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Nurse Education Today: Derya Uzelli Yilmaz, Dilek Sari

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Nurse Education Today 102 (2021) 104924

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Examining the effect of simulation-based learning on intravenous therapy

administration’ knowledge, performance, and clinical assessment skills of
first-year nursing students
Derya Uzelli Yilmaz *, Dilek Sari
Izmir Katip Celebi University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Fundamentals of Nursing, Izmir, Turkey
Ege University Faculty of Nursing, Department of Fundamentals of Nursing, İzmir, Turkey


Keywords: Background: Most nurses at some point of, or throughout, their career will be involved in infusion care. Therefore,
Intravenous therapy administration it is important to provide a realistic learning environment to nursing students regarding how to safely practice
Moulage intravenous (IV) therapy administration.
Nursing education
Objectives: The aim of this study was examining the effect of simulation-based learning on IV therapy adminis­
Simulation-based learning
Standardized patients
tration knowledge, performance and clinical assessment skills of first-year nursing students.
Methods: This study was a randomized controlled quasi-experimental study. A total of 62 students was included
in the study. The students were randomly assigned to either hybrid simulation (HS) (n = 31) or low fidelity
simulation (LFS) (n = 31) groups. In the HS group, each student performed in the standardized patients using
moulage, and the LFS group each student was performed with mannequin using visuals. Each of the students’
level of IV therapy administration knowledge, performance and clinical assessment and satisfaction and self-
confidence score was evaluated.
Results: After the lecture, demonstration and simulation training, there was a statistically significant difference
between groups in terms of knowledge (p < 0.05), IV catheter insertion performance in simulation and clinical (p
= 0.00; p = 0.00) and clinical assessment to classify IV therapy complications on real patients (p = 0.00). Also,
satisfaction and self-confidence scale scores of the students in the HS were significantly higher than in the LFS
group (p = 0.00). However, there was no significant difference in simulation design scale scores between the two
groups (p = 0.164).
Conclusion: The students in the HS group better transferred they had learned in the teaching environment to
clinical practice. Also, the results show that creating an effective environment in simulation had a positive effect
on the development of the students’ clinical skills.

1. Introduction therapy administrations differ between countries, nurses are responsible

for IV catheter insertion, administration of a wide variety of infusion
Infusion therapy is administered in health-care settings, including solutions and medications, interventions aimed at prevention of com­
hospitals, long-term care facilities, outpatient settings and patients’ plications (Gorski et al., 2017). Therefore, it is important to improve IV
homes. Managing fluid, electrolyte, and acid–base imbalances often therapy management skills of students before graduation. While IV
involve infusion therapy and the intravenous (IV) route is the most therapy administration is frequently performed in clinical settings, most
commonly used infusion therapy route (Kuş and Büyükyılmaz, 2020; students may have difficulty developing these clinical skills during
Phillips and Gorski, 2014). However, there are risks, and some compli­ clinical practice due to the high number of student and patient safety
cations are serious and life threatening. IV therapy failures and IV problems (De Souza-Junior et al., 2020). Nursing students should have
therapy complications are also costly to the health care system (Helm exposure to develop these skills during their undergraduate programs in
et al., 2015). Most nurses at some point of, or throughout, their career which various instructional methods and modalities (e.g., simulation)
will be involved in infusion care. Although education and practice of IV were used.

* Corresponding author at: Izmir Katip Celebi University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing Izmir, Turkey.
E-mail address: (D. Uzelli Yilmaz).
Received 13 January 2021; Received in revised form 24 March 2021; Accepted 13 April 2021
Available online 24 April 2021
0260-6917/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Uzelli Yilmaz and D. Sari Nurse Education Today 102 (2021) 104924

