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December 8, 2008  
  San Jose State University
Mirela Radov  
Malali Mohammad
Jessica Vasquez
Alan Li
Brandon Lin 


The most efficient energy recovery system

Section 1 Executive Summary

Section 2 Problem Statement and Background

Section 3 Summary of Literature Review

Section 4 Team’s Problem Solving Approach to the Design Challenge

4.1 Problem Solving Approach Overview

4.2 Division of Labor and Specialization of Research

4.3 Interdisciplinary and System Engineering Process

Section 5 Safety Risk Assessment

Section 6 Description of How the Technical Aspects of the Design Challenge Will Be


6.1 Technical Aspects

6.2 Technology Description

6.3 How an Enthalpy Wheel Works

6.4 Advantages

6.5 Disadvantages

6.6 Current Applications

6.7 Maintenance

Section 7 Description of the Interactions with Airport Operators and Industry Experts

Section 8 Description of the Projected Impact of Team’s Design and Findings

8.1 Benefits for an Airport Operator

8.1.1 Energy Conservation

8.1.2 Potential Energy Cost Savings

8.2 Cost Analysis

8.2.1 Capital Cost

8.2.2 Operating Cost

Section 9 Appendices

A. Appendix A

Contains a complete list of contact information for all advisors and team


B. Appendix B

Description of San Jose State University

C. Appendix C

Description of non-university partners involved in the project

D. Appendix D

Sign-off Form from a Faculty Advisors and Department Chair

E. Appendix E

Evaluation of the Educational Experience Provided by the Project

F. Appendix F

Reference List
1. Executive Summary

Our team chose to tackle the category of Airport Environmental Interaction; more

specifically, our report will discuss in detail a relatively untapped technology which has been

recently unleashed and has provided very promising results: the enthalpy wheel. It is the most

efficient energy recovery rotating mechanism that has ability to control heating, cooling and

moisture. In the world today engineers and architects are facing the challenges of designing

and building structures and facilities which will leave a minimal carbon footprint while

meeting stringent demands for air quality as well as cost effectiveness. Today's airport HVAC

building infrastructures, whether new or old, can be designed or upgraded to serve the needs

of the many people who pass through them, all the while providing comfort, security, and cost

efficiency for both the users (like passengers) and the operators.

Our team of San Jose State University students has recognized that increasing energy

efficiency and management can be and should be extended to these airport buildings.

Utilization of a new generation of fresh air units/systems (i.e. the enthalpy wheel) has

remarkably addressed the needs of airport operators and has provided a sound and innovative

technology which can be utilized for years to come. Our report will address this piece of

technology and its many facets of innovation, analyze the cost, and close with the numerous

benefits this technology's implementation will bring forth.

2. Problem Statement and Background

The rules have changed in world of engineering a cleaner, greener building. In regards

to the area of HVAC systems, the demands of meeting rigid measures of indoor air quality

have increased. According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-

Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE),


INDOOR AIR QUALITY: The shift of focus to address total indoor environmental

quality needs of offices and workplaces to include higher ventilation and fresh air

needs along with other issues like ergonomics, light, noise, decoration, and ambience

has forced world bodies such as ASHRAE to relook at the prevailing standards (p. 1).

The requirements of having fresher ventilation and avoiding microbial contaminations, while

also considering the cost factor, have provided quite a challenge for engineers. But these

issues have also opened the door to new technologies, including the enthalpy wheel.

The challenges being faced today as far as airport buildings are concerned can be put

into perspective by examining current energy usage and the associated costs for terminal and

airport buildings. Take for example Mineta San Jose International Airport and its

implementation of upgraded HVAC equipment. It was found that through rebates offered by

Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Mineta San Jose would upgrade the old HVAC system

through a major retrofit. The following quote was found on the Mineta San Jose International

Airport’s website:

Mineta San José International Airport (SJC) announced on Wednesday, February 9,

2005 that it received a rebate of $29,363 from Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E). They

received the rebate for installing energy saving equipment in its heating, ventilation

and air conditioning (HVAC) system at both Terminal A and the International Arrivals

Facility (p. 1).

Not only did Mineta San Jose Airport benefit by receiving a rebate from the utility company,

but it also benefitted as far as its annual cost savings. The Airport’s HVAC system upgrade

has reduced total annual costs from $135,351 to $85,818 for a net annual savings of $49,533.

San Jose Mayor Ron Gonzales commended the project stating “Our operations have become
more efficient, which saves money while dramatically reducing our City's energy demand.

That's good for everyone” ( The statement provides justification to the world of

opportunity and innovation that is available once implemented. 

