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Lab Tests and Diagnostic Test

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Laboratory and Diagnostic Examination

Complete Blood Count

Tests Results Normal range Clinical Significance

Sept. 22, Sept. 25,

2021 2021
Hemoglobin 95 151 120-150 g/l A result of low hemoglobin
taken on September 22,
2021 may indicate anemia,
Chronic kidney disease.

A result of slightly high

hemoglobin taken on
September 25, 2021 may
indicate dehydration
because it artificially
increase the hemoglobin
concentration due to
decreased plasma volume,
heart disease, kidney
Hematocrit 0.34 0.30 0.37-0.45 l A result of low hematocrit
level means that there are
too few red blood cells in
the body. It indicates anemia
or kidney disease. This
could cause the client to feel
weakness and dizziness.
Erythrocyte No. 3.70 3.22 4-5x(10)12/L A result of low erythrocyte
Conc. No. Conc. indicates internal
bleeding, kidney disease or
MCV 90 94.0 80-90 fl A result of high Mean
Corpuscular Volume taken
on September 25, 2021
indicates Low vitamin B12
level, Folate deficiency
(folic acid is a nutrient),
Liver disease,
Myelodysplastic syndrome.
MCH 28.3 30.4 27-33 pg Normal. The mean
corpuscular hemoglobin
(MCH) is the measurement
of the average amount of
hemoglobin in a red blood
MCHC 31.2 32.5 33-36 g/dl A result of low mean
corpuscular hemoglobin
concentration indicate
Hypochromic microcytic
anemia that is cause by lack
of iron, inability of your
body to absorb iron.
RDW 16.4 15.5 11.60-14.6% A result of high Red cell
distribution width indicate
nutrient deficiency, such as
a deficiency of iron, folate,
or vitamin B-12.
Leukocyte No. 7.2 11.1 5-10x(10)9/L A result of high leukocyte
Conc. no. conc. on September 25,
2021 indicates that there is
an infection, inflammation
or bodily injury.
Segmenters 0.94 0.83 0.55-0.65 A result of high segmenters
indicates that there is an
infection in the body.
Stabs 0.04 0.04 0.01-0.05 Normal. Stabs or Band cells
are an immature form of
neutrophils, They are
necessary to fight against a
Lymphocytes 0.02 0.11 0.25-0.40 A result of low lymphocyte
indicate that there is an
infection in the body.
Platelet Count 180 208 150- Normal. Platelets are vital
400x(10)9/L blood cells that assist your
body manage bleeding.

Tests Results Normal range Clinical significance
January 21, 2015
CK-MB 47.5 7-25 IU/L A result of high
Creatinine Kinase MB
indicate that the person
have had a heart attack,
other complication such
as an infection in the heart
or tachycardia.
Troponin I 0.05 0.05-0.10 ng/ml Normal. Troponins are a
type of regulatory protein
that helps muscles

Result Clinical significance
Atrial Fibrillation to Supra Ventricular Tachyarrythmia SVT is caused by a variety of early
beats in the atria caused by
improper electrical connections in
the heart. When this happens, the
heart beats so quickly that the
chambers of the heart don't have
enough time to fill with blood
before contracting. Because your
brain isn't getting enough blood
and oxygen, you may feel light-
headed or dizzy. Your kidneys, as
blood filtration systems, are prone
to problems with blood circulation
and blood arteries. Arterial
fibrillation has also been
associated to Chronic Kidney
Disease. Arterial fibrillation and
stroke are more likely in those
with Chronic Kidney Disease.
Heart rhythm problems, such as
atrial fibrillation (AF)/atrial flutter,
supraventricular tachycardias,
ventricular arrhythmias, and
sudden cardiac death, are more
common in patients with chronic
kidney disease (CKD) (SCD).

