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1530 Patrick Taylor

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Technologies for
Treating High Arsenic
Copper Concentrates
Patrick R. Taylor
G.S. Ansell Distinguished Professor of Enargite from Butte, Montana
Chemical Metallurgy
Director, Kroll Institute for Extractive
Colorado School of Mines
 Conventional methods to
extract copper from sulfide
ores using pyrometallurgy
have been used for decades
and more than 75% of
primary copper is recovered
using these methods.
 Even though conventional
processing is highly efficient,
the depletion of clean
copper sulfide ore reserves
requires new strategies to
extract the copper with Converter Aisle
certain levels of impurities.
 Group 15 elements (As, Sb and
Bi) are difficult to handle in
conventional copper smelting.
 Environmental regulations
have resulted in avoidance of
high-arsenic copper sulfide
concentrates and led to
increased smelter penalties
and lower acceptable amounts
of arsenic in the concentrates
 An example from the US is

Arsenic Plant
Example from a US Cu Smelter

Element Penalty Formula Mercury ($1.85 to $ 2) /dt ea 10 ppm > 10

Alumina $0.50 ea 0.1% > 5% ppm
Iron > 15% = increased treatment charge Magnesium Normally 10% limit, desirable
for more flux needed Ox element in feed???
Arsenic $0.50/lb > 1% (20 lb) OR 2$/dt ea Manganese 2.0% limit
0.1% > 0.1% Max 0.2% Sodium 5.0% limit
Barium 0.5 to 1% limit Nickel $2 dt ea 0.1% > 2%
Beryllium < 10 ppm limit Phosphorus 3.0% limit
Bismuth ($1.10 to $7.50) /dt ea 0.1% > (0.1% Lead $1 dt ea 0.1& > 1% OR $1/lb
to 0.4%) Max 0.4 % >0.5% (more severe)
Cyanide < 10 ppm ! Antimony BAD PLAYER, DO NOT WANT
Cadmium ($2.20 to $7.50) /dt ea 0.1% > ANY
(0.05% to 0.2%) Max 0.4 % Selenium 0.1% limit
Chloride BAD PLAYER, DO NOT WANT ANY Tin ($1.10 to $3) dt ea 0.1% > (0.2 to
Cobalt 0.5% limit 3%) Max 3 %
Chromium $0.50 dt ea 0.1% > 3% no hex Tellurium 0.01% limit
chrome, 5% max on tri v Cr Thallium 0.01% limit
Fluoride $5 dt ea 0.1% > 0.2% 0.5% Zinc $0.50 dt ea 0.1% > 3% 4.0%
max limit
 After more than 50 years of
using hydrometallurgy to
recover copper from low
grade ores, certain problems
and issues are still a concern,
especially for the treatment
of high arsenic bearing ores or
 Various hydrometallurgical
methods have been proposed
for treating high arsenic
copper ores and concentrates.
 This is not covered in this talk.
Dump Leach - Morenci
 Arsenic in copper presents
several problems.
 In the final product, cracks
appear during the forming
process and reduces the
electrical conductivity of
 The maximum allowable
arsenic concentration in
copper for electrical
applications is set at 1 ppm. Copper wire product
 A main objectives for the
control of arsenic in mineral
processing and extractive
metallurgy operations is to
avoid its emissions in either
the gaseous and aqueous
 This is addressed through
arsenic removal and
converting it to a disposable,
environmentally acceptable Sulfuric Acid Plant
stable compound.
 There is a small market for
arsenic currently.
 The El Indio operations is one
example of this, the
operations separated and
recovered arsenic as the
commodity As2O3 until 2002,
at which time operations
were closed due a
combination of factors,
including the lack of a
market for this arsenic Arsenic Trioxide (China)
USGS Estimated As2O3 Production

Process Options
 Both pyrometallurgical and
hydrometallurgical processes
have been evaluated for the
extraction of copper from
enargite concentrates.
 Most research has focused
on hydrometallurgical
methods, as they are
generally thought to be more
environmentally benign and
Multi-hearth Furnace
less capital intensive.
 High arsenic content represents
a barrier to direct smelting of
enargite concentrates and makes
the value of the concentrates
greatly diminished.
 For those reasons, the arsenic
must be minimized before
smelting to obviate the need to
collect and treat volatile arsenic
compounds and to decrease slag Fluidized Bed - Outotec

and metal contamination .

