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Initial Test Grammar in Use

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Present and past

1.1 At first I didn't like my job, but ____________________ to enjoy it now.

a.) I'm beginning b.) I begin

1.2 I don't understand this sentence. What ____________________ ?

a.) does mean this word b.) does this word mean c.) means this word

1.3 Robert ____________________ away two or three times a year.

a.) is going usually b.) is usually going c.) usually goes d.) goes usually

1.4 How____________________ now? Better than before?

a.) you are feeling b.) do you feel c.) are you feeling

1.5 It was a boring weekend. ____________________ anything.

a.) I didn't b.) I don't do c.) I didn't do

1.6 Matt ____________________ while we were having dinner.

a.) phoned b.) was phoning c.) has phoned

Present perfect and past

2.1 Jim is on holiday. He ____________________ to Italy.

a.) is gone b.) has gone c.) has been

2.2 Everything is going well. We ____________________ any problems so far.

a.) didn't have b.) don't have c.) haven’t had

2.3 Sarah has lost her passport again. It's the second time this ____________________ .
a.) has happened b.) happens c.) happened d.) is happening

2.4 You're out of breath. ____________________ ?

a.) Are you running b.) Have you run c.) Have you been running

2.5 Where's the book I gave you? What ____________________ with it?
a.) have you done b.) have you been doing c.) are you doing

2.6 ‘ ____________________ each other for a long time?’ ‘Yes, since we were at school.’
a.) Do you know b.) Have you known c.) Have you been knowing

2.7 Sally has been working here ____________________ .

a.) for six months b.) since six months c.) six months ago

2.8 It's two years ____________________ Joe.

a.) that I don't see b.) that I haven’t seen
c.) since I didn't see d.) since I last saw

2.9 It ____________________ raining for a while, but now it's raining again.
a.) stopped b.) has stopped c.) was stopped
2.10 My mother ____________________ in Scotland.
a.) grew up b.) has grown up c.) had grown up

2.11 ____________________ a lot of sweets when you were a child?

a.) Have you eaten b.) Had you eaten c.) Did you eat

2.12 Ian ____________________ in Scotland for ten years. Now he lives in London.
a.) lived b.) has lived c.) has been living

2.13 The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He ____________________
a.) hasn’t flown b.) didn't fly c.) hadn’t flown cd) wasn’t flying

2.14 Cathy was sitting in an armchair resting. She was tired because ____________________ very hard.
a.) she was working b.) she’s been working c.) she’d been working

2.15 ____________________ a car when you were living in London?

a.) Had you b.) Were you having c.) Have you had d.) Did you have

2.16 I ____________________ tennis a lot, but I don't play very often now.
a.) was playing b.) was used to play c.) used to play


3.1 I'm tired. ____________________ to bed now. Goodnight.

a.) I go b.) I'm going

3.2 ____________________ tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere.

a.) I'm not working b.) I don't work c.) I won't work

3.3. That bag look heavy. ____________________ you with it.

a.) I'm helping b.) I help c.) I'll help

3.4 I think the weather ____________________ be nice this afternoon.

a.) will b.) shall c.) is going to

3.5 ‘Ann is in hospital.’ - 'Yes, I know. ____________________ visit her this evening'.
a.) I visit b.) I'm going to visit c.) I'll visit

3.6 We're late. The film ____________________ by the time we get to the cinema.
a.) will already start b.) will be already started c.) will already have started

3.7 Don't worry ____________________ late tonight

a.) if I am b.) when I am c.) when I'll be d.) if I'll be


4.1 The fire spread through the building very quickly, but fortunately everybody ____________________ .
a.) was able to escape b.) managed to escape c.) could escape

4.2 I'm so tired I ____________________ for a week.

a.) can sleep b.) could sleep c.) could have slept
4.3 The story ____________________ be true, but I don't think it is.
a.) might b.) can c.) could d.) may

4.4 Why did you stay at a hotel when you were in Paris? You ____________________ with Julia.
a.) can stay b.) could stay c.) could have stayed

4.5 ‘I've lost one of my gloves.’ - ‘You ____________________ it somewhere.’

