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Iproc Catalog

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What Are The Steps For Enabling Items In The Procurement Catalog? [ID 751324.

Modified 31-MAR-2011 Type HOWTO Status PUBLISHED

In this Document

Applies to:

Oracle iProcurement - Version: 12.0.0 to 12.1 - Release: 12 to 12

Information in this document applies to any platform.

iProcurement - Version: 12.0 to 12.1


In Release 12.0 there is no longer an Item Extraction process concurrent program. This has been
replaced by functionality that updates the iProcurement catalog in real time. More information is available
in Note 396243.1.

As changes are made to the data in the various forms (Item Master, Purchase Order, Requisition
Template, Category Define, etc...) functionality is engaged to populate the corresponding iProcurement


The following steps should be considered for adding a item to the new iProcurement Unified Catalog.

Troubleshooting and common solutions follow these steps.

Category Definitions and Mapping

System Administrator - Profile - System

It is important to confirm the profile option - POR: Autocreate Shopping Category And Mapping

By default this is set to 'No'.

The purpose of this profile is to create iProcurement based categories and complete the mapping at the
time that the category is being created in the Core Purchasing Module - Define Categories form.

Purchasing Super User - Setup - Items - Categories - Category Codes

**Note - To properly query the category codes, it might be required to first confirm the Default Category
Set for Purchasing - by choosing the Default Category Set menu option - and then querying that
Category Set to confirm the Category Flex Structure - using the Category Sets menu option.

Pictured above is an example of Oracle Internal Category codes – 060.36 – etc…

As can be seen, the category is not very explicit or informative.

iProcurement allows you to create and assign a more 'user friendly' category name to better represent
the Oracle Internal Categories to which they are mapped.

The profile previously mentioned – POR: Autocreate Shopping Category And Mapping - when set to Yes
– will automatically create the iProcurement shopping category - using the Description that has been
entered on the Oracle Internal Item Category.

When the profile is set:

- The description on the internal category is created in iProcurement as a Item Shopping Category
- The newly created iProcurement Shopping Item Category is mapped to the Oracle Internal Category

For example – 060.36 – if created and the profile is set to 'Yes' - will automatically be associated to the
iProcurement Category (created automatically when saved) by the name of ‘Electrical Accessories:
Alternators, Starters, etc’.

Purchasing Super User - Setup - Items - Categories - Category Set

After the category is created, you have to add it into the Category Set - as seen above.
Not until it is present in the Category Set will the automatic mapping take place into iProcurement.


Confirming the Category Mapping

To check the mapping is present in the system (which must be accomplished before creating the item in
the item master) – utilize the responsibility 'iProcurement Catalog administration'

In this example – it can be seen that the Oracle Category 060.36 – is NOT mapped.

There are two possibilities:

1. Create a new Item Category and Map it while here in iProcurement Catalog administration
2. Set the profile mentioned earlier for auto-mapping - return to core Purchasing and make a small
change to the Category (060.36) and save.
- This will re-engage the procedures used to populate the Unified Catalog tables and the iProcurement
Shopping Category will be created from the Description on the Category in the Core Purchasing -
Category Definition form

For this example, a basic mapping will be performed to an already present iProcurement Shopping
- Select the check box on the left and Choose Map (pictured above)
In this example, the mapping is being created to Office Supplies. Select the Item Shopping Category
(above). Choose the Apply button after choosing the iProcurement Category.

A refresh of the Search will show that the Category is now mapped (above).

**PLEASE NOTE - VERY IMPORTANT: If it is found that the categories are NOT mapped - and Items
are already created - Mapping the category properly IS NOT going to trigger the process to reconsider the
items for addition to the iProcurement. Please move to the end of this note where a reference is given
with the proper instructions to alleviating this type of problem.


Item Creation

Navigation - Purchasing Super User - Setup/Organizations/Financial Options

It is important to check and confirm the the inventory organization in the Financial Options.

