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WebCTRL - Brochure - April 2016

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Next level building automation engineered

to help you make smart decisions.


In today’s buildings, the power of an innovative, easy-to-use

automation system is a big deal.
WebCTRL® Building Automation System
The power is in the platform.

Since its beginning, Automated Logic has focused on one objective: developing innovative building automation
systems with the latest technologies to offer operational freedom, flexibility and ease of use. Now more than
ever, the WebCTRL® building automation system brings that objective to life—in a big way.

The WebCTRL® system is much more than simple • Powerful, comprehensive building management with intuitive,
point-and-click graphical access
building automation. It is a powerful web-based
• Dynamic color floor plans convey a quick understanding of
building automation platform with software tools building conditions
• Customizable graphics, schedules, trends, reports, and alarms
that help you keep occupants comfortable, manage
• Inherent WebCTRL Environmental Index™ tool for measuring,
energy conservation measures, identify key operational analyzing, and comparing comfort conditions against setpoints,
helping you balance comfort with efficiency
problems and analyze the results. And, best of all, this can • Powerful WebCTRL Time-lapse™ graphics for analyzing and
troubleshooting up to 24 hours of past building operation
all be done anytime/anywhere, through a variety of Internet
• Built-in Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD), to help
devices, from desktop PCs to web-enabled cell phones. anticipate, provide insight, and automatically respond to
building issues
Our thinking behind the
WebCTRL® Building Automation System?
In building automation, open standards mean open possibilities.

The Automated Logic commitment to open standards is front-and-center with the WebCTRL® building
automation system. Only open standards can take full advantage of the latest web technologies, enabling
WebCTRL systems to offer end-to-end operating freedom.

WebCTRL systems support major communications protocols, including BACnet, LonWorks®, Modbus® and SNMP. With its ability
to run on Java2-compliant server platforms such as Windows®, Redhat Enterprise Linux®, and Unbuntu, the WebCTRL system can
operate with many JDBC-compliant databases, including MS Access®, MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL and Oracle®. WebCTRL
systems can easily share data with enterprise or third-party systems to accomplish a range of tasks, including:

• Generation of bills for tenants’ off-hours usage

• Automatic generation of building systems’ maintenance work orders
• Demand reduction, by participating in energy rebate programs using the OpenADR® 2.0 protocol

With these capabilities and more, you can configure, network and manage building control systems in ways that best serve your
operating needs and budget.

The WebCTRL® building automation system gives you the ability to understand your building operations and analyze the results.
The WebCTRL system integrates environmental, energy, security and safety systems into one powerful management tool that
allows you to reduce energy consumption, increase occupant comfort, and achieve sustainable building operations. Our web-
based system allows building managers to control and access information about their HVAC, lighting, central plant and critical
processes on premises or remotely at any time of day.
Building control
can be complicated.
We work harder to keep it simple.

With flexibility and capabilities like ours, the WebCTRL® system takes the complexity out of web-based
building automation.
The potential of the WebCTRL system is universal—literally.

It enables you to access your building automation system

from anywhere in the world through a number of devices—
including desktop computers, laptop computers, tablets
and cell phones—equipped with up-to-date browsers. And
without the need for add-on software.

That communications flexibility extends to its functionality

as well. WebCTRL systems provide local to global energy
management and control—from single-user, single-site to
multi-user, multi-site, and even multi-server installations. The
system easily interfaces with major electrical and mechanical
subsystems including standby generators, lighting and fire
systems, building elevator systems and more. Combined
with its intuitive navigation and graphical user interface, the
WebCTRL building automation system offers users efficiency
and productivity all in one streamlined location.
Save your energy—
The features are all here.

The WebCTRL® building automation system not only helps you to save energy—it can also help save
on expenses.