 During the pyrometallurgical processing of
primary and secondary materials, arsenic
represents a risk and most countries require its
removal from the processing residues.
 Controlled oxidation roasting is one of the
options for pyrometallurgical pre-treatment to
remove the arsenic from enargite concentrates
by volatilization.
 The final product of the arsenic must be in a
stable disposable form.
Numerous studies on the use of roasting and
smelting have been published for enargite
concentrate treatment.
Several very good review papers have been
published on this topic.
Several of the operating and potential
processes will be discussed in this
Enargite can be decomposed through
roasting methods.
The mechanisms for decomposition of
enargite are known.
Padilla (1997) showed that enargite
decomposition starts at about 525°C, but
maximum arsenic removal occurred between
700°C and 750°C.
Thermal Decomposition of Enargite

Enargite starts to thermally decomposes at

550°C according to the possible reaction:

2Cu3AsS4 (s) → 3Cu2S (s) + As2S3 (g) + S2 (g)

The reaction is very endothermic with an

enthalpy of +327.4 kJ/mol.
Thermal Decomposition of Enargite

 Enargite started to decompose at about 550°C in a nitrogen

(Cu3AsS4)4 (s) → Cu12As4S13 (s) + 3/2S2 (g)
Cu12As4S13 (s) → 6Cu2S1+x (s) + As4S4 (g) + (1.5-3x)S2 (g)
 Enargite transforms to tennantite and digenite followed by
the formation of chalcocite as the final decomposition
product in the temperature range 575°C - 900°C.
 The arsenic was removed completely as arsenic sulfide
species in neutral atmospheres at temperature below 727C.
Controlled Oxidative Roasting of Enargite

In controlled oxidative atmospheres, enargite

decomposes to chalcocite, sulfur dioxide and
arsenic trioxide according to reaction below:
4Cu3AsS4 (s) + 13O2 (g) → 6Cu2S (s) + 10SO2 (g) + 2As2O3
Another possible reaction is (Secco et al.
1988) is:
2Cu3AsS4 (s) + 2O2 (g) → 3Cu2S (s)+ 2SO2 (g) + As2S3 (g)
Controlled Oxidative Roasting of Enargite

Comparison between enargite roasting in

neutral and oxidative atmospheres revealed
that the thermal decomposition in oxidative
atmospheres is much faster than in neutral
Temperature and oxygen potential play an
important role in the rate of oxidative
roasting of enargite in the temperature range
600°C - 900ºC.
Oxidative Roasting of Enargite
 The intermediate cuprous oxide in the reaction,
followed by cupric oxide at extended reaction
times were produced after the reaction.
4Cu3AsS4 (s) + 22O2 (g) → 6Cu2O (s) + 16SO2 (g) + As4O6 (g)
4Cu3AsS4 (s) + 25O2 (g) → 12CuO (s) + 16SO2 (g) + As4O6 (g)
 Enargite oxidative roasting showed a
transformation to intermediate Cu2O and final
CuO reaction product and the complete removal
of arsenic in the temperature range 500°C -
Lime Roasting
 Lime roasting was investigated by Terry et al. (1994).
 The arsenic and sulfur can be captured during roasting,
where As2O3 and SO2 gases react with CaO.
 Rapid oxidation of As2S3 gas upon contacting with CaO was
estimated to be the mechanism of arsenic fixation (Igiehon
et al. 1994a).
As2S3 (g) + 3CaO (s) →1/2As4O6 (g) + 3CaS (s)
 The reaction of As4O6 gas with CaO results in the formation
of calcium arsenite as showed in reaction. This reaction
happened with the absence of oxygen.
3CaO (s) + 1/2As4O6 (g) → Ca3(AsO3)2 (s)
Lime Roasting
 Liu et al. (2000) performed research regarding lime roasting
on a refractory gold concentrate.
 The SO2 and As2O3 gases were fixed based on the following
reactions below:
2CaO (s) + 2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2CaSO4 (s)
3CaO (s) + As2O3 (g) + O2 (g) → Ca3(AsO4)2 (s)
 The free energy estimation for the reactions showed
Ca3(AsO4)2 is thermodynamically more stable than CaSO4.
 Based on this, theoretically, CaO will preferentially react
with As2O3 gas rather than SO2.
 The application of hydrated lime can help in arsenic fixation.
Lime Roasting
Taylor et. al (1991) conducted test work on
lime roasting of refractory precious metal
This study used hydrated lime to react with
arsenic and sulfur under typical roasting
The results showed more than 99.9% of the
arsenic and 98% of the sulfur were retained
in the calcine when roasting.
Lime Roasting
 The problem with lime roasting for industrial
application is that the arsenic reacted with lime
stays in the solid calcine and is very difficult to
 One possible approach would be to do this reaction
in another reactor where the arsenic off gas is
contacted with lime at elevated temperature.
 The question of the acceptability of this product for
disposal would have to be addressed.
Soda Ash Roasting
 Taylor et. al (1993), studied soda ash roasting of As-Sb
precious metal concentrates.
 The research focused on treating complex sulfide
concentrate i.e. stibnite and arsenopyrite with soda ash to
recover antimony and precious metals while changing
arsenic and sulfur to sodium arsenate and sodium sulfate.
 The result showed the solid residue from roasting
maintained nearly all the sulfur, arsenic, and antimony.
 The arsenic was removed by leaching using heated caustic
 The arsenic can then be precipitated using a mixture of
calcium hydroxide and calcium chloride or ferric salts.
Soda Ash Roasting
Putra and Taylor evaluated soda ash roasting
on two enargite concentrate samples (Putra
PhD 2013)
They looked at partial and complete
Conditions were found to reduce the arsenic
content of the concentrate, as a water
soluble compound, while maintaining much
of the sulfur in the roast calcine.
XRD Results on Partial Oxidation Roasting

