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Technopak, in 2004

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It is difficult to find such a large-scale industry in the country that is so disorganized as the

Indian textile industry"

                                                                     Arvind Singhal, Chairman, KSA
Technopak, in 2004

"We have acted, but very late. The industry is back loaded with the technological
obsolescence and sub-scale of operations"
                                                                        S P Oswal, Chairman, Vardhman
Group, in 2005

FOR long, no one paid much attention to the Indian textile industry. Most companies were in
the doldrums, mired in debt and struggling with over-capacity. Textile scrips were largely
inactive and the removal of quotas seemed a distant possibility. But as the deadline for the
phasing out of the Multi-Fiber Agreement drew nearer, the industry appears to have got a
new lease of life with modernization, expansion and value chain concept brought into
practice. It is major industry of India from exports, revenue and employment potential point
of view, and for that matter, for most of countries.

Overview of Indian textile Industry and export performance:

India is replete with natural resources like cotton, jute and silk. Indian products were known
for fine designing, embellishment and craft. Besides this the ancient Indian fabric designers
and weavers were one of the best in the world (Reference: The Dhaka Muslin-one of finest
and light weight weaving that could pass through a finger ring)

Indian textile Industry is also largest employer (after agriculture) of workers directly and
indirectly. Due to ethnic diversity and cultural multiplicity besides racial traces in India's
hinterland, several designs and variety of costumes and apparels are used that enrich
Indian textile garments design possibilities.

Industry plays significant role by contribution of 4% of GDP and 20% to the Indian exports
kitty. Indian textile Industry is completely self reliant in the entire value-chain from cotton
crop to Hi-fashion garment making.

India has around 40 Million Spindles (23% of world) and 0.5 million rotors (6% of world
capacity). India has 1.8 Million Shuttle looms (45% of world capacity), 0.02 Million shuttle
less looms (3% of world capacity) and 3.90 Million handlooms (85 % of world capacity). The
Industry is highly fragmented except for spinning sub-sector and thus manually intensive.
This is obvious from data of weaving sector mentioned above. Organized sector contributes
to almost 100% of spinning but hardly 5 % of weaving of fabric. Cotton products are
stronghold of India. As of March 2004 India had 1787 cotton/man made fiber textile mills
including 1564 spinning mills (stand alone) and 223 Composite verticals. Many organized
sector giants are actually conglomerates of medium sized mills, for example, Vardhman
Group in Punjab.

The Indian textile Industry had been plagued by obsolescence, labor problems, raw material
vagaries and lack of modernization including that of spindles. The post fabric stage
processing technology has also been lagging but is now coming up fast with infusion of
textile processing technology. SSI firms perform the majority of weaving and processing
operations. The level of weaving technology is of lower order and knitting units don't
possess capacity to perform dyeing, processing and finishing to international standards.
The apparel sector has over 25000 domestic manufacturers, 48,000 fabricators and around
4000 manufacturers/exporters. Over 80% of these are small operations (less than 20
machines) and are proprietorship or partnership firms. In 2001, GOI de-notified RMG
products from SSI reservation list for obvious reasons. As stated before, cotton apparels
constitute major part of India's apparel exports, although cotton appears to be
out-thing in current global markets with share declining from 50% in 1982 to 38%
in 2003. The export product mix of India is quite interesting with low and mid priced
products and also high fashion items.

India processed 1900 million kgs of jute fiber at 1st rank, 15 million kgs of raw silk
at 2 nd rank, 2700 Million Kgs of cotton fiber at 3rd rank, over 2000 million Kgs of
man made fiber at 5th rank, and finally 51 million kgs of wool at 8th Rank in Global

After de-throttling of industry under new Textile policy of 1985 man made fiber industry
has seen investments and scale economies coming up. India imports silk, fine quality wool
and rags to feed its organized sector as well as shoddy yarn units. Most of woolen capacity
is concentrated in North India.

Export Scenario:

Textiles contributed 20% of India's exports to about US $ 12.5 Billion. The Quota
Countries mainly USA, EU (15) and Canada constituted 70 % of total garment exports and
40% of India's textiles exports.

In non-quota countries UAE is the largest market with 7% of textile exports and 10% of
garment exports from India.

Table 1
India's Exports: in US $ Billions   Year 2003-04

Countries/Region Export of Textiles Export of garments

World 6.47 6.10
Quota Countries 2.86 4.19
EU 1.64 2.35
USA 1.12 1.60
Canada .098 .239
Source: DGCIS-Calcutta

In exports Cotton yarns, fabric, made ups etc made largest chunk with US$ 3.33 Billion or
26.5% in textiles category, and Ready Made garments (RMG)-cotton including accessories
made largest chunk with 4.67 Billion US $ or 37.1 % of total exports. Whereas, manmade
yarn and fabrics in textiles group and RMG–Man made fibers constituted second position in
the two categories, respectively. Carpets and woolen garments are other items exported
from India.

