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Revised Contract Musat

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Cadet Sponsorship Agreement

1. Name of Cadet (referred to as Seafarer or
Musat Radu Stefan

2. Rank: Engine Cadet

3. Date of Birth: 5/27/1998

4. Place/Country of Birth: Constanta, Romania

5. Nationality: Romanian

6. APM-ID: 7001699

7. Date of signing Agreement: 6/9/2021

8. Recognized Rank Seniority Date: N.A

9. Company Seniority Date: N.A

10. Name and address of Ship Owner* 11. Signature and Details (Cadet)

Maersk Tankers A/S I declare:

(a) that the Shipowner’s representative has provided a sufficient
Holmbladsgade 133, opportunity for me to review and take advice on the terms and
conditions of this agreement;
DK-2300 Copenhagen (b) that the Shipowner’s representative has explained my rights and
Denmark. (Company reg. no. 28673590) responsibilities under this agreement; and
(c) that I enter into the agreement freely
(d) that no fees or other charges for providing employment are borne
directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by me
*Shipowner means the owner of the ship or another
organization or person, such as the ship manager, who has Name:
assumed the responsibility for the operation of the ship from
Musat Radu Stefan
the owner and who, on assuming such responsibility, has
agreed to take over the duties and responsibilities imposed
Date: 9/6/2021
on shipowners in accordance with Maritime Labour
Convention. (See Article II(1)(j) of the Maritime Labour
Address(residence): 87 Mihail Eminescu Street
Convention) Techirghiol; Constanta
12. Signature and Date (Shipowner’s representative**) (place where this agreement is
entered into; also referred to as place of engagement):

Authorised by Shipowner (As defined under box 10) to issue Contract of Employment.
**Entities defined as Branch offices under vessel’s DOC or Recruitment and Placement Services under vessel’s DMLC Part II.

Name: Sandru Luiza Stamp:

Date: 06.09.2021

Address: Constanta, Lahovari Street, No.103,


13. Stipend ref. clause 11 USD 450.00

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(Ref. MLC 2006 Standard A2.1 the Cadet must bring along this Agreement and present it
to the Captain on board. The Captain may keep the contract in file and return it when the
Cadet signs off)

1.0 General information resolved in accordance herewith at any ordinary court in

London, United Kingdom, unless flag state law so
1.1. DATE OF SIGNING AGREEMENT: This agreement prohibits
commences from the date indicated in Box 7 on page 1
of this agreement. However, if the date of first departure
2.0 Pre-Embarkation / Boarding Vessel
is prior to the date indicated in Box 7, the official date of
this agreement will be the same date as the date of first 2.1. For the purposes of this agreement, your address is
departure. Any computation of payments in accordance stated under box no. 11 on page 1. Any relocation must
with this agreement will only start with effect from the be informed immediately to the company. Any relocation
date of first departure. The date of first departure will be from your current address to another country of
defined as the date of first departure after signing this residence, may lead to termination of this agreement and
agreement from cadet’s country of residence to join one a new agreement may be issued stipulating revised
of the company’s vessels. terms and conditions.
1.2. The date of first departure as determined under clause 2.2. In connection with each new assignment and tour of duty
1.1 will be recognized as the company seniority date. you will receive a Joining Letter detailing vessel or vessel
1.3. The Company hereby offers and the Cadet hereby type to which you are appointed as well as port and date
accepts to sail on the Company’s vessels as a Cadet to of embarkation.
complete the practical training as a part of training
required for obtaining Certificate of Competence as Deck 3.0 Medical Certification and Condition
or Engine Watch keeping officer.
1.4. It must be understood that the Company is offering the 3.1. The Company shall be entitled to require that any Cadet
Cadet an opportunity to complete their required training shall have a satisfactory pre-boarding medical
in order to qualify as Deck or Engine Watch keeping examination, at Company expense, by a Company-
officers. The Cadet will not be solely responsible for any nominated doctor and that the Cadet answer faithfully
watch keeping duties nor relieve any of the vessel’s staff any questionnaire on their state of health, which may be
in any normal repair and maintenance jobs being required. Failure to do so may affect the Cadet’s
performed for the safe operation of the vessel. entitlement to compensation as per Articles 17.0, 18.0,
1.5. MEDIA: You are not to give any information to press, 19.0, 20.0 and 21.0. Continued sponsorship will be
radio or television without consent, in writing, from the conditional on obtaining and maintaining a valid
Company. National, MLC and/or Flag state approved Cadet medical
1.6. CONFIDENTIALITY: The Cadet shall not, whether during fitness certificate. Time devoted to undergoing such a
the currency of this agreement or after its termination medical check-up will be on cadet’s account.
for whatever reason, use, disclose or distribute to any 3.2. A Cadet who holds a medical fitness certificate and who
person or entity, otherwise than as necessary for the develops a significant medical condition including injury
proper performance of their duties and responsibilities or illness, which adversely affects or is reasonably likely
under this agreement, or as required by law, any adversely to affect the Cadet’s ability to carry out his
confidential information, messages, data or trade duties, including the Cadet’s ability to undertake
secrets acquired by the Cadet in the course of emergency duties may be required to undergo a new
performing her or his duties under this agreement. This medical examination prior to expiry of the valid medical
includes, but is not limited to, information about the certificate. It is the Cadet’s obligation to report such
Company’s business. conditions to the company as soon as practicable.
1.7. USE OF INTERNET AND E-MAIL: The Cadet will have
access to email and the Internet in the course of her or 4.0 Probationary Service
his training. The Cadet shall ensure that at all times her
or his use of the email and Internet facilities at work 4.1. The first 1 month on-board a vessel with the Company
meets the ethical and social standards of the workplace. shall be regarded as probationary and both the Seafarer
Whilst a reasonable level of personal use is acceptable and/or the Company shall be entitled to terminate this
to the Cadet, this must not interfere with the Cadet’s agreement prior to the expiry of this agreement during
training duties or obligations and must not be illegal or this period. In such event the cost of repatriation shall
contrary to the interests of the Company. The Cadet be on the Company’s account unless notice given by
shall also comply with all email and Internet policies Seafarer is for unjustified reasons.
issued by the Company from time to time.
1.8. In case of inconsistencies between provisions of this 5.0 Duration of On-Board Training Assignment
agreement and standards set according to any applicable
and or valid Collective Bargaining Agreement covering 5.1. Your tenure on-board will be 6 months +/- 1 month from
the date of sign on on-board Company’s vessel.
the rank, nationality and vessel’s flag for which the
5.2. Any extension to the said period should be mutually
Cadet has been assigned or in accordance with the
agreed between the Company and the Cadet.
vessels flag state merchant shipping act – the provision
favouring the Cadet shall take precedence.
1.9. DISPUTE RESOLUTION CLAUSE: Any dispute arising
from and in connection with this agreement shall be

