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Assessments of Service Delivery Practice: In Case of Ethio Telecom in Chiro

The Research Submitted As Partial Fulfillment For Requirement Of BA

Degree In Management.

By: Keriya A/Jebel

Advisor: Tasfaye F. (MBA)

July, 2021
Chiro, Ethiopia
Above all, I would like to thank the almightily Allah for enabling me to accomplish this study.
Next, my deepest heartfelt thanks go to my advisor Tasfaye F. (MBA) for his valuable advises
detailed comments and critiques from the beginning up to the completion of this study. Next the
most importantly, I would like to express my gratitude to my families specially my Mama, for
their support throughout my education successful and my life. I would like to give thanks to my
best friends and brothers and heart full thanks for all my doormats and other my Butch students
for their incredible support and love. The last but not the least of my gratitude is for the
respondent who helps me to get information.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i
TABLE OF CONTENTS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii
LIST OF TABLES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
ABSTERACT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v
CHAPTER ONE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1. INTRODUCTION---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1. BACKGRAWEND OF THE STUDY----------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 Statement of the problem---------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
1.3 Research Question---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1.4. Objective of the Study-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
1.4.1. General Objective-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
1.4.2. Specific objective--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
1.5 Significance of the study------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
1.6. Scope of the study------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
1.7. Limitation of the study-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
1.8. Organization of the study (paper)---------------------------------------------------------------------5
CHAPTER TWO--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
LITERATUREREVIEW-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.1. Defining Customer Value and Satisfaction---------------------------------------------------------6
2.2. Service Delivery--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.3. Gaps in service delivery---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.4. Expectations and perceptions of a service----------------------------------------------------------7
2.5. Service Quality Models----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.6 Measuring service: servqual---------------------------------------------------------------------------10
2.6.1 The tangibles dimension----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
2.6.2 The reliability dimension----------------------------------------------------------------------------11
2.6.3 Assurance dimension--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2.6.4 Empathy dimension----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2.7. Customer delivery value-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2.8. Customer satisfaction-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
2.9. Delivering customer value and satisfaction-------------------------------------------------------13
2.9.1 Value chain---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
2.9.2 Value delivery system-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
2.10. Retaining customers------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
2.10.1 The need for customer retention----------------------------------------------------------------14
2.11 Tools for measuring customer satisfaction-------------------------------------------------------15
2.12. Definition and concept of service---------------------------------------------------------------------16
2.13 Service marketing----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
2.14. Characteristics of service-------------------------------------------------------------------------------18
CHAPTER THREE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------19
3.1 Study area description------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

3.2 Research design-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
3.3. Target population----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
3.4. Sampling technique and size--------------------------------------------------------------------------20
3.5. Source and instrument of data-----------------------------------------------------------------------20
3.6. Method of Data analysis-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
CHAPTER FOUR------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21
4. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION--------------------------------------------------------------------21
4.1 INTRODUCTION---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
4.2 Information on the respondent demographic background-----------------------------------22
4.3: Information related on the customer expectation----------------------------------------------23
4.4 Information related on the service dimension----------------------------------------------------26
4.5 Information related on the respondent service delivery gap---------------------------------32
4.6 Information related to respondent used kind of service---------------------------------------35
4.7 Interview for manager-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
CHAPTER FIVE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION------------------------------------------------------37
5.1 Introductions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 37
5.2. Summary---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
5.3 Conclusions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
5.4 Recommendation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41
REFERENCE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
APPENDIX------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44

Table 4.2. The respondent demographic background-------------------------------------------------22
Table 4.3. Customer expectation-------------------------------------------------------------------------24
Table 4.4.1 Tangibility dimension-----------------------------------------------------------------------26
Table 4.4.2 Reliability dimension------------------------------------------------------------------------28
Table 4.4.3 Responsiveness dimension-----------------------------------------------------------------29
Table 4.4.4 Assurance dimension------------------------------------------------------------------------31
Table 4.4.5 Empathy dimension -------------------------------------------------------------------------33
Table 4.5 Service delivery gap---------------------------------------------------------------------------35
Table 4.6 kind of service----------------------------------------------------------------------------------37

The study was aim to conduct on service delivery in Ethio Telecom in Chiro Town, reason is the
service delivery is the most important issue of the customer and service organization. Chiro
Town is East part of Ethiopia, far from Addis Ababa by 326km’s at East direction. The general
objective of this study is to assess service delivery in case of Ethio Telecom in Chiro Town. The
research design of the study was descriptive in nature. The primary data and secondary data
were used in this study. Since the total populations of customers are unknown, the researcher
was used convenience sampling technique and structured interview for the manager to study.
The researcher was select 50 customers and the company manager. After data is collected and
analyzed, a conclusion was drawn from it the student researcher concluded based on the
customer response concluded that the companies meet product quality and customer
expectation, researcher concluded the provided service is similar with service expected by
customer and the service dimension is customer more weight the Ethio Telecom fulfill those
service delivery dimension, the service delivery gap fulfilled by Ethio Telecom. The company is
good service delivery strategy. The student researcher draws some recommendation part the
company is good position of service delivery the researcher suggests better look of customer
expectation, better look of customer need, special hiring of customer question the company
delivered better service and satisfied customer need increase profitability achieve the company
goal and objective as a result the company can attain their short- and long-term objectives
efficiently or as desired.

Key word: service delivery, customer satisfaction, customer expectation, service delivery gap,
service dimension, Ethio Telecom, research.


The service industry plays a great and important role in the economy of countries in the world. In
the 21st century, which is characterized by high competition and business dynamism among
others, providing quality service to customers is considered as essential strategy for survival and
sustainable growth In the global world, providing quality service is crucial for the
accomplishment and continuous existence All over the world, public service institutions have
responsibility for providing sufficient service to clients/citizens as per their request The public
sector has responsibility and accountability for delivering efficient and effective services to
communities and societies as a customer. Though public service institutions, now days, have an
ever-increasing demand to deliver best services and improve efficiency relatively compared to
previous times, demands are changing in their quality requirements in government and private
sector. (Shifare, 2019)
Service quality is an overall result similar to attitude towards the service and generally accepted
as a predecessor of overall customer satisfaction Customers are the corner stones of service
provider in that without customer it is difficult to assure sustainable continuity and growth of
organizations. Hence, the Ethiopian public service organizations have the responsibility to
provide efficient service to clients and achieve the goals of their mission. To this end,
government has been introducing various reforms to bring about a remarkable change that
ensures expectations of the customers. For this very reason, public sector organizations put
boldly the services they provided and express their willingness to implement effective and
efficient service practically on the ground. It is vividly observed that there are complains in
service provision and the satisfaction of customers when looking it vis-à-vis the status of service
provision by organizations and perceptions of customers (Emnet & Habtamu, 2011).
Service quality is an overall result similar to attitude towards the service and generally accepted
as a predecessor of overall customer satisfaction Customers are the corner stones of service
provider in that without customer it is difficult to assure sustainable continuity and growth of
organizations. Hence, the Ethiopian public service organizations have the responsibility to 2
provide efficient service to clients and achieve the goals of their mission. To this end,
government has been introducing various reforms to bring about a remarkable change that

ensures expectations of the customers. For this very reason, public sector organizations put
boldly the services they provided and express their willingness to implement effective and
efficient service practically on the ground. It is vividly observed that there are complains in
service provision and the satisfaction of customers when looking it vis-à-vis the status of service
provision by organizations and perceptions of customers (Emnet & Habtamu, 2011).
Service is a task; other than common operations that involves interactions with customers in
person, by telecommunication of automated process. The meaning of customer service varies
from one organization to another. Within the service sector it can be described as the total quality
of the service process as perceived by the customer. Companies that have been successful in
delivering constantly high service quality are noted for establishing formal standards to guide
employees in providing service. These companies have an accurate sense of how well they are
performing service that is critical to their customers. How long it takes to conduct transactions
how frequently service fail how quickly they settle customer complaints and strive to improve by
defining goal that lead them to meet or exceed customer expectation. (Mehiret Berhanu February
Admittedly, the distinction between goods and services is not always perfectly clear. In Fact,
providing an example of a pure good or a pure service is very difficult, if not impossible. Apure
good would imply that the benefits received by the consumer contained Elements supplied by
service. Similarly, a pure service would contain no tangible elements. In reality, many services
contain at least some tangible elements, such as the menu Selections at a Rain Forest Café, the
bank statement from the local bank, or the written Policy from an insurance company. Also, most
goods at least offer a delivery service. For Example, simple table salt is delivered to the grocery
store, and the company that sells it May offer innovative invoicing methods that further
differentiate it from its competitors (k.Doglas Huffman and John Batson 2010).
Service delivery means the act of providing a service to customers. It is the distribution of basic
resources citizens depend on like water, electricity, sanitation, infrastructure, land and housing. It
is also a component of business that defines the interaction between providers and clients where
the provider offers a service, whether that where information or a task, and the clients either find
value or losses a value as result. (R Anderson. 2004)