1. Fe9S11, FeS0.9, Fe9S8 1. Cu2S, CuS2, Cu1.96S

2. Na2O2 2. FeSO4
3. Cu2S, CuS2, Cu1.96S, CuS 3. Fe2O3
4. CuO, Cu21O 4. Fe9S11
5. Na2S 5. Cu21O
6. Cu2As 6. F3O4
7. Fe 7. Fe
8. NaAsO2, Na3AsO4
9. Na2SO4

• XRD pattern before water leaching • XRD pattern after leaching

Concentrator Bin

Gas CO2

Preliminary Water
Pelletizer Roasted
Product Bin
Rotary Kiln
Leached Solution Fe2(SO4)3
As Precipitation
(Solid-Liquid Separation)

Agitated Leaching Tanks Thickener Disposal
Leached Tank

Na2CO3 Bleed or EDU

for Reagent Regeneration

Soda Ash Roasting
Controlled oxidation, soda ash roasting may
be a method to eliminate the need for
extensive arsenic collection and conversion in
the off gas and acid manufacturing.
The major obstacle is the cost of the soda ash
and ferric sulfate for arsenic precipitation.
Research is underway to evaluate reagent
regeneration using EDU.
El Indio
 The enargite concentrate (23
wt.% Cu, 15 wt.% Fe, 35 wt.%
S, 10 wt.% As and 0.8 wt.%
 Treated in a 14-hearth 6.5 m
diameter Nicholas-
Herreschoff roaster in the
temperature range 500°C -
700ºC with an oxygen
amount of less than 0.5%.
 This made the process
essentially a neutral roasting.
El Indio
The residence time of the feed was about 3
The outlet gases were captured in two
cyclones, where the collected dust was fed
back to the roaster and the un-oxidized gases
(sulfur and arsenic trisulfide) were oxidized in
a combustion chamber with excess air
through an exothermic reaction at a
temperature of 750 ± 25ºC
El Indio
 Then the oxidized gases were cooled down to 350°C -
400ºC in a heat exchanger and directed to an
electrostatic precipitator.
 The dust, which contained high precious metal values,
was mixed with flotation concentrates.
 The dust free gases were further quenched down to
120 ± 5ºC with cold air in which a major part of the
arsenic was condensed and removed from the gas
phase as arsenic trioxide (white powder).
 The final gas stream was released to the atmosphere.
Sulfation Roast
 B. Chambers (2012) evaluated sulfation roasting of
 Calcines produced at two temperatures, 500 and 750 C.
 They indicated that while high copper extraction and
arsenic fixation rates could be achieved, the sulfation
roasting reactions are highly exothermic and significant
cooling water would need to be added.
 Due to these issues, it is likely that partial roasting
operations would not be economically favorable in
greenfield operations.
 However, niche applications of this process in operations
with existing copper SX/EW facilities in good acid markets,
have the potential to be economically favorable.
Sulfation Roast Flow Sheet
Acid Bake Process
 Safarzadeh, et al (2012) evaluated acid bake and leach
of enargite.
 Preliminary experiments showed that the acid-bake
leach process could be adapted and used for the
treatment of enargite concentrates.
 Low-temperature (100-400 ºC) sulfuric acid baking of
an enargite concentrate followed by water-leaching
was evaluated.
 Results indicate the thermal transformation of
enargite to copper sulfate during sulfuric acid baking,
with most of the arsenic being released from the
concentrate into the gas phase for baking at 400 ºC.
Acid Bake Process
The condition for maximum copper
extraction (~100%) from the concentrate was
found to be 400 ºC, sulfuric acid amount of
0.5 mL/g of concentrate, and 2 h baking time.
Part of the arsenic was captured in the form
of arsenopyrite (FeAsS).
XRD analysis proved the presence of some
arsenic in the form of claudetite (As2O3) in
the baked concentrate.
Acid Bake Process Possible Flow Sheet
CMI NESA Process
 Oudenne (2006) reviewed CMI NESA thirty years
of the treatment of arsenical and antimonical
bearing concentrates and other complex
metallurgical byproducts.
 The importance of preliminary mineralogical
characterization is emphasized as a preliminary
step for the success of the roasting.
 Stage selective roasting appears may be an
attractive and efficient route for the treatment
of complex concentrates.
Principles Of The Selective Roasting Process

 It has been found that a reducing atmosphere produces the

greatest arsenic removal while treating copper bearing materials
containing tennantite, enargite, chalcopyrite and pyrite.
 In the selective roasting process, the complex sulfide materials are
heated in reducing or starved air conditions.
 Depending on the specific characteristics of the concentrates, such
as particle size, different controllable variables appear to
influence the volatilization of Cd, As, Sb, Bi and Hg during roasting.
- Ultimate temperature
- Heating rate
- Gaseous atmosphere
- Presence of sulfur
Selective Roasting Process

 Selective roasting is carried out under the

conditions explain above to facilitate impurities
removal i.e. adequate ultimate temperature,
low and smooth heating rate and reducing
atmosphere with optimized CO/CO2 ratio.
 A roasting furnace operated under a single given
atmosphere such as in a fluidized bed roaster,
makes it difficult to obtain appropriate roasting
conditions for complex sulfide materials.
Principles Of The Selective Roasting Process

