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Design Drawing Document Control Manual

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Design Drawing Document Control Manual (DDDCM)


The definitions listed below serve as a guide and/or as a reference for users.

Approval Signatures approve the contents of an engineering document and

grant authorization to commit JLAB funds. Digitized signatures are "not" to be
substituted as actual signatures per advisement of JLAB legal counsel.

DRAWING - Foreign are used by JLAB however, originate from a source other
than JLAB.

DRAWING - Preliminary are not signed or approved for construction.

DRAWING - Revision Level is the sequential capital letter, starting with the
alphabet "A", appearing in the revision block of a drawing indicating a change
to a previously issued drawing. Revision letters "I" and "O" should not be used.
This is to avoid confusion with the numbers "1" and "0". When all single
alphabets are exhausted, double letter should be used. The revision level is
then indicated by "AA", "BB", etc.

DRAWING - Void is a hard copy drawing that has been removed from the Master
Files. A new drawing revision level received by DCG will initiate this process.
Other terms that indicate a drawing as being voided are "canceled", "changed,
"obsolete", "revised", "replaced", "voided", "was", and/or requested by the
originator to discontinue storage.

DRAWING - Engineering Change Order (ECO) is a form to initiate the revision

process of an existing master drawing. The purpose of this form is to legitimize,
record, and manage the flow of changes to a master drawing to insure archive
of the most current documents.

Master is the original or latest revision level of an assigned, approved,

released, engineering document.

Master Storage is the location of engineering documents maintained by DCG.

Media Bond is the type of paper used to plot preliminary or check design

Media Vellum is the type of paper used to plot final version design drawings for
long term storage.

These guidelines provide formal and standard methodology for generating and
processing design drawings. The procedures follow basic guidelines of DOD-
STD-100C; Engineering Drawing Practices and industry standard documentation
procedures. These procedures are intended to provide the guidelines for the
construction and operational phases of the JLAB project for the various
functional groups.

Drawing - Basic Standards are as follows:

• "all" drawing blocks should be completed

• no information is applicable enter a "dash" or "N/A" in the block
• signatures on a drawing are to be signed using a medium point black ink
• text size no smaller than .100 on D/E size dwg to assure legibility when

Drawing - Title Format is as follows:

• line 1: Major System

• line 2: Sub System
• line 3: Component or Part
• line 4: Type of Drawing

Drawing - Types are as follows:

• artwork
• assembly
• block diagram
• detail
• drawing List
• fabrication
• fabrication & assembly
• installation
• layout
• schematic
• sub-assembly
• system diagram
• system print
• weldment
• wire diagram
Multi-Sheet drawing standards apply as follows:

• "all" sheets should have the same title

• "all" sheets should be the same size
• "all" sheets should bear the same revision level
• first sheet has a full title block
• all following sheets have continuation title block indicating title, rev level,
CADD ID, sheet #, and scale


is located on the bottom, right corner of a drawing. There should be information
or a "dash" or N/A" placed in each block. The various blocks are filled out as

