Evaporation of Pure Liquids With Increased Viscosity in A Falling Film Evaporator
Evaporation of Pure Liquids With Increased Viscosity in A Falling Film Evaporator
Evaporation of Pure Liquids With Increased Viscosity in A Falling Film Evaporator
DOI 10.1007/s00231-007-0317-9
Received: 2 August 2006 / Accepted: 28 May 2007 / Published online: 1 August 2007
Springer-Verlag 2007
Abstract The present study investigated fluid dynamics h heat transfer coefficient (W m–2 K–1)
and heat transfer of viscous pure liquids in a falling film Ka Kapitza number (–)
evaporator. This is of special benefit as it avoids mass MEG Monoethylene glycol
transfer effects on the evaporation behaviour. Experiments Nu Nusselt number (–)
at a single-tube glass falling film evaporator were conducted. Pr Prandtl number (–)
It allowed a full-length optical film observation with a high- Re Reynolds number (–)
speed camera. Additionally the evaporator was equipped Re* Alternative definition of Re (–)
with a slotted weir distribution device. Test fluids provided PG Propylene glycol
viscosities ranging from l = 0.3 to 41 mPa s. The Reynolds
number was between 0.7 and 1,930. Surface evaporation and
Greek symbols
the transition to nucleate boiling were studied to gain :
C Mass flow rate per unit tube circumference (kg m–1 s–1)
information about the film stability at maximum wall
k Thermal conductivity (W m–1 K–1)
superheat. A reliable database for laminar and laminar-wavy
l Dynamic viscosity (Pa s)
viscous single component films was created. The experi-
m Kinematic viscosity (m2 s–1)
mental results show a significant enhancement in the wave
q density (kg m–3)
development due to the film distribution. A wavy flow with
r surface tension (N m–1)
different wave velocities was superposed to the film in each
liquid load configuration without causing a film breakdown
or dry spots on the evaporator tube. It was found that
nucleate boiling can be allowed without causing film insta-
BT Boiling temperature (C)
bilities over a significant range of wall superheat.
CT Condensation temperature (C)
crit critical
i inner
List of symbols
l laminar
A, B, C Constants
turb turbulent
a, b Constants
w wall
cp specific heat capacity (J kg–1 K–1)
wl wavy-laminar
CHEX Cyclohexanol
ov overall
g gravity (m s–2)
1038 Heat Mass Transfer (2009) 45:1037–1046
applications as e.g. the (petro-)chemical, pharmaceutical base on his theoretical approach. The film Reynolds
and food processing. Basically liquid films in the range of number is used to quantify the fluid dynamic state of the
0.1–2 mm thickness are predestined for thermal treatment film. For free falling film systems it is defined as:
of heat sensitive products due to relatively high heat
transfer coefficients and low thermal stress. A falling film C_
Re ¼ ð1Þ
evaporator with a single or multiple tube arrangement is l
one design layout of a thin film heat exchanger. Besides the
general advantages of thin films, it additionally offers good
controllability, limited liquid hold-up and low-pressure
drop. Limitations in application and operation of falling 4 C_
Re ¼ ð2Þ
film equipment often originate from unfavourable fluid l
properties. Especially increased viscosities and the exis-
tence of solids in the process stream may cause severe in
Anglo-Saxon regions. For both definitions it is:
problems in film distribution and stability. In disadvanta- C ¼ mass flow per unit inner tube circumference
geous cases a film breakdown followed by product damage (kg m–1 s–1)
may be the ultimate consequence. The design of falling l = dynamic viscosity (Pa s)
film evaporators is often based on empirical correlations
and rules of thumb, especially for the maximum heat flux For later comparison all correlations using Re* will be
and minimum liquid load. When designed at the border- normalized to Eq. 1.
lines of established operating regions significant over- According to Brauer [3], who followed Eq. 1, the flow in
design may be found. This can largely be attributed to a non-heated aqueous falling film can be classified as
a limited database. It is common knowledge that flow follows:
regimes exert the most pronounced influence on heat laminar flow: Re < 4
transfer, see e.g. [1]. In general the overall performance of transient flow: 4 £ Re £ 400
a falling film heat exchanger depends on: turbulent flow: Re > 400
• the liquids properties The liquid forms a flat film within the laminar regime,
• the geometries of film distribution device and wall/tube which is called ‘‘smooth laminar’’. Under these fluid
surface dynamic conditions, the fluid develops the parabolic
• the liquid load velocity profile described by Nusselt’s theory, see Fig. 1.
