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Biomechanics in Orthodontics Anchorage Considerations-A Review

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Kulshrestha, Clin Oral Sci Dent (2019), 2:1

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Biomechanics in Orthodontics Anchorage

Considerations-A Review
Khalid Ashraf1, Rohit Kulshrestha2*, Rachel Thomas3, Sandeep Singh4, Harmeet Kaur5, Khusali
Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Science Department, College of Dentistry, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
1Orthodontist, SPES Hospital, Tohana, Haryana, India
2Senior Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Terna Dental College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India
3Reader, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Terna Dental College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra,
4Senior Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Terna Dental College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India
5Post Graduate Student, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, BBD Dental College, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh,
6Post Graduate Student, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Terna Dental College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India

Received date: April 3, 2019, Accepted date: April 17, 2019, Published date: April 19, 2019

Copyright: ©2019 Kulshrestha R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.

*Corresponding Author: Rohit Kulshrestha, Terna Dental College Nerul Navi, India, Tel. No: +919870499761;

To anchor is to secure firmly, to hold an object against movement; anchorage is that which provides the secure hold.
Specifically, orthodontic anchorage is the ability to prevent tooth movement of one group of teeth while moving another
tooth or teeth. The nature of tooth movement depends on the ratio of the applied moment relative to the applied force
(M/F ratio) at the orthodontic bracket. The way a tooth moves is dependent on the force and moments applied on the
bracket (via elastic, coil, loop, etc.), and the actual force distribution about the periodontium (stress-strain relationship).
The force distribution is a function of the tooth’s center of rotation. The aim of this article was to review the different
mechanics seen and used during anchorage preparation.

Keywords: Anchorage, Head gear and Root correction.

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Kulshrestha, Clin Oral Sci Dent (2019), 2:1
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Anchorage from a Biomechanical

The basic techniques for anchorage control generally rely
on 3 essential similarities: (1) extra oral forces on the anchorage
unit (headgear), (2) intermaxillary elastics (3) tipping
movements of the active teeth while simultaneously
discouraging tipping of the anchorage teeth. Patient compliance
is required for headgear and elastic wear without which, the
control of tooth movement is lost, and treatment outcome may
be compromised. Anchorage is maintained by promoting
different types of tooth movement for the active teeth versus the
anchor units [1].

The Effect of a High M/F Ratio Applied to the Anchor Figure 2: Tipping produces more movement at the
crown or occlusal plane compared with translation. For both
An applied force at the crown produces uncontrolled teeth in this illustration, the center of resistance of the tooth is
tipping as a result of the moment of the force. The applied displaced the same distance.
moment (moment of the couple) counteracts the tipping effect
of the force. The applied moment acts in the opposite direction
of the moment of the force. It moves the root(s) toward the
extraction space. In addition, as the magnitude of the applied
couple increases, the rotation of the tooth would move the
crown away from the space (Figure 1) [2].

Figure 3: The effect of changing the force magnitude

on the M/F Ratio. Headgear is a means of decreasing the mesial
force to the posterior teeth (A). Intermaxillary elastics (Class II
Figure 1: The effect of a large M/F ratio on tooth movement. elastics) increase the distal force to the anterior teeth (B).
A large M/F ratio produces root movement (A). A pure moment
would produce only rotation, which would result in distal crown In its simplest form, headgear acts to produce a distal force
movement (B). on the anchorage teeth. By acting in opposition to the reaction
force from a spring or chain elastic, the headgear reduces the net
Conversely, a low M/F ration produces tipping. With the
force on the posterior teeth (M/F posterior>M/F anterior)
apex remaining stationary, the crown tips toward the extraction
(Figure 3A). Although there may be additional headgear effects,
space. Geometrically, the result is greater tooth movement at the
the aim conceptually is to retard the mesial forces ion the
occlusal plane relative to a tooth undergoing translation. Figure
posterior teeth (For example, increase the retraction force on the
2 shows a comparison of tipping versus translation, the center of
anterior teeth (M/F posterior>M/F anterior) (Figure 3B).
resistance of the tooth for each example is displaced equally.
Another means of increasing the retraction force is by the use of
The crown movement, however, is noticeably greater for the
J-hook headgear applied to the anterior teeth. The applied
tipped tooth. This shows how tipping movements can result in
moment is determined by the wire-bracket relationship [3].
greater movements of teeth from a clinical perspective.