• TITLE BLOCK - APPROVED or CONST REL indicates the person who will
be responsible for the commitment of JLAB funding to fabricate the
depicted parts. This block "must" be signed on the initial issue of a new
drawing. All revisions that follow require the electronic application of the
same signature name in this block.
• TITLE BLOCK - CADD I.D. NO. Indicates the complete file path location so
that retrieval of the drawing, other than the designer, can be
accomplished. Blanks, dashes, or N/A are "not" acceptable in this block.
• TITLE BLOCK - CHECKED indicates the person who has vigorously
reviewed the drawing for its technical content, adherence to JLAB
document standards, compliance with ANSI Y14.5M, and good drawing
practices. This block "must" be signed on initial issue of a drawing. The
person signing the checked block "should not" be the same person
indicated in the Drawn block. All revisions that follow require the
electronic application of the same signature name in this block.
• TITLE BLOCK - DATE indicates the date the approved block was signed.
This block "must" have the date indicated on the initial issue of a new
drawing. All revisions that follow require the electronic application of the
same date in this block.
• TITLE BLOCK - DIM & TOL PER ANSI Y14.5 represents the tolerance
required to fabricate the parts. If all tolerances are indicated in the
dimensions, enter a dash in this block. This applies to mechanical
drawings only.
• TITLE BLOCK - DRAWN indicates the designer, detailer, draftsperson, etc.
who produced the graphic representation of the parts and dates the entry.
This is to be filled in on the CADD system as printed text.
• TITLE BLOCK - DWG NO. Indicates the number assigned to a single
drawing that is unique to each Major System or Work Breakdown Structure
(WBS). Multiple drawing numbers are not acceptable on a single drawing
regardless of whether it is single sheet or multiple sheets.
• TITLE BLOCK - ENGINEER indicates person who will be responsible for
the technical content of a drawing. This block "must" be signed.
• TITLE BLOCK - FINISH indicates the specific surface finish required for
the parts. If the part's finishing requirements are individually indicated on
a drawing then a dash should be entered here. This applies to mechanical
drawings only.
• TITLE BLOCK - MATERIAL indicates the specific type of material required
to fabricate the parts. If a parts list is used on a drawing then a dash or
"see parts list" is to be entered. This applies to mechanical drawings only.
• TITLE BLOCK - REV. indicates the revision level of the drawing to
represent its most current status. A dash should be entered in this block
for the initial issue of a new drawing. Subsequent revised issues are
indicated by capital alphabets starting with "A", "B", etc. and should be
sequential. Revision letters "I" and "O" should not be used. This is to
avoid confusion with the numbers "1" and "0". When all single alphabets
are exhausted, double letter should be used. The revision level is then
indicated by "AA", "BB", etc.
• TITLE BLOCK - SCALE indicates the scale used to depict the parts shown
on the drawing. A dash is to be entered if the scale is indicated with the
parts to be fabricated.
• TITLE BLOCK - SHEET _ OF _ indicates the first sheet of a multiple
drawing set and the total number of sheets in the set. Subsequent sheets
indicate the sheet number and the total number in the set. If a drawing has
only one sheet, sheet 1 of 1 should be entered. "No" blanks or dashes are
acceptable in this block.
• TITLE BLOCK - USED ON ASSY NO. Indicates any associated assembly
drawing number which provides information in understanding the depicted
parts. If no assembly is applicable a dash is to be entered.

REVISION AREA is located at the upper right corner of all mechanical drawings.
Any changes which result in the advancement of the revision level of a drawing
are recorded here. For electrical drawings, this is included as part of the title
block. The various blocks are filled out as follows:

• REVISION BLOCK - APPROVED is the same authorization level as

"Approve or Const Rel" to indicate the person who will be responsible for
the commitment of JLAB funding to fabricate the depicted parts. In some
cases a separate Const Rel block is present. Signatures should be placed
in both blocks. These signatures are the only approvals required to issue
the revised drawing. Previous revision level signatures are represented by
electronic printed names and dates in both the title block and revision
• REVISION BLOCK - DATE indicates the date the approved block was
• REVISION BLOCK - DESCRIPTION is the detailed description of the
changes that have affected the drawing. The ECO number can be entered
here; e.g. ECO 1234. The ECO would then contain all the detailed
information required to change the drawing. The specific change to a
drawing can be entered here in lieu of writing an ECO; however, the
Drawing Revision Process should be followed.
• REVISION BLOCK - REV. indicates the revision level of the drawing after
changes have been implemented. This letter should coincide with
information indicated on the ECO. This revision level should be reflected
in all revision blocks on all sheets of the drawing.
• REVISION BLOCK - ZONE indicates where the changes occur on the

SIGNATURES - Approval Signatures approve the contents of an engineering

document and grant authorization to commit JLAB funds. Digitized signatures
are "not" to be substituted as actual signatures per advisement of JLAB legal

