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3Repubhc of tbe tlbihppineg

$'>upreme <!Court
;!flllan tla


HOUSE OF G.R. No. 228236

- versus - LAZARO-JAVIER,
M. LOPEZ, and

Respondent. Promulgated:

."JAN-·t T2021 ~
x ------------- --- --------------- ----------------- - -- - ------------------------------ -------x



This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari 1 under Rule 45 of the Rules

of Court assailing the Decision 2 dated April 29, 2016 and Resolution3 dated
November 8, 2016 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 128947.


On February 2, 20 11, Atty. Daisy B. Panga-Vega (Panga-Vega), then

Secretary of the House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET),
requested authority to avail of the 15 days of special leave benefit under
Republic Act (RA) No. 9710, otherwise known as the ''Magna Carta of

Rollo. 26-43.
Id. at 44-58; penned by Assoc iate Justice Eduardo B. Peral ta, Jr., with the concurrence of Assoc iate
Justices Francisco P. Acosta and Rodil V. Zalameda (now a Member of this Court).
Id. at 59-60.
Resolution 2 G.R. No. 228236

Women," on February 7-11, 14-18, and 21 -25, 2011 , but not to exceed two
months, to undergo hysterectomy. 4

On February 3, 2011 , the HRET approved Panga-Vega's request for

special leave for a period not exceeding two months starting February 7,
2011. 5 On February 7, 2011, she underwent total hysterectomy. 6

On March 7, 2011, after a month of availing of the special leave, Panga-

Vega informed the HRET Chairperson that she was reassuming her duties and
functions. 7 She also presented a medical certificate8 dated March 5, 2011 ,
stating that there was "no contraindication to resume light to moderate
activities." On March 9, 2011, she explained that the earlier medical certificate
did not necessarily indicate her fitness to report for work. 9 Thus, she presented
another medical certificate 10 of even date stating that she was already "fit to
work" after her physical examination on March 6, 2011.

On March 10, 2011, the HRET directed Panga-Vega to consume her 2-

month special leave given her need for prolonged rest following her
hysterectomy, and in view of a pending investigation on her alleged alteration
or tampering one minutes of the meeting that could subject her to more
stress. 11 On March 14, 2011, she sought reconsideration of this HR.ET
Resolution. 12 On March 24, 2011, the HR.ET denied reconsideration
reiterating her need to rest, and also, pointing out the confusion and doubts
regarding her true medical condition as caused by her medical certificates. 13
On April 13, 2011, Panga-Vega filed an appeal with the Civil Service
Commission (CSC) assailing the March 10, 2011 and March 24, 2011 HR.ET
Resolutions. 14

On October 9, 2012, the CSC issued a Decision 15 granting the appeal

of Panga-Vega. It ruled that she only needed to present a medical certificate
attesting her physical fitness to return to work and need not exhaust the full
leave she applied for under RA No. 9710. It was further held that applying the
rules on maternity leave, she is entitled to both the commuted money value of
the unexpired portion of the special leave and her salary for actual services

Id. at 308.
5 ld.atll6-119.
6 Id. at 133 , 308.
I d. at 120.
Id. at 12 1-1 22.
Id. at 123.
Id. at 124.
Id. at 125- 128.
12 / l46-l48.
13 Id. at 129-130.
Id. at I 98-207. The CSC Decision disposed as fo llows:
WHEREFORE, the appeal of Daisy 8. Panga- Vega, is hereby GRANTED. Accordingly,
the Resolution dated March I 0, 20 11 of House of Representatives Electora l Tribunal (HR.ET),
Quezon C ity, directing her to consu me her approved two (2) month s leave of absence, is SET
ASIDE. Panga-Vega should be paid back salaries and other benefits from March 7, 20 11 to
April 7, 20 11.

Quezon City. Id. at 207.
Resolution 3 G.R. No . 228236

rendered effective the day she reported back for work. On November 23,2012,
the HRET sought reconsideration, 16 but the CSC denied this in its Resolution 17
dated February 12, 2013.

On March 19, 2013, the HRET filed a Petition for Review 18 assailing
the foregoing Decision and Resolution of the CSC with the CA. On April 29,
2016, the CA dismissed the petition. 19 Adopting the CSC's findings, it ruled
Panga-Vega may opt not to consume the full leave she applied for upon her
submission of the medical certificate. It also held that nothing in RA No. 9710
precludes the suppletory application of the rules on maternity leave to the
special leave benefit under RA No. 9710. The HRET sought reconsideration,
but the CA denied this in its Resolution20 dated November 8, 2016. Hence,
this petition. 2 1

The HRET argues that the CSC should not have applied suppletorily
the rules on maternity leave to the special leave benefit under RA No. 9710.
It also contends that Panga-Vega did not sufficiently comply with the "CSC
Guidelines on the Availment of the Special Leave Benefits for Women Under
RA No. 9710" 22 (CSC Guidelines), warranting her return to work.