1.2 Statement of the problem
Service marketing is an important concept, in service industry like bank, hotel, factory and
telecommunication. To improve profitability organization, without effective, efficient of
employees, goal is not achieved. In Ethiopian service sectors, a customer is mostly not pleasant
to the service delivery process. Because it has a lot of challenges in service delivery, like
incompetency employees, an improvement of service quality delivery gap model and like.
Service delivery is one of the critical success factors that influence the competitiveness of
organization, high quality of service was result high customer satisfaction and increase customer
loyalty, mentioned that customer is the king. The unique characteristics of service contribute to
the complexities involve in assessing and managing service delivery. This complicates both the
customer assessment of service delivery and the provider’s ability to control it. Most service
involves a direct contact between the customer and the service provider. Satisfaction and
dissatisfaction information are important because understanding them leads to the right
improvements that can create satisfied customers who reward the company with loyalty, repeat
business and positive referrals. A Business can achieve a success only by understanding and full
filling the need of customers. From the total perspective all strategy decision a company makes
are a customer driven. In other word the company must show constant sensitivity to emerging
customer and market requirement. The service providing as recently grown, along with the
country’s economy, and has gotten so competitive and complex, making it hard to come up with
new changes taking place every day.
Customers are the most important and valuable resources to enhance the customer expectation
and satisfaction, providing the effective service may satisfy the customer and this in turn helps
the organization its goals. Service being provided by Ethio Telecom is generally deemed
extremely ill-deficient and in adequate, customers and citizens have Complaints. As a matter of
fact, Ethio Telecom is not responsive enough to its environment rather it’s lagging behind the
fast and every changing advancement in the industry. This study was attempt to the following
research question.
1.3 Research Question
From the above problems the student researcher was answer the following research questions.
1. What is the customer expectation with regard to service delivery?
2 What are dimensions of service delivering its service?

3. What are the gaps that hinder service delivery in Ethio Telecom?
4. What kinds of customer services are provided by Ethio Telecom?

1.4. Objective of the Study

1.4.1. General Objective

The general objective of this study was be assessing service delivery in the case of Ethio
Telecom in Chiro Town.

1.4.2. Specific objective

 To see the customer expectation with regard to service delivery.
 To look dimension of service to delivery.
 To evaluate the gap that hinder service delivery in Ethio Telecom.
 To identify kinds of customer service, provide by Ethio Telecom
1.5 Significance of the study
In any service organization the delivery of effective and efficient service organization is crucial
for the attraction and satisfaction of the customers and also to be profitable and successful. This
study was be helpful to the concerned decision makers to understand the problem in Ethio
Telecom service delivery and consider the need for improving the service to meet customer
needs and expectations. In addition to this its service as a source of information for further
investigation. The benefit of this research is to identify service related problem of Ethio Telecom
in Chiro Town and it also answer how these services related problem are corrected. Also enables
to identify what kind of service is more demanded by customers and to what extent customers
are satisfied and also the research was unable to identify what service makes Ethio Telecom
more profitability in Chiro Town. Finally, it provides a good insight for the academic community
about service delivery is serving as a partial fulfillment for the requirement of BA degree in
management (in addition it also provides experience to the student researcher). It also helps the
student researcher understand how to conduct research in the practical real life. This study can
also serve as a reference for another student researcher.

1.6. Scope of the study

Ethio Telecom in Chiro Town area provides services to customers who live in Chiro Town.
Therefore, the student researcher was able to conduct the research based on customers who are

living in Chiro Town. The research was give detail information about the general service
delivery of customers at the organization in Chiro Town. The scope of this research limited to
the area of Chiro Town administration in relation to delivery of service by Ethio Telecom.

1.7. Limitation of the study

The research was face different limitation. The major limitation is financial problem that may
restrict the distribution of questionnaires to customer or clients shortage of times unavailability
of data in reference book unwillingness of client to respond to questionnaires; lack of the
researcher experience, those are factor that may limit this study.

1.8. Organization of the study (paper)

The paper contained four chapters. The first chapter contains introduction part which includes
background to the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the
study, scope, limitations, methodology of the study, time schedule, budget, and background of
the organization. The second chapter ware stated review of literature and chapter three deals with
data analysis and interpretation, and the last chapter deals with the summery, conclusion and


2.1. Defining Customer Value and Satisfaction
More than 35 years ago peter drunker insight fuller observed that a company’s first task is “to
create customers” however, creating customers can be difficult task. Today’s customers face vast
area of product and brand choices, prices and supplies The Company must answer a key question
how do customers make their choices?

The answer is that customers choose the marketing after that gives them the most value.
Customers are value maximizes within the bounds of search costs and limited knowledge,
mobility and income. They form expectation of value and act up on them. Then they can
compare actual value they receive in consuming the product to the value expected, and this
affects their satisfaction and repurchases behaviors. We will now examine the concept of
customer value and customer satisfaction more carefully. {Mehret Berhanu, 2011, p 39}.

2.2. Service Delivery

Service delivery is connected with were, when, how the service product delivered the customers.
This element one only emprises the visible elements of the service operation system building
equipment and personnel, but may also involve exposure to other customers. Using trial analogy,
the distinction between high contact and low contact service can be linked to the difference
between live theater stage and a drama created for television. Customer’s lows of contact service
normally never see the factor where the work is performed at most, they will talk with a service
provide or problems solvers by telephone. Without building and furnishing or even the
appearance of employees to provide tangible clues customers must make judgment about service
quality on the basis of ease of telephone access full owned by the voice and responsiveness of
telephone-based customer service representative when service is delivered through impersonal
electronic channels such as self-service, machine automated, telephone calls, to a central
computer or via the customers. Own computer there is very little traditional theater left to the
performance (Christopher, 2004). Assessing the improvement of service quality delivery system
will lead to seamless service provided without interruption confusion or hassle to the customer.
Customer satisfaction (Peter Mundie and Angela Pirrie 2006 p65)

2.3. Gaps in service delivery
Service quality is the difference between a customer’s expectation of service and the perceptions
of that service as it is delivered leading service company’s measure gap based on customer
feedback: -
 Expected service < perceived service/quality surprise.
 Expected service = perceived service /satisfactory quality.
 Expected service > perceived service /un acceptable service.

There are also other gaps that case unsuccessful service delivery among these

1. Discrepancy between customer expectation and management perceptions of these

expectations. It arises from management’s lack of full understandingly about how customers
formulated their expectation on the basis of number of sources advertising, past experience
with the firm and its competitors, personnel needs and communications with friends.
Strategic for closing this gap include improving market research fostering better
communication between management that distance the customer.
2. The second gaps result from management in ability to formulate target levels of service
quality to meet perceptions of customer expectations and translate those into workable
specifications. It may also result from lack of management commitment to service quality or
perception of the unfeasible of meeting customer expectation however setting goals and
standardizing service task as can be close this gap.
3. The third gap is referred to as the service performance gap because actual deliveries of the
service do not meet the specification set by management. This can arise from a number of
reasons including lack of team work; poor employee section and inadequate job design media
advertising and other communication perform customer exception of the service for the firm.
Resulting low productivity. Increase risk of service failures. (Peter Mundie Angela Pirrie
2006 p66-67)

2.4. Expectations and perceptions of a service

Expectations are usually formed prior to usage of a service but may also occur where a customer
is actively involved in the delivery of a service. They reflect inclinations or beliefs as to what
will or should happen. (See Chapter 5 for discussion.) Perceptions can also develop during a
service, but invariably materialize after usage. They represent the customer’s evaluation of the
service, particularly in relation to expectations. Where perceptions match or exceed expectations,
the customer is said to be satisfied in accordance with the first law of service: Satisfaction
Perception Expectation (Reading Chapter 5 you will find the word ‘quality’ substituted for the
word ‘satisfaction’. Whilst it might appear confusing, the distinction can be explained.
Satisfaction can arise where perception exceeds a modest level of customer expectations. Where
customers seek quality, expectations will be set much higher.) Measuring the customer’s
perception and expectations is vitally important. However, the following question must be asked
of the service organization: ‘What does it think of customer expectations and perceptions? To
arrive at an answer, two variants of the original perceptions/expectation’s formula might be used.

Satisfaction= Perception - Expectation

The objective is to determine whether or not any gaps exist between the customers’ view and

The service organizations are perception of the customers’ view. A study that examined doctor–
patient relationships found that ‘gaps can arise from inconsistent perceptions of expectations and
experiences between patients and Physicians’. This research was prefaced with a statement that
should act as a continuing reminder for all service organizations: From a marketing perspective,
the provider would design, develop, and deliver the service offering on the basis of his or her
perceptions of client expectations. Likewise, modifications to the service offering would be
affected by the provider’s perceptions of client experiences. Whether these experiences exceed,
match, or are below expectations can have a profound effect on future Client/professional

To measure the gaps, doctors and patients were required to indicate their
agreement/disagreement with a long list of statements (e.g. see Figure 1.3).Not surprisingly,
significant gaps were found. This is a profound problem for service organization where the
expectations/perceptions of one group are at odds with those of another. Why should this be the
case? In terms of customer expectations service organizations may regard them as:

● Unrealistic

● Unprofitable

● Impractical

● Unreasonable.