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6.0 Cadet Training Obligations operational conditions but in such cases the Cadet shall
have an adequate compensatory rest period.
10.7. Emergency drills will be conducted in such a manner that
6.1. When a Cadet joins an Assigned Vessel, he will be under minimises the disturbance of rest periods and does not
the command of the Master. The Cadet shall during sea induce fatigue.
service obey the lawful command of the Master of the 10.8. A short break of less than 1 hour will not be considered
vessel and shall strictly comply with the on-board Safety a period of rest.
Management Systems at all times. His training 10.9. It is the Cadet’s own responsibility and obligation to fully
obligations are listed but not limited as per Appendix 5 observe the applicable rest hour legislation as well as
– Cadet Training Obligation. making consecutive daily registrations of your rest hours
in vessel’s computerised Rest Hour Registration system.
Should the planning of work and rest hours give raise to
7.0 Cadet Training Programme any expected illegal deviations of the applicable rest
hour legislation the Cadet should immediately inform
7.1. The Company shall provide 12 months of seatime vessel’s management for corrective actions.
onboard vessels owned, managed, or operated by the
Company. The 12 months will be split into 2
assignments of 6 months each. 11.0 Stipend & Bonus
7.2. The Cadet shall undergo training ashore and on-board 11.1. The Cadet is entitled for a stipend of USD450.00 (United
required for obtaining the Deck or Engine Watchkeeping States Dollars Four Hundred Only) per month or prorated
Certificate of Competency. for shorter durations as indicated in Box 13 on Page 1.
7.3. The Cadet is allowed a maximum period of twelve (12) Payment will be made for every month onboard or
months to obtain his / her Deck or Engine Watchkeeping prorated for shorter period of service on-board the
Certificate of Competency from the effective date of Company's vessels and the only deductions from such
completion of his/her shipboard training. Should the stipend shall be deductions as recorded in this
Cadet fail to obtain the Certificate of Competency within Agreement and/or other deductions as authorized by the
the said period, the Company reserves the right to reject Cadet.
subsequent employment as officer. 11.2. The Cadet shall be supplied with an account of payment
of their net stipend, after deductions, in a currency
agreed with the Cadet, at the end of each calendar
8.0 Hours of Duty/ Practical Training month.
11.3. Any stipend not drawn by the Seafarer shall
8.1. Consolidated stipend is based on the normal working
accumulate for their account.
week of 44 hours (forty-four) and in compliance with
STCW convention as amended. The normal hours of 11.4. Any upward revision to the stipend may not require
work/practical training shall be 8 (eight) hours per day issuance of a new agreement. Such changes in the
for 5 days in a week and 4 (four) hours for the sixth day wages will be communicated by any communication
with one day of rest per week and rest on public holiday. means available at the disposal of the company. E.g.:
8.2. In case of young Cadet, less than 18 years of age, the The communication means may include one or more of
consolidated stipend is based on the normal working
the following: e-mail, on-board crew management
week of 40 hours (forty) and in compliance with STCW
convention as amended. The normal hours of software or GMP web portal.
work/practical training shall be 8 (eight) hours per day
for 5 days in a week with at least one day of rest per 12.0 Leave
week and rest on public holiday.
12.1. The leave entitlement will be 2.5 days per month or
8.3. The Cadet may be required to work outside the normal
prorated for shorter period.
hours of work/ practical training.
12.2. The stipend as indicated under Article 11.1 includes all
8.4. The stipend being paid out to you includes any time
the leave pay.
devoted for practical training in excess of the above
12.3. However, whilst the Cadet is ashore or on leave,
hours mentioned under Article 8.1 or 8.2 as applicable.
between voyages and/or attending ancillary courses, the
Company shall bear no responsibility to, nor be obligated
9.0 Public Holiday to the Cadet in any manner whatsoever other than set
9.1. Public Holidays will be as governed by the vessels flag out herein.
9.2. The stipend being paid to you includes the payment for 13.0 Warlike Operations Areas
the public holidays.
13.1. A war risk bonus is not part of this agreement. The war
risk bonus shall be determined by and entered into from
10.0 Rest Periods time to time and revised at the same time as agreements
10.1. Rest hour regulations shall be in accordance with the between the unions of any applicable CBA and the
vessels flag state merchant shipping act for which the vessel’s Ship Owners’ Association and/or any flag state
Cadet has been assigned. nominated Shipping Committees.
10.2. Each Cadet shall have a minimum of 10 hours rest in any 13.2. During the assignment the Cadet shall be given full
24-hour period. information of the war zone’s inclusion in the ship’s
10.3. The hours of rest may be divided into no more than two trading pattern and shall have the right not to proceed
periods, one of which shall be at least 6 hours in length. to a warlike operations area, in which event the Cadet
10.4. Not less than 77 hours of rest are provided in any seven shall be repatriated at Company’s’ cost with benefits
day-period. accrued until date of return to the port of engagement.
10.5. The Company shall post a table in an accessible place on Where a ship enters into any such define war zone the
board showing in detail the schedule of service at sea Cadet will be paid a war risk bonus at an amount agreed
and in port and the minimum hours of rest for each by the nominated parties.
position on board. 13.3. Where a ship enters into any such define war zone the
10.6. The requirements for rest periods need not be Cadet will be paid a war risk bonus at an amount agreed
maintained in the case of emergency or other overriding by the nominated parties.