3. Summary Of Literature

The resources our team used consisted of an array of individuals, websites, and other

resource we found useful in understanding the technology, its application, and its efficiency.

Mirela Radov and Malali Mohammad were able to contact personnel in key industry position

to gather their input on the technology and its impact. More specifically, Ms. Radov was able

to get in touch with Bob Swenson of Mineta San Jose International, while Ms. Mohammad

was able to interview Project Engineer Christian Omphroy from AirSystems Inc. Both

individuals gave quite a bit of feedback regarding this technology and its application in the

real world. Jessica Vasquez, Brandon Lin, and Alan Li utilized websites as well contacted

other company officials to obtain more information on the product. A vast amount of

information was collected regarding the enthalpy wheel, and was incorporated into the report

as deemed necessary.

4. Team Problem Solving Approach

4.1. Problem Solving Approach Overview

The Team Problem Solving approach for our group entailed a variety of discussion

topics to try to address the aforementioned topic of the enthalpy wheel. Weekly meetings and

discussions were held to streamline the research and to encapsulate the research behind the

technology and create a clear-cut, concise proposal to address this challenge. Our group

members brought forth a plethora of information from their respective backgrounds to

formulate the proposal as well as shed light on challenges which would potentially be faced. It
was agreed that each member would tackle different aspects of the challenge which would

allow him or her to bring forth personal expertise, and specialization.

4.2. Division of Labor and Specialization of Research

Ms. Radov had considerable experience in the management and day-to-day operations

of the airport. Her current internship at the Mineta San Jose International provides a firsthand

glimpse of the current technology and the infrastructure of its current HVAC equipment, as

well as access to cost analysis reports and key personnel who have offered their perspectives.

She addressed the challenge from the cost analysis angle. Mr. Lin is currently employed in the

engineering field addressing innovation in mechanical technology. He also specialized in the

cost effectiveness as well as the general layout of the proposal. Ms. Mohammad has also been

employed at Mineta San Jose and is currently employed by an HVAC company. Her research

lies in the introductory aspect of the challenge as well as the implication of its usage. Mr. Li is

an aspiring pilot who has brought forth substantial information relating to the current

application of the enthalpy wheel and its overall effectiveness. Lastly, Ms. Vasquez has

addressed the technical aspects of the design challenge. More specifically, she delved into the

challenges facing this type of technology as well as presenting an in-depth overview of its

effectiveness through charts and graphs.

4.3. Interdisciplinary and Systems Engineering Approaches

The systems engineering approach for our project dealt with the major aspects of its

successful implementation and design. In a systems engineering approach, segments of the

industry that traditionally work independently are united. Our teams assessed the segments as

a whole structure recognizing that the design of each segment of the challenge proposal was

equally significant. The team focused on the aspects of cost, design and technology,
operations, performance, and implementation. Using these major segments we were able to

efficiently and successfully address the design challenge as a whole.

5. Safety Risk Assessment

Although, implementing an enthalpy wheel system does not impose immediate safety

issues two important factors need to be considered.

The first potential area of concern is a cross leakage in a wheel-based energy recovery

system. Cross leakage means that the small amount of exhaust air is returning to the space

from which it came from. This exhaust air is often considered to be contaminated even though

it never left the system. To ensure continuous supply of outdoor air into the enthalpy wheel

system, purge sectors would need to be installed. Purge sectors redirect a portion of the supply

air into the exhaust airstream and separate exhaust from the supply air. It should be noted that

purge sectors are capable of reducing the cross leakage to less than one percent (Mumma,

2003, p. 1).

The second major concern is that utilizing an enthalpy wheel system as an

environmentally clean, alternate method of energy recovery will dramatically reduce the

carbon footprint of airports and contribute to the prevention of catastrophic damage to the

global environment.

The enthalpy wheel system should not fall under the definition of a Safety

Management System (SMS) for airport operators as described in FAA Advisory Circular NO:

AC 150/5200-37. It should be a part of Airport Design and FAA Advisory Circular AC150-

5320-10. Additional proactive Safety Management System’s (SMS) measures could be

provided through 14 CFR: Part 157.

6. Description of How the Technical Aspects of the Design Challenge Will Be Presented

6.1. Technical Aspects

The enthalpy wheel is a type of air-to-air rotating recovery device. Their primary use

is in HVAC systems that operate on the principle of heat and moisture transfer between

outside air and building’s exhaust air. These devices have the ability to lower peak energy

demand and total energy consumption. Their design meets current green building

requirements and ASHRAE standards.