a.) must drop b.) must have dropped c.) must be dropping d.) must have been dropping

4.6 ‘I was surprised that Kate wasn't at the meeting yesterday.’ ‘She ____________________ about it.’
a.) might not know b.) may not know c.) might not have known d.) may not have known

4.7 What was the problem? Why ____________________ leave early?

a.) had you to b.) did you have to c.) must you d.) you had to

4.8 We've got plenty of time. We ____________________ hurry.

a.) don't need to b.) mustn't c.) needn't

4.9 You missed a great party last night. You ____________________ Why didn't you?
a.) must have come b.) should have come c.) ought to have come d.) had to come

4.10 Jane ____________________ a car with the money I'd won in the lottery.
a.) suggested that I buy b.) suggested that I should buy
c.) suggested me to buy d.) suggested that I bought

4.11 You're always at home. You ____________________ out more often.

a.) should go b.) had better go c.) had better to go

4.12 It's late. It's time ____________________ home.

a.) we go b.) we must go c.) we should go d.) we went e.) to go

4.13 ____________________ a bit longer, but I really have to go now.

a.) I'd stay b.) I'll stay c.) I can stay d.) I'd have stayed

If and wish

5.1 I'm not tired enough to go to bed. If ____________________ to bed now, I I wouldn't sleep.
a.) go b.) went c.) had gone d.) would go

5.2 If I were rich, ____________________ a yacht.

a.) I'll have b.) I can have c.) I'd have d.) I had

5.3 I wish I ____________________ have to work tomorrow, but unfortunately I do.

a.) don't b.) didn't c.) wouldn't d.) won't

5.4 The view was wonderful. If ____________________ a camera with me, I would have taken some
a.) I had b.) I would have c.) I would have had d.) I'd had

5.5 The weather is horrible. I wish it ____________________ raining.

a.) would stop b.) stopped c.) stops d.) will stop

6.1We ____________________ by a loud noise during the night.

a.) woke up b.) are woken up c.)were woken up d.) were waking up

6.2 A new supermarket is going to ____________________ next year.

a.) build b.) be built c.) be building d.) building

6.3 There's somebody walking behind us. I think ____________________ .

a.) we are following b.) we are being following c.) we are followed d.) we are being followed

6.4 ‘Where ____________________ ? -‘In London.’

a.) were you born b.) are you born c.) have you been born d.) did you born

6 5 There was a fight at the party, but nobody ____________________ .

a.) was hurt b.) got hurt c.) hurt

6.6 Jane ____________________ to phone me last night, but she didn't.

a.) supposed b.) is supposed c.) was supposed

6.7 Where ____________________ ? Which hairdresser did you go to?

a.) did you cut your hair b.) have you cut your hair
c.) did you have cut your hair d.) did you have your hair cut

Reported speech

7.1 Paul left the room suddenly. He said he ____________________ to go.

a.) had b.) has c.) have

7.2 Hello, Joe. I didn't expect to see you today. Sonia said you ____________________ in hospital.
a.) are b.) were c.) was d.) should be

7.3 Ann ____________________ and left.

a.) said goodbye to me b.) said me goodbye c.) told me goodbye

Questions and auxiliary verbs

8.1 ‘What time ____________________ ?’ - ‘At 8.30.’

a.) begins the film b.) does begin the film c.) does the film begin

8.2 ‘Do you know where ____________________ ?’ -‘No, he didn't say.’

a.) Tom has gone b.) has Tom gone c.) has gone Tom

8.3 The police officer stopped us and asked us where ____________________ .

a.) were we going b.) are we going c.) we are going d.) we were going

8.4 ‘Do you think it will rain?’ - ‘____________________.’

a.) I hope not b.) I don't hope c.) I don't hope so

8.5 ‘You don't know where Karen is,____________________ ?’ ‘Sorry, I have no idea.’
a.) don't you b.) do you c.) is she d.) are you
-ing and the infinitive