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13.4. The Cadet shall have the right to accept or decline the per Article 15.0 except where such termination arises
assignment without risking losing their sponsorship or under Article 15.5, 15.6, and 15.7.
suffering any other detrimental effects. 16.5. When during the course of the voyage, the spouse or the
cohabitee or children, or a parent falls dangerously ill or
14.0 Crew’s Effects in case of their death while the Cadet is serving on-board
14.1. When any Cadet suffers total or partial loss of, or a company vessel, every effort will be made to repatriate
damage to, their personal effects whilst serving on board the Cadet concerned as quickly as possible. The
the ship as a result of wreck, loss stranding or provision shall also be applied with regard to the partner
abandonment of the vessel, or as a result of fire, flooding of a Cadet provided that this partner has been
or collision, excluding any loss or damage caused by the nominated by the Cadet at the time of engagement as
Cadet’s own fault or through theft or misappropriation, the Cadet’s next of kin. Always provided that this does
they shall be entitled to receive from the Company
not affect the flag's state regulations on the safe
compensation up to a maximum of USD 3000. For the
purpose of this clause, Crew’s effect does not include manning of the vessel or when the vessel is unable to
cash in excess of USD 1000. sail should a relief not be immediately available. The
14.2. The Cadet shall certify that any information provided company will bear the cost of such repatriation provided;
with regard to lost property is true to the best of their the Cadet submits proper documentation of cause for
knowledge. such compassionate repatriation.

