College of Crimininal Justice Education: Prepared By: Instructor
College of Crimininal Justice Education: Prepared By: Instructor
College of Crimininal Justice Education: Prepared By: Instructor
l. Anti-Cybercrime Group
The Anti-Cybercrime Group as one of the National Operational Support Unit of the
Philippine National Police shall effectively perform its mandate as provided under the
Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 10175 (Cybercrime Prevention Act
of 2012) and other related laws.
The Director for Investigation and Detective Management (DIDM) shall exercise
functional authority over the PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group. As such, the Director for
Investigation and Detective Management who is under the Deputy Chief, PNP for
Operations has the power to control specified processes, practices and other matters of
the said group.
The Command Group of the PNP ACG shall be composed of the following: 1) the
Director, with the rank of Police Brigadier General; 2) the Deputy Director for
Administration and the Deputy Director for Operations, both with the rank of Police
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Colonel; and, 3) the Chief of Staff, with the rank of Police Colonel, who shall direct,
supervise and manage the administrative affairs of the Group and facilitate coordination
among the different Divisions and units of the PNPACG.
The Police Regional Office Headquarters shall maintain nine (9) Regional Divisions
1. Regional Personnel and Records Management Division (RPMD or R1);
2. Regional Intelligence Division (RID or R2);
3. Regional Operation Management Division (ROMD or R3);
4. Regional Logistics Research Development Division (RLRDD or R4);
5. Regional Community Affairs Development Division (RCADD or R5);
6. Regional Comptrollership Division (RCD or R6);
7. Regional Investigation Detective Management Division (RIDMD or R7);
8. The Regional Learning and Doctrine Development Division (RLDDD or R8);
9. The Regional Plans and Strategy Management Division (RPSMD or R9) and
Regional Headquarters Support Unit (RHSU)
placed under the administrative supervision and operational control of the Regional Director, PRO
and shall be headed by a Police Commissioned Officer with the rank of Police Colonel who shall
be called “Force Commander” who shall direct, command and control the battalion and attached
The NCRPO Headquarters shall maintain nine Regional Staff, namely: 1.) Regional
Personnel and Records Management Division (RPRMD or R1); 2.) Regional Intelligence Division
(RID or R2); 3.) Regional Operation Management Division (ROMD or R3); 4.) Regional Logistics
Research Development Division (RLRDD) or R4); 5.) Regional Community Affairs Development
Division (RCADD or R5); 6.) Regional Comptrollership Division (RCD or R6); 7.) Regional
Investigation Detective Management Division (RIDMD or R7); 8.) The Regional Learning and
Doctrine Development Division (RLDDD or R8); 9.) The Regional Plans and Strategy
Management Division (RPSMD or R9).
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The NCRPO Regional Staff shall be headed by Police Commissioned Officers (PCOs)
with the rank of Police Colonel. In addition, the NCRPO shall maintain its Regional Headquarters
Support Unit (RHSU) and the PNP-Presidential Security Force Unit (PNP-PSFU) which will
provide assistance and support to the Presidential Security Group (PSG) in maintaining the
security within the perimeter and surrounding of Malacañang Palace and other engagement areas
of the President within Metro Manila and shall likewise be headed by PCOs with the rank of Police
Deputy Provincial Director for Administration (DPDA) / Deputy City Director for
Administration (DCDA)
The Deputy Provincial Director for Administration/Deputy City Director for Administration
shall assist the Provincial/City Director in the exercise of command specifically in supervising and
coordinating the administrative and auxiliary services of the command in support of its missions
and functions.
Deputy Provincial Director for Operations (DPDO) / Deputy City Director for Operations
The Deputy Provincial Director for Operations/Deputy City Director for Operations shall
assist the Provincial Director in the exercise of command, supervision and control of the police
and as third in command at the provincial level, shall act as the Provincial Director in the absence
and inability of the latter and of the Deputy Provincial Director for Administration.
Component Cities:
a. Component City Police Station (4 Sub-stations or more) Type A for cities with
population ranging from 100,000 and above.
b. Component City Police Station (2-3 Sub-stations) Type B for cities with population
ranging from 75,000 and to less than 100,000.
c. Component City Police Station (1 Sub-station) Type C for cities with less than 75,000
a. Municipal Police Station (with one sub-station-optional) Type A for those with
population ranging from 75,000 or more. The Chief of Police has the prescribed rank of
Police Lieutenant Colonel and the Deputy Chief of Police with the rank of Police Captain.
b. Municipal Police Station Type B for those with population ranging from 30,000 to less
than 75,000. The Chief of Police has the prescribed rank of Police Major and the Deputy
Chief of Police with the rank of Police Lieutenant.
c. Municipal Police Station Type C for those with population of less than 30,000. The Chief
of Police has the prescribed rank of Police Captain and the Deputy Chief of Police with
the rank of Police Lieutenant.
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Reference: Law Enforcement Organization and Administration Inter Agency Approach 2021
by: PCol Judy S. Lopez, Pcpl Thomas B. Taynan, Jr.