An enthalpy wheel operates between two air supplies and serves as an intermediary

device. Using a rotating mechanism, it can absorb or transfer sensible and latent heat. Sensible

heat is the type of heat that is easily felt and measured on a thermometer. Latent heat or

moisture is transferred using desiccant coating which is applied on the wheel’s surface. This

ability to control humidity is equally important in heating and cooling seasons. With latent

heat recovery the capacity and the unit size of the system can be significantly reduced because

it allows preconditioning of the outside air.

6.2. Technology Description

The enthalpy wheel can be described as “...a large, turning disc made out of an

aluminum honeycomb material that is coated in desiccant" (QU, 2006). It contains numerous

small air passages called flutes. They can have triangular or semicircular cross-section. The

honeycomb structure is created with flat and high layers of a heat conductive material. The

components of an enthalpy wheel are: exhaust and supply air sections, filters for sections, air

blower, heat transfer section, motor section and cooling section (DRI, 2007).

The enthalpy wheel results depend highly on the type of a desiccant that is chosen.

One of the most commonly used desiccants is silica gel. It has excellent water absorbance

characteristics and can perform well in acidic environments. Stainless steel, aluminum,

ceramic, and synthetic materials can be used, too.

Aluminum, for example, expands when it is heated, and carries that energy around

with it as the wheel rotates. When it hits a cooler airstream, the aluminum contracts and the

heat energy is released into the air. The enthalpy wheel’s ability to exchange of humidity

depends upon vapor pressure from the wheel. This vapor pressure changes because of the

difference in temperature and moisture contents of the incoming and returning air. The

desiccant material absorbs moisture with the flow of warm air, after the wheel enters the cold

air stream the water starts to evaporate. As a result of this procedure the cooler air becomes

more humid and the warmer air looses humidity.

6.3. How an Enthalpy Wheel Works

Here is what you would see in terms of performance and how the enthalpy wheel

would handle summer and winter conditions:
Basically in the summer when the outdoor air is hot the enthalpy wheel will cool the

supply air so that the inside of a building will be cool. The retuning cooler air will flow

through the wheel and hotter exhaust air will be pushed out by the enthalpy wheel. This

process is vice versa for winter time conditions. The cooler outdoor air will be heated by the

heat transferred from the enthalpy wheel. The warmer air flow will be pushed into the indoor

air supply for the building and once that air rises to a certain temperature, it will be pushed out

as return air. The return air will then go back through the enthalpy wheel and the heat will be

recaptured in the enthalpy wheel, sending cooler air back out through the exhaust air supply


Here is a picture of enthalpy wheels inside of a complete unit:

6.4. Advantages

There are numerous advantages when utilizing enthalpy wheels. They are quite

compact and can achieve high heat-transfer effectiveness. Typically they cause a relatively

low air pressure drop, between 0.4 and 0.7 in. of water (CIPCO, 2005). The cost of frost

protection is minimal and is not an issue for the enthalpy wheel. In some cases the size of the

cooling or heating equipment can be modified to accommodate specific needs. This type of

compact equipment will allow for more free space, which is not the case for traditional HVAC

equipment. Additionally, these devices have ability to lower peak energy demand and total

energy consumption.

There are other very important advantages for utilizing the enthalpy wheel. For

example, existing standards for outside ventilation can be met or exceeded causing minimal

impact on energy costs. During cooling seasons, the incoming outside air in the enthalpy

wheel is dehumidified by the desiccant that absorbs water on the wheel. As a result, it will

allow the rest of the ventilation system to run dry. This ability to control humidity in the
enthalpy wheel system would cause indoor humidity to stay below the level that favors

microbial contamination and growth of mildew and mold. Another advantage is that it

eliminates the need for cooling capacity that normally would be required to control humidity

and cooling of the outside air.

6.5. Disadvantages

The main disadvantage of the enthalpy wheel is the initial capital expenditure for the

product. However, the return on investment is well worth the initial cost.

It should also be noted that for optimal performance optimal performance of the

overall system, the enthalpy wheel requires two air streams be adjacent to each other. The

enthalpy wheel also requires that the air streams must be relatively clean so it does not clog

the wheel’s small air passages and may require filtration. This is something that could easily

be accommodated by the use of common filters, and the cost increase should be minimal.

Lastly, as with any HVAC equipment, maintenance is a key factor in making sure the

product maintains its longevity and optimal performance. This could possibly require that the

rotating mechanism be periodically inspected and maintained throughout the life of the

product. Beside cleaning or changing out filters we would also have to clean the fill medium

of the enthalpy wheel.