Simulation-based education in nursing education provides students students were in the same age group. No statistically significant differ­
with an opportunity to develop skill proficiency in a safe, non- ence was found between the groups in terms of age and gender (t =
threatening environment (Basak et al., 2016; Gaberson et al., 2014; − 1.528, p = 0.132) (Table 1).
Sittner et al., 2013). There are various types of simulation methods used Firstly, the students were completely informed about the study
in nursing education. One of them is hybrid simulation (HS), which is process; the volunteers were invited to participate in the study. No
defined by the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation incentive was offered to the participants. In the power analysis per­
and Learning (INACSL) as “The use of two or more modalities of simulation formed prior to the research, effect size was found to be 31 students each
to enhance the fidelity of a scenario by integrating the environment, physi­ group. Considering a drop-out rate of 10% total sample we wanted to
ology, emotions, and dialog of a real patient encounter” (INACSL, 2016 reach 35 students for each group (Sakpal, 2010). Because of the number
p.43). The combination of a standardized patient (SPs) and a mannequin of students who want to participate in the research was 66, they were
permits the practice of procedural skills. The concept was first reported assigned 33 participants each group. The grades of the students were
by Kneebone et al. (2006) who described the blending of simulation transferred to the Excel program and ranked from high to low grade
modalities as ‘patient-focused simulation’ and is now widely used level average. According to their success status, students in each group
internationally. Studies shows that students who are trained with the were grouped as high, medium and low average grade, and randomized
combination of SPs and IV training arm/simulator have higher level of by the simple random sampling using the lottery method. Four students
self-efficacy and better communication with patient and IV catheter were excluded from the study because they did not participate in eval­
insertion skills (Devenny et al., 2018; Jones et al., 2014; Takmak et al., uation of simulation performance. This study was completed with a total
2021). of 62 students, 31 from the HS group and 31 from the LFS group.
One of the most critical issues in simulation planning is to determine
the level of fidelity depending on the objectives and level of learners. For
2.3. Instruments
example, visuals of equipment used in patient care can be used in low-
level fidelity simulation (LFS) (Gore and Lioce, 2012). High fidelity
Five faculty members who are specialists in the Fundamentals of
simulation is designed to replicate clinical contexts with as much visual
Nursing evaluated the form and checklist in order to ensure the content
and functional precision as possible. The environmental conditions
validity before the interventions. The faculty members assigned suit­
created for the scenario as well as moulage will influence participants’
ability points to the test questions and checklist steps based on a four-
learning experience (Basak et al., 2016; Gore and Lioce, 2012).
point Likert scale (1: Not appropriate; 2: Slightly appropriate, revision
Moulage is the art of creating visual and tactile cues for the learner
required; 3: Fairly appropriate, minor changes required; 4: Highly
for the purpose of increasing the realism of the simulation (Stokes-Parish
appropriate). The necessary adjustments related to the specific context
et al., 2018). Moulage in simulation can be defined as “The application of
of the study were made depending on their recommendations.
make up or other elements in order to add realism to simulation training by
creating realistic looking” (Foot et al., 2008). The use of moulage can give
2.3.1. Knowledge test for the IV therapy administration
the appearance of slough, redness and swelling, which gives a clue to
The test was designed by the researchers according to the Infusion
classified IV therapy complications. In addition, moulage allows learners
Nurses Society (INS) standards of practice (Gorski et al., 2017). The test
and educators the opportunity to discuss clinical reasoning (Yılmaz and
comprised two separate tests as IV catheter insertion (10 multiple choice
Sarı, 2018). To evaluate clinical assessment skills among healthcare
questions) and IV therapy complications (10 multiple choice questions).
students, moulage has been used in some healthcare degree programs.
The highest score was 100, and the lowest score was 0. Students’
There is little known how to examine the efficacy of moulage in
knowledge scores were evaluated separately as IV catheter insertion and
improving clinical assessment skills for IV therapy complications.
IV therapy complication.
However, moulage applications are effective in previous studies for
enhancing clinical assessment skills for skin and wound (Garg et al.,
2.3.2. Performance checklist for IV catheter insertion
2015; Goulart et al., 2012; Hernandez et al., 2013; Sabzwari et al., 2017;
The checklist for data collection was designed by the researcher ac­
Seckman and Ahearn, 2010; Sezgunsay and Basak, 2020; Wang et al.,
cording to the relevant references (Gorski et al., 2017; Potter et al.,
2015). The aim of this study is to examine the effect of simulation-based
2016). The same checklist was used in both groups. The IV catheter
learning on IV therapy administration knowledge, performance and
insertion performance checklist consisted of 25 steps, and each item was
clinical assessment skills of first-year nursing students.
scored as “Performed = 0,” “Partially performed = 1” or “Not performed
= 2”. The highest score was 50, and the lowest score was 0.
2. Methods

