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Liber Loagaeth: Liber Mysteriorum, Sextus Et Sanctus

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Liber Loagaeth


Liber Mysteriorum, Sextus et Sanctus


This is the original Ms. in Edward Kelley's handwriting. It formerly belonged to

the Cottonian collection as appears by a note of Ashmoles in Ms. Sloane 3677. f.
328*. -JM

A copy of this Book may be found also in Ms. Sloane 2599. -JM

See Ms. Sloane 3188. fol. 80 for some account of the writing of this volume, die 6
April 1583. -JM

...bought this booke of Dr. Biggs for a Guinea

The Book of Enoch,

revealed to Dr. John Dee by the Angels.

This writing begining (not at [Arney Vah ] etc. but) at Oxar Varmol is the 2nd
Page of the first leaf of the famous Book shown in the stone, which consisted of
49 lines or Rows & every Row of 49 words or letters. The first 40 of this Page
have a word in every little square which could not wel be contained in the little
Cells of a square table in this Book - Therefore they are writ thus at large as you
see. But the 9 last Rows of this Page had but one Letter a piece, & are accordingly
set down at the end hereof, pag. 5. All the other leaves of that Book had but a
single Letter in each little square & so they are set down, as here after follows in
this Book. Vide l.5 Ms. pag. 142, 143 etc.
The first Page of that first Leaf is not (it ought to be) all transcribed here before
this 2nd Page save only the 49, or last, Row beginning (Arney Vah etc.) But they
may be seen (& (if thought fit) copied out thence) in l. 5to Ms. p. 150, 151, etc.
[The preceding note is by Elias Ashmole.]

Liber Mysteriorum, Sextus et Sanctus

Leaf 1a [zuresk od adaph mal zez geno au marlan oh muzpa]

