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SOP For Suspicious Person Vehicle Activities

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The key takeaways from the document are the guidelines and procedures for dealing with suspicious persons, vehicles and activities as a security officer.

Some characteristics of a suspicious person mentioned in the document include wearing inappropriate attire, loitering without reason, asking specific security questions and not providing a valid purpose for their visit.

When a suspicious person is encountered, the document states they should be dealt with according to organizational procedures, police should be informed if a crime is suspected, and their movements should be monitored if no crime is committed.




I. The aim of this SOP is to provide a general guideline for Security Officers of NK
INERNATION SERVICES on how to deal with suspicious person, vehicles and activities.
The procedures in this SOP are the guidelines on suspicious person, vehicles and

II. This SOP is tailored to our situation by the management which were assigned to us (NK).

III. This SOP will be modified and reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains relevant
to any changes in our situation/assignments.

2) How to spot a suspicious person, vehicle or activity

Characteristics of a suspicious person;

 Wearing oversized or inappropriate attire that may conceal a hidden object

(e.g. wearing a long heavy coat in warm weather).
 Entering premises without prior notification or on the pretext of being
engaged to perform some form of work within the premises.
 Loitering near premises or in the lobby of premises for an extended period of
 Wandering within premises without a valid pass authorizing entry.
 Asking specific questions concerning the security of the premises (e.g. the
number of security guards deployed at the premises and the type of security
hardware installed at the premises).
 Asking questions about the personal movement of a specific or prominent
individual (e.g. arrival & departure times, vehicle license number or parking
lot number).
 Not able to provide a reasonable explanation or are uncooperative when
asked for their purpose of visit.
 Making an unexpected delivery of a package to an office or to a specific
 Placing an object or a parcel within or outside premises and departing from
the area.

Characteristics of a suspicious vehicle:

 Unmanned

 Haphazardly parked

 Overly weighted especially where no indication of bulk is visible.

 Presence of suspicious items inside (e.g boxes/parcels sticking out with


 Presence of foreign objects attached under the vehicle or beside the wheels

 Signs of being tampered with (e.g keyhole damaged, windows/doors ajar,

drilled holes in vehicle body)

 It has a new vehicle license plate mounted on an old & dirty vehicle

3) Incident reporting procedure

a. Person(s) found to be behaving suspiciously is to be immediately dealt with in

accordance with the established organisational procedures.

I. Behaviour or action of subject is clearly identified as whether it constitutes

an offence under penal code.

II. Police are informed and provided with relevant information.

III. If the subject flees, attempt is made to delay/detain subject without

endangering self and others, pending the arrival of police.

b. If behaviour of any suspected person does not constitute an offence, his/her

movements are to be monitored until he/she leaves the premises or commits an

c. Preserving evidence at scene of incident is to be carried out by cordoning off the

affected area and waiting for authorities to arrive in accordance with
organisational procedures.

d. Incidents of alleged offences are to be handled in accordance with

organisational procedures.

I. Inform the appropriate person where the incident took place.

II. Assist with viewing the CCTV, if necessary.

III. Identify witnesses.

e. Vehicle access and insurance of vehicle passes are to be verified in accordance

with organisational procedures.

f. Request to search a person, property or vehicle, is to be made in accordance

with client or company instruction.

I. Person who refuse to be searched are promptly reported to an appropriate

member or staff.

II. Only men may search men and women can search women physically.
(adhere to strictly)

III. Search of personnel is carried out only at locations designated by company.

IV. Request to search vehicle is made in accordance with organisational


V. Search is carried out in a polite and courteous manner.

g. All items, being illegally or improperly removed from the assignment found
during the search are to be retaining as evidence and facts to be recorded.

I. Items which contravene company’s rules are immediately reported to


II. Employees or other person found with items in contravention of company

rules are promptly reported to management.

h. Reports and documentations relevant to non-routine search are to be

completed legibly and accurately in accordance with organisational procedures.

i. When a seizable offence has been identified, action is to be taken in accordance

with employers or clients instructions.

I. Arrest is made within constraints of the law.

II. All details of arrest are fully and accurately recorded.

III. Decisions to arrest is made with due regard for personal safety

IV. Police are promptly notified of arrest.

j. Scene and evidence of crime is to be preserved until arrival of police.

I. Legal rights of detainee are observed at all times.

II. Detainee is monitored continuously to prevent self injury and possible

destruction of evidence.

III. Detainee’s person and baggage is to be searched for possible hidden

evidence, weapons or dangerous objects.

IV. Detainee’s and any materials evidence held are to be handed over to the

V. Police are to be given clear and concise account of arrest.

K. All other relevant details of incident are to be accurately reported and recorded
with accordance with organisational procedures.

L. Clients are to be promptly informed of the incident.

4) Make note of the person and/or vehicle

Jot down key/specific body features such as height, skin tone, hair and what they
are wearing and also any distinctive marks.

Describe the suspect(s):

 Gender
 Race
 Age
 Height
 Weight
 Hair color
 Clothing
 Any distinctive characteristics (beard, mustache, scars, tattoos, or accents)

If a suspicious vehicle is observed within the property/premises OR on streets

adjacent to the property:

 Note down the vehicle model, colour, and license plate number.

 Alert FCC/management immediately; be as specific as possible when giving

information of the location.

 Describe the vehicle; a suspicious vehicle is one that has been parked in one
location for a lengthy period of time without moving, one that appears to be
abandoned, or one that is haphazardly parked with no purpose.

 If the vehicle is parked, do not approach the vehicle.

 If the car is moving, get a description of the vehicle (eg. Model, colour, license
plate number).

 Write down the observation and report it to the police immediately at 999.

5) Reporting Procedures

I. Calling the Police 999 to report.

II. Inform The Management of the incident.

III. Inform NK Ops Room.


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