15.0 Termination of this Agreement 17.0 Medical Attention

15.1. On successful completion of training and on obtaining 17.1. During active service on board the Cadet shall be entitled
your certificate of competency, the Company will to immediate medical attention when required.
endeavour to arrange an employment with the 17.2. The Cadet who is hospitalised abroad owing to sickness
Company. or injury shall be entitled to medical attention (including
15.2. During the probationary period this agreement can be hospitalisation) at the Company’s expense for as long as
terminated by the Company or yourself with 2 weeks such attention is required or until the Cadet is
prior written notice. repatriated to the port of engagement, whichever is the
15.3. If this agreement continues after expiry of any earlier.
probationary period, the period of notice to be given in 17.3. The Cadet who is repatriated to their port of
writing by the Company or yourself to terminate this engagement, unfit as a result of sickness or injury, shall
agreement will be 1 month. be entitled to medical attention (including
15.4. If the period of notice expires during an on-board signed hospitalisation) at the Company’s expense:
on period, and if required by the Company, you shall a.) In the case of sickness, for up to 120 days after
complete the normal tour of duty. repatriation, subject to the submission of satisfactory
15.5. If the Cadet is acting in a disloyal manner or shows medical reports.
disobedience, bad conduct or a lack of interest, despite b.) In the case of injury, for a maximum period of 180
warnings, or if the Cadet does not achieve an acceptable days or until a medical determination is made in
service report from the training institution or from the accordance with Article 20.2 concerning permanent
vessel/s, the Company has the right to terminate this disability.
Agreement without any liability whatsoever on its part. 17.4. Proof of continued entitlement to medical attention shall
15.6. Should the Cadet at any point in time be found of having be by submission of satisfactory medical reports,
provided false and/or withheld information on his / her endorsed, where necessary, by a Company appointed
eligibility or is found not eligible for the Training scheme, doctor. If a doctor appointed by or on behalf of the
as per the existing rules and regulations, the Company Cadet disagrees with the assessment, a third doctor may
has the right to terminate this Agreement without any be nominated jointly between the Company and the
liability whatsoever on its part. Union and the decision of this doctor shall be final and
15.7. Without being limited thereto, failure to maintain due binding on both parties.
observance and compliance with any of the Company 17.5. If the Cadet contracted or suffer sickness or injury
policies, procedures, safety regulations and instructions through his own notorious negligence or immoral acts,
from your superiors will constitute a just cause for the vicious habits, or deliberate refusal to obey lawful orders
Company to terminate this agreement summarily. or heed previous warning of his superiors, then any
expenses advanced by the company due to such
16.0 Repatriation sickness or injuries may be deducted from his salary.
16.1. The Cadet should be entitled for repatriation from port
of sign off till the country of residence or the place of 18.0 Sick Pay
engagement. 18.1. When the Cadet is landed at any port because of sickness
16.2. Repatriation shall take place in such a manner that it or injury, payment of their stipend shall continue until
takes into account the needs and reasonable they have been repatriated at the Company’s expense
requirements for comfort of the Cadet. as specified in Article 16.0.
16.3. During repatriation for normal reasons, the Company 18.2. The Cadet shall be entitled to sick leave while they
shall be liable for the following costs: remain sick up to a maximum of 120 days. However, in
a.) Payment of stipend between the time of discharge the event of incapacity due to an accident, the sick leave
and the arrival of the Cadet till the country of shall be paid for a maximum of 180 days or until the
residence or the place of engagement; injured Cadet has been cured or until a medical
b.) The cost of maintaining the Cadet ashore until determination is made in accordance with clause 20.0
repatriation takes place; concerning permanent disability.
c.) Reasonable personal travel and subsistence costs 18.3. Proof of continued entitlement to sick pay shall be by
during the travel period; submission of satisfactory medical reports, endorsed,
d.) Transport of the Cadet’s personal effects up to a where necessary, by a Company appointed doctor. If a
maximum of 30 kilos. doctor appointed by or on behalf of the Cadet disagrees
16.4. The Cadet shall be entitled to repatriation at the with the assessment, a third doctor may be nominated
Company’s expense on termination of this agreement as jointly between the Company and the Union and the

