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MARSYS-01468; No of Pages 13

Journal of Marine Systems xx (2007) xxx – xxx


2 Metals content in surface waters of an upwelling system of the

3 northern Humboldt Current (Mejillones Bay, Chile)

4 Jorge Valdés a,⁎, Domingo Román b , Gabriel Alvarez c , Luc Ortlieb d , Marcos Guiñez a,e
5 Laboratorio de Sedimentología y Paleoambientes, Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanológicas, Facultad de Recursos del Mar,
6 Universidad de Antofagasta, Casilla 170, Antofagasta, Chile

7 Departamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad de Antofagasta, Antofagasta, Chile
8 Departamento de Geomensura, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Antofagasta, Antofagasta, Chile
9 UR 055, PALEOTROPIQUE, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement, France
10 Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Aplicadas, Facultad de Recursos del Mar, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
11 Received 1 August 2005; received in revised form 26 April 2007; accepted 11 May 2007

12 Abstract
13 Physical–chemical parameters (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, and chlorophyll concentration) of surface
14 waters were used to evaluate the influence of biological and physical processes over the metal concentrations (Cd, Ni, V, Mo, Mn,
15 and Fe) in different periods of a normal annual cycle (June 2002 and April 2003), in Mejillones Bay (23° S), one of northern
16 Chile's strongest upwelling cells. Two points were sampled every 2 months, but statistical analysis of these parameters did not
17 show any spatial differences in surface water composition (annual average) in this bay. The order of total and dissolved metals by

18 abundance (annual mean) in the Mejillones Bay surface waters during the sampling period was Cd b Ni b Mn b Fe b V b Mo.
19 The surface concentration of metals does not appear to be explained by anthropogenic inputs (at least not during the year of this
20 work), and variability observed in this study appears to be natural. The lack of correlation between physical–chemical parameters
21 and metals could indicate a more complex combination of factors acting on surface concentrations. Moreover, the mixture of water
22 masses and the Oxygen Minimum Zone which characterizes the Mejillones bay should have an important influence on surface

23 distribution of trace metals and can explain the high temporal variability observed in most of the metals analyzed in this work. A
24 two-box conceptual model is proposed to suggest possible influences on metals in surface waters of this coastal ecosystem.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
27 Keywords: Trace metals; Upwelling; Humboldt system; Marine surface water

29 1. Introduction water and bring contaminating materials. Of these, the 32

most important are continental sources (atmospheric 33
30 The continental margin is a boundary where several transport, river runoff), marine (upwelling), and diage- 34

31 sources may affect the chemical characteristics of the netic exchanges at the water–sediment interface. These 35
sources provide organic and inorganic materials that 36
play an important role in biogeochemical cycles. For 37
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +56 55 637865; fax: +56 55 637804.
example, nutrients and trace metals are essential to the 38
E-mail addresses: (J. Valdés), (D. Román), (G. Alvarez),
ecosystem, but should be carefully monitored because 39 (L. Ortlieb), they are potential contaminants in the coastal environ- 40
(M. Guiñez). ment (Cotte-Krief et al., 2000). In both cases, and in the 41

0924-7963/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Valdés, J. et al. Metals content in surface waters of an upwelling system of the northern Humboldt Current (Mejillones
Bay, Chile). J. Mar. Syst. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.05.006
2 J. Valdés et al. / Journal of Marine Systems xx (2007) xxx–xxx

42 absence of contamination processes, upwelling is the 1.1. Regional setting 72

43 principal source of surface nutrients and trace metals
44 from the deep ocean. The Humboldt Current is one of the most productive 73
45 In general, all metals present in marine waters are in systems in the world. In the northern section of this 74
46 dissolved and particulate forms. Many of these trace system, many permanent upwelling cells support im- 75
47 metals are classified as micronutrients because they are portant pelagic fisheries (Strub et al., 1998). Punta 76
48 essential for phytoplankton growth. Most are compo- Angamos and Mejillones Bay (Fig. 1) form the most 77
49 nents of the enzyme system, which catalyzes important productive upwelling system of northern Chile. Many 78
50 biochemical reactions such as glycolysis, photosynthe- studies concerning biological and physical characteris- 79
51 sis, and protein metabolism. Partitioning between dis- tics of this system have been developed in recent years, 80

52 solved and particulate forms of trace metals depends on improving our understanding about their response to 81
53 the physical and chemical conditions of the marine ocean-climatic variability, principally, El Niño events 82
54 environment and the nature of each metal (Libes, 1992). (Escribano et al., 1998; Gonzalez et al., 1998, 2000; 83
55 Moreover, any metal can assume various chemical Iriarte et al., 2000; Sobarzo and Figueroa, 2001; Ulloa 84