9.1 You can't stop me ____________________ what I want.

a.) doing b.) do c.) to do d.) that I do

9.2 I must go now. I promised ____________________ late.

a.) not being b.) not to be c.) to not be d.) I wouldn't be

9.3 Do you want ____________________ with you or do you want to go alone?

a.) me coming b.) me to come c.) that I come d.) that I will come

9.4 I know I locked the door. I clearly remember ____________________ it.

a.) locking b.) to lock c.) to have locked

9.5 She tried to be serious, but she couldn't help ____________________ .

a.) laughing b.) to laugh c.) that she laughed d.) laugh

9.6 Paul lives in Berlin now. He likes ____________________ there.

a.) living b.) to live

9.7 It's not my favourite job, but I like ____________________ the kitchen as often as possible.
a.) cleaning b.) clean c.) to clean d.) that I clean

9.8 I'm tired. I'd rather ___________________ out this evening, if you don't mind.
a.) not going b.) not to go c.) d o n ' t go d.) not go

9.9 ‘Shall I stay here?’ - ‘I'd rather _____________________ with us.’

a.) you come b.) you to come c.) you came d.) you would come

9.10 Are you looking forward ___________________ on holiday?

a.) going b.) to go c.) to going d.) that you go

9.11 When Lisa came to Britain, she had to get used ___________________ on the left.
a.) driving b.) to driving c.) to drive

9.12 I'm thinking ___________________ a house. Do you think that's a good idea?
a.) to buy b.) of to buy c.) of buying

9.13 I had no ___________________ a place to live. In fact it was surprisingly easy.

a.) difficulty to find b.) difficulty finding c.) trouble to find d.) trouble finding

9.14 A friend of mine phoned ___________________ me to a party.

a.) for invite b.) to invite c.) for inviting d.) for to invite

9.15 Jim doesn't speak very clearly. ___________________ .

a.) It is difficult to understand him b.) He is difficult to understand
c.) He is difficult to understand him

9.16 The path was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid ___________________ .
a.) of falling b.) from falling c.) to fall d.) to falling
9.17 I didn't hear you ___________________ in. You must have been very quiet.
a.) come b.) to come c.) came

9.18 ___________________ a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.

a.) Finding b.) After finding c.) Having found d.) We found

Articles and nouns

10.1 It wasn't your fault. It was ___________________ .

a.) accident b.) an accident c.)some accident

10.2 Where are you going to put all your ___________________ .

a.) furniture b.) furnitures

10.3 ‘Where are you going?’ - ‘I’m going to buy ___________________ ’.

a.) a bread b.) some bread c.) a load of bread

10.4 Sandra is ___________________ . She works at a large hospital.

a.) nurse b.) a nurse c.) the nurse

10.5 Helen works six days ___________________ week.

a.) in b.) for c.) a d.) the

10.6 There are millions of stars in ___________________ .

a.) space b.) a space c.) the space

10.7 Every day ___________________ begins at 9 and finishes at 3.

a.) school b.) a school c.) the school

10.8 ___________________ a problem in most big cities.

a.) Crime is b.) The crime is c.) The crimes are

10.9 When ___________________ invented?

a.) was telephone b.) were telephones c.) were the telephones d.) was the telephone

10.10 Have you been to ___________________ ?

a.) Canada or United States b.) the Canada or the United States
c.) Canada or the United States d.) the Canada or United States

10.11On our first day in Paris, we visited ___________________ .

a.) Eiffel Tower b.) a Eiffel Tower c.) the Eiffel Tower

10.12 What time ___________________ on television?

a.) is the news b.) are the news c.) is news d.) is the new

10.13 It took us quite a long time to get here. It was ___________________ journey.
a.) three hour b.) a three-hours c.) a three-hour

10.14 This isn't my book. It's ___________________ .

a.) my sister b.) my sister's c.) from my sister d.) of my sister e.) of my sister’s
Pronouns and Determiners

11.1 What time shall we ___________________ tomorrow?

a.) meet b.) meet us c.) meet ourselves

11.2 I am going to a wedding on Saturday. ___________________ is getting married.

a.) A friend of me b.) A friend of mine c.) One of my friends

11.3 They live on a busy road. ___________________ a lot of noise from the traffic.
a.) It must be b.) It must have c.) There must have d.) There must be

