1) The document discusses spirituality, defining it as a search for meaning and purpose in life, and a relationship with a transcendent being. It also discusses how spirituality develops through social and religious influences.
2) Key concepts in spirituality mentioned include the spiritual self, importance of spirituality in life, connections between spirituality and religion, and the association between spirituality and animism.
3) The document provides definitions of spirituality from various sources and perspectives.
1) The document discusses spirituality, defining it as a search for meaning and purpose in life, and a relationship with a transcendent being. It also discusses how spirituality develops through social and religious influences.
2) Key concepts in spirituality mentioned include the spiritual self, importance of spirituality in life, connections between spirituality and religion, and the association between spirituality and animism.
3) The document provides definitions of spirituality from various sources and perspectives.
1) The document discusses spirituality, defining it as a search for meaning and purpose in life, and a relationship with a transcendent being. It also discusses how spirituality develops through social and religious influences.
2) Key concepts in spirituality mentioned include the spiritual self, importance of spirituality in life, connections between spirituality and religion, and the association between spirituality and animism.
3) The document provides definitions of spirituality from various sources and perspectives.
1) The document discusses spirituality, defining it as a search for meaning and purpose in life, and a relationship with a transcendent being. It also discusses how spirituality develops through social and religious influences.
2) Key concepts in spirituality mentioned include the spiritual self, importance of spirituality in life, connections between spirituality and religion, and the association between spirituality and animism.
3) The document provides definitions of spirituality from various sources and perspectives.
FI NAL TERM Learning Outcomes demonstrate an understanding of the spiritual self;
explain the importance of
spirituality in one’s life;
discuss how spirituality is
connected to religion;
describe how spirituality
develops; and analyze how spirituality and animism are associated. Our existence here on earth may be unfair in many ways, Are you a VICTOR or but we can always do a VICTIM of this something for it to be world? "fair" * The spiritual aspect of the self is the inner essence, the part of the self that connects the person to the sacred, the supernatural, and the universe. * The spiritual self enables the person to experience a feeling of oneness with a higher being and the universe and gives a deeper purpose or meaning of one’s life. * The spiritual self develops through interaction, observation, and imitation. * The family, school, and church play a very important role in a child’s spiritual development. Definition of spirituality based on Hill and Pargament, 2013 ❑ The root meaning of spirituality is taken from the Latin word spiritus, meaning breath or life force. ❑ Spirituality can be understood as the search for the sacred, a process through which people seek to discover, hold on to, and, when necessary, transform whatever they hold sacred in their lives (Hill & Pargament, 2003). ❑ The term “spirituality” originally developed in early Christianity. Christians use the term “Spirit” to describe the Holy Spirit. • Christian Ethics, Peschke (1994) describes that the experience of the sacred is characterized by reverence, faith, fear, trust, love, and admiration which are intimately connected to God. • Worship is regarded as an essential act to realize the ultimate meaning of transcendence and human life. • Acts of worship may include prayer, reading the Bible, attending sacraments, and doing sacrifice. Thus, spirituality generally refers to meaning and purpose in one’s life, a search for wholeness, and a relationship with a transcendent being (Hage, Hopson, Siegel, Payton, & DeFanti, 2006).
The sacred transcendence could refer to a higher being.
Rebecca Stein, 2011 definition of Religion • Religion is a set of cultural beliefs and practices that usually includes some or all of these characteristics • A belief in anthropomorphic supernatural being, such as spirit and gods • Focus on the sacred supernatural, where sacred refers to a feeling or reverence or awe
Idea of Penner, 2017 about rituals
• Ritual is the performance or ceremonies acts prescribed by a tradition or sacred law (Penner, 2017) ❑ The aim of existential psychology is to educate people about who they really are and make them aware of the fact that they are responsible for their existence and for their achievements. ❑ It essentially focuses on the meaning of life and people's purpose in life. We can say that existential psychology is an area within psychology which is mostly linked to philosophy. Death Existential psychology gives us another way of thinking about how people might shape their personalities even with the trials of death. The key tenet of logotherapy is that the pursuit of meaning or what Frankl sometimes referred to as the will to meaning is the primary motivational factor in humans ▪ According to logotherapy, the striving to find meaning in one’s life is the primary motivational force in man. ▪ In logotherapy, one can discover the meaning of life in three different ways: by doing a deed, by experiencing a value, and by suffering. He argues that humans do not seek attention, in fact attention can result in another problem that Victor called the existential vacuum a complete lack of purpose or meaninglessness in life. Thus, Frankl is fond of quoting Nietzsche, “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” ✓ Aims of Franklian Pscychology 1. Become aware of spiritual resources 2. Make conscious spiritual resources 3. Use “defiant power of human spirit” and stand up against adversity ✓ Importance of love in Victor Frankl idea • Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his/her personality. No one can become fully aware of the very essence of another human being unless he loves him. By loving we are able to see the essential traits and features in the beloved person. • Costello (2015) captured Frankl’s message that, the “ultimate secret on the spiritual foundation of life is that LOVE is salvation and joy eternity. unveiling countless possibilities ✓ What is Animism Spirituality is also associated with animism. Beliefs about the sacred also include the primate concept about animism or the belief that creatures, objects, and places possess certain spirits. Animism is also the belief that things and places are alive and grounded by a supernatural order. In the Philippines, indigenous peoples are known to practice animism. There is a strong tendency for some believers to dichotomize between the spiritual and the material, between the heavenly and the earthly, the otherworldly and this worldly concerns. And so, we have people who think that faith is a matter of building enough spiritual capital that will compensate for their physical and material depravity.