56 forms, being able to form a wide variety of ions, com- et al., 2001; Pizarro et al., 2002; Gonzalez et al., 2004; 85
57 pounds, or complexes, or being associated with different Iriarte and Gonzalez, 2004). This area borders one of the 86
58 mineralogical or organic phases (Grotti et al., 2001). world's most arid regions, and continental input to the 87
59 The concentration of these metals can be variable as a ocean is restricted to minor atmospheric transport of 88
60 consequence of changing inputs and/or seasonal effects lithogenic particles (Vargas et al., 2004). For this reason, 89
involving biological, geochemical, and physical inter-
actions (Hatje et al., 2001).
Knowledge of the biogeochemical cycle of trace
metals in coastal environments is needed in order to
identify pollution sources and to explore biological and
DP upwelling seems to be one of the most important pro- 90
cesses influencing the chemical composition of the sur- 91
face waters. Mejillones Bay is a hotspot of biological 92
productivity. This bay is considered an upwelling 93
shadow system (UPS), which responds with more 94
66 dynamical processes. intense biological productivity due to its internal thermal 95
67 This paper aims to study the influence of biological stability (Marín and Olivares, 1999; Marín et al., 2003). 96
68 and physical processes over the some metals content in Studies of the Mejillones Bay have been, principally, 97
69 different periods of a normal annual cycle, in surface focused on the structure and composition of marine 98
70 waters of one the most productive coastal systems of sediments and their potential for paleo-ocean-climatic 99

71 northern Chile. reconstructions of the last millennia (Ortlieb et al., 2000; 100

Fig. 1. Oceanographic setting of Mejillones Bay, showing schematic location of upwelling cell and location of sampling stations: A is coastal and C
pelagic. Bathymetry's lines each 25 m are showed. The dashed line represents the position of the thermal front, which generates an upwelling shadow
(UPS) in Mejillones Bay (Marín et al. 2003).

Please cite this article as: Valdés, J. et al. Metals content in surface waters of an upwelling system of the northern Humboldt Current (Mejillones
Bay, Chile). J. Mar. Syst. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.05.006
J. Valdés et al. / Journal of Marine Systems xx (2007) xxx–xxx 3

101 Valdés et al., 2000; Valdés and Ortlieb, 2001; Valdés Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (HHPN–FF–AAS) 148
102 et al., 2003, 2004; Vargas et al., 2004). As part of the before off-line separation and preconcentration with 149
103 latest studies, redox-sensitive metals preserved in ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (APDC) and 150
104 sediments have been analyzed in order to calibrate extraction with methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK). Mo was 151
105 proxies of paleoxygenation (Valdés, 2004) and to asses measured with Hydraulic High Pressure Nebulization, 152
106 potential problems of marine contamination derived Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (HHPN–AAS) before 153
107 from intense industrial development in recent years off-line separation and preconcentration with MIBK; 154
108 (Valdés et al., 2005). afterwards, the sample was acidified to 7 M with HCl. 155
109 Industrial activity in the area is represented by aqua- V and Mn were determined by Inductively Coupled 156
110 culture and the fishmeal industry, power thermoelectric Plasma, Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP–OES) ac- 157

111 generation, and mineral exports. The real impact of this cording to the matrix matching technique, using purified 158
112 recent development on the marine ecosystem is still seawater (PSW) (1) for blank measurements and the 159
113 unknown. preparation of the standards for optimization and 160
calibration. 161

114 2. Materials and methods Ni was determined by adsorptive accumulation of the 162
respective complex with dimethylglyoxime at the drop 163
115 2.1. Sample collection mercury electrode (DME) by Adsorptive Differential 164
Pulse Polarography (AdDPP) (2), and Cd was measured 165
116 Surface water samples were collected from two by Potentiometric Stripping Analysis (PSA) in the 166
sites in Mejillones Bay (Fig. 1), using clean, 5 l inert
sampling bottles (Niskin, General Oceanic) hung on
stainless steel hydrowire. Between June 2002 and April
2003, samples for nutrients, chlorophyll-a, temperature,
dissolved oxygen and salinity were collected monthly,
DP derivate signal mode (3, 4).
CASS — 4 (coastal seawater) and NASS — 4
(oceanic seawater) certified reference seawater from the
Canadian National Research Council (NRC–CNRC)
were used to validate the techniques and for quality
122 while samples for trace metals were collected every control of the analytical determinations of Mn, Fe, Ni, 172
123 2 months. Samples were stored at low temperatures, Cd, and Mo. Vanadium's quality control was done with 173
124 in high density polyethylene bottles treated with nitric the spiking technique. Purified coastal seawater (PSW) 174
125 acid. Temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen data was prepared with an additional solid phase extraction 175
126 were collected with a CTD (Sea Bird, 19 plus) at the step, using C18 3 M Empore Bakerbond (J. T. Baker) 176

127 same sampling locations. discs (1) to improve the uptake of residual trace metals, 177
and was used for blanks, the ICP–OES calibration ma- 178
128 2.2. Analytical procedures trix, with spikes as a secondary reference material for 179
quality control. 180