In Global scenario

Developed countries' exports declined from 52.2% share in 1990 to 37.8 % in 2002
And that of developing countries increased from 47.8% to 62.2 % in the same period
In 2003 the exports figures in percentage of the world trade in Textiles Group (for
select countries) were:

EU (15)       34.8%
USA              6.4%
Japan            3.8%
China          15.9%
Republic of
Korea            6.0%
Taipei, Ch.    5.5%
India             3.8%
Pakistan        3.4%
Turkey          3.1%
Mexico         1.2%

In Clothing Sector the figures were as below in 2003 in percentage of total experts

EU               26.5%
USA              2.5%
China         23.0%
Turkey         4.4%
Mexico        3.2%
India            2.9%
Bangladesh  1.9%

In this sector the exports have declined for EU (15) from 42% to 26.5% in period 1980-
2003 whereas of China increased from 4% to 23% and of India from 1.7% to 2.9%
only. We can see that developing countries' share in textiles had declined and in
clothing it has increased sharply

According to Dr Abdul Kalam the President of India, in a recent speech, the global
competitiveness factors are cost, quality and timely deliveries. Indian textile Industry
certainly does not measure up to these criteria.
To enhance competitiveness both categories of factors-
Internal-like productivity and technology adoption by individual units, and External –like
fiscal policy measures, labor policies and infrastructure are important factors to improve in.

Though India stands second to China in cotton yarn and fabrics, the productivity pf cotton
as measured by yield/Hectare is lowest compared to Brazil, Turkey, China, Pakistan and
USA with Turkey ranking highest followed by China and Brazil.

Global trade in Textiles and clothing has moved from MFA (since 1974) to ATC
(Agreement on Textile and Clothing) which has now been dismantled from 1 st Jan
2005 thus gradually throwing open the Textile trade under new WTO regime,
which will result in adverse effect on some countries and will benefit other
countries like China and India, hopefully, as some of quota areas for USA imports like
Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), African growth
and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and ANDEAN countries will cease to get favorable treatment
under earlier restrained quota regime. The US imports in restrained category has declined
from 86.89% in 1990 to 69.38% in 2003 from these preferential countries while overall
imports increased from 13.11 % to 30.19% from these countries.
Pattern in EU Market:

India's share in EU imports in textiles was 3.6% in 2003 and of clothing 3.0% in
same year. Whereas major chunk of EU imports in both categories came from EU (15)
themselves and C/E Europe, the leading exporter is clearly China with share of 5.3% in
textiles and 12.2 % in clothing. Turkey and Romania are other stronger contenders to
India in EU cake. Pakistan and Bangladesh are following, but Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and
some African countries may loose out post ATC liquidation. Here lies opportunity for India.
India has been leading supplier of cotton yarn to EU with 17.6% share in 2003 up from
8.4% figure in 1990. In fabrics woven from synthetic yarns China has moved up fast
in EU markets from 0.5% in 1990 to 35% share in 2003.

In T shirts- Turkey was clear leader in EU with market share of 30% in 2003 followed by
Bangladesh at 13.8%. In pullovers also these two countries were leading. In trousers worth
noting countries in EU market were Turkey (16%) followed by Tunisia (11%), Romania
(10%), Morocco and Bangladesh (9%) each.

Bangladesh has thus improved its market share in many items thanks to its low cost
operations. For example, in trousers it was Euro 3.9 unit price as compared to Euro 11
per unit from Tunisia.

In women's blouses in EU market Turkey and India each had 14.5% share (India loosing
out) while Romania increasing share to 13.2 %. Hong Kong and China next followed with
8% and 4% share respectively in 2003. India had better unit price of Euro 3.90 as
compared to Euro 2.43 for Bangladesh.

In Men's shirts Bangladesh was leading with 14.5% share in 2003 followed by India,
Romania, Turkey and Hong Kong. Bangladesh had cheapest unit Price at Euro 2.7.

Again China was leading supplier in Women's skirts with 23.3% share (increased). Next was
Romania, and India stood at 5th place with 6.4% market share (actually contracted).

China was again leading in women's Suits with 41% market share in 2003.

The newly acceded EU (10) countries (called ACs) like Poland, Czech republic, Hungary
and Slovakia hitherto enjoyed unrestricted access to EU (15) they will now face stiff
competition from China and India. The EU (25) duties may increase in future and China
and India may loose GSP status. In long run India may not face competition from
these ACs but from other GSP suppliers.