2.3.3. Performance assessment form for IV therapy complication

2.1. Research hypothesis
The form was prepared to determine performance of IV complication
assessment in the laboratory and clinic by the students. The form
The hypothesis tested in this study was that the use of HS is more
effective than the use of LFS in developing IV therapy management
skills. Since SPs in HS have been used to teach and evaluate the clinical Table 1
Students’ descriptive characteristics.
and communication skills of students, we expected that interaction with
SPs would also increase students’ self-confidence and satisfaction. In Descriptive characteristics HS group LFS group ta p
addition, we expected that using moulage in simulation would increase (n = 31) (n = 31)

students’ clinical assessment level. Age (Mean ± SD) 18.54 ± 0.56 18.80 ± 0.74 − 1.528 0.132
n % n % χ p
2.2. Design and participants
Female 26 83.9 25 80.6 0.111 0.740
A randomized quasi-experimental design was used in this study. The Male 5 16.1 6 19.4
population of the study consisted of the 171 first year students enrolled Total 31 100 31 100
in the Fundamentals of Nursing course during the spring term of the Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; HS, hybrid simulation; LFS, low fidelity
2015–2016 academic years. The mean age of the students in the HS simulation.
group was 18.54 ± 0.56 years, and in the LFS group, it was 18.80 ± 0.74 a
years. A large majority of the nursing students were female, and the b
Chi square test.

D. Uzelli Yilmaz and D. Sari Nurse Education Today 102 (2021) 104924

consisted two items for classifying of type and degree of the IV therapy 2.3.4. Students’ satisfaction and self-confidence scale (SSSC)
complication. The students’ answers were scored as correct classifying The original scale was developed by Jeffries and Rizzolo (2006) and
and incorrect classifying. When students answered correctly both the was adapted to Turkish as conducted by Unver et al. (2017). The scale is
type and the degree of the complication, their assessing were received valid and reliable for Turkish society. The SSSC is a 13-item scale to
correct. measure student satisfaction with the simulation and self-confidence in
learning. Unver et al. (2017) was found the Cronbach’s alpha values as
0.85 for satisfaction, and 0.77 for self-confidence. The Cronbach’s alpha

Hybrid Simulation Low Fidelity

Group Simulation Group
(n=33) (n=33)

Theoretical lesson (8 hours)

IV Therapy Administration Knowledge Test (Pre-test)

Demonstration with mannequin and IV training arm

Simulation Practice Simulation Practice

(n=33) (n=33)
SPs with 2nd degree infiltration Mannequin + 2nd degree
moulage + IV training arm infiltration visual

Debriefing Session

Students’ Satisfaction and Self-confidence Scale

Simulation Design Scale

2 weeks after

Simulation Performance (n=31) Simulation Performance (n=31)

(first performance score and first (first performance score and first
classifying score) classifying score)

SPs with 3nd degree phlebitis Mannequin + 3nd degree

moulage + IV training arm phlebitis visual

IV Therapy Administration Knowledge Test (Post-test)

Clinical Performance Clinical Performance

(second performance score and (second performance score and
second classifying score) second classifying score)

IV catheter insertion (n=23) IV catheter insertion (n=22)

Classifying IV therapy Classifying IV therapy
complication (n=31) complication (n=31)

Fig. 1. The flow diagrams of the study.

Abbreviations: IV, intravenous; SPs, standardized patient.