129 2.2.1. Trace metals Before each series of ten measurements routine 181
130 For dissolved concentrations, the samples were controls of precision and accuracy were done. If, in four 182
131 filtered with 0.45 μm Millipore membranes in Nalgene consecutive tests, the precision varied from the expected 183
132 Polisulfone (PSF) systems and acidified to pH 2 with value by 20%, all analytical procedures were reviewed, 184
133 nitric acid. This was done the same day as the collection and any having suspicious measurements were repeated. 185

134 in a “clean laboratory environment”, inside a laminar When the committed relative error was ≥ 15% with 186
135 flow hood (Labconco, Purifier Class II). The samples respect to the certified value, all the analytical pro- 187
136 were maintained at 4 °C inside the hood. Immediately cedures were reviewed, and any suspicions ones were 188
137 before the ICP–OES measurements, the samples were repeated. 189
All metal concentrations are expressed in μg l− 1.

138 acidified to 1 M with HNO3. 190

139 For total concentrations, whole water samples were
140 acidified to pH 2 with nitric acid, and then a 250 ml sub 2.2.2. Nutrients and chlorophyll 191
141 sample was digested with 20 ml of nitric acid at 90 °C in Water samples for nutrients were filtered through a 192
142 a BOD bottle for 2 h in a stainless steel air forced oven 0.45 μm membrane filter and concentration was 193
143 (WTC Binder); the final acidity of this medium was 1 M determined using a Spectronic 20D Spectrophotometer, 194
144 HNO3. according to methodology proposed by Parsons et al. 195
145 Fe and Mo were determined according to the method (1984). Chlorophyll-a was measured in a Shimadzu RF- 196
146 described by Román et al. (2003). Fe was measured with 5301 Spectrofluorometer, after filtering samples in the 197
147 Hydraulic High Pressure Nebulization, Flame Furnace, dark through a 0.45 μm membrane filter, following 198

Please cite this article as: Valdés, J. et al. Metals content in surface waters of an upwelling system of the northern Humboldt Current (Mejillones
Bay, Chile). J. Mar. Syst. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.05.006
4 J. Valdés et al. / Journal of Marine Systems xx (2007) xxx–xxx

t1:1 Table 1
t1:2 Descriptive statistics of all parameters measured in this work
t1:3 Parameter Mean SD Range
t1:4 ST. A ST. C ST. A ST. C ST. A ST. C
t1:5 Temperature (°C) 17.02 17.04 1.79 1.56 14.47–19.92 15.18–20.06
t1:6 Salinity (psu) 34.79 34.77 0.11 0.10 34.64–34.98 34.65–34.98
t1:7 Dis. Oxygen (ml l− 1) 6.40 7.24 2.31 2.02 2.22–10.47 3.20–10.68
t1:8 Nitrate 2.13 1.04 2.95 1.15 0.06–8.70 0.02–3.66
t1:9 Nitrite 0.11 0.08 0.14 0.07 0.00–0.46 0.00–0.19
t1:10 Phosphate 1.40 1.13 0.74 0.49 0.20–2.70 0.30–1.18
t1:11 Silicate 16.55 17.39 21.86 18.61 0.92–72.60 0.00–50.50

t1:12 Chlorophyll-a 3.2 2.73 2.08 1.68 0.67–6.36 0.24–5.31
t1:13 V Total 7.33 7.36 1.91 3.21 4.40–9.23 3.48–12.80
t1:14 Dissolved 4.95 3.78 1.47 1.53 3.59–6.61 2.11–6.39
t1:15 Mn Total 1.49 1.99 0.73 1.18 0.67–2.54 0.87–4.09
t1:16 Dissolved 0.94 1.03 0.31 0.33 0.56–1.32 0.56–1.38

t1:17 Fe Total 2.77 2.69 0.41 0.67 2.41–3.51 1.96–3.58
t1:18 Dissolved 1.88 1.75 0.58 0.20 1.17–2.41 1.57–2.11
t1:19 Ni Total 0.88 0.83 0.05 0.23 0.84–0.98 0.36–0.98
t1:20 Dissolved 0.57 0.57 0.23 0.25 0.20–0.88 0.21–0.82
t1:21 Mo Total 13.85 15.28 1.79 5.02 11.19–15.36 9.43–21.74
DP 1.88
SD = standard deviation; nutrients are expressed in μmol l− 1; Chlorophyll is expressed in μg l− 1; metals are expressed in μg l− 1.