• thermal stress When exceeding the critical Reynolds number for the
• the mode of operation (counter- or co-current), vapour laminar condition (Re > 4) typically first waves appear
phase shear stress, etc. after a small fluid dynamic start-up zone. First sinusoidal
Based on the fluid dynamics it can be specified that an waves can be observed followed by horizontal wave peaks,
increase of heat transfer rates is found for wavy and finally see Fig. 2. This structure is the 2-dimensional wavy area.
turbulent film flow.
Since the fluid properties may not be altered signifi-
cantly in a process, the most important factors to affect film
structure are distribution device and tube geometry. This
study shows the influence of a slotted weir film distribution
device, in combination with grooved tube geometry, on the
initiation of waves and the minimization of the fluid dy-
namic inlet zone. Additionally experimental data are ob-
tained for the maximum wall superheat before film
instabilities occur.
2 Theory
Heat Mass Transfer (2009) 45:1037–1046 1039
The flow condition in this transient range is known as 3–4 times the thickness of the film. In a related study,
‘‘wavy laminar’’. When Re is increased further more Wasden and Dukler [8] explained how these waves caused
v-shaped wave peaks develop with different amplitudes recirculation effects in the film, which gave rise to the
and velocities. This region is 3-dimensional but still with a increase of the heat and mass transfer rates. Further
laminar base pattern although developing rolling waves investigations by Jayanti and Hewitt [9] have focused on
might travel faster than smaller ones and the residual film. proving that it is not this recirculation effect that causes
Nevertheless these waves remain small and regular up to transfer enhancement, but rather the effective thinning of
Reynolds numbers of approximately 400. Beyond Rey- the film. They claimed that the evolution of the wave shape
nolds numbers of this critical value for the turbulent con- is too slow to affect the fluid dynamics. They concluded
dition (Re > 400) larger and irregular waves arise and that the overall heat transfer coefficient is primarily
additionally the fluid elements can develop an irregular determined by conduction through the film.
transverse movement, perpendicular to the falling direc- Within the last 20 years the step from statistical analysis
tion. In general the wave velocity of the rolling waves is to numerical simulation of wave evolution in thin falling
decoupled from the residual film whereas it is almost the films was accompanied by the development of measure-
same in the wavy-laminar state. In these conditions the film ment techniques that can visualize local film thickness and
is ‘‘fully turbulent’’ and leads to a significant enhancement velocity profiles [10–12]. Al-Sibai [13] studied the influ-
of the heat and mass transfer rates. Figure 2 summarizes ence of fluid properties on fluid dynamics and heat transfer.
the different wave evolutions with an annular gap distri- Assuming that the Reynolds number is not sufficient to
bution device as it frequently used in experimental setups. describe the film in his state, they used Particle Image
In order to improve understanding of the relationship Velocimetry and an Infrared Camera to prove that liquid
between the wave phenomena and an increase of the heat films with similar Reynolds number form different wave
transfer, many experimental studies have been performed profiles. The Kapitza number was used to consider differ-
in the last decades. Early attempts to test and improve ent fluid properties, especially the influence of surface
correlations were made by Kapitza [4] who applied sinu- tension on wave evolution and heat transfer. It is defined
soidal wave models. These models predict lower transport as:
rates than those from Nusselt’s theory at high Reynolds
number. Further attempts were made by Seban and Faghri q r3
Ka ¼ ð3Þ
[5] who observed an enhancement of heat transfer due to g l4
the waves through experiments but were unable to explain
the nature of the waves. For a closer look on the structure with
of these irregular waves, Telles and Dukler [6] and Chu and g= gravity (m s–2)
Dukler [7] carried out a large series of experiments. Their r= surface tension (N m–1)
major finding was that the film structure could be described q= density (kg m–3).