 Since the volatile sulfides are unaffected by a

reducing atmosphere, it is thus possible to effect an
elimination of them from non volatile minerals.
 Moreover, in a multiple stage reactor, the separate
control of temperature and atmosphere is possible
for each hearth of the reactor and equally
important above and within the material bed.
Principles Of The Selective Roasting Process
Example Of Selective Roasting
Enargite selective roasting.
 The purpose of the pretreatment by selective roasting
of this enargite concentrate is the removal of a
maximum of the contained arsenic and antimony to
obtain a saleable product, while retaining a high
sulfur level for smelting.
 The copper flotation concentrate contains enargite
(Cu3AsS4), covellite (CuS), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), pyrite
(FeS2), elemental sulfur and quartz (SiO2) as major
 The average size of the flotation concentrate is in the
range of 40 microns.
Example Of Selective Roasting
 In a reducing atmosphere, the main sulfides minerals
will decompose according to the following reactions :
2Cu3AsS4 = Cu2S+4CuS+As2S3 (g)
2FeS2 = 2FeS+S2 (g)
8FeAsS = 4FeAs+4FeS+As4S4 (g)
 These decompositions proceed as the concentrate is
progressively heated in a controlled atmosphere.
 Moreover as the elimination of volatile sulfides
occurs, one observes that the sintering temperature
of the material being roasted is increasing.
Example Of Selective Roasting
 The oxygen-free atmosphere in and just above the reacting bed is
protected because oxygen is consumed by reacting with rising
volatile sulfides and labile sulfur arising from the lower hearths.
 Part of the heat used in the multistage reactor is generated by
controlling air flow into the upper hearths taking advantage of the
exothermic reactions with the rising gases :
S2(g) + 2O2(g) = 2 SO2 (g)
As4S4(g)+7O2 (g) = As2O3(g)+4SO2(g)
 In the bottom hearths, external fuel is burnt in order to control
hearth temperatures and gas atmosphere.
 The presence of pyrite in the concentrate is favorable because it
helps the volatilization of the As as arsenic sulfide.
Example Of Selective Roasting
Ministro Hales
Codelco and Outotec (very little public information)
 The treatment of Ministro Hales deposit in Chile by
Codelco (McElroy et al. 2008; Mayhew et al. 2011), which
will start in 2013, expects a yearly throughput of 550,000
tonnes of copper concentrate and 250,000 tonnes of
sulfuric acid production.
 Controlled oxidation (or neutral roast) to remove arsenic
as a vapor compound.
 Arsenic dust is collected and converted to disposable form
or stockpiled.
 Outotec in Frankfurt, Germany is operating a 25 kg per
hour pilot plant that uses the roasting method to treat
copper concentrate (Ondrey, 2012).
 The ASARCO smelter at El Paso, Texas gives a
maximum of 0.2% As in the copper concentrate
that can be the feed (ASARCO El Paso Smelting
Processes, 2010).
 Enargite concentrates are smelted directly by a
few copper smelters but most smelters limit
their arsenic input for environmental reasons