Panga-Vega counters that the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of the

HRET was not authorized to file the instant petition. She further claims that
the suppletory application of the rules on maternity leave to the special leave
benefit is more in accord with the thrust and intent of RA No. 9710. As to her
compliance with the CSC Guidelines, she maintains that her medical
certificate and her attending physician's subsequent clarifications sufficiently
showed her fitness to return to work. 23


Id. at 2 14-2 19. The CSC Resolution disposed as follows:
WH EREFORE, foregoing considered, the Motion for Reconsideration of Atty. Girlie I.
Salarda, Secretary, House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal ( HRET), Q uezon C ity, is
hereby DENIED. Accordi ngly, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) Decision No. 12-0676
dated October 9, 20 12 granting the appeal of Daisy B. Panga-Vega and setting as ide the
Resolution dated March I 0, 20 11 ofHR ET as well as directing the payment of her back salaries
and other benefits from March 7, 2011 to April 7, 2011, STANDS.
Quezon City. Id. at 2 19.
Id. at 220-248.
Id. at 44-58. The CA Decision disposed as fo llows:
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing premises, the instant Petition for Review is
SO ORDERED. Id. at 57.
Id. at 59-60. The CA Resolution disposed as fo llows:
Accordingly, for lack of persuasive force, We hereby DENY petitioner's Motion fo r
Reconsideration from the Decision of April 29, 2016.
SO ORDERED. Id. at 60.
Id. at 26-43.
22 CSC Memorandum Circular No. '.25 (20 I 0).

Id. at 837-846.
Resolution 4 G.R. No. 228236

Before delving into the merits, the issue raised by Panga-Vega

regarding the authority of the HRET to initiate the case before the Court must
first be addressed. She argues that as an agency or instrumentality of the
Government, the statutory counsel of HRET is the Office of the Solicitor
General (OSG). She opined that the instant petition should have been filed by
the OSG, not by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of the HRET.

The HRET was created by virtue of Section (Sec.) 17, Article VI of the
1987 Philippine Constitution, which provides that the House of
Representatives shall have its own Electoral Tribunal that shall be the sole
judge of all contests relating to the election, returns, and qualifications of its
Members. As a recognized instrumentality of the Government, the Court, in a
catena of cases, exercised over it its expanded judicial power to include the
determination of "whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
instrumentality of the Government." 24

Meanwhile, the OSG was constituted as the law office of the

Government and shall discharge duties requiring the services of a lawyer as
such. It shall represent the Government of the Philippines, its agencies,
instrumentalities, and its officials and agents in any litigation, proceeding,
investigation or matter requiring the services of a lawyer. It is tasked to
represent the Government and its officers in the Court, the CA, and all other
courts or tribunals in all civil actions and special proceedings in which the
Government, or any officer thereof, in his official capacity is a paiiy, among
others. 25

The OSG, however, may be excused from representing the

Government, its agencies, and instrumentalities when there is an express
authorization by the OSG, naming therein the legal officers who are being
deputized in cases involving their respective offices, subject to its supervision
and control, or when the OSG takes a position different from that of the
agency it is duty bound to represent. 26

A perusal of the records shows that there was no express authorization

by the OSG naming the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the HRET as its
deputized legal officers in filing this petition. There was also no proof, let
alone an allegation, that the OSG took a position different from the HRET in
this case. Instead of providing a plausible justification why the OSG did not
represent it, the HRET simply reasoned that the instant petition should be
Garcia v. House ofRepres':!ntatives Electoral Tribunal, 37 1 Phil. 280, 287-288 ( 1999); see also Libanan
vs. House of Representatives £/ector,i/ Tribww l, 347 Phil. 797 ( 1997); and Rep. Robles vs. House of
Representatives Electoral Tribunal, 21'i0 Phil. 83 1 ( 1990).
EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 292 ( 1987), Sec. 35.
Republic v. Heirs of r:ecilio and ,\iloises Cuizon. 705 Phii. 596, 608-609 (2013 ): Executi ve Order No.
292, Book IV, Title Ill, Chapter !2, Sec. 35 (8), provides:
SEC. 35. Power and F unctions. - x x x x
(8) Deputize legal officers of governme nt departments, bureaus, agencies and officers to
assist the Solicitor General and appear or ,'!p:-t·st:nt the Government in cases involving their
respective offices, bro ught before the Courts, and exercise supervision and control over such
legal Office rs with respect to su::h cases.

Resolution 5 G.R. No. 228236

given course in the interest of a speedy determination of issues. It even posited

that the defect in its filing of the instant petition may be cured upon a
subsequent filing by the OSG of a manifestation and motion ratifying and
adopting it, but there had been no such manifestation and motion in this case.
These facts necessarily evince that HRET lacked the legal capacity to initiate
this case, and the HRET gave no compelling reason for the Court to disregard
this finding.

Even on the merits, however, the petition must still fail.

Section 18 of RA No. 9710 entitles a woman, who has rendered a

continuous aggregate employment service of at least six months for the last
12 months, a special leave of two months with full pay based on her gross
monthly compensation following surgery caused by gynecological disorders.
In relation to this provision, the case involving Panga-Vega gives rise to the
issue of whether the rules on maternity leave under Sec. 14, Rule XVI of the
Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order No. 292, which
provides that the commuted money value of the unexpired portion of the
special leave need not be refunded, and that when the employee returns to
work before the expiration of her special leave, she may receive both the
benefits granted under the maternity leave law and the salary for actual
services rendered effective the day she reports for work, may have a
suppletory application.

