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2384 Case Study Kingdom Tower Jeddah

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Title: Case Study: Kingdom Tower, Jeddah

Authors: Peter Weismantle, Director of Supertall Building Technology, Adrian Smith +

Gordon Gill Architecture
Alejandro Stochetti, Director, Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture

Subjects: Architectural/Design
Building Case Study
Structural Engineering
Wind Engineering

Keywords: Megatall

Publication Date: 2015

Original Publication: The Middle East: A Selection of Written Works on Iconic Towers and Global

Paper Type: 1. Book chapter/Part chapter

2. Journal paper
3. Conference proceeding
4. Unpublished conference paper
5. Magazine article
6. Unpublished

© Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat / Peter Weismantle; Alejandro Stochetti
Case Study: Kingdom Tower, Jeddah

Peter Weismantle, Director of Supertall Building Technology & Alejandro Stochetti, Director, Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture

The following was originally published in least one kilometer. The invitation was also to note that one of the criteria for the winning
Issue I of the 2013 CTBUH Journal. extended to other international architectural scheme was the tower’s “constructability
firms, including Foster + Partners, Pelli Clarke potential and efficiency.”
During the spring of 2009, Adrian Smith + Pelli, Kohn Pedersen Fox, Pickard Chilton and
Gordon Gill Architecture (AS+GG) began SOM. The competition brief asked teams to
working on a prototype of a mile-high tower. design a multi-use tower serving a five-star The Competition Entry
With an eye to the future, AS+GG’s interest was hotel, serviced apartments, and office and With Kingdom Tower, the goal was to
to understand the potential and challenges of residential units. The proposed design would advance the innovations of Burj Khalifa and
creating a tower that was substantially higher take Kingdom Tower to the highest position discover what could be done better. The
than the tallest man-made structure at that in CTBUH’s three categories for maximum team also knew what had worked very well
time, the 828-meter Burj Khalifa. The questions heights; firstly, it would have the highest on the Burj, and which could be taken into
were: How do we get to a substantially taller occupied floor (currently, Burj Khalifa at 584.5 account in the design.
building? Is there a new typology? What meter). Secondly, it would achieve the highest
about elevators? What about structure? And, architectural top (currently Burj Khalifa at One of the earliest studies done, leading
above all, what about daily life in such a elevation 828 meter). Lastly, it should have to the overall form, shows part of the
building? The exercise turned out to be not the highest tip (also currently Burj Khalifa at a process that helped to create the tower’s
merely theoretical. AS+GG was then invited height of 829.8 meter). The design competition final massing configuration. One of the
to participate in a competition to design the was scheduled to last one month, after which original challenges was to build extremely
world’s new tallest tower at a height of at a winner would be announced. It is important tall without adding too much area to the

Opposite: Observatory render from above. Source: Jeddah
Economic Company

Right: Typology study. Source: Adrian Smith + Gordon

Gill Architecture

final building. The competition brief called

for 290,000 square meters gross floor area
(GFA) for the tower and podium. The diagram
illustrates how, for the original competition
program area, a simply extruded square plan
would not reach a significant height. The
next drawings show how going from square
to circle to triangular form helped, but not
enough. The following diagrams show how
the tapering of such shapes extended the
potential height of the tower. Finally, for a to internal area, which would maximize walls and core, the structural efficiency is
variety of reasons, the tapered “Y” shaped the residential units’ views and exposure maximized by placing the material where it
plan was chosen. As a further step toward to light. The “Y” shape also allowed the will do the most good in resisting wind-
reaching greater heights, the carving applied spreading of the base of the tower without induced bending loads. The triangular core
at the balcony areas removed GFA from increasing the depth of the lease-span. thus formed by the shear walls is also an
typical floors and pushed it further up. This means that the building can still optimized shape, very good at resisting wind
maintain a reasonable 10:1 height to width induced torsion. Lastly, the unique nature of
These design decisions helped to provide the ratio without having a large amount of the Y-shaped plan and structure allows for
client, Jeddah Economic Company (JEC), with unusable deep internal space. certain serendipitous results. Having three
a streamlined, highly performative design. legs, the plan naturally has at least three
The “Y” shape also helps develop a clean stairs, creating an immediate redundancy.
Supertall Buildings and Wind and simple structural diagram in which With its continuous, reinforced concrete
The Y-shaped plan forming the base of every element participates in both gravity shear walls, those stairs are completely
the design offered several advantages. A and lateral support. If one considers the enclosed within a very robust and secure
120-degree separation between wings shape as being similar to a wide flange environment, again enhancing that aspect
allows for views to be expansive but not beam with its mass of structural material at of the life safety system of the tower.
directed toward adjacent units, which the end of each wing (the “flanges”) where Furthermore, these very thick shear walls
would have created privacy issues. It would it is most optimally placed, connected by provide more than the minimum required
provide a higher ratio of exterior wall shear walls (the “webs”) forming the corridor fire separation and are a very effective

