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Secugen Web Service API

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SecuGen WebAPI

Programmer’s Manual
SDK version 1.1

Copyright © 2020 SecuGen Corporation and its licensors. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Information in this document is
subject to change without notice. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement
or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used only in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
SecuGen is a registered trademark of SecuGen Corporation. All other brands or product names may be trademarks,
service marks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

SecuGen WebAPI Programmer’s Manual (SG1-0121A-007)

1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Installation and Requirements .................................................................................................................. 5
3. SGIFPCapture .......................................................................................................................................... 10
4. SGIEnrollCapture ..................................................................................................................................... 12
5. SGIMatchScore ........................................................................................................................................ 14

SecuGen WebAPI Programmer’s Manual (SG1-0121A-007)

1. Introduction

1. Introduction
SecuGen WebAPI is an application programming interface that enables web applications to access
SecuGen fingerprint readers from most modern web browsers. With support for JavaScript access to the
readers, SecuGen WebAPI can be used across different browsers for extremely fast capturing and
matching of fingerprint data for use in a web application.

SecuGen WebAPI makes it very simple to incorporate fingerprint capturing functionality in your browser
based application through JavaScript. Using SecuGen WebAPI eliminates the need for Java runtimes or
browser plug-ins on the client machine, so there are no issues involving applet signing and deployment
related to different JRE versions and browser versions. This document describes the RESTFUL web service
calls that are supported by SecuGen WebAPI.

Main Features
• Easy to integrate fingerprint capture, enrollment, and matching functions
• Works with most modern web browsers
• Supports JavaScript
• Utilizes RESTful web service and JSON objects
• No Java runtimes needed
• No browser plug-ins needed
• Small client software

Fingerprint Functions Provided

SecuGen WebAPI provides simple web service calls to the WebAPI Client application to capture fingerprint
data and create a fingerprint template in a single method.

• Capture – single finger

• Capture and enroll – single finger
• Capture and enroll – multiple fingers
• Match

UIDAI/Aadhaar Specific Support

SecuGen WebAPI provides calls that are specific to UIDAI to capture PID block for single or multiple fingers.
Support for UIDAI BFD (Best Finger Detection) provides RBD block with local duplicate check. Applications
such as Aadhaar authentication, Aadhaar-based e-KYC, and BFD are extremely easy to develop and deploy
as web-based applications using SecuGen WebAPI.

License Requirements
A license key for each domain that hosts your web application will be needed. If no license key is installed,
the web service will work for a limited period of 60 days. Please contact your SecuGen Representative for
information about licensing and pricing.

SecuGen WebAPI Programmer’s Manual (SG1-0121A-007) 3

1. Introduction

SecuGen WebAPI Programmer’s Manual (SG1-0121A-007) 4

2. Installation and Requirements

2. Installation and Requirements

System Requirements
• Windows 7 or later, 32-bit or 64-bit
• Memory 4 GB minimum

Supported SecuGen Fingerprint Readers

• Hamster Pro (HUPx)
• Hamster Pro 10 (HU10)
• Hamster Pro 20 (HU20, HU20-A, HU20-AP)
• Hamster IV (HSDU04P)
• Hamster Plus (HSDU03P)

Drivers for Fingerprint Reader

This product is built on top of the drivers for the supported SecuGen fingerprint readers listed above. It is
recommended that the latest driver be installed. The drivers can be installed by one of two ways:
(A) Plug in the SecuGen fingerprint reader and the driver will automatically download and install via
Windows Update, or
(B) Go to, download and manually install the latest WBF driver.

WebAPI Client Application

To download the WebAPI client application (SgiBioSrv), go to: and click on
the appropriate link for the 32-bit or 64-bit client.

SecuGen WebAPI Programmer’s Manual (SG1-0121A-007) 5

2. Installation and Requirements

Run the downloaded zip file.

Click Yes to continue with installation.

Click “I accept the agreement” and click Next.

SecuGen WebAPI Programmer’s Manual (SG1-0121A-007) 6

2. Installation and Requirements

Fill in the User Name field along with the appropriate Organization. The User Name field is prepopulated
with the name of the current Window user. Click Next.

SecuGen WebAPI Programmer’s Manual (SG1-0121A-007) 7

2. Installation and Requirements

A default location is listed but can be changed if desired. Click Next.

Review the summary information and click Install to continue.

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2. Installation and Requirements

Select Yes and click Finish to complete the installation.