6.6. Current Applications

The heat-recovering or enthalpy wheel is a relatively new technology, and is currently

being applied in some newly designed green buildings. The designers of many schools,

laboratories, office buildings and some homes chose this technology because of its cost-

effective operating performance. In fact, the application of heat-recovering wheels is

expanding rapidly, and soon it should find its use at the airports, too.
The Carnegie Mellon University’s Intelligent Workplace has implemented an enthalpy

wheel energy recovery system with great success. To verify the manufacturer’s data the

university tested their system’s operating performance. According to their findings and data,

the enthalpy wheel system operated with an effectiveness of 82%; it failed to recover only

12% of system’s energy (Zhai et all, 2006, p. 1). Another example of successful enthalpy

wheel installation is at Johns Hopkins Ross Research Building in Baltimore, MD. The savings

in energy were measured in millions of dollars and the return on investment was

accomplished with the first cost savings. As a result of high performance and great cost

savings, Johns Hopkins installed enthalpy wheels in new labs and the Cancer Research

Building (VanGeet O., Reilly S., 2006, p. 7).

The enthalpy wheel system can best fit users that require a large percentage of outdoor

air mix to refresh the indoor air and that have the exhaust air duct in close proximity to the

intake. Many airports in the U.S. fall into this description and can benefit greatly from the

increased air-conditioning system efficiency. New terminal buildings are often constructed

with many doors where the required amount of ventilation air causes excess loads to the air-

conditioning system. This situation greatly reduces the air-conditioning system’s performance,

and the equipment does not have sufficient latent capacity as designed. In this case, enthalpy

or heat recovery wheels can also improve the latent capacity of the existing system (CIPCO,


6.7 Maintenance

To maintain high standards of indoor air quality, the enthalpy wheel system requires

regular maintenance of key components. The long-term performance of the system is highly

dependent on early detection and prevention of the system’s degradation. Proper design and

implementation is needed to provide early and continuous signs of degradation to the enthalpy
wheel users. The enthalpy wheel performance can be compromised in three major areas:

supply air quantity, the supply air condition and the building pressurization. Supply air motor,

belts or bearings can be responsible for the system’s failure to supply the needed air quantity.

Accumulated dirt on filters can seriously impact the system's ability to provide ventilation

requirements. A decrease in the thermal performance of an enthalpy wheel system can be the

result of air leakage due to the system’s loss of pressure. Such pressure loss can bring latent

loads beyond systems capacity. Sensible and latent cooling and heating can be affected by

failure of the enthalpy wheel’s drive belt or motor. Additionally, the cooling coil can lose

cooling capacity or fail because of insufficient air flows (Mumma S, 2003, p. 1).

In order to prevent corrosion and other kinds of damage to the system, cleaning is

required for the enthalpy wheel. The rotor surface can be cleaned by vacuuming with a soft

brush attachment. Mild detergent compatible with aluminum can be used to remove grease or

dirt from the rotor, and water needs to be sprayed afterward. In addition, compressed air can

also be used for cleaning the rotor. It is important to recoat the brush seals with silicone oil

after cleaning the rotor. (Xetex, 2001)

7. Description of the Interactions with Airport Operators and Industry Experts

The team made contacts with Mr. Robert Swenson who serves as Mineta San José

International Airport’s Airside Operations Manager. Our team member, Ms. Radov, met with

Mr. Swenson in person on November 15, 2008. She was able to get his personal opinion and

perspective on our project. Mr. Swenson found the enthalpy wheel technology and our

proposal to implement it at the airport very interesting. He acknowledged the possible benefits

of such system and stated that he would be happy to present our final proposal to some airport

engineers and other decision makers. The meeting was a success and as a main result we

received encouragement for further studies and development of our idea.

The team also utilized a vital resource in terms of contacting Air Systems, Inc. (ASI).

ASI was founded in 1973 and offers services including mechanical, architectural sheet metal,

service, repair, electrical, and process piping (Air Systems Inc., 2008). ASI has a dedication

for energy solutions — more specifically, improving the efficiency of existing systems —

while reducing operating costs and helping the environment. Ms. Mohammad met on

November 18, 2008 with Christian Omphroy, a project engineer, to discuss the strategies of

utilizing an enthalpy wheel. Mr. Omphrov was a great resource in pointing out the advantages

of using such technology. He also went into the details of using heat wheels in current projects

the company is working on, such as the UC Berkeley Doe Library. The meeting served to be

very beneficial because the technology of the enthalpy wheel is a promising venture that will

ultimately be very beneficial in decreasing overall carbon footprint.