Pattern in US Market:

In US Market India had share of 8.4% in textiles and only 3.2 % in Clothing in year 2003 as
compared to 19.8% and 16.9 % respectively for China with EU, China, Canada and Mexico
leading the scene in textiles imports in USA and Hong Kong and Vietnam joining the fray
in clothing segment.

It is worth noting that India has increased its share in US market in Cotton pile towels
from 3.5% in 1990 to 19% in 2003 but unit price is US $ 1.82 only as compared to
$ 2.98 for China. It is seen that in both EU and US markets Indian unit prices are
lower than China except for fabrics woven from synthetic filament yarn and the
women's skirts. In cotton skirts and women's dresses Indian price realization is
sharply lower than Chinese. This points to need for value addition. Another reason has
been discrimination by EU and US with Indian exporters in past.

Import trends in Canada

Amongst the leading suppliers of textiles and clothing to Canada, USA had the highest share
of over 31 percent (US $ 8.4 Bn), followed by China (21% - US $ 1.8 Bn) and EU (8% - US
$ 0.6 Bn). India was ranked at fourth position and was ahead of other exporters like Mexico,
Bangladesh and Turkey, with a market share of 5.2 percent (US $ 0.45 Bn).

Implementation of ATC

Developed countries treat textiles/clothing as sensitive items like agriculture and have been
reluctant to bring down tariffs. In the pre Uruguay Round weighted average tariff for textile
and clothing products was 15.5 % compared to 6.3% for all Industrial products taken
together. While tariff on textiles and clothing is expected to be reduced by 22% by
developed countries, the reduction for other industrial products is likely to be 46%.

Besides tariff barrier the Developed counties try to put non-tariff barriers like labor
standards, safety etc in various forms. In the earlier stages of integration under ATC these
countries removed restrictions on low value items sparing major products for stage 4-
integration (90% of quota items of USA, 80% of EU and over 70% of quota items in
Canada). This fourth stage has come into effect with 1st January 2005(Source-Textile
Outlook International, March –April 2004)

The unilateral change in definition and classification of certain products by USA has been
brought to the notice of Textile Monitoring Body (TMB) of WTO by India, on behalf of
members of International Textiles and Clothing Bureau (ITCB) recently in July 2004.India
pointed out that the move initiated by USA to include Made-up items with only 16% cotton
content, in the category of cotton products, so as to extend stringent Rules of Origin
established by USA for cotton imports, affected the prospects of exports of cotton made-ups
by developing countries, like India.

Safeguard measures are easier to implement than anti-dumping measures and China and
India projected as major gainers post-MFA may be adversely affected by such moves.

Cost of Production:

Cost of production of textiles yarns and fabrics is much higher in India despite low labor
rates. We should not forget that India will also loose this advantage over time in as much as
ACs (EU-10) are likely to loose the same over a period of time in EU market access.

Production cost of textured yarn is estimated to be US $ 2.06/kg in India, which is higher

than that of China (US$ 1.40/kg) and Brazil ($ 1.90 /kg)

Similarly woven and knitted textured yarn production cost in India is higher than that of
China, Brazil and South Korea. These costs include power cost that is higher in India besides
low productivity, obsolescence and structural abnormalities.

Hourly wage cost in textiles in select countries (US $):

Switzerland   22.15
USA              14.24
Argentina        5.90
Brazil              3.20
Turkey            2.69
Mexico           2.20
Mauritius        1.47
China             0.69
India               0.58
Pakistan          0.37

The message is clear-the labor productivity; power and other costs are higher in India.

Percentage share of capital costs too was higher in India than china in both Ring and OE
yarn and fabric production (India 20%-29% of total cost of production) as compared to
China (12% to 26%)

Level of Integration

Very few exporters have gone in for integrated production facility. It has been noted that
countries that are globally competitive are the ones with significant integration facility and
consolidated supply-chain. A visit to Ludhiana, Gujarat and Coimbatore will display poor
condition of Indian textile industry both in cotton and woolen sectors. This decentralized
sector has been suffering from low productivity, old technology, and lack of scale of

That is why GOI de-reserved the garment industry and our RMG units will have to set up
integrated manufacturing facilities. India should also embark on textile processing facilities
(Post fabric and garment production) of world-class level.

