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Union Motors v. CA

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Union Motor Corporation v. Court of Appeals (Kat) spouses the downpayment (P10,037.

uses the downpayment (P10,037.00) and the sum of P7,507 with the
July 20, 2001 | De Leon, Jr., J. | Acquisition of Ownership corresponding legal interest until it has been fully paid.

PETITIONER: Union Motor Corporation CA: Affirmed the RTC ruling.

RESPONDENTS: The Court of Appeals, Jardine-Manila Finance Inc., Spouses
Albiato Bernal and Milagros Bernal DOCTRINE: No delivery of the vehicle took place. The registration certificate
CASE: An appeal by way of a petition for review on certiorari signed by the respondent spouses does not conclusively prove that constructive
SUMMARY: On September 14, 1979, the respondent Bernal spouses purchased delivery was made nor that ownership has been transferred to the respondent
from petitioner Union Motor Corporation one Cimarron Jeepney for Thirty spouses. Like the receipt and the invoice, the signing of the said documents was
Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Eight Pesos and Sixty Centavos qualified by the fact that it was a requirement of petitioner for the sale and
(P37,758.60) to be paid in installments. For this purpose, the respondent spouses financing contract to be approved. In all forms of delivery, it is necessary that
executed a promissory note and a deed of chattel mortgage in favor of the the act of delivery, whether constructive or actual, should be coupled with
petitioner. Meanwhile, the petitioner entered into a contract of assignment of the the intention of delivering the thing. The act, without the intention, is
promissory note and chattel mortgage with Jardine-Manila Finance, Inc. insufficient. The critical factor in the different modes of effecting delivery
Through Manuel Sosmeña, an agent of the petitioner, the parties agreed that the which gives legal effect to the act, is the actual intention of the vendor to deliver,
respondent spouses would pay the amount of the promissory note to and its acceptance by the vendee. Without that intention, there is no tradition.
Jardine-Manila Finance, Inc., the latter being the assignee of the petitioner. To
effectuate the sale as well as the assignment of the promissory note and chattel
mortgage, the respondent spouses were required to sign a notice of assignment, a
deed of assignment, a sales invoice, a registration certificate, an affidavit, and a
disclosure statement. The respondent spouses were obliged to sign all these ISSUE/s:
documents because, according to Sosmeña, it was a requirement of petitioner 1. Was there an actual delivery of the vehicle – NO.
Union Motor Corporation and Jardine-Manila Finance, Inc. for the respondent
spouses to accomplish all the said documents in order to have their application RULING: SC affirmed the CA’s Decision.
approved. Upon the respondent spouses' tender of the downpayment worth Ten
Thousand Thirty-Seven Pesos (P10,037.00), and the petitioner's acceptance of RATIO:
the same, the latter approved the sale. Although the respondent spouses have not 1. Undisputed is the fact that the respondent Bernal spouses did not come into
yet physically possessed the vehicle, Sosmeña required them to sign the receipt possession of the subject Cimarron jeepney that was supposed to be
as a condition for the delivery of the vehicle. Sps. Bernal continued to settle the
delivered to them by the petitioner. The registration certificate, receipt and
agreed installments despite the nondelivery of the subject vehicle. They paid at
sales invoice that the respondent Bernal spouses signed were explained
total of P7,507 before they stopped paying due to the non-delivery of the said
vehicle. Jardine-Manila Finance, Inc., filed a complaint for a sum of money, during the hearing without any opposition by the petitioner. According to
docketed as Civil Case No. 42849, against the respondent Bernal spouses before testimonial evidence adduced by the respondent spouses during the trial of
the then Court of First Instance of Manila. This case was later on transferred to the case, the said documents were signed as a part of the processing and
the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 150. On November 10, 1981, the for the approval of their application to buy the subject motor vehicle.
complaint was amended to include petitioner Union Motor Corporation as Without such signed documents, no sale, much less delivery, of the subject
alternative defendant, the reason being that if the respondent spouses' refusal to jeepney could be made. The documents were not therefore an
pay Jardine-Manila Finance, Inc. was due to petitioner's non-delivery of the unit,
acknowledgment by respondent spouses of the physical acquisition of the
the latter should pay Jardine-Manila Finance, Inc. what has been advanced to the
subject motor vehicle but merely a requirement of petitioner so that the said
petitioner. After the petitioner filed its answer, the respondent spouses filed their
amended answer with cross-claim against the former and counterclaim against subject motor vehicle would be delivered to them.
Jardine-Manila Finance, Inc.
2. We have ruled that the issuance of a sales invoice does not prove
RTC: ruled in favor of the spouses. Union Motor was then bound to pay the transfer of ownership of the thing sold to the buyer; an invoice is
nothing more than a detailed statement of the nature, quantity and cost
of the thing sold and has been considered not a bill of sale.

3. The registration certificate signed by the respondent spouses does not

conclusively prove that constructive delivery was made nor that ownership
has been transferred to the respondent spouses. Like the receipt and the
invoice, the signing of the said documents was qualified by the fact that it
was a requirement of petitioner for the sale and financing contract to be
approved. In all forms of delivery, it is necessary that the act of delivery,
whether constructive or actual, should be coupled with the intention of
delivering the thing. The act, without the intention, is insufficient. The
critical factor in the different modes of effecting delivery which gives legal
effect to the act, is the actual intention of the vendor to deliver, and its
acceptance by the vendee. Without that intention, there is no tradition.

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