and only process clean copper concentrates,
containing less than about 0.5% As (Peacey et
al., 2010).
 The Lepanto roaster at Lepanto Consolidated
Mining Company, Philippines treated about 180
tpd of enargite concentrates containing 11% As,
31% Cu, 15% Fe, 34% S and produced calcine
containing 0.3% As, 43% Cu, 23% Fe, and 20% S.
 The Boliden roaster at Boliden Oy, Finland, with
a capacity of up to 800 tpd concentrate, treated
concentrates containing 1-2% As and typically
produced a calcine containing about 0.1% As (
Peacey et al., 2010).
 Dundee Precious Metals Inc. from Chelopec,
Bulgaria transports the enargite concentrates
(175,000 t/a) to the NCS smelter in Tsumeb,
 This smelter can treat high arsenic and lead
bearing copper concentrate.
 Not many smelters in the world can do that.
 Copper blister and arsenic trioxide (As2O3) were
produced from this smelter (Dundee Precious
Metals Inc. 2012a).
Arsenic issues and arsenic precipitation
Several issues result from the presence of
arsenic in arsenic-bearing concentrates when
entering the processing circuit:
• Increased operating costs
• Complicating metal extraction circuits
• Diminishing the final product purity
• Possible health and environmental concerns
• Safe disposal problems.
Arsenic Collection
As4O6 or As2S3 vapors is the gas phase may be
present in some streams when extracting the
Electrostatic precipitators or wet gas
scrubbers, are used to collect As2O3 dusts.
As2O3 dust cannot be stockpiled because of
the long term problems associated with the
high solubility in water and toxicity.
Example Smelter Arsenic Treatment
Smelter Arsenic
 The Horne smelter in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec has
developed its own process for the precipitation of arsenic in
its effluent treatment plant.
 The process is using the AMD (acid mine drainage) as the
agent and produce arsenical ferrihydrite.
 The process is increasing the pH to about 4-5 and oxygen
injected to oxidize ferrous to ferric ion, the second stage
reaction tank, the pH is increased to about 9 to precipitate
arsenic to 0.5 ppm (from 2500 ppm).
 This is a well proven process in the field, and the product is
stored in a monitored pond.
Smelter Arsenic
 Inco’s Copper Cliff Smelter in Sudbury installed a weak acid
treatment process that also precipitates arsenic as arsenical
ferrihydrites using SO2 and H2SO4 respectively, the process has
been conducted for 30 years.
 The Saganoseki copper smelter in Japan precipitates the arsenic in
solution, from its converter dust leach and its acid plant weak acid
bleed, as arsenic sulfide using sodium hydrosulfide.
 Codelco has conducted bench scale tests using pyrite and low
grade copper concentrates and pilot plant runs were carried out at
SGS Lakefield treating a weak acid containing 14.8 g/L As and 26
g/L H2SO4. The arsenic precipitated out of solution quickly down
to about 1.5 g/L As. Stable material produced and stored in a
concrete pit on site (Peacey et al., 2010).
Arsenic removal from Solution