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Kulshrestha, Clin Oral Sci Dent (2019), 2:1
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The application of unequal moments must also satisfy controlled space closure. The core principle of loop design for
Newton’s laws. Because the moments on each end of the spring all these springs is increased stiffness of the wire on the
are unequal, the total force system must have additional effects. anchorage side of the spring [5]. All conversely, asymmetric
Vertical forces, intrusive to the anterior and extrusive to the positioning of the loop towards the anchorage teeth has a similar
posterior, are also acting. (The vertical force magnitude depends effect because wire stiffness is inversely related to the third
on the difference in the 2 moments and the distance between power of the length, an off-centered or asymmetrically
anterior and posterior attachment points) (Figure 4). It also positioned spring will deliver greater moments to the teeth that
results in occlusal plane discrepancies between the anterior and it approximates (Figure 5) [6].
posterior teeth. The posterior teeth may be positioned with the
crowns distally tipped and the roots mesially oriented [3].

Figure 4: The force system from differential moment

orthodontic appliance designs for space closure.

The canines commonly have a root-mesial axial inclination

and the incisors are excessively upright. This situation is a
natural consequence of the force system used but may also be an
advantage given appropriate malocclusions (anterior protrusion
with excessive dentoalveolar height and gingival display). An
appropriate stage of root correction after space closure prepares
the occlusion for orthodontic finishing details. Other factors Figure 5: Anchorage control with a differential moment
being equal, an increase in wire stiffness has the effect of strategy through the use of a T-loop spring. A T-loop positioned
establishing greater moments at the engaged teeth. Increases in toward the posterior attachment increases the moment to the
stiffness may be accomplished by using composite springs with posterior teeth and decreases the moment to the anterior teeth
incorporation of wires showing different modulus of elasticity, (A). The expected tooth movements, the anterior teeth are
with suffer section engaging the anchorage units [4]. expected to tip distally while the posterior teeth show root
correction (B).

Clinical Techniques Using Differential Moments for Another method of anterior retraction that uses a
Anchorage Control differential moment strategy for anchorage control is combined
incisor intrusion and retraction. This simple yet effective
The data were collected, summarized, and coded. All the appliance uses the tip back moment of the intrusion arch for
statistical analyses were performed using the Statistical Package creating the large posterior M/F ratio. The retraction force is
for Social Sciences (BM Corp. Released 2013. IBM SPSS applied with either coil springs or elastic chain (Figure 6). By
Statistics for Windows, Version 22.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp). carefully controlling the intrusive and retraction forces, the
The following statistical procedures were performed: the overbite and over jet can be simultaneously corrected. Careful
construction of frequency distribution tables, one-way analysis monitoring is crucial for successful anchorage control during
of variance (ANOVA), and post-hoc tests. P ≤ 0.05 was space closure. A frequently overlooked consideration in
considered statistically significant. anchorage control the first-order side effects of space closure.
The mesially directed, buccally located force on the molar will
The T-loop spring described by Burstone and subsequently tend to produce a mesially inward rotation. This rotation gives
refined or modified as a simple yet effective device for the appearance of anchorage loss when viewed from the buccal

Clin Oral Sci Dent, an open access journal Volume 1 • Issue 1 • 1000e101
Kulshrestha, Clin Oral Sci Dent (2019), 2:1
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perspective. However, distalization of the molar may not result of the moment applied to achieve anterior root correction.
be necessary; a mesially-outward first-order rotation may be all The anterior teeth are extruded while the posterior teeth
that is needed for regaining the desired molar position. A experience an intrusive force.
transpalatal arch provides an excellent means for preventing this
Anchorage requirements are critical during root correction
side effect or actively correcting it [7].
of the anterior teeth. Rowboat effect, moving the entire
Figure 6: Combined anterior retraction and deep overbite maxillary dental arch forward and resulting in a more Class II
dental relationship, may be observed as the roots of the anterior
teeth are moved lingually. The use of headgear to support
anchorage during anterior root correction may help to minimize
or eliminate this side effect. The root spring used for anterior
root correction may be fabricated using 0.022 × 0.016 inch
(ribbon wise) titanium molybdenum alloy (TMA), or 0.021 ×
0.025-inch (edgewise) TMA, to be inserted into 0.022 × 0.028-
inch edgewise brackets. The root spring is placed into the
brackets of the anterior teeth, stepped up around the canines and
premolars, and extended distally as a cantilever with hooks
mesial to the first molars (Figure 7) [9].

