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Selected Bibliography: A. Archival Source

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(i) Relevant Secret Files, Government of India, Home Department (political),
National Archives of India, New Delhi.
1. Home Department, Political, File No. 33/XI & K.Ws, 1931; Courtesy:
National Archives oflndia.
2. Home Department, Political, File No. 33/6, 1931, p.l8; Courtesy: National
Archives oflndia.
3. Bombay Secret Abstract, Home Department, Special Branch, File No. 800
(40), Pt. I.
4. Government of Bombay, Home Department, I.G.P., File No.9.
5. Home Department Political File No. 31/1 08-Poll, p. 22, 1932. Courtesy:
National Archives oflndia.
6. Home Department Political File No. 31/108-Poll, p. 30, 1932. Courtesy:
National Archives oflndia.
7. Home Department Political File No. 31/1 08-Poll, pp. 40-2, 1932. Courtesy:
National Archives oflndia. Also G.N. 3872.
8. Home Department Political File No. 31/1 08-Poll, p. 21, 1932. Courtesy:
National Archives of India. Also Bombay Secret Abstract, Home Department,
Special Branch, File No. 800 (40)(6), p. 121.
9. Government of Bombay, Home Department, I.G.P. File No. 10.

(ii). A.I.C.C. Papers, Relevant Files; Nehru Memorial Museum and Library,
Teen Murti House, New Delhi.
1. A.I.C.C. File No. 211931. Courtesy: Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.
2. A.I.C.C. File No. 4/1931 Part - I. Courtesy: Nehru Memorial Museum and
3. A.I.C.C. File No. 16-B, 1931. Courtesy: Nehru Memorial Museum and
4. A.I.C.C. File No. 329, 1931. Courtesy. Nehru Memorial Museum and
Library. I
5. Gandhi-Nehru Papers, 1933. Courtesy: Nehru Memorial Museum and I


6. A.I.C.C. File No. 199, 1931. Courtesy: Nehru Memorial Museum and

(iii). 1. The Statesmen, 1931, 1932, 1933·, 1934, 1936, 1938-1946 and 1947-1956.
Courtesy: National Library, Kolkata (Periodical Section).
2. The Amritabazar, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1936, 1938-1946 and 1947-1956.
Courtesy: National Library, Kolkata (Periodical Section).
B. Books authored by Ambedkar

Ambedkar, B.R; What Congress and Gandhi Have Done to the Untouchables?
Thacker and Co. Ltd., Bombay, 1945.
Ambedkar, B.R; Who were the Shudras? How they came to be the fourth Varna in
the Indo-Aryan Society? Thacker and Co. Ltd. Bombay, 1946
Ambedkar, B.R; States and Minorities, Thacker and Co. Ltd., Bombay, 1947.
Ambedkar, B.R; The Untouchables, Who are they and why they became
Untouchables? Amrit Book Co., New Delhi, 1948.
Ambedkar, B.R; The Buddha and His Dhamma, Peoples Education Society,
Bombay, 1957.
Ambedkar, B.R; The Rise and Fall of the Hindu Women, Dr. Ambedkar
Publication's Society, Hyderabad, 1965.
Ambedkar, B.R; Gandhi and Gandhism, Bhim Patrika Publications, Jullunder. 1970.
Ambedkar, B.R; Annihilation of Caste, 2nd ed., B.R. Kaderekar, 1937.
Ambedkar, B.R; Ranade, Gandhi and Jinnah, Thacker and Co. Ltd., Bombay 1943.

Ambedkar, B.R; Pakistan or Partition oflndia, Thacker and Co. Ltd., Bombay, 3rd ed., 1948.
Ambedkar, B.R; Federation versus Freedom, Bheem Patrika Publications, Jullunder,l970.
Ambedkar, B.R; Communal Deadlock and A Way to Solve It, F & 0 Printing Press,
Delhi, 1945 .
Ambedkar, B.R; . Cabinet Mission and Untouchable, Bombay, Privately printed, No
Ambedkar, B.R; The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India, P.S. King,
London, 1923.
Ambedkar, B.R; What Congress and Gandhi done to the untouchables, Thacker &
Co., Bombay, 1945

