EE301-Fall 2015: Laboratory #5: BJT AMPLIFIER
EE301-Fall 2015: Laboratory #5: BJT AMPLIFIER
EE301-Fall 2015: Laboratory #5: BJT AMPLIFIER
1. Objective:
In this experiment, you will construct the amplifier that you designed. You will measure the amplifier
gain, input and output impedances.
Equipment and circuit components: Signal Generator, Power supply with variable voltage, Multimeter,
Breadboard, BJT transistors (2N4401), Potentiometers, Resistors (of specified values in the manual).
2. Preliminary work:
2.1. In this lab, you will perform the experiment in a group of two students. Set-up a group with one of
your friends in the same lab section.
2.2. In the following circuit calculate R1, R2, RC and RE to achieve gain of 10. Note the followings:
Cir 2.2
2.3. Simulate the above circuit using SPICE to verify your calculations. Note the followings:
Choose C1 such that it does not affect the AC output but it is not too large, either. Start with
10 micro-farad capacitor and reduce it until it starts affecting AC amplitude then decide on the
value of C1.
Gain: Apply a 10mV peak sine-wave to the input, check the output waveform using transient
analysis. By dividing the output amplitude to the input amplitude find the gain.
Input impedance: Add a series resistor to the input source. Apply 10mV peak sine-wave and
check the output amplitude. Increase the value of the series resistor until the output amplitude
drops by half. At this point, the value of the resistor indicates the input impedance.
Output impedance: Add a resistor at the output as load. (Remove the input resistor). Reduce
the value of the load resistor. The value of the load resistor when the output amplitude drops
by half is equal to the output resistance. (NOTE THAT YOU CANNOT ADD THE LOAD
RESISTOR directly to the output node without disturbing the DC bias point. You need to DC
decouple the load resistor from the collector node. Therefore you need to add a decoupling
capacitor between the load resistor and the output node. Use the same value of C1 that you
optimized in the previous part.)
3. Lab tasks:
In the lab you will be provided 2N4401 and a potentiometer. The pin diagrams are shown below:
A potentiometer is a three terminal device. When you turn the knob, you change the resistance
between the center pin and the side pins. In the experiment, you will use the center pin and one of the
side pins to create an adjustable resistor. The value of the potentiometer (i.e. 10K) indicates the
resistance between the two side pins (or the maximum resistance between the center pin and one of
the side pins).
Task 1.
Construct the circuit shown in Cir 2.2 with a 2N4401 transistor. Use the values that you
calculated in the preliminary work for the resistors and capacitors.
Use the fixed +5V output of the power supply.
Set the function generator output to 10mV peak sine wave at 1KHz.
Observe the output waveform on a scope screen. Measure the output amplitude and decide
on the gain.
Sweep the frequency from 100Hz to 100 KHz at the following frequency points and note the
Frequency (Hz) Amplitude (mV)
Set the frequency back to 1KHz. Make sure amplitude is 10 mV peak. Start increasing the
amplitude and observe the output waveform on the scope screen. Write down the maximum
peak-to-peak amplitude when the output is still a sine-wave.
Go back to 1KHz, 10mVpeak sine-wave input. Change the transistor with another transistor
that you will borrow from another group and check the amplitude. See how much the output
amplitude changes when you change the transistor.