Figure 7: Frontal view of a root correction spring in

correction with posterior anchorage control. An intrusion arch is

used to create the moment on the posterior segment with the
place in the incisors and a bypass archwire stepped around the
concurrent intrusive force on the anterior teeth and extrusive
incisors and inserted into the brackets of the posterior teeth.
force on the posterior teeth. A chain elastic or coil spring is used
to create the retraction force (A). The anticipated tooth
movements would be intrusion and retraction of the anterior
teeth following the line of action of the resultant force and
molar tip back which aids in anchorage preservation (B).
Studies have investigated effectiveness of differential moment
strategy for anchorage control.

Biomechanics of Root Correction

Incisor root correction

Incisors that need root correction or lingual root torque
Figure 8: Sagittal view of the root spring hooked on the
after completion of space closure require a counter clockwise
bypass arch wire mesial to the first maxillary molars.
moment applied to them with a center of rotation at the brackets.
This results in lingual root movement of the anterior teeth. The The distal extension for the root spring will be attached to a
magnitude of the moment necessary to correct the axial continuous bypass arch wire that engages the buccal segments
inclinations of the maxillary central incisors is about 1500 g- and is steeped around the anterior teeth undergoing root
mm or less per side (3000 g-mm total) 2000-2500 g-mm per correction. The bypass arch wire is typically made of 0.017 ×
side (4,000 to 5,000 g-mm total) is used to correct the axial 0.025-inch TMA or 0.018 inch stainless steel. It is stepped
inclinations of the four maxillary incisors [8]. Vertical forces are occlusally around the brackets of the anterior teeth to be
developed on the anterior teeth and on the posterior teeth as a corrected (Figure 8).

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Kulshrestha, Clin Oral Sci Dent (2019), 2:1
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Pre-activation bends are placed at the gingival position of the Figure 10: A. Occipital-pull headgear. B. Face bow typically
anterior step up and a gentle curvature is incorporated bilaterally used with occipital pull.
along the posterior cantilever (Figure 9). The amount of force is
measured on the right and left sides and trial activation is made
on each side of the spring [10].

Figure 9: Frontal view of an anterior root correction spring Figure 11: Resolving a force into its components along axes of
with bilateral activations (A). Once activated, the distal arms of interest.
the root spring will be pulled occlusally and hooked on the In cases where combination head gears are used vector
bypass arch wire (B). addition is accomplished by resolving the force along its line of
action into its components along the horizontal and vertical axis
Biomechanics of Headgear in Class II Dental and
as shown in Figure 11. An example of doing so is shown for
Skeletal Corrections
Class II elastic force to the maxillary arch in Figure 12.
A headgear can deliver only a net single, simple force. To
determine the effects of headgear force, one merely needs to
examine the line of action of the force with respect to the body
to which it is applied-e.g., tooth, arch, or maxilla. Figure 10A
shows an occipital pull headgear in place. Figure 10B
demonstrates that the strap’s pull-the force’s line of action is
well above the center of resistance of the maxillary first molar.
At the maxillary first molars center of resistance, the headgear
force system has a distal component, an apically directed
vertical component, and a large root-distal movement [11].

Figure 12: Example of resolving a force into its


Figure 13 shows vector addition of two forces. This

addition is accomplished by adding the horizontal components
of each force and by adding vertical components of each force,
then adding them to find the net vertical component of the
resultant force. Figure 13 shows parallelogram addition of
combination headgear force components.

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Kulshrestha, Clin Oral Sci Dent (2019), 2:1
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aberrant habits. Also clinical experience shows that headgear

wear need not be 24 hours a day to be effective. Depending
upon the results required, intermittent wear at the level of 12-14
hours per night-sometimes as much as 16 hours per night and at
times as little as 10 hours per night-is sufficient to achieve
specific treatment goals.

Clinical Applications of Head Gear Force

Figure 13: Vector addition.