Books authored by Gandhiji

Gandhi, M.K; Arya Samaj, Punjab, Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, 1910
Gandhi, M.K; Non-violence in Peace and War, Vol. I and Vol. II, Ahmedabad,
Navjivan Publishing House, 1948.
Gandhi, M.K; Hind Swaraj: Indian Home Rule, Ahmedabad, N.P.R, 1938.
Gandhi, M.K; My Non-violence, Ahmedabad, N.P.H., 1960.
Gandhi, M.K; Sarvodaya, Ahmedabad, N.P.H., 1954.
Gandhi, M.K; Gokhale,· My Political Guru, Ahmedabad, 1953.
Gandhi. M.K; Hindu Dharma. Reprinted 1993, Orient Paperbacks, Delhi.
Gandhi, M.K; The Bleeding Wound! Compiled and edited by Shri Ramanath
Suman.Introduction by C.Y. Chintamani, Foreword by G. D. Birla.
Beneras; Shyam Lal, 1932.
Gandhi, M.K; Untouchability. Lahore: Gandhi Publications' League, 1944.
Gandhi M. K; Gandhi's Autobiography: The Story of my Experiments with Truth.
Translated from the Gujrati by Mahadev Desai, Washington Public
Affairs Press, 1948.
Gandhi M. K; My Varnashrama Dharma. Edited by Anand T. Hingorani. Bombay:
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1965.
Gandhi M. K; Hind Swaraj, Nabajivan publishing House, Ahmedabad, Reprint,
Gandhi. M.K; Hindu Dharina; · Reprinted :1993, Orient Paperblicks; Belhi.
Gandhi M. K; Industrial and Agrarian life and Relations, Kher, V.D; ed. Nabajivan
publishing House, Ahmedabad, Reprint, 1984.
Gandhi M. K; Modern V. Ancient Civilization, Hingorani T., Anand. ed. Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan,1970.
Gandhi, M.K; My Souls Agony. Being Gandhiji's statements from Yeravada prison
on removal of untouchability among Hindus. Ahmedabad; Navajivan,

1. B. R. Ambedkar private papers; Nehru Memorial and Museum Library, New
Delhi (section ofmicrofilms)
2. E.Zelliot, 'Dr Ambedkar and the Mahar Movement' unpubl. PhD thesis,

University of Pennsylvania, 1969.

3. H. S. Verma and N. Verma, 'Dr Ambedkar and the Constitution', paper

presented to the colloquium 'Contribution of Dr B. R. Ambedkar to Law and
constitution oflndia' Lucknow, April15, 1997.

4. R. I. 'Duncan, "'Levels": the Communication of Programmes and Sectional

Strategies in Indian Politics, with reference to the Bharatiya Kranti Dal and
the Republican Party of India in Uttar Pradesh State and Aligarh district
(UP)', unpubl. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Sussex. 1979.

D. News Papers, Journals, Special Numbers,

Magazines, Periodicals and Articles :

A. C. Pranjpi, 'The "Becoming" of Dr Ambedkar: A Socio-psychological Study', in

M. L. Ranga (ed.), B. R. Ambedkar: Life, Work and Relevance, Delhi: Manohar,
Anupama Rao, 'Arguing against Inclusion', EPW. Feb.22.1997.
Bilgrani, Akeel, 'Gandhi, the philosopher;, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 38
(39), 2003
Bombay Chronicle, 4th July, 1939; and 7th November, 1946.
- . -. . . . : . . .
Bagheli, Dr. B.S., Why they need ofBAMCEF, SU & BSP, a paper, Anil Printers, D
-702, Kamal Nagar, Agra, No date.
Chatterjee, Partha, 'Gandhi please stands up?Illustrated Weekly of India, 15-21
January, 1984.
Career and Competition Times, Magazine, July, 1986.
Dalit Bandhu, special number, 151h April, 1943.
Dr. Ambedkar College, Mahad, magazine, 1962.
Fr3nk, Andre Gunder; 'Gandhi, the philosopher', Economic and Political Weekly,
Vol. 38 Employment News Republic Day Number, 26th January, 1990.

Employment News.l-7 March, 1997. Series of Essay on Vedic age appeared in 'the
Employment News from time to time. The essays are written by O.P. Kajriwal in
three installments.
Gordon, L., 'Mahatma Gandhi's dialogue with Americans', Enonomic and Political,
Weekly, Vol. 37 (4), 2002.