And yet, by way of promises made, organizations contribute to rising expectations. To attract
custom, organizations are often tempted to raise customer expectations. Promises are made to
customers on aspects that customers are deemed to value. However, care must be exercised in
making promises to customers. Consider the following sample of ‘fuzzy over-promises’ selected
at random from the Yellow Pages directory:

‘Number one for service and care’

‘Fast and friendly service’

‘Your satisfaction is our priority’. (Peter Mundie Angela Pirrie 2006 p7-9)

2.5. Service Quality Models

Two majors have received wide spread attention and acceptance:

Greenrooms model: this model suggests that the quality of service as it is perceived by
customers. It was two dimensions namely. The technical dimension (what the customer gets) and
functions how to process and services in counters are perceived.

Gaps Model: service quality is a function of the different between expectation performances.
They developed service quality model based on gap analysis those gaps variation analyzed in the
model are:

Gap 1: The knowledge gap: not knowing what customer expect, it “cause” because of many
reason those are: Lack of marketing research, inadequate upward communication and too many
levels of managements.

Strategies to overcome: understand customer expectation through research, compliant analysis,

customer panels. Increase direct interaction between customer and managers to improve lender
standing. Improve upward communication from content personal to management turn
information and insight into action.

Gap 2: Standard gap: not setting the right service design and standards. Because, inadequate
management commitment to service quality, perception of in feasibility and resource constraints.

Strategies to overcome: establish the right service standard ensure that top management display
ongoing commitment to quality defined by customers.

- Train managers in the skill needed to teach employers to deliver quality service.
- Establish clear service quality goals that are challenging realistic and explicitly designed
to meet customer expectation
- Standardize receptive work task to ensure consistently ad reliability by substituting hard
technology for human content improving work methods

Gap 3: Delivery gap: not deliver the service standard, caused, low employee willingness to
perform the service. In adequate support, poor employee job fit Strategies to overcome: ensured
that service performance meet standard, provide employers with technical training, teach
employers about customer perception, expectation and problems. Eliminate role conflict

Gap 4: communication gap: lot matching performance to promised. This caused by

overpromised, inadequate horizontal communication and ineffective management of customer

Strategies to overcome: insure communication promises are relative; develop advertising that
features real employees performing their jobs. Ensure that consistent standard of service is
delivered a cross multiple locations.

Gap 5: gap between expected service and perceived service.

Customer misinterprets the service quality, the physician may keep visiting the patent to show
and ensure care, but the patient may interpret this as indication that same thing is really wrong.
(Peter Mundie Angela Pirrie 2006 p90-91)

2.6 Measuring service: servqual

Although measurement of customer satisfaction and service quality are both obtained by
comparing perceptions with expectations subtle difference between the two concepts are seen in
their operational definition. Whereas satisfaction compares customer perception with what
consumer with what is a consumer would normally accept service quality compares perceptions

with what consumer should except from a firm delivers high-quality service. Given the
definitions, service quality appears to measure a higher standard of service delivery.

Frequently used and highly debated measure of services quality is the SERVQUAL scale.
Accordingly, to its developers SERVQUAL is a diagnostic tool that uncovers a firm’s broad
weaknesses and strengths in the area of service quality.

The SERVQAL instrument is based on five service quality dimensions that were obtained
through extensive focus a group interviews with consumers.

2.6.1 The tangibles dimension

Because of the absence of physical product, consumers often rely on the tangible evidence that
surrounds the service in forming evaluations. The tangibles dimension of SERVQUAL compares
expectation with the firm’s performance regarding the firm ability to manage its tangibles.

A firm’s tangibles consist of variety objects such as carpeting desks, lighting, wall colors
brochures, daily correspondence and the appearance of the firm’s personnel. Consequently, the
tangibles component in SERVQUAL is two dimensional – one focusing on equipment and
facilities, the other focusing on personnel and communications materials.

2.6.2 The reliability dimension

In general, the reliability dimension reflects the consistency and dependability of a firm
performance. Does the firm provider the same level of service time after time or does quality
dramatically vary with each encounter?

A constantly amazing observation is the number of business that fails to keep their promises. In
many instances the consumer is ready to spend money if only the service provider will show up
and conduct the transaction as promised

 When excellent companies promise to do something by a certain time they will do so.
 When customers have a problem, excellent companies will show a sincere interest in
solving it.

Responsiveness reflects a service firm’s commitment to provide its services in timely manner.
Such the responsiveness dimension of SERQVAL concerns the willingness and or readiness of

employees to provide a service occasionally customer may encounter a situation in which
employees are engaged in their own conversations with one another while ignoring the needs of
customers obviously, this is an example of unresponsiveness.

Responsiveness also reflects the preparedness of the firm to provide the service

 Employees of excellent companies will tell customer exactly when service will be
 Employees of excellent companies will give prompt service to customers.

2.6.3 Assurance dimension

SERVQAL’s assurance dimensions address the competence of the firm, the courtesy it extends
its customers and the security of its operations. Competence pertains to the firm’s knowledge and
skill in performing its service.

Courtesy refers to how the firm’s personal in tract with the customer and the customer’s
possessions. As such, courtesy reflect politeness proneness and consideration for the customer’s
property. Security is also an important component of the assurance dimension security reflect as
a customer feeling that he or she free from danger risk and doubt.
 The behavior of employees of excellent companies will instill confidence in customers.
 Customers of excellent companies will feedback in their transaction.
 Employee of excellent companies will have knowledge to answer customer question.

2.6.4 Empathy dimension

Empathy dimension is the ability to experience another’s feeling as one’s own. Employ tic firms
have not lost touch with what it is likes to be a customer of their own firm. As such empathy
firms understand their customer that do not provide their customer need and make their service
accessible to their customers.

 Excellent companies will give customers individual attention

 Excellent companies will have employee who give customers personal attention
(Hoffman’s Batseson 2001; P 334 - 9).

2.7. Customer delivery value
The customers assessment of the product over all capacity to satisfy his or her need the
difference between total customer value and total customer cost of a marketing offer “profit” to
the customer (peter Mundie and Angela Pirrie 2006 p131)

2.8. Customer satisfaction

Thus, the customer form judgments about the value of marketing offers and make their buying
decisions based up on these judgments. Customer satisfaction with a purchase depends on the
product’s relative to buyer’s expect actions. A customer might experience various degrees of
satisfactions. If the product’s performance falls short of expectations, the customer is satisfied, if
performance exceeds expectations. The customer is highly satisfied or delighted. (Mehret
Berhanu, 2011, p40)

2.9. Delivering customer value and satisfaction

Customer value and satisfaction are important ingredients in the marketer’s formula for success.
But what does it take to produce and deliver customer value? To answer this, we will examine
the concepts of value chain and value delivery system. (Mehret Berhanu 2011 p43)

2.9.1 Value chain

Michael porter proposed the value chain as the major tool for identifying ways to create more
customer value, every firm consists of a collection of activities performed to design, produce
market, deliver and support the firm’s product. The value chain breaks the firm in to nine (9)
value-creating activities in an effort to understand the behavior of costs in the specific business
and the potential source of competitive differentiation. The nine value-creating activities include
five primary activities and four supporting activities. The primary activities involve the sequence
of bringing materials in to the business (inbound logistics), operating on them (operations),
sending them out (out bound logistics), marketing (marketing and sale), servicing them (service),
the support activities occur within each of these primary activities.

For example, procurement involves obtaining the various inputs for each primary activity only a
fraction of procurement is done by the purchasing department. Technology development and
human resource management also occur in all departments. The firms’ infrastructure covers over
head of general management, planning finance, accounting and legal and government affairs

borne by all primary & support activities .under the value chain concept firms should be
examine its costs & performance in each value creating activity to look for improvement. It also
should estimate its competitor’s costs and performance as benchmark. To the extent that firm can
perform certain activities better than its competitors .It can achieve competitive advantage.
(Kotler Armstrong 2010 p 575)

2.9.2 Value delivery system

The system made up of the value chain of the company &its suppliers, distributors & ultimately
customers who work together to deliver value to customers, in its research for competitive
advantage the firm needs to look beyond its own value chain & in to the value chain of its
suppliers & distributors & ultimately its customers more companies today are “partnering” with
other members of the supply chain to improve the performance of the customer value delivered
system. For example compels then assigns its own experts to work with suppliers to constantly
improve their joint performance. (Kotler Armstrong, 2010, p577).