The new procedures look at the item attributes - at the Inventory Organization Level - for the inventory
organization which has been selected in the Financial Options. Certain conditions need to be met when
defining the item in order for the item data to be moved to the iProcurement Unified Catalog tables.

Navigation - Purchasing Super User - Items/Master Items

Above is an example item being created. Take note the V1 is matching the inventory organization in the
financial options.

NOTE: If you are using Multiple Languages - then you mus choose the Globe Icon and define the
appropriate values for each language in order the item to be available in each language. The item
will not automatically be created in the language if the Globe Icon is not selected.

Ensure the item is purchased and purchasable. The item MUST have a list price as well.

These are mandatory for the item to be added to the Unified Catalog in the iProcurement.
Outside Processing based items are not able to be used in iProcurement.

Save your Item.

Upon saving, the item is considered for addition to the Catalog.

**Note The Item will be considered only at the time new changes are saved.

To confirm the category - while still in the item master - choose the top text menu - Tools/Categories

Only Items assigned to properly mapped categories are considered for addition to the Unified Catalog.

Navigation - iProcurement

A search in iprocurement reveals the item is now available for Requisition Creation.



The following sql can be used to check if the item was added or not. This is a good first step because if
the item was not added to the Catalog, then the problem could be with the mappings and/or procedures
used to add the Item to the Catalog.

If the item was in fact added to the Catalog, then there could be limitations being imposed based on
certain profiles or the setups of the Content Zones.

select mi.segment1, icx.org_id, icx.description, icx.document_number, icx.language

mtl_system_items_b mi, icx_cat_items_ctx_hdrs_tlp icx
where upper(mi.segment1) like upper('%&item_number%')
and icx.inventory_item_id = mi.inventory_item_id
and icx.org_id = mi.organization_id;
When prompted, pass in a portion of the Item Number which was created.

In the example above, the item record is present and confirms it was added to the Unified Catalog.


Known Issues:

A key factor in this new process is the order in which the setups were executed.

There are situations where the items were defined – and the categories were mapped AFTER the item

The following notes outline workarounds to essentially engage the procedures used to consider data for
population into the Unified Catalog - on a mass scale. These notes identify how to call the API's which
are used to add the data to the Unified Catalog - and show how to engage the processes against a group
of records.

Note 454694.1 Items With Mapped Category After Item Creation Do Not Show Up In iProcurement

Note 729641.1 Large Quantity Of Inventory Items With Null List Price Cannot Be Updated

Note 579294.1 BPA Lines Created With One Time Item Before Associated Category Mapping , Can Not
Be Seen In iProcurement Catalog.

Note 566714.1 R12 iProcurement Catalog Does Not Reflect Category Change On A BPA Line

Note 580361.1 Updates To Blanket Purchase Agreements/Quotation Are Not Reflected In iProcurement

Note 464255.1 BPA With Expense Lines Is Not Visible for Other Languages In iProcurement
- Very common for Multi-Language Issues - regarding one time items on Blanket Agreements


If still the items are not present in the iProcurement catalog after completing the steps above - please take
these actions.

1. Reconfirm the category mapping – make sure it is properly mapped

2. Create the FND_LOG_MESSAGES table output - using the steps below.

A. Enable the fnd debug log by the setting the fnd debug profile as follows:
Set the following profiles(at both user and responsibility level)
FND: Debug Log Enabled : Yes
FND: Debug Log Filename : leave it as null
FND: Debug Log Level : Statement
FND: Debug Log Module : %

Login as the user and move to the Item Mater Form - query the item.

B. Now, while that user is in the item master form - login on another computer as the system administrator
- and Run the concurrent program "Purge Debug Log and System Alerts"

Another option, login to sql developer and run the following -

SQL>truncate table applsys.fnd_log_messages;

The table holds data that is used for debugging, so it can be truncated.

