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UNIT TITLE Use basic mathematics in engineering

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and

knowledge required to apply basic concepts of mathematics
appropriate to engineering situations.

The unit of competency is applied by technicians in an

engineering environment to complete basic mathematical

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification

requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.


Elements describe the essential Performance criteria describe the performance needed to
outcomes. demonstrate achievement of the element.

1.1.      Round numbers to a given degree of accuracy.

1.2.      Round numbers to a given number of significant


1.3.      Explain the International System of units (SI units).

1.4.      Explain common SI units and their abbreviations.

1.5.      Convert between commonly used SI units.

1.6.      Convert numbers between decimal and both scientific

and engineering notation.

1.7.      Determine the perimeter and area of two-dimensional

1.    Use fundamental techniques in shapes.
arithmetic, measurement and
1.8.      Apply the Theorem of Pythagoras to area and perimeter

1.9.      Determine the volume of simple three-dimensional


1.10.    Solve mensuration problems including calculating

costs and capacity.

1.11.    Form a ratio from information in a practical problem

and expresses the ratio in its lowest terms.

1.12.    Divide a quantity into a given ratio.

1.13.    Solve practical problems involving proportional


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2.1.      Name, classify and measure angles in a given diagram

using a protractor.

2.2.      Perform angle arithmetic involving angles expressed in

degrees, minutes and seconds.

2.3.      Determine the size of an unknown angle in a diagram

2.    Use fundamental techniques in
involving complementary, supplementary adjacent or vertically
opposite angles, or angles formed by parallel lines.

2.4.      Classify triangles and quadrilaterals by their side and

angle properties.

2.5.      Perform calculations involving angle, chord and

tangent properties of the circle.

3.1.      Solve arithmetical problems using positive and

negative numbers and the correct order of operations.

3.2.      Substitute into and evaluate algebraic expressions.

3.3.      Simplify algebraic expressions by combining like terms

and using the distributive law.

3.4.      Simplify algebraic fractions.

3.5.      Solve linear equations in one unknown, including

applied problems from which an equation can be created.

3.6.      Evaluate formulae by substitution, giving answers with

3.    Use fundamental concepts in
appropriate units.
3.7.      Transpose formulae including those where one variable
is repeated.

3.8.      Develop the equation of a straight line from a graph.

3.9.      Determine the equation of a straight line from various

situations, including for the line of best fit obtained graphically
from empirical data.

3.10.    Use function notation.

3.11.    Solve simultaneous equations analytically and


4.1.      Factorise polynomial expressions involving common

factor, difference of two squares and quadratic trinomial

4.2.      Simplify algebraic fractions requiring the factorisation

of binomial and trinomial expressions.

4.3.      Recognise and define the characteristics of parabolas

4.    Use fundamental concepts in
and sketch their graphs.
4.4.      Solve quadratic equations analytically and graphically.

4.5.      Solve applied problems involving quadratic equations

analytically and graphically.

4.6.      Solve analytically and graphically a system consisting

of a quadratic and linear function.

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5.1.      Define the trigonometric ratios sine, cosine and

tangent from a right triangle.

5.2.      Use a calculator to determine the sine, cosine and

tangent of angles stated in degrees, decimal degrees and in
degrees, minutes and seconds.

5.3.      Use a calculator to determine the size of an angle

(correct to a certain number of decimal places or correct to
5.    Use right triangle trigonometry the nearest second) given the sine, cosine or tangent of that
to solve applied problems. angle.

5.4.      Determine an unknown side of a right triangle using

the sine, cosine or tangent of a known angle.

5.5.      Determine an unknown angle of a right triangle using

inverse sine, inverse cosine or inverse tangent of known sides.

5.6.      Solve applied problems using Pythagoras’ theorem and

the trigonometric ratios sine, cosine and tangent.


Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of


41975 Use basic mathematics in engineering is equivalent

Assessment requirements for DSBME604 – Use basic

mathematics in engineering

To achieve competency in this unit a person must satisfy the

requirements of the elements and performance criteria,
foundation skills and range of conditions included in the unit.

The person must also:

PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE • correctly solve written problems in mathematics
• collect and analyse data
• report and present data in an appropriate format

Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then

evidence must be provided at least once for each criterion.

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To achieve competency in this unit, a person must

demonstrate knowledge of:

• Key concepts in mathematics, including:

◦ estimation and rounding
◦ scientific and engineering notation
◦ ratio and percentages
◦ mensuration techniques
◦ definitions in geometry
◦ triangles, quadrilaterals and circles
◦ basic problem solving in geometry
KNOWLEDGE EVIDENCE ◦ fundamental algebraic concepts
◦ linear equations and graphs
◦ graphing and function notation
◦ translating English into algebra
◦ formulae substitution and transposition
◦ factorisation techniques
◦ methods for solving quadratic equations
◦ definitions in right angle triangle trigonometry
◦ the use of the scientific calculator in finding
trigonometric values and inverse trigonometric values
◦ angles relevant to trigonometric problems

Assessment conditions:

All assessment must be completed in accordance with work

health and safety standards.

When assessments are conducted remotely, invigilation

software must be used to ensure authenticity of work

Model answers or marking guides must be provided for all

assessments to ensure reliability of assessment judgements
when marking is undertaken by different assessors.

The candidate must have access to all tools, equipment,

materials and documentation required.

ASSESSMENT CONDITIONS Assessor Requirements:

Assessors must satisfy the assessor requirements in the

standards for registered training organisation (RTOs) current at
the time of assessment.

Assessors must also hold a tertiary qualification in engineering

or related field.

The RTO must also ensure that trainers and assessors keep
their industry knowledge up to date through ongoing
professional development.

The RTO must take appropriate steps, as an ongoing

procedure, to verify information about trainer and assessor’s
qualifications, vocational competencies and current industry

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Software/Hardware Used

• N/A


•  N/A

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