G. M. Tartakov, 'Ambedkar Statues', Dalit International Newsletter, vol. 3, no. 2,

June 1998.
G. Omvedt, 'Development of the Maharashtrian Class structures, 1818 to 1931'
EPW, Special Number, Aug. 1973.
Henningham, S; "The social setting ofthe Champaran satyagraha: the challenge of an
alien rule, Indian economic and social history review, vol. 13 (1 ), 1976.

Hindu, September 26th, 1932.

Jha, Sadan, 'Charkha, "dear forgotten friend", of widows: reading the erasures of
symbols' Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 39 (28), 2004
Janata, Bombay, June 14th 1941.
J. V. Deshpande, 'Behind Daht Anger', Economic and Political Weekly, Aug. 16,
Janata, Bombay, June 14t'\ 1941.
Kaushik, P. Dart: Gandhiji and Congress vis-a-vis Untouchables. AICC Economic
Review, XV (October 1): 27-30, 1963.
Lokrajya Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, special number, 16th April, 1981.
Mother India, :Patrika, October, 1973.
Maya, Magazine, 30 1h September, 1990.
Morris-Jones, W.H. 'Mahatma Gandhi - political philosopher?', Political Studies,
Vol. VIII (1), February, 1960.
M. Yasin, "Hindu Code Bill and Dr Ambedkar', Towards Secular India, 2 (1), Jan-
March 1996.
M.G. Bhagat, 'The Untouchable classes ofMaharashtra' ,Journal of the University of
Bombay, 4 (1) ,July 1935.
Navabharat Times,·ih January, 1990.
Nauriya, Anil: 'Gandhi's Little-Known Critique of Varna'; Economic and Political
Weekly, May 13-19, Vol. XLI Nol9, 2006.
0. Herrenschmidt, "L' inegalite graduee" ou la Pire des inegalites. L' analyse de la
societe hindoue par Ambedkar', Archives europeennes de sociologie, 37 (1997).
Paschimbangh, Gandhi Sankha, (Bengali), Tattha o Sanskriti Bibhag, Paschimbangh
Sarkar, 1995.
P. Kumar, 'Dalits and the BSP in Uttar Pradesh-issues and challenges', Economic
and Political Weekly, April3, 1999.
P. Constable, 'Early Dalit Literature and Culture m late nineteenth-and early

twentieth-century Western India', Modem Asian Studies, 31 (2), 1997.

R. Tucker, 'The Early Setting of the non-Brahmin movement in Maharashtra', Indian
Historical Review July. 1980-Jan. 1981, 1981, vol. 2, nos. 1-2
R. J. Miller, "They will not die Hindus": the Buddhist conversion of Mahar ex-
untouchables', Asian Survey, 2 (9), Sept. 1967.
S. Palshikar, 'Gandhi-Ambedkar Interface.. When shall the Twain Meet? EPW, 3
August 1996.
------'Gandhi and Ambedkar', EPW, July 26, 1997.
Sukumar Muralidharan, 'New writings on Ambedkar', Seminar, 425, Jan. 1995.
S.M. Gaikwad,'Ambedkar and Indian nationalism', Economic and Political Weekly,
March 7, 1998.
S. Bandyopadhyay, 'Transfer of power and the crisis of Dalit politics in India, 1945-
47', Modem Asian Studies, 34 (4),2000.
S. Cohen, 'The Untouchable Soldier: Caste, Politics and the Indian Army', journal of
Asian Studies, 28 (3), 1969.
The Quarterly Review of Historical Studies, Published by the Institute of Historical
Studies, Kolkata. pp 28-40, Vol.XLIII, Oct. 2003 to March 2004, Nos. 3 and 4.
The Times of India, 14th February, 1938; 30th November, 1935; 16th January, 1919;
191h December, 1939; 15th November, 1956; 11th June, 1936; 22nd July, 1946; 25th
April, 1948; and 21st January, 1956.
The Harijan, weekly, 11th July, 1936; . -l81h July 1936; and 201h February, 1933.
The Untouchables letter to the Sapru Committee, published by Jai Bheem Publishing
House, Vepary, Madas, 14th April, 1945.
The Hindustan Times. New Delhi Edition, October 16, 1996. Indian Express. New
Delhi Edition, May 19, 1994. August 10, 1994 and October 13, 1996.
The Tribune. Chandigarh, Saturday plus, August 5, 1995. Madhu Spres Nightmare.