C. Now, as the user in the Item master - adjust the item description or list price - something that will
retrigger the api's for considering the item for addition to the Unified Catalog
- Save your changes (triggering the API's) - and do not do any other navigations

D. Now, run the following sql using Sql Developer or TOAD and export the query results in excel

You need to input the Application User name you have used to reproduce the issue for running the sql

Upload this information for review if creating a service request via Metalink.

select * from fnd_log_messages flm,fnd_user fu

where flm.user_id=fu.user_id
and fu.user_name ='&app_user_name'
order by timestamp,log_sequence;

Pass in the Username that was used when creating the FND Logging.

The fnd_log_messages will need to be reviewed by Oracle Support to further determine the problem.

The following notes also offer a some very good information on the new processes.
Note 461747.1 How To Diagnose An Issue In The Unified Item Catalog (Release 12 onward)

Note 602896.1 How Has The iProcurement Catalog Data Model Changed In Release 12
iProcurement Account Generator FAQ
1. What is the difference in the account generator between iProcurement and
Oracle Purchasing?
2. Are there additional setup steps required to generate accounts in
3. Why aren't there any LOV's on the accounting fields in the Edit Charge
Account screen?
4. If I make changes to my account generator workflow will they be supported?
5. What exactly does profile option "Account Generator: Run in Debug Mode" do?

1. What is the difference in the account generator between iProcurement and
Oracle Purchasing?

A. Oracle Purchasing and iProcurement both use the same requisition

account generator workflow. The only difference is that iProcurement will
default the employee expense account onto the requisition if no value is
returned from the workflow.

2. Are there additional setup steps required to generate accounts in


A. Yes. There are two regions which must be changed to match the
accounting structure of your organization:
If your organization has multiple Chart of Accounts, you must configure the
following two profile options to support these multiple Chart of Accounts:
POR: Edit Accounts Region
POR: Multiple Accounts Region

To configure accounting regions for multiple Chart of Accounts you should

use the following responsibilities:
For applications version 11..0.3 -11.5.3: AK Developer
For applications after 11.5.5: Application Developer Common Modules
A. Copy the Account regions POR_BILLING_MULT_CHARGE_AC_R and

B. Rename the new regions created in step 1.

C. Modify the region so that the prompt names and field lengths of the
accounting segments match the accounting structure for the Chart of accounts.

D. Assign the name of the new regions to the following profile options.

POR: Edit Accounts Region. This profile option should be set to the new
region name corresponding to POR_BILLING_CHARGE_AC_R created in step B.

POR: Multiple Accounts Region. This profile option should be set to the
new region name corresponding to POR_BILLING_MULT_CHARGE_
ACCOUNT_R created in step B.

Please see note.124911.1 if you don't find the new region names in
the list of values when setting the profile options.

Note: you must bounce Apache in order for these changes to be visible on
the web.

3. Why aren't there any LOV's on the accounting fields in the Edit Charge
Account screen?

A. LOV's must be built according to your unique accounting structure.

This feature is not currently delivered 'out of the box', but can be
implemented on site by a consultant.

4. If I make changes to my account generator workflow will they be supported?

Modified account generator workflows are supported, however you may be
asked to duplicate the problem on an unmodified workflow for diagnostic

5. What exactly does profile option "Account Generator: Run in Debug Mode" do?

This profile option controls whether the account generator workflow

process runs in synchronous mode (workflow-on-a-fly) or asynchronous
mode(save the runtime data).

When this profile is NULL (default) or NO, the workflow writes all the
processing information to PL/SQL tables as opposed to the WF database
tables. Hence, once the WF completes or errors out, there is no way to
look at the process flow data for the WF run (using wfstatus script etc.)
and debug it. This is why or when we set this profile option to YES.

Because it is a synchronous process, it can handle only one process

instance at a time. So, if an earlier process instance of this workflow
did not complete successfully and failed, the subsequent process
instances start failing. However once you set this profile option as
Yes, then by the virtue of the process being able to store the runtime
data in WF database tables, it can handle multiple process instances
simultaneously. Therefore no errors. Performance, however, goes down.

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