There are four main uses of headgear force in contemporary
Force Constancy treatment of Class II malocclusions [13]:

1. Anchorage control.

It is not known whether a constant force produces a rapid 2. Tooth movement.

movement or an intermittent force does. However clinical
3. Orthodontic changes.
experience indicates that intermittent force can be very efficient
indeed [12]. For example, the effectiveness of finger and thumb 4. Controlling the cant of occlusion plane.
sucking habits in moving teeth and bones in patients with these

Anchorage Control

In Class II extraction treatment, to ensure that buccal segments of teeth do not move mesially when anteriors are retracted. In a
general sense, headgear force is used to control the side effects of intra oral mechanics which results in eruption of teeth. An eruptive
force applied to a molar is shown in Figure 14A. Such side effects are seldom desired.

Figure 14. A. Vertical force on molar tube, a side effect from intraoral mechanics.
B. Vertical component of occipital headgear force negates resting position. One needs to see the angle and level of the final
extrusive intraoral force side effect. line of action after the strap forces have been applied to know
exactly the force of the headgear system.
The side effect force tends to extrude the molar, and the
moment of the force-expressed at the center of resistance of the Tooth Movement
tooth-produces a root-buccal, crown lingual moment tending to
tip the molar crown into lingual cross bite. Applying an occipital
headgear force, whose line of action is shown in Figure 14B, In class II patients, if one adjusts the level of the outer bow
produces a vertical intrusive component of force that negates the such that a horizontal force is produced that passes through the
vertical extrusive force of the side effects even though the head center of resistance of the maxillary first molar, and the patient
gear force is not applied continuously. This vertical force is of a wears the headgear at the level of 14 hours each night
much higher force level than the force of the side effect. The consistently, than the molars will move distally 2 mm in 24
line of action is determined after the headgear strap has been months without tipping [14]. If the line of action of the headgear
applied to the outer bow, and the outer bow has deflected to its force is adjusted so that there is a vertical component tending to

Clin Oral Sci Dent, an open access journal Volume 1 • Issue 1 • 1000e101
Kulshrestha, Clin Oral Sci Dent (2019), 2:1
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intrude the molar, as shown in Figure 14B, the headgear If the headgear force is applied through the center of
forces tend to prevent extrusion from intraoral side effects. If the resistance of maxilla (apical level between the premolars) and a
line of action of headgear force has an extrusive vertical preadolescent patient wears the headgear at least 12 hours each
component, the molar will extrude, independent of the night (at least 14 hours each night for adolescent patients) the
individual patient’s skeletal pattern, unless there is a large forward component of the maxillary growth is redirected [15].
intrusion force from the arch wire on the molar. This situation is Occasionally, especially in patients who wear the headgear at
now usual in intraoral mechanics. the level of 16 hours a night, the redirection is in a posterior
direction. The total magnitude of growth does not change but its
Orthopedic Changes direction is changed.

Figure 15. A: Force through the center of resistance of the maxilla. B. Typical redirection of the maxillary growth at ANS as
seen on cranial base superimpositions.

Seven sequential steps may be used in logical sequence to design the headgear force system for any orthodontic application. They are:

1. Determine the center of resistance of body to which headgear force is being applied, whether tooth or segment or arch or maxilla.

2. Then determine the force system through the center of resistance that will produce the changes desired. One thinks of the force and
moment at the center of resistance (Figure 15).

(a) Horizontally.

(b) Vertically.

(c) Cant of occlusal plane.

(d) How far from the center of resistance, should the force be applied?

As an example (Figure 16), if one wants to steepen an occlusal plane, erupt the unit, the prevent mesial movement of the unit. A unit
could be a tooth, segment, arch or maxilla. A cervical headgear with a low outer bow generates a large moment about the center of
resistance that will tend to steepen the occlusal plane. The vertical component of the headgear forces acting at the center of resistance
will erupt the unit. The distal component will tip the unit distally.

3. Mentally mark the center of resistance of the patient’s cheek.

4. Choose the type of pull:

(a) High pull (occipital).

(b) Cervical.

(c) A combination of (a) and (b).

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Kulshrestha, Clin Oral Sci Dent (2019), 2:1
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Figure 16. Example of a commonly used force system: cervical headgear with low outer bow. Headgear force is shaded. The
equivalent force system at the center or resistance is in black.