Leaf 1b [Oxar varmol pan sampas os al pans orney andsu]
Leaf 2a alla opnay qviemmah.
Leaf 2b zvrebth aho dan lanfal cramza
Leaf 3a pandobna ox adroh azimcholdrux.
Leaf 3b dlod Alged zvrem. ["dlod allged zvram"]
Leaf 4a Zvbla ox arnogan Algers aclo.
Leaf 4b Danfal gest Axamph acrosta.
Leaf 5a Gonzahoh alch arge oho Adanch.
Leaf 5b Zvchastors plohodmax argednon acho
Leaf 6a Sancgonfal aldex, Ave goh adatqvan,
Leaf 6b pvrcha ges maxgem adroth vaxox ahó
Leaf 7a Dam lethgath onzar avoxalgeth
Leaf 7b chvmaxchaberexmapha
Leaf 8a algebadreth
Leaf 8b Oylzongs
Leaf 9a pagesgem
Leaf 9b Avallacax
Leaf 10a Gorvemgemps
Leaf 10b Bacap Laffos
Leaf 11a Ozimba londorh
Leaf 11b ylchvzzapg
Leaf 12a Nopham
Leaf 12b Signeh gax
Leaf 13a t-lallaah gethnoh
Leaf 13b Iaialgh lercol zinrox
Leaf 14a Pincal vexlan
Leaf 14b Phin potagar giron
Leaf 15a Se ger pcopalph
Leaf 15b Oroh Zvn.compvxoh
Leaf 16a Dadavar gedrong
Leaf 16b varahhatraglax pligeo
Leaf 17a Hidrahah glazipvagel
Leaf 17b Engidexol; neolchiph
Leaf 18a Polacax cvbagod
Leaf 18b Zad, ron anchal
Leaf 19a Gedmarg alpon
Leaf 19b Bvzalg long arnap
Leaf 20a Zicha lezach.
Leaf 20b Drem phingel oxah oho
Leaf 21a algonzib virbalox
Leaf 21b Avriz ommaphily geld
Leaf 22a Cehergol naoal
Leaf 22b Fál mexicamps vrom
Leaf 23a Conar vomfagal
Leaf 23b Toxarxh nerhoh gel podnon
Leaf 24a Zichidpha lvziph
Leaf 24b Nervag pranclan
Leaf 25a Demphoz prang oho
Leaf 25b Harodan lempric dohoh
Leaf 26a Chy pled sagnaronph
Leaf 26b Draxph intayfalg
Leaf 27a Vlnen razo vilcomb
Leaf 27b Vincal leorna rvh
Leaf 28a Dababel gel zozaah
Leaf 28b Larvh gohonp babbabor
Leaf 29a ["The first of the leaves"] Famfax lep axax.
Leaf 29b Zirzach bvmazon.
Leaf 30a Tar, vin gabax orho.
Leaf 30b Glonz alnoptd.
Leaf 31a Gemnarv Hvncol.
Leaf 31b Rynh zichzor chalan.
Leaf 32a yayger balpaoeh.
Leaf 32b Car vanal geldons.
Leaf 33a Vio nilg onpho.
Leaf 33b Toxhencol ylnorox ziborh.
Leaf 34a Balvomph chiphan.
Leaf 34b Vingelg laxih parcan.
Leaf 35a Zvda vig pancar.
Leaf 35b Dexvlng chirony gavv.
Leaf 36a Qnabazeb vil pvdar.
Leaf 36b Xanpa phaphingeth.
Leaf 37a Ronlox bapvabap orh.
Leaf 37b Calbahhah genrox.
Leaf 38a Dohvnam gethgol axah.
Leaf 38b Vantavong nargax.
Leaf 39a Pvlgaao ner gisch.
Leaf 39b Archi septh lorox.
Leaf 40a Damponpha nexo gel.
Leaf 40b Dexph geld onchen.
Leaf 41a Ellaxor Natoglan
Leaf 41b Fam filgisch larvouch
Leaf 42a Cemgealg ralphos
Leaf 42b Zodagrap zilpob
Leaf 43a Necprilga lvpvarn
Leaf 43b Depsah onge phialox
Leaf 44a Nelziar pol dolgon
Leaf 44b Parni volchemph
Leaf 45a Acvirzilg chiparal
Leaf 45b Alged on chipráxal
Leaf 46a Clarn nancal
Leaf 46b Lexrox pingh lardol
Leaf 47a Zvrzvh genvox
Leaf 47b Chiromonph zarchan olinorg
Leaf 48a Calgs sedph panglox
Leaf 48b Bapporgel bvrioldepnay

Tables of Soyga:

The first table [ndizbdizbdiz]

2d Table [Retdixbdixbdix]
3d. Table [izbdizbdizbdiz / ohGkAbdizbdiZb]
4th Table [izbdizbdizbdiz / sbGkAbdizbdizb]

Runar's translation of Liber Loagaeth excerpts

This page contans Runar's translation work from Liber Loagaeth, Table 1, rows 5, 2, and
15. For the translation of row 2 he has used brackets ( ) for words added for ease of
reading, [ ] for alternative words, and " " for words in doubt. Table 1, row 2 was
originally posted to enochian-l.

Row 5
Mabeth ar mikes achap pax mara geduth alides orcanor manch arseth.
Olontax ar geban vox portex ah pamo.
Agèmaton burise ganport. Vdrios pasch. Machel len arvin zembuges. vox mara.
gons ihehusch dah parsodan maah alsplan donglses adipr aginot. Archad dons
a dax van famlet a dex arge pa gens.

Ma beth ! ar mikes achaph. Pax mara geduth alides

Fall Betrayal ! Protection is great for mice. Thou the betrayed that shivers in the precence
orcanor manch arseth. Olontax ar ge ban vox
of the son of night lives full time. Whenever the protection of our holyness comes
portex ah pamo; agèmaton burise ganport.
the desire of freedom; arising are the minor and secondary desires.
Vdrios pasch Machel len arvin : zembuges !
When wanting the revelation of the mighty one; the action is as follows: Insist !
Vox mara.
Between treason.
Gons ihehusch dah parsodan maah alsplan donglses
The faith in the Seat of Mercy indulges the love of power; but as the incidents runs
adipr aginot, archad dons a dax van famlet a dex
the invisible Fire takes seat, entering the ruler as the 49 neither scaring nor as the
terrifying one,
arge pa gens.
conquering is so being done.