sound-control mechanism between public as permit a more efficient, continuous, the ends of the shear walls slope, the taper
corridors and private residential spaces. and uninterrupted construction process. at the end of each wing is created by a
Furthermore, having different rates of taper consistent 3.5 meter cantilever extension
Early on, it was also decided that the tower to each wing results in different termination of the slab edge. All building envelope
could not just be vertically extruded. heights for each, thereby creating the notching is achieved by simply dropping off
Had that approach been pursued, wind dramatically distinct three part spire of slab edge cantilevers.
vortices would have become organized Kingdom Tower. This intuitive concept was
on the sides of the tower and amplified confirmed by wind studies performed by Through this concept of dropping off
the effect, inducing accelerations of lateral RWDI at its facility in Toronto. structural components to create the
movement well above advisable levels architectural expression, and allowing
as these amplified vortices approach the The structure for the Kingdom Tower is formwork to easily jump up on each
resonant frequency of the tower. To counter comprised entirely of cast-in-place reinforced level of the tower, a highly efficient and
this natural magnification, one very typical concrete walls, coupling beams, and constructible system is realized while
approach is to reduce the plan size of the conventionally reinforced flat plate concrete creating a very distinctive form.
tower as it rises in height. On Burj Khalifa, floor framing. The structure contains no
the tower has 27 tiers with setbacks/plan outriggers or wall/column transfers. Due Concrete compressive cube strengths
shape reductions at each. Similar to Burj to the continuous and uninterrupted required to realize the tower structure are
Khalifa, Kingdom Tower “confuses the wind” vertical nature of the walls for the tower, not expected to exceed 115 MPa, and 60
by reducing the cross-sectional size of a highly efficient jump form system can to 80 MPa at significant heights. Advances
the tower as it rises. However unlike Burj be utilized. Formwork for the floor slabs in concrete mix designs and concrete
Khalifa, Kingdom Tower does it by means can also be reused due to the highly pumping technology will be brought
of a continuous taper to each wing. This repetitive geometry of the tower. The faces to bear in order to place high strength
was a result of one of the primary lessons of the shear walls are all vertical, with the concrete in the upper portions of the tower.
learned in the construction of Burj Khalifa. exception of the ends of each wing, which
Eliminating the stepped setbacks as on taper to follow the form of the Tower. This The foundations for the tower are a raft
the Burj obviated the need for outrigger can be accomplished by a simple shift of supported on bored circular piles located
transfers and belt trusses at certain between 200 and 300 millimeters for each approximately 2.5 meters below existing grade
locations, which in turn will reduce the 4 meters vertical lift or internal blockouts due to site modifications raising the base of
concentration of structural loads as well in formwork that is lifted vertically. Because the tower. This modification minimizes the

Opposite Left: Kingdom Tower tapering shape. Source: Adrian
Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture

Opposite Right: Structural components. Source: Adrian Smith +

Gordon Gill Architecture

Bottom: Kingdom Tower sun diagram. Source: Adrian Smith +

Gordon Gill Architecture

“The structure for the Kingdom Tower is comprised entirely of cast-in-place reinforced
concrete walls, coupling beams, and conventionally reinforced flat plate concrete floor
framing. The structure contains no outriggers or wall/column transfers. Due to the
continuous and uninterrupted vertical nature of the walls for the tower, a highly efficient
jump form system can be utilized.“

amount of potential dewatering required on
the site during construction of the lower levels.

Tower Form, Culture, Site, and Location

As part of a performative design process,
any solution should reflect a specific culture,
location and time.

In the case of Kingdom Tower, the solution

reflects the desire of JEC and the leaders
of Saudi Arabia to show the world the
potential of their vision of the Kingdom as
an increasingly important, vital, and thriving 0 1.0m 2.0m 2.5m 5.0m Scale:
1 : 250