2.10. Retaining customers

Beyond building stronger relations with their partners in the supply chain, companies today
must work to develop stronger bonds and loyalty with ultimate customers. In the past many
companies look their customers for granted. Customers often did not have many alternative
suppliers or other suppliers where just as poor in quality and service, or the markets was growing
so fast that the company did not worry about fully satisfying its customers. accompany could
lose 100 customers a weak but gain other 100 customers and consider its sale to the satisfactory
such accompany, operating on a “leaky bucket” theory of business, believes that there always be
enough customers to replace the defecting one. However, this high customer join involves higher
costs then if company retained all 100 customers acquired no new ones. Customer retention, as
the name indicates, means keeping customer to continue to deal with a company by meeting their
frequent and flexible needs. Alternatively, this means making customers very satisfied so that
they will be less likely to find other company that they believe can satisfy them at the same high
level. Companies have failed to retain their customers. Due to their failure to meet their needs on
time by their own actions, companies my leave a large portion of their customers dissatisfied
that is, either their sales people are aggressive that they persuade customers to buy products or

service that relay do not fit their needs or the company has exaggerated the performance of its
product or service, leaving customers disappointed. (Mehiret Berhanu, 2011, p62).

2.10.1 The need for customer retention

Today, outstanding companies go all out to retain their customers .many markets have settled in to
maturity, and there are not many new customers entering most categories. competition is increasing ,and
the cost of attracting new are rising .in this markets it might cost five times as much to attract a new
costumer as to keep a current customer happy. Offensive marketing typically costs more than defensive
marketing, because it takes great deals of effort and spending to coax satisfies customers away from
competitors’ .Unfortunately, classic marketing theory and practice centers on the art of attracting new
customers rather than retaining existing ones .The emphasis has been on creating transactions rather than
relationships. Discussion has focused on presage activity and sale activity rather than on post-sale
activity. Today, however, more companies recognize the importance of retaining current customers.
According to one report by reducing customers’ defections by only 5%, companies can improve profits
anywhere from 25 to 82%. Unfortunately, however, most company accounting systems fail to show the
value of loyal customers. Thus, although much current marketing focuses on formulating marketing
mixes that will create sales and new customers, the firms first line of defense lies in customers retention
and the best approach to customer retention is to deliver high customer satisfaction and value that result in
strong customer loyalty.(Mehiret Berhanu 2011 p64).

2.11 Tools for measuring customer satisfaction

Companies use the following methods to measure how much customer satisfaction they are

1. Complained and suggestion system: - A customer –centered organization makes it easy for
customers to make suggestion or complained. Many customers –centered companies provide
suggestion box-such systems not only help companies to act more quickly to resolve problems.
They also provide companies with much good idea for improved product and service.

2. Customers satisfaction surveys:-simply running complaints and suggestion systems may not
give the company a full picture of customer’s satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Responsive
companies take direct measures of customer’s satisfaction by conducting regular surveys. They
send questionnaires or make telephone calls to a sample of recent customers to find out how they
feel about various aspects of the complaints perform once. A company can measure customer’s
satisfaction in number of ways. It can measure satisfaction directly by asking. How satisfied are
you with this service? Are you highly dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, somewhat satisfied, or
highly satisfied?

3 Some cautions in measuring customers satisfaction

Customer’s satisfaction rating is some time difficult to integrate when customers rate their
satisfaction with some element of the company’s performance. Say delivery they can vary
greatly in how they define good delivery. It might mean early delivery on-time delivery. Order
completeness; or something else.

For customer-centered company’s, customer satisfaction is both a goal and a major factor in
company success. (Peter Mudi and Angel Pirrie 2006 p2010)
2.12. Definition and concept of service
Service is any act of performance that party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and
does not result in the ownership of anything its production may or may not be tied to a physical
product. A company can offer its market along a continuum of tangibles-intangible value.
Service are those separately identifiable, essential intangible activity that provide want-
satisfaction, and that are not necessarily tied to the sale of a tangible product. A service may or
be produce with or without attachment of tangible goods, however, when such use is required,
there is no transfer of title (permanent ownership) to these tangible good
The service component can be minor or a major part of the total offer five categories of offer can
be distinguished.

1. Pure tangible good: -offer consists primarily of a tangible good such as soap tooth paste or
salt. No service accompanies the product.

2. Tangible good: -with accompanying service, the offer consists of a tangible good
accompanied by one or more service to enhance its consumer appeal.

3. Hybrid: - the offer consists of equal parts of goods and service for example people
patronize restaurants for bother their food and service.

4 Major Service with accompanying minor’s goods and service the offer consists of a major
service along with additional services and/or supporting goods. For example, airline

passengers are buying transportation service. However, the trip includes some tangibles such
as foods and drinks and airlines magazines.

5. Pure services: -the offer consists primarily of a service. Examples include baby –sitting,
psychotherapy and massages. Service might take different forms on bases of skill offer
sooner, clients, or a sense, ultimate need and objectives.

In light of their factors it can be managed in to four brood aspects.

First: - services vary as to whether they are equipment based (automated car washers, ending
machines) or people based (window washing, accounting service) people-based services vary by
whether they are provided by unskilled, skilled or professional workers.

Second: -some service requires the client presents but car repair does not. If the client must be
present, the service provides has to be considerate of his or her needs. Thus, beauty shops
operators will invest in their shops decant. Play back ground music and engage in light
conversation with the client.

Third: - Service differs as to whether they meet a personal need (personal service) or a business
need (business service), service provides typically develop different marketing programs for
personal and business markets.

Fourth: - Service provides differ in their objectives (profit or no profit) and ownership (private
or public). (Kotler and Armstrong, Principle of Marketing, 2008, p.116-117).

2.13 Service marketing

One of the major trends in the United States in recent year has been the dramatic growth of
service. Service now generate 74 %of united states, gross domestic product whereas service jobs
accounted for 55% of all U.S. Jobs in 1970 by 1993 they accounted for 79% of total
employment. Service is expected to be responsible for all net job growth through the year 2005.
Services are gearing even faster in the world economy, making up a quarter of the value of all
international trade. Business service account for almost 30% of all U.S exports resulting in a
substantial trade surplus for service, versus a large deficit for goods. Service jobs include those
in-service industries. hotels, airlines, banks, telecommunications, and others as well as in
product-based industries such as corporate lowers, medical staff and sales trainers. As a result of

rising affluence, more leisure time and the growing complexity of product that require servicing,
the U.S has become the world’s first service economy. This in turn, has led to a growing interest
in the special problems of marketing service.

Service industries vary greatly, the government offer service through courts, employment
service, hospitals, loan agencies, military service, police and fire departments, postal service,
regulatory agencies and schools. The privet nonprofit organizations offer service through
museums, charities, churches, colleges, foundations and hospital. A large number of business
organizations prefer service such as airlines, banks, telecommunication, consulting forms,
medical and law practices, entertainment, companies, real estate firms advertising and research
agencies and retailers. Not only is there a traditional service industry but also new types keep
popping up all the time (Kotler and Armstrong, 2008, p.659).
2.14. Characteristics of service
The special nature of the service stems from several distinctive characteristics. These
characteristics not only create special marketing challenges and opportunities, but they often
result in marketing programs that are substantially different from those found in product
Generally, services have four characteristics that distinguish them from product.
Pure service cannot be defined in terms of the physical dimension, which is so important to many
tangible products, and the customer cannot be seen or tested them before purchase, this poses
problem in terms of defining this service. To reduce uncertainty the buyer will look for signs or
evidence of the service quality. They will draw conclusions about the quality of the service from
the place, people, equipment, communication materials, symbols and price that they see.
Therefore, the service providing task is to manage the evidence to tangible the intangible where
as a product marketer changed to add abstract ideas

Service often cannot be separated from the person of sealer. It produced and consumed at the
same time, unlike goods which may be manufactured, then stored, for later distribution. This
means that the service provider becomes an integral part of the service itself. Because the client
is also present as the service produced, provider-client interaction is a special feature of service
marketing. Both provider and the content affect the service out comes from the marketing stand

point, inseparability frequently means the direct sale is the only possible channels of distribution
and seller’s service cannot be in many markets. This characteristic also limits the sale of
operation in a firm. As an exception to in the reparability feature, the service may be sold by a
person who is representing a creator seller
Services are highly variable, their quality depends on who provides them and when, where, and
how they are provided. Service buyers are aware of this high variability and frequently tack to
others before selecting a service provider. It is impossible for service industry or even an
individual seller of service to standardize output. Each “unit “of the service come what different
from other “unit” of some service. An added complication is that it is often difficult to judge the
quality of service.
Service firms can take several steps towards quality control. They can carefully select and train
their personnel, provide incentives that emphasize quality. They can make service employees
more visible and accountable to consumers. A firm can regularly check customer’s satisfaction
through suggestion and compliant system.
The perish ability of many services means they can be stored for future use or sale. The market
for service fluctuates considerably by season by day of the week and by the hour of the day. The
service suppliers must try to regulator consumer usage so there is consistent demand throughout
various time periods. The portability of service is not a problem when demand is steady, because
it is easy to staff them in advanced. When demand fluctuates, service firms have difficult
Higher levels of quality result in greater customers satisfaction, while at the same time
supporting higher prices and often lower costs, according to GE’s chairman, johnfwelch,jr,”
quality is our best assurance of customer allegiance, our strongest defense against foreign
competition ,and the only pattern to sustained growth and earning . Quality has been variously
defined as “fitness various” “conformance to requirements “and “freedom from variation.” The
American society for quality control defines quality as the totality of features and characteristics
of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. This is clearly a
customers centered definition of quality whenever, it is product and service meet or exceed
customers’ needs most of the time is a quality company. It is important to distinguish between

performance quality and conformance quality. Performance quality refers to the level at which a
product performance it’s function (Mehret Berhanu, 2011, p2-5).