199 Holm-Hansen et al. (1965). The results of nutrients are 3. Results and discussion 209
200 reported as μmol l− 1; chlorophyll-a is reported as μg l− 1.
3.1. Statistical validation 210
201 2.3. Statistical analysis
Descriptive statistics of all parameters measured in 211

202 Temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, metals, both stations in Mejillones Bay are shown in Table 1. 212
203 nutrients, and chlorophyll were each analyzed by one- The comparison of these results with previous work in 213
204 way analyses of variance (ANOVA), to test the signif- this area (Rodriguez et al., 1991; Marín and Olivares, 214
205 icance of spatial and temporal variability. Pearson corre- 1999; Marín et al., 2003) indicates that the sampling 215

206 lations and cluster analyses were performed to evaluate period corresponds to a normal year, without influence 216
207 the relationships between all parameters measured at of El Niño event, which drastically changes water 217
208 each station. column structure in this area. 218

t2:1 Table 2
t2:2 Spatial variability: one-way ANOVA of all parameters measured in Mejillones Bay
t2:3 Temperature Oxygen Salinity Chlorophyll-a Nitrate Nitrite Phosphate
t2:4 F 0.000 0.75 0.14 0.31 1.18 0.39

t2:5 P 0.977 0.398 0.715 0.588 0.291 0.539

t2:6 Silicate VTotal MnTotal FeTotal NiTotal MoTotal CdTotal Vdissolved

t2:7 F 0.01 0.00 0.79 0.06 0.32 0.38 >0.26 1.83
t2:8 P 0.927 0.986 0.396 0.812 0.587 0.553 0.621 0.206

t2:9 Mndissolved Fedissolved Nidissolved Modissolved Cddissolved

t2:10 F 0.27 0.26 0.00 3.39 0.01
t2:11 P 0.617 0.619 0.963 0.095 0.930
t2:12 P b 0.05.

Please cite this article as: Valdés, J. et al. Metals content in surface waters of an upwelling system of the northern Humboldt Current (Mejillones
Bay, Chile). J. Mar. Syst. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.05.006
J. Valdés et al. / Journal of Marine Systems xx (2007) xxx–xxx 5

t3:1 Table 3
t3:2 Pearson's Coefficient Correlation of all parameters measured in Mejillones Bay
t3:3 Temperature Oxygen Chlorophyll Nitrate Nitrite Mntot Motot Cdtot
t3:4 Oxygen 0.53
t3:5 Chlorophyll 0.804
t3:6 Nitrate − 0.601 − 0.651
t3:7 Nitrite 0.86
t3:8 Phosphate − 0.7
t3:9 Silicate − 0.7
t3:10 Mntot − 0.639
t3:11 Fetot 0.822

t3:12 Nitot 0.652
t3:13 Cdtot 0.655
t3:14 Vdis 0.67 0.715
t3:15 Mndis − 0.825 0.832
t3:16 Modis 0.606 0.598

Cddis 0.656 0.699
t3:18 Only significant values (P b 0.05) are showed.

The results of the ANOVA showed no significant
differences for oceanographic parameters between the
two sampling stations (Table 2). In other words, the
surface waters of Mejillones Bay, at averaged over a
year, present homogeneous spatial conditions for all
DP 3.2. Oceanographic variability

The annual mean surface temperature, salinity, and 234

dissolved oxygen levels found are characteristic of a 235
normal (non-El Niño) year, whereas the ranges of values 236

224 parameters measured. However, the results suggest reflect seasonality and upwelling events influences. 237
225 some differences related to warm and cold periods Considering the results of the ANOVA test, cluster 238
226 which are characteristics of this zone. analysis was done with all physical–chemical parameters 239
227 Table 3 presents the results of Pearson's Coefficient combining both sampling stations. The result (Fig. 2) 240
228 of Correlation for all parameters measured in this study. showed a clear group formed by temperature, oxygen, and 241

229 In spite of number of parameters measured in this study, chlorophyll, which present positive and significant 242
230 significant correlations were found in few cases. Only correlations, except in case of oxygen and chlorophyll 243
231 temperature and chlorophyll correlate with more than (Table 3). The others parameters didn't showed a clear 244
232 two other parameters. relationship, but nitrate–nitrite (significant correlation, 245

Fig. 2. Single-linkage dendrogram of similitude showing the results of clustering analyses of grouped physical–chemical parameters (not metals). The
best line of similitude is shown.

Please cite this article as: Valdés, J. et al. Metals content in surface waters of an upwelling system of the northern Humboldt Current (Mejillones
Bay, Chile). J. Mar. Syst. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.05.006
6 J. Valdés et al. / Journal of Marine Systems xx (2007) xxx–xxx

246 Table 3), and phosphate–silicate (no significant correla- case, phytoplankton affects the distribution of dissolved 296
247 tion) suggest some relationship (Fig. 2). Supported in metals, using most of them as micronutrients (Gonzalez- 297
248 these results we interpret that Mejillones Bay system Davila, 1995). These intrinsic characteristics of metals 298
249 presents two oceanographic scenarios: one characterized must be considered when interpreting this study's 299
250 by a low influence of physical processes and rich nutrient results. 300
251 surface waters (cold season) and another characterized by
252 strong influences of physical processes coupled to 3.3.1. Vanadium 301
253 biological factors (warm season), the last one represented The predominant chemical form of V in oxic waters 302
254 in Fig. 2 by group formed by temperature, oxygen, and is vanadate, H2VO4− (Morford and Emerson, 1999), 303
255 chlorophyll. whose behavior is mostly conservative with some 304