adequately as large waves travelling on a thin and nearly
smooth sublayer. The amplitude of these waves often was To date available computer capacities allow detailed
numerical simulations in 2-D and 3-D. The understanding,
simulation and prediction of falling liquid film behavior
was the objective of several authors. Alekseenko [14],
Miyara [15] and Heidrich [16] summarize the work of the
last decade and present their own correlations and models
for falling liquid film structures but each still in a selected
range of Reynolds, Prandtl and Kapitza numbers.
Besides the understanding of falling films on smooth
surfaces many authors influenced fluid dynamics and heat
transfer with special tube geometries:
• twisted tubes with profiles, see e.g. [17]
• rough, porous surfaces, e.g. [18]
• Gregorig–profiles (double fluted tubes), e.g. [19]
• corrugated tubes, film promoters, e.g. [20, 21]
In each case the heat transfer was increased—partly with
a significant tendency to fouling, film breakdown and in-
Fig. 2 Wave initiation creased pressure drop.
1040 Heat Mass Transfer (2009) 45:1037–1046
Heat Mass Transfer (2009) 45:1037–1046 1041
4 Results
1042 Heat Mass Transfer (2009) 45:1037–1046
Table 1 Experiments for evaporating films Eqs. 11 and 12. It is apparent that the conducted experi-
Liquid Pr Visc. Temp. Flow Remin Remax
ments cover the full range of the characteristic fluid dy-
(–) (mPas) (C) (l/h) (–) (–) namic regimes.
Following definitions for the critical Reynolds number
Water 1.75 0.28 99.6 35–280 240 1930 without the influence of the Kapitza factor, Höhne et al.
MEG 12 0.99 145 40–280 84 586 [27] suggested:
PG 29 1.8 130 40–300 43 319 Laminar: Recrit = 4.42
44 3 95 40–300 27 203 Wavy-laminar: Recrit = 19.55–86.43
CHEX 29 1.2 120 40–300 58 432 Turbulent: Recrit = 382.15
40 1.8 105 40–300 41 305
78 3.8 80 40–300 19 145 The movable CCD camera recorded frames and movies
108 5.5 70 40–300 13 101 from the full length of the evaporator tube. Of special
130 6.7 65 40–240 11 66 interest is the entry zone where an immediate effect of the
distribution device was visible. Its objective to shorten the
fluid dynamic start-up zone and to establish a stable
Table 2 Experiments for fluid dynamics only
laminar-wavy, wavy or even turbulent flow at lower Re
Liquid Pr Visc. Temp. Flow Remin Remax numbers than for a standard device was achieved.
(–) (mPas) (C) (l/h) (–) (–)
Figures 6 and 7 show single frames at the maximum
PG 48 3.3 90 40–160 24.4 97.7 viscosities combined with the minimum flow rates (Rey-
107 7.8 60 40–160 10.5 42 nolds numbers) at 25–55 mm below the circular inner
396 31.2 30 10–60 0.7 4 groove, see Fig. 4. Although the Reynolds number indi-
CHEX 29 1.22 120 40–300 57.6 432 cates a fully smooth laminar film it is obvious that the film
40 1.8 105 40–300 40.7 305 distribution configuration significantly enhances wave
78 3.8 80 10–180 4.8 87 initiation.
108 5.5 70 10–180 3.4 60.3 First single waves are visible and propagate to wave
158 8.4 60 10–130 2.2 28.9 fronts along the flow direction. Slowly increasing the flow
241 13.4 50 14–130 2 18.3 rate producing a maximum of Re = 4 the wave evolution
388 22.6 40 20–120 1.7 10.1 was clearly visible as Fig. 7 shows. According to Eqs. 11
663 40.5 30 20–80 0.9 3.8
and 12 the flow should be in the laminar state, especially
with a non-slotted weir or annular gap distribution. By
optical observation and several test recordings the wave
Re 0:47 Ka0:1 ð11Þ pattern was found to be stable along the tube axis at all
films are generally smooth laminar. With respect to fluid conditions. A fluid dynamic start-up zone could not be
dynamics the present study aims at finding identified with the available measurement technique.