This Chapter Represents the Research Methodologies Used and It Covers Research Design,
Target Population, Sampling Technique and Sample Size, Methods of Data Collocation, Data
Source and Methods of Data Presentation and Analysis

3.1 Study area description

The study is focus on Chiro town that was in Oromia Region, in West harharge Zone. Chiro was
bordered on the South by Gamechis woreda, on West by Tullo and Doba woreda, on the north by
the Mi’eso and on the east by Gubakoricha. The total population of the study area were 169912,
out of this 87003, were males and 82909were females According to (CSA, 2007). The
astronomical location of the town was between 90 05’N latitude to east and 400 52’E ~ longitude
to north. The study area located eastern capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa away from 326km
(CTAO, 2020).

3.2 Research design

The study was design in simple manner that enable to study more easily and clearly. The data
ware using qualitative and quantitative data which is simply describe and interpret. To conduct
the research descriptive approach was used to present situation of Ethio Telecom and identified
the major problem of service delivery. Descriptive research design is appropriate when the
research objectives include the determination of the degree to which marketing variables are
related to actual market phenomena (Donald’s and Hawakis, 2005).

3.3. Target population

Manager of Ethio Telecom in Chiro town and customer those are used in Ethio Telecom service
such as mobile service, internet service and fixed line service was target population of this study.

3.4. Sampling technique and size

The researcher was use non-probability sampling method. the researcher was used Structured
interview for the manager of the company and convenience sampling method to take customer
Because the exact numbers of customers are unknown because total number of customer are
changed time to time and 500 up to 1500 customers are visited Ethio Telecom in a month, From
500 up to 1500 customers which represent the customers of Ethio Telecom and which make a

visit in a month period of time, a total number of 50 customers were taken as a reliable sample
size to answer the question on the questionnaire, because dealing with all customers was

3.5. Source and instrument of data

To prepare the research paper the source of the data was collect from both primary data and
secondary data. Primary data was collected by means of questionnaire, interview, and
observation. The secondary data was identified from the organization annual report, difference
reference book, internet and any other available materials concerning the problem.

3.6. Method of Data analysis

At this stage, after the planned data was collected through questionnaire, the researcher was used
survey analytical method to analyze the data. There is transformation of possessed data into
certain measures and pattern which help to perform the relationship among the data. The data
gathered through different methods was analyzed and put in the form of effective data analysis
statements and tables.



This part of the research tries to discuss the results obtained from respondents by questionnaire
and interview and further incorporates the secondary data obtained. In the methodology section it
is indicated that questionnaire was used to collect information. A questionnaire was prepared
which contains about 31 questions for customers (50) and 4 for manager which are helpful in
verifying the problems on the service delivery in the company. In this part of analysis, the data
collected from customers was presented by the percentage distribution and frequency on the
table then, it was interpreted and the end of this chapter structured interview for the manager of
the company. The table generally divided into five (5) categories to show the demographic
profile of customers, customer expectation, service dimension, service delivery gap and kind of

4.2 Information on the respondent demographic background

In the demographic background of the respondent included about customer gender, about the
customer age level about the customer experience.

Table 4.2: The respondent demographic background

Item no Sex Frequency Percentage
1 Male 32 64%

Female 18 36%
2 Age
18-24 11 22%
25-31 20 40%
32-38 9 18%
39-45 6 12%
Above 45 4 8%
3 Customer
1-6month 7 14%
6-1year 11 22
1-2 year 14 28%

more than 18 36%

Source: survey (2021)

Based on this data on table 4.2 item 1 shows 32(64%) of the respondents are male and 18(36%)
are female. Form this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents are male.
Based on this data on table 4.2 item 2 shows 11(22%) of the respondents are between 18-24 age,
20(40%) of the respondents are between 25-31 age, 9(18%) of the respondents are between 32-
38, 6(12) of the respondents are between 39-45 age and 4(8%) of the respondents are above 45
age. From this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents are between 25 and 31
age. Table 4.2 item 3 shows 7(14%) of the respondents are between 1-6-month customer
experience, 11(22%) of the respondents are between 6-1year customer experience, 14(28%) of
the respondents are 1-2-year customer experience, and 18(36%) of the respondents are more than
2-year customer experience. From these analyses the most of the respondents are more than 2-
year customer experience.

4.3: Information related on the customer expectation

In this part included the product quality and customer expectation, service is based on customer
expectation, about the company equipment, company promise, attractiveness of the company and
the satisfaction of customer.

Table 4.3: - About the customer expectation

4 Products quality versus Strongly Agree Neutral disagree Strongly

expectation? agree disagree

Frequency 11 20 8 5 6

% 22% 40% 16% 10% 12%

5 service is based on Strongly Agree Neutral disagree Strongly

customer expectation agree disagree

Frequency 11 23 6 4 6

% 22% 46% 12% 8% 12%

6 the company equipment Strongly Agree Neutral disagree Strongly
have update agree disagree

Frequency 12 20 12 2 4

% 24% 40% 24% 4% 8%

7 Company promise similar to Strongly Agree Neutral disagree Strongly

your expectation. agree disagree

Frequency 5 15 10 14 6

% 10% 30% 20% 28% 12%

8 The service provided room Strongly Agree Neutral disagree Strongly

is clean and attractive agree disagree

Frequency 13 17 10 6 4

% 26% 34% 20% 12% 8%

9 you have satisfied by the Strongly Agree Neutral disagree Strongly

overall service agree disagree

Frequency 15 20 5 5 5

% 30% 40% 10% 10% 10%

Source: survey (2021)

Based on this data on table 4.3 item 4 the majority of the respondents 20(40%) of them agreed
that the product quality is based on their expectation and 11 (22%) of the respondents strongly
agreed that quality of the product is based on their expectation. 8 (16%) of the respondents have
no idea about the issue. 5(10%) of the respondents disagreed that the quality of the product is
based their expectation and 6 (12%) of them strongly disagreed the quality of product is based on
their expectation. Form this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents are agreed
and strongly agreed the product quality are based on their expectation.

Based on this data on table 4.3 item 5 the majority of the respondents 23(46%) of them agreed
that the customer service is based on customer expectation and 11 (22%) of the respondents
strongly agreed that customer service is based on their expectation. 6(12%) of the respondents
have no idea about the issue. 4(8%), the respondent disagree customer service is based on their
expectation and 6(12%) of them strongly disagreed the customer service is based on their
expectation. Form this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents are agreed and
strongly agree that the customer service is based on their expectation.

Table 4.3 item 6 shows the majority of the respondents 20(40%) of them agreed that the
company equipment is updated and 12(24%) of the respondents strongly agreed that the
company equipment is updated. 12 (24%) of the respondents have no idea about the issue.
2(4%) of the respondents disagreed that the company equipment is updated and 4(8%) of them
strongly disagreed the company equipment is updated. Form this analysis 40%, 24%, 24%, 4%
and 8% of respondent are agree, strongly agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly dis agree
respectively. Form this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents are agree the
company equipment is updated.

Based on this data on table 4.3 item 7 the majority of the respondents 15(30%) of them are
agreed that Company promise similar to their expectation. and 5 (10%) of the respondents
strongly agreed that Company promise similar to their expectation. 10(20%) of the respondents
have no idea about the above data. 14(28%) of the respondents disagreed that the Company
promise are similar to their expectation. And 6(12%) of them strongly disagreed the Company
promise similar to their expectation. Form this analysis it can be concluded that most of the
respondents are agreed the Company promise similar to their expectation.

Table 4.3 item 8 shows the majority of the respondents 17(34%) of them agreed that the
company service provided room is clean and attractive and 13(26%) of the respondents strongly
agreed that the company service provided room is clean and attractive. 10(20%) of the
respondents have no idea about the issue. 6(12%) of the respondents disagreed that the company
service provided room is clean and attractive and 4(8%) of them strongly disagreed the company
service provided room is clean and attractive. Form this analysis 34%, 26%, 20%, 12% and 8%
of respondent are agree, strongly agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree respectively.

Form this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents are agree the company
service provided room is clean and attractive.

The table 4.3 item 9 indicate majority of the respondents 20(40%) of them agreed that satisfied
by overall service of the company and 15(30%) of the respondents strongly agreed that satisfied
by overall service of the company. 5(10%) of the respondents have no idea about the above data.
5(10%) of the respondents disagreed satisfied by overall service of the company and 6(12%) of
them strongly disagreed satisfied by overall service of the company. Form this analysis it can be
concluded that most of the respondents are agreed and strongly agree satisfied by overall service
of the company.

4.4 Information related on the service dimension

This part is about service dimension included the tangibility dimension, reliability dimension,
responsiveness dimension, assurance dimension, empathy dimension, those service dimensions
are included in these parts.

Table 4.4.1: - Related to tangibility dimension.

