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Project Design Report: Proposed Twin Duplex Residential House

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Proposed Twin duplex Residential House

 Western province Plot:2125

 RubavuGisenyi
 Mbugangari
 Nyarubande


• Development of a detailed Functional Program
 Our Architecture-Engineering company facilitated and coordinated the
design teams’ activities according to the following parameters: • Site opportunities and constraints
 Ensure the project mandate is carried out and maintained according to client • Architectural design concepts
 Provided input into overall project schedule, timelines and milestones. Ensure • Approach to Sustainable Design
an integrated design process is structured both architecturally-structurally
and in building services parameters. . • Structural, Mechanical and
 Ensuring that the project meet the standards according to International
• Electrical system concepts
building standards and basically Rwanda Building codes and Environmental
policies .

Design Report illustrates the following:

 Clear direction and defined scope of work pertaining to the re- purposing of
 Existing condition of elements and systems
 Opportunities for re-use of existing/local building construction materials
 Test / Fit scenarios based on the General Functional Program


The proposed residential building will accommodate 2 families. This The third step taken was the development of a detailed
project design report is aimed to provide a concise package of functional program. A series of program surveys and interviews
information illustrating the analysis of existing conditions, the planning were conducted to better understand the specific needs
and design, the evaluation of options and finally the recommended and requirements of the building renovation.
concept design approach to the development of the project. This
The fourth step was the development of approved concept
report functions as a tool to communicate the development of the
concept design, the steps taken by the design team and the
design proposal. Several proposals
implementation phases
were organized for this phase of the work, with the intent to
1.1 Concept Design Process: The process of developing the Concept coordinate common design issues, develop a common design
Design was broken into four steps: language, and resolve on-going issues. Our team was held
The first step taken was the inspection of the existing buildings and to gain consensus on a wide range of issue including the
conditions helped to choose a concept design fitting existing conditions. preferred option for the concept design.

The second step taken by the architects was to provide

architectural drawings of existing building blocks with all programs
and arrangement after on site measurement. This exercise helped the
design team to draft the concept design of buildings renovation.
2.1. Existing Conditions

 The project is owned ny Nyamayira Emmanuel and Tabu

Daphrose ,the plot is located in Western province ,Rubavu
District,Gisenyi sector, Mbugangari cell and Nyarubande village
within Plot:2125

The site covers approximately 545sqm in total and is sand is

located to the junction of 2 roads which is an opportunity to have a
good visual and physical interaction with green access and
embellishment .

Normally as the site is green considering the neighborhood. But it

does provides the vibrant views to the west from the site.

plot location on fiche cadastral


We need to develop our plot with a sustainable settlement design and estate
of the art provision of quality infrastructure to achieve a built environment
satisfying the functional, aesthetical and environmental parameters of
modern city and the aspirations of the users:

• Put up facilities that go along in serving community and sustainable

• To offer support and skills to community or member of Red Cross
• To create a home environment of the neighborhood building/Green
systems/Ecosystem-wetland protection,…


In the process, principles are developed to inform the campus master-

planning effort in order to guide the physical development of the project in a
way that will:

Connect — Create well looking development within the neighborhood and

grounds/green system. The owner wants to create an inclusive, engaged
community through a collection of distinct spaces that relate well to one

Sustain — Promote sustainable practices through the front yards and

backyard; natural resources as well as energy-efficient buildings that provide
spaces to connect Innovate — Create flexible places to support our
community now and in the future—spaces offering a variety of scales and
functions that holistically support Human being life.

Cultivate — Enhance the simplicity and beauty of the neighborhood and

interior aesthetically supportive to support individual growth and creativity
through the intellectual and cultural life of the community, and our
engagement with the world.

Interior design.(comparison )
Programming is the gathering of information related to an organization Considered a living document the facility program is expected to grow and
space requirements, relationships and adjacencies be- tween departments, change as the needs of the neighbourhood change providing the flexibility
building use and the desired resources that will enable the campus to to allow for continued evaluation the work environment requirements to
develop a highly efficient workplace which integrates new workplace ensure that facilities
standard. development strategy is in line with your long term space utilization
The definition of "space"that works could include such aspects as:
• Flexibility & Adaptability
•Provide clear pedestrian linkages within the the neighborhood heart
• Function vs. hierarchy
precinct in cluding the parking spaces.
• Emphasis on Team vs Individual space
•Exploiting space opportunities which en-hance the users life.
• Increased mobility of space & People
•Create socially,economically,environmentally project for users gath-
• Collaborative Tools & Technology
ering and activity.
•Transparency Right to Light
• Cost effective operations •Reinforce the Link as a key pedestrian junction point or node within the
• End User Control neighbourhoods
• sustainability, health & safety •Link facilities with existing pedestrian circulation infrastructure.
•Link all designed block to be easily accessed by pedestrians.
The programming effort focuses on quantitative calculations using new
space standards to meet goals for space utilization as the purpose of