SecuGen WebAPI Programmer’s Manual (SG1-0121A-007) 9

3. SGIFPCapture

3. SGIFPCapture
The SGIFPCapture service returns fingerprint data, details of the fingerprint reader, and the extracted
template to the caller as a JSON object. For HTTP requests, this service can be called as URI
https://localhost:8000/SGIFPCapture. The port number may change depending on the way the service is
configured. The default port for the service is 8000.

The following table describes the parameters and their permissible values that can be passed to the
service. All the parameters are optional, and their defaults are described below.

Name Type Description

Licstr STRING This is the license key provided for the domain. If not provided,
the Web server will work for only a limited period of 60 days.
FakeDetection INTEGER Specifies the level of fake finger detection. At higher levels of fake
finger detection, it becomes more difficult for users to successfully
authenticate. Not all SecuGen fingerprint devices support all
levels of fake finger detection, and some devices don’t support
any level of fake finger detection. Default value is 0 (OFF).
Timeout INTEGER Specifies the timeout in milliseconds to wait for the sensing
operation to complete. If fingerprint image is not captured within
this time (i.e. user does not place the finger on the reader), then
an error is generated. Default value is 10000.
TemplateFormat STRING Extractor template format is specified in this parameter. Currently
supported values are “ISO” and “ANSI”. Default is “ISO”.
ImageWSQRate FLOAT Wavelet Scalar Quantization specification compression ratio.
2.25=WSQ_BITRATE_5_TO_1; 0.75=WSQ_BITRATE_15_TO_1;
0=No compression (WSQImage is not returned)

JSON Object Returned

The web service returns a JSON formatted object that contains the following fields.

Name Type Description

ErrorCode INTEGER Integer value indicating error if any. Value of 0 indicates no error.
Non-zero error code indicates various errors described in this
document elsewhere. You must check this value before accessing
other fields of JSON object. If this is not 0, then other fields are
NULL or undefined.
Manufacturer STRING SecuGen
Model STRING String indicating model of fingerprint reader
SerialNumber STRING String containing the unique serial number of the connected
ImageWidth INTEGER Integer value indicating the width of the fingerprint image in pixels
ImageHeight INTEGER Integer value indicating the height of the fingerprint image in pixels

SecuGen WebAPI Programmer’s Manual (SG1-0121A-007) 10

3. SGIFPCapture

Name Type Description

ImageDPI INTEGER Integer value indicating resolution of the fingerprint image in dots
per inch.

ImageQuality INTEGER Integer value indicating the quality of the image captured. It will
always be equal to or higher than the quality parameter passed as
NFIQ INTEGER Integer value, NIST Finger Image Quality number from 1 – 5, where
1 is best and 5 is worst
ImageDataBase64 STRING String containing actual raw image data encoded as a base64 string
BMPBase64 STRING String value fingerprint image in .BMP format encoded as a base64
string, useful for display in browser using data element in image
TemplateBase64 STRING String value containing fingerprint template encoded as a base64
format. This value is encrypted if called with session key
WSQImageSize INTEGER WSQ Image size returned in bytes

WSQImage STRING String containing encoded Wavelet Scalar Image compressed into
a base64 string

SecuGen WebAPI Programmer’s Manual (SG1-0121A-007) 11

4. SGIEnrollCapture

4. SGIEnrollCapture
The SGIEnrollCapture service is useful for capturing multiple fingerprints from the fingerprint reader. The
parameters are the same as those used for SGIFPCapture and can be used to capture one fingerprint as
well. For HTTP requests, this service can be called as URI https://localhost:8000/SGIFPEnroll. The port
number may change depending on the way the service is configured. The default port for the service is

The first call to this service creates a unique session and returns the session handle in the returned JSON
object. The caller can use this handle for subsequent calls to capture additional fingerprints in the same
session. These are accumulated by the service until the session ends. The session ends when the service
is called with a null session handle or no session handle. Every call returns a JSON object containing all the
templates captured up until that point.

If you wish to capture multiple fingerprints, call this service the first time with the SrvHandle parameter
as null (or do not provide it at all). When the call returns, you will receive a session handle as part of the
JSON object, which you can keep on passing for as long as you wish the fingerprint scans to be

Call this service once for each capture along with the same server handle to accumulate fingerprint scans.
The service also ensures that one fingerprint is present only once in the array, i.e. a local duplicate check
is performed on the client end. The returned JSON object will contain an array of templates and current
scan data.

The following table describes the parameters and their permissible values that can be passed to the
service. All the parameters are optional, and their defaults are described below.