• DRAWING - Basic Standards are as follows: "all" drawing blocks should be

completed no information is applicable enter a "dash" or "N/A" in the block
signatures on a drawing are to be signed using a medium point black ink
pen text size no smaller than .100 on D/E size dwg to assure legibility
when reduced/microficheed
• TITLE BLOCK - APPROVED or CONST REL indicates the person who will
be responsible for the commitment of JLAB funding to fabricate the
depicted parts. This block "must" be signed on the initial issue of a new
drawing. All revisions that follow require the electronic application of the
same signature name in this block.
o MEG requires at least "two" different approval signatures.
• TITLE BLOCK - CHECKED indicates the person who has vigorously
reviewed the drawing for its technical content, adherence to JLAB
document standards, compliance with ANSI Y14.5M, and good drawing
practices. This block "must" be signed on initial issue of a drawing. The
person signing the Checked block "should not" be the same person
indicated in the Drawn block. All revisions that follow require the
electronic application of the same signature name in this block.
• TITLE BLOCK - ENGINEER indicates person who will be responsible for
the technical content of a drawing. This block "must" be signed.
• REVISION BLOCK - APPROVED is the same authorization level as
"Approve or Const Rel" to indicate the person who will be responsible for
the commitment of JLAB funding to fabricate the depicted parts. In some
cases a separate Const Rel block is present. Signatures should be placed
in both blocks. These signatures are the only approvals required to issue
the revised drawing. Previous revision level signatures are represented by
electronic printed names and dates in both the title block and revision


Design drawing changes are required to represent the factual, constructed

components or assemblies of devices used to build and repair the JLAB
machine. Specific changes to a drawing may be detailed on the revised drawing
itself, if the changes are "not" too extensive, but whenever possible it is
preferred that the ECO process be utilized. The original of "all" ECO’s should
be forwarded to DCG for record keeping purposes. When it has been determined
that a drawing requires changing, refer to the following procedures:

CHANGES to a hand drawn or a vendor/foreign drawing instructions are below:

• original master drawing is requested from DCG

• customer signs out the original master drawing
• DCG will make a vellum copy for the master files
• customer initials and dates the copy maintained by DCG
• once revised, customer resubmits the drawing by following the standard
turn-in process
• changes to a vendor or a foreign drawing includes posting the revision on
the CEBAF title block

CHANGES to a non-approved or a non-issued drawing require no formal record.

CHANGES: Initiating an Engineering Change Order

• accurate copy of drawing that is to be revised should be obtained from

• responsibility of originator to obtain the most current drawing revision
• all approved ECOs should be forwarded to DCG to acknowledge an ECO
• copy of the marked-up drawing should accompany the ECO
• all "incorporated" ECOs should be forwarded to DCG
• all "pending" ECOs should be forwarded to DCG
• DCG will place a Merlin label on master drawing(s) affected by a "pending
• DCG will tag drawing number(s) in drawing database which are affected by
a "pending ECO"
• incorporated person should request existing, pending ECO from DCG to
mark it incorporated
• incorporated by person should supply proper signatures on incorporated
• revised ECO should be indicated by capital alphabets starting with A, B,
etc., and be sequential
• revision letters "I" and "O" should not be used to avoid confusion with the
numbers "1" and "0"
• when all single alphabets are exhausted, double letters should be used


The purpose of the ECO is to record changes to approved, issued drawings to

avoid duplication of the revised concepts. Therefore, it is important to be as
clear and detailed as possible. The ECO is a traceable document that describes
in detail the changes to a drawing. There should be "no" accumulation of ECOs.
Each ECO form element explained below:

ECO FORM - General Revision indicates changes that are extensive. "General
revision to drawing, extensive changes" can be annotated on the ECO. A mark-
up of the drawing must accompany the ECO if a general note is used.

ECO FORM -Mark-Up is a copy of the areas of the drawing to be changed. This
should accompany the ECO form to ensure that changes are clear to anyone
unfamiliar with the components. Deletions should be indicated with a "red"
pencil, additions should be indicated with a "green" pencil, and comments to the
CADD designer should be indicated with a "black" pencil. This is to eliminate
any confusion on the designer's part as to what the originator wants.