8. Description of the Projected Impact of Team’s Design and Findings

8.1. Benefits for an Airport Operator

Consuming energy costs money, uses and reduces energy resources, contributes to air

pollution and causes global warming. Today in commercial buildings, Heating, Ventilating

and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems are responsible for 39% of total energy used (Graham,

2008, p.1). Implementing an enthalpy wheel system in new buildings or retrofitting it into

existing ones can result in significant energy savings. Airport operators cannot ignore these

facts and should consider the energy conservation and potential cost savings of an enthalpy

wheel system.

8.1.1. Energy Conservation

Reduced energy consumption of an enthalpy wheel system is a result of its very high

performance and efficiency. Overall energy consumption and peak energy demand can be

greatly reduced with an enthalpy wheel system. This is due to the fact that they can recover
sensible heat, latent heat and moisture from the air streams. The efficiency of an enthalpy

wheel depends on its size relative to the volume and the difference in heat between the air

streams. If the typical range for the total effectiveness is from 70% to 80% that means that the

enthalpy wheel recovers approximately three quarters of the total energy and moisture

(Kjelgaard, 2004, p.1).

To calculate the efficiency — which is defined as the amount of temperature or

moisture transferred — we need to find effectiveness of the system. ASHRAE Standard 84,

Method of Testing Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers, defines effectiveness of energy recovery

devices as following:


is effectiveness

Xsa is supplied air, Xoa is outside air, Xea is exhaust air, Xra is return air


Wsa is supply air mass flow rate; Wea is return air mass flow rate

Wmin is smaller of Wsa and Wea (Crowther, 2001, p.2).

8.1.2. Potential Energy Cost Savings

The calculation of heat recovery savings is possible to obtain through several online

programs that are available. Calculations in these programs are performed using hourly

weather data that are available for most cities. Also, the historical hourly data can be used for

measuring heat recovery savings and for finding the performance of an existing enthalpy

wheel system. According to Kjelgaard (2004), the following data are necessary for the

potential energy costs savings calculations:

• Location and elevation

• Exhaust and supply airflow (cfm)

• Space or process exhaust air temperature and relative humidity (if humidified)

• Hours of operation and operating schedule

• Utility rates

• Supply and exhaust pressure drop through the heat exchanger

• Thermal effectiveness of the proposed enthalpy wheel system (p. 1).

The two tables below represent results of a simulation for a 25,000 cfm enthalpy wheel

heat recovery system located in different climates.
Annual cost savings by region — 25,000 CFM enthalpy wheel

According to the results from both tables we can conclude that energy savings are higher in

colder climates. It appears that savings in Minneapolis were the highest mostly due to the

sensible heat recovery. The results for Los Angeles are slightly inaccurate due to the fact that

there was an operating limit to the system. The system was set to stop the enthalpy wheel

when the outside air temperature was between 55 ºF and 75ºF. If we remove this limitation or

adjust it to the higher values, the total savings for Los Angeles would be much higher

(Kjelgaard, 2004, p.1)

8.2. Cost Analysis

In this section we will discuss the costs associated with our proposed enthalpy wheel

system. Cost is of great importance to airport operators because today they constantly face the

challenge to lower energy consumption and maximize energy savings with economically

justified means. Accordingly, our proposed system should be presented in a way that

emphasizes its attractive return on investment, especially during the initial introduction
period. The costs for this system are divided up into two different sections: the capital cost for

implementing an enthalpy wheel system and the ongoing operating costs. We will finish by

discussing some cost diversion strategies that could be used to spark interest in the system

and/or make it possible for the airports to afford such systems.

8.2.1. Capital Cost

In his article Crowther (2001) states that the direct expenses of implementing the

enthalpy wheel systems that need to be considered in cost analysis are the following:

• The capital cost of the enthalpy wheel system

• The cost associated with upgrading the fan motors to be able to handle

drops in static pressure.

• The cost associated with upgrading the return air ductwork so the system

can handle required and higher volume when using enthalpy wheels.

• The cost savings that result from downsizing the humidifiers which are

not needed due to ability of enthalpy wheel to control humidity.

• The cost savings associated with downsizing the cooling system due to

better cooling technique that enthalpy wheels can demonstrate (p. 2).

The increased cost of the return air ductwork can be offset with downsizing the cooling

system and downsizing the dehumidification equipment. This means that the cost to

implement the enthalpy wheel includes the capital cost of the system and the expense for the

standards associated with it.