Supply Chain Management

Indian textile and clothing industry has one of most complex, fragmented and long supply
chain in the world right from raw material procurement to shipping port handling facilities.
The average manufacturing and delivery lead time from fabric buying to shipment of
apparels comes to 45-60 days and in most cases can extend to 80 days. The mean delay in
procurement of raw materials for garments and then exporting finished garments form India
is estimated to be 15.5 days. Since shelf life of fashion driven products is hardly 45 days,
such delays are untenable. In contrast Turkey has flat 30 days cycle from approval of design
to delivery in warehouse. Turkey is also strategically located for EU markets and has a
favorable liberal political climate.

It won't be out of place for some Indian exporters to locate facilities in Mexico, Turkey,
Maldives and Mauritius. Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are likely to be losers in post ATC
scenario, in longer time horizon.

According to AEPC member database of garment units in India, there are only few
companies with high turnover, whereas over 1000 firms are with a turnover of less than Rs
100 Million and, similar is the situation in fabrics.
To conclude India has low competitive position with regards to availability and
price of cotton (good quality), low level of technology, poor automation, and lack
of scale economies in weaving and processing sector, and low brand image in
textile garment sector

Strategies for Indian Exports

Quota free market means competition amongst firms and not nations. Quotas have frozen
the growth in market share. They encouraged the high cost domestic industry in many
textile-importing countries by freezing the market share. Even the high cost exporting
countries (Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan) continued to have high market share taking
advantage of quotas. Quotas also assured fixed market opportunities in early years to
Indian garment industry and textile industry despite low productivity, poor time delivery and
quality. Number of incentives was provided in India including Duty drawback and cash
compensatory support. Garment quotas are distributed by AEPC based on Government
policy from time to time regarding past performance, etc and quotas were traded in gray
market for long time.

This is in sharp contrast to world-class manufacturing and supply chain tried by some units
in Europe and USA in online transmission of high sale garment designs in departmental
stores and replenishing the sold stocks quickly through a very low delivery cycle.

Where as Indian domestic market shall hot up by entry of both retailing chains in India (FDI
has been now permitted up to 51% in single brand stores) and Outsourcing centers for
International chains like Wal-Mart, the Indian exporters will get on one hand newer
opportunities to enter restrained markets, while on other hand they will face stiff
competition from countries like Turkey, Brazil, Mexico, Korea, China, Tunisia, Romania,
Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Quotas by restricting market supply have also kept the export prices artificially high. There
is bound to be a price war in post quota regime. Already it has started happening with
Indian exporters (at least for price elastic goods). Developed countries have relocated
facilities offshore or have shifted to high value products. Developing countries that were free
from MFA restraints will loose out due to fall in prices.

The Indian textile and clothing Industry except for cotton yarn sector should test waters
within domestic markets to establish their global competitiveness and consumer acceptance.

Developed countries and many other countries are trying to extend quotas up to end of
2007 as evident from Istanbul declaration in March 2004.USA is developing a DNA marker
system to trace the fabric origin. The technology can identify the US produced cotton yarn
and check illegal textile imports.

Instead of criticizing, countries lie India should hold high vision as regards standards of
health, safety and child labor to conform to international standards and to avoid non-tariff
barriers. Technology Up gradation Fund (TUF) has to be better utilized and textile
technology training infrastructure has to be improved in country. The textile sector should
take lead in this.

Global trade is expected to be in range of US $ 800 Billions in 2014 up from US $

350 Billion in 2002 with share of textiles at 40% and clothing at 60%
According to some studies China and India will be major gainers. India could increase their
share from present 8 % in US textile market to 13.5% and from 3% to 8% in US Garment
market. For EU the projections are from 3.6 to 8% and 3% to 8 % in textiles and garment

As on date China has distinct advantage in terms of supply chain management, low cost and
better designs.

Whereas Morgan Stanley has projected India to be one of top three exporters of textile and
garments, another study by Indian Cotton Mills Federation has estimated Indian textile
exports to reach US $ 40 Billion by 2010.

GOI on other hand has projected exports to double from US $12 Billion to 25 Billion in next
couple of years and eventually to US $ 50 Billion by 2010.

Whereas new buying season starting Jan 2005 already has seen demands for 10-15%
price reduction by the importers.

China lacks capability in value addition and fashion design. India stands to gain in ladies
blouses because of strength in hand-works, like embroidery, sequins, printing etc. On the
other hand China has clear advantage in Nightwear due to large capacity and lower costs.
Therefore, while China will focus on low value high volume capabilities, India should gain
through fashion content. India will also be favorite destination as alternative source other
than China for major retailers globally. India can emerge as good outsourcing center for EU
and US giants.

Another important factor is under valuation of Chinese currency by at east 20% vis-à-vis
Dollar. China may retain their operations in Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Vietnam due to low
costs prevailing there, when china set up facilities there for taking quota advantage.