D. Uzelli Yilmaz and D. Sari Nurse Education Today 102 (2021) 104924

values in the current study for satisfaction and self-confidence were 0.94 LFS group practiced with the mannequin. The debriefing session was
and 0.87 respectively. conducted using the plus/delta method (Decker et al., 2013). During the
debriefing, the type and degree of IV therapy complications moulage/
2.3.5. Simulation design scale (SDS) visual were discussed. After the simulation practice, the Student Satis­
The original scale was developed by Jeffries and Rizzolo (2006) and faction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale and the Simulation Design
was adapted to Turkish as conducted by Unver et al. (2017). The scale is Scale were applied to all of the students.
valid and reliable for Turkish society. The SDS is a 20-item scale
designed to measure constructs from the simulation modality. The 2.5.4. Evaluation of simulation performance
design features rated by the students include objectives and information, Two weeks after the simulation practice, the simulation perfor­
student support, problem solving, guided reflection or feedback, and mances of all students were assessed before they practiced these skills on
fidelity. Unver et al. (2017) was found the Cronbach’s alpha values as real patients in clinical settings. Both groups were given 15 min to
0.86. The Cronbach’s alpha values in the current study was 0.92. perform the administration of IV therapy including IV catheter insertion
and classifying the IV therapy complication. The HS group performed on
2.4. Study preparation SPs (with IV training arm), whereas the LFS group on the mannequin.
Each student classified the type and degree of IV therapy complication
2.4.1. The applying the moulage on the moulage/visual. The “IV catheter insertion performance check­
The IV therapy complications were simulated by applying moulage list” and “Performance form for assessment IV therapy complication”
techniques by researcher. In the HS, the second-degree infiltration were used the assessment in the simulation (first performance score and
moulage was applied on the dorsal hand area of SPs during the simu­ first classifying score). Following simulation performance, all the students
lation practice. In the evaluation simulation performance, the third- once more completed the IV therapy administration knowledge test as
degree phlebitis moulage was applied on the dorsal forearm area of post-tests.
SPs. In order to increase fidelity, a cool pack was used in the infiltration
and a thermophore was used in the phlebitis. 2.5.5. Evaluation of clinical performance
Students were placed in various clinical settings for four weeks with
2.4.2. The determining of infiltration and phlebitis visuals supervision of faculty members who are responsible for their clinical
The researchers identified two volunteer patient who had compli­ education. During the clinic hours, 23 students from the HS group and
cations in the clinic, and then consulted another two faculty members 22 students from the LFS group inserted IV catheter on real patients. IV
about the level and the type of complication. Identified complications catheter insertion on patients by students were conducted under the
were photographed and printed as colored. In the LFS, the second- guidance of faculty members. The “IV catheter insertion performance
degree infiltration visual was attached on the dorsal hand area of IV checklist” was used for the assessment of the students in the clinical
training model (Nasco Life/form®) during the simulation practice. In setting (second performance score).
the evaluation of simulation performance, the third-degree phlebitis All students who participated in the study classified the type and
visual was attached to the dorsal forearm area of IV training model. degree of IV therapy complication on real patient. The researchers
identified a volunteer patient in the clinic with complications, and then
2.5. Procedures consulted another two faculty members about the level and the type of
complication. IV therapy complication assessment in the clinical setting
The steps of the research are shown in Fig. 1. was performed by the researcher using the “Performance form for
assessment IV therapy complication”. Each student classified the type
2.5.1. Theoretical lesson and degree of IV therapy complication they assessed on the patient
One of the lectures covered in the curriculum of the fundamentals of (second classifying score).
nursing course is the IV therapy administration. In the implementation
stage of the research, all students participated this lecture. The lecture 2.6. Ethical considerations
had two main sections. The first section was introduction section to
review the main components of anatomy, physiology and pathophysi­ This study was approved by the ethics valuation commission
ology relating to IV therapy administration with four-hour theoretical involving human participants of the University (reference number
training. The second section was the fundamental concepts of IV therapy 2016–14, January 2016). Written consent was obtained from all vol­
and related applications with four-hour theoretical training. It consisted unteered students, SPs and volunteered patients.
of the IV catheter insertion to start IV therapy administration, mainte­
nance and termination of IV therapy, and classifying and assessment of 2.7. Data analysis
IV therapy complications. After the lesson, all students were asked to fill
the IV therapy administration knowledge test as pretests. The data obtained were analyzed using the program SPSS/WIN 22.0.
General characteristics and dependent variables were tested for homo­
2.5.2. Demonstration practice geneity using the χ2 test and the independent t-test. The difference be­
Once completed, the students practiced IV therapy administration in tween groups regarding each variable for the hypothesis test was
the skills laboratory under the faculty members’ supervision using analyzed by independent t-test, analysis of covariance (ANOVA), and
demonstration methods. The demonstration consisted of; IV catheter Mann Whitney U and Wilcoxon tests.
insertion to start IV therapy, maintenance and termination of IV therapy
on the mannequin and the IV training arm. 3. Results