ECO FORM initiates the revision process of an existing master drawing. The
purpose of this form is to legitimize, record, and manage the flow of changes to
a master drawing to insure archive of the most current documents. ECO
Continuation sheet is used when more space is required to describe the
change. Blocks to be filled out as follows:

• ECO FORM - Multiple Zones is used to affect identical changes in several

areas, e.g. in zones A5, B7, & C9 change "through hole" to 10-32 UNF.
• ECO FORM - ACTION TO BE TAKEN describes in complete detail the
changes that are to be made to the drawing. Specify the location of the
change on the drawing by "zone", e.g. in zone A5 change dimension from .
085 to .095.
• ECO FORM - CAD File Posted By indicates the name of the person who
has tagged the affected drawings in the CADD electronic drawing file with
bold letters e.g. "ECO 0023 Pending". This is required when priority status
2 is selected.
• ECO FORM - COST ACCOUNT MGR indicates the person who will be
responsible for the commitment of JLAB funding. This signature also gives
cost account manager the opportunity to determine the impact of the cost
of such a change. The cost account manager should sign and date the
ECO prior to the changes being incorporated.
• ECO FORM - DATE indicates month, day, & year the ECO is written.
• ECO FORM - DESIGNER indicates the person who verifies the contents of
the ECO for technical and text accuracy. This block should be signed and
dated prior to the changes being incorporated.
• ECO FORM - DISTRIBUTION area is a tabulation of the applicable parties
involved with the change created by this ECO. DCG should be included on
all distribution lists. Those receiving copies of the ECO should
immediately post their personal drawing files to reflect the status
"pending" ECO.
• ECO FORM - USED ON DRAWING NO. indicates any drawing(s) number
that will be directly impacted (affected) by the changes initiated on the
ECO. This is to include the revision letter affected.
• ECO FORM - INCORPORATED BY is signed by the person who actually
makes the change to the drawing and completes the ECO and drawing
process. The completion date should be entered in the block to the right.
• If the original ECO was "pending" and a copy exist in DCG files, this
person should request to have the ECO original pulled to mark it
"incorporated" and to supply proper signatures.
• ECO FORM - MASTER DWG File Posted By indicates the name of the
person in DCG who placed the Merlin label depicting the ECO number on
the affected master drawing(s). This person also verifies the information
has been documented in DCG's drawing database(s).
• ECO FORM - NUMBER indicates the assigned number for the change
• ECO FORM - ORIGINATOR indicates the person initiating the change. The
date should be entered adjacent to the name. This block should be signed
at the time the ECO is written and prior to designer and Cost Account
Manager signatures.
• ECO FORM - PRIORITY NO. by indicating status # 1 = RUSH -immediate
processing of the ECO and the drawing is required. ECO is "Incorporated".
• ECO FORM - PRIORITY NO. by indicating status # 2 = NORMAL -process
will be done at the first opportune time. ECO is "Pending".
• ECO FORM - SHEET _ OF _ indicates the number of sheets that comprise
the ECO. If only one 1 sheet is required, sheet 1 of 1 should be entered.
• ECO FORM -WBS indicates the Work Breakdown Structure group initiating
the change.


JLAB drawings are approved and ready for release when all procedures are
implemented and appropriate signatures are entered in the title block area
and/or revision area. DCG's master drawing turn-in process takes place once a
drawing has been received and approved by DCG. The latest revision level of a
drawing is stored in the Master Storage area located in ARC 213.

DRAWING - Approval

• signed/released drawings are brought to DCG with attached turn-in form

• customer initiated turn-in form is used for record tracking purposes
• DCG QCs, logs, labels, and files the drawing
• DCG will communicate discrepancy to drawing's owner
• it is the owner's responsibility to make corrections to a discrepancy
• hand written corrections must be initialed and dated
• DCG logo stamp will be placed above the title block area of each drawing
• DCG logo stamp indicates the drawing has been received, QCed, and
processed by DCG
• DCG will copy drawing for microfiche purposes
• DCG will file latest revision level drawing in master storage area
• DCG will pull old revision level drawing and place on the void drawing wall
• DCG's void wall process will confirm a voided drawing's microfiche card
• disposition of a voided drawing takes place after the void wall microfiche
card confirmation process
• drawing owner may request to have the hard copy "voided" drawing
returned to them