256 Temperatures ranged between 14.5 °C (winter) and possible nutrient cycling (Bruland, 1983). Total and 305
257 20.1 °C (summer) and dissolved oxygen between 2.2 ml dissolved V variability presents a general trend char- 306
258 l− 1 and 10.7 ml l− 1 (both in summer; Table 1, Fig. 3). A acterized by high concentrations in cold season and low 307
259 considerable decrease of these parameters was regis- concentrations in warm season, similar to nutrient 308

260 tered in February. This situation suggests upwelled behavior. The partitioning between the dissolved and 309
261 waters present inside the bay. At this month, it also particulate phases appears to be relatively constant 310
262 registered an increase of phosphate (Fig. 3). The neg- throughout the year with exception of February in 311
263 ative correlation between dissolved oxygen and phos- pelagic station (Fig. 3). This situation points to an 312
264 phate has been used as an indicator of upwelling in this increase of the particulate form, which could be asso- 313
bay (Rodriguez et al., 1991).
During cold season (April–September) nutrients
concentration is high because productivity is inhibited
due to a lack of radiation. The low intensity of pro-
ductivity generates low chlorophyll concentrations
DP ciated to the influence of upwelled water transported 314
into the bay by onshore advection.

3.3.2. Manganese
Mn is present in oxic waters as MnO2 (Russell and

270 (Fig. 3). During warm season (October–March), when Morford, 2001). According to Kremling (1985) and 318
271 radiation is optimum, the productivity increases and, Libes (1992), this metal is enriched in coastal surface 319
272 consequently, the nutrient concentrations decrease and waters due to a large metal supply from external sources. 320
273 chlorophyll increases (Fig. 3). A similar pattern, es- Variability was more marked for total Mn than for its 321
274 pecially between nitrate and chlorophyll, was observed dissolved form, which could be explained by the 322

275 by Rodriguez et al. (1991), during 1987–88. presence of particulate Mn in surface waters during 323
periods of high total Mn concentrations (i.e. October). 324
276 3.3. Metal content in surface waters According to Schenau et al. (2002), the most important 325
primary source of Mn to the ocean is the product of 326

277 The concentrations of total and dissolved metals at continental weathering. Valdés et al. (2005) found a 327
278 each station are showed in Table 1. As was the case for significant correlation between this metal and Al in the 328
279 oceanographic parameters, ANOVA did not show Mejillones Bay marine sediments, which is a signal of 329
280 significant differences in metal concentrations between lithogenic input. In Mejillones the continental transport 330
281 both sampling stations (Table 2). In order of abundance, to the ocean is controlled almost exclusively by winds 331

282 the total and dissolved trace metals (annual mean) in the (Vargas et al., 2004). The strongest winds from the south 332
283 surface waters of Mejillones Bay (2002–2003) were and south-west develops during spring and summer 333
284 Cd b Ni b Mn b Fe b V b Mo. conditions (Escribano et al., 2004) mostly in Septem- 334
285 In general, metals in seawaters can be classified ber–October, which could to explain the increase of 335

286 according to their interactive properties with biological particulate Mn registered in October. 336
287 and physical–chemical processes. Two groups can be
288 identified: conservative and non-conservative. The first 3.3.3. Iron 337
289 group, including Mo, presents few interactions with the The annual variation of Fe was different at each 338
290 biological cycle and its horizontal and vertical distribu- sampling station. At the coastal station, both total and 339
291 tion is governed by physical processes such as advection dissolved iron concentrations were low in winter and 340
292 and turbulent mixing (Libes, 1992). The second group, increased during spring–summer. On the other hand, the 341
293 including V, Ni, Cd, Fe, and Mn, is affected by bio- pelagic station showed an opposite trend: high total 342
294 logical processes, whether via scavenging and/or concentrations during winter and low total concentra- 343
295 biological uptake (Brown et al., 1994). In the latter tions during spring–summer, with constant dissolved 344

Please cite this article as: Valdés, J. et al. Metals content in surface waters of an upwelling system of the northern Humboldt Current (Mejillones
Bay, Chile). J. Mar. Syst. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.05.006
J. Valdés et al. / Journal of Marine Systems xx (2007) xxx–xxx 7


Fig. 3. Surface temporal variability of parameters measured at both Mejillones Bay stations during 2002–2003. Temperature in degrees Celsius;
dissolved oxygen in ml l− 1; chlorophyll-a in μg l− 1; nutrients in μmol l− 1; metals in μg l− 1. Black circle is total metal and white circle is dissolved
metal. Arrows indicates satellite image dates (See Fig. 4).

