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Educ 203 Syllabus

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Mabini Colleges

Daet, Camarines Norte

EDUC 203

MABINI COLLEGES shall cultivate a CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE in education.

MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction, research and extension service programs at all educational levels as its monumental contribution to national
and global growth and development.
Specifically, it transforms students into:
 God-fearing
 Nation-loving
 Earth-caring
 Law-abiding
 Productive, and
 Locally and globally competitive persons

Program Educational Objectives:

1. To produce global competitive graduates equipped with analytical, critical, integrative, technical and functional skills imbued with professional maturity and integrity;
2. To provide post-graduate education curricula that will promote competencies required of professional technologist and are geared towards educating students for an
increasing collaborative regional and global job market; and
3. To engage in research, extension services and productive endeavors for resource generation and sustainable social development.

Program Outcomes:

A. Understand, develop and sustain arguments about, and critically evaluate the current problems, principles, and concepts’ of the field of study; most of which should be
at the forefront of developments in the discipline.
B. Apply this current knowledge in original ways to specific problems or contexts by undertaking research, a complex project, or some other form of advanced scholarship.
C. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the methods of inquiry in their own research or advanced scholarship, and how these methods are used to create and
interpret knowledge in the field.
D. Critically evaluate current research, advanced scholarship, and methodologies in the field.
E. Creatively and systematically deal with complex issues within a field, make judgments or decisions in the absence of complete data, and clearly communicate one’s
justification for such actions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
F. Demonstrate initiative, self direction and originally in dealing with problems in the field, particularly in the planning and execution of tasks in the field.
G. Continue to advance their knowledge and skill in the field using the established sources of advanced information in the field.
H. Undertake more advanced and specialized training for developing existing skills, acquiring higher level and more specialized competencies in the formal higher
education context


II. Course Description : The course deals with general concepts of statistical methods for educational managers: descriptive statistics, normal distribution,
estimation/ sampling theory, hypothesis testing, correlation/ regression theory, analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, non-parametric
tests, and application of computers to statistics. Knowledge of basic statistics is a pre-requisite.

III. Units Credit : 3 Units

IV. Placement : This is a content course offered in the graduate studies leading to the degree Master of Arts in Education major in Educational Leadership.

V. Objectives : At the end of the course, the student should be able to: Program Outcomes
(that can be realized by the course objectives)

1) Read and analyze professional research articles for specific applications in statistics; A, D, E , F, H

2) Analyze hypotheses relative to design and statistical procedures; A, B, C, G, H

3) Compare and contrast specific statistical procedures within the social sciences; A, B, C, D, E, F

4) Locate, examine, and synthesize hypotheses and specific statistical applications; D, E, F, G, H

5) Generate output from SSB procedures for specified statistical applications; A, B, C, D, E, F, H

6) Develop skills for identifying and aligning hypotheses with appropriate statistics. C, D, E G, H

VI. Course Outline :

Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Matter Teaching- Materials/Devices Time

Outcomes Learning Assessment Frame
Activities Task/Tools

Class orientation with the

presentation and discussion of Discussion Oral School’s brochure
the Institutional and Questioning 1 and
Departmental VMGO Department’s ½
Reflecting brochure hours

At the end of the unit the Unit 1: Basic concepts in Statistics

students must have: 1.1 Basic concepts in statistics Discussion Questions 3
1. defined statistics and 1.2 Population and Samples and Answer hours
describe its two branches 1.3 Sampling techniques Brainstorming strategy Reference Book
1.4 Parameters and Statistic Laptop and LCD
2. compared and contrast
1.5 Variable and Data Projector
population and sample 1.6 Scales and Measurement Group Activity Short Quiz Quizzes and
3. differentiated parameter Exercises
from statistic Reflecting Materials
3. enumerated techniques
in taking samples from

Unit 2: Data Presentation Reference Book
1. Tabular Presentation of data Lecture/Discussion Oral Laptop and LCD
1. Tabulated data properly 2. Graphical presentation of data Questioning Projector 4.5
2. Constructed the 3. Frequency Distribution Quizzes and hours
appropriate graph for a given 4. Graphical presentation of a Practical Work Short quizzes Exercises
set of data grouped frequency distribution Written Materials
3. Interpreted data through exercises
graphs Learning by doing
4. Constructed frequency
Contextual Board Work
distributions, histograms,
frequency polygons and Problem Solving
cumulative curves. Strategy

1. Distinguished between Unit 3: Measures of Central

discrete and continuous numbers Tendency
2. Defined the measures of 1. Discrete and continuous Lecture/Discussion Oral 9
central tendency numbers Questioning Reference Book hours
Laptop and LCD
3. Differentiated one measure of 2. Arithmetic mean
Practical Work Short quizzes Projector
central tendency from the others 3. Median Quizzes and
Approach/ Written
4. Computed for the measures of 4. Mode Exercises
Learning by doing exercises
central tendency for ungrouped 5. Choosing the most Assignments Materials
and grouped data appropriate measure of central Board Work
5. Described data using tendency Reflecting
Problem Solving
measures of central tendency Strategy