Various methods have been studied for removing

arsenic from solution:
 chemical coagulation precipitation (Pal et al., 2007)
 electrolysis (Emamjomeh and Sivakumar, 2009)
 liquid-liquid extraction (Guell et al., 2010)
 ion exchange (Anirudhan and Jalajamony, 2010
 reverse osmosis (Walker et al., 2008)
 membrane separation (Fagarassy et al., 2009)
 adsorption (Yenial, 2012)
 flotation (Aydoğan, 2011).
Ferrihydrate Precipitation
 Co-precipitation removal of arsenic by ferrihydrite
precipitation from solutions containing both dissolved
iron and arsenic species.
 Post-precipitation is removal of arsenic from solutions
by the addition of a solution of aqueous ferric bearing
species at a pH where ferrihydrite forms (usually at
pH 7 to 8) adsorption is removal of arsenic from
solutions by exposing arsenic bearing solutions to a
previously precipitated ferrihydrite solid.
 The precipitation depends on time, temperature, pH,
Fe/As mole ratio, agitation rate, arsenic valence state,
associated ion, etc (Patnaik, 2004).
Ferric Precipitation
 The precipitation of dissolved arsenic with ferric ions
has been declared by The United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as “The Best
Demonstrated Available Technology” (BDAT) (Riveros
et al. 2001; Rosengrant and Fargo 1990).
 Several factors that have influences on the stability of
any disposed arsenic compound: characteristics of
the disposal location, crystallinity and size
distribution of the compound, and the presence of
oxygen or any complexing agents.
Ferric Precipitation
 Arsenic ferrihydrite compounds is formed at low temperatures
and atmospheric pressure and it is amorphous and voluminous.
 According to the EPA, arsenic ferrihydrite compounds are
acceptable for practical arsenic disposal operations, releasing less
arsenic than the mandatory requirements in many countries.
 Scorodite was formed at high temperature and pressure
 It produces a low-volume, dense, crystalline precipitate that has
lower solubility (less than 1 mg/L As at pH 5) than arsenical
 However, recent research shows the possibility of scorodite
formation under atmospheric pressure conditions; but the
industrial application of this process has not yet been reported.
Factors in Processing
Some general difficulties of applying certain
arsenic treatment method are:
 A wide range of arsenic concentrations
 Effects of other elements and their variable
concentrations in the solution
 The need to adjust pH for optimal removal
 Optimized dose
 Proper operation and maintenance
 Safe disposal of solid arsenic waste
 Smelters generally accept copper concentrates
with low arsenic levels (less than 0.2% to 0.5%)
due to environmental and product purity
 Treating the waste stream from high arsenic
copper concentrates requires significant
 The separation and collection of arsenic as
arsenic trioxide is problematic, primarily due to
its toxicity and lack of market value.
 Pyrometallurgical processing has several concerns:
- the strict environmental regulations on arsenic release
- the complexity of gas/dust capture
- separation facilities
- and the stabilization of the final arsenic compound
 Recent application in the industry to treat high
arsenic concentrate (enargite) were Barrick's El Indio
smelter in Chile and Xstrata's Home smelter in
 Both employed reductive roasting-smelting process
for the treatment of enargite concentrates.
 Despite the perceived shortcomings for roasting to
selectively volatilize arsenic, the process could an
option under specific conditions, provided that a
arsenic precipitation process is possible.
 Roasting is the only process that has been operated
commercially for enargite concentrates; therefore the
level of project risk is lower, i.e. based on past
commercial experience.
 Another advantage of roasting is it is less sensitive to
feed mineralogy than hydrometallurgical options and
arsenic disposal as a compact crystalline compound
with low solubility would appear possible.
Thank you!!!
It has been a pleasure to be at
PERUMIN again.

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