• Power of Data Visualization – Educate your audience • Power of our Dealers – Automated Logic’s worldwide
by displaying live data such as current energy and network of authorized dealers includes more than
water usage, indoor air quality (IAQ), outdoor air 170 field offices with proven experience in building
conditions, and much more. Show live data on floor automation, energy management and controls. This
plans—like energy use, temperatures or occupancy. team, consisting of company branches as well as
independently owned dealers, guides customers
• Power of Integration – The WebCTRL system integrates through the process of designing, engineering,
building systems, including environmental, energy, installing and maintaining the WebCTRL system.
security and safety systems, so they can all be managed
through a single, web-based management tool.

Unlike other systems, the WebCTRL building automation system provides powerful energy-saving and
analytics features that are fully integrated at installation.

• Setpoint Optimization – calculates optimum setpoint • Fault Detection & Diagnostics – measures, anticipates,
values based on actual operating requirements provides insight, and automatically responds to
system conditions that are not necessarily critical,
• Optimum Start – assures comfortable settings at time but may be trending that way – all with the goal of
of occupancy based on building conditions and system improved operational performance.

• Demand Reduction – allows utility suppliers to

automatically and securely communicate with a
building automation system to reduce energy demand
during critical periods. We support the OpenADR
2.0a/2.0b protocol.

• Time-lapse™ Graphics – rolls back time, up to a 24-hour

slice, playing back hours of real-time data in just minutes

• Environmental Index™ Tool – measures, analyzes

and compares data, helping you balance
comfort with efficiency

These energy-saving functions are combined with an abundance of other standard operating features.

• Thermographic Color Floor Plans – convey a • Trends and Scatter Plot Tools – enables operators to
quick understanding of facility-wide comfort and track and troubleshoot building conditions
operating conditions
• Logging/Reporting – extracts and formats building
• Hierarchical and Group Scheduling – supports data from a browser to Acrobat®, Excel® and other
customized, graphically displayed schedules for applications with a single click
buildings, floors, zones or equipment groups to manage
energy use with flexibility and ease • Logical Alarming – generates alarms and notifies users
after specified events have occurred
Intelligence has never been this intuitive.

With the WebCTRL® system platform, the only thing better than the building automation features is how
easy we make it to use them. Take a quick glance at some of our capabilities on display.

Control multiple buildings with secure Immediately understand the of conditions in Define appropriate zone control setpoints
browser access from anywhere in the world. your building with WebCTRL thermographic with a simple graphical adjustment.

Automatically supress downstream equipment Review floor plans, equipment graphics, Diagnose problems, or simulate operational
alarms with WebCTRL Fault Detection and trending and alarms over a past period of time data to evaluate the performance of
Diagnostics (FDD), making it easier to diagnose so you can quickly identify and resolve building equipment with the WebCTRL EIKON ®
problems. control issues. graphical programming tool.

Additional add-ons compliment the WebCTRL system and allow building owners to create reports and
showcase information.

Compare energy consumption or demand over different Engage visitors with this interactive display to learn
time periods with simple drop-down menus and calendar about your building’s sophisticated operating system,
control options with WebCTRL EnergyReports™ package. highlighting your most innovative green building
features with the Eco-Screen® sustainability kiosk.
See it for yourself! For more information, including an on-site

demonstration, contact your local authorized dealer, call us at

770-429-3000 or visit

These days, everyone’s making a big deal
of big data. But the fact is, Automated
Logic has been putting analytics to work in
buildings for more than 30 years. We design
and develop intuitive, intelligent, complete
controls and interfaces that make it easy for
building owners and managers to balance
efficiency with occupant comfort. And in
making it simpler to use building information
and analytics to drive smart decisions,
we make data big.

For over four decades, Automated Logic has been producing high-quality building automation
systems. We are part of UTC Climate, Controls and Security, a unit of United Technologies
Corporation, a leading provider to the aerospace and building systems industries worldwide.
More information can be found on

Next level building automation engineered

to help you make smart decisions.
An ISO 9001 Registered

Made in the USA

All trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. 06222018

1150 Roberts Boulevard, Kennesaw, Georgia 30144

770-429-3000 Fax 770-429-3001
© Automated Logic 2016

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