spark Execution ML using Python.
• Advance Programming in Spark
• Spark SQL
• Spark ML Pipelines in Spark Pre-requisites
The course requires you to know Basic
Python and SQL.
17. Deploying ML/DL Models

Module Content Overview

• Overview and aspects of Model In this module on Model Deployment, you will
Deployment learn how to deploy models from different
• Deploying Machine Learning domains ranging from Machine Learning to
models using Streamlit Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing
• Introduction to Amazon Web (NLP) to Computer Vision (CV). To explain
services concepts of Model Deployment, we will cover
• Deploying and Machine Learning a range of real-life projects from various
Deep Learning models using AWS industries like Banking, Healthcare, and much
• Understanding Amazon more. You will also learn different tools used
Sagemaker for Model Deployment with hands-on
• Model Deployment using experience.
• APIs for Model deployment Case Study

• Deploying a Loan Eligibility application

using Streamlit
• Deploying an Image Classification model
using Streamlit and AWS
• Deploying a text generation model using
Streamlit and AWS
• Deploying the cardiac arrest predictor
using Amazon SageMaker

• This Module requires prior knowledge of
Python, Basic Machine Learning,
Fundamentals of Deep Learning and
Basic Natural Language Processing.

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