Row 2

Ihehusch gronadox arden, o na gempalo mikasman vandres orda bevegiah noz plig nase
zamponon aneph. Ophad a medox marune gena pras no dasmat vorts manget a deune
damph. Naxt OS vandeminaxat orophas vor minodal amudas ger pa o dax zum ban sez
ordan pres umblosda vorx nadon. Patrophes undes adon ganebus ihehudz.

Ihehusch gronadox arden,

The Mercy seat featuring "the holy one",
o na gempalo mikasman vandres
calling forth that rejoicing (and) mighty Governor of fortitude (that)
orda bevegiah noz plig nase zamponon aneph.
forever praises the word emanating from his destructive war of neverness [such as never
Ophad a medox marune gena pras;
Hail (to) the Grail (whose) torment becomes feigned;
no das- mat vorts manget a deune damph.
becoming that (which is) blinded, over the sacrifice of the precious spirit.
Naxt OS vandeminaxat orophas
Then the twelve secrets of the Zodiack becomes revealed
vor minodal amudas
over the prepared masters,
ger pa o dax zum ban sez ordan ma
Death is called, the 49 most brilliant, and the holy Axe eternally falls;
pres umblosda vorx na don.
"fire" (and) bitterness over the Ruler.
Patrophes undes a-don ganebus ihehudz.
Devastating (but) accepting (is) the Rulers sinister experience of the Mercy Seat.

Row 15

Mika surascha para te gàmmes adrios NA danos.

Vra lad pacad ur gesme crus a prasep ed a palse nax varno zum.
Zan cu asdom baged urmigar orch phaphes ustra nox affod masco gax camles
unsanba a oh la gras par quas consa qual lat gemdax tantat; ba vod talpah ian.

Mika surascha para te gàmmes adrios

Mighty willagent, flaming as a wild dance throughout the universe,
NA danos.
the Trinity obeys you.
Vra lad pacad ur gesme crus a prasep
Seeing the One in three being as they are, the One smiles , paints the sigil of
ed a palse nax varno zum.
Unity : The formulated name of the seer, at heart.
Zan cu asdom baged urmigar orch phaphes
The finger touches gladly any doubt, portrayed then are also passion wealth and
ustra nox affod masco gax camles
willingness upon Him who is recovering. Beholding this will are whole persons
unsanba a oh la gras par quas consa
unruly as the old One, and the moon flaming within olives, perfected in the
qual lat gemdax tantat; ba vod
creator, exercising their praise of multiplication, taught; but learnt by
talpah ian.
experience, the excess you are in your Lordship.
Enochian Tables and Seals
Much of the innate beauty of the Enochian System lies in it's intricate tables and
seals. These are what holds up the notion that the whole system was not dictated
to Dee straight from the imagination of Kelley. Unfortunately, it does not deny the
question that he system was a construct of Dee and Kelley in cohorts, or the
obscure notion that Kelley never worked with Dee, and Dee created it all himself.
Either way, these still form a beautiful magickal and mathematical system.

While the angels dictated these tables and seals, Dee was constantly being
tested on his understanding of their creation. This is why detailed analysis of
them has been provided here, so that the reader not only gains a magickal
symbol, but also an understanding of it. This is where the true power in Magick
comes, not from a powerful symbol, but from an understanding of it. And in Dee's
words: "Who does not understand, should either learn, or be silent."