Name Type Description

Licstr STRING This is the license key provided for the domain. If not provided, the
Web server will work for only a limited period of 60 days.
FakeDetection INTEGER Specifies the level of fake finger detection. At higher levels of fake
finger detection, it becomes more difficult for users to successfully
authenticate. Not all SecuGen fingerprint devices support all levels of
fake finger detection, and some devices don’t support any level of
fake finger detection. Default value is 0 (OFF).
Quality INTEGER Specifies the quality of the image. Desired value is from 1 to 100.
Higher value implies better image. Default value is 50.
TemplateFormat STRING Extractor template format is specified in this parameter. Currently
supported values are “ISO” and “ANSI”. Default is “ISO”.
SrvHandle INTEGER Service handle returned by the call. If the same handle is passed, then
the service will continue to accumulate fingerprint scans, while
checking for duplicates. This works as a session ID, where
accumulation of scan is per session. When this value is not passed, a
new session begins, and earlier data is lost.

SecuGen WebAPI Programmer’s Manual (SG1-0121A-007) 12

4. SGIEnrollCapture

JSON object returned is described below.

ErrorCode: INTEGER,
Manufacturer: STRING,
Model: STRING,
SerialNumber: STRING,
ImageWidth: INTEGER,
ImageHeight: INTEGER,
ImageQuality: INTEGER,
Attempts: INTEGER,
Result: INTEGER,
EnrollData : { Templates :
[ { fpos : STRING, nfiq : INTEGER, TemplateBase64 : STRING },
{ fpos : STRING, nfiq : INTEGER, TemplateBase64 : STRING },
SerHandle: INTEGER,

Note that the EnrollData object contains an array of all the templates captured in the same session. The
fields in the main object pertain to the current scan and maybe useful for a variety of functions such as
displaying the image or determining the quality of the current scan. The attempts field counts the number
of attempts made to achieve the specified quality. A maximum of 3 attempts is allowed.

SecuGen WebAPI Programmer’s Manual (SG1-0121A-007) 13

5. SGIMatchScore

5. SGIMatchScore
The SGIMatchScore service takes two templates as input, compares them with each other, and returns a
matching score back to the calling application. For HTTP requests, this service can be called as URI
https://localhost:8000/SGIMatchScore. The port number may change depending on the way the service
is configured. The default port for the service is 8000.

The following table describes the parameters and their permissible values that can be passed to the
service. All the parameters are optional, and their defaults are described below.

Name Type Description

Licstr STRING This is the license key provided for the domain. If not provided, the
Web server will work for only a limited period of 60 days.
Template1 STRING String value containing template encoded as base 64 format. This
value is encrypted if called with session key parameter.
Template2 STRING String value containing template encoded as base 64 format. This
value is encrypted if called with session key parameter.
TemplateFormat STRING Extractor template format is specified in this parameter. Currently
supported values are “ISO” and “ANSI”. Default is “ISO”.

JSON Object Returned

The web service returns a JSON formatted object that contains the following fields.

Name Type Description

ErrorCode INTEGER Integer value indicating error if any. Value of 0 indicates no error.
Non-zero error code indicates various errors described in this
document elsewhere. You must check this value before accessing
other fields of JSON object. If this is not 0, then other fields are
NULL or undefined.
MatchingScore INTEGER Integer value indicating the matching score of the 2 templates
previously captured. Matching score is 0 – 199, with 199 being the
very close to an identical match.

Error Codes


0 No error
1 Creation failed (fingerprint reader not correctly installed or driver files error)
2 Function failed (wrong type of fingerprint reader or not correctly installed)
3 Internal (invalid parameters to sensor API)
5 DLL load failed
6 DLL load failed for driver
7 DLL load failed for algorithm

SecuGen WebAPI Programmer’s Manual (SG1-0121A-007) 14

5. SGIMatchScore


51 System file load failure
52 Sensor chip initialization failed
53 Sensor line dropped
54 Timeout
55 Device not found
56 Driver load failed
57 Wrong image
58 Lack of bandwidth
59 Device busy
60 Cannot get serial number of the device
61 Unsupported device
101 Very low minutiae count
102 Wrong template type
103 Invalid template
104 Invalid template
105 Could not extract features
106 Match failed
1000 No memory
4000 Invalid parameter passed to service
2000 Internal error
3000 Internal error extended
6000 Certificate error cannot decode
10001 License error
10002 Invalid domain
10003 License expired
10004 WebAPI may not have received the origin header from the browser

SecuGen WebAPI Programmer’s Manual (SG1-0121A-007) 15

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