Blood Chemistry Result

Tests Results Normal value Clinical significance
Sept. Sept. Sept.
22, 24, 26,
2021 2021 2021
Blood Urea 6.24 2.90- Normal. Urea are the
Nitrogen 8.90mmol/L major nitrogenous waste
product of metabolism
that is produced when
proteins are broken down.
Urea nitrogen levels are
one indicator of how well
your kidneys are
Sodium 140.5 132-152 Normal. Sodium helps the
mmol/L maintenance of normal
blood pressure, supports
the nerve and muscle
function, and the
regulation of fluid balance
in the body.
SGPT(ALT) 28.3 10-41 U/L Normal. SGPT(ALT) are
abundant in the liver and
plays a crucial role in
metabolism, which is the
process of converting food
into energy.
Potassium 3.98 3.20 4.45 3.60-5.30 A result of low potassium
mmol/L taken on September 24,
2021 may indicate Loss of
bodily fluids or
aldosteronism, a hormonal
disorder that causes high
blood pressure. A low
potassium level can cause
muscles to become weak,
cramp, twitch, or even
paralyzed, as well as
irregular heart rhythms.
Creatinine 710 900 510 53-106 A result of high Creatinine
umol/L may indicate impaired
kidney function or kidney
disease. Due to poor
creatinine clearance by the
kidneys, the blood
creatinine level will rise.
Inorganic 0.52 0.81-1.55 A result of low Inorganic
Phosphorus mmol/L phosphorus may indicate
diabetic ketoacidosis (too
much acid in the blood) or
overuse of diuretics.
Magnesium 0.74 0.65-1.05 Normal. Magnesium helps
mmol/L the maintenance of proper
nerve and muscle
function, as well as a
healthy immune system, a
steady heartbeat, and
strong bones. It also helps
the regulation of blood
glucose levels. It helps
with energy and protein
Ionized 1.20 1.24 1.18-1.30 Normal. Ionized Calcium
Calcium mmol/L is necessary for the proper
functioning of the heart.
Muscle contraction,
neuronal communication,
and blood clotting are all
aided by it.
Hematology Result
Tests Results Normal Clinical significance
September 25, value
Prothrombin 12.10 10-14 sec Normal. A prothrombin
time time (PT) test is used to
identify and detect a
bleeding condition or
excessive clotting
Inr 1.01 1.0-1.5 sec Normal. The international
normalized ratio test can
determine whether the
blood of the client is
clotting appropriately.
Protime activity 98.2 85%-100% Normal. It indicate that
the client has adequate
clotting regulation.
APTT Control 36.6 28-36 sec A result of high active
activated partial
thromboplastin time. A
prolonged aPTT indicates
that clotting is taking
longer than expected, and
it can be caused by a
number of causes.

Arterial Blood Gas

Tests Results Norma value Clinical significance
Sept. 22, Oct. 20
PH 7.417 7.472 7.35-7.45 A result of high blood
pH means alkalosis in
blood. Caused by a
rise in bicarbonate, a
decrease in acidity, or
a decrease in carbon
PC02 28.5 23.3 35-45 mmHg A result of low PCO2
indicate means low
level of carbon
dioxide in the body.
Respiratory alkalosis
causes muscle
spasms, irritability,
dizziness, and nausea.
P02 60.5 142.4 80-100 mmHg A result of low PO2
taken on September
22, 2021 indicates
hypoxemia. It causes
dizziness, chest pain,
headache, rapid
breathing and a
racing heart.

A result of high PO2

taken on October 20
indicates hyperemia
means that the client
has inhaled more
oxygen than normal.
It could cause oxygen
HC03 19.0 23 22-26 mmol/L A result of low
Bicarbonate taken on
September 22, 2021
indicates low
potassium. Low
bicarbonate levels in
the blood are a sign
of metabolic acidosis
and these can make
the kidney disease
gets worst.
02Sat 86.2 93 90-100% A result of low O2
saturation taken on
September 22, 2021
indicates hypoxia.
Low oxygen
saturation may cause
tissue injury.
B.E. -5.4 -6.6 -+2 A result of low base
excess indicates that
the level of HCO3–
in the blood is lower
than usual, indicating
either a primary
metabolic acidosis or
a compensated
respiratory alkalosis.
C02 Content 20.2 17.9 23-32 mmol/L A result of low CO2
level can indicate a
variety of issues,
including kidney
illness, Ketoacidosis
in diabetics.
Thyroid Function Test
Tests October Normal Value Clinical significance
FT3 2.50 2.62-5.69 pmol/l A result of low T3
levels may indicate
hypothyroidism, a
condition in which
the body doesn't
make enough thyroid
TSH 2.95 0.35-4.94 uIU/ml Normal. Its job is to
keep the thyroid
gland from producing
too many hormones.
FT4 15.96 9.03-19.09 pmol/l Normal. Free
throxine (FT4) can
assist in determining
whether the thyroid is
performing properly.