The program developed according to international architectural

standards(1st floor plan)
Program ---- Covered Area( m2 ) Total Covered Area( m2 )
One unit Two units

Front porch 6.300 12.600

Living room 16.600 33.600

Dinning area (within scaircase)

Bed room-a 8.910 17.820

Bath room 3.510 7.020

kitchen 4.620 9.240

Utility area 7.00 14.00

office 4.620 9.240

Satircase 7.480 14.960

Total 59.04 118.08



The program developed according to international architectural

standards(1st floor plan)
Program ---- Covered Area( m2 ) Total Covered Area( m2 )
One unit Two units

Bed room-1 9.600 19.200

Bed room-2 9.00 18.00

Master Bed room-3 16.800 33.600

4. Bath room 3.120 6.240

5. Master Bath room 4.620 9.240

6. Balcony-1(front) 5.200 10.400

Balcony-2(back) 4.95 9.900

7.Satircase 7.480 14.960

Total 60.77 121.54


Built Up Area(in sqr meters) :162.532sqm

Building Coverage: (162.532:545)=0.298 i.e. 29.8%

Landscaping coverage:382.468 70.2% on the plot area.

setbacks (Front:7 side:7.750 and rear:3,20 Front: 7 m

Number of floors + 1

Gross Floor Area :325.064 m2

Gross Floor Area Ratio( in %) :59.644:
Number of Parking spaces: 4 car Parks

Capacity of the system used. (number of people

designed for): 10
Estimated consumption :for water 700l per month
Estimated distance to the nearest land line net work 3m
Estimated consumption for electricity
50 Kwh per month.

Estimated cost:77,999UsD I.e:64739419Rwf

2 stories(ground+first floor ) residential
development: Consists of reinforced concrete
framed structure, masonry block walling &

a. Ceramic tiles to common areas and staircases

b. Non-slip Ceramic floor tiles to all wet areas
c. Ceramic tiles to walls at toilets: 2150mm high
d. Alucobond cladding and tampered and
frosted glass on C.h.s space frame truss
e. Aluminium casement doors externally, and
timber panel and flush doors internally, steel
casement emergency exit doors(front and
f. mild steel railing to staircase and to upper
g. Aluminum casement windows
h. Plaster ceiling finish


Work procedures must be in place and adhered to for all phases of Environmental sustainability: We adopt an individual and creative approach to how
manufacturing. This would include, among other things, procedures for materials building construction can be made more sustainable and how buildings can contribute
purchasing, material receiving, material checking, material batching /marking, to the long term sustainability of a community.- We believe that sustainable design
material handling, material storage and conformance checking as described solutions incorporate:- Ecological building materials- measures to conserve energy-
above, the materials to be used are all approved by the Rwanda Bureau of harvesting existing resources
standards. Construction Technology: Our techniques of putting materials
together conform to accepted principles. safety during Construction: During The project provides for maximum green spaces around the buildings to provide cool
construction a safe manner to protect health of workers and to protect the environment and therefore improving the air quality within the interior spaces of the
environment will be paramount during construction operations by providing the buildings. In terms of glazing choice it is recommended in the design to utilize low
components of health, safety, and environment include:-warning signs-First aid emissivity (LOW-E) type of glass that allows maximum day lighting while reducing as
kits-Erosion control-Personnel trained in advanced First Aid. much as possible the amount of solar heat gain within the working environment thereby
improving human comfort and minimizing the need for artificial lighting and mechanical
-The area will be clear of flammable and combustible materials. -separate access ventilation.
routes from materials stored on site.
Buildings have modern appearance massive and solid from the outside. On the inside,
significant pollution regarding the noise will be expected during the construction they are comprised of a series of volumes that provide spaces for the social uses to
phase. The noise due to construction or demolition activities, excavating which they were constructed. In our constructions we will attempt to balance and
machines, concrete mixers and transportation trucks will be controlled in the contrast open and closed space, to create visual interest by means of the implied
following ways;
movement and rhythmic arrangements. We will also make use of the grid as a system to
-Provision of suitable personal protective equipment's(ear plugs/ear muffs)-A
harmonize shape, the direction of forms and to the proportion of forms.
system to control the movements of vehicles and traffic will be developed.

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