10 Fully facility of modern Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

looking equipment. agree disagree
Frequency 10 15 10 8 7
% 20% 30% 20% 16% 14%
11 Attractive of physical facility Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
agree disagree
Frequency 5 18 7 10 10
% 10% 36% 14% 20% 20%
12 The material associated with Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
service delivery is appealing. agree disagree
Frequency 15 15 8 7 5
% 30% 30% 16% 14% 10%
Source: survey (2021)

Based on the above data table 4.4.1 item number 10 the majority of the respondents 15(30%) of
them are agreed that the full facility of modern looking equipment and 10(20%) of the
respondents strongly agreed that full facility of modern looking equipment.10 (20%) of the

respondents have no idea about the issue. 8(16%) of the respondents disagreed that the full
facility of modern looking equipment and 7(14%) of them strongly disagreed the full facility of
modern looking equipment. From this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents
are agreed and strongly agree the fully facility of modern looking equipment in the company.

Table 4.4.1 item number 11 shows the majority of the respondents 18(36%) of them agreed that
the company physical facility is attractive and 5(10%) of the respondents strongly agreed that the
company physical facility is attractive. 7(14%) of the respondents have no idea about the
company physical facility is attractive or not. 10(20%) of the respondents disagreed that the
company physical facility is attractive and 6(12%) of them strongly disagreed that the company
physical facility is attractive. Form this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents
are agreed and strongly agreed the company physical facility is attractive.

Based on this data on table 4.4.1 item number 12 the majority of the respondents 15(30%) of
them agreed that the materials are associated with service delivery is appealing and 15 (30%) of
the respondents strongly agreed that the materials associated with service delivery is appealing. 8
(16%) of the respondents have no idea about the issue. 7(14%) of the respondents disagreed that
the materials associated with service delivery is appealing and 5(10%) of them strongly
disagreed that the material associated with service delivery is appealing. Form this analysis it can
be concluded that most of the respondents are agreed and strongly agreed the company material
associated with service delivery is appealing.

3.4.2: - Related to reliability dimension.

13 Employee’s act based on Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

their promise. agree disagree
Frequency 10 10 11 9 10
% 20% 20% 22% 18% 20%
14 Employees have willing to Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
solve your problem. agree disagree
Frequency 15 15 10 4 6
% 30% 30% 20% 8% 12%

15 It Appropriate parking area. Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree disagree

Frequency 5 5 10 17 13
% 10% 10% 20% 34% 26%

Source: survey (2021)

Based on this data indicate table 4.4.2 item number 13 the majority of the respondents11 (22%)
of the respondents have no idea about the issue. 10(20%) of them are agreed that the company
employee’s act based on their promise and 10(20%) of the respondents strongly agreed that
employee’s act based on their promise. 9(18%) of the respondents disagreed that employee’s act
based on their promise and 6(12%) of them strongly disagreed the employee’s act based on their
promise. Form this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents are no idea on the
employee’s act based on their promise.

Table 4.4.2 item number 14 shows the majority of the respondents 15(30%) of them agreed that
the employee’s willing to solve customer problem and 15(30%) of the respondents strongly
agreed that the employee’s willing to solve customer problem. 10(20%) of the respondents have
no idea about the issue. 4(8%) of the employee’s willing to solve customer problem and 6(12%)
of them strongly disagreed the employee’s willing to solve customer problem. Form this analysis
it can be concluded that most of the respondents are agreed and strongly agree the company
employees are willing to solve customer problem.

Based on this data on table3.4.2 item number 15 the majority of the respondents 17(34%) of the
respondents disagreed and 13(26%) strongly disagree that the company have Appropriate
parking area. 10(20%) of the respondents have no idea about the issue. 5(10%) of them agreed
and that 5(10%) of the respondents strongly agreed that the company have Appropriate parking
area. From this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents are disagree and
strongly disagree the company have Appropriate parking area.

Table 4.4.3:-Related to responsiveness dimension.

16 Have knowledge of Strongly Agree Neutral disagree Strongly

employees answer to agree disagree
customer question.
Frequency 10 10 8 10 12
% 20% 20% 16% 20% 24%

17 The company provided Strongly Agree Neutral disagree Strongly
available and clear agree disagree
Frequency 15 20 9 3 3
% 30% 40% 18% 6% 6%
18 The company provided Strongly Agree Neutral disagree Strongly
service without delay. agree disagree
Frequency 12 18 5 7 8
% 24% 36% 10% 14% 16%

Source: survey (2021)

Table 4.4.3 item number 16 indicate the majority of the respondents 12(24%) of the respondents
are strongly disagreed and 10(20%) disagree that the knowledge of employees is answer to
customer question. 8(16%) of the respondents have no idea about the issue. 10(20%) of them
agreed and that 10(20%) of the respondents strongly agreed that the knowledge of employees is
answer to customer question. From this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents
are disagree and strongly disagree the knowledge of employees are answer to customer question.

Table 4.4.3 item number 17 shows that the majority of the respondents 20(40%) of them agreed
and 15(30%) of the respondents strongly agreed that the company provided available and clear
information. 9(18%) of the respondents have no idea about the issue. 3(6%) of the respondents
disagreed and 3(6%) of them strongly disagreed the company provided available and clear
information. From this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents are agreed and
strongly agree The Company provided available and clear information.

Table 4.4.3 item number 18 the majority of the respondents 18(36%) of them are agreed and 12
(24%) of the respondents strongly agreed that the company provided service without delay.
5(10%) of the respondents have no idea about the issue. 7(14%) of the respondents disagreed that
the company provided service without delay and 6(12%) of them strongly disagreed company
provided service without delay. Form this analysis 36%,24%,10% 14% and 12% of the
respondent is agree, strongly agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree respectively. From
this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents are agree and strongly Agree
Company provided service without delay.

Table 4.4.4:- Related to assurance dimension.

19 The company employees are Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

courtesy. agree disagree
Frequency 10 10 5 10 15
% 20% 20% 10% 20% 30%
20 The company gives Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
customers individual agree disagree
Frequency 10 15 10 5 10
% 20% 30% 20% 10% 20%
21 The company has Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
convenience operating hour. agree disagree
Frequency 10 16 9 5 10
% 20% 32% 18% 10% 20%

Source: survey (2021)

Table 4.4.4 item number 19 indicate the majority of the respondents 15(30%) of the respondents
are strongly disagreed and 10(20%) disagree that indicate the majority of the company
employees are courtesy. 5(10%) of the respondents have no idea about the issue. 10(20%) of the
respondent are agree and10 (20%) of the respondents strongly agreed that company employees
are courtesy. From this analysis 30%, 20%, 10%,20% and 20% of the respondent is strongly
disagree, disagree, neutral, agree and strongly agree respectively. From this analysis it can be
concluded that most of the respondents are strongly disagree and disagree the company
employees are courtesy.

Table 4.4.4 item number 20 shows the majority of the respondents 15(30%) of them agreed that
the company gives customers individual attention and 10(20%) of the respondents strongly
agreed that the company gives customers individual attention. 8 (16%) of the respondents have
no idea about the issue. 5(10%) of the respondents disagreed that the company gives customers
individual attention and 6(12%) of them strongly disagreed the company gives customers
individual attention. Form this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents are
agreed and strongly agree the company gives customers individual attention. Based on this data
on table 4.4.4 item number 21 the majority of the respondents 16(32%) of them are agreed and

10(20%) of the respondents strongly agreed that the company has convenience operating hour.
9(18%) of the respondents have no idea about the issue.

5(10%) of the respondents disagreed that the company provided service without delay and
10(20%) of them are strongly disagreed the company has convenience operating hour. Form this
analysis 32%,20%,18% 10% and 20% of the respondent is agree, strongly agree, neutral,
disagree and strongly disagree respectively. From this analysis it can be concluded that most of
the respondents are agree and strongly agree the company has convenience operating hour.

Table 4.4.5: - Related to empathy.

22 The company location is Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

conformable. agree disagree
Frequency 10 15 15 2 8
% 20% 30% 30% 4% 16%
23 The company location is Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
attractive agree disagree
Frequency 10 22 8 7 3
% 20% 44% 16% 14% 6%
24 Quality service dimension Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
customer gives more weight. agree disagree
Frequency 15 21 4 4 6
% 30% 42% 8% 8% 12%
Source: survey (2021)

Based on this data on table 4.4.5 item number 22 the majority of the respondents 15(30%) of
them agreed and 10(20%) of the respondents strongly agreed that the company location is
conformable. 15(30%) of the respondents have no idea about the issue. 2(4%) of the respondents
disagreed and 8(16%) of them strongly disagreed the company location is conformable. From
this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents are agreed and strongly agree the
company location is conformable.