September 22,
Color Yellow Yellow (Light/pale The test shows that the
to dark/deep women is clear from any
amber) complications.

The abnormal color of

your urine could be due
to infection, disease,
medication, or food.
Cloudy or milky urine is
a sign of a urinary tract
infection, which can also
cause a bad odor. Milky
urine can also be caused
by bacteria, crystals, fat,
white or red blood cells,
or mucus in the urine.
Transparency Slightly cloudy Clear or Cloudy The test shows that the
urine may occur mild

Urine seems cloudy in

preference to its
standard clear, yellowish
color, it may be because
of infections, kidney
stones, or different
adjustments to your
Reaction 5.5 4.6-8.0 The test result shows the
woman is slightly acidic.

Abnormal urine is
caused by some foods
like citrus fruits and
dairy products and
medications such as
antacids can affect the
pH of your urine. High
(alkaline) pH can be
caused by severe
vomiting, kidney
disease, some urinary
tract infections, and
Specific Gravity 1.005 1.005-1.025 The result is within the
normal range.

Abnormal results are

generally those below
1.010 or above 1.020. In
patients with certain
kidney diseases, the
USG does not vary with
fluid intake and is called
a fixed specific gravity.
Glucose Trace ≤ 130 mg/d The results show that the
patient had a glycosuria.

Glycosuria is a condition
in which a person's urine
contains more sugar or
glucose than it should.
usually occurs due to
high blood sugar levels
or kidney damage;
Glycosuria is a common
symptom of type 1 and
type 2 diabetes. It occurs
when a person's kidneys
are damaged.
Albumin + ¿ 30mg/g A normal amount of
urine albumin is less
than 20 mg per day A
normal total urine
protein amount is less
than 150 mg per day If
your test shows high
urine albumin levels or
increased urine albumin
levels in the urine, it
may mean you have
kidney damage or have
Epithelial Cells Some ≤ 15−20 A urine epithelial cell
squamous test examines the urine
epithelial cells/hpf under a microscope to
see if the number of
epithelial cells is normal.
It is normal to have a
small number of
epithelial cells in your
urine. A large amount
can indicate an infection,
kidney disease, or other
serious medical
RBC 0-2/hpf 0-4/hpf The result shows that the
RBC is within normal

High red blood cell

counts can be the result
of sleep apnea,
pulmonary fibrosis, and
other conditions that
cause low blood oxygen
levels. Performance-
enhancing drugs like
protein injections and
anabolic steroids can
also increase red blood
cells. also counts.
Pus Cells 0-1/hpf 0-5 hpf The results show

It is essentially a white
blood cell and it’s not
totally normal. They can
sometimes be present in
the urine without an
active infection due to
contamination of the
urine sample by the
patient (possibly even
from the vagina of a
female) or the lab. 0–1
means one or less, so in
many fields, there could
be no sign of the cells,
so without a positive test
for nitrates or bacteria, it
means little, especially if
the patient is not
showing signs of a
urinary tract infection
such as burning urine or
increased frequency.
Amorphous Urates Some Normal The result shows some
presents of amorphous
The presence of
amorphous crystals is
generally of little
clinical concern and
their formation is caused
by a combination of
factors including
decreased urine volume
combined with changes
in urine pH and often the
presence of large
amounts of uric acid
(meat consumption) or
calcium (Dairy products)
in food.

Mucus Threads Few clear, white, off- Normal urine does not
white contain bacteria, but if
the bacteria get into the
urethra and into the
bladder, a urinary tract
infection can occur. The
infection most often
starts in the bladder but
can spread to the
kidneys and UTIs can
cause pain in the
abdomen and pelvic
Bacteria Moderate None The results show present
per high power field

If bacteria are present,

the chemical test for
nitrite may also be
positive. Bacterial cause
urinary tract infection
(UTI), such as a bladder
or kidney infection.