8.2.2. Operating Cost

Estimating operating costs requires calculating effectiveness of an enthalpy wheel

system. With calculated effectiveness, bin weather data, and information about indoor design

conditions; it is possible to simulate how an enthalpy wheel will operate. Bin analysis is used
to simplify calculations and it refers to the number of hours that the outdoor temperature is

within a certain temperature range, which can be further divided to certain time periods during

the day. The effectiveness of the energy recovery can be calculated using above mentioned

ASHRAE Standard 84. The calculations are performed for every bin and then extended for the

year by multiplying them with the number of occurrences in that bin (Crowther, 2001, p. 2).

The following table demonstrates a sample of calculations presented in Crowther’s

(2001) article and these are the design parameters that were used:

• Occupancy 8:00 – 17:00 hrs.

• Ventilation requirement 14 000 cfm

• Exhaust requirement 11 750 cfm

• Summer space conditions 75°F, 50% RH (humidification required)

• Winter space conditions 72°F, 30% RH (p. 3).

Ventilation Load No Device Enthalpy Device

Heating (Mbtu/year) 1 230 000 507 440
Cooling (Mbtu/year) 268 400 110 600
Humidification (pounds/year) 225 000 92 800

Looking at the calculation results in the table, we can see that there is a significant

reduction in a ventilation load with the enthalpy wheel device. The data shows that there is

about 40% savings in heating, cooling and humidification with an enthalpy wheel system.
Taking into consideration the rising cost of energy and uncertainty about its

availability, we can conclude that using an enthalpy wheel system is a wise economic

decision. The immediate expenses and possible additional operating costs for implementing

an enthalpy wheel system can be justified by year-over-year operating cost savings.

Additionally, further cost savings may be available through rebates from the local gas or

electric supplier.

9 Appendices

Appendix A

Contact Information

Brandon Lin Malali Mohammad

21925 Almaden Ave 295 Sposito Circle
Cupertino, CA 95014 San Jose, CA 95136
(408)799 - 3872 (408) 893 - 5667

Mirela Radov Jessica Vasquez

614 Arcadia Terrace, Unit 306 P.O. Box 32369
Sunnyvale, CA 94085 San Jose, CA 95152
(650) 796 - 6448 (408) 221 - 3581

Alan Li
34525 Somerset Terrace
Fremont, CA 94555

Appendix B

Overview of San Jose State University

San José State University, commonly shortened to San José State and SJSU, is the

founding campus of what became the California State University system. The urban

campus in San Jose, California has an enrollment of about 32,000 students and claims to
have more graduates working in Silicon Valley than any other college or university


San José State was founded as the California State Normal School by the California

Legislature on May 2, 1862, and is the oldest public university in California. The

California State Normal School was itself derived from the Minn's Evening Normal

School, which was also known as the San Francisco Normal School. The San Francisco

normal school, led by principal George W. Minns trained elementary teachers as part of

that city's high school system from 1857 to 1862. Thus, the school now called "San José

State" is even older than the University of California, Berkeley (the Organic Act, which

established the University of California, was signed into law on March 23, 1868), but not

quite as old as the College of California established in 1855, which was the predecessor of

the University of California.


To enrich the lives of its students, to transmit knowledge to its students along with the

necessary skills for applying it in the service of our society, and to expand the base of

knowledge through research and scholarship.

Appendix C

Non-University Partners

Live Building, Integrated Learning Center

The Integrated Learning "live building" concept was inspired by the Integrated Teaching

and Learning program in Colorado. Their idea -- to create an online building -- was used

as a basis for the construction of Queen's Integrated Learning Centre, Beamish-Munro

The building was created to serve undergraduate Applied Science students in several

different ways. The IL Centre contains both laboratory and studio space, as well as being a

giant lab itself. Exhibits and data are available to the public, to researchers, and to

students, to help advance the understanding of engineering issues, concepts and ideas.


Since it’s founding in 1963 as a sheet metal fabrication company with five employees,

SEMCO has built a reputation as a world-wide product innovator in the science of air

movement, noise abatement, and air quality, with more than 300 employees and more than

300 manufacturer’s representatives.

SEMCO is a part of the Fläkt Woods Group with headquarters in Columbia, Missouri. The

company operates six manufacturing facilities at the following locations:

* Morrilton, Arkansas

* Petit Jean, Arkansas

* Salisbury, Missouri

* Crossville, Tennessee

* Arlington, Texas

* Roanoke, Virginia

The facilities in Arlington, Roanoke, and Salisbury all produce high quality spiral, rolled,

round, and oval duct products for commercial, architectural and industrial HVAC


The Crossville facility produces acoustical panels and silencers for various markets,

including HVAC, highway and cooling tower barriers, manufacturing equipment barriers,

manufacturing production lines, paint facilities, acoustic barriers for sports facilities and

airports, and almost any other situation where noise pollution might be a concern.
The Petit Jean and Morrilton plants fabricate packaged energy recovery equipment and

desiccant-based wheel products for the commercial, industrial and institutional HVAC


In addition, SEMCO also has an extensive, Columbia, Missouri based, ASHRAE 84

compliant research and development facility dedicated to the development of new

products for the 21st Century and beyond.