2.5.3. Simulation practice 3.1. Knowledge scores

After the theoretical lesson and demonstration, all of the students
participated in a simulation practice, after which their simulation per­ The differences found between the pre-test scores of both groups in
formances were evaluated. This simulation practice was planned to IV catheter insertion knowledge (t = 0.061, p = 0.951) and IV therapy
prepare students for simulation performance. The simulation began with complications knowledge (t = − 0.107, p = 0.915) were not statistically
a pre-briefing. The HS group practiced with SPs (with IV training arm) significant. The differences found between the post-test scores of both
and the students in the HS group received feedback from the SPs. The groups in IV catheter insertion knowledge (t = 3.062, p = 0.003) and IV

D. Uzelli Yilmaz and D. Sari Nurse Education Today 102 (2021) 104924

therapy complications knowledge (t = 3.636, p = 0.001) were statisti­ Table 3

cally significant (Table 2). Comparison of groups’ satisfaction and self-confidence scale (SSSC) and simu­
lation design scale (SDS) scores.
Items HS Group LFS Group ta p
3.2. Students’ satisfaction and self-confidence level n = 31 n = 31
M ± SD M ± SD
There were significant differences between the groups in terms of Total Score (SSSC) 4.67 ± 0.33 4.24 ± 5.54 4.131 0.001
total score (4.67 ± 0.33; 4.24 ± 5.54) (t = 4.131, p = 0.000). The Student satisfaction 4.83 ± 0.26 4.40 ± 0.54 3.995 0.001
satisfaction score in the HS group (4.83 ± 0.26) was significantly higher Self-confidence in learning 4.55 ± 0.41 4.13 ± 0.46 3.741 0.001
Total Score (SDS) 4.63 ± 0.43 4.49 ± 0.35 1.409 0.164
than that in the LFS group (4.40 ± 0.54) (t = 3.995, p = 0.001). The Objectives and Information 4.67 ± 0.38 4.48 ± 0.39 1.847 0.070
mean self-confidence score in the HS group (4.55 ± 0.41) was signifi­ Support 4.60 ± 2.02 4.39 ± 0.50 1.836 0.071
cantly higher than that in the LFS group (4.13 ± 0.46) (t = 3.741, p = Problem solving 4.52 ± 0.53 4.42 ± 0.42 0.798 0.428
0.001) (Table 3). Guided reflection or feedback 4.71 ± 0.46 4.70 ± 0.42 0.072 0.943
Fidelity 4.74 ± 0.55 4.48 ± 0.74 1.568 0.122

Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; HS, hybrid simulation; LFS, low fidelity
3.3. Simulation design scale scores simulation; SSSC, Satisfaction and Self-Confidence Scale, SDS, Simulation
Design Scale.
Although the HS group had higher scores, no significant difference Independent t-Test.
was found between the groups in terms of total score (t = 1.409, p =
0.164). Likewise, the subscale scores of support (t = 1.836, p = 0.071),
Table 4
problem solving (t = 0.798, p = 0.428), guided reflection or feedback (t
Mean scores of students’ IV catheterization insertion performance.
= 0.072, p = 0.943) and fidelity (t = 1.568, p = 0.122) did not different
significantly between the groups (Table 3). Group IV catheterization insertion score (simulation)

n Mean ± SD ta p

HS 31 41.17 ± 3.21 5.826 0.001

3.4. IV catheter insertion performance score LFS 31 35.54 ± 4.13

The mean first performance score for the IV catheter insertion in Group IV catheterization insertion score (clinical setting)
simulation was 41.17 ± 3.21 for the HS group and 35.54 ± 4.13 for the
n Mean ± SD Zb p
LFS (t = 5.826, p = 0.001). There was a statistically significant differ­
ence between the performance score for both groups in simulation HS 23 43.91 ± 2.08 − 4.909 0.001
LFS 22 37.90 ± 4.75
(Table 4).
During the clinical practice, the mean of second performance score Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; IV, intravenous; HS, hybrid simulation;
for the IV catheter insertion was 43.91 ± 2.08 for the HS group and LFS, low fidelity simulation.
37.90 ± 4.75 for the LFS group (Z = − 4.909, p = 0.001). There was a Independent t-Test.
statistically significant difference between the performance score for Mann Whithney U Test.
both groups (Table 4).