Table 4.4.5 item number 23 indicate the majority of the respondents 22(44%) of them are agreed
and 10 (20%) of the respondents strongly agreed that the company location is attractive. 8 (16%)
of the respondents have no idea about the issue. 7(14%) of the respondents disagreed and 3(6%)
of them are strongly disagreed that the company location is attractive. Form this analysis it can

be concluded that most of the respondents are agreed and strongly agree the company location is

Table 4.4.5 item number 24 shows the majority of the respondents 21(42%) of them agreed that
the quality service dimension customer gives more weight and 15(30%) of the respondents
strongly agreed that quality service dimension customer gives more weight. 4(8%) of the
respondents have no idea about the issue. 4(8%) of the respondents disagreed that the quality
service dimension customer gives more weight and 6(12%) of them strongly disagreed the
quality service dimension customer gives more weight. Form this analysis it can be concluded
that most of the respondents are agree 42% and strongly agree 30% of the respondent are quality
service dimension customer gives more weight.

4.5 Information related on the respondent service delivery gap

The part of service delivery gap included the similarity of company provided service and
customer expectation, the management perception and customer expectation; company service
specification and similarity of service delivery, the employees lower quality create service
delivery gap those are analyzed in these parts.

Table 4.5: - about service delivery gap

25 The service provided is Strongly agree Neutral disagree Strongly

similar with service agree disagree
expected by customer.

Frequency 15 15 10 5 5

% 30% 30% 20% 10% 10%

26 Management perception Strongly agree Neutral disagree Strongly

is similar your agree disagree

Frequency 7 15 8 7 13

% 14% 30% 16% 14% 26%

27 The company service Strongly agree Neutral disagree Strongly

specification is similar agree disagree

service delivery.

Frequency 10 10 20 6 2

% 20% 20% 40% 12% 4%

28 The service delivery is Strongly agree Neutral disagree Strongly

similar with external agree disagree

Frequency 10 15 15 5 5

% 20% 30% 30% 10% 10%

29 The employee’s lower Strongly agree Neutral disagree Strongly

quality creates service agree disagree
delivery gap.

Frequency 5 20 6 10 9

% 10% 40% 12% 20% 18%

Source: survey (2021)

Table 4.5 item number 25 indicate the majority of the respondents 15(30%) of them agreed that
the provided service is similar with service expected by customer and 11 (22%) of the
respondents strongly agreed that the provided service is similar with service expected by
customer. 10(20%) of the respondents have no idea about the issue. 5(10%) of the respondents
disagreed that the provided service is similar with service expected by customer and 5(10%) of
them strongly disagreed the provided service is similar with service expected by customer. Form
this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents are agreed and strongly agree the
provided service is similar with service expected by customer

Table 4.5 item number 26 shows the majority of the respondents 15(30%) of them are agreed and
7(14%) strongly agree that the Management perception is similar your expectation. 8(16%) of
the respondents have no idea about the issue. 7(14%) of the respondents disagreed and 13(26%)
respondent are strongly disagree that the Management perception is similar your expectation.
Form this analysis it can be concluded that most of the respondents are agreed the management
perception is similar your expectation.

Based on this data on table 4.5 item number 27 the majority of the respondents 20(40%) of them
are no idea (neutral) about the company service specification is similar to service delivery.
10(20%) of the respondent are agree and 10(20%) of the respondent are strongly agreed that the
company service specification is similar to service delivery. 6(12%) of the respondents disagreed
that the quality of the product is based their expectation and 2(4%) of them are strongly
disagreed the company service specification is similar to service delivery. From this analysis it
can be concluded that most of the respondents are no idea (neutral) about the company service
specification is similar to service delivery.

Based on this data on table 3.5 item number 28 the majority of the respondents 15(30%) of them
agreed that the service delivery is similar with external communication and 10 (20%) of the
respondents strongly agreed that service delivery is similar with external communication.
15(30%) of the respondents have no idea about the issue. 5(10%) of the respondents disagreed
that the service delivery is similar with external communication and 5(10%) of them strongly
disagreed the service delivery is similar with external communication. Form this analysis it can
be concluded that most of the respondents are agreed and strongly agree service delivery is
similar with external communication.

Based on this data on table3.5 item number 29 the majority of the respondents 20(40%) of them
are agreed and 5(10%) of the respondents are strongly agreed that the employee’s lower quality
create service delivery gap. 6(12%) of the respondents have no idea about the issue. 10(20%) of
the respondents disagreed that the employee’s lower quality creates service delivery gap. And
9(18%) of them are strongly disagreed the employee’s lower quality create service delivery gap.
Form this analysis 40%,10%,12% 20% and 18% of the respondent is agree, strongly agree,
neutral, disagree and strongly disagree respectively. From this analysis it can be concluded that
most of the respondents are agree and strongly Agree the employee’s lower quality create service
delivery gap.

4.6 Information related to respondent used kind of service

In these parte included the kind of Ethio Telecom service, the customer satisfaction in Ethio
Telecom service and the company provided service quality.

Table 4.6: - kind of service

30 The service acquiring Internet Fax Mobile Telephone
from Ethio Telecom. eservice

Frequency 17 33

% 34% 66%

31 Are you satisfied with the Strongly Agree Neutral disagree Strongly
service you are acquiring agree disagree
from Ethio Telecom?

Frequency 10 25 5 5 5

% 20% 50% 10% 10% 10%

32 The company provided Strongly Agree Neutral disagree Strongly

quality service. agree disagree

Frequency 10 15 5 10 10

% 20% 30% 10% 20% 20%

Source: survey (2021)

Table 4.6 item number 30 shows the majority of the respondent 33(66%) of company customers
are used mobile service and another 17(34%) of the customers are used internet service. On the
above analysis the most of company customers are used mobile service.

Based on this data on table 4.6 item number 31 shows the majority of the respondents 25(50%)
of them are agreed and 10(20%) of the respondents are strongly agreed that you satisfied with the
service acquiring from Ethio Telecom. 5(10%) of the respondents have no idea about the
company service satisfaction. 5(10%) of the respondents disagreed that you satisfied with the
service acquiring from Ethio Telecom and 9(18%) of them are strongly disagreed that you
satisfied with the service acquiring from Ethio Telecom. Form this analysis 50%,20%,10% 10%
and 10% of the respondent is agree, strongly agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree
respectively. From this analysis can be concluded that most of the respondents are agree and
strongly agree that you satisfied with the service acquiring from Ethio Telecom.

Based on table 4.6 item number 32 shows the majority of the respondents 15(30%) of them are
agreed and 10(20%) of the respondents are strongly agreed that company provided quality

service. 5(10%) of the respondents have no idea about the company provided quality service.
10(20%) of the respondents disagreed and 10(20%) of them are strongly disagreed that company
provided quality service. Form this analysis 30%,20%,10% 20% and 20% of the respondent is
agree, strongly agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree respectively. From this analysis can
be concluded that most of the respondents are agree and strongly agree that the company
provided quality service.

4.7 Interview for manager

The analysis presented here under is taken from the response of the Ethio Telecom general

1. Is there any coherent relationship among the employees and manager to develop the quality
of service delivery?
Answer The manager was confident about the employees to say that they all employees are loyal
and good relationship in the company. The good or coherent relationship between manger and
employees are support the company profitability and customer satisfaction.
2. What kind of service provided by the company?

Answer all Ethio Telecom provided service in anywhere the country like mobile, internet,
phone selling, mobile card selling, fax, telephone service and other related service are provided
Ethio Telecom.
3. Is there any special training program arranged for employees to upgrade their
performance and knowledge?
Answer Manager stated that, specials training was only given for selected employees for
those who are doing in supervisors and technical work like casher and auditor and another
special training is given to new joined employee.
4. How the employees of your company are responsive to give appropriate service delivery?

Answer The manager stated or responds that since the factory employees have some
experience and most of them are learned, they pay their responsibility with each individual.
The company employees are skill full and experience those skill and experience support the
company duty responsibility properly delivered service.


5.1 Introductions
From the analysis and interpretation made in the previous chapter the following summary,
conclusions and recommendations are drawn up.
5.2. Summary
Generally, the customer respondents are diversified in gender, age, educational background and
occupation. Thus, based on the findings, the majority of 32(64%) of them were male. With
regard to age 20 (40%) of the respondents are between 18-24 age level. Based on the respondent
of customer experience 18(36%) of the respondents are more than 2-year customer experience.
Among the total respondents the majority of the respondents 20(40%) of them agreed that the
product quality is based on their expectation. Most of the customers 23(46%) of them agreed that
the customer service is based on customer expectation. Among the customer have they are
agreed regarding to the company equipment is updated are 20(40%). Regarding to the company
promise similar to their expectation 15(30%) of the respondents are said it’s agreed. Among the
total respondents 17(34%) of they were those who said that the company service provided room
is clean and attractive. Based on the respondent response the majority of the respondents
20(40%) of them are agreed that satisfied by overall service of the company. According to
customer response the full facility of modern looking equipment 15(30%) of them are agreed.
Most of the respondents 18(36%) said that the see the company physical facility is attractive is
agreed. Among the total respondents, 15(30%) said that they agree with the materials is
associated with service delivery is appealing. The majority of the respondents 11 (22%) of the
respondents have no idea about the issue or neutral the company employee’s act based on their
promise. Among the total respondents, 15(30%) of them are agreed that the employee’s willing
to solve customer problem. Among the customer response the majority of the respondents
17(34%) of them are disagreed the company have Appropriate parking area. The majority of the
respondents 12(24%) of the respondents are strongly disagreed that the knowledge of employees

is answer to customer question. That the majority of the respondents 20(40%) of them agreed
that the company provided available and clear information. Among the respondent response the
majority of the respondents 18(36%) of them are agreed that the company provided service
without delay. The majority of the respondents 15(30%) of the respondents that the company
employees are courtesy. 15(30%) of them agreed that the company gives customers individual
attention. The majority of the respondents 16(32%) of them are agreed that the company has
convenience operating hour. The majority of the respondents 15(30%) of them are agreed that
the company location is conformable. 22(44%) of the respondent said that it’s agreed the
company location is attractive. Concerning the most of the respondents 21(42%) of them agreed
that the quality service dimension customer gives more weight.