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decision of this doctor shall be final and binding on both or cremated abroad. If not possible under the
parties. circumstances, the proper disposition thereof, upon
18.4. If the Cadet contracted or suffer illness or injury through agreement with Cadet’s next of kin.
his own notorious negligence or immoral acts, vicious 21.4. Unless prohibited by local law or regulations the
habits, or deliberate refusal to obey lawful orders or heed Company shall bear in full the costs of transporting the
previous warning of his superiors, then any expenses body of deceased Cadet, or the remains and the
advanced by the company due to such sickness or deceased’s personal effects back to the Cadet’s country
injuries may be deducted from his salary. of residence.
18.5. In the event of absence as a result of sickness
aggregating more than 120 days in any consecutive 22.0 Insurance Cover
twelve calendar months, the Company reserves the right
to terminate this agreement by giving appropriate notice 22.1. The Company shall conclude appropriate insurance to
of resignation. Any outstanding accumulated leave cover themselves fully against the possible
earning will then be paid in cash. When the Cadet may contingencies arising from the Articles of this
be reporting fit for duty with a duly valid fitness-for-duty Agreement.
certificate she/he may be offered to renew this
agreement however depending on available vacant 23.0 Personal Protective Equipment
positions to be filled in.
23.1. The Company shall provide the necessary personal
protective equipment in accordance with ISM/IMO
19.0 Maternity
regulations, or any applicable national regulations that
19.1. In the event that the Cadet becomes pregnant during specify any additional equipment, for the use of each
the period of validity of this agreement, the Cadet shall Cadet while serving on board.
advise the master as soon as the pregnancy is 23.2. The Company will supply the crew with appropriate
confirmed; personal protective equipment for the nature of the job.
19.2. The Company will repatriate the Cadet as soon as 23.3. Cadet should be advised of the dangerous nature and
reasonably possible but in no case later than the 6 possible hazards of any work to be carried out and
months of pregnancy; and where the nature of the instructed of any necessary precautions to be taken as
vessel’s operations could in the circumstances are well as of the use of the protective equipment.
hazardous – at the first port of call.
24.0 Shipboard Safety Committee
20.0 Disability
24.1. The Company shall facilitate the establishment of an on
20.1. The Cadet who suffers permanent disability as a result board Safety and Health Committee of practice on
of an accident whilst on-board the vessel owned or accident prevention on board ship at Sea and in Port.
operated by the Company regardless of fault, including 24.2. The Company shall also designate an on board
accidents occurring while travelling to or from the ship, competent safety Cadet who shall implement the
and whose ability to work as Cadet is reduced as a result Company’s safety and health policy and program and
thereof, but excluding permanent disability due to wilful carry out the instructions of the Master to:
acts, shall in addition to sick pay, be entitled to a.) Improve the crew’s safety awareness;
compensation according to the provisions of this b.) Investigate any safety complaints brought to
Agreement. her/his attention and report the same to the
20.2. The disability suffered by the Cadet shall be determined Safety and Health Committee and the individual,
by a doctor appointed by the Company. If a doctor where necessary;
appointed by or on behalf of the Cadet disagrees with c.) Investigate accidents and make the appropriate
the assessment, a third doctor may be nominated jointly recommendations to prevent the recurrence of
between the Company and the Union and the decision of such accidents; and
this doctor shall be final and binding on both parties. d.) Carry out safety and health inspections.
20.3. The Company shall provide disability compensation to
the Cadet in accordance with Appendix 4 - Compensation 25.0 Equality
25.1. Each Cadet shall be entitled to work, train and live in an
environment free from harassment and bullying whether
21.0 Loss of Life – Death in Service
sexually, racially or otherwise motivated. The Company
21.1. If the Cadet dies through any cause whilst on-board the will regard breaches of this undertaking as a serious act
vessel owned or operated by the Company including of misconduct on the part of the Cadet.
death from natural causes and death occurring whilst
travelling to and from the vessel, or as a result of marine 26.0 Grievance and Complaint Procedure
or other similar peril, but excluding death due to wilful
acts, the Company shall pay the sums specified in the 26.1. According to MLC 2006 Regulation 5.1.5 each vessel
attached Appendix 4 - Compensation Payments to a must have on-board procedures for the fair, effective
nominated beneficiary and to each dependent child up to and expeditious handling of Cadet complaints alleging
a maximum of 4 (four) under the age of 21 years. The breaches of the requirements of the MLC Convention.
Company should also transport at its own expense the The procedure outlined in Appendix 2 – Grievance and
body to Cadet’s home where practical and at the families’ Complaints will apply for settlement of any grievance or
request. If the Cadet shall leave no nominated complaint the Cadet may have or wish to make. Upon
beneficiary, the aforementioned sum shall be paid to the embarkation the Cadet will be further informed how the
person or body empowered by law or otherwise to procedure and practices have been implemented on
administer the estate of the Cadet. board.
21.2. Any payment effected under this Article shall be without
prejudice to any claim for compensation made in law but 27.0 Drugs and Alcohol Policy
may be offset against any such payments.
27.1. The cadet agrees to be familiar with and comply with the
21.3. In the case of death occurs on board or ashore during
Company’s Drug and Alcohol Policy. Breach of this policy
the on-board service period the Company shall bear in
will be a disciplinary matter and may lead to termination
full the cost of burial or cremation if the Cadet is buried
of this agreement.
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27.2. Random, unannounced testing will be carried out

anywhere and at any time. Positive findings may result
in immediate termination of this agreement.

28.0 Personal Information

28.1. Any personal or any other information about yourself
gathered by the Company during the course of your
training as per this agreement will be treated as per
Appendix 6 - Consent Concerning Personal Information.