Table 5
Comparison of the correct classifying percentages of the HS and LFS group.
3.5. IV therapy complication classifying score
HS LFS χ2 p
Group Group
IV therapy complication was correctly classified by 71% of the stu­
n = 31 n = 31
dents in the HS group and by 45.2% of the students in the LFS group. On
Classifying in simulation (3rd n % n % 4.239 0.039
the other hand, while 93.5% of the students in the HS group classified IV
degree phlebitis moulage/
therapy complication correctly on patient, 29% of the students in the visual)
LFS group were found to do so. There was a statistically significant Correct classifying 22 71.0 14 45.2
difference between the classify of IV therapy complication levels in Incorrect classifying 9 29.0 17 54.8
simulation and clinical setting for both groups (Table 5). Classifying in clinical setting (2nd n % n % 27.193 0.001
degree infiltration)
Table 2 Correct classifying 29 93.5 9 29.0
Incorrect classifying 2 6.5 22 71.0
Mean scores of students’ knowledge levels.
Groups n Mean ± SD ta p Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; IV, intravenous; HS, hybrid simulation;
LFS, low fidelity simulation.
IV catheter insertion knowledge (pre-test) *Chi-squared test.
HS 31 60.96 ± 19.38 0.061 0.951
LFS 31 60.64 ± 21.89
4. Discussion
IV therapy complications knowledge (pre-test)
HS 31 50.56 ± 23.44 − 0.107 0.915
LFS 31 51.20 ± 24.01 4.1. Knowledge acquisition
IV catheter insertion knowledge (post-test)
HS 31 82.96 ± 15.53 3.062 0.003 The results of the study indicated that the IV therapy administration
LFS 31 68.70 ± 20.61 knowledge level of students in the HS group improved significantly in
IV therapy complications knowledge (post-test)
the pre-test and post-test compared with the LFS group. It was also
LS 31 75.00 ± 15.13 3.636 0.001 shown in this study that the knowledge scores of the students in both
HFS 31 58.06 ± 21.05 groups increased after the simulation. Previous studies have demon­
Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; IV, intravenous.
strated the benefits of HS methodology and an effective learning envi­
Independent t-Test. ronment in improving knowledge levels during nursing education

