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Argumentative Essay Final Draft

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Name: Marian Khouri

45% of all abortions are unsafe, and almost all of these unsafe abortions occur in
developing countries, while 4.7% to 13.2% of maternal deaths each year can be
attributed to unsafe abortion[CITATION WHO211 \l 1033 ]. Abortion is the most
contentious issue, with no common ground between two opposing viewpoints. The
debate is life and death, even though the uncertainty of complications makes it tough. I
oppose abortion because in my opinion it is murder. We do not have the right to decide
whether the baby to whom a mother gives birth should live or die, despite it is a matter
of life or death yet it has equal supporters in both sides some wants to decrease the
number of abortions, while others want to make it safer. However, I’m going to focus on
two points why not valuing the life a fetus as it’s a being or no, and the law allowing

According to Medline plus an abortion “is a procedure to end a pregnancy. It

uses medicine or surgery to remove the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus.”[
CITATION Medne \l 1033 ]. It cannot be determined when a fetus starts living but
according to scientific facts the heart of an embryo starts to beat from around 5–6
weeks of pregnancy. While abortion deprives the fetus its freedom and right to pursuit
its future happiness in future life [CITATION Fra17 \l 1033 ]. However, imagine you have
20 pills on a table, one of those is poisonous. Would you swallow a pill at random,
regardless of whether it was a normal pill or poison? No, you cherish your own life, so
why not that of a fetus? The fetus may be alive, and abortion may constitute murder. So
in my opinion abortion doesn’t defer from killing, and legalizing it you mean that you
legalize murdering as well, and causing pain and suffering to a fetus is totally wrong,
however counterargument here may exist as making abortion illegal will also mean that
a woman is denied her right in some cases where she is exposed to great danger
carrying a fetus, many steps could be taken here either making abortion in a legal way
after consulting specialists, before the forming of the heart or only to save a woman's
life, or the procedure is banned entirely.
Another contentious issue is abortion for rape. Babies born as a result of this act
are not intended because the sexual act is forced. Many people believe that killing these
newborns is OK, but is it? Pro-life is an anti-abortion organization. They argue that
human life begins at conception. They think that the unborn are entitled to life. Even in
the case of rape, they feel the child should not be penalized for his or her actions. The
supreme court of the United States decision in the Roe vs. Wade case in 1973 made
abortion legal with restriction by the states to vary in regulations [ CITATION Fer02 \l
1033 ], in 2013 a congress member Trent Franks a former United States representative
for Arizona’s 8th congressional district proposed a bill to ban abortions after twenty
weeks despite for rape or incest, then later on 2017 mentioned for an exceptions to
those are raped or incested, standing with Pro-life organization this act must be
forbidden after six weeks because that is when the fetus' heart begins to beat, indicating
that the fetus is alive, and republicans believe that once a baby has a heartbeat, it is
defined as a living entity, and killing the infant is unethical at that point. In my opinion a
mother can decide whether she wants the baby or no after giving birth except if carrying
the baby may put her life in danger, so in case she cannot afford the baby there is
something alternative to abortion which is adoption, with more than one million
American families wanting to a adopt a child, abortion is morally wrong.
On the other side, abortion is wrong in all divine books. Abortion is wrong in the
Bible as well as in the Quran and most religious people don’t believe in it, since it is an
unnatural end of pregnancy. Few people would argue this point. The Bible clearly
prohibits taking the life of an innocent person “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his
blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man” [CITATION The \l 1033 ],
“You shall not murder”[ CITATION The1 \l 1033 ], in addition the Quran states that
“whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption done in the land it is as if he had
slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one it is as if he had saved mankind entirely
[ CITATION The2 \l 1033 ], “And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide
them and for you. Indeed, their killing is ever a great sin”[ CITATION The3 \l 1033 ].
Another important point to elaborate is the health risk an abortion can cause;
abortion hazards can lead to issues later in life. With bladder and bowel injuries, the risk
of pelvic inflammatory disease and miscarriage rises. Women who have had abortions
have a considerably increased risk of developing breast cancer later in life. For instance,
breast cancer has risen by 50% in America since abortion became legal in 1973
[CITATION Pat05 \l 1033 ]. Ectopic pregnancies are also increased by a factor of two. You
are 8 to 20 times more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy after having an abortion. An
ectopic pregnancy ruptures if it is not diagnosed quickly enough, and you can bleed to
death if you do not get emergency surgery. America is killing its future. Gianna Jessen is
an abortion survivor. “There was not much hope for me in the beginning. I weighed only
two pounds. Today, babies smaller than I have survived. A doctor once said I had a great
will to live and that I fought for my life. I eventually was able to leave the hospital and
be placed in foster care. I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy as a result of the abortion.”
[CITATION AnA96 \l 1033 ]
Those who believe abortion is not wrong in the case of incest or rape claim that
forcing a woman to carry a child due of this violent conduct would further affect the
victim's mental health because a woman is often embarrassed or afraid to speak up or is
unaware, she is pregnant. However, certain medications taken soon after an event can
prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. Abortion punishes an unborn kid who has
committed no crime, while in this case the offender should be held responsible.

To summarize, I believe that abortion is wrong, and I support pro-life. The media
does a good job of persuading the public on abortion issues. Women have a choice
when it comes to civil rights. Whether it is the correct or wrong option in the
perspective of others, it is a decision that might be in the best interests of the child and
his or her future, or it might leave the mother with an unsatisfying conscience for the
rest of her life, United States law must take this issue in consideration and look back on
legalizing abortion after before twenty weeks because children are God's gifts, and they
are innocent, I can only hope that the number of abortions is reduced and that
individuals make better decisions based on the result. All life is valuable. All life is a gift
from our God. We must receive and cherish the gifts we are given. We must honor the
right to life.

Works Cited

Ferree, M. M, et al. Shaping abortion discourse: Democracy and the Public Sphere in

Germany and the United States. Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Francome and Colin. "Abortion in the USA and the UK." Routledge (2017).

Gianna Jessen . House Judiciary Committee. 22 April 1996.

Jasen, Patrica. "Breast Cancer and the Politics of Abortion in the United States." An

International Journal for the History of Medicine and Science (2005): 423 - 444.

MedlinePlus. Abortion. n.d. 05 2021 June. <>.

The Bible, Deuteronomy 27:25a. n.d.

The Bible, Genesis 9:6. n.d.

The Quran, Al Israa 17:31 – Saheeh International translation. n.d.

The Quran, Al Maida 5:32 – Saheeh International translation. n.d.

WHO. World Health Organization. 2021. 05 June 2021. <


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