29.0 Superseding effect

29.1. This Statement supersedes all contrary oral or written
understandings and/or impressions relating to your
agreement terms and conditions you may have obtained
in conversation with Company representatives prior to
your signing of this Statement accepting these terms
and conditions. Any previous agreement(s) or contracts
between yourself and the Company or any of its affiliated
entities relating to this agreement terms and conditions
are hereby nullified.

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matter with the Company's designated Manager. In such
Appendix 1 – Disciplinary Procedures cases the representatives shall meet at a mutually agreed
1. The following acts of misconduct, if proved to the location.
reasonable satisfaction of the Master to have been
committed, are those for which notice of resignation or Appendix 2 – Grievance and Complaints
dismissal will, according to the circumstances of the case,
be considered appropriate, apart from any legal action 2.1 Grievance Procedure
which may be called for:
a) Assault; a) The following procedure will apply for the settlement of
b) Wilful damage to ship or any property on board; any grievance or complaint the Seafarer may have or wish
c) Theft or possession of stolen property; to make:-
d) Possession of offensive weapons; b) The Seafarer should first raise the matter with his Head of
e) Persistent or wilful failure to perform duty; Department, who will attempt to resolve the matter.
f) Unlawful possession or distribution of drugs; c) If the Head of Department is unable to resolve the matter,
g) Conduct endangering the ship or persons on board; it shall then be referred to the Master.
h) Combination with others at sea to impede the d) If the grievance cannot be resolved, the decision of the
progress of the voyage or navigation of the ship; Master shall govern at sea and in ports. The Master shall
i) Disobedience of orders relating to safety of the ship as soon as possible refer such dispute to the Company and
or any person on board; afford such facilities necessary to enable the Seafarer to
j) To be asleep on duty or fail to remain on duty if such transmit his appeal to the Company and/or a relevant
conduct would prejudice the safety of the ship or any union in order to have such dispute resolved. At the same
person on board; time the complaint shall be entered into the ship’s log
k) Incapacity through the influence of drink or drugs to book.
carry out duty to the prejudice of the ship or of any e) The Seafarer shall present his complaint to the relevant
person on board; union within 30 days. Otherwise he shall be deemed to
l) To smoke, use a naked light or an unapproved electric have lost his right to complain or file a complaint in any
torch in any part of a ship carrying dangerous cargo court or government office.
or stores where smoking or the use of naked lights or f) Legal action cannot be taken until the Company and the
unapproved torches is prohibited; relevant union have tried to settle the dispute and declared
m) Intimidation, coercion and interference with the work the case should be submitted for judgment according to
of other the Seafarer; laws of the Labour court
n) Behaviour which seriously detracts from the safe and g) It is understood, however, if the dispute could not be
efficient working of the ship; resolved then both parties shall avail of the grievance
o) Behaviour which seriously detracts from the social procedure according to the rules of the Labour Court.
well-being of any other person on board; h) An Seafarer shall not take any legal action in court or any
p) Causing or permitting unauthorized persons to be on government office until the grievance procedure has been
board the ship while it is at sea; exhausted
q) The solicitation or acceptance of any gratuities or
favours, whether in cash or kind, in the course of or 2.2 Complaint Procedure
related to service with the owners;
r) Repeated acts of misconduct of a lesser degree listed a) If the Seafarer has complaints related to her/his rights to
in paragraph (3) after warnings have been given in decent conditions of work, social security and welfare,
accordance with the procedures in paragraph (2). health and safety protection, accident prevention,
2. Lesser acts of misconduct may be dealt with by: accommodation and recreational facilities, no sexual
a) Informal warning administered at an appropriate level harassment, no discrimination because of race, colour,
lower than that of the Master; religion, sex, national origin, handicap, age or ancestry -
b) Formal warning by the Master, recorded in the ship's or any other matter related to alleged breaches of common
official logbook. decency, respect and placement – all vessels’
c) When a formal warning is given, the Cadet should be management will contribute to and in case required also
advised of the likely consequence of further acts of manage and govern a mutual and fair, effective and
misconduct. expeditious handling of any such complaints.
3. Acts of misconduct, if proved to the reasonable satisfaction b) Such complaints should as far as practicable possible be
of the Master, Officer or Petty Officer to have been resolved at the lowest level possible in line of immediate
committed, for which the procedure in paragraph (2) is superiors. However all Seafarers shall have a right to
considered appropriate, are: complain directly to one of the senior officers or the
a) Offences of the kind described in paragraph (1) which master.
are not considered to justify dismissal in the particular c) Seafarers are safeguarded against the possibility of
circumstances of the case; victimization for filing complaints. The term “victimization”
b) Minor acts of negligence, neglect of duty, covers any adverse action taken by any person with
disobedience and assault; respect to the Seafarer for lodging a complaint which is not
c) Unsatisfactory work performance; manifestly maliciously made. Lodging a complaint is
d) Poor time keeping; without prejudice to the Seafarer’s right to seek redress
e) Stopping work before the authorized time; through legal means the Seafarer considers appropriate
f) Failure to report to work without satisfactory reason; and legal.
g) Absence from place of duty or from the ship without d) Seafarers have the right to be accompanied and to be
leave; represented by another Seafarer of their choice on board
h) Offensive or disorderly behaviour. the ship – to attend any meetings into the subject matter
4. In the event of dismissal the Seafarer may contact the of the complaint.
Company’s designated Manager; or the Seafarer may e) If the complaint cannot be resolved, the decision of the
contact an Official of the Union, who may take up the Captain shall govern at sea and in ports. The Master shall