member of the international community. It

is also rooted in the desert landscape. The
sleek, streamlined form of the tower can be
interpreted as a reference to the folded fronds
of a growing young desert plant. The way the
fronds sprout upward from the ground as a
single form, then start separating from each
other at the top, is an analogy of new growth have accepted in agreeing to develop the height of the tower. Entrances to units
fused with technology. what will be the world’s tallest multi-deck are allowed via typical penetrations through
elevator. In a similar vein, the location and the corridor wall.
As AS+GG partner Gordon Gill explains: “the height of the towers’ mechanical floors will
tower evokes a bundle of leaves shooting push the technology of the buildings’ chilled The inclusion of balconies in this type of
up from the ground – a burst of new life water, sprinkler, and domestic systems and building is not very common. However, the
that heralds more growth all around it. equipment with their limits to working Kingdom design includes balconies for a
This symbolizes the tower as a catalyst for pressure and capacity. variety of reasons. First, weather conditions
increased development around it.” In terms in Jeddah are tolerable or even pleasant
of the project’s location, studies of sun, wind Plan Shape and Unit Planning for a substantial part of the year. At the
and views, among many others parameters, highest levels of this tower, reduced air
Stair location plays an important part in the
informed and guided the design process that temperatures and increased wind speeds
overall efficiency and fluidity of the plan
shaped the tower. The tower orientation in make outdoor conditions better than at
potential. The architects wanted to make
plan was adjusted to point one wing toward lower levels. A balcony is an important
sure that a simple and continuous open plan
Mecca, while another points almost directly amenity in the marketing of a luxury
could be preserved, to allow for units to be
north, by which both the overall solar load was residential unit. Secondly, at a latitude
located fluidly and efficiently, with minor
reduced while simultaneously improving the of 21.5 degrees and with the prevailing
interruptions. Stairs are thus located at every
views of the majority of residential units. As it sunlight intensity, any horizontal projection
wing end, allowing for a very open plan. This
turned out, that adjustment in orientation also will create shadows on the tower surface,
move also allows for the major structural
helped mitigate the magnitude of pedestrian reducing direct solar radiation. Thirdly,
elements to wrap around the stairs, creating
level winds in several of the more critical from the tower massing point of view,
a series of super-structural tubes.
locations, although it slightly increased the the overlapping pattern of the balconies
overall load due to design wind conditions. added a layer of intricacy and visual
Wing ends are a very critical part of the
plan and massing because they contain complexity to this mostly vertical structure.
Regarding “time,” Kingdom Tower uses The horizontally overlapping balconies
a major structural and vertical circulation
current technologies and materials, but also visually tie the tapering wings together
element. But they are also needed to allow
incorporates “future-making” designs. In the and add to the “organic” character of the
for an open corner view. For that reason, a
field of vertical transportation, for example, structure. Lastly, and as mentioned above,
minimum of three meters of vision glass is
the height and program requirements will the subtractive process that brings out the
allowed along the wing ends throughout
be a challenge that elevator manufacturers

Opposite: Plan and unit planning. Source: Adrian Smith +
Gordon Gill Architecture

Right: Close view of the horizontal fins. Source: Adrian Smith +

Gordon Gill Architecture

balconies removes areas from typical floors also goes up uninterrupted until it stops. these goals, from the initial design it was
that can be added to higher units, in line Overall, the vision was that concrete should agreed that there would be only one primary,
with the client’s goals. be used as high in the structure as possible. unitized wall type on the tower. The simple
The goal was to remove, if possible, any panel design allows for early procurement
Overall Tower Section and Stacking additional steel member at the top. and permits tenders from multiple
manufacturers. Establishing a consistent
The competition design entry can be seen as Another significant design decision early on vertical module (four meters) and horizontal
three tapered wings terminating at different was to standardize the floor-to-floor height module (1.5 meters) allows for repetition
heights with angular ends tied together at four meters for all uses, including office, of identical panels. This in turn facilitates
with an array of horizontal elements such residential, and hotel. Among other things, assembly line-type mass production. The
as the balconies and mechanical floors. this would help elevatoring flexibility and ends of each tapered wing are planar and,
To some viewers it might seem a complex potential change in tower stacking through except for the corners, consist of identical
composition, and even difficult to build. But the different design stages. panels over the entire height. The angle of
the goal was to ensure that the building was each taper has been designed to relate to the
fairly simple and cost-effective. With this in In agreement with the client, office floors horizontal module, permitting a repetition
mind, different construction companies and are placed at the bottom to take advantage of the “make-up” unit over the height of the
component fabricators were consulted early of larger floor plans and dropping elevator tower. The typical four by 1.5 meter panel
in the process to make sure the assumptions bays. These are followed by hotel, serviced size permits loading into materials hoists
were correct. apartments, and residential units of different and does not require use of tower cranes.
levels. At the very top, a super-penthouse is Special areas such as mechanical floors, sky
One of the key elements for addressing the placed to allow the tenant to be at the crown lobbies, etc., utilize variations of the typical
constructability issue is the ability to extend of the tallest building in the world. panel. The typical curtain wall is designed to
the concrete and climbing form as high a high-performance criterion, that includes
and as continuously as possible, having no Exterior Wall thermally broken aluminum frames, high-
transfers. In that regard, concrete vertical performance insulating glass, and extensive
walls go up uninterrupted until they stop. The exterior wall or cladding represents a
significant portion of the total investment in areas of insulated spandrel glazing. Although
There are no additional columns at the end the tower looks like a fully glazed building,
of each wing. One of the main structural a building of this type. In order to maintain
costs, a simple, repetitive, easily erected the overall vision glass to spandrel area ratio
components is the stair enclosure, which is actually 50:50.
system needed to be designed. To meet

Left: The three extended, soft curved canopies. Source: Adrian
Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture

Opposite: Construction progress as of May 2015. Source: Adrian

Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture

competition scheme showed an additional

tapered profile, connecting canopies to
the main tower body, making office floors
larger. This move was eliminated, reducing
office floor area and overall tower area at
the lower floors.