Please cite this article as: Valdés, J. et al. Metals content in surface waters of an upwelling system of the northern Humboldt Current (Mejillones
Bay, Chile). J. Mar. Syst. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.05.006
8 J. Valdés et al. / Journal of Marine Systems xx (2007) xxx–xxx

345 concentrations year-round (Fig. 3). Martín and Fitzwater the upwelling events are more frequent and intense 395
346 (1988) have shown that phytoplankton growth is limited (Marín et al., 2003), which influence the onshore 396
347 by iron availability, especially in the California and advection and probably the Mo content in surface 397
348 Humboldt Current Systems (Hutchins and Bruland, waters principally in the pelagic station. 398
349 1998). However, the lack of correlation between Fe and
350 nutrients and chlorophyll would to indicate that this 3.3.6. Cadmium 399
351 metal has no relationship with biological factors, at least Of all metals measured in this study, Cd had the 400
352 in this bay. By other hand, Des Combes et al. (1999) lowest concentration. The total concentration presented 401
353 indicate that the supply of this metal is governed, a more marked variability than its dissolved form at both 402
354 principally, by continental input probably in the same stations (Fig. 3), as a consequence of the variation of 403

355 way as Mn in Mejillones Bay. However, no significant particulate Cd in Mejillones Bay surface waters. The 404
356 correlation was found between Fe and Mn (Table 2). In typical oceanic Cd distribution presents low or depleted 405
357 the California Current Johnson et al. (1999) found values near the surface (Delgadillo-Hinojosa et al., 406
358 that Fe was introduced by resuspended bottom sediment 2001) and is regulated by marine biogeochemical pro- 407

359 during coastal upwelling. A similar mechanism should cesses, namely uptake by phytoplankton in surface 408
360 be acting in Mejillones bay, because the microxic con- waters (Abe, 2001). Cd is a nutrient-like metal that 409
361 dition of bottom environments (Valdés, 2004) and the presents only one oxidation state in seawater (Cd II) and 410
362 persistence of the upwelling should to introduce Fe into is found as CdCl+ (Morford and Emerson, 1999; Russell 411
363 the bay from offshore zone. and Morford, 2001; Nameroff et al., 2002). This 412

3.3.4. Nickel
Ni occurs in oxic waters as Ni2+ and NiCl+ (Calvert
and Pedersen, 1993). At the Mejillones Bay coastal
station, total Ni was constant during the entire study
DP behavior indicates that Cd has a short residence in
surface waters because it is removed rapidly by plankton
growth (Calvert and Pedersen, 1993). Temporal Cd
variations were associated with chlorophyll-a concen-
tration and temperature fluctuation, suggesting that
368 period, whereas its dissolved form showed high phytoplanktonic biomass production is the principal 418
369 concentrations during winter and low concentrations factor controlling Cadmium concentration in surface 419
370 during spring–summer. The pelagic station registered a waters of Mejillones bay. However, the two highest total 420
371 highly variable Ni concentrations, with decay during Cd values measured in December and April in station A 421
372 October and high concentrations before and after this seem too high to be attributed to phytoplankton, because 422

373 month (Fig. 3). The distribution of Ni is strongly according to Cullen and Sherrell (1999) in a work 423
374 mediated biologically (Kremling, 1985), and its behav- developed in California Current, the Cd content of 424
375 ior as a micronutrient indicates that it is removed from marine particles is less than 10 ng l− 1. It is possible that 425
376 surface waters by plankton growth (Saager et al., 1992; upwelled waters transported by onshore advection have 426

377 Morley et al., 1993). It seems like lowest dissolved Ni some degree of influence in Cd content in Mejillones 427
378 concentration at station A should be accompanied by a bay, as account in others coastal environments (Boyle, 428
379 high chlorophyll concentration (Fig. 3), which sug- 1988; Van Geen et al., 1992; Van Geen and Husby, 429
380 gest some influence of biological productivity on Ni 1996; Takesue et al., 2004). 430
381 behavior.

3.4. Factors controlling seasonal variability of trace 431

382 3.3.5. Molybdenum metals in Mejillones bay 432
383 Molybdenum (VI) appears in the stable oxidation
384 state in oxic waters and is found as MoO42− (Morford One possible source of trace metals in Mejillones 433

385 and Emerson, 1999; Russell and Morford, 2001; Bay is the input of lithogenic material. However, Valdés 434
386 Nameroff et al., 2002). Mo is a conservative metal et al. (2000) and Valdés (2004) compared V, Ni, Mo, and 435
387 only affected by physical–chemical factors (Libes, Cd with aluminum (a marker of lithogenic sources 436
388 1992; Brown et al., 1994; Adelson et al., 2001). according to Dean et al. (1997) in marine sediments, 437
389 Because of its conservative nature, it is possible to without finding any significant correlations). The 438
390 assume that coastal surface circulation controls the Mo authors concluded that continental input in the sedi- 439
391 distribution in Mejillones Bay surface waters. Concen- ments of Mejillones Bay is not the principal source of 440
392 trations of dissolved and total Mo were less variable at these trace metals. Moreover, Vargas et al. (2004) in- 441
393 the coastal than at the pelagic station (Fig. 3), which is dicated that lithogenic debris in the bottom marine 442
394 closer than upwelling cell (Fig. 1). During warm season sediments of Mejillones Bay represents less than 5% of 443

Please cite this article as: Valdés, J. et al. Metals content in surface waters of an upwelling system of the northern Humboldt Current (Mejillones
Bay, Chile). J. Mar. Syst. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.05.006
J. Valdés et al. / Journal of Marine Systems xx (2007) xxx–xxx 9

Fig. 4. Satellite image of chlorophyll-a in Punta Angamos upwelling system during August 2002 (left) and March 2003 (right).