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as soon as possible refer such dispute to the to the against possession or use of drugs or alcohol on board by
relevant Marine HR Department and afford such facilities an Approved Test Provider.
necessary to enable the Seafarer to transmit his appeal to
the Company
c.) Post incident testing
f) Seafarers shall commemorate and respect - that
complaints may be unjustified – such as but not limited to Where there has been a serious marine incident, where it
complaints made with ulterior motive of: is necessary to eliminate the use of drugs or alcohol as a
i. personal revenge
possibility, or where testing is considered necessary,
ii. discrediting others
testing is performed as determined by the Shore-Based
iii. highlighting own excellent entirety at the expense of
Personnel Department and / or the Master.
iv. complaints made in order to have greater personal
3.3 The use of prescribed medication
rights than others and greater personal rights than
can be justified A person on prescribed medication must provide the following
v. preparing a counteract for any later expected personal information to the Master, when boarding: name and type of
prosecution or reprimand for own negligence or medication, trade name and generic name, active ingredient,
breach of obligations dosage to be taken, experienced or IF KNOWN potential side
vi. exclusively made for the purpose of demonstrating effects.
personal power, self-assertion, self-satisfaction and
self-importance 3.4 Consequences
In the event that a person is found to be in possession of drugs
Appendix 3 – Drug and Alcohol Procedure or alcohol while boarding or on board or to be under the
influence of drugs or alcohol, as defined above, actions as
3.1 Policy Deployment - Principles deemed necessary by the Master and / or the Shore-Based
The Health and Safety Policy Statement says that, "It is our Personnel Department will be decided, including removal from
policy to conduct our activities in a manner that protects the the vessel and termination.
health and safety of our employees, and that our vessel When considering disciplinary action against an employee, the
operations and employees do not harm the health and safety Shore-Based Personnel Department and the Master will take all
of others". The Drug and Alcohol Policy Statement says that, of the circumstances into account, including disability, and will
"It is our policy that no employee, contractor or visitor shall be be guided by just cause principles applicable within the flag
under influence of any alcohol or drugs while on-board our jurisdiction.
vessels". In case of reasonable suspicion that a person on board is in
These Policy Statements have been adopted to ensure the possession of or under the influence of drugs or alcohol or is
health and safety of persons on board the vessel and to ensure misusing prescribed medicine, the Master, in consultation with
safe interactions with other persons and units and the the Shore-Based Personnel Department, may initiate a search.
protection of the environment and of assets.
The consequence of the Policy Statements is that no drugs or Appendix 4 - Compensation Payments
alcohol of any kind are allowed on board, except for those
required for the ship's medical supplies and first aid kits and 4.1 Disability
except for prescribed medicines which have been declared and In the event the Seafarer suffers permanent disability in
permitted on board. accordance with the provisions of Article 20.0 of this
Testing to confirm the absence of influence from drugs and Agreement, the scale of compensation provided for under
alcohol is to be carried out in support of the Policies and shall be:
Procedure, for example, on a pre-employment / boarding basis,
on an annual basis, randomly, for just cause, and post-incident. Degree of Percentage Rate of
It is the intention that this Procedure is implemented and Disability Compensation
administered with due respect for the individual.
By accident 100% USD 80,000
By Natural 100% USD 60,000
3.2 Testing
All positions on board Maersk Group vessels are safety-
sensitive positions. It is a violation of this Procedure to refuse In case of where the amounts set under the any applicable and
to take a drug or alcohol test as required. valid Collective Bargaining Agreement covering the rank,
nationality and vessel’s flag for which the Seafarer has been
a.) Pre-embarkation / boarding: assigned are higher than the abovementioned amount than the
more favourable compensation will prevail.
Prior to embarkation / boarding first assignment, all
personnel shall undergo a Medical Certificate for
Seafarers with a satisfactory result. Examination for 4.2. Loss of Life – Death in Service
alcohol dependency is part of the medical examination. Death by accident: Death in service benefits as provided in
Article 19 of this agreement will be:
b.) Random tests To the nominated beneficiary: USD 80,000