The Convention on the Elimination of All Fonns of Discrimination

Against Women (CEDA W), acknowledges the need to guarantee the basic
human rights and fundamental freedoms of women through the adoption in
the political, social, economic, and cultural fields, of appropriate measures,
including legislation, to ensure their full development and advancement. 27
Consistent thereto, no less than the fundamental law of the land imposes on
the State the duty to protect working women by providing safe and healthful
working conditions, as well as facilities and opportunities to enhance their
welfare, and enable them to realize their full potential in the service of the

In fulfillment of the foregoing obligation under the CEDAW, and the

1987 Philippine Constitution to advance the rights of women, RA No. 9710
was enacted. This law acknowledges the economic, political, and socio-
cultural realities affecting their work conditions and affirms their role in
nation-building. 29 It guarantees the availability of opportunities, services, and
mechanisms that will allow therr.. to actively perform their roles in the family,
community, and society. As a social legislation, its paramount consideration
is the empowennent of women. Thus, in case of doubt, its provisions must be
liberally construed in favor of women as the beneficiaries.30

WOMEN, Art. 3.
1987 Constitution, Art. XIJI, Sec. 14.
RA No. 97 10 (2009), Sec. 2.
See AniFion v. Government Service lnsuranc:e System. G.R. No. l 904 10, April I0, 2019.
Resolution 6 G.R. No. 228236

The Court finds it just anci more in accord with the spirit and intent of
RA No. 9710 to suppletorily apply the rule on maternity leave to the special
leave benefit. Similar to the special leave benefit under RA No. 9710, a
maternity leave under the Omnibus Rules on Leave seeks to protect the health
and welfare of women, specifically of working mothers, as its primary
purpose is to afford them some measures of financial aid, and to grant them a
period of rest and recuperation in connection with their pregnancies. 3 1 The
special leave benefit should be liberally interpreted to support the female
employee so as to give her further means to afford her needs, may it be
gynecological, physical, or psychological, for a holistic recuperation. The
recovery period may be a trying time that she needs much assistance and
compassion to regain her overall wellness. Nothing in RA No. 9710 and the
CSC Guidelines bar this more humane interpretation of the provision on
special leave benefit.

Anent Panga-Vega's return to work, while RA No. 9710 and the CSC
Guidelines do not require that the entire special leave applied for be
consumed, certain conditions must be satisfied for its propriety.

Under the CSC Guidelines, a total hysterectomy is classified as a major

surgical procedure32 requiring a minimum period of recuperation of three
weeks to a maximum period of two months. 33 Aside from observing this time
frame, the employee, before she can return to work, shall present a medical
certificate signed by her attending surgeon that she is physically fit to assume
the duties of her position. 34

Panga-Vega underwent total hysterectomy on February 7, 2011, and

decided to return to work on March 7, 2011. As it appears, she was already
able to observe a period of recuperation of four weeks. As to the requirement
for a medical certificate, it is inconsequential to belabor the seeming
deficiency of the first medical certificate dated March 5, 2011 , which merely
stated that there was no contraindication for her to resume light to moderate
activities, as she already presented a medical certificate dated March 9, 2011
signed by her attending obstetrician/gynecologist attesting her physical fitness
to report back for work.

Based on these facts on record, the CSC found that Panga-Vega

sufficiently complied with the CSC Guidelines warranting her return to work.
The Court accords finality to these findings acknowledging the CSC's special
knowledge and expertise on matters falling under its jurisdiction as an
administrative agency, 35 and given the affirmance by the CA.36

CSC M emorandum Circular No. 41 ( 1998), Ruic I t9).
CSC Me morand urn C ircubr No. 25 (20 I 0), List of Surg ical Operatio ns for Gynecological Disorders,
p. 4.
CSC Memorandum C ircul ar No. 25 (20 I 0), Sec. 2.2. 1.
CSC Memorandum C ircularJ\io. 25 (.20 !0), Sec. 3.5.
35 Japson v. Civil Service Commission, 663 Phil. 665, 675 (201 1).

Encinas v. POI Agustin, .Jr., 709 Phil. 236, 26 i (20 13).
Resolution 7 G.R. No. 228236

FOR THESE REASONS, the petition is DENIED. The Decision

dated April 29, 2016 anci Resolution dated November 8, 2016 of the Court of
Appeals in CA-G .R SP No. 128947 are AFFIRMED.



Senior Ch;e_,f Justice

:4.ssociate Justice

Associate Justice


1 attest that the conclusions i::1 the above R,;;;'.,: o lution haJ been reached
in consultation before the case was assi~ned to the writer of the opinjon of the
Court's Division.

Associate Justice
Resolution 8 G.R. No. 228236


Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution and the Division
Chairperson's Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the above
Resolution had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to
the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.

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