444 the total bulk sediments, which suggests that metals in important characteristic. This situation could indicate 481
445 lithogenic minerals transported from the continent to the that there is a combination of factors with different 482
446 ocean constitute a minor source in this coastal area. By temporal variation patterns which influence the presence 483
447 other hand, Valdés et al. (2005) demonstrated that of metals in surface waters. Based on the area's oceanic 484
contamination doesn't explain the concentration of these
trace metals in this bay. However, some influence of
waste water treatment plant effluent should be consid-
ered specially in station A. Even if influenced to some
extent by atmospheric inputs and/or contamination
DP characteristics and the results obtained in this study, a
conceptual two-box model is proposed to explain the
variation of metals in surface waters of this coastal
ecosystem (Fig. 5). The two-box model considered in
this work was based on the area's UPS interpretation
453 processes in the surface waters, the distribution of V, proposed by Marín et al. (2003), which separates the 490
454 Ni, Cd, and Mo in Mejillones Bay at the moment Mejillones Bay from the Punta Angamos upwelling 491
455 of sampling, can be broadly and principally accounted system. The upwelling event of Punta Angamos causes 492
456 by a combination of natural oceanic processes and a biological productivity increment into Mejillones bay, 493
457 mechanisms. and the development of an efficient retention zone of 494

458 Seasonal variability was described by grouping pa- phytoplanktonic organisms (Marin and Olivares, 1999; 495
459 rameters into two general annual periods: the cold Escribano et al., 2000). These characteristics are 496
460 (autumn–winter) and warm (spring–summer) seasons. modulated by the “upwelling shadow” condition present 497
461 Fig. 4 shows typical satellite images (from EOS Aqua in this bay, which is defined as a confined zone of an 498

462 Spacecraft; second and third order polynomic correction

463 process) of chlorophyll-a distribution during the cold
464 period (August 28, 2002) and the warm period
465 (February 28, 2003), coincident with the sampling of
466 metals in surface waters. During the cold season low

467 levels of chlorophyll were found in the surface waters of

468 the Punta Angamos upwelling cell and Mejillones Bay
469 (in accordance with chlorophyll measured in situ),
470 which indicated that productivity was low during this

471 period. On the other hand, during the warm season, well
472 productive waters are common, with a filament of high
473 levels of chlorophyll displaced to the north-east, gen-
474 erating an upwelling shadow system (UPS) in the bay, as
475 proposed by Marín et al. (2003). Low levels of dissolved Fig. 5. Conceptual scheme of mechanisms which influence temporal
476 oxygen and high levels of phosphate registered during variability of trace metal concentrations in surface waters of Mejillones
477 warm season, particularly in February, are characteristic Bay. TTM = Total Trace Metal; PTM = Particulate Trace Metal; DTM =
Dissolved Trace Metal; 1 = offshore deep water upwelling; 2 = onshore
478 of upwelling events (Fahrbach et al., 1980). advection; 3 = desorption of particulate metals; 4 = phytoplankton
479 The lack of a similar pattern of temporal variability of uptake; 5 = scavenging; 6 = exchange at sediment–water interface 7 =
480 metals in both sampling stations seems to be the most wind transport; 8 = expected anthropogenic input.

Please cite this article as: Valdés, J. et al. Metals content in surface waters of an upwelling system of the northern Humboldt Current (Mejillones
Bay, Chile). J. Mar. Syst. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.05.006
10 J. Valdés et al. / Journal of Marine Systems xx (2007) xxx–xxx

499 active coastal upwelling system, whiting which upwell- in the oceanographic literature do not correspond to the 551
500 ing is less intense (Marin et al., 2001). According to this bay's interior. However, it is possible to recognize these 552
501 situation the upwelled waters are transported inside the traits in spite of the water mixture. In general terms, it 553
502 bay by onshore advection. The upwelling condition can be said that there is a predominance of the STSW at 554
503 founded inside the bay in February, according to PO4 the surface level. However, this level is also character- 555
504 and dissolved oxygen (Fig. 3) represents the spin-up ized by minimum salinities related to the minimum 556
505 phase of the develop of the upwelling shadow (Marín salinity water levels (MSW) mentioned at Sobarzo and 557
506 et al., 2001). Figueroa's(2001) work corresponding to some type of 558
507 Several studies have shown that coastal surface SASW. This situation should have an important 559
508 waters contain higher concentrations of dissolved trace influence on surface distribution of trace metals and 560