Numerical simulations using CFD methods may give ac-
(a) the characteristic conditions at which transition from cess to this resolution [14–16].
laminar smooth to laminar-wavy and from laminar- The optical access to the film allowed for an analysis of
wavy to turbulent flow occurs, the critical Reynolds number at which a significant change
(b) whether Re number alone is a sufficient criterion for of the wave pattern was observed. A direct comparison to
these transitions or whether surface tension effects the heat transfer results was possible then. Figure 8 shows
have to be accounted for through Ka number, and results for the wave peak velocity and the identification of a
(c) which effect nucleate boiling has on these transitions. critical Reynolds number for propylene glycol. The aver-
The Eq. 11 is based on experiments with vertical plane age film velocity was calculated with the Nusselt film
water films performed by Brauer [3]. Only few investiga- thickness. Clearly two flow regimes may be identified.
tions with other fluids than water or aqueous mixtures have Below Recrit 50 a laminar-wavy flow is observed while
been reported. With increasing Reynolds number the for Re > Recrit turbulent flow conditions are found. Results
adjacent flow regimes of unstable and stable laminar wavy for cylohexanol show similar characteristics.
flow can be defined as
4.2 Heat transfer
2:2 Ka Re 75; ð12Þ
The second part of the study investigated heat transfer,
see Ishigai et al. [26]. Figure 5 shows the results for the especially the beginning of nucleate boiling and its influ-
Kapitza and Reynolds values for cyclohexanol relating to ence on fluid dynamics. For a consistent nomenclature to
Heat Mass Transfer (2009) 45:1037–1046 1043
Ka [-]
1E+06 laminar film flow
unstable laminar Re=2.2 * Ka0.1
wavy flow
0 1 10 100 1000
Re [-]
describe transition from convective to nucleate boiling the • Pr < 50: Nucleate boiling at wave fronts and in the
overall temperature difference DTov was defined as: main (laminar) film possible
• Pr > 50 and DTi = 8.5 K: Irregular bubble formation
DTov ¼ TCT TBT ð13Þ only at the front end of waves
and • Pr > 50 and 8.5 K < D Ti < 12.5K (DTov = 40 K):
Bubbles at the front area of waves and irregular single
bubbles in the main (laminar) film.
DTi ¼ Tw;i TBT ð14Þ
Figures 9 and 10 show examples of the film material for
as the relevant mean tube side wall superheat. Due to the two typical cases. In Fig. 9 the bubbles formed at wave
low conductivity of Borosilicate glass with k = 1.2 W m–1 fronts and in the main layer of the film of pure propylene
K–1 a variation of DTov = 10, 20, 30, and 40 K was chosen glycol. Figure 10 shows the shape of a bubble which was
to allow a discussion about the maximum overall temper- initiated at the wave front and followed the wave shape
ature difference before film instabilities occur. Tube side with downwards flow. It should be noted that for DTov ‡
wall superheat DTi is the governing thermal parameter 30 K and Pr < 50 irregular film instabilities occurred
to influence boiling behaviour on the film side. In general especially when different rolling waves interfered — a
it was found that for DTi < 6.5 K, resp. DTov < 20 K massive bubble formed but without a film break-up.
no nucleate boiling was visible with the camera. With A dry spot or dewetting was observed only for DTov =
DTi = 6.5 K (DTov = 20 K) beginning nucleate boiling was 40 K with Pr < 50 due to the fact that a significant amount
observed depending on Re with Pr < 50. For Pr > 50 a of the film volume was evaporated after a length of approx.
transition to nucleate boiling was found for DTi ‡ 8.5 K 1 m and in conclusion the film thickness decreased below
(DTov ‡ 30 K) only. its critical value. A detailed analysis of this phenomenon is
Analysis of the film material showed the following part of a current study and will be reported in the future.