11.4 He's lazy. He never does ___________________ work.

a.) some b.) any c.) no

11.5 'What would you like to eat?' -'I don't mind. ___________________ . Whatever you have.'
a.) Something b.) Anything c.) Nothing

11.6 We couldn't buy anything because ___________________ of the shops were open.
a.) all b.) no-one c.) none d.) nothing

11.7 We went shopping and spent ___________________ money.

a.) a lot of b.) much c.) lots of d.)many

11.8 ___________________ don't visit this part of the town.

a.) The most tourists b.) Most of the tourists c.) Most tourists

11.9 I asked two people the way to the station, but ___________________ of them could help me.
a.) none b.) either c.) both d.) neither

11.10 ___________________ enjoyed the party. It was great.

a.) Everybody b.) All c.) All of us d.) Everybody of us

11.11 The bus service is excellent. There's a bus ___________________ ten minutes.
a.) each b.) every c.) all

Relative clauses

12.1 I don't like stories ___________________ have unhappy endings.

a.) that b.) they c.) which d.) who

12.2 I didn't believe them at first, but in fact everything ___________________ was true.
a.) they said b.) that they said c.) what they said

12.3 What's the name of the man ___________________ ?

a.) you borrowed his car b.) which car you borrowed
c.) whose car you borrowed d.) his car you borrowed

12.4 Colin told me about his new job, ___________________ very much.
a.) that he's enjoing b.) which he's enjoying c.) he's enjoying d.) he's enjoying it

12.5 Sarah couldn't meet us, ___________________ was a pity.

a.) that b.) it c.) what d.) which
12.6 George showed me some pictures ___________________ by his father.
a.) painting b.) painted c.) that were painted d.) they were painted

Adjectives and Adverbs

13.1 Jane doesn't enjoy her job any more. She's ___________________ because every day she does exactly
the same thing.
a.) boring b.) bored

13.2 Lisa was carrying a ___________________ bag.

a.) black small plastic b.) small and black plastic
c.) small black plastic d.) plastic small black

13.3 Maria's English is excellent. She speaks ___________________ .

a.) perfectly English b.) English perfectly
c.) perfect English d.) Englsih perfect

13.4 He ___________________ to find a job, but he had no luck.

a.) tried hard b.) tried hardly c.) hardly tried

13.5 I haven't seen her for ___________________ , I've forgotten what she looks like.
a.) so long b.) so long time c.) a such long time d.) such a long time

13.6 We haven't got ___________________ on holiday at the moment.

a.) money enough to go b.) enough money to go
c.) money enough for going d-) enough money for going

13.7 Sally is doing OK at the moment. She has ___________________ .

a.) a quite good job b.) quite a good job c.) a pretty good job

13.8 The exam was fairly easy, ___________________ I expected.

a.) more easy that b.) more easy than c.) easier than d.) easier as

13.9 The more electricity you use, ___________________ .

a.) your bill will be higher b.) will be higher your bill
c.) the higher your bill will be d.) higher your bill will be

13.10 Patrick is a fast runner. I can't run as fast as ___________________ .

a.) he b.) him c.) he can

13.11 The film was really boring. It was ___________________ I've ever seen.
a.) most boring film b.) the more boring film
c.) the film more boring d.) the most boring film

13.12 Ben likes walking. ___________________

a.) Every morning he walks to work b.) He walks to work every morning
c.) He walks every morning to work d.) He every morning walks to work

13.13 Joe never phones me. ___________________ .

a.) Always I have to phone him b.) I always have to phone him
c.) I have always to phone him d.) I have to phone always him
13.14 Lucy ___________________ . She left last month.
a.) still doesn't work here b.) doesn't still work here
c.) no more works here d.) doesn't work here any more

13.15 ___________________ she can't drive, she has bought a car.

a.) Even b.) Even when c.) Even if d.) Even though

Conjunctions and Prepositions

14.1 I couldn't sleep ___________________ very tired.

a.) although I was b.) despite I was c.) despite of being d.) in spite of being

14.2 You should insure your bike ___________________ stolen.

a.) in case it will be b.) if it will be c.) in case it is d.) if it is

14.3 The club is for members only. You ___________________ you’re a member.
a.) can’t go in if b.) can go in only if c.) can’t go in unless d.) can go in unless