5.3 Conclusions
The study was conducted on Ethio Telecom; Chiro Town entitled the assessment of service
delivery. As it is sated in the analysis and interpretation part, respondents were asked through
questionnaire and interview with manager of the company. So, the conclusion is derived from the
analysis. The five profiles of the respondents’ show that most of the customers of Ethio Telecom
are adult males and the most are experienced.
On the customer expectation and satisfaction part of the finding, the researcher reaches into a
conclusion that the company meets product quality and customer expectation. The Ethio
Telecom has customer service is based on their expectation and the company equipment is
updated. Based on the analysis, the customers are agreed Company promise that similar to their
expectation, the company service provides room is clean and attractive. Form this analysis it can
be concluded that most of the respondents are disagreed and strongly disagree that customer
satisfied by overall service of the company. In the customer expectation, the company customers
are satisfied.
Based on the service dimension, the customers are focused on the tangibility dimension that the
company is fulfills this dimension and satisfied customer’s need. The Company has modern
looking equipment’s as well as attractive physical facilities and the company’s material are
associated with service delivery appealing. In addition to this, the employee’s appearance is
attractive as we could see in the Ethio Telecom.
The employees of the Ethio Telecom also keep their promise to do something in a certain time
and they are willing to help customers as well as the Ethio Telecom is providing the service on

time. But the company has not appropriated parking area the company that does not fulfill
reliability dimension. Regarding the responsiveness dimension, the researcher conclude that the
employees of the Ethio Telecom have enough knowledge to answer customers question, they are
willing to help customers, inform the customers when the service is performed and the Ethio
Telecom is providing the service without delay. These imply that Ethio Telecom fulfills the
responsiveness dimension.
Ethio Telecom fulfills the assurance dimension through its employees which means that the
employees of the Ethio Telecom respect their customers and treat politely with good knowledge
to answer customers’ questions by giving individual attention the service also is provided in a
convenient operating hour.
From the responses of the respondents the researchers conclude that the Ethio Telecom fulfills
the empathy dimension because majority of respondents are satisfied by the location of the
company which means the location of the company is attractive and comfortable in addition to
these the employees of the Ethio Telecom give personal attention to each customers of the
Finally, the researcher conclude that majority of respondents are satisfied by the overall service
of the Ethio Telecom by measuring the service delivery system of the company using the five
service quality dimensions but it does not mean that the company is totally free from any defect
still there is dissatisfaction of customers in all dimensions.
In the service delivery part based on the analysis the researcher concluded the provided service is
similar with service expected by customer and the management perception that similar with
customer expectation, the customers are agreed that service delivery is similar with external
communication then most of the Ethio Telecom customers are no idea about company service
specification is similar to service delivery. From this analysis it can be concluded that most of
the respondents are agree and strongly Agree of the employee’s lower quality create service
delivery gap. Finally, the researcher concludes the most respondents are company delivered
service is based on customer expectation. then the company are some of the service delivery
gapes are unfulfilled.
The final part of the conclusion is the kind of service delivered by Ethio Telecom based on the
analysis of the most customer of Ethio Telecom that use mobile service and internet service and
most of the customers are satisfied with the service acquiring from Ethio Telecom that the most

customers are agreed the company provided service quality. Finally, the kind of service
customers are acquiring from Ethio Telecom is satisfied. Then the company provided more
service with more satisfying for the customer.

5.4 Recommendation
Based on the conclusion drawn above, the researcher forwards the following constructive
suggestions and recommendations to the Ethio Telecom about the service delivery.
It is better for the company to increase its number of female customers by different techniques
such as Ethio Telecom gives training to employee on how to approach this target market and
give incentive to the female customers in order to control the overall service. Because it
increases the number of customers by increase employee’s performance and by good service
delivering strategy and stabilize the customer base service delivery in Ethio Telecom.
The company should excide product quality, better look of customer expectation and better look
of up-to-dated equipment that means the company continue installing quality equipment’s to
provide the company service the needs of customer are satisfied and the company will be achieve
profitability and increase market share.
The companies should introduce good and appropriate parking area attracting many customers of
the company to satisfy the customer need, increase profitability and increase market share.
The company should continue giving the required service with more improve quality to its
current and potential customers and against the company better look of customer expectation the
company will be satisfied customers need and increase profitability of the company.
The company should give fast service (with short waiting time) in order to be preferred by
customers. This can be one of the competitive advantages that can be maintained customer
service. Great courtesy and respect of employee should continue without distortion to the
customer of Ethio Telecom. Additional service must be introduced to maximize its current
service level and market share such as mobile maintenance service in Ethio Telecom.
The company should continue customer satisfaction with its service and exceeding the number of
customers and increase market shares. Degree of responsiveness of the company should continue
with the existing level to product quality and service control. Encouraging of employee’s
performance, increasing product quality, giving incentives and generating new idea has to
continue since it is helpful for the overall service of the Ethio Telecom. The company must not
lose its market share.
The company should better improve coordination between supervisor and managers to create
good working environment. The company should improve the management perception in more
similar with customer expectation to achieve the company objective and increase profitability.

Another the company service specification is based on customer wanted service; the company
delivered good service and satisfying the customers need. It should the company creates high
quality of employee performance in company achieves its goal and satisfied the customer.

The company should focus on increasing product line like increasing the user of fax, telephones
service, protected its current service to achieve more profitability increase market share. It
should the company will satisfy the customer overall service the company are gained
profitability and good will. Generally, the Ethio Telecom has provided quality services achieve
the objective.

Finally, the company service delivery is good but the company should better look of any
customer need and look good service delivery strategy.


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Questionnaire to be filled by customer of Ethio Telecom

Dear respondent I would like to sincere application in advance for your precious time and
prompt response. This questioner seeks to collect data about the assessment of service delivery in
Ethio Telecom in Chiro Town for partial fulfillment of first-degree bachelors in Arts of
management. This research finding is only for the purpose of academic then your idea and
comments are very honors and kept in secret.

General direction
 There is no need to write your name
 Indicate your answer with mark ()
 Use the blank space to give your short answer
Part one: customer’s profile

1. Gender A. Male  B. Female 

2. Age A. 18 – 24  B. 25-31  C. 32 – 38  D.39 – 45  E. Above 45 
3. customer experience : A. 1-6 month  B. 6month-1years C. 1-2years 
D. above 2 year 

Part two: customer expectation

1. Ethio Telecoms product quality is based on your expectation.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

2. The organization is giving customer service based on customer expectation.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

3. Ethio Telecoms have up-to-date equipment.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

4. The firm’s promise is similar with that of your expectation

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

5. The service provided room or office is clean and attractive.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

6. You have satisfied by the overall service of Ethio Telecom

A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) neutral D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

PART THREE: Service Dimensions

I. Tangibility Dimension

1. Company has full facility of Modern looking equipment.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

2. The company has provided Attractive of physical facilities.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

3. The company’s Materials associated with service delivery are appealing.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

II. Reliability Dimension

4. Employees act based on their promise

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

5. The employees have willingness to solve your problems

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

6. It has appropriate parking area?

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

III. Responsiveness Dimension

7. The Ethio Telecom employees have knowledge to answer customer question.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

8. The company provide Available and clear information.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

9. The company provides service without delay.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

IV. Assurance Dimension

10. The company Employee courtesy.

A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) neutral D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

11. The company gives customers individual attention.

A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) neutral D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

12. The company has Convenience operating hour.

A) Strongly agree B) Agree C) neutral D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

V. Empathy Dimension

13. Conformability of the company location.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

14. Attractiveness of the company location.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

15. Quality service dimension customers give more weight.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

Part Four: Service Delivery Gap

1. The service provided by the company has balanced with service expected by customers.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

2. The company’s management perception is similar with your expectation.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

3. The company Service specifications is similar to service delivery.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

4. The company Service delivery is similar with external communication.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

5. The lower quality of employees create service delivery gap.

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

Part Five: Kind of Service

1. Which types of services acquiring from Ethio Telecom?

A) Internet B) Fax C) mobile D) telephones service

2. Are you satisfied with the service you are acquiring from Ethio Telecom?

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 

3. The organization has provided quality service

A) Strongly agree  B) Agree  C) neutral  D) disagree  E) strongly disagree 


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