classification for DTi ‡ 8.5 K, resp. DTov ‡ 30 K: A more detailed analysis of heat transfer is presented in
Fig. 11 for Pr = 78. It shows the Nusselt number as
Fig. 6 Cyclohexanol, Re = 0.9, Pr = 663, l = 41 mPas Fig. 7 Cyclohexanol, Re = 3.8, Pr = 663, l = 41 mPas
1044 Heat Mass Transfer (2009) 45:1037–1046
velocity [m/s]
vaverage (Pr 29)
vaverage (Pr 395)
0,1 1 10 100 1000
Re [-]
determined from the experimental heat transfer coefficients analysis with the CCD camera showed that additionally to
as a function of the Reynolds number with the overall single bubbles travelling surface waves in a 2-D film pro-
temperature difference as parameter. For Re < 55 the da- file occurred. This could lead to increased forced convec-
tapoints for all three DTov-values fall together at the tion, which is independent of the wall superheat. An
respective Re = const. Exceeding a Reynolds number of increasing heat transfer coefficient can therefore be
Re = 55 Nusselt numbers for DTov = 30 K deviate signifi- attributed to nucleate film boiling.
cantly from the other two showing a more pronounced It should be noted that no film break-up was observed
increase with Re. This is due to the fact that an additional for test configurations with Pr > 50 on the full length of the
mechanism for heat transfer is active compared to DTov evaporator tube. Depending on the boiling fluid properties
= 10 or 20 K, resp. The optical inspection of the film and its thermal stability an increase of wall superheat for
evaporation revealed the presence of nucleate boiling at this Pr range is possible using the presented liquid distri-
DTov = 30 K and Re > 55. This corresponds with the fluid bution device. For a detailed analysis of its influence
dynamic findings in Fig. 8, which indicate the transition numerical simulation tools will be considered in the future.
from laminar-wavy to wavy or even turbulent pattern. The
film itself did not destabilize or even break-up. Addition-
ally a general deviation for Pr = 78 from the models was 5 Conclusions
obvious. It should be noted that a comparison is only al-
lowed for the state of surface evaporation. For further Evaporation from free falling liquid films builds on a
analysis of these phenomena additional experimental and complex interaction of fluid dynamics with heat and mass
theoretical investigations will be presented in a future transfer. Physical properties of the fluid, design and oper-
study. ation of the equipment determine the overall performance.
To complement the optical results and the measured To enhance heat transfer and to optimize film evaporation
heat flux density of 3.8–9 kW m–2 tube side wall temper- the influence of film generation and fluid dynamics was
atures were calculated for Pr = 78, see Fig. 12. For very investigated in detail.
low Reynolds numbers the wall superheat is significantly
higher and decreases with larger values of Re. Optical
Fig. 9 Propylene glycol, Re = 102, Pr = 40, DTov = 30 K Fig. 10 Cyclohexanol, Re = 67, Pr = 58, DTov = 30 K
Heat Mass Transfer (2009) 45:1037–1046 1045
Nu [-]
no influence of Pr
and Re
0,25 surface
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Re [-]
∆Tov=10 K
2. The film distribution device was identified to support
∆Tov=20 K the wave evolution and film stability and wave for-
∆Tov=30 K
20 mation/film pattern had an influence on the critical
Reynolds number where nucleate boiling started.
15 3. Fluid properties had an influence on the beginning of
∆ Ti [K]
nucleate boiling.
10 4. Depending on Pr and Re for DTov ‡ 30 K the heat
transfer was increased significantly and beginning
nucleate boiling was observed.
5. With elevated Prandtl numbers a deviation between the
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
known correlations to predict Nu was found.
Re [-]
Further investigations are currently performed to explain
Fig. 12 Calculated wall superheat with constant heat flux density the influence of the surface tension and to extend appli-
(3.8–9 kW m–2) for cyclohexanol, Pr = 78 cability of correlations for larger Pr numbers.
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