The Week dated January 22, 1995; Article on: Savage Swamis, They Eat Human
Flesh, pp. 36-42.
The Week dated January 21, 1996. Article on Salvation Through Sex, pp. 12-15.
The Week dated December 27, 1992. Article by Kamala Das. India Today June 15,
1994. Article on Sex: Playing Mixed Doubles.
The Week April 16, 1995. p. 16, The Kunal Discoveries, Published by Grom
Manorama Building, Panampally Nagar, Kochi. I

.The Illustrated Weekly of India, November 5, 1989. Sarita (Hindi fortnightly), Delhi
Press Group of Magazines; New Delhi.
Vidhu Verma, 'Colonialism and Liberation: Ambedkar's Quest for Distributive
Justice', EPW Sept. 25, 1999.
V. Rodrigues, 'Making_a Tradition Critical: Ambedkar's Reading of Buddhism' in
P. Robb (ed.), Dalit Movements and the Meanings of Labour in India, Delhi: Oxford
University Press, 1993.

Women's Era (English) April1997 Issue and Women's Era February 1998 (Second).
Yasin, Dr. (Mrs.) Madhavi: 'Hindu Code Bill and B.R.Ambedkar', The Quarterly
Review of Historical Studies, Published by the Institute of Historical Studies,
Kolkata. pp 28-40, Vol.XLIII, Oct. 2003 to March 2004, Nos. 3 and 4.
Young India, 20 1h October, 1920.

E. Proceedings, Debates and Governmental Publications

5th Despatch of Govt. of India, dated 23rd April, 1919 on the report of South
Borough Committee on Franchise.
Proceedings of the Indian Round Table Conference (First and Second sessions),
1930-1931, 1931-1932.
Indian Round Table Conference (Second Session): Proceedings of Federal Structure
Committee and Minorities Committee, Vol. I, pp. 543-4.

Indian Round Table Conference (Second Session): Proceedings of Federal Structure

Committee and Minorities Committee, Vol. I, pp. 387-9.

Indian Round Table Conference (Second Session): Proceedings of Federal Structure

Committee and Minorities Committee, Vol. I, pp. 425-9.

Federal structure committee and minorities committee proceedings.

Minority pact all special claims of depressed classes A-E.
The text of communal award, 1932.
Gazetteer of India, Vol. II.
Constituent Assembly Debates, Vol. VIII&: XI.
Indian Information, 1st January, 1943. (Govt. oflndia).
A.I.C.C's resolution, May 1923, Bombay.
Proceedings ofthe Session, SCF, 9th January, 1944.

Manifesto of SCF election and manifesto of the RPI.

F. Published Papers and Speeches of Dr Ambedkar

On Parliamentary Democracy, Hon. Secretary, Poona District, Law Library, Poona,

Future of Parliamentary Democracy, Speech on 28th October,.1951 m DA V
College, Jullunder city.
Prospects of Parliamentary Democracy in India, Talk for B.B.C. London, 20th May,
Memorandum submitted to the minorities committee of RTC dated 12th November,
1930, which obtained a scheme of political safeguards for the protection of
Depressed Classes in the future constitution of a self-governing India.
Ambedkar's statement on Cripp's proposals, April, 1942.
Ambedkar's speech, Bombay, 19th April, 1942.
Ambedkar's speech, Bombay, 30th April, 1944.
Ambedkar's speech delivered at Madras Municipal Corporation, 22 September, 1944.
Memorandum placed before the Cabinet Mission, New Delhi, 5th April, 1946.
Conditions precedent to the successful working of parliamentary democracy in India,
by B.V. Ghote, Poona, 1953.
Ambedkar's letters to Gaikwad.