The client asked for the inclusion of a helipad

to be mostly used by the owner or visitors
of the super-penthouse at level 157. The
Maintenance was also an issue. In the Middle required to cover the more than 166,000 original design placed it at this level, where
East, preventing sand dust collection and square meters of cladding. Having multiple it would be the platform from which to
the need to clean the façade periodically units allows for redundancy and enhanced access or leave the Majelis (lounge) of the
is an important challenge. Any surface reliability. Furthermore, the system is penthouse via helicopter. However, further
exposed to the atmosphere will be exposed designed, and machines are sized, to permit studies and consultation with experienced
to dust collection. In response, the goal is glass unit replacement. helicopter pilots and the wind engineering
to prevent and limit the amount of exterior consultants suggested that the helipad
wall surfaces at the macro level by reducing The Evolution of the Design location would make taking off or landing
the overall amount of exterior wall and, at a maneuvers extremely dangerous. But by
Overall, the design competition entry,
micro level, by limiting or eliminating the use this point, the design for the helipad was
submitted in July 2009, was mostly intact
of projected elements off the glass surface. integrated and accepted as part of the
in its most significant elements at the end
With these and other considerations in mind, overall tower design. It was decided that the
of the Schematic Design phase in February
the Kingdom Tower exterior wall evolved feature’s new use would be as a “sky terrace”
2010. The evolution and adjustment of
into an extremely streamlined surface with serving Level 157. It will be the highest
the scheme were mostly focused on the
no projected elements, which will make it terrace in the world when completed at an
following elements:
easier to maintain and clean. In addition, elevation of 630 meters.
this will reduce to a minimum the materials A series of massing studies was carried
needed for construction, reducing costs and The canopy elements developed from the
out to maximize area program distribution
embodied carbon. original competition scheme to schematic
throughout the height of the tower. The
design. Softer lines were sculpted and more
objective was to increase the size of the
Reducing the potential for collecting dust, detailed sun studies were developed to
floor plates toward the top and reduce
however, does not eliminate the need to address the required extent of the canopy
it at the bottom. From the developer’s
provide a façade access system. As was elements to stop direct solar radiation
point of view, more saleable area on the
utilized on Burj Khalifa, the system utilizes onto the lobbies’ clear glass cable walls.
most expensive floors was important.
proven, tried and tested, state-of-the-art The final design shows three extended,
Geometrically speaking, the taper of each of
technology. It is designed to completely softly curved canopies that cover the main
the wings was modified and rotated around
wash the windows and clean the exterior lobbies and extend horizontally to protect
one-third of the tower, moving the wing
wall at least four times a year. Multiple parking ramp entries. Further development
walls further out and higher up, and moving
façade access units of various types are of the canopies’ cladding components was
them in at the lower floors. The original

“The intent of the Kingdom Tower design process was to channel the cultural, site, and
temporal forces in order to create a structure sensitive to the client’s culture and location
as well as this pivotal moment in the Kingdom’s history and the history of architecture
and engineering.”

considered and added in the next phase of and accepted methods, processes, or unprecedented success. Petronas Tower in
Kingdom Tower development to address technologies. Every team involved needs to Kuala Lumpur, Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai,
harvesting of concentrated sun rays and challenge its past experience and go further. and Burj Khalifa in Dubai have elevated
their use in energy production. Design architects have in their hands the their cities, countries, and regions to
opportunity to be at the forefront of their new heights. Projects of the nature of
Final Notes profession. As they develop the design, Kingdom Tower will redefine their local
The intent of the Kingdom Tower design they will face forces that will add risk to and regional environments, will create jobs
process was to channel the cultural, site, the project at every corner. The success of and opportunities, and will become the
and temporal forces in order to create a such endeavors will always depend on the central piece of a new urban center. As such,
structure sensitive to the client’s culture clear-minded decision of an ambitious client iconic buildings as Kingdom Tower help to
and location as well as this pivotal moment with the support of a visionary architect transform and urbanize communities and in
in the Kingdom’s history and the history of and the best teams in every discipline. The doing so, contain suburban sprawl and add
architecture and engineering. contractor will have to work efficiently based to densification with their inherent benefits.
on the roadmap traced by architects and
Designing the world’s tallest building consultants and also advance their trade
is by its very nature an unprecedented beyond the current norm.
task. It requires an open mind in search of
the optimal solution for every challenge, These major ambitious steps have
even if it means going beyond the proven been taken before and they have had


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