Chinese Imports subject to US Safeguard Measures

Item Code       products

222               Knitted fabrics

350               Dressing gowns and negligee –cotton
650               Above from man made fibers
349               Brassieres, corsets and girdles from cotton
649               Above from man made fibers
USA and EU can use similar safeguards in other cases too.

Internationally, trading in textile and garment sector is concentrated in the hands of large
retail firms. Majority of them are looking for few vendors with bulk orders and hence opting
for vertically integrated companies . Thus, there is need for integrating the operations in
India also, from spinning to garment making, to gain their attention. This would also bring
down the turn around time and improve quality. Indian players should also improve upon
their soft skills, viz., design capabilities, textile technology, management and negotiating

Garment manufacturing business is order driven. It would be difficult for the players to keep
the workforce full time, even in lean season. This calls for changes in contract labor laws.
To offset competitive disadvantage Indian industry will have to expand vertically and set up
scale of economies units while grappling with infrastructure bottlenecks and high cost
limited power availability.

The main factors identified in a study by Ramaswamy and Gereffi as having contributed to
the globalization of world apparel industry includes:

o Labor intensive nature of apparel industry

o Loss of comparative cost advantage of developed countries
o Dramatic decline in transport and communication costs
o Search for production sites with lower labor costs
o Shift in apparel manufacturing from more restricted to less restricted
developing countries due to the discriminatory nature of restrictions imposed
by erstwhile MFA (Multi Fiber Agreement 1974)

Another strategy Indian exporters and garment manufacturers can adopt is

coming together privately or through State sponsored agencies to do joint Brand
marketing. If not done early, then MNC retailing organizations will hijack the Indian
garment Industry initiative and India may simply get reduced to outsourcing center for
major textiles and Garment exports, although there is nothing serious about it, but India
may well loose status of being independent India Brand garment exporter with
higher value realization to the national exchequer.

It is estimated that industry would require Rs 1000 billion investment as new

capital over the next five years.


While Indian exports to the US has risen 22 per cent in the first quarter of 2005, profits are
sliding as prices have dropped 8-20 per cent and the industry is on the verge of a shakeout.
With importers preferring suppliers that have 'vertical' production systems rather than
dispersed production facilities, Indian exporters need to shore up their mass production
techniques. Of the 1,500 Indian exporters only 15 have turnovers of $50 million-plus.
Infrastructure development is the need of the hour. Power and water contribute to nearly 37
per cent of total production costs. In contrast, in China, this cost comprises just 24 per cent.
India also has to deal with inefficient port handling facilities. The Chinese figures have
less credibility including their artificially fixed high exchange rate.

The key advantages of the Indian industry are :

* India is the third largest producer of cotton with the largest area under cotton cultivation
in the world. It has an edge in low cost cotton sourcing compared to other countries.

* Average wage rates in India are 50-60 per cent lower than that in developed countries,
thus enabling India to benefit from global outsourcing trends in labor intensive businesses
such as garments and home textiles.

* Design and fashion capabilities are key strengths that will enable Indian players to
strengthen their relationships with global retailers and score over their Chinese competitors.
This is also visible in auto sector and many other industries like IT and software and Pharma
* Production facilities are available across the textile value chain, from spinning to garments
manufacturing. The industry is investing in technology and increasing its capacities, which
should prove a major asset in the years to come.

* India has gathered experience in terms of working with global brands and this should
benefit Indian vendors.

Companies with integrated capacities, such as Arvind Mills and Vardhman Spinning, capable
of delivering large volumes are likely to gain.

Alternatively, market leaders in niche segments, such as Alok Industries, Abhishek

Industries and Welspun India (both in cotton pile towels), may also emerge as gainers.

Some of the largest garment exporters, such as Orient Craft and Gokuldas Exports, which
supply to international retailers, could gain considerably.


1. EXIM Bank working paper No 9 February 2005

2. WTO International Trade statistics 2003
4. Compendium of International Textile Statistics, 2004
5. International textiles and Clothing Bureau, Geneva
6. Indian Council For Research On International Economic Relations,Samar Verma Nov
2002:working paper No 94 on Export Competitiveness
7. Speech Delivered by Shri Kashiram Rana, Honb'le Union Minister of Textiles at the
TEXPROCIL'S Export Award Function held at MUMBAI on 30th September 2002 
8. Textiles: Unfolding opportunities by Shanthi Venkataraman: Business Line; Sunday Jan
13, 2004
9. Textiles and apparel in Global economy: 3rd Ed. By Kitty G Dickerson

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