G. Secondary Books
Andre, Betrille; Caste Old and New, Asia Publishing House, Bombay 1969.
Athalya, D.V; The Life ofLokamanya Tilok, Bombay, 1921.
Ahluwalia, B.K. and Aluwalia, Shashi; B.R. Ambedkar and Human Rights. 1981.
Agarwal, L.B; Harijans in Rebellion, Taraporewala Sons & Co. (P) Ltd., Bombay,
Amin, Shahid, 'Gandhi as Mahatm ' ; Gorakhpur district, eastern UP, 1921-2', in
Ranajit Guha (ed.), Subaltern Studies: writings on South Asian Studies, Vol. III,
Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1984.
Agarwal, Sudarshan (ed.); "Dr.B.R.Ambedkar: The man and his Message", Prentice-
Hall of India, N~w Delhi, 1991.
Ahir, D.C., Legacy of Dr. Ambedkar, B.R.Publishing Corporation, Delhi, 1990.

Andrews, C.F; Mahatma Gandhi's ideas, Macmillan and Co., New York, 1930.
Stanley, A. and Walport; Tilak and Gokhale, California, 1962.
Buhler, George; The Laws ofManu: Sacred Books ofthe East, Vol. 25. Motilal
Banarsi Dass Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Delhi, Reprint 1993.
Buhler, George: The Sacred. Lawsof the Aryans, sacred Books of the East Part I &
Il, Vol. 2 & 14 Moti Lal Banarsi Dass Pvt. Ltd. Delhi. Reprint 1991 and 1992.
B.S. Sharma; Gandhi as a Political Thinker, Allahabad, Indian Press, 1956.
Balgangadhar Tilak; His Speeches and Writings, Madras. 1918.
Bhupendranath Datta; Swami Vivekananda; Patriot Prophet, Calcutta, Nabhabharat
Publishers, 1954.
B.R Nanda; Gokhale, New Delhi. Oxford University, 1977.
Bhana, Surendra and Goolam, Vahed; The Making of a Political Reformer: Gandhi
and South Africa, 1893-1914, Manohar, New Delhi, 2005.

Bhattacharya, Sabyasachi (ed. And complied); The Mahatma and the Poet: letters
and debates between Gandhi and Tagore, 1915-1941, National Book Trust, New
Delhi, 1997.

Bhattacharya, Buddhadeva; Evolution of the Political Philosophy of Gandhi, Calcutta

Book House, Calcutta, 1969.

Birla, G.D; In the Shadow of Mahatma: a personal memoir, Orient Longman,

Calcutta, 1964

Bondurant, Joan V; Conquest of Violence: the Gandhian philosophy of

conflict, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1958, also University of California
Press, Berkeley, 1969 (revised edition)

Bose, Nirmal Kumar; My Days with Gandhi, Orient Longman, Calcutta, 1974.

Brown, Judith; 'The Mahatma and modern India', Modem Asian Studies, Vol. 3 (4),

Brown, Judith; Gandhi's Rise to power Indian politics, 1915-1922, Cambridge

University Press~ Cambridge, 1972.

Brown, Judith; Gandhi and Civil Disobedience: the Mahatma in Indian politics,
1928-1934, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1977.

Brown, Judith; Gandhi: prisoner of hope, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1990.

Bal, G.S. (ed.); "Understanding Ambedkar", Ajanta Books International, Delhi,

Bose, Nirrnal Kumar; Studies in Gandhism, Indian Associated Publishing Co.
Calcutta, 1940.
Bapuji, B.R. (English translation); For the solution· of the 'Caste' question Buddha
not enough Ambedkar is not enough either Marx is a Must; Telugu Original by
Ranganayakamma, Sweet Home Publications, Hyderabad,200 1.
Basham, A.L; The Wonder that was India, Rupa and Co., Calcutta, 1971.
Bhagwan Das; Thus Spoke Ambedkar (selected speeches), Bhim Patrika Publications,
Jullunder, 1963.
Brown Mackenzie, D; Indian Political Thought from Ranade to Gandhi, Jaico
Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1972. ·.. ··~
Bandhopadhaya, J; Social & Political Thought of Gandhi, Allied Publications,
'Bombay, 1969.
Bhagwan, Das; Thus Spoke Ambedkar, (Selected Speeches), Bhim Patrika
Publications, Jullunder, 1963.
Bhattacharya, J.N; Hindu Castes and Sects, First published in 1896, reprinted in
1970, By editions India, Calcutta.
Bhatt, Anil; Caste, Class and Politics, Manohar Book Service, New Delhi, 1975.
Chatterjee, Margaret; Gandhi's Religious Thought, Macmillan, London, 1983.