D. Uzelli Yilmaz and D. Sari Nurse Education Today 102 (2021) 104924

(Pywell et al., 2016; Sabzwari et al., 2017; Sun-yeun and Mi-ye, 2015). ability to assess skin disorders compared to using picture-based paper
Sezgunsay and Basak (2020) compared the training by moulage and cases. However, students preferred SPs with moulage when learning
visuals for the assessment of pressure injury, and they found that assessment of skin disorders. A recent study by Sezgunsay and Basak
knowledge increased in both groups but differently that there was no (2020) found that the simulation with moulage was effective methods in
difference between the groups. improving the skills of nursing students’ skills to assess pressure injury.
Other studies in the literature indicate that the inclusion of moulage in
4.2. Clinical skills acquisition simulations is effective way to develop students’ self-confidence, in­
crease their knowledge and self-efficiency levels (Hernandez et al.,
The results of the current study revealed that the IV catheter inser­ 2013; Mazzo et al., 2018; Pywell et al., 2016; Scholtz et al., 2016;
tion scores of the HS group were significantly higher than LFS group. Seckman and Ahearn, 2010; Sezgunsay and Basak, 2020).
These findings suggest that the trainings based on HS were successful in
transferring the skills acquired in the laboratory to clinical practice. Ko 5. Limitations
and Kim (2014) investigated the effect of HS on the development of
nursing students’ basic nursing skills. The results of the study revealed Firstly, during the process of four weeks of clinical practice, not all
that the intravenous injection and urinary catheterization performance the students in the study sample had a chance to practice IV catheter
scores of the students trained with HS were significantly higher than insertion on real patients. The reasons for this were that some of the
those of the LFS group students. There is little information about patients had IV insertion difficulty, and some patient refused IV catheter
examining the efficacy of HS in improving students’ clinical skills for IV insertion by student nurse. Secondly, the skill checklists form was
catheter insertion. A recent study by Takmak et al. (2021) found that no developed according to literature by the researchers. Although, the
significant difference between the traditional group and the HS group content validity of these forms was established, we did not assess inter
performance on the skills and attitudes of IV insertion in nursing rater reliability.
6. Conclusions
4.3. SSSC and SSC
Our results demonstrated that the use of HS is more effective than the
The findings showed that the students’ scores in student SSSC is
use of LFS on development of student’s intravenous therapy adminis­
statistically higher in simulations using HS than in those in LFS groups.
tration knowledge, performance and clinical assessment level. The
HS group students experienced learning environment where they could
findings also indicated that the students’ satisfaction and self-confidence
communicate with SPs and had increased fidelity with moulage. HS
level in learning is statistically higher in simulations using HS than in
group students also received feedback by the SPs on their performance.
those in LFS groups. These results demonstrate that not only the simu­
In previous studies comparing different types of simulation in terms of
lators, but the simulation environment must also be improved in terms
SSSC scores of high fidelity were found to be similarly higher (Basak
of the fidelity in simulation practices carried out in nursing education. In
et al., 2016; Lubbers and Rossman, 2017). There is little information
this respect, it is recommended that simulation practices should be in­
about examining the compare of HS and LFS simulation in improving
tegrated into the instructional process of IV therapy administration skills
students’ satisfaction and self-confidence level. However, studies indi­
within nursing education. Further studies with larger samples are
cated that HS allows students to increase their self-confidence by
needed to evaluate effecting simulation strategies on students’ perfor­
increasing their self-efficacy before clinical practice (Cohen et al., 2012;
mance in the clinical environment.
Unver et al., 2018).
The implementation of the simulation design elements was evaluated
by the students and both groups had high scores. Total scores on the SDS Funding
total and subscale scores of the HS group were higher but this was not
significant. However, other studies have concluded that high fidelity No financial and personal relationships with other people or orga­
simulation education increased the simulation design element scores of nizations was used in this study.
nursing students (Basak et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2015). Although the
students participating in our study experienced simulation at different Conference presentations
fidelity levels, they had no prior experience with simulation. This may
have led to the conclusion that simulation design features were per­ This research presented as oral presentation at the Annual Mac­
formed in the best way in both groups. Pherson Institute’s 2019 Research on Teaching and Learning Conference
(December 5th–6th, 2019, in Hamilton, ON).
4.4. Clinical assessment skills acquisition
CRediT authorship contribution statement
The results of this study showed that the classifying of IV therapy
complication type and levels obtained by the HS group that used All of the authors have contributed to the study on conception and
moulage were significantly higher than those in the LFS group that used design, drafting the article, revising it critically for important intellec­
visuals. The fidelity must be sufficient to engage learners, allow transfer tual content, and final approval of the version to be published. All au­
of acquired skills. In our study, infiltration and phlebitis moulages were thors are in agreement with the content of the manuscript.
applied on the SPs’ skin using materials wax which gives realistic effect.
In addition, thermophore/cool pack was used in order to feel hot/cold
when palpated. Thus, we expected that using visual and tactile fidelity in Declaration of competing interest
simulation would increase students’ clinical assessment level. The re­
sults of our study show that use of visual as instructional material can be None of the authors have conflicts of interest to disclose. None of the
insufficient to develop students’ clinical assessment for IV therapy authors have any relevant financial disclosures.
complications. Flores and Hess (2018) conducted that to determine Derya Uzelli Yılmaz: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data
whether using SPs dressed in moulage improves pharmacy students’ collection, Writing- Original draft preparation.
ability to assess skin disorders compared to using picture-based paper Dilek Sarı: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data curation, Super­
cases. In this study, SPs with moulage did not improve students’ visual vision, Writing- Reviewing and Editing.

D. Uzelli Yilmaz and D. Sari Nurse Education Today 102 (2021) 104924

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