The information provided here contain samples of Tables and drawings from
Dee's diaries, along with explanations of their patterning and creations. Given the
vast amount of information provided by Dee in his life, I am only able to provide
samples at the moment, and as I am able to come into possession of better
copies, I will post them here.

Sigillum Dei Aemaeth- The Seal of God's truth given to Dee by the Archangel
Michael in an early seance. Pictures and method of creation.

Table I (20 March 1582)- A simple table containing angelic names which is used
in the Sigillum Dei Aemeth

Table II (21 March 1582)- A simple table containing angelic names which is used
in the Sigillum Dei Aemeth

Sample of the Tables or the Book of Enoch- Pagesgem - One of Dee's 49x49
character tables from the Book of Enoch, sometimes known as the Liber
Logaeth. Downloadable text tables, and explanation of symmetry and structure.
Incorrectly named in Casaubon's work as "Pagesgem Baccap Laffos"- which is
the two tables of that leaf.

The Elemental Table- A four piece table containing the Characteres Symmetrici,
given to Dee by the Archangel Raphael. Includes a Shockwave interactive
version of the table, from which the information from the

Tabula Collecta:49 Angelorum Bonorum- Table containing 49 ministers of

God, original ciphered table and reformed deciphered table.
Numerus Primus- 7 Tables which are later used in the Holy Table or "Table of
Union". These tables were worn by angels in the April 28 1582 séance.

The Holy Table- A Table from Meric Casaubon's John Dee: A True and faithful
revelation... Unfortunately there is little explanation as to what it is.

The Body of Nalvage- A table of letters given to Dee and Kelley in an early
séance which is "The Body of Nalvage" one of the angels.

The Liber Loagaeth- The 49x49 Tables which consumed much of Dee's time
during the latter seances. A masterpiece work that is still yet to be deciphered or
adequately explained.
Table I- 20 March 1582.
This table is really simple cipher which contains straight up,
the names of commonly known angels. The table was given
to Kelley through the shewstone as such:

Z l l R H i a

a Z C a a c b

p a u p n h r

h d m h i a i

k k a a e e e

i i e e l l l

e e l l M G †

Which, when read vertically from the top left hand corner
gives the names: Zaphkiel, Zadkiel, Cumael, Raphael,
Haniel, Michael and Gabriel, with a cruciform in the final
square. All of these names were contained in the works of
Henry Cornelius Agrippa or Peter d'Abano, which Dee noted
in the margin. This was also a simple ciphering technique
which was around at the time of Dee. At one stage he even
spoke of such ciphers being able to be cracked by men of
low intellect!

These lines- horizontally, appear agin in the Sigillum Dei

Aemeth, in the outer heptagon.

Table II- 21 March 1582.

This table a slightly more difficult cipher which
contains the names of commonly known angels. The
table was given to Kelley through the shewstone as
In this table, the numbers 8, 26 and 30 are read as L,
and 21 is read as E. The table is read diagonally (in a
down and right manner) from the top left hand corner
gives the names: Sabathiel, Zedekiel, Madimiel,
Semeliel, Nogahel, Corabiel, and Levanael. All of
these names were contained in the works of Henry
Cornelius Agrippa or Peter d'Abano, which Dee noted
in the margin.

These lines- horizontally, appear again in the Sigillum

Dei Aemeth, between the outer heptagon and the

What is of more note here, is the names of the 7

Women, Men, Wenches and Boys, which Dee further
read from the table. These are read diagonally from
each corner, and I am sure that the reader will be able
to follow along without specific instructions. These
were then given a planetary association. In fact, these
can also be found in the middle section of the Sigillum
Dei Aemeth. The Names are as such:

Planet 7 Women 7 Men 7 Wenches 7 Boys

Sun EL I S E







Of note here is the Wench of Mercury- Madimi. This spirit appeared in many of
Dee and Kelley's seances, speaking of sisters and playing around in Dee's
library. She is one of the spirits who is believed to have been seen by Dee, which
are a truly rare breed! That claim is not fully substantiated though.

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