Unannounced drug and alcohol tests or searches may be Death by Natural causes: Death in service benefits as
initiated by the Shore-Based Personnel Department and / provided in Article 20 of this agreement will be:
or the Master to monitor compliance with the prohibition To the nominated beneficiary: USD 60,000

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In case of where the amounts set under the any applicable and life and sexual orientation and criminal activity and record)
valid Collective Bargaining Agreement covering the rank, placed on such systems or drives by me, (b) all personal
nationality and vessel’s flag for which the Seafarer has been content and communications, (c) all content and
assigned are higher than the abovementioned amount than the communications place on such systems or drives by me with or
more favourable compensation will prevail. regarding job applicants who are not currently being
considered for a job, and (d) all files placed on such systems
or drives by me evidencing any government-issued
Appendix 5 – Cadet Training Obligation identification of any person, unless necessary for a legitimate

During the training, the Cadet agrees to abide by all the terms Modification of employment agreement
and conditions set out herein or communicated by the The following replaces the data-related provisions of your
Company to the Cadet from time to time. The Cadet must employment agreement with Maersk Tankers A/S:
follow the Company policies and procedures at all times. Any
breach of this Clause by the Cadet will entitle the Company to I consent that any personal data gathered by Maersk Tankers
terminate this Agreement without any prior notice to the Cadet. A/S provided by me during my recruitment process as well as
personal data provided by me or compiled during my
The Cadet shall be deemed to have acquainted himself with the employment with the Maersk Tankers A/S (collectively,
terms and provisions of the Standing Instructions, appropriate “personal data”) may be kept by Maersk Tankers A/S for
Master’s Circulars, Letter of Appointment and the Cadet purposes of facilitating my employment. I understand that
Training Scheme, all of which shall be deemed incorporated Maersk Tankers A/S will hold and process my personal data
herein and shall form part of this contract. Copies of these subject to relevant personal data protection law.
documents will be made available to the Cadet on request.
I consent that Maersk Tankers A/S may forward certain of my
personal data to other entities within Maersk Tankers A/S
The Cadet is responsible for his own progress throughout the
globally for the purpose of facilitating my employment,
Cadet Training Programme in accordance with the standards
including for the purposes of more effectively operating Maersk
required by the Company. In this respect, he must ensure that
Tankers A/S. I also consent that Maersk Tankers A/S may
the projects contained in his Training Record Book are
provide certain of my personal data to other entities outside
completed and signed off during the course of his Cadetship.
Maersk Tankers A/S as necessary for the purposes of
facilitating my employment. I consent that such may include
Whilst signed on board an Assigned Vessel, the Cadet’s
providing certain among my personal data to government
performance shall be monitored by the Master and respective
agencies as required by law or to private entities responsible
training officers.
for facilitating your employment with Maersk Tankers A/S. I
consent that this may include provision of medical information
The Cadet must show an interest in ship, machinery, stores
or other sensitive data about me. I understand that, where
and all the tasks he is involved with. The Cadet shall, at all
required, Maersk Tankers A/S will contractually agree with such
times by day or night, whenever his services may be required,
parties as to their processing of my personal data.
be diligent in his duty, promote the interests of the Maersk
Group and maintain a high sense of integrity. The Cadet agrees I consent that all personal data is kept for the entire duration
to serve on board any vessels owned or operated by the Maersk of my employment with Maersk Tankers A/S and deleted within
Group, trading worldwide. a time period as required by law after termination of my
employment. I understand that I have the right to withdraw
The Cadet shall keep in contact with the Company regarding my consents as provided here or to object to Maersk Tankers
his next vessel appointment. He must maintain a record of his A/S’s control of or processing my personal data. Any such
seatime and ensure that all required ancillary courses have withdraw or objection should be sent to
been completed. I understand that I have
the right to complain to the Danish Data Agency as to any
The Cadet shall be responsible for obtaining and ensuring the mishandling of my personal data as provided by law.
validity of all his travel documents prior to being signed onto
the Assigned Vessel.

Appendix 6 - Consent Concerning Personal Information Signature of Seafarer: _______________________________

Data Privacy
Date of Signature: 06/09/2021
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes limits
on the personal data that Maersk Tankers A/S may possess and Place of Signature: CONSTANTA, Romania
requires consent for certain employment-related processing of
personal data. To ensure compliance, Maersk Tankers A/S
employees are being asked to (i) remove certain personal data
from systems and drives and verify compliance, and (ii)
execute a modification of the data-related provisions of their
employment agreement.

Personal data clean-up verification

I verify that I understand and have complied in good faith with
the requirement to delete and going forward to not maintain
the following content and communications on Maersk Tankers
A/S systems and drives to which I have access: (a) all sensitive
personal data (ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or
philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic or
biometric data, anything about health (mental or physical), sex

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