DRAWING - Foreign Approval

• foreign drawing originates from a source other than JLAB

• foreign drawing that has implied confidential, proprietary or copyright
verbiage requires a letter
• the letter is obtained by the turn-in drawing group's owner
• the letter approves the drawing's usage at JLAB
• the letter exempts JLAB from any legal or copyright ramifications due to
its usage
• the letter must accompany the foreign drawing when turned into DCG
• affixed to the drawing near the title block area must be a CEBAF/JLAB
title block
• the title block must have the appropriate approval signatures
• attachable CEBAF title blocks can be obtained from DCG located in ARC
• a drawing that does not have the copyright verbiage does not require a
• CEBAF/JLAB title block must be present on all foreign drawings


Stamping a copied drawing indicates its intended use. Available stamps (black
ink) are the following:

• Approved for Construction including date

• Bid Drawing including date
• Date
• Draft
• Information Only
• Preliminary including date


The purpose of master storage is to ensure archive and centralized storage of

released engineering documents for the repair and maintenance of the machine.
DCG strives to ensure record integrity and easy retreival. Master documents are
defined as the original or revised original, signed, approved, hard copy
document. Turn In master drawings should "not" be accepted by DCG for
storage without "all" signatures in the required approval blocks. Individual
groups are responsible to adhere to DDDCM. Master Drawing Storage is to
insure quality of reproducibility, and longevity of master drawings, therefore
"only" vellum hard copy drawings will be stored in the Master Files. All received
master drawings, specifications, and ECOs are housed in the DCG, ARC 225.
Master microfiche aperture cards of drawings are stored in a fire proof vault at
a remote location.

Master documents are "not" accessible to customers unless escorted by DCG

staff. Accessing copies of engineering documents received by DCG can be done
as follows:

• drawing copies completed by DCG per customer's requirements

• drawing copies printed by customer using the 3M Reader/Printer
• ECO copies complete by DCG per customer request @ ext. 7306
• ECO copy pulled by customer from labeled file cabinets located in DCG,
ARC 225
• Specification copies complete by DCG per customer request @ ext. 7306
• Specification copy pulled by customer from labeled file cabinets located in
DCG, ARC 225

Prototype and Preliminary documents will "not" be stored in Master Storage.

The originating groups are responsible for maintaining these types of


The purpose of microfiche new and revised drawings is for the long term
protection against loss or damage to any design related to JLAB. Each drawing
will have three microfiche aperture cards made. One microfiche user set is
located in DCG, ARC 225. . One microfiche master set is filed in a fireproof
vault at a remote location. The process is as follows:

• microfiche standard Mil-M-9868 requires silver master fire proof vault set
• microfiche standard Mil-C-9949 requires 2 copied diazo sets
• DCG will make a copy of all received drawings for microfiche purposes
• DCG will proof the dwg copy clarity prior to being sent out for vendor
• DCG will create a bi-weekly microfiche log for record integrity purposes
• DCG will visually review received microfiche aperture cards for quality &
• DCG will use the microfiche log to verify card's label accuracy
• DCG will file all sets of microfiche cards bi-weekly
• DCG will stamp "void" on a voided drawing's microfiche card
• customer user set microfiche cards are filed in the "current" microfiche
cabinet section
• customer user set voided microfiche cards are filed in the "historical"
microfiche cabinet section
• anyone may view or print current or historical microfiche cards
• drawing microfiche card process requires a 4 week turn-a-round period


A DDDCM standard or revision to a DDDCM standard may be initiated by any
individual or any group within JLAB. When an individual or a project group
desires the adoption of a JLAB standard, a preliminary type-written draft should
be submitted to Terrie Fuell, M/S 2A. Incoming drafts will be logged in and
given a number for tracking purposes. The following should occur:

• DCG will place the proposed standard into the appropriate format
• DCG will submit a draft copy to all Group Leaders
• group leaders should forward comments, if any to DCG within two weeks
• MEG/DCG will evaluate the proposed standard
• MEG/DCG will then approve/disapprove the proposed standard
• DCG will then issue the approved standards
• disapproved proposed standard will be accompanied by a written
• disapproved proposed standard may then be resubmitted
• resubmitted proposed standard should be accompanied by justification
• resubmitted proposed standard should repeat the above process
• exceptions requiring a change from a DDDCM stated procedure should go
through MEG

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