XeteX Inc.

XeteX is intent on providing the most cost-effective air-to-air heat exchangers available

today. Based on technical design and application experience on commercial HVAC

equipment since 1960, XeteX was incorporated in 1984 to develop heat exchangers and

systems appropriate for the expanding needs of commercial buildings for better indoor air


As the need to design, fabricate and supply heat exchangers in the USA increased, XeteX

established a plant in LaCrosse, Wisconsin where air-to-air heat exchangers are fabricated.

XeteX has supplied aluminum and stainless steel flat plate exchangers made in the USA to

a large variety of applications ranging from 100,000 CFM indirect evaporative coolers to

50 CFM residential ventilators and 12,000 CFM high temperature process to 4,000 CFM


Appendix D

FAA Design Competition for Universities 
Design Submission Form (Appendix D) 
Note:  This form should be included as Appendix D in the submitted PDF of the design package.  
The original with signatures must be sent along with the required print copy of the design. 
University  San Jose State University               
Design Developed by:        Student Team 
If Student Team: 
Student Team Lead   Malali Mohammad and Mirela Radov          
Permanent Mailing Address   295 Sposito Circle, San Jose, CA 95136         
Permanent Phone Number  (408) 893 ‐ 5667    Email   
Competition Design Challenge Addressed: 
  Airport Environmental Interactions               
I certify that I served as the Faculty Advisor for the work presented in this Design submission and that 
the work was done by the student participant(s). 
Signed                  Date:  April 15, 2009 
Name   Glynn Falcon                     
University/College   San Jose State University             
Department(s)   Aviation                 
Street Address   One Washington Square             
City   San Jose       State  CA       Zip Code   95192   
Telephone      (408) 924 ‐ 3203                  Fax          
Appendix E

FAA Design Competition Evaluation

1. Did the FAA Design Competition provide a meaningful learning experience for you?
Why or why not?
Yes we were able to expand our knowledge about new energy recovery technologies which

will leave a minimal carbon footprint while meeting stringent demands for air quality as well

as cost effectiveness. Overall energy consumption and peak energy demand can be greatly

reduced with an enthalpy wheel system. We learned about many different alternative

technologies that can and should be implemented to mitigate future environmental concerns.
2. What challenges did you and/or your team encounter in undertaking the
Competition? How did you overcome them?
One of the greatest challenges was getting the team together and meeting deadlines. We were

able to accomplish the project by improving communication and managing out time.

3. Describe the process you or your team used for developing your hypothesis.
The team first sat down and brainstormed on what were the most important issues to be

resolved within the near future for airport operations. We then conducted research as to what

technologies could be best used and implemented to solve these problems. When were all

agreed on what product we felt would be most beneficial to airport operations we focused on

the enthalpy wheel for our submission

4. Was participation by industry in the project appropriate, meaningful and useful?

Why or why not?
Industry has done much research and development on this subject which we were able to

capitalize on. Many papers were written and laboratory tests were performed by different

companies in industry which were referred to. Working examples of the product also gave us

guidance as to how it could be implemented.

5. What did you learn? Did this project help you with skills and knowledge you need to
be successful for entry in the workforce or to pursue further study? Why or why not?
We have learned how to perform in a team and successfully complete a project. This will be

an invaluable experience in our future careers and education.