Stool Concentration Technique

Test Result Normal Clinical Significance
September 23, Range
Macroscopic Color, consistency, amount, form, odor,
and the presence of mucus should all be
assessed macroscopically in stool samples.
It's normal to have a small bit of mucus in
your feces. The presence of abundant
mucus or bloody mucus, on the other hand,
is abnormal.
Color Brown Depending on the color, stool color
changes might be harmless or an indicator
of a small or serious health concern. Brown
is the normal stool color. Because bile is
present in the stool, this occurs.
Consistency Unformed Food poisoning, lactose intolerance, or
infections can all cause watery stool after
eating. If you take too much magnesium or
consume too much coffee, you may
experience watery stool after eating.
Microscopic Microscopic studies of the stool are the
most important process in detecting stool
abnormalities and intestinal disorders.
Protozoa, helminths, and fecal leukocytes
are all defined by this diagnostic technique.
Normal feces does not contain erythrocytes
or leukocytes.
OVA None seen A negative result means no ova or parasites
were found, therefore your diarrhea could
Cysts None seen be caused by anything else.

Trophozoites None seen In feces, cysts and trophozoites are passed.

Typically, cysts are seen in formed stool,
while trophozoites are present in diarrheal
stool. Entamoeba histolytica infection is
caused by ingesting mature cysts from
feces-contaminated food, water, or hands.
Pus Cells 0-1/hpf 0-4/hpf Infection is indicated by pus in the feces.
Infection, inflammation, malignancy,
constipation, or anus or rectum disorders
can all cause mucus in the feces. Diet,
medicines, infection, inflammation, or food
poisoning can all cause watery, discolored
RBC 0-1/hpf RBC in the feces can indicate a parasite or
bacterial infection, as well as an
inflammatory bowel disease such as
ulcerative colitis. Hemorrhoids, anal
fistulas, and colorectal cancer should all be
checked out.
Others Yeast cells:some The presence of yeast in the feces can be
used to determine whether or not fungi
such as Candida albicans are proliferating.
In a healthy digestive system, yeast is
generally found in very low concentrations.

X-ray Result Significance

Chest X-ray Taken in poor inspiration Abnormal: The results indicate that
shows no active parenchymal the patient report on September 22,
infiltrates. 2021 is having a poor inspiration
Heart is magnified. which shows no active parenchymal
Trachea is at the midline. infiltrates.
Right hemidiaphragm is
Right CP sulcus is blunted by
cardiac shadow

Bacteriology (Gram Stain /Culture Sensitivity)

Tests Results Clinical Significance

Sept. 25, 2021

Bacteria isolated Candida albicans The patient’s bacterial isolation indicates a
fungal infections of the kidney and bladder that
result from Candida albicans.

Candida albicans is the most common cause of

nosocomial fungal urinary tract infections.
Simultaneously, the increase of urinary tract
candidiasis has led to the appearance of
antifungal resistant Candida species. Candida
bloodstream infections remain the most frequent
life-threatening fungal disease, with Candida
albicans accounting for 70% to 80% of
the Candida isolates recovered from infected
Microbial growth Heavy

Source Stool

Antibiotic sensitivity Sensitive to: Resistant to: None

amphotericin B,

Bacteriology (Antimicrobial Resistance Detection)

Tests Results Clinical Significance
Sept. 24, 2021
Bacteria Acinetobacter baumannii The patient’s bacterial isolation
isolated indicates infections in the blood that
result from Acinetobacter baumannii.

Acinetobacter baumannii is
responsible for numerous nosocomial
infections. It can “colonize” or live in
a patient without causing infections or
symptoms, especially in respiratory
secretions (sputum). A. baumannii is a
serious public health threat because it's
often resistant to multiple antibiotics.
The high antibiotic resistance of this
bacterium is associated with the
proliferation of multiple antibiotic
resistance genes. Acinetobacter
baumannii is resistant to most Beta-
lactam antibiotics and Quinolones, and
its resistance to Aminoglycosides is
Time to detect 32 hours

Source Blood (Right Arm)

Antibiotic Sensitive to: Resistant to: meropenem, gentamicin,

sensitivity piperacillin/tazobactam, amikacin, netimicin
ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, cefepime,
doripenem, imipenem,
ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin,
cefotaxime tetracycline,
tobramycin, ampicillin/ sulbactam,
ticarcillin/clavulanic acid

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