Chatterjee, Partha; 'Gandhi and critique of civil society', Ranjit Guha (ed.),
Subaltern Studies: writings on South Asian Studies, Vol. III, Oxford University
Press, Delhi, 1984.

Channa, V.C; Hinduism, 1984, National Publishing House, New Delhi.

. :. ~·.
Christophe Jaffrelot; Dr. Ambedkar and Untouchability Analysing andFighting
Caste (Paperback); Published by Orient, Delhi, 2005. ,."

Chanchreek, K.L.; "Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (1891-1991): Economic Writings",

H.K.Publications, New Delhi, 1992. : >J !:
Chavan Sheshrao; Gandhi and Ambedkar: Saviours of Untouchables", Authors Press, ..'.~\

Delhi,2001. ~· -

Collected works of Mahatma Jotirao Phule, vol. 2, Bombay: Govt. of Maharashtra,

Chouvye, G.S; Caste and Class In.dia, Popular Book Depot, Bombay, II Ed, 1957. (._,

Desai, A.R; Social Background of Indian Nationalism, Popular Prakashan, Bombay, ..::.} .
'~'- .•
Dubois, J.A Abee; (Tr. Hindu Manners, Customs and by Beechamp), Ceremonies, ~:

..·. -~

l, ,,,

Oxford Publications, London, 1906.

Dutta, Rajani Palme, India Today (second revised Indian edition), Peoples Publishing
house, Bombay, 1949.
Dayanand Swami; Satyartha Prakash Translation into Light of Truth' by Chiranjiva
Bharadwaja), Allahabad, The Star Press, 1906.
Dalton, Dennis; Non-violence in Action: Gandhi's power, Oxford University Press,
Delhi, 1998.

Dasgupta, Ajit K; Gandhi's Economic Thought, Routledge, London and New York,

Dahlquist, Allan; Megasthenes and Indian Religion. Reprint 1977. Motilal Banarsi
Dass, Delhi.
Dayananda Saraswati Swami; Light of Truth, (English translation of Satyarth
Prakash, December 1972 Edition. Jan Gyan Prakashan, New Delhi.
Dhananjay, Keer; Dr. Ambedkar: Life and Mission, 1990. Popular Prakashan Pvt.
Ltd. Bombay.
Desai Mahadev- The Diary of Mahadao Desai (Translated from the Gujrati and
edited by Valji Govinji Desai.) Ahmedabad, Navajivan, 1953.
D.R.Jatava; The Political Philosophy of Dr.Ambedkar, Pheonix Publishing House,
Agra, 1965.
Dr.P.Malyadari; B.R.Ambedkar His Relevance Today (ed.) O.S.Narayan Rgo,
Somasekhar, K. Audiseshaish, New Delhi Asian Publishing House, 1994.
Dr.S.S.Shashi, (ed.); Ambedkar and Social Justice, Government of India, Ministry of ·
Information and Broadcasting, 1992.
Dumont Louis; Homo Hierarchicus, The Caste System and its Implications, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, 1988.
Erikson, E; Gandhi's truth on the origins of militant non-violence, Faber and Faber,
· New York, 1670

Fisher, Louis; The Life ofMahatma Gandhi, Harper and Row, New York, 1981

Fisher, Louis; Gandhi, his life and message for the world, New Americal Library,
New York, 1982.
Fox, Richard; Gandhian Utopia: experiments with culture, Beacon Press, Boston,
1989. (43), 2003
Gier Nicholas; 'Gandhi, Ahimsa and self, Gandhi Marg, Vol. 15 (1 ), 1993
Gier Nicholas, 'Gandhi, pre-modern, modern or post-modern?' Gandhi Marg, Vol.
18 (3), 1996

., .. iii

Gore, M.S; The Social Context of an Ideology: Ambedkar's political and social
thoughts, sage, New Delhi, 1993.
Gandhi or Ambedkar. Foreword by Radhakrishnann. Madras: Gandhi Era
Publications, 1945.
Gajendragadhkar, P.B; The Hindu Code Bill No.2, Kamataka University Publication,
Dharwar, 1951
Ghurye G.S; Caste and Class in India, Popular Book Depot, Bombay, 1957.
Griffith, Ralph T.H.; Hymns of the Rig Veda. Vol. I and II, 1987. Munshi Ram
Manohar Lal Publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Glomey, Bolton;The Tragedy of Gandhi, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London,.
Ganguli,Nalin Chandra; Raja Rammohon Roy, Calcutta, Y.M.C. A, 1934.
Gore, M.S; Non-Brahmin Movement in Maharashtra, New Delhi: Segment Books,
Haskar, Vinit; Rights, Communities and Disobedience: liberalism and Gandhi,
Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2001.
Herdiman, David; Gandhi in His Time and Ours, Permanent Black, New Delhi, 2003.