14.4 Yesterday we watched television all evening ___________________ we didn't have anything better to
a.) when b.) as c.) while d.) since

14.5 ‘What’s that noise?’ -‘It sounds ___________________ a baby crying.’

a.) as b.) like c.) as if d.) as though

14.6 They are very kind to me. They treat me ___________________ their own son.
a.) like I’m b.) as if I’m c.) as if I was d.) as if I were

14.7 I'll be in London next week. I hope to see Tom ___________________ there.
a.) while I’ll be b.) while I’m c.) during my visit d.) during I’m

14.8 David is away at the moment. I don't know exactly when he's coming back, but I’m sure he'll be back
___________________ Monday.
a.) by b.) until


15.1 Goodbye! I'll see you ___________________ .

a.) at Friday morning b.) on Friday morning c.) in Friday morning d.) Friday morning

15.2 I'm going away ___________________ the end of January.

a.) at b.) on c.) in

15.3 When we were in Italy, we spent a few days___________________ Venice.

a.) at b.) to c.) in

15.4 Our flat is ___________________ the second floor of the building.

a.) at b.) on c.) in d.) to

15.5 I saw Steve ___________________ a concert

a.) at b.) on c.) in d.) to
15.6 When did they ___________________ the hotel?
a.) arrive to b.) arrive at c.) arrive in d.) get to e.) get in

15.7 I’m going ___________________ holiday next week. I’ll be away for two weeks.
a.) at b.) on c.) in d.) for

15.8 We travelled ___________________ 6.45 train, which arrived at 8.30.

a.) in the b.) on the c.) by the d.) by

15.9 ‘Have you read anything ___________________ Ernest Hemingway?’ - ‘No, what sort of books did he
a.) of b.) from c.) by

15.10 The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage ___________________ the other car.
a.) of b.) for c.) to d.) on e.) at

15.11 I like them very much. They have always been very nice ___________________ me
a.) of b.) for c.) to d.) with

15.12 I'm not very good ___________________ repairing things.

a.) at b.) for c.) in d.) about

15.13 I don't understand this sentence. Can you ___________________ ?

a.) explain to me this word b.) explain me this word c.) explain this word to me

15.14 If you're worried about the problem, you should do something ___________________ it.
a.) for b.) about c.) against d.) with

15.15 ‘Who is Tom Hart?’ - ‘I have no idea. l've never heard ___________________ him.’
a.) about b.) from c.) after d.) of

15.16 ‘What time will you be home?’ - ‘I don't know. It depends ___________________ the traffic.
a.) of b.) for c.) from d.) on

15.17 I prefer tea ___________________ coffee.

a.) to b.) than c.) against d.) over

Phrasal Verbs

16.1These shoes are uncomfortable. I’m going to ___________________ .

a.) take off b.) take them off c.) take off them

16.2 We're playing a game. Why don't you ___________________ .

a.) join in b.) come in c.) get in d.) break in

16.3 Nobody believed Paul at first, but he ___________________ to be right.

a.) worked out b.) came out c.) found out d.) turned out

16.4 We can’t ___________________ making a decision. We have to decide now.

a.) put away b.) put over c.) put off d.) put out
16.5 ‘Have you finished painting the kitchen?’ - ‘Nearly. I'll ___________________ tomorrow.’
a.) finish it up b.) finish it over c.) finish it off

16.6 You can always rely on Peter. He'll never ___________________ .

a.) put you up b.) let you down c.) take you over d.) see you off

16.7 Children under 16 ___________________ half the population of the city.

a.) make up b.) put up c.) take up d.) bring up

16.8 I'm surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have ___________________. They seemed very happy together
when I last saw them.
a.) broken up b.) ended up c.) finished up d.) split up

16.9 I parked in a no-parking zone, but I ___________________ it.

a.) came up with b.) got away with c.) made off with d.) got on with

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