509 metals (DTM) than open ocean waters (Kremling and can explain the high spatial and temporal variability 561
510 Hydes, 1988; Kremling and Pohl, 1989; Muller et al., observed in most of the metals analyzed in this work. 562
511 1994; Cotté, 1997; Le Gall et al., 1999). The offshore Due to the fact that vertical mixing of water column 563
512 box presents two ways of metal transport: surface is an important characteristic in Mejillones bay, another 564

513 circulation entering and vertical circulation via the factor that should be considered is the influence of 565
514 upwelling of deep water, which results in different microxic condition of subsurface waters (Valdés, 2004), 566
515 intensities depending on the wind direction and strength because all the metals analyzed in this work are redox- 567
516 (Strub et al., 1998). Both mechanisms transport water sensitive (Morford and Emerson, 1999; Bostick et al., 568
517 masses with a much defined chemical composition 2000; Brown et al., 2000, Crusius and Thomson, 2000; 569
(metals included). For example, in the case of DTM, at a
global scale, Martín and Thomas (1994) estimated that
the oceanic input would dominate sources for the
oceanic margin. Unfortunately, information about the
metal composition of marine waters in the Humboldt
DP Hammond et al., 2000; Zheng et al., 2000, Morford 570
et al., 2001; Russell and Morford, 2001). In the shallow 571
zone (between 0 m and 45 m water depth) sediments are 572
deposited under oxic condition. In this zone Ni, V, Cd 573
and Mo are resolubilized during the diagenetic process 574
523 system is lacking and it was not possible to compare our remaining in solution, while Mn and Fe precipitate to 575
524 results with other works. In the inside the bay box, the sediments. Hatje et al. (2001) suggest that Fe is 576
525 surface metal concentrations result from very low oxidized faster than Mn in natural systems, which 577
526 lithogenic input, uncertain industrial contamination pro- indicates that Mn could be transported further away 578
527 cesses (a continuing possibility), ingestion by phyto- from coast before precipiting in the bottom sediments. 579

528 plankton, desorption from particles, and scavenging due In the deeper zone of Mejillones bay prevails a 580
529 to high organic matter production. In this last case, microxic/anoxic sediment–water interface condition 581
530 Bacon and Anderson (1982) propose the “reversible which promotes precipitation of Ni, Cd, Mo and V. Fe 582
531 scavenging model”, in which the settling and regener- and Mn remain in solution and are resolubilized during 583

532 ation of biogenic particles are important factors in the diagenetic process. 584
533 removing trace metals from surface waters in the ocean. The combination of these mechanisms and temporal 585
534 These factors are combined with surface water masses variation could explain the complex behavior of these 586
535 present inside the bay. During period of study the water metals in this upwelling system of northern Chile. 587
536 column of Mejillones bay showed a mixture of Sub-

537 tropical Surface Water (STSW), Subantarctic Surface 4. Conclusions 588

538 Water (SASW), and Equatorial Subsurface Water
539 (ESSW), which are commonly observed offshore of The temporal distribution of some metals in the 589
540 Mejillones Bay (Sobarzo and Figueroa, 2001). Consid- coastal waters of the northern Humboldt Current 590

541 ering that the bay have less than 100 m deep, it is (Mejillones Bay, Chile) has been described in relation 591
542 convenient to talk about the types of water associated to to physical–chemical and biological processes. 592
543 these water masses. Their original properties are modi- In Mejillones Bay, nutrients are present year-round in 593
544 fied by a mixture of processes, and/or due to the atmo- surface waters and are not a limiting factor for high 594
545 spheric conditions. The composition of these surface primary productivity. Radiation could be a limiting 595
546 water masses has a temporal and spatial variability that factor explaining the opposing trend of nutrients and 596
547 is subject to seasonal atmospheric variations such as chlorophyll; low radiation in autumn and winter cor- 597
548 solar radiation, wind intensity and a mixture of effects responds to high nutrients and low chlorophyll, whereas 598
549 caused by the bay's dynamics and coastal upwelling high radiation in spring and summer corresponds to low 599
550 processes. The features of the water-mass core defined nutrients and high chlorophyll. 600

Please cite this article as: Valdés, J. et al. Metals content in surface waters of an upwelling system of the northern Humboldt Current (Mejillones
Bay, Chile). J. Mar. Syst. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.05.006
J. Valdés et al. / Journal of Marine Systems xx (2007) xxx–xxx 11

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647 their comments and significantly improving the numerical-modeling approach. Continental Shelf Research 24, 708
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Please cite this article as: Valdés, J. et al. Metals content in surface waters of an upwelling system of the northern Humboldt Current (Mejillones
Bay, Chile). J. Mar. Syst. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.05.006

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