  Exhibit E 
  (Advisor/Instructor Portion) 
1. Describe the value of the educational experience for your student(s) 
participating in this Competition submission. 
  Entering  this  competition  has  proven  to  be  an  excellent  Capstone 
experience  for  our  graduating  seniors.    They  have  now  experienced  “real‐
world”  deadlines,  planning,  schedules,  teamwork  and  personal  commitment, 
personal  and  group  conflicts,  interfacing  and  consulting  with  aviation  experts, 
and preparing and editing a professional report.  As their professor, I was able 
to  observe  their  growth  throughout  the  process,  and  see  how  they  overcame 
problems  which,  in  other  college  courses,  would  have  left  them  stymied  and 
looking to their instructor for resolution.  Not here, as I was able to act merely 
as  facilitator  for  access  to  information  and  expertise,  and  left  these  student 
competitors to find their own solutions. 
2. Was the learning experience appropriate to the course level or context in 
which the competition was undertaken? 
  Yes,  as  we  restricted  the  college‐sponsored  applications  only  to  those 
Capstone  enrolled,  graduating  seniors.    In  this  way,  we  believe  we  could 
witness  their  culminating  learning  experience  and,  hopefully,  successful 
  This belief proved to actually be true.  This year, without exception, each 
of  our  seniors  demonstrated  maturity  and  educational  excellence  and 
competence in their approach to submitting their designs to the FAA, and also 
in their work ethic. 
3. What challenges did the students face and overcome?  
  They faced too many challenges to adequately list them all, here.  But the 
most significant challenges seemed to be adaptability to working efficiently 
within the group dynamic, and in developing sufficient knowledge and 
expertise within their proposed design submissions to appreciate flaws or 
limitations with their proposals.  
  I also placed an additional requirement upon their work, and that was to 
document on video their group’s progress and setbacks, and then compile and 
edit the video into a 10 to 15 minute presentations to be submitted with  their 
designs.  This will be played for faculty review, and at graduation to the families 
of our graduates. 
4.  Would you use this Competition as an educational vehicle in the future?  
Why or why not? 
  Yes.    As  a  “competition,”  I  previously  commented  upon  some  inequities 
and  unfairness  that  existed  under  the  former  rules  which  had  caused  us  some 
concern.    Those  comments  appeared  to  be  taken  to  heart  by  the  Design 
Committee, and are no longer an issue.   As a “learning experience,” this program 
remains  an  outstanding  opportunity  to  have  our  senior  class  demonstrate  their 
readiness to join government and industry employment. 
5. Are there changes to the Competition that you would suggest for future years? 
  Yes.    Instead  of  having  one  “annual”  competition,  divide  it  into  2  (for 
semester programs) or 3 (for quarter programs) so that within the university, we 
are  not  competing  one  class  against  another.    We  believe  that  the  Spring 
submissions  have  an  advantage  in  the  competition,  as  not  only  to  they  have 
several  additional  months  to  research  and  prepare,  but  (at  least  within  the 
university)  they  have  the  advantage  of  witnessing  the  work,  designs,  and 
deficiencies of the Fall class’s submissions. 
  Thank you for providing this excellent program to our students. 
  Respectfully submitted: 
  April 13, 2009 
                Glynn Falcon 
                    Director of Aviation 
                     Aviation & Technology Dept. 
                  College of Engineering 
                        San Jose State University 

Appendix F

Reference List

Air System Inc. (2008). Corporate History ASI. Retrieved Nov. 21, 2008 from

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (2008).

Standards & Guidelines. Retrieved Oct. 25, 2008, from

Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO). 2005. Enthalpy & Heat Wheels. Retrieved on

Nov. 24, 2008, from

Crowther H. (2001). Energy Recovery: Is it the Right Choice for your Application.

Engineering System Solutions. Retrieved Nov. 15, 2008, from

Desiccant Rotors International. (2008). EcoFresh Heat Recovery Wheel. Retrieved Nov. 24,

2008, from 

Desiccant Rotors International. (2007). Energy Conservation In Air-conditioned Space using

Enthalpy Wheels. Pg 1-13. Retrieved Nov. 1, 2008, from

Dressler, Rich. (2005). Mineta San José International Airport Receives Rebate for Energy

Saving Efforts. Retrieved Oct. 26, 2008, from 

Graham, C.I. (2008). High-Performance HVAC. Retrieved Nov. 15, 2008, from 

Jonasrisen. (2007) What is an Enthalpy Wheel? Greenline: Futurosity Magazine Theme by

Upstart Blogger. Retrieved Oct. 21, 2008, from


Kjelgaard, M. (2004). Recapture Those Spent Therms. Retrieved Nov. 15, 2008, from

Mumma, S. (2003). Detecting System Degradation. Retrieved Nov. 30, 2008, from

Queen’s University. (2006) Enthalpy Wheel. Queen’s University- Faculty of Applied

Science: Live Building Integrated Learning Centre. Retrieved Oct. 7, 2008, from

VanGeet, O., Reilly, T. (2006). Ventilation Heat Recovery for Laboratories [Electronic

Version]. ASHRAE Journal, 48, 1-8.

Xetex. (2001). Enthalpy Wheels. Retrieved Nov. 24, 2008, from

Zhai, C. et all. (2006, Nov 5-10). The Performance of an Enthalpy Recovery Wheel in

Ventilation of CMU’s IW. Retrieved Nov. 30, 2008, from


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