5. Bend the outer bow angulation and adjust its length to deliver the desired line of action after the strap force is applied.

6. Choose the applied headgear force magnitude:

(a) In rotating the unit-that is, using a large moment in comparison to the applied force through the center of resistance-one
should use low strap forces to avoid high local stress in the periodontal ligament (150-200 g per side).

(b) If the line of action of headgear passes close to or through the units center of resistance, 400 to 500 g per side can be used.

7. Monitor for changes as treatment proceeds. Adjust the force line of action and force magnitude as necessary.

Figure 17: Occipital-pull headgear at the level of 12 hours per night (10 hours per night for conscientious adults) to control side
effects from maxillary incisor intrusion via a base arch.

An example of occipital headgear to control the occlusal plane and prevent side effects from maxillary incisor intrusion is given
in Figure 17. The headgear force is applied well away from the molars center of resistance to generate a large counter clockwise
moment, negating the clockwise moment for the intrusion arch. The outer bow is bent high and is cut short to provide the desired line
of action. If using a 0.016 inch stainless steel intrusion arch, 60 g will be generated at the midline if the wire is activated 90° just
mesial to the first molar tubes when a single helix is placed in that position. if the patient has a maximum anchorage class II
malocclusion, the angulation of the outer bow can be lowered and the headgear force increased to 400-500 g per side. The result will
be a larger horizontal distal component of force [16].

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Kulshrestha, Clin Oral Sci Dent (2019), 2:1
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Figure 18: Possible headgear designs.

There are two main possible designs for applying headgear
forces, as in Figure 18 one can hook a J-hook headgear to the
Occipital pull
arch wire. This approach is limited in that one is restricted to
one point of force application (wherever one can hook the J- Figure 20 shows occipital pull headgear. The figure shows
hook). In addition, the line of action may pass through the hook occipital pull with the short outer bow angulated high to create
itself. A far more flexible approach is to place the headgear in a the headgear force line of action that is far anterior to the unit’s
tube on a posterior tooth. Having an inner bow and an outer bow center of resistance. This results in a force system at the unit’s
allows adjustments of the length and angulation of the outer center of resistance with a moment that tends to flatten the
bow to provide many possible points of attachment and lines of occlusal plane and distal and intrusive force components. The
action. There can be many directions of force, and thereof many equivalent force system at the unit’s center of resistance has a
different M/F ratios applied. This design is more comfortable moment that tends to steepen the occlusal plane and a force with
for patients to wear, and arch wires are not prone to fractures. intrusive and distal components. Such a system might be
necessary for Class II open bite patients [18].
Example of Maxillary Headgear

Cervical pull
Figure 19 shows three possibilities for applying cervical
pull to a maxillary unit. The example at the top of the figure has
the outer bow low. The equivalent force system at the unit’s
center of resistance has an extrusive component, a distal
component, and a large moment that trends to steepen the
occlusal plane [17].

Figure 20: Examples of headgear incorporating occipital


It is often necessary to correct mesial-in rotation of first

molars during Class II correction. This can be accomplished by
an active transpalatal arch (TPA) or by adjusting the angle of
insertion of the inner bow ends into the headgear tubes to effect
rotational change, mesial out and distal in, the transverse plane
of space while effecting desired changes in the sagittal plane.

Figure 19. Cervical pull headgear examples.

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Kulshrestha, Clin Oral Sci Dent (2019), 2:1
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Asymmetric Headgear It is usually best to stop using this mechanism if cross bite
development begins to occur [19].

Right versus left asymmetries in the molar relationships can be

corrected by using transpalatal or lingual arches to correct
asymmetric molar axial inclinations and molar rotations.
However, if the buccal occlusion is asymmetric, e.g., class I on
one side and Class II on the other side, without asymmetries
either in molar axial inclinations or in rotations, then correction
is performed with asymmetric headgear. Distal forces exist on
both sides, but they are three times greater on the long outer
bow side than on the short outer bow side (Figure 21). Lateral
forces, directed towards the short outer bow side, exist with this
Figure 21: Asymmetric headgear forces.
headgear. One must therefore watch for cross bite development.
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Proffit WR, Fields HW, Ackerman JL, Sinclair PM, Thomas PM, Tulloch JFC. Contemporary

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