1. Compared and Unit 4: Measures of Variability

contrast exclusive range 1. Range Lecture/Discussion Oral Reference Book 9
Laptop and LCD
from inclusive range 2. Interquartile Range Questioning hours
2. defined and illustrated 3. Mean Deviation Quizzes and
interquartile range, mean 4. Variation and Standard Practical Work Short quizzes
Written Exercises
deviation, variance and Approach/

standard deviation Deviation Learning by doing exercises Materials
3. Explained the 5. Coefficient of Variation Assignments
properties of variance and 6. Standard Score Contextual Board Work
standard deviation Problem Solving Reflecting
4. defined and computed Strategy
for the coefficient of
variation of a data set
5. Explained the uses of
standard score
6. defined and interpreted
the skewness and kurtosis
of a data set

1. Understanding the basic

concept of correlation Unit5: Measures of Correlation and Lecture/Discussion Reference Book 6
Prediction Laptop and LCD
2. simplified the formula Oral hours
1. Correlation Projector
for computing Pearson’s r Questioning Quizzes and
3. computed and 2. Prediction Practical Work
interpreted Pearson’ r and 3. Spearman’s rank correlation of Approach/ Short quizzes
Written Materials
standard error of an coefficient Learning by doing
4. Point biserial correlation coefficient exercises
estimate Assignments
5. Phi coefficient Contextual
4. Distinguished the Board Work
Problem Solving
measures of correlation
that are special cases of Reflecting
Pearson’s r
5. Solves problems
involving correlation
between different types of

1. described and
explained the properties Unit 6: The z , t, chi and F Oral 9
unit normal distribution Distribution Lecture/Discussion Questioning hours
2. solved problems 1. the normal and the unit normal Reference Book
distribution Short quizzes Laptop and LCD
related to the unit normal
2. Finding the area under the normal Practical Work Written Projector
distribution Quizzes and
curve Approach/ exercises
3. Enumerated and Assignments Exercises
explained the properties of 3. Practical application of the z, t chi, Learning by doing
Board Work Materials
the Student’s z, t, chi, and and F distribution
F distribution
Problem Solving
4. Explained the concept
of degrees of freedom

Unit 7. Hypotheses testing

1. distinguished a and Selected Inferential
statistical hypothesis from Techniques Lecture/Discussion Oral Reference Book
Laptop and LCD 12 hours
a scientific hypothesis 1. Kinds of Hypotheses Questioning
2. Stated the null and 2. Level of significance Quizzes and
alternative hypotheses 3. Determining the sample size Practical Work Short quizzes
Written Exercises
3. illustrated the 4. Steps in hypothesis testing Approach/
exercises Materials
difference between 5. Hypothesis testing for the Learning by doing
directional and non- population mean Board Work
directional test of 6. Hypothesis testing for
Problem Solving

4. Explained the meaning population proportion Strategy
of level of significance 7. Hypothesis testing for
5. Enumerated and population variance
explained the steps in
hypothesis testing
6. Stated the conclusion
about a parameter based
on the result of hypothesis

VII. Course Requirements:

1. Attendance
2. Class Presentation of Assigned Topics/ Seminar
3. Written Portfolio
4. Reflection
5. Required Examinations

VIII. System of Grading :

Examinations 60%
Class Standing 20%
Project 10%
Attendance 10%
TOTAL 100%
IX. References :

Melecio C. Deauna (2011). Applied Educational Statistics 1,Quezon City, C and E Publishing Inc.

Welkowitz, J., Cohen, B. & Ewen, R. (2006). Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (6th ed). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Campbell, D. and Stanley, J. (1963). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.

Access to use of SSB/SSR via software acquisition

 Access to the electronic MINITAB Manual to accompany The Basic Practice of Statistics.  This is available throughStatsPortal and also through the Online Study
Center.  StatsPortal.  $47,  Online Study Center, $25.  More details are available at
These online web portals have many additional useful supplements.  It is important that you obtain one of these. 
 Access to use of PSPP/JASP via software acquisition

X. Prepared by : ELMER A. DELOS ANGELES, JR. MM Date: ____________________________

Instructor, EDUC 203

XI. Noted by : EMMA C. AVELLANA, Ed. D. Date: ____________________________

ODean, Graduate School

XII. Approved by : INES D. ZABALA, Ph.D. Date: ____________________________

VP for Academic Affairs

XIII. Date of Effectivity: 2nd Semester 2020-2021 INSTRUCTOR’S CONSULATATION SCHEDULE

SATURDAY 1:00-5:00 P.M.


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