Horsburgh, H.J.N; Non-violence and Aggression: a study of Gandhi's moral

. equivalent ofwar. Oxford University Press, London, 1968.
Heimasath, CH.; Indian Nationalism and Hindu Social Reform, Princeton (New
Jersey), 1964

Haridas T. Muzumdar; Mahatma Gandhi-Peaceful Revolutionary, London, Charles

Scribner's, 1952.

Iqbal Singh; Raja Rammohan Roy - Life, Writings and Speeches, New Delhi, Asia
Publishing House
Issac, Harold, R.; India's Ex-Untouchables, Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 1965
Iyer, Raghavan, N; The Moral and Political Thought of mahatma Gandhi, Oxford
university Press, Delhi, 1973.

Iyer Raghavan (ed.); The Moral and Political writings of Mahatma Gandhi,
Clarendon Press Oxford, Vols 1 and 2, 1986 and Vol. 3, 1987.

Juergensmeyer, Mark; Fighting with Gandhi, Harper and Row, San Francisco, 1984.

Jatava, D.R; Social Philosophy ofB.R. Ambedkar, Rawat Publication, Jaipur, 1997.
Jatava, D.R; Political Philosophy of Dr. Ambedkar, Malik & Co., Jaipur, 2001.

Jatava, D.R; Ambedkar and Humanism, ABD Publishers, Jaipur, 1999.

Jatava, D.R; The Ideas ofHumanist Culture, Malik & Co., Jaipur, 2001.
Jatava, D.R; The Humanism ofBuddha, Enashri Publishers, Jaipur, 1998.
Jatava, D.R; Human Resources for Self and Social Development, ABD Publishers,
Jaipur, 2001.
Jatava, D.R; The Social Philosophy of B.R. Ambedkar, Phoenix Publishing House,
Agra, 1965.
Jatava, D.R.; The Political Philosophy of Dr. Ambedkar, Phoenix Publishing House,
Agra, 1965.
Keel, Dhananjay; Dr. Ambedkar-Life and Mission, Popular Publication, Bombay,
Keith, A.B; Constitutional History of India (1600-1935), Methuen & Co., Ltd.,
London, 1926.
Ketkar, S.V.; The History of Caste in India, Taylor and Carpenter Ithaca, New York,
K.R.Kamaji; Political Thought of Dr.Ambedkar, New Delhi, Intellectual Publishing
House, 1992.
Kothari, Rajni, ed.; Caste in Indian Politics, Orient Longman, 2001.
Karunakaran, K.P; New Perspectives on Gandhi, Indian Institute of Advanced
Studies, Shimla, 1969
Kripalani, Krishna; Gandhi: a life, National Book Trust, New Delhi, 1968.

Kumar, R; Essays on Gandhian Politics: the Rowlatt Satyagraha of 1919, Clarendon

Press Oxford, 1971.

Kuber, W. N; B. R. Ambedkar, New Delhi: Govt. oflndia, 1978.

Kadam, K. N; Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar and the significance of his movement,

Bombay: Popular Prakashan, 1991.
Kadam, K. N (ed.); Dr. B. R. Ambedkar-Emancipator of the Oppressed, Bombay:
Popular Prakashan, 1993.
Keer, D; Mahatma Jotirao Phule-Father of Indian Social Revolution, Bombay:
Popular Prakashan, 1974.
Lal,Shyam and Saxena K. S. ;(eds}; Ambedkar and Nation-Building, Jaipur:
Mahar J. Michael; The Untouchables in Contemporary India, Rawat Publications,
New Delhi, 1998.

Mathur, R.Mohan; Dr. Ambedkar: Jivan and Darshan, Kitab Ghar, New Delhi, 1990.
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